Luseno Ian
Luseno Ian
Luseno Ian
Date of Submission:
Declaration and Approval
I declare that this work has not been previously submitted and approved for the award of a
degree by this or any other University. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the research
proposal contains no material previously published or written by another person except where
due reference is made in the research proposal itself.
Approval This work was reviewed and approved (for examination) by:
Good health involves a lifestyle away from frequent hospital visits and fully functioning body
organs. As such in a world where there has been rapid increase in development of junk foods
and unhealthy eating habits due to the current busy lifestyle there has been vital necessity by
a huge percentage of the world’s population to seek various cost effective, eye capturing and
easy ways to achieve a healthy lifestyle. This desire to achieve a healthy living has created
the need for numerous systems to be created to accommodate the huge population and
equally the different age sets. Different age sets and groups of people require unique healthy
lifestyles to be able to achieve a healthy living. The basic way to achieve a healthy lifestyle
involves a strict observance of people’s daily eating habits. The need to balance different
healthy meals developed a need to develop mobile applications and websites that offer a
guide on what to eat at a certain time of the day where also there are recommendations for
each set of people with their different desires.
The huge acceptance of mobile applications due to the easy availability of phones developed
the project idea of a gaming application that offers a simulation which will tend to persuade
the gamer to realize the achievements in the game into real life. This will in turn lead to a
healthy dietary life that will grant one.
I would like to thank God for enabling me to get this far and enabling me to have the
resources to complete this project. I would also like to thank my supervisor, Mr. Titus
Tunduny and the coordinator, Dr. Henry Muchiri for the guidance that they have given me
from the very beginning to the end of this project. I would like to thank my classmates for
valuable advice on several aspects regarding this project. Last but not least I would like to
thank my family for their unwavering support.
Table of Contents
Declaration and Approval.......................................................................................................2
Table of Figures........................................................................................................................6
List of abbreviations................................................................................................................7
Chapter 1: Introduction..........................................................................................................8
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................8
1.3 Aim...................................................................................................................................9
1.5 Justification.....................................................................................................................10
1.7 Scope..............................................................................................................................10
1.8 Limitation.......................................................................................................................10
2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................12
2.3.5 FitMenCook............................................................................................................14
Chapter 3: System Development Methodology...................................................................16
3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................16
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................21
4.6 Wireframes.....................................................................................................................27
5.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................29
5.2 System Implementation..................................................................................................29
6.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................38
6.2 Conclusion......................................................................................................................38
6.3 Recommendations..........................................................................................................38
Gantt Chart.............................................................................................................................42
Table of Figures
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework...........................................................................................16
Figure 3.1 Waterfall Model......................................................................................................17
Figure 4.1 Use Case Diagram..................................................................................................23
Figure 4.2 Sequence Diagram..................................................................................................24
Figure 4.3 Class Diagram.........................................................................................................25
Figure 4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram..................................................................................26
Figure 4.5 Database Schema....................................................................................................27
Figure 4.6 Wireframe (Start Page)...........................................................................................28
Figure 4.7 Wireframes Scene..................................................................................................29
Figure 5.1 Project.exe..............................................................................................................31
Figure 5.2 Registration Page....................................................................................................32
Figure 5.3 Player Navigation...................................................................................................33
Figure 5.4 Admin's Database...................................................................................................34
Figure 5.5 Test Cases...............................................................................................................36
Figure 5.6 Test Results.............................................................................................................38
List of abbreviations.
COVID 19-Corona Virus 19
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
In the recent budget allocation for 2022-2023 by the World Health Organization,
(Organization W. H., 2022) there was a notable increase in the funds allocated towards
technology in health. The funds are meant to fund worthy emerging technological ideas that
could bring change in health. This has in turn generated a drive-in technicians to develop
health solving programs, applications or machine learning and artificial intelligence
According to a study by the World Health Organization, (Organization W. H., 2021), on the
eating habits of the biggest stakeholders of the future, children, the organization’s findings
highlighted critical action was needed to promote healthy eating habits amongst them.
Parents have disregarded children’s health and instead focused on buying electronic gadgets
with almost 85% of urban children owning or accessing a tablet (Connor, 2020). Children end
up investing much of their valuable time on unnecessary content online instead of taking up
this time to engage in other productive activities such as joining sports. Such a habit has been
predicted to bring down life expectancy and with the current growing obesity amongst
children highlighted as an already present effect. Parents have also been forced to part with
their kids who die at a young age due to poor eating habits while some other parents are in a
financial crisis as they finance medical bills for their children in dire health situations.
According to a latest report, (Clmenet, 2022) the average person spends four to five hours of
their day playing video games. Whereas according to another research and report, a gamer
spent an average of eight hours and twenty-seven minutes on video games (Combs, 2021). As
much as video gaming is advantageous to brain development the above statistics show how
much addictive it is. Gaming requires a sitting posture and when this is done for more than
the recommended daily sitting hours by the National Health Service report (Service, 2019)
stated that one is at risk of facing illnesses such as cancer and diabetes. It is in these massive
hours being spent on gaming that health institutions are seeking to capitalize and come up
with proactive activities that will see a change amongst children and anyone having it hard to
lead a healthy eating habit life.
The major shift and huge reliance on technology has provided a basis on which all forms of
health-related technology has been overwhelmingly picked up by health institutions and the
world. This has in turn resulted to the health sector updating and modifying the already
existing technology programs to suit the rapidly evolving health needs. As such research has
extensively done on how good health can be achieved by trying all means possible to
capitalize on video gaming and the extensive hours one invests in gaming (Bleakely, Charles,
Amrstrong, & McNeill, 2022) to improve their health. It was found that if a gaming platform
could be set up and capture a good percentage of the young kids, there might be a major shift
towards good health.
The health gaming platform would seek to develop an addictive as well as educative
approach, encouraging kids to take up their health seriously.
Adults have not been left out as they frequently visit hospitals weekly due to health issues
associated with heating habits.
1.3 Aim
The aim was to develop a health gaming application seeking to develop good eating habits
and hence good health. This aim was set to be achievable where the players of the game will
feel persuaded to take up the habits illustrated within the game such as drinking water, taking
ii) To review the massive time wasting in gaming and bring in a productive health gaming
iii) To design and develop a health gaming application facilitating better health by developing
a good eating habit to the player.
1.5 Justification
First the idea of a gaming is one which has been chosen after a recent study by University of
Geneva stated that instead of criticizing gaming addiction, it is a platform that could instead
be used as a learning platform, predicting there could be notable improvement, (Geneva,
There has been a massive increase in time spent on video gaming (Joseph, 2021) this has
been a result of a number of factors such as ; Corona Virus 19, (COVID 19) which saw a
directive that required one to be indoors prompting one to venture into many activities, some
opted for gaming, increase in availability of electronic gadgets to children, an increase in
developing of more advanced and addictive games. A research (The American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2015) stated that kids are becoming increasingly violent
with a number of them owing this to the action in the video games they play. With the
gaming world taking center stage on children, the health gaming application seeks to
persuade them to take up healthy eating habits as well as educating them on the best nutrition
The proposed health gaming application will seek to capitalize on the easily available
electronic gadgets to children where 76% of the world’s children (Center, 2020) have them
hence making it able to reach many.
1.7 Scope
The health gaming application seeked to develop healthy heating habits by developing game
challenges in levels where for instance in level one for one to finish it they would be required
to achieve a certain level of water intake by the controlling character in the game to do so.
Each level has its own requirement, ranging from vegetable intake to desired amount of sugar
intake. There are reward features, this is where if the player completes a task in the game
which in real life has been studied to be an extremely healthy practice. The game has a points
deduction feature if one is playing a liquid level and they proceed to take sugary drinks which
have been placed there as obstacles.
1.8 Limitation
The application will has had a huge criticism where a child becomes completely addicted to
the game and plays it extensively. They will spend excessive hours on the game and thus
reverting to
initial problem of trying to regulate the time spent on video gaming by children. This has
been resolved by creating a timer within the game where the gamer should not be able to play
the game or use the application after its exhaustion. The game application is also facing a
challenge where if it can be used to suit everyone’s correct eating habits, the ability for
someone to key in their health situation and the game setting to move in a manner that which
it only offers food that which could help them achieve great health. A research on correct
diets for certain people will be done and a diet created that suits each person.
The application has also been critiqued that it could be misleading where if we do have
players with developed allergies and at the time of gaming the game offers the allergic foods.
This can be resolved by using the user policy agreement where it shall be within the policies
that an allergic person is prohibited to play it but if they proceed then it will be at their own
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
One of the main aims of the World Health Organization is to achieve a future healthy world.
For this to be achieved, it needs intensive prior formulating of strategic planning involving
the children, to achieve this goal. As the world progresses so does new food, inventions are
coming up, all of which are involving massive emphasis on sugary drinks and junk foods, this
creates a much-needed desire for the same technology impacting the food sector to positively
impact the health sector.
2.2.3 Developing a diet for specific people
With a large world population, everyone is unique with their diet. This has created a void in
healthy gaming applications developing a specified diet for everyone. The generalization of
diets by the applications has made people opt for other methods to observe a healthy lifestyle.
The application also provides recipes for indigenous healthy meals that come from across the
world’s different cultures.
2.3.5 FitMenCook
This is a mobile application that has been developed to encourage male children and men to
embrace body building techniques through dietary means rather than use of steroids. The
application provides a healthy food preparing recipe to all males that does lead to their good
health. They then incorporate the diet to their work in the gym and achieve healthy lifestyles
and great body. Each has a recipe that is in accordance with their desired body building
outcome for example one who wants to focus on his legs has access to a recipe that can help
them achieve this fast.
Let us eat healthy application has a gap where its set back comes about where the application
only has advice of meals to take disregarding steps aside from eating that can help one
achieve this. In most cases it offers expensive recommendations specifically for a certain
class of people.
The FitMenCook mobile application is disadvantageous as the game focuses on only men
disregarding other users who are in need. The application has also targeted the wrong
audience as the population of men around the world who enjoy cooking is very low
(Wolfsonabf, 2021) hence lowering its chances of having a high impact.
2.5 Conceptual Framework
The figure below consists of;
a) The Admin - Sought for diet data and uploads to the game application. The admin
also accesses the database.
b) Gamer - Logs in and provide credentials which are uploaded to the database.
Chapter 3: System Development Methodology
3.1 Introduction
System development methodology is a chapter in which focuses on the development plan of
coming up with a system. This chapter will highlight and explain the use of object-oriented
analysis and design to come up with the system with its deliverables. The development of the
system will employ waterfall methodology as it is straight forward and suits the system to be
3.2.2 System and Software Design
In the design phase of the Waterfall Model, the specifications of the system requirements are
then analyzed with a view of creating a design of the system architecture. Designing the
system helps build system hardware and software requirements which are then to be put into
test through coding in the next phase.
Once ready for presentation to the final end user, the programmed system which has been
tested for flaws and has been coded according to the user hardware and software
requirements, is then set for use to the intended market.
3.3 System Analysis
Object-oriented analysis and design, (OOAD) is an approach that is intended to facilitate the
development of systems that must change rapidly in response to dynamic business
environments. (W3Computing, 2021).
This approach analyzes requirements in the perspective of classes and objects found in the
domain. This will therefore require identifying objects, their attributes, and behavior and how
they relate to each other. This approach will allow for encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction
and polymorphism. This will reduce development by code reuse and hide unnecessary
internal implementations of objects. The requirements will be used to model the objects and
will be divided into functional and non-functional requirements.
d) The game will allow one to resume if they change the screen.
The database of the system will be developed using SQL, Xamp or Google’s Firebase. This is
where the user and game data shall be stored.
a) Regression testing
This will be used to ensure that after any code modification the system will resume
functionality and produce better result where updates have been made.
b) Load testing
This will bring about bringing together of a number of users who will use the game
application concurrently to ensure that system can accommodate a heavy workload.
c) Functional testing
This will finally ensure that all basic and required functions are functional as required.
3.8 Proposed Modules and System Architecture
The following domains shall be used;
Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design
4.1 Introduction
System diagrams are diagrams that illustrate the visual model of a system’s components and
their interactions (Salustri, 2007). Below are the system diagrams that are to illustrate the
visual model of the web-based platform system’s components and their interactions. They
include: a use-case diagram, a sequence diagram, a class diagram, an entity relationship
diagram and a database schema, as previously mentioned.
Figure 4.1 Use Case Diagram
4.2 Sequence Diagram
The below sequence diagrams illustrate the objects involved during the development of the
system and the sequence of messages exchanged between them so as to fulfill the specified
4.3 Class Diagram
In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language is a type of static
structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes,
their attributes, operations, and the relationships among objects. The class diagram below
depicts the classes of controllers and models of the game application system accessed by its
Figure 4.3 Class Diagram
4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram
An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an entity relationship model, is a
graphical representation that depicts relationships among people, objects, places, concepts or
events within an information technology (IT) system.
4.6 Wireframes.
A wireframe is commonly used to layout content and functionality on a page which takes into
account user needs and user journeys. Wireframes are used early in the development process
to establish the basic structure of a page before visual design and content is added.
Figure 4.7 Wireframes Scene
Chapter 5: System Implementation and Testing
5.1 Introduction
This chapter provides insight on the development of the system. The chapter will cover the
implementation and testing of the system on a local environment. Subsequently, it will
provide an in-depth view of the modules developed and the fulfilment of the functional and
non-functional requirements.
5.2 System Implementation
The system is built using the methodologies described in the previous chapters. Unity Hub
and then Unity Engine have been utilized to develop the gaming aspect which involved
dragging and dropping of objects onto the Unity gaming scene. It also involved editing of
prefabs and objects to act in the intended manner adding components to it to achieve optimal
performance. C# language via Visual Studio Code involved intensive coding which was
necessary to create varying defined instances in the game. The coding created objects, arrays
and defined what the player in the gaming application in unity would be allowed to do, these
included enabling movement of the player, showcasing the timer, point addition and
deduction on hitting the various obstacles while gaming. After wich the code would be saved
on Visual Code Studio and upon returning to Unity Engine it would detect the code and
implement them on the game.
The system was then built and ran where in this it gave an option on which operating systems
the game could run on and was later proceeded to be made available on the following
Operating Systems; Windows, Android, Linux and Mac. This made it versatile and able to
reach a wider target enabling it to achieve its goal through diverse the platforms. The
different types of design diagrams make it easy to identify how the system will work and also
makes it easy identify the game flow of information throughout the system thus proving very
helpful to the developer. Using the proposed system development methodology, it proved
easy and more applicable to develop the system by prototyping and developing each scene at
a time.
5.2.1 Installation Procedure
The gaming application has been made with an aim of reaching out to as many users as
possible, as such it has been made available in the following operating systems; Windows,
Linux, Android, iOS, Play Station 4 and WebGL. Once the user has downloaded the
application, the Project.exe is run to enable the game to start.
Figure 5.1 Project.exe
5.2.2 Registration Page
On this page the game captures the data of the player. This data is necessary in keeping track
of the average ages and weight of players and their eventual weight after a certain period of
playing the game.
Figure 5.2 Registration Page
5.2.3 Player Navigation
Once the player presses the play button, the game starts and they are expected to move the
player in the gaming application. The player in the game can move front, back, left and right.
All this is while the player is in a running movement.
Figure 5.3 Player Navigation
5.2.4 Administrator’s Database
The administrator will use Firebase Database to access data keyed in by a certain user or
Figure 5.4 Admin's Database
5.3 System Testing
This section aims to focus a lot on the system and what it does. It will majorly focus on the
system testing and whether the system has succeeded or not. This section also aims to
detecting system failures and the detection of defects that can be discovered before the
system is fully implemented into its intended environment.
T1 FQ1 Does the gaming The game Name: Luseno Ian High
application allow application
Age: 10
the gamer to enter needs to be
their bio data? installed in an Weight (Kgs): 23
application allow scene has to be
the player to be loaded.
moved front,
back, left and
T5 FQ5 Does the gaming The scene has Change in scenes. High
application have a to be loaded
moving screen? and the player
in motion.
picking healthy
T8 FQ8 Does the gaming The game has The initial time is at zero. High
application show to be played.
the time played?
T9 FQ9 Does the gaming The scene has Ambient music, sound on High
application able to to be loaded. deduction and points
play music? increment.
T10 FQ10 Does the gaming The player Playing of a sound when an High
application alert picks on the unhealthy item is picked.
the user of any unhealthy
failed goals? items.
T11 FQ11 Is the gaming The game A seamless moving scene. High
application fast needs to be
and reliable? played at the
T12 FQ12 Does the gaming The game Pause and resume game. High
application allow needs to be
one to resume if played at the
they change the time.
screen or paise?
T2 Points increment Picking of healthy items Pass Points are increased as
on picking healthy increment points with varying the player picks healthy
items. values items.
T3 Game application The game resumes on the Pass The playing scene loads
resumes scene on actual scene if the player after pausing
pause. pauses the game.
T4 Sound playing on There is a unique sound Pass Unique sound plays on
picking healthy played when an unhealthy picking unhealthy items.
item object is picked.
T5 Sound playing on There is a unique sound Pass Unique sound plays on
picking healthy played when a healthy object picking healthy items.
item is picked.
T6 Points decrease on Picking of unhealthy items Pass Points are decreased as
picking unhealthy decrements points with the player picks
items. varying values. unhealthy items.
T7 Alert user when he A sound plays alerting the Pass Alert sound plays
fails a certain player of failing to play as
target. expected
T8 Display total time The game displays time in Pass Time is displayed on top
played in the game. seconds played in the game. left of game scene.
T9 Screen moves The screen keeps on moving Pass Scene game changes.
while playing. and changing as the player
navigates through.
T10 A fast and reliable The game is reliable and gets Pass The game is reliable and
game. faster as the user plays fast.
T11 Play ambient music The game plays ambient Pass The game plays ambient
music to keep the player music.
T12 Picking of items. As the game is played healthy Pass Items can be picked
and unhealthy items can be through the game.
Figure 5.6 Test Results
Chapter 6: Conclusions, Recommendations and Future works
6.1 Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to summarize the discussion on the objectives mentioned in chapter
1 above, and to provide conclusions related to the discussion on each of the objectives.
Furthermore, it seeks to delve into the technical aspects that will ensure the proper working of
the system; the recommendations. Lastly, the chapter purposes to mention what can be done
to enhance what the project aims to achieve in addressing the problem as mentioned in
chapter 1 above.
6.2 Conclusion
The gaming application seeks to curb the menace of unhealthy eating habits in children and
the excessive valuable time wasted on video game. The game will involve kids of a younger
age capitalizing on the ease of influencing the to take up healthy eating habits at a younger
age which if they do keep will eventually develop them into healthy grown-ups.
6.3 Recommendations
The gaming application does take up a considerable amount of space also requiring very
expensive gadgets, it is therefore required that parents to the children equip them with
competent devices that will ensure continued and easy gaming.
It can also be advanced by creating a customized gaming scene based on the players weight
and age where children at a certain age will have a scene with healthy items that corresponds
with them.
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Gantt Chart