Lecture 1 1
Lecture 1 1
Lecture 1 1
1. Active components
2. Passive components
Active Components
a. tube type devices
a.1 vacuum tube
a.1.1 diode
a.1.2 triode
a.1.3 tetrode
a.1.4 pentode
a.2 gas tube
a.2.1 gas diode
a.2.2 thyratron
Active Components
b. semiconductor
a.1 junction diode
a.2 BJT
a.3 UJT
a.4 SCR
a.5 tunnel diode
a.6 zener diode
Passive Components
a. store electrical energy
a.1 inductor- stores energy by virtue of a
current passing through it
a.2 capacitor – stores energy by virtue of
a voltage existing across it
Active Components
b. Dissipates electrical energy
b.1 resistor – to reduce voltages by
dissipating power, to measure currents, and to
discharge capacitors after supply is removed
ELECTRON TUBE – an electron
device in which conduction of
electricity is provided by electrons
moving thru a vacuum or gaseous
medium within a gas light envelop
Free Electrons – maybe produced
from a metal electrode called
emitter. The process is called
Kinetic Energy – energy called
by the electrons to escape from
the surface of an emitter, to
overcome the surface barrier.
4 Methods of Obtaining Electron