SSRN Id4138427
SSRN Id4138427
SSRN Id4138427
in Sindh, Pakistan
This policy brief is directed towards the Sindh Provincial Government of Pakistan to help them formulate an
effective stray dog population management strategy in the province.
28 February 2022
Around the globe, the most common strategies to control stray dog populations include mass culling, sheltering
and the CNVR (Catch, neuter, vaccinate and release) policy. For years, Pakistan has tried to control the stray dog
population through mass killings but has failed to keep it from rising. This in itself is proof of the policy’s
ineffectiveness along with its inhumane nature. Similarly, the sheltering policy is not culturally or economically
feasible in Pakistan due to the lack of animal shelters and religious beliefs which reduce adoption rates. The only
policy that seems to fit perfectly with the country’s socio-cultural context is the CNVR strategy. The policy has
proven to be cost-effective, sustainable, ethical, and feasible in other Muslim developing countries like Turkey.
It is, therefore, recommended that the Government of Sindh adopt the CNVR policy and issue orders to all local
governments to implement this policy in the province. Following are some recommendations to execute the
CNVR strategy effectively:
1. Making essential legislative changes like banning dog culling.
2. Placing local municipal authorities at the heart of CNVR implementation.
3. Enhancing collaboration between various stakeholders like NGOs, local shelters and clinics.
4. Devising effective monitoring and implementation mechanisms.
1) Mass culling of stray dogs It is estimated that 50, 000 dogs are culled each year
in the government-sanctioned mass killing of stray
dogs (Ilyas & Qazilbash, 2021).
Mass culling of stray dogs entails an inhuman process
by which free-roaming dogs are shot or poisoned in
The provincial government of Sindh also adopts the
large numbers, mostly by government authorities.
policy of mass culling from time to time. In 2006,
Many countries have banned mass culling for its
authorities culled thousands of strays by gunning
brutal nature and ineffectiveness in eradicating rabies
them down. Fourteen years later, the situation and
and other diseases (Ilyas & Qazilbash, 2021; Høgåsen
strategy remains unchanged, rather seems to have
et al., 2013; OIPA, 2021; Costa, 2011). Furthermore,
worsened (Umair, 2021). This in itself is a measure
according to the OIE guidelines, mass culling of stray
of the policy's ineffectiveness as it has failed to reach
animals to control the stray population is deemed
its desired target of reducing the stray population.
ineffective and inhumane (Ilyas & Qazilbash, 2021).
Table 1: Summary of the cross-analysis of different policy options to control dog population in the context of Sindh, Pakistan (By
the heart of CNVR implementation Garbage dumps act as perfect breeding grounds,
therefore, local authorities must replace garbage
At the moment, there is no single government body dumps with feeding stations for the vaccinated
that is responsible for advancing animal rights and neutered dogs. Additionally, the enforcement of
welfare in the country. Animal welfare falls within the animal protection laws along with vaccination and
jurisdiction of the Department of Wildlife in each neutering of stray dogs will fall within their
province (Jefferson & Lovsin, 2020). jurisdiction.
Since a holistic CNVR campaign encompasses other The biggest issue which hinders the progress of any
policy interventions like public awareness and animal policy in Pakistan is the lack of proper
welfare legislation, its implementation requires implementation and regular monitoring and
coordination among various stakeholders such as evaluation. Therefore, district monitoring committees
local government, veterinary agencies, private actors, and tehsil implementation committees must be set up
businesses and non-government organizations to ensure the effective implementation and monitoring
(NGOs). of the policy. These committees must be made
responsible for regularly reviewing the progress of
Private veterinarians municipal authorities in implementing CNVR.
The local animal shelters and the private veterinarians
will have a vital role in executing the CNVR policy. Each district committee will monitor the performance
Therefore, there should be a training session for them of all tehsils falling under its jurisdiction. At the tehsil
regarding safe neutering, vaccination, and post- level, implementation committees will be responsible
treatment care. Furthermore, a steady supply of anti- for ensuring the implementation of CNVR by
rabies vaccines must be ensured in all clinics. municipal authorities. Moreover, these committees
shall be made multi-stakeholder to effectively engage
Local shelters all actors involved in executing the CVNR policy.
It is important to equip existing animal shelters with
good veterinary staff and an adequate number of
veterinary surgeons to perform vaccination and
castration. Furthermore, in countries where CNVR is
being implemented, rehabilitation programs are Keeping in mind the complex nature of the stray dog
conducted in shelters to improve the behaviour of the problem, it is important to tackle it from various
dogs (Salgirli et al., 2019). Hence, shelters in Sindh dimensions. Good implementation of CNVR with
should also conduct rehabilitation programs for stray enforcement of animal protection legislation, public
dogs. awareness, registration, and identification of the free-
ranging dogs is vital to reduce stray dog population,
NGOs ensure animal welfare and protect citizens from dog
NGOs can be mobilized for generating public bites and rabies risks. If the Sindh government does
awareness and setting up shelters for dogs. Public not undertake CNVR with full commitment, dog bites,
awareness is important for effective CNVR and rabies cases will keep rising, and the resultant
implementation. It is essential to modify the culling will not only increase the stray population
behaviour of people, protect vaccinated dogs and to over time but also bring negative publicity and
remove the stereotypes about stray animals. backlash from animal activists and the international
community. Hence, CNVR should be adopted as an
Businesses effective and humane policy for controlling the stray
The government can encourage local businesses to dog population in Sindh.
incorporate animal welfare in their Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) projects by contributing
towards CNVR campaigns or by installing food
stations for community dogs.