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Scope of Work

" ‫"نظام تتبع توزيع األدوية للمرضى املنومني و مرضى العيادات اخلارجية‬

Medication Delivery Tracking System

Date 1/11/ 2021

Confidential & Proprietary

The contents of this document are intended solely for the use of the King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center. The use, duplication,
or disclosure of the information is restricted to this purpose except where exempted by agreement in other places.
Scope of Work


This document contains proprietary information and is provided for evaluation purposes only. Except with
written permission from the Healthcare Information Technology Affairs, King Faisal Specialist Hospital &
Research Center, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such information shall not be published, disclosed or distributed
to others, or used for any other purpose, or duplicated in whole or in part.

It must be clearly understood that this RFP is being used to obtain information about potential solutions
to the stated problem, as outlined below. This RFP should not be interpreted as a contract (implicit, explicit,
or implied), nor does it mean any form of an agreement to candidate vendors. Also, no interpretation
should be made that KFSHRC will purchase and/or implement in the future any of the technology or
systems proposed by the vendors responding to this RFP.

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Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1 KFSHRC Overview ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2 HITA Background............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Scope of Work ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Project Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Technical Requirements................................................................................................................ 6
Enterprise Architecture Requirements ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Cybersecurity Requirements ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Service Management Requirements .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1 SLA .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix A (Compliance Matrix).......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's leading
tertiary & quaternary healthcare provider. KFSH&RC's mission is to provide the highest level of specialized
healthcare in an integrated educational and research setting.

KFSH&RC has a rich history of providing high-quality clinical services, which it seeks to build upon and take
from strength to strength. KFSH&RC provides world-class clinical services, including cutting-edge
treatments in oncology, transplantation, cardiovascular diseases, neurosciences, genetics, and IVF
treatment. As one of its flagship examples, KFSH&RC is incredibly proud of its achievements in
transplantation, significantly worldwide leading transplant centers in the UK and the US. KFSH&RC ranked
1st in Pediatric Liver and Kidney Transplants (<18 years old) compared with centers in the UK and the USA
in 2016, and also, the patient and graft survival rates are comparable to the US transplant centers for all

Under the auspices of Vision 2030, KFSH&RC is undertaking a Transformation towards a financially
sustainable, independent, not-for-profit foundation. Simultaneously, the public healthcare ecosystem in
the Kingdom is undergoing significant changes that necessitate material adjustments in the strategic and
operating relationship between KFSH&RC and the stakeholders across this ecosystem, potentially
impacting the volume and nature of referrals channeled reimbursement revenue for KFSH&RC.


In 2014 organization re-structure took place to shift the information technology operating business model
to be Healthcare Information Technology Affairs (HITA) by converging Informatics, communication, and
technology. The mission and vision were realigned to reflect the strategic role HITA was expected to play
going forward for KFSH&RC.

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HITA Organization's objectives

HITA strategy laid out the vision, mission, and consequently, seven (7) strategic themes for the HITA
The new HITA Vision

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Scope of Work
KFSHRC is looking for bidders to provide Medication Delivery Tracking System solution.


Refer to Appendix A

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Enterprise Architecture Requirements

HITA Enterprise Architecture Office established to develop and maintain the enterprise architecture (EA)
of HITA.
To conform to the HITA Enterprise Architecture Office requirements, vendors will be responsible for
maintaining up-to-date architecture details throughout the project's executing and operating phases,
using the tools available in HITA's (MEGA HOPEX) Enterprise Architecture Office. The vendor will maintain
an up-to-date project architecture using these tools as per HITA's Enterprise Architecture Office's
templates and procedures. A copy of these templates and guidelines will be made available to the winning
Bidder by HITA's Enterprise Architecture Office.
The vendor should design the system to integrate with other KFSHRC systems (HITA PMO will provide a
List of all KFSHRC systems for winning bidders).
The vendor should ensure compliance with all Saudi eGovernment rules and regulations, for example, and
not limited to:
- National Cyber Security (NCA)
- Yesser e-government Program
- Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence

The system design should ensure high-availability for maximum uptime during peak working hours.
The vendor shall provide a qualified software team for the required software development and
preparation for system production & operation.
All the source code developed during the project remains the property of the KFSHRC and shall not be
copied, changed, imitated, or installed without written permission from the KFSHRC.

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Cybersecurity Requirements
Vendor / Supplier warrants and represents that the consulting services, managed services, products
(including hardware, software, cloud, IoT, etc.) offered are in accordance with the requirements of the
KFSH&RC and meet or exceed international best practices and relevant standards. Both parties hereby
recognize that the vendor/supplier is not representing that the work provided by the vendor/supplier or
its partners in the proposal will guarantee a secure environment for the KFSH&RC environment.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, vendor/supplier hereby represents. warranties that it's partners and it
has the appropriate experience in related areas of information and cybersecurity outlined in the scope
and will perform the work set out including delivery of solution and services defined in exhibit a of this
agreement, and any other work arising from this agreement, using the highest professional standards in
the industry.
In no event shall either party, its affiliates, or each of their partners, principals, agents, servants,
personnel, employees, officers, and directors be liable for consequential, special, indirect, incidental,
punitive, or exemplary loss, damage, or expense relating to this agreement, nor shall they be liable for
any claim or demand against the other party by any third party unless the loss, damage or expense is
caused by the gross negligence, failure to comply with industry best practices, failure to comply with
security policies, procedures, and guidelines, reckless conduct or will full misconduct of the other party.
The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this agreement.
Vendor / Supplier shall procure the necessary cybersecurity insurance as well as any professional
indemnity and liability insurance in an amount equal to project value or value of assets or environment
involved in the scope or whichever is higher. Cybersecurity insurance shall cover all costs associated
with recovery, public relations, notifications, incident response by 3rd parties, compliance penalties,
brand impact, etc directly related to solutions and services defined in exhibit a. vendor / supplier shall
show evidence of cybersecurity insurance upon request by KFSH&RC.

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Service Management Requirements

5.1 SLA
It is crucial for KFSHRC to support and maintain the entire system's continuous operational capability
during KFSHRC's Working Hours, 7:00 am to 18:00, all year long, without disruption to either service or
performance. Therefore the vendor must understand his responsibility regarding operations and service
management during the Operating Phase period.

It is a requirement that each Vendor signs a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with KFSHRC, which will list
the below criteria in terms of Operations & Service Management that are specific to that contract. The
vendor must submit the document mentioned above as a project Deliverable.

Vendor must include below SLA, penalties methodology, license charging and entitlement methodology,
monitoring mechanism, Monitoring mechanism of environment and Tracking and system upgrade
method and frequency and pricing of the upgrade, escalation matrix :


Severity Description RESPONSE RESOLUTION

The system is down or a majority of functions are not
CRITICAL (sev1) 2 hours 24 hours
HIGH(sev2) The major functionality of the system is not working. 4 hours 48 hours
The non-critical services of the system are not
functioning. the impact has significant inconvenience
Medium(sev3) 6 Hours 6 days
to customers where a workaround might be
LOW(sev4) Small or minor impact – a small inconvenience 8 hours 12 days

 For critical tickets, Support covers the whole 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

 Business Hours are from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM from Sunday to Thursday.

 Support period post-implementation: 1 year

 24/7 Support access via the web, and e-mail

 24/7/365 response for 1st and 2nd severity level (critical and High)

 Free of charge (downloadable) correction packages and patch releases

 Root Cause Analysis with resolutions report must be available within 24 hours, signed by the
respective technical Department, after all, Severity 1 and Severity 2 outages.

 There will be Penalties/Credits related to not meeting defined SLAs

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 Vendor must submit a Monthly and quarterly performance report for license usage/allocation,
resolved and unresolved issues, compliances, analysis, alerts.

 Vendor requires the submission of quarterly reports regarding preventive maintenance of the system
and schedule it according to the appropriate time for the workflow.

 Vendor must solve problems related to the system according to the scientific method used and
called ITIL to find out the roots of the problems and get rid of them.

Penalties for Incident or not following the above SLA is as follows:

 The method of action taken if the company is unable to abide by the terms of the contract is shown
in the form below:

Severity Description Penalty

The system is down or the majority of
CRITICAL (sev1) 5%
functions are not working.
The major functionality of the system
HIGH(sev2) 2%
is not working.
The non-critical services of the system
are not functioning. the impact has
Medium(sev3) significant inconvenience to customers none
where a workaround might be
Small or minor impact – a small
LOW(sev4) None

License Reports

 The vendor will comply with the agreed maintenance regulations and according to the timeline to
respond and provide solutions.

 Covering the institution’s capacity with Follow up and control

License charging Methodology

 To be provided by the vendor

License Entitlement Methodology:

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 To be provided by the vendor

Monitoring mechanism of environment and Tracking:

 Recording requests in an electronic system that is easy to reference.

 Follow-up services provided by the company.

 Knowledge of the database of systems overlaps and their integration electronically.

System Update Process

 A free yearly twice upgrades to the system will be scheduled and planned.

The method of action taken if the company is unable to abide by the terms of the contract is shown in
the form below:

The vendor must provide an escalation matrix with names or contacts

Escalation Matrix

Escalation Team Contact Person Tel # Email

Vendor Project Manager and
Level 1
senior consultant
Level 2 Vendor Senior consultant
Contact Person 3
Level 3
(Name and position)
Contact Person 4
Final Escalation
(Name and position)

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Appendix A (Compliance Matrix)

The bidder should answer Yes if the solution meets IT requirements and answer No if not.

category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

Vendor must conduct a site visit in order to NA

gather detailed information and have a
better understanding of the existing
technical infrastructure and build a
IT Infrastructure Technical, Security, Capacity & Operations

sustainable design.

Vendor must provide all the required As required

servers hardware for the solution. The by the
number of the provided servers must count solution
and cater for the two main datacenters of design
KFSHRC in Riyadh (i.e. East Datacenter and
West Datacenter), which are
interconnected using a dedicated and high-
speed dark fiber link. Both datacenters are
acting as disaster recovery datacenter for

each other.

KFSHRC’s standard server consolidation As required For the specification of the HCI
ratio for VM hosting is 4:1 (4x Virtual by the Computing nodes Requirement
Servers per Single Standard Host), therefore solution Refer to section in Appendix
vendor must adhere to this standard and design Section 1.1
provide the required number of hosts based
on this standard and based on the total
number of VMs required for the solution. Note: Vendor must provide
required Network Switches and
KFSHRC recommended standard
Rack for the solution
Virtualization HCI Comupte nodes
specifications or better as mentioned below

HCI Computes nodes Specification standard

 2x Intel Gold 6252 CPU, 2.1GHz

and having 24C of each processor
 768GB RAM memory
 4x 25GbE optical ports
 10x 3.84TB SSD Data Drives
 2x 1.6TB NVMe Cache Drives
 2x VMware vSAN Ent

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

 2x VMware vSphere Ent

 3-year Prosupport and 4hrs
Mission Critical

All infrastructure and datacenter provided

hardware must be consolidated and
combined with the current data center’s
virtual infrastructure.

Vendors should conduct a site visit or upload NA

their questions to Etimad platform to check
and comply with the KFSHRC standard
systems and hardware

Hardware adherence to KFSHRC server NA

computing infrastructure standards.

All system services must be protected with As required

Disaster Recovery plan using KFSHRC’s by the
existing and connected datacenters for data solution
replication. RTO & RPO must be set in design
agreement with the business owners.The
Vendor should provide required Virtual
system backup software and hardware
expansion to current backup system

Vendors should conduct a site visit or upload

their questions to Etimad platform to check
and comply with the KFSHRC standard
systems and hardware

Vendor must conduct a business study for

the system capacity and data growth
expectation according to the current users
and the environment's criticality and NA
capacity requirements, initial configuration
shall cover and protect for three (3) years
growth as minimum

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

All servers provisioning required for the As required

project should be virtual-based servers and by the
be part of the hospital’s private cloud solution
resources pool and its Data Center standard design

Vendor must provide a proper complete As required

test environment for testing and validating by the
any updates\changes before applying on solution
the production environment design

Vendor must provide all the required Equal to the

virtualization licenses (Eg:-vCenter Ent, no. of
vSAN Ent, vSphere Ent Plus etc.) for each processors
virtual host server

In case the "Server Virtualization"

technology is not supported by the vendor.
The vendor must provide a "Disaster
Recovery" solution using the existing
infrastructure and equivalent to the current
business continuity accepted values. The
solution must include all the hardware,
software, licenses & services.

In all cases, SRM licenses are still a

requirement that must be provided.

Vendor must provide any required servers As required

Operating Systems Licenses for each server by the
instance. For Microsoft OS, licenses must be solution
provided with software assurance (SA) and design and
must be enrolled under KFSHRC’s running the total no.
licensing agreement of servers

Any other required Microsoft licenses (such As required

as SQL, SharePoint. etc.) must be provided by the
with software assurance (SA) and must be solution
enrolled under the KFSHRC’s running design and
licensing agreement the total no.
of servers

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

3 Years Premier, Mission-Critical Support for As required

all Vmware, VSphere, vSAN and VMware by the
vRealize Operations (vROps) licenses with solution
three years subscription design and
the total no.
of servers

3 Years 4-hours mission critical support for As required

all provided hardware and related SW by the

Vendor must present company profile to NA

include years of service, and number of
certified technical engineers.

Vendor must submit a registration NA

certificate from the manufacturer which list
the Serial Numbers of all the delivered
equipment stating that they are registered
under the property of KFSHRC

Vendor must submit a warranty certificate NA

from the manufacturer which list the Serial
Numbers of all delivered items stating the
requested warranty and specifying the
warranty end-date

Full integration with the hospital Active NA

Directory Domain 2012 & LDAP, hence
users’ authentication and password
management must follow the same
hospital's IT policy. Users should use their
AD user name and password in order to
login to the proposed applications and
reduce the number of passwords they need
to remember

If support agreement requires KFSH to grant NA

remote access to the supplier's support
team, then the both the supplier's support
team and the vendor must provide the full
information about the support team as

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

required by KFSH and sign the "Non-

Disclosure Agreement (NDA) document"

All new system servers must be configured NA

for events audit recording and comply with
the KFSH policy and procedure. System
must be capable to maintain at least one (1)
year audit history.

All information and data exchange of the NA

system must be encrypted and secured

All system servers must be protected by the NA

hospital standard Anti-virus and malware
protection software with compliance to the
hospital’s Anti-Virus configuration standards
and to provide any specific documented
configuration requirements explaining the
recommended settings (like the data
sharing scanning and exclusion of any file
type or folders scanning). KFSHRC’s current
standard is Symantec End-Point-Protection

All system servers must be fully updated NA

with the latest and certified security
updates, vendor should provide KFSH with
regular updates flashes and newsletters as
part of the warranty and support
agreement in order for KFSH to apply the
necessary updates on timely manner

Vendor and support team must provide NA

KFSH with monthly reports about all the
opened incidents and actions taken about
each, reports should also contain preventive
maintenance recommendations in order to
prevent such incidents from happening

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

Servers Operating System should be setup, NA

updated and fine-tuned by the vendor and
must be configured as part of the Hospital’s
domain directory.

Vendor must comply with KFSHRC security NA

policies and minimum baseline security
requirements, including but not limited to
immediate action to vulnerability
remediation requirements within the
following response time for the following
categories ( 30 minutes for Critical / Very
High , 4 hours for High , 1 day for Medium ,
5 Days for Low)

All necessary small HW components NA

including SFPs, cables with adequate
lengths … etc. must be provided, properly
installed(data/fiber cabling pipes, conduits,
labeling etc..) as per best practice and
configured by the vendor

The proposed solution (enclosures/compute NA

nodes/storage nodes or modules) should be
highly available and there should be no
single point of failure.

3 years Proactive care 24/7 support with 4- NA

hour response on site Installation and
configuration and Migration services and all
professional services

KFSH Standard Operations and Asset NA

Control procedures must be applied to the
new system servers, this include the
installation & configuration of the System
Center Operations Manager, System Center
Configuration Manager & Performance
Guard agents. Vendor must provide any
available management packs for those
operations & Monitoring systems as part of
the scope.

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

Vendor should provide all technical manuals NA

including diagrams and charts of the overall

Vendor must provide a complete

professional knowledge transfer of different
completed configuration and hardware
setup. The knowledge transfer must be
conducted in a structured way and sign-off
from KFSHRC. This considered as a
mandatory for the vendor hand-over

Vendor must provide a complete NA

documentation of all HW/SW custom
configuration and all project phases

Any data migration required by the As required

proposed solution must be considered as in- by the
scope of the project and part of the end to solution
end complete professional services design

KFSHRC can add or drop any RFP items NA

during the project contract duration period
with mutual agreement.

Transformation, Project Management and For the specification of the

Services should be from principal hardware Requirement Refer to section in
vendor. 1 Appendix Section 1.2 and 1.3

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No
Peripheral Hardware Requirements

All required scanning hardware must be

available in handheld and stationary

All scanning devices must be able to

operate in cord and cordless modes.

All scanning devices must be able to scan

while charging through Standard USB A to
mini B cable.

All scanning devices must have the feature

of being able to switch to a mode that
provides a continuous laser beam for
continuous scanning.

All scanning devices must be able to be

charged through a mini-USB charging port
and can be fully recharged within one (1)
hour with a Li-ion Battery of at least

The scanning device must be compatible

with iPod touch 5th/6th/7th generations.

The scanning device must be able to

provide a sound upon a successful scan.

The scanning device must have the feature

of deep sleep ~20uA.

The barcode engine of the scanner device

must be 1D Laser and 2D High-Speed

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

System must be compatible with the

existing Hospital’s Clinical Information
Systems (Cerner® Millennium 2018.01 and
above Modules).

Need to verify that all orders (order types)

that KFSHRC intends to process through the
Medication Tracking System are being sent
from Cerner to the Medication Tracking
Health Information System HIS Requirements

Must use the “Order ID” contained in the

HL7 message to link the barcode of the
order to the Medication Tracking System.

Software must be supported for Microsoft

Windows 10 with IE11 and up to the latest
Microsoft Windows Client Platform.

The Medication Tracking system must be

accessible for users on PC (desktop/laptop)
through an internet browser (Internet
Explorer 11 and above / Chrome) as web-
based application.

The system must also be accessible for

users on (iOS) mobile devices through a
mobile application.

The System must be able to manage user

groups for customized views and privileges.

The System must be able to build

customized location names and order

The System must be able to generate (1D)

and (2D) barcodes for define locations and
its linked statuses.

The Medication Tracking System must be

able to retrieve data and display the time,
location, status, order details and priority,
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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

user information, in addition to calculating

the turnaround time for any requested

All communications can be

transmitted/received using the https
protocol (256 bit SHA2 encryption) to
ensure secure communications.

The application must be provided in an IPA

file format to the mobile device
management (MDM) administrator for
distribution to mobile devices when
upgrades are available.

The MDM must allow the mobile devices to

be automatically updated with the latest
version of the tracking app as well as
restricting profiles allowing a more secure
environment on the mobile devices.

The web-based user-interface of the

application must be customizable and able
to meet the work needs of KFSHRC.

The reporting server of the tracking

application must be able to provide
customizable analytics reports for any
requested period.

The analytics report service must be

accompanied by a business analytics tool
which provides an interactive visual analysis
and graphical responsive dashboard.

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

The system must provide a seamless

interface by supporting HL7 standard

The system must support 2-ways

(inbound/outbound) communication using
Integration Services Requirements

HL7 version 2.3 as outbound and version

2.2 as inbound.

The interface must accept/send and

process HL7 ADT, RDE, RDS and any other
required message

The system must accept/send and process

Pharmacy/treatment dispense (HL7 RDS)
according to KFSH&RC standards.

The system must accept/send and process

Patient information (HL7 ADT) according to
KFSH&RC standards.

The system must accept/send and process

Pharmacy/treatment encoded order (HL7
RDE) according to KFSH&RC standards.

The vendor is responsible to communicate

with CERNER and other vendors for any
technical interface discussion, capability,
feasibility and data exchange in order to
meet any functionality requested in the

The vendor is responsible to provide a full

and seamless integration and compliance
with the existing ERP of KFSHRC “Oracle”

The vendor is responsible to provide a full

and seamless integration with the Saudi

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category Requirements Quantity Meet Comments


Yes No

Food & Drug Authority initiated Drug Track

and Trace System for pharmaceutical
products (RSD).

The professional fee and any required

license of CERNER, RSD or any other vendor
should be included in offer.

All standard or customize interfaces have to

be covered in the offer.

The vendor must provide at least two

integrated reference sites using all required
interfaces with the same set up of

TPS (Transaction Per Second) must be

greater than 10 (process more than 10
messages in a second)

Vendor MUST provide Premium, Processor-

based, "Perpetual" type database license(s).

Database license(s) provided by vendor

MUST be inclusive of software updates and
Database Management Requirements

version upgrades at no additional charge

for at least the next 2 full, future version
software releases.

Vendor MUST provide 3 years of database

software and technical support.

Vendor has established database technical

software support personnel physically
stationed within Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Vendor has established database technical

software support personnel physically
stationed within Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Vendor has established database technical

software support personnel physically
stationed within Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Vendor MUST Identify All Protected Health

information (PHI) & Personally identifiable

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Yes No

information (PII) within the system


Vendor MUST support the latest version of

MSSQL Server as database software.

Vendor must conduct a site visit in order to NA

gather detailed information and have a
better understanding of the existing
technical infrastructure and build a
Network Infrastructure

sustainable design.

Vendor must provide all the required As required


network hardware for the solution based by the

on the sizing provided by KFSHRC and solution
should also cover all passive components design

The proposed solution should be able to

communicate via KFSHRC existing wireless
technologies (802.11 b/g).

The vendor must provide Network Switches As required

as per the Appendix 1.4 by the

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10 Appendix B (Product Specification)

1.1. For the specification of the Virtual environment Computing nodes Requirement

HCI compute nodes comply specs

Description of Requirement
Must provide tight integration between Appliance compute/storage and VMware software at
the kernel level creating a highly integrated system with highest efficiency (lower
CPU/Memory utilization) and reliability.
Must provide Storage Policy Based Management (SPBM) that is integrated with vSphere
delivering top to bottom management and performance control
True single vendor support for the entire Hyper-converged Solution end-to-end (Compute,
Storage, Management and Virtualization)
Single vendor having full control of the lifecycle of all the components from a roadmap and
enhancement perspective
Solution connectivity should be a part of the solution life cycle management through which
the Top of Rack switches will be batched as a part of the end – end solution life cycle
Must be based on VMware VCF Software-Defined Storage technology
Must be built on All-Flash SSDs with no Hard Disk spindles included
Must support De-duplication and compression
Must support Inline Erasure Coding
Solution must deliver Quality of Service
Must deliver seamless integration with the existing VMware eco-system tools and
management solutions assuring streamlined deployment and provisioning in VMware
Must support native Software-Defined Storage Encryption with the proposed hypervisor
Must support Active/Active stretched cluster
Must allow for per VM level controls
Must provide Enterprise Replication capabilities from same vendor that:
Protect VMs with VM level granularity and allow for any point-in-time recovery of a single VM
Replicate VMs utilizing VMDK and RDM devices accessed by any type of storage connectivity
supported by VMware
Replicate Storage Groups that contain VMs for application-consistent recovery
Provide local and/or remote data replication and replicate over any distance
Integrate with VMware vCenter Server
Enable automated discovery, provisioning and orchestration of DR workflows, including test,
failover and failback of a single VM or group of VMs
Provide WAN compression and de-duplication to optimize bandwidth consumption
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Version Status: Final © KFSHRC 2021
Scope of Work

1.2. Design and Implementation and Migration Services

All products and software included in this RFP should be provided with a vendor’s protection via services
contracts that covers the following:

1. All hardware should be covered with 3 year warranty including HW and SW

2. Servers, virtualization, storage and access network should be configured and tested in the KFSHRC
premises with KFSHRC VLAN, IPs, Storage LUNs, Virtualization clusters
3. Provided Services should include Installation and Implementation/Configuration and data
migration for provided solution by certified employees from the vendor

1.3. Data Center Racks and Network cabling standard

 Data Center Power standards:

o Dual power supply (redundancy) for each rack mounted device connected to different rack
o Rack PDU Input Connections IEC 309 16A 2P+E or IEC 309 32A 2P+E
o No rack UPS allowed to be installed. Centralized data center UPS will handle the load
 Data Center Rack standard specifications:
o 42 Unit rack
o 19-inch rack
o Blanking panels for unused rack unit
o Perforated Door
o 2 in each rack Vertical Smart Power Strip (Metered-by-Outlet Rack PDU)/ Output
Connections at least (21) IEC 320 C13
o Cable pass-through in top & bottom
o Network Rack must have a rack cable organizer
 Data Center cabling standard:
o Network cabling must compile with TIA-942 Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard
o Cable labeling standard ANSI TIA 606-B for Naming Scheme
o Route cables and pathways to minimize interfering with proper airflow

File Name: Technical Requirements “” Page 26 of 27

Version Status: Final © KFSHRC 2021
Scope of Work

1.4. Appendix Section 1.4 for Network Hardware requirements Specification

# Quantity
N9K-C93180YC-FX3S Nexus 9300 with 48p 1/10/25G SFP,
1.0 2
6p 40/100G QSFP, SyncE
SOLN SUPP 8X5XNBD Nexus 9300
1.0.1 CON-SSSNT-N9KC93S1 2
with 48p + 3 years
1.1 MODE-ACI-LEAF Dummy PID for mode selection 2
Nexus 3K/9K Fixed Accessory
Kit, 1RU front and rear removal
Nexus Fan, 35CFM, port side
1.4 NXA-FAN-35CFM-PE 8
exhaust airflow
Nexus NEBs AC 650W PSU - Port
1.5 NXA-PAC-650W-PE 4
Side Exhaust
Power Cord, 250VAC 10A BS1363
1.6 CAB-9K10A-UK 4
Plug (13 A fuse), UK
100G and 40GBASE SR-BiDi QSFP
1.7 QSFP-40/100-SRBD 4
Transceiver, LC, 100m OM4 MMF
Transceiver, + 3 years
1.8 C1A1TN9300XF-3Y DCN Advantage Term N9300 XF, 3Y 2
1.9 SVS-B-N9K-ADV-XF 2
Vendor is required to do a site visit prior to submitting the offer in order to gather more information about current
setup and KFSHRC servers and storage standards as

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Version Status: Final © KFSHRC 2021

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