Seo002 Combined
Seo002 Combined
Seo002 Combined
eograpy seeks to explain locational pat- confronted him with difficulties that have
Other 1%
Altitude (km)
Ozone layer
30 Stratosphere
Figure 12 왘 The layers of the atmo-
sphere are defined by changes in tem- Pressure
perature and pressure. The red line 20
indicates temperature, and the green
line indicates pressure in pascals. 10
–80 –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20
Temperature (˚C)
Copyright© by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
surface continually absorbed energy, the Earth would get hotter
and hotter. The Earth does not continue to get warmer, because
the oceans and the land radiate the energy they have absorbed
back into the atmosphere. Ecofact
You may have noticed that dark-colored objects become much Lost Weekend Have you ever
hotter in the sun than light-colored objects. Dark-colored objects complained about how it always
absorb more solar radiation than light-colored objects, so dark- seems to rain on the weekends? If
colored objects have more energy to release as heat. This is one you live on the East Coast, you
reason the temperature in cities is higher than the temperature in might actually have a point.
Researchers recently found that the
the surrounding countryside.
mid-Atlantic states have a 30 to 40
The Movement of Energy in the Atmosphere Air that is con- percent greater chance of rain on
stantly moving upward, downward, or sideways causes Earth’s the weekends. Why? Researchers
suggest that the automobile
weather. In the troposphere, currents of less dense air, warmed by
exhaust that accumulates in the
the Earth’s surface, rise into the atmosphere and currents of denser atmosphere over the course of the
cold air sink toward the ground. As a current of air rises into the work week has actually caused
atmosphere, it begins to cool. Eventually, the air current becomes weather patterns in this area to
more dense than the air around it and sinks instead of continuing shift. By Friday, the exhaust levels
to rise. So, the air current moves back toward Earth’s surface until are high enough to trigger rain
over the weekend, which cleanses
it is heated by the Earth and becomes less dense. Then, the air cur-
the atmosphere for another week.
rent begins to rise again. The continual process of warm air rising
and cool air sinking moves air in a circular motion, called a con-
vection current. A convection current is shown in Figure 15.
20% absorbed by
ozone, clouds, and
5% reflected by atmospheric gases
the Earth’s surface
25% scattered
50% absorbed by and reflected by
the Earth’s surface clouds and air
SECTION 2 Review
1. Describe the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. CRITICAL THINKING
2. Describe a characteristic of each layer of the 5. Analyzing Processes Read about the density of
atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere under the heading “Air Pressure.”
Write a paragraph that explains why Earth’s atmos-
3. Explain the three mechanisms of heat transfer in phere becomes less dense with increasing altitude
Earth’s atmosphere. above Earth. WRITING SKILLS
4. Describe the role of greenhouse gases in Earth’s 6. Analyzing Processes How does human activity
atmosphere. change some greenhouse-gas levels?
They interact with each other and do not occur alone. They provide a crucial role in the existence of
organisms. The lithosphere is the solid part of earth. It forms the continents and the land masses. It is
mainly composed of the rocks and soil. It is rich in minerals. It is about 20 kilometer in the thickness.
The area which is uncovered is the area which provides the exchange of minerals with the living world.
The hydrosphere is the liquid part of earth. It forms the oceans, sea, lakes, rivers and ponds etc. The
survival of aquatic animals depends on water. The seas and oceans occupy nearly ¾ th area of earth.
Their salt content is high. There is a little salt content in the fresh water. The atmosphere is the gaseous
part of earth. It form the gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other few gases along
with the dust and water particles. They cover the lithosphere and hydrosphere. The nitrogen is the
most abundant gas which is followed by the other gases. The atmosphere extends many kilometers
and is divided into many parts. It consists of the troposphere, stratosphere, ozonosphere and
ionosphere. The troposphere is important to biosphere and the rest of layers act as an ozone layer
which remove the U.V rays and other harmful waves. These subdivisions are essential for the survival
of living beings.
Matter and Energy of Biosphere
The matter is defined as something which has weight and occupies some space. They may be plant,
animals, stone, brick, pond, river etc. The objects with matter are referred as materials. The matter
exists almost everywhere in this world. They are composed of atoms and molecules. They are not
static and depending upon their mobility they can be solid, liquid or in gas form. They change in
different forms depending upon the changes in temperature and pressure. The water is in solid state
when the temperature is below 0 degree Celsius. It changes into the liquid form when the temperature
rises above 0 degree Celsius. When the conditions do not change the matter cannot be formed and
neither be destroyed. They can be changed by the process of fusion and fission. These changes occur
in the nuclear bomb and nuclear reactor. The matter and energy are interchangeable. They occur in
aggregated form. The energy is defined as the ability to do some work. Almost all the daily activities
of humans require energy. The energy occurs in multiple forms and the one form of energy can be
converted into the other form. The eyes and ear can also felt some form of energy as light and sound
respectively. The receptors present in skin can also feel the heat.
There are a lot of differences between the matter and energy. The matter has a mass and volume. It
occupies space and can give rise to multiple structures. It can be seen, smelled or tasted. On the other
hand the energy has no mass and volume. It does not occupy a space and cannot give rise to multiple
structures. It cannot be seen, smelled or tasted. It can be only felt.
the loss due to the process of respiration. The community productivity is defined as the branch of
biology which deals with the rate of net manufacture of organic matter by the community in per unit
time and area. The secondary productivity is defined as the branch of biology which deals with the
rate of increase in the energy rich biomass by heterotrophs in per unit time and area.
The energy regulates the humidity of atmosphere and forms the air currents. It determines the
different types of climates like the tropical, temperate, subtropics and arctic. The heating effect of the
solar radiations determines the atmosphere and soil temperature. They are dependent on the angle
of radiations which play an important role in the determination of season. The energy forms the water
vapors, clouds and rain.
The amount of living matter present in an organism presents the biomass. It does occur in community
also. The autotrophs are also known as the producers. They make the food by the process of
photosynthesis from the inorganic materials. They not only make their food but also for the other
organisms. They absorb the energy from sun and convert into the chemical energy. They release
oxygen. The organic compounds release energy during respiration. They are also referred as the
transducers as they can convert one form of energy to the other form. The organic compounds which
are formed play an important role in the building of bodies and help in the release of energy. This
energy is used to overcome the entropy and helps to work. The amount of biomass can be calculated
with the help of energy.
There is a ten percent law which is also known as the lindmans law of trophic efficiency. This law was
given by Lindeman. It was given in the year 1942. It states that when the organic food is transferred
from one trophic level to the other around one tenth of the food is stored. The storage is in the form
of flesh. The remaining nine tenth of the food is broken down in the process of respiration. So, one
can say that the net productivity of the higher trophic level is around one tenth of the previous one.
There are other minerals which are also very important. These are calcium, magnesium, zinc etc. They
are an important segment of lithosphere and they are released when the rocks are exposed to the
weather conditions. They are also found in the mining. They do occur as in the form of air or dust.
They settle down to the soil or may enter into the water. They go into the plants and also involve the
other organisms. The decomposers play a crucial role in the recycling. They break the organic matter
and release energy in the form of minerals in the soil. They can be used by the organisms. There is a
nonstop exchange of the materials between the surroundings and the organisms. The removals of
nutrients have an adverse impact on the mineral cycles. They are deposited in the shells of skeleton
and in the bottom of sea. A good amount of calcium is seen in the shells of corals and mollusks. There
are certain shells and skeletons which are present on the land which release calcium. They degenerate
at the lower rate. The organisms which are present at the bottom of sea return to the cycling pool
after a large number of years. They become rock due to the disturbances in the earth.
Nitrogen Cycle of Biosphere
The nitrogen forms many components like nucleic acids, proteins, amino acids etc. It is the inert gas
and is the most abundant gas present in the atmosphere. It plays an important role in the fixation of
nitrogen .They play a vital role in the formation of protoplasm. It is present in the inorganic form and
is changed into the organic form. This conversion is done by the plants. The organic nitrogen act as a
food for the animals and the inorganic nitrogen act as a food for the plants and they store in the form
of nitrates and ammonium ions. They occur in the soil. They cannot be recreated from the nitrates
which are present in the rocks. The rocks occur everywhere and liberate nitrogen by the process of
weathering. It is a slow process. The nitrogen is mainly provided by the atmosphere and they make
more than 80 percent of the air. The nitrogen can occur in the form of element or molecule. In the
process of nitrogen fixation this nitrogen is changed into the other compounds of nitrogen. The
nitrogen fixation can be atmospheric, biological or industrial. In the atmospheric nitrogen fixation the
oxygen combines with the nitrogen. This combination does occur with the process of photochemical
and electrochemical reactions. It gives rise to oxides of nitrogen. They dissolve in the rain water and
are settled in the soil. They combine with the other salts and form nitrates. This process adds around
35 mille gram per meter per year of the nitrogen. The biological nitrogen fixation involves the different
types of bacteria. They can be free living or symbiotic or blue green algae. They have the ability to
utilize the nitrogen from atmosphere and change it to ammonia. The ammonia combines with the
organic acids to form the amino acids. This type of nitrogen fixation adds around 400 mille gram per
meter per year of the nitrogen. It raises the total amount to 175 million tones making nearly 2/3rd of
the total supply. The industrial nitrogen fixation produces the ammonia. In this nitrogen is combined
with the hydrogen at high temperature and at constant pressure. The plants absorb the nitrate ions
and change it to ammonia and which is used to make the amino acids. This type of ammonia is of
direct type. The amino acids form proteins and nucleotides. They give rise to nucleic acid later on. The
animals make use of the organic nitrogen with the help of plants. The products like nucleic acids and
proteins are used by the animals. When the proteins are metabolized they produce multiple
nitrogenous wastes like ammonia, urea along with the uric acid. They are excreted out. The dead
bodies of plants along with the animals have a nitrogenous compounds and the ammonifying bacteria
act on it. These are also known as the decomposers. They include the Actinomycetes, fungi and bacilli.
They use the organic acids and release the ammonia. It helps in the building of body. The ammonia
may also come into the atmosphere and the volcanic eruptions are also a good source of ammonia.
This ammonia is acted by the nitrifying organisms which change them into the nitrate. In this case the
nitrites are formed first and are followed by the nitrate. This helps the plants in the process of
absorption. The nitrifying bacteria are the nitrosomonas, nitrococcus, nitrobacter and penicillium. The
nitrate is available for the absorption. Some potassium salts are added to the soil which acts as a
fertilizer. Some nitrate is also lost by the process of precipitation and leaching. It forms the rocks and
they release the nitrogen very slowly. The anaerobic areas and in the water rich areas the bacteria
utilize the oxygen of nitrates. The nitrates reduce to form the nitrogen gas which comes into the
atmosphere. This step is referred as the denitrification. The common bacteria included in this group
are pseudomonas and thiobacillus.
form. Some of them may come to the surface to obtain oxygen. The process of respiration involves
the oxidation in which carbon dioxide and water is formed. The burning of fossil fuels lead to the
emission of number of gases like the carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide etc. The oxides can be reduced
chemically as well as biologically. They release oxygen. Main process which is concerned with the
liberation of oxygen is photosynthesis. The photolysis breaks the water. So, the oxygen content of the
atmosphere has remained static for long decades. In the early time when the earth evolved the oxygen
was present in the combined form.
Natural Resources
The man is the most dominant animal of the biosphere. It has well developed physical and mental
features. He has nice skills to manipulate the things and make tools which are essential for survival
now days. He is a social animal. He has the ability to read and write. He can speak and can express
himself. He can domesticate the animals. He belongs to the faculty of reason. All these features have
made him the most dominant animal of our sphere. He has the ability to manipulate the environment
according to his requirement. He needs more comfort and security. He uses a lot of energy and
material to meet its requirements. He makes his own socio cultural environment with the natural
environment. He has the ability to develop certain skills and tools. The growth of society depends on
him and plays a crucial role in the development of human power. So, man is also known as the social
and cultural animal. The human species has evolved slowly and from many stages. These include the
hunting, fishing, and gathering of food, agricultural and industrial process. They have made man
powerful and have the ability to manipulate the environment. They change the environment into
noosphere which is also known as the mind region or mind area. He uses the environment according
to his mind and does not care about the other organisms. The source of supply which is in reserve and
includes the wealth, goods and organisms is referred as natural resources. They can make the
hydrosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. These are essential for life. They also include the water,
plants, minerals, animals etc. The resources are not static and keep on changing with the society.
There are certain societies in the Andaman group which do not utilize the uranium, gold and silver.
These are not the resources for them. These may be resources for the other society. The uranium is
used in the nuclear energy and gold is an important source of ornament.
Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels include the coal, petroleum and natural gases. They play a vital role as a source of
energy. The oil resources are limited and have a great demand. This is due to the increase in population
and increase in demand of automobiles. There are more coal reserves than the petroleum reserves.
The coal is produced by the India, America, Japan, Poland, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Libya etc. The
Bihar, Bengal, Orissa, j and k, and Andhra Pradesh in India are the main reserves of coal. The new oil
reserves have been detected in the Bombay high recently. The per capita consumption of energy is
different in the different countries. The highest per capita consumption of energy is in America. But it
covers around 6 percent of the world population. The lowest per capita consumption of energy is in
India and it covers around 15 percent of the world population. This data was taken in the early 1970s.
The coal produces energy and so its production is very important. The coal can be changed into the oil
and methane gas. The gas is more suitable as it produces less pollution. The coal deposits also have
sulphur. When it is burnt it forms a large amount of sulphur which causes an adverse effect on the
environment. It causes air pollution. In the modern technology they are an important source of energy.
Their use is multipurpose in the agriculture, automobiles, industries and engines etc. The petroleum
products are also formed by them.
Conservation of Energy
The energy problems are increasing day by day. They are serious and can become critical in the coming
time. We should follow certain energy saving programmes. The life style should be modified. One
should preserve the energy by switching off the lights which are not required. The excessive
consumption of oil should be checked. The oil must be protected from the fire. All other alternative
sources of energy like the solar energy and different types of power like nuclear, wind and
hydroelectric must be used more.
The stratosphere extends from 10 to 60 kilometer. In this the temperature is directly
proportional to the height.
The mesosphere extends from 60 to 100 kilometer. In this the temperature is not directly
proportional to the height.
The thermosphere extends from 6 100 kilometer onwards. In this the temperature is directly
proportional to the height
There is a layer known as the exosphere which is the outermost layer and merges with the space.
These layers are separated by the tropopause, mesopause and stratopause. The atmosphere is made
up of many gases. It includes the nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide etc. The nitrogen is the most
common gas and is inert in nature. It forms around 80 percent of the environment. The oxygen forms
around 20 percent of the total gases which is followed by the carbon dioxide and the other inert gases.
It also contains the water vapor, gases and dust particles. The stratosphere also consists of ozone
layer. It is also known as the ozonosphere. It protects the organisms from the harmful radiations. The
air helps in the locomotion of animals, birds and bats. It provides the oxygen, carbon dioxide and
nitrogen. It helps in the dispersal of seeds, fruits and spores. It helps in the aviation transport and
transmission of the sound among animals. The circulation of air plays a vital role in changing the
climate conditions. They also play an important role in the water cycle. The use of manmade satellite
is multipurpose. It is used in the communication, monitoring of the weather and in the research. They
keep an eye at the high altitudes. The ionosphere has multiple ions and electrons. They reflect the
radio waves back to the earth. The pollution has an adverse effect on the environment.
Material 1 of 2.
Water Resources: Distribution
First. Is water a resource?
What type of resource is water?
Check the second material for explanation on how water is a resource and factors
affecting it in the sub-Saharan Africa. Happy reading
Note on distribution
Hydrology is defined as the science that attempts to answer the question, ‘What happens
to the rain’? (Penman, 1961). McDonnell (2003) argued that since the 1960s hydrologists
have (Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967) grappled with the same question using scientific
investigations and experiments, and have resolved that the study of water distribution can
be complex, comprising huge sources of uncertainties of significant research interest. The
entire hydrological cycle is known to be complex (Figure 1), and the components, which
function interactively, can make it difficult to understand (Elsenbeer, et al, 1995;
Elsenbeer and Vertessy, 2000; Jones and Swanson, 2001).
The knowledge of the complexity in the hydrologic cycle can be important to the
understanding of water movement (Pringle, 2003). Figure 1 illustrates that the land can
respond to many mechanisms in any single storm event, and that both the land’s hydraulic
properties and the hydrologic events can be important for a study in catchment hydrology.
Lands and basins usually respond to precipitation, which is a main component of the
hydrologic cycle, as direct runoff and groundwater, in a complex way and can be affected
by the hydraulic and hydrologic processes that operate within them, as well as the scale
at which the processes are measured (Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967; Klemes, 1983;
Sivapalan, 2005). Direct runoff is the flow of water that has resulted directly from a
precipitation effect, usually in the form of channel interception (water from direct rainfall
and splash off from nearby vegetation), overland flow (part of the precipitation that has
moved over the soil surface) and interflow. Investigations into how runoff is generated
and how water mobilises and transports chemical substances from different sources in a
catchment to the stream channels have become important to researchers (Liu et al, 2004;
Sonneveld, et al., 2006; Christophersen, et al., 1993, Granger, et al., 2010). The reason
for such importance can be that catchment behaviour is known to be useful for predicting
and controlling aquatic pollution. Knowledge of a catchment’s response can also be useful
for diagnosing the health (quality) of a catchment and identify sources and characteristics
of threatening substances (Elsenbeer et al, 1994; Elsenbeer, 2001; Liu et al., 2004).
The objective of this material is to provide a review of the basic concepts and relevant
literature in lands response to rainfall/precipitation.
Surface runoff
Surface runoff can be grouped into two types; infiltration-excess flow and saturation
excess flow. Different concepts have been provided to explain the formation of surface
runoff, and they showed that type of surface runoff that will occur in a catchment can be
influenced by the topography, soil permeability and soil wetness (Figure 3a-c).
Figure 3a-c. The different processes of surface runoff generating mechanisms. (a)
Hortonian infiltration-excess flow, (b) Partial-area infiltration-excess flow, and (c)
Saturation-excess flow (modified after Beven, 2012)
Specific concepts explaining the movements of water downslope are subsequently
The HOF have been observed in arid and semi-arid areas, paved and concrete surfaces,
cultivated or heavily grazed areas underlain by heavy clayey soils, catchments with
extensive rock outcrops and fields with high rate of organic matter decomposition. Water
that flows through the HOF mechanism acquires the chemical signature of the top soil
only, but can be affected by land use and vegetation (where it is present). When
compared with the POF and saturation overland flows (Figure 3b-c), the runoff by HOF
mechanism can reach the stream channel faster because the water is not retained in the
soil but may not contain as much concentration of the soil chemistry as would POF and
saturation overland flow (SOF).
Betson (1964) has proposed the POF after observing that only a small (localised) part of
a catchment may have actually contributed to overland flow. Such observation has also
been reported elsewhere (Moldenhauer et al, 1960; Amorocho and Orlob, 1961; South-
eastern Forest Experiment Station, 1961). The partial area model suggests that runoff
usually originates from a small, but relatively consistent, part of the catchment (otherwise
known as the partial area) (Figure 3b). The partial area is a permanently saturated area
or area of lower infiltration rate. Betson (1964) argued that partial area can only vary
(expand or shrink) under ‘unusual’ complex land use change, change in soil’s moisture
storage capacity and significant change in rainfall intensity. The assumption of the
relatively consistent partial area was however challenged by subsequent studies,
especially the variable source concept (VSA), which showed that the partial area can
expand and shrink during a storm event, and as a result of seasonal contrast (Hewlett
and Hibbert, 1967; Bonell et al, 1984; Van de Griend and Engman, 1985). The partial
area can also respond to the influence of soil condition and soil-boring organisms and
catchment topography (Weyman, 1973; Bonell et al 1984). This assumption of the
relatively consistent partial area has been described as a main reason why the concept
is not popular (Van de Griend and Engman, 1985).
Figure 4. Variable source area and the variability of the contribution from different
source areas in the catchment. 1. The catchment and the condition for area
formation- lower infiltration area or permanently saturated area such as the shallow
soils, 2. Partial or source areas; these are areas contributing to runoff, 3. Increase
in the source areas as rainfall increase 4. Increase in the number of source areas
as well as their expansions. The degree of expansion and increase depend on soil
depth, average slope, size and number of storms and land use (Modified from
Black, 1997)
Under the SOF mechanism, runoff may occur in either of three ways; (a) excess water
can flow down slope as surface runoff, after the soil is saturated; irrespective of the
intensity of the precipitation, (b) previously stored soil moisture (antecedent soil moisture)
may be displaced by translatory flow. Hewlett and Hibbert (1967) described the
translatory flow as the mechanism that releases the water that has been stored in the soil
mantle before rainfall began, or (c) as return flow. Return flow occurs when infiltrated
water re-emerges at the surface before it flows to the stream as a result of increased
water or encounter with a perched water table or an impermeable layer.
Figure 5. Conditions for the surface runoff generation (after Dunne, 1983)
The subsurface flow component is explained below.
Matrix flow refers to the relative slow and even movement of water and solutes through
the soil. Matrix flow occurs in both saturated and unsaturated fine soil matrix pores
(Tsuboyama et al, 2010). Preferential flow, on the other hand, refers to the uneven and
often rapid and saturated flow through a series of connected macropores, soil pipes,
fractures and finger flow (Beven and Germann, 1982; Dunne, 1983; Haria, et al., 1994;
Hagedorn and Bundt, 2002). The effect of macropores is attributed to the following
conditions (Figure 6):
Pores (usually less than 0.5 m in size) formed by soil micro fauna within the first
1 m of the soil profile;
Pores caused by vegetation roots (with sizes varying with type and stage of
vegetation growth), dead vegetation, including buried organic matter and rotten
Naturally occurring macropores caused by varying soil hydraulic conductivity,
cracks and fissures (including those caused by desiccation, chemical weathering,
soil weathering, drying and wetting of clays, freezing and thawing and pressure
Artificial pipes such as mole or tile drainage which have been used on heavy
soils to improve productivity of pastures and crops by removing excess water;
underground drainage networks in peat soils (Hallard, 1988; Haria et al, 1994;
Averis, et al., 2004, Fraser, et al., 2001, MacEwan, et al., 1992; Simard et al.,
2000; Stone and Wilson, 2006).
Figure 6 a-e. Preferential flow mechanisms. (a) and (b): diagrammatic expressions of
some preferential pathways. c-d are terrestrial images of a drain flow (c),
macropores in a clay soil as traced with a dye (d), and decayed root channel
within soil (e). (source: USGS North Carolina Water Centre)
access to safe and affordable drinking water for all rise to spatial variations in rainfall frequency and
by 2030 (6.1), attaining access to adequate and intensity is a major factor in water distribution
equitable sanitation for all (6.2), improving water across the African region, such that while loca-
quality (6.3), increasing efficiency in the use of tions within the Equatorial and Monsoon climates
water across all sectors (6.4), promoting the adop- receive more than 50% of the continent’s total
tion and implementation of integrated resource surface water, far less is available in countries
management systems and principles (6.5), protect outside the climate types (Fig. 2). Local factors
and restore water-related ecosystems (6.6), influencing water distribution include the differ-
expand international cooperation and build capac- ent levels of water infrastructure, policy enact-
ity to support water and sanitation provision in ment, and implementation and urbanization. The
developing countries (6a), and promote and sub-Saharan Africa was projected to have gained
strengthen participation of local communities in up to US$3.1 billion (in 2000 dollars) in Africa,
water and sanitation initiatives (6b) (Fig. 1; by a combination of time savings and health ben-
Chitonge et al. 2020). efits if it would meet the MDG for access to safe
Prior to the recognition given to water resource water (Hutton et al. 2004). Here, three key issues
as an important goal of the sustainable develop- are discussed, the key challenges of water supply
ment, the 1997 Mar Del Plata Action Plan adopted and water quality conditions, as well as the vision
by the General Assembly of the United Nations for meeting the SDG 6 in the sub-Saharan Africa
has already enshrined access to water as an essen- region.
tial human right (Grönwall 2008). Access to safe
drinking water is measured by the proportion of
the population with access to an adequate amount Water Supply Conditions
of safe drinking water that is located within a
convenient distance from their residence. The The sub-Saharan Africa region is classified as
United Nations (World Water Assessment water-poor when it comes to access to clean drink-
Programme 2006) recommends access to at least ing water. Lee and Schwab (2005) associated poor
20 L of safe potable water at the farthest distance water supply described as interrupted service,
of 1 km. The World Health Organization (2017) such that water is provided to residents for a
recommended that cost of potable water should be restricted number of hours per day with stagnancy
less than 10% of the total household income, and of water and growth of microorganisms. They
that safe water should be available without (Lee and Schwab 2005) noted that negative
extreme effort. Issues regarding water supply is hydraulic pressure can draw pathogens from con-
as important as life itself. Water is an essential taminated pipe areas into the water, and that nat-
ingredient of life sustenance, coming only after ural ageing and corrosion of pipeline
oxygen. Access of the people to clean and ade- infrastructure, leakages in pipeline network can
quate water supply for domestic, commercial, create favorable conditions for bacterial growth
agricultural, and industrial as well as basic sanita- along water distribution channel. Pipeline distri-
tion has been linked to developmental progress, in bution networks, where available in the sub-
human health, education, and gender equality Saharan Africa, are often characterized by
(Pan Africa Chemistry Network 2010). interrupted services, and in areas where these
The African society is particularly vulnerable facilities are unavailable, the residents face inad-
to climate change, and the consequences are huge equate access to safe water. Tatlock (2006)
on water resources (Kendon et al. 2019). The reported that 64% of Africans rely on water that
region is apparently a well water-endowed region is limited and highly variable and roughly 25% of
with an abundance of water, including at least Africa’s population suffers from water stress.
17 rivers with greater than 100,000 sq. km basin Challenges with many of the urban areas include
area, each; and at least 160 lakes, each greater than their rapid growth that in many cases has led to
27 sq. km size. The diversity in climate that gives increased demand for water from existing, largely
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa 3
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa, Fig. 1 Sustainable Development Goal 6 and its indicators.
(Modified from Lamizana and Zennaro 2019)
less improved, sources. Van Rooijen et al. (2009) constructed during the colonial period or by apart-
argued that influx of water, as well as that of heid government in South Africa (Odeku 2018).
human waste, has outpaced existing water and In countries where recent efforts at improved dis-
wastewater systems, causing increased rate of tribution network is unsubstantial or where main-
water pollution and irregular water supply. tenance is poor, only residents that can afford to
In many urban areas, most of the existing water sink boreholes for groundwater and adequately
distribution networks are those that were treat the water for improved quality are likely to
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa, Fig. 2 Disparity in (a) climate type and (b) rainfall over the
sub-Saharan African countries
4 Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa
be served with safe water; and this is a big issue may have been occasioned by either incompe-
given uncertain house ownership and negative tence or corruption in many countries in the region
effects of massive drilling (Rodina 2013). Jones (Mehta et al. 2014; Eludoyin et al. 2007). Some
and van der Walt (2004) aptly described the con- specific details are discussed below:
dition of water supply in the rural areas across the
region thus: Climate Variability and Change
Over 300 million still lack access to safe water in Variability in water supply in the African region is
sub-Saharan Africa. Lack of access to safe water is associated with climate variability, increasing
worst in rural areas, where women and children population pressure, urbanization and pressure
often spend considerable time fetching water: over from agricultural, commercial and industrial
1.2 billion people worldwide live more than 15 min
walk from a safe water source, many in Africa. In activities, as well as poor water technology,
the Southern African Development Community, among others (Rutten 2012). Rainfall and atten-
56% of rural communities lack access to safe dant soil wetness (water content of the upper soil
water, against only 22% in urban areas. layer, prior to a rain event) exhibit high spatial and
The condition describes by Jones and van der seasonal variations over the African region; evap-
Walt (2004) reveals the poorer condition of rural oration rates are also high due to high and less
dwellers in the continent as regards water distri- variable temperature across the region. It is impor-
bution as well as most other infrastructure. In tant to note that Africa is positioned across equa-
general, the Friedman’s core-periphery model torial and subtropical latitudes, where rainfall
which describes a situation where the core amount is more variable than temperature; the
(which is usually an urban area, and often vary latter is consistently high. For example, Carter
based on the sphere of focus or catchment) often and Parker (2009) reported that the inter-annual
receives a larger share of development or associ- variability in the region is such that 95% of annual
ated infrastructure at the expense of the smaller rainfall totals deviate between 16% and 45% from
communities (that are typically rural). Most rural the mean. Kendon et al. (2019) reported that given
dwellers rely on natural sources of water includ- more accurate representation of convection, pro-
ing streams, shallow wells, and rainfall while the jected changes in both wet and dry extremes over
urban areas maybe better supplied by infrastruc- Africa may actually be more severe than estimated
ture, including water facilities. by most studies. Nicholson et al. (2018) reported
occurrence of extreme droughts in the Sahel and
eastern Africa (including the 2011 drought which
produced famine in Somalia and neighboring
Factors Influencing Water Supply in the countries), downward rainfall trends in the Sahel
Region and western sectors of North Africa, an abrupt
reduction in rainfall around 1968, as well as
Many physical/natural and man-made factors weakened gradient of rainfall across west-to-east
have been linked with water supply problems in cross-section of part of the region. In general, a
the sub-Saharan Africa. The factors are often significant part of the African continent is semi-
intertwined, and have only been presented in this arid, and are prone to drought conditions while
chapter separately for elucidation purpose. The and many settlements along the coastal regions of
sub-Saharan African region is located in the tro- Nigeria, Algeria, and Congo/Gabon have experi-
pics, where the environment, including water enced some destructive impacts of severe flooding
resources, is influenced by variability and change (Eludoyin et al. 2017).
in the hot but humid tropical climates. Other chal- Surface water flow and groundwater abun-
lenges include low-level of infrastructure, popu- dance are dependent on precipitation
lation growth, fund, and governance. Important (Rosenberry et al. 2020). Therefore, variability,
problems in many countries have been linked to decreasing trend, and extreme rainfall recorded
poor coordination and participation process that in the sub-Saharan African region are linked
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa 5
growing demand for water in response to popula- the years while accessibility to piped water and
tion growth and economic development, climate stand posts is very low (less than 1% in many
effects, as well as low levels of development and countries), and existed in the 1990–2005 period.
exploitation of water resources (Fig. 3). Spatial coverage of piped water over the region
Water scarcity will further increase as popula- markedly reduced between 1990 and 2005, due to
tion and economic activities, especially in the rapid population growth. A little variation, how-
agricultural and industrial, grow. Consequently, ever, exists among countries in the region;
by 2025, up to 16% of Africa’s population will Adekola (2018) described the water infrastructure
be living in countries facing water scarcity, and of an urban area in Nigeria whose population
32% in water-stressed countries (UN Water/ increased from 93,000 in 1963 to 428,000 in
Africa 2005); the drier region will be worse hit. 2018, as one with two additional small dams,
While there has been a concerted effort to increase same number of booster stations and treatment
access to improved water supply across Africa, plants, and an extension of pipeline by 82.46 km
through widespread development of groundwater (69.41 km between 1964 and 1993, and 13.05 km
resources for domestic water supply in the private between 1993 and 2016).
sector, Stampini et al. (2009) raised concerns that Probably the foremost documented program
such development is unable to half the Goal of that is aimed at addressing the challenges of
halving the proportion of people without access to water infrastructure in the region is the Integrated
water, even in 2040. This is because the current Water Resources Management (IWRM); process
developmental work cannot keep up with popula- which promotes the coordinated development and
tion growth and urbanization. Many urban and management of water, land and related resources,
rural people, including slums dwellers with lack in order to maximize the resultant economic and
of services practice self-provision of water, using social welfare in an equitable manner without
groundwater sources – a condition that appear to compromising the sustainability of vital ecosys-
increase with population and settlement growth – tems (Mehta et al. 2014). The IWRM
with capacity to exert pressure on the quality and (International Conference on Water and the Envi-
quantity of the groundwater resource (Lapworth ronment 1992; GWP 2000) recognizes the
et al. 2017). In general, the African population
does not have adequate access to water but a • Finite nature of water and its key role in sus-
number of governmental and non-governmental taining life, development, and the environment
efforts are on to improve the situation. • Importance of participatory approaches in
water development and management
Inadequate/Unsustainable Technological and • Central role played by women in the provision,
Institutional Arrangements management, and safeguarding of water
Inadequate institutional and financing arrange- • Economic and competing values of water and
ments, inadequate data on water resources, as the need to recognize water as an
well as and human capacity for developing, economic good
planning, and implementing projects are also hin-
drances to sustainable water supply in the sub- Mehta et al. (2014) noted that the IWRM has
Saharan Africa (Banerjee and Morella 2011; been promoted by international agencies, includ-
Rutten 2012). The problem with planning and ing the World Bank, African Development Bank,
institutional arrangement is more obvious in the and Global Water Partnership, and as such as been
disparity in the proportion of water sources within considered as a discursive framework of interna-
a country, and between the rural and urban areas. tional water policy. Studies have argued that com-
For example, Banerjee and Morella (2011) argued plexity in the delineation and role of river basins
that reliance on surface water is prevalent in Afri- in the sub-Saharan Africa, overlapping of respon-
can rural areas, and borehole source, which is a sibilities among government agencies and
more improved source of water has increased over
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa 7
Economic water scarcity
Physical water scarcity
Approaching physical water
No data
ministries, cultural and governance divergence, scarcity is better defined by poor management or
including weak political will/responsibility, poor poor governance (World Water Assessment
coordination, and corruption are important rea- Programme 2006), politics, social engineering
sons that have limited the anticipated socio- and institutional issues (Molle et al. 2008).
economic, political, or ecological outcomes of Molle et al. (2008) promoted the idea of consid-
IWRM in the region (Swatuk 2005). World Bank ering freshwater resources management as a
(2010) reported that many water facilities have regional phenomenon, as exemplified by the
suffered from poor “maintenance culture” of European Water Framework Directive, and pro-
many African countries. An outline of a water posed strong stakeholders (practitioners, decision-
policy includes the government’s sector goals makers, civil society groups, experts, researchers,
and institutional commitments, which some of students)” participation in water policies in the
the African countries are still lacking while region.
many of those with water policy conspicuously
do not guarantee public-private partnership
(Banerjee and Morella 2011).
Water Quality Conditions
In general, there is yet no consistent set of
institutional arrangements in the sub-Saharan
The essence of understanding water quality con-
Africa countries, probably because the role of
dition of any place is the desire to have sufficient
water as a “critical life sustainer in ecological
water resources from where populations can drink
functioning, food production, economic activities,
them through generations without any major
health and recreation, and its importance as spir-
health problems, identify working monitoring
itual value, makes it a resource that traverses both
plans for hotspots of pollution and provide cost-
nature and society (Molle et al. 2008) is not well
effective strategy to make safe water available to
understood and not considered in water schemes.
the people. Sources of water are diverse, but 75%
Although there some optimism that many govern-
of drinking water in Africa is obtained from
ments are undergoing reforms that will likely
groundwater, and about 23% are from surface
improve water supply (Banerjee and Morella
water – including streams, springs, and rain
2011), it is imperative to note that the water
harvesting – but less than 3% are supplied through
8 Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa
well-organized waterworks (Pan Africa Chemis- national standards (e.g., WHO 2017), because of
try Network 2010). The distribution of water factors including bureaucratic procedures, inade-
sources suggests that less than 3% of water sup- quate commitments to implementation of relevant
plied to the region are likely to have been well policies, inadequate capacity for sustenance of
treated and subjected to quality assessment before monitoring programs, among others. The general
they were supplied to the people. factors that are associated with water contamina-
Both the surface and groundwater sources are tion in the region are as discussed below.
vulnerable to contamination but groundwater is
generally regarded to better adequate chemical
and natural microbiological quality for drinking Factors Associated with Water
and other uses than the surface water. Existing Contamination in the Sub-Saharan
statistics reveal that more countries in the sub- Africa
Saharan Africa records higher death rates, owing
to consumption of unsafe water, than any other Existing reports (including Pan Africa Chemistry
continent (Fig. 4). Figure 4, despite placing the Network 2010; Pare and Bonzi-Coulibaly 2013;
sub-Saharan African countries in worse condition Kumpel et al. 2016) have documented that water
than most other countries still excluded many pollution is severe in Africa, and mainly due to
rural and urban dwellers whose studies have domestic activities, especially dumping of solid
shown to seek diseases diagnosis late (e.g., wastes and discharge of wastewaters; intensive
Martins et al. 2013) or that refuse to visit a hospi- use of pesticides, herbicides, and inorganic fertil-
tal, even in the face of disasters, due for reasons izers for agriculture; discharge of untreated waste-
ranging from availability/accessibility of waters from industries; mining activities and
healthcare facilities to socio-economic reasons natural pollution sources. These factors are
(Omodanisi et al. 2015). discussed below:
Studies have also linked widespread lack of
access to safe drinking water in communities in Non-industrial (Including Domestic and
Africa, to prevalence of water-based diseases Commercial/Trading) Activities
(e.g., Jones and van der Walt 2004). Sources of A large number of the population of the sub-
pollution include lack of sewage treatment or pol- Saharan Africa live in poverty, particularly in
lution from agriculture, mining, and industry. rural areas and urban slums, and many cities are
Even with international aid, the rate of population characterized by poor sanitation, especially in
growth, poor infrastructure, and poor planning/ precarious neighborhood areas and slums. The
governance are competing challenges for sustain- condition of poor sanitation and urban slums are
able water quality (Salami et al. 2011). The study typically exacerbated by increased rate of rural-
conducted by Salami et al. (2011) also linked the urban migration that has encouraged rapid urban
access to safe water supply to life expectancy rate growth in many African towns. Consequently,
in Africa, showing it is proportional to human existing infrastructure for water distribution, san-
poverty index, mortality rate, population, and itation, and waste disposal become stressed, even
governance. Standard quality protocols and in places where they are available. In many of the
instruments are also poorly developed across the countries, corruption and political instability have
African countries, and only few of the countries in made matter worse. From Ghana through Nigeria
the region showed strict compliance and concern to Congo, Namibia, and South Africa, studies
to water quality assessment, probably due to weak have revealed poor waste disposal, which causes
operational and surveillance monitoring tech- release of poisonous substances as leachates into
niques. Peletz et al. (2016) noted that regulated adjacent water bodies (e.g., Eludoyin et al. 2004;
water quality monitoring activities in sub-Saharan Dibi et al. 2010; Agodzo and Huibers 2011). The
Africa did not achieve testing levels specified by groundwater is also vulnerable to contamination
the World Health Organization Guidelines or through leachate seepage (Morris et al. 2003;
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa 9
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa, Fig. 4 Global distribution of rate of human deaths due to
consumption of unsafe water (GRID)
Oyeku and Eludoyin 2010). Poor waste disposal food is almost the most important driver of water
in urban areas, near rivers and dams, coastal pol- use in the region. Both rural and urban agriculture
lution, as well as leaded oil contamination by practices resulting in increased irrigation and mar-
motorbike and vehicles pose direct threat to the ket garden cultures, as well as cash crop cultiva-
water environment and human health and the tion of cash and food crops are sources of direct
environment (Fanou et al. 2006; Eludoyin et al. pollution due to intensive use of fertilizers and
2018). Water pollution promotes eutrophication pesticides, which increase productivity but
and heavy metal contamination of water bodies threaten the environment and crop quality.
(de Joode et al. 2016). Farmers who cultivate cash crops in West Africa
Many urban settlements, including major cities reportedly apply pesticides with a mixture of
have developed without concomitant develop- DDT, endosulfan, and methylparathion, which
ment of wastewater treatment (Pare and Bonzi- are toxic substances that eventually become
Coulibaly 2013), suggesting that the quality of dissolved and flow into nearby water bodies
water in those settlements may be compromised (Fanou et al. 2006). Farmers in the region have
by pollution from wastewater. Kumpel et al. also been reported to increase the doses of pesti-
(2016) reported high risk of fecal contamination cides to crops hosting high resistant pests, such as
of major sources of drinking water in Senegal, the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera).
Gambia, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Pesticides, such as pyrethroids, endosulfan with
Uganda (Fig. 5). organophosphates, pyrethroids, and carbamates,
and herbicides have been widely used by farmers
in the sub-Saharan Africa (De Bon et al. 2014;
Agricultural Activities
Luiz et al. 2011). Contamination of water by pes-
Agriculture, the mainstay of most African econo-
ticide and herbicides has also been reported in the
mies is a major user of water in Africa. About 86%
region (Savadogo et al. 2006; Tapsoba
of the total annual freshwater withdrawal goes to
et al. 2008).
agriculture (Frenken 2005), thence the demand for
10 Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa
Percentage of Samples
Legend Sources of Drinking Water
A =Bottled/Satchet water Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB)
B =Stored water
C =Surface water
10 - 99
D =Unprotected hand-dug wells
> 99
E =Unprotected spring
F =Protected hand-dug wells
G =Protected spring
H =Borehole
I =Rainwater
J =Public tap
K =Piped on plot
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa, Fig. 5 Fecal contamination levels in samples collected from
improved, unimproved, and stored sources. (Source: Kumpel et al. 2016)
are currently no clear regulations that defines the development in the region were enumerated by
activities that are classified as artisanal mining Pare and Bonzi-Coulibaly (2013), as follows:
because existing mining policies across the
world only refer to the size of the operation. Con- a. Studies have shown significant gaps between
sequently, both artisanal (small-scale) and or research and policy in the sub-Saharan Africa,
corporation-owned (large-scale) mining opera- but improving and supporting researches in the
tions require adequate coordination for sustain- water sector, is still crucial to provide strong
able environmental management; and not just scientific data for policy development and
the artisanal mining practice. Marshall and Veiga decision-making, and to assist strategies in the
(2017) canvassed against demonization of arti- water sector. As at present, large-scale state-of-
sanal miners as “illegal” workers, since they pro- the-art water monitoring programs are few;
vide the main source of economic sustenance, and almost unpopular in Africa. While water
consequently proposed an integrated plan to com- research in the United Kingdom can benefit
bat poverty, provide training (education) and from the protocols and data archives of the
organization for the miners; such that they can Institute of Ecology and Hydrology, Environ-
be motivated “to organize themselves in coopera- ment Change Network, among others and the
tives and/or in co-existence with conventional European countries benefit from supports of
mining companies.” Sustainable mining activities the Terrestrial Environmental Network Obser-
will protect the water resources better than poorly vatories (TERENO), and the Consortium of
managed practices. Universities for the Advancement of
Hydrological Science (CUAHSI) in the North
Natural Pollution America, none of such magnitude exists in the
Water resources, especially groundwater, are vul- sub-Saharan Africa. Recently, a survey by
nerable to contamination through rare chemical Ofori et al. (2020) on priority research ques-
(e.g., arsenic), due to contaminated geology. tions from stakeholders (practitioners,
Many of the naturally occurring pollutants are policymakers, students, non-water experts) in
products of oxidative weathering and geothermic a part of the sub-Saharan Africa reveals focus
reactions (Mukherjee et al. 2009). Partey et al. on three broad water themes – Security and
(2009) reported high concentrations of fluorine governance, water quality, and sustainable
in water used by populations in south-central Sen- management (Fig. 6), that can be adopted for
egal and the Maradi area in Niger Republic (Pare focus in the region.
and Bonzi-Coulibaly 2013). There are also cases b. Improving water governance, including facili-
of abnormally high dissolved salts (calcium, car- ties for legislation and implementations.
bonates and fluorides) in areas underlain with Clemmens (2006) suggests that success of
certain geology (Janssen and Verweij 2003), water governance depends largely on the edu-
such as the limestone regions of Nigeria, Demo- cational level of the population and democracy
cratic Republic of Congo; coal deposits in level in the country, especially the capability
South Africa and Niger, and Malmesbury in for positive synergies with combination of
South Africa. incentives, enforcement, pollution prevention
measures, and cross-fertilization of ideas from
all key-actors including communities and
The Vision for Meeting the Challenges of stakeholders.
SDG 6 in the Sub-Saharan Africa c. Ensuring sustainable groundwater protective
strategies through policies and infrastructure.
Studies have revealed that the sub-Saharan Africa d. Need to improve funding and capacity build-
can meet the targets of the SDG 6 if the gover- ing. In a survey of 36 professionals in water
nance is targeted at ensuring a strict implementa- and sanitation across 22 countries in sub-
tion of relevant policies. Key foci for water Saharan Africa, Salami et al. (2011) showed
12 Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa, Fig. 6 Key research questions for water research in the sub-
Saharan Africa. (Adapted from Ofori et al. 2020)
that funding and technical reform, political share common water basins, at regional level,
commitment, and governance as well as capac- and will require fundamental changes in policies,
ity building are the most important responses strategies, and legal frameworks, as well as
from the professionals (Fig. 7). changes in institutional arrangements and man-
agement practices, at the national level. While
The aforementioned foci are in tandem with the this is achievable, lessons from previous programs
Africa Water Vision for 2025 that designed to in Africa, including the Millennium Development
avoid the disastrous consequences of threats of Goals, suggested the need for sustainable and
water scarcity and pollution. The Vision is efficient water policy and governance, political
targeted at ensuring regional collaboration for will, and commitment to drive the policies as
strengthening governance of water resources, well as concerns for infrastructure and funding
improving water wisdom, meeting urgent water (Fig. 9). With issues identified in Fig. 8 in place,
needs, and strengthening the financial base for the there are evidences that the sub-Saharan African
desired water future in the region (Fig. 8). countries will be able to mitigate the concerns for
The UN Water/Africa (2005) called for part- extreme climate, rapid urbanization, inefficient
nership and solidarity between countries that water use, and management that have been earlier
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa 13
ACE = Agreement and Cooperation of External agencies BMM = Better Maintenance and Monitoring
IMA = Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach ARE = Awareness Raising and Education
TRA = Transboundary CBR = Capacity Building and Reform
CFP = Clear and Well Focused Policies AFT = Adequate Financial and Technical
FAA = Flexible and Adaptive Approach Resources
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa, Fig. 7 Perception on factors to achieve progress in increasing
access to safe drinking water in the sub-Saharan Africa (Salami et al. 2011)
Actions Targets
Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa, Fig. 8 Framework for action for improved water in the sub-
Saharan Africa (UN Water/Africa 2005)
14 Water Supply and Quality in the Sub-Saharan Africa
Water Policy
and Governance
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with water security and safety in the region. tlements of Sub-Saharan Africa
▶ Water Supply and Sanitation in Sudan: Gap
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Important term to remember:
Environment: The immediate natural surroundings of man is called environment. E.g.: Plants, Air, Water,
Landforms, Wildlife, etc....... The word Environment has been derived from a French word "Environner"
which means "Neighborhood".
Components of Environment: (a) Natural Environment (b) Human Environment (c) Human Made
Biotic Components: All living things are known as Biotic Components. E.g.: Plants, Animal Kingdoms
including man, etc....
Abiotic Components: All non-living things are known as Abiotic Components. E.g.: Air, Water, Land, etc.....
Ecosystem: Interrelation between plants and animals in the natural environment is called Ecosystem.
Ecology: The Science with studies the relationship between living and non-living environment is termed
as Ecology.
Domains of Earth: The Four domains or realms of the Earth which jointly support life are:
(a) Atmosphere (b) Hydrosphere (c) Lithosphere (d) Biosphere
Biosphere: Plant and animal kingdom together make Biosphere or the living worlds. It is a narrow zone of
the Earth where Air, Water and Land interact with each other to support life.
Geography studies the interrelationship between human beings and the environment.
Natural Environment:
1. Lithosphere
It is the solid crust or the hard-top layer of the earth.
It is made up of rocks and minerals and covered by a thin layer of soil.
It is an irregular surface with various landforms such as mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, etc.
Landforms are found over the continents and also on the ocean floors.
Lithosphere is the domain that provides us forests, grasslands for grazing, land for agriculture and
human settlements. It is also a source of mineral wealth.
2. Hydrosphere
The water bodies on the earth's surface together form the Hydrosphere. E.g., Seas & Oceans, Rivers,
Lakes, etc.
Earth is also known as "Watery Planet", because 71% of its surface is covered with water.
Water is used for various purposes, i.e., domestic, agriculture, industries, transportation, generating
electricity, etc.
3. Atmosphere
The gaseous envelope around the earth's surface consisting of mixture of gases, water vapour and
tiny dust particles is called atmosphere.
Atmosphere is endless with no visible boundary.
Atmosphere is composed of various gases. Major gases present are: Nitrogen – 78%, Oxygen – 21%,
Argon - .93%, Carbon Dioxide – 0.03%, Other Gases – 0.04% (like – helium, hydrogen, methane, ozone,
etc. and water vapours & dust particles.
Ozone layer protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
It acts as a blanket which prevents the earth from becoming too hot during day and too cold during
Plant and animal kingdom together make biosphere or the living world.
It is a narrow zone of the earth where Land (Lithosphere), Water (Hydrosphere) and Air (Atmosphere)
interact with each other to support life.
Biosphere makes the earth a unique planet in the solar system.
All plants, animals and human beings depend on their immediate surroundings. Often they are also
interdependent on each other.
This relation between the living organisms, as well as the relation between the organisms and their
surroundings form an ecosystem.
There could be an ecosystem of large rain forest, grassland, desert, mountains, lake, river, ocean and
even a small pond.
In every ecosystem, there is a perfect balance in the transfer of energy and matter among the different
components. This is known as Ecological Balance.
1. Elements of Biosphere: Basically, there are three elements of Biosphere: -
(a) Producers (b) Consumers (c) Decomposers
(a) Producers: Plant Kingdom.
(b) Consumers:
Herbivores: First consumers, plant eating animals. E.g. goat, dear, etc. They are large in number and
reproduce faster.
Carnivores: Second level consumers. Flesh eating animals. E.g. lion, tiger, etc. They have sharp teeth and
claws and reproduce at a slower rate.
Omnivores: Consumers. They eat both plants and animals. E.g. man, ant, etc
Decomposers: Microorganisms like bacteria get their food from dead plants and animals by decomposing
them and are known as Decomposers. They keep the natural environment clean because they convert the
dead matter of plants and animals into simple compound which then enter the soil and air.
Food Chain: In the process of consuming plants by herbivores and herbivores by carnivores, there is a
transfer of energy from one level to another, which is called Food Chain.
Human beings are the most important part of environment. They not only interact with the
environment but also modify it according to their needs.
Early humans adapted themselves to the natural surroundings. They led a simple life and fulfilled their
requirements from the nature around them. With time needs grew and became more varied.
Modifications done by human beings have disturbed our ecosystem. Man is responsible for degrading
the environment. Deforestation, Soil Erosion, etc. are some of the important factors.
Humans must maintain balance between natural and human environment. Resources to be used
wisely and should be preserved for future.
The biosphere concept is common to many scientific disciplines including astronomy, geophysics, geology,
hydrology, biogeography and evolution, and is a core concept in ecology, earth science and physical
geography. Biosphere is a key component of earth systems, which interacts with and exchanges matter
and energy with the other spheres, helping to drive the global biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus, sulfur and other elements. From an ecological point of view, the biosphere is the "global
ecosystem", comprising the totality of biodiversity on earth and performing all manner of biological
functions, including photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, nitrogen fixation and denitrification. All
these are very vital for sustaining life. Therefore, the biosphere is the sphere of life. It is the world of living
organisms which dwell on land, water and in the air we breathe. The living organisms range from
microscopic (extremely small-size) to giant tress and animals. Scientists estimate that about one million
different species of animals and perhaps three thousand million species of plants have existed since life
began on earth.
The biosphere is dynamic, undergoing strong seasonal cycles in primary productivity and many biological
processes driven by the energy captured by photosynthesis. Seasonal cycles in solar irradiation of the
hemispheres is the main driver of this dynamic, especially by its strong effect on terrestrial primary
productivity in the temperate and boreal biomes, which essentially cease productivity in the winter time.
The biosphere has evolved since the first single-celled organisms originated 3.5 billion years ago under
atmospheric conditions resembling those of our neighboring planets Mars and Venus, which have
atmospheres composed primarily of carbon dioxide. Billions of years of primary production by plants
released oxygen from this carbon dioxide and deposited the carbon in sediments, eventually producing
the oxygen-rich atmosphere we know today. Free oxygen, both for breathing (O2, respiration) and in the
stratospheric ozone (O3) that protects us from harmful UV radiation, has made possible life as we know
it while transforming the chemistry of earth systems forever.
As a result of long-term interactions between the biosphere and the other earth systems, there is almost
no part of the earth's surface that has not been profoundly altered by living organisms. The earth is a
living planet, even in terms of its physics and chemistry. A concept related to, but different from, that of
the biosphere, is the Gaia hypotheses, which posits that living organisms have and continue to transform
earth systems for their own benefit.
The biotic components of the biosphere are the living organisms. These are the elements which are
composed essentially of organic compounds or of compounds containing carbon. This contrasts them with
the rest of the earth crust for which the main elements are oxygen and silicon. It is usual to think of living
organisms in terms of the ability to grow, eat, move and multiply. While all these are true, the definition
given above is more scientific. Having said this, it should be understood that the main categories of living
things are plants and animals. To this list we can also add viruses. Plants and animals which are the main
categories of living things can be differentiated on the basis of their sources of nutrition. Therefore, biotic
components usually include:
Producers, i.e. autotrophs: e.g. plants, which convert the energy [from photosynthesis (the transfer
of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into energy), or other sources such as hydrothermal vents] into
Consumers, i.e. heterotrophs: e.g. animals, which depend upon producers (occasionally other
consumers) for food.
Decomposers, i.e. detritivores: e.g. fungi and bacteria, which break down chemicals from producers
and consumers (usually dead) into simpler form which can be reused.
Animals cannot use anything simpler than amino acid for protein digestion. And for energy they rely on
carbohydrates and fats. By contrast, plants manufacture their own food, making use of the light energy
which they absorb from the sun in chemo- and photosynthetic processes. Animals and plants are found
in the various parts of the world. While some terrestrial animals can be found all over the world, many
are confined to specific locations. It is usual to describe the regions on the earth surface on the basis of
the life forms dominant in them. In the section that follows an attempt will be made to describe some of
the main life forms found on the earth surface and where they are found.
Over the land surface, the most densely inhabited portion by different life forms is the plant-soil interface.
This is the boundary or the meeting point of plants and soils. Within this layer the vegetation varies from
the forests to grasslands. To this we can add a third group. These are the desert communities.
Forests are plant formations which are dominated by woody species. These species of plants can be shrubs
or trees. Usually, they are so closely spaced that their canopies form a continuous layer or stratum that
shades the ground beneath them. It is useful to note that the basic physical appearance, of the temperate
and tropical forests is essentially the same. However, while temperate forests are dominated by a few
species of trees, sometimes just one species, the tropical forests are made up of a wide range of species.
The grasslands on the other hand are vegetation completely made up of grasses in which there is a
dominant grassy ground layer. It is thus clear that grasslands can be divided into two: these are
(1) The tropical grasslands or savannas and
(2) The middle and high-latitude grasslands.
The Savannas vary from an almost complete grassland cover to woody formations with a ground stratum
of grasses. The former can be found in the semi-arid parts of the tropics while the latter is found adjoining
the moist deciduous tropical forests. The middle and high-latitude grasslands are dominated by tall,
luxuriant and deep-rooted grasses.
The third group-desert community consists of a scattered growth of drought tolerant (xerophytic) plants
with large areas of bare ground in-between. Xerophytes are plants which are well adapted to the dry
conditions of the desert environment. Their leaves are characteristically small to reduce evapo-
transpiration. The plants are also usually thorny to prevent or at least, minimize browsing by herbivores
living in the environment.
It is of interest to know that the pattern of vegetation distribution present in Nigeria is mainly controlled
by the availability of water. The greater the amount of annual rainfall in a given location, the richer the
vegetation associated with it. A wide variety of animals inhabit the different vegetation formations
discussed above. However, the animal species found in the various formations tend to differ according to
whether we have a predominance of trees or grasses. For instance, within the forest zone, the tree tops
are inhabited by birds and insects. Below the top layer, we have the canopy layer which houses a variety
of tree-dwelling monkeys. The ground dwellers include deer, rodents and wild pigs. Within the top soil in
the leaf covered layer are found bacteria and burrowing animals like the earthworm.
Nekton form the second class of living organisms in the ocean. They are organisms that spend most of
their time in the water column and can swim freely and faster than currents. They are powerful enough
to determine where they want to go. Examples include whales, most fish, and squid. The major difference
between plankton and Nekton is in their habitat. All the marine animals inhabit oceanic areas but the zone
in which they inhabit greatly impacts the evolution of them. For example, a plankton is largely different
from benthos in that a benthos organism is far more capable of sustaining colder temperatures as sunlight
penetration is impossible at such deep levels. Plankton cannot propel themselves through water. Nekton
propel themselves through water by swimming or other means. Nektons are either vertebrates (fish) or
invertebrates (shrimp).
Benthos form the third class of living organisms in the ocean. The benthos includes animals that are
ecologically linked to the ocean's floor. Including many echinoderms, benthonic fishes, crustaceans,
mollusks, poriferans and annelids. What about organisms that live mostly on the bottom, but that can
also swim? Like octopus, sawfish, rays, and flatfish? We call these organisms’ nektobenthos.
Abiotic component of the biosphere refers to the physical environment (non-living parts) and its several
interacting variables which can be divided into four folds:
Lithosphere which means the solid mineral matter on the earth and the land form as well;
Hydrosphere, i.e. the water in oceans, lakes, river, ice-caps, etc;
Atmosphere, the gaseous mixture in the air; and
The radiant solar energy.
The position and movement of the earth with its gravitational force are additional abiotic components of
the biosphere (See Figure 3.1). However, these components create invariability of magnitude and duration
of other environmental factors. It is these which constitute the habitats in which plants and animals live.
cannot be removed or altered without disturbing the other components. Therefore, the environment is a
dynamic whole, which remain continuously in a state of flux and also varies in space. Functionally the
ecosystem allows the flow of energy and cycling of materials which ensures the stability of the system and
continuity of life. The energy needed for all life processes come from solar radiation (Figure 3.2)
During photosynthesis, green plants convert light energy to chemical (poten-tial) energy and make it
available to other organisms as food. Thus, a continuous flow of energy from sun through organisms
maintains the life on earth. Laws of Thermodynamics govern on the transfer and transformation of energy.
It says, the energy can never be destroyed, but it is transformed into different forms. Therefore, the part
of solar radiant energy that is not used in photosynthesis is used in heating of air, water and soil. So some
change does occur in cyclic order of nature.
Ultimately the energy is reflected back to outer space as heat. In fact, a small fraction of available light
energy is utilized during photosynthesis and a very little part is stored in animal tissues; the bulk is wasted
as heat. The next point is the ratio between the production and assimilation of energy. The small
organisms utilize a large part of the assimilated energy for growth while larger organisms consume a larger
part of the assimilated energy for maintenance of the organism (respiration). How-ever, all these
mechanisms-the transformation of energy, the food chain, the assimilation etc., are expressed as
ecological efficiency.
The Soils
In any consideration of the biosphere, soil is important because it is a most important medium for plant
growth. It provides support or anchorage for plant roots, and several ground based animals burrow in
them. Besides this, soil contains several mineral elements which are essential to life. These include
potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, Sulphur, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum,
boron and chlorine. For example, Sulphur is necessary for the formation of amino acids, which are the
building blocks of protein. Calcium helps to strengthen cell walls and without magnesium chlorophyll
production (i.e. the green pigment in plants) will be impaired. Besides providing anchorage for plants,
Soils is also a living environment for animals –termites, earthworms and bacteria etc.
Apart from acting as a medium of life for several species of plants and animals, the ocean can be regarded
as a solution of nutrients. It is on such nutrients that plants and animals life depends. The ocean also
contains in dissolved form, the principal gases of the atmosphere namely oxygen, nitrogen and carbon
dioxide etc. the importance of gases to life is discussed in the section that follows.
The atmosphere contains four elements which are essential to life. These are carbon (in form of carbon
dioxide), oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Oxygen, carbon and hydrogen are the major components of fats
and carbohydrates. On the other hand nitrogen is important for the synthesis of protein. The four
elements discussed above come ultimately from the atmosphere. The twelve elements which we
discussed under soil together with nitrogen are usually derived from bedrock from which the soils are
formed. Thus neither soil nor the atmosphere can support life alone. It is the Nature and extent of these
relationships which are considered below.
When plants are eaten by herbivorous animals, the energy stored in plants gets transferred to the
consumer animals. These animals utilize this energy for their own metabolic activities. Here again some
of the energy is released as heat. When primary consumers are eaten by secondary consumers, the same
process is repeated at every step of the food chain. Here it must be remembered, that energy released as
heat is considered as energy lost. The simple model of energy transfers within the biosphere is the food
chain (Figure 3.4).
solar radiation
primary secondary
carnivore carnivore
d e c o m p o s it io n
Figure 3.3: Energy Flow through a Food Chain (Source: Simmons, 1982)
Conversion of energy takes place from one form to another. The light energy gets converted into
chemical energy by plants during photosynthesis.
Plants act as converters of energy. They do not produce energy.
The energy lost as heat is quite substantial, if taken together from various trophic levels
During the transfer of energy through successive trophic levels in an ecosystem, there is a lost of
energy at each trophic level. In other words, the level following the previous one always receives less
amount of energy. After studying various food chains and energy transfers in different ecosystems,
Lindemann in 1942 gave the generalization called "The 10 per cent law", which shows that about 90%
of the energy is used up at each level and only 10% of it is transferred to the next trophic level. As a
result, at the last trophic level (decomposer), no energy is left for recycling. This is how the flow of
energy is unidirectional. Fast decreasing energy level at each step sets the limit of trophic levels only
to 4-5 at the maximum. Therefore, the plants (producers) receive the maximum energy and as you go
further down the trophic levels, the energy in the food goes on decreasing.
The flow of energy is unidirectional. It enters into the living system from non-living environment
The energy lost as heat cannot be utilized.
Each stage in the food chain is called a trophic level. Trophic levels are represented by numbers, starting
at level 1 with plants which are the producers. Further trophic levels are numbered subsequently
according to how far the organism is along the food chain. As illustrated below:
Level 1: Plants and algae make their own food and are called primary producers.
Level 2: Herbivores eat plants and are called primary consumers.
Level 3: Carnivores that eat herbivores are called secondary consumers.
Level 4: Carnivores that eat other carnivores are called tertiary consumers.
Level 5: Apex predators that have no predators are at the top of the food chain.
The feeding pattern of the living organisms over the land may be more complex than has been depicted
here. However, this is a simple way of trying to understand a really complex phenomenon. One more
point which should be emphasized about the food chain is that the energy which is passed from one
trophic level to the next is reduced. At each trophic level, the organisms lose energy in the form of heat
to the environment because they do work. To understand this, think of how you sweat profusely when
you run or do any physical work. Similarly, a carnivore may have to expend a great deal of energy catching
the herbivorous animals it will eat. Imagine the amount of energy man will have to expend if he relies on
hunting for meat. It should be noted too that by using solar energy and losing some energy at each trophic
level as heat an interaction is maintained between the system and the outer space.
The pathways of circulation of the mineral nutrients are generally described as cyclic. This should be
understood to mean that the circulation involves a use and re-use of the nutrients. Also because the
pathways involve the living and the non-living parts of the biosphere they are usually described as bio-
geo-chemical cycles. There are two major ways of recycling mineral nutrients in the biosphere. The first is
by way of animal excretion. This process is self-explanatory. It ensures a return with the soil of the mineral
nutrient used by the primary producer and passed onto either the primary or secondary consumers.
The second pathway for recycling the nutrient is by way of microbial decomposition of plants and animals
remains through the activities of decomposer organisms. The decomposer organisms belong to two main
groups. Bacteria and fungi constitute the first group. The second group is made up of animal such as
earthworms, beetles, and springtails and termites. Dung beetles and termites are more visible in the
tropics. Roughly speaking, the animal decomposers breakdown the debris physically by feeding off the
tougher elements in it and the smaller pieces are then subject to decomposition by fungi and bacteria.
The final stage is the transfer of minerals from the quickly decomposing litter directly to the up taking
plant roots. This is done via a coat of fungi which selectively takes up the minerals required by the plant.
It should be noted that this is a generalized biogeochemical cycle for most chemical elements. Human
actions can interfere in the circulation of the mineral nutrient. For instance, through forest and grassland
fires, some of the nutrients can be returned straight to the litter layer or burnt off. On the other hand,
earth physical processes like erosion, rock weathering and volcanic eruption can act to release nutrients
from the soil and bedrock in an organic form.
There is one more important point for us to note in energy flow and nutrient cycling within the biosphere.
We have discussed them separately for the sake of convenience. In practice the nutrient cycling is not
separate from energy flow. In fact the plants and animals have to use part of the energy available to them
for maintaining the cycling of the nutrients.
Biotic Community
Plants and animals interact with other factors of their physical environment-climate, water, and soils-in
the manner we have described above to produce distinctive communities. It is these that are referred to
as biotic communities. The biotic community can occur at any scale. It can vary in size from the lawn in
front of a house, to a fish pond or it can involve the entire planet. What matters about the biotic
community is that as a unit it includes all of the organisms in a given area interacting with their physical
environment so that a flow of energy leads to an exchange of materials between living and non-living
parts within the system.
Having known how a community is constituted and operates, it is convenient to examine the categories
of communities that exist. For convenience these communities are divided into (1) land or terrestrial
communities and (2) water or aquatic communities.
The trees of the rain forest are typically tall and jointly produce three layers or sinusiae (see figure 3.8).
The upper layer consists of the tallest trees which may be 45 to 50 meters high. This is also known as the
emergent layer. The second layer is the canopy layer. This is made up of trees which grow to a height of
25-35m. The trees of this layer form an almost continuous canopy which shades the ground from sunlight.
The third layer is made up of undergrowth. This is not dense because of the absence of sunlight.
There are more than 7000 species of trees in the tropical rainforest of the world with the forest found in
South East Asia and The Amazon basin having the larger numbers. In the West African sub-region, they
number well over 3000. This makes the tropical rainforest the richest vegetation formation in the world.
In the wetter parts of the tropics, the tree both flower and leaves all the year round. Thus there is no
period of the year when the vegetation loses its greenness. This is why the vegetation in this area is often
described as Evergreen forest. The trees present in the tropical rainforest of Nigeria include the Melicia
excelsa (iroko), Khaya grandifolia, Ceiba petandara etc.
Like the trees, the animal communities are stratified. The upper layer of the forest is inhabited mostly by
birds and insects which live their whole lives in this arboreal habitat. The canopy layer houses the highest
variety of animals in the form of tree dwelling monkeys, sloths and anteaters. These rarely descend to the
ground. The ground dwellers are less diverse. They include deer, rodents, wild pigs etc. within the litter
layer can be found burrowing animals like earthworms.
Tropical Savanna
As discussed above, the Savanna occupies a large belt in Nigeria. It changes its character from the margin
with the forest in the south to the northern border of the country as the rainfall decreases in a northward
direction. Grassland fires and grazing by animals have also added their own impact in the distributional
pattern. Characteristically, however, the savanna can be found in the areas of Nigeria where there is at
least one long dry season. It should be stated here that savanna also occurs in areas that would be
classified as rain forest belt. Such savanna is not climatically defined. They may have anthropogenic origins
or may have existed because the local soils are poor. Such savannas units are described as a zonal because
they are confined to locations where the factors that produce them are potent. Tropical savannas exist
either as pure stands of grasses or as variable mixture of grasses and trees. The trees are usually 6-12m in
height; they are strongly rooted with flat crowns. They cope with the water shortage of the sometimes
long dry season by partially or totally losing their leaves during the period. Others cope by having small
leaves in addition. Generally, they are fire-tolerant, and have a wide range of adaptive capability for this
such as thick, flaking barks. In Nigeria, important savanna trees include Parkia filicoidea, Anogeissus
leiocarpus, Daniellia oliveri and Butyrospermum paradoxum. The grasses in the savanna are often long,
reaching up to 3.5m in height. Pennisetum purpureum (the elephant grass) may even grow up to 5m in
The savanna vegetation supports a wide variety of animals. Some of the richest game reserves are located
in the tropical savanna. For example, the East African Savanna supports several species. Examples of these
species are the African Buffalo, the Zebra and many antelopes. Birds make a good use of a variety of food
species present. However, they can move quickly to evade unfavorable conditions. The insects are
dominated by the locusts, grasshoppers, ants and termites. The last named are locally more important
because they are a major component of the decomposer chain.
Thus, our consideration of the life forms of the ocean will still be sufficient as an example of an aquatic
We can witness the progressive development of life forms due to some other events in our environment.
Consider for example they are of an abandoned mine quarry or an area which had just witnessed volcanic
eruption. Each of these events will create a fresh stage for life forms to reestablish themselves until the
features of the community created are in agreement with the climate of the area.
Domestication involves the production of plant or animals which is suited to human use. To accomplish
the objective domestication has taken the form of replacing the processes of natural selection by those
of human selection. Apart from this it may also involve the elimination of competitors. Agriculture
provides good examples of such processes e.g. the elimination of weeds from a maize farm.
Domestication however has effects on biotic community. First the domesticated plants and animals is
often reproductively isolated from its wild ancestor and so becomes effectively a new species. Besides,
there is usually a distinct change in shape and size of the domestic variety. In plant this is often in the
direction of a large size-if not the whole plant then of the edible parts such as seeds or leaves. The earliest
evidence of plant domestication comes from the Nile valley and is for the cultivation of barley in about
16,000 B.C. For the period between 9000 B.C and continuing to about 3000 B.C, modern Iran, Iraq, and
Palestine became the focus of domestication for animals such as sheep, goat, and cattle and for basic
crops such as barley, wheat, oats etc. The process of domestication did not stop with the ancient world.
Rather; it is a process which has continued through time-right up to the present day when scientific
knowledge has greatly increased the volume and effectiveness of domestication. Today domestication
has also included plants and animals breeding programmes.
Simplification as the name implies involves changing the complexity of biotic communities. This may take
the form of reducing the numbers of life forms present in the community or shortening their food chain.
Simplification may be achieved either through agricultural processes, pest control or accidentally by the
process of contamination.
As a basis for understanding how agricultural processes can lead to simplification consider for example
the diversity of species in the rain forest community. For instance, in some parts of Brazil there may be
about 300 species of trees within an area of 2 sq. km. by replacing such woodland with agricultural system
may now have a community of a single crop.
Pest control is one of the most common simplicity processes. This usually involves ridding the community
of all plants and animals that are not wanted. These are then labeled ‘weeds’ and ‘pests’. There are now
various chemicals formulations for killing weeds, viruses, bacteria and fungi etc. When such chemicals are
applied, it may lead to wiping off an important species of a given biotic community. Thus, with their
elimination, the biotic community becomes simplified in composition
Contamination may also bring about the simplification of biotic communities. For instance when the
atmosphere is contaminated by sulphur dioxides, lichens cannot grow.
Obliteration means the extinction of a species whether of plants or animals. We set in motion the process
of extinction when we attack species directly and reduce them to such small populations that they cannot
survive. Alternatively, we set the extinction processes in motion when we change plants and animals
habitat for our own purposes and thus break up the food chain on which they depend. Consider for
example the role of fire in the savanna environment. This is probably responsible for the maintenance of
savanna as grassy communities because when absent the tree cover increases. On a much local scale, you
can also think of grazing and overgrazing by animals. All domestic animals graze selectively and so the
vegetation is gradually altered as the more palatable plants are eaten by the snails. It is possible for
overgrazing to turn the vegetation into a more desert like community. Eventually soil erosion may set in
and the area may be reduced to a virtual desert. The example has also been quoted of the shrinkage of
health land in Southern England. This is a vegetation type in the temperate climate. It would interest you
to know that the shrinkage brought the Dartford Warbler bird to a verge of extinction in the United
Diversification of biotic community is brought about by the introduction of a plant or an animal to a habitat
which it is not native to. In a few cases, the new species’ does well in its new home to the point where it
is naturalized and is often thought of as an indigenous species. The cassava food, for example is such a
familiar sight in Abeokuta, Ogun State that it may be difficult to imagine that it was introduced to Nigeria
by the Portuguese from Fernando Po in the 16th century. Similarly, the cocoa tree which is now a familiar
tree crop in forest parts of south western Nigeria was not introduced into the country until the late
nineteenth century.
The introduction of new species of plants and animals has been influenced by so many factors. These
include economic and cultural. The economic factor is perhaps most important especially with respect to
cash crops. New species might have been brought also for emotional reasons. The freed slaves from the
New World came home with plants they got familiar with when they were under captivity. We say
emotional because they may want the new species either of plants or animals to serve as reminders of
their homes of last abode.
For whatever reason new species of plants and animals are introduced, they bring about wholesale
changes in the landscape and the biotic community. Let us consider for example the introduction of goats
on a large scale to a community. This animal is a grazer. Thus its large scale introduction may begin to
affect the regeneration of forests in the area by giving such a region a completely new outlook. Introduced
species also tend to bring their pests and parasites with them and these may then spread into native
species creating problems where none existed before.
Protection refers to deliberate attempt by man to protect nature. We can divide the methods being
adopted into two parts. First, individual species which are rare perhaps, typical or even sacred may be
deliberately protected to ensure that they do not become extinct as many have. Second, a whole
community may be protected as sanctuary for endangered species or as a “laboratory” for observation.
The protection of a species may begin and end with legislation which forbids, for example, the killing of
an animal. This may extend to the whole of the legislative area covered.
However, such attempt at protection may be insufficient and sometimes becomes necessary to establish
a refuge for the plant or animal. In such places it is hoped that they can live unmolested such that their
food supplies and other environmental conditions are assured. We call such areas Reserves. Examples in
Nigeria are the Kainji National Park and the Yankari Games Reserve. They may be set up by national
governments, local governments, voluntary or religious bodies or even by the local community. In the
latter two cases, what is worthy of note to us is that either the religious or community reserve protects
both its plant and animal populations. What is the overall erect, if any, or conservation first, it enables us
to preserve a certain proportion of the Earth’s surface in mature biotic communities as distinct from the
‘derived’ systems produced by human activity. Beyond this, it enables us to preserve the natural diversity
of the living things and their communities on the face of the Earth.
It is clear from the foregoing account of man’s interference with the biosphere, that some of the human
actions are deliberate or purposeful while others are not.
From the foregoing, man interaction with the biosphere can be summarized under two main headings
(negative and positive) because our focus is to establish how man can live in harmonious relationship and
peaceably with this important component of the environment. Previous studies has shown that man
stands at the top of the ecological pyramid. He is an omnivore - a tertiary consumer, consuming both
plants and animals. In other to close this chapter, the content therein shall be summarized into the impact
of man on this component, which may be negative or positive depending on human decision.
The negative impact of humans on the biosphere
The growth in human population and industrialization has resulted in the extinction of a number
of flora and fauna by deforestation.
Clearing the natural vegetation and its replacement by a single crop has reduced the biological
diversity and the single crop has become susceptible to pests and insects.
Burning of fossil fuels, automobile exhausts, gaseous effluents from factories have led to pollution
of land, air and water and its related consequences.
Hunting of animals and birds and introduction of new predators in the environment has caused
extinction of some species.
While the overall impact of humans on the planet's biosphere have been negative, humans have done
many things to improve the overall quality for living things in biosphere we have damaged or
destroyed. Some other ways in which humans have attempted to minimize negative impacts or improve
the biosphere are listed below:
Sustaining endangered species by using habitat protection methods such as wildlife refuges and
national parks.
Passing wildlife management laws, such as game laws and catch restrictions.
Adding lime to Adirondack lakes in an effort to neutralize their acid pollution so the original living
things in these lakes can be reintroduced.
Design new products which meet basic needs without generating pollution.
Inspection of all materials before entering the country to prevent pest introduction.
Increased use of biodegradable packaging materials which will recycle themselves quickly to the
Use fuels which contain less pollutants, such as low sulfur coal and oil.
Remove pollutants by using such devices as afterburners or catalytic converters before they enter
the air.
SEO 002
Rain Semester, 2019/2020 SESSION
Environmental Studies
Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the
environment in the interests of solving complex problems. It involves educating the people for preserving the quality of
the environment. Environmental science is essentially the application of scientific methods and principles to the study
of environmental issues and one of such scientific methods is remote sensing.
Remote Sensing
Remote sensing is the science of gathering information from a location that is distant from the data source. Remote
sensing is the science of obtaining information about the Earth using high-flying aircraft and satellites. The data is
collected by sensors attached to the aircraft and satellites that detect the energy that is reflected from the Earth.
Remote sensing is the process of collecting data about the earth’s surface and the environment from a distance, usually
by sensors mounted on ground equipment, aircraft or satellite platforms. Depending on the spectral location of the bands,
sensors collect energy that is reflected (visible and infrared), emitted (thermal infrared), or backscattered (microwave)
by a landscape surface and/or the atmosphere. In remote sensing, there are two basic physical components which are:
sensors and platforms.
A remote sensor is an instrument that gathers thematic information from a distance. It is an instrument that detects and
record electromagnetic energy. There are two types of sensors:
1. Passive sensors e.g., aerial camera, video camera, thematic mapper, thermal scanner, etc.
2. Active sensors e.g., RADAR, LIDAR and SONAR
A remote sensing platform is a vehicle used to carry the remote sensing equipment such as the sensors. There are 3
types, which are:
In summary, a platform (satellite, aircraft) is the carrier of the sensor (camera, scanner).
Advantages of Remote Sensing
a single remote sensing imagery can be used for several purposes
ability to have a synoptic view of large portions of the earth’s surface leading to a fast inventory of earth’s
natural and artificial resources
ability to view the same portion of the globe at different scales
ability to make observations over areas that are difficult to access
ability to view the same area at different periods and at regular intervals over many years, which can be used to
evaluate changes in the landscape over a period of time
Types of Remote Sensing
• Passive remote sensing – this collects natural radiant energy reflected or emitted from a targeted object. The source of
radiation is the Sun
• Active remote sensing – this uses its own source of energy (radiation) such that it transmits a signal to the targeted
object and then receive the reflected response.
Another method of acquiring terrestrial data in remote sensing is through the use of Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS). A very popular example of GNSS is the Global Positioning Systems (GPS). GPS aid in the collection of ground
data and processing of remotely sensed imagery. It is basically used to collect location data.
“Remote sensing is the art, science and technology of observing an object, scene or phenomenon by instrument-based
techniques without having physical contact with the object of interest." This process involves making observations using
sensors (cameras, scanners, radiometer, radar, etc.) mounted on platforms which are at a considerable height from the
earth surface and recording the observations on a suitable medium. It is a process of deducing from imageries,
information about the environment that one would have naturally gone to the field to gather.
Remote sensing has a wide range of applications for environmental planning and management. Coastal applications,
ocean applications, hazard assessments and natural resource management are just a few of the broad areas under which
fall an array of analyses such as; monitoring shoreline changes, measuring ocean temperatures, tracking the impacts of
natural disasters and charting wildlife habitats. These types of analyses all aid in the effective planning and management
of the land and water, and its resources.
Remote Sensing and GIS tools being handy, precise, economic and rapid are commonly applied for resource mapping,
measuring, monitoring and management. Satellite data are also of help in quantitative estimates of some properties of
landscape surface, and for periodic preparation of accurate inventories, managing and monitoring of natural resources,
as it provides repetitive information of required features.
The capabilities of remote sensing make it a valuable tool in providing decision-makers with large-area maps of target
features in a quick manner, and over consistent time intervals.
There are a series of satellite missions used for Earth Observation, for example, Landsat satellites have maintained a
continuous stream of data about the Earth since 1972. Others are SPOT, RadarSat, NigeriaSat, TerraSAR, GeoEye,
Worldview, IKONOS, Quickbird, etc. Landsat data usage ranges from managing and monitoring resources for both
environmental and economic quality as well as public health and national security. Its applications include the analysis
and management of agriculture and forests, water resources, infrastructure, natural disasters, land cover change and
climatic changes. The most common index used by analysts in the remote sensing field is the NDVI (Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index). NDVI quantifies areas of vegetation by measuring the difference between Near-Infrared
and red light.