Ifrs 16 Pak
Ifrs 16 Pak
Ifrs 16 Pak
Advanced accounting and financial reporting
IFRS 16: Leases
1 Introduction and definitions
2 Lease classification
3 Accounting for lease by Lessee
4 Accounting for a finance lease: Lessor accounting
5 Accounting for an operating lease
6 Sale and leaseback transactions
7 Impact on presentation
To develop an in-depth understanding of, and the ability to apply the requirements of
international pronouncements, the Companies Ordinance, 1984, and other applicable
regulatory requirements in respect of financial reporting and the presentation of financial
Learning outcomes
LO 1 Prepare financial statements in accordance with the
international pronouncements and under the Companies
Ordinance, 1984.
LO 2 Evaluate and analyse financial data in order to arrive at firm
decisions on the accounting treatment and reporting of the
Financial reporting
B (a) 18 IFRS 16: Leases
Section overview
Types of lessor
Inception and commencement
Defined periods
Residual values
Lease payments
Interest rate implicit in the lease
Initial direct costs
Lessee's incremental borrowing rate of interest
1.1 Introduction
The previous accounting model for leases as per IAS 17 required lessees and
lessors to classify their leases as either finance leases or operating leases and
account for those two types of leases differently. That model was criticised for
failing to meet the needs of users of financial statements because it did not
always provide a faithful representation of leasing transactions. In particular, it did
not require lessees to recognise assets and liabilities arising from operating
IFRS 16 introduces a single lessee accounting model and requires a lessee to
recognise assets and liabilities for all leases with a term of more than 12 months,
unless the underlying asset is of low value. A lessee is required to recognise a
right-of-use asset representing its right to use the underlying leased asset and a
lease liability representing its obligation to make lease payments.
1.2 Leases
IFRS 16 prescribes the accounting treatment of leased assets in the financial
statements of lessees and lessors.
Definition: Lease
A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to use an asset (the
underlying asset) for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
ownership of an underlying asset is known as finance lease.
A lease that does not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
ownership of an underlying asset is known as operating lease.
A lease may be split into a primary period followed by an option to extend the
lease for a further period (a secondary period).
In some cases, the lessee might be able to exercise such an option with a small
rental or even for no rental at all. If such an option exists and it is reasonably
certain that the lessee will exercise the option, the second period is part of the
lease term.
Economic life relates to the life of the asset whereas useful life relates to the
period that a party will obtain benefits from that asset.
The value of the asset at the end of the lease is called its residual value. This
figure might be guaranteed by the lessee. This means that if the asset is not
worth the amount guaranteed, the lessee must pay the lessor the shortfall.
On the other hand, the residual value might not be guaranteed.
The interest rate implicit in the lease is the IRR of the cash flows from the lessor’s
viewpoint. It is the rate that equates the future cash inflows for the lessor to the
amount that the lessor invested in the asset.
The interest rate implicit in the lease (its IRR) was given in the above example. In
an exam question you might have to calculate it in the usual way.
1.9 Initial direct costs
The definition of interest rate implicit in the lease makes reference to incremental
initial direct costs.
Definition: Initial direct costs
Initial direct costs are incremental costs for obtaining a lease that would not have
been incurred if the lease had not been obtained, except for such costs incurred by
a manufacturer or dealer lessor in connection with a finance lease.
The accounting treatment for initial direct costs will be explained later.
1.10 Lessee's incremental borrowing rate of interest
The interest rate implicit in the lease might be important in deciding whether a
lease is a finance lease or an operating lease.
It is calculated from the lessor’s viewpoint. Sometimes, the lessee might not be
able to ascertain the interest rate implicit in the lease. In that case, it would use
the lessee’s incremental borrowing cost instead.
Definition: Lessee's incremental borrowing rate of interest
The lessee's incremental borrowing rate of interest is the rate of interest that a
lessee would have to pay to borrow over a similar term, and with a similar
security, the funds necessary to obtain an asset of a similar value to the right-of-
use asset in a similar economic environment.
Section overview
In this case, because the rail cars are stored at XYZ Ltd. premises, it has a large
pool of similar rail cars and substitution costs are minimal, the benefits to XYZ
Ltd. of substituting the rail cars would exceed the costs of substituting the cars.
Therefore, XYZ Ltd. substitution rights are substantive and the arrangement does
not contain a lease.
effect at the inception of the lease. In these cases, the revised agreement is
regarded as a new agreement over its term.
However, changes in estimates (for example, changes in estimates of the
economic life or of the residual value of the leased property), or changes in
circumstances (for example, default by the lessee), do not give rise to a new
classification of a lease for accounting purposes.
The following flowchart may assist entities in making the assessment of whether a
contract is, or contains, a lease.
Therefore, the lessee will pay the full cash price of the asset together with related
finance expense over the lease term.
The lessee would only do this if it had access to the risks and benefits of
In substance, this is just like borrowing the cash and buying the asset.
Therefore, the lease is a finance lease.
PV of future lease payments amounts to substantially all of the fair value of the
underlying asset
A lease is a finance lease if at the inception of the lease, the present value of all
the future lease payments amounts to substantially all of the fair value of the
underlying asset, or more. (The discount rate to be used in calculating the
present value of the lease payments is the interest rate implicit in the lease).
In this case, the lessee is paying the full cash price of the asset together with
related finance expense over the lease term.
This is more than the fair value of the asset. This lease is a finance lease
(also note that the lease is for the major part of the expected economic
life of the asset which is another finance lease indicator).
Discount Present
Time Narrative Cash flows factor (10%) value
1 to 9 Lessee’s LPs 87,000 5.759 501,033
This is more than the fair value of the asset. This lease is a finance lease
(also note that the lease is for the major part of the expected economic
life of the asset which is another finance lease indicator).
In the above example the lessee and the lessor have the same view of the lease.
This is not necessarily the case.
Practice question 1
Jhang Construction has leased a cement lorry.
The cash price of the lorry would be Rs. 3,000,000.
The lease is for 6 years at an annual rental (in arrears) of Rs. 600,000. The
asset is believed to have an economic life of 7 years.
The interest rate implicit in the lease is 7%.
Jhang Construction is responsible for maintaining and insuring the asset.
State with reasons the kind of lease Jhang has entered into.
Section overview
At the commencement date, a lessee shall measure the lease liability at the
present value of the lease payments that are not paid at that date. The lease
payments shall be discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, if that
rate can be readily determined. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the
lessee shall use the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate.
Lease liability + Initial direct costs + Prepaid lease payments + Estimated costs to
dismantle, remove or restore, measured - Lease incentives received = Right-of-
use asset
Initial direct costs are often incurred in connection with specific leasing activities,
such as negotiating and securing leasing arrangements.
Any initial direct costs of the lessee are added to the amount recognised as an
Typical initial direct costs of a lessee includes;
– Commissions
– Legal fees*
– Costs of negotiating lease terms and conditions*
– Costs of arranging collateral
– Payments made to existing tenants to obtain the lease
* If they are contingent on origination of the lease
Debit Credit
Property, plant and equipment – (at cost) X
Cash/bank X
Jhang Construction enters into a 6 year lease of a machine on 1 January Year 1.
The fair value of the machine at the commencement of the lease was Rs. 80,000
and Jhang Construction incurred initial direct costs of Rs. 2,000 when arranging
the lease.
Double entry:
Debit Credit
Property, plant and machinery – (at cost) 80,000
Liabilities: lease obligations 80,000
Property, plant and machinery – (at cost) 2,000
Cash/bank 2,000
Recognition exemptions
A lessee may elect not to apply the requirements to recognise and measurment
the right-of-use the leased asset and liability to:
(a) short-term leases; and
(b) leases for which the underlying asset is of low value
Short-term lease
A lease that, at the commencement date, has a lease term of 12 months or less.
A lease that contains a purchase option is not a short-term lease.
If the lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee by the end
of the lease term or if the cost of the right-of-use asset reflects that the lessee will
exercise a purchase option, the lessee should depreciate the right-of-use asset
from the commencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying asset.
Otherwise, the lessee should depreciate the right-of-use asset from the
commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of the right-of-use
asset or the end of the lease term.
Other measurement models
If a lessee applies the fair value model in IAS 40 Investment Property to its
investment property, the lessee shall also apply that fair value model to right-of
use assets that meet the definition of investment property in IAS 40.
If right-of-use assets relate to a class of property, plant and equipment to which
the lessee applies the revaluation model in IAS 16, a lessee may elect to apply
that revaluation model to all of the right-of-use assets that relate to that class of
property, plant and equipment.
Debit Credit
Statement of comprehensive income (depreciation
expense) X
Accumulated depreciation X
Jhang Construction enters into a 6 year lease of a machine on 1 January Year 1.
The fair value of the machine at the commencement of the lease was Rs. 80,000
and Jhang Construction incurred initial direct costs of Rs. 2,000 when arranging
the lease.
The estimated residual value of the asset at the end of the lease is Rs. 8,000.
The estimated useful life of the asset is 5 years.
The accounting policy for similar owned machines is to depreciate them over their
useful life on a straight line basis.
Brought forward nil 14,800 29,600 44,400 59,200
Charge for the
year 14,800 14,800 14,800 14,800 14,800
Carried forward 14,800 29,600 44,400 59,200 74,000
Carrying amount 67,200 52,400 37,600 22,800 8,000
The asset is depreciated down to a carrying amount at the end of the asset’s
useful life that is the estimated residual value
After the commencement date, a lessee should recognise in profit or loss, unless
the costs are included in the carrying amount of another asset applying other
applicable Standards, both:
(a) interest on the lease liability; and
(b) variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability
in the period in which the event or condition that triggers those payments
Reassessment of the lease liability
After the commencement date, a lessee should re-measure the lease liability by
using either unchanged discount rate or should re-measure the lease liability by
discounting the revised discount rate to reflect changes to the lease payments. A
lessee should recognise the amount of the re-measurement of the lease liability
as an adjustment to the right-of-use asset.
However, if the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset is reduced to zero and
there is a further reduction in the measurement of the lease liability, a lessee
should recognise any remaining amount of the re-measurement in profit or loss.
During each year, the lessee makes one or more lease payments. The payment
is recorded in the ledger account as follows.
Debit Credit
Liabilities: lease obligations X
Cash/bank X
A lease liability is measured in the same way as any other liability. The balance at
any point in time is as follows:
Amount borrowed at the start of the lease (the amount X
recognised on initial recognition of the lease)
Plus: Interest accrued X
Minus: Repayments (lease payments or rentals) (X)
Repayment of loan principal (X)
Amount owed now. X
A lessee shall re-measure the lease liability by discounting the revised lease
payments using a revised discount rate, if either:
(a) there is a change in the lease term. A lessee shall determine the revised
lease payments on the basis of the revised lease term; or
(b) there is a change in the assessment of an option to purchase the
underlying asset, assessed considering the events and circumstances in
the context of a purchase option. A lessee shall determine the revised
lease payments to reflect the change in amounts payable under the
purchase option.
Finance charge
The total rental payments over the life of the lease will be more than the amount
initially recognised as a liability. The difference is finance charge.
The total finance charge that arises over the life term is the difference between
the amount initially recognised as the lease liability and the sum of the lease
payments from the standpoint of the lessee.
The finance charge (interest) is recognised over the life of the lease by adding a
periodic charge to the liability for the lease obligation with the other side of the
entry as an expense in profit or loss for the year.
Lease modification
(c) remeasure the lease liability by discounting the revised lease payments using
a revised discount rate. The revised discount rate is determined as the
interest rate implicit in the lease for the remainder of the lease term, if that
rate can be readily determined, or the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at
the effective date of the modification, if the interest rate implicit in the lease
cannot be readily determined.
For a lease modification that is not accounted for as a separate lease, the lessee
should account for the re-measurement of the lease liability by:
(a) decreasing the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset to reflect the partial
or full termination of the lease for lease modifications that decrease the scope
of the lease. The lessee should recognise in profit or loss any gain or loss
relating to the partial or full termination of the lease.
(b) making a corresponding adjustment to the right-of-use asset for all other
lease modifications.
Lease term
An entity should determine the lease term as the non-cancellable period of a
lease, together with both:
(a) periods covered by an option to extend the lease if the lessee is reasonably
certain to exercise that option; and
(b) periods covered by an option to terminate the lease if the lessee is
reasonably certain not to exercise that option.
(c) re-measure the lease liability by discounting the revised lease payments
using a revised discount rate. The revised discount rate is determined as the
interest rate implicit in the lease for the remainder of the lease term, if that
rate can be readily determined, or the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at
the effective date of the modification, if the interest rate implicit in the lease
cannot be readily determined.
Actuarial method
The actuarial method uses discounting arithmetic to establish the interest rate
that is implicit in the lease. This interest rate is then applied to the opening
balance of the lease liability at the start of each period, in order to calculate the
finance charge.
Lease liability:
The lease obligation consists of the capital balance outstanding. This can be
shown as follows:
Lease liability:
In other words, the Rs. 8,000 part of the final year payment to the lessor of Rs.
26,000 is not cash but the transfer of the asset.
If the asset is worth less that Rs. 8,000 the lessee must make good any shortfall.
In this case the asset is written down to its value at the date of the transfer (as
agreed between the lessee and the lessor) and the lessee will pay cash to the
lessor to compensate for any difference.
A company leases an asset (as lessee) on 1 January 20X1. The terms of the lease are
to pay:
x A non-refundable deposit of Rs. 5,800 on inception.
x Six annual instalments of Rs. 16,000 payable in arrears.
The fair value of the asset (equivalent to the present value of minimum lease
payments) on 1 January 20X1 is Rs. 80,000. Its useful life to the company is five
As part of the lease agreement the company guaranteed to the lessor that the asset
could be sold for Rs. 8,000 at the end of the lease term. It also incurred Rs. 2,000 of
costs in setting up the lease agreement.
The interest rate implicit in the lease has been calculated as 10.0%.
(a) Prepare the relevant extracts from the financial statements (excluding notes)
in respect of the above lease for the year ended 31 December 20X1.
(b) Explain what would happen at the end of the lease if the asset could be sold by
the lessor:
i. For Rs. 10,000
ii. For only Rs. 6,000
Depreciation [(80,000 + 2,000 - 8,000)/5)] 14,800
Finance costs (Working) 7,420
i. If the lessor is able to sell the asset for more than the value guaranteed
by the lessee, the lessee has no further liability and derecognises the
asset and lease liability:
Dr Finance lease liability Rs. 8,000
Cr Asset carrying amount Rs. 8,000
ii. If the lessor is unable to sell the asset for the value guaranteed by the
lessee, the lessee has a liability to make up the difference of Rs. 8,000 -
Rs. 6,000 = Rs. 2,000:
Recognise impairment loss on asset (as soon as known during the lease
Dr Profit or loss Rs. 2,000
Cr Asset carrying amount Rs. 2,000
Make guaranteed payment to lessor and derecognise the asset and
lease liability:
Dr Finance lease liability Rs. 8,000
Cr Cash Rs. 2,000
Cr Asset carrying amount Rs. 6,000
In the above example the first payment of Rs. 18,000 is made on the first day of
the lease term. Therefore it does not include any interest and is a repayment of
The year 1 interest of Rs. 10,009 is recognised at the end of year 1 (31
December Year 1). It is paid the next day by the payment of Rs. 18,000 made on
1 January Year 2.
The closing liability at the end of year 1 is made up of the interest accrued in year
1 and an amount of capital which will be paid off in year 2.
Practice question 2
The fair value of aleased asset, lease commencing on 1 January Year 1 is Rs.
The lease is for three years with payments of Rs. 4,021 annually on 1 January Year
1, Year 2 and Year 3.
The interest rate implicit in the lease is 22.25%.
Complete the lease payment table for all three years 1 to 3, and calculate the
current liability and the non-current liability at 31 December Year 1 under the
actuarial method.
3.8 Disclosures
A lessee shall disclose information about its leases for which it is a lessee in a
single note or separate section in its financial statements. However, a lessee
need not duplicate information that is already presented elsewhere in the financial
statements, provided that the information is incorporated by cross-reference in
the single note or separate section about leases.
A lessee shall disclose the following amounts for the reporting period:
(a) depreciation charge for right-of-use assets by class of underlying asset;
(b) interest expense on lease liabilities;
(c) the expense relating to short-term leases. This expense need not include the
expense relating to leases with a lease term of one month or less;
(d) the expense relating to leases of low-value assets. This expense shall not
include the expense relating to short-term leases of low-value assets;
(e) the expense relating to variable lease payments not included in the
measurement of lease liabilities;
(f) income from subleasing right-of-use assets;
(g) total cash outflow for leases;
(h) additions to right-of-use assets;
(i) gains or losses arising from sale and leaseback transactions; and
(j) the carrying amount of right-of-use assets at the end of the reporting period
by class of underlying asset.
A lessee shall provide the disclosures specified in paragraph 53 in a tabular
format, unless another format is more appropriate. The amounts disclosed shall
include costs that a lessee has included in the carrying amount of another asset
during the reporting period.
A lessee shall disclose the amount of its lease commitments for short-term leases
accounted for applying paragraph 6 if the portfolio of short-term leases to which it
is committed at the end of the reporting period is dissimilar to the portfolio of
ABC Ltd. is a retailer of men apparel. They have entered into a 5 year lease of shop
premises with a XYZ Ltd. on 1 July 2015.
The lease requires 5 yearly payments in advance of Rs. 100,000 (the first payment
is 1 July 2015 and subsequent payments are 30 June).
The interest rate implicit in the lease is 10%
The ABC Ltd. uses straight line depreciation method
IFRS 16 treatment
Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL
------------------------------------- Rs -------------------------------------
Lease liability
(CY = Prior year PV -
Payment during the
year + Interest exp) 316,987 248,685 173,554 90,909 - -
Depreciation - B (Right
to use at year 0/ useful
life) - 83,357 83,357 83,357 83,357 83,357 416,783
Journal Enteries
At 30 June 2016
Depreciation expense 83,357
Acc. Depreciation 83,357
Intest expense 31,699
Lease Liability 68,301
Cash 100,000
Section overview
Finance lease accounting
Manufacturer/dealer leases
Finance lessor disclosures
4.1 Definitions
The lessor does not record the leased asset in his own financial statements
because he has transferred the risks and rewards of ownership of the leased
asset to the lessee. Instead, he records the amount due to him under the terms of
the finance lease as a receivable.
The receivable is described as the net investment in the lease.
An earlier section explained that the interest rate implicit in the lease is the
discount rate that, at the inception of the lease, causes:
the present value of the lease payments and the unguaranteed residual
value; to be equal to
the sum of the fair value of the underlying asset and any initial direct costs of
the lessor.
Therefore the net investment in the lease is the sum of the fair value of the asset
plus the initial direct costs.
nearned finance The difference between:
income (a) the gross investment in the lease; and
(b) the net investment in the lease.
Lessee Lessor
Initial recognition & lease payments payable Finance lease receivable
measurement (net investment in the
Lessee Lessor
Subsequent Finance cost Finance income
Pattern of So as to provide a So as to provide a
recognition constant periodic rate of constant periodic rate of
charge on the outstanding return on the net
obligation investment in the lease.
Initial recognition
The lessor records a receivable for the capital amount owed by the lessee. This
should be stated at the amount of the ‘net investment in the lease’.
For finance leases other than those involving manufacturer or dealer lessors,
initial direct costs are included in the initial measurement of the finance lease
receivable thus reducing the amount of income recognised over the lease term to
below what it would have been had the costs not been treated in this way. The
result of this is that the initial direct costs are recognised over the lease term as
part of the income recognition process.
Initial direct costs of manufacturer or dealer lessors in connection with negotiating
and arranging a lease are excluded from the definition of initial direct costs. As a
result, they are excluded from the net investment in the lease.
The treatment of similar costs incurred by manufacturers and dealers is explained
Subsequent measurement of the receivable
During each year, the lessor receives payments from the lessee. Each receipt is
recorded in the ledger account as follows.
Cash/bank X
Net investment in the lease X
A finance lease receivable (net investment in the lease) is measured in the same
way as any other financial asset. The balance at any point in time is as follows:
The finance income is recognised over the life of the lease by adding a periodic
return to the net investment in the lease with the other side of the entry as income
in profit or loss for the year.
Debit Credit
Net investment in the lease X
Statement of comprehensive income: finance income X
Cash factor Present
Year Narrative flow (10.798%) value
lease payments
1 to 6 Annual rentals 18,000 4.2553 76,595
6 Guaranteed residual value 8,000 0.54052 4,324
Unguaranteed residual
6 value 2,000 0.54052 1,081
The rental receipts reduce the “gross investment in the lease”. In addition, the
interest income in the period is transferred from the unearned finance income
account to the statement of profit or loss.
Annual rentals (6 u 18,000) 108,000
Guaranteed residual value 9,000
Unguaranteed residual value 1,000
Amount on initial recognition (80,000)
Initial direct costs (2,000)
Total finance income 36,000
End of year 1
Cash 18,000
Lease receivable (gross investment in the lease) 18,000
Being the receipt of the year 1 rental
The net investment in the lease is found be netting the unearned finance income
against the lease receivable (gross investment in the lease) at each point in time.
The following table shows the balance on the two accounts at the start and at each
year end and the resulting net figures.
Note that the net investment in the lease is the same as before.
A company leased an asset to another company on 1 January 20X1 on the following
a) Calculate the unguaranteed residual value and the net investment in the lease
as at 1 January 20X1
b) Prepare extracts from the financial statements of the lessor for the year ended
31.12.X1 (excluding notes)
Note: The net investment in the lease is equal to the fair value of the asset of
Rs. 82,966 plus the lessor's costs of Rs. 700. In this instance there is a
rounding difference of Rs. 10.
Lease modifications
A lessor shall account for a modification to a finance lease as a separate lease if
a. the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use
one or more underlying assets; and
b. the consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with
the stand-alone price for the increase in scope and any appropriate
adjustments to that stand-alone price to reflect the circumstances of the
particular contract.
Discount factor
t1 to t3 @ 10% 2.486852 (written as 2.487)
Discount factors:
t3 @ 10% 0.7513148 (written as 0.751)
t1 to t3 @ 10% 2.486852 (written as 2.487)
W1: Revenue – lower of: Rs.
Fair value of the asset 2,000,000
Present value of the lease payments
764,018u 2.487 1,900,000
A motor dealer acquires vehicles of a particular model from the manufacturer for
Rs. 21,000, a 20% discount on the recommended retail price of Rs. 26,250. It
offers them for sale at the recommended retail price with 0% finance over three
years, provided three annual payments of Rs. 8,750 are made in advance. The
market rate of interest is 8%.
A sale transaction made on 1 January 20X5 is recognised as a combination of an
outright sale and a finance lease. The present value of the minimum lease
payments is treated as the consideration for the outright sale and at 8% is
calculated as follows:
Year Cash flow Discount factor at 8% Present value
Rs. Rs.
20X5 8,750 1.000 8,750
20X6 8,750 8,102
(1.08)= 0.926
20X7 8,750 7,499
(1.08) =0.857
How should the transaction be recognised by the dealer in the year ending 31
December 20X5?
Statement of comprehensive income
Revenue (lower of FV Rs. 26,250 and PV of MLPs Rs. 24,351) 24,351
Cost of sales (lower of cost and CV — PV of unguaranteed residual (21,000)
Profit 3,351
Finance income: (Working) 1,248
Statement of financial position
Receivable (Working) 16,849
Bal b/f Instalments c/f Interest Bal c/f 8%
in advance income at 31 Dec
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
20X5 24,351 (8,750) 15,601 1,248 16,849
Section overview
Section overview
Before the transaction, the owner has the risks and rewards of ownership. The
owner sells the asset and then leases it back under a finance lease. The owner
has retained the risks and rewards of ownership. In substance this is not a sale
so profit should not be recognised. The accounting treatment is as follows.
There are two stages, the disposal (sale) and the finance leaseback:
The sale:
x On disposal, the asset should be removed from the seller’s statement
of financial position.
x Any surplus from the sale in excess of the carrying amount should be
deferred and amortised over the term (life) of the lease.
x Any deficit from the sale in shortage of the carrying amount should
also be deferred and amortised over the term (life) of the lease. (IFRS
16 does not prescribe any treatment for a loss on such transactions
but in practice it is also deferred).
The leaseback: The normal finance lease rules are then applied, to
reintroduce the asset to the statement of financial position of the lessee at its
fair value, and to establish a leasing obligation.
The leaseback
Asset 120,000
Lease obligation 120,000
IFRS 16 outlines specifies treatments for accounting for the profit or on the sale
of the asset, depending on whether the asset was sold for its fair value, for more
than fair value or for less than fair value and depending on whether the fair value
is less than the carrying amount of the asset that is the subject of the transaction.
Sale at fair value
This is just a normal sale. If an asset is sold at fair value, the gain or loss on
disposal is recognised immediately in profit or loss in the usual way.
Sale at more than fair value (fair value greater that carrying amount)
If an asset is sold at more than fair value, the normal gain or loss on disposal
(based on the difference between the carrying amount and fair value) is
recognised immediately in profit or loss.
The excess profit (based on the difference between the fair value and actual sale
value) should be deferred and released to profit or loss over the expected period
of use (the lease period).
Sale at less than fair value (fair value greater that carrying amount)
If an asset is sold at less than fair value, the gain or loss on disposal is
recognised immediately in profit or loss.
However, if the sale makes a loss and this is compensated for by future lease
payments at below market price, the loss should not be recognised immediately,
but deferred and then released to profit or loss over the expected period of use
(the lease period).
Example: Sale and operating leaseback – Sale below fair value compensated by
lower future rentals
In early 20X7 a company sold an asset for Rs. 1.5 million and leased it back
under a five-year operating lease.
The asset had a carrying value of Rs. 2 million and a remaining useful life of ten
The fair value of the asset was Rs. 2.1 million.
The company accepted an offer below the fair value of the asset because it was
able to negotiate rentals at below the market rate in compensation.
Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Cash 1,500,000
Asset 2,000,000
Deferred loss (on the statement of financial position) 500,000
The deferred loss amortised in proportion to the lease payments over the period
for which the asset is expected to be used.
In each case above the difference between the fair value of the asset and the
carrying amount is not recognised.
Sale where fair value is less than carrying amount
If the fair value at the time of a sale and leaseback transaction is less than the
carrying amount of the asset, the difference must be recognised immediately as a
loss. This means that the asset is written down to its fair vale before accounting
for the sale and operating leaseback. The earlier rules concerning the recognition
of a profit or loss on disposal then apply.
Example: Sale and operating leaseback – Fair value less than carrying amount
and sale at more than fair value.
In early 20X7 a company sold an asset for Rs. 1.8 million and leased it back
under a five-year operating lease.
The asset had a carrying value of Rs. 2 million and a remaining useful life of ten
The fair value of the asset was Rs. 1.7 million.
Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Step 1: Write down the asset:
Statement of comprehensive income
(Rs. 2m – Rs. 1.7m) 300,000
Asset 300,000
Step 2: Sale and leaseback:
Cash 1,800,000
Asset 1,700,000
Cr Deferred income
(Excess profit: this is Rs. 1.8m – Rs. 1.7m) 100,000
(Profit is deferred as the sale proceeds are above fair value)
Example: Sale and operating leaseback – Fair value less than carrying amount
and sale at less than fair value.
In early 20X7 a company sold an asset for Rs. 1.6 million and leased it back
under a five-year operating lease.
The asset had a carrying value of Rs. 2 million and a remaining useful life of ten
The fair value of the asset was Rs. 1.7 million.
Debit Credit
Rs. Rs.
Step 1: Write down the asset:
Statement of comprehensive income
(Rs. 2m – Rs. 1.7m) 300,000
Asset 300,000
Step 2: Sale and leaseback:
Cash 1,600,000
Asset 1,700,000
Statement of comprehensive income 100,000
(The loss would be deferred if it were compensated by lower future rentals)
6.4 Sub-lease
A sub-lease is a transaction in which a lessee (or ‘intermediate lessor’) grants a
right to use the underlying asset to a third party, and the lease (or ‘head lease’)
between the original lessor and lessee remains in effect.
A company applies IFRS 16 to all leases of right-of-use assets in a sub-lease.
The intermediate lessor accounts for the head lease and the sub-lease as two
different contracts.
Head Office
Original lessee/intermediate lessor
An intermediate lessor classifies the sub-lease as a finance lease or as an
operating lease with reference to the right-of-use asset arising from the head
lease. That is, the intermediate lessor treats the right-of-use asset as the
underlying asset in the sub-lease, not the item of property, plant or equipment
that it leases from the head lessor.
At the commencement date of the sub-lease, if the intermediate lessor cannot
readily determine the rate implicit in the sub-lease, then it uses the discount rate
that it uses for the head lease to account for the sub-lease, adjusted for any initial
direct costs associated with the sub-lease.
However, if the head lease is a short-term lease for which the company, as a
lessee, has elected the short-term lease exemption, then as an intermediate
lessor the company classifies the sub-lease as an operating lease.
Section overview
The fair value of a leased asset, commencing on 1 January Year 1 is Rs. 12,886.
The lease is for three years with payments of Rs. 5,000 annually in arrears on 31
December Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. The interest rate implicit in the lease is 8%.
Lease liability (given again for your convenience)
Opening Interest Lease Closing
Year balance (8%) payment balance
The numbers that would appear in the financial statements for year 1 if
the lease were treated as finance lease or as an operating lease are
shown below:
Finance Operating
Statement of financial position lease lease
The fair value of a leased asset, commencing on 1 January Year 1 is Rs. 12,886.
The lease is for three years with payments of Rs. 5,000 annually in arrears on 31
December Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. The interest rate implicit in the lease is 8%.
Lease liability (given again for your convenience)
Liability: Rs.
Non-current liability 4,630
Current liability 4,287
Total liability 8,917
Solution 2
Total lease payments (3 × Rs. 4,021) 12,063
Minus: Cash price of the asset (10,000)
Total finance charge 2,063
Actuarial method
Year ended
Opening Lease Capital Interest at Closing
balance payment outstanding 22.25% balance
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Year 1 10,000 (4,021) 5,979 1,330 7,309
Year 2 7,309 (4,021) 3,288 733 4,021
Year 3 4,021 (4,021) – – –
The year-end liability at the end of Year 1 is Rs. 7,309 in total.
The non-current liability is the liability at the start of the next year after
deducting the first payment (Rs. 3,288).
The current liability is the payment in year 2 less any interest contained in it
that has not yet accrued.
Current liability, end of Year 1 4,021*
Non-current liability, end of Year 1 3,288
Total liability, end of Year 1 7,309
* 4,021 can be divided into 1,330 of interest payable and 2691 of principal