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Brought to you by: CA in Bangladesh CA in Bangladesh Brersra erraforrra (wre f5.ft) Praetrat AH eT AEN Hw RAC ,Q00% frais sm-> WT oo FRAT *aIR -y00 ‘AH FA -o ‘ate Beat Recah ca Gal Sram Gea cau VC |> 1 Sra Prgss () FHS (Tax Audit) Be Nera pe re RA AeerecN erMTOTS ATH cara Tome Sr whEeM ce ART AT oA TCHR wre wa AE em (&) FarTeITeACAIfr wet BAe (Taxpayer's authorized representative) Be ceaanet ays aeatine ao ale FHA an arc wee BITTE ECT | (ot) SHOTTET (Assessee) 8: caer fe FAH err nee FHT SATA BH SRT ST CATA STEAM ee FR senfee afters: tat 9@,u @ p> seqeTt FAO we TEA ate FM AIT; > fai eater ite wept Fo mer ee: > ara OH wee wat excaTERs; fafa fab water ware Beet ret era, Se em eaten fata eqn eaurer fence sry eer et sae are eM afta, (%) WTS FF TF (Final statement of Tax liability) 1B: ones Seas bs A ema RTA Fog Flog eR OTe ery etc stay ured Beer STE Ferma FEAPS | CHA: oo TH GR MIR SERTA FIA aITATT ETA CwEM FATT cae para Tan Ch Sa facet ARCS VI VA Sw THU AS Yors Fa HTH fom fecahow | (8) erent eae aie saRIela FAO FA 2B: corns owen - 90 fr fi fr seu samacee mre Ber TG cad eA o.¢0% | “afer cram - 2,000 Dre wa | CA in Bangladesh omer (HSER SETI, Soho eRe STTIPeR PART, Ss B: cored STO, save: BaA OTA Qo owTH, 3y5 1 ea, oB OMIT eae Bae o eTeRRCOTE MITER CATER STRATE CANTATA ACHR | RO MTT FETT a wGeCNeL ANT, fing ete, 3 Fedten, afar, sah, BRAT ere FewcM STATOR A CATR | cornea Fefisten, ove: Reice uP fice ster SNR SRTIAT SHI SETH SAA, OTR “apa firm merce. cote re TR IRCA TAR ifort eMC. tomtom at TATE | egSte STEPH CAS coca epiceta EN Bey efirasa, fas Meee ATA PTET ATA (8) $4 FE (Assessment year) 44 5H TH (Income Tax) (8s expe | x nce eer Te ee | a HR TEC re lees FAC TH | en aac ee was EG TTR | mame: ts ae AAS) HE TEAR Fa TET THA: BTR odo = A Rod) HATE: IRA = Rod0 ~ 20935 Sa = 2035 - 20921(a) Prev exrtst (Resident Taxpayer) se WHIP save} (Won-resaent cxxpAy et) rer water: Rae oe onc seam! eth ex Fone TAT KOR (A & (2) “af UTTER CHER: aH wen WH TTA 3 a AUTRE STEIGER po fim rrrard eat fOTS Ha AER Ove FA OTE FA | caro feta, ont RT, TIA we CR eee arcmin es aoeees wemreine | ‘cerertte cw: sabi corer STRIFE AHA TCA ICH | afer ate: coin aerate Fea waa aS os and wee FR A aE] fomea fabs Ce | CA in Bangladesh (%), FHF (Tax Evasion ) eax 7a apie etl (Tax advance ) Seer de: omg aenreetce onres He! wie er em at aT | a aPTERT Mew: Se FOIE Rte et ce at at aca rea =n Ce ReTCE mre a) orem 1 _ (©) SRP 30 are EP 50 AA BST soft: sree serosa Ue MTOR CHa =o ATO Fea ce safe fice eH | . RRP ofA: eTreE SOTO Rem se ae weer coon Mh ene Tew fee ee ner FARE eT CUSTER MTT, Save RATA wterH Ser we atete s PHly Cae MATE CNR BerOCMT Tite cme 7 RACHA wa cre Freny RO FEE EHP . Gere STO, sev ere warcea Ber a 1 es > tee wtcw ex (eTm-99); 3 frmterat eran 2 TER SH (AT-22); © 1 Te 7 wea aT (aT-98); 8 1 wien ore (inet); @:1 PT 9 CT eiceR SH (Aaa), © ET eH (TAT-09); 9 LSI GOH AB TY (ATAT-92); SEH BETO, Yoi's a Hon 30. eTETH BeraOM AM NK | ‘FraTOrETTS mfr ara corer fora AT EE: SEE SATAN, Sov8 oR Ob wate RCE Boake wow RATE AH FARA ARR | ore > | erp fafrcmtE FAT = 300,000 Br; 81 FRET CHD SECA ITER NOM (GAR UAIM CH: HAH) = 930,000 Bre 9 1 RA = 30,000,000 Brat Secare Fonte ws ce sce 30% seeaTO ReicmTEe we CeATE TCE |CA in Bangladesh 81 Ste eN we aialD Cots STAIN as wh ACRCRY COTA stu ws a Fale CE HTC HT 1 a FLAY TC TATA MTRNOTHN BTS BIA | be wa(swa(
venta aera cars 91 She fiers ore Bree 21 Raeford (1) 8 wa-afirears (orn) 0 1 ea-afkera (Genter #4 eee ROAD) © LR-aROTs (CEPR) 9 ator (Corie ROGER CH) baer > | fei wx.afimare (FAR ented fof awfieeTe feet TM Soe eae MW TTCER caveTAD MT sce) 301 Re wR GA eto any x-wfveta ere one gry Reon woTSTER RFE STR wtediny Cee ofiorre ahs wre eon Bea SiO AE EE wots) de rent wa-fieTE 38 1 wef area h we afer, wee 3¢ aR often Or erations wee we Retest ace SCoTOA WL ae-afeE, WORE Sash wat FA. aM a ETT ATT a FRC STO FHM ALA | a frre TE LTTE MEMOTT BM: ba, a A, ba AT, va fi, ve fF, Fe, vo Muna, v8, WW, 08, Yer, Bd, bo, MS, M3, BO 1 oT ATR TT CDT CTH Corr eR WEN MIC FOTN COTTSETE TN RT Wiay yeeros coteenicast cam Bratt (Carry forward) frre meow fing | werafte wey (Unabsorbed deprescation) 7TH Fate HET fF Bs TS MATCH MTT: ATO ETO EAT TE FMS ICE SET Ber ee SAS win WEE Use MIRC SAE cece Becta crew AIOE AR ICS | Se WOM SAAC, WHA Tw WITS 6 Fe HTS eta STE MICE CPT ST CHA ATA SICH FNC SH BA ATA | MATAR CMT AL TCA STEN MTC PHO A ICS 1 5 CA in Bangladesh RHC Corer Cora BAT (eat oer) Faaras earned UA CMIETA are eat aL ATE OTE Se REN aA RT IG GAR ACTH ENT BOT RE HT Fa TT | See we TIRS ens STE NTCSR CTT Con BAT ATCA | senifre eeomeie CTE SATE HE AAS COR DEN Oe YMA SI CTEM @,000 Drea awd eco cor BTA UCR erro BOT writer wat wre wre aterstaras FARIS wee arate Paar rots wo aeares, ite oe w wo ae we ne eee oe am, at 0 FR CIE, afer Oka eer a ee eee ee ea Sl ik ct 2 SON GE SMe es Me rm, 9) Gate are, ny ae en Fo crore once, “gy Freee (on eet athe caf ee wr, 8 1a nen o ice fer eee ey @ ARS corner Si eatec et telex a cianeanTeT a es 9 condi ie car fed sere Y ( Oere etetaret, 1 PP ere as ice | 1 OH CI CH CF RT FREI STC SIGS Re OF ER wet SHUR SE ‘afte racer corer Taner aie TCE P {Bi Crea TCHR (TaT-2>) + Wr ea =a Fee Set wot ee = ser se | aly eit eier i AB coe Se aie) GaP acl 3¢ 000 Bret (cf) [Toten ere Gc wat Get Ta Bah = [eet er xamtJaruary Organistonal_-«—«‘Statementot—‘Natonallnceme > 20'e.questione —behavorease ——_purpone seaMescueot | CA in Bangladesh ae arate Hee ae saeare ofae || wef re Spates Sas wee Yi FARM GTN ATHTS MAU SANT] wONET TSE pNe-wy Fre tees we cS IC CIA CAIRO FT AA 1 FOF aaaWim CS bia FIA 1% wi inca? weer eT MTR Feo wt MT OAR Wl STR ATION, obs em MAAR FReTCra CTC RCE Rook Faas wy AUS Cit FaHTEla aoe wiotS SIECAR a fr Bl, ofa FAO ste miceicwe are era Face fae | Sea CRITE, yobs a 3R8(3) SaUA fof eta afore OATS FTA 90% MI >,000 Bre AB. coh) oa cree ae coh rss ery co biel ofan Bawa View att fice TC | ae Bt-3a SATA Saab dpO9 Baa STAT A TENA Fe fea AeA | BL GENT FATEH WOT C,000/- Bray ANG VIG es | AS cot ARTY 3¢,000/- ‘Breet 1 ef era FHA aT RETCD Co am CAAA | aca TGtOS Si 30 Fe BAR wR, TER LOTR CAC WTR TH CUTE 3,¢0,000/- DIT | TK RTA ATS ATE TCE TE ACT GER 9,¥9,000/- BHI, ATSTVT TET 300,000/- rer, MATH TB]. agjo00/- Bre | FRA 200,000/- Orn maim PRATER? IH CHD WITH FE RIA MR 2O0%-ROOY FAL TT BATT FOR? & ca om: ae awa ea 3¥0,000 ‘FaCHT ASEF: _ Y00,000 90,000 30,000 33¢,000 AG. wIGT We WTA Ae,500 x 98) 200,000 mt >@,000, RATS a8 (30%) [aPTER Km] §¢,000 330,000 =Awwa 3@0,000, “a: I A Go 0,000 0,000 Tat Se re,o0% CA in Bangladesh fit: | 2 900,000 Bre o% inal XB 000,000 5 20% — v0,000BTet | 8 @,000 Tr 2@% agora aldscichad ‘20,80 Bret | 301 () wo atare edie wafttal stort cots ema assessment ATE WEFT 7 ' &: tafe oa Fata aren wfefes | (8) STTARERCTONN, Sob8 ue 2R0 MTT CHR PUTT ATT LTA AT MATEY 8: fire go AOTATATH eR OTH AL RCAC (Be LAhiOT we TTS ICT RON FHS CHA) 1 (1) Sarre ote Pronifors efifaty errsa BTM, sobs wet Cory HT ACH Eo after ace pt ie tT B: seem) (©) ROK fOfeew ea etme HTM COTA? & gem | (@) Spt ven einer els ve eta ee FARR SOM aqtea wife ee TUPAC TT oS B: 0 fim |CA in Bangladesh rarer etratorats (wie A.M) Fratend orm ey 4 srt PARR ARE ATENG, Soa five E-3 WH 20 FRAT en ne ree = . ae a are wea RCA CH CHAN OTE Ber TAMER! 9) cotaea/ An ea) wr cate a : 9) Rumer, ee OY Rich aia Be ae 312008 6a WAR ects BeR | 2. SGSRLM Bee pe oe ee ee ra < Bea TR Q0d> CaTeICT “apfS” wef SHCA CHER eteMTOT STITT Ae a TET: FALUN GIA eH ¥:0,000 BIE OF SACI Bea AIA 800,000 Bra 30% -wrCay BIcHE AAT 800,000 BIH 30% PACA HE AAT 000,000 DIKE R0% “SaCRINS SCHR APHE DTT 80% ART ey we TERR CM TOT: FITIM GIT TH 300,000 BF 0% SACI TITAS FAT} 000,000 YEH 30% BaCAIMT BACH AAAB Bo0,000 BFR Ye% ACN SITIA TS 900,000 Bret 20% FAY SIC AAHE Dretis 20% ia CA in Banaladeshfl afeet sere: FAUT SIGH 1H 300,000 BIB O%% FADING wT ATT co9,000 Brae 30% FICAMT GIA ITE 800,000 Bram 30% BAUM eTEWA +a} 200,000 BIER 20% wACMT are era Urata 20% era WER FE 8,000 Brat | ae STORE AD mT g Cot Bret cal een CAD orcaihe wor 20% TTHDTeE ernie AO ECA | 81 MTR FAR Su caters femneprarmrettions fer sfteneston fer often afore Ge Ber wha we were Cra aT | x 8: are ¢3 FAR Su SETA 00,000 Orel 145 0%, 400,00) DIF RCS ¢o0,000 14H 3%, 200,00) BR WE 3,000,000 8 8.0%, 3,800,009 BIB 8,000,000 *149 6.0%, 3,200,003 Be o CHP "45. 8%, 0 CR Brera Bet 0%, chamipenalins 5: ahatabadaablalatl eH 0.80% 1 © 1 otoen aftr as 8. cata a PMA te OC BTCA FH | B: erator wit iat 49, ay, 9m, vo, vO(s) sm ae a wl Basa ah fate STON 7 MTSTE ae sta win Sem fora few Fas fies 1 xe tel wo fia RU “rm ors ware orien freer 1 woe ae Rete cwoE Beer fiornicaT COMM If 0 ‘ebebtore mentors won wl Bote efieenicaR SomTORR AO HT RA | 61%) Six cee PT | 8 TaPm a Rear 5 a SAAR EY eos ps 9) sath sents 1 ©: 2009 wa 2.8 ates + oa Bas | Qo TOL LE. lst ncaa eu TENA rs ' B 2009 at om ata Be | CA in Bangladesh 1) rem TC BL AT TN I TRIO HCAS PFE ‘Bs Am ty Seth Beat a wea re ea ATT Gi crea: ta om | ae ci ae eo w 7 an atin eat |= ee re 7 eo oh [sa | 30m) ins oT [comm |- 30% Tea qoaw [seats | 90% | Bia ers cote fe e%sbfa ee ora ee = 30% 1 eee a CE CHIR CTs ote NTR eet x FATA (Assessment) FAP 8. 89 ea-afieere, wet er-afiere o afew meat sa-eerTT | Si fett 31 ER RRMTTOT SPT OREN CoP TCS ete Preset Pegi tae ompR AE ergeTTACRtty ae orice Facets eke 710 coe Mee (77) wrest oe (X) fe fa (Com on erm CUR ATR WHET RH CHTOTCTS ey we WEA wa EMI core reer eee oat eae re wa aX i ie os er 3 1m cr! née eit fae ete coca A (Capa Asset) florea sar Rca p eAAB ACHR () BCT ae (XX) FOR fa ) vrara TACT RS ¢ IST a OE ) aap sre fos CotomtetH wo orm ¥ on) aerate aera areTE aR wa 20 TA HT 1) Recs a tg Foe ra 30 BF Coat seat 01 Pregrer wifiret are rns Sere era PryCER eA ee aor Bort eas W)C Day + SE RTE: aaBy-DDDD 4) 9 71S saad ~ FATEH: SBdB-Ro00 1) 99 C1 BETTE daav - FH AEE: Dd9-R000 1Y) 03 cH fra dana - 3a ZEAE: San¥-2000 CA in Bangladesh i 8 SIERRA MOTO, sobs CHTETeTe fiealte SEwI/eMMTET afeirs fe we weEM stent CHM (82/B¥/ou9 ear FP ED ED SRLS (/) ent ee OO Re 9) ae aces towenia etree ented FACTS can | §) BA aoe stRIA Gore as are afb 1X, 1) SaeTa oMTAeES aah eiecw FNS CTA |X 8) af ole MITER RR FY @ jada wires errrera 8 8 feta aantat (ify) Boma ea ‘Bam fafte- 308 onda, an fofe - 308 ferry, on fates - 308 as oof fof - S08 merit ©) CrPeTON ae eM SIE: ORT (Autnoried resentath aca 2 PRY ac TOE (¥°) eT et (X) fee iv sag SFI BR-X 4) aaEH HS oS MITT aaIBOT 4) Fanttots Teyay - X91) aaficey eres folie cx cH eX” A cern ex FEA wreet woTOT TR Re POA FE Oe erence fRaCE crow ITT arr TCHR ARC Tica PT U1 AEM SFR SOTO, SYS CHTOTAE “Income Tax Authorities? 4 errs 7 ARR aH Me (V) eT (x) ee 3) or afta v ¥) Baafa- xX 9) Seon eet - ye vient. ¥9) eM ener 5) fet mR ov. ututackuntortn fe (7) sem we 8) SHH OMA 30,000): -X ya aes poem 9) SRB IETS FONT ¢0,000/- ¥ §) aor WEE FOAM ¢9,000/- X 30) arm TAT ATEN TCT eIce Te AE wT ceTA STE Rone arrangers sw ete ae Stun ees teen 9 eh aficer : Er CA in Bangladesh eRe ARE sea rece Bas firs 3.1 CT 3009 crate A ado PIMC wes went Al wt G: FINN FAMTCTA CGE - 0,000 OTH, afte 1 Ge TREE GA) FE SMTOTE CER - 200,000 5, sfeafa wrHTets CFG - 2¢0,000 Bret | * ce aT a TT Sea HR 1 Bs tat QS ©) STF WOT, Devs A Ae MAT CHTCTETS CHM ASS SUIT AMICI CRC afte rere cota wife eT ADA mr FAC EP 8: 80 CL ORL 8 | veha ertween tere rT FS 7 cares ea aferata (ote) ga roots Reece Coretta ain mews fice eH B ettone Rega wa Feo sare TCH ARCS AY 1 aréwtin hd afb (Universe Set Asessment) ca AR oe Pafe 2 3%: vafafe | | 1 Business Loss 74 ¥e 91 46 Carry forward mt War Gv AEH | | wt Cai eto! wy wiete vi MINT TIPE eRe WTR Frere TTA RCT Senne EWS nt er | ‘FRaERPTRE ATK CF ATCER (Head) OTH nica say eR | B: 80% THU WS BH KR Go% PTT AT | | > | WTR eT sa(S) ietata Beas wiBAher wee CHTA Mice TH flere TAR \ Bega ere O38 geet ewe caffe fan et) ’ Bs Ras cer vee tic fet nthe ROTH BT ETT HS MTC TH CHAT OUTRO TRY eran wARTATCH ART (Audit) wtoete aigee mr B: 30% GN CA in Bangladesh‘efter rere Fascha wes (GRE acm Oe (v7) firm) > AOR er ogee ace 1 Fr 3 afta coer cre gS KEES 137 © | OFM 1 (Tapas ™ ++) ea in Qe 8 TR IH ; @ | CRA CRETTOHENA 32) KAT we SArTCRE COTA WHERE FE | HT . 1&1 Pfs sacs xog STC ees HOM TRE ade FAA 338 MN CEIRe Ot a sere ry Sie pert taney 1 SAA Ser ccs UAT Sorbet -v vers (Asroner ncaa aU canes het de FAATSTA TIC FAS (Attach) *ACS AeA | AB v1 snore yy ar afore ene. ate Ren Go CAB) Pre xo SIM areToOTE ‘fred ener stor CARA fire . : fern eree Urea Serco em ae cere ar core wean FROG aes tee feea wafer re er ae, ‘y ftem ° pres fet Paces as CPE ae fhe (v) fra) 2 steetoreet eter ween meaets er oreo AT 9) SH TRH, 9K 1) SIRE ORTTOM, Sous ¥ 3 BAR TC ware FrmeermeRTOM Ca Tr CHC BAHTT WO Tica Tet MR AT TATE OT Trem core Beers CATR Are TUTE FE HEICT SCRMACEIS Sete aw fence ‘frcafow xtra) +9) c0%7 9) sam Si er ra) CA in Bangladesh 7 01 mites TefeCw Hirai faba eae AWS CHAD P %) SIR -29 (8) *) VEL -99 (91) mp TR -95 () ¥) STR 29 CH) fee Fears x error Te COTAAD %) UB 4) a8Y 1) 8e 8) TTT Hers ICT FATA Co EACH MAT SAC RP 8) SFB <0 ¥) SEB 20 1) ¥ aR 30 fa) IRA -99 1 Boren afta Fee etre SOTA b> a ataea ose Nilaall fe mcm? @) Self Assessment 4) Best Judgment Assessment *) Provisional Assesment” _¥) Presumptive Assessment 9 LOTRE TONE FRO CTETe Cols eMewice wre! eos HT REUTER Pr=) bore afer 9) sort an wa ato 1) wa efeen 1») wife reenter Ldnionr esl shlipheloahtilait Sols. i bli lil a) vate nite: 9) a afer (erin) 1) ey (#8) WS ate CTS) ew CoE aR > U Boraen eRe area we eran ee Pete ToT corre HRY Rew ew eH ATT OTE ‘wrertere Pet cote whet 8) 00 fv’ &) wo filam) 2d fA 4) do frm, 30 1 Boren wfiteratcrs ertorceta Perce er Ateres ay ex efit Feed etter orca Arce eRe wrt eet HAT DERE ACE Lea 1) FH SIT a Hh TACT Tir waanee oul cama 91 Sen enters Beyer eA wrcwa owen yhons crretere ea etree sift ote HTT eT UT RECS aris eT weeiceR ATH AFP =) sr sfiernay” <8) Berea afieia 11) erty sere CA in Bangladesh e 9&1 Accelerated Depreciation Allonance magne Nz SETI. 7%) 30% 9) 00% 2) woh B) ooh rd 20 Nene eCTOrT swe ned ORES Ww Sthiecon ore cats afte WHE *¥) 68() ¥) 88(a) 1) 88(0) ) 88(@) 28 TR em TC Cor Gee RAT eR CR BATTECH TOT BTA 1%) Berea wheter =) 34 often on) wndha arera cara’ ) hw rated oz se a af ih es (Dien) ea ete ee vara fortes sty eRe 7 1%) eT aes OTT +) PifeBhaibe aa Bora a 1) weet ee. SS do) we wits, Oe a eS ee ‘Prearers fe + "¥) Best Judgment Assessment $) Spot Assessinent” ‘) Self Assessment ¥) Simplified Assessment 391 RU ETT Ge TH FATT we afte Renicea eteteia axe Hire wife aftate wey Coton afta Be errors Bra we era at eA we 7 ¥) ae ae cut 9) 99 et ca 11) se rae catty ©) vos) sta 2 CRT FRMTTOT S@ ATH Pate FaCH AIT wife at efron Gores TTY 99() eT RRO eMTCTCe FAO Hr VTE Wray SCS wales TM SHIR Shaw aI 7 ) 00 firm ¥) wo fi Mt) 09 fa) a> fra” 20 GR eae HES eH SOT ATM STA FA CHA FaMTET (Assessee in Default)INCRE RRC OLEH TT ACM CAT TOTS CATS FE ANAT re wah HOTT CTT ‘fice steer 7 9) THM HH c0% 4) TAM SEMI ooh VAM FCAT 300% 1%) APN MI 200% 201 AR 98 6 cater eR onfice Bec eR Cts A AFIT THOTT CS amet *) AWM) 0% 1) 20% W) 0.00% CA in Bangladesh a> | a eU aTET etete ere Bey crws aexe watcs ficaietita one wre CH TATE ere tA ON ATC ATSTNTS Tet eT AT KE CTE CHEN ATOTATS TTA TAT BT TT OTe ecw aw Cott eRe MP ) @o00/- ¥) 8200/- 1) 90,000/- 8) ¥26000/- 281 TIN Corafba aS HH 7 “¥) Taxpayer's Income Number 4) Taxpayer's Identification Number4 ‘'t) Taxpayer's Index Number) Tax Indication Number 0 FETA etc Be walle eH Aen wrTRAS OPT rE Saha wd 9) Yerba are cars 9) aa ofr ©) She (6, WITH @ TIF) 28 TER TOM, dobre eek HABBO (Schedule) 7eT . BaP ea) vewHew ; “ye Legge ware Ge MOTE AAT calece oA tx Bete wet cats THT ‘Bea ert eta CH ‘ Fa ap ¥) Fe(a) ) ¥9(9) *) O) vs im CA in Bangladesh Racers arreafoorate (ore. 15.) Frere aT ets mec Faced‘Fete arn» 1 0 FAC ifs 00 aD aa 20 me en te coe one 218) eT | (008 wa > (1) 44 Bae) OTe (008 aa (4) 02 Bes) 1) Frege thee rare STUe @ aed BON | (re é Tae = eet oct I Sane dans-daaa daae-Shew SHCLTE: Sado. 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