Net Zero Tracker For Ammonia Industry by WEF
Net Zero Tracker For Ammonia Industry by WEF
Net Zero Tracker For Ammonia Industry by WEF
net-zero tracker
While increased production costs of blue and
green ammonia remain a challenge, demand
from newer sectors like shipping and power
can be key for ammonia decarbonization.
emissions 1% 0.46 gtCO2e 2% 2.6 tCO2
388, 389, 390
Sector priorities
Exisiting assets
Reduce near-term emissions intensity by:
– Retrofitting existing fossil-fuel-based production with CCUS where access to CO2 handling
infrastructure is feasible
– Investing in CO2 storage and transport to enable CCUS-based hydrogen production
– Adopting energy efficiency measures across existing plants.
De-risk capital investment to scale infrastructure capacity by:
– Investing in R&D to reduce costs, scale up the electrolyser capacity and the deployment of CCUS
– Supporting policies that stimulate demand from new applications
– Enabling infrastructure access through strategic partnerships.
Approximately 98% of ammonia value chain of 2.4 tCO2e per tonne.400 Coal gasification,
emissions stem from the hydrogen production accounting for 26% of ammonia production,
stage, which is heavily reliant on fossil fuels, carries an even higher emission intensity of around
particularly natural gas, for both feedstock 3.9 tCO2e per tonne. To meet the industry net-zero
and energy needs.398 trajectory by 2030, emissions must be reduced
by 37%.401
Over the past five years, ammonia scope 1 and 2
emissions have plateaued at approximately 0.42 The overall energy intensity of ammonia, averaging at
gtCO2.399 Current production processes like SMR 34 GJ/t,402 is a function of various factors including:
and ATR, rely heavily on natural gas, rely heavily hydrogen production, fossil fuel use and the reaction
on natural gas and contribute to 73% of ammonia kinetics involving high pressures and temperatures
production, resulting in a high emission intensity necessary to facilitate the formation of ammonia.
tCO2e/t of ammonia
2.2 2.2
1.8 tCO2e/t
2050 net-zero
0.1 tCO2e/t
2022 2030 2040 2050
Path forward
The 2050 net-zero fuel mix necessitates reducing in a potential 93% reduction in cumulative emissions
the fossil fuel share from 99% to around 30%.403 This by 2050.404 To achieve net zero, these pathways
transition can be primarily achieved by decarbonizing should be complemented by biomass-based
the hydrogen input, either through electrolysis-based ammonia production or methane pyrolysis.
hydrogen or CCUS-based blue hydrogen, resulting
3% 1%
70% 26%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
69% 27%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Source: MPP
To decarbonize the ammonia sector, the primary SMR/ATR processes. The production cost increase
pathway involves clean hydrogen production. for low-emission production can vary from 40% to
This can be achieved through green ammonia, over 120% depending on the production route and
using electrolysis powered by clean power, or blue region.405 Globally, SMR/ATR with CCUS is cheaper
ammonia, which combines CCUS with existing than electrolysis, though regional variations exist.
Green ammonia
Electrolysis for hydrogen production offers a around 180 MT, with 50% of that expected to be
means to eliminate CO2 emissions entirely from online by 2030.406 Green ammonia production
ammonia production and break away from fossil technologies are gaining momentum. For instance,
feedstocks. However, it is expected to be available ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions has developed a
only after 2025 and might come at a production technology that can produce green ammonia from
cost increase of a minimum of 120%. The current water, air and electricity generated from renewables
planned electrolysis project pipeline capacity is using alkaline water electrolysis technology.407
To decarbonize fossil fuel-based ammonia production The future role of supporting technologies like
via SMR or ATR, capturing emissions through CCUS methane pyrolysis and biomass gasification in low-
is crucial. Capture technologies like amine-based emission ammonia production remains uncertain
scrubbing are already established to capture rich due to technical challenges such as low hydrogen
CO2 process streams, but technologies for capturing purity and biomass availability. Methane pyrolysis is
dilute streams need to be further advanced. expected to be commercially available by 2025, but
Producing blue ammonia incurs a production cost the readiness of biomass gasification is uncertain.
increase of a minimum of 40%. Currently, around 1%
of the production is blue ammonia, with a planned
capacity of approximately 40 MT.408
FIGURE 62 Estimated TRL and year of availability for key technology pathways
Early adoption 10
Demonstration 8
Large prototype 6
Small prototype
Source: IEA
Meeting a three-fold increase in demand for low- Currently, technologies like methane pyrolysis and
emission ammonia by 2050409 requires significant biomass gasification are projected to play a very
investments in clean power capacity and CO2 small part in ammonia manufacturing by 2050,413 and
handling infrastructure, estimated at $2.6 trillion.410 their infrastructure requirements remain uncertain.
Most of these investments will be needed for clean The choice of technology adoption will depend on
power capacity to generate electrolysis-based regional infrastructure availability. In regions where
green hydrogen, which will account for around 70% CO2 transport and storage infrastructure will be
of ammonia in 2050.411 To achieve this, the industry affordable, technologies like SMR and ATR with
will need up to 1,320 GW of clean power capacity CCUS will continue to scale up. Such geographies
by 2050, equivalent to the entire generation showing early promise include North America and
capacity of the US.412 the North Sea. Similarly, clean hydrogen may be
adopted in locations where low-cost clean power
The remaining funds will be allocated for CO2 sources are already accessible. For instance, ENGIE
storage and transport to enable CCUS-based and Mitsui are collaborating on one of the world’s
hydrogen production. As technology advances and first industrial-scale clean power-based hydrogen
the learning curve progresses, CapEx for these projects to supply feedstock to Yara’s existing
infrastructure needs is expected to decrease, ammonia operations in Western Australia.414
potentially accelerating their adoption.
Up to
Clean power
generation $2 98% 1,270
Up to
CO2 transport
and storage $50 2% 55
Source: Accenture analysis based on multiple sources to include MPP, IEA and IRENA
120% +30% +15%
per tonne per tonne per tonne
Producer of ammonia Consumer of fertilizer End consumer of food
Ammonia plant Fertilizer Food prices
Source: BloombergNEF
TA B L E 1 1 Policy summary
Policy Policy
Enabler Key examples Impact
type instruments
Technology Incentive- Direct R&D – EU Innovation Fund420 R&D grants of around $2 billion to green
based funds/grants hydrogen projects, including green ammonia
production projects.421
Infrastructure Incentive- Direct funding – US funding of clean hydrogen $8 billion allocated towards the creation
based support hubs of hydrogen hubs across the US.425
Demand Mandate- Industrial – India’s green hydrogen 10% green hydrogen consumption targets
based consumption consumption obligation policy for fertilizer and refining industries by 2030 –
targets equivalent to a demand of 1.3 MTPA.426
Direct targets – RePowerEU’s import targets of Targets to import 4 MTPA of clean hydrogen in
ammonia as a hydrogen carrier the form of ammonia – equivalent to a demand
of 20 MTPA of ammonia.427
Capital Incentive- Tax credits – IRA tax-credits for clean hydrogen 50% reduction in clean hydrogen production
based and subsidies production costs that can boost scaling of clean hydrogen-
derived ammonia.428
The ammonia industry will need almost 1.5 times cycle in the next 10 years, so the investment
the amount of current investments annually to should focus on low-emission assets to avoid
transition to low-emission assets with capital emissions lock-in.431
directed towards deploying electrolysers and
CCUS.429 These technologies could require Current industry profit margins of 21%432 and WACC
cumulative investments of $970 billion by 2050. of 9%433 suggest that the industry is not positioned
This implies annual investments of $36 billion, to absorb these additional costs and generate
in addition to the regular annual CapEx of $23 sufficient returns to fund through its own generated
billion.430 Ammonia plants have long lifespans (up cash flows. Some region-specific investment
to 50 years). The current average age is around momentum exists. For example, Neom Green
25 years, but this varies regionally. Plants in Europe Hydrogen Company has achieved financial close
(9% of production) are around 40 years old on on the world’s largest green hydrogen production
average and expected to witness an investment facility at a total investment value of $8.4 billion.434
FIGURE 66 Distribution of companies in the ammonia sector according to the management of their
GHG emissions and of risks and opportunities related to the low-carbon transition
0 Level 0:
Unaware 0.0%
1 Level 1:
Aware 3.5%
Level 2:
2 Building
Level 3:
3 Integrating
into operational
Level 4:
Note: Scope of data for this assessment covers chemicals companies,
including ammonia.
4 Strategic
Source: LSE-TPI Centre