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Reb Alpha

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Alpha Prime

Concentrated Trend: High risk, high strategy aiming to generate alpha

return with a few stocks

Past 2M Returns Since: June 23, 2023

High Volatility
22.71% More info on factsheet

Weekly Update: Stocks Change | August 13, 2023

Market at All Time High! Rebalance adjusting for market momentum Additions
ZENTEC KIRLOSBROS Removals OLECTRA FACT Wondering which indicators are
used for momentum, check here: https://www.wrightresearch.in/blog/top-

Added stocks (2)

1 Kirloskar Brothers Ltd

2 Zen Technologies Ltd

Dropped stocks (2)

1 Fertilisers And Chemicals Travancore Ltd

2 Olectra Greentech Ltd

See the latest portfolio constituents as on August 13, 2023 here

Sectorwise composition Market cap composition

as on August 13, 2023 as on August 13, 2023

Rail 23.57 % Stocks

Pharmaceuticals 20.02 % Smallcap 81.72 %

Electrical Components … 11.11 % Midcap 18.28 %

Electronic Equipments 10.74 %

Industrial Machinery 10.10 %

Shipbuilding 9.51 %

IT Services & Consulting 8.26 %

Auto Parts 6.68 %

Research Report

Know the constituent selection rationale for this rebalance by the manager

See Report

De initions and Disclosures


CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) is a useful measure of growth or performance of a

portfolio. Every year returns generated by a portfolio are different. Let's say if a portfolio is live for
3 years and returns generated by the portfolio are 5%, 15% & -7%, respectively in the irst, second
and third year. Then we calculate CAGR as a return number that would give the same terminal
investment value at the end of three years, as we get when the portfolio gains by 5% & 15% in the
irst two years and drops by 7% in the third year. The CAGR in this case would be 3.94%. This means
that you will always end up with the same investment value at the end of the third year, if your
portfolio gains by 3.94% every year or 5%, 15% and -7%, respectively in the irst, second and third
In simple words, it indicates the annual return generated by the smallcase from the date of launch.
For smallcases live for less than 1 year, absolute returns in the applicable time period are shown.
Only live data is considered for all calculations. Returns and CAGR numbers don’t include
backtested data.
P.S. - CAGR calculation methodology got updated from 25th Apr’22 on all smallcase Platforms.
Please read this post to understand the changes in detail

Volatility Label

Changes in stock/ETF prices on a daily basis result in luctuations to the investment value of your
portfolio. In order to help investors understand the extent of luctuation they might observe with
their smallcase investment, every smallcase is categorized into one of the three volatility buckets -
High, Medium and Low Volatility. This is done by comparing the smallcase’s volatility against that of
the Nifty 100 Index.
If the daily change in the investment value of a portfolio is too drastic, it means prices of
stocks/ETFs in the portfolio are changing very rapidly. Such portfolios have High Volatility.
Investing in High Volatility smallcases means that changes in your investment values can be very
sudden and drastic, whereas luctuations in the investment value of Low Volatility smallcases are
expected to be lower in comparison.
For more information about how volatility is calculated, please check here


Stocks/ETFs belonging to a smallcase are categorized under different segments. Weightage of a

segment is calculated as sum of weights of all stocks belonging to that segment. Suppose 4
stocks, with each having a weight of 10%, belong to the Food Products segment. Then the weight
of the Food Product segment in the smallcase will be 40% (4*10)

For smallcases where manager has not prescribed any weights, equal weights are assumed for


Rebalancing is the process of periodically reviewing and updating the constituents of a smallcase.
This is done to ensure that constituents in the smallcase continue to re lect the underlying theme
or strategy

Market Cap Categorization of Stocks

All the stocks listed on NSE(National Stock Exchange) are arranged in decreasing order of Market
Cap, so that the stock with the largest market cap gets 1st Rank. Stocks ranked equal to or below
100 are categorized as Large Cap. Stocks ranked below or equal to 250, but ranked above 100 are
categorized as Mid Cap stocks. Stocks ranked above 250 are categorized as smallcap

Market Cap Categorization of smallcases

If the sum of weights of constituent large cap stocks is greater than 50%, then smallcase is
categorized as Largecap

If the sum of weights of constituent mid cap stocks is greater than 50%, then smallcase is
categorized as Midcap

If the sum of weights of constituent small cap stocks is greater than 50%, then smallcase is
categorized as Smallcap

If the sum of weights of constituent large cap stocks is greater than 30%, sum of weights of
mid cap stocks are greater than 30%, and sum of weights of large cap and mid cap stocks are
greater than 80%, then smallcase is categorized as Large & Midcap

If the sum of weights of constituent small cap stocks is greater than 30%, sum of weights of
mid cap stocks are greater than 30%, and sum of weights of small cap and mid cap stocks are
greater than 80%, then smallcase is categorized as Mid & Smallcap

If none of the above conditions are met, then smallcase is categorized as Multicap

Marketcap category of a smallcase might be different from the above mentioned, if the
creator/manager of the smallcase speci ically de ines a particular category

For smallcases where manager has not prescribed any weights, equal weights are assumed for

General Investment Disclosure

Charts and performance numbers on the platform do not include any backtested data. Please refer
to the Returns Calculation Methodology to check how returns are calculated on the platform. Data
used for calculation of historical returns and other information is provided by exchange approved
third party data vendors and has neither been audited nor validated by the Company. For
smallcases where weights are not provided by the creator, Equal weights are used to calculate all
returns, numbers and ratios on the platform.
Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents
carefully before investing. Investors should consider consulting their inancial advisor while
considering any investment decisions.

Wright Research Disclosures

Wryght Research & Capital Pvt Ltd is registered with SEBI with INA100015717 as the SEBI
registration number. The registered o ice address of Wryght Research & Capital Pvt Ltd is 103,
Shagun Vatika, Prag Narayan Road, Lucknow, UP 226001 IN. The CIN number of the company is
U67100UP2019PTC123244. The manager is a member of BSE ASL with Membership Number 1761.

The content and data available in the material prepared by the company and on the website of the
company, including but not limited to index value, return numbers and rationale are for
information and illustration purposes only. Charts and performance numbers do not include the
impact of transaction fee and other related costs. Past performance does not guarantee future
returns and performances of the portfolios are subject to market risk. Data used for calculation of
historical returns and other information is provided by exchange approved third party vendors and
has neither been audited nor validated by the Company. Detailed return calculation methodology
is available here. Detailed volatility calculation methodology is available here.

Information present in the material prepared by the company and on the website of the company
shall not be considered as a recommendation or solicitation of an investment. Investors are
responsible for their investment decisions and are responsible to validate all the information used
to make the investment decision. Investor should understand that his/her investment decision is
based on personal investment needs and risk tolerance, and information present in the material
prepared by the company and on the website of the company is one among many other things
that should be considered while making an investment decision.

Investments in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents
carefully before investing.

Registration granted by SEBI, membership of BASL (in case of IAs) and certi ication from NISM in
no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to

Wryght Research & Capital Pvt Ltd is registered with SEBI with INA100015717 as the SEBI
registration number. The registered o ice address of Wryght Research & Capital Pvt Ltd is 102,
Shagun Vatika, Prag Narayan Road, Lucknow 226001, India. The CIN number of the company is
U67100UP2019PTC123244. The manager is a member of BSE ASL with Membership Number 1761.

The content and data available in the material prepared by the company and on the website of the
company, including but not limited to index value, return numbers and rationale are for
information and illustration purposes only. Charts and performance numbers do not include the
impact of transaction fee and other related costs. Past performance does not guarantee future
returns and performances of the portfolios are subject to market risk. Data used for calculation of
historical returns and other information is provided by exchange approved third party vendors and
has neither been audited nor validated by the Company. Detailed return calculation methodology
is available here. Detailed volatility calculation methodology is available here.

Information present in the material prepared by the company and on the website of the company
shall not be considered as a recommendation or solicitation of an investment. Investors are
responsible for their investment decisions and are responsible to validate all the information used
to make the investment decision. Investor should understand that his/her investment decision is
based on personal investment needs and risk tolerance, and information present in the material
prepared by the company and on the website of the company is one among many other things
that should be considered while making an investment decision.

Investments in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents
carefully before investing.

Registration granted by SEBI, membership of BASL (in case of IAs) and certi ication from NISM in
no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to

The purpose of the Document is to provide essential information about the Investment Advisory
Services in a manner to assist and enable the prospective client/client in making an informed
decision for engaging Investment Advisor before investing.

A. Descriptions about Wright Research (“WR”)

History, Present business and Background

WR was originally started as a trademark name for the investment advisory services given by
Sonam Srivastava and the registration got transferred to private limited company “Wryght
Research & Private Limited”
In the capacity as advisers WR aligns its interests with those of the client and seeks to provide the
best suited advice based on clients risk pro ile. WR irst tries to understand the client's return
expectations, risk taking ability & goals, which in turn helps to arrive at an asset allocation suitable
for the client. WR conducts frequent portfolio reviews and suggests any corrective action/s if

Terms & conditions for advisory services

WR will provide Advisory Services which shall be in the nature of investment advice, and may
include buying and selling the securities for an agreed fee structure and which may be for a de inite
period of time and which may vary / change from time to time, entirely at the Client’s risk. The
detailed terms and conditions are as per the agreement executed between client and WR.

Disciplinary history
No action has been taken against the Individual or the Company as an Investment Adviser by any

A iliations with other intermediaries

No other a iliations or intermediaries have been registered.

B. Disclosures with respect to receipt of any consideration by way of remuneration or

compensation or in any other form whatsoever, received or receivable by WR or any of its
associates or subsidiaries for any distribution or execution services in respect of the products or
securities for which the investment advice is provided to the client

WR do not have any distribution or execution arrangement with the issuers of the securities, that
WR advises on. The fellow subsidiaries of WR may receive distribution commission/referral fee or
similar income in respect of the product or securities for which investment advice is provided to
the client by WR. The indicative commissions received by fellow subsidiaries are available on the

C. Disclosure of consideration by way of remuneration or compensation or in any form

whatsoever with respect to recommending the services of a stock broker or other intermediary
to a client

WR does not recommend services of any stock broker or intermediary to a client. WR does not
have any commission sharing agreement with any intermediary for recommending the services
either as a stock broker or as other intermediary.

D. Disclosures with respect to WR’s own holding position in inancial products / securities

Although WR is not registered as a broker with SEBI, it is not actively engaged into any proprietary
trading. It might invest in inancial products / securities in the future.

E. Actual or potential con licts of interest arising from any connection to or association with any
issuer of products/ securities, including any material information or facts that might
compromise its objectivity or independence in the carrying on of investment advisory services:

WR is a separate legal entity which has an independent activity of providing the Investment
Advisory services. WR does not provide any other services in stock broking, depository, research,
portfolio management and distribution of mutual funds and third party products.

F. Disclosure of all material facts relating to the key features of the products or securities,
particularly, performance track record, warnings, disclaimers etc.

Clients are requested to go through the detailed key features, performance track record of the
product, or security including warnings, disclaimers etc. before investing as and when provided by
the Investment Advisor. Such product materials may also be available to www.sebi.gov.in or
www.nseindia.com or www.bseindia.com.

G. Drawing client’s attention to warnings, disclaimers in documents, advertising materials

relating to investment products.

WR and the Investment Advisers of WR who provide the investment advice to the clients, shall
draw the client’s attention to the warnings, disclaimers in documents, advertising materials relating
to an investment product/s which he/she/they is/are recommending to the client/s.

H. Standard Risk Factors as perceived by Investment Adviser:

Investments in equities, derivatives and mutual funds are subject to market risks and there is
no assurance or guarantee that the objective of the investment / products will be achieved.

The past performance does not indicate its future performance. There is no assurance that
past performances will be repeated. Investors are not being offered any guaranteed or
indicative returns.

As with any investment in securities, the NAV of the portfolio can go up or down depending
upon the factors and forces affecting the capital market.

The performance of the investments/products may be affected by changes in Government

policies, general levels of interest rates and risks associated with trading volumes, liquidity
and settlement systems in equity and debt markets.

Investments in the products which the Clients have opted are subject to wide range of risks
which inter alia also include but not limited to economic slow down, volatility & illiquidity of
the stocks, poor corporate performance, economic policies, changes of Government and its
policies, acts of God, acts of war, civil disturbance, sovereign action and /or such other acts/
circumstance beyond the control of WR or any of its fellow subsidiaries.

The names of the products/nature of investments do not in any manner indicate their
prospects or returns. The performance in the equity products may be adversely affected by
the performance of individual companies, changes in the market place and industry speci ic
and macro-economic factors.

Investments in debt instruments and other ixed income securities are subject to default risk,
liquidity risk and interest rate risk. Interest rate risk results from changes in demand and
supply for money and other macroeconomic factors and creates price changes in the value
of the debt instruments. Consequently, the NAV of the portfolio may be subject to the

Investments in debt instruments are subject to reinvestment risks as interest rates prevailing
on interest amount or maturity due dates may differ from the original coupon of the bond,
which might result in the proceeds being invested at a lower rate.

The product may invest in non-publicly offered debt securities and unlisted equities. This may
expose the investment/product to liquidity risks.

Engaging in securities lending is subject to risks related to luctuations in collateral value /

settlement/ liquidity/counter party.

The product may use derivatives instruments like index futures, stock futures and options
contracts, warrants, convertible securities, swap agreements or any other derivative
instruments. Usage of derivatives will expose portfolio to certain risk inherent to such

The use of derivative requires a high degree of skill, diligence and expertise. Thus, derivatives
are highly leveraged instruments. Small price movement in the underlying security could
have a large impact on their value. Other risks in using derivatives include the risk of mis-
pricing or improper valuation of derivatives and the inability of derivatives to correlate
perfectly with underlying assets, rates and indices.

The NAV may be affected by changes in settlement periods and transfer procedures.

The Investment Advisor may, considering the overall level of risk of the portfolio, advice for
investment in lower rated/unrated securities offering higher yield. This may increase the risk
of the portfolio. Such investments shall be subject to the scope of investments as laid down
in the Agreement.

General Risks:
We trust that, before executing on the advice of the Investment Adviser, our Relationship Manager
at WR has provided you with all the information about the products, risk factors etc. and you have
gone through all the relevant information about the product being advised and have sought
requisite clari ication about the same.
WR shall maintain complete con identiality of all information provided by the client/s and shall not
disclose any such information, without your prior consent except if such disclosure is required to
be made in compliance with any applicable law or regulatory direction. WR will obtain information
pertaining to your orders/transactions/portfolio/funds availability/securities availability etc. from
the individual Investment Adviser to enable us to provide you with informed and appropriate

Investors Services:

The detail of investor relation o icer who shall attend to the investor queries and complaints is
mentioned below:
Name of the person: Siddharth Singh Bhaisora
Designation: Investment Advisor
Address: 18th Floor, Bombay Stock Exchange, Dalal Street, Mumbai 400001 Telephone: 91-
Email: info@wrightresearch.in
In case of any grievances the investors may email to info@wrightresearch.in

Contact Details:
Support Telephone: +91 6360127635
Support Email: info@wrightresearch.in

Compliance O ice Details:

Name: Siddharth Singh Bhaisora
Email: info@wrightresearch.in
Contact: +91 6360127635

Grievance O ice Details:

Name: Siddharth Singh Bhaisora
Email: info@wrightresearch.in
Contact: +91 6360127635

Contact Details:
Support Telephone: 6360127635
Support Email: info@wrightresearch.in

Compliance O ice Details:

Name: Sonam Srivastava
Email: info@wrightresearch.in
Contact: 6360127635

Grievance O ice Details:

Name: Sonam Srivastava
Email: info@wrightresearch.in
Contact: 6360127635

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