Mockstock Rulebook
Mockstock Rulebook
Mockstock Rulebook
The markets will be dictated by the news headlines of the companies given before each round.
The news headlines will govern the market forces of demand & supply, i.e, if a lot of
participants are buying the shares of a company, the price of that company’s shares will
increase whereas if multiple participants are selling the shares of the company, the price of its
shares will decrease.
Hence, positive news leads to a rise in market prices whereas negative news leads to a fall in
said prices. The news updates may turn out to be rumours or may be indicative towards future
events regarding the company, industry, economy and competitive landscape.
Thus, the motive is to make profits off the differences in the market prices between rounds.
Participants will be judged on the basis of their total portfolio valuation and cash component
held at the end of all 3 rounds at the prevailing market prices.
General Guidelines
● All communication related to the event will be done via the WhatsApp group
● Participants are expected to register their trades using Google Forms under defined
naming conventions within the stipulated time
● The event consists of 3 rounds of 20 minutes each
● Participants are advised to keep a notepad and calculator handy
● Participants are expected to have a stable internet connection during the event
● The event will proceed at the given time schedule. No delays from any participant will be
entertained during the event
(For example, A participant decides to sell 20 shares of Bharti Airtel in Round 1 at a price
of 1400 INR, then the said participant can utilize this cash (20x1400 = 28,000) in any
Round, including Round 1 to buy shares of other companies)
● There is surplus cash provided. You need to manage your balance and execute your trades
(buy/sell) such that your cash balance is not negative
● The pricing will be based on the basis of the effects of news and rumours for each round.
● Short-selling is not allowed during the entire simulation.
● A minimum of one trade needs to be executed in each round. (Includes both buy and sell)
● You need to track the inflow/outflow of cash and securities and ensure that the above rules
are complied with. Any violation of the above-mentioned rules shall lead to
disqualification in the end
● The final portfolio value will be considered for the purpose of evaluation (Final
Portfolio Value = Final Value of Holdings* + Remaining Cash Balance)
*The value would be ascertained at the market prices at the end of round 3.
Each participant is initially allotted 50 shares of each company & 20 units of Gold and
crude oil each followed by 3 rounds of buying and selling the equity shares of these 7
different companies & 2 commodities based on news and rumours provided. The 7 companies
are as follows:
● Kindly make sure to enter correct YIFP code in the given format: YIFP000 (Make
sure not to add any space or any other character apart from the 7 digits of the code)
● Participants will be sent a copy of their responses to help them track their trades
across rounds
● Participants will have to fill two sections in the form – Sell, Buy sections. They have to
input the number of shares sold/bought. (In case you do not want to buy/sell any security
input 0 for that security)
● For each security, you have to input only numbers without any signs or texts
Winning Criteria
● The final portfolio would be ascertained, and the participant with the highest
portfolio value would be adjudged the winner
*The value would be ascertained at the market prices at the end of round 3.
● Participants will be disqualified if they exceed their cash corpus (spend more than
the money possessed) at any point during the event
● Participants will be disqualified if they do not register a minimum of one trade in
each round
● Participants will be disqualified if they buy and sell the same security in the same
● Participants will be disqualified if they do not participate in any of the rounds
Thus, all participants are expected to track their portfolio holdings and cash during the