BEPC Blanc Anglais
BEPC Blanc Anglais
BEPC Blanc Anglais
SECTION A: GRAMMAR (10 marks).
1- Complete the dialogue betow with the correct option l'rom those given in brackets (5 marks).
Journalist: What effects of c1imate change have Vou been _ (experience, experienced, experiencing) in this
Fopa: Weil, we often have higher temperatures and severe droughts that can la st (for, while, since) eight months.
During such periods, we have water problems and many people contra ct waterborne diseases like cholera and typhoid.
Journ~ilist: Have authorities (take, took, taken) any measure to solve the problem?
Fopa: l\Jot really, (and, but, 50) there is a project on that. The Mayor said three wells will be
built next. year in ail the villages of our subdivision 50 (that, as, 50) to help solve the water problem.
Journalist: While waiting for the building of the wells, what do vou think Vou can do at your level?
I<now. Do vou think there is something we can do?
Fopa: 1don"t
11- Rewrite the sentences below as requested in brackets (5 marks).
1. Last year, Paul built a house in a marshy area. (future tense)
2. Sandra is tall. Jenifer is short. (use tomparative adjective to join the sentences) a job should not be guided by your instincts but by what ski Ils Vou are good at. For example, if vou are good at
computers, vou could go in f.or (l) management.lfyou are (2) And love people, Vou could be a
1 .
sodàl worker. In many famiiies,(3) "". often give (4) to the younger ones as they grow up. This guides
them in making new choices including investing in (5) generating activities.
11- Follow the instructions in brackets to complete the c10ze text below.(5 marks)
Genital (10 mutilatelnoun) is regarded today as a form of violence against women and girls.
It i,s ~aid that they do not request it but that they have imposed it on them. Thé procedure is cruel and extremely
_.....,-- (pain/adjective). It is also (reversible/ an1Onym). For example, girls cannot return to their
naturai state later in life. Genital mutilation therefore violates the right of (lVonull1! plural) and girls to live
_--'- (Hlve! adverb) in our society.
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. As far as possible, use your own words.
Cigarette smoking is an important cause of many dangerous diseases. Many reports have associated
cigarette smoking to heart diseases, cancers of the lungs, mouth, and other tissues; and other diseases. tigars
Those who smoke cigarettes glve varied reasons for not giving up smoking. But those who do not
smoke claim their right to pure and unpolluted air. Statistics prove that 20% of non-smokers who live in the
environment of smokers end up contracting lung diseases just like smokers. This is the cause of the confllct
between the two groups. No doubt, non-smoking areas exist in public places in many industrialised countries and
this is certainly an example to imitate. After ail, no one has the right to suffocate others, especially in public
places. Smokers have the obligation to spare others the trouble of inhaling nicotine and other dangerous
substances that they puff out from cigarettes. Even in some hotels where strict rules exist for observing "smoking
and non-smoking floors", air circulates from one floor to the other.
As for the health hazards, the list of diseases and dangerous consequences of smoking is so long that
one really wonders why people still smoke. Ignorance? Suicide? If smokers do not bother about their own health,
they should at least allow others to take precaution not to put theirs at risk. (Adapted from Cameroon Trihune,
2. Name 4 diseases from the text that result from smoking. (2mks) ..
4.2. If vou live in an environment where there is a smoker, both of vou can contract health problem.
5. What advice can vou give to a friend who smokes cIgarette? (2 marks) ..................................................................
Write a composition of at least 150words on ONE of the tapies below
1. Write a letter to your father, asking him ta buy a smartphone for VOu. You should give three reasons why Vou think
having a smartphone is important for vou. Your name is NDERENG KOUAMO and your address is Rue Manguier,
2. You want people in your community to stop buying fake or counterfeit products. Write an essay in which Vou present
three examples of such products with their consequences.
3. As a member of the school council Vou have been invited by the school administration ta talk about the role of the
class prefect or delegate. Make a speech that Vou will deliver in front of the students. In vour talk. VOlJ will tpll th pm thp