No41 20 Sept 2022 Sujetexa - Com
No41 20 Sept 2022 Sujetexa - Com
No41 20 Sept 2022 Sujetexa - Com
1. Complete the following dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets (5mks)
Rachel: Can't Vou see that students now by teachers to work very hard
in their studies? (encourage)
Bertha: Of course 1cano It is clear that there can be no success without (put) in your
Ra(.;hel: That is why 1 (work) really hard for the past two weeks.
E',ertha: We (have) no choice. We (oblige) to work hard if we
want (success) in our exams.
1. Complete the jollowing paragraph with the correct words jrom brackets (5mks)
Section 8: Vocabu/ary
1. Fill the b/ank spaces with the correct words jrom the list (2.5mks)
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1.) Many youths today suffer from different forms of be it tobacco, alcohol,
drug, etc.
2) Do Vou have any to back up what vou are saying?
3) We must get to the of this problem
4} What happened in Bastos recently was a real... ; look at how many people
5) How many species of animais do vou know?
Il. Match th'e words and their definitions. WrTte the words next to their definitions
LWords 1 Definitions
1 a} Diligence i. minerais and materials that a country has .
Il b) Resources iL something that goes very wrong ..
c} Posture iii. Committed to only one person .
1 d) Disaster iv. The way a person stands and sits .
e) faithful v. Hard work, conscientiousness ..
1) It is everyone's
Exercise /II. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets in the following sentences (5mks)
,5) The new pilot .flew the aero plane yesterday (succeed)
. Reading Comprehension
Read the following text and answer the questions which follow in complete sentences.
Global warming has been described as the greatest threat facing humanity. What worries
researchers, says the journal science, is the prospect. that we've started a slow-moving but
relentless avalanche of change". Sceptics question this assertion. True, many agree that the earth
is warming, but they are uncertain of both the causes and consequences. Human activities may be
a factor, they say, but not necessary the primary one. Why the disagreement?
For one thing, the physical processes that underlîe global climate systems are complex and
not fully unde.rstood. According to a report of the UN-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on
Clîmate Change (IPCC), global warming is unequivocal or a fact: and very Iikely mankind is largely
to blame. Seime who differ with the conclusion, in regard tothe human factor, concede that cities
• may be heating because they are growing in size.
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l ,
Gases t~at contribute to the greenhou se effect include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and
methane as weil as water vapour. The atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases has
increased remark2lbly over the past 250 years, since the start of the industrial revolution and
increased use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.
Another greenhouse enhancing factor seems to be the rising population of farm animal,
whose digestive processes produce methane and nitrous oxide.
•••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••• I I I •• , ,., ••••••• I l ., •••••••••• I l •••• ' " ' , , , •••• 1 ••
2) Why dn we blame global warming on mankind? 2mks a.
3) Expia in the meaning of 'greenhouse effect' 2mks
4) .Name the four gâses that contribute to the greenhouse effect. 2mks
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" • • • • , • • • • • • " , • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I l . 1 • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _1_ • • ,
, 5) 'What do vou think could be done to control or prevent global warming? 2mks
. _ .
Section C: Composition
W"ïte Q composition between 200 - 250 words on one of the following topics.
1) You took an active part in the March pass on the ~ccasion of the celebration ofthe National
Youth Day in your locality. Describe the event. You can use the following guidelines: what
is the National Youth Day? When does it take place? Where? The authorities present, what
they did and your general impression about the event.
2) The manager of NIKI has advertised a holiday job for the post of a sales agent. Write an
application explaining why Vou should be given the job. Your address is G.H.S Buea, PO.
BOX 49823 Buea and your name is Sarah Bright Jonson. .
3) After conducting an HIV/ AIDS test, vou realized that Vou are positive. Describe how vou felt
and what Vou did. What would Vou advise youths to do to control their sexuallife so as to
maintain their status and stay healthy?
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