FChS1C06 Theatralia 999 3 EN

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Reached the top of the Tower Shining,

the forces of Kardia And Pneuma join forces

and end the interference to put

reveal the deception against the Climate Islands.

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Material reserved for the Game Master: watch out for spoilers!

Welcometo Fabula Chronicles!

Pwihma to start, I want to remind you that each Chapter is designed for example by
played by a anddedicated
(including the a 1 Gametime
creation Master4 Players
6 Players, in a composed
to entertain group the
up to following
session of approximately 3 hours conversion rules
however present in the Limelight 12 shared). You can

on page

One of the strengths of the FabulaUltima Role PlayingGame is the sharednarrative that allows all players to actively participate to

in the creation of the world by inserting changes and/or different elements into the adventure.

course not For Pwihvare of sweetness this fun feature of

so important some Fabula Last, every Chapter of Fabula Chronicles includes and
textual elements are the same all theby
game groups, the remaining parts (especially while by square brackets,
those indicated in you and the Players, for example [settlement] like or [boss]) I am total-
mind thus makingeach sessionunique!

Example: [settlement] could correspond to cattle ranchers' songs and/ an oasis in the desert inhabited by a mer-

or to a village isolated from

a mountain rest wise old man with sunburnt
In the first the [chief]
robes could case, long silk
with and a turban, in the second it could be a lively girl while the passion is goat
hillbilly with for

Feel free to adapt physical characteristics and behavior of the NPCs encountered with the needs of

changing age, identity

of other
in anyrelevant
way! to the narrative-group, gender and but remember that it will be possible to modify the

neither; Not

If I had to have doubts regarding the running of the game, you can consult the Guide Strategic
Official of Fabula Chronicles or the document Incorrecte FAQ Fabula
For Ultima.

Good fun! And try to leave

not aanyone
bad taste
with in your mouth, pwih!

INTRODUCTION................................................ 3 EPILOGUE................................................. ......13
PART 1: WITH YOUR CARDS UP ................................ 4 FOUND!................................................ .......................13

EVERYONE ON BOARD!.............................................. .................... 5 A BITTER MELODY ................................................ ............13

PART 2: FRIENDLY VOICES................................................ 8 THE CURTAIN FALLS........................................................ .................15

IN SEARCH OF THE STAR ................................................ ........10 APPENDIX A: NPC PROFILES ................................16

PART 3: TO THE BOARDING!................................10 APPENDIX B: CHAPTER ................................................18
THE LIGHTS IN THE LIMELIGHT ................................................ ..........11

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During New Year's Eve, the Climatic Islands take advantage of a diplomatic visit to assault the Grand Magiport of Geminis and invade the Green

Isle. After an initial moment of difficulty, and also thanks to the support of the Galan family's magitech troops stationed on the island, the Kardia

Factions manage to contain the enemy forces. However, the emergency protocol activated in response to the attack isolates Geminis from the

rest of the world, while a mysterious magical interference blocks communications.

Traveling to reach the source of the disturbance, the Factions find themselves in Lumen, the Entertainment District, and prevent some rebels

from Pneuma, the Winter Island, from freeing their leader, who is taken to the Tower for investigations . Distracted by the wonders of the Casino,

the members of the Factions then manage to enter the restricted area of the Ministry of Entertainment and Information and reach Sòl's Attic, to

discover the involvement of the Shining Star in a dark plan to bring about bets. I take Geminis and place the blame on the Climate Islands.


Having reached the Attic of Sòl, the PCs join forces with various members of the Factions and soldiers of Pneuma to eliminate interference

and thus be able to warn the Grand Council of Kardia of the plot against the Climatic Islands, hunting down a Sòl fugitive who kidnapped

Artikal, the leader of Winter Isle.

In the first part, Kardia's forces gather several maginavi to locate and destroy the magical crystals that are interfering with communications; the

group takes advantage of shared creation to give life to its own aircraft and takes action to restore contacts at least within the Green Island.

Afterwards, the PCs manage to share various information with their Factions, in a short scene of rest which acts as a prelude to the final battle

with Sòl. In the third part, the allied forces assault the Singer's maginave, overcoming its defenses and facing several animated instruments in

a clash accompanied by the melodies of the now revealed Villain . Having captured the fugitive, the allied forces must take cover when a

powerful explosion causes the vehicle to falter.


As soon as you are ready to begin, read or paraphrase the following text:

“The Heart flame illuminates Concordia. the Grand Council meets, politicians on the Union the night While a sessionwas convened And

officials confabulate curiosity: between

that without
for a long
is remembered extraordinary!

It stops when Aurora Atlas, adorned with a robe that majestically and confidently determined eyes, speak.

self armor of the Ivory Order, advanceswith pace and for

'Good eveningare
all of you, unaware
almost of the reasons forI thank
my dear colleagues. the meeting:
you for therefore allow me
having gathered to at
here inform you of
this early this on The
stage. Many of you

Buzz. The Grand Judge takes

up this threat again,receiving thunderous applause of assent, half much is to happening Geminis.' how

he becomes more excited at the news of the attack Islands Climatic al Grand Magiporto, forced

recall the order several times. Among those who are worried about andwho
to incites answer con fer-

a counselor holds his hands clasped in front

An evil smile appears on his face welcomes the fruit of years of plots and intrigues."

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In this part of the Chapter, which lasts about an hour, the PCs discover details about the ongoing
conspiracy and try to restore communications.

Gathered in Lumen, the Entertainment District (see Official Strategy Guide, page 31), to discover the origin of
the mysterious interference that is blocking Geminis' communications, Kardia's forces have occupied the
Shining Tower to investigate Sòl's involvement in the matter. Sòl's Attic located at the top of the Tower is now
filled with members of the Factions looking for answers. However, the owner of the house has already fled, and
there also appears to be no trace of the Grand Tar of Pneuma, who appears to have been taken to the Attic for
questioning. For this reason, numerous Winter Isle soldiers allied themselves with the Factions to raid the private
suite. If the PCs still consider them a threat, the Pneumians deny any involvement with the events of the Grand
Magiport, possibly being supported by other members of the Factions.

The PCs can take advantage of this initial moment to converse freely with the allies present: together with the
Players, create one or more [Faction members] and one or more [Pneumians] to interact with.

By conversing with a [Faction member] you can obtain (or confirm) the following information:

• The [Faction member] snuck into the Shining Tower because a signal was blocking the correct functioning of the
communication towers of the Grand Magiport; the mysterious interference seemed to come from Lumen itself!

• Several Pneuma warriors present at the Grand Magiport at the time of the assault turned out to be in
actually former Union prisoners or mercenaries (maybe bandits?). They were impostors!

• Sòl is definitely involved in this conspiracy against the Climate Islands.

By conversing with a [Pneumian] one can instead learn the following facts:

• As soon as he arrived with the delegation from Winter Isle, the [Pneumaian] realized that some of his compatriots
seemed different: no one knew them and their ways of saying and doing were anomalous compared to Pneuma's customs.

• The leader of the Pneumians, the Grand Tar Artikal, was arrested and initially taken to the prison of Asproforte,
only to be suddenly sent to the Shining Tower... but it seems that there is no longer any trace of him in the

If the PCs decide to further explore Sòl's Attic, with a Test ofÿINT + INTÿ with LD of 10
they can find a secret compartment containing some notes: a map with crosses near the Tower, the Fault and
some buildings in the District. A further investigation (for example a Test of
ÿINT + VOLÿ with LD equal to 13) allows you to find the project of the Theatralia 999: a truly cutting-edge
large theater-ship. Among the indications present, a hidden vulnerability is mentioned
(like a conduit for the diffusion of mana) customizable by Players; remind them to use it later when they arrive
on board the vehicle (see Countering Sòl's Magic, page 13).

Among the correspondence found there is also a note, very cryptic and vague, on how the magic of the Gran
Tar can assist the magical interference devices: it seems in fact that the mystical fog of the Pneuma enchanters
can strengthen the disturbance signal, being powered by special charms of this population; Maybe this is why
Sòl cares so much for such a precious prisoner?

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Many members of the Kardia Factions have infiltrated the Shining Tower. This is an excellent opportunity to justify
arrivals and departures within the playing group. Some old comrades could reunite with dear fellow soldiers and
separate their paths with those of the group; at the same time, old comrades of whom there had been no news since
the attack on the Grand Magiport could find themselves right in the Attic of Sòl. Arrivals and departures could bring with
them new information based on their vicissitudes. Use this space to have the PCs narrate their travels and adventures,
their discoveries and their opinions on the terrible and strange events taking place!

After the time necessary to reunite the various groups that have infiltrated the tower, re-embrace old friends and
acquaintances and share precious information, the highest-ranking members of the Kardia Factions present here smugly
show a vast fleet of maginaves mooring right on the terrace of the Attic: they were requisitioned by the District to give
decisive support to the localization and inhibition of the mysterious interference, as well as to hunt down the fugitive Sòl.


Use the following co-crafting piece to customize the PCs' [maginave] . Ask the Players the following questions and take
note of what they tell you, in order to create the aesthetic and functional details of the vessel together, but don't forget that
you too are participating in the shared creation!

1 What does the [maginave] look like? What materials is it made of? (Note: remember that we are in a context, so aesthetics high
Fantasy and technology should adhere to this imaginary).

Example: sailing ship made of fine wood, whose masts end in a large e powerful propellers; cast of a marble
very white with golden trim, drapes with and
and a massive crystaldisk that orbits a stern; etc.

2 What peculiarities and minutiae distinguish it from the others?

Example: the regular crew is made up exclusively of cait sith in sailor uniform; during the flight, on the sides of the wings that hover, ethereal fabric
emerges like insect wings; etc.

3 What is it powered and supported in flight by?

Example: Large crystalsproduce magic capable of levitating the aircraft; the mana vapor from the light rock inflates special balloons; product
an arcane
wind produced by magical seals blows into the sails in the and
ship propellers; etc.

4 What special equipment and equipment do you have? What armaments is it equipped with?

Example: the two thrown large anchors can be as powerful harpoons; the crystal figurehead of self-objects;

means it is able to magically attract ships thrown by grenado kept in stasis arcane symbols with pos-
I am being
of special catapults; elemental magic sphere cannons fire concentrated magic scanning devices; tracks

am installed on the dashboard; I etc.

Afterwards, the highest ranking exponents of the various Factions invite all the other members and warriors of Pneuma to
embark, remembering the objectives of the mission: to find the source of the interference and track down the fugitive Sòl.

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Read or paraphrase the following text:

“The sky al
and intense District
radiatingoffrom theEntertainment
top of the comes alive with a strong buzz of propellersabove gears. A wind
Tower Shining different lights, shy at first ee then there are

brighter, they dot the celestial vault. 'Look, you imagined them!' always rumors from passers-by that they hear

Lumens, of inhabitants pour out onto the streets with turned faces and a group with in a few moments a large number

Enveloped in an aura of magnificence, the maginaves take flight in unison, completely covering the sky. Shouts of that spectacular sight

of the citizens thenocturnal mind.
District and fill and
with of Kardia, of the Union, intervene to restoretopeace, pride are about to warm the souls
belief that one

The interference is caused by special communication crystals, which can be found by exploring the surroundings of the
Shining Tower, Lumen Hamlet or the Rift (see Official Strategy Guide, page 30).
The PCs aboard the ship must then locate and destroy them. To do this, the Players can choose the approach they prefer:
set a 6-section Clock with LD equal to 13 and determine any Tests together with them (perhaps involving more Players
with Group Tests), encouraging them to take advantage of the features of the [maginave] designed during the shared
creation phase. Reward the most creative choices with bonuses to rolls and remind them to spend Fabula Points to add
new details to the story (who knows, they might make things even easier for themselves by lowering the overall LD to 10!).

Once the Clock is completed, the party successfully destroys an interference crystal: set each Player a 4-section
“Reward” Clock and fill 1 section of each Clock. Depending on the time remaining, allow the Players to choose whether to
try to destroy more crystals, anticipating that this may increase the rewards provided later by the Factions (for a maximum of
4 crystals destroyed in this part: after all, the PCs are working to bring peace to Kardia!

If there is an Arcanist in the group, this scene can be an excellent excuse to introduce a new Arcanum to bind,
following the rules indicated in the Official Strategy Guide on page. 8 (perhaps as soon as the group manages to
destroy a crystal, explaining how this was particularly powerful thanks to the presence of the Arcanum inside it); if you
wish, you can enter the following Arcanum:


Domains: light, warmth, resilience.

You treat your Insight as increased by one size (maximum d12) and you gain Resistance to

ice damage.

When you dismiss this Arcanum, choose between Guiding Light or Crystalline Warmth:

Guiding Light. You can ask a single question to the Game Master related to something or
someone you are looking for. The Game Master answers you by telling the truth: describe
how the light of the dawn shows you the way. You can only ask a question in this way
once per Chapter.
Crystalline warmth. Choose any number of creatures visible to you: each of them heals
from the weak status and recovers 20 Life Points. This amount increases to 30 Life Points
if you are level 20 or higher, or to 40 Life Points if you are level 40 or higher.

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If the PCs are having difficulty destroying the crystals, you can allow the group to achieve success at a cost (see Core Manual,

page 45): in general it is sufficient to tell the table about these unfortunate events, resulting in minor damage to HP and MP or

some status (or even a quick conflict scene with some elemental disturbed by the explosions). In any case, failure should be an

opportunity to tell a story depending on where the PCs are, allowing the Players to have fun even if they fail to achieve the desired


The Players decide to explore the Fault, locating the interference crystal.
the target using the large bow ram designed
also proposes
the to destroy

shared creation. group The GM appreciates Andrea's approach provides a +2 bonus to Giovanna Fabio 's Test and decidesto help Andrea: their PCs

themselves to keeping her stable at the moment ship maneuvers for the blow struck. ÿDEX + INTÿ .

Excellent, yesPassing
to a Group Test!

the Test, the Players narrate the scene together, describing how it instills
and theenthusiasm
roar of the in the crews of the powerful blow shattered the crystal-
the nearby ships.

Subsequently they decide to check the Shining Tower again: there could be others. Having set two, Fabio rushes and finds them between one
antennas. area.
crystals in that are one some bombards on

which the maginaveelementals

is equipped.
with Even in this +2, but deems
GM it appropriate to confer the case one bonus of

adding the possible

damage in caseminor
of failure. consequently fails the sphere, loaded with ice magic, hits the The Test ÿDES + DESÿ
propeller and a What a poor landing! be a nearby maginave, blocking it! Oh no, it will
forced a to emergency.

During the scene, remember to point out to the Players how other members of the Factions are also collaborating to destroy the

crystals scattered around Lumen; this could motivate the PCs to successfully complete the mission, perhaps providing temporary

bonuses to compensate for any excessive bad luck with the dice! Furthermore, as the crystals are destroyed, he narrates how

the interference becomes increasingly feeble: little by little the communication crystals on board the friendly magic ships begin to

croak fragments of words, then complete sentences begin to be picked up but slightly disturbed. The PCs may also attempt to
communicate with their companions on other ships, obtaining reports on how the mission is progressing.

After the PCs have destroyed at least one crystal, continue with the second part of the Chapter.

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In this part of the Chapter, lasting about an hour, the PCs share the information discovered with the Factions and
locate Sòl's maginave.

The destruction of the crystals that generated the interference begins to have an effect, progressively bringing the situation
back to normal, even if the powerful energy barrier activated by the emergency protocol still seems to slightly disturb
contacts with the outside.

As soon as the Players are ready, read or paraphrase the following text:

“Scattered across the moors in the forests of the island Green, le Factions of Kardia have gathered in small and

camps reorganize ideas for and recover after bitter battles against the invaders of
Islands at least, the(or such)
alleged ones the fearsome beasts that have invadedthe inhabited centers. And In the

momentary outposts
valiantreigns in the eyes of the
fighters quiet, ephemeral, surreal and aftermath of destruction, many scenes of rest.
Still who now seek a The silence comes inter-
in the same moment I sound ringing of the crystals in the tents of the dispersed Geminis faction to

leaders. The faces ofsome

at first everyone serious and finally
news!“ thoughtful, he relaxes into a hopeful smile:

During this scene of rest, the PC and the allied forces on board the ships can finally catch their breath (spending IP to
recover their strength) and communicate with the various companions scattered throughout the Green Isle, providing them
with the important information they have learned until now. After a few unsuccessful attempts, the PCs even manage to get
in touch, possibly receiving magical signals if the Players do not seem to want to move in that direction, with their respective
faction leaders (see Appendix B: Faction Leaders, page 17), a This is an excellent opportunity to earn their respect and
approval by revealing important [key information]:

• Several important personalities were present at the Grand Magiport on the night of the attack (see Chapter 1: Fabula Nova). Let the
Players describe these Iconic NPCs, informing them that they need to remember at least 5 of them (without cheating!) for the
information to be considered complete.

The NPCs are: the Twin Sovereigns (count as one), the Grand Magister Gradetia, Minus Adras, Sòl, Athena Galan, Lord Magnus,
the Grand Tar Artikal, Varna, Mekenas XIII, the Glyptics of Hepaton (just name one); for more information on these NPCs, see
Official Strategy Guide, page. 31 or the details in the Chapter.

BONUS: Among the personalities present at the attack on the Grand Magiport, the Twin Sovereigns, the Grand Magister Gradetia,
Athena Galan, Sòl, Lord Magnus and the Grand Tar Artikal certainly survived. Consider it additional [key information] if Players
reveal it.

• A mysterious organization of scholars has worked to help the fugitives (see Chapter 2: Underground Escape): the Arca Society
(see Official Strategic Guide, page 29) has been operating in the shadows for some time to study the mana of Geminis and
seems willing to collaborate, as long as a way can be found to communicate with its elusive followers.

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• Among the monsters that attacked the city defenses (see Chapter 2: Underground Escape), pitch-black creatures
were found and faced, covered in pulsating veins and with an infinite number of eyes scattered all over their bodies:
these are Abyssals , terrible creatures, coming from mysterious ruins that emerged from the Great Sea, but
vulnerable to obsidian. It seems that these creatures have recently become more aggressive and enterprising,
reaching far beyond their usual regions. For this reason, the Obsidian Front (see Official Strategy Guide, page
27) is doing everything it can to prevent the citizens of Geminis from falling prey to these fearsome creatures.

• Following the attack, an emergency protocol ordered by the Gemini Rulers channeled the magical energy that
protected the urban centers into a single, powerful barrier that isolated Geminis from the outside. The energy
now comes from the high towers of Castel Libra, the capital of the island of Geminis.

• Among the forces that attacked the Grand Magiport there were also magitech constructs (see Chapter 3: A
Smaller World) with a technology very similar to that created within the Union. There are those who may have
even noticed the effigies of Galan Industries (see Official Strategy Guide, page 32) on their bodies… very

• Among the forces attacking the Grand Magiport there were also impostors (see Chapter 4: The Suspended City),
even known Union criminals; it seems that someone wanted to blame the attack on Winter Island, since they were
disguised as Pneumians.

• Although the arrested Pneumians were destined for the Asproforte penitentiary (see Chapter 4: The Suspended
City), it seems that the Great Tar Artikal was instead destined for the Shining Tower, as was his trusty war taurnak.

• Although the arrested Pneumians were destined for the Asproforte penitentiary (see Chapter 4: The Suspended
City), it seems that the Great Tar Artikal was instead destined for the Shining Tower, as was his trusty war taurnak.

• It seems that the Casino (see Chapter 5: The Palace of Sòl) wanted to somehow prevent nosy visitors from
accessing the Shining Tower; as if a strange melody led anyone to continue playing, day and night.

• The inhabitants of the Winter Isle who have arrived in Geminis are not responsible for the attack on the Climatic
Islands and are collaborating with the Factions to prove their innocence (see Chapter 5: The Palace of Sòl): Sòl
has kidnapped the Grand Tar Artikal and it seems that he wants to exploit its magic to perform some strange ritual.

Each piece of information is vital to supporting the cause of restoring peace to Kardia and the Factions are
ready to reward the help provided by the PCs: for each [key piece of information] sufficiently complete (at
your discretion), fill 1 section of the “Reward” Watch of each PC, opening a further Watch if this has already
been completed once (up to a maximum of two "Reward" Watches completely filled in this Chapter).

Carefully evaluate with the Players the contribution actually made in revealing the [key information],
allowing everyone to express themselves at their best and correctly receive the rewards: encourage the
shyest Players to participate and those who have completed more Chapters of enjoy the fruits of their
investigations. At your discretion, the group may also favor rewards for information shared during this
Chapter, especially if Players have found themselves at the table together multiple times during this

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If the PCs share enough information, the faction leaders praise their efforts and prepare to transmit
everything within their respective factions, so that the various members collaborate in foiling the
conspiracy and helping the inhabitants of the Climate Islands unjustly accused of being of the
invaders. Furthermore, they urge the PCs to help locate Sòl's hideout, motivating them to capture
him and bring him before the Grand Council for questioning. Regardless of the information provided,
the faction leaders learn of the conspiracy against the delegates of the Climate Islands and of the
fact that Sòl is involved: this is because the communications come unanimously from all the
maginavi; therefore, the omitted details are likely provided by other allies.


Now invite the Players to go in search of Sòl, setting a 6-section “Beat” Watch with an LD of 13
(which becomes 10 if at least one of the PCs has completed Chapter 5: The Palace of Sòl). At the
same time, set a 6-section “Uprising” Clock: every time a PC performs an action or takes a Test
to flush out the Kardian Star, fill 1 section of the “Uprising” Clock. Also in this case you can agree
with the Players on the most appropriate Tests and Characteristics involved, encouraging the
spending of Fabula Points and providing any modifiers to reward the most creative approaches.

If the “Beat” Clock is filled before the “Leave” Clock, the PCs locate Sòl's maginave near the Fault
without being detected, and gain a tactical advantage (see page 11). Conversely, if the “Beat”
Clock is filled before the “Beat” Clock, the PCs still find the magician, but Sòl has already noticed
their presence and is not at all surprised by the visit.

As soon as one of the “Beat” or “Upbeat” Clocks is completely filled,

continue with the third part of the Chapter.

In this part of the Chapter, which lasts an hour, the PCs break into Sòl's maginave and face the
Kardia Star orchestra.

Kardia's forces quickly locate a huge galleon near the Fault; it flies close to the eastern slope,
apparently without a specific destination, but it is not too difficult to locate, since it hosts a large
opera house! The Theatralia 999 is in fact a sailing ship made of fine wood, equipped with gigantic
propellers that peep out between the spiers of a colossal marble complex of towers and pinnacles.
There is no doubt: it is Sòl's private maginave!

In a short time, communications between the allied forces allow several ships to reach the place
where the Kardia Star is hiding, triggering a joint boarding operation. Although Theatralia 999 is in
all respects an Iconic Location (see Official Strategic Guide, page 13) equipped with several
rooms with stage costumes, dressing rooms, orchestral instruments and everything that could
characterize a classic opera house, you can customize some aspects of it through co-creation: ask
the following questions to the Players and take note of what they tell you.

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1 Which [docking point] did you spot? How it's done?

Example: a large panoramicterrace facing the bow; one used supplies; secondary small adorns landing strip and aft
side of the bridge tower from which spiers emerge for a on a ship; a finely decorated; etc.

2 What [defense system] guards the [docking point]? (Note: remember that the ship is a large floating theater and that
Sòl seems particularly accustomed to the Singer's magical arts. Try to encourage coherent ideas.)
with these premises and with a context high fantasy

Example: a gigantic gramophone whose sound produces very strong air currents; array of harps one

whose ropes, robust and elastic, are used to shoot hypnotic

applications that confuse the heavy sharp arrows; some turrets a which I am

unfortunate ones; bells etc.

3 How can the [defense system] be bypassed? How can other magicians come to your aid?

a wall ship gives you more powerful attacks;

Example: allied culminating
you launch
in a yourself into protectsan acrobatic maneuver

dive, some spellcasters manipulate the air currents while to create a ma-turbine at the

around against ship; Theatralia using gigantic magic cannons; stretched etc.

To represent operations in which the PCs identify a [docking point] and successfully evade its [defense system],
set a 6-section “Boarding” Watch with LD of 13. Together with the Players, choose the most appropriate for the
Tests and reminds them to take advantage of the [ma-ginave] equipment created previously, rewarding the most
creative approaches with bonuses of up to +4. If the PCs have found the Theatralia blueprint (see page 4) or have
gained a tactical advantage (see page In Search of the Star, page 10), the LD drops to 10; if they met both
conditions, the LD drops to 7: they couldn't have been more prepared for this situation!

If, however, the “Leave” Clock (see page 10) was filled before the “Beat” Clock, Sòl is well aware of having been
identified and has strengthened the [defense systems] of Theatralia 999 to repel the better for intruders: the
“Boarding” Watch has 8 sections instead of 6, and the LD for the Tests connected to it cannot go below 10.

Since numerous allied forces are participating in the operation, the PCs have considerable support and cannot
fail in this mission: if you notice that the Players are having difficulty filling the Clock, describe how the Factions
break into various points of the maginave by cheering on your companions and granting appropriate temporary
bonuses; alternatively, you can allow the group to obtain a success at a cost: the PCs still manage to board the
Theatralia, probably in a daring and fortunate way, but something went wrong during the boarding (they may have
lost some VP or suffered a status of some kind)!


As soon as the Allied forces set foot on Theatralia, the PCs hear Sòl's voice spread throughout the area:
he congratulates them on having made it there, and says he is grateful to have such enthusiastic fans.
Unfortunately, since they have discovered his plans he certainly can't allow them to continue, but he has
prepared one last performance to die for: each PC gets 1 Fabula Point because a Villain has entered
the scene! Before anyone can react, Sòl begins to sing, and the ship's [musical instruments] come to
life, attacking the attackers in rhythm, directed by illusory figures summoned by the Kardian Star (who
doesn't seem to have any intention of being found!).

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The PCs are then involved in a battle with the following number of creatures:

3 PLAYERS use 1 [conductor]* and 1 [string instrument]

4 PLAYERS use 1 [conductor] and 1 [string instrument]

5 PLAYERS use 1 [conductor], 1 [string instrument] and 1 [wind instrument]

6 PLAYERS use 1 [conductor], 2 [string instrument] and 1 [wind instrument]

* in this case, the creature has 160 HP and takes two turns per round.

Through co-creation, define together with the Players the appearance and peculiarities of the
[musical instruments] (divided for simplicity into [string instruments] and [wind instruments])
that make up Sòl's magical arsenal, as well as his illusory [ conductor]; For creature profiles, see
Appendix A: NPC Profiles (p. 16)

Example: an animated harp with arms, capable of stringing itself; play his ser-which
large pente
and swan,
the features
capableof of
a clarinet,
his bow like a

terrifying; violin equipped with wings of a

dart; etc.

While remaining safe behind the scenes, Sòl participates in the conflict with his Singer abilities,
spreading different musical genres into the air depending on the key used (see Appendix A: NPC
Profiles, page 16)

Sòl's support is an environmental effect (see Core Manual, page 299) that affects the abilities of
the [musical instruments] and the [conductor]. The Star of Kardia begins the conflict with the
Flame key, then changes keys at the end of each round and whenever the [conductor] takes
damage of a type to which he is Vulnerable, following this order: Flame > Wind > Frost > Stone > Flame.

Even if he does not directly participate in combat, Sòl is a Minor Villain with 5 Ultima Points, which
can be spent on his behalf by the [conductor] as usual (see Core Manual, page 101); however, the
[conductor] cannot choose to Escape by spending the last Ultima Point.

Furthermore, the immense collection of Theatralia 999 is only summarized by the [musical
instruments] involved in the conflict, which are real swarms (see Core Manual, page 297). Until
the [conductor] is reduced to 0 HP, if at the end of the conflict round there is not at least one
[stringed instrument] on stage, a new [stringed instrument] arrives as reinforcement; the same
goes for the [wind instrument] in the case of 5 or 6 Players.

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Interrupting the soundtrack created by Sòl is anything but simple: the PCs can try to disperse it during the
conflict by performing a Ritualism Ritual ( see Basic Manual, page 121) of greater power and small area.
Since they are involved in a conflict (see Core Manual, page 121), it is necessary to set a 6 -section Clock
with LD of 13, with a total completion cost of 80 MP. The cost of the Ritual is halved if a [string instrument]
or a [wind instrument] is reduced to 0 HP, as a PC can hold the instrument helplessly and play it to
counteract the effects of Sòl (let the Players know !). Alternatively, the Characters can deactivate the crystals
that are spreading Sol's music: it is a 12-section Resolution Clock with LD of 13; if it is completed, the
illusion vanishes and the instruments become helpless again. If the PCs find a valid way to exploit the hidden
vulnerability (see page 13), reward them by granting a +2 modifier for Tests related to this Watch.

If one or more PCs are reduced to 0 HP and choose Surrender, allow them to spend their Fabula Points to
invoke Traits and Bonds during the Tests of their companions still in play. Even if the Villain is not physically
involved in the battle, a PC reduced to 0 HP could also select the Sacrifice option: in this case, his heroic action
contributes to putting an end to Sòl's magic, possibly deactivating the [musical instruments] again on stage
and inflicting one or more statuses on the [conductor] to allow his companions to finish him off.

Once the battle is over (whether the PCs are victorious or not), continue with the Epilogue of this Chapter.


If the PCs emerge victorious from the conflict on Theatralia 999, continue with Trovato!; if instead they are all
reduced to 0 HP and lose the battle, continue with A Bitter Melody. Then, regardless of the outcome of the
conflict, end the Chapter with Curtain Fall.


By now Sòl's deception is clear, his ranged attacks become predictable and his illusory arts no longer deceive
the PCs. At the height of his anger and frustration, Sòl curses and bangs his fists on the bulkhead of the lifeboat
where he has hidden to move the strings of his magical orchestra. The PCs and their allies notice the noise and
then find an embarrassed Shining Star, who quickly launches into a tearful speech, trying to find extenuating
circumstances and justifications that can make him appear to be an innocent victim of a plan bigger than himself.

Like any self-respecting Villain, he is still convinced that he can run away (remaining safe in the lifeboat until he
has finished charging the vehicle with energy) and that he will be able to convince the PCs of his innocence, for
which he reveals the following information:

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• Since his success was waning and his fame was starting to become "monotonous", Sòl had lent himself to the project
of "reviving" the Union Islands with a new, extraordinary event. He just didn't think that the concert organized for New
Year's Eve would turn out to be anything but a pleasant fireworks display!

• The attack on the Grand Magiport was only part of a conspiracy cleverly orchestrated over the years to place the blame on the Climate

Islands and incentivize the Grand Council of Kardia to move against these nations, diverting attention from Geminis.

• His job was to amplify his magic with the crystals accumulated in the Shining Tower to interfere with communications
and prevent the Geminis government (and the Factions!) from asking Concordia for help or revealing key information
to the Grand Council.

• Following the attack, an emergency protocol ordered by the Gemini Rulers channeled the magical energy that protected
the urban centers into a single, powerful barrier that isolated Geminis from the outside. The energy now comes from
the high towers of Castel Libra, the capital of the island of Geminis.

• Sòl does not know the identity of the other conspirators, but he knows that they are influential personalities of the Union
with considerable resources, used to hire the mercenaries involved in the attack on New Year's Eve.

BONUS: if the PCs insist on getting at least a name (perhaps with an adequate Test), Sòl says he owes much of his fame to an
anonymous financier who always signs himself as GM. However, each message always self-destructed in a purple flame…

• The leader of the Pneumians, Artikal, is on the ship: he is in a cell located under the trap door of the theater stage.

Panicked, Sòl had sent a communication to the conspirators asking for help: in response, he had been ordered to flee into the Fault

with the Theatralia 999 and await their arrival, taking the Gran Tar with him.

In any case, Sòl is absolutely not ready to die and knows very well that the other conspirators might want to silence him forever
after this failure, especially after having "sang". He then begs to be taken to safety and is willing to collaborate.


The PCs lose consciousness while the melody that permeates the environment appears increasingly slowed down and confused.

However, they are not alone on the maginave and are soon rescued by the allied forces who have boarded the aircraft, including

the [Faction member] and the [Pneumian] created previously (see page 4). These allow the PCs to regain their strength
(recovering an amount of HP and MP equal to half their maximum value, and healing from all statuses) and tell how Sòl was

located on a lifeboat (“That coward!” ) and that at this very moment some warriors are going to arrest him. Furthermore, it seems

that the Grand Tar Artikal, Ambassador of Pneuma, was found in a cell located under the trapdoor of the theater stage.

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As soon as you are ready to conclude the Chapter, read or paraphrase the following text:

“Just as yousinister
get off the lifeboat and hand yourself over to the Factions, the intercom as you prepare to go to Theatralia 999 crackles in a
It appears that external interference has crept into the maginave's

communications, while a voice and the star threatenshard Shining: calm

'Sòl, Sòl, we warned you! A fate worsethan deathwould have awaited you…

After pause,a ashort

time to regain tremendous explosion shakes ship,
causing the lifeboat to be released. Men-

balance, watch in horror as the inside of the Fault falls, three attempts half empty Sòl.”
being swallowed up in a blanket of clouds along with the chilling desperate scream of one

The PCs have no choice but to take cover and gather with their allies in the various ships before the entire Theatralia
detonates, also causing a piece of the nearby rock face to collapse, dispersing into the clouds of the Fault.

The Chapter is over!

Rememberto check out the Hero's Journal how

directions and update the
rewards in the Official Strategy Guide. Follow NEED GAMES social

to not networks! miss the news and future releases of Fabula Chronicles,pwih!

NB: also remember eachinPlayer

the Chapter
to note (maximum
in the Hero's
the number of “Reward” Watches


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In this section you can find the statistics of the opposing NPCs present in the Chapter. For a detailed
explanation on how to read an NPC's profile, you can consult the Fabula Ultima Basic Manual on page 320.


Typical traits: authoritarian, illusory, imposing, changeable.

DEX d8 INT d8 VIG d8 VOL d8 PV 240w 120PM 110 Init. 11

DEF +1 D. MAG +2 ' to ? ba And ? f ? i ? l b


a Guiding Chord wÿDEX + FLYÿ +1 wÿTM + 5ÿ damage from [key type]. If the dice of the
next Accuracy Test made by an ally of the Conductor shows the same number and the result is not a
critical failure, the test is considered a critical success.


h Dictate Time w 20 × B w Up to two creatures w Snapshot.

Each target can immediately make a free attack with a basic attack. If it does, treat the TM as zero
when calculating the damage dealt by this attack.

h Furious Melody r wÿINT + VOLÿ +1 w 10 × B w Up to three creatures w Instant.

Each target suffers the enraged status.


Melodic Key w The conductor's Affinities vary depending on the key

currently used by Sòl:

w Flame w

' aRSb a ERSfIMiVUl b

w Frost w

' aRSb a ERSfFU iIMl b

w Stone w

' aVUb a EIMfRSiRSl b

w Wind w

' aIMb a EVUfRSiRSl b

Below is the table of keys as a reference for the various Skills:

Key Type Guy Status Characteristics


Flame k-pop fire shaken VIG PV

Frost gothic metal ice weak VOL PM

Stone rock 'n roll Earth confused VIG PV

Wind classic air slow INT PM

Orchestral Guide The conductor's allies gain +2 on Accuracy Tests.

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Typical traits: controlled, gregarious, heavy, resistant.

DEX d8 INT d6 VIG d10 VOL d8 PV 80 w 40 PM 55 Init. 7

DEF +0 D. MAG +0 ' aVUb RSaRSEIMfVUi l b


$Slam wÿVIG + VIGÿ +1 wÿTM + 10ÿ physical damage .

a Powerful Chord wÿDEX + VOLÿwÿTM + 5ÿ damage from [key type]. The target suffers
weak status .


Musical Harmony w The stringed instrument has its [Key Characteristics] increased by one
size (to a maximum of d12).

Construct w The stringed instrument is immune to the poisoned status.


Typical traits: controlled, floating, gregarious, suave.

DEX d8 INT d10 VIG d6 VOL d8 PV 60 w 30 PM 65 Init. 9

DIF +0 D. MAG +0 ' aRSb VUa ERSfRSiVUl b IM


a Sweet Chord wÿDEX + FLYÿ +1 wÿTM + 5ÿ damage from [key type].


h Note Drumbeater r wÿINT + WILÿ +4 w 10 MP w One creature w Instant.

The target takes ÿTM + 25ÿ damage from [key type] and [key status] status .


Musical Harmony w The wind instrument has its [Key Characteristics] increased by one size
(up to a maximum of d12).

Construct w The wind instrument is immune to the poisoned status.

Restorative Melody w When the wind instrument deals damage to an enemy, it can choose an ally.
That ally recovers [key recovery] equal to half the damage dealt.

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In this section, the faction leaders with whom the PCs come into contact during the Chapter are presented in
alphabetical order . Each profile contains a brief description and possible reactions to the information communicated.


Reckless and stubborn from an early age, this woman with a ribald smile and iridescent hair (a peculiar
bioluminescence makes the color of her hair change based on her mood and proximity to some particularly powerful
mana sources) took her little girl in her youth. personal maginave (N6-Gamès), lit his favorite cigar and, in defiance of
all the orders received, headed for the Climatic Islands. Her mother Iris had in fact been among the first authorities to
notice the weakening of the magical currents within the Mana Sea, unknowingly providing Amelia with the intuition that
the storms near such places could at least have weakened. The current leader of the Postman Explorers therefore
seized the opportunity and was the first explorer after the Night of Tears to set foot in these remote regions, finally
creating a name for herself outside the very cumbersome shadow of her mother. Today Amelia is the very symbol of
the pioneering spirit and tireless research, having not lost the slightest bit of her fiery temperament (nor her love for
cigars), and spends almost all her time in the Climatic Islands, immersing herself in their extraordinary culture. Many
miss him in the Union, but his rare visits always turn into fascinating anecdotes about the distorted perceptions of this
indomitable spirit (and the hilarious results of his proverbial inability to adopt any label).


Even though the news of the attack on the Grand Magiport was released a few hours ago, Amelia never doubted the
innocence of the Climatic Islands in the matter. He doesn't hide his disappointment at not having been able to participate
in the New Year's Eve celebrations: a major meeting of the Grand Council canceled at the last minute. The leader
enthusiastically welcomes all the information received and is surprised when she discovers that Minus Adras was
present at the celebrations ( “he must have managed to really regroup
hurry up!”ro ); she is intrigued by the Arca Society and smiles if related incidents are reported to her

Magnus, leader of the Obsidian Front.


The youngest of the current Kardia faction leaders, he has recently taken up the heavy legacy of the great Tibe-rius
Atlas, having to take over the role left vacant by the election of the promising Aurora to the Supreme Seat of the Grand
Council. His excellent management of some situations in Torax linked to the Abyssals amazed the most skeptics and he
proved to be the perfect candidate to represent the Ivory Order in these moments of great tension, among the
population threatened by the creatures emerging from the Great Sea and the constant worry about the increasingly
unstable mana. His skill with the war horn has allowed him to get out of unpleasant situations more than once, lending
a hand to his companions with clever encircling techniques and guiding the ever-decreasing number of snow loxodons
towards terrain rarely traveled by the fearsome ones. Abysmal. He is a great supporter of the Obsidian Front and has
participated in several training sessions to learn how to master weapons and armor of the rare material

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black, despite the fact that he just can't understand how such an important Faction has not yet been formally recognized
by the Grand Council. His young soul tends to betray him in the most demanding conversations, revealing an impetuous
and somewhat obstinate attitude, which hardly tolerates the most implicit offenses; for this reason, Clavius is one of
the most "dangerous" interlocutors of the current Kardia political scene, something that does not escape his more astute
rivals (ready to take advantage of his every mistake to take his place) and those who want to be careful not to take risks
a backhand for one word too many.


The young Clavius is unable to contain his enthusiasm for the news of the innocence of the Climatic Islands, without
hiding the fact that he was actually worried about risking ending up once again in the crosshairs of his most bitter
enemies: after all, it is known that be a descendant of the inhabitants of Pneuma; for this reason he is happy to know
that the Pneumians are collaborating with the Kardians, and recommends the PCs not to give up and save the Gran Tar
as soon as possible. He does not seem to particularly appreciate the "time wasters of Geminis" (Sòl and Gradetia in
particular), while he demonstrates great admiration for Athena Galan, becoming agitated if anyone were to even
remotely accuse his magitech of being involved in the affair. He cares a lot about the safety of the population and
appreciates the efforts of the Obsidian Front, but is instead worried by the mysterious aims of the Ark Society
(accentuating the matter if someone were to point out how the PCs were left at the mercy of an Abyssal by one of the
members of the Society!).


Wander the vast corridors of the Living Library long enough and you may stumble across a tall lanky figure wearing a
midnight blue tunic. At first glance it may seem that the Keeper of Memories is not real: his delicate, almost ethereal
features make it difficult to memorize his appearance and those who meet him often find themselves unable to describe
him clearly; a completely normal feeling given his nature as a spirit, linked to the Library since time immemorial. His
pearly eyes seem like stormy clouds, always intent on some work of cataloging or gathering information; but one should
not make the mistake of thinking that one can escape his attention, since his ability to carry out various mental
processes at the same time surpasses that of any other individual of Kardia. Although he very rarely abandons the
archives, his role as leader of the ministry of the Ancient Library leads him from time to time to interface with society,
communicating mostly remotely through magivisors or spells: the scholars or members of the Grand Council with whom
he interacts for the time necessary to carry out the tasks they can tell of a real mine of information, however released
with a dropper in a cold and rational tone, it seems in fact that the spirit does not like to divulge too much the knowledge
it holds (especially after the attack suffered to the Library at the time of the Night of Tears), providing encyclopedic but
essential descriptions, often in contrast with the dissemination policy of the Postman Explorers. His almost maniacal
obsession for the accumulation of information often translates into the careful study of ancient tomes, at least when he
is not busy transcribing notes in his personal register: a real almanac whose pages seem to never end, his very personal
way to never miss any detail.

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It takes several unsuccessful attempts to contact Kaebos, who appears very hasty and not very interested in the events
of the last few days. His voice is even colder than usual and seems to always repeat the same things (like a sort of
recording or magical hologram), ignoring direct questions and not asking any particular questions to the group. He is
very absorbed in his studies and takes his leave after a few minutes, suggesting that the PCs look into the matter further


A powerful and petulant purple melt caramel, she has earned an excellent reputation by acting as a
liaison between the Monster Hunters and the beasts of Emas for years. His contribution proved
fundamental in finding a method to communicate with the nomadic Dorohorn Skeleton , thus allowing
his movements to be reported sufficiently in advance to the members of the Faction. Her strong skills
convinced the Hunters to choose her as leader , hoping to thus gain the support of the native creatures
of the Union against the growing threat of the Abyssals. Despite her nature (and size), she knows how
appwihcicosa to be agile and refined, performing graceful and studied movements that leave her
opponents astonished and encourage her companions to support her in difficult situations, often
attracting a myriad of her peers who join the dances with joyful verses. His high-pitched cries
(sometimes distorted by the bubbles produced by his body) are the terror of his less experienced
attendants, but his displays of affection can be very... saccharine.


As soon as communications with Geminis are resumed, Madame Purpilla immediately tries to get in touch with the
Monster Hunters scattered around the Green Island, using as a conduit some particular colored candy melts present in
the area where the PCs are. She is relieved to learn the news of the Climatic Islands' innocence, but is mostly focused
on getting all the details about any Abyssals sighted, showing a certain apprehension for the population, momentarily
exposed to danger due to the lack of protective barriers . If she is told about the clash in the Attic of Sòl (see Chapter 5:
The Palace of Sòl), she apologizes on behalf of her peers for the reprehensible behavior demonstrated.


Always Iris Khora's most trusted advisor, Minus Adras is a trusted man who has recently begun to replace her in all
public appearances, acting as the true interim faction leader of the Crystal Guild and also taking on its institutional
obligations, becoming its the spokesperson for the whole Union. A task he is carrying out with such commitment that
there are many rumors that he will be the favorite successor to Iris when the fateful day arrives. Minus is a small, wiry,
pale man, always awkward, disheveled and with a perpetual expression of fear printed on his face (enhanced by the
enormous glasses that magnify his gaze). Although his shy and uncertain nature does not make him the ideal public
speaker, Pettigrew is a man of great culture, of immense good heart and whose sole interest is the protection and good
of the entire Union. Firmly convinced that knowledge (even the most arcane) should be shared with the population and
that secrets help no one, he often shared in his pamphlets political indiscretions that Concordia's leaders considered
more suitable for private conversations in the halls of power . Therefore, Pettigrew is not well regarded by all the
politicians of the Union, while scholars everywhere consider him an intellectual of great value.

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Pettigrew still seems deeply shocked by the events of the Grand Magiport which he personally witnessed, briefly telling
how he managed to escape with the help of Athena Galan and his personal magitech guard. He proves to be somewhat
skeptical about the innocence of the Climate Islands and asks the PCs to obtain tangible evidence to bring to the
attention of the Grand Council ( "we can not

certainly or allow us to make errors of judgment!” ). He has never liked Sòl's success , but urges the
group to find him and capture him alive to be brought before the Factions for trial.
If the PCs ask to speak directly with Iris Khora (see Official Strategy Guide, page 34), Pettigrew reports that the old
woman cannot possibly overexert herself and that such news could hurt her so deeply that… oh, dear, better not think
about it .


SUPERVISION: Nicola Degobbis and Alberto Orlandini

TEXTS: Matteo Delvecchio

ADDITIONAL TEXT: Christian Pagliari

REVIEW: Alberto Orlandini

GRAPHICS: Erica Viotto

ILLUSTRATIONS: Lorc, Lorenzo Magalotti, Catthy Trinh

PLAYTEST: Paolo Carenzi, Simone Coluccelli, Selene Dal Borgo, Gabriele Ferri, Federico Franconieri,
Andrea Limardo, Beatrice Pietrasanta

Fabula Chronicles is based on Fabula Ultima TTJRPG © 2023 Need Games & Rooster Games.

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