Foreign Language (Japanese)

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Hai はい - Yes
Iie いいえ - No

Yaa やあ – Hi

Ohayou gozaimasu おはようございます- Good morning *Used until about l0 a.m. when
speaking to equals or inferiors, gozaimasu may be omitted - "ohayo!”
Konnichiwa こんにちは - Good afternoon, Good day, or Hello. *Used from about 10 a.m. until
Konbanwa こんばんは - Good evening
Oyasuminasai おやすみなさい - Good night
Sayounara さようなら -Goodbye
Dewa mata / Jaa mata では また /じゃあ また - (Well then.) See you again *Said when parting
from relatives and friends
Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとう - Thank you very much
Dou itashimashite どう いたしまして - You're welcome
Sumimasen すみません - Excuse me
Gomennasai ごめんなさい - l'm sorry
Ogenki desu ka おげんき です か。-How are you?
Hai, genki desu はい、げんき です。-Yes. I'm fine.
Iie, genki dewa arimasen いいえ、げんき では ありません。-No, l'm not fine
Youkoso / lrasshaimase ようこそ / いらっしゃいませ - Welcome/ Come in *Used in
restaurants, hotels, stores etc.
Ki o tsukete き を つけて Odaijini おだいじに (for a sick person) -Take care / Be careful
Chotto matte kudasai ちょっと まってください。-Wait just a moment please.
Mou ichido, itte kudasai もう いちど、いって ください。-Please say it again.
Hajimemashite はじめまして- How do you do? *Used when meeting someone for the first time
Douzo yoroshiku どうぞ よろしく - Glad / Nice to meet you.
Onegaishimasu おねがいします- Please *when requesting
Douzo どうぞ - Please go ahead
Daisuki desu /Aishiteru だいすき です / あいしてる- l love you
Banzai ばんざい - Long live! Hurray!
Kanpai かんぱい- Cheers!
Ganbatte ne がんばって ね - Do you best *Said to encourage someone

Omedetou gozaimasu おめでとうございます – Congratulations

Hontouni / Aa, sou desu ka. ほんとうに /ああ、そう です か。- Really (?)
Abunai あぶない - Look out! / lt's dangerous
Daijoubu desu. だいじょうぶ です -It’s alright / okay
Itadakimasu いただきます- l'll take this. Let’s eat *Say this before eating as a sign of gratitude.
Gochisousama deshita ごちそうさま でした-Thank you for a good treat. *Say this after eating.
Ittekimasu いってきます- I’ll go, and I’ll come back *When about to leave somewhere, such as
from the home or office
Itterasshai いってらっしゃい -Please go and come back *Respond to ittekimasu
Tadaima ただいま -I’m back
Okaerinasai おかえりなさい -Welcome back

Shitsumon (question): Anata no namae wa nan desu ka. *What is your name?
Kotae (answer): Watashi no namae wa _____ desu ka. *My name is ____.
S: Doko ni sunde imasu ka. *Where do you live?
K: _____ ni sunde imasu. *I live in/at ____.
Shitsumon (question): Nansai desu ka. *How old are you?
Kotae (answer): _____ sai desu. *I’m ____ years old.
Shitsumon (question): Anata no tanjoubi wa itsu desu ka. *When is your birthday?
Kotae (answer): Tanjoubi wa _____ desu. *My birthday is on ____.
Shitsumon: Shumi wa nan desu ka? *What is your hobby?
Kotae: Shumi wa _____ desu.eiga/anime o mirukoto – watching movies/anime
• utau – singing • e o kakukoto – painting/drawing
• piano/gitaa o hikukoto – playing • shashin – picture taking
piano/guitar • ryouri – cooking
• dansu – dancing • intanetto – internet
• dokusho – reading • supootsu – sport
1. Subject wa complement desu. (+ sentence)
Watashi wa firipinjin desu. (I am a Filipino.)
2. Subject wa complement dewa/ja arimasen. (- sentence)
Watashi wa firipinjin dewa arimasen. (I am not a Filipino.)
3. Subject wa complement desu ka. (? sentence)
Watashi wa firipinjin desu ka. (Am I a Filipino?)
4. Subject wa complement deshita. (past tense/ was/ were)
• wa - topic marker
• ka - question marker
• desu - is, are, am
• dewa/ja arimsen - is not, are not, am not
Shitsumon: Oshokugyō wa nan desu ka. *What is your profession?
1. Watashi wa _____ desu.
2. Watashi wa (company) no _____ desu.
• doctor – isha (いしゃ) • lawyer – bengoshi (べんごし)
• nurse – kangofu (かんごふ) • teacher – sensei (せんせい)
• student – gakusei (がくせい) • singer – kashu (かしゅ)
• office worker –kaishain (かい • dancer – odoriko (おどりこ)
しゃいん) • actor – haiyū (はいゆう)
• engineer – enjinia (エンジニア) • actress – joyū (じょゆう
• policeman – keikan (けいかん)
• watashi - I
• anata - you
• kare - he
• kanojo – she
S: Oshokugyō wa nan desu ka.
K: Kare wa isha desu. *He is a doctor
Kanoja wa enjinia desu. *She is an engineer. / Kanojo wa Hitachi no enjinia desu. *She is an
engineer at/from Hitachi.
Nakamoto-San wa kashu desu. *Ms. Nakamoto is a singer
Shitsumon: Okokuseki wa nan desu ka. *What is your nationality?
Kotae: Watashi wa _____ desu.
• country + go = language
• country + jin = nationality
 Japan – Nihon / Nippon
 Japanese language – Nihongo / Nippongo
 Japanese people – Nihonjin / Nipponjin
 Philippines – Firipin
 Filipino language – Firipingo
 Filipino people – Firipinjin
 Amerika = Eigo = Amerikajin
Shitsumon: Okokuseki wa nan desu ka.
Kotae: Watashi wa _____ desu.

• Chinese Chuugokujin ちゅうごくじん

• Korean Kankokujin かんこくじん
• Malaysian Marēshiajin マレーシアじん
• Thai Taijin タイじん
• French Furansujin フランスじん
• German Doitsujin ドイツじん
• Spanish Supeinjin スペインじん
• Australian Ōsutorariajin オーストラリアじん
Jacky Chan is a Chinese. Jacky Chan-San wa Chuugokujin desu.
Jacky Chan is not a Japanese. Jacky Chan-San wa Nihonjin dewa arimasen.
S: Taehyung-San wa Kankokujin desu ka?
K: Hai, Taehyung-San wa Kankokujin desu.
S: Taehyung-San wa Nihonjin desu ka?
K: Iie, Taehyung-San wa Nihonjin dewa arimasen, Kankokujin desu.

Demonstrative Pronouns

1. This is an apple. Kore wa ringo desu. これ は りんご です.

2. That is an apple. Sore wa ringo desu. それ は りんご です.

3. That (over there) is an apple. Are wa ringo desu. あれ は りんご です.

Name of Things

• bag – kaban • comb – kushi • pencil – enpitsu

• ballpen – • computer – konpyūtā • picture – shashin
boorupen/bōrupen* * • shoes – kutsu
• book – hon • dictionary – jisho • slippers – surippa*
• camera – kamera* • eyeglasses – megane • table –
• car – kuruma • house – uchi teeburu/tēburu*
• card – kaado/kādo* • magazine – zasshi • umbrella – kasa
• cellphone – keitai • newspaper – • wallet – saifu
• chair – isu shimbun • watch/clock – tokei
• clothes – fuku • paper – kami

Particle “NO”

1. for possessive pronouns

Pronouns Possessive Pronouns

watashi - I watashi no - my / mine

anata - you (singular) anata no - your / yours (singular)

kare - he kare no – his

kanojo - she kanojo no - her / hers

watashitachi - we watashitachi no - our / ours

anatatachi - you (plural) anatatachi no - your / yours

karera/karetachi- they (male) karera no/karetachi no- their / theirs (m)

kanojora/kanojotachi-they (female) kanojora no/kanojotachi no- their / theirs (f)

Uses of Particle “no”


watashi - I kanojo - she karera - they

watashi no - my; mine kanojo no - her karera no - their (males)

watashi no hon - my book kanojo no kutsu - her shoes karera no uchi - their house

This is my ballpen. Kore wa watashi no boorupen desu

That is your cellphone. Sore wa anata no keitai desu

That (over there) is their car. Are wa karetachi no kuruma desu.

2. ‘s

Mr. Tan’s shoes - Tan-san no kutsu

Mrs. Chin’s money - Chin-san no okane

That is Mrs. Ramos’s table. Sore wa Ramos-san no teeburu desu.

3. for descriptive adjectives

Japanese car Nihon no kuruma

Japanese (language) dictionary Nihongo no jisho

This is a Filipino (language) newspaper. Kore wa firipingo no shimbun desu.

That (over there) are Chinese slippers. Are wa chuugoku no surippa desu.

4. preposition at, of, from

UST no gakusei - student at UST

Toyota no kaisha-in - employee of Toyota

Watashi wa UST no gakusei desu.

Satō-San wa Toyota no kaisha-in desu.


There are 3 kinds of Japanese writing:

1. Hiragana -basic Japanese phonetic alphabet | curvalinear in style

おはようございま Ko n ni chi wa O ge n ki de su ka
す。 ちょっと まって く だ さ
こ ん ば ん は。
O ha yo u go za i ma su い。
Ko n ba n wa
こ ん に ち は。 Cho t to ma t te ku da sa i
お げ んき で す か。

When double o occurs, the second /o/ syllable is written with う(u), instead of お (o)


o ha yo o sa yo o na ra
おはよ う さようなら
i i e o ka a sa n
いいえ おかあさん
Double consonants (ex. kk, pp, ss, or tt) are expressed with a small “tsu”っ, which doubles the sound
it precedes.

がっこう にっぽん

ga k ko o ni p po n

Three particles are written in a special way:

• wa when used as a particle is written は(ha), not わ(wa).

• e when used as a particle is written へ(he), not え(e).

• o when used as a particle is written を rather than お.

2. Katakana- used for loan words from western languages, including foreign names|straight lines
(known as the more 'masculine' of the Japanese writing systems)

ラ ジ オ ア メリ カ チョ ナ . ラ モ ス
ra ji o a me ri ka Chona Ramosu

3. Kanji

Roomaji (Roman letters)

Ex. Watashi hajimemashite - for the convenience of the foreigners.

Japanese Numbers

Number Romaji Kanji

11 juu - ichi 十一

12 juu - ni 十二

13 juu - san 十三

17 juu - nana 十七

19 juu - kyuu 十九

20 ni - juu 二十

24 ni - juu - yon 二十四

30 san - juu 三十

35 san - juu - go 三十五

40 yon - juu 四十

46 yon - juu - roku 四十六

50 go - juu 五十

57 go - juu - nana 五十七

60 roku - juu 六十

68 roku - juu - hachi 六十八

70 nana - juu 七十

79 nana - juu - kyuu 七十九

80 hachi - juu 八十

81 hachi - juu - ichi 八十一

90 kyuu - juu 九十
100 hyaku 百

101 - 999

Number Romaji Kanji

101 hyaku - ichi 百一

200 nihyaku 二百
250 nihyaku - gojuu 二百五十
300 sanbyaku 三百
347 sanbyaku - yojuu - nana 三百四十七
360 _____________________________ 三百六十
400 yonhyaku 四百
480 _____________________________ 四百八十
500 gohyaku 五百
519 _____________________________ 五百十九
600 roppyaku 六百
690 roppyaku - kyuujuu 六百九十
653 _____________________________ 六百五十三
700 nanahyaku 七百
721 _____________________________ 七百二十一
777 _____________________________ 七百七十七
800 happyaku 八百
888 _____________________________ 八百八十八
893 _____________________________ 八百九十三
900 kyūhyaku 九百
904 _____________________________ 九百四
935 _____________________________ 九百三十五
999 kyuuhyaku - kyuujuu - kyuu 九百九十九

1,000 – 10,000

Number Romaji Kanji

1,000 sen 千
1,300 sen - sanbyaku 千三百
1,800 _____________________________ 千八百
2,000 nisen 二千
2,500 _____________________________ 二千五百
3,000 sanzen 三千
3,110 _____________________________ 三千百十
4,000 yonsen 四千
4,567 _____________________________ 四千五百六十七
5,000 gosen 五千
5,123 _____________________________ 五千百二十三
6,000 rokusen 六千
6,600 _____________________________ 六千六百
7,000 nanasen 七千
7,800 _____________________________ 七千八百
8,000 hassen 八千
8,490 _____________________________ 八千四百九十
9,000 kyūsen 九千
9,730 _____________________________ 九千七百三十
9,999 _____________________________ 九千九百九十九
10,000 ichiman 一万


The adjectives in Nihongo are classified into two types:

1) i-adjectives - pure adjectives, end with letter i
2) na-adjectives - verbal adjectives, end with letter na


chiisai - small ookii – big

atarashii - new furui - old

yasashii - easy / kind muzukashii - difficult

ii / yoi - good warui - bad

takai - expensive / high yasui - cheap

se ga takai - tall (person) se ga hikui - short (person)

atsui - hot samui - cold

nagai – long mijikai - short

omoshiroi - interesting / funny tsumaranai - boring

tooi - far chikai - near

omoi - heavy karui - light

tanoshii - peasant / happy samishii - lonely

hayai - fast / early osoi - slow

tadashii - correct machigai - wrong

futoi - fat usui - thin

kawaii - cute

oishii - delicious

subarashii - wonderful

isogashii - busy

urusai - noisy

Additional Vocabularies:

tabemono - food hito - person

jugyō - class shiken - exam

inu - dog neko - cat

hoteru - hotel resutoran - restaurant

kyookai - church mise - store


kirei na - beautiful, clean

hansamu na - handsome

shiawase na - happy

genki na - well, fine, healthy

suki na - favorite

i-adjectives Conjugation:

Japanese is difficult. (present tense +)
Nihongo wa muzukashii desu.

Japanese is not difficult. (present tense -)

Nihongo wa muzukashikunai desu.
*drop the last i, add kunai

Japanese was difficult. (past tense +)

Nihongo wa muzukashikatta desu.
Japanese was difficult.
*drop the last i, add katta

Japanese was not difficult. (past tense -)

Nihongo wa muzukashikunakatta desu.
*drop the last i, add kunakatta

The food is delicious. (present tense +)

Tabemono wa oishii desu.

The food is not delicious. (present tense -)

Tabemono wa oishikunai desu.

The food was delicious. (past tense +)

Tabemono wa oishikatta desu

Japanese was not difficult. (past tense -)

Tabemono wa oishikunakatta desu.

na-adjectives Conjugation

I am happy. (present tense +)
Watashi wa shiawase desu.

I am not happy. (present tense -)

Watashi wa shiawase dewa arimasen.

I was happy. (past tense +)

Watashi wa shiawase deshita.

I was not happy. (past tense -)

Watashi wa shiawase dewa arimasen deshita.

Hanbaagaa wa ookii desu. The hamburger is big.

San Agustin kyookai wa atarashikunai desu. San Agustin church is not new.

Kanojo wa sei ga takai desu. She is tall.

Tokei wa takai desu. The watch is expensive.

Jugyoo wa omoshirokatta desu. The class was interesting.


Monday - getsuyoubi げつようび | moon 月
Tuesday - kayoubi かようび | fire 火
Wednesday - suiyoubi すいようび | water 水
Thursday - mokuyoubi もくようび | tree/wood 木
Friday - kinyoubi きんようび | gold 金
Saturday - doyoubi どようび | dirt 土
Sunday - nichiyoubi にちようび | sun/day 日

What day? Nanyoubi

What day is it? Nanyoubi desu ka
*kyou – today
Q: Kyou wa nanyoubi desu ka. – What day is today?
A: Kayoubi desu. – It is Tuesday.
*nihoungo no kurasu – Japanese class
Q: Nihongo nu kurasu wa nanyoubi desu ka.
A: Getsuyoubi to suiyoubi desu.
*kurisumasu – Christmas
Q: Kurisumasu wa nanyoubi desu ka.
A: Kinyoubi desu.


January - ichigatsu 一月 July - shichigatsu 七月
February - nigatsu二月 August - hachigatsu 八月
March - sangatsu 三月 September - kugatsu 九月
April - shigatsu 四月 October - juugatsu 十月
May - gogatsu 五月 November - juuichigatsu 十一月
June - rokugatsu 六月 December - juunigatsu 十二月

What month? – nangetsu

What month is it? – nangetsu desu ka.
It is October. – Juugatsu desu.
*tanjoubi – birthday
Q: (O)tanjoubi wa nangetsu desu ka.
A: Rokugatsu desu.
*barentaindee – valentine’s day
Q: Barentaindee wa nangetsu desu ka.
A: Nigatsu desu.


Number + nichi
15 – juugo-nichi
22 - nijuuni-nichi
31 – sanjuuichi-nichi
Irregular Numbers:
1- tsuitachi 8- yooka
2- futsuka 9- kokonaka
3- mikka 10- tooka
4- yokka 14- juuyokka
5- itsuka 20- hatsuka
6- muika 24- nijuuyokka
7- nanoka

YEARS (~nen)
2020 – nisen-nijuu-nen
1987 – sen-kyuuhyaku-hachijuu-nana-nen
Q: Otanjoubi wa nangetsu, nannichi desu ka. – What month? What date of your birthday?
A: Juuichigatsu no juuni-nichi desu. – November 12.
Q: Otanjoubi wa itsu desu ka. (when)
A: nisen- juuichi-nen, juuichigatsu no juuninichi desu. – November 12, 2011
Today is Oct. 7, 2020 – Kyou wa nisen-nijuu-nen, juugatsu no nanoka desu.

Sumimasen,ima nan-ji desu ka. - Excuse me, what time is it now? すみません、今何時ですか。
Chotto ii desu ka, ima nan-ji ka wakarimasu ka. - Can I talk to you a bit? Do you know the time
now? ちょっといいですか、今何時かわかりますか。
Tanaka-san, tōchaku wa nan-ji desu ka. - Mr. (Ms.) Tanaka, what time is the arrival? 田中さ
Sumimasen, shichi-gatsu tōka wa nan-ji ni shūgō desu ka. - Excuse me, what time do we meet
up on July 10? すみません、7 月 10 日は何時に集合ですか。
1- The Twelve-Hour Clock in Japanese Add 時 (ji), meaning “hour” or “o’clock,” after the
Japanese numbers.

English Kanji Hiragana Reading

0 o’clock 零時 れいじ rei-ji
1 o’clock 一時 いちじ ichi-ji
2 o’clock 二時 にじ ni-ji
3 o’clock 三時 さんじ san-ji
4 o’clock 四時 よじ yo-ji
5 o’clock 五時 ごじ go-ji
6 o’clock 六時 ろくじ roku-ji
7 o’clock 七時 しちじ shichi-ji
8 o’clock 八時 はちじ hachi-ji
9 o’clock 九時 くじ ku-ji
English Kanji Hiragana Reading
10 o’clock 十時 じゅうじ jū-ji
11 o’clock 十一時 じゅういちじ jū ichi-ji
12 o’clock 十二時 じゅうにじ jū ni-ji
 昼食の時間は午後1時です。Chūshoku no jikan wa gogo ichi-ji desu. Lunch time is at
one o’clock p.m.
 会議は 10 時からですか。Kaigi wa jū-ji kara desu ka. Is the meeting at ten o’clock?
 明日の朝 7 時に来てください。Ashita no asa shichi-ji ni kite kudasai. Please come at
seven o’clock tomorrow morning.

2- Minutes in Japanese 分 (fun) or (pun) meaning “minute” is always added after the numbers

English Kanji Hiragana Reading

1 minute 一分 いっぷん ippun
2 minutes 二分 にふん ni-fun
3 minutes 三分 さんぷん san-pun
4 minutes 四分 よんふん yon-fun
5 minutes 五分 ごふん go-fun
6 minutes 六分 ろっぷん roppun
7 minutes 七分 ななふん nana-fun
8 minutes 八分 はっぷん happun
9 minutes 九分 きゅうふん kyū-fun
10 minutes 十分 じゅっぷん juppun
20 minutes 二十分 にじゅっぷん ni-juppun
30 minutes 三十分 さんじゅっぷん san-juppun/ han
40 minutes 四十分 よんじゅっぷん yon-juppun
50 minutes 五十分 ごじゅっぷん go-juppun

 地震は朝 9 時 24 分に起きました。Jishin wa asa ku-ji ni-jū yon-fun ni okimashita. The

earthquake occurred at 9:24 in the morning.
 次の電車は 3 時 47 分に来ます。Tsugi no densha wa san-ji yon-jū nana-fun ni kimasu.
The next train comes at 3:47.
 今の時間は午後 6 時 18 分です。Ima no jikan wa gogo roku-ji jū happun desu. The
current time is 6:18 p.m.
3- General Time Reference of the Day

English Kanji Hiragana Reading

AM 午前 ごぜん gozen
PM 午後 ごご gogo
morning 朝 あさ asa
early morning 早朝 そうちょう sōchō
sunrise 日の出 ひので hinode
noon 正午 しょうご shōgo
midday 日中 にっちゅう nicchū
early evening 夕方 ゆうがた yūgata
English Kanji Hiragana Reading
sunset 日没 にちぼつ nichibotsu
evening / night 夜 よる yoru
midnight 深夜 しんや shin’ya

 夏の日の出は早朝の 4 時半です。Natsu no hinode wa sōchō no yo-ji han desu. The

sunrise in summer is at 4:30 in the early morning.
 明日の夜 8 時に夕食を食べましょう。Ashita no yoru hachi-ji ni yūshoku o tabemashō.
Let’s have dinner at eight o’clock tomorrow evening.
 私の飛行機は深夜 12 時 3 分に出発します。Watashi no hikōki wa shin’ya jū ni-ji san-pun
ni shuppatsu shimasu. My flight departs at 12:03, at midnight.
 私は今日正午から夕方まで忙しいです。Watashi wa kyō shōgo kara yūgata made
isogashii desu. I’m busy from noon to early evening today.

4- The Hours Divided into Minutes

Telling time with minutes in Japanese is quite simple and there are no special terms or phrases
to express certain groups of minutes, except for 半 (han) meaning “half.” On the other hand,
English has more specific expressions, such as “quarter,” “XX past two (XX minutes after two
o’clock),” and “XX to seven (XX minutes before seven o’clock).”

 To express “thirty minutes past XX o’clock” in Japanese, just add 半 (han), meaning
“half,” after “number + 時 (ji).”
 There’s no particular word for “quarter” when telling time in Japanese. It‘s simply “fifteen
minutes”: 15 分 (jū go-fun).
 “Five past six,” or 6:05, is 6 時 5 分 (roku-ji go-fun) in Japanese.
 “Ten to seven” is 7 時 10 分前 (shichi-ji juppun mae) in Japanese, which literally means
“Ten minutes before seven o’clock.”
 飛行機は朝 8 時半に出発します。Hikōki wa asa hachi-ji han ni shuppatsu shimasu. The
airplane departs at 8:30 in the morning.
 明日の会議は 3 時 15 分前に来てください。Ashita no kaigi wa san-ji jū go-fun mae ni
kite kudasai. Please come to tomorrow’s meeting fifteen minutes before three o’clock.
 今の時間は 9 時 10 分前です。Ima no jikan wa ku-ji juppun mae desu. The current time
is ten minutes before nine o’clock.
 あの学校は朝 6 時半に開きます。Ano gakkō wa asa roku-ji han ni akimasu. That school
opens at 6:30 in the morning.
5- Adverbs of Time in Japanese

English Kanji Hiragana Reading

right now 今すぐ いますぐ ima sugu
before 前 まえ mae
after 後 あと/ご ato/go
soon ー もうすぐ mō sugu
soon ー ほとんど hotondo
around 頃 ころ/ごろ koro/goro
about 約 やく yaku
currently 現在 げんざい genzai
meanwhile その間に そのあいだに sono aida ni
at the same time 同時に どうじに dōji ni
at the same time ー いつでも itsu demo
as soon as 出来るだけ早く できるだけはや dekirudake hayaku

English Kanji Hiragana Reading
間もなく/しばら まもなく/しばら mamonaku/
in a while
く く shibaraku
for a long time 長い間 ながいあいだ nagai aida

 今すぐ来きてください。会議は 15 分後に始まります。Ima sugu kite kudasai. Kaigi wa

jū go-fun go ni hajimarimasu. Please come right now. The meeting is starting after fifteen
 同時に、別のパーティーが午後 7 時半から始まります。Dōji ni, betsu no pātī ga gogo
shichi-ji han kara hajimarimasu. At the same time, another party will start at 7:30 p.m.
 私は午前 8 時から長い間待っています。出来るだけ早くここへ来てください。Watashi
wa gozen hachi-ji kara nagai aida matte imasu. Dekirudake hayaku koko e kite kudasai.
I have been waiting for a long time, since 8 o’clock a.m. Come here as soon as possible.
 今は午後 2 時 58 分で、もうすぐ 3 時になります。まもなく電車が来ます。Ima wa gogo
ni-ji go-jū happun de, mō sugu san-ji ni narimasu. Mamonaku densha ga kimasu. It is
2:58 p.m. and it’s going to be 3:00 soon. The train comes in a while.

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