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BCS401 | Design and Analysis of Algorithm | SEARCH CREATORS.

Subject Code: BCS401



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BCS401 | Design and Analysis of Algorithm | SEARCH CREATORS.


Dynamic Programming


4.1. General Method with Example

• Dynamic Programming is invented by U.S Mathematician Richard Bellman

in 1950.
• Dynamic Programming is a technique for solving Problems with overlapping
• In this method each sub-problem is solved only once.
• Dynamic Programming Is typically applied for optimization problem.
• For each given problem we may get any number of solutions we seek for
optimum solution.

Example of Dynamic Programming

1. Multistage Graph
2. 0/1 Knapsack Problem
3. All Pairs shortest path algorithm
4. Traveling Salesman Problem
5. Reliability Design
6. Optimal Binary Search Trees

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4.2. Multistage Graph

• A multistage graph G = (V, El which is a directed graph.

• In this graph all the vertices are partitioned into the k stages where k ≥ 2.
• In multistage graph problem we have to find the shortest path from source to
• The cost of each path is calculated by using the weight given along that
• The cost of a path from source (denoted by S) to sink (denoted by T) is the
sum of the costs of edges on the path.
• In multistage graph problem we have to find the path from S to T. There is
set of vertices in each stage.
• The multistage graph can be solved using forward and backward approach.

Let us solve multistage problem for both the approaches with the help of some

Fig: Multistage Graph

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Consider the graph G as shown in the Fig

There is single vertex in stage 1, then 3 vertices in stage 2, then 2 vertices in stage
and only one vertex in stage 4 (this is a target stage).

Backward approach d (S, T) = min {1+ d (A, T), 2 + d (B, T), 7 + d (C, T)} …. (1)

We will now compute d (A, T), d (B, T) and d (C, T).

d (A, 1) = min {3 + d (D, T), 6 + d (E, 1)} …… (2)

d (B, T) = min {4 + d (D, T), 10 + d (E, T)} …… (3)

d (C, T) = min {3 + d (E, T), d (C, T)} .............. (4)

Now let us compute d(D, T) and d(E, T).

d (D, T) = 8

d (E, T) = 2 backward vertex = E

Let us put these values in equations (2), (3) and (4).

d (A, T) = min {3 + 8, 6 + 2}

d (A, T) = 8 A - E -T

d (B, T) = min {4 + 8, 10 + 2}

d (B, T) = 12 A - D -T

d (C, T) = min {3 + 2, 10}

d (C, T) = 5 C-E–T

d (S, T) = min {1 + d (A, T), 2 + d (B, T), 7 + d (C, T)}

= min {1 +8,2 + 12,7+5}

= min {9, 14, 12}

d (S, T) = 9 S-A-E-T
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4.3. Transitive Closure: Warshall’s Algorithm.

1. Digraph: The graph in which all the edges are directed then it is called digraph
or directed graph.


2. Adjacency matrix: It is a representation of a graph by using matrix. If there

exists an edge between the vertices V, and V, directing from Vi, to Vj, then entry in
adjacency matrix in ith row and jth column is 1.


3. Transitive closure: Transitive closure is basically a Boolean matrix (matrix

with 0 and 1 values) in which the existence of directed paths of arbitrary lengths
between vertices is mentioned.


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• Transitive closure the transitive closure can be generated with Depth First
Search (DFS) or with Breadth First Search (BFS).
• This traversing can be done any vertex. While computing transitive closure
we have to start with some vertex and have to find all the edges which are
reachable to every other vertex.
• The reachable edges for all the vertices has to be obtained.

Basic Concept

• While computing the transitive closure, we have to traverse the graph

several times.
• To avoid this repeated traversing through graph a new algorithm is
discovered by S. Warshall which is called Warshall's algorithm.
• Warshall's algorithm constructs the transitive closure of given digraph with n
vertices through a series of n-by-n Boolean matrices.

The computations in Warshall's algorithm are given by following sequence,

Thus, the key idea in Warshall's algorithm is building of Boolean matrices.

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Procedure to be followed:

• Start with computation of R (0).

• Construct R (1) in which first vertex is used as intermediate vertex and a path
length of two edges is allowed. Note that R (1) is build using R (1) which is
already computed.
• Go on building R(k) by adding one intermediate vertex each time and with
more path length. Each R(k) has to be built from R(k-1).
• The last matrix in this series is R(n), in this R(n) all the n vertices are used a
intermediate vertices. And the R(n) which is obtained is nothing but the
transitive closure of given digraph.

ALGORITHM Warshall (A [1..n, 1..n])

//Implements Warshall’s algorithm for computing the transitive closure

//Input: The adjacency matrix A of a digraph with n vertices

//Output: The transitive closure of the digraph

R (0) ← A

for k ← 1 to n do

for i ← 1 to n do

for j ← 1 to n do

R (k) [i, j] ← R (k−1) [i, j] or (R (k−1) [i, k] and R (k−1) [k, j])

return R (n)

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Fig: Application of Warshall’s algorithm to the digraph shown.

New 1’s are in bold.

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Fig: (a) Digraph. (b) Its weight matrix. (c) Its distance matrix.


4.4. All Pairs Shortest Paths: Floyd’s Algorithm

• Floyd's algorithm is for finding the shortest path between every pair of
vertices of a graph.
• This algorithm is invented by R. Floyd and hence is the name.
• Before getting introduced with this algorithm, let us revise few concepts
related with graph.

Weighted graph: The weighted graph is a graph in which weights or distances

are given along the edges.

The weighted graph can be represented by weighted matrix as follows,

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Here w[i][j] = 0 if i=j

w[i][j] = ∞ if there is no edge (direct edge) between i and j.

W[i][j] = Weight of edge.

Basic concept of Floyd's Algorithm

• The Floyd's algorithm is for computing shortest path between every pair of
vertices of graph.
• The graph may contain negative edges but it should not contain negative
• The Floyd's algorithm requires a weighted graph.
• Floyd's algorithm computes the distance matrix of a weighted graph with n
vertices through a series of n-by-n matrices:

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ALGORITHM Floyd (W [1...n, 1...n])

//Implements Floyd’s algorithm for the all-pairs shortest-paths problem

//Input: The weight matrix W of a graph with no negative-length cycle

//Output: The distance matrix of the shortest paths’ lengths

D ← W //is not necessary if W can be overwritten

for k ← 1 to n do

for i ← 1 to n do

for j ← 1 to n do

D[i, j ] ← min{D[i, j ], D[i, k] + D[k, j ]}

return D

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Fig: Application of Floyd’s algorithm to the digraph shown. Updated elements

are shown in bold.

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4.5. Knapsack Problem

The knapsack problem can be defined as follows : If there are n items with the
weights w 1, w 2, ….w n and values (profit associated with each item) v1, v2, …
and capacity of knapsack to be W, then find the most valuable subset of the items
that fit into the knapsack.

To solve this problem using dynamic programming we will write the recurrence
relation as :

table [1, j] = maximum {table [i j], vi +table [i -1, j - wi]} if j > wi

table [i- 1, j] if j < wi

The initial stage of the table can be

The table [n, W] is a goal i.e., it’s gives the total items sum of all the selected items
for the knapsack.

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Example: For the given instance of problem obtain the optimal solution for the
knapsack problem.

The capacity of knapsack is W = 5

Solution: Initially, table [0, j] = 0 and table [i,0] = 0. There are 0 to n rows and 0 to
W columns in the table.

Now we will fill up the table either row by row or column by column.

Let us start filling the table row by row using following formula:

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Algorithm Dynamic Knapsack(n,W,w[ ],v[ ])

//Problem Description: This algorithm is for obtaining knapsack solution using dynamic

//Input: n is total number of items, W is the capacity of knapsack, w[ ] stores weights of each
item and v[ ] stores the values of each item.

//Output: Returns the total value of selected items for the knapsack.

for(i0 to n) do

for(j0 to W) do



}for(i0 to n) do

for(j0 to W) do

if (j<w[i]) then

table [i,j] table[i-1,j]

else if(j>=w[i]) then

table[i,j] max(table [i-1,j],(v[i]+table[i-1,j-w[i]]))

return table[n,W].

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4.6. Bellman-Ford Algorithm

The Bellman-Ford algorithm works for finding single source shortest path. works
for negative edge weights.

This is a single source shortest path algorithm.

Let us understand this algorithm with the help of some example.

Example: Consider following for which the shortest path can be obtained from
source vertex v1.

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Algorithm Bellman Ford (vertices, edges, source)

//Problem Description : This algorithm finds the shortest path using Bellman Ford

for (each vertex v)

if (v is source) then

v distance k 0


v. distance infinity

v. predeNull

for to toal vertices — 1)

for (each edge uv)

U  uv. source

V uv. desination

if (v. distance > u. distance + uv. weight ) then

v distance u. distance + uv. weight

v. prede  u
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} for (each edge uv)

U uv. source

v  uv. destination

if (v. distance > u.distance + uv. weight) then

Write ("Graph has negative edges")

return False

} //end of for return True

}// end of algorithm

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4.7. Travelling Sales Person Problem

Problem Description

• Let G directed graph denoted by (V, E) where V denotes set of vertices 17: =
denotes set of edges.
• The edges are given along with their cost Cij .
• The cost Cij >0 for all i and j. If there is no edge between i and j then Cij =
• A tour for the graph should be such that all the vertices should be visited
only and cost of the tour is sum of cost of edges on the tour.
• The traveling salesperson problem is to find the tour of minimum cost.

Dynamic programming is used to solve this Problem.

Step 1: Let the function C (1, V- {1}) is the total length of the tour terminating
at 1 the objective of TSP problem is that the cost of this tour should be

Step 2: Let V1, V2...Vn, be the sequence of vertices followed in optimal tour.
Then (V1, V2...Vn) must be a shortest path from V1 to Vn., which passes through
each vertex exactly once.

Step 3: Following formula can be used to obtain the optimum cost tour.

Cost (i, S) = min {d [i, j] + Cost (j, S—{j})} where j ∈ S and i ∈ S.

Consider one example to understand solving of TSP using dynamic

programming approach

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First, we will select any arbitrary vertex say select 1.

Now process for intermediate sets with increasing size.

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Step 1: Let S = ∅ then,

Cost (2, ∅, 1) = d(2, 1) = 5

Cost (3, ∅, 1) = d(3, 1) = 6

Cost (4, ∅, 1) = d(4, 1) = 8

That means eve have obtained dist (2, 1), dist (3, 1) and dist (4, 1).

Step 2:

Candidate (S) = 1

Apply the formula,

Cost (i, S) = min {d[i, j]+ Cost (j, S-{j}}

Hence from vertex 2 to 1, vertex 3 to 1 and vertex 4 to 1 by considering

intermediate path lengths we will calculate total optimum cost.

Cost (2, {3}, 1) = d (2, 3) + Cost (3, ∅, 1)


Cost (2, {3}, 1) = 15

Cost (2, {4}, 1) = d (2, 4) + Cost (4, ∅, 1)

= 10+8

Cost (2, {4}, 1) = 18

Cost (3, {2}, 1) = d (3, 2) + Cost (2, ∅, 1)


Cost (3, {2}, 1) = 8

Cost (3, {4}, 1) = d (3, 4) + Cost (4, ∅, 1)

= 12+8
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Cost (3, {4}, 1) = 20

Cost (4, {2}, 1) = d (4, 2) + Cost (2, ∅,, 1) = 8 + 5

Cost (4, {2}, 1) = 13

Cost (4, {3}, 1) = d (4, 3) + Cost (3, ∅,, 1)

=9 + 6

Cost (4, {3}, 1) = 15

Step 3: Consider candidate (S) = 2

Cost (2, {3, 4}, 1) = min {[d(2, 3) + Cost (3, {4}, 1)], (d(2, 4) + Cost (4, {3}, 1)]}

= min {[9 + 20], [10+15]}

Cost (2, {3, 4}, 1) = 25

Cost (3, (2, 4), 1) = min {[d(3, 2) + Cost (2, {4}, 1)], [d(3, 4) + Cost (4, {2}, 1)]}

= min {[13+18], [12+13]}

Cost (3, (2, 41, 1) = 25

Cost (4, (2, 31, 1) = min {[d(4, 2) + Cost (2, {3}, 1)], [d(4, 3) + Cost (3, {2}, 1)]}

= min {[8 + 15], [9 + 18]}

Cost (4, {2, 3}, 1) = 23

Step 4: Consider candidate (S) = 3. i.e., Cost (1, {2, 3, 4}) but as we have chosen
vertex 1 initially the cycle should be completed i.e., starting and ending vertex
should be 1.

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∴ We will compute,

Thus, the optimal tour is of path length 35.

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Space-Time Tradeoffs

4.8. Introduction

• Space and time trade-offs in algorithm design are a well-known issue for
both theoreticians and practitioners of computing.
• Consider, as an example The problem of computing values of a function at
many points in its domain. If it is time that is at a premium, we can
precompute the function’s values and store them in a table.
• This is exactly what human computers had to do before the advent of
electronic computers, in the process burdening libraries with thick volumes
of mathematical tables.
• Though such tables have lost much of their appeal with the widespread use
of electronic computers, the underlying idea has proven to be quite useful in
the development of several important algorithms for other problems.

4.9. Sorting By Counting

• One rather obvious idea is to count, for each element of a list to be

sorted, the total number of elements smaller than this element and record
the results in a table.
• These numbers will indicate the positions of the elements in the sorted
list: e.g., if the count is 10 for some element, it should be in the 11th
position (with index 10, if we start counting with 0) in the sorted array.
• Thus, we will be able to sort the list by simply copying its elements to
their appropriate positions in a new, sorted list. This algorithm is called
comparison counting sort
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Fig: Example of sorting by comparison counting

ALGORITHM ComparisonCountingSort (A [0..n − 1])

//Sorts an array by comparison counting

//Input: An array A[0..n − 1] of orderable elements

//Output: Array S[0..n − 1] of A’s elements sorted in nondecreasing order

for i ← 0 to n − 1 do Count[i] ← 0

for i ← 0 to n − 2 do

for j ← i + 1 to n − 1 do

if A[i] < A[j ]

Count[j ] ← Count[j ] + 1

else Count[i] ← Count[i] + 1

for i ← 0 to n − 1 do S[Count[i]] ← A[i]

return S

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EXAMPLE Consider sorting the array

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ALGORITHM DistributionCountingSort(A[0..n − 1], l, u)

//Sorts an array of integers from a limited range by distribution counting

//Input: An array A[0..n − 1] of integers between l and u (l ≤ u)

//Output: Array S[0..n − 1] of A’s elements sorted in nondecreasing order

for j ← 0 to u − l do D[j ] ← 0 //initialize frequencies

for i ← 0 to n − 1 do D[A[i] − l] ← D[A[i] − l] + 1 //compute frequencies

for j ← 1 to u − l do D[j ] ← D[j − 1] + D[j ] //reuse for distribution

for i ← n − 1 downto 0 do

j ← A[i] − l

S[D[j ] − 1] ← A[i]

D[j ] ← D[j ] − 1

return S

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4.10. Input Enhancement in String Matching

• the problem of string matching requires finding an occurrence of a given

string of m characters called the pattern in a longer string of n characters
called the text.
• it simply matches corresponding pairs of characters in the pattern and the
text left to right and, if a mismatch occurs, shifts the pattern one position to
the right for the next trial.
• Since the maximum number of such trials is n − m + 1 and, in the worst
case, m comparisons need to be made on each of them, the worst-case
efficiency of the brute-force algorithm is in the O(nm) class.
• Several faster algorithms have been discovered.
• Most of them exploit the input-enhancement idea: preprocess the pattern to
get some information about it, store this information in a table, and then use
this information during an actual search for the pattern in a given text.

Horspool’s Algorithm

Consider, as an example, searching for the pattern BARBER in some text:

In general, the following four possibilities can occur.

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Case 1: If there are no c’s in the pattern—e.g., c is letter S in our example—

we can safely shift the pattern by its entire length

Case 2: If there are occurrences of character c in the pattern but it is not the last

one there—e.g., c is letter B in our example—the shift should align the rightmost

occurrence of c in the pattern with the c in the text:

Case 3: If c happens to be the last character in the pattern but there are no c’s

among its other m − 1 characters—e.g., c is letter R in our example—the situation

is similar to that of Case 1 and the pattern should be shifted by the entire pattern’s

length m:

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Case 4: Finally, if c happens to be the last character in the pattern and there

are other c’s among its first m − 1 characters—e.g., c is letter R in our example—

the situation is similar to that of Case 2 and the rightmost occurrence of c among

the first m − 1 characters in the pattern should be aligned with the text’s c:

Horspool’s algorithm

Step 1: For a given pattern of length m and the alphabet used in both the pattern
and text, construct the shift table as described above.

Step 2: Align the pattern against the beginning of the text.

Step 3: Repeat the following until either a matching substring is found or the
pattern reaches beyond the last character of the text.

Starting with the last character in the pattern, compare the corresponding
characters in the pattern and text until either all m characters are matched

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ALGORITHM HorspoolMatching(P [0..m − 1], T [0..n − 1])

//Implements Horspool’s algorithm for string matching

//Input: Pattern P [0..m − 1] and text T [0..n − 1]

//Output: The index of the left end of the rst matching substring

// or −1 if there are no matches

ShiftTable(P [0..m − 1]) //generate Table of shifts

i ← m − 1 //position of the pattern’s right end

while i ≤ n − 1 do

k ← 0 //number of matched characters

while k ≤ m − 1 and P [m − 1 − k] = T [i − k] do


if k = m

return i − m + 1

else i ← i + Table[T [i]]

return −1

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