Module 5
Module 5
Module 5
It is right to say that we naturally accept Human Values in the light of our
understanding of Harmony and Co-Existence. Every Human being naturally expects
to be purposeful and successful. Our wisdom is the true source for realizing these
expectations. This source could never be obliterated -every person naturally accepts
goodness, Every person naturally expects goodness to happen. We all are waiting for
goodness to happen. The place where goodness would be realized will naturally be
in our relationships with other entities in existence. Recognition of a relationship in
existence is essentially recognizing of its innate purpose or value. This is study in
existence. Commitment in a relationship is a natural outcome of this recognition.
Thereafter perfection in Harmony in that relationship becomes inevitable. Perfection
naturally results in fruitfulness or success. Omni-dimensional resolution emanating
from Jeevan is always connected with all our relationships.
Human values need to be lived. What will it take to fulfill this need? Human values
are realized by understanding of Jeevan, understanding of existence as co-existence,
and by natural acceptance of humane conduct. Wisdom is nothing else but this.
When we begin realizing human values only then we become capable of doing right,
and become proficient in doing right. Till then we are trapped in one mania or the
other -and there's no way for us to do right. Understanding Jeevan and understanding
Existence are essential for becoming wise. Moreover, values are realized only upon
recognition of the meaning or purpose of relationships. Page 64
Universal Human Values BUHK408
The right understanding gained through self-exploration enables one to identify the
definitiveness of human conduct which may also be called the Ethical human
conduct. It is the same for all human beings, and is in agreement with the universal
human values.
Values (Mulya): Values can be witnessed in relationships. The ability to recognize the
relationships is due to imagination and being self organized in work. It enables us to
understand the relationship between various orders of nature too. We have many relations in
life, but the actual purpose of relationship is to be understood. For example, the purpose of
relationship between parents and children is fulfillment and protection and living in order.
Trust is the functional value that helps us to maintain the continuity of relationship.
Policy (Niti): The assets of an individual include the self „I‟, the body and the physical
resources. It is important that proper coordination existsbetween them. Policies are the rules
which when followed help us to protect, enrich and utilize adequately the various assets
possessed by us.
One must evaluate his conduct based on the above three dimensions and self exploration
alone bridges the gap between conduct and the ethical human conduct. A human being can
be called prosperous and successful if he blends his professional skills with ethical human
Character (Charitra): Character is determined by the values one incorporates in his life. It
is the outcome of the values he possesses, his perception, imagination and the experiences
gained during his life time.
If one has the above he will be organized and has self harmony. By understanding
natural acceptance on gains self expression and self extension by participation in Page 65
Universal Human Values BUHK408
harmony at all levels of existence. This leads to right understanding which will result
in a prosperous undivided society of high human order.
This definitiveness of human conduct in terms of values, policies and character is
termed as Ethics. The criterion to judge whether an act of human being is ethical or
unethical, and a definite way to work for ethics in life and profession are varying.
Ethics in the life of an individual can be imbibed only through inculcation of values,
policies and character, and this is possible through the process of ensuring right
understanding through self-exploration. At the same time, we can see that a human
being with ethical human conduct coupled with requisite professional skills only can
be a good professional, namely, a good engineer, a good manager, a good teacher
and researcher, a good technocrat, etc.
'Ethical conduct' implies that it is naturally acceptable and does not give rise to
conflict within. Thus, the 'ethical conduct' is self-satisfying, people-friendly, eco-
friendly and universal.
Acceptance of Basic human values: Schwartz has identified 10 basic human values.
These include the core values recognized in cultures round the world and are
mentioned in different cultures, religions and philosophical discussions of values.
Each of the ten basic values can be characterized by describing its central motivational
5. Power: Social status and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources.
7. Conformity: Restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others
and violate social expectations or norms.
8. Tradition: Respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional
culture or religion provide the self.
9. Benevolence: Preserving and enhancing the welfare of those with whom one is in
frequent personal contact (the „in-group‟). Page 66
Universal Human Values BUHK408
The model figure of representing the relationship among the values is mentioned
The conflicts and congruities among all ten basic values yield an integrated structure
of values. This structure can be summarizedwith two orthogonal dimensions. Self-
enhancement vs. self-transcendence: On this dimension, power and achievement
values oppose universalism and benevolence values. Both of the former emphasize
pursuit of self-interests, whereas both of the latter involveconcern for the welfare
and interests of others.
Openness to change vs. conservation: On this dimension, self-direction and
stimulation values oppose security, conformity and tradition values. Both of the
former emphasize independent action, thought and feeling and readiness for new
experience, whereas all of the latter emphasize self-restriction, order and resistance
to change. Hedonism shares elements of both openness and self-enhancement. Page 67
Universal Human Values BUHK408
A correct appraisal of the comprehensive human goal welfare and the realization of
co-existence at all levels enable us to visualize and gradually evolve a viable
alternative to the prevailing pattern of human living. Thus the right understanding
prepares us for moving towards the holistic alternative (Universal Human Order)
which will be sustainable as well as conducive to fulfill the basic human aspirations
for all human beings. It will be a mode of living which is self satisfying, people
friendly and eco-friendly.
Humanistic Education: Humanistic education will incorporate appropriate
integration of values and skills so that human being are able to understand their
physical needs correctly and adopt suitable techniques and production systems to
cater to these needs in an eco-friendly and people friendly manner. The humanistic
education will facilitate the process of self exploration which will lead to continuous
self evolution of human being. It will also enable the realization of once innateness
as well as the universality and definitiveness of ethical human conduct. It will also
develop the conviction that only value based living can be conducive to continuous
happiness and prosperity for one and all.
Humanistic Constitution Presently, the human society is divided into various
castes, creeds, religions and nationalities whose objectives and interests are proving
contrary to those of others. Accordingly a major part of human endeavour is used in
handling those conflicts and contradictions. Paradoxically, the human beings are
spending substantial part of their energies and resources in preparing themselves for
war, only to ensure peace. When the parameters of human welfare are universal i.e.
commonly applicable to all human beings, the humanistic constitution can only
alternative for the fulfillment of human aspiration.
Universal human order and its implications: On the basis of the understanding of
harmony we get the notion of an undivided society and universal human order.
The universal human order will comprise of:
1. The five dimensions of human Endeavour towards a fragmented society.
2. The steps of organization from family to world family, each anchored in right
understanding will integrate in the following ways. Page 68
Universal Human Values BUHK408
1–.Clarity about the comprehensive human goal: Samadhana –Samriddhi –Abhaya Saha-
astitva and its fulfillment through universal human order from family order to world family.
4. Competence of mutually enriching interaction with nature, ability to assess the needs for
physical facilities for the family and their fulfillment through production systems ensuring
harmony in the nature. Page 69
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Universal Human Values BUHK408
home use of solar power systems will help ensure man's survival into the 21st
century and beyond.
Universal Human Values BUHK408
Strategy for transition from the present state to Universal Human Order:
All the problems are a direct outcome of an incorrect understanding, our wrong notion about
happiness and prosperity and their continuity.
The implications of value based strategies can be understood in the following terms:
1. At the level of the individual –Achieve happiness, peace, contentment and bliss in the
self, perseverance, bravery and generosity in living of the individual. The individual get rid
of the tensions, frustrations, depression, and other such situations
2. At the level of the family -Mutual fulfillment in relationships, prosperity in the family,
sustenance of joint families, family as the building block of societal order in place of law
enforcing bodies, respect for all without differentiation on the basis of age, gender, caste,
race, money, post, creed, etc.
3. At the level of the society –Fearlessness in the society, holistic systems for education,
health, justice, production, exchange and storage, harmony between nations, world growing
as a family. Differentiations on the basis of body, physical facilities and beliefs will be
4. At the level of nature –Co-existence of all units in nature, earth getting more and more
suited for sustenance of all entities on the globe, balance of seasons, proper development.
The problems of pollution and resource depletion can be solved. Page 73
Universal Human Values BUHK408
Strategy for transition from the present state to universal human order
Promote the value based education for the ultimate betterment of society.
Framing positive agenda, mission statement, objectives, values and behaviors of the
business and service etc.
Sustainable development
Assigning the possible social role to its respective members
Promoting self awareness and enhancing healthy employer-employee relationship
and ultimately the human inter-relationship. Page 74