Ch-1 Solutions
Ch-1 Solutions
Ch-1 Solutions
3 Solutions
QUICK LOOK An alloy is a mixture or metallic solid solution composed of
two or more elements and the properties of alloys are usually
A solution is a mixture in which substances are intermixed so different from those of its component elements. Alloy
intimately that they cannot be observed as separate constituents are usually measured by mass. Some well-known
components. The dispersed phase or the substance which is to alloys include bronze (three-quarters copper, one-quarter tin);
be dissolved is called solute, while the dispersion medium in brass (two-thirds copper, one-third zinc); pewter (a mixture of
which the solute is dispersed to get a homogenous mixture is tin and copper with traces of antimony); and numerous alloys
called the solvent. And the Solubility of a substance may be of iron-particularly steel-as well as alloys involving other
defined as the amount of solute dissolved in 100 g of a solvent metals.
to form a saturated solution at a given temperature as with Kinds of Solutions: Gas, liquid and solid, these three states of
change in temperature solubility changes. matter either behave as solvent or solute Depending on the
A saturated solution is a solution which contains at a given state of solute or solvent, mainly there may be following nine
temperature as much solute as it can hold in presence of types of binary solutions. Among these solutions the most
dissolve ding solvent. Any solution may contain less solute significant type of solutions are those which are in liquid phase
than would be necessary to saturate it. Such a solution is and may be categorised as:
known as unsaturated solution. When the solution contains Solid in liquid solutions,
more solute than would be necessary to saturate it then it is Liquid in liquid solutions
termed as supersaturated solution. Gas in liquid solutions.
An aqueous solution is a solution in which the solvent is water. Table 3.1: Solvent, Solute and Example
Example of an aqueous solution: acetic acid as solute and Solvent Solute Example
water as solvent and nonaqueous solvents are ethyl acetate, Gas Gas Mixture of gases, air.
Gas Liquid Water vapours in air, mist.
used in nail polish removers, and turpentine, used to clean paint
Gas Solid Sublimation of a solid into a gas, smoke.
brushes. Aqueous-solution reactions can lead to the formation Liquid Gas CO2 gas dissolved in water .
of a solid, as when a solution of potassium chromate (K 2CrO4)
Liquid Liquid Mixture of miscible liquids, e.g., alcohol in water.
is added to an aqueous solution of barium nitrate Ba[NO 3]2 to
Liquid Solid Salt in water, sugar in water.
form solid barium chromate (BaCrO 4) and a solution of Solid Gas Adsorption of gases over metals; hydrogen over
potassium nitrate (KNO3). palladium.
We have primarily discussed liquid solutions, and in particular Solid Liquid Mercury in zinc, mercury in gold, CuSO4.5H 2O
aqueous solutions. It should be stressed, however, that Solid Solid Homogeneous mixture of two or more metals
solutions can also exist in the gaseous or solid phases. The air (alloys), e.g., copper in gold.
we breathe is a solution, not a compound; there is no such thing
Water and oil and immiscible due to their respective molecule
as an “air molecule” in its place, it is made up of diatomic
structures, and hence their inherent characteristics of
elements; monatomic elements; one element in a triatomic
intermolecular bonding. Water molecules are polar, meaning
molecule; and two compounds
that the positive electric charge is at one end of the molecule,
The “solvent” in air is nitrogen, a diatomic element that while the negative charge is at the other end. Oil, on the other
accounts for 78% of Earth's atmosphere. Oxygen, also hand, is non-polar-charges are more evenly distributed
diatomic, constitutes an additional 21%. Argon, which like all throughout the molecule. The immiscible quality of oil and
noble gases is monatomic, ranks a distant third, with 0.93%. water in relation to one another explains a number of
The remaining 0.07% is made up of traces of other noble gases; phenomena from the everyday world.
the two compounds mentioned, carbon dioxide and water (in The dispersion of two substances in an emulsion is achieved
vapour form); and, high in the atmosphere, the triatomic form through the use of an emulsifier or surfactant. Made up of
of oxygen known as ozone (O3). molecules that are both water-and oil-soluble, an emulsifier or
30 JEE-Main and Advanced Chapter-wise Solved Papers: Chemistry
surfactant acts as an agent for joining other substances in an Raoult’s Law: When a non-volatile substance is dissolved
emulsion. The two words are virtually synonymous, but in a liquid, the vapour pressure of the liquid (solvent) is
“emulsifier” is used typically in reference to foods, whereas lowered. According to Raoult’s law (1887), at any given
“surfactant” most often refers to an ingredient in detergents and temperature the partial vapour pressure (p A) of any
related products. component of a solution is equal to its mole fraction (X A)
multiplied by the vapour pressure of this component in the
In an emulsion, millions of surfactants surround the dispersed
droplets of solute, known as the internal phase, shielding them pure state (pA ). That is, p A pA XA
from the solvent or external phase. Surfactants themselves are
often used in laundry or dish detergent, because most stains on The vapour pressure of the solution (P total) is the sum of the
plates or clothes are oil-based, whereas the detergent itself is partial pressures of the components, i.e., for the solution of two
applied to the clothes in a water-based external phase. The volatile liquids with vapour pressures p A and p B .
emulsifiers in milk help to bond oily particles of milk fat Ptotal p A p B (p A X A) (p B X B)
(cream) and protein to the external phase of water that
comprises the majority of milk's volume. Relative lowering of vapour pressure is defined as the ratio of
Colligative Properties: Certain properties of dilute solutions lowering of vapour pressure to the vapour pressure of the pure
containing non-volatile solute do not depend upon the nature of solvent. It is determined by Ostwald-Walker method.
the solute dissolved but depend only upon the concentration w
i.e., the number of particles of the solute present in the p p n m
Thus according to Raoult’s law,
solution. Such properties are called colligative properties. p nN w W
Lowering of vapour pressure of the solvent. m M
Osmotic pressure of the solution. Where, p Vapour pressure of the solution
Elevation in boiling point of the solvent. p Vapour pressure of the pure solvent
Depression in freezing point of the solvent. n Number of moles of the solute
N Number of moles of the solvent
Since colligative properties depend upon the number of solute
particles present in the solution, the simple case will be that w and m weight and mol. wt. of solute
when the solute is a non-electrolyte. In case the solute is an W and M weight and mol. wt. of the solvent.
electrolyte, it may split to a number of ions each of which acts Limitations of Raoult’s Law
as a particle and thus will affect the value of the colligative Raoult’s law is applicable only to very dilute solutions.
property. Each colligative property is exactly related to other, Raoult’s law is applicable to solutions containing non-
Relative lowering of vapour pressure, elevation in boiling point volatile solute only.
and depression in freezing point are directly proportional to Raoult’s law is not applicable to solutes which dissociate or
osmotic pressure. associate in the particular solution.
Vapour Pressure: The pressure exerted by the vapours above
Table 3.2: Ideal and Non-ideal Solutions
the liquid surface in equilibrium with the liquid at a given
Ideal solutions Non-ideal solutions
temperature is called vapour pressure of the liquid. The vapour Positive deviation Negative deviation from
pressure of a liquid depends on: po pB from Raoult's law Raoult's law
A P pA p B
Nature of Liquid: Liquids, which have weak Total vapour o
PA p Ao A poA poB p A poB
Vapour pressure
Total vapour
Vapour pressure
Vapour pressure
PL 13. The vapour pressures of pure liquids A and B are 400 and
600 mmHg, respectively at 298 K. On mixing the two
liquids, the sum of their initial volumes is equal to the
volume of the final mixture. The mole fraction of liquid B
1 XM
is 0.5 in the mixture. The vapour pressure of the final
a. Attractive intermolecular interactions between L – L. in
solution, the mole fraction of components A and B in
pure liquid L and M – M in pure liquid M are stronger
vapour phase, respectively are: [JEE Main 2019]
than those between L – M when mixed in solution
a. 500 mmHg, 0.5, 0.5 b. 450 mmHg, 0.4, 0.6
b. The point Z represents vapour pressure of pure liquid
c. 450 mmHg, 0.5, 0.5 d. 500 mmHg, 0.4, 0.6
M and Raoult's law is obeyed when x L 0
14. If solubility product of Zr 3(PO4)4 is denoted by K sp and its
c. The point Z represents vapour pressure of pure liquid M
molar solubility is denoted by S, then which of the
and Raoult’s law is obeyed from x L 0 to x L 1 following relation between S and Ksp is correct.
d. The point Z represents vapour pressure of pure liquid L [JEE Main 2019]
and Raoult’s law is obeyed when x L 1 1/9 1/7
a. S= sp b. S= sp
9. For 1 molal aqueous solution of the following 929 216
1/6 1/7
compounds, which one will show the highest freezing K K
point? [JEE Main 2018] c. S= sp d. S= sp
144 6912
a. [Co(H 2O) 3Cl ].3H
3 O
15. For the solution of the gases w, x, y and z in water at
b. [Co(H 2O) 6]Cl 3 298K, the Henry’s law constants (KH) are 0.5, 2, 35 and
c. [Co(H 2O) 5Cl]Cl 2.H 2O 40 kbar, respectively. The correct plot for the given data
d. [Co(H 2O) 4Cl ]Cl.2H
2 O
is: [JEE Main 2019]
y z
10. An aqueous solution contains an unknown concentration
of Ba 2+. When 50 mL of a 1 M solution of Na 2SO4 is Partical x Partical y
added, BaSO 4 just begins to precipitate. The final volume a. pressure b. pressure x
is 500 mL. The solubility product of BaSO 4 is 1 10 –10. w
What is original concentration of Ba2+? [JEE Main 2018] (0,0) Mole fraction
(0,0) Mole fraction
a. 1 10–10 M of water of water
b. 5 10–9 M
c. 2 10–9 M Partical z
z Partical y
d.1.1 10–9 M c. pressure d.
y pressure x
11. When metal ‘M’ is treated with NaOH, a white gelatinous x w w
precipitate ‘X’ is obtained, which is soluble in excess of Mole fraction (0,0)Mole fraction
NaOH. Compound ‘X’ when heated strongly gives an of water of water
oxide which is used in chromatography as an adsorbent. 16. Which one of the following statements regarding Henry’s
The metal ‘M’ is: [JEE Main 2018] law not correct? [JEE Main 2019]
a. Fe b. Zn a. The value of K H increases with function of the nature
c. Ca d. Al of the gas.
Solutions 35
b. Higher the value of K H at a given pressure, higher is 24. A t 35°C, the vapour pressure of CS2 is 512 mm. Hg and
the solubility of the gas in the liquids.
that of acetone is 344 mm Hg. A solution of CS2 in
c. The partial of the gas in vapour phase is proportional to
acetone has a total vapour pressure of 600 mm Hg. The
the mole fraction of the gas in the solution.
d. Different gases have different KH (Henry’s law false statement amongst the following is:
constant) values at the same temperature. [JEE Main P-I 2020]
a. Heat must be absorved in order to produce the solution
17. A solution of sodium sulfate contains 92 g of Na + ions per
kilogram of water, the molality of Na + ions in that
b. Raoult’s law is not obeyed by this system.
solution in mol kg–1 is: [JEE Main 2019]
c. CS2 and acetone are less attracted to each other than to
a. 16 b. 8
c. 4 d. 12
d. A mixture of 100 ml. CS 2 an d 100 ml. acetone has a
18. Liquids A and B form an ideal solution in the entire volume < 200 ml.
composition range. At 350 K, the vapor pressures of pure
A and pure B are 7× 10 3 Pa and 12 × 10 3 Pa, respectively. 25. An open beaker of water in quilibrium with water vapour
The composition of the vapor in equilibrium with a is in a sealed container. When a few grams of glucose are
solution containing 40 mole percent of A at this added to the beaker of water, the rate at which water
temperature is: [JEE Main 2019] molecules: [JEE Main P-II 2020]
a. xA = 0.37; xB = 0.63 b. xA = 0.28; xB = 0.72 a. leaves the vapour decreases
c. xA = 0.76; xB = 0.24 d. xA = 0.4; xB = 0.6 b. leaves the solution decreases
c. leaves the vapour increases
19. The amount of sugar (C 12H22O11) required to prepare 2L d. leaves the solution increases
of its 0.1 M aqueous solution is: [JEE Main 2019]
a. 68.4 g b. 17.1 g 26. T he size of a raw mango shrinks to a much smaller size
c. 34.2 g d. 136.8 g when kept in a concentrated salt solution. Which one of
the following process can explain this?
20. Elevation in the boiling point for 1 molal solution of [JEE Main P-II 2020]
glucose is 2 K. The depression in the freezing point of 2 a. Dialysis b. Reverse osmosis
molal solutions of glucose in the same solvent is 2 K. The c. Osmosis d. Diffusion
relation between Kb and Kf is: [JEE Main 2019]
a. Kb = 0.5 Kf b. Kb = 2 Kf 27. Henry's constant (in kbar) for four gases , , and in
c. Kb = 1.5 Kf d. Kb = Kf water at 298 K is given below :
21. The concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in cold water –5
KH 50 2 2 10 0.5
can go upto: [JEE Main 2019]
3 –3
a. 10 ppm b. 14 ppm (d ensity of water = 10 kg m at 298 K) This table
c. 16 ppm d. 8 ppm implies that: [JEE Main P-II 2020]
a. Solubility of at 308 K is lower than at 298 K
22. 8g of NaOH is dissolved in 18g of H 2O. Mole fraction of b. The pressure of a 55.5 molal solution of is 1 bar
NaOH in solution and molality (in mol kg –1) of the c. The pressure of a 55.5 molal solution of is 250 bar
solutions respectively are: [JEE Main 2019]
d. has the highest solubility in water at a given pressure
a. 0.167, 11.11 b. 0.2, 22.20
c. 0.2, 11.11 d. 0.167, 22.20 28. T he presence of Soluble Fluoride ion upto 1 ppm
concentration in drinking water, is: [JEE Main P-II 2020]
23. If Ksp of Ag 2CO3 is 8×10 –12, the molar solubility of
a. harmful to bones
Ag2CO3 in 0.1M AgNO3 is : [JEE Main 2019]
–12 –10 b. harmful to skin
a. 8×10 M b. 8×10 M
–11 c. safe for teeth
c. 8×10 M d. 8×10–13 M
d. harmful for teeth
36 JEE-Main and Advanced Chapter-wise Solved Papers: Chemistry
29. Th e reaction of NO with N 2O 4 N2O4 at 250 K gives: Density of this solution at 298 K is 2.0 g
[JEE Main P-II 2020] cm–3. The ratio of the molecular weights of the solute and
a. N 2O 5 b. N 2O 3 MWsolute
solvent, , is: [JEE Adv. 2016 P-I]
c. NO2 d. N 2O MWsolvent
35. Liquids A and B form ideal solution over the entire range
30. A solution of two components containing n 1 moles of the of composition. At temperature T, equimolar binary
1st component and n 2 moles of the 2 nd component is solution of liquids A and B has vapour pressure 45 Torr. At
prepared. M 1 an d M 2 are the molecular weights of the same temperature, a new solution of A and B having
component 1 and 2 respectively. If d is the density of the mole fractions xA and xB, respectively, has vapour pressure
solution in g ml –1, C 2 i s the molarity and x 2 i s the mole of 22.5 Torr. The value of xA/xB in the new solution is ___.
fraction of the 2 nd co mponent, then C 2 can be expressed (given that the vapour pressure of pure liquid A is 20 Torr
as: [JEE Main P-II 2020] at temperature T) [JEE Adv. 2018 P-I]
dx1 1000x 2
a. C2 b. C2 36. The plot given below shows P – T curves (where P is the
M 2 x 2 (M2 M1 ) M1 x2 (M2 M 1)
pressure and T is the temperature) for two solvents X and
1000dx 2 dx 2 Y and isomolal solutions of NaCl in these solvents. NaCl
c. C2 d. C2
M1 x2 (M2 M 1) M 2 x 2 (M 2 M1) completely dissociates in both the solvents.
[JEE Adv. 2018 P-I]
31. Select the co rrect statements. [JEE Main P-II 2021]
1 2
Pressure (mmHg)
(A) Crystalline solids have long range order. 4
(B) Crystalline solids are isotropic.
1. solvent X
(C) Amorphous solid are sometimes called pseudo solids. 2. solution of NaCl in solvent X
(D) Amorphous solids soften over a range of 3. solvent Y
4. solution of NaCl in solvent Y
(E) Amorphous solids have a definite heat of fusion.
Temperature (K)
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options
given below. On addition of equal number of moles of a non-volatile
a. (A), (B), (E) only b. (B), (D) only solute S in equal amount (in kg) of these solvents, the
c. (C), (D) only d. (A), (C), (D) only elevation of boiling point of solvent X is three times that of
solvent Y. Solute S is known to undergo dimerization in
32. Tw o solutions A and B are prepared by dissolving 1 g of these solvents. If the degree of dimerization is 0.7 in
non-volatile solutes X and Y respectively in 1 kg of solvent Y, the degree of dimerization in solvent X is _____.
water. The ratio of depression in freezing points for A and
37. Mole f raction of urea in 900 gram water is 0.05. Density
B is found to be 1 : 4. The ratio of molar masses of X and
of solution is 1.2 g/cm3. Find molarity of solution.
Y is : [JEE Main P-II 2022]
[JEE Adv. 2019 P-II]
a. 1 : 4 b. 1 : 0.25
38. If 250 cm 3 of an aqueous solution containing 0.73 g of a
protein A is isotonic with one litre of another aqueous
c. 1 : 0.20 d. 1 : 5
solution containing 1.65 g of a protein B, at 298 K, the
ratio of the molecular masses of A and B is_______
Integer and Subjective × 10–2 (to the nearest integer) [JEE Main P-II 2020]
33. A compound H 2 X with molar weight of 80 g dissolved 39. At 300 K, the vapour pressure of a solution containing 1
mole of n-hexane and 3 moles of n-heptane is 550 mm of
in a solvent having density of 0.4g ml 1. Assu ming no
Hg. At the same temperature, if one more mole of n-
change in volume upon dissolution, the molality of a 3.2
heptane is added to this solution, the vapour pressure of
molar solution is: [JEE Adv. 2014 P-I]
the solution increases by 10 mm of Hg. What is the
34. Th e mole fraction of a solute in a solution is 0.1. At 298 vapour pressure in mmHg of nheptane in its pure state?
K, molarity of this solution is the same as its molality. [JEE Main P-II 2020]
Solutions 37
40. A 100 mL solution was made by adding 1.43g of Den sity of H 2 O 1.0gcm 3
[JEE Main P-II 2021]
Na2CO3.xH2O. The normality of the solution is 0.1 N.
Assume no change in volume of solution on mixing.
The value of x is. (The atomic mass of Na is 23 g/mol)
[JEE Main P-II 2020]
48. In a solvent 50% of an acid HA dimerizes and the rest
41. T he osmotic pressure of a solution of NaCl is 0.10 atm dissociates. The van't Hoff factor of the acid is _____ ×
and that of a glucose solution is 0.20 atm. The osmotic 10–2.
pressure of a solution formed by mixing 1L of the sodium (Roun d off to the nearest integer) [JEE Main P-II 2021]
chloride solution with 2L of the glucose solution is
x × 10–3 atm. X is ………….. (nearest integer) Question Stem for Question No. 49 and 50
[JEE Main P-II 2020] The boiling point of water in a 0.1 molal silver nitrate solution
(solution A) is x ºC. To this solution A, an equal volume of 0.1
42. T he elevation of boiling point of 0.10 m aqueous
molal aqueous barium chloride solution is added to make a new
CrCl3.xNH 3 solution is two times that of 0.05 m aqueous
solution B. [JEE Adv. 2021 P-I]
CaCl2 solution. The value of x is …………..
The difference in the boiling points of water in the two
[Assume 100% ionisation of the complex and CaCl 2,
solutions A and B is y × 10–2 ºC.
coordination number of Cr as 6, and that all NH 3
(Assume: Densities of the solutions A and B are the same as
molecules are present inside the coordination sphere]
that of water and the soluble salts dissociate completely.)
[JEE Main P-II 2020]
Use: Molal elevation constant (Ebullioscopic Constant), K b =
43. If the solubility product of AB 2 is 3.20 10 11M 3, then –1
0.5 K kg mol ; Boiling point of pure water as 100ºC.)
the solubility of AB2 in pure water is_____× 10 –4 mol L–1
49. T he value of x is _______.
[A ssuming that neither kind of ion reacts with water]
[JEE Main P-II 2020] 50. T he value of | y | is _____ .
44. L iquids A and B form ideal solution for all compositions 51. A company dissolves 'X' amount of CO 2 at 298 K in 1
of A and B at 25°C. Two such solutions with 0.25 and
litre of water to prepare soda water X =____ 103 g.
0.50 mole fractions of A have the total vapor pressures of
03 and 0.4 bar, respectively. What is the vapor pressure of (nearest integer) [JEE Main P-I 2022]
pure liquid B in bar? [JEE Adv. 2020 P-II] (Given: partial pressure of CO 2 at 298 K= 0.835 bar.
Henry's law constant for CO 2 at 298 K = 1.67 kbar.
45. 4.5 gm of solute having molar mass of 90 gm/mol is
Atomic mass of H, C and O is 1, 12 and 6 g mol1 ,
dissolved in water to make 250 ml solution. Calculate
molarity of the solution [JEE Main P-I 2021]
52. T he solubility product of PbI 2 is 8.0 10 .9 The solubility
46. The density of NaOH solution is 1.2 g cm . The molality
of lead iodide in 0.1 molar solution of lead nitrate is
of this solution is ________ m. [JEE Main P-II 2021]
(Round off to the Nearest Integer) x 10 6 mol/L. The value of x is ________ (Rounded off
[Use : Atomic masses : Na : 23.0 u O : 16.0 u H : 1.0 u to the nearest integer) [JEE Main P-I 2021]
Density of H 2O : 1.0 g cm–3] Given 2 1.41
47. When 400 mL of 0.2M H 2SO 4 solution is mixed with 53. 1.80 g of solute A was dissolved in 62.5 cm of ethanol
and freezing point of the solution was found to be 155.1
600 mL of 0.1 M NaOH solution, the increase in
K. The molar mass of solute A is _______g mol–1.
temperature of the final solution is _____ × 10 –2 K.
[Given: Freezing point of ethanol is 156.0 K. Density of
(Round off to the nearest integer).
ethanol is 0.80 g cm –3. Freezing point depression constant
[Use : H (aq) OH (aq) H 2O: y H 57.1kJmol 1 ]
of ethanol is 2.00 K kg mol–1] [JEE Main P-II 2022]
Specif ic heat of H 2 O 4.18JK g1 1
38 JEE-Main and Advanced Chapter-wise Solved Papers: Chemistry
54. If O2 gas is bubbled through water at 303 K, the number
of millimoles of O 2 gas that dissolve in 1 litre of water
is_______. (Nearest Integer) (Given: Henry's Law
constant for O 2 at 303 K is 46.82 k bar and partial
pressure of O 2 = 0.920 bar) (Assume solubility of O 2 in
water is too small, nearly negligible)
[JEE Main P-II 2022]