01 Main Material
01 Main Material
01 Main Material
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I have always been passionate about teaching and sharing my knowledge with others. I always
believe that teaching is an opportunity to learn more. This course book is my attempt to equip
you with all the information needed to score good marks in Auditing exam.
This book is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
It is structured to take you through a step-by-step process, starting with the basics and
gradually building up to advanced concepts. It is presented in a clear and concise language to
facilitate learning and comprehension.
In this course book, you will find detailed explanation to the concepts, practical and scenario-
based questions that will help you to handle the complexity of the recent exams. You will also
find key terms in each of the concepts are highlighted, in order to grab your attention to those
terms, as presenting the key terminology will fetch you good marks.
This course book is not just a resource for your immediate needs, but also serves as a reference
for your future practical audit assignments. A lot of effort has been put to bring this book
before you, and it is my hope that you will find this book useful it will help you to achieve your
academic and professional goals.
So, let's begin this journey of learning together. Thank you for choosing this course book, and
I wish you all the best in your academic and professional pursuits.
2. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: As per the Companies Act 2013, financial statements in relation to a
company, includes
a. a balance sheet as at the end of the financial year;
b. a profit and loss account
c. cash flow statement for the financial year;
d. a statement of changes in equity, if applicable; and
e. any explanatory note annexed to, or forming part of the above
3. BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS: As per Section 2(13), Books of Accounts includes records maintained in
respect of—
a. all sums of money received and expended by a company and matters in relation to which the
receipts and expenditure take place;
b. all sales and purchases of goods and services by the company;
c. the assets and liabilities of the company; and
d. the items of cost as may be prescribed under section 148 in the case of a company which
belongs to any class of companies specified under that section.
4. USERS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: The following are various users of financial statements:
In view of nature of entity and purpose of financial statements, the management of the entity
will adopt applicable financial reporting framework.
a. GENERAL PURPOSE FRAMEWORK: The framework which fulfil the financial information
needs of various users of financial statements is called as General-Purpose Framework.
E.g.: Sch III and AS
Characteristics of GRFW: General purpose framework will have the following characteristics:
➢ Follow Fundamental Accounting Assumptions
➢ Follow GAAP
➢ Comply with Accounting standards
➢ Prepared periodically
b. SPECIAL PURPOSE FRAMEWORK: The framework which fulfil the financial information needs
of specific users of financial statements is called as Special-Purpose Framework.
E.g.: Financial statements prepared on cash basis
i. The framework in which the financial statements are prepared as per the requirements of
such framework, without any deviation.
ii. True and fair view may not be guaranteed.
iii. Most of the special purpose financial statements are prepared as per Compliance
ii. There will always be a true and fair view in this framework.
iii. Most of the general-purpose financial statements are prepared as per Fair presentation
11. LEGAL FORM: There are several types of legal forms in which people ordinarily conduct
businesses. This is similar to “Person" Definition under Income Tax. The following are the various
types of legal forms:
a. Proprietorship firm
b. Partnership firm
c. Limited Liability Partnership
d. Society and
e. Company
f. AOP or BOI
g. Any other artificial Judicial Person
B. PURPOSE: The purpose of audit is to enhance the confidence of users of financial statements, as
they are verified for accuracy and authenticity by an independent qualified person.
C. POINTS TO BE CONSIDERED BY AN AUDITOR: The person conducting this task should take care
to ensure that financial statements would not mislead anybody. This he can do honestly by
satisfying himself that:
1. The accounts have been drawn up with reference to entries in the books of account;
2. The entries in the books of account are adequately supported by sufficient and appropriate
3. None of the entries in the books of account has been omitted in the process of compilation
and nothing which is not in the books of account has found place in the statements (fictitious
4. The information conveyed by the statements is clear and unambiguous;
5. The financial statement amounts are properly classified, described, and disclosed in
conformity with accounting standards; and
6. The statement of accounts presents a true and fair picture of the operational results and of
the assets and liabilities.
D. AUDITORS OPINION NOT A GUARANTEE: The auditor shall not be taken as a guarantee as to:
1. Future viability of an entity and
2. Efficiency or effectiveness with which management has conducted the affairs of the
1. Mr. John has been appointed as an auditor of the company X Ltd. Mr. John is aware
of that Audit is independent examination of financial information and ultimate objective
of the auditor is to express an opinion on the FS. Explain how a person conducting the
audit should take care to ensure that financial statements would not mislead anybody.
Answer: Refer above answer
As per SA-200 “Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in
Accordance with Standards on Auditing”, in conducting an audit of financial statements, the overall
objectives of the auditor are:
1. CA N is the auditor of SR Ltd. The auditor expressed his opinion on the financial
statements without ascertaining as to whether the financial statements were free from
material misstatements or not. In your opinion, whether CA N has complied with
objectives of audit considering the applicability of relevant SA? (MAY22-3M)
Answer: Write above answer and write the below conclusion.
In the given case, the auditor failed to comply with the objectives of SA 200.
1. COVER ALL ASPECTS: The audit should be organized to cover adequately all aspects of the
enterprise relevant to the financial statements being audited.
2. RELIABILITY OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION: The auditor assesses the reliability and sufficiency of
the information contained in the underlying accounting records and other source data by:
a. Making a study of accounting systems and internal controls and
b. Carrying out such other tests, enquiries and other verification procedures.
Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit 2.2
3. PROPER DISCLOSURES IN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: The auditor determines whether the
relevant information is properly disclosed in the financial statements by:
a. Comparing the financial statements with the underlying accounting records and other source
b. Considering the judgments that management has made in preparing the financial statements
c. The auditor evaluates selection and consistent application of accounting policies by
management; whether such a selection is proper and whether chosen policy has been applied
consistently on a period-to-period basis.
5. CONSTRAINTS ON SCOPE: If there is any constraints or restrictions on scope of the auditor, then
the auditor can mention the same in the auditor’s report.
The principal aspects to be covered in an audit of the financial statements are the following:
Audit is not legally obligatory for all types of business organisations or institutions. On this basis audits
may be of two broad categories i.e., audits required under law and voluntary audits.
1. The audits which are mandatorily required under law are known as Statutory Audits.
Example: Company audit required under Companies Act, 2013, Bank Audit required under
Banking Regulation Act, Tax audit required under income tax act.
2. In the case of Statutory audit, the scope and objectives of the audit will be decided under
respective and also terms of engagement.
3. The statutory audit should always be independent (Mind and Appearance).
The chief utility of audit lies in reliable financial statements on the basis of which the state of affairs
may be easy to understand. Apart from this obvious utility, there are other advantages of audit, which
are as follows:
1. Audited accounts provide high quality information. It gives confidence to users that information
on which they are relying is qualitative and it is the outcome of an exercise carried out by
following Auditing Standards recognized globally.
2. In case of companies, shareholders may or may not be involved in daily affairs of the company.
The financial statements are prepared by management consisting of directors. As shareholders
are owners of the company, they need an independent mechanism so that financial information
is qualitative and reliable. Hence, their interest is safeguarded by an audit.
3. An audit acts as a moral check on employees from committing frauds for the fear of being
discovered by audit. Audited financial statements are helpful to government authorities for
determining tax liabilities.
4. Audited financial statements can be relied upon by lenders, bankers for making their credit
decisions i.e. whether to lend or not to lend to a particular entity.
5. An audit may also detect fraud or error or both.
6. An audit reviews existence and operations of various controls operating in any entity. Hence, it is
useful at pointing out deficiencies.
1. The auditor of Very Different Limited explained to the audit team members as to how
the audited financial statements will help in protecting the financial interests of
shareholders of the company. Explain the advantages of audit of financial statements.
Answer: Refer above answer
2. The chief utility of audit lies in reliable financial statements on the basis of which the
state of affairs may be easy to understand. Apart from this obvious utility, there are
other advantages of audit. Some or all of these are of considerable value even to those
enterprises and organizations where audit is not compulsory. Explain. (A)
Note: Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but not absolute assurance.
3. Not in nature of investigation: Audit is not an official investigation. Hence, auditor cannot
obtain absolute assurance that financial statements are free from material misstatements
due to frauds or errors.
5. Future events:
a. Future events or conditions may affect an entity adversely.
b. Adverse events may seriously affect ability of an entity to continue its business.
c. The business may cease to exist in future due to change in market conditions, emergence
of new business models or products or due to onset of some adverse events.
1. MNO Ltd requested the auditor CA P to provide for absolute assurance in respect of
its ten branches scattered in Delhi and confirm that the financial statements are free
from material misstatement due to fraud or error. Advise.
The auditor is not expected to, and cannot, reduce audit risk to zero and cannot therefore
obtain absolute assurance that the financial statements are free from material
misstatement due to fraud or error.
This is because there are inherent limitations of an audit, which result in most of the audit
evidence on which the auditor draws conclusions and bases the auditor’s opinion being
persuasive rather than conclusive. In view of the above, CA P cannot provide audit absolute
assurance to MNO Ltd in respect of its branches.
2. There are practical and legal limitations on the auditor’s ability to obtain audit evidence.
Explain with examples.
Answer: Write Point C(2) from above answer
4. Audit procedures used to gather audit evidence may be ineffective for detecting an
intentional misstatement that involves, for example, collusion to falsify documentation
which may cause the auditor to believe that audit evidence is valid when it is not.
1. Audit is distinct from investigation. Investigation is a critical examination of the accounts with a
special purpose. For example, if fraud is suspected and it is specifically called upon to check the
accounts whether fraud really exists, it takes character of investigation.
2. The objective of audit, on the other hand as we have already discussed, is to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, thereby enabling the auditor to express an opinion.
3. Therefore, audit is never started with a pre-conceived notion about state of affairs; about wrong-
doing; about some wrong having been committed.
4. The auditor seeks to report what he finds in normal course of examination of accounts.
5. However, it is quite possible that sometimes investigation results from the prima facie findings of
the auditor.
6. It may happen that auditor has given some findings of serious concern. Such findings may prompt
for calling an investigation.
A. AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING: Auditing reviews the financial statements which are nothing but
a result of the overall accounting process.
B. AUDITING AND LAW: An auditor should have a good knowledge of business laws affecting the
E. AUDITING AND STATISTICS & MATHEMATICS: Auditor is also expected to have the knowledge of
statistical sampling for meaningful conclusions and mathematics for verification of inventories.
F. AUDITING AND DATA PROCESSING: EDP auditing in itself is developing as a discipline in itself.
H. AUDITING AND PRODUCTION: Good auditor is one who understands the client and his business
functions such as production, cost system, marketing etc.
1. Mr. Ganesh, one of the team members of audit team of Straight Forward Limited was
of the view that role of computers and data processing in auditing is increasing with
each passing day. Explain how computers and data processing helps in conducting audit
of a company.
Answer: Write point F
The above skills are to be acquired by the auditor practical training and theoretical education.
1. Auditor should have qualities like tact, caution, firmness, good temper, integrity, discretion,
industry, judgement, patience, clear headedness and reliability.
2. In short, all those personal qualities that go to make a good businessman contribute to the
making of a good auditor.
3. Lord Justice Lindley in the course of the judgment in the famous London & General Bank case
had succinctly summed up the overall view of what an auditor should be as regards the
personal qualities.
4. He said, “an auditor must be honest that is, he must not certify what he does not believe to
be true and must take reasonable care and skill before he believes that what he certifies is
1. Lord Justice Lindley in the course of the judgment in the famous London & General Bank
case had succinctly summed up the overall view of what an auditor should be as regards
the personal qualities. He said, “an auditor must be honest that is, he must not certify
what he does not believe to be true and must take reasonable care." Explain also stating
the qualities of Auditor.
Answer: Write above answer
”Ethics” are the principles of conduct governing an individual or group. Professions like law, medicine
have their code of ethics. Auditing profession is no exception. Rather, in profession of auditing,
importance of ethics is manifold.
The IESBA Code establishes the following as the fundamental principles of professional ethics
relevant to the auditor when conducting an audit of financial statements:
a. It requires auditor to be straight forward and honest in all professional and business
b. It implies fair dealing and truthfulness.
c. It effectively means that he shall not be associated with reports, returns, communications or
other information which he believes contains a materially false or misleading statement.
5. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR: It requires an auditor to comply with relevant laws and regulations
and avoid any conduct that he knows or should know might discredit the profession.
1. Independence implies that the judgement of a person is not subordinate to the wishes or
direction of another person who might have engaged him.
2. There are two interlinked perspectives of independence of auditors, one, independence of
mind; and two, independence in appearance.
3. Independence of mind: The state of mind that permits the provision of an opinion without
being affected by influences allowing an individual to act with integrity, and exercise
objectivity and professional skepticism.
4. Independence in appearance: The avoidance of facts and circumstances that are so
significant that a third party would reasonably conclude an auditor’s integrity, objectivity or
professional skepticism had been compromised.”
The Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, prepared by the International Federation of
Accountants (IFAC) identifies five types of threats. These are:
a. They occur when an auditing firm, its partner or associate could benefit from a financial
interest in an audit client.
b. Examples include
i. Direct financial interest or materially significant indirect financial interest in a client,
ii. Loan or guarantee to or from the concerned client,
iii. Undue dependence on a client’s fees and, hence, concerns about losing the engagement,
iv. Close business relationship with an audit client,
v. Potential employment with the client, and
vi. contingent fees for the audit engagement.
a. They occur when the auditor is reviewing the work which he has conducted as a part of
previous assignment.
b. Instances where such threats come into play are
i. when an auditor having recently been a director or senior officer of the company, and
ii. when auditors perform services that are themselves subject matters of audit.
a. They occur when the auditor promotes, or is perceived to promote, a client’s opinion to a
point where people may believe that objectivity is getting compromised,
b. For example, auditor becomes the client’s advocate in litigation and third-party disputes,
where auditor can be perceived as backing or supporting the client and it may lead to belief
that auditor is not acting and working objectively.
a. They occur when auditors are deterred from acting objectively.
b. Basically, these could happen because of threat of replacement over disagreements with the
application of accounting principles, or pressure to disproportionately reduce work in
response to reduced audit fees or being threatened with litigation.
1. Mr. S and Mr. Ware partners in SW and Associates, a Partnership Firm of Chartered
Accountants. During the financial year 2020-21, SW and Associates were appointed as
auditors of Capable and Composed Limited. The brother of Mr. W was involved in the
management of Capable and Composed Limited. Mr. S being aware of the whole situation,
on behalf of SW and Associates did not accept the appointment as auditors of Capable
and Composed Limited as it would act as a threat and affect independence of auditors.
Identify the threat in the given case.
Answer: Refer Point 4 from above answer
1. MEANING: Professional skepticism refers to an attitude that includes a questioning mind, being
alert to conditions which may indicate possible misstatement due to error or fraud, and a critical
assessment of audit evidence.
Professional Skepticism is not only required at planning stage of an audit, rather Professional
Skepticism is required during the entire process of an audit because situations and
circumstances that are not usual in nature exist during the entire process of an audit
1. MEANING: It refers to taking decisions by the auditor during the course of his audit by using his
knowledge, training and experience. Judgment includes assumptions and estimations made by
Professional judgment is used throughout planning and performing of an audit.
1. As per SA 220, “Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements” the auditor
should obtain information considered necessary in the circumstances before accepting
an engagement with a new client, when deciding whether to continue an existing
engagement and when considering acceptance of a new engagement with an existing
client. Explain
Answer: Write above answer
1. As per SA 210 “Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements”, Preconditions for an audit are those
responsibilities which management has to fulfil, in order to conduct audit.
2. They are also known as “Premise” of audit.
3. The following are the preconditions for an audit: Obtain the agreement of management that it
acknowledges and understands its responsibility:
a. For the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial
reporting framework;
b. For the internal control as management considers necessary; and
c. To provide the auditor with:
i. Access to all information such as records, documentation and other matters;
ii. Additional information that the auditor may request from management for the purpose
of the audit; and
iii. Unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom the auditor determines it
necessary to obtain audit evidence.
A. MEANING: Engagement letter is a document issued by the auditor to the client, to reduce the
chances of misunderstanding regarding scope, objective, rights, and duties of the auditor and of
1. In case of Statutory audits, the respective law governs the appointment of auditors and their
2. In all other cases, it is a matter of contract.
3. It is, therefore, important, both for the auditor and client, that each party should be clear
about the nature of the engagement.
4. In case of Non statutory audit, the issue of engagement letter is highly recommendatory as
there is no governing law regarding rights and duties of an auditor.
C. CONTENTS OF ENGAGEMENT LETTER: The following are the contents of engagement letter:
1. Title
2. Addressee
3. The objective and scope of the audit of the financial statements
4. The responsibilities of the auditor
5. The responsibilities of management
6. Identification of the applicable financial reporting framework for the preparation of the
financial statements and
7. Reference to the expected form and content of any reports to be issued by the auditor
8. Signature of Auditor
NOTE: If law or regulation prescribes in sufficient detail the terms of the audit engagement, the
auditor need not record them in a written agreement, except for the fact that such law or
regulation applies and that management acknowledges and understands its responsibilities.
A. MEANING OF RECURRING AUDIT: If the previous years auditor is reappointed as current years
auditor, then such an audit engagement will be known as Recurring Audit.
1. R & Co, a firm of Chartered Accountants have not revised the terms of engagements
and obtained confirmation from the clients for last 5 years despite changes in business
and professional environment. Elucidate the circumstances that may warrant the revision
in terms of engagement.
Answer: Write above answer
If management or those charged with governance impose a limitation on the scope of the auditor’s
work prior to accepting an audit engagement, then the auditor shall not accept such audit
Because with impose of limitations, the auditor will not be in a position to obtain sufficient and
appropriate audit evidence, which will result in expression of disclaiming an opinion on the financial
A. REASONS FOR REQUEST FROM CLIENT: A request from the client for the auditor to change the
engagement may result from
1. A change in circumstances affecting the need for the service,
2. A misunderstanding as to the nature of an audit or related service originally requested.
3. A restriction on the scope of the engagement, whether imposed by management or caused
by circumstances.
1. “An auditor who before the completion of the engagement is requested to change the
engagement to one which provides a lower level of assurance should consider the
appropriateness of doing so.” Discuss.
Answer: Write above answer
2. Dhruv & Company, a chartered accountancy firm has been appointed to conduct audit
of ABC Private Limited for the year 2018- 2019. During the course of audit, the firm
has been asked by the managing director to change the terms of audit engagement.
The auditor has asked the reasons for the same and found that it would result in
limitation on his scope by the management. Mr. Dhruv found the firm to be unable to
agree to the change of terms of audit engagement. He requested those charged with
governance to continue him with the original engagement. However, the firm is not
permitted by them to continue with the original audit engagement. In the present
scenario, advice what M/S Dhruv & Company chartered accountant shall do?
Answer: Write above answer. Then write the below conclusion.
In the given case, the auditors Dhruv & Company shall withdraw from the audit, as the
management is not permitting the auditor to continue the audit as per original terms.
1. Auditing along with other disciplines such as accounting and law, equips you with all the
knowledge that is required to enter into auditing as a profession.
2. No business or institution can effectively carry on its activities without the help of proper records
and accounts, since transactions take place at different of time with numerous persons and
1. Lalji Bhai has purchased shares of a company listed on NSE. The audited financial statements
of the company provide picture of healthy financial performance having robust turnover, low
debt and good profits. On above basis, he is absolutely satisfied that money invested by him is
safe and there is no chance of losing his money. Do audited results and audit reports of
companies provide such assurance to investors like Lalji Bhai? Is thinking of Lalji Bhai correct?
An audit does not provide assurance to investor in shares regarding safety of his money. Share prices
of securities are affected by range of factors. An audit only provides reasonable assurance that
financial statements are free from material misstatement whether due to fraud or error. Hence,
thinking of Lalji Bhai is not correct.
3. A huge fire broke out in NOIDA plant of KT Limited. Plant assets comprising building, machinery
and inventories were insured from branch of a public sector insurance company. Apart from an
insurance surveyor who was deputed for assessing loss, the regional office of insurance PSU
also appointed a CA for verification of books of accounts/ financial records of the company and
circumstances surrounding the loss. He was also requested to submit an early report. Would
the report by CA in nature of audit report?
4. Zeeba Products is a partnership firm engaged in trading of designer dresses. The firm has
appointed JJ & Co, Chartered accountants to audit their accounts for a year. The auditors were
satisfied with control systems of firm, carried out required procedures and necessary
verifications. In particular, they carried out sample checking of purchases, traced purchase bills
to GST portal and also made confirmations from suppliers. They were satisfied with audit
evidence obtained by them as part of audit exercise. An audit report was submitted to the firm
giving an opinion that financial statements reflected true and fair view of state of affairs of the
However, later on, it was discovered that purchase manager responsible for procuring dresses
from one location was also booking fake purchases of small values by colluding with unethical
dealers. Payments to these dealers were also made in connivance with accountant through
banking channel.
The partners of firm blame auditors for futile audit exercise. Are partners of firm correct in their
view point? Imagine any probable reason for such a situation.
5. CA P. Suryakantam has conducted audit of accounts of an entity for a particular year. ICAI has
issued a letter to him relating to certain matters concerning audit. He didn’t even bother to
reply to the letter despite reminders. Discuss which fundamental principle governing
professional ethics is disregarded by him.
Failure to reply to professional body smacks of lack of courtesy and professional responsibility. The
principle of “Professional behaviour” is disregarded
6. A Chartered accountant in practice issued a certificate showing original cost of plant and
machinery installed in premises of a client for Rs. 9 crores to save some regulatory fees for his
client. However, original cost of plant and machinery was Rs.15 crore as per records of client.
Which fundamental principle governing professional ethics is violated in this case?
“Integrity” requires that a professional accountant shall not knowingly be associated with reports,
returns, communications or other information where the accountant believes that the information
contains a materially false or misleading statement; contains statements or information provided
negligently or omits or obscures required information where such omission or obscurity would be
In the given case, a false certificate is knowingly issued showing misstated original cost of machinery.
Therefore, fundamental principle of “integrity” is violated.
7. CA Raman Gupta is offered appointment as auditor of a company. One of his distant uncles held
some shares in the same company. Holding of such shares, by a distant relative, is not
prohibited under provisions of law nor does it affect his independence. Before he could accept
appointment, he received unfortunate news of death of his uncle who had died without any
children. He came to know that he was nominee of these shares having substantial value. It
landed him in a tricky situation. What should be proper course of action for him?
When threats to independence exist, the auditor should either desist from the task or eliminate the
threat or at the very least, put in place safeguards which reduce the threats to an acceptable level.
Holding of shares involves financial interest in the company and is in nature of self-interest threat.
He has come to hold shares due to nomination made by his distant relative before accepting the
Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit 2.24
appointment. Considering above, he should take steps to eliminate the threat by selling shares
immediately before accepting appointment. Holding of shares of the same company for which he is
offered appointment as auditor constitutes threat to his independence.
8. A Chartered accountant receives about 40% of his total audit fees from a single client. Discuss
how it could affect independence of Chartered accountant as auditor of this client. What are
such types of threats referred to as?
Undue dependence on fees of a client constitutes a threat as there is fear of losing the client. Such
threats are referred to as self-interest threats.
9. CA Murli Madhavan provides accounting and book keeping services to a leading NGO engaged
in environmental protection work. He is also offered audit of the accounts of NGO. Identify and
discuss what kind of threat to independence may be involved in accepting such an engagement.
In this case, Chartered Accountant is already rendering accounting and book keeping services to an
NGO. If he accepts audit, he would be involved in reviewing own work. Therefore, the same
constitutes “self-review” threat.
10. The auditors of a company have only relied upon management representation letter regarding
treatment of certain tax matters under appeal by the company. The auditors have not carried
out any other audit procedures to justify management’s treatment of the said tax matters
under appeal in the financial statements. What is lacking on part of auditors in such a situation?
In the given case, auditors have relied only upon management representation letter regarding
treatment of certain tax matters under appeal by the company. No other audit procedures to verify
management’s treatment of such matters under appeal have been performed by auditors. It shows
lack of “professional skepticism” on part of auditors
11. Chirag, as part of articled training, is part of an engagement team conducting audit of a
company. He has read somewhere that engagement letter issued by auditor to client also
includes expected form and content of the auditor’s report. He was at a loss to understand how
could an auditor include form and content of the report beforehand. Try to help Chirag by
making things clear to him.
12. The management of an entity feels that it is not necessary for it to give in writing explicitly to
the auditor that it understands its responsibilities for preparation of financial statements in
accordance with applicable financial reporting framework. Discuss, whether, it is necessary for
the management to do so. In case management refuses, why should an auditor not accept the
proposed engagement?
In the instant case, there have been raids of NIA on suspected links with terror outfits which is a
criminal activity. Further, raids by Enforcement Directorate also point towards money laundering.
Therefore, proposed offer should not be accepted.
14. CA Arpita has joined a mid-sized CA firm recently. She finds that partners remain too busy and
the firm is proposing to accept audit work in areas in which it has no experience or capabilities.
The firm is proposing to accept audit of some entities engaged in emerging “fin-tech” sector.
Such audits may be requiring extensive use of technology and data analytics. However, the said
firm has no such capabilities and trained personnel. Discuss, whether, firm should accept such
audits with reason.
In the given case, the proposed engagements involve use of technology and data analytics. The firm
has no prior experience of audits in emerging “fintech” sector. The firm does not have trained
personnel to carry out these audits. Hence, offer for these audits should not be accepted
C. EVALUATIONS BY THE AUDITOR: The auditor shall evaluate whether the financial statements are
prepared in accordance with the requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework.
The auditor shall consider the following evaluations:
D. UNMODIFIED OPINION: The opinion expressed by the auditor when the auditor concludes that
the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable
financial reporting framework, and also, they are free from material misstatements.
E. CONTENTS OF THE AUDITORS REPORT: The following shall be the contents of the audit report:
1. Title
2. Addressee
3. Opinion
4. Basis for Opinion
5. Material Uncertainty relating to Going Concern (SA 570)
6. Key Audit Matters (SA 701)
7. Emphasis of Matter Paragraph (SA 706)
8. Other Matter Paragraph (SA 706)
9. Responsibilities of Management for Financial Statements
10. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
11. Reporting on Legal and Other regulatory requirements
12. Signature of Auditor
13. Date of Signature
14. Place of Signature
15. UDIN (Unique Document Identification Number)
3. OPINION PARAGRAPH: The first section of the auditor’s report shall include the auditor’s
opinion, and shall have the heading “Opinion.” The Opinion section of the auditor’s report
shall also:
4. BASIS FOR OPINION: The auditor’s report shall include a section, directly following the
Opinion section, with the heading “Basis for Opinion”, that:
a. States that the audit was conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing;
b. Refers to the section of the auditor’s report that describes the auditor’s responsibilities
under the SAs;
c. Includes a statement that the auditor is independent of the entity in accordance with the
relevant ethical requirements relating to the audit and has fulfilled the auditor’s other
ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
d. States whether the auditor believes that the audit evidence the auditor has obtained is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for the auditor’s opinion.
of the auditor’s report shall state his responsibilities as follows:
a. That the objectives of the auditor are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to
fraud or error.
b. To Issue an auditor’s report that includes the auditor’s opinion.
c. That reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee.
d. That misstatements can arise from fraud or error, and either and describe that they are
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected
to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial
8. PLACE OF SIGNATURE: The auditor’s report shall name specific location, which is ordinarily
the city where the audit report is signed.
9. DATE OF THE AUDITOR’S REPORT: The auditor’s report shall be dated no earlier than the date
on which the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the
auditor’s opinion on the financial statements.
10. UDIN:
a. It was noticed that financial documents/ certificates attested by third person
misrepresenting themselves as CA Members were misleading the Authorities and
b. ICAI also received number of complaints of signatures of CAs being forged by non CAs.
c. To curb the malpractices, the Professional Development Committee of ICAI implemented
in phased manner an innovative concept of UDIN i.e. Unique Document Identification
d. All Certificates were made mandatory to contain UDIN with effect from 1st February,
e. Chartered Accountants having full-time Certificate of Practice can register on UDIN Portal
and generate UDIN by registering the certificates attested/certified by them.
f. Accordingly, an auditor is required to mention the UDIN with respect to each audit report
being signed by him, along with his membership number while signing an audit report.
1. M/s Smart & Associates are the statutory auditors of Hotmeals Ltd. for the FY 2020-
21. How will the auditor address the audit report issued on the financial statements
for the FY 2020-21? Also give a title to the report.
3. M/s Amitabh & Associates are the statutory auditors of Ringston Ltd. which is a
company engaged in the business of manufacture of pen drives. The auditor has started
drafting the audit report for the FY 2020-21. CA Amitabh, the engagement partner is
of the view that the financial statements of Ringston Ltd. represent a true and fair
view. Give the draft of the opinion paragraph of the audit report.
We have audited the financial statements of Ringston Limited which comprise the Balance Sheet
as at 31.03.2021 and the statement of Profit and Loss Account and the notes to the financial
statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us,
the aforesaid financial statements give the information required by the Act in the manner so
required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally
accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the company as at 31.03.2021 and the Profit & Loss
for the year ending on that date.
4. M/s Kite Rite & Associates are the statutory auditors of Prime Deluxe Limited, for the
FY 2020-21. At the time of finalising the audit report, one of the engagement team
members, Mr. Robin, asked the engagement partner, CA Kite as to what all should be
included in the Basis of Opinion Paragraph. The engagement partner CA Kite, explained
the team in detail and asked Mr. Robin to draft such section for the auditor’s report
of Prime Deluxe Limited. Help Mr. Robin to draft the Basis for opinion section.
5. Diamond Shine Ltd. is a company engaged in the manufacture of detergent. M/s Bright
& Associates are the statutory auditors of the company. Explain how the paragraph
related to the management’s responsibility will come in the auditor’s report.
Management’s Responsibility for the Standalone Financial Statements
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in section 134(5) of
the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect to the preparation of these standalone
financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position, financial
performance, (changes in equity) and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the
accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the accounting Standards specified
under section 133 of the Act. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate
accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets
of the Company and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and
application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgements and estimates that are
reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal
financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness
of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial
statement that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due
to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for
assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters
related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management
either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative
but to do so. Those Board of Directors are also responsible for overseeing the Company’s
financial reporting process.
6. M/s TUV & Associates are the statutory auditors of Venus Ltd. for the FY 2020-21.
At the time of finalising the auditor’s report, one of the audit team members asked
the engagement partner, CA Tarun, to explain as to how the auditor’s report will be
signed. Help CA Tarun in explaining the same.
7. “The auditor shall evaluate whether the financial statements are prepared, in all
material respects, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable financial
reporting framework. This evaluation shall include consideration of the qualitative
aspects of the entity’s accounting practices, including indicators of possible bias in
management’s judgements.” Discuss stating clearly qualitative aspects of the entity’s
accounting practices.
8. In considering the qualitative aspects of the entity’s accounting practices, the auditor
may become aware of possible bias in management’s judgements. The auditor may
conclude that lack of neutrality together with uncorrected misstatements causes the
financial statements to be materially misstated. Explain and analyse the indicators of
lack of neutrality with examples, wherever required.
9. The first section of the auditor’s report shall include the auditor’s opinion, and shall
have the heading “Opinion.” The Opinion section of the auditor’s report shall also identify
the entity whose financial statements have been audited. Apart from the above, explain
the other relevant points to be included in opinion section.
10. "An auditor is required to make specific evaluations while forming an opinion in an
audit report." State those evaluations.
12. The auditor’s report shall include a section, directly following the Opinion section,
with the heading “Basis for Opinion”. Explain what is included in this “Basis for Opinion”
13. M/s S & Associates are the statutory auditors of Real Ltd., a company engaged in
the business of manufacturing of garments. The auditor has completed the audit and is
in the process of forming an opinion on the financial statements for the FY 2020- 21.
CA. K, the engagement partner, wants to conclude that whether financial statements
as a whole are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. What
factors he should consider to reach the conclusions?
14. SA promotes consistency in the auditor’s report, but doesn’t recognizes the need
for flexibility to accommodate particular circumstances of individual jurisdictions.
SA promotes consistency in the auditor’s report, but recognizes the need for flexibility to
accommodate particular circumstances of individual jurisdictions.
1. The purpose of communicating key audit matters is to enhance the communicative value of
the auditor’s report by providing greater transparency about the audit that was performed.
2. Communicating key audit matters provides additional information to intended users of the
financial statements to assist them in understanding those matters of most significance in the
audit of the financial statements of the current period.
C. APPLICABILITY: The auditor shall communicate the key audit matters in the following
1. For audits of complete sets of general-purpose financial statements of listed entities.
2. Law or regulation may require communication of key audit matters for audits of entities other
than listed entities.
3. The auditor may also decide to communicate key audit matters for other entities, including
those that may be of significant public interest, for example because they have a large number
and wide range of stakeholders and considering the nature and size of the business.
E. DETERMINING KEY AUDIT MATTERS: In determining the Key audit matters, the auditor shall take
into account the following:
1. Areas of higher assessed risk of material misstatement, or significant risks identified in
accordance with SA 315.
2. Areas in the financial statements that involved significant management judgement, including
accounting estimates that have been identified as having high estimation uncertainty.
3. The effect on the audit of significant events or transactions that occurred during the period.
1. Communicating Key Audit Matter is not a substitute for disclosure in the Financial
Statements rather Communicating key audit matters in the auditor’s report is in the
context of the Auditor having formed an opinion on the financial statements as a whole.
Answer: Write Point B
2. Explain the circumstances in which the auditor is prohibited from communicating Key
audit matters in Audit Report.
Answer: Write Point F
3. Instead of modifying an opinion in accordance with SA 705, the statutory auditor can
use Key Audit Matter paragraph in the audit report with an unmodified opinion.
Incorrect: Communicating key audit matters in the auditor’s report is not a substitute for the
auditor expressing a modified opinion when required by the circumstances of a specific audit
engagement in accordance with SA 705
B. FACTORS IN DECIDING THE TYPE OF MODIFIED OPINION: The decision regarding which type of
modified opinion is appropriate depends upon:
1. The nature of the matter giving rise to the modification, that is, whether the financial
statements are materially misstated or, in the case of an inability to obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence, may be materially misstated (availability or non-availability of
audit evidence); and
2. The auditor’s judgement about the pervasiveness of the effects or possible effects of the
matter on the financial statements.
• The title of opinion paragraph shall be ‘Qualified Opinion.’
• The title of Basis for Opinion paragraph shall be ‘Basis for Qualified Opinion.’
• The terminology to be used in opinion paragraph, “except for the effects of the matter(s)
described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion section, financial statements give true and
fair view or present fairly in all material respects”
2. ADVERSE OPINION: The auditor shall express an adverse opinion when the auditor, having
obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence, concludes that misstatements, individually or
in the aggregate, are both material and pervasive to the financial statements.
• The title of opinion paragraph shall be ‘Adverse Opinion.’
• The title of Basis for Opinion paragraph shall be ‘Basis for Adverse Opinion.’
• The terminology to be used in opinion paragraph, “because of the significance of the
matter(s) described in the Basis for Adverse Opinion section, the accompanying financial
statements do not present fairly or do not give a true and fair view.”
3. DISCLAIMER OF OPINION: The auditor shall disclaim an opinion when the auditor is unable
to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion, and the auditor
concludes that the possible effects on the financial statements of undetected misstatements,
if any, could be both material and pervasive.
• The title of opinion paragraph shall be ‘Disclaimer of Opinion.’
• The title of Basis for Opinion paragraph shall be ‘Basis for Disclaimer Opinion.’
• The terminology to be used in opinion paragraph, “We do not express an opinion on
financial statements because of the significance of the matter(s) described in the Basis
for Disclaimer of Opinion section, as we are not able to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion on the financial statements;”
1. Pervasive is a term used, in the context of misstatements, to describe the effects on the
financial statements of misstatements or the possible effects on the financial statements of
modify the opinion in the auditor’s report, the auditor shall communicate with those charged
with governance the circumstances that led to the expected modification and the wording of the
1. Super Duper Ltd. is a company engaged in the manufacture of office furniture. M/s
Young Old & Associates are the statutory auditors of the company for the FY 2020-
21. During the year under audit, the engagement partner CA Young noticed that the
company has not bifurcated its loans into long term and short term. CA Young
understands that such misstatement is not pervasive though the same is material.
Explain the type of opinion that should be given by M/s Young Old & Associates in this
M/s Young Old & Associates should give a qualified opinion as the effect of the misstatement
on account of the non-bifurcation of loans into long term and short term loans, is material but
not pervasive.
2. M/s Taj Raj & Associates are the statutory auditors of Polex Ltd. engaged in the
manufacture of premium watches, for the FY 2020-21. During the course of audit, CA
Taj, the engagement partner found that the stocks and debtors of the company
constituting about 80% of the total assets of the company are not realisable. Further,
the cashier of the company has committed a fraud during the year under audit. Both
the facts are not reflected in the financial statements for the year ending 31.03.2021.
Accordingly, CA Taj is of the view that the impact of both the situations on the financial
statements is material and pervasive and thus, the financial statements represent a
distorted view of the state of affairs of the company. Explain the reporting
requirements of CA Taj.
In the case Polex Ltd., CA Taj found that the stocks and debtors of the company constituting
about 80% of the total assets of the company are not realisable. Further, the cashier of the
company has committed a fraud during the year under audit. Such situations are not reflected
in the financial statements of the company despite having a material and pervasive impact on
the financial statements. As such, CA Taj should give an adverse opinion.
Further, CA Taj should also consider the reporting responsibilities under CARO 2020 and
section 143(12) of the Companies Act, 2013.
3. Delightful Ltd. is a company engaged in the production of smiley balls. During the FY
2020-21 the company transferred its accounts to computerised system (SAP) from
manual system of accounts. Since the employees of the company were not well versed
with the SAP system, there were many errors in the accounting during the transition
period. As such the statutory auditors of the company were not able to extract correct
data and reports from the system. Such data was not available manually also. Further,
the employees and the management of the company were not supportive in providing the
requisite information to the audit team. Explain the kind of audit report that the
statutory auditor of the company should issue in this case.
4. M/s Daisy & Associates are the statutory auditors of Zebra Ltd. for the FY 2020-21.
CA Daisy, the engagement partner wants to verify the cash in hand as on 31.03.2021.
The cash balance of the company as on 31.03.2021 is Rs. 1,00,000/- and the turnover
of the company for the year is Rs. 6 crores. The management of the company informs
CA Daisy that such cash verification is not possible as the cashier is on leave for his
marriage and no other employee of the company is available as all are busy in year
ending activities. Explain the relevant provisions to deal with such a situation.
Refer SA 705 Point H and then write the below conclusion.
In the present case CA Daisy, the statutory auditor is unable to verify the cash in hand of Zebra
Ltd. as on 31.03.2021. The same is due to a limitation imposed by the management of Zebra Ltd.
which is due to the non-availability of the cashier. In such situation, CA Daisy should perform
alternate procedures to verify the cash on hand of the company. Further, CA Daisy should
consider the impact on the auditor’s report and may consider issuing a qualified opinion in this
We draw attention to Note Y of the financial statements, which describes the effects of a fire
in the Company’s factory. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
Emphasis of Matter paragraph: A paragraph included in the auditor’s report that refers to a
matter presented or disclosed in the financial statements.
In the given case, the auditor of D Ltd considers that the matter of such importance that is
fundamental to the users understanding, hence it needs to be highlighted in Emphasis of Matter
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS UNDER SECTION 143(1): The auditor has to make inquires on following
matters under section 143(1) of Companies Act, 2013:-
Note: The auditor is required to report on the above matters only he finds answer to any of these
matters in adverse (negative remarks).
v. Whether the dividend declared or paid during the year by the company is in compliance with
section 123 of the Companies Act, 2013.
vi. Whether the company, in respect of financial years commencing on or after the 1st April,
2022, has used such accounting software for maintaining its books of account which has a
feature of recording audit trail (edit log) facility and the same has been operated throughout
the year for all transactions recorded in the software and the audit trail feature has not been
tampered with and the audit trail has been preserved by the company as per the statutory
requirements for record retention.
Note: The auditor is required to report on matters specified under section 143(3) in all the cases
(irrespective of positive or negative comments).
1. State the matters to be included in the auditors report as per Rule 11 Companies (Audit
and Auditors) Rules, 2014.
Answer: Write clause (j) from above answer.
COMPANIES (AUDITOR’S REPORT ORDER, 2020 [CARO, 2020] is an additional reporting requirement
prescribed by the Central Government, after consultation with the National Financial Reporting
Authority constituted
C. CLAUSES TO BE REPORTED: The following matters are required to be reported by the auditor in
his audit report as per CARO 2020
a. Physical verification: Whether physical verification of inventory has been conducted at
reasonable intervals by the management.
i) Whether the coverage and procedure of such verification by the management is
ii) Whether any discrepancies of 10% or more in the aggregate for each class of inventory
were noticed and if so, whether they have been properly dealt with in the books of
b. Working capital loans: Whether during any point of time of the year, the company has been
sanctioned working capital limits in excess of five crore rupees, in aggregate, from banks or
financial institutions on the basis of security of current assets;
i) Whether the quarterly returns or statements filed by the company with such banks or
financial institutions are in agreement with the books of account of the Company, if not,
give details
V. ACCEPTANCE OF DEPOSITS: In case the company has accepted deposits from the public,
a. Verify the compliance with the following:
i) The provisions of Sections 73 to 76 of the Co.’s Act, 2013 or
ii) Whether the directives issued by the RBI and
iii) An order passed by CLB or any court or any other Tribunal, if any.
b. If there is any Non-compliance, the nature of contraventions should be stated.
Note: A mere representation to the concerned department shall not constitute a dispute.
VIII. DISCLOSURE OF UNDISCLOSED INCOME: Whether any transactions not recorded in the books
of account have been surrendered or disclosed as income during the year in the tax assessments
under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), if so, whether the previously unrecorded income
has been properly recorded in the books of account during the year.
a. IPO / FPO:
i) Whether the money raised by way of initial or further public offer (including debt
instruments) were utilized for the purposes for which those are raised.
XIII. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION: Whether all transaction with related parties is
a. In compliance with section 177 & 188 where applicable, &
b. Details have been disclosed in the financial statements etc., as required by applicable
accounting standards.
XV. NON-CASH TRANSACTION: Whether Company has entered into any Non-Cash Transactions with
directors & if so provisions of section 192 have been complied with.
XVII. CASH LOSSES: Whether the company has incurred cash losses in the financial year and in the
immediately preceding financial year, if so, state the amount of cash losses.
a. Where, in the auditor’s report, the answer to any of the above matters, are unfavourable or
qualified, the auditor’s report shall also state the basis for such unfavourable or qualified answer,
as the case may be.
b. Where the auditor is unable to express any opinion on any specified matter, his report shall
indicate such fact together with the reasons as to why it is not possible for him to give his opinion
on the same.
1. Gill Pvt Ltd’s Paid Up Capital and Reserves are less than Rs.100 Lakhs and it has no
Borrowings from any Bank or Financial Institution. Its Sales are Rs.12 Crores before
deducting Trade Discount Rs. 20 Lakhs and Sales Returns Rs.190 Lakhs. The services
rendered by the Company amounted to Rs.20 Lakhs. Comment on applicability of CARO
to this Company.
In the given case, Total revenue = 12crores – 0.2 crores – 1.9 crores + 0.2 crores = 10.1 crores.
2. Royal Pvt. Ltd. is the Holding Company of Goyal Ltd. and the following are the details
w.r.t Royal Pvt Ltd:
Paid Up Capital and Reserves Rs. 30 Lakhs
The Borrowings from SBI is Rs. 60 Lakhs
In the given case, Excise Duty and Sales Tax are recorded separately. Hence should not be
considered for turnover. Sales Return should be deducted from sales. Commission on the sales
should not be considered. Therefore, CARO 2020 is not applicable assuming all other conditions
are satisfied.
Assuming all other conditions are satisfied CARO will not be applicable.
4. FN Ltd, a Benefit Fund, registered under NBFC Regulations, is in existence for the
past two decades. On 31st December 2021, this Company is converted into a Bank. You
have been appointed as an Auditor for the Financial Year 2020-21. Comment whether
CARO is applicable for this Company.
1. Banking Companies are exempted from CARO Reporting Requirements.
6. Enter Pvt. Ltd has 2 Branches - in Chennai and in Mumbai. Each Branch has a separate
Statutory Auditor and the Company, as a whole, has a Central Statutory Auditor.
Comment which of these Auditors must comply with CARO.
Conditions to be satisfied for being exempt from CARO are laid down for the Company taken as
a whole. So, if CARO is applicable to the Company as a whole, then each and every Branch of the
Company will also be automatically covered under CARO (irrespective of the fact that the
Branch’s transactions are within the limits).
The Branch Auditor has the same reporting responsibilities in respect of the Branch, as those
of the Company Auditor in respect of the Company. The comments of the Branch Auditor in
respect of the Branch are dealt with by the Central Statutory Auditor of the Company while
finalizing his report under CARO.
In the given case, the Company has a Paid up Capital and Reserves of Rs.110 Lakhs, which exceeds
the exemption limit Rs.100 Lakhs /1 Crore. CARO is applicable for the Company.
7. H Private Ltd had taken Overdrafts from SBI & HSBC with a limit of Rs. 40 Lakhs
each against the security of Fixed Deposit it had with those Banks and an Unsecured
Overdraft from a Financial Institution of Rs.29 Lakhs. The said loans were outstanding
as at 31st March. The Paid Up Capital and Reserves of the Company as at that date
was Rs. 80 Lakhs and its Total Revenue during the financial year ended on 31st March
was Rs.6 Crores. The Management of the Company is of the opinion that CARO is not
applicable to it because Total Revenue and Paid-Up Capital were within the limits
prescribed and Borrowings against the Fixed Deposit cannot be considered. The Company
further contended that Borrowings Limit is to be reckoned per Bank or Financial
Institution and not cumulatively. Comment.
Points to be kept in mind while calculation borrowings:
1. BORROWINGS AGAINST FD: Amount Outstanding must be included in determining the
limit. It should not be netted off against the amount of Fixed Deposit
2. “BORROWINGS FROM ANY BANK”: Total Borrowings from all Banks & Financial
Institutions should be considered cumulatively, and not on “per Bank / FI basis". Thus,
all Loans / Borrowings (secured or unsecured) should be included.
Total Borrowings in this case = Rs.40 + Rs.40 + Rs.29 = Rs.109 Lakhs = Rs.1.09 Crores.
Since Borrowings > Rs.1 Crore, CARO Reporting is applicable to the Company.
8. G Pvt. Ltd. Had fully paid up Capital and Reserves of X 1.20 crore as at the end of
F.Y 2020- 2021. During the F.Y 2021-2022, business was interrupted due to Covid
restrictions and therefore the company incurred losses to the tune of 25 lacs. During
the year, the company also borrowed X 55 lakh each from a bank and a financial
institution independently. It had a turnover of X 850 lakh (other than revenue of X
250 lakh from discontinuing operations). Ascertain whether CARO, 2020 is applicable
to the company.
First write the conditions for applicability of CARO for Private limited company.
In the given case,
Paid up capital as on Balance sheet date (i.e., on 31/02/22) = 120 Lakhs -25 Lakhs = 95 Lakhs
Borrowings = 55 Lakhs *2 = 110 Lakhs
Total Revenue = 850 Lakhs + 250 Lakhs = 1100 Lakhs
9. The company has dispensed with the practice of taking inventory of their inventories at
the year-end as in their opinion the exercise is redundant, time consuming and intrusion
to normal functioning of the operations. Explain reporting requirement under CARO,
Clause (ii) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020, requires the auditor to report
a. whether physical verification of inventory has been conducted at reasonable intervals by
the management and whether, in the opinion of the auditor, the coverage and procedure
of such verification by the management is appropriate; whether any discrepancies of 10%
or more in the aggregate for each class of inventory were noticed and if so, whether
they have been properly dealt with in the books of account;
b. whether during any point of time of the year, the company has been sanctioned working
capital limits in excess of five crore rupees, in aggregate, from banks or financial
institutions on the basis of security of current assets; whether the quarterly returns or
statements filed by the company with such banks or financial institutions are in
agreement with the books of account of the Company, if not, give details;
In the given case, the above requirement of physical verification of inventory by the
management has not been taken place and therefore the auditor should point out the same under
CARO, 2020. He may consider the impact on financial statement and report accordingly.
According to section 143(12) and Rule 13 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, the
following are the duties of auditor in relation to any fraud identified during the course of his audit:
2. The manner of reporting the matter to the Central Government is as follows: [Rule 13]
2. Disclosure in the Board's Report: The following details of each of the fraud reported to the
Audit committee or the Board but not reported to CG, shall be disclosed in board’s report:
a. Nature of Fraud with description;
b. Approximate Amount involved;
c. Parties involved, and
d. Remedial actions taken.
1. Mr. A is appointed as Statutory auditor of a company for the financial year ended 31st
March 2018.During the course of Audit it was found that few doubtful transactions
had been committed by Finance manager who retired in March 2018.The Fraud was
going on Since last 2-3 years and the total amount misappropriated exceeding ₹ 100
lakhs. As a statutory auditor. What would be reporting responsibilities of Mr. A?
Answer: Write point A from the above question
2. The head accountant of a company entered fake invoices of credit purchases in the
books of account aggregate of ₹ 50 lakh and cleared all the payments to such bogus
creditor. Here, the auditor of the company is required to report the fraudulent activity.
Explain the reporting requirements of the auditor in this regard.
Answer: Write point B from the above question
In the case of a company, members should qualify(modify) their audit reports in case –
1. Accounting policies required to be disclosed under Schedule III or any other provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013 have not been disclosed, or
2. Accounts have not been prepared on accrual basis, or
3. The fundamental accounting assumption of going concern has not been followed and this fact
has not been disclosed in the financial statements, or
4. Proper disclosures regarding changes in the accounting policies have not been made.
Note: Where a company has been given a specific exemption regarding any of the matters stated
above but the fact of such exemption has not been adequately disclosed in the accounts, the member
should mention the fact of exemption in his audit report without necessarily making it a subject
matter of audit qualification.
2. WHO CAN BE APPOINTED AS A BRANCH AUDITOR: Where a company has a branch office, the
accounts of that office shall be audited either by:
a. The auditor appointed for the company (i.e., Principal auditor) or
b. Any chartered accountant holding certificate of practice, or
c. Where the branch office is situated in a country outside India, the accounts of the branch
office shall be audited either by the company's auditor or by an accountant or by any other
person duly qualified to act as an auditor of the accounts of the branch office in accordance
with the laws of that country.
1. M/s Seeman & Co. had been the company auditor for Amudhan Company limited for the
year 2015-16. The company had three branches located at Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai.
The audits of branches-Chennai, Delhi were looked after by the company auditors
themselves. The audit of Mumbai branch had been done by another auditor M/s Vasan
& co.; a local auditor situated at Mumbai. The branch auditor had completed the audit
and had given his report too. After this, but before finalization, the company auditor
wanted to visit the Mumbai branch and have access to the inventory records maintained
at the branch. The management objects to this on the grounds of the company auditor
is transgressing the scope of audit areas agreed. Comment.
He has also right of access at all times to the books and accounts and vouchers of the company
maintained at the branch office. He can appropriately deal with the repot of the branch auditor
in framing his main repot. He will disclose how he had dealt with the branch audit report.
Analysis: In this case, the audits of two branches were done by the company auditor and one
branch was done by a separate branch auditor.
Applying the above provisions, to the instant case, management’s objection that the company
auditor is transgressing the scope of audit areas agreed, is absolutely, wrong. The right of
company auditor in visiting and accessing the records of branch cannot be forfeited.
Conclusion: Even where the branch accounts are audited by another local auditor, the company
auditor has right to visit the branch and can have access to the books and vouchers of the
company maintained at the branch office.
1. Principal auditor means the auditor with responsibility for reporting on the financial
information of an entity when that financial information includes the financial information of
one or more components audited by another auditor.
2. Other auditor means an auditor, other than the principal auditor, with responsibility for
reporting on the financial information of a component which is included in the financial
information audited by the principal auditor.
3. Component means a division, branch, subsidiary, joint venture, associated enterprises or
other entity whose financial information is included in the financial information audited by
the principal auditor.
B. USING THE WORK OF ANOTHER AUDITOR: As per SA 600, “Using the Work of another Auditor”,
the principal auditor shall perform the following procedures when using the work of branch
1. Advise the other auditor of the use that is to be made of the other auditor's work and report
and make sufficient arrangements for co-ordination of their efforts at the planning stage of
the audit.
1. MEANING: Joint audit refers to the process of conducting the audit of a single organisation by
more than one auditor. Large Companies with diversified business operations often resort to this
process of auditing where they employ multiple auditors to conduct statutory audit. SA 299,
“Joint Audit of Financial Statements” lays down the principles for effective conduct of joint audit
a. Where joint auditors are appointed, they should, by mutual discussion, divide the audit work
among themselves.
b. Generally, work will be divided on the following basis:
a. Generally, all the joint auditors arrive common conclusions and express common opinion
through a single audit report.
b. However, any joint auditor is not bound by majority’s opinion.
c. If there is a difference of opinion among joint auditors, then such disagreeing auditor can
express his own opinion by a separate report.
d. In such circumstances, the audit report(s) issued by the joint auditor(s) shall make a reference
to each other's audit reports
8. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS AS PER SA 299: This Standard deals with the special considerations in
carrying out audit by joint auditors. It requires that–
a. The engagement partner and other key members of the engagement team from each of the
joint auditors should be involved in planning the audit.
b. The joint auditors should jointly establish an overall audit strategy which sets the scope,
timing, and direction of the audit, and also guides the development of the audit plan.
c. In developing the joint audit plan, the joint auditors should:
i. Identify division of audit areas and common audit areas;
ii. Ascertain the reporting objectives of the engagement;
1. Before the commencement of the audit, the joint auditors should discuss and develop a
joint audit plan. In developing the joint audit plan, the joint auditors should identify
division of audit areas and common audit areas. Explain stating the other relevant
considerations in this regard.
Answer: Refer Point 8 from above answer
2. The concept of “joint audit” has legal foothold under the Companies Act, 2013.
Correct: Under provisions of section 139(3), the members of a company may resolve to provide
that audit shall be conducted by more than one auditor. Hence, the concept of “joint audit” has
legal foothold also under Companies Act, 2013.
B. APPLICABILITY OF INTERNAL AUDIT: As per section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013 the following
class of companies (prescribed in Rule 13 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014). Shall be required
to appoint an internal auditor or a firm of internal auditors, namely:
1. Every listed company.
Audit Reporting 3.39
2. Every unlisted Public Company having:
a. Paid up share capital of Rs. 50 crores or more as on preceding balance sheet date or
b. Turnover of Rs. 200 crores or more as per preceding financial statements or
c. Outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public financial institutions Rs. 100 crores
or more at any point of time during preceding financial year or
d. Outstanding deposits of Rs. 25 crores or more at any point of time during preceding
financial year.
3. Every Private Company having-
a. Turnover of Rs. 200 crores or more as per preceding financial statements or
b. Outstanding loans or borrowings from banks or public financial institutions Rs. 100 crores
or more at any point of time during preceding financial year.
D. OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF INTERNAL AUDITOR: The functioning, periodicity and methodology
for conducting the internal audit i.e., objective and scope are determined by the Audit Committee
or the Board after consultation with the Internal Auditor.
1. Windy Limited is an unlisted public limited company. During the financial year 2019-20,
the paid-up share capital of Windy Limited was Rs. 60 crores. During the financial year
2020-21, Board of Directors of the company , in order to comply with the provisions
of Companies Act, 2013 appointed an internal auditor. Give the justification of this
appointment done by Board of Directors of Windy Limited according to the provisions
of Companies Act, 2013.
The appointment done by Board of Directors of Windy Limited is justified because according
to Section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013, every unlisted public company having a paid-up share
capital of Rs. 50 crore or more during the preceding financial year is required to appoint an
internal auditor.
2. Extremely Fine Limited is an unlisted public limited company . For the financial year
2019-20, the turnover of the above-mentioned company was Rs. 256 crores. In order
to comply with provisions of Companies Act, 2013 the Board of Directors of Extremely
Fine Limited during the financial year 2020-21, appointed an internal auditor. Comment
on the appointment of Internal Auditor.
In the above-mentioned question, Extremely Fine Limited is an unlisted public company having a
turnover of Rs. 256 crores for the financial year 2019-20, which is more than Rs. 200 crores,
therefore during the financial year 2020-21, Extremely Fine Limited is required to appoint an
internal auditor.
1. While the objectives of an entity’s internal audit function and the external auditor differ, the
function (internal audit) may perform audit procedures similar to those performed by the
external auditor in an audit of financial statements.
2. If so, the external auditor may make use of the function for purposes of the audit in one or
more of the following ways:
a. To obtain information that is relevant to the external auditor’s assessments of the risks of
material misstatement due to error or fraud.
b. Unless prohibited, or restricted to some extent, by law or regulation, the external auditor,
after appropriate evaluation, may decide to use work that has been performed by the
internal audit function during the period in partial substitution for audit evidence to be
obtained directly by the external auditor (Type -1).
c. Unless prohibited, or restricted to some extent, by law or regulation, the external auditor
may use internal auditors to perform audit procedures under the direction, supervision
and review of the external auditor (referred to as “direct assistance”)(Type -2)
C. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the external auditor, where the entity has an internal audit
function and the external auditor expects to use the work of the internal audit function are:
1. To determine whether the work of the internal audit function or direct assistance from
internal auditors can be used, and if so, in which areas and to what extent.
2. If using the work of the internal audit function, to determine whether that work is adequate
for purposes of the audit (Type -1).
Audit Reporting 3.41
3. If using internal auditors to provide direct assistance, to appropriately direct, supervise and
review their work (Type -2).
5. Examples of work of the internal audit function that can be used by the external auditor
include the following:
a. Testing of the operating effectiveness of controls.
b. Substantive procedures involving limited judgment.
c. Observations of inventory counts.
d. Tracing transactions through the information system relevant to financial reporting.
e. Testing of compliance with regulatory requirements
6. Circumstances When Work of the Internal Audit Function Cannot Be Used: The external
auditor shall not use the work of the internal audit function if the external auditor determines
a. The function’s organizational status and relevant policies and procedures do not
adequately support the objectivity of internal auditors;
b. The function lacks sufficient competence; or
c. The function does not apply a systematic and disciplined approach, including quality
7. Determining the Nature and Extent of Work of the Internal Audit Function that Can Be Used:
a. As a basis for determining the areas and the extent to which the work of the internal audit
function can be used, the external auditor shall consider the nature and scope of the work
that has been performed, or is planned to be performed, by the internal audit function
and its relevance to the external auditor’s overall audit strategy and audit plan.
8. Circumstances in which the external auditor shall plan to use less of the work of the Internal
audit function and perform more of the work directly: The external auditor shall make all
significant judgments in the audit engagement and, to prevent undue use of the work of the
internal audit function, shall plan to use less of the work of the function and perform more of
the work directly if:
a. The more judgment is involved in:
(i) Planning and performing relevant audit procedures; and
(ii) Evaluating the audit evidence gathered;
b. The higher the assessed risk of material misstatement at the assertion level, with special
consideration given to risks identified as significant;
c. The less the internal audit function’s organizational status and relevant policies and
procedures adequately support the objectivity of the internal auditors; and
d. The lower the level of competence of the internal audit function.
9. Using the Work of the Internal Audit Function: If the external auditor plans to use the work
of the internal audit function, the external auditor shall
a. discuss the planned use of its work with the function as a basis for coordinating their
respective activities.
b. read the reports of the internal audit function relating to the work of the function that the
external auditor plans to use to obtain an understanding of the nature and extent of audit
procedures it performed and the related findings.
c. perform sufficient audit procedures on the body of work of the internal audit function as
a whole that the external auditor plans to use to determine its adequacy for purposes of
the audit.
10. Discussion and Coordination with the Internal Audit Function: In discussing the planned use
of their work with the internal audit function as a basis for coordinating the respective
activities, it may be useful to address the following:
a. The timing of such work.
b. The nature of the work performed.
c. The extent of audit coverage.
d. Materiality for the financial statements as a whole (and, if applicable, materiality level or
levels for particular classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures), and
performance materiality.
e. Proposed methods of item selection and sample sizes.
f. Documentation of the work performed.
g. Review and reporting procedures.
2. Prohibition on using Type -2 work: The external auditor shall not use an internal auditor to
provide direct assistance if:
a. There are significant threats to the objectivity of the internal auditor or
b. The internal auditor lacks sufficient competence to perform the proposed work.
Note: The external auditor shall direct, supervise and review the work performed by internal
auditors on the engagement in accordance with SA 220
3. The following areas shall not be allocated to internal auditors for direct assistance: The
external auditor shall not use internal auditors to provide direct assistance to perform
procedures that:
a. Involve making significant judgments in the audit.
b. Relate to higher assessed risks of material misstatement where in depth audit procedures
are required.
c. Relate to work with which the internal auditors have been involved.
4. Obtain written agreement: Prior to using internal auditors to provide direct assistance for
purposes of the audit, the external auditor shall:
a. Obtain written agreement from an authorized representative of the entity (management)
that the internal auditors will be allowed to follow the external auditor’s instructions, and
that the entity will not intervene in the work the internal auditor performs for the external
auditor; and
b. Obtain written agreement from the internal auditors that they will keep confidential
specific matters as instructed by the external auditor and inform the external auditor of
any threat to their objectivity.
1. When using type-1 work: If the external auditor uses the work of the internal audit function,
the external auditor shall include in the audit documentation:
a. The evaluation of:
i. Whether the function’s organizational status and relevant policies and procedures
adequately support the objectivity of the internal auditors;
ii. The level of competence of the function; and
iii. Whether the function applies a systematic and disciplined approach, including quality
b. The nature and extent of the work used and the basis for that decision; and
c. The audit procedures performed by the external auditor to evaluate the adequacy of the
work used.
2. When using Type-2 work: If the external auditor uses internal auditors to provide direct
assistance on the audit, the external auditor shall include in the audit documentation:
a. The evaluation of the existence and significance of threats to the objectivity of the internal
auditors, and the level of competence of the internal auditors used to provide direct
b. The basis for the decision regarding the nature and extent of the work performed by the
internal auditors.
c. Who reviewed the work performed and the date and extent of that review.
d. The written agreements obtained from an authorized representative of the entity and the
internal auditors.
The working papers prepared by the internal auditors who provided direct assistance on the audit
The 18-digit alpha numeric number noticed by her at end of audit report is Unique Document
Identification number (UDIN). It is a system generated unique number. Its basic objective is to curb
the malpractices of non-CAs impersonating themselves as CAs. It helps in securing reports and
documents issued by practising CAs. It is required to be stated in case of audit reports and
2. CA. Maya Memani has conducted audit of a company. She has asked Sana, a CA student
undergoing training in her office, to prepare draft audit report. Sana was part of engagement
team conducting the audit. She has been further told to prepare draft report expressing
unmodified opinion. After drafting para comprising unmodified opinion, Sana feels no need to
provide basis for opinion. Discuss why her thinking is not proper.
“Basis for Opinion” is one of basic elements of an audit report in accordance with SA-700. Even in
cases where unmodified opinion is expressed by auditor, “Basis for opinion” has to be provided by
auditor. Basis for opinion section provides context about auditor’s opinion. Therefore, Sana’s thinking
is not proper.
3. CA. Sarasbhai Patel, while conducting audit of an entity, feels that there is an atmosphere of
non-cooperation all around. He has not been provided with necessary support for attending
inventory count process of entity as at year end. Besides, CFO is not providing him present
addresses of customers as well as suppliers for sending external confirmations. Even mail ids
have not been provided on the pretext of business confidentiality.
He was not able to verify revenues of entity due to lack of complete details. For verifying
expenses, he has been asking for bills on a sample basis, but staff has been making lame
excuses. The matter was brought to knowledge of higher echelons of management, but of no
avail. The auditor feels that there could be misstatements and their possible effects would be
material and affecting many aspects of financial statements.
Assuming it is not possible to withdraw from engagement, what type of opinion should be
expressed by auditor?
In the given case, auditor has not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence relating
to inventories, debtors, creditors, revenues and expenses. The matter has brought to knowledge of
management but no result has been achieved. Besides, auditor opines that there could be
4. CA. Dicky Yadav is auditor of a company having four branches. The four branches are audited
by another auditor CA. Yamini Jain. The reports in respect of accounts of branches examined
by her have already been sent to company auditor. During the course of audit, CA Dicky Yadav
asks the branch auditor to share with her summary of audit procedures and findings in respect
of accounts of branches examined. CA. Yamini Jain feels it as encroachment of her domain.
Discuss the issue.
As per SA 600 - “Using the Work of Another Auditor”, the principal auditor might discuss with the
other auditor the audit procedures applied or review a written summary of the other auditor’s
procedures and findings which may be in the form of a completed questionnaire or check-list. Such
review of audit procedures and findings can be undertaken if principal auditor feels that it is
necessary to apply such procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence. It is not an
encroachment of another auditor’s domain.
5. CA. Ravi Patnaik is conducting audit of a company for which reporting requirements under
CARO, 2020 are applicable. He finds that cash credit facilities amounting to ₹ 4 crores were
released to the company by branch of a bank for meeting its working capital requirements. He
finds that out of above funds, ₹ 1 crore have been used by company for installing effluent
treatment plant to meet State pollution control Board requirements. Is there any reporting
obligation upon him under CARO,2020?
Clause (ix) (d) of CARO, 2020 whether funds raised on short term basis have been utilised for long
term purposes, if yes, the nature and amount to be indicated. In the given situation, funds have been
raised for meeting working capital requirements for ₹ 4 crores. Cash credit facilities for meeting
working capital requirements are, by their very nature, short term borrowings. Out of above, ₹ 1
crore have been used by the company for investment in effluent treatment plant which is ostensibly
for a long-term purpose. Hence, the matter needs to be reported in accordance with requirements
of Clause (ix) (d) of CARO, 2020.
6. CA Sukesh is external auditor of an entity. He comes to know that there is also an internal
auditor in the entity. However, he finds that internal auditor is not reporting directly to higher
echelons of the management. CA Sukesh has also assessed risk of material misstatement to be
high. Discuss, whether it would be proper for CA Sukesh to rely upon work of internal auditor
extensively in above situation.
In the given case, the organizational status of internal audit function is not commensurate with his
duties. He is not reporting directly to higher echelons of management. It shows that such a function
is not given its due importance in entity. Since risk of material misstatements has also been assessed
Co-operative society is a business organisation with a special mode of doing business, by pulling
together all the means of production co-operatively, elimination of middlemen and exploitation from
outside forces.
The Co-operative Societies Act, 1912, a Central Act, contains the fundamental law regarding the
formation and working of the co-operative societies in India and is applicable in many states with or
without amendments. In many states, viz., Maharashtra, West Bengal, Orissa, the co-operative
societies are governed by specific state Acts.
Besides the above, multi-state co-operative societies Act, 2002 is applicable for Multi-state co-
operative societies.
1. STATUTORY REQUIREMENT: Under section 43(h) of the Central Act, a state government can
frame rules prescribing the books and accounts to be kept by a co-operative society subject to
covering minimum of the following details:
a. All sums of money received and expended by the society and the matters connected
b. All sales and purchases of goods by the society.
c. Assets and liabilities of the society
d. In case of societies engaged in manufacturing of goods, then the records pertaining to
utilisation of material, labour etc.
2. MAINTENANCE OF ADDITIONAL RECORDS: The statutory provisions provide a directive, but they
are not conclusive. The society is at liberty to maintain such additional records for providing
Cooperative Societies Audit 4.1
clarity and detailed explanation of financial transactions and the results in the best possible
Apart from audit, some other professional services could be rendered by chartered accountants such
1. RESTRICTIONS ON SHAREHOLDINGS (Sec. 5): The maximum amount of shareholding that a single
member can hold is twenty percent of the total number of shares or value of Rs. 1,000/-
whichever is lower.
a. Society shall not make a loan to any person other than a member.
b. However, with the special sanction of the Registrar, a registered society may make a loan to
another registered society.
3. RESTRICTIONS ON BORROWINGS (Sec. 30): A society shall not accept loans and deposits from
persons who are not members unless otherwise provided by the byelaws of the society.
4. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS (Sec. 32): A society may invest its funds in any one or more of the
a. In the Central or State Co-operative Bank.
b. In any bank, other than a Central or State co-operative bank, as approved by the Registrar on
specified terms and conditions.
c. In any of the securities specified in section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act. 1882.
d. In the shares, securities, bonds, or debentures of any other society with limited liability.
e. In any other moneys permitted by the Central or State Government.
5. APPROPRIATION OF PROFITS TO RESERVE FUND (Sec. 33): Every society shall transfer twenty-
five percentage of the profits to Reserve Fund, before distribution as dividends or bonus to
2. AUTHORITY FOR APPOINTMENT OF THE AUDITOR: Registrar of Co-operative Societies and the
auditor so appointed conduct the audit on behalf of the Registrar and submits his report to him
and to the society. The audit fees are paid by the society on the basis of statutory scale of fees
prescribed by the Registrar, according to the category of the society audited.
Mr. M can be appointed as a statutory auditor of cooperative society, but the appointment
has to be made by Registrar of Cooperative societies. Mr. D’s appointment as tax auditor is
also valid.
1. EXAMINATION OF OVERDUE DEBTS: Overdue debts have far impact on the working of a credit
society and affect its working capital position.
a. Classification: Overdue debts for a period from 6 months to 5 years and more than 5 years
must be classified and shall have to be reported by an auditor.
b. Assessing the recovery: A further analysis of these overdue debts from the viewpoint of
chances of recovery must be made, and they must be classified as good or bad.
c. Ensuring making of provisions: The auditor must ascertain whether proper provisions for
doubtful debts are made and whether the same is satisfactory.
a. Meaning: Overdue interest is interest accrued or accruing in accounts, the amount of which
the principal is overdue.
b. Accounting Treatment:
i. Overdue interest should be excluded from Recognition of Interest Income while
calculating profit.
ii. Such interest will be credited to overdue interest reserve and transferred to profit and
loss a/c when realised.
3. CERTIFICATION OF BAD DEBTS: Check the authority for writing off the bad debts.
a. Authorisation by auditor: Some state acts may require that the Bad debts can be written off
only when they are certified as bad by the auditor. For example, Maharashtra State Co-
operative Rules, 1961.
b. Authorisation by the managing committee: Where no such requirement exists, the managing
committee of the society must authorise the write-off.
b. Liabilities: The auditor should see that all the known liabilities are brought into the account,
and the contingent liabilities are stated by way of a note.
operative society is required to identify the non-compliance with the provisions of Co-operative
Societies Act and Rules and byelaws.
8. SPECIAL REPORT TO THE REGISTRAR: During the course of audit, if the auditor notices the
following serious irregularities in the working of the society, then he may report these special
matters to the Registrar, drawing his specific attention to the points.
a. Personal profiteering by members of managing committee in transactions of the society,
which are ultimately detrimental to the interest of the society.
b. Detection of fraud relating to expenses, purchases, property, and stores of the society.
c. Specific examples of mismanagement. Eg: Decisions of management against co- operative
d. In the case of urban co-operative banks, disproportionate advances to vested interest groups,
such as relatives of management, and deliberate negligence about the recovery, Cases of
reckless advance, where the management is negligent about taking adequate security and
proper safeguards for judging the credit worthiness of the party.
audit, the auditor should ask the Secretary of the society to convene the managing committee
meeting to discuss the audit draft report. The audit report should never be finalised without
discussion with the managing committee.
Cooperative Societies Audit 4.5
a. He shall at all times have access to all the books, accounts etc.
b. He can inquire every officer of the society to furnish such information in regard to the
transactions and working of the society
2. DUTIES OF CO-OPERATIVE AUDITORS: The auditor must state the following matters in his audit
a. Whether he has obtained all the necessary information and explanations which were
necessary for the purpose of audit.
b. Whether in his opinion and to the best of his information and according to the explanations
given to him, the said accounts give all the information required by the Act.
c. Whether in his opinion, proper books of account as required by Act, the Rules and the byelaws
of the society have been properly maintained.
d. Whether the Profit and Loss Account and balance sheet of the society give a true and fair view
of the Profit or Loss and state of affairs of the society and are in agreement with the books of
account of the society.
The auditor will have to give qualifying observations, if any of the answers to the above-
mentioned matters are negative.
The auditor will have to attach schedules to the report regarding the following information:
1. All transactions which appear to be contrary to the provisions of the Act, the rules and byelaws
of the society.
2. All sums, which ought to have been, but have not been brought into account by the society (i.e.,
3. Any material, or property belonging to society which appears to the auditor to be bad or doubtful
of recovery.
4. Any material irregularity or impropriety in expenditure or in the realisation or monies due to
In the case of Nil report in any of the above matters, the auditor will have to give a Nil report.
2. DISQUALIFICATION OF AUDITORS: The following persons are not eligible for appointment as
auditors of a multi-State co-operative society:
a. A body corporate.
b. An officer or employee of the multi-State co-operative society.
c. A person who is a member or who is in the employment, of an officer or employee of the
multi-State co-operative society.
d. A person who:
i. Is indebted to the multi-State co-operative society or
ii. Has given any guarantee or
iii. Has provided any security in connection with the indebtedness of any third person to the
multi- State co-operative society for an amount exceeding Rs.1000.
3. VACATION OF OFFICE: If an auditor becomes subject, after his appointment, to any, of the
disqualifications specified above, he shall be deemed to have vacated his office as such.
1. He shall have a right of access at all times to the book's accounts and vouchers of the Multi-State
cooperative society, whether kept at the head office of the Multi-State co-operative society or
elsewhere, and
2. He can inquire the officers or other employees of the multi-State co-operative society and require
such information and explanation as the auditor may think necessary.
1. PASSING AN ORDER BY CG: Circumstances necessitating the need for special audit:
a. That the affairs of any multi-State co-operative society are not being managed in accordance
with co-operative principles or prudent commercial practices or
b. That any Multi-State co-operative society is being managed in a manner likely to cause serious
injury or damage to the interests of the trade, industry, or business to which it pertains; or
c. That the financial position of any multi-State co-operative society is such as to endanger its
Condition for passing an order: However, Central Government shall order for special audit only if
that Government or the State Government either by itself or both hold fifty-one percent or more of
the paid-up share capital in such multi-State co-operative society.
1. Central Govt. hold 55% of the paid-up share Capital in Kisan Credit Co-operative
Society, which is incurring huge losses. Advise when the Central Government can direct
Special Audit under Section 77 of the Multi State Co-operative Society Act.
Answer: Write point 1 from above answer.
4. NOTICE TO THE SOCIETY: However, before holding such inquiry fifteen days notice must be given
to the multi-State co-operative society.
a. To Access to the books: Right of access to the books, accounts, documents, and other
properties belonging to and may require any person in possession or responsible for the
custody of any such books, accounts, documents securities, cash or other properties to
produce the same at any place specified by him.
b. To call general meeting:
i. He may require the officers of the society to call a general meeting of the society by giving
notice of not less than seven days at such time and place at the headquarters of the
society to consider such matters as may be directed to him, and
ii. Where the officers of the society refuse or fail to call such a meeting, he shall have power
to call it himself.
c. To issue summons: He may summon any person who is reasonably believed bv him to have
any knowledge of the affairs of the multi-State co-operative society to appear before him at
any place at the headquarters of the society or any branch thereof and may examine such
person on oath.
1. It deals with examination of internal controls to determine their effectiveness to determine
the nature, timing, and extent of substantive procedures to be performed.
E.g.: If the auditor obtains positive confirmations in compliance procedures, generally the
timing and extent of substantive procedures will reduce.
2. These are also known as "Test of controls”.
1. The Compliance Procedures and substantive procedures must complement each other. The
auditor shall not ignore either of it. He must carry out both the audit procedures to make the
audit more effective.
Audit Documentation and Evidence 5.1
2. Further the fact that the controls are very effective does not mean the auditor can skip
substantive procedures. He must carry out both.
3. The absence of misstatements (non-identification) in substantive procedures does not
indicate that the controls are effective.
4. The presence of material misstatement strongly indicates that there is a significant deficiency
in the internal controls.
1. Audit evidence may be defined as the information used by the auditor in arriving at the
conclusions on which the auditor’s opinion is based.
2. Audit evidence includes both information contained in the accounting records underlying the
financial statements and other information.
3. Audit evidence is necessary to support the auditor’s opinion and report.
4. It is cumulative in nature and is primarily obtained from audit procedures performed during
the course of the audit.
5. Also, information that may be used as audit evidence may have been prepared using the work
of a management’s expert.
6. Audit evidence comprises both information that supports and corroborates management’s
assertions, and any information that contradicts such assertions.
7. In addition, in some cases the absence of information (for example, management’s refusal to
provide a requested representation) is used by the auditor, and therefore, also constitutes
audit evidence.
8. The auditor shall design and perform audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances for the purpose of obtaining sufficient and appropriate audit evidence.
1. The auditor of Fresh and Well Limited explained to the audit team members about the
relationship between Audit Evidence and Opinion of Auditor. Explain what relationship
exists between Audit Evidence and Opinion of Auditor.
There exists a very important relationship between Audit Evidence and opinion of the
Auditor. While conducting an audit of a company, the auditor obtains audit evidence and with
the help of that audit evidence obtained, the auditor forms an audit opinion on the financial
statements of that company.
2. There was a Partnership Firm of Chartered Accountants WT and Associates. Mr. W,
one of the partners of WT and Associates, while explaining to his audit team members
about importance of audit evidence informed them about sufficiency and appropriateness
3. Most of the auditor’s work in forming the auditor’s opinion consists of obtaining and
evaluating audit evidence. Explain.
Answer: Write A point from above answer
4. What is meant by sufficiency of Audit Evidence? Explain the factors affecting the
auditor’s judgement as to the sufficiency of audit evidence.
Answer: Write C point from above answer
1. Internal evidence: Evidence which originates within the entity being audited is called internal
evidence. E.g.: Sales invoice, GRN, Debit and Credit note, internal confirmations, etc.
2. External evidence: Evidence, which originates outside the entity being audited, is called
external evidence. E.g.: Purchase invoice, Debit notes and Credit notes, Quotations, External
confirmation, etc.
1. Meaning: External evidence is the evidence that originates from outside the client’s
organization. E.g.: Purchase invoice, quotations, external confirmations, etc.
2. Availability: Substantial external evidence is also available to the auditor but lesser in
comparison to internal audit evidence.
3. Reliability:
a. It is generally considered to be more reliable as they come from third parties who are
independent of the entity being audited.
b. However, if the auditor has any reason to doubt the independence of any third party, then
he should exercise greater care in that matter. E.g., Collusion of third party with the client.
Note: If audit evidence obtained from one source is inconsistent with that obtained from another,
the auditor shall determine what modifications or additions to audit procedures are necessary to
resolve the matter.
a. Inquiry consists of seeking information from knowledgeable persons, both financial and non-
financial, within the entity or outside the entity.
b. Inquiry is used extensively throughout the audit in addition to other audit procedures.
c. Inquiries may range from formal written inquiries to informal oral inquiries.
d. Evaluation of responses to inquiries is an integral part of inquiry process.
e. Through inquiry the auditor may obtain following three types of information:
i. New information which auditor originally not aware of.
ii. Information that differs significantly from other information that the auditor has
obtained: and
iii. Additional information in support for existing information which is corroborative in
f. The evidence often comes from inquires may not be persuasive as it is less reliable.
1. While auditing the books of accounts of Extremely Distinct Limited for the financial
year 2020-21, the auditor of the company used an audit procedure according to which
complete documents and records of the company were checked in detail in order to
obtain audit evidence. Explain the audit procedure used by the auditor of Extremely
Distinct Limited
The audit procedure used by auditor of Extremely Distinct Limited is known as Inspection
because inspection is an audit procedure in which complete documents and records of a
company are checked in detail for the purpose of obtaining audit evidence.
1. When information to be used as audit evidence has been prepared using the work of a
management’s expert, the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures may be affected by such
a. The nature and complexity of the matter to which the management’s expert relates.
b. The risks of material misstatement in the matter.
c. The availability of alternative sources of audit evidence.
d. The nature, scope and objectives of the management’s expert’s work.
Audit Documentation and Evidence 5.7
e. Whether the management’s expert is employed by the entity, or is a party engaged by it to
provide relevant services.
f. The extent to which management can exercise control or influence over the work of the
management’s expert.
g. Whether the management’s expert is subject to technical performance standards or other
professional or industry requirements.
h. The nature and extent of any controls within the entity over the management’s expert’s work.
i. The auditor’s knowledge and experience of the management’s expert’s field of expertise.
2. When using information produced by the entity, the auditor shall evaluate whether the
information is sufficiently reliable for the auditor’s purposes, including as necessary in the
a. Obtaining audit evidence about the accuracy and completeness of the information; and
b. Evaluating whether the information is sufficiently precise and detailed for the auditor’s
2. CLASS OF TRANSACTIONS: Assertions about classes of transactions and events for the period
under audit:
a. Occurrence: Transactions and events that have been recorded have occurred and pertain
to the entity.
b. Completeness: All transactions and events that should have been recorded have been
Audit Documentation and Evidence 5.8
c. Measurement: Amounts and other data relating to recorded transactions and events have
been recorded appropriately.
d. Cut-off: Transactions and events have been recorded in the correct accounting period.
e. Classification: Transactions and events have been recorded in the proper accounts.
C. NEGATIVE ASSERTION: Negative assertions are also encountered in the financial statements and
the same may be express or implied.
For example, if it is stated that there is no contingent liability it would be an expressed negative
assertion; on the other hand, if in the balance sheet there is no item as “building”, it would be an
implied negative assertion that the entity did not own any building on the balance sheet date.
1. State the assertions for the following item in the balance sheet:
Plant and Machinery (at cost) 2,00,000
Less: Depreciation till the end of previous year 70,000
Depreciation for the year 13,000 83,000
The assertions are as follows:
a. the firm owns the plant and machinery;
b. the historical cost of plant and machinery is Rs. 2 lacs;
c. the plant and machinery physically exist;
d. the asset is being utilised in the business of the company productively;
e. total charge of depreciation on this asset is Rs. 83,000 to date on which Rs. 13,000
relates to the year in respect of which the accounts are drawn up; and
f. the amount of depreciation has been calculated on recognised basis and the calculation
is correct.
2. When we find in the balance sheet, an item under current assets reading as “cash in
hand – Rs. 8,000,” what are the obvious assertions that would strike the mind?
Audit Documentation and Evidence 5.9
When we find in the balance sheet, an item under current assets reading as “cash in hand –
Rs. 8,000” the obvious assertions that would strike the mind are the following:
a. The firm concerned had Rs. 8,000 in hand in valid notes and coins on the balance sheet
b. That the cash was free and available for expenditure to the firm; and
c. That the books of account show a cash balance of identical amount at the end of the day
on which the balance sheet is drawn up.
a. Existence
b. Valuation and measurement
c. Rights and Obligations
d. Completeness
e. Presentation and Disclosure
Irrespective of the assessed risks of material misstatement, the auditor shall design and perform
substantive procedures for each material class of transactions, account balance, and disclosure.
C. PURPOSE OF AUDIT DOCUMENTATION: The following are the purpose of Audit documentation:
1. Assisting the engagement team to plan and perform the audit.
2. Assisting members of the engagement team to direct and supervise the audit work, and to
discharge their review responsibilities.
3. Enabling the engagement team to be accountable for its work.
4. Retaining a record of matters of continuing significance to future audits.
5. Enabling the conduct of quality control reviews and inspections in accordance with SQC 1.
6. Enabling the conduct of external inspections in accordance with applicable legal, regulatory
or other requirements.
A. FORM OF AUDIT DOCUMENTATION: The auditor shall prepare audit documentation that is
sufficient to enable an experienced auditor, having no previous connection with the audit, to
1. The nature, timing and extent of the audit procedures performed.
2. The results of the audit procedures performed and the audit evidence obtained and
3. Significant matters arising during the audit and the conclusions reached thereon and
significant professional judgements made in reaching those conclusions.
content and extent of audit documentation depend on factors such as:
1. The size and complexity of the entity.
2. The nature of the audit procedures to be performed.
3. The identified risks of material misstatement.
4. The significance of the audit evidence obtained.
5. The nature and extent of exceptions identified.
6. The audit methodology and tools used.
A. MEANING: Audit file may be defined as one or more folders or other storage media, in physical
or electronic form, containing the records that comprise the audit documentation for a specific
C. RETENTION PERIOD: The retention period for audit engagements ordinarily is no shorter than
seven years from the date of the auditor’s report, or, if later, the date of the group auditor’s
report (as per SQC-1).
1. Audit documentation is the property of the auditor.
2. He may at his discretion, make portions of, or extracts from, audit documentation available
to clients or others.
1. While auditing the books of accounts of Very Careful Limited for the financial year
2020-21, a team member of the auditors of Very Careful Limited was of the view that
with regard to audit of the company, no relation exists between Audit File and Audit
Documentation. Explain the relationship between Audit File and Audit Documentation.
Audit file may be defined as one or more folders or other storage media, in physical or
electronic form, containing the records that comprise the audit documentation for a specific
engagement. The auditor shall assemble the audit documentation in an audit file and complete
the administrative process of assembling the final audit file on a timely basis after the date
of the auditor’s report.
2. The Principal auditor can demand the working papers of Branch auditor. (or)
The branch auditor shall make the copies of audit documentation available to principal
auditor. True/False.
1. An audit notebook is usually a bound book in which a large variety of matters observed during
the course of audit are recorded.
2. It forms part of audit working papers (generally current audit file).
3. For each year a fresh audit notebook is maintained.
1. It helps in tracking the links of work when the concerned assistant is away, or the work is
stopped temporarily.
2. It is also used for recording various queries raised in the course of the work and their state of
a. In respect of disposed queries, explanation obtained, and evidence seen would be
recorded in the said book.
b. While queries remaining undisposed of would be noted for follow up.
1. The auditor may consider it helpful to prepare and retain as part of the audit documentation a
summary (sometimes known as a completion memorandum) that describes-
a. the significant matters identified during the audit and
b. how they were addressed.
2. It is particularly maintained for large and complex audits.
3. Further, the preparation of such a summary may assist auditor’s consideration of the significant
4. It may also help the auditor to consider whether the objectives of all relevant SA’s are complied
When designing tests of controls and tests of details, the auditor shall determine means of selecting
items for testing that are effective in meeting the purpose of the audit procedure.
The means available to the auditor for selecting items for testing are:
(a) Selecting all items (100% examination);
(b) Selecting specific items; and
(c) Audit sampling.
3. Audit Sampling: Audit sampling is designed to enable conclusions to be drawn about an entire
population on the basis of testing a sample drawn from it. Audit sampling is discussed in
subsequent paragraphs.
1. If:
a. audit evidence obtained from one source is inconsistent with that obtained from another; or
b. the auditor has doubts over the reliability of information to be used as audit evidence,
the auditor shall determine what modifications or additions to audit procedures are necessary to
resolve the matter, and shall consider the effect of the matter, if any, on other aspects of the
2. SA 230 includes a specific documentation requirement if the auditor identified information that
is inconsistent with the auditor’s final conclusion regarding a significant matter.
The auditor is verifying aging of trade payables. He is “reperforming” the control which was mandated
by the management.
2. CA Sooryagaythri is conducting audit of an entity. During the course of audit, she has made oral
inquiries from head accountant regarding preparing of bank reconciliations every month as has
been laid down by the management. Discuss, whether inquiries as stated above would provide
satisfaction to her that controls in respect of preparing bank reconciliations statements have
operated effectively.
Inquiry alone ordinarily does not provide sufficient audit evidence of the absence of a material
misstatement at the assertion level, nor of the operating effectiveness of controls. Mere inquiry does
not lead to obtaining of sufficient appropriate audit evidence. In the instant case, CA Sooryagaythri
should verify whether proper bank reconciliations have been carried out monthly as stipulated by
management. Only then, she can be satisfied about operating effectiveness of controls in this regard.
3. A company has stipulated a control that reconciliations of its records showing quantitative
details of its property, plant and equipment are carried out at regular intervals with physical
verification of such items. The auditor has found that such reconciliations are being carried out
as stipulated. Discuss, whether above factor, increases reliability of other internally generated
evidence within the company relating to existence of such items.
The management is carrying out reconciliations of items contained in Property, Plant and Equipment
records with physical verification of such items at regular intervals. It means that controls in this
regard have operated effectively. The reliability of audit evidence that is generated internally is
increased when the related controls, including those over its preparation and maintenance, imposed
by the entity are effective.
4. During the course of audit of a company, an issue arose relating to treatment of interest costs
of company on its restructured loans taken from a bank. This important matter was discussed
with CFO of the company and was properly resolved. Is it necessary for the auditor to include
in its working papers?
5. CA Sonali Morarka has completed audit of a listed company. The audit report dated 15th July,
2022 has been issued. However, audit working papers including record of discussions with
management, details of audit procedures performed to obtain audit evidence and conclusions
reached by her have not been properly assembled. More than six months have elapsed after
issue of audit report. Subsequently, she has received a letter from regulator in connection with
audit of the company requesting her to share copy of audit file.
The letter has woken up her from deep slumber. She hurriedly assembled audit file and inserted
some more papers which were necessary. However, she put current date on these inserted
papers and the copy of audit file was sent to regulator. Discuss, the issues involved, in context
of “audit documentation”.
An appropriate time limit within which to complete the assembly of the final audit file is ordinarily
not more than 60 days after the date of the auditor’s report.
Further, preparing sufficient and appropriate audit documentation on a timely basis helps to enhance
the quality of the audit and facilitates the effective review and evaluation of the audit evidence
obtained and conclusions reached before the auditor’s report is finalized. Documentation prepared
after the audit work has been performed is likely to be less accurate than documentation prepared
at the time such work is performed.
In the given case, even after passage of more than six months, she has not assembled audit file.
Besides, she has put in some papers with current date which is not permissible at all. It shows that
part of audit documentation has been prepared afterwards putting a question mark on quality of
1. Audit risk means the risk that the auditor gives an inappropriate audit opinion when the
financial statements are materially misstated.
2. In simple terms, if the auditor expresses unmodified opinion when modified opinion is
appropriate would be considered as Audit Risk.
3. Excludes: However, audit risk does not include:
a. Risk of expressing a modified opinion when financial statements are not materially
b. Business risk faced by auditor. Example: Loss of clients or reputation is not considered as
audit risk.
B. COMPONENTS OF AUDIT RISK: It is made up of two components, which are, Risk of Material
Misstatement and Detection risk.
1. RISK OF MMS: The risk that the financial statements are materially misstated prior to audit.
This consists of two components namely inherent risk and control risk. Further the Risk of
MMS is an entity's risk and will exist irrespective of audit of financial statements.
a. Inherent Risk:
i. The risk of that a transaction or balance could be materially misstated before
considering the related internal control system.
ii. Absence of related control is also termed as inherent risk.
iii. Inherent risk is generally unavoidable and inherent in the system.
• An accounting standard provides guidance on some complex issue which might not be
understood by the management. Therefore, recording of this issue in financial
statements carries inherent risk of being misstated.
• There are large number of business failures in an industry. Therefore, assertions in
financial statements of an entity operating in such an industry carry an inherent risk of
being misstated
b. Control Risk:
• A company has devised control that cash and cheque books should be kept in a locked
safe and access is granted to authorized personnel only. There is risk that control is not
being followed.
• An entity has devised a control that fire extinguishers and smoke detectors are in place
and are in working condition at all times to reduce the risk of damage to inventories
caused by fire. There is a risk that fire extinguishers in place are expired and are not
being refilled. Similarly, there is a possibility that smoke detectors are not working.
• A company has devised a control relating to petty cash that items of expenditure of
only less than ₹ 10000 should be routed through imprest system of petty cash. There
is a risk that control is not being followed.
2. DETECTION RISK: The risk that the procedures performed by the auditor to reduce audit risk
to an acceptably low level will not detect a misstatement that exists and that could be
material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements
1. XYZ Ltd is engaged in the business and running several stores dealing in variety of items
such as readymade garments for all seasons, shoes, gift items, watches etc. There are
security tags on each and every item. Moreover, inventory records are physically
verified on monthly basis. Discuss the types of inherent, control and detection risks as
perceived by the auditor.
Inherent Risk: Because items may have been misappropriated by employees, therefore, risk
to the auditor is that inventory records would be inaccurate.
Control Risk: There is a security tag on each item displayed. Moreover, inventory records
are physically verified on monthly basis. Despite various controls being implemented at the
stores, still collusion among employees may be there and risk to auditor would again be that
inventory records would be inaccurate.
Risk Assessment and Internal Control 6.2
Detection Risk: Auditor checks the efficiency and effectiveness of various control systems
in place. He would do that by making observation, inspection, enquiry, etc. In addition to
these, the auditor would also employ sampling techniques to check few sales transactions
from beginning to end. However, despite all these procedures, the auditor may not detect
the items which have been stolen or misappropriated.
2. Risk of material misstatement consists of two components” Explain clearly defining risk
of material misstatement.
Answer: Write Point B(1)
3. “The SAs do not ordinarily refer to inherent risk and control risk separately, but rather
to a combined assessment of the “risks of material misstatement.” Explain
Answer: Write Point B(1)
a. Analytical procedures performed as risk assessment procedures may help the auditor
identify aspects of the entity may assist in assessing the risks of material misstatement.
b. Analytical procedures performed as risk assessment procedures may include both
financial and non-financial information.
c. Unusual or unexpected relationships that are identified may assist the auditor in
identifying risks of material misstatement, especially risks of material misstatement due
to fraud.
1. Much of the information obtained by the auditor’s inquiries is obtained from management
and those responsible for financial reporting. However, the auditor may also obtain
information, or a different perspective in identifying risks of material misstatement,
through inquiries of others within the entity and other employees with different levels
of authority. Explain with the help of examples.
Answer: Write Point B(1)
4. The auditor shall identify and assess the risks of material misstatement at both levels
to provide a basis for designing and performing further audit procedures. For the
purpose of Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement the auditor
shall Identify risks, assess the identified risks, relate the identified risks and consider
the likelihood of misstatement. Explain the above in detail.
Answer: Write Point A
Obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control,
is a continuous, dynamic process of gathering, updating and analysing information throughout the
1. The auditor of ABC Textiles Ltd chalks out an audit plan without understanding the
entity’s business. Since he has carried out many audits of textile companies, there is
no need to understand the nature of business of ABC Ltd. Advise the auditor how he
should proceed.
Answer: Write the above answer.
2. While auditing the books of accounts of Heavy Material Limited for the financial year
2020-21, a team member of the auditor of Heavy Material Limited showed no inclination
towards understanding the business and the business environment of the above mentioned
company. Is the approach of team member of the auditor of Heavy Material Limited
correct or incorrect? Also give reason for your answer.
Write the above answer and then write the below conclusion.
The approach of team member of the auditor of Heavy Material Limited is incorrect because
understanding the business and the business environment of company whose audit is to be
conducted is very important, as it helps in planning the audit and identifying areas requiring
special attention during the course of audit of that company.
1. MEANING: As per SA-315, , the internal control may be defined as “the process designed,
implemented and maintained by those charged with governance, management and other
personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of an entity’s objectives.
2. OBJECTIVES OF INTERNAL CONTROL: Internal controls are implemented to achieve the following
a. The reliability of the entity’s financial reporting;
b. The effectiveness and efficiency of its operations;
c. Its compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and
d. Safeguarding of assets.
Internal control, no matter how effective, can provide an entity with only reasonable assurance about
achieving the entity’s financial reporting objectives. The likelihood of their achievement is affected
by inherent limitations of internal control. The following are the inherent limitations of internal
4. COST EXCEEDING BENEFITS: Further, in designing and implementing controls, management may
make judgments to not implement internal controls, as the cost of implementing controls can be
higher than the benefits derived from them.
1. Internal control, no matter how effective, can provide an entity with only reasonable
assurance about achieving the entity's financial reporting objectives. The likelihood of
their achievement is affected by inherent limitations of internal control. Explain those
Answer: Write above answer.
1. All internal controls implemented in the organisation may not be relevant for auditors.
2. Factors relevant to the auditor’s judgment about whether a control, individually or in
combination with others, is relevant to the audit may include such matters as the following:
a. Materiality.
b. The significance of the related risk.
c. The size of the entity.
d. The nature of the entity’s business, including its organisation and ownership characteristics.
e. The diversity and complexity of the entity’s operations.
f. Applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
g. The circumstances and the applicable component of internal control.
h. The nature and complexity of the systems that are part of the entity’s internal control,
including the use of service organisations.
3. An entity generally has controls relating to objectives that are not relevant to an audit and
therefore need not be considered. For example, an airline’s system of automated controls to
maintain flight schedules, but these controls ordinarily would not be relevant to the audit.
a. This is a complete and exhaustive description of the system as found in operation by the
b. Actual testing and observation are necessary before such a record can be developed.
c. It may be recommended in cases where no formal control system is in operation and would
be more suited to small business.
d. The basic disadvantages of narrative records is its difficulty in identifying weaknesses or gaps
in the system.
a. This is a series of instructions and/or questions which a member of the auditing staff must
follow and/or answer.
b. The instructions/questions are framed having regard to the desirable elements of control.
c. When he completes instruction, he initials the space against the instruction.
d. Answers to the check list instructions are usually ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Not Applicable’.
e. An example of checklist for purchases
i. Are tenders called before placing orders?
ii. Are the purchases made on the basis of a written order?
a. It is a graphic presentation of each part of the company’s system of internal control.
b. A flow chart is considered to be the most concise way of recording the auditor’s review of the
c. It minimises the amount of narrative explanation and thereby achieves a consideration or
presentation not possible in any other form.
d. It gives bird’s eye view of the system and the flow of transactions and integration and in
documentation, can be easily spotted and improvements can be suggested
e. This will help auditor to understand and evaluate the internal controls in the correct
2. The team member of the auditor of Simple and Easy Limited was of the view that
understanding the internal control of the company would not help them in any manner in
relation to audit procedures to be applied while conducting the audit.
Answer: Write Point A from above answer
A. PUROPSE: Tests of control are performed to obtain audit evidence about the effectiveness of:
1. Design of the accounting and internal control systems, that is, whether they are suitably
designed to prevent or detect and correct material misstatements or not; and
2. Operation of the internal controls throughout the period.
3. The testing is being carried out on selective basis and will cover all important areas that are
relevant to financial statements.
Risk Assessment and Internal Control 6.12
1. It has been suggested that actual operation of the internal control should be tested by the
application of procedural tests and examination in depth.
2. Procedural tests simply mean testing of the compliance with the procedures laid down by the
management in respect of initiation, authorisation, recording and documentation of transaction
at each stage through which it flows.
3. For example, the procedure for sales requires the follows:
a. Before acceptance of any order the position of inventory of the relevant article should be
known to ascertain whether the order can be executed in time.
b. An advice under the authorisation of the sales manager should be sent to the party placing
the order. This advice should be prepared on a standardised form and copy thereof should be
forwarded to inventory section to enable it to prepare for the execution of the order in time.
c. The credit period allowed to the party should be the normal credit period. For any special
credit period a special authorisation of the sales manager would be necessary.
d. The rate at which the order has been accepted and other terms about transport, insurance,
etc., should be clearly specified.
e. Before deciding upon the credit period, a reference should be made to the credit section to
know the creditworthiness of the party and particularly whether the party has honored its
commitments in the past.
In determining whether it is appropriate to use audit evidence about the operating effectiveness of
controls obtained in previous audits, and, if so, the length of the time period that may elapse before
retesting a control, the auditor shall consider the following:
1. The effectiveness of other elements of internal control, including the control environment, the
entity’s monitoring of controls, and the entity’s risk assessment process.
2. The risks arising from the characteristics of the control, including whether it is manual or
3. The effectiveness of general IT-controls.
4. The effectiveness of the control and its application by the entity, including the nature and extent
of deviations in the application of the control noted in previous audits, and whether there have
been personnel changes that significantly affect the application of the control.
5. Whether the lack of a change in a particular control poses a risk due to changing circumstances.
6. The risks of material misstatement and the extent of reliance on the control.
Note: If the auditor plans to use audit evidence from a previous audit about the operating
effectiveness of specific controls, the auditor shall establish the continuing relevance of that
Risk Assessment and Internal Control 6.13
evidence by obtaining audit evidence about whether significant changes in those controls have
occurred subsequent to the previous audit.
When deviations from controls upon which the auditor intends to rely are detected, the auditor shall
make specific inquiries to understand these matters and their potential consequences, and shall
determine whether:
1. The test of controls that have been performed provide an appropriate basis for reliance on the
2. Additional test of controls are necessary; or
3. The potential risks of misstatement need to be addressed using substantive procedures.
The auditor shall design and perform tests of controls to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
as to the operating effectiveness of relevant controls when:
1. The auditor's assessment of risks of material misstatement at the assertion level includes an
expectation that the controls are operating effectively (i.e., the auditor intends to rely on the
operating effectiveness of controls in determining the nature, timing and extent of substantive
procedures); or
2. Substantive procedures alone cannot provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence at the
assertion level.
3. A higher level of assurance may be sought about the operating effectiveness of controls when
the approach adopted consists primarily of tests of controls, in particular where it is not possible
or practicable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence only from substantive procedures.
1. A higher level of assurance may be sought about the operating effectiveness of controls
when the approach adopted consists primarily of tests of controls. Explain and also
state when will the auditor design and perform tests of controls to obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence as to the operating effectiveness of relevant controls.
Answer: Write above answer
1. When auditor identifies deficiencies and report on internal controls, he determines the significant
financial statement assertions that are affected by the ineffective controls in order to evaluate
the effect on control risk assessments and strategy for the audit of the financial statements.
2. When auditor identifies control deficiencies in more than one control for each relevant assertion,
he evaluates control risk considering all of the controls he has tested.
3. If auditor determines that the controls relevant to particular assertion are operating effectively,
he may conclude that RELY ON CONTROLS is appropriate, (i.e. reliance on internal controls can
be placed when determining nature, timing and extent of audit procedures)
4. Otherwise, we change our control risk assessment to 'NOT RELY ON CONTROLS.’
5. When a deficiency relates to an ineffective control that is the only control identified for an
assertion, he revises risk assessment to ‘NOT RELY ON CONTROLS’ for associated assertions, as
no other controls have been identified that mitigate the risk related to the assertion.
6. If the deficiency relates to one WCGW (what can go wrong) out of several WCGWs (deficiency
relates to one control out of so many controls), he can ‘RELY ON CONTROLS’ but performs
additional substantive procedures to adequately address the risks related to the deficiency.
the policies and procedures adopted by the company for ensuring the orderly and efficient
conduct of its business, including adherence to company's policies,
1. The safeguarding of its assets.
2. The prevention and detection of frauds and errors.
3. The accuracy and completeness of the accounting records.
4. The timely preparation of reliable financial information.
5. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
1. Mr. T, one of the directors of Over Careful Limited was of the view that internal
financial controls have nothing to do with accounting records of a company. Comment on
the views of Mr T.
Clause (e) of Sub-section 5 of Section 134 explains the meaning of internal financial controls
as, “the policies and procedures adopted by the company for ensuring the orderly and
efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to company’s policies, the safeguarding
of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and
completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial
In view of above, viewpoint of Mr. T is incorrect.
1. The auditor of MARUT Ltd, engaged in manufacturing of Smart Motor Bikes, obtains
an understanding of the control environment. As part of obtaining this understanding,
the auditor evaluates whether:
a. Management has created and maintained a culture of honesty and ethical behavior.
b. The strengths in the control environment elements collectively provide an appropriate
foundation for the other components of internal control.
c. Advise what is included in control environment. Also explain the elements of control
Answer: Write above answer
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of whether the entity has a process for:
Note: Whether the entity’s risk assessment process is appropriate to the circumstances is a matter
of judgment.
In exercising judgment as to which risks are significant risks, the auditor shall consider at least the
Risks of material misstatement may be greater for significant non-routine transactions arising from
matters such as the following:
1. “The auditor shall obtain an understanding of the major activities that the entity uses
to monitor internal control over financial reporting” Explain.
Answer: Write above answer
The objectives and scope of internal audit functions typically include assurance and consulting
activities designed to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the entity's governance processes,
risk management and internal control such as the Activities Relating to Internal Control:
be assigned to review the means used to identify, recognize, measure, classify and report financial
and operating information, and to make transactions, balances and procedures.
3. REVIEW OF OPERATING ACTIVITIES: The internal audit function may be assigned to review the
economy, efficiency and effectiveness of operating activities, including nonfinancial activities of
an entity.
4. REVIEW OF COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS: The internal audit function may be
assigned to review compliance with laws, regulations and other external requirements. and with
management policies and directives and other internal requirements.
1. One of the directors of Stability Establishment Limited was of the view that Internal
Audit has no relation with Internal Control of a company. Comment
Answer: Write above answer
A. INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLS (IFC): As per Section 134(5)(e) of Companies Act, 2013, the term
‘internal financial controls’ means the policies and procedures adopted by the company for
ensuring the
a. orderly and efficient conduct of its business,
b. including adherence to company’s policies,
c. the safeguarding of its assets,
d. the prevention and detection of frauds and errors,
e. the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and
f. the timely preparation of reliable financial information.
Note, Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting, issued by Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India, IFC-FR shall mean, “A process designed to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial
statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.”
The auditor shall obtain an understanding of the information system, including the related business
processes, relevant to financial reporting, including the following areas: -
a. The classes of transactions in the entity’s operations that are significant to the financial
b. The procedures by which those transactions are initiated, recorded, processed, corrected as
necessary, transferred to the general ledger and reported in the financial statements
c. The related accounting records, supporting information and specific accounts in the financial
statements that are used to initiate, record, process and report transactions
d. How the information system captures events and conditions that are significant to the financial
e. The financial reporting process used to prepare the entity’s financial statements
f. Controls surrounding journal entries.
1. The auditor shall obtain an understanding of control activities relevant to the audit, which the
auditor considers necessary to assess the risks of material misstatement.
2. An audit requires an understanding of only those control activities related to significant class of
transactions, account balance, and disclosure in the financial statements and the assertions which
the auditor finds relevant in his risk assessment process.
3. Control activities are the policies and procedures that help ensure that management directives
are carried out.
Risk Assessment and Internal Control 6.21
4. Control activities, whether within IT or manual systems, have various objectives and are applied
at various organisational and functional levels.
5. Control activities relevant to audit generally include policies and procedures relating to
a. performance reviews (reviews of actual performance with budgets),
b. information processing (for example controls over checking arithmetical accuracy of records,
program change controls etc),
c. physical controls( like controls over physical security of assets) and
d. segregation of duties (controls over ensuring that different people are assigned the
responsibilities of authorising transactions, recording transactions and maintaining custody
of assets)
4. Are purchases centralised in the Purchase Department?
5. Are purchases made only from approved suppliers?
6. Is a list of approved suppliers maintained for this purpose?
7. Does the master list contain more than one source of supply for all important materials?
8. Are the purchase orders based on valid purchase requisitions duly signed by authorised
persons in this behalf?
9. Are purchases based on competitive quotations from two or more suppliers?
10. Are purchase orders pre-numbered?
11. Are purchase orders signed only by employees authorized in this behalf?
12. Are all materials received only in the Receiving Department?
13. Are persons connected with receipt of materials and the keeping of receiving records denied
authority to issue purchase orders or to approve invoices?
14. Are materials inspected and counted, weighed or measured in the Receiving Department?
15. Are receipt of materials evidenced by pre-numbered Goods Received Note?
1. Are suppliers’ invoices routed direct to the Accounts Department?
2. Are they entered in a Bill register before submitting them to other departments for check
and/or approval?
3. Are advance and partial payments entered on the invoices before they are submitted to other
4. Does the system ensure that all invoices are duly processed?
5. In respect of raw material and supplies, are reconciliations made of quantities and/or values
received as shown by purchase invoices with receipt into stock records?
6. Does the Accounts Department match the invoices of supplies with Goods Received Notes and
purchase orders?
7. Do all invoices bear evidence of being checked for prices, freight, terms etc.?
8. Are all advance payments duly authorized by persons competent to authorize such payments?
1. Are stocks stored in assigned areas?
2. Are stocks insured comprehensively against different risks? If some risk is not insured, whether
it is due to specific decision taken by a senior official?
3. Is a record maintained for the insurance policies?
4. Is the record reviewed periodically?
5. Is there an official who decides on the value for which stocks are to be insured?
6. Is the adequacy of insurance cover reviewed periodically?
7. Are perpetual stock records kept for raw materials, work-in-progress, finished goods and
8. Are stock records periodically reconciled with accounting records?
9. Where there is a system of perpetual inventory count:
a. Is there a periodical report of shortages/excess?
b. If so, are these differences investigated?
c. Are these differences adjusted in the stock records and in the financial accounts?
d. Is written approval obtained from a responsible official to adjust these differences?
10. Are there norms for stock levels to be held?
1. Are budgets for capital expenditure approved?
2. Is the authority to incur capital expenditure restricted to specified officials?
3. Are purchases of capital expenditure subject to same controls as applicable to purchases of
raw materials, stores etc.?
4. Is there proper check to see that amounts expended do not exceed the amount authorized?
5. Are fixed assets verified periodically?
6. Is there a written procedure for such verification?
7. Are reports prepared on such verification?
8. Do such reports indicate damaged/obsolete items of fixed assets?
9. Are discrepancies disclosed by such reports investigated?
10. Are the records and financial accounts corrected with appropriate authority?
2. A company has devised a control that its inventory of perishable goods is stored in appropriate
conditions- in a controlled environment to prevent any damages to inventory. Responsibility is
fixed on two persons to monitor environment using sensors and to report on deviations.
Identify the component of risks of material misstatement involved as an auditor of the
The company has devised a control that its inventory of perishable goods is stored in appropriate
conditions and responsibility is fixed on two persons to monitor environment using sensors and to
report on deviations. There is a possibility that persons given responsibility do not perform their work
and report deviations. The component of risks of material misstatement is “control risk”.
3. Shree Foods Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing of garlic bread. The auditors of
company have planned audit procedures in respect of recognition of revenues of the company.
Despite that, there is a possibility that misstatements in revenue recognition are not identified
by planned audit procedures. Which risk is being alluded to?
There is a possibility that planned audit procedures may not achieve desired result and fail to detect
misstatements in revenue recognition. The risk alluded to it is “detection risk”
5. On perusing financial statements of Jo Jo Limited put up for audit, it is observed by the auditor
that current ratio has improved from 1.20:1 (in preceding year) to 1.75:1 (in current year).
6. CA Smriti is auditor of a company. As part of audit, she is going through company policies and
practices regarding employee recruitment, training, orientation and related matters. She seems
to be very much interested in finding out whether company hires best candidates from
applicant pool. Identify what she is trying to do? How gaining knowledge about this aspect is
useful to her as an auditor?
The study of company policies and practices regarding employee recruitment, training, orientation
and related matters including hiring of best candidates is part of understanding HR function of the
company. It, in turn, helps in understanding control environment of the company. By gaining such a
knowledge, she can better understand internal control of the company.
7. During the audit of same company, CA Smriti is keen to find out whether there exists a proper
system of segregation of duties in the company. She wants to be sure that a person responsible
for recording a transaction is different from the person authorising it. Discuss what she is trying
to do and how its understanding is significant to her as an auditor.
She is keen to find out whether there exists a proper system of segregation of duties in the company.
She is gaining an understanding of internal control of the company. In particular, she is understanding
“control activities”. When a person recording a transaction is different from one authorizing it, she
gains confidence that there exists a system for preventing misstatements. It helps her in gaining
insight into the internal control system of the company.
8. Zomba Products Private limited is a small company. The control systems in the company are
rudimentary. How, you as an auditor of the company, would proceed to evaluate internal
control of the company?
In a small company, control systems are basic and not formalized. Therefore, auditor should proceed
to evaluate internal control using narrative record.
10. A company has stipulated a control through its automated software that interest @ 12% p.a. is
charged in case of those customers who fail to make payment within a month of a sales
transaction. The internal auditor of the company finds that during a certain period, software
has failed to charge interest due to certain technical glitches. Does reporting of above situation
fall in domain of internal auditor’s work?
One of the functions of internal auditor includes responsibility for reviewing controls, evaluating their
operation, and recommending improvements thereto. In the given case, internal auditor has found
that controls relating to levying of interest have not operated. The system has not levied stipulated
interest in respect of a certain period. It can result in loss of income for the company and improper
financial reporting. Such a matter, definitely, falls in the domain of reporting by internal auditor.
Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor and Nature, Objective and
1 SA 200 the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Scope of Audit
Standards on Auditing
Agreeing the Terms of Audit Engagements Nature, Objective and
2 SA 210
Scope of Audit
Audit Documentation Audit Documentation
3 SA 230
and Evidence
4 SA 299 Joint Audit of Financial Statements Company Audit
Planning an Audit of Financial Statements Audit Strategy,
5 SA 300 Planning and
Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Risk Assessment and
6 SA 315 Misstatement Through Understanding the Entity Internal Control
and Its Environment
Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit Audit Strategy,
7 SA 320 Planning and
Audit Evidence Audit Documentation
8 SA 500
and Evidence
9 SA 520 Analytical Procedures Analytical Procedures
10 SA 530 Audit Sampling Audit Sampling
11 SA 600 Using the Work of Another Auditor Company Audit
12 SA 610 Using the Work of Internal Auditors Audit Reporting
Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Audit Reporting
13 SA 700
Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Audit Reporting
14 SA 701
Independent Auditor’s Report
Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Audit Reporting
15 SA 705
Auditor’s Report
Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Audit Reporting
16 SA 706
Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report
Note: All the above standards i.e., Standards on Auditing (SAs), Standards on Review
Engagements (SREs), Standards on Assurance Engagements (SAEs) and Standards on related
services (SRSs) are collectively known as the Engagement Standards.
E. STANDARDS ON QUALITY CONTROL (SQC): These standards are to be applied for all services
covered by Engagement Standards.
C. ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM OF QUALITY CONTROL: The firm’s system of quality control should include
policies and procedures addressing each of the following elements:
a. As per SA 220, the engagement partner shall take responsibility for the overall quality on
each audit engagement to which that partner is assigned.
b. The actions of the engagement partner and appropriate messages to the other members
of the engagement team, in taking responsibility for the overall quality on each audit
engagement, emphasise the importance of:
i. Performing work that complies with professional standards and regulatory and legal
ii. Complying with the firm’s quality control policies and procedures as applicable;
iii. Issuing auditor’s reports that are appropriate in the circumstances; and
iv. The engagement team’s ability to raise concerns without fear of reprisals; and
v. The fact that quality is essential in performing audit engagements.
c. The firm’s recruitment processes include procedures that help the firm select individuals
of integrity as well as the capacity to develop the capabilities and competence necessary
to perform the firm’s work.
a. The firm should establish policies and procedures designed to provide it with reasonable
assurance that engagements are performed in accordance with professional standards
and regulatory and legal requirements, and that the firm or the engagement partner
issues reports that are appropriate in the circumstances.
b. Matters addressed include the following:
i. How engagement teams are briefed on the engagement to obtain an understanding
of the objectives of their work.
ii. Processes for complying with applicable engagement standards.
iii. Processes of engagement supervision, staff training and coaching.
iv. Methods of reviewing the work performed, the significant judgments made and the
form of report being issued.
v. Appropriate documentation of the work performed and of the timing and extent of
the review.
vi. Processes to keep all policies and procedures current.
c. For audits of financial statements of listed entities, and those other audit engagements, if
any, for which the firm has determined that an engagement quality control review is
required, the engagement partner shall:
i. Determine that an engagement quality control reviewer has been appointed.
ii. Discuss significant matters arising during the audit engagement, including those
identified during the engagement quality control review, with the engagement quality
control reviewer.
a. An effective system of quality control includes a monitoring process designed to provide
the firm with reasonable assurance that its policies and procedures relating to the system
of quality control are relevant, adequate, and operating effectively.
b. The engagement partner shall consider the results of the firm’s monitoring process as
evidenced in the latest information circulated by the firm and, if applicable, other network
firms and whether deficiencies noted in that information may affect the audit
c. The engagement partner should document following matters pertaining to an audit
engagement: -
i. Issues identified with respect to compliance with relevant ethical requirements and
how they were resolved.
ii. Conclusions on compliance with independence requirements that apply to the audit
engagement, and any relevant discussions with the firm that support these
iii. Conclusions reached regarding the acceptance and continuance of client relationships
and audit engagements.
iv. The nature and scope of, and conclusions resulting from, consultations undertaken
during the course of the audit engagement.
1. The firm’s system of quality control should include policies and procedures addressing
each and every element of system of quality control. State those elements.
1. Leadership responsibility of quality within the audit firm
2. Ethical requirements relating to audit of financial statements
3. Acceptance and continuance of client relationships
4. Human resources
5. Engagement performance
6. Monitoring of quality control policies and procedures
2. XYZ & Co, a firm of chartered accountants has been appointed as an auditor of CHARAN
LTD. Mr X, engagement partner argues that audit manager shall take the responsibility
3. The firm should establish policies and procedures designed to provide it with reasonable
assurance that the policies and procedures relating to the system of quality control are
relevant, adequate, operating effectively and complied with in practice. Such policies
and procedures should include an on-going consideration and evaluation of the firm's
system of quality control, including a periodic inspection of a selection of completed
engagements. Explain the purpose of monitoring compliance with quality control policies
and procedures.
Answer: Write Point C(6)
4. As per SA 220 “Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements", the engagement
partner shall take responsibility for the overall quality on each audit engagement to
which that partner is assigned. Explain clearly stating the meaning of engagement
partner and also the actions of the engagement partner and appropriate messages to
the other members of the engagement team, in taking responsibility for the overall
quality on each audit engagement.
Answer: Write Point C(1)
5. The firm should establish policies and procedures designed to provide it with reasonable
assurance that it has sufficient personnel with the capabilities, competence, and
commitment to ethical principles. Discuss the personnel issues addressed by such policies
and procedures. Also explain how addressing the personnel issues would empower the
Answer: Write Point C(4)
6. The firm should establish policies and procedures designed to provide it with reasonable
assurance that engagements are performed in accordance with professional standards
and regulatory and legal requirements, and that the firm or the engagement partner
issues reports that are appropriate in the circumstances. Explain that policies to be
implemented in the element of engagement performance.
Answer: Write Point C(5)
B. WHO ARE THOSE CHARGED WITH GOVERNANCE (TCWG): The person(s) or organization(s) (e.g.,
a corporate trustee) with responsibility for overseeing the strategic direction of the entity and
obligations related to the accountability of the entity. This includes overseeing the financial
reporting process.
For example, in most entities, governance is the collective responsibility of a governing body, such
as a board of directors, a supervisory board, partners, proprietors, a committee of management,
trustees, or equivalent persons. In some smaller entities, however, one person may be charged
with governance, for example, the owner-manager.
1. The auditor’s responsibilities in relation to the financial statement audit: The auditor shall
communicate with those charged with governance the responsibilities of the auditor in
relation to the financial statement audit, including that:
a. The auditor is responsible for forming and expressing an opinion on the financial
statements that have been prepared by management with the oversight of those charged
with governance and
b. The audit of the financial statements does not relieve management or those charged with
governance of their responsibilities.
2. Planned scope and timing of the audit: The auditor shall communicate with those charged
with governance an overview of the planned scope and timing of the audit, which includes
communicating about the significant risks identified by the auditor.
3. Significant findings from the audit: The auditor shall communicate with those charged with
governance: -
1. In what ways an effective two-way communication between auditor and those charged
with governance is important?
Answer: Write Point A from SA 260
A. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the auditor is to communicate appropriately to those charged with
governance and management deficiencies in internal control that the auditor has identified
during the audit and that, in the auditor’s professional judgment, are of sufficient importance to
merit their respective attentions.
1. List out some matters that the auditor may consider in determining whether a deficiency
or combination of deficiencies in internal control constitutes a “significant deficiency.”
A. OBJECTIVE: As per SA 501, The objective of the auditor is to obtain sufficient appropriate audit
evidence regarding the:
1. Existence and condition of inventory;
2. Completeness of litigation and claims involving the entity; and
3. Presentation and disclosure of segment information in accordance with the applicable
financial reporting framework.
2. If physical inventory counting is conducted at a date other than the date of the financial
statements, the auditor shall, in addition to the procedures required above, perform audit
procedures to obtain audit evidence about whether changes in inventory between the count
date and the date of the financial statements are properly recorded.
Ordinarily, such meetings require management’s permission and are held with a
representative of management in attendance.
g. The auditor shall request management and, where appropriate, those charged with
governance to provide written representations that all known actual or possible litigation
and claims whose effects should be considered when preparing the financial statements:
i. have been disclosed to the auditor and appropriately accounted for and
ii. disclosed in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
1. The auditor shall obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the presentation and
disclosure of segment information in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
framework by:
a. Obtaining an understanding of the methods used by management in determining segment
information. Further,
i. Evaluating whether such methods are likely to result in disclosure in accordance with
the applicable financial reporting framework; and
ii. Where appropriate, testing the application of such methods; and
b. Performing analytical procedures or other audit procedures appropriate in the
2. Understanding of the Methods Used by Management: Example of matters that may be
relevant when obtaining an understanding of the methods used by management:
a. Sales, transfers and charges between segments, and elimination of intersegment
b. Comparisons with budgets and other expected results, for example, operating profits as a
percentage of sales.
1. XYZ Ltd is engaged in manufacturing of different type of yarns. On-going through its
financial statements for the past years, it is observed that inventory is material to the
financial statements. You as an auditor of the company wanted to obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence regarding the existence and condition of the inventory as
appearing in the financial statements. Discuss, how would you proceed as an auditor?
Answer: Refer Point B
2. Paramount Exports Ltd is a manufacturer exporter having its own production capacity
and also gets the job work done through various job workers. The auditor of Paramount
Exports Ltd. Considers that inventory held with job workers is material to the financial
statements. Suggest the audit procedures in the given case.
Answer: Refer Point B(6)
3. Pride India Ltd is a manufacturer of various FMCG (fast moving consumable goods) range
of products. The company is having several cases of litigation pending in courts. The
auditor wanted to identify litigation and claims resulting to risk of material
Answer: Refer Write C(1)
4. SPR Ltd has been into the media business since 1990. During the F.Y 2021 -2022 many
notices were received by the company for hurting public sentiments and financial claims
were filed against the company. As an auditor of the company, you requested the
management for arranging the meeting with company's external legal counsel.
Management is of the view that such meetings are necessary in some certain
circumstances only. Can you list down those certain circumstances?
Answer: Refer Point C(2)(e)
5. Pachranga International Ltd is manufacturer of pickles, ginger garlic paste, jams etc
having its plant at Jaipur. Being in food industry, the company is facing many litigations
in various courts across India. Auditors SPV & Co. wants to identify such litigations and
claims involving the company which may give rise to risk of material misstatement. Guide
the auditor as to how they should proceed for the purpose.
Answer: Refer Write C(1)
6. The matter of difficulty, time, or cost involved is in itself a valid basis for
impracticability of physical verification of inventory. Correct/Incorrect.
Standards on Audit 7.20
The matter of difficulty, time, or cost involved is in itself not a valid basis for
impracticability of physical verification of inventory.
9. GPS & Co, Chartered Accountants, conducting the audit of Pratibha Ltd., a listed
company for the year ended 31.03.2022 is concerned with the presentation and
disclosure of segment information included in Company's Annual Report. GPS & Co wanted
to ensure that methods adopted by management for determining segment information
have resulted in disclosure in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
framework Guide GPS & Co with 'Examples of Matters' that may be relevant when
obtaining an understanding of the methods used by the management with reference to
the relevant Standards on Auditing.
Answer: Refer Point D(2)
B. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the auditor, when using external confirmation procedures, is to
design and perform such procedures to obtain relevant and reliable audit evidence.
1. When using external confirmation procedures, the auditor shall maintain control over
external confirmation requests including sending the requests, including follow-up
requests when applicable, to the confirming party. Explain the other points as to when
using external confirmation procedures, the auditor would be required to maintain control
over external confirmation requests.
Standards on Audit 7.24
When using external confirmation procedures, the auditor shall maintain control over
external confirmation requests, including:
a. Determining the information to be confirmed or requested
b. Selecting the appropriate confirming party
c. Designing the confirmation request
d. Sending the request and follow up requests.
2. During the financial year 2020-21, the auditor of Delicious and Healthy Limited asked
a Trade Receivable to respond directly to the auditor whether the amount they were
required to pay to Delicious and Healthy Limited was Rs. 79,000. That trade receivable
confirmed to the auditor of Delicious and Healthy Limited, that they were required to
pay an amount of Rs. 79,000 to Delicious and Healthy Limited. State and explain the
type of Confirmation Request as required by the auditor.
Answer: Write definition of positive confirmation request.
In the given case the request sent by the auditor is positive confirmation request.
3. While conducting the audit of Rocky Ltd, the auditor X of XYZ and Associates,
Chartered Accountants observes that there are large number of Trade payables and
receivables standing in the books of accounts as on 31st March. The auditor wanted to
send confirmation request to few trade receivables, but the management refused the
auditor to send confirmation request. How would the auditor proceed?
Answer: Write Point E
6. The design of a confirmation request may directly affect the confirmation response
rate, and the reliability and the nature of the audit evidence obtained from responses.
What are the factors that are required to be considered while designing confirmation
B. OBJECTIVE: In conducting an initial audit engagement, the objective of the auditor with respect
to opening balances is to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about whether:
1. Opening balances contain misstatements that materially affect the current period’s financial
statements; and
2. Appropriate accounting policies reflected in the opening balances have been consistently
applied in the current period’s financial statements, or changes thereto are properly
accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed in accordance with the applicable
financial reporting framework.
the auditor shall express a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion as appropriate in accordance
with SA 705(Revised).
1. The newly appointed auditor of BTN Limited wants to obtain sufficient appropriate audit
evidence about whether the opening balances contain misstatements that materially
affect the current period's financial statements. What audit procedures should he
perform for this purpose?
Answer: Write Point C
2. M/s Pankaj & Associates, Chartered Accountants, have been appointed as an auditor of
ABC Limited. CA Pankaj did not apply any audit procedures regarding opening balances.
He argued that since financial statements were audited by the predecessor auditor
therefore, he is not required to verify them. Is CA Pankaj correct in his approach?
Answer: Write Definition of initial audit engagement and Objectives of SA 510.
Conclusion: In the given case CA Pankaj shall obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence
regarding opening balances as per the requirements of SA 510.
3. M/s PQR and associates are the statutory auditors of TUV Ltd. for the FY 2020-21.
They have been appointed as statutory auditors of TUV Ltd. for the first time. What
is the objective of the engagement partner in terms of SA 510?
Standards on Audit 7.28
Answer: Write Point B
4. Auditors of M/s Govardhan India (P) Ltd. were changed for the accounting year 2020-
21. The closing inventory of the company as on 31.03.2020 amounting to Rs.100 lakhs
continued as it is and became closing inventory as on 31.03.2021. The auditors of the
company propose to exclude from their audit programme the audit of closing inventory
of Rs.100 lacs on the understanding that it pertains to the preceding year which was
audited by another auditor.
First write objective of SA 510.
a. General principles governing verification of assets require that the auditor should
confirm that assets have been correctly valued as on the Balance Sheet date.
b. The contention of the management that the inventory has not undergone any change
cannot be accepted, it forms part of normal duties of auditor to ensure that the figures
on which he is expressing opinion are correct and properly valued.
c. Moreover, it is also quite likely that the inventory lying might have deteriorated and the
same need to be examined.
d. Therefore, the auditor is advised not to exclude the audit of closing inventory from his
audit programme.
2. Identifying Fraud risk factors: Further, understanding about related party relationships and
transactions, helps the auditor in identifying the fraud risk factors. Because the fraud can be
easily committed through related parties.
4. Maintaining Professional Skepticism: Planning and performing the audit with professional
skepticism as required by SA 200 is therefore particularly important to reduce the audit risk
to an acceptably low level.
the following records or documents that may provide information about related party
relationships and transactions, for example:
1. Entity income tax returns.
2. Information supplied by the entity to regulatory authorities.
3. Shareholder registers to identify the entity’s principal shareholders.
4. Statements of conflicts of interest from management and those charged with governance.
5. Records of the entity’s investments and those of its pension plans.
6. Contracts and agreements with key management or those charged with governance.
7. Significant contracts and agreements not in the entity’s ordinary course of business.
8. Specific invoices and correspondence from the entity’s professional advisors.
9. Life insurance policies acquired by the entity.
10. Significant contracts re-negotiated by the entity during the period.
11. Internal auditors’ reports.
12. Documents associated with the entity’s filings with a securities regulator e.g., prospectuses
1. P Ltd. is a company from a business group "ABCD" and is engaged in trading of garments.
The promoters of the company are promoters and directors of some other group
companies also. You have been appointed as an auditor of P Ltd. P Ltd has entered into
various intercompany transactions (within group companies) during the year which are
outside its normal course of business. What will be your duties as an auditor in relation
to those transactions?
Answer: Refer Point C
2. Explain how the auditor can verify the existence of related party transactions?
Answer: Refer Point D
1. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS: Events occurring between the date of the financial statements and
the date of the auditor’s report, and facts that become known to the auditor after the date
of the auditor’s report.
2. DATE OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: The date of the end of the latest period covered by the
financial statements.
3. DATE OF APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: The date on which all the statements that
comprise the financial statements, including the related notes, have been prepared and those
with the recognised authority have asserted that they have taken responsibility for those
financial statements.
4. DATE OF THE AUDITOR’S REPORT: The date the auditor dated the report on the financial
statements in accordance with SA 700.
5. DATE THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE ISSUED: The date that the auditor’s report and
audited financial statements are made available to third parties.
may be affected by certain events that occur after the date of the financial statements. Many
financial reporting frameworks specifically refer to such events. Such financial reporting
frameworks ordinarily identify two types of events:
b. Those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the date of the financial
statements; and
c. Those that provide evidence of conditions that arose after the date of the financial
C. AUDIT PROCEDURES REGARDING SUBSEQUENT EVENTS: The auditor shall perform the below
mentioned audit procedures to ensure that all the subsequent events are identified:
1. Obtaining an understanding of any procedures management has established to ensure that
subsequent events are identified.
2. Inquiring of management and, where appropriate, those charged with governance as to
whether any subsequent events have occurred which might affect the financial statements.
a. The auditor has no obligation to perform any audit procedures regarding the financial
statements after the date of the auditor’s report.
b. However, when, after the date of the auditor’s report but before the date the financial
statements are issued, a fact becomes known to the auditor that, had it been known to
the auditor at the date of the auditor’s report, may have caused the auditor to amend the
auditor’s report, the auditor shall:
i. Discuss the matter with management and, where appropriate, those charged with
ii. Determine whether the financial statements need amendment and, if so,
iii. Inquire how management intends to address the matter in the financial statements.
c. If Management Amends the Financial Statements: the auditor shall:
i. Carry out the audit procedures necessary in the circumstances on the amendment.
ii. Obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence regarding the amendment such
subsequent events.
d. If management does not amend the financial statements:
i. Where the auditor concludes that the financial statements are not amended and if the
auditor’s report has not yet been provided to the entity, the auditor shall modify the
opinion as required by SA 705 and then provide the auditor’s report; or
ii. If the auditor’s report has already been provided to the entity, the auditor shall notify
management and those charged with governance not to issue the financial statements
to third parties before the necessary amendments have been made.
iii. If the financial statements are nevertheless subsequently issued without the necessary
amendments, the auditor shall take appropriate action, to seek to prevent reliance on
the auditor’s report.
a. After the financial statements have been issued, the auditor has no obligation to perform
any audit procedures regarding such financial statements.
1. The auditor shall perform audit procedures designed to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence that all events occurring between the date of the financial statements
and the date of the auditor's report that require adjustment of, or disclosure in, the
financial statements have been identified. Explain.
Answer: Refer Point C
2. As per SA 560, Subsequent Events are the events occurring between the date of the
financial statements and the date of the approval of financial statements, and facts
that become known to the auditor after the date of the auditor’s report.
As per SA 560, Subsequent Events are the events occurring between the date of the
financial statements and the date of auditors report, and facts that become known to the
auditor after the date of the auditor’s report.
3. The auditor has no obligation to perform any audit procedures regarding the financial
statements after the date of the auditor’s report. However, when, after the date of
the auditor’s report but before the date the financial statements are issued, a fact
becomes known to the auditor that, had it been known to the auditor at the date of
4. After the financial statements have been issued, the auditor has no obligation to
perform any audit procedures regarding such financial statements. However, when,
after the financial statements have been issued, a fact becomes known to the auditor
that, had it been known to the auditor at the date of the auditor’s report, may have
caused the auditor to amend the auditor’s report. Explain the auditor's obligation in
the above situation.
Answer: Refer Point D(2)
D. AUDIT PROCEDURES: The audit procedures to be performed by the auditor are as follows:
2. FURTHER AUDIT PROCEDURES: If events or conditions have been identified that may cast
significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, the auditor shall obtain
sufficient appropriate audit evidence, through performing the following additional audit
a. Where management has not yet performed an assessment of the entity’s ability to
continue as a going concern, requesting management to make its assessment.
b. Evaluating management’s plans for future actions in relation to its going concern
assessment, whether the outcome of these plans is likely to improve the situation and
whether management’s plans are feasible in the circumstances.
CONTINUE AS A GOING CONCERN: The following are examples of events or conditions that,
individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going
a. Net liability or net current liability position.
b. Fixed-term borrowings approaching maturity without realistic prospects of renewal or
c. Excessive reliance on short-term borrowings to finance long-term assets.
d. Indications of withdrawal of financial support by creditors.
e. Negative operating cash flows indicated by historical or prospective financial statements.
f. Adverse key financial ratios.
a. Management intentions to liquidate the entity or to cease operations.
b. Loss of key management without replacement.
c. Loss of a major market, key customer(s), franchise, license, or principal supplier(s).
d. Labour difficulties.
e. Shortages of important supplies.
a. Non-compliance with capital or other statutory or regulatory requirements, such as
solvency or liquidity requirements for financial institutions.
b. Pending legal or regulatory proceedings against the entity that may, if successful, result in
claims that the entity is unlikely to be able to satisfy.
c. Changes in law or regulation or government policy expected to adversely affect the entity.
d. Uninsured or underinsured catastrophes when they occur.
1. ADEQUATE DISCLOSURE MADE BY MANAGEMENT: If the auditor concludes that the going
concern assumption is inappropriate, and the management has made adequate disclosure in
the financial statements (i.e., liquidation basis), then the auditor shall:
a. Express an unmodified opinion and
b. May consider it appropriate or necessary to include an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in
the auditor’s report to draw the user’s attention to that alternative basis of accounting
and the reasons for its use.
2. M/s Arjun & Associates has been appointed as the statutory auditors of DJ Ltd. The
company has been suffering losses due to the emergence of highly successful competitor,
thereby leading to negative net worth. Also, the sales head, key management personnel,
of the company left the company due to health issues. When CA Arjun, the engagement
partner discussed the scenario with the management of the company, he did not get
any satisfactory reply from the management. What is the responsibility of M/s Arjun
& Associates with regard to SA 570?
a. As per SA 570, one of the objectives of the auditor regarding going concern is to obtain
sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the same and to conclude on the
appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting in the
preparation of the financial statements.
b. Further it also contains the list of events or conditions that may cast significant doubt
on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern which are:
i. Financial indicator- Negative net worth
ii. Operating indicator- Loss of key management and emergence of highly successful
c. In the present case, MNO Ltd. has negative net worth on account of emergence of highly
successful competitor and the sales head of the company has also left the company.
d. Also, CA Amar did not get any satisfactory reply when he discussed the going concern
matter with the management. Thus, from the above facts, it appears that MNO Ltd. is
not having going concern.
4. If the financial statements have not been prepared using the going concern basis of
accounting and, in the auditors judgment, management’s use of the going concern basis
of accounting for the preparation of F/S is appropriate the auditor shall express an
adverse opinion. Correct/Incorrect.
If the financial statements have been prepared using the going concern basis of accounting
and, in the auditors judgment, management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting
for the preparation of F/S is inappropriate the auditor shall express an adverse opinion.
5. Mr Raju has been appointed as an auditor of Real Ltd for the financial year 2020-21.
While conducting the audit the auditor found sufficient and appropriate audit evidence
that there is material uncertainty regarding the entity's ability to continue as a going
concern. Explain the reporting requirements in the given case.
Answer: Write Point G
6. Under the going concern basis of accounting, the financial statements are prepared on
the assumption that the entity is a going concern and will continue its operations for
the foreseeable future. Give examples of operating indicators that could cast a
significant doubt on entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.
Answer: Refer Point E(2)
7. While doing audit of ABC Pvt Ltd, on the basis of sufficient and appropriate evidence,
auditor comes to a conclusion that use of the Going Concern Basis of Accounting is
appropriate, but a material uncertainty exists. Discuss the implications for auditor’s
report if:
i. Adequate Disclosure of a Material Uncertainty is Made in the Financial Statements
ii. Adequate Disclosure of a Material Uncertainty is Not Made in the Financial
Answer: Refer Point E(2)
or more of the requested written representations, the auditor shall:
1. Discuss the matter with management;
2. Re-evaluate the integrity of management and evaluate the effect that this may have on the
reliability of representations and audit evidence in general; and
3. Take appropriate actions, including determining the possible effect on the opinion in the
auditor’s report in accordance with SA 705.
2. The auditor X of XYZ and Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants is conducting audit of
MN Industries Ltd. The auditor requests management to provide Banker’s certificate in
support of Fixed deposits whereas management provides only written representation on
the matter. Analyse how would you deal as an auditor.
Answer: Write point A and B
In he given case cannot rely only on written representation for expressing an opinion on
financial statements.
3. Audit evidence is all the information used by the auditor in arriving at the conclusions
on which the audit opinion is based. Written representations are necessary information
that the auditor requires in connection with the audit of the entity’s financial
statements. Accordingly, similar to responses to inquiries, written representations are
audit evidence. Explain stating clearly objectives of the auditor regarding written
Answer: Write Point A and C
5. In some cases, management may decide to make inquiries of others who participate in
preparing and presenting the financial statements and assertions therein, including
individuals who have specialized knowledge relating to the matters about which written
representations are requested. Explain in the context of SA 580.
Answer: Write Point D
6. State the circumstances in which it will be appropriate for the auditor to request
written representations from the management to reconfirm its responsibilities.
Answer: Write Point E
1. Define the term Comparative Information. Explain the audit procedures regarding
comparative information.
Answer: Write point A(1) and C
2. The senior member of the firm Kaur & Associates, Chartered Accountants, informed to
its auditing staff that, when corresponding figures are presented, the auditor's opinion
shall not refer to the corresponding figures except in specified circumstances. What
are those exceptional circumstances?
Answer: Write point D
3. Define the term Corresponding figures and Comparative Financial Statements. Also
explain the reporting differences between the two.
Answer: Write A(2,3) and Point F
B. ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM OF QUALITY CONTROL: The firm’s system of quality control should include
policies and procedures addressing each of the following elements: -
1. Leadership responsibilities for quality within the firm
2. Ethical requirements
3. Acceptance and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements
4. Human resources
5. Engagement performance
6. Monitoring
1. The firm should establish policies and procedures designed to provide it with reasonable
assurance that the firm and its personnel comply with relevant ethical requirements
contained in the Code of ethics issued by ICAI.
2. The Code establishes the fundamental principles of professional ethics which include
integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional
3. Observance of “Independence” in all engagements is the basic requirement. The firm should
establish policies and procedures designed to provide it with reasonable assurance that the
firm, its personnel and (including experts contracted by the firm and network firm personnel)
maintain independence where required by the Code. Such policies and procedures should
enable the firm to: -
F. HUMAN RESOURCES: The firm should establish policies and procedures designed to provide it
with reasonable assurance that it has sufficient personnel with the capabilities, competence, and
commitment to ethical principles necessary to perform its engagements in accordance with
professional standards and regulatory and legal requirements and to enable the firm or
engagement partners to issue reports that are appropriate in the circumstances. Such policies
and procedures should address relevant HR issues including
1. recruitment,
2. compensation,
3. training,
4. career development,
5. performance evaluation etc.
There should be emphasis on the continuing professional development of firm’s personnel.
1. Consistency in quality of engagement performance is achieved through
a. briefing of engagement teams of their objectives,
b. processes for complying with engagement standards,
c. processes of engagement supervision and training,
d. methods of reviewing performance of work,
e. appropriate documentation of work performed.
2. Consultation should take place in difficult or contentious matters pertaining to an
engagement. Consultation includes discussion, at the appropriate professional level, with
individuals within or outside the firm who have specialized expertise, to resolve a difficult or
contentious matter.
3. A firm needing to consult externally, for example, a firm without appropriate internal
resources, may take advantage of advisory services provided by other firms or professional
and regulatory bodies.
4. Significant judgments made in an engagement should be reviewed by an engagement quality
control reviewer for taking an objective view before the report is issued. The extent of the
review depends on the complexity of the engagement and the risk that the report might not
be appropriate in the circumstances.
5. The review does not reduce the responsibilities of the engagement partner.
6. Engagement quality control review is mandatory for all audits of financial statements of listed
entities. In respect of other engagements, firm should devise criteria to determine cases
requiring performance of engagement quality control review.
7. There might be difference of opinion within engagement team, with those consulted and
between engagement partner and engagement quality control reviewer. The report should
only be issued after resolution of such differences.
H. MONITORING: The firm should ensure that policies and procedures relating to the system of
quality control are relevant, adequate, operating effectively and complied with in practice. Such
policies and procedures should include an ongoing consideration and evaluation of the firm’s
system of quality control, including a periodic inspection of a selection of completed
2. CA Jignesh Desai is in midst of audit of a company. The company is fairly large one and has a
well -functioning internal audit department. While considering sending out external
Standards on Audit 7.51
confirmation requests to trade receivables outstanding as on date of financial statements, he
has delegated the process of choosing trade receivables, designing requests and receiving
responses from customers to internal audit department. The responses are also received on
the mail id of internal audit department. Is approach of CA Jignesh Desai proper?
When using external confirmation procedures, the auditor shall maintain control over external
confirmation requests, including:
3. On reviewing schedule of trade receivables of a company, CA Mary finds that in respect of one
outstanding balance, the CFO of the company is not willing to allow her to send external
confirmation request due to the reason that sending out such request could spoil precariously
placed business relations with the customer. On further inquiry, she finds out that there is a
dispute going on with the company relating to some quality issues of goods sent to the
customer and matter is sub judice. Efforts are also being made by the company for out of court
settlement. Reviewing correspondence with the customer, she finds that issue is near
resolution and no fraud risk factors exist. Is unwillingness of CFO justifiable?
In terms of requirements of SA 505, if management refuses to allow the auditor to send a
confirmation request, the auditor shall inquire as to management’s reasons for the refusal, and seek
audit evidence as to their validity and reasonableness.
A common reason advanced is the existence of a legal dispute or ongoing negotiation with the
intended confirming party, the resolution of which may be affected by an untimely confirmation
request. Further, fraud risk factors do not exist. Keeping in view, unwillingness of CFO is justifiable.
4. CA PK Jacob is conducting audit of a company for year 2021-22. The company is engaged in
export of ethnic rugs to buyers in Europe. The audit is nearing completion in month of July 2022.
However, it becomes known to the auditor that one of overseas buyers has made a legal claim
against the company on 1st June 2022 for injury caused to a customer of one European buyer
due to sub-standard dyes used in rugs of one lot of order shipped in August, 2021. The
management of company has decided to agree to an out of court settlement of Rs.5 crore to
protect its reputation. The financial statements of the company are silent on this issue.
He should ask company management to make necessary adjustment to the financial statements. If
adjustment is not made by management, he should consider impact on auditor’s report.
5. CA Chandni Khanna is going to complete audit of a company within next few days. She has
performed necessary audit procedures like inquiry of management personnel, reading minutes
of meetings held after date of financial statements, going through books of accounts after date
of financial statements to make sure that all subsequent events before signing audit report
have been considered by her. Still, she wants to be certain that no such events have been left
out. What she should do in such a situation? Also, discuss the rationale of doing so.
Answer: Refer SA 560 Para Audit Procedures
6. During course of audit of a company, CA. Varun Aggarwal notices that company is facing
significant skilled labour shortages resulting in hampering of operations of company. The
company’s manufacturing is dependent upon skilled labour coming from villages in certain
districts of Eastern UP. However, due to job opportunities available near villages now, many
are not interested in going out from their native villages. Such a situation has led to company
not being able to keep its commitments, losing out on orders and fall in its revenues. Fixed costs
of the company remain at a high level. As a result, company is facing a liquidity crunch and is
not able to pay its creditors on time. The bankers of company are also not willing to help the
company to tide over liquidity crisis. The auditor is having doubts over going concern status of
the company. How should management of the company try to address auditor’s concerns?
What audit procedures may be performed by auditor in such a situation?
Significant shortage of skilled labour, inability to pay creditors on time and overall liquidity crisis faced
by the company are examples of events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast
significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.
In such a situation, management should try to address auditor’s concerns by preparing its future plan
of action including preparation of cash flow forecast showing inflow and outflow of cash. Such a cash
flow forecast should address auditor’s concerns regarding liquidity crisis being faced by the company.
The auditor should perform audit procedures to evaluate the reliability of the underlying data to
prepare the forecast and determining whether there is adequate support for the assumptions
underlying the forecast. The auditor should also consider whether any additional facts or information
have become available since the date on which management made its assessment.
The instances highlighted in above situation are examples of misstatements identified during the
audit. Over valuation of inventory of finished goods by Rs. 2 crore and wrongly charging freight of Rs.
10 lacs paid on machinery to statement of profit and loss instead of capitalizing are examples of
The auditor should communicate above identified misstatements to those charged with governance
and request for correction of these misstatements. In case, these are not corrected, understand the
reasons for not making the corrections and reassess materiality. It should also be considered whether
uncorrected statements are material individually or in aggregate. Effect of uncorrected
misstatements on the opinion in auditor’s report should be communicated to those charged with
9. On reviewing internal control over inventories as part of statutory audit of a company, auditor
finds that physical verification is not being conducted at regular intervals as stipulated by the
management. The auditor finds it to be significant deficiency in internal control over
inventories. He points it out to the management in a one-liner as under: -
While pointing out significant deficiencies in internal control, auditor has not only to
communicate significant deficiencies giving their description but also explain the potential effects
and sufficient information to those charged with governance and management to understand
context of communication.
Therefore, the above communication is not proper. Not only significant deficiency has to be
communicated, it should also be explained to management the potential effects of not carrying
out physical verification of inventories at regular intervals as stipulated by management. It should
explain that such a significant deficiency can lead to misstatement of inventories impacting profits
of the company. Highlighting importance of such a control, it should be stated that responsibility
be fixed for concerned persons for adhering to such an important control.
10. The management of Exotic Tours and Travels Limited requests its auditor Raja & Co.to provide
an assurance report on the financial information for first quarter of a year by skipping required
detailed procedures. Can Raja & Co. provide such a report? What would be nature of such a
report? Would it be necessary for them to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence in such a case?
Such report would be in nature of “review”. However, auditors would have to obtain sufficient
appropriate evidence.
11. CA. P Babu is conducting audit of financial statements of Quick Buy Private Limited. He was not
able to obtain external confirmations from certain debtors due to practical difficulties and
peculiar circumstances. However, such a procedure is mandated under one of Standards on
Auditing. Unable to obtain external confirmations from these debtors, he relied upon sale
details to these parties, e-invoices, e-way bills and also traced payments from these parties in
bank accounts of the company. He was reasonably satisfied with audit evidence obtained. Is
there any other reporting duty cast upon him relating to not following a mandated procedure
in one of Standards on Auditing?
He is required to document how alternative procedures performed achieve the purpose of required
procedure. Reason for departure has to be documented unless it is clear. His report should draw
attention to such departure.
Nowadays, it is very common to see computer systems being used in almost every type of
For example, think about how banking transactions are carried out using ATMs (Automated Teller
Machines), or how tickets can be purchased using “apps” on mobile phones, etc. In these
examples, you can see how these computer systems enable us to transact business at any time
and any day.
1. Companies derive benefit from the use of IT systems as an enabler to support various business
operations and activities.
2. Auditors need to understand the relevance of these IT systems to an audit of financial
3. Auditors are required to understand, assess and respond to such risks that arise from the use
of IT systems.
4. Even SA 315 requires the auditor to obtain an understanding of clients automated
5. Given below are some situations in which IT will be relevant to an audit,
a. Increased use of Systems and Application software in Business (for example, use of ERPs)
b. Complexity of transactions has increased (multiple systems, network of systems)
c. Hi-tech nature of business (Telecom, e-Commerce).
d. Volume of transactions are high (Insurance, Banking, Railways ticketing).
e. Regulatory requirements - Companies Act 2013, IT Act 2008.
f. Required by Indian and International Standards - ISO, PCI-DSS, SA 315, SOC, ISAE.
g. Increases efficiency and effectiveness of audit.
3. When the company is working in an automated environment, it is not necessary for its
auditor to understand its automated environment and depends upon the professional
judgement of the auditor as to whether gaining knowledge of company's IT systems is
required or not. Do you agree with this statement?
Answer: Refer above answer
Understanding the entity and its automated environment involves understanding how IT department
is organised, IT activities, the IT dependencies, relevant risks and controls.
Given below are some of the points that an auditor should consider to obtain an understanding of
the company’s automated environment:
1. Information systems being used (one or more application systems and what they are).
2. Their purpose (financial and non-financial).
3. Location of IT systems - local vs global.
4. Architecture (desktop based, client-server, web application, cloud based).
5. Version (functions and risks could vary in different versions of same application).
6. Interfaces within systems (in case multiple systems exist).
7. In-house vs Packaged.
8. Outsourced activities (IT maintenance and support).
9. Key persons (CIO, CISO, Administrators).
Note: The understanding of a company’s IT environment that is obtained should be documented [As
per SA 230] using any standard format or template. An example of such template could be as below:
Information Version Purpose Location Architectur Interfaces Inhouse Outsourc Key In
system being e within vs ed Persons scope
used system Packaged activities
SAP ECC 6.0, Accounting, Texas, Client/Serve Paymaster Package CIO, Adminis Yes
EHPS Supply chain, USA r, d trator
Production Unix AIX 5.3, s
Server 2008
A. RISKS ARISING FROM THE USE OF IT: Having obtained an understanding of the IT systems and
the automated environment of a company, the auditor should now understand the risks that arise
from the use of IT systems. Given below are some such risks that should be considered:
1. Inaccurate processing of data, processing inaccurate data, or both.
2. Unauthorized access to data.
3. Direct data changes (backend changes).
4. Excessive access / Privileged access (super users).
5. Lack of adequate segregation of duties.
6. Unauthorized changes to systems or programs.
7. Failure to make necessary changes to systems or programs.
8. Loss of data.
B. IMPACT OF IT RELATED RISKS: The above risks, if not mitigated, could have an impact on audit in
different ways.
1. Impact on Substantive audit procedures: The auditor cannot rely on the data obtained from
systems. The system data and reports should be tested substantively for completeness and
accuracy, hence more audit evidence is needed.
2. Impact on Compliance procedures: The auditor cannot rely on automated controls, system
calculations and accounting procedures built into applications. System data and reports
should be tested substantively for completeness and accuracy. Hence, more substantive audit
work is needed.
3. Impact on Reporting: The auditor may be required to communicate to those charged with
governance and also issue modified reports.
1. In an audit of financial statements, the auditor should plan response to all IT risks.
Incorrect. The auditor should plan response to those IT risks that are relevant to financial
reporting and not “all” IT risks.
2. Describe how risks in IT systems, if not mitigated, could have an impact on audit.
A. TESTING METHODS IN AUTOMATED ENVIRONMENT: There are basically four types of audit tests
that should be used. They are
1. Inquiry
2. Inspection
3. Observation
4. Reperformance
B. USE OF DATA ANALYTICS IN AUDIT: Data analytics can be used in testing of electronic records
and data residing in IT systems using spreadsheets and specialised audit tools viz., IDEA and ACL
to perform the following:
1. Check completeness of data and population that is used in either test of controls or
substantive audit tests.
2. Selection of audit samples – random sampling, systematic sampling.
3. Re-computation of balances – reconstruction of trial balance from transaction data.
4. Reperformance of mathematical calculations – depreciation, bank interest calculation.
5. Analysis of journal entries as required by SA 240.
6. Fraud investigation.
7. Evaluating impact of control deficiencies.
1. Specialised audit tools like IDEA, ACL are required to perform data analytics.
Incorrect. Even though specialised audit tools are very useful, such tools are not always required
or necessary to carry out data analytics. More commonly available spreadsheet applications like
MS-Excel can also be effectively used for carrying out data analytics.
1. At the conclusion of each audit, it is possible that there will be certain findings or exceptions in IT
environment and IT controls of the company that need to be assessed and reported to relevant
stakeholders including management and those charged with governance viz., Board of directors,
Audit committee.
2. Some points to consider are as follows:
a. Are there any weaknesses in IT controls?
b. What is the impact of these weaknesses on overall audit?
c. Report deficiencies to management – Internal Controls Memo or Management Letter.
Audit in an Automated Environment 8.6
d. Communicate in writing any significant deficiencies to Those Charged With Governance.
3. A deficiency in internal control exits if a control is designed, implemented or operated in such a
way that it is unable to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements in the financial statements
on a timely basis; or the control is missing.
1. Entities are embracing digitization as part of their operations to keep pace with changing times.
2. New technologies are helping companies revamp their operations and rethink the way business
is conducted.
3. Companies are restructuring their business models driven by technology.
4. Automation is key to digitization. In such a business environment, use of digital technology is
being made by auditors right from planning to expression of final opinion.
5. Auditors are making use of artificial intelligence, data analytics and other latest technologies to
help understand business processes in a better way.
6. By using such tools, auditors can conduct audit in a better way and devote more attention to
areas requiring greater focus.
7. Digital audit is helping auditors to better identify risks making use of technology.
1. Manual elements in internal control may be more suitable where judgment and discretion are
required such as for the following circumstances:
a. Large, unusual or non-recurring transactions.
b. Circumstances where errors are difficult to define, anticipate or predict.
c. In changing circumstances that require a control response outside the scope of an existing
automated control.
d. In monitoring the effectiveness of automated controls.
A. GENERAL IT CONTROLS: “General IT controls are policies and procedures that relate to many
applications and support the effective functioning of application controls. They apply to
mainframe, miniframe, and end-user environments.
General IT-controls that maintain the integrity of information and security of data commonly
include controls over the following:
2. Program change
a. Objective: To ensure that modified systems continue to meet financial reporting
b. Activities:
i. Change Management Process – definition, roles & responsibilities
ii. Change Requests – record, manage, track
iii. Making Changes – analyze, design, develop
iv. Test Changes – test plan, test cases, UAT
Audit in an Automated Environment 8.8
3. Access security
a. Objective: To ensure that access to programs and data is authenticated and authorized to
meet financial reporting objectives.
b. Activities:
i. Security Organization & Management
ii. Security Policies & Procedures
iii. Application Security
iv. Data Security
v. Operating System Security
vi. Network Security – internal network, perimeter network
vii. Physical Security – access controls, environment controls
viii. System Administration & Privileged Accounts – Sysadmins, DBAs, Super users
B. APPLICATION CONTROLS: Application controls include both automated or manual controls that
operate at a business process level. Automated Application controls are embedded into IT
applications viz., ERPs and help in ensuring the completeness, accuracy and integrity of data in
those systems.
C. GENERAL IT CONTROLS VS. APPLICATION CONTROLS: These two categories of control over IT
systems are interrelated. The relationship between the application controls and the General IT
Controls is such that General IT Controls are needed to support the functioning of application
controls, and both are needed to ensure complete and accurate information processing through
IT systems.
1. IT dependent controls are basically manual controls that make use of some form of data or
information or report produced from IT systems and applications.
2. In this case, even though the control is performed manually, the design and effectiveness of
such controls depends on the reliability of source data.
3. Due to the inherent dependency on IT, the effectiveness and reliability of Automated
application controls and IT dependent controls require the General IT Controls to be effective.
2. Explain the objective and enlist the activities involved in the General IT Controls over
“Program Change”.
Answer: Write Point A(2)
1. Mr. Duke, a practicing-chartered accountant has conducted the Tax audit of Jackson
Ltd for the financial year 2019-20. He is also appointed as the company auditor for
the financial year 2020-21. One of the engagement team member is of the view that
they cannot use the knowledge obtained, while conducting the tax audit while establishing
the audit strategy for the current years company audit. Comment.
Answer: Write Point 5 from above answer
The auditor shall establish an overall audit strategy that sets the scope, timing and direction of the
audit, and that guides the development of the audit plan.
The process of establishing the overall audit strategy assists the auditor to determine, subject to the
completion of the auditor’s risk assessment procedures, such matters as:
1. The resources to deploy for specific audit areas, such as the use of appropriately experienced
team members for high-risk areas or the involvement of experts on complex matters;
2. The amount of resources to allocate to specific audit areas, such as the number of team members
assigned to observe the inventory count at material locations etc.
3. When these resources are to be deployed, such as whether at an interim audit stage or from
beginning of the audit; and
4. How such resources are managed, directed and supervised, such as
a. When team briefing and debriefing meetings are expected to be held?
b. How engagement partner and manager reviews are expected to take place (for example, on-
site or off-site)?
2. Overall audit strategy sets the scope, timing, and direction of the audit, and guides
the development of the more detailed audit plan. The process of establishing the overall
audit strategy assists the auditor to determine such matters as for example - the
resources to deploy for specific audit areas, such as the use of appropriately
experienced team members for high-risk areas or the involvement of experts on complex
matters. Explain the other three such matters.
Answer: Refer above answer
A. ASPECTS TO BE COVERED IN AUDIT PLAN: “The auditor should plan his work to enable him to
conduct an effective audit in an efficient and timely manner. Plans should be based on knowledge
of the client’s business.”
1. Acquiring knowledge of the client’s accounting systems, policies and internal control
2. Establishing the expected degree of reliance to be placed on internal control;
3. Determining and programming the nature, timing, and extent of the audit procedures to be
performed; and
4. Coordinating the work to be performed.
Plans should be further developed and revised as necessary during the course of the audit.
1. The auditor shall establish an audit plan that sets the scope, timing and direction of
the audit, and that guides the development of the audit strategy. Correct/Incorrect.
Planning an audit involves establishing the overall audit strategy for the engagement and developing
an audit plan. Adequate planning benefits the audit of financial statements in several ways, including
the following:
a. Helping the auditor to devote appropriate attention to important areas of the audit.
b. Helping the auditor identify and resolve potential problems on a timely basis.
c. Helping the auditor properly organize and manage the audit engagement so that it is performed
in an effective and efficient manner.
d. Assisting in the selection of engagement team members with appropriate levels of capabilities
and competence to respond to anticipated risks, and the proper assignment of work to them.
e. Facilitating the direction and supervision of engagement team members and the review of their
f. Assisting, where applicable, in coordination of work done by auditors of components and
Knowledge of the Client’s Business is one of the important principles in developing an overall audit
plan. In fact without adequate knowledge of client’s business, a proper audit is not possible.
As per SA-315, “Identifying and Assessing the Risk of Material Misstatement through Understanding
the Entity and Its Environment”, the auditor shall obtain an understanding of the following:
1. Relevant industry, regulatory and other external factors including the applicable financial
reporting framework.
a. The competitive environment, including demand, capacity, product and price competition as
well as cyclical or seasonal activity.
3. Accounting Policies:
a. The entity’s selection and application of accounting policies, including the reasons for changes
b. The auditor shall evaluate whether the entity’s accounting policies are appropriate for its
business and consistent with the applicable financial reporting framework and accounting
policies used in the relevant industry.
4. Objectives and strategies: The entity’s objectives and strategies, and those related business risks
that may result in risks of material misstatement.
Examples of potential business risks include:
a. Failure to keep up to date with new products, technologies or services.
b. Excessive reliance on a key supplier, product or individual, such as the owner.
c. Lack of personnel with expertise to react to changes in the industry.
d. Insufficient or excessive production capacity caused by inaccurate estimation of demand.
e. Loss of financing due to the entity’s inability to meet financial covenants.
Audit Strategy, Planning and Programme 9.5
1. As per SA-300, “Planning an Audit of Financial Statements”, Planning is not a discrete phase of an
audit, but rather a continual and iterative process.
2. Often begins shortly after (or in connection with) the completion of the previous audit and
continues until the completion of the current audit engagement.
3. Planning the audit involves considering the following matters:
a. The analytical procedures to be applied as risk assessment procedures.
b. Obtaining a general understanding of the legal and regulatory framework applicable to the
entity and how the entity is complying with that framework.
c. The determination of materiality.
d. The involvement of experts.
e. The performance of other risk assessment procedures.
1. Development of Overall audit strategy and the audit plan is the auditor’s responsibility.
2. Involvement of management and clients staff:
a. The auditor may decide to discuss elements of planning with the entity’s management to
facilitate the conduct and management of the audit engagement.
b. When discussing matters included in the overall audit strategy or audit plan, care is required
in order not to compromise the effectiveness of the audit.
c. Discussing the nature and timing of detailed audit procedures with management may
compromise the effectiveness of the audit by making the audit procedures too predictable.
3. Involvement of Engagement team: The involvement of the engagement partner and other key
members of the engagement team in planning the audit draws on their experience and insight,
thereby enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the planning process.
4. Although these discussions often occur, the overall audit strategy and the audit plan remain the
auditor’s responsibility.
1. The auditor shall update and change the overall audit strategy and the audit plan as necessary
during the course of the audit.
2. Reasons for changing planning decisions:
a. Unexpected events
b. Changes in conditions
1. Once the audit plan has been drafted and communicated, it is obligatory on the auditor
to follow the same. Correct / Incorrect.
Incorrect. The auditor shall update and change the overall audit strategy and the audit plan as
necessary during the course of the audit.
1. The auditor shall plan the nature, timing and extent of direction and supervision of engagement
team members and the review of their work.
2. The nature, timing and extent of the direction and supervision of engagement team members
and review of their work vary depending on many factors, including:
a. The size and complexity of the entity.
b. The area of the audit.
c. The assessed risks of material misstatement. For example, higher the risk of material
misstatements, higher the direction, supervision and review.
d. The capabilities and competence of the individual team members performing the audit work.
1. The auditor shall plan the nature, timing and extent of direction and supervision of
engagement team members and the review of their work. The nature, timing and extent
of the direction and supervision of engagement team members and review of their work
vary depending on many factors. Explain giving examples.
Answer: Refer above answer
1. The documentation of the overall audit strategy is a record of the key decisions considered
necessary to properly plan the audit and to communicate significant matters to the engagement
2. The auditor may summarize the overall audit strategy in the form of a memorandum that contains
key decisions regarding the overall scope, timing and conduct of the audit.
3. The auditor shall document the following:
1. An audit programme consists of a series of verification procedures to be applied to the
financial statements and accounts for the purpose of obtaining sufficient evidence to enable
the auditor to express an opinion. It is nothing but implementation guide for audit plan with
clear instructions.
2. In other words, an audit programme is a detailed plan of applying the audit procedures in the
given circumstances with instructions for the appropriate techniques to be adopted for
obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
1. M/s TP & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants, is auditor of KSR Ltd. for many years.
KSR Ltd. has diversified their business into newer areas during the last year. The
senior member of the audit team handed over the standard audit programme of earlier
years to the audit assistants and instructed them to follow the same. The assistants
are conducting the audit accordingly. Whether the attitude of the audit assistants is
justified or they are required to keep an open mind? Guide them.
Answer: Write Point A and D from above answer
1. The work may become mechanical and particular parts of the programme may be carried out
without any understanding of the object of such parts in the whole audit scheme.
2. The programme often tends to become rigid and inflexible, in cases, the business may change in
its operation of conduct, but the old programme may still be carried on.
3. Inefficient assistants may take shelter behind the programme i.e. defend deficiencies in their
work on the ground that no instruction in the matter is contained therein.
4. A hard and fast audit programme may kill the initiative of efficient and enterprising assistants.
1. Materiality is an important consideration for an auditor to evaluate whether the financial
statements are free from material misstatements.
2. SA 320 on "Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit” requires that an auditor should
consider materiality and its relationship with audit risk while conducting an audit.
1. Determining materiality: The auditor shall apply appropriate percentage on selected
benchmark for determining materiality level. Generally, the percentage applied on PBT
Benchmark is usually higher than Turnover benchmark. (Ex: Materiality = 5% of net profit or
0.5% of turnover)
2. Levels of materiality:
a. Overall Materiality: Materiality for financial statements as a whole (Pervasive level).
b. Performance materiality: A specific materiality level for particular class of transactions,
account balance or disclosure which is usually less than overall materiality for financial
statements as a whole. (Assertion level). Also includes a general materiality level for all
classes of transactions, balances, and disclosures.
3. Factors in identifying benchmarks: The following are various Factors for determining
a. The elements of assets, liabilities, incomes, and expenses.
b. Any indication in applicable financial reporting framework. Example: As per Sch III an item
which is 0.5% of turnover or 1,00,000/- whichever is higher shall be separately stated.
c. The entities capital structure and its ownership structure.
d. Information needs of majority of users in such industry.
e. Based on Applicable law or regulation. Example: Under income tax Payments in cash more
than Rs. 10,000/-, 20,000/- and receipts more than Rs. 2,00,000/- are to be reported.
1. There is direct relationship between materiality and the degree of audit risk.
Incorrect. There is an inverse relationship between materiality and the degree of audit risk.
The higher the materiality level, the lower the audit risk and vice versa. For example, the risk
that a particular account balance or class of transactions could be misstated by an extremely
large amount might be very low but the risk that it could be misstated by an extremely small
amount might be very high.
3. You are being appointed as the auditor of Track Ltd. for the first time. You want to
determine the materiality level and for that you have applied percentage to choose
benchmark as a starting point in determining materiality for the financial statements
as a whole. What are the factors that may affect the identification of an appropriate
Answer: Refer Point B(3) from above answer
Factors that may indicate the existence of one or more particular classes of transactions, account
balances or disclosures for which misstatements of lesser amounts than materiality for the financial
statements as a whole could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of the financial statements include the following:
Audit Strategy, Planning and Programme 9.12
1. Whether law, regulations or the applicable financial reporting framework affect users’
expectations regarding the measurement or disclosure of certain items.
Ex: Related party transactions, and the remuneration of management and those charged with
2. The key disclosures in relation to the industry in which the entity operates.
Ex: Research and development costs for a pharmaceutical company.
3. Whether attention is focused on a particular aspect of the entity’s business that is separately
disclosed in the financial statements.
Ex: A newly acquired business.
1. Whether misstatements of lesser amounts than materiality for the financial statements
as a whole could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of the financial statements? Explain with examples.
Answer: Refer above answer
A. REVISION IN MATERIALITY LEVEL: The overall materiality and performance materiality may need
to be changed as the audit progresses in the following cases:
1. A change in circumstances that occurred during the audit.
2. Availability of additional information.
3. A change in actual financial results than the anticipated results at the beginning of the audit.
4. Increase in estimated risk than the original prediction resulting in revision of materiality level.
5. A change in auditor’s knowledge of client’s business and understanding of the same.
i. For cash in hand, the best evidence is count.
ii. For investment pledged with a bank, the banker's certificate
For verifying assertions about book debts, the client's ledger invoices, debit notes, credit notes,
monthly accounts statement sent to the customers are all evidence: some of these are
corroborative, other being complementary. In addition, balance confirmation procedure is often
resorted to, to obtain greater satisfaction about the reliability of the assertion.
Note: Performing preliminary engagement activities assists the auditor in identifying and
evaluating events or circumstances that may affect auditor’s ability to plan and perform audit
3. CA Mary, while planning audit of a company, feels that she would inquire from inhouse legal
counsel of the company status of pending litigation matters against the company to identify
and assess risks of material misstatements. Considering above description, are you able to
identify said procedures? Where these identified procedures are included in planning in
accordance with SA-300?
These are planned risk assessment procedures to identify and assess risk of material misstatement.
The objective of planned inquiry of inhouse legal counsel is to identify and assess risk of material
misstatement. Such planned risk assessment procedures are included in audit plan in accordance
with SA-300.
6. CA A. Raja is auditor of Build Well Forgings Private Limited having a revenue of ₹ 25 crore. The
company has been sanctioned a term loan of ₹ 50 lacs from a bank. However, as at end of the
year, only ₹ 1 lac was availed due to delay in procurement of asset. The financial statements of
the company do not disclose nature of security against which loan has been taken. Schedule III
of Companies Act,2013 requires disclosure in this respect. Discuss, whether, non-disclosure of
nature of security is material for auditor.
If there is any statutory requirement of disclosure, it is to be considered material. Schedule III
mandates disclosure of nature of security in relation to loan. The amount involved is irrelevant.
A. MEANING: As per SA 530, “AUDIT SAMPLING”, it refers to application of audit procedures, to less
than 100% of items in the population, in order to form a conclusion on the entire population from
which the sample is selected.
B. OBJECTIVES OF AUDITOR AS PER SA 530: The objective of the auditor when using audit sampling
is to provide a reasonable basis for the auditor to draw conclusions about the population from
which the sample is selected.
1. POPULATION: Population refers to the entire set of data from which a sample is selected and
about which the auditor wishes to draw conclusions.
2. SAMPLING UNIT: The individual items that make up the population are known as sampling
units. The population can be divided into sampling units in a variety of ways. Audit procedures
are applied on these units and the conclusions drawn from them are projected on the
1. Appropriateness:
a. The auditor will need to determine that the population from which the sample is drawn is
appropriate for the specific audit objective.
b. Appropriate means population from which the samples are drawn shall be relevant for
the specific objective under audit this is because when the samples are drawn, the audit
procedures are applied on the sample and the conclusions are projected on the
2. Completeness: The population also needs to be complete, which means that if the auditor
intends to use the sample to draw conclusions, the population needs to include all relevant
3. Reliable: When performing the audit sampling, the auditor performs audit procedures to
ensure that the information upon which the audit sampling is performed is sufficiently
complete and accurate. Auditor should obtain evidence about the reliability of population. If
population is not reliable with respect to accuracy and source, the sample drawn will
definitely not be relevant for the specific audit objective.
1. Universe refers to the entire set of data from which a sample is selected and about
which the auditor wishes to draw conclusions. Correct/Incorrect.
Incorrect. Population refers to the entire set of data from which a sample is selected and about
which the auditor wishes to draw conclusions.
1. Statistical sampling is an approach to sampling that has the random selection of the sample
2. It involves the use of probability theory to evaluate sample results, including measurement of
sampling risk characteristics.
3. Sample is chosen by applying certain mathematical and statistical methods.
4. Statistical sampling has reasonably wide application where a population to be tested consists
of a large number of similar items.
5. There is no personal bias of the auditor in case of statistical sampling.
1. A sampling approach that does not have the above features is considered as non-statistical
2. The sample size and its composition are determined on the basis of the personal experience
and knowledge of the auditor.
3. It is neither objective nor scientific.
4. The risk of personal bias in selection of sample items cannot be eliminated.
5. For example, March, June and September may be selected in year one and different months
would be selected in the next year, On basis of value of items, top 10 highest value. Etc.
1. The decision whether to use a statistical or non-statistical sampling approach is a matter for
the auditor’s judgement.
2. However, sample size is not a valid criterion to distinguish between statistical and non-
statistical approaches.
3. Whatever may be the approach non-statistical or statistical sampling, the sample must be
representative of entire population.
1. The amount of testing (sample size) does not increase in proportion to the increase in the size of
the area (universe) tested.
2. The sample selection is more objective and thereby more defensible.
3. The method provides a means of estimating the minimum sample size associated with a specified
risk and precision.
4. It provides a means for deriving a “calculated risk.”
5. It may provide a better description of a large mass of data than a complete examination of all the
data, since non-sampling errors such as processing and clerical mistakes are not as large.
6. It is widely accepted way of sampling as it is more scientific, without personal bias and the result
of sample can be evaluated and projected in more reliable way.
1. SAMPLE DESIGN: When designing an audit sample, the auditor shall consider the purpose of the
audit procedures and the characteristics of the population from which the sample will be drawn.
2. SAMPLE SIZE: The auditor shall determine a sample size sufficient to reduce sampling risk to an
acceptably low level.
3. SAMPLE SELECTION: The auditor shall select items for the sample in such a way that each
sampling unit in the population has a chance of selection. Sample selected must be representative
of the population.
The auditor shall determine a sample size sufficient to reduce sampling risk to an acceptably low
level. The following factors are required to be considered by the auditor while deciding appropriate
sample size for test of controls / test of details:
1. The desired level of assurance required by the auditor (Higher the assurance required by the
auditor, bigger will be the sample size).
2. Expected rate of deviation or misstatement i.e. risk of material misstatement (higher the
expected rate of deviation or misstatement , larger the sample size).
3. Effectiveness of internal controls (If the controls are more effective, then lesser sample size will
be required).
• Tolerable misstatement – A monetary amount set by the auditor in respect of which the auditor
seeks to obtain an appropriate level of assurance that the monetary amount set by the auditor is
not exceeded by the actual misstatement in the population.
• Tolerable rate of deviation – A rate of deviation from prescribed internal control procedures set
by the auditor in respect of which the auditor seeks to obtain an appropriate level of assurance
that the rate of deviation set by the auditor is not exceeded by the actual rate of deviation in the
1. The sample size can be determined by the application of a statistically based formula
or through the exercise of professional judgment. When circumstances are similar, the
effect on sample size of factors will be similar regardless of whether a statistical or
non-statistical approach is chosen. Explain stating the examples of factors that the
auditor when determining the sample size for test of controls.
Answer: Write above answer
2. With reference to SA 530 “Audit Sampling”, explain briefly the following factors that
the auditor may consider when determining the sample size for the Test of Details –
a. The desired level of assurance
b. Stratification of the pollution.
Answer: Write point 1 and 5
Some of the important methods of selecting the sample are discussed below –
A. RANDOM SAMPLING: Random selection ensures that all items in the population have a known
chance of selection. It may involve use of random number tables. Random sampling includes two
very popular methods which are discussed below–
2. Stratified Sampling:
a. This method involves dividing the whole population to be tested in a few separate groups
called strata and taking a sample from each of them.
b. Each stratum is treated as if it was a separate population and if proportionate of items are
selected from each of these stratum.
c. The number of groups into which the whole population has to be divided is determined
on the basis of auditor judgment.
d. Example, In the above case, trade receivables balances may be divided into four groups as
i. balances in excess of Rs. 10,00,000;
ii. balances in the range of Rs. 7,75,001 to Rs. 10,00,000;
iii. balances in the range of Rs. 5,50,001 to Rs. 7,75,000;
iv. balances in the range of Rs. 2,25,001 to Rs. 5,50,000; and
v. balances Rs. 2,25,000 and below.
From these above groups the auditor may pick up different percentage of items from each
of the group.
i. From the top group i.e. balances in excess of Rs. 10,00,000, the auditor may examine
all the items;
ii. from the second group 25 per cent of the items;
iii. from the third group 10 per cent of the items; and
iv. from the lowest group 2 per cent of the items may be selected.
Random sample is chosen from each stratum using random number tables.
1. Haphazard selection, in which the auditor selects the sample without following a structured
2. Although no structured technique is used, the auditor would nonetheless avoid any conscious
bias or predictability.
3. This ensure that all items in the population have a chance of selection.
4. This method is not superior to other methods, as we the auditor does not follow any
structured technique.
1. This method involves selection of a block(s) of contiguous items from within the population.
2. Block selection cannot ordinarily be used in audit sampling because most populations are
structured such that items in a sequence can be expected to have similar characteristics to
each other.
3. Usually, a range of continuous transaction shall have similar characteristics, therefore,
selection of a group at one time will not give a reasonable basis for opinion on the overall
population as different types of transactions and unusual transactions may not be covered in
the group taken all at once.
4. Example, Take the first 200 sales invoices from the sales day book in the month of September;
alternatively take any four blocks of 50 sales invoices. Therefore, once the first item in the
block is selected, the rest of the block follows items to the completion.
1. The method which involves dividing the population into groups of items is knows as block
sampling. Correct/Incorrect.
Incorrect. The method which involves dividing the population into groups of items is known as
Stratified random sampling whereas block sampling involves the selection of a defined block of
consecutive items.
2. The objective of stratification is to increase the variability of items within each stratum
and therefore allow sample size to be reduced without increasing sampling risk.
Incorrect. The objective of stratification is to reduce the variability of items within each
stratum and therefore allow sample size to be reduced without increasing sampling risk.
a. Audit efficiency may be improved if the auditor stratifies a population by dividing it into
subpopulations which have an identifying characteristic.
b. The objective of stratification is to select sample from all parts of population having different
c. When performing tests of details, the population is often stratified based on monetary value.
a. When performing tests of details, it may be useful to identify the sampling unit as the
individual monetary units.
b. The auditor will be more focused towards larger value items (higher chances of selection) and
can results in smaller sample size.
c. This approach may be used in combination with the systematic method of sample and is most
efficient when selecting items using random selection.
1. XYZ Ltd is engaged in trading of electronic goods and having huge accounts receivables.
For analyzing the whole accounts receivables, auditor wanted to use sampling technique.
In considering the characteristics of the population from which the sample will be drawn,
the auditor determines that stratification or value-weighted selection technique is
appropriate. SA 530 provides guidance to the auditor on the use of stratification and
value - weighted sampling techniques. Advise the auditor in accordance with SA 530.
Answer: Write above answer
1. Thorough study of accounting system should be done before adopting sampling. Proper study of
internal control systems.
2. Areas which are not suitable for sampling should be carefully considered. Eg: compliance with
statutory provisions, transactions of unusual nature etc.
3. Proper planning for Sampling methods to be used and explaining the staff,
4. Transactions and balances have to be properly classified (stratified).
5. Sample size should be appropriately determined.
6. Sample should be chosen in unbiased way.
A. MEANING: Sampling Risk is the risk that the auditor’s conclusion based on a sample may be
different from the conclusion if the entire population were subjected to the same audit
This risk will always be in existence when auditor uses sampling technique in conducting his audit.
1. On test of controls:
a. Risk of over reliance: Treating that the controls are more effective than they actually are.
The auditor is primarily concerned with this type of erroneous conclusion because it
affects audit effectiveness and is more likely to lead to an inappropriate audit opinion.
b. Risk of under reliance: Treating that the controls are less effective than they actually are.
This type of erroneous conclusion affects audit efficiency as it would usually lead to
additional work to establish that initial conclusions were incorrect.
2. On test of details:
a. Risk of Incorrect Acceptance: Treating that a material misstatement does not exist when
in fact it exists in the population. This type of risk leads to audit risk.
b. Risk of Incorrect Rejection: Treating that a material misstatement exists when in fact it
does not exist in the population. This may not affect the audit risk.
1. The risk that the auditor reaches an erroneous conclusion for any reason not related to sampling
2. Examples of non-sampling risk include use of inappropriate audit procedures, or
misinterpretation of audit evidence and failure to recognize a misstatement or deviation.
Audit Sampling 10.9
3. Sources of Non-Sampling risk are
a. Human Mistakes.
b. Misinterpreting the sample results.
c. Applying audit procedures not appropriate to the objectives of audit.
d. Relying on erroneous information e.g., erroneous confirmation.
1. The auditor shall perform audit procedures, appropriate to the purpose, on each item selected.
2. If the audit procedure is not applicable to the selected item, the auditor shall perform the
procedure on a replacement item.
a. An example of when it is necessary to perform the procedure on a replacement item is when
a voided check (Cancelled cheque) is selected while testing for evidence of payment
authorization. If the auditor is satisfied that the check has been properly cancelled such that
it does not constitute a deviation, an appropriately chosen replacement is examined. A
1. The auditor is required to project misstatements for the population to obtain a broad view of the
scale of misstatement.
2. When a misstatement has been established as an anomaly, it may be excluded when to the
population. (Non-anomalous projection)
3. In case of tests of details, the auditor shall project misstatements found in the sample to the
4. In case of tests of controls, no explicit projection of deviations is necessary since the sample
deviation rate is also the projected deviation rate for the population as a whole.
1. In stratified sampling, the conclusion drawn on each stratum can be directly projected
to the whole population. Correct/Incorrect.
Incorrect. In case of stratified sampling, the conclusions are drawn on the stratum. The
combination of all the conclusions on stratum together will be used to determine the possible
1. In analyzing the deviations and misstatements identified, the auditor may observe that many
have a common feature, for example, type of transaction, location, product line or period of time.
2. In such circumstances, the auditor may decide to identify all items in the population that possess
the common feature, and extend audit procedures to those items. In addition, such deviations or
misstatements may be intentional, and may indicate the possibility of fraud.
3. Therefore, the auditor shall investigate the nature and causes of any deviations or misstatements
identified, and evaluate their possible effect on the purpose of the audit procedure and on other
areas of the audit.
4. In the extremely rare circumstances when the auditor considers a misstatement or deviation
discovered in a sample to be an anomaly, the auditor shall obtain a high degree of certainty that
such misstatement or deviation is not representative of the population.
5. The auditor shall obtain this degree of certainty by performing additional audit procedures to
obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the misstatement or deviation does not affect
the remainder of the population.
In the provided situation, the auditor has selected samples based upon his personal experience and
knowledge. It, is a case of non-statistical sampling approach adopted by the auditor. Whatever may
be the approach nonstatistical or statistical sampling, the sample must be representative. This means
1. As per the Standard on Auditing (SA) 520 “Analytical Procedures”, the term “analytical
procedures” means evaluations of financial information through analysis of plausible
relationships among both financial and non-financial data.
2. It involves investigation of identified fluctuations or relationships that are inconsistent with
other relevant information or that differ from expected values by a significant amount.
1. CA Amar wants to verify the payments made by XYZ Ltd. on account of building rent
during the FY 2020-21. The rent amounts to Rs.50,000/- per month for the year. The
monthly rent payments are consistent with the rent agreement. However, the other
companies in the similar industry are paying rent of Rs. 10,000/- per month for a
similar location. How will applying the analytical procedures impact the verification
process of such rental payments by XYZ Ltd.?
If CA Amar applies analytical procedure i.e. compares the rent payment by XYZ Ltd. with the
similar payments made by companies in similar industry and similar area, he will notice an
inconsistency in such rent payments as the other companies are paying a very less monthly rent
in similar industry for similar area.
However, if CA Amar does not make such comparison and only checks the monthly payments and
rent agreement of XYZ Ltd., he would not have found such inconsistency and as such the
misstatement may remain undetected.
The statutory auditor of ABC Ltd. has to verify the total wages paid by the company having
factories in various states. He can verify the same by analyzing the relationship between wages
per worker and total number of workers across all the factories.
Here wages per worker is financial data i.e., in Rs. and total number of workers is a number which
is a non-financial data. Thus, the statutory auditor of ABC Ltd. is evaluating financial information
i.e., total wages paid (in Rs.) by analyzing the relationship between wages per worker (in Rs.)
which is financial data and number of workers which is a non-financial data.
4. The statutory auditor of the company can apply analytical procedures to the standalone
financial statements of a company only and not to the consolidated financial statements.
Incorrect. Analytical procedures may be applied to consolidated financial statements,
components and individual elements of information.
1. Analytical procedures use comparisons and relationships to determine whether account balances
or other data appear to be reasonable.
In XYZ Ltd., after applying analytical procedures as comparison of the gross profit ratio with that
of the previous year, it is discovered that there has been fall in the ratio. Therefore, it became
necessary for the auditor to make further enquiries as it may be due to pilferage of inventories/
misappropriation of a part of the sale proceeds/a change in the cost of sales without a
corresponding increase in the sales price.
2. Further, analytical procedures can be performed by making inter-firm and intra-firm comparison.
a. If balances included in the Statement of Profit and Loss of an entity are compared with those
contained in the Statement of Profit and Loss for the same period of another entity engaged
in the same trade and working under similar circumstances, it would be possible to find out
the cause of the variation in the rate of profitability that exists.
b. Similarly, it would also be possible to compare the balances on the Statement of Profit and
Loss with that of the previous period, it would be possible to find out the reasons for increase
or decrease in the amount of profits of those years.
1. Only purpose of analytical procedures is to obtain relevant and reliable audit evidence
when using substantive analytical procedures.
Incorrect. Analytical procedures use comparisons and relationships to assess whether account
balances or other data appear reasonable. Analytical procedures are used for the following
a. To obtain relevant and reliable audit evidence when using substantive analytical procedures;
b. To design and perform analytical procedures near the end of the audit that assist the auditor
when forming an overall conclusion as to whether the financial statements are consistent
with the auditor’s understanding of the entity.
2. Analytical procedures may help identify the existence of unusual transactions or events,
and amounts, ratios, and trends that might indicate matters that have audit
implications. Unusual or unexpected relationships that are identified may assist the
auditor in identifying risks of material misstatement, especially risks of material
misstatement due to fraud. Substantiate with the help of examples.
Answer: Refer above answer
1. Explain how a statutory auditor of a company can apply analytical procedures at the
planning phase of audit.
Answer: Write above answer
1. Substantive procedure includes Test of Details and Analytical Procedures. Therefore, analytical
procedures are one of the substantive audit procedures.
2. When to use substantive analytical procedures: It is based on the auditor's judgment so as to
reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level.
3. The auditor may inquire of management as to the availability and reliability of information
needed to apply substantive analytical procedures, and also inquire the results of any such
analytical procedures performed by the entity.
4. It may be effective to use analytical data prepared by management, provided the auditor is
satisfied that such data is properly prepared.
1. The auditor's substantive procedure at the assertion level means substantive analytical
procedures only. Correct/Incorrect.
Incorrect. Substantive procedure includes Test of Details and Analytical Procedures.
Therefore, analytical procedures are one of the substantive audit procedures.
1. AVAILABILITY OF DATA: The availability of reliable and relevant data will facilitate effective
analytical procedures.
2. DISAGGREGATION: The degree of disaggregation in available data can directly affect the degree
of its usefulness in detecting misstatements.
3. ACCOUNT TYPE: Substantive analytical procedures are more useful for certain types of accounts
than for others. Income statement accounts tend to be more predictable because they reflect
1. “The auditor’s substantive procedures at the assertion level may be tests of details,
substantive analytical procedures, or a combination of both. The decision about which
audit procedures to perform, including whether to use substantive analytical procedures
is based on the auditor’s judgment about the expected effectiveness and efficiency of
the available audit procedures to reduce audit risk at the assertion level to an
acceptably low level” Explain the factors that are to be considered while performing
such tests.
Answer: Write above answer
a. Trend analysis is a commonly used technique.
b. It is the comparison of current data with the prior period balance or with a trend in two or
more prior period balances.
c. The auditor evaluates whether the current balance of an account moves in line with the trend
established with previous balances for that account, or based on an understanding of factors
that may cause the account to change.
a. Unlike trend analysis, this analytical procedure does not rely on events of prior periods, but
upon non-financial data for the audit period under consideration (e.g., occupancy rates to
estimate rental income or interest rates to estimate interest income or expense).
b. These tests are generally more applicable to income statement accounts and certain accrual
or prepayment accounts.
c. In other words, these tests are made by reviewing the relationship of certain account balances
to other balances for reasonableness of amounts.
d. Examples
i. Interest expense against interest bearing obligations
ii. Raw Material Consumption to Production (quantity)
iii. Wastage & Scrap % against production & raw material consumption (quantity)
iv. Work-in-Progress based on issued of materials & Sales (quantity)
v. Sales discounts and commissions against sales volume
vi. Rental revenues based on occupancy of premises
4. STRUCTURAL MODELLING: A modelling tool constructs a statistical model from financial and/or
non-financial data of prior accounting periods to predict current account balances (e.g., linear
1. Auditor can depend on routine checks to disclose all the mistakes or manipulation that
may exist in accounts. Correct/Incorrect.
Incorrect. Routine checks cannot be depended upon to disclose all the mistakes or manipulation
that may exist in accounts, certain other procedures also have to be applied like trend and ratio
analysis in addition to reasonable tests.
2. Reasonableness test rely only on the events of the prior period like other analytical
Analytical Procedures 11.7
Incorrect. Unlike trend analysis, Reasonableness test does not rely on events of prior periods,
but upon non-financial data for the audit period under consideration.
3. While applying the Substantive Analytical Procedures what techniques can be used by
the statutory auditor of a company to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence?
Answer: Write above answer
When designing and performing substantive analytical procedures, either alone or in combination
with tests of details, as substantive procedures, the auditor shall:
1. Determine the suitability of particular substantive analytical procedures for given assertions,
taking account of the assessed risks of material misstatement and tests of details, if any, for these
2. Evaluate the reliability of data from which the auditor’s expectation of recorded amounts or ratios
is developed, taking account of source, comparability, and nature and relevance of information
available, and controls over preparation;
3. Develop an expectation of recorded amounts or ratios and evaluate whether the expectation is
sufficiently precise to identify a misstatement that, individually or when aggregated with other
misstatements, may cause the financial statements to be materially misstated; and
4. Determine whether financial statements contain any material misstatement by doing further
1. Substantive analytical procedures are generally more applicable to large volumes of transactions
that tend to be predictable over time.
2. However, the suitability of a particular analytical procedure will depend upon the auditor’s
assessment of how effective it will be in detecting a misstatement that may cause the financial
statements to be materially misstated.
3. In some cases, even an unsophisticated predictive model may be effective as an analytical
4. Further different analytical procedures provide different levels of assurance.
1. Source of the information available. For example, information may be more reliable when it is
obtained from independent sources outside the entity;
2. Comparability of the information available. For example, broad industry data may need to be
supplemented to be comparable to that of an entity that produces and sells specialised products;
3. Nature and relevance of the information available. For example, whether budgets have been
established as results to be expected rather than as goals to be achieved; and
4. Controls over the preparation of the information that are designed to ensure its completeness,
accuracy and validity. For example, controls over the preparation, review and maintenance of
2. CA X, auditor of XYZ Ltd. wants to design substantive analytical procedure and for
that he wants to check whether the data is reliable or not. Mention the relevant points
which he has to consider whether data is reliable for purpose of designing the
substantive analytical procedures.
Answer: Refer above answer
Matters relevant to the auditor’s evaluation of whether the expectation can be developed sufficiently
precisely to identify a misstatement that, when aggregated with other misstatements, may cause the
financial statements to be materially misstated, include:
1. The accuracy with which the expected results of substantive analytical procedures can be
For example, the auditor may expect greater consistency in comparing gross profit margins from
one period to another than in comparing discretionary expenses, such as research or advertising.
2. The degree to which information can be disaggregated.
For example, substantive analytical procedures may be more effective when applied to financial
information on individual sections of an operation or to financial statements of components of a
diversified entity, than when applied to the financial statements of the entity as a whole.
3. The availability of the information, both financial and non-financial.
For example, the auditor may consider whether financial information, such as budgets or
forecasts, and non-financial information, such as the number of units produced or sold, is
available to design substantive analytical procedures. If the information is available, the auditor
may also consider the reliability of the information.
1. The statutory auditor of MNO Ltd., CA Kishore identifies certain inconsistencies while
applying analytical procedures to the financial and non financial data of MNO Ltd. What
should CA Kishore do in this case with reference to SA 520 on “Analytical Procedures”?
Answer: Write above answer
1. Often it is possible to independently verify the correctness of some of the items of expenses
included in the Statement of Profit and Loss.
2. For instance, the cost of importing goods which are subjected to an ad-valorem duty at uniform
rate can be verified from the amount of duty paid.
3. Similarly, a quantity of sugar sold by sugar mill can be verified independently from the amount of
excise duty/ GST paid.
4. Similarly, the amount of any income or expenses which has a direct relationship with the amount
of profits or that of sales can be verified independently, e.g . commission paid to a manager
calculated on the basis of net profits, commission paid to a selling agent as percentage of sales,
5. Such calculation of ratios, trends and comparisons is also termed as analytical review. Thus, it is
important to note that Analytical procedures may help identify the existence of unusual
transactions or events, and amounts, ratios, and trends that might indicate matters that have
audit implications. Unusual or unexpected relationships that are identified may assist the auditor
in identifying risks of material misstatement, especially risks of material misstatement due to
1. The relationships between individual financial statements items traditionally considered in the
audit of business entities may not always be relevant in the audit of governments or other non-
business public sector entities.
For example, in many public sector entities there may be little direct relationship between
revenue and expenditure.
2. In addition, because expenditure on the acquisition of assets may not be capitalized, there may
be no relationship between expenditures and revenue.
Banking sector is the backbone of any economy as it is essential for sustainable socio-economic
growth and financial stability in the economy. The banking sector is also crucial as it deals with
mammoth amounts of public monies and is highly sensitive to reputational risk. Like all economic
activities, the banking sector is also exposed to various risks in its operations.
It is of utmost importance to ensure that banking sector stays healthy, safe and sound. For safe and
sound banking sector, one of the most important factors is reliable financial information supported
by quality bank audits.
1. COMMERCIAL BANKS: These are the most wide spread banking institutions in India, that provide
a number of products and services to general public and other segments of economy. Two of its
main functions are:-
a. Accepting deposits and
b. Granting advances.
2. REGIONAL RURAL BANKS: Also known as RRBs are the banks that have been set up in rural areas
in different states of the country to cater to the basic banking and financial needs of the rural
communities. Examples are :- Punjab Gramin Bank , Tripura Gramin Bank , Allahabad UP Gramin
Bank , Andhra Pradesh Grameen Vikas Bank, etc.
3. CO-OPERATIVE BANKS: They function like Commercial Banks only but are set up on the basis of
Cooperative Principles and registered under the Cooperative Societies Act of the respective state
or the Multistate Cooperative Societies Act and usually cater to the needs of the agricultural and
4. PAYMENTS BANKS: Payments banks are a new type of banks which have been recently
introduced by RBI. They are allowed to accept restricted deposits but they cannot issue loans and
credit cards. However , customers can open Current & Savings accounts and also avail the facility
of ATM cum Debit cards , Internet-banking & Mobile banking. Examples are :- Airtel Payments
Bank , India Post Payments Bank, Paytm Payments Bank , etc.
5. DEVELOPMENT BANKS: These banks had been conceptualized to provide funds for infrastructural
facilities important for the economic growth of the country. Examples are:- Industrial Finance
Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI) , etc.
6. SMALL FINANCE BANKS: These have been set up by RBI to make available basic financial and
banking facilities to the unserved and unorganised sectors like small marginal farmers, small &
micro business units, etc. Examples are:- Equitas Small Finance Bank , AU Small Finance Bank ,
The functioning of banking industry in India is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) which acts
as the Central Bank of our country. RBI is responsible for development and supervision of the
constituents of the Indian financial system.
2. BANKER’S BANK: RBI is the bank of all banks in India as it provides the loan to banks/bankers,
accept the deposit of banks, and rediscount the bills of banks.
3. DETERMINE CRR AND SLR: Each commercial bank is required to maintain certain portion of their
Net Demand and Time Deposits in the form of cash with the Reserve Bank, called Cash Reserve
Ratio (CRR) and in the form of investment in approved securities, called Statutory Liquidity Ratio
5. MONEY SUPPLY AND CONTROLLER OF CREDIT: To control demand and supply of money in
Economy, it is also responsible for formulating and implementing the monetary policies such as
Open Market Operations, varying the Repo rates, reserve ratios etc.
a. RBI issues “Prudential Norms” to be followed by the commercial banks to strengthen the
balance sheets of banks.
b. Few of them are related to income recognition, asset classification and provisioning etc.
1. RBI has been entrusted with the responsibility of regulating the activities of commercial
banks only. Correct/Incorrect.
Incorrect. RBI has been entrusted with the responsibility of regulating the activities of
commercial and other banks.
2. The functioning of banking industry in India is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) which acts as the Central Bank of our country. Explain
Answer: Write above answer
REGULATORY FRAMEWORK: Some of the examples of laws and regulations applicable to the banking
industry are as follows:
Banks may be divided into three board categorises based on the level of computerisation:
1. NON-COMPUTERISED BANKS : Transactions can be done only at bank branches during working
hours using paper and pen.
2. PARTIALLY COMPUTERISED BANKS: Some transactions are computerised while major are non-
3. FULLY COMPUTERISED BANKS: Core banking allows inter-connectivity between branches of the
same bank and with CBS , customers can operate their accounts as well as avail banking services
from any branch of the bank over the network.
1. In the computerised environment, the auditor need not be familiar with latest applicable
RBI guidelines that have bearing on the classification/ provisions and income recognition.
Incorrect. In the Computerised environment, it is imperative that the auditor is familiar with,
and is satisfied that, all the norms/parameters as per the latest applicable RBI guidelines are
incorporated and built into the system that generates information/data having a bearing on the
classification/ provisions and income recognition.
destruction or diminution of something. They should be straight-away classified as doubtful or
loss asset as appropriate.
1. As Doubtful asset: If the realisable value of the security is less than 50 per cent of the value
assessed by the bank or accepted by RBI at the time of last inspection, Such assets may be
straightaway classified under doubtful category and provisioning should be made as
applicable to doubtful assets.
2. As Loss asset: If the realisable value of the security, as assessed by the bank/ approved
valuers/ RBI is less than 10 per cent of the outstanding in the borrower accounts. Then the
existence of security should be ignored, and the asset should be straightaway classified as loss
asset. It shall be fully written off.
E. ADVANCES AGAINST TERM DEPOSITS. NSCS, and KVPS: Advances against Term Deposits, NSCs,
and KVP/IVP need not be treated as NPAs, provided adequate margin is available in the accounts.
1. Interest-bearing staff advances as a banker should be included as part of advances portfolio
of the bank.
2. Such loans/advances should be classified as NPA only when there is a default in repayment of
instalment of principal or payment of interest on the respective due dates i.e., when there is
a default in repayment of instalment on the respective due dates for beyond 90 days.
3. However, the staff advances by a bank as an employer and not as a banker are required to be
included under the sub-head ‘Others’ under the schedule of Other Assets. (Salary advance)
4. In the case of housing loan or similar advances granted to staff members where interest is
payable after recovery of principal, interest need not be considered as overdue from the first
quarter onwards.
a. SDC: A loan will be treated as NPA. if the instalment remains overdue for two crop seasons.
b. LDC: A loan will be treated as NPA, if the instalment remains overdue for one crop season.
NOTE: The “long duration” crops would be crops with crop season longer than one year and crops,
which are not “long duration” crops would be treated as “short duration” crops.
The crop season for each crop, which means the period up to harvesting of the crops raised,
would be as determined by the State Level Bankers’ Committee in each State.
1. Yess Bank is having a branch which is located in the rural areas which comprises of
majority of agricultural advances. The manager of the branch wants to treat advances
as NPA which are overdue for more than 90 days. Comment.
Answer: Write Point H from above answer
Examples of most common types of securities accepted by banks are the following:
a. Immovable Property
b. Goods/Stocks/Debtors/Trade Receivables
c. Gold Ornaments and Bullion
d. Plantations (For Agricultural Advances)
e. Third Party Guarantees
f. Life Insurance Policies
g. Personal Security of Guarantor
h. Stock Exchange Securities and Other Instruments
2. Pledge:
a. A pledge involves bailment or delivery of goods by the borrower to the lending bank with
the intention of creating a charge thereon as security for the advance.
b. The legal ownership of the goods remains with the pledger while the lending banker gets
certain defined interests in the goods.
3. Hypothecation:
a. Neither ownership nor possession is transferred to the bank.
b. However, the borrower holds the physical possession of the goods as an agent/trustee of
the bank.
c. The borrower periodically submits statements regarding quantity and value of
hypothecated assets (stocks, debtors, etc.) to the lending banker on the basis of which the
drawing power of the borrower is fixed.
4. Assignment:
5. Set-off:
a. The right of set-off enables a bank to combine two accounts (a deposit account and a loan
account) of the same person provided both the accounts are in the same name and same right
(i.e., the capacity of the account holder in both the accounts should be the same).
b. For the purpose of set-off, all the branches of a bank are treated as one single entity. The right
of set-off can be exercised in respect of time-barred debts also.
6. Lien: Lien is creation of a legal charge with consent of the owner, which gives lender a legal right
to seize and dispose / liquidate the asset under lien.
1. MEANING: Drawing Power generally addressed as "DP" is an important concept for Cash Credit
(CC) facility availed from banks and financial institutions. Drawing power is the limit up to which
a firm or company can withdraw from the working capital limit sanctioned.
exposure that a bank can take on a particular client for facilities like cash credit, overdraft, export
packing credit, non-funded exposures etc.
a. All accounts should be always kept within both the drawing power and the sanctioned limit.
b. The accounts which exceed the sanctioned limit or drawing power or are otherwise irregular
should be brought to the notice of the Management/Head Office regularly.
Banks should ensure that drawings in the working capital account are covered by the
adequacy of the current assets.
c. Drawing power is required to be arrived at based on current stock statement.
d. However, considering the difficulties of large borrowers, stock statements relied upon by the
banks for determining drawing power should not be older than three months.
e. It needs to be ensured that the drawing power is calculated as per the guidelines formulated
by the Board of Directors of the respective bank.
f. Special consideration should be given to proper reporting of sundry creditors for the purposes
of calculating drawing power.
a. The stock audit should be carried out by the bank for all accounts having funded exposure of
more than 5 crores.
b. Auditors can also advise for stock audit in other cases if the situation warrants the same.
c. Member banks should obtain the stock audit reports from lead bank (in case of consortium
advances) in the cases where the Bank is not leader of the consortium of working capital.
d. The report submitted by the stock auditors should be reviewed during the audit and special
focus should be given to the comments made by the stock auditors on valuation of security
and calculation of drawing power.
1. In a bank, all accounts should be kept within the drawing power and the sanctioned
limit. The accounts which exceed the sanctioned limit or drawing power should be brought
to the notice of the management regularly. Analyse the following points to be considered
in the computation of drawing power in case of bank audit.
a) Bank’s Duties b) Auditor’s concern c) Computation of DP d) Stock audit
Answer: Write above answer
2. Compute the Drawing Power for Cash Credit A/c of S Limited for the month of March
2022 with following information:
Stock 50,000
Debtors 45,000
(including debtors of 5,000 for an invoice dated 17.11.2021)
Sundry creditors 15,000
Sanctioned Limit 45,000
Margin on stock is 20% and on debtors is 50%.
Note: Debtors older than 3 months are ineligible for calculation of DP.
The sanctioned limit given in the question is Rs. 45,000 whereas drawing power as per the above
working is Rs. 48,000. So, drawing power would be restricted to sanctioned limit i.e., Rs. 45,000
1. ENGAGEMENT TEAM DISCUSSIONS: The engagement team should hold discussions to gain better
understanding of the bank and its environment, including internal control. They should assess the
potential for material misstatements of the financial statements.
These discussions are ordinarily done at the planning stage of an audit. All these discussions
should be appropriately documented for future reference.
a. Provides an opportunity for more experienced engagement team members, including the
audit engagement partner, to share their insights based on their knowledge of the bank and
its environment including its business risks.
b. Provides an understanding amongst the engagement team members about effect of the
results of the risk assessment procedures including decisions about the nature, timing, and
extent of further audit procedures.
c. Specific emphasis (attention) should be provided to the susceptibility of the bank’s financial
statements to material misstatement due to fraud, that enables the engagement team to
consider an appropriate response to fraud risks.
1. “The engagement team should hold discussions to gain better understanding of the bank
and its environment, including internal control, and also to assess the potential for
material misstatements of the financial statements. All these discussions should be
appropriately documented for future reference”. Explain.
Answer: Write above answer
3. ENGAGEMENT TEAM DISCUSSIONS: The engagement team should hold discussions to gain better
understanding of banks and its environment, including internal control, and also to assess the
potential for material misstatements of the financial statements.
4. DEVELOP THE AUDIT PLAN: SA 300 deals with the auditor’s responsibility to plan an audit of
financial statements in an effective manner. It requires the involvement of all the key members
of the engagement team while planning an audit.
5. Audit Planning Memorandum: The auditor should summarise the audit plan by preparing an
audit planning memorandum in order to:
a. Describe the expected scope and extent of the audit procedures to be performed by the
b. Highlight all significant issues and risks identified during their planning and risk assessment
activities, as well as the decisions concerning reliance on controls
c. Provide evidence that they have planned the audit engagement appropriately and have
responded to engagement risk, pervasive risks, specific risks, and other matters affecting the
audit engagement.
7. CONSIDER GOING CONCERN: In obtaining an understanding of the bank, the auditor should
consider whether there are events and conditions which may cast significant doubt on the bank’s
ability to continue as a going concern.
guidelines that deal with prevention of money laundering and “Know Your Customer (KYC)”
norms. The RBI has from time to time issued guidelines (“Know Your Customer Guidelines – Anti
Money Laundering Standards”), requiring banks to establish policies, procedures and controls to
deter and to recognise and report money laundering activities.
9. RISK ASSOCIATED WITH OUTSOURCING OF ACTIVITIES: The modern day banks make extensive
use of outsourcing as a means of both reducing costs as well as making use of services of an expert
not available internally. There are, however, a number of risks associated with outsourcing of
activities by banks and therefore, it is quintessential for the banks to effectively manage those
11. STRESS TESTING: RBI has required that all commercial banks shall put in place a Broad approved
‘Stress Testing framework’ to suit their individual requirements which would integrate into their
risk management systems.
12. BASEL III FRAMEWORK: In the document titled ‘Basel III', A global regulatory framework for more
resilient in banks and banking systems’, released by the BCBS in December 2010, it has proposed
certain minimum set of criteria for inclusion of instruments in the new definition of regulatory
13. RELIANCE ON / REVIEW OF OTHER REPORTS: The auditor should take into account the adverse
comments, if any, on advances appearing in the following-
a. Previous audit reports.
b. Latest internal inspection reports of bank officials.
c. Reserve Bank’s latest inspection report.
d. Concurrent / Internal audit report.
e. Report on verification of security
f. Any other internal reports specially related to particular accounts.
1. Funded loans are those loans where there is an actual transfer of funds from the bank to the
borrower. Examples of funded loans are Term loans, Cash credits, Overdrafts, Demand Loans,
Bills Discounted and Purchased.
2. Non-funded facilities are those which do not involve such transfer. Examples of non-funded
loans are Letters of credit, Bank guarantees, etc.
B. AUDIT OF ADVANVCES: Advances generally constitute a major part of the assets of the bank. The
auditor should examine all large advances while other advances may be examined on a sampling
Note: An advance may be considered to be a large advance if the year-end balance is in excess
of ₹ 10 crore or 10% of the aggregate year-end advances of the branch, whichever is less.
efficacy of various internal controls over advances to determine the nature, timing and extent of
his substantive procedures. In general, the internal controls over advances should include, inter
alia, the following:
1. The bank should make an advance only after satisfying itself as to the credit worthiness of the
borrower and after obtaining sanction from the appropriate authorities of the bank.
2. All the necessary documents (e.g., agreements, demand promissory notes, letters of
hypothecation, etc.) should be executed by the parties before advances are made.
3. The compliance with the terms of sanction and end use of funds should be ensured.
4. Sufficient margin as specified in the sanction letter should be kept against securities taken so
as to cover for any decline in the value thereof. The availability of sufficient margin needs to
be ensured at regular intervals.
5. If the securities taken are in the nature of shares, debentures, etc., the ownership of the same
should be transferred in the name of the bank and the effective control of such securities be
retained as a part of documentation.
6. All securities requiring registration should be registered in the name of the bank or otherwise
accompanied by documents sufficient to give title to the bank.
7. In the case of goods in the possession of the bank, contents of the packages should be test
checked at the time of receipt. The godowns should be frequently inspected by responsible
officers of the branch concerned, in addition to the inspectors of the bank.
8. Drawing Power Register should be updated every month to record the value of securities
hypothecated. These entries should be checked by an officer.
9. The accounts should be kept within both the drawing power and the sanctioned limit.
10. All the accounts which exceed the sanctioned limit or drawing power or are otherwise
irregular should be brought to the notice of the controlling authority regularly.
audit of advances, the auditor is primarily concerned with obtaining evidence about the following:
1. Amounts included in balance sheet in respect of advances which are outstanding at the date
of the balance sheet.
2. Advances represent amount due to the bank.
3. Amounts due to the bank are appropriately supported by loan documents and other
documents as applicable to the nature of advances.
4. There are no unrecorded advances.
5. The stated basis of valuation of advances is appropriate and properly applied and the
recoverability of advances is recognised in their valuation.
6. The advances are disclosed, classified and described in accordance with recognised
accounting policies and practices and relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
7. Appropriate provisions towards advances have been made as per the RBI norms, Accounting
Standards and generally accepted accounting practices.
1. The auditor should examine the efficacy of various internal controls over advances to
determine the nature, timing and extent of his substantive procedures. Explain this
Answer: Refer above answer
A. OBJECTIVE: In carrying out an audit of income, the auditor is primarily concerned with obtaining
reasonable assurance that the recorded income arose from transactions and ensure that there is
no unrecorded income.
B. BASIC INCOME RECOGNITION POLICY: RBI has advised that in respect of any income which
exceeds 1% of the total income of the bank or 1% of the net profit before taxes, should be
considered on accrual as per AS-9.
1. If any item of income is not considered to be material as per the above norms, it may be
recognised when received and the auditors need not qualify the statements in that situation.
2. It is an essential condition for accrual of income that it should not be unreasonable to expect
its ultimate collection.
Exception: Interest on advances against the following may be taken to income account on
the due date, provided adequate margin is available in the accounts.
i. Term Deposits,
ii. National Savings Certificates (NSCs),
iii. Indira Vikas Patras (IVPs),
iv. Kisan Vikas Patras (KVPs) etc.
b. Reversal of Income: If any advance becomes NPA. the entire interest accrued and credited
to income account in the past periods, should be reversed if the same is not realised.
c. Memorandum Account: If an account turns as NPA, banks should reverse the interest
already charged and not collected, by debiting Profit and Loss account, and stop further
application of interest.
However, banks may continue to record such accrued interest in a Memorandum account
in their books for control purposes.
2. Bills discounting income: In the case of bills purchased outstanding at the close of the year
the discount received thereon should be properly apportioned between the two years. [The
Unexpired discount / rebate on bills discounted should be recorded as "Other Liabilities"].
3. Income from bills for collection: In the case of bills for collection, the auditor should also
examine the procedure for crediting the party on whose behalf the bill has been collected.
The procedure is usually such that the customer’s account is credited only after the bill has
1. If any advance, including bills purchased and discounted, becomes NPA as at the close of any year,
the entire interest accrued and credited to income account in the past periods, should be
reversed or provided for if the same is not realised. This will apply to Government guaranteed
accounts also.
2. In respect of NPA’s, fees, commission and similar income that have accrued should cease to
accrue in the current period and should be reversed or provided for with respect to past periods,
if uncollected.
3. Further, in case of banks which have wrongly recognised income in the past should:
a. Reverse the interest if it was recognised as income during the current year or
b. Make a provision for an equivalent amount if it was recognized as income in the previous
4. Furthermore, the auditor should enquire if there are any large debits in the Interest Income
account that have not been explained. It should be enquired is there are any communications
from borrowers pointing out differences in Interest charge, and whether action as justified has
been taken in this regard.
2. Checking the calculation of interest: The auditor should, on a test check basis, verify the
calculation of interest and satisfy himself that:
a. Period of Interest: Interest has been provided on all deposits up to the date of the balance
b. Rate of Interest:
i. Basic rule: Interest rates are in accordance with the bank’s internal regulations, of the
RBI directives, and agreements with the respective depositors.
ii. In case of Fixed Deposits: it should be examined whether the Interest Rate in the
accounting system are in accordance with the Interest Rate mentioned in the Fixed
Deposit Receipt/Certificate.
iii. In case of inter-branch balances: Interest has been provided at the rates prescribed
by the head office.
NOTE: The auditor should obtain the interest rate card for various types of term deposits
and analyse the interest cost for the period.
A. REPORTING TO CG: In the case of a nationalised bank and State Bank of India, the auditor is
required to make a report to the Central Government in which he must state the following:
1. Whether the balance sheet and profit and loss containing all the necessary particulars and is
properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and fair view of the affairs and Profit or loss of the
2. Whether he has been given any explanation or information requested, and whether it is
3. Whether the transactions of the bank, which have come to his notice, have been within the
powers of that bank.
4. Whether the returns received from the offices and branches of the bank have been found
adequate for the purpose of his audit.
1. Compliance with SA’S: The auditors, central as well as branch, should also ensure that the
audit report issued by them complies with the requirements of relevant Standards on
2. Additional disclosure by Central Auditor: The auditor should ensure that not only information
relating to number of unaudited branches is given but quantification of advances, deposits,
interest income and interest expense for such unaudited branches has also been disclosed in
the audit report. (SA 600 requirement)
3. Matters to be stated as per Sec. 143: It may be noted that, in addition to the aforesaid, the
auditor of a banking company is also required to state in his report in respect of matters
covered by Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013.
4. CARO applicability: The reporting requirements relating to the Companies (Auditor's Report)
Order, 2016 is not applicable to a banking company.
1. RBI Circular: The RBI issued a Circular relating to Legal Aspects of Bank Frauds applicable to
all scheduled commercial banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks).
The said circular provided as under: “If an accounting professional, whether in the course of
internal or external audit, finds anything susceptible to be fraud or fraudulent activity or act
of excess power or smell any foul play in any transaction, he should refer the matter to the
regulator. Any deliberate failure on the part of the auditor should render himself liable for
2. As per SA 240: Also, if the auditor while performing his normal duties comes across any fraud,
he should report the matter to the RBI in addition to Chairman/Managing Director/Chief
Executive of the concerned bank.
3. As per SA 250: Auditor should also consider the provisions of SA 250, “Consideration of Laws
and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements”
as company auditors appointed under section 139 of the companies act, 2013. This is in addition
to reporting to RBI.
1. In the case of a nationalized bank, the auditor is required to make a report to the
Central Government. The report of auditors of State Bank of India is also to be made
to the Central Government and is almost identical to the auditor’s report in the case of
a nationalized bank. Explain what the auditor would state in his report.
Answer: Refer Point A
Management develops controls and uses performance indicators to aid in managing key business and
financial risks.
Presently, the Statutory Central Auditors (SCAs) have to furnish the following reports in addition to
their main audit report:
1. Report on adequacy and operating effectiveness of Internal Controls over Financial Reporting in
case of banks which are registered as companies under the Companies Act, 2013.
2. Long Form Audit Report.
3. Report on compliance with SLR requirements.
4. Report on whether the treasury operations of the bank have been conducted in accordance with
the instructions issued by the RBI from time to time.
5. Report on whether the income recognition, asset classification and provisioning have been made
as per the guidelines issued by the RBI from time to time.
6. Report on whether any serious irregularity was noticed in the working of the bank which requires
immediate attention.
7. Report on status of the compliance by the bank with regard to the implementation of
recommendations of the Ghosh Committee relating to frauds and malpractices and of the
recommendations of Jilani Committee on internal control and inspection/credit system.
8. Report on instances of adverse credit-deposit ratio in the rural areas.
On Take-out finance: A takeout loan is a method of financing whereby a loan that is procured later is
used to replace the initial loan. More specifically, a takeout loan, or takeout financing, is long-term
financing that the lender promises to provide at a particular date or when particular criteria for
completion of a project are met. Takeout loans are commonly used in property development. In the
Audit of Banks 12.21
case of take-out finance, if based on record of recovery, the account is classified by the lending bank
as NPA, it should not recognize income unless realised from the borrower/taking-over institution (if
the arrangement so provides).
1. The financial statements of a bank are prepared in a specified format. Discuss legal provisions
in this regard as applicable to financial statements of a nationalized bank.
Sub-sections (1) and (2) of Section 29 of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 deal with the form and
content of financial statements of a banking company and their authentication. These provisions are
also applicable to nationalised banks. Every banking company is required to prepare a Balance Sheet
and a Profit and Loss Account in the forms set out in the Third Schedule to the Act or as near thereto
as the circumstances admit. Form A of the Third Schedule to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949,
contains the form of Balance Sheet and Form B contains the form of Profit and Loss Account.
2. Ranjana Ceramic Private Limited is sanctioned a cash credit facility of ₹ 100 lacs from a branch
of LMO Bank. Besides, branch has also sanctioned a one-time bank guarantee of ₹ 10 lacs on
behalf of the company in favour of a statutory authority. Discuss, what type of credit facilities
have been sanctioned by branch of LMO bank to the company along with probable purpose for
each of credit facility.
Cash credit facility sanctioned by bank to company is in nature of funded credit facility. Its purpose is
to meet working capital requirements of business. Bank guarantee sanctioned to the company is in
nature of non-funded credit facility. Its probable purpose could be requirement of a guarantee by a
statutory authority in exchange of company fulfilling some statutory obligations.
3. During course of audit of branch of a nationalized bank, you find that system has generated a
report marking ten term loan accounts as SMA. Discuss, meaning of SMA accounts and
significance of such a classification.
Audit of Banks 12.22
Special Mention Account (SMA) is an account which is exhibiting signs of incipient stress resulting in
the borrower defaulting in timely servicing of debt obligations, though the account has not yet been
classified as NPA as per the RBI guidelines.
In the given case, ten term loan accounts have been classified as SMA. It means that there are
overdues in the accounts for a period of 0 to 90 days. Since period of 90 days has not been exceeded
as on the date, such accounts have not been classified as NPA as per RBI norms.
Such a classification is significant as early recognition of such accounts enables banks to initiate timely
remedial actions to prevent potential slippages of such accounts into NPAs.
4. CA P is conducting stock audit of a borrower availing cash credit facility of ₹ 100 lacs from
branch of a bank. The cash credit facility is against security of paid stocks and debtors up to 90
days. Margin stipulated is 25% for stocks and 40% for debtors. Following further information is
available as on 31.12.22: -
120 lacs
40 lacs
The drawing power calculated by CA P is not proper. Drawing Power comes to ₹ 76.50 lacs
5. You are verifying interest on deposits paid by branch of a nationalized bank. Discuss, any two
“analytical procedures”, to verify interest on deposits paid by branch.
The auditor should obtain from the bank an analysis of various types of deposits outstanding at the
end of each quarter. From such information, the auditor may work out a weighted average interest
rate. The auditor may then compare this rate with the actual average rate of interest paid on the
relevant deposits as per the annual accounts and enquire into the difference, if material. The auditor
should also compare the average rate of interest paid on the relevant deposits with the
corresponding figures for the previous years and analyse any material differences.
1. Ensure revenue is not overstated by performing following audit procedures:
a. Check whether a single sales invoice is recorded twice or a cancelled sales invoice could
also be recorded.
b. Test check few invoices with their relevant entries in sales journal.
c. Obtain confirmation from few customers to ensure genuineness of sales transaction
d. Whether any fictitious customers and sales have been recorded.
e. Whether any shipments were done without the consent and agreement of the customer,
especially at the year end to inflate the sales figure
f. Whether unearned revenue recorded as earned. Whether any substantial uncertainty
exists about collectability.
g. Whether customer obligations are contingent on other actions (financing, resale, etc.).
2. Review sequence of sales invoices
3. Review journal entries for unusual transactions
4. Calculate the ratio of sales return to sales and compare it with previous year and enquire for
the reasons for increase/ decrease.
5. Check the sales return with sales invoice, challan, credit note, stock register, etc.
B. COMPLETENESS: All sales made during the period were recorded and there is no understatement
or overstatement.
1. Perform cut-off procedures to ensure that revenues are recognised in the current accounting
period and sales were not tampered towards the period end.
2. Cut-off errors will usually arise when companies recognise revenue based on the date on
which the sales invoices are generated rather than the date on which the risks and rewards
are transferred to the buyer.
3. In order to perform a robust sales cut-off test, auditors need to understand and consider the
specific cut-off error risk of each engagement.
4. Auditors should also verify the credit notes issued after the accounting period. Sometimes
sales team or sales personnel can make fictitious sales before the year-end to meet
performance target and cancel out those sales with a post year end credit note.
5. Check whether quantity is appearing in sales register or not and check reconciliation of total
sales/goods dispatched as per stock records and financial records and statutory records like
6. Review GST tax and GST returns and ensure that the same are reconciled with revenue
reported in the profit and loss account.
C. MEASUREMENT: All sales are accurately measured as per applicable accounting standards and
correctly journalized, summarized, and posted.
1. Trace a few transactions from inception to completion. (Examination in depth)
2. If the client is engaged in export sales, then compliance with AS 11 shall be ensured.
Audit of Items of Financial Statements 13.3
3. Auditor must understand client’s operations and related GAAP issues e.g. point of sale
revenue recognition vs. percentage of completion, wherever applicable.
4. Compare the rate of sales affected with related parties and review them for collectability, as
well as whether they were properly authorized and the value of such transactions were
reasonable and at arm’s length.
1. Ensure whether the following disclosures as required under Schedule III (Part II) to Companies
Act, 2013 have been made:
(A) In respect of a company other than a finance company revenue from operations shall
disclose separately in the notes revenue from—
a. Sale of products;
b. Sale of services;
c. Grants or donations received (relevant in case of section 8 companies only),]
d. Other operating revenues;
(B) In respect of a finance company, revenue from operations shall include revenue from—
a. Interest; and
b. Other financial services.
2. Revenue under each of the above heads shall be disclosed separately by way of notes to
accounts to the extent applicable.
a. Whether brokerage and discount on sales other than usual trade discount has been
b. Whether the transactions with related parties are appropriately disclosed in notes to
C. DIVIDEND INCOME: Dividends are recognised in the statement of profit and loss only when:
1. the entity’s right to receive payment of the dividend is established;
2. it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the dividend will flow to the entity;
3. the amount of the dividend can be measured reliably.
1. Ensure whether the following disclosures as required under Schedule III (Part II) to Companies
Act, 2013 have been made:
Other income
Other income shall be classified as:
a. Interest Income (in case of a company other than a finance company);
b. Dividend Income;
c. Net gain/loss on sale of investments;
d. Other non-operating income (net of expenses directly attributable to such income).
2. Additional disclosure:
Undisclosed income: The Company shall give details of any transaction not recorded in the
books of accounts that has been surrendered or disclosed as income during the year in the
tax assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (such as, search or survey or any other
relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961), unless there is immunity for disclosure
under any scheme and also shall state whether the previously unrecorded income and related
assets have been properly recorded in the books of account during the year.
1. Whether any fictitious vendors have been booked.
2. Whether quality inspection of goods was done.
3. Whether a goods receipt note was prepared and signed by an appropriate client personnel.
4. The purchase invoice received should be the “Original” copy (and not photocopy/ carbon
copy) against which the entity has recorded the purchase in its books of account.
5. Purchase invoice should be in the name of entity. However, in case of different branches, it
should be addressed to the appropriate branch.
6. Input tax component should have been booked in the input tax ledger.
1. Perform cut-off test to ensure that purchases are recognised in the correct accounting period.
2. Ensure correct accounting treatment of goods – in – transit as per the agreed terms with the
vendor regarding transfer of risk and reward of ownership in goods.
3. Obtain written representation from the management that all the purchases that took place
during the year have been properly recorded in the books.
4. Review journal entries for unusual transactions.
1. Consumption Analysis: Auditor should scrutinize raw material consumed as per
manufacturing account and compare the same with previous years with closing stock and ask
for the reasons from the management, if any significant variations are found.
2. Stock Composition Analysis: Auditor to collect the reports from management for composition
of stock i.e., raw materials as a percentage of total stock and compare the same with previous
year and ask for reasons from management in case of significant variations
3. Ratios: Auditor should compare the creditors turnover ratios and stock turnover ratios of the
current year with previous years.
4. Auditor should review quantitative reconciliation of closing stocks with opening stock,
purchases, and consumption.
D. DISCLOSURES: Ensure whether the following disclosures as required under Schedule III (Part II)
to Companies Act, 2013 have been made:
• Whether purchases of stock-in-trade have been specifically disclosed.
• Whether changes in inventories of finished goods, stock–in-trade and work- in-progress
specifically disclosed. have been
• Whether the transactions with related parties are appropriately disclosed in notes to
PROCESS: Auditor needs to obtain a clear understanding about the organisation and its hiring,
appraisal, and retirement process in the following manner:
1. An auditor tests the controls the entity has set around employee benefit payment process to
determine how effective they are. If they are effective, the auditor can reduce the substantive
1. Employee benefits expenses represent the sum an entity pays to its employees for their
labour/ efforts only
DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS: Ensure whether the following disclosures as required have been
1. Tangible assets are depreciated when the asset is actually put to active use.
A. GENERAL POINTS: While the auditor may choose to analyse the monthly trends for expenses like
rent, power and fuel, an auditor generally prefers to vouch for other expenses to verify following
1. Whether the expenditure pertained to current period under audit;
2. Whether the expenditure qualified as a revenue and not capital expenditure;
3. Whether the expenditure had a valid supporting documents like travel tickets, insurance
policy, third party invoice etc.;
4. Whether the expenditure has been classified under the correct expense head;
5. Whether the expenditure was authorised as per the delegation of authority;
6. Whether the expenditure was in relation to the entity’s business and not a personal
a. Obtain a month wise expense schedule along with the rent agreements.
b. Verify if expense has been recorded for all 12 months and whether the rent amount is as
per the underlying agreement.
c. Specific consideration should be given to escalation clause in the agreement to verify if
the rent was required to be recorded on a straight-line basis during the period under audit.
d. Also, verify if the agreement is in the name of the entity and whether the expense pertains
to premises used for running business operations of the entity.
a. Obtain a summary of insurance policies taken along with their validity period.
1. Verify the accounts sales submitted by the consignee showing goods sold and inventory of goods
in hand.
2. Reconcile the figure of the goods on hand, as given in the last accounts sales, with the Performa
invoices and accounts sales received during the year. If any consignment inventory was in the
hands of the consignee at the beginning of the year, the same should be considered in the
3. Obtain confirmation from the consignee for the goods held on consignment on the balance sheet
date. Verify the terms of agreement between the consignor and the consignee to check the
Audit of Items of Financial Statements 13.11
commission and other expenses debited to the consignment account and credited to the
consignee’s account. The accounts sales also must be correspondingly checked.
4. Ensure that the quantity of goods in hand with the consignee has been valued at cost plus
proportionate non-recurring expenses, e.g., freight, dock dues, customs due, etc., unless the
value is lower. In case net realisable value is lower, the inventory in hand of the consignee should
be valued at net realisable value. Also see that the allowance has been made for damaged and
obsolete goods in making the valuation.
5. See that goods in hand with the consignee have been shown separately under the head
1. Examine Travelling Allowance bills submitted by the employees stating the details of tour, details
of expenses, etc.
2. Verify that the tour programme was properly authorised by the competent authority.
3. Check the T.A. bills along with accompanying supporting documents such as air tickets, travel
agents bill and hotel bills with reference to the internal rules for entitlement of the employees
and also make sure that the bills are properly passed.
4. See that the tour report accompanies the T.A. bill. The tour report will show the purpose of the
tour. Satisfy that the purpose of the tour as shown by the tour report conforms to the
authorisation for the tour.
5. Check Reserve Bank of India’s permission, if necessary, for withdrawing the foreign exchange.
6. For a company the amount of foreign exchange spent is to be disclosed separately in the accounts
as per requirement of Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 and Accounting Standard 11 “The
Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”.
1. Verify the bills/invoices from advertising agency to ensure that rates charged for different types
of advertisement are as per the contract.
2. See that the advertisement relates to client’s business.
3. Inspect the receipt issued by the agency.
4. Ascertain the nature of expenditure – revenue or capital expenditure and see that it has been
recorded properly.
5. Ascertain the period for which payment is made and see that prepaid amount, if any, is carried
to the balance sheet.
6. See that all outstanding advertisement bills have been provided for.
1. Payment on account of income-tax and other taxes consequent upon a regular assessment should
be verified by reference to the copy of the assessment order, assessment form, notice of demand
and the receipted challan.
2. Payments or advance payments of income-tax should also be verified with the notice of demand
and the receipted challan acknowledging the amount paid.
3. The interest allowed on advance payments of income-tax should be included as income and penal
interest charged for non-payment should be debited to the interest account.
4. Nowadays, electronic payment of taxes is also in trend. Electronic payment of taxes means
payment of taxes by way of internet banking facility or credit or debit cards.
5. The entity can make electronic payment of taxes also from the account of any other person.
However, the challan for making such payment must clearly indicate the Permanent Account
Number (PAN) of the assessee on whose behalf the payment is made. This should be checked by
the auditor.
6. It is not necessary for the entity to make payment of taxes from his own account in an authorized
bank. While vouching such e-payment, the auditor should cross verify the payments of taxes
through the receipted challan along with PAN No /TAN No. etc.
1. Review the internal control as regards generation, storage and disposal of scrap.
2. Check whether the organization is maintaining reasonable record for generation of scrap.
3. Analyse the raw material used, production and generation pattern of scrap and compare the
same with figures of earlier year.
4. Check the rates at which scrap has been sold and compare the rate with previous year.
5. Vouch sales, with invoices raised, advertisement for tender, rate contract with scrap dealers.
6. Ensure that there exists a proper control procedure to identify scrap and good units and they are
not mixed up and sold as scrap.
7. Make an overall assessment of the value of realization from scrap as to its reasonableness.
1. Check the application made for the claim of subsidy to ascertain the purpose and the scheme
under which the subsidy has been made available.
2. Examine documents for the grant of subsidy and note the conditions attached with the same
relating to its use, etc.
3. Ensure that the conditions to be fulfilled and other terms especially whether the same is for a
specific asset or is for setting up a factory at a specific location.
4. Check relevant entries for receipt of subsidy.
Audit of Items of Financial Statements 13.13
5. Check compliance with requirements of AS 12 on “Accounting for Government Grants” i.e.
whether it relates to specific amount or in the form of promoters’ contribution and accordingly
accounted for as also compliance with the disclosure requirements.
1. A company shall not issue shares at a discount, except in the case of an issue of sweat equity
shares given under Section 54 of the Companies Act, 2013.
2. Any share issued by a company at a discounted price shall be void.
3. Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (1) and (2), a company may issue shares at a
discount to its creditors when its debt is converted into shares in pursuance of any statutory
resolution plan or debt restructuring scheme in accordance with any guidelines or directions or
regulations specified by the Reserve Bank of India under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 or
the Banking (Regulation) Act, 1949.
4. Where any company fails to comply with the provisions of this section,
a. such company and every officer who is in default shall be liable to a penalty which may extend
to an amount equal to the amount raised through the issue of shares at a discount or five lakh
rupees, whichever is less, and
b. the company shall also be liable to refund all monies received with interest at the rate of
twelve per cent per annum from the date of issue of such shares to the persons to whom such
shares have been issued.
A. MEANING: Sweat Equity Shares” mean equity shares issued by the company to employees or
directors at a
1. discount or
2. for consideration other than cash
for providing know-how or making available right in the nature of intellectual property rights or
value additions, by whatever name called.
B. AUDIT PROCEDURES: The auditor needs to verify that the Sweat Equity Shares issued by the
company are of a class of shares already issued and following conditions have been complied with
(as per Section 54):
1. the issue is authorized by a special resolution passed by the company;
1. “Sweat Equity Shares” means equity shares issued by the company to employees or
directors at a premium or for consideration other than cash for providing know-how or
making available right in the nature of intellectual property rights or value additions,
by whatever name called.
Incorrect. “Sweat Equity Shares” means equity shares issued by the company to employees or
directors at a discount or for consideration other than cash for providing know-how or making
available right in the nature of intellectual property rights or value additions, by whatever name
A. MEANING: Reserves are the amounts appropriated out of profits that are not intended
1. to meet any liability,
2. contingency,
3. commitment or
4. diminution in the value of assets known to exist as at the date of the Balance Sheet.
1. Revenue reserves represent profits that are available for distribution to shareholders.
2. Capital Reserves represents a reserve which does not include any amount regarded as free
for distribution. They can be utilized only for certain limited purposes.
1. Trace and tally the opening balance of reserves and surplus to the previous year audited
financial statements.
2. For addition/utilization in current year, in case of Profit and Loss balance:
2. ABC Ltd. has issued shares for cash at a premium of Rs 450, that is, at amount in
excess of the nominal value of the shares which is Rs 10 for cash. Section 52 of the
Companies Act, 2013 provides that a Company shall transfer the amount received by it
as securities premium to securities premium account. Advise the means in which the
amount in the account can be applied.
Answer: Write Point C(4)
1. Review board minutes for approval of new lending agreements to check the approval of loans.
2. Verify the details of the loan recorded with loan agreement.
3. Agree details of leases and hire purchase creditors recorded to underlying
4. In case of Debentures, examine trust deed for terms and dates of redemption, borrowing
restrictions and compliance with covenants.
5. When debt is retired, ensure that a discharge is received on assets securing the debt.
6. Obtain Written Representation that all the liabilities which have been recorded represent a
valid claim by the lenders.
1. Obtain a schedule of short term and long-term borrowings showing beginning and ending
balances and borrowings taken and repaid during the year.
2. Trace the closing balances as per the schedules to the general ledger.
3. Review subsequent transactions after the end of the reporting period to determine if there
are unrecorded liabilities at yearend and the transactions are recorded in the correct period.
4. Direct confirmation procedures:
a. Send the confirmation request to the lenders.
b. Send reminders for non-replies.
c. Compare the balances are per the confirmations obtained to the books of the accounts.
d. Ask for reconciliations, if there are any differences
(b) Others
➢ Borrowings shall further be sub classified as secured and unsecured. Nature of security shall
be specified separately in each case.
➢ Where loans have been guaranteed by directors or others, the aggregate amount of such
loans under each head shall be disclosed.
➢ Period and amount of default as on the balance sheet date in repayment of loans and interest,
shall be specified separately in each case.
➢ Current maturities of Long term borrowings shall be disclosed separately. Where the
company has not used the borrowings from banks and financial institutions for the specific
purpose for which it was taken at the balance sheet date, the company shall disclose the
details of where they have been used.
B. Where a company has received any fund from any person(s) or entity(ies), including
foreign entities (Funding Party) with the understanding (whether recorded in writing or
otherwise) that the company shall:
(i) directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any
manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Party (Ultimate Beneficiaries)
(ii) provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries,
the company shall disclose the following:-
➢ date and amount of fund received from Funding parties with complete details of
each Funding party.
➢ date and amount of fund further advanced or loaned or invested other
intermediaries or Ultimate Beneficiaries alongwith complete details of the other
intermediaries‘ or ultimate beneficiaries.
➢ date and amount of guarantee, security or the like provided to or on behalf of the
Ultimate Beneficiaries
➢ declaration that relevant provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act,
1999 (42 of 1999) and Companies Act has been complied with for such transactions
and the transactions are not violative of the Prevention of Money-Laundering act,
2002 (15 of 2003).
A. COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES: It is important to carry out Test of Controls for checking the
effectiveness of internal control over sales as a part of the debtors’ audit procedure. Following
points need to be considered in respect of trade receivables:
1. Only bona fide(genuine) sales lead to trade receivables.
2. All such sales are made to approved customers.
3. All such sales are properly recorded in the books of accounts.
4. Once recorded, the debtors can be settled only by receipt of cash or on the authority of a
responsible official.
a. Review the process followed by the Company to derive an allowance for doubtful
b. Obtain the ageing report of accounts receivable, split between not currently due, 30 days
old, 30-60 days old, 60- 180 days old, 180- 365 days old and more than 365 days old.
c. Also, obtain the list of debtors under litigation and compare with previous year.
d. Prepare schedule of movements of bad debts – Provision accounts and debts written off
and compare the proportion of bad debt expense to sales for the current year in
comparison to prior years to see if the current expense appears reasonable.
e. Check that write-offs of the receivable balances have been approved by an appropriate
authority i.e., the Board of Directors in case of a company.
1. Check that the restatement of foreign currency trade receivables has been done properly in
accordance with AS 11.
2. Proper disclosure of Related Party Transactions regarding receivables have been made as per
AS 18 or IND AS 24.
3. Ensure that the transactions with parties covered under Section 189 (Register of Contracts or
Arrangements in which Directors are interested) of the Companies Act, 2013 are reported
properly in Companies Auditors’ Report Order (CARO),2020.
1. Cash should be physically verified by the auditor as on the balance sheet date.
2. The cash should be checked not only on the last day of the year, but also checked again
sometime after the close of the year without giving notice of the auditor’s visit either to the
entity or to his staff. (Surprise check)
1. Review entity’s plan for performing inventory count.
2. Ensure that consigned goods have been segregated.
3. Auditor should participate in the inventory count with the management.
4. Test counts of inventory by auditor should include:
i. observing employees are adhering
j. to the agreed plan.
k. assuring that there is appropriate supervision on the count procedure.
l. assuring that all items are properly tagged.
m. observing that proper amounts are shown on tags.
n. determining that tags and summary sheets are controlled and reconciled.
o. reconciliation of test counts with tags and summary sheets and discrepancies noted,
if any, are summarized and agreed with client personnel.
p. staying alert at all times and specifically being cautious about empty boxes, etc. and
obsolete items.
q. performing cut-off testing by documenting last 5-10 receiving reports and shipping
documents as of the period end.
r. ensuring exclusion of third party stock and damaged or obsolete stock.
s. ensuring the accounting of all stock sheets.
t. investigating any significant differences between the physical stock take and the stock
records as per books. Further, the auditor should ask the entity’s personnel to sign all
stock count sheets and also agree the variances observed, if any, to avoid any conflicts.
5. When the entity uses periodic system for inventory count, it should be undertaken at the end
of the period. If the entity uses perpetual system with proper and adequate records, inventory
may be counted at interim dates.
6. Confirm or investigate any inventory of the entity lying with a third party (specifically relevant
for cases where the entity gets job work done in its process of production).
1. Perform analytical procedures (comparison tests with industry averages, budgets, prior years,
trend analysis, etc.).
a. Compute inventory turnover ratio (COGS/ average inventory)
b. Perform vertical analysis (inventory/ total assets)
c. Compare budgetary expectations vis-à-vis actuals
1. Vouch recorded purchases to underlying documentation (purchase requisition, purchase
order, receiving report, vendor invoice and cancelled cheque or payment file).
2. Evaluate the consigned goods.
3. Examine client correspondence, sales and receivables records, purchase documents.
4. Determine existence of collateral agreements.
5. Review consignment agreements.
6. Review material purchase commitment agreements.
7. Examine invoices for evidence of ownership i.e. the invoices shall be in the name of the client.
8. Auditor shall obtain confirmation for significant items of inventory.
1. Depending on how the business operates, the management may value inventory using First-
in first-out (FIFO) or weighted average basis. Consider the reasonableness of the method
2. For Raw materials and consumables
a. Ascertain what elements of cost are included e.g. carriage inward, non refundable duties
b. If standard costs are used, enquire into basis of standards; how these are compared with
actual costs and how variances are analyzed and accounted for/ treated in accounting
c. Test check cost prices used with purchase invoices received in the month(s) prior to
d. Follow up valuation of all damaged or obsolete inventories noted during observance of
physical counting with a view to establishing a realistic net realizable value.
3. For Work in progress
a. Ascertain how the various stages of production/ value additions are measured and in case
estimates are made, understand the basis for such estimates.
b. Ascertain what elements of cost are included. If overheads are included, ascertain the
basis on which they are included and compare such basis with the available costing and
financial data/ information maintained by the entity.
c. Ensure that material costs exclude any abnormal wastage factors.
4. For Finished goods and goods for resale
a. Enquire as to what costs are included, how these have been established and ensure that
the overheads included have been determined based on normal costs and appear
reasonable in relation to the information disclosed in the financial statements.
b. Ensure that inventories are valued at net realizable value if they are likely to fetch a value
lower than their cost. For any such items, also verify if the relevant semi/ partly processed
inventories (work in progress) and raw materials have also been written down.
5. Follow up for items that are obsolete, damaged, slow moving and ascertain the possible
realizable value of such items. Carefully examine the valuation of obsolete and damaged
inventory. For the purpose, request the client to provide inventory ageing split and follow up
for any inventories which at time of observance of physical counting were noted as being
damaged or obsolete.
a. Compare recorded costs with replacement costs.
b. Examine vendor price lists to determine if recorded cost is less than current prices.
c. Calculate inventory turnover ratio. Obsolete inventory may be revealed if ratio is
significantly lower.
Ensure whether the following disclosures as required under Schedule III (Part I) to the Companies
Act, 2013 have been made:
1. Whether inventory has been classified as:
a. Raw materials
b. Work-in-progress
c. Finished goods
d. Stock-in-trade (goods acquired for trading)
e. Stores and spares
f. Loose tools
g. Others (specify nature).
2. Whether goods-in-transit have been disclosed separately under each sub-head of inventories.
3. Mode of valuation shall be stated.
An enterprise evaluates under this recognition principle all its costs on property, plant and
equipment at the time they are incurred. These costs include costs incurred:
The expenses have to be analysed and properly classified. The revenue expense like regular
repairs on assets have to be charged off to the Statement of Profit and Loss.
1. Review entity’s plan for performing physical verification of PPE i.e., whether performed by
own staff or by a third party and the policy regarding periodicity i.e., whether physical
verification shall be done on annual basis or once in two years/ three years.
2. Obtain PPE physical verification report backed by the working sheets from the entity and
perform the following procedures:
a. Assess if all items of PPE are properly tagged and carry identification marks.
b. Reconciliation of items of PPE as physically verified with the fixed asset register
maintained by the entity.
c. Verify the discrepancies noted, based on physical verification undertaken and the manner
in which such discrepancies have been dealt with in the entity’s books and financial
1. Verify the movement in the PPE schedule (asset class-wise like building, Plant & machinery
etc.) compiled by the management i.e., Opening balances + Additions during the period –
Deletions during the period = Closing balances.
2. Check the arithmetical accuracy of the movement in PPE schedule.
3. For all material additions, verify if such expenditure meets the criteria of PPE as per AS 10.
Audit of Items of Financial Statements 13.30
4. Ensure that the entity is not recognizing costs of the day-to-day servicing in the carrying
amount of an item of property, plant and equipment.
5. Verify whether the PPE additions have been approved by authorized personnel.
6. Verify whether proper internal processes and procedures like inviting competitive
quotations/ floating tenders etc. were followed prior to finalising the vendor for procuring
items of PPE.
7. In relation to deletion of PPE:
a. understand from the management the reason and rationale for deletion
b. Obtain the management approval and discard note authoring disposal of the asset from
its active use.
c. Verify the process followed for sale of discarded PPE, for example - inviting competitive
quotes, tender.
d. Verify that the management has accurately recorded the deletion of PPE.
Ensure whether the following disclosures as required under Schedule III (Part I) to Companies Act,
2013 have been made under the heading “Property, Plant and Equipment”:
Additional disclosures:
➢ Title deeds of Immovable Property not held in name of the Company: The company shall
provide the details of all the immovable property (other than properties where the Company
is the lessee and the lease agreements are duly executed in favour of the lessee) whose title
deeds are not held in the name of the company in format given below and where such
immovable property is jointly held with others, details are required to be given to the extent
of the company‘s share.
➢ Where the Company has revalued its Property, Plant and Equipment, the company shall
disclose as to whether the revaluation is based on the valuation by a registered valuer as
defined under rule 2 of the Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017.
➢ Capital-Work-in Progress (CWIP)
o For Capital-work-in progress, following ageing schedule shall be given:
CWIP ageing schedule
1. The auditor A of ABC & Co.- firm of auditors is conducting the audit of XYZ Ltd and
while performing testing of additions wanted to verify that all PPE (Property Pland and
Equipment) purchase invoices are in the name of the entity he is auditing. For all
additions to land, building in particular, the auditor desires to have concrete evidence
about ownership. The auditor is worried about whether the entity has valid legal
ownership rights over the PPE claimed to be held by the entity and recorded in the
financial statements. Advise the auditor.
Answer: Write Point C from above answer
1. Since an intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset, without physical substance,
for establishing the existence of such assets, the auditor should verify
a. whether such intangible asset is in active use in the production or supply of goods or
b. for rental to others or
c. for administrative purposes.
2. In case any intangible asset is not in active use, deletion should have been recorded in the
books of account post approvals by the entity’s management and amortization charge should
have ceased beyond the date of deletion.
1. Verify the movement in the intangible assets schedule (asset class wise like software, designs/
drawings, goodwill etc.) compiled by the management i.e., Opening balances + Additions –
Deletions = Closing balances.
2. Check the arithmetical accuracy of the movement in intangible assets schedule.
3. For all material additions, verify whether such expenditure meets the criterion for recognition
of an intangible asset as per AS 26.
4. Ensure that no cost related to research (or from the research phase of an internal project)
gets recognized as intangible asset.
5. Check the certificate or report or other similar documentation maintained by the entity to
verify the date of use of the intangible.
6. Verify whether the additions (acquisitions) have been approved by appropriate entity’s
7. Verify whether proper internal processes and procedures like inviting competitive
quotations/ proper tenders etc. were followed.
8. In relation to deletion of PPE:
a. understand from the management the reason and rationale for deletion
b. Obtain the management approval and discard note authoring disposal of the asset from
its active use.
c. Verify that the management has accurately recorded the deletion of Intangible assets.
C. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS: The auditor while performing testing of additions should also verify
that all expense invoices/ purchase contracts are in the name of the entity that entitles legal title
of ownership to the entity.
Additional disclosures:
b. For Intangible assets under development, whose completion is overdue or has exceeded
its cost compared to its original plan, following Intangible assets under development
completion schedule shall be given:
1. Obtain a list of all provisions and compare them with balances in the ledger.
2. Inspect the underlying agreements like agreement with customers to assess warranty
commitments, any legal and other claims on the entity i.e., litigations.
3. Obtain the underlying working and the basis for each of the provisions made, from the
management and verify whether the same is complete and accurate.
4. Wherever required, obtain expert’s report, calculation and underlying working for the provision
amount, example for warranty involving complex calculations, some entities get that valued
through an actuary.
5. In case of any matter under legal dispute, the auditor should request for assessment made by a
legal expert.
6. As per SA 500 – “Audit Evidence”, issued by ICAI, when using the work of a management’s expert,
audit evidence that the auditor should obtain include:
a. Evaluate the competence, capabilities and objectivity of that expert:
b. Whether the expert is employed by the entity or is an outside party.
c. Whether the expert is independent in respect of the entity.
d. Auditor’s previous experience of the work of the expert.
e. Knowledge of the expert, his qualification, membership of a professional body or industry
association, etc.
7. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS: Ensure whether the following disclosures as required under
Schedule III (Part I) to Companies Act, 2013 have been made:
➢ Long-term provisions: The amounts shall be classified as:
(a) Provision for employee benefits;
(b) Others (specify nature).
➢ Short-term provisions: The amounts shall be classified as:
(a) Provision for employee benefits.
(b) Others (specify nature).
➢ Contingent liabilities and commitments (to the extent not provided for)
• Contingent liabilities shall be classified as:
o Claims against the company not acknowledged as debt;
o Guarantees;
Where any of the information required by above paragraph is not disclosed because it is
not practicable to do so, that fact should be stated.
1. Check whether there are controls in place to ensure that any purchase/ expense invoice does
not get recorded more than once and payable balances are automatically recorded in the
general ledger at the time of recording of expense.
2. Obtain the accounts payable ageing report and trace its balances to the general ledger. If
there are any differences, investigate reconciling items. Journal entries specially for large
amounts should be carefully examined.
3. Direct confirmation procedure
Audit of Items of Financial Statements 13.37
a. The auditor employs direct confirmation procedure with the consent of the entity under
audit. There may be situations where the management of the entity requests the auditor
not to seek confirmation from certain trade payables. In such cases, the auditor should
consider whether there are valid grounds for such a request. In appropriate cases, the
auditor may also need to reconsider the nature, timing and extent of his audit procedures
including the degree of planned reliance on management’s representations.
b. The trade creditors may be requested to confirm the balances either (a) as at the date of
the balance sheet, or (b) as at any other selected date which is reasonably close to the
date of the balance sheet. The date should be decided by the auditor in consultation with
the Company.
c. The form of requesting confirmation from the trade creditor may be either (a) the form
with balance as at year end wherein the trade creditor is requested to respond whether
or not he is in agreement with the balance shown, or (b) the form with no balance wherein
the trade creditor is requested to respond the balance as per his records. The use of the
form with no balance is preferable.
d. Where no reply is received, the auditor should perform additional testing regarding the
balances. This testing could include:
• Testing of subsequent payments in respect of the trade payables to whom
confirmations were rolled out but no replies received;
• Agreeing the details of the respective balance to the underlying vendor invoices;
• Preparing a detailed analysis of the balance, ensuring it consists of identifiable
transactions and confirming that these purchases/ expense transactions actually
occurred. (examination in depth)
e. If there are any related party payables, review whether they were properly authorized
and the value of such transactions were reasonable and at arm’s length.
f. Review a trend line of purchases/ expenses and accounts payable, or a comparison of the
two over time, to see if there are any unusual trends. Make inquiries about reasons for
changes in trends from the management.
1. The auditor needs to perform the following cut off procedures: For the last 5 invoices
received/ recorded at the end of the reporting date (cut off date) and which have been
included in the trade payables; the goods should have been received/ risk and rewards of
ownership in goods should have been transferred in favour of the entity; All goods received
prior to the period/ year- end should have been booked in the form of purchases and included
in trade creditors.
2. Test purchases/ expenses on a sample basis selecting the same from the accounts payable
ledgers and checking their supporting documents to ensure that the purchases were recorded
at the correct amounts and correct dates.
3. Match purchase invoice dates to the gate entry (inward) dates to check whether the
purchases are being recorded in the correct accounting period. This can include an
examination of purchase/ expense invoices received subsequent to the period being audited,
to see if they should have been included in the period under audit.
Audit of Items of Financial Statements 13.38
4. Review subsequent expense vouchers. Review all material expense vouchers recorded post
the balance sheet date to see if they relate to transactions from within the audit period.
5. For advance received from customers/ revenue received in advance, obtain the customer
wise listing along with its ageing and the nature. Enquire from the entity’s management if
there has been any dispute with the customer and if there is any additional liability to be
recorded. For all such advances, the auditor should verify the underlying documentation
based on which the entity had received the advance.
6. In relation to statutory dues liability like withholding tax (TDS) payable, GST payable, luxury
tax payable, professional tax payable, PF and ESI payable etc., prepare a reasonability with
respect to sales/ purchases/ employee benefit expenses. Example- GST liability for last month
may be calculated by applying the applicable rate to the sales made and in case of any
variance with the GST liability recorded by the entity, reasons for variance should be
requested from client and in case found satisfactory, the same should be maintained as part
of audit documentation.
1. Review the process followed by the Company to identify if any old creditor balance/ liability
needs to be written back. This will include a consistency comparison determination of
whether the method is appropriate for the underlying business environment.
2. Obtain the ageing of payable balances, and the list of vendors with whom the Company has
disputes and any claims from customers, under litigation and compare with previous year.
3. Check that write backs in the liability balances assessed as no longer payable have been
approved by an appropriate and authorised member of senior management, for example –
4. Check that the restatement of foreign currency trade payables has been done properly in
accordance with AS 11.
Ensure whether the following disclosures as required under Schedule III (Part I) to Companies Act,
2013 have been made:
• Whether the Company has disclosed the following details relating to micro and small
enterprises in the notes:
o the principal amount and the interest due thereon (to be shown separately) remaining
unpaid to any supplier at the end of each accounting year.
o the amount of interest paid by the buyer in terms of section 16 of the Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, along with the amount of the payment made
to the supplier beyond the appointed day during each accounting year.
o the amount of interest due and payable for the period of delay in making payment (which
have been paid but beyond the appointed day during the year) but without adding the
interest specified under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,
o the amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid at the end of each accounting year.
➢ Trade payables due for payment: The following ageing schedule shall be given for Trade
payables due for payment:-
• Trade Payables ageing schedule:
For establishing existence of loans and advances, direct confirmation procedures, similar to those
performed for Accounts receivable balances are should be performed with the only difference
that while performing circularisation of direct confirmations, in addition to the principal amount,
interest receivable, if any, as per the agreed terms between the parties, may also be included as
part of the balance to be confirmed.
1. Obtain a list of all advances and other current assets and compare them with balances in the
2. Verify loan agreements and acknowledgements of parties in respect of outstanding loans. A
loan or an advance, if material, is granted only if authorised by the Memorandum and Articles
of Association in the case of Company. In addition, the auditor should confirm that the loans
advanced were within the competence of persons who had advanced the same, directors in
the case of a Company, partners in the case of a firm and trustees in the case of a trust.
3. Inspect the minutes of meeting of board of directors to confirm if all material loans and
advances were approved by the board of directors.
4. Verify that the loan has been acknowledged by the party and in addition, inspect if any
security has been deposited against due repayment of the loan. Ascertain if loans are being
recovered regularly as per agreed instalments.
5. If there are any related party loans and advances, review whether they were properly
authorized and the value of such transactions were reasonable and at arm’s length.
6. In relation to balances with statutory authorities like GST input credit, prepare a reasonability
with respect to purchases/ expenses by applying the applicable rate to the purchases/
expenses and in case of any variance with the asset recorded by the entity, reasons for
variance should be requested from the entity.
7. Further, the auditor should obtain statutory returns filed with the authorities like GST returns
and verify whether the amount recorded as per books of account tallies with the claim made
with the authorities.
1. Assess the allowance for doubtful accounts. Review the process followed by the Company to
derive an allowance for doubtful accounts. This will include a consistency comparison with
the method used in the last year, and a determination of whether the method is appropriate
for the underlying business environment.
➢ Additional disclosures:
Following disclosures shall be made where Loans or Advances in the nature of loans are granted
to promoters, Directors, KMPs and the related parties (as defined under Companies Act, 2013,)
either severally or jointly with any other person, that are:
(a) repayable on demand or
(b) without specifying any terms or period of repayment
A. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR): Where the company covered under section 135 of
the companies act, the following shall be disclosed with regard to CSR activities:-
1. amount required to be spent by the company during the year,
2. amount of expenditure incurred,
3. shortfall at the end of the year,
4. total of previous years shortfall,
5. reason for shortfall,
6. nature of CSR activities,
7. details of related party transactions, e.g., contribution to a trust controlled by the company
in relation to CSR expenditure as per relevant Accounting Standard,
8. where a provision is made with respect to a liability incurred by entering into a contractual
obligation, the movements in the provision during the year should be shown separately.
B. DETAILS OF BENAMI PROPERTY HELD: Where any proceedings have been initiated or pending
against the company for holding any benami property under the Benami Transactions
(Prohibition) Act, 1988 (45 of 1988) and the rules made thereunder, the company shall disclose
the following:-
1. Details of such property, including year of acquisition,
2. Amount thereof,
C. RELATIONSHIP WITH STRUCK OFF COMPANIES: Where the company has any transactions with
companies struck off under section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013 or section 560 of Companies
Act, 1956, the Company shall disclose the following details:
1. Name of struck off Company
2. Nature of transactions with struck off Company
a. Investments in securities
b. Receivables
c. Payables
d. Shares held by stuck off company
e. Other outstanding balances (to be specified)
3. Balance outstanding
4. Relationship with the Struck off company, if any, to be disclosed
Note: The company shall explain the items included in numerator and denominator for computing
the above ratios. Further explanation shall be provided for any change in the ratio by more than
25% as compared to the preceding year.
invested in Crypto currency or Virtual Currency during the financial year, the following shall be
a. profit or loss on transactions involving Crypto currency or Virtual Currency
b. amount of currency held as at the reporting date, deposits or advances from any person for
the purpose of trading or investing in Crypto Currency/ virtual currency.
Audit of Items of Financial Statements 13.44
Ensure whether the following disclosure requirements of Schedule III (Part I) to Companies Act,
2013 have been complied with: Share Capital For each class of share capital (different classes of
preference shares to be treated separately):
a. the number and amount of shares authorised;
b. the number of shares issued, subscribed and fully paid, and subscribed but not fully paid;
c. par value per share;
d. a reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the
reporting period;
e. the rights, preferences and restrictions attaching to each class of shares including restrictions
on the distribution of dividends and the repayment of capital;
f. shares in respect of each class in the company held by its holding company or its ultimate
holding company including shares held by or by subsidiaries or associates of the holding
company or the ultimate holding company in aggregate;
g. shares in the company held by each shareholder holding more than 5 per cent. shares
specifying the number of shares held;
h. shares reserved for issue under options and contracts/commitments for the sale of
shares/disinvestment, including the terms and amounts;
i. for the period of five years immediately preceding the date as at which the Balance Sheet is
(B) Aggregate number and class of shares allotted as fully paid-up pursuant to contract(s)
without payment being received in cash.
(C) Aggregate number and class of shares allotted as fully paid-up by way of bonus shares.
(D) Aggregate number and class of shares bought back.
j. terms of any securities convertible into equity/preference shares issued along with the
earliest date of conversion in descending order starting from the farthest such date;
k. calls unpaid (showing aggregate value of calls unpaid by Directors and officers);
l. forfeited shares (amount originally paid-up).
m. A company shall disclose Shareholding of Promoters as below:
(B) Where a company has received any fund from any person(s) or entity(ies), including foreign
entities (Funding Party) with the understanding (whether recorded in writing or otherwise)
that the company shall
(i) directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner
whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Party (Ultimate Beneficiaries) or
(ii) provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries, the
company shall disclose the following:-
(I) date and amount of fund received from Funding parties with complete details
of each Funding party.
(II) date and amount of fund further advanced or loaned or invested other
intermediaries or Ultimate Beneficiaries along with complete details of the
other intermediaries or ultimate beneficiaries.
(III) date and amount of guarantee, security or the like provided to or on behalf of
the Ultimate Beneficiaries
(IV) declaration that relevant provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act,
1999 (42 of 1999) and Companies Act has been complied with for such
transactions and the transactions are not violative of the Prevention of Money-
Laundering act, 2002 (15 of 2003).]
The auditor is trying to verify assertion relating to “Rights and Obligations”. He is verifying that the
company owns or controls the inventory recorded in the financial statements. Any inventory held by
the company on behalf of another entity has not been recognized as part of inventory of the
This can be achieved by verifying stock records pertaining to goods received from mills and sent back
to mills after carrying out necessary operations. Besides, agreements with such mills may also be
2. A company has availed cash credit facility of ₹ 2 crore (O/s balance ₹ 2 crore as at year end)
from a bank for meeting its working capital requirements against security of stocks and debtors
and guaranteed by directors of the company. Discuss, how the above cash credit facility, would
be classified and disclosed in financial statements of company.
It shall be shown under the head “Borrowings” and classified as Short-term secured borrowings
specifying nature of security. The above said outstanding amount shall be further sub-classified under
heading “Loans repayable on Demand” from Banks. As per requirements of Schedule III of Companies
Act, 2013, where loans have been guaranteed by directors or others, aggregate amount of such loans
under each head shall be disclosed.
3. Various ratios of current year and preceding year are disclosed in financial statements of a
company in accordance with requirements of Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013. Discuss
requirements of law in this regard (Do not list out names of ratios)
A company has to disclose various ratios in its financial statements in accordance with requirements
of Schedule III of Companies Act, 2013. The company shall also explain the terms included in
numerator and denominator for computing the above ratios. Further explanation shall be provided
for any change in the ratio by more than 25% as compared to the preceding year.
5. While verifying depreciation charged to statement of profit and loss account of a company, it
is noticed by auditor that one new machinery was purchased and installed in month of April.
The necessary trials were carried out and machinery was ready for use in April itself. However,
owing to lack of orders in the market, the said machinery was put into actual operation from
1st October. The company has, accordingly, provided depreciation in its books on this
machinery w.e.f. 1st October. Is above recording of deprecation by company proper in its
Depreciation of an asset begins when it is available for use i.e. when it is in the location and condition
necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by the management. Depreciation
on asset is charged on asset from the date when it is ready for use and not from date of actual usage.
Hence, recording of depreciation by company w.e.f. 1st October is not proper.
1. Accounting for Public Funds: It serves as a mechanism or process for public accounting of
government funds.
2. Appraisal of Govt. Policies: It also provides public accounting of the operational,
management, programme and policy aspects of public administration as well as
accountability of the officials administering them.
3. Corrective Actions: Audit observations based on factual data collection also serve to highlight
the lapses of the lower hierarchy, thus helping supervisory level officers to take corrective
4. Administrative Accountability: The main objective of audit is a combination of ensuring
accountability of administration to legislature and functioning as an aid to administration
1. Objective: According to ‘Propriety audit’ the auditors try to bring out cases of improper,
avoidable, or ineffective expenditure even though the expenditure has been incurred in
conformity with the existing rules and regulations.
It is hard to frame any precise rules for regulating the course of audit against propriety. It
depends common sense and straight logic of the auditors.
2. General Principles: However, some general principles have been laid down in the Audit Code,
which have for long been recognised as standards of financial propriety. Audit against
propriety seeks to ensure that expenditure conforms to these principles which have been
stated as follows:
a. The expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasion demands.
b. Every public officer is expected to exercise the same vigilance in respect of expenditure
incurred from public moneys as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect
of expenditure of his own money.
c. No authority should exercise its powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass an order which
will be directly or indirectly to its own advantage.
d. Public moneys should not be utilised for the benefit of a particular person or section of
the community unless:
i. the amount of expenditure involved is insignificant; or
ii. a claim for the amount could be enforced in a Court of law; or
iii. the expenditure is in pursuance of a recognised policy or custom; and
iv. the amount of allowances, such as travelling allowances, granted to meet expenditure
of a particular type should be so regulated that the allowances are not, on the whole,
sources of profit to the recipients.
1. Meaning: is an objective examination of the financial and operational performance of an
organisation, programme, authority or function and is oriented towards identifying
opportunities for greater economy, and effectiveness.
2. It includes the following:
a. Efficiency audit: It looks into whether the various schemes/projects are executed and
their operations conducted economically and whether they are yielding the results
expected of them, i.e., the relationship between goods and services produced and
resources used to produce them; and examination aimed to find out the extent to which
operations are carried out in an economical and efficient manner.
Note: The procedure for conducting performance audit covers identification of topic, preliminary
study, planning, execution of audit, and reporting.
Audit of the accounts of stores and inventories has been developed as a part of expenditure audit
with reference to the duties and responsibilities entrusted to C&AG. Audit is conducted :-
1. To ascertain whether the regulations governing purchase, receipt and issue, custody, sale and
inventory taking of stores are well devised and properly carried out.
2. To bring to the notice of the government any deficiencies in quantities of stores held or any
defects in the system of control.
3. To verify that the purchases are properly sanctioned, made economical and in accordance
with the Rules for purchase laid down by the competent authority.
4. To ensure that the prices paid are reasonable and are in agreement with those shown in the
contract for the supply of stores, and that the certificates of quality and quantity are furnished
by the inspecting and receiving units.
5. Cases of uneconomical purchase of stores and losses attributable to defective or inferior
quality of stores are specifically brought by the audit.
J. DUTIES OF CAG: The Comptroller & Auditor General’s (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service)
Act, 1971 defines functions and powers in detail. The relevant provisions are discussed
2. General Provisions Relating to Audit: It shall be the duty of the Comptroller and Auditor
a. To audit and report on all expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India and of each
State and of each Union Territory having a Legislative Assembly and whether the
expenditure conforms to the authority which governs it;
b. To audit and report all transactions of the Union and of the States relating to
Contingency Funds and Public Accounts;
c. To audit and report on all trading, manufacturing and profit and loss accounts and
balance-sheets and other subsidiary accounts kept in any department of the Union or
of a State.
Meaning of Substantially financed: Where the grant or loan to a body or authority from the
Consolidated Fund of India or of any State or of any Union Territory having a Legislative
Assembly in a financial year is not less than ₹ 25 lakhs and the amount of such grant or loan
is not less than 75% of the total expenditure of that body or authority, such body or authority
shall be deemed, for this purpose to be substantially financed by such grants or loans as the
case may be.
4. Audit of Grants or Loans: Where any grant or loan is given for any specific purpose from the
Consolidated Fund of India or of any State or of any Union Territory having a Legislative
Assembly to any authority or body, not being a foreign State or international organisation,
the Comptroller and Auditor General shall scrutinise the procedures by which the sanctioning
authority satisfies itself as to the fulfillment of the conditions subject to which such grants or
loans were given.
5. Audit of Receipts of Union or States: It shall be the duty of the Comptroller and Auditor
General to audit all receipts which are payable into the Consolidated Fund of India and of each
State and of each Union Territory having a Legislative Assembly.
6. Audit of Accounts of Stores and Inventory: The Comptroller and Auditor General shall have
authority to audit and report on the accounts of stores and inventory kept in any office or
department of the Union or of a State.
7. Audit of Government Companies and Corporations: The duties and powers of the
Comptroller and Auditor General in relation to the audit of the accounts of government
companies shall be performed and exercised by him in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013.
2. Power to conduct Supplementary Audit & comment thereupon: The Comptroller and
Auditor-General of India shall within 60 days from the date of receipt of the audit report have
a right to:
Note: Supplementary audit is an extension of statutory audit done u/s 139 of companies act,
3. Power to conduct Test audit: The CAG has been given the power to order for test audit, if the
circumstances warrant the same.
a. Section 19A of the Comptroller and Auditor- General’s (Duties, Powers and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1971, shall apply to the report of such test audit.
b. Test audit shall be done by CAG himself.
1. Article 150 of the Constitution provides that the accounts of the Union and of the
States shall be kept in such form as the Finance Minister may on the advice of the
C&AG prescribe. Correct/Incorrect.
Incorrect. Article 150 of the Constitution provides that the accounts of the Union and of the
States shall be kept in such form as the President may on the advice of the C&AG prescribe.
2. According to ‘propriety audit’, the auditors try to bring out cases of improper, avoidable,
or infructuous expenditure even though the expenditure has been incurred in conformity
with the existing rules and regulations. Correct/Incorrect.
Correct. According to ‘propriety audit’, the auditors try to bring out cases of improper,
avoidable, or infructuous expenditure even though the expenditure has been incurred in
conformity with the existing rules and regulations.
3. The Comptroller and Auditor General does not have any authority to audit the accounts
of stores and inventory kept in any office or department of the Union or of a State.
Incorrect- The Comptroller and Auditor General shall have authority to audit and report on the
accounts of stores and inventory kept in any office or department of the Union or of a State.
1. It is the duty of Comptroller and Auditor General of India to audit and report on all expenditure
from the Consolidated Fund of India and of each State and of each Union Territory having a
Legislative Assembly and to ascertain whether the moneys shown in the accounts as having
been disbursed were legally available for and applicable to the service or purpose to which they
have been applied or charged and whether the expenditure conforms to the authority which
governs it. Discuss, in above context, what is understood by “Consolidated Fund of India”?
What is its importance?
Consolidated Fund of India consists of all the revenue received from direct and indirect taxes, all the
loans taken by the Govt. of India and all the amount of repayment of loans received by the Govt. of
India. Its importance lies in the fact that all government expenditure is incurred from this fund. No
moneys out of the Consolidated Fund of India shall be appropriated except in accordance with law
and for the purposes and in the manner provided in the Constitution.
1. The auditor to a firm is usually appointed by the partners either on the basis of a decision
taken by them or to comply with a condition in the partnership agreement.
2. His remuneration is also fixed by the partners.
3. It is important that the letter of appointment should clearly state the nature and scope of
audit which is to be carried out and particulars of limitations, if any, under which he would
have to function.
B. MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED BEFORE STARTING AUDIT: Before starting the audit, he should
examine the partnership agreement and note the provisions therein as regards the following
1. The name and style under which the business shall be conducted.
2. The duration of the partnership, if any, that has been agreed upon.
3. The amount of capital that shall be contributed by each partner.
4. The period at the end of which the accounts of the partnership will be closed.
5. The proportions in which the profit shall be divided among the partners or losses shall have
to be contributed by them.
6. The provisions as regards maintenance of books of account and the matters which must be
taken into account for determining the profits of the firm available for division among the
7. Borrowing capacity of the partnership.
B. AUDIT OF THE ACCOUNTS OF AN LLP: The accounts of every LLP shall be audited in accordance
with Rule 24 of LLP, Rules 2009.
Such rules, inter-alia, provides that any LLP, whose turnover does not exceed, in any financial
year, forty lakh rupees, or whose contribution does not exceed twenty five lakh rupees, is not
required to get its accounts audited.
However, if the partners of such limited liability partnership decide to get the accounts of such
LLP audited, the accounts shall be audited only in accordance with such rule.
C. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR: The auditor may be appointed by the designated partners of the
1. At any time for the first financial year but before the end of first financial year (First auditor)
2. At least thirty days prior to the end of each financial year(other than the first financial year)
3. To fill the causal vacancy in the office of auditor (by any reason),
The partners may appoint the auditors if the designated partners have failed to appoint them.
The fees for such inspection of an LLP is ₹ 50/- and fees for certified copy or extract of any
document u/s 36 shall ₹ 5/- per page.
1. Meaning: A Municipality can be defined as a unit of local self-government in an urban area.
By the term ‘local self-government’ is ordinarily understood the administration of a locality
a. a village, a town, a city or any other area smaller than a state
b. by a body representing the local inhabitants, possessing fairly large autonomy,
c. raising at least a part of its revenue through local taxation and spending its income on
services which are regarded as local and, therefore, distinct from state and central
2. Municipal government in India covers five distinct types of urban local authorities-
a. the municipal corporations,
1. Budgetary Procedure:
a. Budgetary procedures in local bodies ensures financial accountability and control of
b. The main objective is to ensure that funds are raised and moneys are spent by the
executive departments in accordance with the rules and regulations and within the limits
of sanction and authorisation by the legislature or council.
c. Budget preparation is usually the occasion for determining the levels of taxation and rates
and the ceilings on expenditure.
2. Expenditure Control:
a. At the state and central government level is conditioned by the fact that there is a clear
demarcation between the legislature and executive.
B. SOURCES AND APPLICATIONS OF FUNDS: The main sources of funds include grants and
donations, fund raising programmes, advertisements, fees from the members, technical
assistance fees / fee for services rendered, subscriptions, gifts, sale of produce or publications,
1. Donations and grants received in the nature of promoter’s contribution are in the nature of
capital receipts and shown as liabilities in the Balance Sheet of NGO. These may either be in
the form of corpus contribution or a contribution towards revolving fund. A contribution
made towards the capital or the corpus of an NGO is known as corpus contribution. The
donors are generally required to specify whether the donation/grant given by him shall form
part of the corpus of the NGO. Such contributions are generally given with reference to the
total funds required by an NGO.
2. Section 11(1)(d) of the Income Tax Act 1961 also states that income in the form of voluntary
contributions made with a specific direction that they shall form part of the corpus of the trust
or institution shall not be included in the computation of total income.
3. The objective of a contribution or grant towards a Revolving Fund is to rotate the amount by
giving temporary loans from the fund to other NGO or beneficiaries for their projects and then
recover the loan so as to give temporary loans again and so on. However, any interest earned
from the beneficiary on such temporary loans from the revolving fund could be either added
back to the fund or credited to the Income and Expenditure Account depending on restrictions
laid down by the authority providing the contribution (for the revolving fund) or by the rules
and regulations laid down by the concerned NGO in this regard.
4. Donations and grants received for acquisition of specific fixed assets are those grants whose
primary condition is that an NGO accepting them should purchase, construct or otherwise
acquire the assets for which the grant is given.
5. Many a times NGOs receive contributions in kind. These contributions include assets such as
land, buildings, vehicles, office equipment, etc. and articles related to programmes / projects
such as food, books, building materials, clothes, beds, and raw material for training purposes,
e.g., Wool, reeds, cloth, etc.
6. The areas of application of funds for an NGO include Establishment Costs, Office and
Administrative Expenses, Maintenance Expenses, Programme / Project Expenses, Charity,
Donations and Contributions given, etc.
D. AUDIT PROGRAMME: The audit programme should include in a sequential order all assets,
liabilities, income and expenditure ensuring that no material item is omitted.
1. Corpus Fund: The contributions / grants received towards corpus be vouched with special
reference to the letters from the donor(s). The interest income be checked with Investment
Register and Physical Investments in hand.
2. Reserves: Vouch transfers from projects / programmes with donors letters and board
resolutions of NGO.
3. Ear-marked Funds: Check requirements of donors institutions, board resolution of NGO, rules
and regulations of the schemes of the ear-marked funds.
4. Loans: Vouch loans with loan agreements, counterfoil of receipt issued.
5. Fixed Assets: Vouch all acquisitions / sale or disposal of assets including depreciation and the
authorisations for the same. Also check donor’s letters/ agreements for the grant. In the case
of immovable property check title, etc.
6. Investments: Check Investment Register and the investments physically ensuring that
investments are in the name of the NGO. Verify further investments and dis- investments for
approval by the appropriate authority and reference in the bank accounts for the principal
amount and interest.
7. Cash in Hand: Physically verify the cash in hand and imprest balances, at the close of the year
and whether it tallies with the books of account.
8. Bank Balance: Check the bank reconciliation statements and ascertain details for old
outstanding and unadjusted amounts.
9. Inventory: Verify inventory in hand and obtain certificate from the management for the
quantities and valuation of the same.
E. AUDIT OF RECEIPTS OF NGO: The receipt of income of NGO may be checked on the following
1. Contributions and Grants for projects and programmes:
a. Check agreements with donors and grants letters to ensure that funds received have been
accounted for.
b. Check that all foreign contribution receipts are deposited in the foreign contribution bank
account as notified under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976.
2. Receipts from fund raising programmes: Verify in detail the internal control system and
ascertain who are the persons responsible for collection of funds and mode of receipt. Ensure
that collections are counted and deposited in the bank daily.
3. Membership Fees:
a. Check fees received with Membership Register.
b. Ensure proper classification is made between entrance and annual fees and life
membership fees.
c. Reconcile fees received with fees to be received during the year.
4. Subscriptions:
a. Check with subscription register and receipts issued.
b. Reconcile subscription received with printing and dispatch of corresponding magazine /
circulars / periodicals. Check the receipts with subscription rate schedule.
5. Interest and Dividends: Check the interest and dividends received and receivable with
investments held during the year.
1. You have been appointed as an auditor of an NGO, briefly state the points on which
you would concentrate while planning the audit of such an organisation?
Answer: Refer above answer
2. An NGO operating in Delhi had collected large scale donations for Tsunami victims. The
donations so collected were sent to different NGOs operating in Tamil Nadu for relief
operations. This NGO operating in Delhi has appointed you to audit its accounts for the
year in which it collected and remitted donations for Tsunami victims. Draft audit
1. Studying the constitution under which the charitable institution has been set up.
2. Verifying whether the institution is being managed in the manner contemplated by the law
under which it has been set up.
3. Examining the system of internal check, especially as regards accounting of amounts
4. Verifying in detail the income and confirming that the amounts received have been deposited
in the bank regularly and promptly.
5. Examine the Trust Deed or the Regulations as laid down.
1. Subscriptions and donations:
a. Ascertaining, if any, the changes made in amount of annual or life membership
subscription during the year.
b. Whether official receipts are issued;
i. Confirming that adequate control is imposed over unused receipt books;
ii. Obtaining all receipt books covering the period under review;
iii. Test checking the counterfoils with the cash book; any cancelled receipts being
specially looked into.
iv. obtaining the printed list of subscriptions and donations and agreeing them with the
total collections shown in the accounts;
v. verifying the total subscriptions and donations received with any figures published in
reports, etc. issued by the charity.
2. Legacies: Verifying the amounts received by reference to correspondence with any figures
and other available information.
3. Grants:
a. Vouching the amount received with the relevant correspondence, receipts and minute
b. Obtaining a certificate from a responsible official showing the amount of grants received.
4. Investments Income:
a. Vouching the amounts received with the dividend and interest counterfoils.
b. Checking the calculations of interest received on securities bearing fixed rates of interest.
c. Checking that the appropriate dividend has been received where any investment has been
sold ex-dividend or purchased cum-dividend.
1. Vouching payment of grants, also verifying that the grants have been paid only for a charitable
purpose or purposes falling within the purview of the objects for which the charitable
institution has been set up and that no trustee, director or member of the Managing
Committee has benefited there from either directly or indirectly.
2. Verifying the schedules of securities held, as well as inventories of properties both movable
and immovable by inspecting the securities and title deeds of property and by physical
verification of the movable properties on a test- basis.
3. Verifying the cash and bank payments.
4. Ascertaining that any funds contributed for a special purpose have been utilised for the
1. Mention the special points to be examined by the auditor in the audit of a charitable
institution running hostel for students pursuing the Chartered Accountancy Course and
which charges only Rs. 500 per month from a student for his lodging/boarding.
Answer: Refer above answer
1. Examine the Trust Deed or Regulations, in the case of school or college and note all the
provisions affecting accounts. In the case of a university, refer to the Act of Legislature and
the Regulation framed thereunder.
1. Verify that the Provident Fund money of the staff has been invested in appropriate securities.
2. Vouch donations, if any with the list published with the annual report. If some donations were
meant for any specific purpose, see that the money was utilised for the purpose.
3. Vouch, all capital expenditure in the usual way and verify the same with the sanction for the
Committee as contained in the minute book.
4. Vouch, in the usual manner, all establishment expenses and enquire into any unduly heavy
expenditure under any head. If there was any annual budget prepared, see that any excess
under any head over the budgeted amount was duly sanctioned by the Managing Committee.
If not, bring it to the Committee’s notice in your report.
5. See that increase in the salaries of the staff have been sanctioned and minuted by the
6. Ascertain that the system ordering inspection on receipt and issue of provisions, foodstuffs,
clothing and other equipment is efficient and all bills are duly authorised and passed before
7. Verify the inventories of furniture, stationery, clothing, provision and all equipment etc. These
should be checked by reference to Inventory Register or corresponding inventories of the
previous year and values applied to various items should be test checked.
a. Vouch the Register of patients with copies of bills issued to them.
b. Verify bills for a selected period with the patients’ attendance record to see that the bills have
been correctly prepared.
c. Also see that bills have been issued to all patients from whom an amount was recoverable
according to the rules of the hospital.
2. COLLECTION OF CASH: Check cash collections as entered in the Cash Book with the receipts,
counterfoils and other evidence for example, copies of patients bills, counterfoils of dividend and
other interest warrants, copies of rent bills, etc.
a. Vouching the amounts received with the dividend and interest counterfoils.
b. Checking the calculations of interest received on securities bearing fixed rates of interest.
1. ENTRANCE FEE: Vouch the receipt on account of entrance fees with members’ applications,
counterfoils issued to them, as well as on a reference to minutes of the Managing Committee.
Audit of Various entities 15.14
a. Vouch members’ subscriptions with the counterfoils of receipt issued to them, trace receipts
for a selected period to the Register of Members.
b. Also reconcile the amount of total subscriptions due with the amount collected and that
3. ARREARS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS: Ensure that arrears of subscriptions for the previous year have
been correctly brought over and arrears for the year under audit and subscriptions received in
advance have been correctly adjusted.
4. ARITHMETICAL ACCURACY: Check totals of various columns of the Register of members and tally
them across.
5. IRRECOVERABLE MEMBER DUES: See the Register of Members to ascertain the Member’s dues
which are in arrear and enquire whether necessary steps have been taken for their recovery; the
amount considered irrecoverable should be mentioned in the Audit Report.
6. PRICING: Verify the internal check as regards members being charged with the price of foodstuffs
and drinks provided to them and their guests, as well as, with the fees chargeable for the special
services rendered, such as billiards, tennis, etc.
7. MEMBER ACCOUNTS: Trace debits for a selected period from subsidiary registers maintained in
respect of supplies and services to members to confirm that the account of every member has
been debited with amounts recoverable from him.
8. PURCHASES: Vouch purchase of sports items, furniture, crockery, etc. and trace their entries into
the respective inventory registers.
9. MARGINS EARNED: Vouch purchases of foodstuffs, cigars, wines, etc., and test their sale price so
as to confirm that the normal rates of gross profit have been earned on their sales. The inventory
of unsold provisions and stores, at the end of year, should be verified physically and its valuation
10. INVENTORIES: Check the inventory of furniture, sports material and other assets physically with
the respective inventory registers or inventories prepared at the end of the year.
11. INVESTMENTS: Inspect the share scrips and bonds in respect of investments, check their current
values for disclosure in final accounts; also ascertain that the arrangements for their safe custody
are satisfactory.
1. Verify the internal control mechanism-
a. That entrance to the cinema-hall during show is only through printed tickets.
b. That they are serially numbered and bound into books.
c. That the number of tickets issued for each show and class, are different though the
numbers of the same class for the show on the same day, each week, run serially.
d. That for advance booking a separate series of tickets is issued; and
e. That the inventory of tickets is kept in the custody of a responsible official.
1. Vouch the expenditure incurred on advertisement, repairs and maintenance. No part of such
expenditure should be capitalized.
2. Confirm that depreciation on machinery and furniture has been charged at an appropriate
3. Vouch payments on account of film hire with bills of distributors and in the process, the
agreements concerned should be referred to.
4. Examine unadjusted balance out of advance paid to the distributors against film hire contracts
to see that they are good and recoverable. If any film in respect of which an advance was paid
has already run, it should be enquired as to why the advance has not been adjusted. The
management should be asked to make a provision in respect of advances that are considered
1. You are auditing the Books of accounts of Karla Multiplex which runs 15 Film shows
every day. One of the major issues which are of concern to you as an auditor is the
Agreement entered into the Multiplex owners with the Film Distributors. State what
points would you check as an auditor in this respect.
Answer: Refer above answer
1. The inventories in any hotel are both readily portable and saleable particularly the food and
beverage inventories.
2. It is therefore extremely important that all movements and transfers of such inventories
should be properly documented to enable control to be exercised over each individual stores
areas and sales point.
3. Areas where large quantities of inventory are held should be kept locked, the key being
retained by the departmental manager.
4. The key should be released only to trusted personnel and unauthorised persons should not
be permitted in the stores areas except under constant supervision.
5. In order to satisfy himself, the auditor should consider attending the physical inventory taking
and carrying out certain pricing and calculation tests.
D. FIXED ASSETS: The auditor should see that costs of repairs and minor renovation and
redecoration are treated as revenue expenditure, whereas costs of major alterations and
additions to the hotel building and facilities capitalised.
1. The hotel trade operates to very large extent on casual labour.
1. As an auditor, what would be your areas of consideration while auditing the element of
ROOM SALES during the audit of a 5-Star Hotel.
Answer: Refer Point B from above answer
1. CA Akash Virmani is auditor of a partnership firm consisting of 4 partners. During the year, one
of the partners has retired and another partner has joined the next day. Discuss, any one point,
which shall be considered by you to ensure that financial statements of firm are not misstated
due to change of constitution of firm.
The auditor shall consider provisions of retirement deed/partnership deed for date of retiring and
joining of partners. It should be ensured that profits are appropriately distributed up to date of
retirement. Further, profits after retirement should have been distributed among partners as per
terms of new partnership deed.
The fees concessions have to be under proper authority of school management. The auditor would
verify internal controls in this regard.
Besides, detailed checking of few cases needs to be undertaken to ensure genuineness of fees
concessions and proper management approvals.