XO Plus FAQs
XO Plus FAQs
XO Plus FAQs
Monthly Subscription
$51.52 $71.34 $91.14 $120.87 $170.41 $288
Charges (incl 7% GST)
Monthly Subscription
$52 $72 $92 $122 $172 $290.69
(8% GST) (1 Jan 2023)
180GB + Free
Data 10GB 80GB 110GB 130GB 170GB 50GB for 24
Local Outgoing Talktime 100 mins 300 mins 600 mins 800 mins 1200 mins 1800 mins
Local SMS 100 SMS 300 SMS 600 SMS 800 SMS 1200 SMS 1800 SMS
N.A. $200 Price plan $500 Price plan
voucher voucher (Issued
(Issued every 21 every 12
months) months)
Other Benefits
30 GB roaming
data, 30 mins &
30 SMS
Add on 5G
5G Access Now at Free Free Free Free Free
5. Will there be any changes to the value of the vouchers provided for XO Plus 172?
The value of the voucher will remain similar. XO Plus 172 customers will be issued a $200 voucher every 21 months on the plan,
similar to customers on XO Plus 168.
9. What are the charges if I use more than my XO Plus plan’s local data bundle?
If you use more than your monthly local data bundle, excess data usage is charged at $18 for every 18GB block and capped at
13. If I am on a Combo plan with an existing DATA X add-on within contract, can I still change my plan to a XO Plus plan?
Yes, you may do so. Please note that a penalty will apply for downgrade in plan. The remaining contract penalty for any DATA X 2/
3/ 4 add-on will be waived for any plan upgrades to XO Plus plans.
Data X INFINITY will remain on the new XO Plus plan until you request to terminate it. Remaining contract penalty for the add-on
14. If I am on a Combo plan with an existing 5G NOW add-on within contract, can I still change my plan to a XO Plus plan?
Yes, you may do so. Please note that a penalty will apply for a downgrade in plan. The remaining contract penalty for the 5G
NOW add-on will be waived for any plan upgrades to XO Plus plans.
15. I am currently on a Multi-SIM service. Can I retain my Multi-SIM card and sign up for a XO Plus plan?
Do note that XO Plus plans are not eligible for Multi-SIM. If you wish to share your plan bundle on a supplementary line, you may
sign up for our 5G MobileShare Plus Supplementary plan on https://shop.singtel.com/plans.