The Gottman Method
The Gottman Method
The Gottman Method
Presented by
Durwood Whitten, PhD
Completed Gottman training through Level 3
Licensed Psychologist and Principal Partner of Complete Wellness, Inc
Fielding Graduate University, Class of 2010
“You are getting off track…” “We are getting off track…”
6. Favorite movie:
7. Favorite TV shows:
Practice self-soothing to keep calm; take breaks
Process Regrettable Incidents and Past Emotional Injuries
Use softened startup
The goal is not to help
Repair and de-escalate
the couple resolve
Accept influence from your partner – find their conflicts – but to
common ground help them tolerate,
Be open to Compromise discuss, and even poke
fun at perpetual
69% of all issues are PERPETUAL: Discuss perpetual conflicts
problems - move from gridlock to dialogue by
focusing on the existential meaning of each
person’s position on the issue
Take turns listening – DREAMS WITHIN CONFLICT exercise
Solve your solvable problems
Share ideas about legacy and meaning in order to create shared cultural
rituals and purpose
Couples therapy is primarily DYADIC
The role of emotion: A) Learning is state dependent B) All emotions and
wishes are acceptable and need to be expressed/understood
The therapist’s role in soothing
Interventions should have low psychological cost
Couples therapy as a positive affective experience
GMCT is about building the “good enough marriage” rather than the
ideal marriage
Overall, where are they each in the relationship?
What is the nature of the couple’s friendship?
What is the nature of sentiment override – positive or negative?
What is the nature of the conflict and its regulation?
What is the nature of their life dreams and shared meaning system?
What are the potential resistances?
Structure: 3 sessions of 1.5 hrs each:
1. Oral history/Sample of interaction (video if possible);
2. Meet each individually to assess commitment, presence of abuse,
history of betrayals, substance abuse/psychopathology;
3. Conjoint session summarizing the assessment based on Sound
Relationship House and contracting
Starting session by catching up, especially checking up on any
Pre-intervention interaction: therapist remains quiet – may use video
Before suggesting intervention, ask couple to suggest their own
Ask if the intervention seems phony/foreign
Ask how they can make it feel more natural and consistent with their
personality – Couple owns the intervention
Explore any resistances
Resistance is not failure but a chance to discover the client’s internal
working model
Give homework so couple can generalize new skill in everyday life
Gottman, J. M., & Silver, N. (2012). What makes love last: How to build trust and
avoid betrayal. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Gottman, J. M., Gottman, J. S., & DeClaire, J. (2006). 10 lessons to transform your
marriage. New York: Crown Publishers.
Gottman, J. M., & DeClaire, J. (2001). The relationship cure: A 5 step guide for
building better connections with family, friends and lovers. New York: Crown
Gottman, J. M., & Silver, N. (1999). The seven principles for making marriage
work. New York: Crown Publishers.
Gottman, J. S. (Ed.). (2004). The marriage clinic casebook. New York: W.W.
Norton and Company.
WEBSITES – the website of The Gottman Institute
o Necessary for cultural competence
5 Love Languages
o Words of Affirmation
o Quality Time
o Physical Affection
o Acts of Service
o Gifts