Internship Report
Internship Report
Internship Report
Submitted by
In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of
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Et;to c.1..ot\:an
This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project
entitled Internship has been carried out by ahir nirav j under my guidance in
partial fulfilment for the diploma in Engineering in Electrical Engineering, 5th
Semester of Gujarat Technological University ersity, Ahmadabad during the
academic year 2023- 2024.
Sign Sign
Page I2
Entlehlng Skill$
An ISO 900'1:2015 Compafl'f'
This certificate is presented to
iSi ara; aiSuvera
for completion of 15 days Industrial on SCADA
(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition} Technology
from 27th July 2023 to 10th August 2023
10th August 2023
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Project would have not been possible without the help of many people that is why we would like
to thank all of them for their help.
During this Project we got a good experience of real work, which is completely different from
the academics. And this Project can be considered as the final step towards achieving the
Bachelor degree. We are very thankful to many people who helped us during our training.
We express our gratitude to our College GROW MORE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING for
giving this opportunity to undertake this training.
And last we convey our sincere thanks to Prof. Ramesh Prajapati (HOD,Department of EC,
GMFE), Asst. Prof. Sohil Luhar (Internal Guide) and other faculty members who the
necessary help in the training. Besides this we would like to thank all those people who helped
us in one or other way.
Page I5
This paper presents the development of a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADAJ based
remote terminal unit (RTU) for customer side distribution automation system (DAS). It is to apply
automation technique for operating and controlling low voltage (LV) down stream of 415/240 V.
The SCADA system developed provides fault isolation operation, monitoring and controlling
functions for the operators and data collection for future analysis. An embedded Ethernet
controller is used as RTU to act as converter for human machine interface (HMI) and to interact
with digital input and output modules. RTU is the master and digital input and output modules are
the slaves. RTU will initiate the transaction with the digital input and output modules. Two
proprietary software systems are used are to develop algorithm for the controller and to develop
HMI for monitoring and controlling functions for the operator.
Page I6
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................9
5. Snap Shots......................................................................................................................................................... 24
6. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................... 33
7. FEATURE S OF SCADA............................................................................................................... 34
Page I7
Page I8
► The term SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. A SCADA system is a
common process automation system which is used to gather data from sensors and instruments
located at remote sites and to transmit and display this data at a central site
► for control or monitoring purposes. The collected data is usually viewed on one or more SCADA
Host computers located at the central or master site.
► A real world SCADA system can monitor and control hundreds to hundreds of thousands of VO
points. A typical Water SCADA application would be to monitor water levels at various water
► like reservoirs and tanks and when the water level exceeds a preset threshold, activate the system of
pumps to move water to tanks with low tank levels.
Page I9
► A SCADA system project is a complex and challenging undertaking that involves planning,
designing, installing, testing, and operating a supervisory control and data acquisition system for
industrial processes.
► Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware elements
that allows industrial organizations to: Control industrial processes locally or at remote locations.
Monitor, gather, and process real-time data.
1.2 Purpose
► What does SCADA stand for? Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
systems are used for controlling, monitoring, and analyzing industrial devices and
processes. The system consists of both software and hardware components and enables
remote and on-site gathering of data from the industrial equipment.
► SCADA systems include hardware and software components. The hardware gathers
and feeds data into field controller systems, which forward the data to other systems that
process and present it to a human-machine interface (HMI) in a timely manner. SCADA
systems also record and log all events for reporting process status and issues. SCADA
applications warn when conditions become hazardous by sounding alarms.
Page I 10
► SCADA allows for real-time plant information to be accessed from anywhere around the world.
SCADA has important role on automation project. SCADA has huge scope in all types of industries.
The entire automation field is heavily reliant on them in an industrial setup.
► SCADA, a system for gathering real time data, controlling processes, and monitoring CI equipment
from remote locations is a popular target for attacks. As more companies are implementing an open
SCADA architecture through the Internet to monitor CI components such as power plants, oil and
gas pipelines, chemical refineries, flood control dams, and waste and water systems, vital systems
are becoming increasingly open to attack.
► Communications protocols are necessary for the movement of electric power, gas, oil, and
transportation, and great interest in these systems has yielded several attacks in recent years.
► As more sophisticated and successful cybe rattacks are launched, increased attention is being given
to the security and protection of SCADA systems. According to the Industrial Control Systems
Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT),
Page I 11
► An important policy document known as the Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD63) defined
critical infrastructure as ''those physical and cyber-based systems essential to the minimum
operation.s of the economy and government'' (Homeland Security Digital Library, n.d). It defined
critical infrastructure as including: telecommunications, energy, banking and finance, transportation,
water systems, emergency services and essential government services.
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► The entire nation as well as its bordering nations and several parts of the world who depend on us
will be affected if an exploitation was successful.
Page I 12
► SCADA, a system for gathering real time data, controlling processes, and monitoring CI equipment
from remote locations is a popular target for attacks. As more companies are implementing an open
SCADA architecture through the Internet to monitor.
► CI components such as power plants, oil and gas pipelines, chemical refineries, flood control dams,
and waste and water systems, vital systems are becoming increasingly open to
attack. Communications protocols are necessary for the movement of electric power.
► gas, oil, and transportation, and great interest in these systems has yielded several attacks in recent
years. Some attacks were viruses specifically targeting programmable logic controller (PLC) and
SCADA systems. Even though there are proven and reliable encryption systems designed for
industrial use, the overwhelming majority of SCADA systems in use do not use any authentication
or encryption methods.
► Most of our critical infrastructure (energy, water, telecommunications, rail and traffic management)
is controlled by SCADA systems that are connected to the rest of the world via high-speed data
networks. This makes them vulnerable to hackers or cyber-terrorists, who may be motivated to harm
these assets, steal, alter or inject data within the SCADA system.
► Critical infrastructure systems need to be protected from eavesdropping, but more importantly
against the injection of rogue data. The impact of fooling a ater treatment pl nt into thinking a
process had already been completed, or a power plant to think 1t was cooler than 1t really was, could
be catastrophic.
► Because SCADA control systems are used to manage anything from commercial and industrial
control systems to critical energy, water and telecommunications infrastructures, they are a prime
target for cyber-attacks by criminals, rogue states and terrorists.
► Even private data networks are vulnerable; which is why they should be protected with high
assurance data encryption to ensure both secrecy and integrity of data.
► We'd even argue that whatever high-assurance encryption solution is chosen, it should also be
''crypto-agile'' and quantum ready. That ensures the best long-term encryption security solution.
Page I 13
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► Attack: Intruder scans hundreds of phone numbers. When a possible connection is detected, multiple
returns. Login dialogue is acquired, followed by social engineering to determine login information
or dictionary-based or brute force attack is launched.
► Once connection is completed, attacker gains entry to shut off the device, gather data, change
settings, plant instructions, ark
change the data and/or degrade the device. Several actions can be taken
by the attacker to destroy or manipulate the system and harm populations.
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Page I 14
• Alarm Handling.
• Trend Curves Patterns.
• Data Access and Retrieval.
• Computer Networking and Processing.
a).Data Records
► A SCADA system can collect any type of data from plant equipment, such as temperature, pressure,
and speed data, as long as there is a connection to the equipment. Data from the equipment is the
raw data that the PLCs or RTUs then translate into comprehensible information for human operators
to act upon.
► The Report Page provides a variety of pre-defined report types designed to analyze the performance
of the equipment comprising your physical system. Most can be used across a wide variety of
industries while others are intended specifically for use in water and wastewater.
Page I 15
► ofWindows
• Windows 10 IoT
• Windows 11
• Windows 10 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)
Page I 16
► They pull together hardware, software, and connectivity and then organize it into four layers: field
instrumentation; programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and remote telemetry units (RTUs);
communications; and the SCADA host platform.
► How many levels are present in a complex SCADA system? Explanation: There are four-levels in a
complex SCADA system. In complex SCADA architectures, there is a variety of wired and wireless
media. A diverse range of wired and wireless media can be utilized by the complex SCADA system.
► A sensor is a feature of a device or system that detects inputs from industrial processes. An actuator is
a feature of the device or system that controls the mechanism of the process. In simple terms, a sensor
functions like a gauge or meter, which displays the status of a machine; an actuator acts like a switch,
dial or control valve that can be used to control a device. Both sensors and actuators are controlled and
monitored by SCADA field controllers.
► Remote telemetry units, also called remote terminal units (RTUs), interface with sensors to
collect telemetry data and forward it to a primary system for further action.
► Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) interface with actuators to control industrial processes,
usually based on current telemetry collected by RTUs and the standards set for the processes.
Page I 17
• Explain PLC?
• What are the different parts of automation?
• What are the implementations of PLC automation?
• Role of PLC in Automation?
• What is redundancy in PLC?
• What is scan in PLC?
• How does a Latch coil work?
• What is a draw close to the control relay?
► 32- or 64-bit Windows OS. 2 GHz dual-core processor. 40 GB free drive space. 4 GB RAM.
• Control. Automated process control based on defined set-points is another SCADA function....
• Alarms....
• HMI.
Page I 18
Scalability: The system must be able to scale up or down as needed. Availability: The system
must be available when needed. Maintenance: The system must be easy to maintain and update.
Portability: The system must be able to run on different platforms with minimal changes.
► A successful project not only meets the technical and functional requirements, but also
delivers value and benefits to the stakeholders. To ensure that the project outcomes are
aligned with the expectations and objectives, it is essential to evaluate and report the
results and lessons learned of the project in a systematic and transparent way. In this
article, we will discuss how you can do that using some practical steps and tools.
► The first step when evaluating a project is to define the criteria for measuring and
assessing its performance and impact.
► These criteria should be based on the project scope, goals, deliverables, and indicators that
were established at the beginning of the project, as well as taking into account feedback
from the project team, end users, sponsors, and other stakeholders.
Page I 19
► A typical supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system or an energy management
system (EMS) has an installed life of only 10 to 15 years. System operations' needs and the
underlying technology are rapidly changing,
► so it is unlikely that the life expectancy will increase any time soon. Because it can take 5 years or
more to implement a new EMS or SCADA system, managing such projects is becoming a way of
life for utilities. Therefore, it behooves utility engineers to be familiar with the process of managing
► EMS or SCADA implementation projects. Implementing a new EMS or SCADA system is a project
management challenge. It is a challenge that can be met by using state-of-the-art project
management tools, together with old-fashioned discipline. One of the first orders of business is to
establish a preliminary project schedule. As described in this article, the process encompasses three
major phases: (1) project definition, (2) procurement, and (3) implementation.
Project Plan
► SCADA provides organizations with the tools needed to make and deploy data-driven decisions
regarding their industrial processes. One of the most commonly used types of industrial control
system, SCADA can be used to manage almost any type of industrial process.
► In a conventional SCADA master plan, the project team gathers information on the major
components of the SCADA system and the processes it monitors and controls. The components
include PLCs, servers, workstations, communications equipment, process control narratives, and
operational objectives.
Project Scheduling
► SCADA master plans are typically shaped by plant processes, end users' specific necessities, budget
constraints, the ascension of new disruptive technological paradigms and unexpected challenges
such as the current pandemic, which calls for more unsupervised intelligent controls and secure
remote access.
► An SMP is an organized set of proposals, engineering documents and guidelines to generate the
design framework and roadmap for capital expense projects related to SCADA and automation
assets to be executed during a specified period.
Page I 20
Iterative Model
► Iterative process starts with a simple implementation of a subset of the software
requirements anditeratively enhances the evolving versions until the full system is
implemented. At each iteration, design modifications are made and new functional
capabilities are added.
► "During software development, more than one iteration of the software development cycle
may be in progress at the same time." and "This process may be described as an 'evolutionary
acquisition' or 'incremental build' approach." The relationship between iterations and
increments is determined by the overall software development methodology and software
development process. The exact number and nature of the particular incremental builds and
what is iterated will be specific to each individual development effort.
► An iterative life cycle model does not attempt to start with a full specification of
requirements. Instead, development begins by specifying and implementing just part of the
software, which can then be reviewed in order to identify further requirements. This process
is then repeated, producing a new version of the software for each cycle of the model.
Page I 21
► Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware
elements that allows industrial organizations to: Control industrial processes locally or at
remote locations. Monitor, gather, and process real-time data.
► The Symbol Factory Universal is the combination of a software application for the management and
manipulation of the appearance of an included, extensive library of industrial graphics optimized for
high performance for use in industrial automation HMI applications, including pumps, pipes, valves,
tanks, mixers, motors ...
► Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are used for controlling, monitoring,
and analyzing industrial devices and processes. The system consists of both software and hardware
components and enables remote and on-site gathering of data from the industrial equipment.
► Symbol Systems is a theory of media-based learning. Its perspectives on learning are based on
Information Processing Theory, and so both the learner and the medium of learning are described in
terms of symbol-based processing. (Hence the theory's name.)
Page I 22
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► HMI/SCADA collects data from RTUs (Remote Terminal Units), PLCs (Programmable Logic
Controllers), and other control devices such as flow meters and temperature controllers. This data is
presented to an operator using a Human Machine Interface (HMI).
► While SCADA systems are standard with industrial systems, IoT adds features and functionality
where SCADA ends. SCADA and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) concepts and their overall
system architecture face cybersecurity challenges since they are a likely target for advanced hacking
Page I 23
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Page I 24
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Page I 26
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Page I 27
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Page I 28
Page I 29
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Page I 30
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Page I 31
Page I 32
► Generating stations and power lines were interconnected to provide redundancy. As the system
expanded and began to scale out in size, it became harder to manage. Solutions were needed to face
the challenges of controlling equipment over long distances. To overcome this, operating personnel
were often stationed at the important points in this grid system so that they could monitor and
quickly respond to any problems that might arise due to any fault or failure. They would
communicate with central electricity dispatchers, often employing telephone, to keep them informed
about the condition of the system.
► n the early years when electric power systems began developing, electricity generation plants were
only associated with their respective local loads. If anything failed in the whole linearly connected
system, which could include subsystems like generating plant, power lines, connections, then the
lights would be out. Customers had not yet adapted to depend on electricity. Outages, whether
routine or emergency, were taken as a matter of course. As reliance on electricity grew, so did the
need to find ways to improve reliability.
Page I 33
1. Alaram Handling
6. Security
7. Device Connectivity
8. Database Connectivity
Page I 34
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