Does It Matter When You Review
Does It Matter When You Review
Does It Matter When You Review
Replication Study
John Rogers *
The Education University of Hong Kong
Anisa Cheung
The Education University of Hong Kong
This study is a conceptual replication of Rogers and Cheung’s (2018) investigation into distribution
of practice effects on the learning of L2 vocabulary in child EFL classrooms in Hong Kong.
Following a pretest, treatment, delayed posttest design, 66 primary school students (Cantonese L1)
studied 20 vocabulary items over three training episodes under spaced-short (1-day interval) or
spaced-long (8-day interval) learning conditions. The spacing of the vocabulary items was manip-
ulated within-participants, and learning was assessed using crossword puzzles following a 4-week
delay. While Rogers and Cheung (2018) resulted in minimal overall learning with a slight advantage
for the spaced-short group, this study found large learning gains across the experimental conditions
with no significant differences between the two learning schedules. Taken together, these results
provide evidence that the results from previous research examining input spacing with adult
populations in laboratory contexts might not generalize to authentic child learning contexts.
How learning and instruction might be optimized remains an important goal for second
language acquisition (SLA) research, with clear implications for classroom practice
(Rogers & Leow, 2020; Suzuki et al., 2019, 2020). One area that has received consid-
erable attention within the field of cognitive psychology is how the distribution of practice
might influence the quantity and quality of learning that takes place. Distribution of
practice, also referred to as input spacing, refers to whether and how learning is spaced
* Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to John Rogers, Department of English Language
Education, The Education University of Hong Kong, Room 22B, 1/F, Block B4, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T.,
Hong Kong. E-mail:
The motivation for Rogers and Cheung’s (2018) original study was rooted in questions of
the generalizability of previous input spacing research in authentic SLA teaching and
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Input Spacing and Ecological Validity 3
learning contexts. Although distribution of practice effects are frequently cited as one of
the most widely researched and robust findings in all the educational sciences, it has been
argued that only a handful of these studies are “educationally relevant” (Rohrer, 2015). As
such, Rogers and Cheung (2018) contend that there is a far less stable foundation to base
any claims of the benefits of distributing practice over longer periods than is typically
A second criticism levied by Rogers and Cheung (2018) concerns the ecological
validity of previous, “educationally relevant” research. Specifically, Rogers and Cheung
argue that previous research, including classroom-based studies, has strived for high
degrees of internal validity in their experimental designs, at the cost of external and
ecological validity. To elaborate, internal validity relates to experimental control and
refers to the level of certainty that the results of the experiment can be attributed to the
experimental treatment, that is, that the observed changes in the dependent variable are a
result of the independent variable. Any factor that allows for an alternative interpretation
of the findings represents a threat to internal validity (Shadish et al., 2002). External
validity refers to the degree that results hold true outside of the particular study, that is, the
generalizability of the findings. External validity is best established through replication
(Porte & McManus, 2018; Shadish et al., 2002). It is widely acknowledged that there is a
constant tension between internal and external validity in experimental research (e.g.,
Hulstijn, 1997; Rogers & Révész, 2020). Related to external validity is the construct of
ecological validity, which is related to the “ecology” of a particular context. A study can
claim to have ecological validity if the experiment is similar to the context to which it aims
to generalize. Ecological validity in this sense refers not only to the location in which the
experiment takes place but also to the interrelations of all aspects of the setting (e.g., Van
Lier, 2010).
Rogers and Cheung argue that many studies that meet Rohrer’s criteria of educational
relevance (e.g., Küpper-Tetzel et al., 2014) have overemphasized internal validity in their
experimental designs at the cost of decreased external and ecological validity. It goes
without saying that a high level of experimental control is not an issue in itself and that
tightly controlled laboratory studies have greatly contributed to our understanding of SLA
(see, e.g., Hulstijn, 1997). The issue is that much previous research that has claimed
ecological validity has adopted a narrow interpretation in that they operationalize this
construct to refer to only the location in which the experimental study takes place.
Although these studies have taken place in a classroom, they have imposed artificial
experimental conditions that would not be present normally in a classroom environment.
At best, this has meant that the experimental conditions have not been validated with
regard to the learning environment in which the study takes place (Rogers & Révész,
2020). At worst, the studies have imposed artificial experimental conditions that do not
reflect an authentic learning environment, such as not allowing participants to take notes
(e.g., Küpper-Tetzel et al., 2014) or forbidding participants from engaging in specific
cognitive strategies during instruction (e.g., Pavlik & Anderson, 2005).
To address these issues, Rogers and Cheung set out to examine whether the effects of
input spacing extend to an authentic teaching and learning environment. Using a within-
participants experimental design, Rogers and Cheung examined the learning of L2
vocabulary, specifically 20 English adjectives related to describing people, across four
classrooms in a primary school in Hong Kong. What was innovative about Rogers and
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4 John Rogers and Anisa Cheung
Cheung’s (2018) study was that they asked the teachers to teach the target L2 lexical items
as they normally would, with the condition that each individual teacher was consistent in
their approach across the training episodes. Vocabulary was learned under two different
spacing conditions: a spaced-short condition with a 1-day ISI (i.e., gap between training
sessions) and a spaced-long condition with an 8-day ISI. Learning was assessed after a
28-day delay (RI) using a multiple-choice test, which asked the learners to circle the
picture that most closely matched the meaning of the target item. Classroom observations
were carried out over the course of the experiment by the research team to examine how
the teachers taught the material over the training conditions.
The results of the lesson observations indicated that the four teachers largely adopted
similar approaches in first presenting the material to the students, then emphasizing the
pronunciation/spelling of the target items, followed by choral drilling and another form of
form-focused practice, for example, completing crossword puzzles. The results of the
delayed posttest showed minimal learning gains across the four classrooms: roughly 10%
improvement across all target items. This minimal amount of learning might be explained
in terms of the lack of transfer appropriateness across the training conditions, which
emphasized the pronunciation of items, and the testing condition, which reflected the
degree to which participants could recognize the orthography of target items. Despite the
minimal amount of learning, participants learned the spaced-short items at significantly
higher rates than the spaced-long items, going against predictions of theoretical models of
lag effects.
There are a number of theoretical, pedagogic, and methodological reasons that justify a
replication of Rogers and Cheung's (2018) study. On a theoretical level, it is important to
investigate lag effects in L2 learning because lag effects are closely linked with the
benefits of repetition, review, and practice. Such benefits find support in skill-based
theories of SLA (e.g., DeKeyser, 2015) where deliberate practice can aid in the transition
from declarative/explicit knowledge to procedural knowledge. Lag effects have also been
identified as an area of research with useful pedagogical implications because they may
help bring about “desirable difficulties” in learning. Desirable difficulties occur as a result
of conditions that “trigger the encoding and retrieval processes that support learning,
comprehension, and remembering” (Bjork & Bjork, 2011, p. 58). In other words, long-
term memory is strengthened as a result of making retrieval effortful, for example through
spacing practice over longer periods (see Lightbown, 2008; Rogers & Leow, 2020;
Suzuki et al., 2019, 2020 for discussions of desirable difficulties in L2 learning) and so
may lead to more efficient and effective L2 practice (Suzuki et al., 2019).
Further, as noted, a limited number of ecologically valid studies have examined the
effects of the distribution of practice across all domains of learning. Additional research is
needed to justify any claims as to its pedagogical applications. In addition, there are even
fewer studies examining the effects of input spacing on the learning of L2 vocabulary in
authentic teaching and learning contexts with nonadult populations of learners. By
carrying out such a replication, the present study would meet wider calls for more
ecologically valid research within the field of SLA with nontraditional populations
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Input Spacing and Ecological Validity 5
(Kasprowicz & Marsden, 2018; Lightbown & Spada, 2019; Rogers & Révész, 2020;
Spada, 2005, 2015).
This replication study also sets out to address some of the limitations of Rogers and
Cheung’s (2018) study. First, while one of the strengths of Rogers and Cheung’s study is
the use of an ecologically valid research design, the study lacked the experimental control
that can be found in other laboratory and cognitively oriented classroom-based research.
As such, a replication is needed to help avoid “leaps of logic” in extrapolating research
findings from one context to another (Hatch, 1979; Spada, 2015) and to ensure that the
results are real and do not reflect an artefact of the environment in which the study took
place. A replication would also help in building a body of evidence toward the general-
izability of distribution of practice effects in SLA in that “extrapolating from one
‘controlled’ experimental study … may not be as great as extrapolating from several
‘less controlled’ classroom studies (i.e., with intact classes) that report similar findings in
distinctive settings” (Spada, 2005, p. 334). In other words, a replication would provide
evidence as to the applicability of input spacing in authentic learning environments.
One limitation of Rogers and Cheung’s (2018) study that the present study set out to
address is the low levels of learning demonstrated by the learners. Theoretical accounts of
the benefits of distributed practice often include some aspect of the benefits of retrieval
(Toppino & Gerbier, 2014). In the case of Rogers and Cheung (2018), it could be argued
that the low levels of learning mask any benefits of spaced practice. As such, we have set
out to better link the materials used during training and testing, with a view to using
materials that are both transfer-appropriate and valid with regard to the teaching and
learning context in which this experimental study is set.
Like Rogers and Cheung (2018), the present study adopted a within-participants exper-
imental design (Rogers & Révész, 2020) to examine the impact of different spacing
schedules on the learning of L2 vocabulary in a classroom setting. A summary comparing
the methodological features of Rogers and Cheung (2018) and the present study is
presented in Table 1.
An a priori power analysis was carried out using G*power 3.1 (Faul et al., 2009).
Anticipating a medium-sized effect (f = .25) within a mixed within-between 2 2
ANOVA experimental design, the analysis here revealed that a minimum of 54 partici-
pants were required to achieve a power of .95 with an alpha level of .05.
The participants who were recruited for this study were 87 children (L1 Cantonese,
aged 8–9), studying in Primary Grade 4 in a Hong Kong Primary school in a low
socioeconomic setting in Hong Kong. These participants were drawn from three intact
classrooms. Each class was taught by a different instructor (three instructors in total), each
with multiple years of experience teaching in the local context. The children who took part
in this study had been studying English for nearly four years, having begun learning
English in kindergarten as part of the Hong Kong Primary Curriculum. The children in
this study were aware that they were taking part in an experimental study, and informed
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6 John Rogers and Anisa Cheung
consent was collected from their parents, teachers, and the school administration prior to
the commencement of the study. Data were excluded from participants whose guardians
did not complete and return the consent forms and from participants who missed one or
more of the testing and/or training sessions, resulting in a final participant pool of
66 participants.
All materials for this study were chosen and/or designed based on considerations of their
appropriateness within the local teaching and learning context, with input from the
stakeholders involved in the project, that is, teachers and other school representatives.
Twenty English words were selected for this project from the content vocabulary words
in the students’ course book. These 20 words comprised a mix of word classes: prepo-
sitions, nouns (e.g., body parts/food), and action verbs. To help control for item frequency
effects, these 20 words were divided into two separate word lists of 10 words each. This
division was carried out with the aim of maintaining a balance, as far as possible, with
considerations of lexical rarity (Cobb, 2016), word class, and, in the case of verbs, regular
and irregular forms (see Table 2).
Two PowerPoint presentations were created for the teachers to use when presenting the
target items: one for List A and one for List B. Each slide was animated to present
information incrementally. A completed slide can be seen in Figure 1.
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Input Spacing and Ecological Validity 7
TABLE 2. Lexical rarity and word groups of target items included in the study
List A List B
FIGURE 1. An example slide from PowerPoint presentations used in the training phase of the experiment.
In addition, crossword puzzles were used across the training and testing phases of this
study. These puzzles were created using a free online crossword puzzle generator.1 Four
crossword puzzles were created for each of the two lists of words (eight unique
crossword puzzles in total; four puzzles for List A and four puzzles for List B). Half
the crossword puzzles were used for the testing phase of the experiment and half were
used for the training phase of the experiment. The clues were identical across all puzzles
in that they were taken from the course materials. While the clues did not vary across the
test versions, the order of the items and design of the crossword puzzles were unique for
each version of the puzzle. An example of one puzzle is available as a
supplementary file.
The materials for the testing phase were four crossword puzzles designed with the same
considerations in mind as those used during the training phase. Two of these puzzles (one
for Set A and one for Set B) were administered as the pretest; two of the puzzles (one for
Set A and one for Set B) were administered as the posttest. It was decided to use separate
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8 John Rogers and Anisa Cheung
Week 1 Prebriefing
Week 2 Pretest
Week 3
Week 4 Training Session 1
(items 1–10)
Week 5 Training Session 2 Training Session 3
(items 11–20) (items 1–20)
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9 28-day RI Posttest
puzzles rather than combining the two sets into a larger set of 20 so that the testing phase
more closely matched the training conditions. This was done on a theoretical level so that
the testing conditions would more closely match the training conditions, which would in
theory lead to better transfer of learning (e.g., Lightbown, 2008). On a practical level, the
teachers in the study felt that a 20-item crossword puzzle would be too difficult to manage
and that administering two shorter puzzles would be more appropriate for the students.
Only one posttest was administered to help control for testing effects as a potential
confounding variable (Rogers & Cheung, 2018; Suzuki, 2017). The internal reliability of
the two test versions (α = .86 and .95) was acceptable, given Plonsky and Derrick’s (2016)
guidelines. The entire experiment, from prebriefing to postbriefing sessions, took 9 weeks
in total. It comprised a prebriefing session, three training sessions, and two testing
sessions (a pretest and a 28-day delayed posttest). The temporal distribution of the
learning of the target vocabulary items was manipulated within-subjects and was identical
to the spacing conditions adopted in Rogers and Cheung’s (2018) study. This was done by
first dividing the 20 target items into two lists of 10 items apiece. One of these lists was
first studied in Training Session 1 (henceforth spaced-long items). The other list was first
studied in Training Session 2 (henceforth spaced-short items). The order that the lists were
studied was counterbalanced across the different classes that took part in the study. Both
lists were reviewed in Training Session 3. This resulted in an 8-day ISI for the items
studied in Session 1 and reviewed in Session 3, and a 1-day ISI for items studied in Session
2 and reviewed in Session 3.
The procedural timeline for the experiment can be seen in Table 3. All target items
included in this study had not been previously taught by the instructors in the course. A
prebriefing session was held with the teachers, led by a member of the research team. As
part of this session, the consent forms were distributed and the experimental procedures
and protocols were discussed. Pretests were then administered in class in the following
week. Two weeks later, all three classes took part in Training Session 1, in which
10 spaced-long items were introduced and taught using the prescribed materials. The
spaced-long items were counterbalanced among the three classes, with Class A and Class
C studying one set, and Class B studying the other. One week later, the 10 spaced-short
items were introduced and taught using the prescribed materials in Training Session
2. The following day, Training Session 3 took place, in which all 20 target items were
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Input Spacing and Ecological Validity 9
reviewed. The procedure for each training session was agreed upon through a collabo-
rative discussion between the school principal, teachers who agreed to take part in the
study, and the research team. Each training session consisted of an initial PowerPoint
presentation that the teachers used to introduce the target items. This was followed by a
crossword puzzle to practice the target items, and concluded with feedback from the
teachers. Training Sessions 1 and 2 took approximately 15 minutes to complete. Training
Session 3 took approximately 25 minutes to complete because of the higher number of
target vocabulary items.
The surprise posttest was administered 28 days after Training Session 3 (i.e., the review
session), resulting in an ISI/RI ratio of 3.6% and 28.6% for the spaced-short and spaced-
long items, respectively. The timing of the posttest was identical to that of Rogers and
Cheung’s (2018) original study, which is based on providing the optimum ISI/RI ratio for
the spaced-long condition as per Cepeda et al.’s (2008) model. Following the posttest,
interviews were carried out with the teachers to discuss the results and the degree (if any)
to which they deviated from the agreed-upon experimental procedure.
Cunnings, 2015). These analyses were carried out using the lme4 package in R (Bates
et al., 2015). Within these models, distribution (spaced-short vs. spaced-long), time
(pretest vs. posttest), and class (Class A vs. Class B vs. Class C) were included as fixed
effects with crossed random effects for subjects and items. The models were developed
incrementally using a maximum-likelihood technique (Cunnings, 2012; Linck & Cun-
nings, 2015; see also Rogers, 2017b; Suzuki & Sunada, 2019 for similar approaches).
First, an initial null model was created using only random intercepts for participants and
items. Following this, the fixed effects were added incrementally and each model was
compared against the null model using the ANOVA function in the lme4 package. This
was followed by random slopes. If the model that included the fixed effect was significant
against the null model, this result was interpreted as indicating that the fixed effect in
question had a significant relationship with the dependent variable and should be included
in any subsequent analyses. If the result was nonsignificant, this was interpreted as no
significant relationship, and that this fixed effect could be excluded from any models to
follow. The best-fitting model was then analyzed to determine which fixed effects, if any,
reached statistical significance.
Descriptive statistics were generated with regard to pretest and posttest performance for
the three classes and further broken down for spaced-short and spaced-long items. These
results are presented in Table 4 for strict scoring and Table 5 for lenient scoring. First, we
examined total learning across all participants and item types using a Wilcoxon signed-
ranks test. This analysis revealed a significant difference in median ranks from pretest to
posttest across all participants with a large-sized overall effect using strict scoring
(Z = 6.863, p < .001, r = .60), and similar results under lenient scoring (Z = 6.768,
p < .001, r = .59).
Similar analyses were run to examine spaced-short and spaced-long items indepen-
dently. These analyzes showed a significant result for both spaced-short (Z = 6.646,
p < .001, r = .56) and spaced-long items (Z = 6.566, p < .001, r = .57) for strict scoring,
and for spaced-short (Z = 6.257, p < .001, r = .54) and spaced-long items (Z = 6.320,
p < .001, r = .55) under lenient scoring, all of which indicated medium-sized effects.
Finally, to compare scores across spaced-short versus spaced-long items, gain scores were
first calculated from pretest to posttest, then these scores were compared using Mann–
Whitney U tests. This test indicated a nonsignificant result between spaced-short and
spaced-long items with a small-sized effect under strict (U = 2,149.5, p = .90, r = .01) and
lenient scoring (U = 1,979, p = .36, r = .08).
As noted, in addition to the nonparametric tests mentioned previously, a series of logit
mixed-effects analyses were carried out on the data. To interpret the data provided by
these models, if a fixed effect reaches significance within the model, then this indicates
that the effect in question is significant in accounting for variance in the overall dataset. As
an example, if a model indicates that the fixed effect of distribution is significant, this
points toward a significant difference in accuracy between the variables included within
the fixed effect of distribution, that is, spaced-short versus spaced-long items. In addition
to significant main effects, the mixed-effects model can also indicate a significant
interaction between fixed effects. For example, if the model results in a significant
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TABLE 4. Descriptive statistics of performance on pretest, posttest, and gain scores (%) under strict scoring
Pretest Posttest Gain Scores
N = 66 Total 22.50 27.50 20.10 2.47 90.00 76.52 29.04 3.57 47.50 49.02 26.65 3.28
Spaced-short 20.00 24.39 23.08 2.84 90.00 73.64 32.52 4.00 50.00 49.24 32.41 3.99
Spaced-long 20.00 30.61 27.95 3.44 100.00 79.39 30.73 3.78 50.00 48.79 32.79 3.28
Class A
n = 26 Total 40.00 38.08 20.00 3.92 95.00 85.19 23.60 4.63 45.00 47.12 29.23 5.73
Spaced-short 30.00 30.77 23.14 4.54 90.00 80.77 28.13 5.52 50.00 50.00 33.82 6.63
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N = 66 Total 30.00 34.70 22.08 2.72 95.00 79.70 29.21 3.60 47.50 45.00 27.15 3.34
Spaced-short 30.00 29.85 25.02 3.08 100.00 77.46 33.00 4.03 50.00 47.27 33.45 4.12
Spaced-long 40.00 39.55 31.79 3.91 100.00 82.27 30.37 3.74 40.00 42.73 33.45 4.12
Class A
n = 26 Total 45.00 46.92 19.60 3.84 100.00 89.42 22.99 4.51 45.00 42.50 30.27 5.94
Spaced-short 35.00 35.00 23.02 4.52 100.00 85.93 27.63 5.32 50.00 50.38 35.04 6.87
Spaced-long 60.00 58.85 27.90 5.47 100.00 93.46 20.58 4.04 30.00 34.62 35.91 7.04
Class B
n = 16 Total 25.00 25.31 21.41 5.35 70.00 61.88 33.41 8.53 35.00 36.56 25.61 6.40
Spaced-short 45.00 40.63 31.30 7.83 75.00 64.38 37.77 9.44 30.00 23.75 27.05 6.76
Spaced-long 0.00 10.00 18.97 4.74 60.00 59.38 37.50 9.38 45.00 49.38 34.15 8.54
Class C
n = 24 Total 25.00 27.71 19.50 3.98 95.00 81.04 27.90 5.69 60.00 53.33 23.02 4.70
Spaced-short 15.00 17.08 16.54 3.38 100.00 76.67 33.58 6.84 65.00 59.58 28.20 5.76
Spaced-long 35.00 38.33 27.29 5.56 100.00 85.42 26.70 5.45 55.00 47.08 29.56 6.03
Input Spacing and Ecological Validity 13
interaction between distribution and time, then this result points toward differences
between pretest and posttest performance with regard to spaced-short versus spaced-
long items.
The results of these models corroborated the results of the nonparametric tests
mentioned in the preceding text in that a significant effect was found for the fixed effect
of time, indicating that all participants’ performance improved significantly from pretest
to posttest. Most importantly, the fixed effect of distribution and its interactions with
group and time were all nonsignificant, indicating that the distribution of items, spaced-
short versus spaced-long, did not differ significantly with regard to pretest and posttest
scores, and across the different groups, that is, classes that took part in the study. The
results of the best-fitting models for both strict and lenient scoring can be found in
Table 6.
The main objective of the postexperiment interviews was to collect information from the
teachers as to whether and to what degree they deviated from the experimental procedure
and to confirm that they maintained consistency across the different training sessions
during the experiment.
Overall, all three teachers reported that they were consistent in their approaches
across the training stages of the experiment and utilized the experimental materials as
intended. Teacher A reported playing a miming game with students after presenting the
PowerPoint and prior to asking students to complete the practice crossword puzzles
during the training sessions. While going through the PowerPoint, the teacher also
highlighted the past tense forms (e.g., sat, roared, walked) of the verbs in the study, by
explicitly pointing these out to the students during the presentation. Teacher B reported
that they did not deviate from the procedure and went through the PowerPoint with
students, asking them to remember the words, prior to completing the practice cross-
word puzzles. Teacher C reported following the experimental procedure but also
devised an additional activity where they showed the pictures one by one to the students
and asked the students to spell the words to their partner. During the presentation and
feedback, they reported highlighting the spelling of words that they perceived to be
difficult for the students, such as poured and roared. All teachers reported checking the
answers to the crossword puzzles with the students during the training and review
sessions by eliciting the answers from the students and showing the students the correct
answer on the overhead projector.
This study examined the optimum learning schedules of L2 vocabulary in child class-
rooms under ecologically justified learning conditions. Participants learned the target
vocabulary items in two learning sessions following either a spaced-short (1-day ISI) or a
spaced-long condition (8-day ISI). Learning was measured through a 4-week delayed
posttest, which consisted of crossword puzzles that were transfer-appropriate to the
training conditions of the study. The results here indicated medium to high learning gains
across all target items, with no significant differences between the two spacing conditions.
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Note: Time = pretest vs. posttest; distribution = spaced-short vs. spaced-long; group = Class A vs. Class B vs. Class C. * denotes interaction. Model Formula: accuracy ~ time*-
group*distribution + (time*distribution|participant) + (group|item), glmerControl (optimizer = “bobyqa”), family = binomial.
Input Spacing and Ecological Validity 15
These results are in line with the existing research that has examined lag effects in child L2
classrooms (Kasprowicz et al., 2019; Küpper-Tetzel et al., 2014; Rogers & Cheung, 2018;
Serrano & Huang, 2018), where no advantages have been found for spaced-long condi-
tions in comparison with spaced-short conditions. Taken as a whole, these results provide
growing evidence that lag effects, in particular the optimum ISI/RI ratios reported in the
cognitive psychology literature, might not translate directly to conditions with lower
levels of experimental control.
Across the SLA literature, there is mixed empirical evidence as to the advantages of
distributed practice. Some studies have provided support for the ISI/RI ratio framework
proposed within the cognitive psychology literature (Cepeda et al., 2008) when examin-
ing the learning of isolated L2 grammatical structures (Bird, 2010; Rogers, 2015). Other
studies, however, have returned conflicting results with advantages for more intensive
conditions, or similar amounts of learning across both conditions (Suzuki, 2017; Suzuki &
DeKeyser, 2017). Studies that have examined more intensive versus more extensive
learning schedules on a programmatic level have also reported either advantages for more
intensive learning conditions or similar results across conditions (e.g., Collins & White,
2011; Serrano, 2011; Serrano & Muñoz, 2007). Taken together with the results from the
present study and the four child L2 classroom-based studies cited in a preceding
paragraph, there does not appear to be a clear advantage at present for longer spacing
conditions across the extant SLA literature.
There are a number of plausible explanations for this trend. The first, as has been
suggested in the literature (e.g., Rogers, 2017a; Serrano, 2012) is that the optimum
ISI/RI intervals of Cepeda et al. (2008) are not directly applicable to SLA, due to the
fact that SLA is arguably more complex that the data on which Cepeda et al.’s (2008)
model is based, that is, the learning of trivia facts (see Serrano, 2012 for a discussion).
This interpretation is speculative as the majority of SLA studies to date, including the
present study, have justified the timing of their delayed posttests in light of Cepeda
et al.’s (2008) model, with mixed results. A systematic exploration of the learning of
SLA content over a wide range of other ratios would provide evidence necessary for
this interpretation. In this regard, future SLA research might begin by establishing the
validity of ISI/RI ratios to the learning of SLA content under controlled laboratory
settings, followed by research to explore the degree that this generalizes to authentic
teaching and learning contexts. Another possibility is the methodological differences
between SLA studies and those in cognitive psychology. One difference, as noted in
the preceding text, is that posttests are typically manipulated experimentally between-
participants in studies in cognitive psychology, whereas SLA studies tend to do so
within-participants, thus creating a potential confound due to repeated retrieval oppor-
tunities. A final possibility is that the benefits of distributed practice have been
overstated in the literature and previous findings are not robust in the face of the
increased variability present in authentic classroom environments. This is evident in
the current study, where the results show a high degree of variability within groups, as
reflected by the standard deviations within each group. Regardless of the explanation, it
is clear that further research, both laboratory- and classroom-based, is needed to
substantiate any claims as to the benefits of longer spacing conditions for SLA and,
in particular, instructed SLA.
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16 John Rogers and Anisa Cheung
DeKeyser, 2017), where repeated practice is necessary for proceduralization and autom-
atization to take place. The question posed by studies examining distribution of practice
effects is not whether, but rather when, and how often, review should take place to
optimize learning (Suzuki et al., 2019). With regard to how often, there is some
unsurprising evidence that “more is better” (Bahrick et al., 1993). When it comes to
when a review should take place, it perhaps goes without saying that a review period close
to the assessment is likely to be most beneficial to students’ performance on the
assessment (Cepeda et al., 2008). With regard to the long-term retention of L2 vocabulary
studied by young learners as part of normal classroom instruction, what evidence there is
indicates that the timing of the review does not significantly influence learning or
retention. In other words, the practical takeaway for language teachers from this growing
body of research is that it does not appear to matter when L2 vocabulary is reviewed as
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