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Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2019, page 1 of 29.


Research Article

Yuichi Suzuki*
Kanagawa University, Japan

Midori Sunada
Nihon University, Japan

To investigate the skill transfer and the effects of practice schedules in the learning of second
language syntax, 129 intermediate-level English learners were divided into six groups, based on
practice format (input vs. output practice) and practice schedule (blocked vs. interleaved vs. hybrid
[blocked 1 interleaved]). Analyses revealed that the learners tested on the skill they had practiced
outperformed those who were tested on the nonpracticed skill. This pattern was particularly
pronounced in comprehension processing speed and production accuracy. Moreover, hybrid
practice facilitated skill development more than blocked or interleaved practice alone. Furthermore,
a dynamic interplay was detected among practice format, schedule, and learners’ prior knowledge.
Hybrid practice led to the least transfer from receptive skills (gained through input practice) to
productive skills. Unlike interleaved practice effects, the effects of blocked practice on com-
prehension speed were more susceptible to learners’ prior processing speed.


Practice is an essential component of second language (L2) learning. From the per-
spective of skill acquisition theory, L2 knowledge and skills develop through deliberate,

The experiment in this article earned an Open Materials badge for transparent practices. The materials are
available at: https://www.iris-database.org/iris/app/home/detail?id5york%3a936411&ref5search.
We would like to show our gratitude to Mr. Atsushi Miura, Ms. Satoko Yokosawa, Dr. Baikuntha Bhatta, and
Ms. Misaki Kuratsubo for their assistance throughout the study.
*Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Yuichi Suzuki, Faculty of Foreign Lan-
guages, Kanagawa University, 3-27-1, Rokkakubashi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 221-8686,
Japan. E-mail: szky819@kanagawa-u.ac.jp

Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2019

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2 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

systematic, and extensive practice (De Jong, 2005; DeKeyser, 1997; Elgort, 2011; Li &
DeKeyser, 2017; Li & Taguchi, 2014). One of the primary objectives of skill acquisition
theory research agenda is thus to explore “what practice activities are best for whom, for
what structures, for which skill at what time and in what context” (DeKeyser, 2018, p.
xv). Extending the growing body of research on L2 practice (see Suzuki, Nakata, &
DeKeyser, 2019a for an overview), the work reported in this article focuses on two lines
of research that have examined the nature of L2 practice: (a) practice types and (b)
practice schedule.
The first line of research aims to identify the most effective practice format for L2
learners. One of the central issues of L2 practice concerns the relative effectiveness of
input and output (receptive and productive) practice (see Shintani, Li, & Ellis, 2013).
Research on the role of input and output has resulted in diverse findings, with obvious
theoretical and pedagogical implications (e.g., DeKeyser & Botana, 2015; Krashen,
1985; Sakai & Moorman, 2018; Swain, 1985; VanPatten, 2002). For example, while
Krashen (1985) and VanPatten (2002) argued for the primary or even sole role of input
processing for L2 acquisition, DeKeyser (1997, 2015), drawing on the skill acquisition
theory, posited that both input and output practice have a unique role in the development
of comprehension and production skills, respectively.
The second strand of research investigates how practice should be scheduled to
optimize L2 learning. A large body of cognitive psychology studies suggests that optimal
temporal spacing can enhance learning and retention across diverse skill and knowledge
types (e.g., Cepeda, Pashler, Vul, Wixted, & Rohrer, 2006). This issue has recently
attracted interest of L2 researchers, aiming to examine the extent to which practical and
theoretical cognitive psychology findings apply to L2 learning (Bird, 2010; Miles, 2014;
Nakata, 2015; Rogers, 2015; Suzuki, 2017; Suzuki & DeKeyser, 2017). However, the
findings of previous research on temporal spacing effects are mixed, and the general-
ization is far from straightforward due to the limited scope of investigations (e.g., adult
L2 learners tested in laboratory contexts, but see Rogers & Cheung, 2018; Serrano &
Huang, 2018) to provide reliable pedagogical principles for L2 instruction (see Suzuki,
2017 for the detailed discussion of mixed findings on temporal spacing effects in L2
grammar learning). Even less understood is a related issue of blocking and interleaving
effects on L2 learning. In this context, blocking refers to the learning of one target feature
at a time, whereas interleaving involves learning multiple types of features concurrently
(Kang, 2016). For instance, when practicing the use of subject relative clauses (RCs) and
object RCs under the blocked-practice condition, learners process 20 instances of subject
RCs followed by 20 instances of object RCs. Conversely, under the interleaved-practice
condition, learners are presented with a mix of instances of both RC types (e.g., no more
than two instances of one RC type were presented sequentially). Because cognitive
psychologists have revealed the benefits of interleaved practice in a variety of learning
contexts (e.g., Kornell & Bjork, 2008; Rohrer & Taylor, 2007; Rohrer, Dedrik, &
Burgess, 2014; Shea & Morgan, 1979), it may be possible to enhance L2 learning by
manipulating practice schedule (Nakata & Suzuki, 2019). Furthermore, the effects of
schedules that combined blocked and interleaved practice (i.e., hybrid practice) have
recently been explored (Porter, Landin, Hebert, & Baum, 2007; Porter & Magill, 2010;
Wong, Whitehill, Ma, & Masters, 2013; Yan, Soderstrom, Seneviratna, Bjork, & Bjork,
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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 3

In extant research, the two aforementioned issues of L2 practice (practice format and
schedule) have been examined independently, thus failing to elucidate how these two
factors jointly influence L2 development. This shortcoming calls for empirical in-
vestigation that unites the two lines of research, as pedagogical decisions are usually
made by taking more than one factor into consideration. The current article addresses the
gap noted previously by presenting a first empirical study in which the differential effects
of practice type (input and output) and schedule (blocked, interleaved, and hybrid
[blocked 1 interleaved]) on L2 grammar learning are examined simultaneously.


A variety of aspects in L2 learning can be understood within the framework of skill

acquisition theory (DeKeyser, 2015), which is based on the Anderson’s adaptive control
of thought-rational (ACT-R) model (Anderson et al., 2004). The theory accounts for how
people acquire a set of skills in L2, as well as other motor and cognitive skills, and
distinguishes declarative and procedural knowledge. In L2 classrooms, learners typically
attain declarative knowledge (e.g., knowing about grammatical rules), and they use it for
practicing a variety of L2 skills, which results in the independent development of
procedural knowledge (e.g., comprehension and production in L2). Extensive practice in
one skill leads to gradual improvement or automatization in performance (e.g., lower
error rates and faster response time [RT]), which follows power-of-law function curves
similar to those describing nonlanguage skill acquisition (DeKeyser, 1997; Ferman,
Olshtain, Schechtman, & Karni, 2009; Robinson, 1997). Procedural and automatized
knowledge1 form a foundation for comprehending and producing L2 quickly and ef-
ficiently in real-life communication settings.
The skill acquisition theory stipulates that deliberate practice results in procedural-
ization/automatization in very specific ways. When leaners proceduralize one skill
through practice (e.g., comprehension skill acquisition through input practice), this tends
to result in a specific procedure that cannot be easily transferred to another skill (e.g.,
production skill). While procedural knowledge is skill specific, declarative knowl-
edge—deployed for retrieval of facts and rules—can be shared and used across skills. In
other words, the theory yields the skill-specificity hypothesis, purporting that, if one skill
is proceduralized and serves highly specific purposes (e.g., for production), it cannot be
directly used for other purposes pertaining to different skills (e.g., comprehension). To
date, only four empirical studies grounded in the skill acquisition theory have been
conducted, providing evidence supporting the skill specificity of L2 practice in the
domain of grammar, pragmatics, and pronunciation (DeKeyser, 1998; DeKeyser &
Sokalski, 1996; Li & DeKeyser, 2017; Li & Taguchi, 2014).
DeKeyser and Sokalski (1996) conducted the first empirical study demonstrating the
skill-specific effects of practice in L2 grammar learning. In their classroom study,
Spanish L2 learners engaged in written input2 practice (multiple-choice task) and output
practice (fill-in-the-blank, translation) to acquire direct object clitic and conditional
construction. After the classroom instruction on both structures and subsequent practice
session, skill acquisition was measured by immediate and delayed posttests on com-
prehension and production. The overall findings supported the skill-specificity hy-
pothesis that, compared to output practice, input practice led to better performance on the
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4 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

comprehension test, while higher scores on the production test were associated with
output practice. In a follow-up study, DeKeyser (1998) used an artificial language and
provided written input and output practice of morphosyntactic structures. His study
provided further evidence supporting the skill-specificity hypothesis.
More recently, Li and Taguchi (2014) examined the skill-specificity hypothesis in the
domain of pragmatics (Chinese request-making forms). In the input-practice condition,
L2 Chinese learners were instructed to read a series of request-making scenarios, after
which they performed a judgment task. In the output-practice condition, the learners read
the same scenarios as the ones in the input-practice condition, but subsequently per-
formed a written translation and fill-in-the-blank task. Two outcome measures were
employed (a receptive, listening judgment test and a productive, oral discourse com-
pletion test) and the resulting accuracy and speed measures (response time [RT]) were
subjected to further analyses. The skill-specificity hypothesis was supported only for
speed measures, not for accuracy measures. Discussing these divergent findings, Li and
Taguchi (2014) argued that the two indices tapped into relatively different types of
knowledge. In particular, in their view, accuracy scores primarily represented declarative
knowledge, which was used for understanding the association among form, function, and
context, whereas speed scores manifested procedural knowledge more strongly, as they
indicate how quickly and efficiently pragmatic knowledge can be deployed.
Li and DeKeyser (2016) extended the inquiry into L2 pronunciation training. Their
research focused on L2 Mandarin word tone learning, aiming to compare the effects of
input training (sound-to-pinyin mapping and sound-to-meaning mapping) and output
training (pinyin-to-sound mapping and meaning-to-sound mapping). The results indicate
that more accurate and faster production performance was attained through output
practice than input practice, while the significant advantage of input practice over output
practice was observed in perception accuracy, not in perception speed. These results
contrast those obtained by Li and Taguchi (2014), who noted that the effect of practice
was more skill specific when learners’ performance was assessed in terms of perfor-
mance speed rather than accuracy. However, as Li and DeKeyser (2016) suspected,
speed exhibited by their study participants might have reached a ceiling partly because
their target skill was word learning. Hence, a difference in processing speed was less
likely to emerge in this relatively simple word-learning task, compared to linguistic
processing at the level of pragmatics targeted by Li and Taguchi (2014).
Available evidence lends support for skill-specificity hypothesis in different language
domains (pronunciation, morphosyntax, and pragmatics) and in different L2 types
(artificial language, Spanish, Chinese). Yet, pertinent research also suggests the presence
of complex interactions among characteristics of target structures, skills, assessment
measurements, and testing time (DeKeyser & Sokalski, 1996). Authors of previous
studies in this domain primarily examined written practice of reading and writing skills
(see preceding text). Hence, the generalizability of the findings through aural-oral
practice format remains insufficiently explored. An exception is Li and DeKeyser’s
(2016) study on aural-oral modality, which nonetheless focused only on word-level
pronunciation. This limitation is addressed in the current study, the aim of which is to
extend the scope to the domain of syntax and examine the acquisition of English RC
constructions through aural picture-matching and oral picture-description tasks.

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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 5


In the cognitive psychology field, optimal practice scheduling has been extensively
studied (Kang, 2016; Schmidt & Bjork, 1992; Toppino & Gerbier, 2014). This issue is
particularly important for L2 instruction, if the findings yielded indicate that learners
should focus on one element at a time (blocking) or should practice multiple elements
simultaneously (interleaving). Cognitive psychologists have found that interleaved
practice (e.g., ABCACBCAB) is more effective for learning and retention of knowledge
and skills than blocked practice (e.g., AAABBBCCC). The advantage of interleaved
practice has been documented in a variety of domains, such as motor skill acquisition
(e.g., Hall, Domingues, & Cavazos, 1994; Shea & Morgan, 1979), category learning
(e.g., Kang & Pashler, 2012; Kornell & Bjork, 2008), and mathematics (e.g., Rohrer &
Taylor, 2007; Rohrer et al., 2014).
The superiority of interleaved relative to blocked practice is explained by the dis-
criminative contrast hypothesis, which stipulates that interleaved practice facilitates
discrimination among similar concepts and skills (Kang & Pashler, 2012; Kornell &
Bjork, 2008). When learners encounter exemplars from different categories, they are
more likely to attend to differences between these categories. For example, when L2
learners practice producing RC constructions, they may be able to better learn different
types of RCs (e.g., who, which, whom). In addition to the discriminative advantage, the
benefits of interleaved practice can also be explained by the distributed practice effect
(i.e., enhancement of retention of learning through temporal spacing between exemplars
compared to massing exemplars of the same category, Cepeda et al., 2006). Interleaved
practice naturally introduces this spacing between exemplars from different categories.
For example, when learning to use subject-relative pronouns who and which, blocked
practice presents 20 exemplars of who followed by 20 exemplars of which, leading to no
spacing between the exemplars of a given structure. In contrast, interleaved practice
presents exemplars with who and which randomly, generating some spacing throughout
the treatment. This means that interleaving usually corresponds to spaced learning, and
blocking corresponds to massed learning. The distributed practice effect thus supports
the benefits of interleaved practice (Kang, 2016).
Although the interleaving effects are replicated in a variety of learning materials and
contexts (see Kang, 2016 for review), blocking has some advantage in certain contexts.
In the study conducted by Carpenter and Mueller (2013), English-speaking college
students were given pronunciation rules for French (e.g., eau is pronounced as a long o
sound as in cadeau or tableau). In the blocked-practice condition, participants studied
pronunciation rules by simply seeing and listening to words to which the same pro-
nunciation rule applied in sequence (e.g., bateau, fardeau, rameau, . . . tandis, brebis,
vernis, . . . darder, combler, valser). In the interleaved-practice condition, the words to
which different rules applied were mixed (e.g., bateau, tandis, darder, fardeau, brebis,
combler, rameau, vernis, valser). Challenging the extant research findings, Carpenter
and Mueller found that blocking yielded better retention, measured by the receptive
multiple-choice test, than interleaving. This observation may be in part explained by low
similarity among practice items. Because the target pronunciation rules for specific
words were very different (e.g., eau, ch, s, t), blocking helped learners to find

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6 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

commonalities within each pronunciation category more easily than could be achieved
by interleaving.
As demonstrated in the preceding text, both blocked and interleaved practice have
their advantages; while blocking facilitates identifying the commonalities within each
category, interleaving allows for discriminating similar features across different cate-
gories (e.g., Carvalho & Goldstone, 2014; Zulkiply & Burt, 2013). These unique
advantages of both practice schedules can be exploited further by combining them,
which is a common classroom instruction strategy. For instance, L2 English learners first
practice subject RCs and then object RCs in blocked schedule. When learners can use
each structure with a certain level of confidence, they often engage in interleaved
practice. This may also be explained by the desirable difficulty framework (Bjork, 1994).
Specifically, blocking practice is likely to impose an appropriate level of difficulty (not
too demanding) on learners in the early phase of learning, whereas interleaved practice
may optimize the learning by providing more difficult learning conditions as the learners’
skills improve (Porter et al., 2007; Porter & Magill, 2010; Wong et al., 2013; Yan et al.,
Although in most prior psychology research purely interleaved and blocked practice
schedules were compared, a few researchers have examined the effects of schedules that
combined blocked and interleaved practice (i.e., hybrid practice). The target skill in prior
research had some relevance for L2 learning in one study (speech motor learning, Wong
et al., 2013), while other studies involve very different materials (artists’ painting styles,
Yan et al., 2017) and skills (basketball passes and golf putting, Porter et al., 2007; Porter
& Magill, 2010) from L2 learning. Findings yielded by such investigations indicate that
hybrid practice is as beneficial (Wong et al., 2013; Yan et al., 2017) or even more
beneficial (Porter et al., 2007; Porter & Magill, 2010) than interleaved practice alone.
To our knowledge, the work by Nakata and Suzuki (2019) is the only empirical
research conducted to date in which the effects of blocked, interleaved, and hybrid
practice on L2 grammar acquisition were examined and compared. In their computerized
experiment in the classroom, English-as-a-foreign-language learners studied five
structures from the English tense-aspect-mood system (simple past, present perfect, first
conditional, second conditional, and third conditional) using a written, multiple-choice
fill-in-blank question format. They read a sentence where a verb phrase was omitted (e.g.,
I _____ a car for my daughter last Christmas) and were required to select the correct verb
form among the four available options (e.g., will buy, have bought, buy, bought). The
training materials consisted of 50 multiple-choice questions (10 questions 3 5 con-
structions). Their acquisition of L2 knowledge was assessed by the grammaticality
judgment test they took immediately upon training completion and one week after the
treatment. Analysis of their test results showed that the interleaved practice led to
significantly superior performance on the 1-week delayed posttest relative to the blocked
practice. However, no significant differences were noted when comparing hybrid
practice with blocked or interleaved practice. Although there are multiple factors that
may account for these intriguing findings (e.g., a relatively high level of prior knowledge
of the target structures), Nakata and Suzuki’s (2019) study was an initial attempt to
investigate the effects of three schedules on L2 grammar acquisition, thus leaving many
questions open for further research. This was the motivation behind the current study, in

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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 7

which the outcomes of hybrid practice relative to the interleaved and blocked modes
were explored in more depth.


The goal of the current study was to advance our understanding of the complex interplay
between practice format and schedule by merging these two isolated strands of research.
The effects of practice format and practice schedule in the acquisition of RC con-
structions in L2 English by Japanese speakers were investigated. Participants performed
either aural-input practice (picture-matching task) or oral-output practice (picture-de-
scription task) under one of the three (blocked, interleaved, and hybrid)3 practice
schedules. Assessment tasks were matched to the practice format (thus comprising of
comprehension and production tests), and a detailed analysis of accuracy and speed was
conducted to tap into relatively different dimensions of L2 declarative and procedural
knowledge. Three research questions (RQs) were addressed:

1. How do different practice formats (input vs. output practice) contribute to the comprehension/
production skill development?
2. How do different practice schedules (blocked vs. interleaved vs. hybrid) influence the com-
prehension/production skill development?
3. How do practice format and schedule interact and influence the comprehension/production skill

In answering the RQ1, the aim was to obtain further evidence of skill specificity in L2
practice. It was stipulated, based on the skill-specificity hypothesis, that input practice
would lead to a greater progress in comprehension skill acquisition, whereas output
practice would facilitate the development of production skills (DeKeyser, 1998;
DeKeyser & Sokalski, 1996; Li & DeKeyser, 2017; Li & Taguchi, 2014). Furthermore, it
was anticipated that the skill-specificity hypothesis would be supported more strongly for
speed measures (Li & Taguchi, 2014).
Regarding RQ2, interleaved practice was predicted to be more effective than blocked
practice. Because the target structures involved similar surface features as in subject and
object RCs (e.g., the boy who hugs the girl vs. the boy whom the girl hugs), interleaved
practice would highlight the subtle differences and facilitate learning to discriminate
them more effectively than blocked practice would (Kang & Pashler, 2012; Kornell &
Bjork, 2008). Furthermore, learners in the hybrid practice may take advantage of the
benefits of both blocking and interleaving practice. According to the desirable difficulty
framework, the level of learning difficulty should be desirable to maximize learning
(Bjork, 1994). Blocking practice, due to the nature of the relatively lower cognitive
demands, may be more suitable for learners in the early phases of learning, whereas
interleaved practice may optimize learning by providing more difficult learning con-
ditions in the later phases of learning (Porter et al., 2007; Porter & Magill, 2010; Wong
et al., 2013; Yan et al., 2017). In sum, hybrid practice may be predicted to be more
beneficial than either blocked or interleaved practice alone.
Answering RQ3 was of particular importance, as the interaction between practice format
and schedule has never been examined within a single study. In this context, two possible
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8 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

guiding questions, rather than predictions, emerged. First, we explored whether the skill
specificity effect would vary depending on the chosen learning schedule. On the one hand,
if three practice schedule conditions yielded the same level of learning (proceduralization),
the amount of skill transfer would not differ across the three schedule conditions. If
different schedules, on the other hand, resulted in different levels of proceduralization, the
amount of skill transfer may differ among the three schedule conditions. For instance,
suppose that proceduralization takes place for input practice under one schedule (e.g.,
interleaved practice) to a greater extent than noted under a different schedule (e.g., blocked
practice). Because more fine-tuned proceduralization leads to less transfer, less transfer
would be observed from comprehension skill to production skill in interleaved-practice
condition than in blocked-practice condition. The second issue that had to be examined
was whether the effects of different schedules would be dependent on practice format. For
instance, because the acquisition of comprehension skills is easier than that of production
in RC construction by L2 learners (Izumi, 2003), a more demanding schedule (i.e., in-
terleaving) may be more beneficial in input practice for comprehension skills than a less
demanding schedule (i.e., blocking). By contrast, for output practice aimed at productive
skills, which are more difficult to acquire, hybrid practice may scaffold heavy-demand
learning and lead to better learning outcomes than would blocked and interleaved practice.



The study sample comprised of 155 Japanese speakers who were studying English in
seven English classes held at two Japanese universities. Prior to the experiment, students
were randomly assigned to six groups characterized by different practice formats (input
or output) and practice schedules (blocked, interleaved, or hybrid). The data pertaining to
26 participants were subsequently excluded, as they indicated that they had studied the
target grammatical structures outside the experiment between the immediate and delayed
posttest (see “Procedure”). Consequently, the data submitted for analysis related to the
remaining 129 participants (male 5 56, female 5 51) in different academic years: first
year (11), second year (98), third year (16), and fourth year (4). They formed input-
blocked (n 5 22), input-interleaved (n 5 18), input-hybrid (n 5 31), output-blocked (n 5
18), output-interleaved (n 5 19), and output-hybrid (n 5 21) groups.


Target syntactic structures in this study were relative clause (RC) constructions. RCs
were chosen as a target structure because Japanese learners have difficulty in fully
mastering these structures, although they are typically taught explicitly during junior and
high school (Mochizuki & Ortega, 2008). Classroom instruction and practice, however,
has been found to influence the acquisition of RC constructions (Doughty, 1991). Thus,
the training session adopted in the present study was designed to facilitate the acquisition
of learners’ knowledge of the following RCs:

(a) Subjective RC who (e.g., That is the girl who is washing the bird.)
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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 9

(b) Subject RC which (e.g., That is the cat which is watching the bird.)
(c) Objective RC whom (e.g., That is the girl whom the cat is watching.)
(d) Object RC which (e.g., That is the dog which the woman is carrying.)


Training Materials
Because RCs can be avoided in L2 production, particularly by Japanese speakers
(Schachter, 1974), controlled, form-focused practice format was employed for treatment.
Controlled practice alone is insufficient for L2 acquisition; however, it can be an efficient
technique for developing declarative and procedural knowledge about specific target
structures (Ellis & Shintani, 2014).
Participants in the output-practice condition orally described the pictures on the
computer screen using appropriate relative pronouns. As shown in the left panel in
Figure 1, they were first presented with a prompt, which was accompanied by the
first part of the sentence indicated at the top (e.g., That is the boy…) and lexical
items necessary for oral description (i.e., boy, dog, kiss) to help participants
concentrate on practicing using RC structures. The participants were given 12
seconds to describe the picture (e.g., That is the boy who is kissing the dog). A
correct answer was provided both visually and aurally and it remained on the screen
for 8 seconds.
Participants in the input-practice condition listened to a sentence once and were
required to select the matching picture. As shown in the right panel in Figure 1, they were
first presented with the two pictures side by side and listened to an audio sentence (e.g.,
That is the boy who is kissing the dog). They were given 12 seconds to choose the
matching picture by pressing a corresponding button. Once the response was given,
learners were presented with the screen accompanied by the correct answer, which
remained displayed for 8 seconds.
The treatment comprised of 64 stimulus sentences, which were used for both input-
and output-practice conditions. Sixteen sentences, each pertaining to four structures,
contained one of the eight verbs (i.e., carry, hug, kick, kiss, massage, push, wash, watch)
with human or nonhuman nouns as an antecedent. All verbs were familiar to participants
because they are taught in junior high school and/or are loan words in Japanese (see the
list of stimulus sentences in Appendix A in the online supplementary file).

Outcome Tests
Production and comprehension tests were designed to assess the development of ac-
curacy and speed in the use of both skills. The tests were identical in format to the training
material; however, participants were not provided any feedback. In the production test,
the participants were required to describe the picture within 12 seconds. In the com-
prehension test, the participants listened to a sentence once and were given 12 seconds to
select the matching picture.
Each test consisted of 16 items (see Appendix B in the online supplementary file). Four
items were created for each of the four target structures (subject RC who, subject RC
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10 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

FIGURE 1. A sample display of output and input practice.

which, object RC whom, object RC which). The eight verbs used in the training session
were also employed in the tests. To reduce the practice effect among the pretest and two
posttests, three equivalent test forms were created for comprehension and production
tests in which the same action verbs were used, but the combinations of action doer and
the recipient were varied.


Participants engaged in systematic input or production practice under one of the three
practice schedules (blocked, interleaved, or hybrid). Figure 2 presents the sequence of
practice instances for the three schedules. In the blocked-practice condition, all instances
of each grammatical category were studied and sequenced as a block. Specifically, the
participants encountered sentences using a subject relative pronoun who 16 times,
a subject relative which 16 times, an object relative whom 16 times, and then an object
relative which 16 times. In the interleaved-practice condition, instances from the four
grammatical categories were intermixed and were presented in a randomized order. No
items from the same category were presented twice in a row. In the hybrid-practice
condition, the participants were presented with the first half of the items (32 items) in
blocked practice format, followed by the remaining 32 items through interleaved
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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 11

FIGURE 2. Practice schedule.

Note. SR 5 Subject RC, OR 5 Object RC.


The study was conducted during two regular class hours. In Session 1, participants
performed a pretest (5 minutes), a training task (20 minutes), and an immediate posttest
(5 minutes) individually in a computer room. In Session 2, which took place a week after
the first session, the delayed posttest was administrated to assess participants’ retention of
acquired grammatical knowledge. In each test session, the production test, which
provides no input regarding RC constructions, was administered first, followed by the
comprehension test, to minimize the influence of the first test on the outcome of the
second. All training and test materials were administered through the DMDX software
program (Forster & Forster, 2003).


Comprehension Test
Accuracy on the comprehension tests was scored as 1 or 0. For the speed measure,
response time (RT) was measured from the onset of the prompt to the button press. Only
RTs of correct test items were submitted for analysis. In addition, participants’ data was
included in the speed analysis only if their mean accuracy rates were at least 65% (15%
above the level that could be attained by chance) on the pretest and two posttests. This
stringent screening procedure was adopted to retain sufficient test items for analyzing
RTs reliably for each participant (see, for instance, Hulstijn, Van Gelderen, & Schoonen,
2009 for a similar approach). Setting the cutoff value was necessary to prevent the
underrepresentation of learners’ procedural knowledge (from lower cutoff values) due to
the low accuracy of comprehension and production (e.g., lack of declarative knowledge).
Furthermore, outlying responses were identified and treated as missing values. The lower
cutoff was set to a point where a relative pronoun was pronounced in each stimulus
sentence (this resulted in 0.7%, 1.3%, and 0.9% of the data being excluded at pretest,
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12 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

immediate posttest, and delayed posttest, respectively), whereas the higher cutoff was set
at 2 SD or higher than the group mean for each test item (3.8%, 4%, and 4.8%, were thus
excluded from pretest, immediate posttest, and delayed posttest data sets, respectively).
The internal consistency indexed by Cronbach’s alpha was sufficient (.702.90) for all
comprehension measures (see Appendix C in the online supplementary file), with the
exception of the accuracy measure of the pretest score (alpha 5 .58), probably due to the
lower accuracy rates prior to the treatment session.

Production Test
Two raters first coded the outcome tests for accuracy and speed using the sound analysis
software Praat (Boersma & Weenink, 2016). Both individuals coded a subset of data
independently (12.4% of the production tests) and discussed inconsistencies until their
coding matched. After that, the same raters coded the remaining data independently.
Accuracy was scored as 1 or 0 for each test item. When assigning scores, if the word
order and relative pronoun were used correctly, a credit was given to utterances with
incorrect (non-)use of articles (e.g., That is boy who is kissing dog) and/or wrong tense
and aspect (e.g., That is the boy who kiss the dog). For the speed measures, RT was
measured from the onset of the prompt to the end of the utterance. RT data was excluded
if (a) the response was incorrect, (b) the response included repairs and/or rephrasing (e.g.,
That is the man which . . . who is kissing the dog), (c) a content word different from the
specified word was used (e.g., using “man” instead of “grandfather”), and/or (d) par-
ticipants did not follow the instructions (e.g., not uttering the first phrase “That is . . . ”).
As in comprehension tests, to retain sufficient test items for analysis, RT was computed
for students whose accuracy rate was $ 50% on the immediate and delayed posttests to
retain sufficient test items for RT analysis. The chosen cutoff accuracy rate was lower
than that in comprehension tests, as in this case, participants could not respond correctly
by chance (see Hulstijn et al., 2009 for a similar approach). Once again, outlying
responses were identified and treated as missing values, with 2 SD below the group mean
serving as the lower cutoff (Pretest: 0%; Immediate posttest: 0.04%; Delayed posttest:
0.1%) and 2 SD above the group mean serving as the lower cutoff (Pretest: 0%; Im-
mediate posttest: 1.2%; Delayed posttest: 0.6%) for each test item. The internal con-
sistency indexed by Cronbach’s alpha was sufficient (.702.92) for all production
measures (see Appendix C in the online supplementary file). Due to the less constrained
nature of production tests than comprehension tests, the aforementioned RT cleaning
procedure resulted in a very small data set suitable for production test analysis (see
“Results” section). Given the small number of participants in each group, the results
based on speed analysis should be interpreted with caution and regarded as a supple-
mentary analysis to accuracy measures.


To examine the effects of practice and schedule, the accuracy scores achieved on the
comprehension and production tests were analyzed separately for immediate and delayed
posttests using a logistic mixed-effects model (mixed logit model). For the speed
measures, a linear mixed-effects model was used to analyze the RT on the two
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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 13

comprehension and production posttests. The only difference between logistic and linear
mixed-effects models pertained to the dependent variable, with the former employing
binary accuracy response (correct/incorrect) and the latter using RT data (Jaeger, 2008).
Both models were implemented through the lme4 software package in R (Bates,
Mächler, Bolker, & Walker, 2014). The fixed effects were practice (input vs. output) and
schedule (blocked vs. interleaved vs. hybrid). The fixed effect of practice was centered
using deviation coding, while the effect of schedule was dummy coded with blocked
practice as a reference group (Linck & Cunnings, 2015). Accuracy scores on the pretest,
which were scaled (standardized) to reduce collinearity, were included as a covariate in
both models. For speed measures, RT on the pretest (standardized) as well as accuracy
scores were included as covariates. Note that the pretest RTs were available for the
comprehension tests only because production pretest RT data of only few participants
were retained for analysis (see Table 2).
All the mixed-effects models were incrementally developed using a maximum like-
lihood technique with forward-selection procedure (Cunnings, 2012; see, e.g., Yi, 2018 for
a similar approach). First, the initial model started with random-intercept-only models,
with practice and schedule as fixed effects and pretest as a covariate. Second, interactions
among the two fixed effects and one covariate were added to the initial model, followed by
random slopes. These models with additional interaction term(s) were compared with the
initial model, using the anova function in the lme4 package (Bates et al., 2014). The
forward-model selection procedure was conducted with alpha levels of .05, and the best-
fitting models are discussed in the “Results” section.4 Post-hoc comparisons, whenever
necessary, were conducted using the R package, lsmeans (Lenth, 2016).



Comprehension Test
Table 1 presents means, SDs and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of comprehension test
accuracy rates in all six conditions. Mean accuracy rates on the pretest ranged from
62.22% to 77.08%, indicating that learners’ performance was above a mere 50% chance
level (see Appendix D in the online supplementary material). After the treatment, ac-
curacy rates increased to well above 80% (range: 84.21292.26%) across groups. As
predicted by the skill-specificity hypothesis, the average gains (calculated as means of
averages pertaining to all three schedule groups) from the pretest to the immediate
posttest in the input-practice condition (20.34%) appeared to be greater than those in the
output-practice condition (13.55%). In contrast, the score gains from the pretest to the
immediate posttest among the three schedule conditions seemed very similar (blocked 5
22.73%; interleaved 5 18.75%, hybrid 5 19.56%). A consistent pattern in the results
was also noted in the average gains from the pretest to the delayed posttest.
Although the input-practice condition yielded higher accuracy rates than the output-
practice condition at the descriptive level, the logit model results for comprehension tests
showed no significant fixed effects of practice for either immediate or delayed posttest
(ps . .10, see Appendix E). Similarly, the fixed effect of schedule was not significant on
either posttest (ps . .10).
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Descriptive statistics for the accuracy measures


Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

Comprehension Test Production Test

95% CI 95% CI

M SD Lower Upper M SD Lower Upper

Input_Blocked (n 5 22) Pretest 62.22 16.65 55.40 69.03 23.86 16.66 17.33 30.68
Immediate Post 84.94 15.15 78.42 90.63 73.58 26.51 62.22 84.38
Delayed Post 81.82 20.94 73.02 89.77 58.81 29.80 46.31 70.45
Mean Difference (Immediate Post – Pre) 22.73 49.72
Mean Difference (Delayed Post – Pre) 19.60 34.94
Input_Interleaved (n 5 18) Pretest 71.88 16.78 63.54 79.51 29.51 19.15 20.84 38.19
Immediate Post 90.63 10.56 85.76 94.79 70.14 27.50 55.90 81.60
Delayed Post 93.75 6.78 90.63 96.53 61.46 26.36 48.96 73.60
Mean Difference (Immediate Post – Pre) 18.75 40.63
Mean Difference (Delayed Post – Pre) 21.88 31.94
Input_Hybrid (n 5 31) Pretest 68.35 14.25 63.51 73.39 28.43 17.52 22.18 34.07
Immediate Post 87.90 13.59 82.67 92.54 65.12 25.30 56.25 73.58
Delayed Post 88.71 12.95 83.87 93.14 64.92 26.65 55.44 73.18
Mean Difference (Immediate Post – Pre) 19.56 36.69
Mean Difference (Delayed Post – Pre) 20.36 36.49
Output_Blocked (n 5 18) Pretest 72.22 14.42 65.28 78.13 26.39 13.31 21.18 32.99
Immediate Post 87.15 11.64 81.60 92.01 80.56 18.92 72.22 88.19
Delayed Post 90.63 11.19 85.07 95.14 68.06 23.76 57.99 78.13
Mean Difference (Immediate Post – Pre) 14.93 54.17
Mean Difference (Delayed Post – Pre) 18.40 41.67
Output_Interleaved (n 5 19) Pretest 73.68 16.87 65.46 81.25 29.61 13.31 24.34 35.53
Immediate Post 84.21 16.97 76.32 91.45 89.80 13.05 83.55 95.07
Delayed Post 90.79 10.90 85.53 95.39 73.36 17.90 65.46 81.58
Mean Difference (Immediate Post – Pre) 10.53 60.20
Mean Difference (Delayed Post – Pre) 17.11 43.75
(continued on following page)
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TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics for the accuracy measures (continued)

Comprehension Test Production Test

95% CI 95% CI

Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule

M SD Lower Upper M SD Lower Upper

Output_Hybrid (n 5 21) Pretest 77.08 14.02 71.13 83.03 25.00 15.44 18.75 31.25
Immediate Post 92.26 11.68 86.61 96.73 89.29 17.91 80.95 95.24
Delayed Post 89.29 12.21 83.33 94.05 69.05 29.41 55.96 80.65
Mean Difference (Immediate Post – Pre) 15.18 64.29
Mean Difference (Delayed Post – Pre) 12.20 44.05

16 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

Production Test
Production accuracy rates on the pretest were below 30% across all groups (see Table 1
and Appendix D). All three output-practice groups achieved 80% on the immediate
posttest, whereas the three input-practice groups scored around 70%. As predicted by the
skill-specificity hypothesis, greater mean gains (calculated as means of averages per-
taining to all three schedule groups) were observed in the output-practice condition
(59.55%) than in the input-practice condition (42.34%). The mean gains from the pretest
to the delayed posttest seemed to have remained consistently higher for the output-
practice condition (43.15%) than for the input-practice condition (34.46%).
When comparing the score gains across the three schedule groups, an interesting
asymmetry appeared in the immediate posttest. In the output-practice condition, the
descending order of the three schedule conditions in terms of score improvements was
blocked practice (54.17%), interleaved practice (60.20%), and hybrid practice (64.29%).
For the input-practice condition, the score gains were reversed, as hybrid practice (36.69%)
was followed by interleaved practice (40.63%) and finally blocked practice (49.72%). On
the delayed posttest, negligible differences were noted across the three schedule conditions.
The results of logit models for production tests are presented in Appendix E. For the
immediate posttest, the effects of schedule (hybrid practice) was significant in com-
parison to the reference group (blocked practice), z 5 2.13, p 5 .03. The other two
comparisons did not yield significant differences: interleaved versus blocked (z 5 1.63, p
5 .10) and interleaved versus hybrid (z 5 – 0.44, p 5 .66). While the fixed effect of
practice was not significant, z 5 – 0.56, p 5 .58, a significant interaction was found
between practice and schedule (interleaved and hybrid), z 5 –1.98, –3.05, p 5 .002.
These significant interactions are illustrated in Figure 3, revealing virtually no difference
between the effects of input and output practice under the blocked-practice condition.

FIGURE 3. Significant interaction between practice and schedule on accuracy scores of production test (immediate
Note. The accuracy scores were adjusted for the pretest scores. The error bars indicate 95% confidence
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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 17

Conversely, output practice was more effective than input practice in the interleaved- and
hybrid-practice conditions. The advantage of output practice was more pronounced in the
hybrid-practice condition (d 5 0.93, 95% CI [0.23, 1.59]) than in the interleaved-practice
condition (d 5 1.24, 95% CI [0.62, 1.83]).
On the delayed posttest, the fixed effects of schedule or significant interactions in the
immediate posttest were no longer significant. However, the fixed effect of practice
remained significant, z 5 – 2.10, p 5 .04, indicating that the production condition
yielded better performance than the comprehension condition (M 5 43.15% vs. 34.46%).


Comprehension Test
Table 2 presents means, SDs and 95% CIs of the comprehension test speed measures in
all six groups. Mean RTs on the pretest were around 4,800 6 300 ms (see Appendix D).
On the immediate posttest, the mean RT decrease was greater in the comprehension
practice condition (1,093 ms) than in the production condition (521 ms). In the input-
practice condition, interleaved and hybrid practice (1,423 and 1,291 ms) appeared to
have improved more than blocked practice (564 ms). In the output-practice condition,
RTs in the hybrid-practice group improved the most (815 ms); the blocked and in-
terleaved practice groups showed smaller, similar levels of practice effects (344 ms and
404 ms). A consistent pattern in the results was also noted in the improvement from the
pretest to the delayed posttest.
The results of linear mixed-effects models for comprehension tests are presented in
Appendix F. In the immediate posttest, the effect of practice was significant (t 5 –4.24, p ,
.001), supporting the hypothesis that input practice improved RT more than output practice
did. The fixed effect of schedule was also significant in the comparison between hybrid
practice and blocked practice (t 5 –2.43, p 5 .02), while no significant difference was
found between interleaved practice and blocked practice (t 5 –0.58, p 5 .57). The ad-
vantage of hybrid practice relative to interleaved practice was marginally significant (t 5
1.87, p 5 .07). Furthermore, a significant three-way interaction was detected among
practice (input practice), schedule (interleaved), and pretest RT (t 5 –2.43, p 5 .02). This
interaction was further examined by applying a linear mixed-effects model with schedule
(blocked vs. interleaved practice) as a fixed effect, focusing solely on input-practice
condition (see Appendix G in the online supplementary material). The model yielded
a significant interaction between schedule and pretest RT (t 5 –2.92, p 5 .01). This
interaction is illustrated in Figure 4, where it can be seen that the participants with greater
RT (slower processing speed) on the pretest tended to perform better in interleaved practice
compared to blocked practice. Conversely, only marginal differences between two practice
schedules were noted among learners with shorter RT (faster processing speed).
The same pattern was observed in the delayed posttest results. Identical significant
fixed effects and interaction term were obtained for the immediate and delayed posttests
(see Appendix G in the online supplementary file). Similarly to the immediate posttest,
hybrid practice was more beneficial in enhancing processing speed than interleaved
practice (t 5 2.48, p 5 .02). The significant three-way interaction among practice (input
practice), schedule (interleaved), and pretest RT for the delayed posttest was, once again,
examined further. As shown in Figure 4, a very similar interaction pattern was found for
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Descriptive statistics for the reaction time measures


Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

Comprehension Test Production Test

95% CI 95% CI

n M SD Lower Upper n M SD Lower Upper

Input_Blocked Pretest 9 4430 753 3948 4894 2 – – – –

Immediate post 9 3866 665 3490 4327 7 6844 1123 6101 7615
Delayed post 9 3684 504 3390 4002 7 6017 759 5488 6511
Mean Difference (Pre – Immediate Post) 564
Mean Difference (Pre – Delayed Post) 746
Input_Interleaved Pretest 13 5162 1140 4653 5819 3 – – – –
Immediate post 13 3740 458 3511 3992 7 6959 1778 5755 8118
Delayed post 13 3927 416 3724 4136 6 6368 1339 5393 7343
Mean Difference (Pre – Immediate Post) 1423
Mean Difference (Pre – Delayed Post) 1235
Input_Hybrid Pretest 14 4887 1000 4396 5392 3 – – – –
Immediate post 14 3596 778 3210 4014 15 6484 962 6018 6951
Delayed post 14 3585 673 3262 3966 13 6226 969 5707 6730
Mean Difference (Pre – Immediate Post) 1291
Mean Difference (Pre – Delayed Post) 1303
Output_Blocked Pretest 12 4724 802 4314 5207 1 – – – –
Immediate post 12 4381 626 4022 4704 9 6350 1126 5709 7109
Delayed post 12 4422 957 3944 4931 9 6525 670 6136 6942
Mean Difference (Pre – Immediate Post) 344
Mean Difference (Pre – Delayed Post) 303
Output_Interleaved Pretest 10 4540 754 4094 4995 2 – – – –
Immediate post 10 4136 909 3617 4683 14 5738 962 5237 6221
Delayed post 10 4086 883 3593 4601 17 6204 1037 5742 6675
Mean Difference (Pre – Immediate P) 404
Mean Difference (Pre – Delayed P) 454
(continued on following page)
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TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics for the reaction time measures (continued)

Comprehension Test Production Test

95% CI 95% CI

Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule

n M SD Lower Upper n M SD Lower Upper

Output_Hybrid Pretest 16 4812 894 4423 5259 3 – – – –

Immediate post 16 3997 825 3628 4386 12 5502 853 5092 5976
Delayed post 16 3921 835 3529 4350 13 6241 1025 5747 6792
Mean Difference (Pre – Immediate P) 815
Mean Difference (Pre – Delayed P) 891

20 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

FIGURE 4. Significant interaction between schedule (blocked vs. interleaved practice) and pretest RT in com-
prehension test performance by input-practice groups.
Note. The shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals.

the delayed posttest, suggesting that the participants with greater RT on the pretest were
more likely to benefit less from blocked practice than from interleaved practice.

Production Test
As shown in Table 2, the mean RTs (calculated as means of averages pertaining to all three
schedule groups) on the immediate posttest were shorter in the output-practice condition
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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 21

(5,863 ms) than in the input-practice condition (6,763 ms). In the output-practice condition,
hybrid practice (5,502 ms) appear to have resulted in the shortest RT, followed by in-
terleaved (5,738 ms) and blocked practice (6,350 ms). Similarly, in the input-practice
condition, hybrid practice (6,484 ms) exhibited shorter RT than blocked and interleaved
practice (6,844 and 6,959 ms). In the delayed posttest, the six groups performed similarly in
terms of RT, with differences not exceeding 500 ms (6,017–6,525 ms).
The results of linear mixed-effects models for production tests are presented in
Appendix F. For the immediate posttest, practice was a significant fixed effect (t 5 3.78,
p , .001), suggesting that output practice was more beneficial than input practice for
production test performance. The effect of schedule was marginally significant (t 5
–1.85, p 5 .07), whereby learners in the hybrid-practice group outperformed those
assigned to the blocked-practice condition. On the delayed posttest, none of the fixed
effects were significant (ps . .10).



The first research question pertained to the skill specificity of practice. The results
reported in this work indicate presence of skill-specificity effects for both practice
modalities (input and output practice) in the receptive and productive use of English RC
constructions. These findings corroborate the previously observed skill-specific effects
of L2 practice (DeKeyser, 1998; DeKeyser & Sokalski, 1996; Li & DeKeyser, 2017; Li
& Taguchi, 2014) and further demonstrate that they extend to aural-oral practice in L2
acquisition of syntax. The skill specificity effects were systematically observed par-
ticularly for the speed measures of the comprehension tests and the accuracy measures of
the production tests.
The accuracy rates achieved in the comprehension tests did not provide any evidence of
skill-specificity effects. This finding may be due to the nature of the output training task in the
current study. In particular, the correct answer in a form of visual and aural input was
provided (i.e., serving as partial input practice) throughout the output-practice treatment,
which might have led to the nonsignificant effect of practice type on the comprehension
accuracy score. Another explanation may pertain to the relatively higher prior level of
comprehension skills than that of production skills in this group of L2 learners, which may
also be the case for many Japanese learners in general (e.g., Izumi, 2003). In contrast, the
processing speed of learners that took part in this study was more variable and was thus more
likely to benefit from practice, which might have contributed to a clearer pattern in the
specificity effects. Theoretically, greater proceduralized (as opposed to declarative)
knowledge becomes more fine-tuned when specific skills are practiced, leading to less
transfer from output practice to comprehension skill (Anderson, 1993). This theoretical
prediction may be supported by the findings reported by Li and Taguchi (2014). These
authors found skill-specific practice effects only on the speed measures (i.e., how quickly
grammatical knowledge can be used), which represent procedural knowledge more strongly
than do accuracy measures. The results yielded by current study corroborate Li and
Taguchi’s (2014) findings. Procedural grammatical knowledge is skill specific; it is thus
reasonable to assume that the skill-specific effects of input practice manifested most strongly
in the speed dimension of comprehension skills.
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22 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

In the production tests, by contrast, skill-specificity effects were found for the accuracy
measures on both posttests, as well as for the speed measure of the immediate posttest. It
appears somewhat inconsistent that the effect was found particularly for accuracy
measures, given that response speed is a purer indicator of procedural knowledge.
However, accuracy scores also reflect procedural knowledge (as well as declarative
knowledge) because production test performance involves integration of multiple skills
(e.g., lexical and grammatical processing, articulation) for uttering a sentence under
moderate time pressure (DeKeyser, 2015; Kormos, 2006). Accuracy measures may
better reflect earlier stages of proceduralization than speed measures. Of course, be-
havioral tests cannot completely distinguish procedural from declarative knowledge.
Consequently, skill-specificity effects are most likely to manifest in the acquisition stage
of procedural knowledge, which is assessed by some indicators of some tests, depending
on the learners’ L2 proficiency level (Morgan-Short, Faretta-Stutenberg, Brill-Schuetz,
Carpenter, & Wong, 2014). The learners that took part in the present study were probably
still in the earlier stages of productive skill proceduralization, compared to compre-
hension skills. Hence, they might have acquired accurate productive skills more effi-
ciently from output practice than input practice.


The second research question probed into the relative effectiveness of three practice
schedules. The significant effects of practice schedule emerged in the same subskills
(i.e., comprehension speed and production accuracy) as those found for the effects of
practice format. These findings indicate that the hybrid-practice group significantly
outperformed the blocked- and interleaved-practice groups in terms of comprehension
speed (both posttests) and production accuracy (immediate posttest). This observation
is consistent with some of prior research findings, suggesting that combining blocked
and interleaved practice is more beneficial than interleaved practice alone (Porter et al.,
2007; Porter & Magill, 2010). It is noteworthy, however, that the present finding
diverges from those obtained in the Nakata and Suzuki’s (2019) prior research, where
interleaved practice yielded significantly better performance than hybrid or blocked
The advantage of hybrid practice may be explained by drawing on the desirable
difficulty framework (Bjork, 1994), which postulates that knowledge/skill acquisition is
most enhanced when learners engage in the tasks with the appropriate level of difficulty.
When task difficulty is relatively high (e.g., early in the training), the least demanding,
blocked-practice schedule may scaffold learning, thus optimizing the level of learning
difficulty relative to the learners’ initial skill level. As learners’ skills improve through
blocked practice, a more demanding, interleaved-practice schedule can then offer an
ideal learning condition, where learners’ skill level matches task demands. The learning
trajectory during the treatment may lend some support for this interpretation (see
Appendix H for performance during the treatment). In the hybrid-practice schedule, the
earlier blocked practice efficiently improved production accuracy and comprehension
speed, and then the latter interleaved practice introduced difficulty in performance
(indicated by lower production accuracy and slower comprehension speed). In sum, the
hybrid schedule gradually increased task demands from less taxing, blocked practice to
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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 23

more demanding, interleaved practice, thus challenging learners optimally throughout

the training session (Guadagnoli & Lee, 2004; Suzuki et al., 2019b).
In the current study, the training/outcome tasks (aural picture-matching and oral
picture-description tasks) were probably more difficult than those employed by Nakata
and Suzuki (2019) (a written fill-in-the-blank task/a written GJT that provided accuracy
scores only). First, the speed measures in the current comprehension tests tap into more
procedural knowledge, which requires more efficient skill to successfully perform the
task. Second, learners need to execute multiple cognitive processes simultaneously for
production (e.g., lexical retrieval, grammatical processing, and articulation) under
moderate time pressure. These factors might have contributed to the apparent higher
training task difficulty. The gradual scaffolding throughout the training phase (hybrid
schedule) might have optimized the difficulty levels of consecutive tasks for the learners
that took part in this investigation. In contrast, when task difficulty is relatively lower, as
was the case in the Nakata and Suzuki’s (2019) prior study, the learners might be able to
take advantage of the effects of interleaved practice early in the training, rendering this
practice schedule more advantageous. In contrast, the learners that took part in the
present study were less likely to benefit from the effects of interleaved practice early in
the training process due to the difficulty surpassing learners’ skill level. Thus, its di-
minished effects might have led to a nonsignificant difference between interleaved and
blocked practice formats.


The results reported in this work reveal two significant interactions pertaining to
comprehension and production test, respectively. In the comprehension test, a significant
two-way interaction between schedule (blocked vs. interleaved) and pretest RT was
revealed in the input-practice condition. This pattern was consistently found on both
immediate and delayed posttests (speed performance), which is characterized as
aptitude-treatment interaction5 in a broad sense (Cronbach & Snow, 1977). It suggests
that, while interleaved practice may neutralize the effects of prior knowledge, blocked
practice is susceptible to learners’ prior processing speed. Critically, this aptitude-
treatment interaction (depicted in Figure 4) is primarily driven by the data related to less
skilled learners (i.e., those whose processing speed was slower). These less skilled
learners might have been pushed to discriminate subject and object RC constructions
from similar instances presented randomly, that is, interleaved presentation (Carvalho &
Goldstone, 2014; Zulkiply & Burt, 2013). However, they had difficulty in learning to
distinguish similar grammatical categories in blocked-practice schedule, possibly be-
cause their processing skill was insufficient. The more skilled learners, in contrast, may
have been able to utilize their more efficient processing abilities to accelerate dis-
crimination of similar syntactic structures regardless of practice schedules (Sana, Yan, &
Kim, 2017).
An intriguing aspect of dynamic interplay between practice and schedule was found
for the accuracy measures on the immediate production posttest. While no significant
difference was found between input-practice and output-practice groups under the
blocked-practice condition, the output-practice groups outperformed the input-practice
groups under both interleaved- and hybrid-practice conditions. As illustrated in Figure 3,
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24 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

this interaction is characterized by the declining performance in the input-practice

condition. Specifically, the amount of transfer from the receptive to productive skill
seems to be decreasing from blocked to interleaved to hybrid practice. This pattern in
production test performance is reversed in comprehension test performance. Recall that,
in the comprehension test (speed measure), hybrid practice was the optimal practice
schedule, followed by the interleaved practice and the blocked practice, as the least
effective method of accelerating processing comprehension speed. In other words, the
greatest proceduralization of comprehension skills presumably occurred in the hybrid-
practice condition, followed by interleaved-practice and blocked-practice condition.
The greater proceduralization of comprehension skills under the hybrid-practice
condition may make it difficult for learners to transfer their comprehension skills to
production skills, however. In contrast, learners in the blocked-practice condition, who
exhibited the least proceduralized knowledge, may be able to perform relatively better
in production test (greater transfer) possibly because they would rely more on de-
clarative knowledge and less on procedural knowledge (Bavelier, Bediou, & Green,
2018). It must be noted that this interpretation is inconclusive, given that this in-
teraction was found only in production accuracy on the immediate posttest. Yet, this
finding is worth exploring further in future research because it precisely fits the
prediction of the skill acquisition theory (Anderson, 1993). Moreover, it demonstrates
how practice format and schedule influence L2 learning from declarative-procedural
knowledge perspectives.


The aim of the present study was to investigate how practice type (input and output) and
schedule (blocked, interleaved, and hybrid) influence the acquisition of comprehension
and productive L2 skills. The findings reported in this work support the skill-specificity
hypothesis and add to the growing evidence indicating that input and output practice play
specific roles in L2 skill acquisition (DeKeyser, 1998; DeKeyser & Sokalski, 1996; Li &
DeKeyser, 2017; Li & Taguchi, 2014). Hybrid schedule, compared to blocked and
interleaved schedule, resulted in greater processing speed improvements in compre-
hension, as well as led to more accurate production. A significant interaction between
schedule (blocked and interleaved) and prior level of knowledge was found for the speed
measures on the comprehension tests. These observations indicate that the effectiveness
of blocked practice is contingent on learners’ prior processing speed, while interleaved
practice may be effective irrespective of prior knowledge levels. Another significant,
more complex, interplay between practice format and schedule was detected in the
production accuracy achieved on the immediate posttest, which suggests that more fine-
tuned, procedural knowledge that is gained from systematic input-hybrid practice was
less likely to transfer to production skill.
These findings have obvious implications for L2 classroom instruction, as they
emphasize the importance of both input and output practice, particularly when the aim is
L2 skill proceduralization. Furthermore, the effects of practice format and schedule on
comprehension speed improvements were found to depend on the prior processing speed
level that L2 learners bring to practice. Specifically, although learners with higher
comprehension processing skills can benefit equally from both blocked and interleaved
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Dynamic Interplay between Practice Type and Practice Schedule 25

practice, interleaved practice should be adopted for learners with lower processing skills.
Although comprehension and speaking skills of the specific target structures (RC
constructions) were examined in this study, more global L2 proficiency (e.g., listening
and speaking abilities) was not assessed. In future research, the proficiency factor should
be taken into account and may be examined as a potential moderating variable of training
Given the small sample sizes employed in this work (especially for the speed analysis),
our interpretations and implications of the findings reported here are tentative. Obvi-
ously, a replication study employing the same design is needed. This study focused
solely on a specific element of syntactic structure (accuracy and speed of using subject
and object RC constructions). Thus, generalizability of these findings should be further
attested by examining different linguistic domains of a variety target structures aimed at
assessing diverse L2 skills because different characteristics of grammatical structures
may interact with the effects of blocked and interleaved practice. In addition, the practice
format was controlled and form-focused, which limits our understanding of how practice
format and schedules influence L2 learning through more meaning-focused tasks. Last
but not least, the current research contributes to a growing body of L2 research on
optimal schedules that are informed by cognitive psychology (e.g., Nakata, 2015;
Suzuki, 2017; Suzuki et al., 2019a). Because a majority of previous psychology and L2
research focuses on adult L2 learners in laboratory contexts, it is imperative to examine to
what extent the current results along with the existing lab-based findings are applicable
for instructed settings (Küpper-Tetzel, Erdfelder, & Dickhäuser, 2014). The present
study thus opens avenues for future lab-based and classroom-based investigations into
complex effects of pertinent practice variables on L2 acquisition from skill acquisition
perspectives (Suzuki et al., 2019a).


To view supplementary material for this article, please visit https://doi.org/10.1017/


Procedural and automatized knowledge overlap to some extent. Procedural knowledge is used for specific
behavior (as opposed to declarative knowledge) and primarily acquired in an earlier stage of skill learning while
automatization takes place later and requires extensive practice for an extended period.
In this article, for consistency, the terms “input” and “output” practice refer to the practice format, whereas
“comprehension” and “production” tests refer to assessment tasks.
The hybrid-practice schedule included the interleaved-practice schedule instead of a mini blocked-
practice schedule (e.g., ABCDABCDABCD) so that the hybrid-practice schedule could be compared with the
“pure” interleaved-practice schedule.
Although the most appropriate modeling procedure for the mixed-effects models are currently debated in
the literature, our approach is considered parsimonious and more sensible for the data set in this study (Bates,
Kliegl, Vasishth, & Baayen, 2015). All the best-fitting models, except for one, included random intercepts only.
The models with only random intercept tend to lead to higher Type I error (Matuschek, Kliegl, Vasishth,
Baayen, & Bates, 2017), so the significant fixed effects should be interpreted with caution.
While aptitude is often narrowly specified as cognitive aptitudes (i.e., cognitive abilities that predict the
success of L2 learning) in the L2 acquisition literature (Doughty, 2018), the word “aptitude” is used in this
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26 Yuichi Suzuki and Midori Sunada

article to keep in line with the original conceptualization of aptitude-treatment interaction in the psychology
field (Snow, 1994), which includes prior levels of knowledge among other individual difference factors (e.g.,
cognitive abilities, motivation, personality).

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