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Year of the Lord, January 14, 2023

Esteli, Nicaragua

Brothers, I have the honor to present to you the book entitled "THE WEAPON OF
THE LAST TIMES" which is based on the teachings of the Magisterium of the
Church and the Messages revealed to Luz de Maria from the year 2009 until
January 14, 2023.

These teachings are a true spiritual pedagogy that will help us learn to pray and
meditate effectively the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, contemplating Christ the
Redeemer with the eyes of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I DECLARE that I have not found any doctrinal error against faith, morals and good
morals and therefore I grant the IMPRIMATUR to this publication.

Together with my blessing, I express my best wishes that what is contained in this
book may help us all to live the Mysteries of Joy, Light, Sorrow and Glory of the
Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I pray to the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary to intercede for the peace of the
whole world at this time of crisis in faith and disharmony among peoples.


Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara, S.D.B.

Bishop Emeritus of Estelí
Daughter, tell all My children that salvation is in the hands of prayer and that the
child of Mine who prays every day with his heart, deepening and making his own
the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, that child of Mine will have in his hands the
great treasure that will help him get through the coming moments, no matter how
cruel they may be.
Daughter, tell them that to live the Trinitarian Will there are no doors or keys, if
there is not a Divine Love that will open and keep My Will present in those
creatures who every day truly pray each Mystery of the Holy Rosary in their hearts
as if they themselves were living it.
Let us see the greatness of meditating and praying the Holy Rosary:
Our Lord Jesus Christ said to Me: tell My children that My Mother is My Mother and
whoever conquers the Heart of My Mother enters into living in the Divine Will, that
is why it is so important to know that THE HOLY ROSARY IS THE WEAPON OF THE
LAST TIMES. Dialogue between Our Lord Jesus Christ and Luz de María, 01.12.2023

It is urgent that the Faith be strengthened by the Holy Eucharist and be

strengthened by the prayer of the Holy Rosary: Weapon of the end times.
Receive the Body and Blood of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ in the
Eucharist and pray the Holy Rosary with the heart.
The prayer of the Holy Rosary and the Holy Trisagion deliver those who
are devout. Saint Michael the Archangel, 01.13.2023


As the People of God, we know that we are in need of Our Blessed Mother who gives us the most
beautiful lessons of fidelity to God the Father and of love for her Son Jesus Christ.

All human creatures have a different way of offering love, obedience and faith to God, but there is
something that distinguishes us as brothers and sisters in faith: IT IS THE HOLY ROSARY.

It is not a coincidence, but it is to unite in prayer that gives us the teachings of Our Blessed Mother to
please God the Father as She did during Her Life.

To live surrendering to God's Will, we find the answer in the life of the one who found GRACE
BEFORE GOD, our Blessed Mother.

The prayer of the Holy Rosary is not the repetition of Our Fathers and Hail Marys, but it is to live the
journey through the Life, Passion, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the life of The
Most Holy Virgin Mary together with St. Joseph, protecting the Child Jesus and then accompanying
Christ on the Via Dolorosa.

Brothers, I share with you that this Prayer of the Holy Rosary is so profound and pours so many
Graces on the one who prays it and on the People of God, that it does the miracle of removing from
the human heart the layer of stone that prevents it from enjoying this impressively beautiful Jewel
that allows us to meditate and vocalize the delivery of that "YES" of Our Blessed Mother, our Mother
and Teacher in what it is to LIVE THE WILL OF GOD.

The heart is filled with that Love and Obedience to the Will of God with which Our Mother takes us
with Her to savor with the soul, that "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou
among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus" Cf. These words of the Archangel Gabriel
for our Mother.



It is clear that prayer must be made alive, not only in ourselves, but also to our fellow men.

Let us grow in Faith, Hope and Charity with each Hail Mary.
Luz de María

6 Magisterium of the Church and the Holy Rosary

7 The Inestimable Value of the Rosary

8 The Rosary IS...

9 A Powerful Weapon of Ward Off Evil

10 Luz de María´s Visions about the Holy Rosary

12 Praying the Holy Rosary as a Family

13 Promises to Those Who Meditate the Holy Rosary

with Devotion

15 Called to Prepare Spiritually to Meditate the

Holy Rosary

18 Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

19 How to Pray and Meditate the Holy Rosary?

Throughout the history of the Church, the true Magisterium has been faithful to this powerful
weapon, relying on the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her struggle against the Evil One
and his wiles against the children of God. St. John Paul II was a great lover of the Holy Rosary. All his
life he promoted it in the best way: praying it in public, in private, in great events and on all those in
which it was necessary, because of bad circumstances, to invoke peace.

St. John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter "Rosarium Virginis Mariae", entirely dedicated to this prayer
where he added the "Mysteries of Light", affirms that the Holy Rosary concretizes the whole Gospel
Message, in it is summarized the prayer of Mary Most Holy, her "Magnificat" by the work of the
Incarnation. With the Rosary, the people of God learns from the Virgin Mary to contemplate the
beauty of the Face of Christ and to experience His Love. Through the Rosary the believer obtains
abundant graces as if receiving them at the hands of Mary Most Holy, because we contemplate the
Face of Christ after the example of His Most Holy Mother and in Her company....

The Rosary offers an ordinary and fruitful spiritual and pedagogical opportunity for personal
contemplation, the formation of the people of God and the new evangelization (Cf. Rosarium Virginis
Mariae n 1-17). Therefore, it is recommended to meditate and deepen in this Apostolic Letter,
Rosarium Virginis Mariae of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI comments on the Holy Rosary as follows: "I am not revealing any secret
if I affirm that this devotion of yesteryear, so deeply rooted in the life of many Christians and of our
families, has been fading in recent decades, perhaps because it is a devotion that does not have the
status of an official prayer of the Church. There are even those who describe the recitation of the
Holy Rosary as a marginal devotion, childish and unsuitable for spiritually mature people". In the
Apostolic Exhortation "Verbum Domini" he recalls "the inseparable relationship between the Word of
God and Mary of Nazareth" and invites the faithful, especially in family life, to promote prayer to Our
Lady as an aid to meditating on the holy mysteries narrated by Scripture. One very useful means," he
adds, "is the personal and communal recitation of the Holy Rosary, which traces with Mary the
mysteries of Christ's life, and which Pope John Paul II wished to enrich with the mysteries of light"
(Verbun Domini n. 88).

Unfortunately today many have lost the desire to pray and the awareness of the greatness of
meditating the Holy Rosary frequently, perhaps because they have forgotten or are unaware of how
much good it does to have this good practice prayed with a heart full of faith. However, today is the
time to take up again this Holy Prayer from the Hand of the Blessed Virgin Mary and taste through it
the Merciful Love of God in these difficult times that humanity is living.
The Inestimable Value of the Holy
Our Will has entrusted My Mother with the command of the Heavenly Legions in order that She be
the one to crush the head of satan and, as the Queen that She is of all Creation, guide the spiritual
struggle that Humanity is living through in these instants. Hence the importance of rapport with the
prayer of the Holy Rosary, hence the awareness of praying the Rosary and of the meaning of every
word and every act performed in said offering. Do not wear the Rosary around your neck if you are
not aware of what It means, because to do otherwise is to offend Me. YOU POSSESS A WEAPON

“People of God, the Holy Rosary contains within it a continuous offering to the Divine Call and is the
Mother's response to that Divine Call. Therefore, pray with such Faith that you light up the entire
Universe. With the prayer of the Holy Rosary, prayed with special love, you mitigate so much that you
yet have to suffer: so much grief, so much horror, so much evil that man has created with his own
hands and from which he has become distracted at this time when he will be surprised. Saint Michael
The Archangel, 03.08.2020

Today I call My faithful to redouble prayer, so they maintain that invincible, firm faith, in which not
only you and yours take refuge, but also all those who are near you. You are My hope so that no more
souls are lost; that should be the slogan of each one of you, My faithful: winning souls, making them
see the truth of the events and redoubling prayer, without forgetting that the praying of the Holy
Rosary is blessing, balsam, shield, sword; it is defense, love, and protection. Our Lord Jesus Christ,

The sound produced by the Holy Rosary shakes evil and makes it flee quickly, if the creature is
properly prepared, has confessed sins committed and has proposed to amend his or her way
definitively in order to turn away from what separates him or her from Me. Our Lord Jesus Christ,
The Holy Rosary IS...
The praying of the Holy Rosary is light for souls, defense against evil. The Holy Rosary is a mantle
with which I embrace all of Creation. Thus, with a Rosary prayed devoutly, I embrace with Me all of
creation. Each Hail Mary is a canticle of intercession, each Hail Mary is a magnet that attracts
restoration to man, abundant and infinite graces being shed. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 07.22.2011

EACH HAIL MARY. The Holy Rosary is not only a prayer, it is the fruit of commitment of many souls
beloved by Me and committed to Me until I revealed it. And now in this instant, in this now without
time and in this time of no time, is when this Crown of Roses of the Holy Rosary must truly bear fruit.
The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 03.05.2013

In the HOLY ROSARY you pray the CREED, reaffirming faith in one God, faith in the Most Holy Trinity.
You pray for the Unity of the Church, the Resurrection of the Flesh, Eternal Life. You pray the OUR
FATHER asking that the Kingdom come to man, that the Trinitarian Will be done on Earth, as it is in
Heaven. You ask for spiritual bread and material bread, you ask not to fall into temptation. You pray
the HAIL MARY asking My intercession and here I am to intercede for My faithful children. The Most
Holy Virgin Mary, 11.23.2010

DO NOT FALTER, CONTINUE TO PRAY THE HOLY ROSARY, you attract Me, My Gaze immediately
turns to those who clamor to Me in each Hail Mary, because as Mother of the Verb, in My Maternal
Womb I shelter each one of the human creatures, and I bleed with tears of blood for those who have
moved away, who reject My Maternity, but above all for those who reject My Son’s Love. The Most
Holy Virgin Mary, 04.22.2015
A Powerful Weapon to Ward Off Evil

I urge you to pray the Holy Rosary: at every Ave Maria you pronounce in consciously of what it
implies, the devil receives a ray of My Maternal light and feels himself dying because of It - he
cannot bear this invocation that makes him feel that he is burning and choking, remembering that
this Mother of humanity will crush his head. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 01.08.2018

My beloved, the prayer of the Holy Rosary is not just one more, it is the weapon with which you
battle and the weapon before which the devil flees, provided that it is offered with devotion and
above all with faith and awareness, in a state of Grace and with faith in the Grace with which The
Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit have covered me and invested me with to be Mother, help of all
men. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 05.23.2013

Evil will not be able to overcome My children because those who are Mine Carry the weapon that
makes the devil tremble: “The Rosary”. If you were conscious of the greatness of the Holy Rosary, you
would not let a day go by without praying it. My Son gave you to Me, and I gave you the weapon with
which you will be victorious. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 07.15.2009

Continue to pray without ceasing, praying the Holy Rosary, without ceasing. It is the powerful
weapon through which you will defeat in My Maternal Heart the snares of evil.
Pray, pray the Holy Rosary. A great tribulation looms.
Do not turn away from the Holy Rosary. Remember that it is a shield for My people. The Most Holy
Virgin Mary, 10.07.2011

Take refuge in My Heart, battle with the weapon that is the Rosary, do not cease to pray it and offer
it for humanity, for strength and conversion of all the heretics and sinners. You the faithful people,
must pray with fervor, without decaying; prayer conquers all. THE ONE WHO PRAYS, PERSEVERES.
The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 09.23.2009

Beloved, unity of the faithful is URGENT, VERY URGENT. Division and lack of love is the strength of
the devil, strength that blackens the mind and heart of man, leading him to give himself over every
day to vices, to violence. This is why it is My children’s duty to fight with the weapon of prayer; with
the powerful weapon of the Holy Rosary. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 11.28.2009
Luz de María´s Visions about the Holy
I saw the body of Humanity totally deformed by constant sin. Beside it, He allowed me to see a Body
- smaller yet not less strong, but with a defined shape, and on the chest of that Body, I saw a Cross
covered by the Holy Rosary, and every mystery joined by a Heart.

I ask our Lord Jesus Christ about this Body, so radiant, and He indicates to me that it is His faithful
People, that the Cross is the Glory of His People, Glory reached by appropriating the way of Calvary,
and that the Heart is that of His Mother who helps Her children to enter into Divine Love.

And He said to me: "These are the few souls who follow Me and are faithful to My Word." Vision at
the end of Our Lord Jesus Christ´s message, 10.06.2017

And through a Vision She showed me Humanity, like a multitude of people so close to one another,
like a single mass. But I saw that out of the people were coming vices of all kinds that were passing
from one to another, because they had no way to protect themselves against the vices of others. Only
a small number of people were rejecting these vices because with their hands they were taking hold
of the edge of the Blessed Mother's Mantle, which was formed by a ROSARY THAT WENT AROUND

Yes, I could clearly see that every human creature that was taking hold of the Mantle of our Mother
was not only praying, but, praying the Holy Rosary, they were calling those who were accepting all
the vices and offering them a small document. Which one of them unfolded and managed to read:

Holy Virgin Mary, 10.16.2017

Jesus leaves and asks me that Humanity, when it has tribulations, might turn to the prayer of the
Holy Rosary and to the prayer of the Holy Trisagion.Vision at the end of Our Lord Jesus Christ´s
message, 03.18.2018
Brothers and sisters, Our Lord has looked us in the eye...

He allowed me to see two very high mountains; in the midst of them I saw a People walking on a
pilgrimage, and from one instant to another it is ambushed by other brothers and sisters who have
been waiting for it. But this People who was ambushed did not fear, it did not lose faith in Divine
Protection, and at that instant it invoked Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother.

Our Mother appeared more radiant than the sun and with Her splendor She eclipsed those who were
attacking Her children. This act was enough for the forces of evil to flee in fear.

I saw something in these human beings who were crying out to Christ and to our Mother, a common
Our Lord Jesus Christ´s message, 04.29.2018

I saw St Michael the Archangel with His Sword, followed by many Angels, all with censers in Their

I saw how the incense was reaching human beings, and these people prostrated themselves and,
lamenting over their disobedience towards the Divine Commandments, they turned their gaze back
to Heaven, begging for forgiveness.

I saw not only sicknesses among men, but also great plagues of insects coming, and devouring
stretches of crops destined for human food.

I saw how some people were asking God for forgiveness and were forgiven; then they went on their
way, and praying the Holy Rosary with faith and special love, they made these prayers reach the
plagues in the crops, and the insects fell to the ground.

Then St Michael the Archangel said to me: tell your brothers and sisters that the Prayer of the Holy
Rosary has broken the most stubborn of men, and Our Queen and Mother comes to those who pray
with Faith, but above all, she comes to assist those who fulfil God’s Law and keep the Divine Word
without distorting it.

And praying the Holy Rosary, St Michael Archangel left, and I heard the echo of a multitude of Angels
praying the Holy Rosary. Vision at the end of Saint Michael The Archangel´s message, 03.08.2020
Praying the Holy Rosary as a Family

I invite you to pray the Holy Rosary daily, living each HAIL MARY In your soul. I intercede for whoever
prays and meditates each Rosary. I protect every child, every place, every home in which the Rosary is
prayed with devotion daily. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 11.13.2010

Children, in every home there must exist spirituality, peace, harmony, understanding and you must
have the Sacred Scriptures, but not to decorate your home. Have Sacramentals, receive My Son in the
Eucharist, pray the Holy Rosary. In every home there must exist true union with My Son and the
constant praxis of the true child of My Son: the Law of Love. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 07.17.2016

THE HOLY ROSARY; the homes in which you pray the Holy Rosary are defended by My Angels;
creatures loving the Holy Rosary carry My constant Protection with them. The Most Holy Virgin Mary,

Today it is My Love that alerts you to remain in Grace, to carry sacramentals, to not forget those
“medicines of faith” that I have revealed to you for the unknown illnesses, to bless what you ingest,
to prepare yourselves with all that is necessary, to conserve in every home, not only the Sacred
Scriptures, but devotional books, to not forget the holy water to sign yourselves with each day, to
pray the Holy Rosary as a family and be Love in the likeness of My Son. The Most Holy Virgin Mary,

You, givers of love and obedient to My Son’s calls and Mine, must pray the Holy Rosary in your
homes, for unity in the family and to drive away evil. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 05.03.2010

Unite in a single voice, with the praying of the Holy Rosary. At these moments it is indispensable that
families pray together, so that they remain together. The devil is drilling the heart of the family in
order to weaken you, lust will infiltrate mankind, it undermines the Sacrament of Matrimony and
distorts the Commandments of God’s Law. Perversion takes possession of man and the innocents
suffer because of this scourge. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 06.08.2010
Promises to Those Who Meditate the
Holy Rosary with Devotion
Ehe praying of the Holy Rosary is a wall that leads you to remain firm in the face of temptation, it
leads to unity, it sensitizes you and it floods you with Love.
For each Rosary prayed with faith, I will bring comfort to the soul that needs to be consoled.
For each Rosary prayed with devotion, My Angelic legions will help whoever is in danger.
For each Rosary prayed with devotion, I will help whoever prays it, driving away the devil. Whoever
prays the Holy Rosary everyday with devotion; I will assist them in moments of temptation and will
cover them with My Mantle in persecutions. My Hand will guide them through safe paths.
Prayer continues it does not remain without bearing fruits, I present it before the Most Holy Trinity.
The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 09.29.2010

I invite you to pray the Holy Rosary daily, living each HAIL MARY In your soul. I intercede for whoever
prays and meditates each Rosary. I protect every child, every place, every home in which the Rosary is
prayed with devotion daily. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 11.13.2010

You the faithful people, must pray with fervor, without decaying; prayer conquers all. THE ONE WHO
PRAYS, PERSEVERES. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 09.23.2009

The praying of the Holy Rosary is light for souls, defense against evil. The Holy Rosary is a mantle
with which I embrace all of Creation. Thus, with a Rosary prayed devoutly, I embrace with Me all of
creation. Each Hail Mary is a canticle of intercession, each Hail Mary is a magnet that attracts
restoration to man, abundant and infinite graces being shed. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 07.22.2011

Pray the Holy Rosary. When you pray it meditating on it, My Angelic Legions arrive promptly to bless
the place where the Holy Rosary is prayed, and the protection is doubled and it multiplies to infinite.
The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 01.14.2015

The blessings derived from praying the Holy Rosary are innumerable, because those who pray it
receive My Help, and My Angels watch over them and keep them Protected. The evil one moves away
from he who prays unrushed and not just to comply with something he does not want. In the Holy
Rosary you must find the joy of uniting with My Son and with this Mother. The Most Holy Virgin Mary,
The Holy Rosary steers you to the refuge of My Heart. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 09.18.2010

Unknown facts will lead science to improvise. Contamination will rise without being controlled, the
man of science will seek the cause without finding it, the wind will be the carrier, and My children
will find protection in the Eucharist and the praying of the Rosary and the Trisagium.The Most Holy
Virgin Mary, 01.24. 2011

And you, My beloved, continue united to Me, carry the Holy Rosary so that you identify yourselves
before satan’s emissaries, which remain on earth. Do not fear to identify yourselves; My Angels will
protect you. Our Lord Jesus Christ, 11.23.2011

Do not forget to pray the Holy Rosary; the Eternal Father has granted Me abundant graces for those
who are fervent children, who do not forget the Holy Rosary. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 05.05.2017

The Holy Rosary is a defense against all evil, in every situation, it is protection for the soul; it is
protection of the nations, and where a devotee of the Holy Rosary cries out for help, there am I who
am the Mother of Mankind. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 03.09.2011

Children: I call you to pray the Holy Rosary, I call you to remain united, do not forget it, I as Mother,
cover you with My Mantle, I hold your hand, I offer Myself as an Ark so that in My Heart, you remain
protected and keep the faith. My love is a spring and I desire to give you of this water that fortifies
the spirit, encourages and intercedes. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 07.25.2009

And bear in mind that receiving Me in a state of grace, worthily prepared, as well as the prayer of the
Holy Rosary, can succeed in lessening the intensity of some of the events to come, if it is My Will. Our
Lord Jesus Christ, 12.19.2022
Called to Prepare Spiritually to Meditate
the Holy Rosary
I, your Lord, who sees beyond where you see, invite you again to prepare yourselves in every aspect.
Keep Sacramentals, carry My Cross, the Holy Rosary and do not forget the Scapular. But I must point
out to you that if the state of the soul is not the correct one, if the human being has not confessed its
sins, if it does not repent and make a firm commitment of amendment, the Sacramentals will only be
an ornament. In order for these to protect you from demons and show My Presence and My Mother’s
presence in them, the human being must remain in a state of grace, in a desire for conversion. Our
Lord Jesus Christ, 01.05.2011

Pray the Holy Rosary, do not fail, be perseverant. The praying of the Holy Rosary will increase the
Defensive Shield for each one of you, the shield before which the devil flees. Our Lord Jesus Christ,

Pray the Holy Rosary, offer it for your brothers and also for yourselves, mainly for you to renew
yourselves in the inside with Generous Spirit. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 12.20.2015

People of God, pray the Holy Rosary and cry out to Our Queen and Mother to hold you by Her Hand,
and do not turn away from Our Queen and Mother; stay in Divine Hands so that you do not be led
astray by developments that will surprise you. Saint Michael The Archangel, 01.19.2020

At this instant PRAYER is necessary. It is necessary to pray the Holy Rosary; awareness of the
Eucharist is essential for the souls not to be condemned due to ignorance; the practice of the
Commandments and Acts of Mercy is necessary, together with being living testimonies of the Acts
and Works of My Son. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 03.13.2016

Do not forget to pray meditating, and to pray the Holy Rosary, not as an imposition but as a necessity
for each one of My children. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 03.26.2016

I am with those who look for Me; My Love yearns for them. My Mother, Shelter for My children, fills
you with goods in each Rosary you pray. Our Lord Jesus Christ, 04.17.2016

People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, keep Our Queen and Mother’s attention focused on the
needs of each person by praying the Holy Rosary, so that the pride that grows within the human
being would be weakened and overcome by humility. Saint Michael The Archangel, 12.16.2022
Turn to the prayer of the Holy Rosary, keep praying, and enter into a real commitment to spreading
the explanation of My Word. Our Lord Jesus Christ, 06.18.2016

LOVE MY MOTHER, PRAY THE HOLY ROSARY. I do not abandon you, and My Mother asks of you to
entrust yourselves to Her Protection. Our Lord Jesus Christ, 06.30.2016

The sound produced by the Holy Rosary shakes evil and makes it flee quickly, if the creature is
properly prepared, has confessed sins committed and has proposed to amend his or her way
definitively in order to turn away from what separates him or her from Me. Our Lord Jesus Christ,

You do not regularly hear preaching about Purgatory, and Humanity has lost that which for the souls
of those who are in Purgatory is a great help and blessing: the praying of the Holy Rosary and the
praying of the Holy Trisagium for the intention for the souls that are in Purgatory, waiting for My
Most Holy Mother and the Angels in Her charge to bring them to Our Presence. Our Lord Jesus Christ,

My People should remain immovable so that those who wish to lead you to perdition do not succeed,
but for this you must take My Sacred Scripture in one hand and the Holy Rosary in the other. These
are the weapons with which My People will overcome by the Hand of My Mother. Our Lord Jesus
Christ, 04.20.2018

The Holy Rosary is not a repetitive prayer, but an exaltation towards My Mother, and you need to
pray it with the heart, in peace and with your senses surrendered to My Holy Spirit so that you might
pray fused to the Divine Will. Our Lord Jesus Christ, 08.17.2018

My people, not only will calamities come upon you, but also the glories of My Mother in order to help
you. Therefore, embrace the prayer of the Holy Rosary with love, praying it and putting it into
practice in every act and work of your lives. Our Lord Jesus Christ 07.02.2020

Pray, pray. In the House of God praises are to be proclaimed to the Most Holy Trinity and to Our
Queen and Mother of the End Times, and the Holy Rosary is to be proclaimed in the face of the
threats that humanity is facing due to the proximity of a celestial body that is approaching the Earth.
Saint Michael The Archangel, 10.16.2022

ROSARY, which satan fears and by which he feels poisoned. I therefore request that in every family
you pray the Holy Rosary at the same hour during the whole month, so that the Holy Rosary is prayed
continually with great devotion and love, covering the 24 hours. Saint Michael The Archangel,
PRAY THE HOLY ROSARY, persevering in this act of Faith, of love, of gratitude and at the same time
of reparation for the offenses committed by this generation against Our King and Lord Jesus Christ
and against Our Queen and Mother.

MOMENT IS DECISIVE. Saint Michael The Archangel, 12.05.2022
Prayer dictated by Saint Michael The

I come before You, Our Lady of the

Rosary of Fatima.
Falling at Your Feet out of love, my
heart offers you the works and
actions of my life and each Rosary
prayed in reparation for my sins and
those of the whole world.
I come before You and offer You each
one of my senses, with which I have
offended Your Immaculate Heart.
O Mother, I give them to You; help me
in this moment when I take Your
blessed Hand, with the firm intention
to convert.
Before You I promise to be faithful to
Your Divine Son and to You, Our Lady
of the Rosary of Fatima. I give you my
love, my commitment, my strength,
my perseverance, my faith, my hope,
my intentions. I give you all that I am
and will be from this moment on,
until, next to You, changed into a new
person, I am able to look into your
eyes and call you: My Mother!
Cómo Orar y Meditar el Santo
My Priests Sons: pray the Holy Rosary. Each Hail Mary is a precious pearl that sheds its beauty
upon all of humanity - past, present, and future. The praying of the Holy Rosary expands
throughout all of Creation reaching all creatures and magnetizing them in the Unity of My Love.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, 20.12.2011

Pray the Holy Rosary; do not recite it, pray the Holy Rosary, pray the Holy Rosary with devotion,
recollection and meditation, and in each Mystery stop and offer it for yourselves, Mystical Body of
the Church, for all those who, clinging to falsehood, wish to belittle My Son's Presence as the
center of His Church. The Most Holy Virgin Mary el 05.13.2017

Prayer the Holy Rosary

1. By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. Pray the Act of Contrition: My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, my Creator, Father
and Redeemer; because You are who You are, infinite Goodness, and because I love You above
all things, I am heartily sorry that I have offended You; I am also sorry because You can punish
me with the pains of hell. With the help of your Divine Grace, I firmly propose never again to sin,
to confess and to fulfill the penance that will be imposed on me. Amen.

3. Depending on the day of the week, we choose the mysteries to meditate on, as indicated

Joyful Mysteries (Mondays and Saturdays).

The Annunciation
The Visitation
The Nativity
The Presentation in the Temple
The Finding in the Temple

Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesdays and Fridays).

The Agony in the Garden
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion
Glorious Mysteries (Wednesdays and Sundays).
The Resurrection
The Ascension
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Luminous Mysteries (Thursdays).

The Baptism of Jesus
The Wedding of Cana
The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and the call to conversion
The Transfiguration
The Institution of the Eucharist

4. Announce each Mystery, pray one Our Father, followed by 10 Hail Mary’s, a Glory Be then the
Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, defend us from our enemies and protect us now and at the
hour of our death. Amen.

5. Pray the Ejaculatory: O my Jesus, forgive us of our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls
into heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Amen.

6. Pray one Our Father and these three Hail Mary´s:

Hail Mary, Daughter of God the Father, most powerful, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art
thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for
us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Hail Mary, Mother of God the Son, most wise, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art Thou
among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Hail Mary, Bride of God the Holy Spirit, most gracious, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art
Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for
us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
7. Pray the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Lord have mercy. R/. Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy. R/. Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy. R/. Lord have mercy
Christ hear us. R/. Christ hear us
Christ graciously hear us. R/. Christ hear us
God, the Father of heaven, R/. Have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, R/. Have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, R/. Have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God, R/. Have mercy on us

Holy Mary, R/. Pray for us

Holy Mother of God, R/. Pray for us
Holy Virgin of virgins, R/. Pray for us

Mother of Christ, R/. Pray for us

Mother of the Church, R/. Pray for us
Mother of divine grace, R/. Pray for us
Mother most pure, R/. Pray for us
Mother most chaste, R/. Pray for us
Mother inviolate, R/. Pray for us
Mother undefiled, R/. Pray for us
Mother most amiable, R/. Pray for us
Mother admirable, R/. Pray for us
Mother of good counsel, R/. Pray for us
Mother of our Creator, R/. Pray for us
Mother of our Saviour, R/. Pray for us
Mother of mercy, R/. Pray for us

Virgin most prudent, R/. Pray for us

Virgin most venerable, R/. Pray for us
Virgin most renowned, R/. Pray for us
Virgin most powerful, R/. Pray for us
Virgin most merciful, R/. Pray for us
Virgin most faithful, R/. Pray for us

Mirror of justice, R/. Pray for us

Seat of wisdom, R/. Pray for us
Cause of our joy, R/. Pray for us
Spiritual vessel, R/. Pray for us
Vessel of honour, R/. Pray for us
ISingular vessel of devotion, R/. Pray for us
Mystical rose, R/. Pray for us
Tower of David, R/. Pray for us
Tower of ivory, R/. Pray for us
House of gold, R/. Pray for us
Ark of the covenant, R/. Pray for us
Gate of heaven, R/. Pray for us
Morning star, R/. Pray for us
Health of the sick, R/. Pray for us
Refuge of sinners, R/. Pray for us
Comfort of the afflicted, R/. Pray for us
Help of Christians, R/. Pray for us

Queen of Angels, R/. Pray for us

Queen of Patriarchs, R/. Pray for us
Queen of Prophets, R/. Pray for us
Queen of Apostles, R/. Pray for us
Queen of Martyrs, R/. Pray for us
Queen of Confessors, R/. Pray for us
Queen of Virgins,R/. Pray for us
Queen of all Saints, R/. Pray for us
Queen conceived without original sin, R/. Pray for us
Queen assumed into heaven, R/. Pray for us
Queen of the most holy Rosary, R/. Pray for us
Queen of families, R/. Pray for us
Queen of peace. R/. Pray for us

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, R/. Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, R/. Graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, R/. Have mercy on us.

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. R/. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord God, that we, your servants, may enjoy perpetual health
of mind and body; and by the intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, may be delivered from
present sorrow, and obtain eternal joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Hail, Holy Queen: Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To
thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and
weeping in this valley, of tears. Turn, then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us;
and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus; O clement, O loving, O
sweet Virgin Mary.

Under your protection we take refuge,

holy Mother of God;
do not reject the prayers
which we address to you in our needs,
but deliver us from all danger,
O glorious and blessed Virgin!

Saint Michael Archangel defend us in battle, and protect us against the wickedness and snares of the
devil. May God rebuke Satan, we humbly pray, and by God´s Power may you, Prince of the Heavenly
Host, cast him into hell with all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us with your sword, Guide us with your light, and cover us with
your wings. Amen

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin.

Sweet Mother, do not turn away,

Thy sight do not turn away from me,
Come with me everywhere and alone never leave me,
and since you protect me so much as a true Mother,
make her bless us: (making the Sign of the Cross)
The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

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