Coa Put
Coa Put
Coa Put
Section -A (2 x 7=14)
Q.1 Attempt all the parts
(a) Evaluate the no. of addressand data line in a main memory of size 64k°1o 2
KI C02
(b) Define the following :
Ki) Microoperation (ii) Microinstruction
(i1) Microprogram (iv) Microcode
K2 CO3
(c) Define interrupt. CO4
(d) How Hit Ratio is directly related to performance of Cache? K3 CO4 2
(e) What is an Associative memory? What are its advantages and COs 2
(f) Describe the advantage of using input output interface. KI COs
(g) Define programmed I/O.
Section- B
(7 x 3= 21)
Q.2 Attempt any three part of the following K2 COI 7
chaining with suitable diagram.
(a) Define bus arbitration and explain daisy K3 CO2 7
(b) Draw and explain look ahead carry adder. K2 CO3 7
help of a block diagram.
(c) Explain function of computer with the CO4 7
and their merit and demerits. K4
(d) Explain various cache mapping techniques COs! 7
CPU-1/0 channel communication. K3
(e) Draw aflow chart that describcs the
(7x 1=7)
Q.3 Attempt any one part of the following K2 CO1
suitable examples.
(a) Explain various addressing modes with K3 COI 7
stack and Memory stack.
(b) Describe stack organization? Compare Register (7x I= 7)
Q.4 Attempt any one part of the following K4 CO2 7
(b) What is a micro program sequencer? With block diagram, explain the working of K3 CO3
micro program sequencer.
0.6 Attempt any one part of the following (7x | =7)
CO4 7
(a) Computer employs RAM chips of 1024*8 and ROM chips of S12*8. The K5
computer system needs 2KB of RAM 4KB of ROM and four interface units, each
with four registers. Amemory mapped l/O configuration is used The two highest
order bits of the address bus assgned 00 for RAM,01 for ROM and 10 for
interface registers..
a) Determine RAM and ROM chips are needed?
b)Draw a memory-address map for the system K4 CO4
(b) HoW is the Virtual address mapped into physical address? What are the different
methods of writing into cache? (7x 1= 7)
Q.7 Attempt any one part of the following K2 COS 7
(a) Explain different modes of data transfer with suitable diagram & flowchart.
(b) Write notes on asynchronous communication &also explain Handshaking in
detail with suitable representation.