Vlsi - June 2022
Vlsi - June 2022
Vlsi - June 2022
Answer all qaestions, each carries 3 marks.
What is FPGA? What are the characteristics and applications of (3)
4 Draw the circuit of a MOS inverter with saturated NMOS load (3)
8 Mention the worst-case delay associated with Carry-Bypass adder, Linear (3)
l0 With an example, explain the role of stick diagram in WSI design (3)
Answer onefull questionfrom each module, eoch corries 14 mnrks.
Module I
1l a) With neat diagram explain the design flow of FPGA (7)
b) What is SoC? What are the applications? Draw the internal architecture of6oC (7)
12 a) Explain the term ASIC. Differentiate between full custom and semi custom ASIC (10)
Module II
13 4 Illustrate CMOS inverter DC characteristics with neat diagrams. Explain the (10)
different regions
b) Implement the 4xl multiplexer using Transmission gates (4)
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14 a) What is meant by pass tmnsistor logic? What are the differences in transmission (10)
characteristics ofN MOS and P MOS transistors?
Module III
15 a) Design three transistor and one transistor DRAM cells and explain the working of (10)
each types
16 a) Design a 4x4 NAND based MOS ROM Cell Array and explain its operation (10)
b) Design a l6-bit square-root carry select adder and indicate the worst-case delay (10)
I 8 a) Design a 4X4 array multiplier. Show the critical path and also estimate the delay of ( l0)
the multiplier.
b) Write the advantages of square-root carry select adder compared to linear carry (4)
select adder
Module V
19 a) What are the steps in wafer preparation fabrication (4)
b) Desuibe in detail about the production of single crystalline silicon from CZ (10)
b) What is meant by design rules? Write*rort notes on various rules in VLSI cfrip (6)
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