Motivational Skills
Motivational Skills
Motivational Skills
Motivation is one of the most important reasons behind people’s actions
and behavior. It can also be used to direct someone’s actions and behavior
in a constructive direction. Scientists have asserted that motivation is the
name given to a collection of instincts that is a critical step in our evolution
and it has helped us survive. Motivation is the process that initiates,
guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes you to act,
whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to
gain knowledge.
Motivation involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces
that activate behavior. In everyday usage, the term "motivation" is
frequently used to describe why a person does something. It is the driving
force behind human actions.
Types of Motivation
Different types of motivation are frequently described as being either
extrinsic or intrinsic:
Extrinsic motivations are those that arise from outside of the individual
and often involve rewards such as trophies, money, social recognition, or
Intrinsic motivations are those that arise from within the individual, such
as doing a complicated crossword puzzle purely for the personal
gratification of solving a problem.
Uses of Motivation
There are many different uses for motivation. It serves as a guiding force
for all human behavior, but understanding how it works and the factors
that may impact it can be important in a number of ways.
Motivational Theories:
Herzberg’s Motivational Theory
Frederick Herzberg formed a theory known as “Motivation-Hygiene
Theory” which was based on the idea that there are many factors in a
person’s workplace which determine his levels of motivation towards
doing his job properly. He labelled these factors as hygiene factors.
According to him, every workplace has the ability to influence the
productivity of its employees by either encouraging him to work further or
by discouraging him. If the person was satisfied with the working
environment, he would have motivation to work even harder. On the
other hand, if he was dissatisfied with the working conditions, then he
would not be willing to give his 100% into his job.
1. Autonomy is key for fostering motivation in any workplace. Human beings are “born to
choose.” We have a biological need to control. Good managers let employees “take control”
of their work, the decisions they make, and how they will map their way to their goals.
2. Give employees options. This is called oriented planning – focus on the goal, not the
road. Sometimes the range of control of an employee is narrow. It’s unrealistic to think that
a factory-line worker can make dramatic changes in her position. But as long as an employee
is offered choices – whether it be which shift to take, when she wants break time, whether
she wants to log overtime or not – there’s an element of control in her hands. A good
manager, then, gives options. Options allow employees to assert control.
3. Accountability plays a big part of motivation. Holding employees to a standard and being
consistent with your expectations will rub off. Make goals public. Make integrity part of the
fabric of your business. This goes for both individual and team goals.
5. Get to know your team. Make things personal and cultivate relationships at the
workplace. Have a workplace that values a work-home balance. People motivate people.
6. Mind your “Ps” … purpose, purpose, purpose. We can’t be more emphatic about this.
How does each employee contribute to the mission and goal of the organization? And is
each employee aware of how critical her piece is to the organization? If that’s not clear,
then you have a lot of work to do.