Module P6.4 Optical Instruments: Flexible Learning Approach To Physics
Module P6.4 Optical Instruments: Flexible Learning Approach To Physics
Module P6.4 Optical Instruments: Flexible Learning Approach To Physics
and magnifying power — and describes the appropriate situations in which they can be applied. Practical optical
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instrument design must successfully limit the effects of the various aberrations present in real lenses and mirrors,
including spherical aberration, coma and chromatic aberration. The first two may be reduced by careful design
of the refracting or reflecting surfaces whilst the third is minimized for lenses by using achromatic doublets.
Section 2 also describes resolution and angular resolving power, as being limited by diffraction, and introduces
the Rayleigh criterion of resolution.
Question F1
Sketch the ray diagram for the arrangement of lenses in a simple refracting astronomical telescope to show how
an image is formed. Explain how the ability of a telescope to resolve small features on the object depends on the
size of the telescope’s objective. Why is the eyepiece normally adjusted so that the final image is formed at
Question F3
Distinguish between the terms transverse magnification, angular magnification and magnifying power.
Which would be the appropriate term to describe the magnification produced by: (a) a microscope;
(b) the lens of a film projector; (c) a telescope?
Alternatively, you may still be sufficiently comfortable with the material covered by the module to proceed directly to the
Closing items.
12 cm away from the lens along the optical axis. Using a ray diagram, drawn to scale, determine the final
position of the image, its nature (real or virtual), size and orientation (erect or inverted).
Question R2
A thin converging lens of focal length 6 cm is used to produce a magnified image of a flea situated on the optical
axis of the lens a distance of 4 cm from its centre. Using the thin lens equation, determine the position, nature
Question R3
A thin diverging lens of focal length 10 cm is used to form an image of an object 3 cm in height, placed at a
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distance of 12 cm from the centre of the lens. Sketch the ray diagram showing the image production.
Question R5
A small object is placed on the optical axis, 20 cm away from a concave mirror with radius of curvature 15 cm.
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Describe qualitatively the nature and position of the image formed and indicate how this will change as the
object is moved along the axis towards the mirror, so that it reaches a final position 10 cm from the mirror.
transverse magnification
(a) u v
h′ v
Mtran = = (1) ☞
h u Figure 1a 3 Transverse magnification is the ratio of image and object
where we have used the similar triangles in the diagram. While the transverse magnification seems an obvious
definition to use there are two problems with it. First, Equation 1 shows that it is a meaningless quantity if either
the object or image is situated at infinity; both must be at finite distances. Secondly, the transverse magnification
does not, in general, relate directly to the magnification perceived by the eye unless the object and image are at
the same distance from the eye.
The magnification of a telescope is best characterized by its angular magnification, as we will see in Subsection
measuring the minimum distance at which you can still read this page; as you approach the page the text will
appear larger but at some point you will feel your eye straining to focus and after that you will be unable to
focus the text. Try it now.
see more detail, such as would be provided by viewing the subtended (at the eye) by the image and the object when
object through a magnifying glass or a microscope . at the near point.
diameter of the Moon is 3.5 × 106 m, estimate the distance from the Earth to the Moon.4❏
length of the lens increases smoothly as the rays get closer to the optical axis. This causes a point-like object to
have an image that is not point-like1—1an effect known as spherical aberration. ☞
rays brought to
a focus at the
same point
an asymmetric a meniscus
a plano-convex converging a meniscus
converging lens converging lens diverging
mirror. For a concave spherical mirror the focal point for rays
near the axis is half way between the centre of curvature and
the mirror. Rays at the periphery are brought to a focus nearer
the mirror.
Figure 7 Spherical
aberration producing a
caustic curve by reflection
from the inside of a cup of
Replace with
lens of this
parallel rays shape
f r1 r2
Usually µ decreases with increasing
wavelength and so a lens will have a shorter
focal length for shorter wavelengths, with
violet light being brought to a focus nearer the
lens than red light, as shown in Figure 9a. Figure 9a Chromatic aberration: dispersion by the lens results in
Figure 9b 3 Chromatic aberration: separate images are formed for each wavelength.
Figure 11b 3The images of two point sources which are completely
If the images are sufficiently close that their Airy patterns overlap then the resultant intensity is normally the
simple sum of the two intensity patterns. If the images are not too close the summationintensity will still show a
central dip in intensity between the two central maxima and the two will be resolved. If the two are too close
then there will be no such dip, but just a central maximum, and so they will appear as a single image.
1. 22 λ
θ = (5)
where the angle θ is in radians provided λ and d are measured in the same units.
Notice that the angular resolving power of any optical instrument is a fundamental limitation of its aperture and
is unaffected by any magnification produced. In any magnification the two overlapping Airy patterns will be
equally magnified and the resolution unaffected — an indistinct image is equally indistinct, however much it is
1 1
These resolution limits of optical systems, using visible light, apply equally to systems using electromagnetic
radiation of other wavelengths. ☞
(d) the Manchester radiotelescope, with a diameter of 76.2 m0, using microwave radiation of wavelength
22 cm4❏
to the optical axis being given by Equation 5. parabolic reflector. For a parabolic reflector, all the
rays meet at the focus, just like a satellite dish.
1. 22 λ
θ = (Eqn 5)
Question T4
A satellite in an orbit at 25 000 km from the Earth transmits information by means of microwaves of 10 cm
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wavelength, generated at the focus of a parabolic dish of 3 m diameter. Find the angular spread of the central
beam reflected from the dish and hence find the transverse dimension of the beam when it reaches the Earth.4❏
defined or indistinct? When looking at a distant object your eye should feel relaxed because the ciliary muscles
are not tightened. When eyes are relaxed, the parallel light rays from a distant object can usually be brought to a
focus on the retina. Is this true for your own eyes? The furthest point at which you can see clearly is described as
your far point and for the normal eye this is at infinity.
individual leaves on the tree beforehand, you probably can’t do so through the pinhole. As we saw in
Subsection 2.3, the resolution of any optical system, that is its ability to distinguish two nearby objects, is
limited by the aperture of the system. This pinhole experiment directly demonstrates the reduction in the
resolution of the eye (or visual acuity), when its aperture is dramatically reduced. In the eye there are two
principal contributions to this resolution limit. One of these is the angular resolving power of the eye lens itself,
which is a diffraction limitation associated with any optical component of finite aperture. The other factor
involved in this resolution limit is the detector resolution — in this case, the finite size of the individual retinal
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receptors. Once the image size becomes less than this receptor size, the eye can no longer distinguish any further
reduction in size.
Question T5
Use the information given above to estimate, for the normal unaided eye: (a) the greatest distance at which the
individual letters on a page can just be distinguished; (b) the size of the smallest object on the Earth which could
just be seen from the Moon. (See Answer T1).4❏
Now take the pinhole again and look at the effect on the near point by looking through the pinhole at the text on
this page. How close to the text can your eye now come and still be able to focus the text? Try this now.
If you tried this you were probably amazed by the effect on the near point! Instead of being about 25 cm it may
well have become about 2 cm — so close as to be almost at the surface of the eye. You were probably not
1 1 1
expecting to find that a pinhole has a high magnifying power, but the text certainly looks much larger!
According to our definition of magnifying power this is true, although the view is rather dim, since very little
light is admitted.
different purpose!
Figure 13 Long sight: (a) an object placed at the normal near point D produces a blurred image on the retina;
(b) an object placed at the eye’s near point, NP, forms a sharp image on the retina;
(c) the presence of a converging lens causes an object placed at D to appear to be at the eye’s near point.
(c) diverging
Figure 14 Short sight: (a) the image position in a myopic eye with an object at infinity;
(b) rays from the eye’s far point FP (which is closer than infinity) focus on the retina;
(c) a diverging lens makes incoming parallel rays appear to come from the eye’s far point and the short sight is corrected.
We see that θ0I ≈ tan1θ0I = h0/f. object placed at the focal point and the image formed at infinity;
It is assumed that the eye is placed very close to the lens so that D
can be measured from the lens.
(The symbol ∴ means ‘therefore’.)
The magnifying power of a magnifying glass with the Figure 1c Magnifying power is the ratio of the angles
image at infinity is equal to the least distance of distinct subtended (at the eye) by the image and the object when
vision divided by the focal length of the lens at the near point.
Mpower = D f (6)
We see from Equation 1,
h′ v
Mtran = = (Eqn 1)
h u Figure 15b Ray diagrams for a magnifying glass with the
object brought closer (i.e. between F and the lens) and the image
that when the image is formed at the near point, formed at the near point. It is assumed that the eye is placed very
the (maximum) magnifying power is the same as close to the lens so that D can be measured from the lens.
the transverse magnification. ☞
object and hence find the transverse magnification produced by the lens in this arrangement.4❏
Maximum magnifying power of a magnifying glass (when the image is at the near point ):
h′ v D
( Mpower ) max = = = 1+ (8)
h u f
We see that the maximum magnifying power is obtained by adding one to the value of the magnifying power
with the unaccommodated eye.
pinhole, taken as having negligible size, and arrives at a unique point on the image at the screen. The image size
depends both on the angular size of the object and on the distance between the pinhole and the screen. The
image is sharp for any object distance but the illumination is very low, since very little light is admitted.
Would this increase the illumination and would there be any other consequences?
To increase the illumination without blurring the image significantly requires the use of a lens, instead of the
pinhole. The eye itself is one such example and the photographic camera is another.
A' B"
A" B'
point image of A
perceived as a disc
on screen at B
Figure 18 3 The depth of field over which there is no apparent change in image quality. ☞
Figure 18 illustrates how the aperture of a lens controls the depth of field. The extreme rays through the aperture
from a point object at A are brought to a focus on the detector at B. Due to detector resolution the detector sees
this image as a small disc of light, rather than as a point. If the object is moved to A′ the image moves beyond
the detector to B′ — the disc of light at the detector is now the unfocused image. Similarly, moving the object
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away to A″ produces an image at B″ and again there is a disc of light at the detector. If we choose the positions
A′ and A″ so that the discs of light are the same as the minimum detectable size, then the distance from A′ to A″
is the depth of field. Examination of Figure 18 shows that if the lens aperture is reduced, the extreme rays make
smaller angles to the optical axis and the depth of field will be increased: a full analysis shows that the depth of
field is inversely proportional to the diameter of the lens aperture.
So for a lens with f = 56 mm and d = 20 mm, the f-number is 56 mm/20 mm = 2.8. This is often denoted by f0/2.8.
1 1 1 1
If a lens has an adjustable iris diaphragm then the lens has an adjustable f-number. Normally, lenses are
classified according to their maximum f-number and so for example, we might say that a lens is an f/2.8 lens.
If the aperture is very close to the lens then the amount of light passing through the lens is proportional to the
area of the aperture in the diaphragm and therefore to the square of the aperture diameter d. From Equation 9 we
see that for a given focal length, d is inversely proportional to the f-number, so the amount of light admitted is
proportional to 1/(f-number)2 .
1typical values (in seconds) are 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, and 1/1000.
Question T7
The light conditions and the film in a camera are such that a good film exposure would be obtained with a shutter
speed of (1/125) s at f/11. The photographer wishes to photograph a moving object and decides on a shutter
speed of (1/1000) s. What stop should be used? If the lens has a focal length of 50 mm, what is the diameter of
1 1
Figure 19 A compound
intermediate image
microscope. The objective
produces a real, inverted,
final image
intermediate image between Fe
and the eyepiece. This acts as
the object for the eyepiece
which produces an enlarged,
inverted virtual image. If this is
at the near point of the eye,
then maximum angular
magnification is obtained. The
eye has been shown at a large
distance from the eyepiece, so
that the construction rays may
be included, but in reality the
eye is placed at the eyepiece
and the final image is at a
distance D from the eyepiece.
FLAP P6.4 Optical instruments
In microscopes (as well as in binoculars and refracting telescopes) it is the function of the objective to gather a
large amount of light from the object and to create a real image. This image is then enlarged by the eyepiece
(which may be used in the same way as a simple magnifying glass) to form a virtual image to be seen by the eye.
The objective of a microscope is usually of very short focal length, with the focal length of the eyepiece much
longer; both focal lengths are much shorter than the distance between the lenses.
To find the magnifying power of the microscope, we note that the angle subtended by the image is shown in the
diagram as θ0I which, being a small angle, is equal to h 2 /D. This is assuming that this virtual image is being
formed at the eye’s near point and that the eye is very close to the eyepiece.
Question T8
A compound microscope has an objective and an eyepiece separated by a distance of 180 mm and having focal
lengths of 2 mm and 25 mm respectively. Where must an object be placed so that the final image, as seen
1 1
field lens and the eye lens. power objective. field stop
Figure 21 A Ramsden eyepiece showing the position of the field stop and crosshairs.
— to collect all this light, a single lens eyepiece would have to be large and
heavy. An aperture which defines the maximum acceptance angle (and therefore
the maximum field of view) is situated in front of the field lens and is called the
field stop. The intermediate image is formed by the objective in the plane of the
eye lens
field stop, where the crosshairs are situated. The eyepiece lenses then make the
rays from the intermediate image parallel before they enter the eye, so that both
the final image and the crosshairs are seen in focus.
field lens
field stop
Figure 21 A Ramsden eyepiece showing the position of the field stop and crosshairs.
Figure 22 A planoconvex
Figure 23 A simple astronomical telescope. The objective has a long focal length whilst
where Figure 23 A simple astronomical telescope. The objective has a long focal length whilst
It is clear from this The edge of the objective is being used to provide object points which are imaged by the eyepiece
figure, that of all and the purpose of the ground-glass screen is to provide uniform illumination of the objective.
possible rays entering the objective, those emerging from the telescope must be within the range of rays shown.
Also the emerging light is most concentrated at the exit pupil and therefore this is where the eye should be
placed so that the maximum amount of light — and therefore information — reaches it.
1 1 1 1
do de
Fo, Fe
exit pupil (all rays
pass through here)
Figure 24 Diagram showing formation of the exit pupil in a simple astronomical telescope.
The edge of the objective is being used to provide object points which are imaged by the eyepiece
and the purpose of the ground-glass screen is to provide uniform illumination of the objective.
From similar triangles in Figure 24;
(dO0/2)/fO = (de0/2)/fe4and therefore4fO0/fe = dO0/de
This provides us with a practical method of measuring a telescope’s angular magnification. First we measure the
diameter of the objective, then we illuminate the objective, either with a bulb and a ground glass screen or
directly with a ‘pearl’ bulb, and measure the diameter of the objective’s image formed by the eyepiece on a
screen. We then have the magnification from the ratio of these two diameters.
Question T9
An astronomical telescope has an angular magnification of 40 times. If the diameter of the objective is 12 cm and
the length of the tube is 1 m calculate the focal length of the objective and the diameter of the exit pupil.4❏
Question T10
Sketch a ray diagram showing how a third converging lens may be placed between the objective and eyepiece so
as to produce an upright final image from a simple refracting telescope.4❏
of reducing the overall length of the telescopes by ‘folding’ the optical prisms as used in some binoculars.
path between the lenses.
The presence of the prisms means that the optical axis of an objective is displaced horizontally from that of the
corresponding eyepiece. The prisms can therefore be oriented so that the distance between the objectives is
greater than between the eyepieces and therefore further apart than the eyes, thus giving an enhanced
stereoscopic vision. As with all terrestrial telescopes, the separation of objective and eyepiece is adjustable so
that focusing over a range of object distances can be achieved.
(i) the difficulty and cost of producing them, (ii) their great weight, and (iii) the problems of minimizing their
chromatic aberration.
Reflecting telescopes are designed as a relatively lightweight and accurate method of increasing the diameter of
the entrance pupil in order that brighter and more distinct images can be seen. They also have the advantage of
having no chromatic aberration (before the eyepiece), since the light does not have to pass through a dispersive
medium. ☞ As was discussed in Subsection 2.2, spherical aberration can also be avoided by using an aspheric
parallel rays
(c) crosswires
Study comment You may now wish to take the Exit test for this module which tests these Achievements.
If you prefer to study the module further before taking this test then return to the Module contents to review some of the
Question E1
(A5 and A8) 3 Complete Table 1 comparing the eye and the camera.
Table 14For use with Question E1.
Function Eye Camera
light sensitive surface photographic film
ciliary muscles distance setting ring
corrects for spherical graded refractive index
cone cells fast film
converging lenses. Why are these lenses likely to be meniscus shaped? Sketch a diagram which shows how
refraction of parallel rays takes place with a converging meniscus lens.
Question E3
(A2 and A7) A magnifying glass has a focal length of 10 cm. Compare its magnifying powers when used to
3 1
view images formed at the far point (assumed to be at infinity) and at the near point (taken as 25 cm).
Assume that the observer’s eye is placed very close to the lens.
the eye’s near point. Using this diagram describe how the magnifying power is related to the linear
magnification of each of the lenses.
Question E5
(A2 and A11) The focal lengths of the objective and eyepiece of an astronomical refracting telescope are
100 cm and 10 cm, respectively. Find (a) the angular magnification of the telescope, and (b) the angle subtended
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by the image, seen by an eye very close to the eyepiece, of a building which is 55 m high, situated at a distance
of 5 km.
two distant point sources which are close together. If the mean wavelength of light from these sources is
6 × 100−7 m calculate the minimum angular displacement they must have so that they may be clearly
Question E7
(A14) 3Describe the component parts and operation of an optical spectrometer.
Study comment This is the final Exit test question. When you have completed the Exit test go back to Subsection 1.2 and
try the Fast track questions if you have not already done so.
If you have completed both the Fast track questions and the Exit test, then you have finished the module and may leave it