Cot 1
Cot 1
Cot 1
and Lenses
REVIEW Recalling parts of the microscope
What is a microscope?
Identify what part of the microscope are
the following numbers
Number 3
3. Low Power Objective (LPO)
Number 4 4. Medium Power Objective
5. High Power Objective (HPO)
Number 5
6. 12.
Number 8 13.
8. Light Source or Mirror
Number 9 14.
Mirrors are polished or smooth surfaces that can reflect and form images.
Lens is a piece of glass or other transparent substance with curved sides for
concentrating or dispersing light rays, used singly (as in a magnifying
glass) or with other lenses (as in a telescope).
Types of mirrors and lenses
Identify ways in which the properties of mirrors and lenses determine their use in
optical instruments (e.g., cameras and binoculars)
At the end of the period, 85% of the students are expected to:
2. Concave lens – a lens that possesses at least one surface that curves
4. Focal length - the distance between the center of a lens or curved mirror
and its focus.
Optical Instrument Mirror or Lens Used Function/ Use of Lenses/ Mirrors on the given
optical instrument
Magnifying Lens
Overhead Projector
Delivery/mastery = 10 pts.
Content/correctness of concepts = 10 pts.
Techniques = 10 pts.
Total points = 30 pts.
Function/ Use of Lenses/ Mirrors on the given
Optical Instrument Mirror or Lens Used
optical instrument
Periscope Plane mirror To see things that are out of line of sight
The focal length and magnification are the properties of lenses used in the
formation of images in microscope, telescope and magnifying lens.
2. How will you compare the telescope and microscope in terms of the kinds of lens used?
Telescope and microscope function the same as they allow people to view
objects not seen by the naked eye. Both instruments utilize convex lens to
magnify the object of interest.
Camera is used to take pictures or Telescopes are used to view distant objects by their
capture image. emission, absorption, or reflection of electromagnetic
Periscope is an instrument
for observation over, around or
through an object, obstacle or
condition that prevents direct
line-of-sight observation from an
Magnifying lens is used to make observer’s current position.
things look bigger.
Binoculars are two telescopes mounted side-by- Overhead projector is a device that
side and aligned to point in the same direction, allowing projects an enlarged image of a transparency
the viewer to use both eyes. placed on it onto a wall or screen by means of
an overhead mirror.
Opthalmoscope is an instrument
that has a light and several small lenses on
it. Your eye doctor can look through the
lenses to examine your eye. They may ask
you to look in certain directions as they
conduct the examination.
Microscope a laboratory
telescopes combine
instrument used to examine objects mirrors and lenses to form an
that are too small to be seen by the image.
naked eye.
Where do we use these optical instruments especially the compound
How important are these especially in these time of health crisis, this Covid-19 pandemic?
Microscope help scientists see and study the characteristics of corona virus
which is not seen by the naked eye.
Identify the optical instruments being
Magnifying lens
Periscope Endoscope
1. 3.
A. Used to take pictures or capture image.
B. An instrument that has a light and several small lenses on it. Used by the doctor to
examine your eye.
C. Two telescopes mounted side-by-side and aligned to point in the same direction,
allowing the viewer to use both eyes.
I. Identify what is described in the following sentences. Write the answer only on your sheet of paper.
1. (LECTOPESE) uses two converging lenses; objective lens is a very large that collects a large amount of light from a
distant object.
2. (OSCENDOPE) uses converging lens and has 2 optical cables; one carries light into the patient’s body and the other
one carries reflected light (image of patient’s body) back into the doctor’s eyepiece or into the camera that is connected
to a TV monitor.
3. It uses two convex lenses; first lens, called objective lens, is of very short focal length; second lens is the eyepiece
lens, has short focal length but longer than the objective lens. This is a (POCOMUND COPEROMISC).
4. A convex mirror that is usually outside on the passenger’s side is called (VEDRIR’S ROIRMR).
5. (COPERPEIS) consists of an outer case with mirrors at each end set parallel to each other at a 45° angle.
II. Match the uses in column I to its respective optical instrument in column II. Write the capital letter only.
6. It used to observe that objects are only visible when illuminated A. Opthalmoscope
by light.
B. Overhead projector
7. It is a device that projects an enlarged image of a transparency
C. Binoculars
placed on it onto a wall or screen by means of an overhead mirror.
D. Magnifying lens
8. This is used to make things look bigger.
E. Kaleidoscope
9. These are two telescopes mounted side-by-side and aligned to
point in the same direction, allowing the viewer to use both eyes. F. Catadioptric telescope
10. Instrument used by your eye doctor can look through the lenses to
examine your eye.