Mtptopics 3
Mtptopics 3
Mtptopics 3
The first section of the Round Three Mandelbrot Team Play is reproduced below. A list of
topics and practice problems are also provided to aid in preparation. Note that these problems are
not meant to serve as a precise indicator of the problems that will appear on the contest. However,
students who understand how to solve them should be able to make significantly more progress
than they might have otherwise. So work hard on the problems, and good luck on the Team Play!
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Facts: The Theorem on Cyclic Quadrilaterals states that if points C and D are situated on
the same side of line AB then 6 ACB ∼ = 6 ADB exactly when the four points lie on a single
circle. Similarly, if C and D are on opposite sides of line AB, then angles 6 ACB and 6 ADB
are supplementary if and only if the points lie on a circle. The Power of a Point Theorem
asserts that if two lines through a given point P intersect a circle at pairs of points A, B and
C, D then we have (P A)(P B) = (P C)(P D).
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Topics: Circle facts, cyclic quadrilaterals, Power of a Point Theorem, Ceva’s Theorem
Practice Problems
The first four problems below demonstrate that the altitudes of a triangle are concurrent. The
strategy for the proof is adapted from Episodes in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Euclidean
Geometry, by Ross Honsberger.
1. In triangle ABC, let M be the midpoint of BC and let O be the center of the circle through
A, B and C. Explain why OM ⊥ BC.
2. Use Ceva’s Theorem to show that the medians of 4ABC—the segments from each vertex to
the midpoint of the opposite side—are all concurrent. (Recall that the centroid G through which
the medians all pass is two-thirds of the way from each vertex to the opposite midpoint.)
3. Construct point H on line OG so that HG = 2(OG) and G is between H and O. Prove that
4AHG ∼ 4M OG.
4. Finally, explain why the altitude from A to BC passes through point H. How does this show
that the altitudes are concurrent?
5. Let X, Y and Z be the feet of the altitudes from A, B and C to the opposites sides of the
triangle. Show that BXHZ is cyclic quadrilateral, and deduce that 6 HXZ ∼
= 6 HBZ.
6. Prove that altitude AX is the angle bisector of 6 Y XZ.
1. Show that 4OM B ∼ = 4OM C by SSS. Conclude that since angles 6 OM B and 6 OM C are
both congruent and supplementary, each must be a right angle.
2. Let the midpoints of AB, AC and BC be K, L and M . Ceva’s Theorem states that the medians
are concurrent if and only if KB M C LA
= 1. But since AK = KB and similarly this expression
clearly reduces to 1.
3. We have vertical angles 6 OGM and 6 HGA. Furthermore, we know that GH
= GA
= 21 . Now
use SAS similarity.
4. Here is one way of looking at it. Triangle AGH is obtained from triangle M GO by spinning
it 180◦ about G and scaling up by a factor of 2. This process takes line OM and yields a parallel
line AH. Since OM ⊥ BC, we deduce that AH ⊥ BC also, meaning that line AH is the altitude.
5. We know that angles 6 HXB and 6 HZB are both right angles, hence are supplementary. So
the Theorem on Cyclic Quadrilaterals implies that these four points lie on a single circle. By this
same theorem, we know that 6 HXZ ∼ = 6 HBZ, since these angles are inscribed in the same arc.
6. By the above reasoning, we may also deduce that 6 HXY ∼ = 6 HCY . So we need only show
6 ∼
that HBZ = HCY . But this follows at once from the fact that both angles are complementary
to 6 BAC.