STS Reviewer Prelim 1
STS Reviewer Prelim 1
STS Reviewer Prelim 1
● an evolving body of knowledge that is based on theoretical expositions and
experimental and empirical activities that generate universal truths.
● the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social
world following a systematic methodology based on Evidence
● an application of science and creation of systems, processes and objects designed to
help humans in their daily activities.
● can help meet many types of human needs, like needs of shelter, food, clothing, and
● involves tools, techniques and procedures for putting the findings of science to use
● the sum total of our interactions as humans, including the interactions that we engage
in to understand the nature of things and to create things.
● the people who live in a country or region, their organizations, and their way of life.
● A lot of our problems in modern society involve not only technology but also human
values, social organization, environmental concerns, economic resources, political
decisions, and a myriad of other factors.
● These things sit at the interface between the three fields and can also be solved (if
they can be solved at all) by the application of scientific knowledge, technical expertise,
social understanding, and humane compassion.
The Role of Science and Technology
1. Alter the way people live, connect, communicate and transact, with profound effects
on economic development;
2. Key drivers to development, because technological and scientific revolutions
underpin economic advances, improvements in health systems, education and
3. The technological revolutions of the 21st century are emerging from entirely
new sectors, based on microprocessors, tele-communications, biotechnology and
nano-technology. Products are transforming business practices across the economy, as
well as the lives of all who have access to their effects. The most remarkable
breakthroughs will come from the interaction of insights and applications arising when
these technologies converge.
4. Have the power to better the lives of poor people in developing countries
5. Differentiators between countries that are able to tackle poverty effectively by
growing and developing their economies, and those that are not.
6. Engine of growth
7. Interventions for cognitive enhancement, proton cancer therapy and genetic
● The period that begins with the appearance of the human being like
species, about five million years ago, and finishes with the invention of writing, about
6,000 years ago.
• Period of weapons made of stone, wood, bone or some other materials aside
from metals
John Lubbock
• Subdivided the stone age into Paleolithic and Neolithic Periods
• Prehistoric Times (1865)
• Cultural evolution of tools from chipped to polished stones
Gabriel de Mortillet
● He said that there should be a division between the Paleolithic and Neolithic
John Allen Brown
● He called the division between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Period is Mesolithic .
Paleolithic Period
• Longest phase of human history (2 million years ago - 10,000 years ago)
• Period of early human development
• Human evolution (ape-like creature to a true Homo Sapiens)
• Based primarily on agriculture
• Characterized by wide domestication of plants (rice, corn, beans) and animals
(goats, cattles, sheeps, pigs)
• Agriculture continued to expand
• Urban Revolution
Bronze Age
• Tools and weapons were made with copper or bronze
• Metal extraction from ore (Smelting)
• Discovered by Sumerians (bronze)
● Copper + Tin = Bronze
Iron Age
• Smelting pits that could smelt iron ore
• Diffused in different regions