Devotions 7.0
Devotions 7.0
Devotions 7.0
Peer into the fabric of time dots in the chosen Discipline per Vitae spent, starting
(Dementation •••, Auspex ••) with the highest level. This also affects associated
Cost: 4 Experiences Devotions. If a Discipline effect is already active, this
The Malkavian is now able to trick time and glimpse provokes a Clash of Wills. The effect continues if the
the future. He is able to divinate about subjects. The victim wins the clash, but he cannot activate the power
more specific and focused he is, the more direct the again if it expires naturally. Conditions inflicted with a
answers. Discipline (e.g., Mesmerized) do not count as active
System: effects.
The Malkavian must choose a subject to divinate
about, spend 1 Vitae and roll Wits + Occultism + Pierce the Veil (Auspex •)
Dramatic Failure: The Malkavian can't use Cost: 1 Experience
A Capadocius power still used by some vampires to
Dementation anymore for the night.
Failure: The Malkavian can't Divinate about that commune with the dead. If enough will is put into the
subject anymore for the night effort, It's possible even to bend them to his will.
Success: The Malkavian can ask one question per Cost: 1 Vitae and maybe 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: None
success about the subject. It is possible to spend a
Action: Instant
success to change the subject.
Duration: Scene
Any type of question is valid. Example: The
The vampire pays the vitae, activates the power and
Malkavian saw his friend hugging a man that identifies
perceives any ghost present within the extent of his
as Shirley and pretending to be a woman. Later that
Kindred Senses and knows its Rank with a reflexive
night his friend and Shirley disappear. The Malkavian
Wits + Occult roll. He can see or speak to any wraith
decides to divinate about this subject, he rolls and get 4
hidden in Twilight form (provoking a Clash of Wills if
necessary). By default, he can only use Auspex on
He decides to ask the first question:
ghosts, but if he spends a Willpower, he can focus
Where is my friend goiing? The narrator is free to
enough that he can use other Disciplines as well, but he
answer either directly or in scenes showing what's
is still limited in that he cannot physically interact with
hapenning. In this case, he could say that he sees the
them. This Devotion costs 1 Experience to learn.
Malkavian's friend and Shirley stopping by a hotel.
Are they going to make out? The Malkav spends
another success here and get to see some terrible scenes
which he wish he could forget. Now, tired of this (Protean ••, Obfuscate •)
subject, he spends success to change it, and with his last Cost: 2 Experiences
success he asks a new question about a new subject. The Vardyvle’s famed tool of their success is their
If i take the shortcut under the bridge, will it unique capability to change part of their appearance to
be dangerous? The Malkavian sees a future where he match the victim whose blood they still carry in their
is attacked by shadows and slashed several times under system. It gets them into as much trouble as it helps
the bridge and decides to call an Uber. them, but it never fails to serve its function. Especially
when breaking and entering or seducing that special
Not So Special someone.
Cost: 1 Vitae per feature copied
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Dice Pool: None
Cost: 2 Experiences
Action: Instant
The vampire denies his Kindred victim her trade
Duration: 1 Night
secrets, temporarily blunting her signature Disciplines The Kindred can copy one small feature (e.g., facial
long enough to strike. This Devotion only works on the features, hair color, birthmarks, voice, etc.) from a
subject’s natural clan Disciplines; it also can’t affect victim from whom they’ve fed. Each Vitae spent when
Animalism, Obfuscate, or the physical Disciplines. To activating the devotion allows the vampire to alter an
use this Devotion, the vampire must touch his victim, additional feature. The Vardyvle cannot change their
but he may try to touch as a reflexive Action. size to become taller or smaller to match the look of the
Cost: 1 Vitae per Discipline dot nullified
victim. If they attempt to recreate or modify a body part
Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Vigor vs. Blood
which they don’t have, they can make it appears as if
Potency + Stamina
they have the organ. However, they cannot use it. After
Action: Instant/Contested; resistance is reflexive
Duration: Minutes equal to successes one night, the effect fades, and the vampire looks like
her usual self.
The Vardyvle does not immediately know how to act or
talk like the person she is mimicking, and anyone who Rapidity
knows the person well will suspect there is something (Celerity; Special)
wrong. They might not know they are dealing with a Cost: 1-5 Experiences
doppelgänger, but the Vardyvle suffers –2 to Social rolls This Devotion only exists to modify other Devotions.
against people with close ties to the victim. It takes a Devotion that normally requires a moment of
thought and concentration, and turns it into reflex.
Water Hibernation (Protean •) Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: None
Cost: 1 Experience Action: Reflexive
This devotion works similarly to Unmarked Grave. A When purchasing this Devotion, assign it to another
vampire submerged in water becomes immune to Devotion which requires an Instant Action to use. For
almost any harm, including stray rays of light that example, your character may have .22 Solid Flesh,
penetrate the surface of the water. modified with this Devotion.
Cost: 1 Vitae Rapidity requires Celerity equal to the Experience
Dice Pool: None
cost of the Devotion in question. This influences its
Action: Instant but takes 3 turns to start working
Experience cost, debate it with the Storyteller. Rapidity
Requirement: The vampire is fully submerged in
cannot modify Devotions that require more than a
Duration: Indefinite single word of speech, or any sort of complicated
After 3 turns submerged in water, the vampire is physical actions to accomplish.
immune to all damage, including sunlight as long as he The Storyteller must review individual purchases of
remains submerged under water without surfacing. If Rapidity for appropriateness. When activating the
the water evaporates or is otherwise removed, the Devotion, you may choose to activate Rapidity for an
Kindred is damaged, taking one point of bashing additional Vitae. The Devotion becomes Reflexive if so.
damage when uncovered. If the vampire is exposed, she You may only activate one Devotion fueled by Rapidity
becomes susceptible to sunlight. While using this in a turn.
devotion, the vampire is limited in what he can do or
sense, exactly like in Unmarked Grave.
Preternatural Instinct
(Auspex ••••, Celerity ••)
Call Me Maybe Cost: 4 Experiences
The vampire’s strength of blood gives her an edge
(Majesty ••, Resilience •)
against her foes, alerting her to danger before it happens
Cost: 2 Experiences
Sometimes when you're out on the town, you stumble and picking up traces of intent from her enemy’s mind.
Cost: 1 Vitae
unexpectedly on a hot number, and you don't have time
Dice Pool: None
for that brief interlude. This Devotion lets your
Action: Reflexive
character plant the seeds for that interlude to occur later. Duration: One turn For the duration of this
Cost: 1 Vitae Devotion, the vampire may apply her Defense against
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Socialize + Majesty
attacks she can’t see coming, as long as she’s still able
Action: Instant
to physically react. Additionally, if she spends a Vitae to
To use Call Me Maybe, your character must be in a
move to the head of the Initiative queue, or has a
social situation with great rapport with some of those
celerity contest trying to interrupt or being interrupted
mortals in attendance.
Make the roll. If successful, each success translates by someone, she automatically wins any Clash of Wills
to a single temporary dot of the Herd Merit, which can that contests these abilities unless her foe also uses this
exceed the normal five-dot limitation on the Merit. That Devotion, in which case the Clash occurs as normal.
dot lasts until used once, or until the end of the season,
whichever comes first. These Herd dots may not be
used in the same night they are acquired or in the
following scene; they must be used later in the story.
Your character may only have Herd dots from one
instance of this Merit at a time.
Straight Up Fucking Murderer Rock Is Dead
(Celerity ••, Resilience ••, Vigor ••) (Majesty •, Vigor ••)
Cost: 4 Experiences Cost: 2 Experiences
With this Devotion, your character can push herself With this trick, a Brujah (or whoever has this
to utter extremes in a fight. She can throw herself in the devotion) can use the force of her own Majesty to dull
fray, while still dodging about furiously. She becomes other personalities in the area. She becomes the center
both lethal, and untouchable. of attention, in such a way as to distract from other
Cost: 1 Vitae powerful presences.
Dice Pool: None Cost: 1 Willpower
Action: Reflexive Dice Pool: None
You may activate this Devotion once per turn where Action: Reflexive
your character would have to sacrifice her Defense. Duration: Scene
This includes the use of some Fighting Style Merits, Spend a Willpower when activating Awe. If
taking an all-out attack, or other maneuvers. successful, affected characters suffer your character's
By using this Devotion, your character can ignore Majesty as a dice pool penalty for any uses of the
that sacrifice. Thus, she can make an all-out attack on a Dominate, Majesty, Dementation or Nightmare
Fighting Style maneuver which would require Disciplines. If you're under a Condition caused by their
sacrificing her Defense. Or, she can use two such Dominate, Dementation, Majesty, or Nightmare, they
maneuvers at the same time. become immune to this effect so long as the Condition
This does not allow her to use the all-out attack persists. A character can only be subject to one Rock is
option twice on a single action, nor does it allow for Dead penalty at a time.
multiple actions in a turn. It simply allows the character
to combine effects that would each otherwise require Aegis of Defiance
her Defense. (Dominate •••, Resilience ••)
Cost: 3 Experiences
.22 Solid Your character can internalize her mastery of
(Protean ••, Resilience •) Dominate. While usually, forcing herself to take an
Cost: 2 Experiences action would be an impractical waste of energy.
This Devotion hardens the user's flesh, and However, this Devotion allows her to shrug off mind-
coagulates the blood in such a way as to act as "internal altering effects by forcing herself to act contrary. In
armor". While few things cause lasting harm to some Carthian circles, this Devotion is called "Dick
Kindred, this Devotion takes things a step further, and Move".
makes almost everything a vampire suffers as bad as a Cost: 2 Vitae
bruise. Dice Pool: Resolve + Intimidation + Dominate;
Cost: 1 Vitae Special
Dice Pool: None Action: Reflexive
Action: Instant To use this Devotion, your character must be under a
For the remainder of the scene, every attack which supernatural effect that influences her behavior, such as
would cause your character lethal damage is lessened a Majesty, Dominate, Nightmare power, a mage's Mind
by this Devotion. Downgrade a number of lethal Arcanum, or other similar abilities. Determine what
damage from each such attack equal to your character's action your character would wish to take in defiance of
Resilience dots. For example, if your character with the power, and roll. If you roll more successes than the
Resilience ••• suffers three attacks in a turn, one for one initial power's activation, your character can take that
lethal damage, one for three lethal damage, and one for action. If the power was not rolled, use the character's
five lethal damage, your character would ultimately supernatural potency trait (Blood Potency, Primal Urge,
suffer two lethal damage and seven bashing damage. Gnosis, or similar) as if they were successes. Once this
Note that this can be used in addition to Resilience's is done, the defied power ends unless activated again.
normal downgrading effect. Aggravated damage If she's aware of a contested power when it's used,
reduced to lethal by Resilience can be further you can activate Aegis of Defiance reflexively, and use
downgraded by .22 Solid to bashing damage. So, for its dice pool instead of your normal contested dice pool
example, if a vampire with Resilience •••• and .22 Solid to resist. If successful, your character shrugs off the
took a strike causing seven aggravated damage, if she effect entirely.
activated .22 Solid, she'd take 3 aggravated damage and
four bashing damage.
Tune In, Tune Out Pass Into Yesteryear
(Auspex ••, Obfuscate ••) (Obfuscate •••, Nightmare •)
Cost: 2 Experiences Cost: 4 Experiences
Your character's senses are sometimes too strong for Unending nights of skirting humanity’s notice,
her consciousness. With so many preternatural senses, prowling the fringes of the world unseen and forgotten
she can become overloaded, which means any given by all, weigh on the ancient’s mind like a shroud. Will
sense is giving more feedback than she can process. he one night simply cease to be, if no one knows he’s
With this Devotion, she can turn off all her senses but there — or cares? He takes comfort in those he chains
one, thus hyper extending that one sense above all else. to his side, companions to lurk with him in the lonely
Cost: None places. Still, they return to the light when he cannot.
Dice Pool: None They leave him behind. Perhaps, he thinks, he should
Action: Reflexive change that.
To activate Tune In, Tune Out, choose one sense to Cost: 3 Vitae and 1 Willpower
heighten, and at least one sense to dull. For this Dice Pool: None
purpose, the senses are sight, hearing, touch, smell, Action: Reflexive
balance, and taste. Dulled senses are lost for the scene, Whenever the elder feeds his blood to someone, he
but offer +1 die to the bolstered sense. As well, the may bolster it with this Devotion to infuse his own
bolstered sense gains the 8-again quality. history of self-inflicted ostracism. If his victim suffers
However, any extreme stimulus to a bolstered sense the onset or strengthening of the Vinculum from this
causes a painful sensory overload. For example, a drink, she gains the Forgotten Condition
spotlight to a heightened sense of sight causes overload.
Overload removes the bolstered sense. You can make a
Stamina roll each turn, success returns the sense. As
well, the overload causes 1 bashing damage. Any roll
made for a dulled sense is made at -5. Tune In, Tune
Out lasts the scene, and cannot be deactivated during
that time.
Psycho Mantle
(Resilience •, Nightmare ••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
With Psycho Mantle, your character maintains a
frightening aura over her predatory nature. Any Kindred
attempting to press his luck against her suffers the
terrible wrath of her Beast.
Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive
You can activate Psycho Mantle reflexively, any time
a character Lashes Out at yours. Add her Nightmare
dots to her dice pool to lash back out at her aggressor,
and use the Monstrous Beast. If successful in lashing
back out, inflict both the Bestial and Frightened
Conditions on the aggressor instead of just Bestial.
Action: Reflexive
Colossus Duration: As long as the grapple lasts The victim
(Resilience ••••, Vigor •••••) feels sheer terror as the vampire’s limbs wrap around
Cost: 5 Experiences him. If he has not already acted, his effective Initiative
When your character strikes, she strikes with the is treated as 1 for the rest of the turn. As long as the
force of a speeding truck. She knocks her victims back, vampire holds on, the victim suffers Nightmare dots as
demolishing them in the process. a penalty on all rolls during the grapple.
Cost: 6 Vitae
Dice Pool: Stamina + Athletics + Resilience (not Destructive Might
added twice)
(Vigor ••••, Resilience •••)
Action: Instant
Cost: 4 Experiences
Colossus activates when you finish paying the Blood
Kindred possessing supernatural strength are
cost. For every success on the roll, your character
terrifying to behold. However, some can perform truly
receives one attack empowered by it. When making a
monumental feats. Employing this power, a vampire
Brawl or Weaponry attack empowered by Colossus,
shoulders his way through concrete walls, grabs and
ignore any armor, and any successful hit knocks back
halts moving vehicles, and crushes his enemy into a
the victim a number of meters or yards equal to her
bloody pulp. Truly awesome to witness, any display of
total Strength + Vigor.
this might is a terrifying reminder of the capabilities of
This causes automatic bashing damage equal to her
centuries-old vampires. When the vampire forces his
Vigor, as well as the damage caused by the attack
Vitae to fuel his rage through this power, his skin
(which can mean her Vigor is applied twice). Characters
becomes as hard as steel, his hands akin to vices, and
suffering this effect also receive the knocked down tilt.
Against something twice her Size or more, instead of his body nearly unbreakable.
Cost: 5 Vitae
knocking back, ignore all Durability, and apply her
Dice Pool: None
Vigor as automatic lethal damage to its Structure atop
Action: Instant
the normal attack damage. Duration: This effect lasts for a number of turns
equal to his Blood Potency. After that time, the power
Jump Scare ceases and may not be used again for the rest of the
(Nightmare •, Obfuscate •, Vigor • ) scene.
Cost: 2 Experiences When a vampire activates this power, a number of
You never see them coming till it’s too late, and this changes occur. His body becomes even tougher than
Devotion makes that threat a promise. Resilience alone affords. He benefits from an effective
Cost: None Armor Rating of 2, but incurs no movement or Defense
Requirement: The victim must know the vampire is penalties. This does “stack” with anything he wears that
nearby, but not visible. provides an Armor Rating, as his body is simply
Dice Pool: None immune to casual blows. Second, his unarmed attacks
Action: Reflexive
like punches or kicks deal aggravated damage.
Duration: Turn
His bare-handed attacks can literally dismember his
The vampire unleashes an aura of dread that distracts
foes. Finally, with a rigidity and density that seems like
her prey, then appears before him at the height
steel, his Brawl attacks ignore two points of any
vulnerability. For the rest of the turn, the vampire
object’s Armor Rating or Durability. Shields, Kevlar
ignores the victim’s Defense, and her first strike takes
vests, and even ancient breastplates are but minor
the 8-again quality. The vampire can only use this
nuisances to a vampire using this power.
Devotion on a victim once per scene.
While using this power, the vampire is more
susceptible to succumbing to frenzy. He has a -3
Wicked Grasp penalty to resist frenzy of any kind. If the vampire has
(Nightmare ••, Vigor •) already entered frenzy, the Beast activates the Devotion
Cost: 2 Experiences if possible.
The vampire’s limbs distend and warp, allowing her
to wrap around her prey like a light-starved, deep-sea
invertebrate. The victim knows the Haunt for the Beast
she is, and must struggle against his own fear.
Cost: 1 Vitae
Requirement: The vampire must activate this
Devotion on the same turn she initiates a grapple.
Dice Pool: None
NEWER DEVOTIONS Bask in my Glory
(Majesty •, Vigor ••••)
Pag 16 Cost: 3 Experiences
The vampire's Aura changes to reflect his amazing
Booh! nature, becoming a powerful glorious Aura, making it
harder for subjects to use reckon effects targeted at him,
(Obfuscate •, Nightmare ••••)
such as Auspex 2 or 4.
Cost: 2 Experiences
Cost: None
The vampire shrouds himself in a dark menacing
Dice Pool: None
aura, making it harder for subjects to use reckon effects Action: None
targeted at him, such as Auspex 2 or 4. Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 Vitae Effect:
Dice Pool: None Any Reckon power targeted at the vampire will have
Action: Reflexive a dice penalty equal to the vampire's Vigor value, unless
Duration: Until someone fails with a reckon power
it's a contested power, in this case, the vampire will add
and gets panicky, or until the end of the night.
his Vigor dots to the contesting roll.
Any Reckon power targeted at the vampire will have
a dice penalty equal to the vampire's Nightmare value,
Lizard Brain
unless it's a contested power, in this case, the vampire (Animalism ••, Auspex ••••)
will add his Nightmare dots to the contesting roll. If the Cost: 4 Experiences
spying bastard fails to use his powers on the vampire, The vampire is very attuned with his bestial side,
he needs to make a Resolve + Composure Roll with a looking for danger, even when he is not trying to.
die penalty equal to the vampire's Nightmare. If he Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
fails, he will actually get panicky for a brief moment,
Action: None
and depending on how close he is to the vampire, it is
Duration: Permanent.
possible that the devotion user will perceive who tried
to spy on him (but he won't know what kinda of power When someone is hidden by supernatural means like
or discipline was being used). Obfuscation, if this someone is on the vampire's field of
vision, your Auspex will activate a Clash of Wills
Shame On You against that supernatural power (this will replace the
(Obfuscate •, Dementation ••••) first Clash of Wills that would be caused due to you
Cost: 2 Experiences using Auspex on the scene, while there are obfuscated
The vampire shrouds himself in a confusing aura of characters on your Field of Vision). If the obfuscated
madness, making it harder for subjects to use reckon character is also trying to hide normally, a normal
effects targeted at him, such as Auspex 2 or 4. contested roll beetween Wits + Composure and Dex +
Cost: 1 Vitae Subterfuge needs to be done (the DM may decide to roll
Dice Pool: None everything hidden)
Action: Reflexive
Duration: Until someone fails with a reckon power
and becomes mad, or until the end of the night.
Ever Shrouded
Effect: (Obfuscate •••, Resilience •••)
Any Reckon power targeted at the vampire will have Cost: 3 Experiences
a dice penalty equal to the vampire's Dementation The vampire's beast adapted to shroud his secrets
value, unless it's a contested power, in this case, the from reckon powers, even when he is not trying.
vampire will add his Dementation dots to the contesting Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
roll. If the spying bastard fails to use his powers on the
Action: None
vampire, he needs to make a Resolve + Composure Roll
Duration: Permanent
with a die penalty equal to the vampire's Dementation. Effect:
If he fails, he will contract a Madness of your choice, Treat as if the vampire always has Obfuscate on,
that will last for a number of nights equal to your Blood whenever someone targets him with a reckon power
Potency, or until the shameless bastard decides to such as Auspex 2 or 4, ensuring that first they need to
confess what he did to you (he knows that he can atone win a clash of wills for their power to work.
by confessing).
This effect can’t mimic chemical reactions. Objects
Weight of Generations have the same Durability, damage rating (if any), and
(Resilience ••••, Vigor •••, BP at least 5) Size as real examples of their kind, but only ever a
Cost: 4 Experiences single point of Structure, due to their ephemeral nature.
As his blood thickens, it becomes harder to control Furthermore, solid as they might be, objects created
the vampire. with this power are not considered real for any
Cost: None supernatural properties they might otherwise have. A
Dice Pool: None wooden stake created with Steel Shadows can still stab
Action: None and cause damage, but will not render a vampire torpid
Duration: Permanent if it pierces their heart. The same goes for a silver bullet
and a werewolf.
If another cainite tries to use Mesmerize on the
vampire (Domination lv 1), instead of adding only his
Blood Potency to the roll, he can choose to add his
Master's Orders
Blood Potency plus dices equal to the difference (Dominate ••, Auspex ••••)
between his Blood Potency and the agressor's Blood Cost: 3 Experiences
potency. So if a vampire with Blood Potency 3 tries to Devotion usually used by the Tremere, where they
dominate a vampire with Blood Potency 5 and this can advance their plot, without showing all their hands.
Cost: 1 Vitae
devotion. The defender will add his Blood Potency + 2
Dice Pool: None
die on the contested roll. And, if the defender uses
Action: Reflexive (taken after using Lay Open the
willpower on this roll, he will gain the usual +2 Bonus
Mind on the Victim)
and his roll will be a 9 Again. Duration: -
Movement of the Blood While the Vampire is accessing the thoughts of
(Movement of the Mind •, Path of Blood ••••) another, she can activate this Devotion to use her
Cost: 2 Experiences powers of Dominate directly within the mind of her
The experienced thaumaturge is able to combine two victim, without the need for eye-contact or verbal
paths for a slight advantage commands. This also overcomes any language barrier
Cost: None between the vampire and her victim, but the Surgeon
Dice Pool: None must still roll to inflict the Mesmerized Condition and
Action: None pay any associated costs for other levels of Dominate.
Duration: Instantaneous Victims view commands given to them with this power
as coming from within their own mind, and so will go
When using Path of Blood to steal blood from a
to great lengths to justify their actions, even if they
target, the vampire can choose to split the blood gained
make little sense.
between himself and willing allies within range. The
thaumaturge chooses who gets which amount.
Beast Avatar
Solid Illusions (Animalism ••, Dominate ••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
(Resilience ••, Quimeirismo ••••) A cunning vampire's dominance over lesser creatures
Cost: 2 Experiences
lends her the power to birth terrible intelligence in those
Even when a Ravnos is alone, on a stranded place, he
beasts she claims as servants. The unholy creatures
can muster his will to obtain tools for the job at hand.
elevated with this Devotion are capable of
Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: None understanding the world almost as a human does, but
Action: Instant with distinctly inhuman perspectives. A vampire can
Duration: Scene only have one uplifted ghoul at a time.
Effect: Cost: 1 Willpower
By lending a portion of his enduring nature to Dice Pool: None
phantoms created with Quimeirismo, the Ravnos can Action: Instant
give them substance enough to affect the environment. Duration: As long as the animal remains a Ghoul
An illusory hammer will pound a nail, and an illusory
The vampire uplifts an animal to sinister levels of
knife will cut meat. Solid Illusions is limited to making
solid only simple objects no larger than the vampire
himself, with no more than two moving parts.
When creating an animal ghoul (or upgrading an
existing one), he can split a number of dots equal to The Lord's Blessing
Animalism among the creature’s Mental Attributes. (Majesty ••, Resilience ••)
These dots can be divided in any combination, but they Cost: 2 Experiences
cannot exceed the vampire’s own Attributes, or an The vampire instills a servant with her own deathly
upper maximum of five. invulnerability. Ventrue often use this Devotion when
If the vampire raises his Animalism later in the sending a message that can’t be trusted to phones,
chronicle, new dots apply to the animal’s Attributes the emails, text messages, or even the printed word, but
next time he feeds it. Uplifted animals often develop some just prefer their minions not to be harassed.
strange quirks as the Vitae distorts and expands their Cost: 1 Will and 1 Vitae
minds, but the blood bond will keep them loyal. Dice Pool: None
Action: Instant
Blink Duration: Night
(Dominate •, Vigor ••) The vampire blesses someone he controls via a Blood
Cost: 2 Experiences Bond.
Lords like to say Dominate requires finesse, but this Anyone who attempts to harm the vampire’s servant
Devotion throws that principle out the window, and acts must first succeed on a reflexive Resolve + Blood
as an emergency hatch to get Ventrue out of sticky Potency roll, penalized by the vampire’s Majesty dots.
situations. On a failure, they cannot attack, wasting a turn. This
Cost: 1 Vitae aura applies a number of times equal to the Vampire’s
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Dominate vs
Resolve + Blood Potency Once the total averted attacks against the messenger
Action: Instant
equal the vampire’s Discipline dots, or the sun rises
Duration: Turns equal to successes
(whichever comes first), the effect ends.
Success: The vampire issues a one- or two-word
command without the need for eye contact. The victim
must follow this command for turns equal to successes, (Resilience •••, Vigor ••)
or until completion, whichever comes first. If this Cost: 2 Experiences
command would put the character in obvious grave Brawlers among the Ventrue know they don’t always
danger or provoke a breaking point, she can resist it by have to win a fight in a beautiful manner, as long as the
spending a Willpower, but otherwise the Ventrue’s other guy loses. This insidious Devotion allows a
Beast is too powerful to ignore. Unlike the usual Vampire to sap the strength from her enemies, turning
applications of Dominate, the victim is fully aware of their success into their undoing
her body’s betrayal. A victim cannot be affected by this Cost: 2 Vitae
Devotion more than once per scene. Dice Pool: Presence + Athletics + Resilience vs.
Exceptional Success: The Ventrue’s words cut Stamina + Blood Potency
through his victim with ease. He refreshes the Action: Reflexive
Duration: Scene
Willpower he spent into this Devotion.
Failure: The victim shrugs it off. Effect:
Success: The vampire leeches vitality through any
Dramatic Failure: Not only does the victim ignore
the vampire’s command, she’s immune to Dominate for attacks inflicted upon her by the victim. Each time she
takes injury from her opponent, she inflicts a stacking –
the rest of the scene.
1 modifier on his Physical actions as she drives him to
exhaustion. At any time, or whenever this penalty
would exceed –5, the vampire can wallop her opponent,
gaining the penalty as a bonus on her attack. Once she
attacks the opponent this way, the effect of this
Devotion ends.
Exceptional Success: The victim also suffers the
Drained Condition.
Failure: The victim feels a moment of enervation, but
ignores it.
Dramatic Failure: The victim is energized and
takes a +2 on all attacks against the vampire for the rest
of the scene.
Soul Transfer Before he activates Protean, the vampire must
(Dominate •••••) consume inorganic material with Size equal to the
Cost: 3 Experiences points he wants to use to enhance his Discipline.
Rather than submerge the consciousness of a victim While manifesting bestial traits through Predatory
when using Possession, with this Devotion, the vampire Aspect, the Gangrel can augment his adaptations with
can now move that consciousness into her own body, materials he’s recently devoured. These changes look
providing her a trusted servant to safeguard her usually even more unnatural than normal Protean adaptations,
helpless form. Dark rumors surround this rare ability, of with talons of iron or silver growing out from the
Kindred souls becoming stuck in the bodies of their vampire’s fingers or new sensory organs made from
servants — but if there’s any truth to these tales, none camera lenses and plastic emerging from his face.
will admit to it. When activating Predatory Aspect, the vampire has a
Cost: 1 Vitae number of points to spend on the enhancement of her
Dice Pool: None adaptations equal to Auspex dots:
Action: Reflexive
Duration: As with Possession For one point, the Gangrel applies a +1 modifier on
Effect: any action that uses the adaptation. This can be
After successfully using Possession, the vampire applied multiple times spread out over multiple
spends a Vitae to send the possessed subject’s soul to traits.
her own body for the duration. All the usual rules of For one point, the Gangrel can change the material
Possession apply, though the subject cannot return to of one of his smaller adaptations, like growing silver
his body without the vampire first vacating it. fangs or claws.
For two points, the Vampire only needs three
Treasured Servant successes to achieve an exceptional success when
(Resilience ••) rolling a Skill associated with his adaptation. If the
Cost: 2 Experiences adaptation doesn’t have a specific Skill, choose one
A king must sacrifice for his people — that’s what it (with Storyteller approval).
means to rule. Kindred using Treasured Servant make For three points, the Vampire gains the rote quality
this literally true, allowing them to suffer harm that on a single Skill associated with his adaptation.
could incapacitate or kill a lesser creature. For theee poins the vampire can change the material
Cost: 1 Will (once, when you fortify your ghoul) of one of his bigger adaptations, like having in Iron
Dice Pool: None Carapace.
Action: Instant
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Forced March
The vampire fortifies his ghoul, allowing him to
(Celerity ••, Resilience ••)
accept a number of Health boxes of damage dealt to this
Cost: 2 Experiences
ghoul equal to Blood Potency per scene. This damage
A product of Clan Gangrel’s frequent need to cross
can be negated with Resilience once the vampire
large expanses of the wild before the sun catches up,
receives it. She can absorb damage from any distance,
this Devotion allows Kindred to move at top speed over
and always knows when her servant takes a wound.
long periods.
However, unless she can see her ghoul, she won’t know Cost: 3 Vitae
the source, amount, or type of damage prior to Dice Pool: None
accepting it. Action: Instanct
Duration: Hours equal to Resilience
Bezoar Thorns Effect:
(Auspex •••, Protean ••) The vampire can move at the maximum Speed
Cost: 3 Experiences allowed by Celerity for the duration. Except for
After eating enough inorganic matter, an adapted reflexive actions such as Perception, she can do nothing
Gangrel can force his Beast to bring those metals and but move in this time. If the vampire stops for any
fibers along with it whenever he uses his Predatory reason, she must reactivate this Devotion. However,
Aspect. any potential assailants must match her Speed or else
Cost: 1 Vitae they have little chance of catching up to her.
Dice Pool: None
Action: None
Duration: Scene
When the vampire fails to resist Dominate, Majesty,
Awaken the Horrid Form Nightmare, or a Devotion requiring any of these
(Animalism •, Protean ••) Disciplines, she can activate this Devotion. Doing so
Cost: 2 Experiences causes her to ignore the effects of the Discipline or
Some Gangrel learn to command the flesh of others Devotion targeting her, but she enters frenzy as if she
like they do animals, pulling horrors from their victims’ had dramatically failed to resist. She cannot ride the
skins. A vampire must be touching her subject to use wave or otherwise influence this frenzy, even with the
this Devotion. Coil of the Wyrm.
Cost: 1 Vitae per adaptation (1 Willpower, optional)
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Crafts + Protean (only on It Will Not Die
willing subjects)
Action: Instant (Resilience •••••)
Duration: 1 Hour Cost: 3 Experiences
Effect: Vampires are already difficult to kill, but this
Success: The Gangrel applies adaptations from Devotion pushes a Lick’s physical limit near
Predatory Aspect to a human, ghoul, or another invulnerability.
vampire, up to a limit of her Protean dots divided by Cost: Varies
Dice Pool: None
two (rounding up). This does not have to be one of her
Action: Reflexive
own forms, but inflicting a form she doesn’t know
Duration: Instantaneous
requires her to spend an additional Vitae. This effect Effect:
stacks with any forms the subject can already access If the vampire hasn't spent willpower on this turn, he
through Protean, but the vampire can’t double up the can spend one or more Willpower (as much as he
same effects. wants) dots to ignore an equal number of Health levels
If the subject is a ghoul, the vampire can spend a of any damage type. In addition, once per scene, if she
Willpower to make his transformation permanent, but would fall to torpor for any reason, he can spend a
she cannot use this Devotion on him again unless to Willpower point to remain active for a number of
remove or swap out adaptations. If the vampire knows additional turns equal to Resilience. However, even if
Uncanny Aspect, she can apply a single form from that damage in the character’s last Health box is healed in
Discipline for two Vitae. these turns, he will still enter torpor when the duration
Exceptional Success: The Gangrel grants a part of
her essence to the subject, who counts as being twice- This Devotion does not function against damage
removed in terms of blood sympathy with her for the dealt by fire, sunlight or personal banes.
Failure: Nothing happens!
Dramatic Failure: If he’s a vampire, the subject’s
Beast recoils at this alteration, and he enters frenzy with (Protean •••••, Resilience •••••)
the Gangrel as his target. If a human or ghoul, he Cost: 5 Experiences
suffers cardiac arrest or another catastrophic medical Elders of Clan Gangrel are rumored to exist beyond
event. the reach of Final Death, shrugging off grievous
The vampire can have up to his Blood Potency dots wounds like sweat. Many of these tales are just that —
in subjects affected by this devotion at a time. tales — but some Savages know ways to deal with
injuries their Kindred don’t.
Inner Rage Cost: 1 Will to activate devotion for the scene, 5
Vitae per wound
(Animalism ••••, Resilience ••••) Dice Pool: None
Cost: 4 Experiences Action: Instant
In desperate situations, the Beast knows best, even if Duration: Scene
that means feeding its worse impulses. With this Effect:
Devotion, the vampire can avoid mental coercion by The vampire activates the devotion which allows him
letting out the mother of all frenzies. for the scene to heal any number of aggravated damage
Cost: 1 Willpower she has without resting, manually pressing her flesh
Dice Pool: None back together through painful, ad hoc surgery.
Action: Reflexive
Duration: Instantaneous
Wall of Fire Immutable Mind
(Movement of the Mind ••, Lure of Flames •••••) (Dominate •, Resilience •)
Cost: 3 Experiences Cost: 1 Experience
Instead of creating a huge block of flames, the The moment a Ventrue learns that it’s possible to
Thaumaturge creates a wall of Fire scrub clean memories with Dominate, he almost always
Cost: 1 point of Blood OR 1 Point of Willpower has an uncomfortable realization: “That could have
Dice Pool: None been used on me!” This is unacceptable, and in the
Action: reflexive, taken when Lure of Flames is cast typical Carthian can-do spirit, a Devotion has been
Duration: 1 turn per success developed to cope with it.
Effect: Cost: 1 Willpower
By spending 1 Point of Blood, the vampire creates a Dice Pool: none
wall of fire of seven straight adjacent hexes. (hexes can Action: Instant
be funny, but you try your best to make a straight line). Duration: Scene or 1 hour
But, if a Willpower is spent instead of a Vitae, the Effect:
Thaumaturge is able to dig deeper and create a bigger While a character is protected by Immutable Mind,
wall of 10 straight adjacent hexes. attempts to use Dominate on the character are hindered
by the character’s own mastery of Dominate. If the roll
Movement of the Thought is contested, the defender with Immutable Mind gets to
(Path of the Focused Mind ••, Movement of the add his rating in Dominate to his attempts to resist.
Mind •••)
Cost: 3 Experiences Stalwart Heart
The Thaumaturge is able to master his powers over (Majesty •, Resilience •)
himself, allowing him to carry extra weight, and even Cost: 1 Experience
conjure his magic on a whim for the purpose of No one likes being played for a chump, and this is
maintaining stability doubly true of those who are in the habit of playing
Cost: 2 Point of Blood total others for chumps. The Discipline of Majesty is a
Dice Pool: none magnificent chumping tool. It was inevitable that some
Action: Reflexive Toreador would try and turn its powers inward, to
Duration: Instantaneous maintain emotional integrity, instead of using Majesty
Effect: to erode the integrity of others.
This devotion allows the Thaumaturge to cast Cost: 1 Willpower
Movement of the Mind reflexively for the purposes of Dice Pool: none
avoiding falls and knockdowns. It also makes so when Action: Instant
the caster invokes Movement of the Mind, he can Duration: Scene or 1 hour
ignore his own weight when considering the maximum Effect:
weight he can lift with his powers. While a character is protected by Stalwart Heart,
attempts to use Majesty on her are hindered by the
Cleansing Impression character’s own mastery of Majesty. If the roll is
(Obfuscate ••, Auspex •••) contested, the defender with Stalwart Heart gets to add
Cost: 2 Experiences her rating in Majesty to his attempts to resist.
Obfuscate is an excellent tool for keeping people Stalwart Heart protects even when there’s no active
from spying on you, but it’s less useful when your roll. With Awe, for example, it forces a Clash of Wills
property can be convinced to give up your secrets. After beetween both Vampires' Majesty.
all, a secret is only as good as its protection.
Cost: 1 Willpower Dauntless Spirit
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Stealth + Auspex (Nightmare •, Resilience •)
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Experience
Duration: Instantaneous Once the Carthians developed Devotions to help
Effect: Every unliving object within 10 feet is resist the lordly scepter of Dominate and the allure of
cleansed of psychic impressions. For each additional Majesty, it seemed only sensible to find something that
success, that radius increases by five feet. worked on the fearsome effects of Nightmare.
Cost: 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: none
Action: Instant
Duration: Scene or 1 hour The vampire makes her words ring true in the
Effect: victim’s ear long after she’s departed his company.
While a character is protected by Dauntless Spirit, Cost: 1 Vitae
attempts to use Nightmare against him are hindered by Dice Pool: None
the character’s own mastery of Nightmare. If the roll is Action: Reflexive
contested, the defender with Dauntless Spirit gets to Duration: Instantaneous
add his rating in Nightmare to his attempts to resist. Effect:
The vampire must first inflict the Charmed Condition
Shout on the victim within the same scene.
Magnifying the effect of Confidant, the victim now
(Celerity •, Dominate ••••)
views the vampire’s opinions, arguments, and beliefs as
Cost: 3 Experiences
intrinsically true, and is impossible to convince
Celerity was the next physical discipline to be
otherwise. As long as the Charmed Condition lasts, all
combined with Dominate. As would be expected, the
attempts to persuade the victim of the vampire’s lies
power created a quickening effect. Strangely, the power
suffer her Majesty dots as a penalty. Halve this penalty
only works when the Kindred user is speaking at full
(rounding up), if the victim is presented with direct
evidence, such as video or photos.
Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive Gaze of the Unthinkable
Duration: Scene or 1 Hour (Nightmare •••••)
Effect: Cost: 3 Experiences
There are two effects for this power, first it makes so Some members of Clan Nosferatu have seen the true
Eye contact is not necessary when using Mesmerize, dark and been changed by it forever. They know what
but the target’s name must be mentioned if eye contact horrors wait in the depths, and sometimes they share
is not established. these “insights” with their prey.
Also, This power allows Mesmerize to be used as a Cost: 2 Vitae
reflexive action once per target, at the cost of 1 Vitae Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Nightmare –
per activation (but no more than one target per round). Resolve
Any instructions must be bellowed loudly, or the power Action: Instant
fails. Duration: Instantaneous
Ignore To use this power, first the vampire must have
inflicted the Frightened Condition on her victim.
(Dominate •, Resilience •)
Success: The vampire shows the victim horrors
Cost: 1 Experience
beyond comprehension, utterly demoralizing him and
Only the master of Dominate was able to produce a
inflicting one point of Willpower loss per success.
useful power in combination with Resilience. Once
Exceptional Success: The vision of horror is so
developed, this power granted him an unshakable
complete that the victim also gains the Fugue Condition
supernatural will, and an unmatched dedication to
for the rest of the night.
Failure: The victim’s mind is no worse for wear.
Cost: 1 Willpower Dramatic Failure: The vampire has looked too
Dice Pool: none
closely into dark places, and it echoes in her mind. She
Action: Reflexive
Duration: Against one roll gains the Frightened Condition.
Instead of the normal +2 resistance bonus for a Hell Beast
Willpower expenditure, this power adds 2 + Resilience (Animalism ••, Nightmare • , Vigor ••)
to the appropriate resistance Attribute when activated. It Cost: 3 Experiences
can be activated in response to any effect that would be The Haunts spread their curse even to their lackeys,
resisted with Resolve or Composure, including and in a beast, this is especially advantageous. With this
mundane social rolls. Devotion, a Nosferatu can infuse a familiar with her
own rot, gaining a familiar much better suited to its
Iron Dogma mistress.
Cost: 1 Vitae
(Majesty ••, Resilience •••)
Dice Pool: None
Cost: 1 Experience
Action: Reflexive
Duration: As with Raise the Familiar
Effect: Dice Pool: Strength + Brawl + Nightmare – number
When the vampire uses Raise the Familiar, he spends of mortals in the fight
an additional Vitae (included in the cost). Action: Instant
The Nosferatu enhances her familiar. It gains a point Duration: Instantaneous
of Size, stretching its dead skin against protruding bone Effect:
and gnarled muscle, and distributes half the vampire’s Success: The vampire becomes a thing of terror,
Blood Potency among Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina leaving her victims utterly defenseless. She kills a
(rounding up). Furthermore, it adds the Haunt’s number mortals equal to successes on the activation
Nightmare dots to its Intimidation Skill, even if that roll. “Mortal” is anyone without a Supernatural
would raise the trait above its maximum. The creature Tolerance trait. For example, a Nosferatu can’t kill
also permanently benefits from the effect of Dread ghouls with this Devotion, even though their Blood
Presence, though the illusions it conjures up are cruder Potency trait is zero. Furthermore, if any of her victims
than those of a vampire. The Nosferatu herself is are armed with fire, they are exempt from her wrath.
immune to this effect. Exceptional Success: In addition to a tremendous
The vampire must renew this Devotion along with body count, any surviving mortal in the scene who is
Raise the Familiar. If not, the corpse’s form collapses in not allied with the vampire is Beaten Down.
on itself, and cannot be resurrected. Failure: The vampire misjudges her human
If the vampire knows Undying Familiar (Vampire, p. opponents and is in for a violent reply.
148), she can spend an additional Vitae when using that Dramatic Failure: The vampire is overcome with a
Devotion to assure her ghoul immediately rises as a hell profound remorse, suffering the Guilty Condition.
beast if it dies in a violent encounter. Using True Form, even on a failure, is a breaking
If the vampire knows Face in the Crowd, she can point at Humanity 1 and higher.
spend an additional Experience into this Devotion to
imbue the creature with that effect, causing mortals to Terrible Will
ignore its monstrous appearance until it attacks. (Resilience ••, Nightmare •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Iron Façade Originally a creation of Carthian Haunts, this
(Nightmare • , Obfuscate ••, Resilience •) Devotion keeps Firebrands from succumbing to the
Cost: 2 Experiences terrors of their elders.
Appearances are everything, and even a meek Cost: 1 Willpower
Nosferatu can leverage his inherent horror into a bit of Dice Pool: None
breathing room. Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Vitae Duration: Scene
Dice Pool: None Effect:
The vampire is immune to the effect of Dread
Action: Reflexive
Duration: Scene Presence, or similar passive powers of fear. Any rolls to
Effect: use Nightmare against her are penalized by Resilience
For the rest of the scene, any wounds the vampire dots. Immunity to Dread Presence extends to enhancing
takes do not appear on his body, no matter how any higher tiers of Nightmare.
grievous; even severed limbs seem to hold together. The
vampire doesn’t gain any physical advantage, but it’s an Ripples in Still Water
easy way to demoralize foes. (Majesty •, Nightmare •)
Furthermore, the first time the vampire uses Cost: 1 Experience
Resilience in the scene, witnesses must succeed on a Existing with dulled emotions means any sudden
reflexive Resolve + Composure – Blood Potency roll flair of feeling is inherently suspicious, and this
before attacking him. On a failure, they lose the 10- Devotion allows vampires to identify who is trying to
again quality on attacks against the Nosferatu, for the manipulate them.
rest of the scene. Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool:
True Form Action: Instant
Duration: Scene
(Nightmare ••••• , Obfuscate ••••, Vigor •••••)
Cost: 5 Experiences
The vampire takes the true form of it's beast, which
might be too much for mortal minds to withstand.
Cost: 1 Vitar and 1 Willpower
Effect: Cost: 1 Vitae
The vampire gains a heightened awareness of her Dice Pool: None
own emotional state. Whenever she resists a Action: Reflexive
supernatural power meant to manipulate her emotions Duration: 1 Turn
(Majesty, Nightmare, etc.), if she fails the contested Effect:
action but achieves at least one success on the roll, she The vampire can activate this Devotion during any
becomes aware that she’s being manipulated. If she physical action. Doing so grants a bonus equal to Blood
wins the contested action to resist, she also becomes Potency to anyone attempting the same action in the
aware of the source of the influence if it wouldn’t scene on their next turn, provided they saw the
normally be obvious. Note that this knowledge does vampire’s original action.
nothing to counter the effects of a power, but it may
grant some leeway in how the vampire reacts to it. Beautiful but Deadly
(Celerity ••, Majesty ••)
Silence of Depths Cost: 2 Experiences
(Vigor ••, Majesty ••• or Nightmare •••) With this Devotion, a vampire can exert her glorious
Cost: 2 Experiences mien over an opponent, disrupting his violent intent
By embracing the coldness in her soul, the vampire through sheer magnificence.
can use it like armor against emotional attack, giving Cost: 2 Vitae
the impression she has no feelings to manipulate at all. Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Majesty –
Cost: 1 Vitae Composure
Dice Pool: None Action: Instant
Action: Reflexive Duration: 1 or 2 turns
Duration: Instantaneous Effect:
Effect: Success: The victim’s concentration is shot. He
Whenever the vampire is the victim of a supernatural takes a penalty on his next Physical action equal to
power that would alter her emotional state, she can successes.
activate this Devotion to add Majesty or Nightmare to Exceptional Success: The penalty applies for two
the resistance roll. Alternatively, she can add this actions.
Discipline as a bonus to lashing out to break effects like Failure: The victim appreciates the vampire’s
beauty but isn’t dissuaded.
Awe or Dread Presence.
Dramatic Failure: The vampire’s perfection
Drowned in the Depths misfires and sends her subject into a destructive rage.
He takes the 8-again quality on his next violent action.
(Majesty •••, Nightmare •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences Haymaker
The vampire can use the emptiness of her heart as an
echo chamber, reflecting attempts to influence her back (Vigor ••••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
upon her would-be manipulator.
Cost: 1 Willpower It’s not always about knocking them down;
Dice Pool: None sometimes, it’s about knocking them away.
Action: None Cost: 2 Vitae
Duration: Instantaneous Dice Pool: None
Effect: Action: Reflexive
The vampire must successfully resist an effect with Duration: Instantaneous
Silence of Depths.
The effect is the same as Silence of Depths, except The vampire hits her opponent with such intense
concussive force that he goes flying. For each success
that if the vampire wins the contested roll to resist, she
reflects the power back upon the aggressor. The on the attack roll, the victim is thrown back a meter. He
originating character is subject to all the effects of a takes an additional (Vigor) dice of damage if he hits
regular success of whatever power they were something hard: bashing if it would break and absorb
attempting to use on the vampire, with her as the focus some of the force and lethal if it wouldn’t. The victim is
considered Knocked Down if this damage exceeds his
of any Conditions such as Charmed or Frightened.
total Stamina (Chronicles of Darkness, p. 285). If the
As I Do victim was grappling someone, the grapple ends.
For the duration, the Tzimisce can see through the
Ring the Bell eyes of his affected ghouls and direct them
(Vigor ••, Majesty • or Nightmare •) telepathically, and can coordinate devastating strikes on
Cost: 1 Experience his enemies. As an instant action, the vampire can
With this Devotion, the vampire can land a designate a number of affected ghouls equal to his
devastating blow, dazing her victim and shaking his Blood Potency to act in concert. For one turn, these
confidence. thralls ignore a single victim’s Defense equal to the
Cost: 1 Vitae vampire’s Auspex dots.
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: (Quimeirismo ••••)
The vampire activates this Devotion as she makes a Cost: 2 Experiences
successful Brawl or Weaponry attack. A devotion initially developed by Ravnos to fuck
The victim goes reeling from a successful attack, around with Toreador vampires during big events.
taking a penalty to their Initiative score equal to Cost: 2 Vitae and 1 Willpower
damage dealt for the rest of the scene. This Devotion Dice Pool: None
Action: Instant
can only be successfully applied to a victim once per
Duration: Night
The vampire eyes a target within 10 meters and
Monstrous Awakening copies her appearance onto the victim, creating an
(Auspex ••••, Vicissitude •••• , Vigor •••) illusory duplicate. The two are identical twins down to
Cost: 5 Experiences the very last stitch of clothing, and this can even fool
The Tzmisce's mastery of their ghouls is not just technology. If the victim is mortal, he exhibits the exact
tradition: it’s one of their greatest strength. This same signs of vampirism as the Ravnos herself,
Devotion allows a Tzmisce to enhance any ghouls who including a lack of heart rate or breathing.
have recently consumed his Vitae, his enemies realizing Should the vampire do something to change her own
too late that the thing they face is not just a normal features before the end of the night, such as cutting her
ghoul or Szlachta, but an horrendous aberration. hair off or using the Blush of Life, she can choose if
Cost: 1 Willpower and 2 Vitae per Subject this affects her victim as well.
Dice Pool: None If the Victim is a supernatural being, a Clash of wills
Action: Instant beetween the Ravnos Quimerismo and the victims
Duration: 1 Night highest discipline (or similar stat for other supernatural
beings) must occur.
In a special ritual, the Tzimisce spends a Willpower
and then feeds each of his ghouls two Vitae. This does
not add to their reserves. Instead, the blood takes the
Cutting the Strings
form of a slithering worm that wriggles down their (Obfuscate •••, Auspex •••)
throats, transforming them into nightmarish creatures. Cost: 3 Experiences
The Tzimisce adds his Vicissitude dots to a ghoul’s Malkavians are diviners and seers, especially when it
Physical Attributes or Size, distributing them as he comes to their own destinies. With this Devotion, they
wishes. Alternatively, he can grant the creature a point remove themselves from the threads of fate.
of general armor for every two dots. These mutations Cost: 2 Vitae and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: None
can raise a creature’s Attributes above 5, but they suffer
Action: Instant
a lethal damage per excess dot when the Devotion ends,
Duration: Night
as their body collapses from the strain. Effect:
The physical effect of this transformation is terrifying While this Devotion is active, the vampire is aware
and grotesque: bones elongate and reshape to allow of any attempts to use Auspex on her, or any other
greater speed, muscles swell to unnatural proportions, supernatural divinations. Any readings trigger a vision
and flesh thickens to absorb impacts. of the aggressor. She can spend a Vitae to reflexively
lash out at this effect, but the aggressor can choose to
respond if he is Kindred, or if he has access to an effect
that’s similar to the Predatory Aura.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind Shadow in the Land
(Dominate ••••, Obfuscate •••••) (Auspex •••••, Vigor ••••)
Cost: 5 Experiences Cost: 5 Experiences
As the vampire leaves an area, the memory of her Rumored to be the creation of the Prince of
presence follows shortly after. Budapest, this rare Devotion allows a vampire to bring
Cost: 1 Vitar and 1 Willpower her Twilight form into the physical world.
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Stealth + Obfuscate vs. Cost: 1 Vitae and 1 Willpower
highest Resolve + Blood Potency (watch for modifiers) Dice Pool: None
Action: Instant Action: Instant
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Scene
Effect: Effect:
The vampire must smear a point of Vitae (included in The vampire’s Twilight form manifests in the
the cost) in a central point in the area before the end of material world as a translucent ghost. She can’t touch or
the scene. manipulate things, but she can inflict any mental or
Success: The vampire activates this Devotion as she social Discipline she knows as long as it doesn’t require
leaves an area. If successful, everyone in the scene her to spill blood. Others cannot affect her with
forgets she was ever present, gaining the False Disciplines or attacks unless they have the means to do
Memories Condition. All traces of her passing erode: so on ephemeral beings. The vampire can return to
security tapes glitch, written materials vanish or are Twilight with an instant action.
inexplicably destroyed, and superficial damage to the
environment is displaced onto another phenomenon Entombed Visitor
(maybe it was local hoodlums who vandalized the (Protean •, Vigor •)
prince’s classic car). Even someone physically harmed Cost: 1 Experience
by the vampire will be hard pressed to remember what When melding into the earth, the vampire is able to
she looked like, defaulting to their own personal take a willing up to size 5 creature with him.
prejudices and assumptions. The vampire can choose to Cost: 1 Vitae
exempt specific individuals or items from this Dice Pool: None
Devotion. Action: Reflexive when using Protean 1
Exceptional Success: The power of the vampire’s Duration: Instantaneous
Obfuscate wipes away all physical records of her Effect:
presence, including superficial damage or alterations The Kindred must be touching the willing creature
she inflicted on material items. Any item she damaged that’s to accompany them into their Unmarked Grave
but did not destroy “forgets” that it was ever harmed. for the duration, and spend the extra Vitae upon
Scratches and chips replace themselves, paint fades activating it to use this Devotion. The creature does not
from walls, and cracked glass repairs itself. This does need to eat, drink, or breathe for the duration they’re
not affect dead or living creatures, who retain any kept within the Kindred’s grave.
damage inflicted.
Failure: The vampire is exactly as memorable as Fallen Friend
normal. (Animalism ••, Dominate ••)
Dramatic Failure: The vampire internalizes her Cost: 2 Experiences
attempt to be forgotten and instead loses her own Sometimes, animal companions aren’t quite enough
memory of the previous scene. She suffers the to act as the servant a Kindred needs. This Devotion
Confused Condition. allows them more humanoid assistance.
Sample Modifiers: Groups greater than five (–1), Cost: 1 Vitae
groups greater than ten (–2), groups greater than 20 (– Dice Pool: None
3), the vampire did significant damage or violence in Action: Instant
the scene (–5). Duration: As Raise the familiar
This works as Raise the Familiar, but can target a
drained humanoid instead of an animal. This is a
dangerous prospect, however, as the normal effects of
Vitae on a human corpse can take effect; at Storyteller
discretion, should the Devotion end without the corpse
being thoroughly destroyed, it may raise as a Revenant
the following night.
Forbiddance Inspire Courage
(Resilience •••, Obfuscate •••••) (Majesty •, Vigor •)
Cost: 4 Experiences Cost: 1 Experience
The Kindred blankets an area with an invisible force Bathing their allies in an aura of energetic warmth
that makes it physically impossible to pass into or and reassurance, the Kindred inspires a strength of will
through the affected space. and urge to press onward.
Cost: 3 Vitae and 1 Willpower Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: None Dice Pool: None
Action: Instant Action: Instant
Duration: 1 week per dot of Blood Potency Duration: Scene
Effect: Effect:
For the duration of the Devotion, an invisible barrier Any of the Kindred’s allies that are capable of seeing
entirely prevents anyone from physically entering the them upon activation of this Devotion gains the
affected area. Mortals lacking an awareness of the Inspired condition related to that encouragement, which
supernatural will misremember this as having other fades at the end of the scene if not utilized.
difficulties getting into the area, but supernatural
creatures will generally be fully aware of the unnatural Mobile Grave
nature of it. (Protean •, Vigor • , Celerity ••)
Using other powers to get into the protected space Cost: 2 Experiences
provokes a Clash of Wills against the Kindred; if the Cost: 1 Vitae
offender fails, they still cannot find their way inside, Dice Pool: None
and may not use the same power to try again for the rest Action: Instant
of the night. The barrier does affect Twilight, but is not Duration: Scene or 1 Hour
solid to mental projections, nor does it extend into other Effect:
realms like the Shadow (unless the vampire uses it there This Devotion can be activated when the Kindred is
to begin with) using Unmarked Grave. For the rest of the scene, they
can move at half their normal speed through any
Immutable Body substance they’ve spent enough Vitae to sink into,
(Resilience ••••• or Protean ••••• or Vicissitude although must still rely on little more than their Kindred
Senses for navigation.
Cost: 3 Experiences
Kindred that have either learned to either solidify Momentary Projection
their body to a masterful degree or to completely shift (Auspex •••••)
their physical form sometimes manifest this Devotion, Cost: 2 Experiences
which makes it difficult to cause any sort of physical With a brief projection of the Kindred’s senses, he’s
change to them. able to get a glimpse around corners, at differing angles,
Cost: 2 Vitae or to otherwise get a wider picture regarding their
Dice Pool: None current location.
Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Vitae
Duration: Instantaneous Dice Pool: None
Effect: Action: Reflexive
By spending 2 Vitae any time a supernatural effect Duration: 1 Turn
would change the character’s body (whether Effect:
shapeshifting, imposing physical Tilts, or degrading her Upon activation, the Kindred is able to project their
attributes), the Kindred may roll a Clash of Wills to senses (all of them) briefly to another spot within their
prevent or reverse the change. She automatically knows current sensory range. For the duration, they’re able to
the effect is being attempted, and what it will do to her see/hear/smell/touch/taste as if they were in that new
body, even if she decides not to spend the vitae, though spot, allowing them to do things like invisibly peer
has no knowledge of what’s causing it by default. This around corners, check the cell phone of someone
power is activated after any other form of innate making secretive texts, or “taste” a stain of blood on the
defense allowed, such as contesting a Discipline or wall without going over and actually licking it.
withstanding a mage’s spells. Note that the Kindred can repeatedly activate this
each turn to jump to a new place within their
“projected” sensory range.
By spending an extra point of Vitae when activating
Psychic Vampirism Lord of the Land, the Kindred’s own resilient nature
(Auspex ••••, Nightmare •••••) can be infused into it, providing further protection. For
Cost: 4 Experiences the duration, any supernatural attempt to spy on, enter
Rather than needing to sink your fangs directly into the territory uninvited, or damage the area is met with a
someone’s veins, you can tap into the power of their Clash of Wills; if the Kindred wins, the power fails
mind and life force directly, draining a bit of their utterly and cannot be attempted again in the same night.
mental vigor from them and leaving them shaking and The vampire is also instantly made aware of the
paranoid in the process. attempt, although is provided no details about the
Cost: 2 Vitae offender.
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Nightmare -
target’s Composure. Arcane Sight
Action: Instant
Duration: Instantaneous (Auspex ••, Coil of Zirnitra • or any Blood
Effect: Sorcery • )
The Kindred is able to take 1 point of Willpower Cost: 2 Experiences
from the victim per two successes scored on the roll, By aligning their Beast’s senses with the workings of
and gain half of that for their own pool, up to their magic and mystic energy instead of the secrets and
normal maximum. The target also gains the Spooked weaknesses of their prey, the Kindred becomes able to
condition, with the vampire as the subject of its focus. study the weave of the supernatural.
On an exceptional success, this becomes Obsessed, Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: None
Action: Instant
Duration: Scene
Telepathic Command Effect:
(Dominate •, Auspex ••••) By spending a point of Vitae, the Kindred activates
Cost: 3 Experiences this power. At a glance, they become able to see any
Eye contact and deliberate speech aren’t always as “active” supernatural effect on a person, location,
easy as Kindred would like, but this Devotion allows object, or area within range of their perceptions, seeing
for a more direct ability to take command of another’s it as a sort of subtle “glow.” By focusing on such an
mind. effect, the Kindred may scrutinize the magic itself with
Cost: 1 vitae Uncanny Perception or Spirit’s Touch (as appropriate to
Dice Pool: None whether it’s on a person/other being, or an
Action: Reflexive, when dominate is used object/location); this is activated normally for that level,
Duration: Instantaneous but the Kindred becomes able to ask questions directly
related to supernatural effects.
When activating any of the first four levels of
Sample Questions:
Dominate, this Devotion can be used to negate the need
for eye contact and spoken words, as the commands are Is this magic innate or external to the subject/object?
sent telepathically to the target. This is especially useful A vision of a hooded figure casting a spell upon the
for The Lying Mind, as the Kindred can project a subject. The sound of the target's blood flowing into
memory of their own or the full, fabricated details in a the effect.
few short moments as a single “thought,” rather than What sort of supernatural power is this? The smell
spending minutes or longer describing each aspect of it. of Vitae dripping from an open wound. The glowing
Nimbus of the Mage who cast it. The feel of
Territorial Advantage ectoplasm stringing itself around the skin.
(Resilience •, Animalism •••••) What does this effect do? The sensation of a
Cost: 3 Experiences resistive aura of force surrounding the subject. The
Not only is the master of Animalism lord of their creeping feeling of adoration for the power's user.
domain, but the domain itself is reinforced and The feeling of the user’s eyes seeming to pierce into
strengthened by them, making it that much more your soul.
difficult to break through their defenses uncontested. Was this effect created by someone whose effects
Cost: +1 Vitae I've studied before, and if so, who? A brief vision of
Dice Pool: None the target. An impression of a Mage's signature
Action: Reflexive nimbus. A familiar voice whispering in your ear.
Duration: As Lord of the Land
Noticing any effect meant to conceal, trick, or veil Two additional Vitae are spent when using Celerity
requires a Clash of Wills, though once noticed no Clash to move quickly, in order to allow the Kindred’s speed
is required to study it with Auspex unless it veils the to increase to the point of simply ignoring physical
nature of the information being sought. boundaries. For the affected turn, no physical
impediments stop the Kindred from moving, including
Theft of Magic gravity; like with the normal activation, the Kindred
(Dominate ••, Blood Sorcery ••••) moves so quickly they seem to just appear at their
Cost: 3 Experiences destination, but it’s almost as if reality itself is tricked
By aligning oneself to the nature of Blood Sorcery, too.
the Kindred is able to take control of an existing ritual This can also get the Kindred past supernatural
as if it were cast by them. boundaries if they win in a Clash of Wills against the
Cost: 4 Vitae defending power (such as the Forbiddance Devotion or
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Blood Sorcery, a mage’s Ban).
vs. caster’s Resolve + Blood Sorcery + Blood Potency
Action: Instant Aura of Accursed Rage
Duration: Permanent (Animalism •••, Majesty or Dementation ••)
Effect: Cost: 1 Experience
**Dramatic Failure: **The Kindred ends up fixated This power which allows the vampire to let his Beast
on their own thought, gaining the Obsessed condition bleed outward into the world around him, inspiring rage
for a scene (not counting as Persistent). and anger like his own bloody frenzies in all around
Failure: The Kindred fails to capture the ritual’s
effects. Cost: 1 Vitae
Success: The Kindred targets a sorcerous effect that Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Animalism vs
they’re aware of, whether through an obvious visual Resolve + Composure + Blood Potency
effect, uses of Auspex, or otherwise. If the original Action: Instant
caster fails to contest, the Kindred takes over the magic, Duration: Scene
as if they had cast it themselves; they may or may not Effect:
choose to “retarget” it as appropriate, on new targets This power affects all vampires and mortals within
that fit the original criteria of the ritual in question. For range of the character’s sight, and may continue to
instance, if taking over the “Feeding the Crone” ritual affect characters who have left the vampire’s presence
from an Acolyte, the Kindred could take on the maw of for the remainder of the night.
horrid teeth, stealing it from the original caster. Any vampire who wins the roll against the user of
Exceptional Success: The duration of the effect, if this power is not affected, but won't know something
applicable, “resets” as if it had just been cast. At tried to influence him (unless he has specific powers
Storyteller discretion, an Elder developing this that allows him to do this). Vampires who fail to resist
Devotion may be able to target other forms of magic will feel angrier, with Rolls to resist frenzy made with
that resonate with the Blood Sorcery that fuels the -3 dice for the duration of the night. But they may pay 1
Devotion. Willpower point to let the angry go and have the effect
last only for the scene.
Defy the Physical Mortals lack their owns beast to fight this power so if
(Vigor or Praestantia •, Celerity •••••) they fail to resist they will join the action happening on
Cost: 5 Experiences the moment, likely following a herd mentality, causing
This potent Devotion allows the Kindred’s movement damage and getting into fights that are happening. This
to go unimpeded when aided by Celerity. power will last as many nights in mortals as the
Cost: 2 Vitae vampire Blood Potency, and while affected they might
Dice Pool: None join any ruckus happening around.
Action: Reflexive
Duration: 1 turn
Aura of Inescapable Truth Eye of Unforgiving Heaven
(Dominate ••••, Majesty ••••) (Auspex ••••, Valeren ••••)
Cost: 4 Experiences Cost: 4 Experiences
By mastering the control of heart and mind, a The Salubri’s third eye opens impossibly wide,
Ventrue is able to demand only the truth out of it's burning an incandescent gold color. The orb is a
peers. reflection of the Salubri’s inner virtue, but manifests as
Cost: 1 Vitar and 1 Willpower the sun at zenith, illuminating the area and searing
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + (Majesty or undead flesh.
Dominate) vs Resolve + Composure + Blood Potency Cost: 1 Willpower and 1 vitae per turn
Action: Instant Dice Pool: Humanity (only Humanity)
Duration: Scene Action: Instant
Effect: With this power, those that fail to resist and Duration: Successes
are in the vampire’s presence must speak only the truth. Effect: The vampire stares in the general direction
Characters attempting to lie find themselves unable to he wishes the power to illuminate, while spending one
speak. The truth for this power depends on the speaker; point each of blood and Willpower. He then rolls
a character may impart untrue information that they Humanity. Success causes the Cainite’s third eye to
believe to be true, but may not deceive a listener. The open and glow, shedding light as direct sunlight and
power is quite obvious in its effects, and a character inflicting damage per turn to all vampires in line of
may opt to leave the vampire’s presence. sight as per their exposure. As the power’s light emits
as radiance rather a beam, it cannot discriminate
Bird in Ear between friend or foe. The Salubri isn’t immune to his
(Animalism ••, Quimeirismo ••) light, suffering three lethal damage each turn. Any such
Cost: 1 Experience wounds suffered manifest as bloody tears weeping from
The Ravnos developed this power in order to better the third eye.
communicate between distant jati. The vampire imbues The sunlight will last for 1 turn per success on the
a message in a small animal who then carries the humanity roll, but the Salubri must pay 1 Willpower
message to its intended recipient, relaying it in the and 1 Vitae each turn the light shines.
vampire’s own voice.
Cost: 1 Willpower Glare of Lies
Dice Pool: None (Auspex ••, Valeren •)
Action: Instant Cost: 1 Experience
Duration: 1 day per Blood Potency The third eye opens, then narrows in close scrutiny.
Effect: The player spends one Willpower point to The Salubri’s eye begins to discern truth and deception
imbue the message in a small animal. The animal can as easily as light scattered from a crystal. Lies become
be any creature, but if it must travel long distances, a obvious to the third eye’s sight, allowing a perceptive
bird is best. The Ravnos speaks the message he wants Salubri to easily come to judgment.
carried to the animal and commands it with his will to Cost: 1 Willpower
deliver the message to his intended recipient. The Dice Pool: none
vampire must have a clear image in his mind of who the Action: Instant
animal must find. When the animal arrives at its Duration: Scene
destination, the message is delivered as the vampire Effect:
spoke it, the illusion of his voice emanating from the Any lies told in the Salubri’s presence must succeed
animal. on a contested Manipulation + Subterfuge roll against
Once the power is used, the animal has a number of the Salubri’s Wits + Empathy + Auspex. Success means
days equal to the Ravnos Blood Potency to find its the subject lies. If the Salubri wins, she recognizes the
designated recipient and deliver the message, otherwise deception. She cannot, however, sense subtler
the compulsion fades and the message is lost. deceptions such as omissions or half-truths.
Dice Pool: None
Guardian Vigil Action: Instant
(Auspex •, Dementation •, Celerity • ) Duration: Scene
Cost: 2 Experiences Effect: Activating The Rod Raw Rending costs 1
Developed by a Malkavian fleeing his persecutors, blood point, and it lasts for the scene. You can ignore
Guardian Vigil allows the Cainite a lasting preternatural 1/1 armor up to your character’s Resilience dots. So
danger sense. He cannot be surprised or ambushed by with Resilience •••, you may ignore 3/3 armor. It may
those that would assail him. only be used with Brawl or Melee attacks.
Cost: 1 Willpower and 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: None Not So Special
Action: Instant
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Duration: Night / until used
Cost: 2 Experiences
Effect: For the remainder of the night, the character
cannot be ambushed or surprised by mundane methods. Dice Pool:
Any non-supernatural stealth attempts against him fail Action:
automatically. Against Obfuscate and other such Duration:
abilities, make a Clash of Wills. If Guardian Vigil alerts Effect:
the character, he’s assumed to have the highest initiative
for the first turn of a combat. After the first turn, he Not So Special
must roll his initiative.
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
This power only protects against the first such
Cost: 2 Experiences
ambush in a given night. The character may re-activate
Guardian Vigil for another blood point and Willpower Dice Pool:
point. Additionally, he may activate it directly before Action:
slumber in order to benefit from its protections during Duration:
the day. Effect:
Punching and Fucking
If You Can't Duck It (Majesty ••, Vigor •)
Cost: 2 Experiences
(••••, divided between Celerity, Resilience, and
Sometimes, being sparkly just ain't appropriate to the
Vigor, including at least two) context. With this Devotion, you can charm with a fist.
Cost: 2 Experiences
You know that scene in Fight Club where Jack and
This Devotion allows your character to instill some
Tyler bond over a fistfight? Yeah, it's like that.
of her preternatural physical prowess on physical
Cost: 1 Willpower
objects. Some Carthians call it Bulwark. Most just refer Dice Pool: Special
to it as "If You Can't Duck It". With this Devotion, you can apply the effects of
Cost: 1 Vitae and 1 Willpower Majesty through physical contact. When making an
Dice Pool: None
unarmed attack, calculate damage and dice pools
Action: Instant
Duraton: Scene normally. Once damage is applied, the victim's player
By smearing a Vitae on an object, your character rolls Composure + Blood Potency against that damage,
blesses it with some of her own physical power for the as if they were successes on Confidant.
If your character has Loyalty and her victim has the
scene. Her dots of Celerity, Resilience, and Vigor each
offer separate effects: Charmed Condition, you may spend 2 Vitae to apply its
effects instead. As an additional effect, damage caused
The object gains a dice pool modifier on its primary with Punching and Fucking do not count toward
intended action equal to your character's Celerity resolving the Charmed or Enthralled Conditions.
The object gains Structure equal to twice your Sudden Strength
character's Resilience dots. (Celerity ••, Vigor ••)
The object gains Durability equal to your character's Cost: 2 Experiences
Vigor dots. If a weapon, it causes lethal damage to This Devotion allows your character to benefit from
Kindred. the fact that mass times velocity squared equals force.
In particular, the velocity part. She moves with the
An object may only be subject to a single instance of
speed of Celerity, which dramatically increases the
If You Can't Duck It at once.
force with which she interacts with the world around
The Gun Show her. Cost: 1 Vitae Dice Pool: None Action: Reflexive
You can activate Sudden Strength any time you've spent
(Majesty •, Vigor •••) Vitae to activate Celerity. It remains active on the turn
With The Gun Show, you can do Real Flashy Shit™ used. For that turn, add up to your character's Celerity
and impress a crowd. You know, more than you'd dots to her Strength dots. This effects all relevant dice
usually impress a crowd by doing real flashy shit. pools and derived traits. If this raises your character's
Maybe you rip a car door off. Maybe you throw a Strength beyond her limitation set forth by her Blood
fucker. Maybe you jump over a building or some shit. Potency, at the end of the turn, she suffers one bashing
Cost: 1 Vitae and 1 Willpower damage per dot above her limit. Vigor's addition to
Dice Pool: N/A
Strength does not count toward this limitation. Sudden
Action: Reflexive
Strength may only be activated once per turn. If your
You can activate The Gun Show whenever your
character commits to a feat of strength. This usually character can only spend one Vitae per turn, you may
means (but isn't limited to) a lifting or breaking roll spend one Vitae to activate Celerity on one turn, and the
Vitae to activate Sudden Strength on the next. If you do
using Strength + Stamina. If the action succeeds, the
next time your character activates Majesty during the so, both benefits occur on the second turn, not the first.
same scene, you can add her Vigor as automatic
successes on the roll. Neither the Strength nor Majesty
roll may benefit from Willpower expenditure.
Knight Commander
Strength of Empire (Majesty ••, Vigor ••)
(Dominate ••••, Majesty •••, Vigor or Resilience Cost: 3 Experiences
••) This Devotion allows the Invictus to build
Cost: 4 Experiences unwavering commando units, centered on a Ventrue,
This Devotion allows the Invictus draw from her Toreador or Brujah focus, the way majestic planetary
subjects' power. Those vampires and ghouls under the systems orbit a star. This inspires those allies that
full, third-stage blood bond to her offer up their respect the user's authority to utter greatness.
Disciplines as well as their free will. Cost: 1 Vitae
Cost: 1 Willpower Dice Pool: Presence + Brawl or Weaponry +
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Dominate - Majesty
victim's Resolve Action: Instant
Action: Instant This Devotion has a number of effects, which last for
When activated, your character temporarily strips her one turn per success on activation. You may pick and
subject of his vampiric power for the remainder of the choose to which characters it applies:
current scene, from any distance. For each success If a character has Vinculum toward your character,
rolled, take one dot of a Discipline away from the for every stage he's subject to, you may give him +1
subject and add it to your character. Excepting Celerity, die on all combat actions.
Resilience, and Vigor, this cannot increase a Discipline If a character considers you an ally, you may allow
past the subject's initial dot rating. him to ignore the first point of bashing or lethal
For Celerity, Resilience, and Vigor, this can increase
damage from any successful attack.
the total to the combined sum of your character's and
If a character respects your authority, you may allow
the subject's ratings in the Discipline, exceeding your him to spend one Willpower point per turn without
character's normal trait maximum by one. Your
actually losing Willpower. Additionally, if your
character must still pay relevant activation costs for
character achieves an exceptional success on an
these stolen Disciplines. At the end of the scene, the
attack roll during this time, any witnesses affected
Disciplines return.
by this Devotion also gain the Inspired Condition.
If your character has all relevant prerequisites, either
normally or temporarily through this power, she can
also take a Devotion. This costs one success per dot of
In Vitae Veritas
the highest prerequisite Discipline. So a Devotion that (Majesty •••••, Dominate ••••)
uses Majesty •• and Vigor ••• would cost three Cost: 5 Experiences
successes to steal. For example, if a subject has With this powerful Devotion, Invictus elders send
Animalism ••, Vigor •••, and Celerity ••, and your ripples of their Disciplines through lineages.
character has Vigor ••• and Celerity ••, this power could Cost: 10 Vitae
Dice Pool: None
increase your character's Animalism no higher than ••,
Action: Instant
Vigor to ••••• •, and Celerity to ••••.
Upon activating In Vitae Veritas, your character must
immediately follow it with a Dominate or Majesty
power, which must normally target one single Kindred
character. The power ripples throughout the ties of
blood, affecting everyone to which the victim shares
blood sympathy. Use the distances for blood sympathy
listed in Vampire the Requiem, Second Edition, p. 98.
Subtract the number of steps removed from the
successes rolled on the power, then each victim is
independently allowed a Contested roll. If the roll
would normally be Resisted, instead use the same
Attribute plus Blood Potency as a Contested action. If
successful, that character is affected. If the power fails
or only achieves a single success, the Vitae used for In
Vitae Veritas is wasted.
For example, Lorelei targets Dominic with Green Eyes, Once per scene, the vampire can willingly suffer one
empowered with In Vitae Veritas. Dominic's sister point of aggravated damage to ignore all damage from a
Melissa resides in the same city as Dominic, and since single source. She wills her Resilience to the site of the
she's thrice removed, this means she's affected. Lorelei's injury, condensing the harm into a single grievous
player rolls six successes on Green Eyes. Dominic wound. This Devotion functions against all sources of
resists Green Eyes normally. She subtracts three damage save sunlight, and cannot be combined with
successes, and applies the remaining three successes other effects of Resilience.
against Melissa, who rolls Composure + Blood Potency
to contest those three successes. The Knight’s Example
An alternate version of this Devotion exists that (Dominate •)
replaces Dominate •••• with Nightmare ••••. Cost: 1 Experience
Once nobility was linked with martial prowess and
Kissing Cousins the ability to field an army, and many Ventrue haven’t
(Majesty ••, Vigor ••) forgotten that heritage. By setting the right example for
Cost: 2 Experiences her troops, the vampire can push them on to greater
This Devotion allows your character to bring two victories.
vampires closer by blood, as if they were closer related. Cost: None
The two mingle blood, and become like relatives. Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Vigor –
Cost: 1 Vitae number of subjects
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Majesty, vs Action: Instant
Composure + Blood Potency (if unwilling) Roll Results
Action: Instant Success: The Ventrue barks a few orders or makes
The two vampires must feed from one another, an inspiring battle cry. Allied characters who witness
risking the blood bond and blood addiction normally. her iron glory gain her successes as weapon damage (up
Both characters must touch your character's Vitae used to the Ventrue's Blood Potency) on their next violent
in the activation. Both characters are allowed a actions. This lasts the scene or until the effect is used
Contested roll; if either succeeds, the power fails to take up, including if the attack is a failure. The vampire can
hold. If successful, the two vampires become one step only use this Devotion once per scene.
closer by blood sympathy. It lasts for one night per Exceptional Success: The vampire’s followers gain
success. If your character sacrifices a dot of Humanity an additional +1 on their weapon damage.
upon activation, it becomes permanent. Failure: The vampire fails to inspire.
Note that this relationship only affects the two Dramatic Failure: The vampire demoralizes her
characters; it does not reflect at all on their families. troops, who suffer her Dominate dots as a penalty on
Your character may use this Devotion on herself. their next attacks.
Characters of different clans can be subject to this
Devotion, but it can never be rendered permanent, and Not So Special
never takes the characters any closer than four steps (Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
removed. This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn. Cost: 2 Experiences
Ignore essa pagina! Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••) (Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences
Not So Special
(Obfuscate ••, Vigor •••)
Cost: 2 Experiences