PSV Circular 21 of 2024

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1. Introduction

1.1 This Circular is, except during December, published on a weekly basis and contains the advertisements of vacant
posts and jobs in Public Service departments.

1.2 Although the Circular is issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration, the Department is not
responsible for the content of the advertisements. Enquiries about an advertisement must be addressed to the
relevant advertising department.

2. Directions to candidates

2.1 Applications on form Z83 with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge
and experience (on a separate sheet if necessary or a CV) must be forwarded to the department in which the

2.2 Applicants must indicate the reference number of the vacancy in their applications.

2.3 Applicants requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their enquiries to the
department where the vacancy exists. The Department of Public Service and Administration must not be
approached for such information.

2.4 It must be ensured that applications reach the relevant advertising departments on or before the applicable
closing dates.

3. Directions to departments

3.1 The contents of this Circular must be brought to the attention of all employees.

3.2 It must be ensured that employees declared in excess are informed of the advertised vacancies. Potential
candidates from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies and attending where
applicable, interviews.

3.3 Where vacancies have been identified to promote representativeness, the provisions of sections 15 (affirmative
action measures) and 20 (employment equity plan) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 should be applied.
Advertisements for such vacancies should state that it is intended to promote representativeness through the
filling of the vacancy and that the candidature of persons whose transfer/appointment will promote
representativeness, will receive preference.

3.4 Candidates must be assessed and selected in accordance with the relevant measures that apply to employment
in the Public Service.

4 SMS pre-entry certificate

4.1 To access the SMS pre-entry certificate course and for further details, please click on the following link: For more information regarding the course
please visit the NSG website:

AMENDMENT : KWAZULU-NATAL: PROVINCIAL TREASURY: Kindly note that the following post was
advertised in Public Service Vacancy Circular 20 dated 07 June 2024, Deputy Director:
SCM Transversal Policy and Capacity Building with Ref No: KZNPT 24/50 was
advertised with an error on the closing date. The correct closing date is 24 June 2024.





GAUTENG F 166 - 174
LIMPOPO G 175 - 186
MPUMALANGA H 187 - 200
NORTH WEST I 201 - 202
WESTERN CAPE J 203 - 239



The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service is an equal opportunity, and gender sensitive employer and it
is the intention to promote representivity in the Public Service through the filling of these posts. The
Secretariat for Police Service is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity

APPLICATIONS : applications must be mailed timeously to Private Bag X922, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand delivered or couriered to 258 Lilian Ngoyi Street, Pretorius Street,
Fedsure Building 2nd floor, Pretoria at the Reception Desk. No late applications
will be accepted.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new prescribed application form Z.83 of
the Public Service Act, obtainable from any Public Service Department or any
Public Service and Administration website or Recruitment Office within the
Secretariat for Police Service. Applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae (e.g. indicating positions
held, dates and key performance areas/responsibilities). Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day
of the interviews following communication from the Department. Failure to
submit the requested documents/information will result in your application not
being considered. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the
candidate being disqualified. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted
candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three months of the
closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. Please note that all applicants for Senior Management positions
are required to complete the SMS Pre- Entry Programme administered by the
National School of Government (NSG) and submit the certificate prior to
appointment. The Course is available at NSG under the name Certificate for
entry into the SMS and the full details can be sourced by the following link Shortlisted
candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant
technical elements of the job. Following the interview process, recommended
candidate (s) to attend to generic SMS competency assessment as mandated
by DPSA. The logistics of which will be communicated by the Department.
Short-listed candidates will be subjected to a security clearance. The Civilian
Secretariat for Police Service has the right not to fill the post. Preference will
be given to youth, people with disability and women in accordance with our
employment equity plan. The successful candidates will be based in Pretoria
and will frequently travel to Cape Town when Parliament is in session.



Re-advertised of Ref No: CSP/15/2023. Applicants who previously applied
should re-apply if still interested.

SALARY : R1 741 770 per annum, (all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration or Social Sciences or
Developmental Studies or Law (NQF 7) and NQF 8 in Public Administration,
Social Sciences or Developmental Studies or Law or relevant equivalent
qualification. 8-10 years’ Senior Managerial level experience. Extensive
knowledge and experience in partnerships strategies, sound knowledge of
stakeholder relations, understanding of government policies, understanding of
research and development methodologies, understanding of monitoring and
evaluation methods. Good understanding of the government systems and
structure. Understanding of the PFMA and Public Service Regulatory
Framework. Sound strategic capability, leadership and management skills.
Ability to manage transformation, change and diversity. Understanding of
applied strategic planning and facilitation, financial management. Problem-
solving and analytical skills. Knowledge of policy and programme formulation,
good communication, presentation, strong interpersonal, project management
skills. Valid driver’s license.

DUTIES : Provide strategic leadership and support to the Secretary for Police. Advise the
Secretary for Police Service on the constitutional and other statutory powers
and responsibilities of the Minister of Police. Give strategic advice to the
Secretary for Police Service in respect of strategic partnerships and oversight
monitoring and evaluation that are constitutionally and policy compliant. Lead
and guide the Secretary for Police Service on Partnerships and Oversight
monitoring and Evaluation matters. Perform such functions as the Secretary
for Police may consider necessary to ensure civilian oversight of the South
Africa Police Service. Manage the facilitation, establishment and promotion of
strategic partnerships on community safety and crime prevention. Ensure the
implementation of government wide crime and violence prevention
programmes and strategies. Initiate, coordinate, integrate and sustain
partnerships to support crime prevention through different partnership models.
Establish stakeholder relationships and develop a stakeholder engagement
plan. Develop and align partnerships strategy/framework to national policy.
Facilitate the implementation of the partnerships programs to encourage
community participation on safety programs. Manage the facilitation of
Community Outreach program engagements. Manage the facilitating of
implementing Community Outreach programs developed policies and
strategies. Manage the oversight monitoring and evaluation of police
performance, compliance and conduct. Ensure development and management
of strategies to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance and conduct of
Police services. Provide direction and guidance on the monitoring and
evaluation of legislation and policies to improve service delivery in SAPS.
Provide strategy on the analysis of the performance, conduct and compliance
of police in relation to the SAPS strategic plan, budget utilisation and the
Ministers priorities. Provide guidance on monitoring SAPS compliance,
conduct and performance with legislation, policing policies and Ministerial
directives. Manage the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the
South African Police Service. Ensure development of strategies, processes
and procedures for evaluating SAPS programs. Manage the development,
monitoring and evaluation of implementing the strategic plan. Manage the
coordination and monitoring of the special projects. Develop and manage
relationship with internal and external relevant stakeholders. Manage
monitoring and evaluation of police transformation and infrastructure. Ensure
development and coordination of monitoring, evaluation and reporting
systems. Ensure Police Service effectiveness and efficiency through
transformation and infrastructure. Management of physical, human and
financial resources.
ENQUIRIES : Dipsy Wechoemang Tel No: (012) 493 1400/079 6936 585
APPLICATIONS : Can also be emailed to


REF NO: CSP/03/2024
Re-advertised of Ref No: CSP/16/2023. Applicants who previously applied
should re-apply if still interested.

SALARY : R1 741 770 per annum, (all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : LLB Degree or Bachelor’s Degree in Law or Social Science or Research (NQF
7) and NQF 8 in Law or Social Science or Research or relevant equivalent
qualification. 8 - 10 years’ experience at a Senior Management level. Basic
understanding of Civilian Secretariat for police Service Act. Extensive
knowledge and experience in Legislative drafting, a sound knowledge of and
interpretation of constitutional law, Knowledge of the Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa, good governance and Batho Pele Principles,
understanding of legislation research, policy and research development
methodologies, government legislation. Understanding of the PFMA and Public
Service Regulatory Framework; Strategic capability and leadership,
programme and project management, financial management and change
management, Problem-solving, conflict resolution and analytical skills. Good
communication, presentation skills, policy development skills, research skills,
legal drafting skills, legislation development skills and planning and organizing.
Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provide strategic leadership and support to the Secretary for Police. Advise the
Secretary for Police Service on the constitutional and other statutory powers
and responsibilities of the Minister of Police. Give strategic advice to the

Secretary for Police Service in respect of research and legislation that is
constitutionally and policy compliant. Lead and guide the Secretary for Police
Service on the Policy, Research and Legislation development matters. Perform
such functions as the Secretary for Police may consider necessary to ensure
civilian oversight of the South African Police. Manage the facilitating of the
Policing policies development and reviews. Ensure alignment of policy strategy
and operations in liaison with the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. Manage
provincial policing policy implementation and ensure strategic alignment with
national policing policies. Ensure conducting of policing research and strategy
development. Provide research recommendations and report on Policing
Policy and development of legislation and practices. Manage research
comparative policing theories and practice nationally and internationally.
Implement government wide crime and violence prevention programmes and
strategies. Ensure that Crime Prevention policies and research are effectively
consulted with other organs of state and role-players. Ensure conducting of
legal research. Liaise and communicate with stakeholders on legislation
Ensure research information and legislation proposals are in line with the
required frameworks. Manage the development and reviews of Legislation.
Oversee the preparation of draft Bills and Regulations. Manage and attend to
consultations and Parliamentary processes on Bills. Manage the costing of
policies and legislations. Ensure development of financial and fiscal values of
related policies and legislation into MTEF inputs. Ensure development and
implementation of costing model of the department. Management of physical,
human and financial resources.
ENQUIRIES : Dipsy Wechoemang Tel No: (012) 493 1400/0796 936 585
APPLICATIONS : Can also be emailed to


SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s Degree in Business Science or Management Science or Strategic
Studies. 5 years middle managerial level experience. Inherent requirement of
the job: Strategic capability and leadership, Programme and Project
Management, Financial Management, Change Management, Knowledge
Management, Service Delivery Innovation, Problem solving and analysis,
People Management and Empowerment, Client Orientation and Customer
Focus, Honest and Integrity and Communication. Knowledge of Government
legislation, Extensive knowledge and experience in strategy formulation,
strategic planning or management service capacity environment, sound
understanding of government planning framework and understanding of
Treasury and PFMA Regulations. Strategic and analytical skills, report writing
and presentation skills, Project Management skills, ability to interpret and apply
policy and ability to work with diverse people.
DUTIES : Provide Strategic and technical support to the departmental strategic planning
process by developing detailed Annual Plans to execute strategic initiatives,
advise departmental strategic role players knowledgeable regarding planning
and reporting processes aligned to the MTEF cycle, define performance
measures to evaluate the success of strategies. Provide technical support to
provincial Secretariats with regard to strategic alignment, coordination and
review of strategic priorities, Monitor implementation of Provincial Budget,
Programme structures and Provide support to provincial strategic planning
work session. Develop performance indicators and assist with technical
indicators descriptions/Budget and Programme Structure. Manage the
facilitation of Departmental planning process. Manage the process of compiling
the Annual Report. Manage and facilitate Departmental Service Delivery
Improvement Plan. Develop and facilitate the Departmental Monitoring and
Evaluation systems and performance auditing. Management of resources
(provision of physical, human resources and financial resources).
ENQUIRIES : Mr Kenneth Shiphamele Tel No: (012) 493 1386/1400
APPLICATIONS : Can also be emailed to



SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum

CENTRE : Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s Degree in Economics/Econometrics/Financial Management /Public
Finance or relevant financial costing qualifications. 5 years working experience
of which 3 years should be at the junior specialist level or Assistant Director
level or junior management level in financial policy and legislation costing
within the public service environment. Knowledge of drafting social economic
impact assessment system (SEIAS) reports, analysis, costing and reporting of
policy directives and legislation financial data. Understanding of organisational
and government structures, Public Finance and Management Act (PFMA),
Treasury Regulations and guidelines. Economic Reporting Framework
including the standard chart of accounts, Medium Term Strategic Framework
(government priorities), government financial systems principles and practice
of financial accounting. Understanding of tools and techniques for costing and
reporting, extensive knowledge of budget, financial planning and costing. Good
governance and Batho Pele Principles. Extensive computer literacy, advanced
skills on Microsoft excel, communication (verbal & written), project
management and presentation skills. Planning and organising, team
leadership, problem solving and decision making skills. Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Translate issues in policing policy and legislation into financial and fiscal
values, analyse and identify cost drivers in policy and legislation, Develop
policy and legislation costing policies, provide support in the development of
implementation plans, facilitate the drafting of costing reports and to draft
SEIAS reports. Formulate financial and fiscal values of related policing policies
and legislation into MTEF inputs, identify possible funding sources including
the financing implementation plans, prepare inputs for MTEF submission
related to policies and legislation costing in consultation with finance unit,
provide advice on the costing findings. Facilitate the development of the costing
model of the department, Identify activities in policies and legislation that are
developed by the department and prepare the costing for their implementation,
identify sections or parts with costs implications in the legislation and policy
directives developed by the department, Analyse policy directives and
legislation to comply with allocated budget and make recommendations, Liaise
with internal and external key stakeholders on the costing of policies and
legislation (Line functionaries, Ministry, National Treasury, SAPS) etc. Provide
support in cost-benefit analysis of policing policies and legislations, identify the
value against the cost of a decision, project, or policy or legislation, identify
risks associated with policy and legislation outcomes, assist in calculating
benefit costs and present the estimates.
ENQUIRIES : Mr BK Shiphamele Tel No: (012) 493 1386/1400
APPLICATIONS : Can also be emailed to



SALARY : R444 036 per annum

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in Administration or Management or
Public Administration or equivalent qualification. 5 years’ experience in
administration which 3 years should be of rendering support to the office of the
head of department. Knowledge on the relevant legislation/ policies/ prescripts,
knowledge of Supply Chain Management processes, government systems and
structures. Computer competency (MS Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and
emails). Communication skills (Written and Verbal), facilitation skills and report
writing skills. Planning and organising skills. Problem solving and decision
making. Interpersonal relations. Confidentiality and high level reliability,
integrity and honesty. Ability to work under pressure, to tight deadlines and
work long hours. Drivers’ license.
DUTIES : Provide executive administrative support services. Schedule and manage
appointments, render personal assistance services. Prepare correspondence,
presentations and other information as requested. Compile, draft letters and
submissions as requested. Compile reports on a monthly basis. Provide
logistical support for events, meetings, boardrooms and facilities. Arrange
travel and accommodation for the Secretary for Police Service. Process and
submit subsistence and travel claims. Compile and execute demand
management or procurement plan. Administer the budget of the Office of
Secretary for Police Service. Keep record of expenditure and other financial
commitments for the Secretary for Police Service. Check and verify financial

reports in support of the Secretary for Police Service. Compile budget inputs.
Perform any other administrative duties required by Secretary for Police
Service. Record minutes and or decisions for communication to relevant
stakeholders. Facilitate recruitment process in consultation with Human
Resource Management directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr BK Shiphamele Tel No: (012) 4931 386/1400
APPLICATIONS : Strictly hand delivered or sent through post office


SALARY : R308 154 per annum

CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, Journalism and
Graphics Design/Development or equivalent qualification. 1-year minimum
relevant experience in a communication field. Knowledge of graphic design.
Adobe creative suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premier Pro) in the
production of communication products, Digital media, Photography.
Knowledge of the relevant legislation/ policies/ prescripts, guidelines,
standards, procedures and best practices. Knowledge of global, regional and
local political, economic and social affairs impacting on the South Africa Police
Services. Events management. Computer competency (MS Word, Excel,
Outlook, PowerPoint and emails). Communication skills (Written and Verbal),
facilitation skills and report writing skills. Planning and organising skills.
Problem solving and decision making. Interpersonal relations, sound
organizing skills, and project management skills. Communication and
Information management, customer focus and responsiveness and ability to
work long hours. Confidentiality and high level reliability, confident and
independent. Integrity and honesty. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to act
with tact and discretion. Drivers’ license.
DUTIES : Facilitate and enhance communication services. Do Design products for
awareness campaigns, Develop and implement communication campaigns
and products, Design and roll out above-the-line communication campaigns
and products in collaboration with relevant stakeholders (programmes,
izimbizos and facilities. Render graphic design, photographic and video
services. Design promotional displays, marketing brochures, packing products,
animations, layout method, logos for products and services. Plan, analyse and
design a visual answer to a communication problem, Review and check the
design to avoid errors before the final printing, take photos and videos for
department, edit photos and videos for publications, manage the departmental
digital library (pictures and videos). Facilitate departmental media events and
functions. Oversea departmental social media accounts (Facebook, twitter,
you-tube, Instagram), implement social media strategy in align with the
departmental cooperate identity manual, conduct research on current social
media standard trends and audience preferences. Edit, publish and share
engaging content, monitor the department social media platforms and respond
accordingly, stay up to date with the current technologies and trends in social
media, design tools and system. Enhance department identity and brand.
Develop branding initiatives, establish and maintain the image of the
department, implement new features to develop brand awareness, promote
departmental programmes in line with the CSPS calendar, write news diary of
events to support internal publications, issue internal communication
ENQUIRIES : Mr BK Shiphamele Tel No: (012) 4931 386/1400
APPLICATIONS : Strictly hand delivered or sent through post office



It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of this
post with a candidate whose transfer / promotion / appointment will promote representivity in line with
the numeric targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.

CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024 at 16:00

NOTE : All attachments for online application must including Z83 be in PDF and in one
(1) file, indicate the correct job title and the reference number of the post on
the subject line of your email. Use the correct email address associated with
the post. Failure to do so, your application will be disqualified. Instructions:
Applications quoting the relevant reference number must be submitted on the
new form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at Received applications using the incorrect
application for employment (old Z83) will not be considered. Each application
for employment form must be fully completed, initialled and signed by the
applicant. Failure to fully complete, initial and sign this form may lead to
disqualification of the application during the selection process. All fields of
Section A, B, C and D of the Z83 must be completed in full. Section E, F, G
(Due to the limited space on the Z83 it is acceptable for applicants to indicate
refer to CV or see attached. A recently updated comprehensive CV (with
detailed previous experience) is required. The questions related to conditions
that prevent re-appointment under Part F must be answered. Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other
related documents on or before the day of the interview following the
communication from Human Resources and such qualification(s) and other
related document(s) will be in line with the requirements of the advert. Foreign
qualification must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by the South
African Qualification Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). Applicants who
do not comply with the above-mentioned instruction/ requirements, as well as
applications received late will not be considered. Unless indicated, the
Department does not accept applications via email or fax. Failure to submit all
the requested documents will result in the application not being considered.
Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not
been contacted within eight (8) weeks after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable
candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record,
citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment
verification). The Department reserves the right not to make any
appointment(s) to the above post. The requirements for application of Senior
Management Services (SMS) include the successful completion of a SMS Pre-
entry programme (Nyukela) as endorsed by the National School Government
(NSG). Prior to appointment, a candidate (s) should therefore have proof that
they have registered for the Pre-Entry Certificate and have completed the
course. The cost for Nyukela is at the applicants own expense. The course is
available at the NSG under the name Certificate for entry into SMS and the full
details can be obtained by following the below
link: All
shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical
competency exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job,
the logistics of which be communicated by the Department. Following the
interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend
candidates to attend generic managerial competencies using the mandated
DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. The successful candidate will be
expected to sign a performance agreement. The Department is an equal
opportunity affirmative action employer. The Employment Equity Plan of the
Department shall inform the employment decision. It is the Department’s
intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of
this post(s)



SALARY : R1 436 022 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : A relevant B. Degree/ B-Tech qualification (NQF level 7) in Human Resource
Management/ Industrial Psychology/ (Business/ Public) Administration/ Law/
Communications. Relevant postgraduate (NQF 8) is advantageous. 5 years’
functional experience at Senior Management level in Corporate Services
environment. Experience in Human Resource Management, Organisational
effectiveness and development, Communication and Law. Experience in
Financial Service, especially Compensation Benefits, Medical services,
Pension administration will be a distinct advantage. Knowledge: Compensation
fund policies, procedures and processes. Customer service principles (Batho-
Pele Principles). Human Resource Management Principles. Government
communication information system guidelines (Corporate Identity Guideline).
Organisational effectiveness methods and principles. Customer Relationship
Management. Relevant stakeholder. Technical knowledge. Fund Governance
and Risk Management. Budgeting and Financial Management. Public Service
Act. Promotion of Personal Information Act. Public Service Regulations.
COIDA. Legislative Requirement: PFMA. National Treasury Regulations.
Promotion of Access to Information Act. Constitution Act. Occupational Health
and Safety Act (OHS). LRA, EE Act, SDA & BCEA. Skills: Strategic Capability
and Leadership. Communication (verbal and written). Business Writing.
Analytical thinking. Problem solving and Analysis. Knowledge management.
Planning and organising. Diversity management. People development and
empowerment. Project or programme management. Financial management.
Change Management. Knowledge Management. Service Delivery Innovation
(SDI). Client Orientation and Customer Focus. Communication.
DUTIES : Provide strategic direction and oversee the management of Human Resource
Management services for the Fund. Oversee and manage organisational
effectiveness and development for the Fund. Ensure provision of effective and
efficient Marketing, Communication services and stakeholder relation. Oversee
the provision of legal services. Manage the operations and resources (human,
finance, Equipment, Assets) of the Chief Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Fakir Tel No: (012) 406 5723
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


(Re-advertisement, applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R1 436 022 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : MBCHB Degree, or any NQF 7 in Healthcare and Allied Health Related
qualification/ or Bcom Accounting/ Business Science/ Bachelor of Science in
Finance. Minimum 5 years’ appropriate experience in Senior Management
Service level in Medical Claims processing environment. Knowledge: ICD 10
Coding and Medical Billing. Del and Compensation Fund business strategies
and goals. Directorate goals and performance requirements. Compensation
Fund Services. Compensation Fund Value Chain and business process. Public
Service Regulations. Relevant stakeholders. Customer Service (Batho Pele
Principles). Fund Values. Required IT knowledge. DPSA Guidelines on COIDA.
Technical knowledge. Legislative Requirement: COIDA Act, Regulations and
Policies. Public service Act. Occupational health and Safety Act (OHS). PFMA
and National Treasury Regulations. Promotion of Access to Information Act.
PAIA. Constitution Act 108 of 1996 (amended). General knowledge of the
Public Service Regulations. Skills: Strategic Capability and Leadership.
Programme and Project Management. Financial Management. Change
Management. Knowledge Management. Service Delivery Innovation (SDI).
Problem Solving and Analysis. People Management and Empowerment. Client
Orientation and Customer Focus. Communication.
DUTIES : Provide research and best practice standards regarding medical services to
support the Funds compensation services. Oversee the Adjudication of
medical claims and processing of medical accounts. Establish and maintain
high-level relationship with various internal and external stakeholders. Manage

the operations of the Chief Directorate and resources (Human, Finance,
Equipment, Asset) In the Chief Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Fakir Tel No: (012) 319 9495
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Human Resources
Management/Labour Relations/Industrial Psychology/ Human Resource
Development. 5 years’ functional experience at middle managerial level in
Human Resource Management/ Development/ Performance Management/
EHWP/ Employee Relations and HRPPA environment. Knowledge Constitution
Act 108 of 1996 (amended). Compensation fund policies, procedures and
processes. Talent Management and Succession in planning. Remuneration
and Benefits. Human Resources Management practices and principles.
Human Resource across broad range of functional area. COIDA. Customer
service principles (Batho –Pele principles). Technical knowledge. Customer
Relationship Management. Budgeting and Financial Management. Labour
Relation Act. Employment Equity Act. Skills Development Act. Basic Condition
of Employment Act. Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). National
Treasury regulations. Preferential Procurement policy framework. Legislative
Requirement: Public service Act. Public Service Regulations Skills:
Communication (verbal and written). Business Writing Skills. Problem solving
and decision making. People Management and Empowerment. Client
Orientation and customer focus. Change Management. Work Ethics and Self-
management. Business Acumen and leadership. Environmental Awareness.
DUTIES : Manage human resource management services for the Fund. Manage the
implementation of integrated performance management, training and
development management in the Fund. Manage the employee relation
services in the Fund. Manage the provision of employee health and wellness
programmes as well as occupational health and safety programmes for the
Fund. Oversee HR Administration in the Provinces. Manage all resources of
the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms SBN Mhlungu Tel No: (012) 406 5723
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) in Accounting/Finance/Business. 5
years’ functional experience at middle management level in underwriting group
insurance or employer registration and assessment raising environment.
Knowledge: Compensation fund policies, procedures and processes.
Customer service principles (Batho Pele Principles). Technical knowledge.
Fund Governance and Risk Management. Budgeting and Financial
Management. COIDA. Relevant stakeholders. Customer Service (Batho Pele
Principles). Technical knowledge. Extensive knowledge and understanding of
Treasury Audits. Public service regulations Act. Public service Act. Extensive
knowledge of internal controls and auditing principles. Legislative
Requirement: COIDA. Constitution Act of SA. National Treasury Regulation.
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Promotion of Access to Information
Act. Protection of Personal Information Act. Basic Conditions of Employment

Act. Occupational Health and Safety Act. Unemployment Insurance Act.
Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act. Skills: Strategic leadership.
Technical proficiency. Business Writing. Communication (verbal and written).
Planning and organising. Problem Solving and Decision making. Analytical
thinking. People Management and Empowerment. Client Orientation and
Customer Focus. Programme management. Environmental Awareness.
Financial Management.
DUTIES : Manage and monitor the registration of employers in accordance with the COID
Act. Manage and monitor the assessment of employers in accordance with the
COID Act. Manage and monitor the employer compliance in accordance with
the COID Act. Manage the operations Directorate. Manage resources within
the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr JS Soupen at 064 694 7728
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


(Re-Advertisement candidates who previously applied are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) in Internal Audit/Accounting/Cost
and Management Accounting. Certified Internal Auditor-CIA is required.
Professional Internal Auditor Certification-PIA as an added advantage. 5 years’
working experience at Middle/Senior management level in Internal Audit
environment. Institute of Internal Auditors Membership a pre-requisite.
Knowledge: Compensation Fund Policies, Procedures, Processes.
Performance Audit Standards. Customer Relationship Management. Fund
Governance and Risk Management. Budgeting and Financial Management.
COIDA. Relevant stakeholders. Batho Pele Principles. Legislative
Requirement: PFMA. National Treasury Regulations. Skills: Required
Technical Proficiency; Business Writing Skills; Analytical thinking. Decision
making; Communication (verbal and written); Customer focus and
Responsiveness; People and Performance Management; Managing inter-
personal conflict; Problem solving. Planning and organising; Team leadership;
External Environmental Awareness.
DUTIES : Oversee the Compliance and Assurance Audits, ICT Audits, and Performance
Audits of the Fund in line with the relevant Legislation, Regulations and
Standards. Provide strategic leadership to the audit function of the Fund.
Manage stakeholders and monitor the performance of the internal audit
function to the Fund. Manage and maintain quality assurance and improvement
program that covers all aspects of the internal audit activity. Manage resources
in the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Fakir Tel No: (012) 319 9495
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


(Re-Advertisement, applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor of Science (NQF 7) in Occupational Therapy/ Physiotherapy as
recognized by SAQA. Post Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health /

Vocational Rehabilitation will be an added advantage. Registration with
HPCSA. 5 Years of functional experience at a middle/senior management level
in a Rehabilitation and Re-integration environment. Knowledge: DEL and
Compensation Fund business strategies and goals. Public Service Act. Public
Service Regulations. Customer Service (Batho Pele Principles). Risk
Management and Corporate Governance. Budgeting and Financial
Management. Required IT knowledge. Integrated National Disability Strategy.
Legislative Requirement: COID Act. Promotion of Equality and Prevention of
Unfair Discrimination Act. PFMA. National Health Act. Health Act. Allied Health
Profession Act. Skills: Rehabilitation. Strategic Leadership. Programme and
Project Management. Financial Management. Change Management.
Knowledge Management. Service Delivery Innovation (SDI). Planning and
Organizing. Problem Solving and Analysis. Decision Making. Work Ethic and
Self-management. Medical skills. Environment Awareness.
DUTIES : Design and implement a Rehabilitation and Re-Integration Programme for
COIDA patients. Develop and monitor the implementation of the rehabilitation,
re-integration and early return to work policy (RTW) strategies, protocols and
policies. Provide support to Provincial Disability Management and Medical
Case Coordination Functions. Manage resources within the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Magonono at (060) 983 2510
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


(Re-Advertisement, applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Accounting/ Finance/ Business
Management or (Administration). 5 years’ functional experience at middle
management level in Financial management environment. Knowledge:
Compensation Fund policies, procedure, processes. Technical knowledge.
Relevant stakeholders. Financial management models processes and
techniques. Data and records management. Customer Service (Batho Pele
principles). Fund Governance and Risk Management. Budgeting and Financial
Management. COIDA. Public Service Regulation. Public Service Act
Legislative Requirement: National Treasury Regulations. Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). White paper on transforming of public services
Skills: Technical proficiency. Communication (verbal and written). Managing
inter-personal conflict. Problem solving. People and Performance
Management. Planning and organising. Analytical thinking. Team leadership.
Negotiation. Program and Project Management. Financial Management.
DUTIES : Manage the implementation and compliance of legislative prescripts, policies
and procedures within Financial Reporting Directorate. Manage the operations
of the financial system and its sub modules to ensure complete and accurate
financial reporting. Manage a process of compliance with statutory
requirements, audit and the policies and procedures management processes.
Management of the resources in the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr MP Mokoena at 083 744 6233
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to

(Re-Advertisement, applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Supply Chain Management/
Economics/ Finance/ Financial Management. 5 years’ functional experience at
middle management level in Supply Chain Management environment.
Knowledge: Compensation Fund policies, procedure and processes. Customer
Service principles (Batho Pele principles). Technical knowledge. Fund
Governance and Risk Management. Budgeting and Financial Management.
Understanding of supply chain management policies and procedures.
Understanding of the white paper on the transformation of public service.
Public Service Regulations (PSR). Public Service Act. COIDA. BBBEE and
BBBEE codes. Generally Recognized Accounting Practices (GRAP).
Protection of personal Information Act (POPI). Legislative Requirement:
PPPFMA (Preferential procurement Policy Framework. Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). National Treasury regulations. Promotion of Access
to Information Act. Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI). Skills:
Technical proficiency. Business Writing Skills. Communication (verbal and
written). Problem Solving and Decision making. People Management and
Empowerment. Customer Focus and Responsiveness. Managing inter-
personal conflict. Financial management. Decision making and problem
solving. Programme management. Environment Awareness.
DUTIES : Develop and manage the demand and acquisition processes. Develop manage
and maintain logistical information and supply chain management performance
of the fund. Provide effective movable assets and liability management
services. Manage all resources of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr MP Mokoena at (083) 744 6233
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Business
Management/Administration/Law/Financial Management/Accounting. 5 years’
functional experience at middle management level in beneficiary services/
Insurance/Financial Management environment. Knowledge: Compensation
fund policies, procedures and processes. Customer Service principles (Batho
Pele Principles). Technical knowledge. Fund Governance and Risk
Management. Budgeting and Financial Management. COIDA. Relevant
stakeholders. Customer Service (Batho Pele Principles). Technical knowledge.
Public service regulations Act. ILO Conventions. Legislative Requirement:
COIDA.PFMA. National Treasury regulations. Occupational Health and safety
Act (OHS). Promotion of Access to information Act. PAJA. Constitution Act 108
of 1996 (amended). Road Accident Fund (RAF). Recognition of Customary
Marriages Act) Skills: Technical proficiency. Business Writing. Communication
(verbal and written). Planning and organising. Problem Solving and decision
making. People Management and Empowerment. Client Orientation and
Customer focus. Programme management. Environmental Awareness.
DUTIES : Provide strategic management of the Compensation benefits. Oversee the
monitoring of exempted employers. Oversee the monitoring of SCSF projects
for prevention of accidents. Manage the administration of local and foreign
pensions. Establish and maintain the stakeholder relationship in relations to
compensation and pensions functions. Manage all the resources of the
ENQUIRIES : Mr J Soupen Tel No: (012) 406 9239

APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Northern Cape
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Operations Management/ Operational
Research/ Public Management/ Public Administration/ Business
Administration/ Business Management/ Finance at NQF Level 7 as recognized
by SAQA. Pre-entry certificate into Senior Management Leadership Services.
Five (5) Years’ middle management experience in Operations/ Social Security/
Insurance Operations environment. Knowledge: Public Service Act (PSA).
Public Service Regulations (PSR), Public Finance Management Act (PFMA),
Employment Equity Act (EEA), Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA),
Labour Relations Act (LRA), Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA),
Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA). Legislative Requirements:
Unemployment Insurance Contribution Act (UICA), Unemployment Insurance
Act (UIA), Skills: Communication (Verbal and Written), Computer Literacy,
Presentation, Report Writing, Policy Development, Organizing and Planning,
Financial Management, Problem Solving, Interpersonal. Behavioural
Attributes: Assertive, Flexible, Supportive, Team Player, Innovative/ creative,
Visionary, Responsiveness, Committed, Persuasive Communicator.
DUTIES : Manage the provision of operations services in the province and Labour
Centres, Lead the provision of a comprehensive financial administration in the
province and Labour Centres, Manage the provision of Unemployment
Insurance Services within the Province and Labour Centres. Manage all the
resources within the Directorate (Human, Finance and Equipment/ Assets).
ENQUIRIES : Mr ZL Albanie Tel No: (053) 838 1502
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 5012, Kimberley, 8301 or
hand deliver at Cnr Compound and Pniel Road
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office Kimberley



SALARY : R1 003 890 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Kwazulu-Natal
REQUIREMENTS : Three- year (3) tertiary qualification in Public Management/ Business
Management/ Public Administration/ Business Administration/ Administrative
Management/ Management/ Financial Accounting/ Cost and Management
Accounting/ Operations Management/ Production Management/Auditing/
HRM/ Nursing. Experience: 5 years’ functional experience in a claims / medical
insurance processing environment of which 2 years at Assistant Director level
in processing environment. Knowledge: COIDA Guidelines on application of
COID (for government departments) Public service regulations. Public Service
Act. Basic conditions of Employment Act (BCEA). Employment equity Act
(EEA). Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA). DeL and Compensation
Fund business strategy and goals. Compensation Fund Value Chain.
Directorate goals and performance requirements. PFMA and Treasury
Regulations. Customer Services (Batho Pele Principles) Technical knowledge.
Skills: Leadership, Financial Management, Change Management, Service
Delivery Innovation (SDI), Planning and Organizing, Problem solving and
analysis, Decision Making, People management and empowerment (including
developing others) communication (written and verbal) Risk Management,
Computer literacy, Business writing, client orientation and customer focus,
conflict management.
DUTIES : Manage efficient provision and coordination of compensation benefits in the
province. Manage the operations of COID Business Unit in the Province.
Provide operational and technical support to Processing Labour Centres within

the Province. Manage stakeholder engagements for COID within the Province.
Manage human, financial and physical resources of the Sub – directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Dr N Kahla Tel No: (031) 366 2033
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations. PO Box 940 Durban or hand deliver to
267 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, KwaZulu-Natal


SALARY : R1 003 890 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Mmabatho Provincial Office
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Operations
Management/Operational Research/Public Management/ Business
Administration/ Public Relations Administration/ Public Administration
/Administration Management/ Finance. Valid driver’s license. Five (5) years’
experience of which three (3) must be functional experience in Unemployment
Insurance Operations environment and two (2) years must be management
experience. Knowledge: Public Service Regulation (PSR), Unemployment
Insurance Fund and Contribution Act, Public Finance Management Act
(PFMA), Batho Pele Principles, Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA),
Labour Relations Act (LRA), Employment Equity Act (EEA), Public Service
Regulations (PSR). Skills: Leadership, Management, Report writing
(Advance), Computer Literacy, Team Building, Project management,
Analytical, Communication, Innovative/ Creative.
DUTIES : Manage Employer Services functions in the province. Manage assessment,
services and local appeals and complaints, Monitor the provision of Generals
Support and Registry Services. Manage the provision of comprehensive
financial administration in the province. Manage resources in the Sub-
ENQUIRIES : Mr MO Maluleke Tel No: (018) 387 8186
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 2040, Mmabatho, 2735 Or
hand delivery to 2nd Floor, Provident House, University Drive, Mmabatho.

HR 5/1/2/3/66 (X2 POSTS)

SALARY : R949 146 – R1 182 183 per annum, (OSD)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : MBCHB Degree. Registration with HPCSA. Minimum 5 years’ appropriate
experience gained in an occupational health environment after registration with
HPCSA as a medical practitioner. Knowledge: Compensation fund business
strategies and goals. Directorate goals and performance requirements.
Constitution Act 108 of 1996 (as amended). Public Service Regulations. Public
Service Act. PFMA and National Treasury Regulations. Promotion of Access to
Information Act. Customer Services (Batho Pele Principles). Technical
knowledge. Legislative Requirement: COIDA Act. Occupational Health and
Safety Act (OHS). National Health Act and related Regulations. Skills: Required
Technical Proficiency/Medical skills. Business Writing Skills. Required IT Skills.
Financial Management. Change Management. Knowledge Management.
Service Delivery Innovation (SDI). Planning and Organizing. Problem Solving
and Analysis. People Empowerment. Client Orientation and Customer focus.
DUTIES : Research and conduct benchmarking on Occupational Medicine standard and
protocols. Develop policies and guideline on occupational injuries and
diseases. Analyses and report on occupational diseases/medicine trends.
Assist in establish and maintaining mutually-beneficial relationship with key
stakeholders in Occupational Medicine and related field. Provide technical
advice and expertise on all medical aspects of Compensation claims.
ENQUIRIES : Dr L Motsepe at 064 864 7482
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


SALARY : R849 702 per annum, (all inclusive)

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Internal Auditing / Auditing / Accounting at
NQF Level 6 as recognized by SAQA. Professional Internal Auditor Certificate
– PIA as an added advantage. General Internal Auditor Certificate - GIA as an
added advantage. Certified Internal Auditor-CIA as an added advantage. Five
(5) years of experience of which two (2) years must be functional experience
in Internal Audit environment and three (3) years’ experience at Assistant
Director level. Drivers licence. Registered with the Institute of Internal Auditors
(IIA) and or Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA).
Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Basic Conditions of
Employment Act (BCEA). Public Service Regulations (PSR). Public Service Act
(PSA). Conflict Management. Treasury Regulations. Audit Techniques. Policy
Analysis and Development. Unemployment Insurance Act (UIA). Labour
Relations (LRA). Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act (UICA). Auditor –
General processes and procedures. Promotion of Access of Information
(PAIA). Protected Disclosure Act, 2000. Skills: Communication. Coordination.
Presentation. Problem Solving. Planning and Organizing. Computer Literacy.
Management. Interpersonal. Report Writing. Analytical. Disciplined.
DUTIES : Develop three year rolling and annual risk based audit plans. Manage a
strategic risk based audit plan in the fund. Monitor the undertaking of consulting
and assurance services. Manage the provision of support services to the
internal audit committee. Liaise with external auditors on the audit scope
coverage. Manage resources (human, finance, assets) in the internal audit
ENQUIRIES : Ms TN Mthalane Tel No: (012) 337 1121
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF



SALARY : R849 702 per annum, (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Property Management /
Facility Management / Public Administration or Management. Five (5) years’
experience of which three (3) years must be functional experience in
Maintenance Management environment and two (2) years must be junior
managerial experience (Assistant Director) in Maintenance Management.
Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Facilities Management/
Maintenance. Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Property / Facility
Management. Supply Chain Management. Skills: Financial Management.
Analysis. Problem solving, Project Management. Presentation, Planning and
organizing. Communication (verbal and writing). Computer Literacy. Report
DUTIES : Manage and maintain provisioning of Facilities Management Services of UIF
properties. Monitor the provision of general maintenance, cleaning and parking
services. Monitor and maintain switchboard and reception services. Manage
resources in the Sub-Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms MM Ramoshaba Tel No: (012) 337 1412
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF


SALARY : R849 702 per annum, (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Social Science/ Public Administration or
Management / Development Studies / Public Policy / Social Security
Administration at NQF Level 6 as recognized by SAQA. Five (5) years’

experience of which three (3) years must be functional experience in Research
and Policy Development and three (3) years’ experience at Assistant Director
level. Knowledge: Policy Analysis, Development and Management. Research
Management. Quality Management. Project Management. Basic Conditions of
Employment Act (BCEA). Labour Relation Act (LRA). Skills: Report writing.
Project Management. Diversity Management. Policy Analysis, Development
and Management. Computer Literacy (Strong proficiency in Microsoft Outlook,
Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Statistical Software such as SPSS).
Communication. Research Methodology. Conflict Management. Analytical and
Creativity. Problem Solving. Presentation. Planning and Organizing.
DUTIES : Monitor policy development processes in UIF. Manage policy review in UIF.
Manage research studies for UIF. Manage resources in the Sub-Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr OJ Maluleke Tel No: (012) 337 1672
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF



SALARY : R556 356 – R1 314 666 per annum, (OSD)

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Four-year qualification in LLB/BPROC/BCOM LAW/BA LAW. 8 years’
appropriate post qualification legal experience. Admission as an Advocate or
Attorney of the High Court of South Africa. Knowledge: Compensation fund
business strategies, policies and procedures. Performance Audit standards.
Customer Relationship Management. Fund Governance and Risk
Management. Relevant stakeholders. Batho Pele Principles. Legislative
Requirement: COIDA Act. Public service Act. Occupational Health and Safety
Act (OHS). Public Finance Management Act. Treasury Regulations. Promotion
of Access to Information Act. Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA).
Constitution of RSA. Road Accident Fund (RAF). Unemployment Insurance Act
(UIA). Public Service Regulations. LRA, EE Act, SDA & BCEA. Skills: Required
Technical Proficiency. Business Writing Skills. Analytical thinking. Decision
making. Communication (verbal and written). Customer focus and
Responsiveness. People and Performance Management. Managing inter-
personal conflict and problem solving. Planning and organizing. Team
DUTIES : Draft and vet contracts for the Fund. Manage and handle litigation for and on
behalf of the Fund. Manage and process the section 56 applications and 91
objections. Provide legal opinions to the Fund. Management of resources in
the sub directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Adv LA Shokane at 067 415 4027
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to



SALARY : R556 356 - R1 314 666 per annum, (OSD)

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Four (4) year degree in Law (LLB/ B. Proc). At least Eight (8) years Legal
Services experience (OSD). Admitted as an Attorney /Advocate. Knowledge:
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Treasury Regulations. Public
Service Regulations (PSR). Public Service Act (PSA). Promotion of
administration Justice Act (PAJA). Promotion of Access to Information Act
(PAIA). Criminal Procedure Act. Law of evidence. Constitutional law.
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Unemployment Insurance
Contribution Act (UICA). Unemployment Insurance Act (UIA). Labour Relations
Act (LRA). Litigation Procedures. Skills: Communication. Listening. Computer
Literacy. Time management. Report writing. Planning and Organizing. Liaison.

Diplomacy. Policy Development. Report writing. Networking. Interviewing.
Financial management. Project Management. Strategic Planning. Negotiation.
DUTIES : Provide necessary and professional legal advice and support in the Fund.
Provide legal strategies direction to obtain maximum impact on the Fund’s
service delivery. Draft, review and amend legislation, policies, regulations,
contracts, memoranda of understanding, service level agreements and other
legal bidding documents for the Fund. Facilitate the promotion of an effective
relationship and with all stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Adv. LD Mkhonto Tel No: (012) 337 1775
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF


SALARY : R552 081 per annum

CENTRE : Mmabatho Provincial Office
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Operations
Management/Public Management/ Business Administrations/Public
Administration/ Administration Management/ Public Relations
Management/Financial Management. Valid Driver license. Four (4) years’
experience of which two (2) years must be functional experience in Operations
environment and two (2) years must be supervisory experience. Knowledge:
Unemployment Insurance Act (UIA), Unemployment Insurance Contributions
Act (UICA), Treasury Regulations, Basic Conditions of Employment Act
(BCEA), Public Service Regulation (PSR), Public Service Act (PSA), Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA). Skills: Communication (Both Verbal and
Written), Computer, Time Management, Customer Relations, People
Management, Report writing, Supervisory Skills.
DUTIES : Facilitate the employer services function in the province. Coordinate the
provision of assessment. validation and adjudication of claims. Facilitate
registry service in the province. Coordinate local appeals and complains in the
province, Coordinate General Support. Manage resources in the Unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr MO Maluleke Tel No: (018) 387 8186
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 2040, Mmabatho, 2735 Or
hand delivery to 2nd Floor, Provident House, University Drive, Mmabatho.


SALARY : R552 081 per annum

CENTRE : Mmabatho Provincial Office
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) years relevant tertiary qualification in Labour Relations Management
/ BCOM Law/LLB/Internal Audit. A valid driver’s licence Two. (2) years
supervisory experience. Two (2) years functional experience in
Auditing/financial management. Knowledge: Departmental policies and
procedures, Batho Pele Principles, Public Service Act and Regulations, OHS
Act and Regulations, COIDA, UIA, PFMA, BCEA, SDLA, LRA, UI Contribution
Act, Skills Development Act, Employment Equity Act. Skills: Facilitation,
Planning and organizing, Computer Literacy, Interpersonal, Problem Solving,
interviewing listening and observation, Communication Written and Verbal,
Innovative, Analytical, Research, Project management.
DUTIES : Monitor the implementation of UIA and COIDA strategy programs. Implement
the systems that provide expert advice on sector specific UIA & COIDA matters.
Control the process that monitor and evaluate impact of UIA & COIDA
programs. Monitor the implementation of Advocacy Campaigns on COIDA
regularly and when there are amendments.
ENQUIRIES : Mr MO Maluleke Tel No: (018) 387 8186
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X2040, Mmabatho, 2735 Or
hand delivery to 2nd Floor, Provident House, University Drive, Mmabatho.



SALARY : R552 081 per annum

CENTRE : Labour Centre: Lephalale

REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year National Diploma (NQFL 6) / Undergraduate Degree (NQFL 7)
in Electrical Engineering, Four (4) years functional experience in Electrical
Engineering services and a valid driver’s license. Knowledge: Departmental
Policies and Procedures, Batho Pele principles, Public Service Act and
Regulations, OHS Act and Regulations, OHSAS, OHS standards, OHS
Management System SKILLS: Facilitation, Planning and Organizing,
Computer literacy, Interpersonal, Problem Solving, Communication (verbal &
written), Innovative, Analytical, Research, Project management.
DUTIES : Provide inputs into the development of Electrical Engineering Policies and
ensure implementation of OHS Strategy for the Department of Employment
and Labour in terms of OHS Legislation. Conduct complex inspections for
Electrical Engineering regularly as per OHS programme. Conduct technical
research on latest trends of Electrical Engineering in terms of Occupational
Health and Safety. Provide support for enforcement action including
preparation of reports for legal proceedings.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Lebogo SM Tel No: (015) 290 1662
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X9368, Polokwane, 0700 Or
hand deliver at 42a Schoeman Street, Polokwane.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Polokwane



SALARY : R444 036 per annum

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three years’ qualifications in Commerce/Law. 4 years’ functional experience in
Fraud Investigation. Knowledge: Compensation fund regulations, policies and
procedures. Customer Service principles (Batho Pele Principles). Criminal law,
criminal procedures and law of evidence. Minimum information security
standard (MISS). Understanding of risk management and audit practices.
Investigation methods and techniques. Compensation Fund information
technology operating systems. Understanding of Fraud and corruption
processes. Legislative Requirement: National intelligence Act. Protection of
information Act. Criminal procedure Act. PFMA and National Treasury
Regulations. COIDA. Public service regulations. Promotion of Access to
information Act. Skills: Client orientation and customer focus. Communication
(verbal and written). Campaign management. People and performance
management. Problem solving and analysis. Planning and organizing.
Knowledge management. Negotiation. Decision making. People management.
Computer literacy. Research skills.
DUTIES : Implement the fraud investigation policy, strategy and procedure within the
Fund. Coordinate the execution of Fraud investigation plans. Conduct analysis
on cases received. Supervision of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Nozigqwaba Tel No: (012) 406 5689
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


SALARY : R444 036 per annum

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three years’ tertiary qualifications in Business Administration/Project
Management/Development Studies/Information Technology. Project
Management certificate will be an added advantage. 4 years’ functional
experience in project co-ordination and management of which 2 years should
be supervisory experience. Knowledge: Compensation fund business
strategies and goals. Monitoring and Evaluation platform. Project management
principles and methodologies e.g. Ms projects etc. COIDA. Customer Service
(Batho Pele principles). Public policy and framework Legislative Requirement:
Public finance Management Act (PFMA). Public service regulations Act.
Treasury regulations. Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS). Promotion of
Access to information Act. PAJA. The constitution of RSA. Labour Relations

Act. Employment Equity Act. Skills Development Act. Basic Conditions of
Employment Act. Skills: Programme and project management. Strong
analytical skills. Project monitoring and evaluation. Communication skills
(verbal and written). Conflict Management. Decision Making. Budgeting and
Financial Management. People and Performance Management. Diversity
Management. Planning and organizing. Risk Management. Change
DUTIES : Provide project/programme support in terms of planning project activities and
deliverables. Track project budget and expenditure. Co-ordinate
project/programme quality management. Assist in ensuring that best practice
is implement in all projects/programmes. Manage resources in the sub-
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Khosa at 066 478 0037
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


NO: HR 5/1/2/3/69

SALARY : R444 036 per annum

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three years’ tertiary qualifications in Internal Audit/Accounting/Cost and
Management Accounting. Internal Audit Technician-IAT as an added
advantage. Certificate Internal Auditor-CIA as an added advantage. Institute of
Internal Auditors. 4 years’ functional experience in compliance and
assurance/Financial audits/Operational audits/Regulatory audits of which 2
years in supervisory experience. Knowledge: Compensation fund policies,
procedures, processes. Internal audits standards. Compliance and assurance
processes. Internal Professional Practice Framework. Customer Relationship
Management. Fund Governance and Risk Management. Budgeting and
Financial Management. COIDA. Relevant stakeholders. Batho Pele Principles.
Legislative Requirement: PFMA and National Treasury Regulations. Skills:
Required Technical proficiency. Business Writing Skills. Analytical thinking.
Decision making. Communication (verbal and written). Customer focus and
Responsiveness. People and Performance Management. Managing inter-
personal conflict and problem solving. Planning and organizing. Team
leadership. External Environmental Awareness.
DUTIES : Provide inputs and implement the compliance and assurance audits strategies,
plan, guidelines and methodology. Conduct compliance and assurance audits
assignments in accordance with the audit methodology. Provide progress on
compliance and assurance audits activities.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Kalomba Tel No: (012) 319 9291
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to



SALARY : R444 036 per annum

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three- year qualification in Accounting/Auditing/Compliance Management. 4
years’ functional experience in employer assessment/revenue management
/Financial management/auditing/compliance management/health insurance
environment of which 2 years at supervisory level. Knowledge: Compensation
fund policies, procedures and processes. Relevant stakeholders and
customers. Customer Service (Batho Pele Principles). COIDA. Public Service
Act (PSR). Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA). Promotion of

Access to Personal Information Act (PAIA). Basic Conditions of Employment
Act (BCEA). Labour Relations Act (LRA). Generally Recognised Accounting
practices (GRAP). Financial and budgeting management. Fund Governance
and Risk Management. Customer Service (Batho Pele Principles).
Understanding of risk management and audit practices. Debtors Management.
Legislative Requirement: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). National
Treasury Regulations (NTR). Skills: Technical proficiency. Communication
(verbal and written). Meeting planning, organising and facilitation. Analytical
thinking. Data and records management. Telephone Skills and Etiquette.
Problem solving and decision making. Computer literacy. Customer Focus and
Responsiveness. People and Performance Management. Team leadership.
Planning and Organising. Project management. External Environmental
DUTIES : Provide support to provincial Office COIDA compliance. Coordinate the
employer audit activities within the Fund. Facilitate COIDA compliance rate and
links with relevant units. Manage all resources in the Sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr K Makgamatha at 066 120 9681
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


NO: HR 5/1/2/3/79

SALARY : R444 036 per annum

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year tertiary qualification in Public Administration/Public Management/
Business Management/Internal Auditing/Risk Management/Economics.
Certificate in Business Continuity Management will be added advantage. 4
years’ functional experience in Business Continuity Management/ Disaster
Recovery/ 2 years at Risk Management Combined with 2 years’ experience in
a Business Continuity Management environment. Knowledge: Compensation
Fund policies, procedures and processes. Fund Governance and Risk
Management. Budgeting and Financial Management. Public Service
Regulation (PSR). Knowledge of corporate governance requirement.
Awareness of risk finance and risk control concepts. Knowledge of Public
Works Act. National Treasury Regulations. Knowledge of ISO 22301. Crisis
management processes. COIDA. Legislative Requirement: Occupational
Health and Safety Act 9OHS). Disaster Management Act. Skills:
Communication (verbal and written). People and Performance Management.
Diversity Management. Planning and organizing. Project or programme
management. Risk Management. Change Management. External
Environmental Awareness.
DUTIES : Provide inputs in the development of business continuity management plans,
policies and strategies. Coordinate the implementation entity-wide business
continuity strategies and response arrangements. Conduct awareness
campaigns to alert employees of disruptive events.
ENQUIRIES : Ms KDL Masanabo at 079 1002 866
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


SALARY : R444 036 per annum

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year qualification in Internal Audit/ Computer Science/ Information
System. Certified Information System Auditor-CISA as an added advantage.
Certified Information Security Manager-CISM as an added advantage.

Certified Information System Security Practitioner-CISSP as an added
advantage. 4 years’ functional experience in ICT audits of which 2 years in
supervisory experience. Statutory Body Requirements: Institute of Internal
Auditors. ISACA. Knowledge: Compensation Fund policies, procedures,
processes. ICT Audits standards. COBIT (Control objectives for information
related technologies) framework. Internal audits standards. Customer
Relationship Management. Fund Governance and Risk Management.
Budgeting and Financial Management. COIDA. Relevant stakeholders. Batho
Pele Principles. Legislative Requirement: PFMA and National Treasury
Regulations. Skills: Required Technical proficiency. Business Writing Skills.
Analytical thinking. Decision making. Communication (verbal and written).
Customer focus and Responsiveness. People and Performance Management.
Managing inter-personal conflict and problem solving. Planning and
organizing. Team leadership. External Environmental Awareness.
DUTIES : Provide inputs and implement the ICT audits strategies, plans, guidelines and
methodology. Conduct ICT audits assignments in accordance with the audit
methodology. Provide progress on ICT audits activities. Management of
resources in the sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Dikokoe at 071 148 4046
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


HR4/4/10/605 (X2 POSTS)
Re-advert, applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-apply

SALARY : R444 036 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Cape Town (Western Cape)
REQUIREMENTS : Three years’ tertiary qualification in Public Administration/ Public Management/
Business Administration/ Business Management/ Development Studies/ Social
Science. Valid driver’s license. 4 years’ experience of which two (2) years must
functional experience in Labour Activation Programme/ Employment
Programmes/ Enterprise Development/ Entrepreneurial and two years (2)
experience at a supervisory level. Knowledge: Public Financial Management
Act (PFMA), Public Service Regulations (PSR), Labour Activation Framework,
Skills Development Act (SDA), Project Management Principles (PMP),
Diversity Management, Basic Education and Training (BET), Unemployment
Insurance Act (UIA), Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act (UICA),
Project Management Methodology (PMBOK). Skills: Negotiation,
Interpersonal, Interpersonal, Presentation, Problem Solving, Planning and
Organizing, Policy analysis and interpretation, Communication (verbal and
written), Computer Literacy, Report Writing.
DUTIES : Implementing training/skills programmes relevant stakeholders that will benefit
UIF Beneficiaries. Track and monitor progress on identified beneficiaries and
institutions funded by Labour Activation. Implement information management
system and ensure the records in the section are maintained. Conduct
Advocacy campaigns to create awareness on Labour Activation Programmes.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Q Bowman Tel No: (021) 441 8120
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 872, Cape Town, 8000 or hand
deliver at: Department of Employment and Labour, No.9 Long Street, Cnr
Riebeeck and Long Street, Cape Town.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Western Cape


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Cape Town (Western Cape)
REQUIREMENTS : Three year’s tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Accounting/Finance. Two
(2) year’s functional experience in accounts receivable environment.
Knowledge: Unemployment Insurance Act and Regulations (UIAR),
Unemployment Insurance Contribution Act (UICA), Public Service Act (PSA),
Public Service Regulations (PSR) Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).

Skills: Communication, Listening, Computer Literacy, Time Management,
Analytical, Numeracy, Interpersonal.
DUTIES : Provide accounts receivable and revenue collection services. Render debt
recovery services in the province. Maintain the Overpayments Debtors
Records. Supervise resources (Human, Finance, Equipment/Assets) in the
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Q. Bowman Tel No: (021) 441 8120
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 872, Cape Town, 8000 or hand
deliver at: Department of Employment and Labour, No.9 Long Street, Cnr
Riebeeck and Long Street, Cape Town.


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Cape Town (Western Cape)
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year tertiary qualification in Public Management/ Business
Management/ Public Administration/ Business Administration/ Administrative
Management/ Management/Financial Accounting/ Cost and Management
Accounting/ Operations Management/ Production Management/ Auditing/
HRM/ Nursing. Two (2) to three (3) year’s relevant experience, two years’
Supervisory experience. Code EB Drivers Licence. Knowledge: Departmental
Policies and Procedures, Public Finance Management Act, Treasury
Regulations, Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act,
Unemployment Insurance Act, UI Contributions Act, Employment Equity Act.
Skills: Communication, Listening, Computer Literacy, Time Management,
Analytical, Numeracy, Interpersonal.
DUTIES : Coordinate, monitor, and review processes within COID sections and Labour
Centres. Ensure timely responses to both internal and external COID. Verify
accuracy of COID claims and other CC related documents received by
provincial office. Liaise with medical service providers on payments of
accounts. Manage and present on the job capacity development to enhance
job performance of staff to plan and organise work to subordinates. Implement
policies and procedures of the Department. Monitor staff performance and
consolidate monthly stats and reports for Assistant Director. Prepare letters for
clients, pensioners, attorneys and other stakeholders. Conduct presentation to
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Q. Bowman Tel No: (021) 441 8120
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 872, Cape Town, 8000 or hand
deliver at: Department of Employment and Labour, No.9 Long Street, Cnr
Riebeeck and Long Street, Cape Town.


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Somerset West Labour Centre (Western Cape) Ref No: HR 4/4/10/608 (X4
Cape Town Labour Centre (Western Cape) Ref No: HR 4/4/10/609 (X1 Post)
Mossel Bay Labour Centre (Western Cape) Ref No: HR 4/4/10/610 (X1 Post)
Mitchell’s Plain Labour Centre (Western Cape) Ref No: HR 4/4/10/611 (X1
Oudtshoorn Labour Centre (Western Cape) Ref No: HR 4/4/10/612 (X1 Post)
Knysna Labour Centre (Western Cape) Ref No: HR 4/4/10/613 (X1 Post)
Worcester Labour Centre (Western Cape) Ref No: HR 4/4/10/614 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : A Senior Certificate plus three (3) year tertiary qualification in Environmental
Health, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Construction, Biology,
Microbiology, Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry. A valid
driver’s licence. Knowledge: Departmental policies and procedures,
Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended, OHS Regulations, South
African National Standards (Codes)- incorporated Codes become regulations,
Compensation for Occupational injuries and Diseases Act, Unemployed
Insurance Act, Employment Equity Act – relevant key elements, Basic
Conditions of Employment Act – relevant key elements, Relevant guidelines of
aforementioned legislation Skills: Planning and organizing, Communication
skills, Computer Literacy, Facilitation skills, Interpersonal skills, Conflict
handling skills, Negotiation skills, Problem solving skills, Interviewing skills,

Presentation skills, Innovation skills, Analytical skills, Verbal and written
communication skills.
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspections with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. Plan, investigate and finalise
independently incidents and complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and
other relevant regulations and enforce as and when necessary, appear in Court
as a State witness. Plan and conduct allocated proactive inspections as per
schedule to monitor compliance with the OHS and other relevant labour
legislation including compiling and consolidating reports emanating from such
inspections. Plan and conduct advocacy campaigns on all labour legislation
independently, analyse impact thereof, consolidate and compile report.
Contribute at a higher level to planning, drafting and maintenance of regional
inspection plans and reports including, execution of analysis and compilation
of consolidated statistical reports on regional and allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Q Bowman Tel No: (021) 441 8120
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 872, Cape Town, 8000 or hand
deliver at: Department of Employment and Labour, No.9 Long Street, Cnr
Riebeeck and Long Street, Cape Town


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Stanger Labour Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate plus a 3 year recognised qualification in the relevant field, ie.
Electrical Engineering. Valid driver’s licence. Knowledge: Departmental
policies and procedures, Occupational Health and Safety Acts, as amended,
Regulations (21), South African National Standards (Codes) – incorporated
Codes become regulations, Compensation for Occupational Injuries and
Diseases Act, Unemployment Insurance Act. Skills: Planning and Organising,
Communication skills, Computer Literacy, Facilitation skills, Interpersonal
skills, Conflict handling skills, Negotiation skills, Problem solving skills,
Interviewing skills, Presentation skills, Innovation skills, Analytical skills, Verbal
and written communication skills.
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspections with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. To confirm registration of with the
Unemployment Insurance Act and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries
and Diseases Act. Plan, investigate and finalise independently incidents and
complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and the relevant regulations and
when necessary, appear in Court as a State witness. Plan and conduct
allocated proactive inspections as per schedule to monitor compliance with the
relevant labour legislation including compiling and consolidating reports
emanating from such inspections. Plan and conduct advocacy campaigns on
all labour legislation independently, analyse impact thereof, consolidate and
compile report. Contribute at a higher level to planning, drafting and
maintenance of regional inspection plans and reports including, execution of
analysis and compilation of consolidated statistical reports on regional and
allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Ms S Mkhize Tel No: (032) 437 8448
APPLICATIONS : Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations: P.O Box 138, Stanger, 4450 or
hand deliver at 12 Cator Street, Stanger.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations, Stanger


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Labour Centre: Jane Furse
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate plus a three year recognized qualification in the relevant field
i.e Mechanical Engineering/Mechatronics Engineering. Registration with the
relevant, recognized professional body is an advantage but not compulsory
and a valid driver’s license. Knowledge: Departmental policies and procedures,
Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended, Regulations (21), South
African National Standards (Codes_ - incorporated Codes become regulations,
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, Unemployment
Insurance Act. Skills: Planning and Organizing, Communication skills,
Computer literacy, Facilitation skills, Interpersonal skills, Conflict handling

skills, Negotiations skills, Problem solving skills, Interviewing skills,
Presentation skills, Innovation skills, Analytical skills, Verbal and written
communication skills.
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspections with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. To confirm registration with the
Unemployment Insurance Act and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries
and Diseases Act. Plan, investigate and finalize independently incidents and
complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and the relevant regulations and
enforce as and when necessary, appear in Court as State witness. Plan and
conduct allocated proactive inspections as per schedule to monitor compliance
with the relevant labour legislation including compiling and consolidating
reports emanating from such inspections. Plan and Conduct advocacy
campaigns on all labour legislations independently, analyse impact thereof,
consolidate and compile report. Contribute at a higher level to planning,
drafting and maintenance of regional inspection plans and reports including
execution of analysis and compilation of consolidated statistical reports on
regional and allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. TE Maluleke Tel No: (015) 290 1768
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X9368, Polokwane, 0700 Or
hand deliver at 42a Schoeman Street, Polokwane.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Polokwane


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Labour Centre: Jane Furse Ref No: HR 4/4/6/184 (X1 Post)
Labour Centre: Louis Trichardt Ref No: HR 4/4/6/197(X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate plus a 3 year recognized qualification in the relevant field,
i.e. Electrical Engineering. Registration with the relevant, recognized
professional body is an advantage but not compulsory. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge: Department policies and procedures, Occupational Health and
Safety Act, as amended, Regulations (21), South African National Standards
(Codes)- incorporated Codes become regulations, Compensation for
Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, Unemployment Insurance Act. Skills:
Facilitation Skills, Planning and Organizing, Computer literacy, Interpersonal
skills, Conflict handling skills, Negotiation skills, Problem solving skills,
Interviewing skills, Presentation skills, Innovation skills, Analytical skills,
Communication Skills (Verbal and Written).
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspections with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. To confirm registration of with the
Unemployment Insurance Act and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries
and Diseases Act. Plan, investigate and finalize independently incidents and
complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and the relevant regulations and
enforce as and when necessary, appear in Court as a state witness. Plan and
conduct allocated proactive inspections as per schedule to monitor compliance
with the relevant Labour legislation including compiling and consolidating
reports emanating from such inspections. Plan and conduct advocacy
campaigns an all Labour legislation independently, analyse impact thereof,
consolidate and compile report. Contribute at a higher level to planning,
drafting and maintenance of regional inspection plans and reports including,
execution of analysis and compilation of consolidated statistical report on
regional and allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Makgobola Tel No: (015) 290 1664
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X9368, Polokwane, 0700 Or
hand deliver at 42a Schoeman Street, Polokwane.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Polokwane.


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: KZN
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) years qualification in Financial Accounting/ BCOM Accounting/
Accounting/ BCOM Law/ BCOM in Commerce. 1 – 2 years’ experience in
Internal Auditing/ Accounting/ Financial Management. Valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge: Departmental policies and procedures, Batho Pele Principles,

Compensation of Occupational and Injury Disease Act (COIDA), OHS Act and
Regulations, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Public Financial
Management Act (PFMA). Skills: Facilitation, Planning and Organising,
Computer Literacy, Interpersonal, Innovative and creative.
DUTIES : Conduct proactive audits in relation to COIDA. Conduct reactive audits in
relation to COIDA. Conduct Advocacy in relation to COIDA. Enforce
Compliance. Supervisor the resources within the section.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Shandu Tel No: (031) 366 2095
APPLICATIONS : Deputy Director: Provincial Operations: P.O Box 940, Durban, 4001 OR hand
deliver at 267 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations: Provincial Operations:


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Vryheid Labour Centre Ref No: HR4/4/5/75 (X1 Post)
Newcastle Labour Centre Ref No: HR4/4/5/76 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate plus a 3 year recognised qualification in the relevant field i.e
Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Occupational Hygiene or Environmental
Health. Valid driver’s licence. Knowledge: Departmental policies and
procedures, Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended, Regulations
(21), South African National Standards (Codes) – incorporated Codes become
regulations, Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act,
Unemployment Insurance Act. Skills: Planning and Organising,
Communication skills, Computer Literacy, Facilitation skills, Interpersonal
skills, Conflict handling skills, Negotiation skills, Problem solving skills,
Interviewing skills, Presentation skills, Innovation skills, Analytical skills, Verbal
and written communication skills.
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspections with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. To confirm registration of with the
Unemployment Insurance Act and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries
and Diseases Act. Plan, investigate and finalise independently incidents and
complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and the relevant regulations and
when necessary, appear in Court as a State witness. Plan and conduct
allocated proactive inspections as per schedule to monitor compliance with the
relevant labour legislation including compiling and consolidating reports
emanating from such inspections. Plan and conduct advocacy campaigns on
all labour legislation independently, analyse impact thereof, consolidate and
compile report. Contribute at a higher level to planning, drafting and
maintenance of regional inspection plans and reports including, execution of
analysis and compilation of consolidated statistical reports on regional and
allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Mr F Dladla Tel No: (034) 980 8916 (Vryheid)
Mr S Pillay Tel No: (034) 312 3334 (Newcastle)
APPLICATIONS : Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations: PO Box 430, Vryheid, 3100 0r
hand deliver at 99 Landrose Street, Vryheid. For Attention: Sub-directorate:
Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations, Vryheid
Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations: PO Box 985, Newcastle, 2940 OR
hand deliver at 29 Scott Street, Newcastle. For Attention: Sub-directorate:
Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations, Newcastle


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : KwaMhlanga Labour Centre Ref No. HR4/4/7/11 (X1 Post)
Secunda Labour Centre Ref No. HR4/4/7/170 (X1 Post)
Mkhondo Labour Centre Ref No. HR 4/4/7/171 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : A 3-year tertiary qualification in Environmental Health, Mechanical
Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Chemistry, Construction, Biology, Microbiology, Biomedical
Science, Biotechnology, Biochemistry. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge:
Departmental policies and procedures, Occupational Health and Safety Act, as
amended, OSH Regulations, South African National Standards (Codes)-
incorporated (Codes become regulations), Compensation for Occupational
Injuries and Diseases Act, Unemployment Insurance Act, Employment Equity

Act- relevant key elements, Relevant guidelines of the aforementioned
legislation. Skills: Planning and organizing, Communication skills, Computer
Literacy, Facilitation skills, Interpersonal skills, Conflict handling skills,
Negotiation skills, Problem solving skills, Interviewing skills, Presentation skills,
Innovation skills, Analytical skills, Verbal and written communication skills.
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspections with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. Plan, investigate and finalize
independently incidents and complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and
other relevant regulations and enforce as and when necessary, appear in Court
as a State witness. Plan and conduct allocated proactive inspections as per
schedule to monitor compliance with the OHS and other relevant Labour
legislations including compiling and consolidating reports emanating from such
inspections. Plan and conduct advocacy campaigns on all other relevant
Labour legislation independently, analyse impact thereof, consolidate and
compile report. Contribute at a higher level to planning, drafting and
maintenance of regional inspection plans and reports including, execution of
analysis and compilation of consolidated statistical reports on regional and
allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Mr AM Rachoshi at 066 3039 187
Ms R Masilo Tel No: (017) 631 2585
Mr JRM Makate Tel No: (017) 826 1883
APPLICATIONS : Acting Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations, Private Bag X4016,
KwaMhlanga, 1022 or hand deliver at: Government Complex, Old Parliament,
Building, Nr 6 KwaMhlanga.
Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations, Private Bag X9057 Secunda, 2302
or hand deliver at 4 Waterson Street, Sunset Park, Secunda.
Acting Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations, Private Bag X34 Piet Retief,
2380 or hand deliver at: Balalas Building 42, Kotze Street, Piet Retief.

POST 21/44 : OHS INSPECTOR REF NO: HR 4/4/8/891

SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Sasolburg Labour Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate plus 3 year recognised qualification in the relevant field, ie.
Mechanical Engineering; Mechatronic Engineering; Electrical Engineering;
Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Construction; Occupational Hygiene or
Environmental Health. Drivers Licence. Zero Experience. Registration with the
relevant, recognised professional body is an advantage but not compulsory.
Knowledge: Departmental policies and procedures, Occupational Health and
Safety Act as amended, Regulations (21), South African National Standards
(Codes)-incorporated Codes become regulations, Compensation for
Occupational injuries and Diseases Act, Unemployment Insurance Act. Skills:
Facilitation skills, Planning and organizing, Computer Literacy, Interpersonal
skills, Conflict handling skills, Negotiations skills, Problem solving skills,
Interpersonal skills, Presentation skills, Innovation skills, Analytical skills,
Verbal and written communication skills.
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspections with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. To confirm registration of with the
Unemployment Insurance Act and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries
and Diseases Act. Plan, investigate and finalise independently incidents and
complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and the relevant regulations and
enforce as and when necessary, appear in Court as a State witness. Plan and
conduct allocated proactive inspections as per schedule to monitor compliance
with the relevant labour legislation including compiling and consolidating
reports emanating from such inspections. Plan and conduct advocacy
campaigns on all labour legislation independently, analyse impact thereof,
consolidate and compile report. Contribute at a higher level to planning,
drafting and maintenance of regional inspection plans and reports including,
execution of analysis and compilation of consolidated statistical reports on
regional and allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Lelope Tel No: (016) 970 3200
APPLICATIONS : Provincial Office, Private Bag X522, Bloemfontein, 9300 Or hand deliver at
Laboria House, 43 Charlotte Maxeke, Street, Bloemfontein.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Free State.


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Social Sciences/ Public Administration
/Management / Development Studies at NQF Level 6 as recognized by SAQA.
Two (2) years functional experience in Research and Policy Development
environment. Knowledge: Policy Analysis, Development, Review and
Management. Research Management. Quality Management. Project
Management. Skills: Report writing. Diversity Management. Policy Analysis,
Computer Literacy (Strong proficiency in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel,
PowerPoint and Statistical Software such as SPSS). Communication.
Research Methodology. Conflict Management. Analytical and Creativity.
Problem Solving. Presentation. Planning and Organizing. People
DUTIES : Conduct policy development processes in UIF. Participate in policy review
within the UIF. Conduct research studies for UIF. Supervise Resources.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Mtingane Tel No: (012) 337 1989
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF



SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) years’ tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Organisational
Psychology / Public Administration / Public Management / Management
Services / Human Resources / Operations Management / Production
Management. Two (2) years functional experience in Change Management
environment. Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Project
Management approaches, tools and phases. Public Service Regulation (PSR).
Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA). Public Service Act. (PSA).
Labour Relations Act (LRA). Skills: Communication skill both written and
verbal. People Management. Problem Solving. Computer literacy. Time
Management. Analytical. Presentation. Interpersonal. Report Writing. Planning
and Organizing.
DUTIES : Diagnoses organizational, individual culture and climate change within the
Fund. Develop, review and implement change management strategy. Develop,
review and implement procedure manuals and processes. Supervise
resources (Human, Financial. Equipment/ Assets) in the section.
ENQUIRIES : Ms K Mahlake Tel No: (012) 337 1579
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF



SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Communication / Marketing / Public
Relations and Events Management at NQF Level 6 as recognized by SAQA.
Two (2) years functional experience in Communication environment.
Knowledge: Unemployment Insurance Act and Regulations (UIAR). Promotion
to Access of Information Act. Unemployment Insurance Contribution Act
(UICA). Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Labour Relations Act (LRA).
Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA). Public Service Regulations
(PSR). Public Service Act (PSA). Skills: Branding Management. Branding
Principles. Problem Solving. Computer Literacy. Communication. Analytical.
Interpersonal. Report Writing. Planning and Organizing.
DUTIES : Render UIF promotional and marketing events. Promote UIF brand to
stakeholders. Maintain inventory control and distribution of promotional,

marketing and branding material. Conduct advocacy sessions to secondary
ENQUIRIES : Mr TE Radzilani Tel No: (012) 337 1694
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Northern Cape
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year tertiary qualification in Labour Relations Management/ BCOM
Law/ LLB/ Internal Audit. Valid driver’s licence. Two (2) years functional
experience in Auditing and / Financial Management. Knowledge: Departmental
policies and procedures. Batho Pele Principles. Public Service Act and
Regulations. COIDA. UIA. PFMA. BCEA. SDLA. LRA. UI Contributions Act.
Skills Development Act. Employment Equity Act. Skills: Facilitation, Planning
and Organising, Computer Literacy, Interpersonal, Problem Solving,
Interviewing Skills, Innovative, Analytical, Research, Project management.
DUTIES : Perform and monitor the implementation of UIA and COIDA program strategy.
Analyse the system that provide expert advice on sector specific UIA & COIDA
matters. Coordinate the process that monitor and evaluate impact of UIA &
COIDA programs. Provide support in the implementation of Advocacy
Campaigns on COIDA regularly and when there are amendments. Supervisor
resources within the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr IS Vass Tel No: (053) 331 1752
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X5012, Kimberley, 8301 or
hand deliver at Cnr Compound and Pniel Road.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office Kimberley


SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Labour Centre: Kimberley Ref No: HR 4/4/8/73
Labour Centre: Calvinia Ref No: HR 4/4/8/72
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate plus a Three (3) year recognised qualification in the relevant
field, i.e. Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Chemistry, Construction, Occupational Hygiene or Environmental
Health. Valid driving license. Knowledge: Departmental policies and
procedures. Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended. Regulations
(21). South African National Standards (codes)-incorporated Codes become
regulations. Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act.
Unemployment Insurance Act. Skills: Planning organizing. Communication.
Computer literacy. Facilitation. Interpersonal. Conflict handling. Negotiation.
Problem solving. Interviewing. Presentation. Innovation. Analytical. Verbal and
written communication.
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspection with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. To confirm registration of with the
unemployment Insurance Act and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries
and Diseases Act. Plan, investigate and finalise independently incidents and
complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and the relevant regulations and
enforce as and when necessary, appear in Court as a state witness. Plan and
conduct allocated proactive inspections as per schedule to monitor compliance
with the relevant labour legislation including compiling and consolidating
reports emanating from such inspections. Plan and conduct advocacy
campaigns on all labour legislation independently, analyse impact thereof,
consolidate and compile report. Contribute at a higher level to planning,
drafting and maintenance of regional inspection plans and reports including,
execution of analysis and compilation of consolidated statistical reports on
regional and allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. S Mbeke Tel No: (053) 838 1580
Ms N Litheko Tel No: (053) 838 1632
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X5012, Kimberley, 8301 OR
hand deliver at Laboria House, c/o Pniel & Compound Street, Kimberley.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Deputy Director: Human Resources Management

Re-advertisement: Applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-

SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Labour Centre: Upington
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year tertiary qualification in Public Management/ Business
Management/ Public Administration/ Business Administration/ Administrative
Management / Management/ Financial Accounting/ Cost and Management
Accounting/ Operations Management/ Production Management/ Auditing
/HRM/ Nursing. 2 years’ functional experience in claims/ medical processing
environment. Knowledge: Relevant Compensation Fund policies and business
process. Public Service Act and Regulations. Customer Services (Batho Pele
Principles). COID Tariffs. Public Service Charter. Approved COID Delegation.
Promotion of Access to Information Act. Road Accident Fund (RAF) Act. PFMA
and Treasury Regulations. Skills: Planning and Organising. Problem solving.
Analytical. Decision making. Communication (Written & Verbal). Computer
literacy. Interpersonal Relationship. Good client relations. Innovative.
DUTIES : Adjudicate registration and fatal claims per delegation’s requirements. Verify
and refer complex claims to medical services for further adjudication. Authorise
compensation benefits as der delegations. Handle complex inquiries and
advocacy sessions. Supervision of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. B Van Wyk Tel No: (054) 331 1752
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X5012, Kimberley, 8301 OR
hand deliver at Laboria House, c/o Pniel & Compound Street, Kimberley.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Deputy Director: Human Resources Management


SALARY : R308 154 per annum

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A three-year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Accounting / Financial
Management / Cost and Management Accounting / Public Finance
Management / Internal Audit / Taxation. One (1) year functional experience in
the Finance environment. Knowledge: Public Finance Management Act
(PFMA). Treasury Regulations. Public Service Regulations (PSR). Public
Service Act (PSA). Generally recognized Accounting Principles (GRAP).
General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Unemployment Insurance
Act (UIA). Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act (UICA). Debtors
Management. Financial Management. Skills: Accounting. Communication.
Computer Literacy. Interpersonal. Time Management. Report Writing. Planning
and Organising. Numeracy. Analytical.
DUTIES : Maintain the debtor records. Follow up of outstanding debts including legal
claims and third party collection. Prepare and review monthly reconciliations of
non SARS debtors.
ENQUIRIES : Ms V Pillay Tel No: (012) 337 1499
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P.O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF


SALARY : R308 154 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: KwaZulu-Natal
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) years qualification in Labour Relations Management/ BCOM Law/
LLB/ Internal Audit. One (1) year functional experience in Auditing. Valid
driver’s licence. Knowledge: Departmental policies and procedures, Batho
Pele Principles, Public Service Act and Regulations, OHS Act and Regulations,
COIDA, UIA, PFMA, BCEA, SDLA, LRA, UI Contribution Act, Skills
Development Act, Employment Equity Act. Skills: Facilitation, Planning and
Organising, Computer Literacy, Interpersonal, Problem solving skills,
interviewing skills, Communication Written and Verbal, Innovative, Analytical,
Research, Project management.
DUTIES : Perform monitor the implication of UIA and COIDA Programmes. Analyse the
systems that provide expert advice on sector specific UIA & COIDA matters.

Co-ordinate the process that monitors and evaluates impact of UIA & COIDA
programs. Provide support in the implementation of Advocacy Campaigns on
UI & COIDA regularly and when there are amendments.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Shandu Tel No: (031) 366 2095
APPLICATIONS : Deputy Director: Provincial Operations: P.O Box 940, Durban, 4001 or hand
deliver at 267 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations: Provincial Operations:



SALARY : R308 154 per annum

CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year National Diploma (NQF 6)/Undergraduate Bachelor Degree
(NQF) in Office Management; Information Management and Technology;
Public Administration; Business Administration; Business Administration;
Business Management; Public Management. One (1) functional experience in
office administration/secretariat services. Knowledge: Departmental policies
and procedures, planning and organizing, Administration procedures, Batho
Pele Principles, Interpersonal relations Skills: Facilitation, Interpersonal
relationship, Communication both (verbal and written), Computer, Telephone
etiquette, Organizing, Decision Making, Analytical, Project Management.
DUTIES : Provide a receptionist to the Branch/Chief Directorate including diary
management for the Chief Director. Render a Secretariat Service for the Office
of the Chief Director. Assist in monitoring and maintaining the budget including
the supply chain for the Branch: IES/Chief Directorate. Facilitate and
coordinate all logistical and resource requirement of the Branch: IES/Chief
Directorate. Provide Management Information and records management
services in the Branch: IES/Chief Directorate. Track and monitor projects tasks
within the Branch: IES/Chief Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Ruiters Tel No: (012) 309 4018
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Human Resources Management: Private Bag X 117, Pretoria,
0001 or hand deliver at 215 Francis Baard Street.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Operations, Head Office


SALARY : Grade 3: R307 659 – R351 774 per annum, (OSD)

Grade 4: R368 145 – R420 924 per annum, (OSD)
Grade 5: R440 412 – R625 059 per annum, (OSD)
CENTRE : Provincial Office: Eastern Cape
REQUIREMENTS : Four (4) years legal tertiary qualification or equivalent. 3-5 post graduate
experience in Legal Services Knowledge: Admission as an advocate of
Attorney of the High Court of South Africa. Knowledge: DoL and Compensation
Fund Business strategies and goals, Directorate/ sub-directorate goals and
performance requirements, Compensation Fund Services, Compensation
Fund Value and business processes, Public Service Regulations, Policies and
Procedures. COIDA Act, Regulations and Policies, Public Service Act,
Occupational Health and Safety Act, PFMA and National Treasury Regulations,
Promotion of Access to Information Act, PAJA, Constitution Act 108 of
1996(amended), Road Accident Fund (RAF), Unemployment Insurance (UIA),
General Knowledge of the Public Service Regulations, LRA, EE Ac, SDA &
BCEA. Skills: Required Technical Proficiency, Business Writing Skills,
Analytical Thinking, Decision Making, Communication and information
Management, Customer Focus and responsiveness, People and Performance
Management, Managing Interpersonal conflicts and resolving problems,
Planning and Organising, Team Leadership.
DUTIES : Provide an effective legal administrative and support services for the Fund.
Provide legal services to the Fund. Handle litigation for and on behalf of the
Fund. Represent the Fund at the hearing in terms of section 56 and 91
applications hearings. Liaise with third parties. Manage and review claims of
objections hearing process. Render administration support in terms of section
56 and 91 application hearings.
ENQUIRIES : Dr B Dunga Tel No: (043) 702 7500
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations, Private Bag X9005, East London, 5201,
Hand deliver at No.3 Hill Street East London

FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office, East London


REF NO: HR4/4/5/6

SALARY : Grade 3: R307 659 – R351 774 per annum, (OSD)

Grade 4: R368 145 - R420 924 per annum, (OSD)
Grade 5: R440 412 – R625 059 per annum, (OSD)
CENTRE : Provincial Office: Kwazulu-Natal
REQUIREMENTS : Four (4) year legal qualification or equivalent. Three (3) to five (5) years post
graduate experience in Legal Services. Valid driver’s licence and Admission as
an Advocate of Attorney of the High Court. Knowledge: Dol and Compensation
Fund business strategies and goal, Directorate / sub-directorate goals and
performance requirements, Compensation Fund Services, Compensation
Fund Value Chain and business processes, Public Service Regulations,
Policies and Procedures, Relevant stakeholders, Customer Service (Batho
Pele Principles), Required IT knowledge, Fund IT Operating System, Technical
Knowledge, DPSA guidelines on COIDA. Skills: Required Technical
proficiency, Business Writing Skills, Decision making, Self-Management,
Applied Strategic Management, Applied technology, Budgeting and Financial
Management, Communication and Information Management, Continuous
improvement, Customer Focus and Responsiveness, People and Performance
Management, Developing others, Diversity Management, Impact and
influence, Managing inter-personal conflict and resolving problems,
Networking and Building bonds, Planning and organising, Problem solving,
Project or programme management, Team leadership, Risk Management and
Fund Governance, Change Management, External Environmental Awareness,
Legal Skills.
DUTIES : Provide legal services to the Fund. Handle litigation for and on behalf of the
Fund. Represent the Fund at the hearing in terms of section 56 and 91
application hearings. Liaise with third parties. Manage and review claims of
objections hearing process.
ENQUIRIES : Dr N Kahla Tel No: (031) 366 2033
APPLICATIONS : Acting Deputy Director: P.O Box 940, Durban, 4001 OR hand deliver at 267
Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office, KwaZulu-



SALARY : Grade 1: R307 473 – R362 187 per annum, (OSD)

Grade 2: R375 480 – R442 296 per annum, (OSD)
Grade 3: R451 533 - R578 826 per annum, (OSD)
CENTRE : Welkom Labour Centre Ref No: HR 4/4/8/887 (X1 Post)
Bethlehem Labour Centre Ref No: HR 4/4/8/888 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Four (4) years nursing degree/three years’ diploma. Post Graduate Diploma in
Occupational Health/ Theatre Technique/ Critical Care will be an advantage.
Experience in trauma/ emergency/ internal/ medicine/ general surgery/
orthopaedics/ theatre at the regional public or private hospital is required.
Experience in Medical claims processing/insurance environment will be added
advantage. Registration with the South African Nursing Council. Grade 1: 2 to
9 years’ experience gained after registration. Grade 2: 10-19 years ‘experience
gained after registration. Grade 3: 20 years’ experience gained after
registration. Knowledge: Dol and Compensation Fund objectives and business
function, Compensation Fund Services, Directorate and sub-directorate goal
and performance requirements, nursing legislation and or related legal as well
as ethical nursing practices, Compensation Fund Policies, procedures and
processes, Stakeholder and customers, Customer Service (Batho Pele
Principle), COIDA tariffs, Technical knowledge, PFMA and National Treasury
Regulations, Public Service Act. Skills: Required Technical Proficiency,
Business writing, Required IT skills, Data capturing, Data records
management, Telephone Skills and Etiquette.
DUTIES : Provide medical advice and recommendation in the acceptations of liability.
Recommend the approval of medical accounts. Provide medical advice on the
processing of occupational injury claims. Determine PD (Permanent Disability)

and TTD (Total Temporary Disability). Assess medical accounts on
occupational injury claim and OD medical accounts.
ENQUIRIES : Dr B Ndzuta Tel No: (051) 505 6201
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 522, Bloemfontein, 9300
Or hand deliver at Laboria House, 43 Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Free State


SALARY : R255 450 per annum

CENTRE : Labour Centre: Thohoyandou Ref No: HR 4/4/6/188 (X1 Post)
Labour Centre: Gqeberha Ref No: HR4/4/24/01 (X1 Post)
Provincial Office: Cape Town (Western Cape) Ref No: HR4/4/10/615 (X1 Post)
Provincial Office: Bloemfontein Free State Ref No: HR 4/4/8/894 (X1 Post)
Provincial Office: Kimberley Ref No: HR4/4/8/56 (X1 Post)
Provincial Office: KwaZulu-Natal Ref No: HR4/4/5/20 (X2 Posts)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate with Accounting or Mathematics as major subjects or
equivalent. 0 to 6 months’ experience required. Knowledge: Unemployment
Insurance Act, Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, Public Service
Regulation, Public Service Act, Batho Pele principles, Departmental policies
and procedures, Customer care. Skills: Communication (verbal & written),
Listening, Computer literacy, Customer Relations, Decision making.
DUTIES : Receive and assess all the UI Claims on the relevant system in line with the
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Register all employers and verify the
declarations of employees as per the relevant prescripts. Execute all payment
of approved claims as per the set time frames. Attend to enquiries relating to
all the processed claims or any other matter relating to the processing of
claims. Perform Administrative duties in the section.
ENQUIRIES : Ms GJ Matlhakoane Tel No: (015) 290 1665 (Thohoyandou)
Mr M Ngqolowa Tel No: (041) 506 5000 (Gqeberha)
Mr Q Bowman Tel No: (021) 441 8120 (Western Cape)
Ms N Zama, Tel No: (051) 505 6276 (Bloemfontein)
Ms J Marais Tel No: (053) 838 1558 (Kimberly)
Ms G Khomo Tel No: (031) 366 2331 (Kwazulu-Natal)
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X9368, Polokwane, 0700 Or
hand deliver at 42a Schoeman Street, Polokwane. For Attention: Sub-
directorate: Human Resources Management, Polokwane.
Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations: Private Bag X6045, Gqeberha,
6000 Or hand deliver at VSN Centre 116-134 Goven Mbeki Avenue. For
Attention: Sub-directorate: Labour Centre Operations, Gqeberha.
Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 872, Cape Town, 8000 or hand
deliver at: Department of Employment and Labour, No.9 Long Street, Cnr
Riebeeck and Long Street, Cape Town.
Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X522, Bloemfontein, 9300
Or hand deliver at Laboria House, 43 Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein.
For Attention: Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Free State.
Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X5012, Kimberley, 8301 OR
hand deliver at Laboria House, c/o Pniel & Compound Street, Kimberley. For
Attention: Sub-directorate: Deputy Director: Human Resources Management.
Deputy Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 940, Durban, 4001 or hand
deliver at 267 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. For Attention: Sub-directorate:
Human Resources Operations, Durban.


SALARY : R255 450 per annum

CENTRE : Gqeberha Labour Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/Senior Certificate with Accounting or Mathematics as a passed major
subject. 0 to 6 months’ experience. Knowledge: Unemployment Insurance Act,
Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, Public Service Regulation, Public
Service Act, Batho Pele Principles, Departmental policies and procedures,
Customer care Skills: Communication (verbal & written), Listening, Computer
literacy, Customer Relations, Decision making.
DUTIES : Receive and assess all the UI Claims on the relevant systems in line with the
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Register all employers and verify the
declaration of employees as per the relevant prescripts. Execute the payment
of approved claims as per the set time frames. Attend to enquiries relating to

all processed claims or any other matter relating to the processing of claims.
Perform Administrative duties within the section.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Ngqolowa Tel No: (041) 506 5000
APPLICATIONS : Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations: Private Bag X6045, Gqeberha,
6000 Or hand deliver at VSN Centre 116-134 Goven Mbeki Avenue.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Labour Centre Operations, Gqeberha


SALARY : R255 450 per annum

CENTRE : Labour Centre: Cape Town Labour Centre (Western Cape) Ref No: HR
4/4/10/616 (X1 Post)
Bellville Labour Centre (Western Cape Ref No: HR 4/4/10/617 (X1 Post)
Durban Labour Centre Ref No: HR4/4/5/81(X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year tertiary qualification in Public Management/Business Management/
Public Administration/ Business Administration/ Administrative Management/
Management/Financial Accounting/ Cost and Management Accounting/
Operations Management/Production Management/ Auditing/ HRM/Nursing.
Experience in Claims Processing environment will be an added advantage.
Knowledge: Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Compensation
Fund business strategies and goals, Compensation Fund value chain,
Directorate goals and performance requirements, PFMA and Treasury
Regulations, Customer Services (Batho Pele Principles), Technical
Knowledge, Promotion of Access to Information Act, POPIA. Skills: Computer
literacy, Business Writing skills, Critical thinking, Report Writing,
Communication (written and verbal), Emotional Intelligence, Conflict
Resolution, Problem Solving, Data and Records Management, Customer
DUTIES : Register and acknowledge claims. Prepare compensation benefits. Handle
claim enquiries. Render administration activities.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Q Bowman Tel No: (021) 441 8120
Mr SA Mchunu Tel No: (031) 331 1500
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 872, Cape Town, 8000 or hand
deliver at: Department of Employment and Labour, No.9 Long Street, Cnr
Riebeeck and Long Street, Cape Town.
Deputy Director: Labour Centre Operations: PO BOX 10074, Durban 4001or
hand deliver at Government Buildings, Masonic Grove, Durban, 4001. For
Attention: Sub-directorate: Deputy Director Human Resources Operations,


SALARY : R255 450 per annum

CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg Labour Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/ Senior Certificate or equivalent. Experience: No experience
required. Knowledge: National Archives act, Batho Pele principles, Records
Management, Departmental Policies and Procedures. Skills: Communication,
Computer Literacy, Listening Skills, Planning and Organising, team player,
Interpersonal skills, Innovative, dedicated, Supportive and Assertive.
DUTIES : Maintain the filing system as per directives of the archives and records
management prescripts. Sort and prepare documents for disposal processes
as in line with relevant prescripts. Perform administrative duties within the
section as and when the need arises.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M September Tel No: (033) 341 5300
APPLICATIONS : Deputy Director: Provision Operations: P/bag 9048, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or
hand deliver at 370 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, KwaZulu- Natal


SALARY : R255 450 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office: Kimberley Ref No: HR4/4/8/55 (X1 Post)
Provincial Office: Mmabatho Ref No: HR 4/4/06/04 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/ Matric. 0 to 6 months’ experience. Knowledge: Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). Financial Management. Treasury Regulations.
Generally Recognized Accounting Principles (GRAP). Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP). Unemployment Insurance Act (UIA).

Unemployment Insurance Contribution Act (UICA). Financial Systems.
Financial Management Processes and Procedures. Skills: Financial
Management. Communication (verbal & written). Computer Literacy. Time
Management. Interpersonal. Planning and Organising. Analytical.
DUTIES : Collect outstanding Overpayments balance. Keep all Overpayment Debtors
annually and electronically. Monitor the payments of benefits to clients.
ENQUIRIES : Ms J Marais Tel No: (053) 838 1558
Mr MO Maluleke Tel No: (018) 387 8186
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 5012, Kimberly, 8301 or
hand deliver at Laboria House, c/o Pniel & Compound Street, Kimberley. For
Attention: Sub-directorate: Deputy Director: Human Resources Management
Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 2040, Mmabatho, 2735 Or
hand delivery to 2nd Floor, Provident House, University Drive, Mmabatho


SALARY : R255 450 per annum

CENTRE : Randburg Labour Centre stationed at Delta Building, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year tertiary qualification Degree/Diploma in Public Management/
Administration/ Social Science/ OHS/ Finance/ HRM is required. 1-2 years’
experience in a compensation or medical claims processing environment.
Knowledge: Compensation Fund policies, procedure and processes, Relevant
Stakeholders, Human anatomy/Biology and medical terminology, Customer
service (Batho Pele Principles), COID Tariffs, Public Service Charter, Approved
COID Delegations, Promotion of Access to Information Act, Road Accident
Fund (RAF) Act, PFMA and Treasury Regulations. Skills: Required Technical
Proficiency, Numbering, Business Writing Skill, Required IT Skills,
Communication (Written and Verbal), Data capturing, Data and Records
management, Telephone skills and Etiquette.
DUTIES : Handle claim registration documentation. Prepare for adjudication. Prepare for
medical claims processing. Render administrative duties.
ENQUIRIES : Dr V Mabudusha Tel No: (012) 319 1933
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 4560, Johannesburg, 2001 or
hand delivered at 77 De Korte Street, Braamfontein.


SALARY : R255 450 per annum

CENTRE : Labour Centre: Kimberley
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year year tertiary qualification in degree/diploma in Public Management
/ Administration / Social Science / OHS / Finance / HRM is required. 1-2 years’
experience in a compensation or medical claims processing environment
Knowledge: Compensation Fund policies, procedures and processes.
Relevant Stakeholders. Human anatomy/Biology and medical terminology.
Customer Service (Batho Pele Principles). COID Tariffs. Public Service
Charter. Approved COID Delegation. Promotion of Access to Information Act.
Road Accident Fund (RAF) Act. PFMA and Treasury Regulations. Skills:
Required Technical Proficiency. Numeracy. Business Writing skills. Required IT
Skills. Communication (written and verbal). Data Capturing. Data and Records
Management. Telephone Skills and Etiquette.
DUTIES : Handle claims registration documentation. Prepare for adjudication. Prepare
for medical claims processing. Render administrative duties.
ENQUIRIES : Ms S Mbeke Tel No: (053) 838 1580
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 5012, Kimberley, 8301 or
hand deliver at Laboria House, c/o Pniel & Compound Street, Kimberley.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Deputy Director: Human Resources Management


SALARY : R216 417 per annum

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 certificate A three-year qualification in Human Resource
Management (NQF level 6). And Certificate in introduction to PERSAL system
will be added as advantage. No experience. Knowledge: Compensation Fund
objectives and business functions Compensation Fund Value Chain and
business processes. Relevant Fund policies, procedures and processes.

Stakeholders and customers. Customers Services (Batho Pele Principles).
Fund Values. Required IT Knowledge. Legislative Requirement: COIDA Act,
Regulations and Policies. Public service Act. Occupational Health and Safety
Act (OHS). PFMA and National Treasury Regulations. General knowledge of
the Public Service Regulations. General knowledge of the Basic Condition of
Employment Act. Skills: Required Technical Proficiency. Business Writing
Skills. Required IT Skills. Data Capturing. Data and records management.
Telephone skills and Etiquette.
DUTIES : Administer leave of absence. Implement conditions of service and employee
benefits. Administer termination of service. Safe keep HR records. Conduct
physical verification of employees.
ENQUIRIES : Mr ST Thamaga/ Ms A Nel Tel No: (012) 406 5701/5723
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to



SALARY : R216 417 per annum

CENTRE : Compensation Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12. No Experience. Knowledge: Compensation Fund objectives
and business functions. Directorate or Sub-directorate goals and performance
requirements. Compensation Fund Services. Compensation Fund value chain
and business processes. Stakeholders and customers. Customers service
(Batho Pele Principles). Risk Awareness. COIDA Act, Regulations and Polices.
Human Resource planning procedure. Legislative Requirement: COIDA Act,
Regulations and policies. Public service Act. Occupational Health and safety
Act (OHS). PFMA and National Treasury Regulations. General knowledge of
the public service regulations. Skills: Required Technical Proficiency. Business
Writing skills. Data Capturing. Data and records management. Telephone skills
and Etiquette.
DUTIES : Administer the filling of vacancies for the Fund. Administer HR information
system. Administer recruitment and selection activities. Safe keep HR records.
ENQUIRIES : Mr SV Radzuma/ Ms CL Mashishi Tel No: (012) 406 5723
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to


SALARY : R216 417 per annum

CENTRE : Vryburg Labour Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/ Senior Certificate or Equivalent. No experience required.
Knowledge: National Archive Act. Public Service Regulation. Public Service
Act. Public Finance Management Act. Batho Pele Principles. Record
Management Act. Skills: Communication. Listening. Computer literacy.
Interpersonal. Time Management. Planning and Organizing.
DUTIES : Provide registry counter services. Handle incoming and outgoing
correspondence. Render effective filling and record management services.
Process documents for archiving and/disposal.
ENQUIRIES : Mr MO Maluleke Tel No: (018) 387 8186
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 2040, Mmabatho, 2735 Or
hand delivery to 2nd Floor, Provident House, University Drive, Mmabatho.



SALARY : R216 417 per annum

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 Certificate. Valid Driver’s License required. No experience required.
Knowledge: Public Service Regulation (PSR). Public Service Act (PSA). Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA). National Travel Management Framework.
Asset Management Framework. Fleet Management. Traffic Regulations.
National Treasury Regulations. Labour Relations Act (LRA). Employment
Equity Act (EEA). Basic Conditions of Employment (BCEA). Skills: Problem
Solving. Planning and Organizing. Communication (verbal and written).
Computer Literacy. Report writing. Time management.
DUTIES : Provide fleet administration support service. Render asset management
clerical services. Provide travel and accommodation administration support
service. Provide general clerical support services within the section. Provide
financial administration support services in the section.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Nape Tel No: (012) 337 1578
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF


SALARY : R216 417 per annum

CENTRE : Provincial Office Northern Cape
REQUIREMENTS : Matriculation/ Grade 12/ Senior Certificate. Knowledge: Administrative
procedures relating to an office, Filing and retrieval of documents, Ability to
operate fax machine and a photocopier, Data capturing. Skills: Planning and
Organizing, Communication, Computer Literacy. Behavioural Attributes:
Assertive, Ability to prioritize tasks, Ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Render administration support services for the sub-directorate, Control the
movement of documents and files in the sub-directorate, Provide Supply Chain
Management support in the sub-directorate, Render Human Resources
support services for the sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr IS Vass Tel No: (053) 838 1702
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X5012, Kimberley, 8301 or
hand deliver at Cnr Compound and Pniel Road
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office Kimberley


NO: HR4/4/3/1/PMO/UIF

SALARY : R183 279 per annum

CENTRE : Unemployment Insurance Fund, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. No experience required. Knowledge: Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA). Unemployment Insurance Act (UIA).
Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act (UICA). Promotion of Access to
Information Act (PAIA). Public Service Regulations (PSR). Public Service Act
(PSA). Skills: Negotiation. Analytical. Accuracy.
DUTIES : Reproduce official documentation according to the customer specifications.
Ensure that all photocopy machines, binding machines etc. are in good
condition. Render administrative duties as and when there is a need.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Phoolo Tel No: (012) 337 1757
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF



The Department of Home Affairs is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. It is our
intention to promote representivity (race, gender, disability) through the filling of these positions.
Reasonable accommodation shall be applied for People with Disabilities.

APPLICATIONS : Applications must be sent to the correct DHA address specified; or submitted
on the following the link: Search opportunity name
per Province and town, e.g. mobile officer. Applicants who do not have access
to the internet may submit their applications to the nearest Regional Offices of
the Department of Employment and Labour (Labour Centres); Enquiry related
to the system: and enquiries related to the work
opportunities: (082 886 9627) and (076 983 8905) as well as Call Centre for
system enquiries 086 010 1018. Quoting the relevant reference number, direct
your application to: The Department of Home Affairs Office as follows:
Eastern Cape: Postal Address: Private Bag 7413, King Williams Town, 5600,
Physical address: 11 Hargreaves Avenue, King William’s Town, 5600
Gauteng: Postal Address: Private Bag X108, Braamfontein, 2017, Physical
Address: 3rd Floor, Mineralia Building, Cnr De Beer and De Korte Street,
Braamfontein, 2017
KwaZulu-Natal: Postal Address: Private Bag X 09, Pietermaritzburg, 3209.
Physical address: 181 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg 3209
Limpopo: Postal Address: Private Bag X 9517, Polokwane, 0700. Physical
Address: 89 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699
Mpumalanga: Postal Address: Private Bag X11264, Nelspruit, 1200, Physical
Address: 29 Bester Street, Nelspruit, 1200
Northern Cape: Postal Address: Private Bag X 6073, Kimberley 8300.
Physical Address: Quantum Leap Building, 69 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley,
Western Cape: Postal Address: Private Bag X 9103, Cape Town, 8000.
Physical Address: 4th Floor FairCape Building, 56 Barrack Street, Cape Town,
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024
NOTE : Directions to applicants: Applicants must be submitted on the New Application
for Employment Form (Z.83), obtainable at; Applicants MUST fully
complete the application form; accompanied by a comprehensive CV, citing the
start and end date (dd/mm/yr) and detailed duties of each employment period,
including the details of at least two contactable employment references (as
recent as possible). Applicants for the position of Mobile Officer MUST indicate
the full details of the driver’s licence as well as the Professional Driving Permit,
PDP, these must be valid at the time of submission of the application.
Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit a copy of Identity Document
(ID), a valid driver’s licence, a valid Professional Driving Permit, as well as
copies of the highest qualification/s on or before the day of the interview;
submit, where applicable, evaluated results from the South African
Qualifications Authority (SAQA) for foreign acquired qualifications, and
submitted on or before the closing date. We are looking for committed,
passionate and talented individuals to form part of a new leadership team,
equipped with the right skills to deliver a modern world-class service. If you are
committed to delivering on the National Development Plan’s (NDP’s) priorities,
ascribe the Department’s shared value set, have what it takes to serve the
needs of South African citizens, residents and visitors, and your credentials
meet the requirements of any of the following positions, kindly respond before
the closing date. Selection: in the filling of entry level positions, preference,
where applicable, may be given to unemployed youth / graduates, and / or who
have successfully completed their respective skills development programmes,
who satisfy the inherent requirements of the post and reside within close
proximity to the office where the post is based. Shortlisted candidates for the
position of Mobile Officer will be subjected to an interview, technical and Role
Behaviour Assessments. Candidates considered suitable will be subjected to
employment suitability checks (credit, criminal, citizenship, employment
references and qualification verifications). Appointed persons will be required

to - serve a prescribed probation period; and obtain security clearance
appropriate to the post and within the prescribed timeframe.



This is a re-advertisement, Candidates who have previously applied may re-

SALARY : R308 154 - R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Eastern Cape: Medium Office: Humansdorp Ref No: HRMC 26/24/1 (X1 Post)
Eastern Cape: Medium Office: Cleary Park Ref No: HRMC 26/24/2 (X1 Post)
Eastern Cape: PSP: Stutterheim Ref No: HRMC 26/24/3 (X1 Post)
Gauteng: Medium Office: Heidelberg Ref No: HRMC 26/24/4 (X1 Post)
KwaZulu-Natal: Large Office: Ethekwini Ref No: HRMC 26/24/5 (X1 Post)
KwaZulu-Natal: Medium Office: Kokstad Ref No: HRMC 26/24/6 (X1 Post)
KwaZulu-Natal: Medium Office: Nongoma Ref No: HRMC 26/24/7 (X1 Post)
Limpopo: Large Office: Polokwane Ref No: HRMC 26/24/8 (X1 Post)
Limpopo: Medium Office: Groblersdal Ref No: HRMC 26/24/9 (1 Post)
Limpopo: PSP: Praktiseer Ref No: HRMC 26/24/10 (X1 Post)
Mpumalanga: Medium Office: Mapulaneng Ref No: HRMC 26/24/11 (X1 Post)
Mpumalanga: Medium Office: Mkobola Ref No: HRMC 26/24/12 (X1 Post)
Northern Cape: Large Office: Kuruman Ref No: HRMC 26/24/13 (X1 Post)
Northern Cape: Medium Office: Jan Kempdorp Ref No: HRMC 26/24/14 (X1
Northern Cape: Medium Office: Springbok Ref No: HRMC 26/24/15 (X1 Post)
Northern Cape: Medium Office: Calvinia Ref No: HRMC 26/24/16 (X1 Post)
Northern Cape: Medium Office: Prieska Ref No: HRMC 26/24/17 (X1 Post)
Western Cape: Medium Office: Beaufort-West Ref No: HRMC 26/24/18 (X1
Western Cape: PSP: Vredenburg Ref No: HRMC 26/24/19 (X1 Post)
Western Cape: Medium Office: Vredendal Ref No: HRMC 26/24/20 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Public Administration / Public Management /
Business Administration / Administrative Management / Operations / Human
Resources / Business Management at an NQF Level 6 as recognised by
SAQA. An NQF level 7 qualification in Bachelor of Administration / Business
Administration / B-Tech in or Advanced Diploma in Public Administration /
Public Management / Operations / Human Resources / Business Management
/ Bachelor of Arts and a qualification with majors in Industrial Psychology and
Public Administration will be an added advantage. One (1) year clerical
experience will be an added advantage. Experience in client and customer
service environment will be an added advantage. Sound knowledge of Batho
Pele Principles. A valid driver’s licence (Code 10) and a valid Professional
Driving Permit (PDP). Basic knowledge of Public Service Regulations. Basic
knowledge of the Departmental Legislation and Prescripts (Civic Services).
Basic knowledge of Human Resource Regulatory Framework Knowledge of
Civic Services Operations. Basic knowledge of Civic Services Prescripts.
Required skills and competencies: Communication and sound interpersonal
skills. Time management. Problem solving skills. Planning and organizing.
Supervisory skills. Basic Report writing skills. Basic Computer literacy.
Extensive travelling is required.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for the following specific tasks:
Supervise and administer the daily operations of Civic Services functions within
the Mobile Offices, Identity Document, Birth, Marriage and Death (BMD) and
Passport application processes. Supervise and monitor operations in different
service points. Management of queues for clients visiting the office and daily
operation of the office. Ensure that the Mobile Office is properly maintained and
examined to render services. Perform daily trips and post-trip vehicle
inspections and ensure that the Mobile Unit is in the best safety condition at all
times. Implement effective risk and compliance in line with the relevant
practices. Facilitate the provision of client services to service points. Operate
the specialised equipment in the front and back office as required. Drive the
mobile unit to the required service point and ensure that the mobile unit is set
up at the required location at the scheduled time. Ensure that clients embark
and disembark (i.e. disabled clients) the mobile units where required. Maintain
relationship with various internal and external stakeholders. Comply with

relevant Civic Services frameworks. Supervision of resources (human and
physical) within the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Eastern Cape: Mr S Mapukata Tel No: (043) 604 6418
Gauteng: Mr P Mlangeni Tel No: (011) 242 9039
KwaZulu-Natal: Ms N Tshezi Tel No: (033) 845 5003
Limpopo: Mr J Kgole Tel No: (015) 287 2802
Mpumalanga: Ms N Dlangisa Tel No: (013) 752 2504
Northern Cape: Ms S Botha Tel No: (053) 807 6700
Western Cape: Mr M Pienaar Tel (021) 488 1409



The Office of the Chief Justice is an equal opportunity employer. In the filling of vacant posts, the
objectives of section 195 (1)(i) of the Constitution of South Africa, 1996, the Employment Equity
imperatives as defined by the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act55) of 1998) and the relevant Human
Resources policies of the Department will be taken into consideration and preference will be given to
Women, Persons with Disabilities and youth.

APPLICATIONS : Kimberley: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to:
The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag x5043, Kimberley,
8300. Applications can also be hand delivered to: The High Court, Sol Plaaitjie
Drive, Room B107, Kimberley.
National Office: Midrand: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your
application to: The Director: Human Resources, Office of the Chief Justice,
Private Bag X10, Marshalltown, 2107 or hand deliver applications to the Office
of the Chief Justice, Human Resource Management, 188, 14th Road,
Noordwyk, Midrand, 1685
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024
NOTE : All applications must be submitted on a New Z83 form, which can be
downloaded on internet at / or obtainable from any Public Service
Department and should be accompanied by a recent comprehensive CV only;
contactable referees (telephone numbers and email addresses must be
indicated). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of
the interview following communication from Human Resources. Each
application form must be fully completed, duly signed and initialled by the
applicant. The application must indicate the correct job title, the office where
the position is advertised and the reference number as stated in the advert.
Failure by the applicant to fully complete, sign and initial the application form
will lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process.
Applications on the old Z83 will unfortunately not be considered. Should you
be in a possession of foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Dual citizenship holders must provide the Police Clearance certificate from
country of origin (when shortlisted All non - SA Citizens will be required to
submit a copy of proof of South African permanent residence when shortlisted.
Applications that do not comply with the above mentioned requirements will not
be considered. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability
check (criminal record, financial checks, qualification verification, citizenship
checks, reference checks and employment verification). Correspondence will
be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within
three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right not to
make any appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Applicants who do not
comply with the above-mentioned requirements, as well as applications
received late, will not be considered. Failure to submit all the requested
documents will result in the application not being considered during the
selection process. All shortlisted candidates for Senior Management Service
(SMS) posts will be subjected to a technical competency exercise that intends
to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which be
communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the selection committee will recommend candidates to attend generic
managerial competencies using the mandated Department of Public Service
and Administration (DPSA) SMS competency assessment tools. Applicants
could be required to provide consent for access to their social media accounts.
One of the minimum entry requirements to the Senior Management Service is
the Nyukela Public Service SMS Pre-entry Programme (certificate) which is an
online course, endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). For
more details on the pre-entry course visit: The
successful candidate will be required to complete such prior to appointment.
All successful candidates will be expected to enter into an employment contract
and a performance agreement within 3 months of appointment, as well as be
required to undergo a security clearance three (3) months after appointments.
The Office the Chief Justice (Constitutional Court) comply with the provisions

of Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA); Act No. 4 of 2013. We will
use your personal information provided to us for the purpose of recruitment
only and more specifically for the purpose of the position/vacancy you have
applied for. In the event your application was unsuccessful, the Office of the
Chief Justice will retain your personal information for internal audit purposes
as required by policies. All the information requested now or during the process
is required for recruitment purposes. Failure to provide requested information
will render your application null and void. The Office of the Chief Justice will
safeguard the security and confidentiality of all information you shared during
the recruitment process. Note: OCJ will give preference to candidates in line
with the departmental Employment Equity goals. It is a requirement for
candidates to have the Public Service SMS Pre-Entry certificate (submitted
prior to appointment). For further details, please click on the following link: For
more information regarding the course please visit the NSG website:



SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09). The successful candidate will be
required to sign a performance agreement
CENTRE : Northern Cape Division of The High Court: Kimberley
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate and a Bachelor’s Degree (NQF8) in LLB Degree or a four (4)
year Legal qualification as recognized by SAQA. A minimum of two (2) years’
legal experience obtained after qualification. A minimum of three (3) years legal
research experience. Completed articles will be an advantage. Knowledge of
Electronic Information Resource and online retrieval (Westlaw, LexisNexis,
Jutastat) Skills and Competencies: Excellent research and analytical skills,
Report writing and editing skills, Excellent communication skills (written and
verbal), Problems analysis, solving and planning skills, Computer literacy (MS
Word), Project Management, including planning and organizing ability. Ability
to integrate knowledge from diverse sources. Accuracy and attention to detail,
Interpersonal skills, Ability to work under pressure, Time management skills,
Creative and analytical skills.
DUTIES : Perform all legal duties for the Judges to enable them to prepare judgments.
Research and retrieve all relevant material from all sources in both hard and
electronic formats on legal issues as requested by a Judge. Read all relevant
material and analyze it thoroughly. Discuss all possible variations on a legal
point with colleagues and/or the Judge’s attention, prepare a comprehensive
memorandum on the outcome of the research, Proof read all judgments,
articles, speeches and conference papers with respect to spelling and
grammar. Double-check all references and footnotes on all judgements and
legal articles against the original text to ensure correctness. Correct mistakes
with the assistance of track changes to that the Judge can accept or decline
any proposed changes. Drafting of speeches, legal articles and conference
papers electronic format on legal issues as requested by a Judge. Read all the
relevant material and analyse it thoroughly, Prepare PowerPoint presentations,
perform quasi-judicial functions, Monitoring and bringing to the attention of
Judiciary new developments in law and Jurisprudence. Performing any court-
related work requested to improve the efficiency of the court.
ENQUIRIES Ms S Basson Tel No: (053) 492 3501
Ms L Wymers Tel No: (053) 492 3533
NOTE : Organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the Employment
Equity goals


SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05). The successful candidate will be
required to sign a performance agreement
CENTRE : National Office: Midrand
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate. A three-year National Diploma/Degree in HRM/Public
Administration or equivalent and relevant qualification at NQF level 6 with 360
credits as recognised by SAQA will be an added advantage. A valid driver’s
license Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of PERSAL will be an added
advantage. (shortlisted candidates will be required to submit PERSAL

certificate/results), Knowledge of HRM/D legislation and policies, knowledge
and understanding the concepts of HRD and PMDS. Knowledge and
understanding of the Legislation/ Prescript and framework governing the Public
Service, Knowledge of HRD related standards, practices, processes and
procedure, Batho Pele principles. Communication skills, Problem solving skills,
Project management skills, Analytical skills, Report writing skills, Presentation
skills, Organising and planning skills, Computer literacy (Ms Office).
DUTIES : Provide support to Human Resource Management and Development
processes. Provide administrative services to internal bursaries processes
within OCJ. Administer the departmental induction programme. Provide
administrative support for PMDS. Provide administration for moderation of
performance and implementation of performance incentives. Provide
administrative support service.
ENQUIRIES Technical enquiries: Ms B Mahlangu/Mr M Mbele Tel No: (010) 493 2638/2689
NOTE : Organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the Employment
Equity goals.



The Department of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action employer. Military Veterans, persons from previously disadvantaged (designated) groups
including people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Employment Equity targets of the Department
will be considered in the selection process.

APPLICATIONS : Must be submitted using one of the following options: Post: directed to The
Head of Department: Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs; Private
Bag X0035, Bhisho, 5605, or be Hand delivered to the Cooperative
Governance & Traditional Affairs Foyer at Tyamzashe Building, Phalo Avenue
in Bhisho, or via the provincial e-recruitment system accessible at: and/or at The
Provincial E-Recruitment System is available 24/7 and closes at 23: 59 on the
Closing Date. For any e-Recruitment enquiries, send an email with your ID
Number, your Profile email Address and the Details of your issue to:, do not send your CV to this email, should you do
so, it will be regarded as lost and will not be considered. Technical support is
limited to working hours: (08:00-16:30 Mon-Thurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri).
Applicants are encouraged to use the e-Recruitment System.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024. No late applications will be accepted
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed signed Z83 form
and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB: Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently
not downloadable and therefore not signable; so, applicants who submitted
applications via the e-recruitment system will not be disqualified for an
unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to sign on interview day. Shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications, and other
relevant documents to HR on or before the interview date. Applicants with
foreign qualifications would be required to submit an evaluation certificate from
the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the
interview. Failure to submit all the requested documents will disqualify the
application. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If
you have not been contacted within six (6) months after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Selected
candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record
check, citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study
verification and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will
also be subjected to security clearance processes. Where applicable,
candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates
will be appointed on a probation period of twelve (12) months.
Misrepresentation in the application documents will result in automatic
disqualification and disciplinary action in the event the candidate has already
been appointed. It is the department’s objective to address the Employment
Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line with the Employment Equity Plan
and to achieve equitable representation across race and gender. In filling of
these posts gender equity and people living with disability will be highly
considered. The Department reserves the right to amend / review / withdraw
advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of the department will be well
served. (Females and People with disabilities are also requested to apply and
indicate such in their applications). EE targets of the department will be
adhered to. FOR SMS (Senior Management Service) Posts: In terms of DPSA
Directive on compulsory capacity development, mandatory training, and
minimum entry requirements for members of the Senior Management Level for
SMS appointments, it is a requirement for applicants to have obtained pre-entry
Certificate (Nyukela) as offered by the National School of Government (NSG)
for entry into the SMS posts and the full details can be sourced by following the
link: (the
SMS pre-entry certificate is not a requirement for shortlisting; is submitted prior
to appointment). Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period
of 12/24 months. The competency assessment will be testing generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools.




SALARY : R1 216 824 – R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7)
in Public Management / Administration or relevant qualification. Five (5) years’
experience at a middle management level. Computer literacy Microsoft office
(i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook etc.). Valid Code 8 Drivers’ Licence.
Competencies: Strategic leadership and communication skills. An
understanding of the operational environment of the Department and the
Institution of Traditional Leadership and its service delivery imperatives.
Extensive knowledge of the Traditional Leadership and Public Service
regulatory frameworks, including the Public Finance Management Act,
Treasury Regulations and the Public Service Act and Regulations. Strong
ability to operationally ensure compliance with the legislation and policy
development. Programme and Project Management skills. People
management and empowerment skills. Possess experience in stakeholder
management, negotiation, and corporate governance. Client orientation and
customer focus. Professional report writing skills, facilitation, and co-ordination.
Strong analytical, innovative and lateral thinking abilities. Strong organisational
and conflict management skills.
DUTIES : Ensure overall facilitation and support to Traditional Leadership institutions
(Traditional, Principal and Kings Councils) in the performance of their functions.
Provide advice and information to institution of Traditional Leadership
Institutions. Ensure coordination of information management and institutional
memory for the Institution of traditional leadership. Coordinate and monitor the
functionality of Traditional, Principal and Kings Councils. Ensure the allocated
resources of the Directorate is in line with legislative and departmental policy
directives and comply with corporate governance and planning imperatives.
Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team/directorate produces
excellent work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness. Resolution of
conflicts. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential. Provide the
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities. Oversee development of job description and
implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all
employees in the directorate. Oversee daily employee performance and ensure
timely Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Oversee management,
maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R1 216 824 – R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7)
in Public Administration / Human Resource Management or relevant
qualification. Five (5) years’ experience at a middle management level.
Computer literacy Microsoft office (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook etc.).
Valid Code 8 Drivers’ Licence. SMS pre-entry Certificate is one of the minimum
requirements for SMS positions as indicated under paragraph 10.3 of the
DPSA Directive (the SMS pre-entry certificate is not a requirement for
shortlisting; is submitted prior to appointment). Competencies: Understanding
of the performance management and development system skills. Development
legislation and HR policies.
DUTIES : Provide strategic leadership pertaining to development and planning plus
performance management and development. Response for the development
and implementation of HR policies, plans, and strategy. Manage the
development, maintenance, and implementation of Workplace Skills Plan.
Identify strategic priorities for Training, Learnership, Internship, Induction and
Mentorship programmes with the Department. Manage implementation of
performance management and development system. Provide leadership in
supporting the development of a stronger performance management culture.

Provide guidance and support to staff within the Human Resource Utilisation &
Capacity Development Directorate. Responsible for the Directorate’s budget
and resources in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R1 216 824 – R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7)
in the related field. Five (5) years’ work experience in the middle management
level in the relevant field. Computer Literacy Microsoft office (i.e. Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Outlook etc.). Valid Code 8 Drivers’ Licence. SMS pre-entry
Certificate is one of the minimum requirements for SMS positions as indicated
under paragraph 10.3 of the DPSA Directive (the SMS pre-entry certificate is
not a requirement for shortlisting; is submitted prior to appointment).
Competencies: Knowledge: Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996,
Local Government: Municipal Structures Act,117 of 1998, as amended, Local
Government: Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000, as amended, Public Finance
Management Act, 1999, Local Government: Municipal Finance Act, 56 of 2003
as amended. Public service Act. Provincial Integrated Service Delivery Model
(ISDM). National Development Plan: Vision 2030. Medium –Term Strategic
Framework (2014-2019). Provincial Development Plan. Provincial Medium-
Term Strategic Framework. Outcome 9 Strategic Priorities.
DUTIES : Institutionalize regular reporting and feedback mechanisms from municipalities
and traditional leadership institution to maintain an early warning system.
Conduct customer surveys and facilitate the implementation thereof.
Coordinate the identification and resolution of service delivery problems.
Coordinate the facilitation of training programmes to manage Presidential Hot
Line queries. Render development of policy framework to promote, facilitate
and coordinate rapid response services within municipal areas. Manage
allocated resources of the Sub-directorate in line with legislative and
departmental policy directives and comply with corporate governance and
planning imperatives.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R1 216 824 – R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13)

CENTRE : Head office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7)
in bachelor’s degree in law / relevant equivalent qualification or Public
Administration coupled with legislation drafting certificate (plus SMS Pre-entry
certificate (the SMS pre-entry certificate is not a requirement for shortlisting; is
submitted prior to appointment). Five (5) years’ experience at a middle
management level. Computer literacy Microsoft office (i.e. Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, Outlook etc.). Valid Code 8 Drivers’ Licence. Working in the public
sector environment at a provincial or national level. Legislation drafting
experience will be an added advantage. Competencies: Ability to draft
legislation. Knowledge of the process of law-making. Policy formulation and
drafting. Advanced report writing and analytical skills. Strategic management
and leadership, budgeting, and financial management. Communication and
information management, continuous improvement, citizen focus and
responsiveness. Conflict management, change management, service delivery
innovation, project and programme management, problem solving, planning,
and organizing, decision making, team leadership, communication. Knowledge
of legislation and regulations governing Public Service. Knowledge of
legislation governing Traditional Leadership.
DUTIES : Lead the process of formulation and drafting of legislation related to traditional
leadership. Facilitate stakeholder consultation in the development of provincial
and national legislation related to traditional leadership. Lead the policy
development and policy review related to traditional leadership. Lead the
research on customary law, genealogies, and other related matters. Provide

guidance on the utilisation of archive research. Coordinate awareness
sessions on policy and legislation. Develop standard operating procedures for
policy and legislation development in the Directorate. Manage the staff of the
Directorate. Develop and monitor strategic plans, annual performance plans,
operational plans and financial plans for the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:




SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6/7)
in Disaster Management/Environmental or Social Science/Development
Studies as recognised by SAQA. Three (3) to five (5) years’ experience as an
Assistant Director Level or Junior Management level. Register with DMISA.
Basic Ms Skills with GIS as an added advantage. Driver’s Licence Code 08.
Knowledge of disaster management information systems. Qualification and
knowledge of GIS Application (In Disaster Management Environment).
Competencies: Good understanding of the Disaster Management Legislations.
Applied strategic thinking. Interpersonal skills and conflict resolution. Ability to
work in a team. Project Management. Budget and financial management.
Planning and organizing. Creative thinking. Self–management. Problem
analysis. Meeting Procedures. Report writing. Stakeholder and customer
relationship management principles. Communication skills. Presentation Skills.
DUTIES : Facilitate the information management and communication requirements to
support the Key Performance Areas and Enablers as prescribes in the National
Disaster Management Policy Framework. Maintain a provincial comprehensive
information management system (IMS) and an integrated emergency
communication network (ECN) which establishes communication links with all
disaster risk management role players and compiles with national
requirements. Manage and maintain operational efficiency and functionality of
the provincial disaster management centre’s central communications and
technical operations facilities. Establish, manage and maintain a provincial
disaster management integrated emergency communication network (ECN).
Manage sourcing, analysis, and dissemination of disaster risk management
early warnings. Facilitate and support the development and assessment of risk
profiles and mapping of high-risk areas at the provincial and municipal levels
with the use of relevant GIS applications. Facilitate and manage processes to
collate feedback from various disaster management role-players on impact-
based warnings issued and provide such feedback to agencies such as South
African Weather Systems (SAWS) etc.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela Tel No: (071) 689 6162 for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6/7)
in Real Estate (Property Valuations) as recognised by SAQA. Three (3) to five
(5) years’ working experience as a Valuer in Property Valuations. Registered
as a Professional Associated Valuer or as a Candidate Valuer for more than
three years with South African Council for Property Valuers (SACPVP).
Microsoft Office Application, MS excel, Project and Power-Point. Valid Driver’s
Licence code 8. Competencies: Extensive knowledge of legislation, policies
and practices that affect property valuation Local Government: Municipal
Property Rates Act, 2004 as amended and Property Regulations. Knowledge
and understanding of professional ethics Property Valuers Profession Act of
2000 and its Regulation. Ability to interpret and apply government policies
Public Service Act as amended, PFMA. Analytical and interviewing skills.
Supervisory Skills, Problem solving skills. Knowledge of Geographic

Information Systems. Property Valuation Skills and finance and budgetary
DUTIES : Monitor and guide on compliance and implementation of the Local
Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 as amended (MPRA) by the
Municipalities. Assist in the preparation of Directorate budget, annual
performance, and operational plans.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071)689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6/7)
in BCom Accounting, Management Accounting or Financial Management as
recognised by SAQA. Three (3) to five (5) years’ experience in Management
Accounting at an Assistant Director or equivalent level. Understanding and
application of: Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations,
Treasury Practise Notes, Treasury & DPSA Circular, MTEF budgeting system,
the Basic Accounting System (BAS), Financial Management Principles,
Promotion of Access to information act, Strategic management principles,
Performance management principle, Stakeholder and customer relationship
management principles, Interpersonal skills, Problem solving, Ability to compile
and analyse financial reports, Compile and managing of cash-flows
requirements. Sound communication skills (Written & verbal). Presentation and
report writing skills with sound computer literacy in Microsoft Office application
(Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, ability to use Microsoft Teams) and ability
to use BAS, and interpret PERSAL reports relevant for Budget preparations,
management, and reporting. Bas, PERSAL, Vulindlela, Excel, Word,
PowerPoint, Outlook, and Microsoft teams. A valid driver’s licence code 8.
Budget Compilation and analysis Certificate and SCOA Certificate will be an
added advantage. Competencies: Knowledge and Skills: Computer literacy,
Proficient knowledge of Microsoft packages, Proficiency in English, Time
Management, Interpersonal Skills and Communication, Planning and
organising skills, ability to operate BAS, customer service abilities. Well-
developed skills in financial management and in analysing and understanding
budget matters. Good presentation and report writing skills. Ability to work
under pressure. Proven managerial skills and the ability to liaise at a high level.
Understanding and managing of cash-flows.
DUTIES : Manage the process of monitoring the departmental budget through analysing,
coordinating, and consolidating the departmental annual cash flow projections
in-year. Regularly analysing the expenditure trends and discuss with
Programme Managers with a view of ensuring timeous spending of allocated
budget and offer advice to Programmes. Monitor confirmation of budget
availability to ensure expenditure is within allocated parameters and ascertain
correct allocation of expenditure & that all necessary documents are attached.
Manage the process of preparing, analysing, and consolidating the
departmental IYM report including variance explanation. Manage budget and
expenditure misallocations and the process of identifying necessary journals
for correcting of such. Manage the process of in-year shifting and virements of
funds within / between Programmes and ensure it is accurately accounted for
in BAS, IYM and expenditure reports (pre and posts Adjustment Estimates
period). Contribute to the Adjustment Estimates processes through the
consolidated in-year shifting’s and capturing of the Adjustments into BAS and
ensure assessment of expenditure trends for development of proposal on the
further shifts and virements. Manage the process of developing inputs into the
Appropriation Statements and Notes to Appropriation Statement (NAS) in
relation to budget information for accurate reporting (Quarterly and Annually).
Monitor compliance with financial prescripts and provide advice and guidance
to role players on the use of forecasting methods and tools. Coordinate, review,
analyse and quality assure the budget management reporting processes.
Manage the roll-over and all adjustment estimates processes relating to budget
management. Monitor and manage preparation and submission of all monthly,
quarterly, and annual reports timeously in terms of PFMA. Take charge of the
running of the Cash-Flow reporting processes and liaising with Provincial
Treasury and the Bank in relation to the Cash flow requirements of the

department. Develop and maintain policies, standard operating procedures,
procedure manuals and processes to ensure smooth running of the Sub-
Directorate. Manage the provision of budgetary support services to the
department by attending to budget enquiries promptly, providing training to
departmental officials on budget related issues and providing weekly BAS
reports to programme managers. Manage the allocated resources of the sub-
directorate (Financial and Human) in line with legislative and departmental
policy directives and comply with corporate governance and planning
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical enquiries:

COGTA: 08/05/2024

SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus a three-year undergraduate qualification (NQF
Level 6/7) as recognised by SAQA) in Supply Chain Management/ Finance/
Auditing related qualification. Three (3) to five (5) years’ related experience at
Assistant Director level. Microsoft Power Suite (Excel, word, and PowerPoint).
Drivers licence code B or above. Competencies: Communication skills, Writing
and Presentation Skills, Stakeholder Management Skills, Knowledge
understanding and application of the following prescripts. Public Finance
Management Act, National Treasury Regulations, Preferred Procurement
Regulations, Supply Chain Management Reforms and methodologies in
Supply Chain Management. Sound organizational skills, High level of reliability,
Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel & Power Point). Ability to do research and
analyse documents and situations, good grooming and presentation, Self-
management and motivation, Knowledge of Supply Chain Management
Legislations, Basic Knowledge on Financial Administration is an added
DUTIES : Manage monitoring of compliance or adherence with supply chain
management legislation on procurement transactions. Manage facilitation of
SCM Risk Assessment, advise on possible internal controls to mitigate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


COGTA: 09/05/2024

SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : OR Tambo District Support Centre
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6/7)
in Public Management / Administration Planning / Development Management.
Three (3) to five (5) years working experience as an Assistant Director in an
Intergovernmental Relations related environment or equivalent. Computer
Literacy Microsoft office (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Presentation,
Communication (verbal and written etc.). Valid Code 8 Drivers’ Licence.
Competencies: Presentation, Communication (verbal and written) and report
writing skills.
DUTIES : Promote and facilitate intergovernmental relations as well as municipal inter-
national relations (twining arrangements) where applicable. Monitor and
coordinate the implementation of intergovernmental activities and policies in
municipalities. Assist in the promotion and facilitation of stakeholder relations.
Assist in the promotion of Arrangements / Memorandum of Understanding
between municipalities, sector departments and other relevant stakeholders
within the context of the District Development Model (DDM). Manage and
coordinate district/regional intergovernmental structures. Ensure compliance
with the Local Government Municipal Structures Act (Act No.117 of 1998) and
the Local Government Municipal System Act No.32 0f 2000. Facilitate the
development, consolidation, and submission of written reports. Responsibility
for efficient Management of the sub-Directorate, including the effective
utilisation and the training of staff, Maintenance of discipline and promotion of
sound labour relations and proper use of state property.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Chris Hani District Support Centre
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6/7)
in Public Administration / Public Management. Three (3) to five (5) years
working experience as an Assistant Director in a Public Administration / Local
Government and environment. Computer Literacy Microsoft office (i.e. Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Presentation, Communication (verbal and written
etc.). Valid Code 8 Drivers’ Licence. Competencies: Presentation,
Communication (verbal and written) and report writing skills.
DUTIES : Provide support and drive strategic direction for the district and ensure the
formulation and implementation of policies which will enable the district to
successfully fulfil its role in delivering services to the communities / clients.
Coordinate all departmental and sector programmes in the district related to
Municipalities and Traditional Leadership Institutions. Manage the personnel
and facilitate the process of Performance Management Development System.
Facilitate the development, consolidation and submission of monthly, quarterly,
and annual reports including development and consolidation of annual
performance plan and operational plans. Responsible for efficient management
of the District Support Centre, including the effective utilisation and training of
staff, maintenance of discipline and promotion of sound labour relations and
proper use of stage property. Manage the proper utilisation of budget within the
District Support Centre. Support the implementation of Public Service Act and
regulations of 1994, Municipal Structures Act, Municipal Systems Act, IGR
Framework Act, Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework, SITA and
other relevant Legislations and mandates that are relevant to the department
also governing local government and traditional institutions.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R556 336 – R1 314 666 per annum, (OSD)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus Four (4) year degree in Law (LLB/Proc). Eight
(8) years appropriate post qualification legal experience. Admission as attorney
or advocate of the High Court of South Africa. Computer Literacy (i.e. Ms Excel,
Ms PowerPoint, and Ms Outlook. Valid Code 8 Driver’s Licence. Qualification
in compliance management will be an added advantage. Competencies:
Experience in drafting and vetting of contracts. Experience in drafting of legal
opinions. Experience in litigation management. Experience in compliance
management. Job related knowledge: Knowledge of the various pieces of
legislation administered by the Department. Knowledge of South African Law.
Knowledge of Departmental Policies and Procedures. Ability to apply the law
to a set of facts. Knowledge of performance management. Job related skills:
Ability to research the law. Legal interpretation skills. Communication skills
(verbal and written). Excellent drafting and writing skills. Presentation skills.
Client relations skills. Conflict management skills. Problem solving skills.
Computer skills and Interpersonal skills. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Attend to all litigation matters involving the department in accordance with the
applicable legal prescripts. Vet, comment, and certify policies, contracts, and
agreements. Conduct research and provide legal opinions and general legal
advice. Attend to legislation development processes (workshops,
consultations, public hearings, drafting a bill). Coordinate meetings of
compliance coordinators’ forum to monitor compliance. Raise awareness on
latest legislative developments and conduct legislation advocacy sessions.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho

REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus, an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Real Estate (Property Valuations). Three (3) to five (5) years’ working
experience as Candidate Valuer in the Property Valuation environment.
Registered as Candidate Valuer with South African Council for Property
Valuers (SACPVP). Microsoft Office Application, Ms Excel, Project and Power-
Point. Valid Driver’s licence Code 8. Registration as a Professional Associated
Valuer will be an advantage. Competencies: Knowledge of legislation, policies
and practices that affect property valuation Local Government: Municipal
Property Rates Act, 2004 as amended (MPRA) and Property Regulations.
Knowledge and understanding of professional ethics as a Valuer. Ability to
interpret and apply government policies Public Service Act as amended,
PFMA. Computer skills and problem-solving skills.
DUTIES : Monitor and guide on compliance and implementation of the Local
Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 as amended (MPRA) by the
municipalities. Assist in the preparation of Directorate budget, annual
performance, and operational plans.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


COGTA 13/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 – R532 502 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Management Services, Work Study, Production Management, and Industrial
Psychology. Three (3) to Five (5) years’ experience at a supervisory salary level
7/8 in the field of Organisational Development. Computer literacy. Valid driver’s
License Code 8. A Job Evaluation Certificate will be an added advantage.
Knowledge: Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996). Public Service
Act, 1994. Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 75 of 1997. Public Service
Regulations 2016. Amended 2015 Directive on changes to Organisational
Structures. Competencies: Job Evaluation Principles. Organisational Design
Tool Kit. Principles of organisational Development. Project management
principles. Strategic management principles. Performance management
principles. Diversity management principles. Skills: Research, Report writing,
Negotiation, Interpersonal relations, Communication, Computer literacy,
Analysing, Conflict management, Presentation, Working in a team.
DUTIES : Facilitate development of Service Delivery Model: Conduct service delivery
impact assessment. Identify service delivery gaps. Conduct research on
service delivery best practices. Recommend service delivery model to top
management. Conduct Organisational Development Investigations: Evaluate
work processes. Design workflow. Conduct efficiency / work-study
investigations i.e. method studies and work measurement. Analyse obtained
information and form conclusions. Benchmark with other Departments. Obtain
approval and assist with implementation. Render organisational development
Services. Conduct Job Evaluation Services: Identify jobs to be evaluated.
Consult job incumbents to be evaluated. Conduct interviews with job
incumbents. Develop job descriptions. Analyse information provided by post
incumbents. Capture jobs on the Evaluate system. Present jobs to the
CJEQAC and CJEP. Monitor the implementation of the approved results.
Develop job descriptions. Implement and administer Service Excellence
programmes: Facilitate development of Business Process Mapping. Facilitate
development and review of Standard Operating Procedures. Facilitate the
process of the development and review of service standards and service
delivery improvement plans. Facilitate development of Service Delivery
Charter. Conduct the customer satisfaction survey for the department and
implement relevant strategies based on the results of the survey. Facilitate the
process of the development and review of service standards and service
delivery improvement plans. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the
departmental service excellence programs. Conduct research and interaction
with experts in the field to stay abreast with most recent developments in the
field. Advise management on the value of Service Excellence programmes and
services. Establish appropriate departmental forums and participate and
promote participation in inter-departmental forums. Facilitate the allocated
resources of the Sub-directorate in line with legislative and departmental policy
directives and comply with corporate governance and planning imperatives:

Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team / section produces excellent
work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness. Resolve problems of
motivation and control with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate
functions to staff based on individual potential provide the necessary guidance
and support and afford staff adequate training and development opportunities.
Ensure timeously development of job description and implementation of Work
Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all employees in the Sub-
directorate. Manage daily employee performance and ensure timely
Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure management,
maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


REF NO: COGTA 14/05/2024 (X2 POSTS)

SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Chris Hani District Support Centre
Alfred Nzo District Support Centre
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6) in
Economic/ Development Studies/ Public Management or related field. Three
(3) – Five (5) years’ experience at a supervisory salary level 7/8 in Local
Economic Development or related field. Ms Word, Excel Power-point Ms
Outlook, and Ms Project. Code 08 Drivers licence. Town and Regional Planning
qualification will be an added advantage. Competencies: Project
conceptualisation, planning and management. Report and correspondence
writing skills, development of project concept documents, Development of
budgets and management of cashflows. Proven presentation skills.
DUTIES : Coordinate the roll-out implementation of public employment programme
(Expanded Public Works Programme and Community Work Programme).
Support Public employment participants to establish cooperatives. Coordinate
initiatives targeting the reiteration of small towns and urban areas. Coordinate
the implementation of the Provincial Small Town Development Framework.
Lobby and coordinate strategic stakeholders towards contributing to initiatives
that are targeted at the revitalisation of small towns.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


COGTA 15/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office /Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Communication, Journalism or Public Relations. Three (3) to five (5) years
working experience at a supervisory salary level 7/8 in Corporate
Communication environment. Three (3) years working as a Principal
Communication Officer or equivalent ranks. Experience in Local Government
Communication System, photography, media liaison, news gathering, writing
and social media management. Proficient knowledge of Microsoft packages
Ms Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, Excel, and Outlook. Code 8 Drivers Licence.
Must be prepared to travel throughout the province even on weekends and
public holidays. Desktop publishing skills. Registration with Professional
Bodies will be added advantage. Competencies: Presentation skills,
Photography, Newsgathering and writing, Media liaison, Computer literacy,
Proficiency in IsiXhosa and English, Digital and Social media skills, Knowledge
of online design tools.
DUTIES : Promote the effective implementation of the Local Government Communication
System in Municipalities and Traditional Leadership Institutions. Gather, write,
and edit news articles for internal, external newsletter and any other
departmental publications. Update Social and Electronic Media platforms.
Render translation services as and when required. Advise management on
new media and communication trends. Render photographic and online
services during departmental and government events. Responsible for efficient
management of staff including training, maintenance of discipline, promotion of
sound labour relations and proper use of state property.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162

for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus, an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6)
in Security Management / Policing / Law. Three (3) to five (5) years relevant
experience in security management / services at a supervisory (salary level 7/8
or equivalent). Ms Office and Presentation skills. Valid driver’s licence EB-code
8. Experience in local government environment (Security Management /
Services) will be an added advantage. Competencies: Sound knowledge of
security administration field. Knowledge of POPIA, MISS and MPSS. Contract
management of private security. Investigation skills at all levels. Computer
literacy. Presentation skills.
DUTIES : Assist to manage, develop, implement, align, and review information security
policy and procedures. Ensure that information Security Audit / Appraisal are
conducted at regular intervals. Conduct after hour inspections (office security).
Assist to manage, develop, implement, align, and review document security
procedures and systems. Facilitate the implementation of proper classification
system applying category of information system. Facilitate implementation of
classification system by the security committee. Assist to manage, develop,
implement, and review shredding procedures and processes. Develop and
implement the shredding procedures, to manage the spoilage and wastages of
sensitive materials. Implement audit improvement plan to address to audit
finding. Liaising with Law Enforcement Agencies such as SSA & SAPS.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in
Internal Auditing. Three (3) to Five (5) years working experience at a
supervisory level 7/8. Professional Registration with IIA. Computer Literacy
(with knowledge of Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Teammate Audit Software, and
Internet). Valid Code 8 driver’s license. Knowledge of CIA, IAT, PIA AND CCSA
will be an added advantage. Competencies: Good Communication Skills,
Persuasive Skills, and People Management skills.
DUTIES : Planning of audit projects and conduct preliminary survey for audits. Review
audit working papers on reported points. Review audit reporting points and
compile a report. Review audit files of each project. Attend to administration
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus, an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Development Studies / Public Administration / Public Management. Three
(3) to Five (5) years at supervisory level 7/8 in gender or vulnerable group
space. In-depth understanding and broad knowledge of the mandate / role of
special programmes. Knowledge of international, regional, and national gender
instruments. Ability to analyse and apply gender lens in departmental plans and
programmes. Must demonstrate clear understanding of partnership and
stakeholder management. Have a clear understanding of government planning
process, PFMA and PMDS. Demonstrate good presentation skills. Willingness
to drive long hours. Computer literacy programmes thorough knowledge of
Microsoft Office and Publisher. Valid code 8 Driver’s licence. Working in the
Gender space or Special Programmes field will be an added advantage.
Competencies: Development and operational effectiveness, good people skill

and teamwork, results oriented, self-starter, presentation, and communication
DUTIES : Implementation of gender centred approach in policy, programme, and project
development in the department. Advise and support the department and
municipalities on all matters pertaining to gender inclusion, empowerment,
development, and responsive planning & budgeting. Facilitate gender balance
in development plans of Traditional Council. Monitor, analyse and evaluate
gender mainstreaming in departmental programs. Liaise with provincial,
national, international gender machineries and other relevant stakeholders.
Compile Reports.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Public Admin / Public Management / Development Studies / Youth Studies.
Three (3) to Five (5) years’ experience at supervisory level 7/8 in Youth
Development or in Special Programmes space. Thorough knowledge of youth
legislative frameworks and relevant instruments. Knowledge of Microsoft Office
package. Code 8 valid driver’s licence is essential. Knowledge of operational
planning will be an added advantage. Competencies: Presentation,
Communication, Interpersonal, Negotiation, Decision making, Computer
literacy and Problem solving.
DUTIES : Provide inputs towards the development of departmental policies, strategies &
guidelines to promote youth mainstreaming, empowerment, and development.
Conduct youth analysis to identify gaps and opportunities for targeted
interventions as well as review and provide input into the design of program
activities, ensuring they are youth responsive and inclusive. Initiate and
facilitate implementation of youth mainstreaming developmental programmes
and project as articulated in national and provincial strategic documents.
Support municipalities to develop youth policies, monitor youth mainstreaming
and implementation of youth strategies. Develop monitoring and evaluation
systems for youth mainstreaming and implementation programmes in the
department. Conduct advocacy programmes on youth development
Programmes. Prepare and submit quarterly reports on youth programmes.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Public Administration / Public Management / Office Management / Business
Management or relevant equivalent qualification. Three (3) to five (5) years
working experience in office administration or as a personal assistant.
Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, and
Internet. Valid Code 08 driver’s license. Experience and exposure to a
Traditional Leadership Institution environment will be an added advantage.
Competencies: Knowledge of budget process. Good written and verbal
communication skills. Communication Skills. Leadership skills. Customer
service skills. organisational skills. presentation skills.
DUTIES : Organising meetings on behalf of the Chairperson. Ensure effective document
management and correspondence flow within the office of the Chairperson.
Establish, implement, and maintain effective records management system
within the office of the Chairperson. Oversee administration of the office of the
chairperson. Provide secretariat service for all meetings Chaired by the
Chairperson. Manage and oversee logistics within the office of the
Chairperson. Manage the budget of the Chairperson office. Manage resources
in the office of the Chairperson: Physical, financial, and human. Effective and
efficient stakeholder engagements on behalf of the Chairperson.

ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


COGTA 21/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : OR Tambo District Support Centre
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus, an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Accounting/Financial Administration/Financial Management and Auditing.
Three (3) to five (5) years working experience at supervisory level in the
financial management field. Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms PowerPoint, and Ms
Outlook. Valid Code 8 Drivers’ licence.
DUTIES : Monitor and assist municipalities on update of books of accounts. Verify the
existence and implementation of Credit Control, Debt Management Policy, and
corresponding by-laws. Collect and collate information on billing and collection
levels. Assess the readiness of municipalities in compiling the Annual Financial
Statements, support and monitor compilations of annual financial statements
by the municipalities including after year end reconciliations and adjustments.
Assist in the timely submission of AFS by the municipalities. Assess audit
improvement plans and compile reports.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
for e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Sarah Baartman District Support Centre
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Development Studies / Town Planning and Public Administration or
equivalent qualification. Three (3) to Five (5) years’ working experience in Land
Use Management and Administration. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and
Microsoft PowerPoint. Valid Code 8 Drivers’ Licence. Competencies: Excellent
communication skills. Computer skills. Financial management. Ability to
interpret and advise on SPLUMA and land related matters. Willing to work
under pressure. Ability to work in a team and resolve conflict. Willing to travel.
DUTIES : Monitor and support municipalities to ensure effective Land Use Management
and Administration in line with Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act
16 of 2013 (SPLUMA) and other relevant land related legislations. Manage and
motivate allocated resources to ensure that they align and realise the
Directorates objectives and the Departmental goals. Assist in capacitating
municipalities to administer land use management in line with SPLUMA. Assist
in managing and controlling budget/ cash flow of the respective District in line
with financial prescript, Public Financial Management Act ,1 of 1999 (PFMA).
Support the Directorate to identify, analyse and resolve risks.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R376 413 – R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in
Commerce/Accounting/Financial Management. Two (2) years’ experience at
Supervisory Level 7- or 4 years’ experience at Salary Level 6 at Finance or
Payments environment. Knowledge of Basic Accounting System (BAS) and
LOGIS. Computer skills (MS Word & Excel) Competencies: Knowledge of
Public Service Regulations, Public Finance Management Act, Treasury
Regulations and applicable Circulars/instruction Notes/practice Notes,
Determinations, Financial policies, and Procedures.
DUTIES : Payment of Creditors/Suppliers within 30 days in compliance with Sec. 38(1)(f)
of the PFMA and Treasury Regulations Sec 8.2.3 by Checking and Authorising
payments both manually and on the system (BAS and LOGIS). Compile and
update payment tool on a weekly basis for the compilation of Instruction Note
34 to be submitted to Treasury on a monthly basis. Monthly performance of

Creditor’s Reconciliation and compilation of Accrual and Payable returns.
Revenue Management - ensure that all receipts are compiled,
captured/authorised and day-ended on BAS and all monies collected are
deposited into the bank account of the Department. Staff supervision, give
guidance and training in work related matters and monitoring of exceptions
(Payments & Revenue) and rectification thereof.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R376 413 – R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Joe Gqabi District Municipality
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in
Economics/Developmental Studies/Public Management or related field. One
(1) to Two (2) years working experience at supervisory Salary Level 7- or 4-
years’ experience on Salary Level 06 in related field. Valid Code 8 Drivers
Licence. Project Management will be an added advantage. Competencies:
Microsoft Word, Ms Excel, Power Point, Outlook Project Management and
Office Management skills.
DUTIES : To render office support and practice within Urban and Small-Town
Development. Monitor and support the implementation of EPWP. Provide
support to promote Small Town in development programmes. Provide
administration support maintaining and monitor the implementation of CWP. To
render office support within the MBDS Chief Director in relation to;
Administration process (logistics, filling documents, minutes taking, liaison
activities, report writing, coordinate and compilation of Urban and Small-Town
Development monthly, quarterly, and annual reports). Furthermore, coordinate
the implementation of EPWP including monitoring work conducted, report work
achieved on the EPWP system and the processing of wages for participants.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R376 413 – R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6) in
Communication, Journalism or Public Relations. One (1) to two (2) years
working experience on supervisory Salary Level 7- or 4-years’ experience on
Salary Level 06 in Corporate Communication environment with experience in
photography, media liaison, newsgathering, writing and social media skills.
Proficient knowledge of Microsoft packages Ms word, PowerPoint, Publisher,
Excel and Outlook. Valid Code 8 Drivers Licence. Must be prepared to travel
throughout the province even on weekends and public holidays. Desktop
publishing skills. Registration with Professional Bodies will be an added
advantage. Competencies: Photography, Newsgathering and writing. Online
media monitoring and analysis. Media liaison. Computer literacy. Proficiency in
IsiXhosa and English. Digital and Social Media skills. Knowledge of online
design tools.
DUTIES : Gather and write news articles for internal, external newsletter and any other
departmental publications. Render translation services as and when required.
Perform daily, weekly, and monthly online media monitoring and analysis
services. Create an electronic archive of photographs, media content and
products. Advise management on new media and communication trends.
Render photographic and online services during departmental and government
events. Safe keeping and handling of departmental promotional material and
assets. Perform administrative duties.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R376 413 – R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : OR Tambo Discrict
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Developmental Studies, Social Sciences in Community Development. One
(1) to Two (2) years working experience on supervisory Salary Level 7- or 4-
years’ experience on Salary Level 06 in community/rural development
environment, community planning & facilitation or relevant field. Ms Word, Ms
Excel, Ms PowerPoint. Valid code 8 drivers’ licence (must be able to drive).
Three (3) years’ experience at Salary Level 7 and Rural Development
experience will be an added advantage. Competencies: In-depth knowledge of
role/mandate of traditional leaders in community development as per relevant
legislation. Communication Skills. Presentation skills. Facilitation skills.
Excellent report writing.
DUTIES : Facilitate the involvement of Traditional Leaders in development initiatives.
Facilitate promotion co-operative relations with developmental partners,
Municipalities & Government Departments. Facilitate establishment of
partnerships between traditional leadership institution & government
departments, municipalities, non-governmental organizations and private
sector for the development of traditional communities. Facilitate and coordinate
trainings for developmental programs in Traditional communities. Facilitate
formulation of Development Plans for Traditional Councils. Facilitate the
involvement of donors in traditional community development. Compile written
reports. Understanding of government planning and budgeting.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R376 413 – R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Communication, Journalism, Public Relations, or Marketing. One (1) to Two
(2) years working experience on supervisory Salary Level 7- or 4-years’
experience on Salary Level 06 within communication environment. Microsoft
Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Internet. Valid Code 8 Drivers Licence.
Competencies: Must be able to communicate fluently in any African language
spoken in the Eastern Cape both verbally and in writing (proficiency in IsiXhosa
and English). Experience in Project Management. Sound interpersonal and
teamwork skills are essential. Experience in events co-ordination and
management. Experience in photography and journalistic writing skills.
DUTIES : Develop a communication plan for all House events and programs. Liaise with
internal and external stakeholders’ media for purposes of marketing House
events and programs. Update and upload information in the House webpage.
Write news articles for internal, external and any other departmental
publication. Render photography, and branding services during House events.
Safe keeping and handling of House’s property and equipment. Organize
events of the Provincial House. Perform daily, weekly, and monthly media
monitoring and analysis services. Develop and maintain social media
platforms. Advise management on new communication approaches and
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


COGTA 28/05/2024

SALARY : R376 413 – R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Safety Management or equivalent qualification. One (1) to two (2) years
working experience on supervisory Salary Level 7- or 4-years’ experience on
Salary Level 06 in Occupational Health and Safety Management. Microsoft
Office. Valid Code 8 Drivers Licence. SAMTRAC will be an added advantage.
Competencies: Knowledge of OHS and COID prescripts, legislation,
procedures, and processes. Research and analytical skills; Communication
skills (written and verbal), Ability to access and utilize computer research
programs; Planning and Organising, Accuracy and attention to detail,

Interpersonal Skills, Problem solving skills, ability to work under pressure,
ability to work independently and Language proficiency.
DUTIES : Develop, implement, and maintain all programs related to health and safety in
the company to ensure compliance with all statutory requirements and achieve
certification. Coordinate hazard identification and risk assessment for the
department. Ensure the risk register and risk assessment are reviewed and
updated. Conduct quarterly OHS audits for the department to ensure
deviations are resolved for all audits. Facilitate the management of injury on
duty, liaising with the department of Employment and Labour and other relevant
stakeholders. Identify all health and safety training needs and schedule this
training liaising with HRD to ensure training records are maintained. Facilitate
the sitting of OHS Committee, manage the requirements of the First Aiders and
Fire Marshals. Coordination and manage communication on OHS in the
department and by distributing IEC materials on personal hygiene. Take the
lead in all workplace incident/ accident investigations. Perform any other work-
related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by management from
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


COGTA 29/05/2024

SALARY : R376 413 – R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Human Resource Management / Labour Law or qualification in the related
field. One (1) to Two (2) years’ working experience at supervisory Salary Level
7- or 4-years’ experience at Salary Level 06 in Labour Relations. Microsoft
Word, PowerPoint, Excel Microsoft outlook. Valid Code 8 Drivers’ Licence.
Competencies: Presentation skills, Interpersonal skills, Conflict resolution
capabilities and confidentiality and Data Capturing. Knowledge of PERSAL,
Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations Act, Labour Relations Act,
PSCBC & GPSSBC resolutions, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Public
Finance Management Act and Employment Act.
DUTIES : Facilitate and render training and workshops on labour relations. Facilitate
proper administration of discipline and grievance procedures. Render advisory
services to supervisors and employees to enhance service delivery. Facilitate
and represent the department in all grievance and dispute resolution meetings.
Implement outcomes of discipline, dispute resolutions and grievance hearings.
Facilitate and administer the relationship process between management and
organized labour. Compilation of monthly and quarterly reports.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:

COGTA 30/05/2024

SALARY : R376 413 – R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Public Administration / Public Management / Human Resource Management
/ Legal Qualification. One (1) to two (2) years’ working experience in the public
service. Computer literacy and competency of Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms
PowerPoint, and Ms Outlook. Valid Code 8 Driver’s Licence. Relevant
experience in Labour Relations or Human Resource Management will be an
added advantage. Competencies: Advanced ability to independently use MS
Excel (create formulas, develop graph), MS PowerPoint. Good Communication
(verbal and written) skills with reasonable proficiency in English. Competency
to organise meetings and minutes taking. Honesty and Integrity.
DUTIES : Provide support and administration to the directorate. Coordinate, support, and
provide assistance to the District Support Centres for capacity building
interventions. Administer all information regarding the support in HRP of
Municipalities. Provide office assistance in compiling all Labour Related
matters. Submit all recruitment of municipal senior managers and waiver
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162

e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SYSTEM) REF NO: COGTA 31/05/2024

SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) in
Finance/Logistics/Financial Information System or any other related
qualification with relevant experience as a Syscon or Logis Training
environment. One (1) to Two (2) years’ working experience in SCM. Valid Code
8 Driver’s Licence. Competencies: Knowledge of the PFMA, Treasury
Regulation, Framework for Supply Chain Management, PPPFA and other
relevant transversal systems (e.g., Logis, BAS) will serve as an advantage.
Logis system controllers’ certificate, good leadership, and communication
(verbal and written) skills. Presentation and Budgeting Skills. Computer
DUTIES : Act as Logis Systems Controller. Create Logis Infrastructure. Manage user
accounts. Provide technical assistance to cost centres, SCM, Finance. Draw
reports and interpret financial data. Create contract information and link to ICN
and Logis supplier number. Develop Logis training needs. Provide one and one
mentoring to all Logis users. Identify Logis Systems security risks and provide
deterrents if possible. Prepare and submit monthly and quarterly reports to
Director SCM, CFO and Provincial Treasury on user accounts.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Supply Chain Management / Finance relevant qualification. Two (2) years
working experience in Supply Chain Management environment. Knowledge of
tender committee duties. Microsoft Power Suit (Excel, word, and PowerPoint).
Valid Code 8 Driver’s licence. CIPS Membership will be an added advantage.
Competences: Report writing and listening skills. Computer Literacy (Ms Word,
Excel & PowerPoint). Ability to work effectively with officials across all levels
within the Department. Good teamwork skills. Excellent communication skills
(written and verbal). Ability to work under pressure. Good telephone and e-mail
etiquette. Knowledge and understanding of PFMA, PPPFA and all applicable
legislation as well as their application in the work environment. Good financial
management and presentation skills. Understanding of the Supply Chain
Management process and policies.
DUTIES : Access compliance with the SCM legislation requirements on all procurement
transaction. Assists facilitate SCM Risk Assessment, advise on possible
internal controls to mitigate the identified risks and monitor the implementation
and maintenance of the actions. Report on Supply Chain Management
Performance. Report on deviations or transactions sourced in any other ways
and maintain the relevant register. Assist in gathering information and
responding to audit queries. Willing to work irregular hours.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6)
in Public Administration / Public Management / Internal Audit / Office
Management / Management. One (1) to two (2) years working experience in
administration within Strategic Planning / Monitoring & Evaluation. Computer
literacy (Ms Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Experience within strategic

planning / monitoring & evaluation in Local Government will be an added
advantage. Competencies: Analytical skills, Report writing, Presentation skills,
Proficient knowledge of Microsoft packages, Time Management, Interpersonal
Skills and Communication. Proficiency in English, Organizational and Office
planning skills, Ability to operate other office equipment and customer service
DUTIES : Facilitate the smooth running of the Chief Director’s Office. Facilitate the
availability of all office records. Assess incoming correspondence and distribute
it accordingly. Type correspondence delegated by Chief Director. Provide the
coordination of submissions from directorates. Provide support in budget
monitoring. Provide support in the coordination of meetings. Arrange travel and
accommodation for the Chief Director. Procurement of office supplies,
stationery, cleaning material.
ENQUIRES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994.per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Head Office / Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification bachelor’s
degree (NQF level 6) in Internal Auditing. One (1) to two (2) years working
experience. Professional Registration with IIA. Computer literacy programmes
must possess the following skills (Knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Teammate Audit Software and Internet). Valid driver’s license. Knowledge of
CIA, IAT, PIA and CCSA an added advantage. Competencies: Good
communication skills, analytical, problem-solving persuasive skills, and people
management skills. Microsoft Office Suite (especially Excel, Word, and
PowerPoint) Teammate.
DUTIES : Payment of Creditors/Suppliers within 30 days in compliance with Sec.38(1)(f)
of the PFMA and Treasury Regulations Sec 8.2.3 of Checking and
Authorisation of payments both manually and on the system (BAS and LOGIS)
to ensure that suppliers are paid within 30 days from the receipt date of the
invoices as required by section 38(1)(f) of the PFMA and 8.2.3 of Treasury
Regulations. To ensure that Revenue is collected and allocated correctly by
ensuring that all receipts are captured, day-ended, confirmed on BAS. All
monies collected are deposited into the bank account of the Department and
paid over monthly to Provincial Treasury. Ensure that Creditors Reconciliation
is performed on a monthly basis. Attend and prompt replier to Audit quires
raised for both sections (Payments & Revenue). Supervision of staff and give
training/guidance on work related matters.
ENQUIRES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


COGTA 35/05/2024 (X3 POSTS)

SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus an undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 6).
Two (2) years working experience as a Senior Admin Clerk or equivalent at
Asset Management. Microsoft Power Suit (Excel, word, and PowerPoint). Valid
Code 8 Driver’s licence. Knowledge of SCM prescripts i.e. Treasury
Regulations, Practise Notes PFMA etc will be an added advantage.
Competences: Ability to work with people and under pressure.
DUTIES : Assist in maintenance of asset and loss register for the department. Conduct
asset verification annually. Manage and maintain the departmental assets.
Perform administrative functions. Supervision of personnel.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R255 450 - R300 912 per annum (Level 06)

: Ingquza Hill Local Municipality: Ward 4, Ward 14 & Ward 30 Ref No: COGTA
36/05/2024 (X3 Posts)
: Intsika Yethu Local Municipality: Ward 2 & Ward 16 Ref No: COGTA 37/05/2024
(X2 Posts)
Umzimvubu Local Municipality: Ward 3 & Ward 7 Ref No: COGTA 38/05/2024
(X2 Posts)
Buffalo City Metro Ward 22 & Ward 50 Ref No: COGTA 39/05/2024 (X2 Posts)
Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality: Ward 5 Ref No: COGTA 40/05/2024
Mbizana Local Municipality: Ward-5 Ref No: COGTA 41/05/2024
Koukama Local Municipality: Ward-5 Ref No: COGTA 42/05/2024
Nyandeni Local Municipality: Ward-19 Ref No: COGTA 43/05/2024
Cacadu: Nelson Mandela Bay Metro Ref No: COGTA 44/05/2024 (X2 Posts)
Elundini Local Municipality Ref No: COGTA 45/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus National Higher Certificate/Diploma (NQF
Level 5). One (1) to Two (2) years relevant experience. Code 8 driver’s license.
Computer literacy. Competencies: Knowledge of the Community Development
Facilitation and Community participation process at Municipal level.
Understanding of government programmes and projects must be able to
interpret government policy to communities, good working relations with the
community. Positive attitude towards public. Team building skills, conflict
management and interpersonal skills. Creative thinking and innovative,
communication and interpersonal skills. Creative thinking and innovative,
communication and interpersonal skills: This refers to the ability to
communicate effectively and in an understandable way without defeating the
purpose of communication. Cultural Sensitivity: Being able to respect the
culture, values and customs of the community, recognising the important role,
cultural, historical and social factors play as an integral part of balance
development. Adult educational skills: being able to teach experientially using
participatory techniques. Programming and development skills: The ability to
plan, manage, implement, monitor and evaluate programmes in a wide array
of developmental disciplines such as water supply, agriculture, infrastructure
development, health, education, social development, environment protection,
forestry, transport, housing, sport and recreation. Personal Attributes: self –
motivation, flexibility and ability to work in a team on participatory projects.
Added advantages: Computer literacy, research skills, a valid code 8 (EB)
drivers’ licence.
DUTIES : Disseminate government and other information to community members in a
timely and equitable manner. Listen and receive feedback and directing this
appropriately to providers. Supervise work teams of volunteers or community
members involved in community projects such as those employed on public
works programmes. Assist Communities in understanding government
programmes, developing and submitting Integrated Development Plans to
municipalities and other spheres of government or donors. Coordinate inter-
departmental programmes and encourage improve integration. Maintain
ongoing and liaison and collaboration with various community-based
organisations and other cadres of community- based workers. Promote the
principles of Batho Pele and community participation. Alert communities and
other services providers to problems and delays in the delivery of basic
services. Assist in the implementation of government programmes and
projects. Liaise and advocate on behalf of communities with government
parastatals, NGO and private sector donors, monitor and evaluate the
development impact government projects and programmes have on
communities and submit a report to the relevant structures of government
(local, provincial and national). Assist local communities in dealing with the
HIV/AIDS pandemic by intensifying education and awareness on HIV related
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


NO: COGTA 46/05/2024

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus National Higher Certificate/ Diploma (NQF
Level 5) with no experience. Microsoft word, Excell, Typing. Valid Code 8
Drivers Licence. Familiarity with Multi-Telephone System will be an added

advantage. Competencies: Communication Skills. Customer service oriented.
Problem solving Skills. Organising abilities. Interpersonal Skills. Multitasking.
DUTIES : Serves and welcome visitors. Notify personnel of visitor arrival. Taking
Messages to appropriate staff. Direct visitors by maintaining employee
directories. Handling queries. Maintains security. Maintain telecommunications
system. Overseeing office services.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Maluti Region: Hlubi Traditional Council & Makhoba Traditional Council Ref No:
COGTA 47/04/2024 (X2 Posts)
Dalindyebo Region: Gcuwa Traditional Council, Nqanda Traditional Council &
Baziya Traditional Council Ref No: COGTA 48/05/2024 (X3 Posts)
Western Thembuland Region: Qwebeqwebe Traditional Council Ref No:
COGTA 49/05/2024 (X1 Post)
Rharhabe Region: Anta Traditional Council & Imingcangathelo Traditional
Council Ref No: COGTA 50/05/2024 (X2 Posts)
Gcaleka Region: Tyhali Traditional Council Ref No: COGTA 51/05/2024 (X1
Nyandeni Region: Ncumbe Traditional Council Ref No: COGTA 52/05/2024 (X1
Qaukeni Region: Bhala Traditional Council, Bomvini Traditional Council &
Mtshayelo Traditional Council Ref No: COGTA 52/05/2024 (X3 Posts)
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus National Higher Certificate/ Diploma (NQF
Level 5) with no experience. Computer literacy Microsoft Office (i.e. Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook etc. Valid Code 8 Driver’s License. Preference will
be given to applicants residing in the area of jurisdiction of the Traditional
Councils. Competencies: Communication skills. Understanding of Traditional
Leadership Institution. Client orientation and customer focus. Report writing
skills, facilitation, and co-ordination.
DUTIES : Coordinate meetings between Traditional Council and other stakeholders.
Coordinate Traditional Council meetings. Provide secretarial support in
meetings of Traditional Councils. Promote cooperative governance between
Traditional Council, Municipalities, and other stakeholders. Facilitate
involvement of Traditional Councils in identification of community needs and
involvement of traditional community in development or amendment of
integrated development plan of the municipality under the jurisdiction of the
Traditional Council. Facilitate participation of Traditional Council in
development of policies and by-laws at local level. Facilitate and coordinate
meetings of the Traditional Council with Traditional Community. Promote
compliance by Traditional Leaders and Traditional Council members with all
available pieces of legislation and policies. Manage finances including cash
management of Traditional Council the funds, financial statements, monthly
returns, vouchers for payment, compilation of estimates of revenue and
expenditure. Manage records/documents of Traditional Councils.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus National Higher Certificate/Diploma NQF level
5 in HRM/ Public Admin/ Public Management or any other relevant
qualification. Computer literacy, Introduction to PERSAL Certificate and Leave
Management Certificate will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Facilitate payment of Housing Allowance, S&T Claims, process pensions on
PCM, capture leaves of absence on PERSAL, auditing of Attendance
Registers, terminate employees on PERSAL System.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:

NO: COGTA 55/05/2024

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Head Office Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus National Higher Certificate/Diploma NQF level
5 in Public Management/ Public Administration/Social Science or relevant
qualification with no experience. Microsoft Word, Excel, email, BAS system,
and PERSAL system. Competencies: Good interpersonal skills. Basic
Communication skills (Verbal and Written). Knowledge of Traditional
Leadership Institutions will be an added advantage. Good organizational skills
and ability to maintain high level of confidentiality. Knowledge of Public Service
Prescripts including PFMA and Treasury Regulations.
DUTIES : Compile claim forms, calculate and submit to the Supervisor. Compile list and
capture claims on the System. Filing of claims documents. Assist in
coordination of House programs/events.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


REF NO: COGTA 56/05/2024

SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus National Higher Certificate/Diploma NQF level
5 with no experience. Computer Literacy programmes: Microsoft word,
PowerPoint, Excel, email and internet. Code 8 Drivers license will be an added
advantage. Competencies: Administrative skills, accuracy and attention to
detail, good verbal and written communication, ability to work in a team,
customer service excellence and report writing.
DUTIES : Arrange travelling and accommodation for the members of the committee and
occasionally travel with the chairperson of the committee to render
administrative support. Liaise with the chairperson of the committee and
committee members in relation to the programs of the committee. Ensure on
submission of claims on behalf of committee members. Minute taking in
committee meetings, develop reports and action plans of the committee.
Ensure implementation of action plans in line with the budget. Responsible for
the sub directorate register and analyse expenditure patterns.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Head Office, Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus National Higher Certificate/Diploma NQF level
5 with no experience. Microsoft Office (i.e. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
PowerPoint, Email, Internet). Valid Code 8 driver’s license (will be an added
advantage). Competencies: Customer service skills. Organisational skills.
DUTIES : Answering, screening phone calls and refer to relevant offices. Receive and
attend to clients visiting the institution and direct clients to relevant office. Will
be responsible for correspondence management of the institution. Perform
clerical duties such as photocopying, faxing documents, maintain reception
equipment and report malfunctions. Provide necessary administrative support
when required.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R155 148 – R182 757 per annum (Level 03)

CENTRE : Head Office, Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Abet Level 4 or NQF level 1 – 3 with no experience. Valid Code 10 Drivers’
Licence with PDP. Senior Certificate will be an added advantage.

DUTIES : Maintain accurate and up-to-date schedule trip sheets i.e. log official trips, daily
mileage, fuel consumption. Perform daily trip and post-trip vehicle inspections
to ensure that the vehicle is always in the best condition. Handle routine and
ad-hoc administrative tasks relevant to the execution of the function. Collect,
distribute, and control movement of documents. Report incidents and accidents
timeously and compile vehicle condition reports and other records required by
Management. Ensure that minor/major vehicle maintenances are carried out.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


REF NO: COGTA 59/05/2024

SALARY : R131 265 – R154 626 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Head Office, Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Abet Level 4 or NQF level 1 – 3 with no experience. Competencies: Good
Communication skills. Basic Communication skills. Basic cleaning skills.
DUTIES : Cleaning and maintenance of HTL Building. Collecting of refuse bags within
the building. Lifting and moving of heavy such as office furniture. Assist in HTL
events as directed by the supervisor. Cleaning of government vehicles
allocated to HTL.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Mabusela at (071) 689 6162
e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries:


APPLICATIONS : Must be submitted using one of the following options: Post: The Recruitment
Centre, Community Safety P/Bag X0057, Bisho 5605, OR Hand Deliver: The
Department of Community Safety, Corner Independence Avenue & Circular
Drive, Bhisho, ERF 5000 Building, 5605 OR use the provincial e-Recruitment
System accessible at: and/or at, and/or The Provincial e-
Recruitment System is available 24/7 and Closes at 23: 59 on the Closing Date.
For any e-Recruitment enquiry, send an email with your ID Number, your Profile
eMail Address and the Details of your issue to:,
should you send your CV to this eMail address, it will be regarded as lost and
not be considered. Technical support is limited to working hours: (08:00-16:30
Mon-Thurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). Applicants are encouraged to use the e-
Recruitment System.
FOR ATTENTION : Ms B. Mndindwa or Ms L. Mazwi
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024. No late applications will be accepted
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly complete New Z83 form (effective 01
January 2021) obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at Applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must
submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB:
Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently not downloadable and therefore
not signable; so, applicants who submitted applications via the e-recruitment
system will not be disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to
sign on interview day. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications, and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
interview date. Applicants with foreign qualifications would be required to
submit an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA) on or before the day of the interview. Failure to submit all the requested
documents will disqualify the application. Correspondence will be limited to
short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within six (6)
months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Selected candidates will be subjected to a
personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification,
financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous
employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected
to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. Misrepresentation in the application
documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the
event the candidate has already been appointed. It is the department’s
objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line

with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable representation
across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity and people living
with disability will be highly considered. The Department reserves the right to
amend / review / withdraw advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of
the department will be well served. (Females and People with disabilities are
also requested to apply and indicate such in their applications). EE targets of
the department will be adhered to. It is the intention of the Department to
promote representative through the filling these positions. The candidature
from the designated groups especially women and people with disabilities will
receive preference.



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate and appropriate bachelor’s degree/Diploma (NQF
Level 6/7) in Human Resource Management or Industrial Relations / Labour
Law. A minimum of 3 years of relevant experience at supervisory level 7/8.
PERSAL introduction and PERSAL in Labour Relations Sound knowledge of
labour legislation and prescripts within Public Sector domain. competence:
Sound Knowledge of LRA, BCEA, PSA, PSR, Collective Agreements and
Policies in the Public Service. Sound conflict Management and communication
skills. Good organisational and interpersonal skills. Computer literate (MS
Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and Outlook). Good communication skills
(written and verbal). Strategic thinking and meticulous record keeping.
Willingness to travel and a valid driver’s licence is essential.
DUTIES : Investigate misconduct cases and compile investigation reports. Management
of Discipline, represent the Department during a formal disciplinary hearing,
provide advice on informal disciplinary hearings and ensure the implementation
of disciplinary sanctions. Investigate or coordinate all grievances and
complaints lodged by employees in the Department. Represent or coordinate
the representation of the Department in all disputes referred to the Public
Service Sectoral Bargaining Council/General Public Service Sectoral
Bargaining Council and Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration.
Attend Departmental Multi-Lateral Labour Forums in the Province and
Department. Manage labour related information and records within the
Department. Monitor precautionary suspensions and appeals in the
Department. Render advisory services to management and employees on
dispute prevention and resolution. Monitor and evaluate labour relations trends
in the region. Facilitate training and advocacy on labour relations matters
across the Department. Ensure compliance on capturing of cases on PERSAL.
Provide monthly and quarterly reports to the relevant structure of governance.
Management of strike and compile circulars on the management of strike
actions; Monitor and evaluate the implementation, review, and the
development of the Departmental labour related policies. Administer the
appointment of Presiding Officers and Investigation Officers.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. B. Mndindwa / Ms. L.Mazwi at 079 284 6709
For e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries email to:


DOCS: 02/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate (NQF Level 4) and National Diploma (NQF Level
6/7) in Human Resource Management/ B Admin/ Public Management with at
least 3 years relevant working experience in HRM at supervisory level or SL7/8.
Successful completion of the PERSAL Controllers, PERSAL Establishment
and Leve Administration Course. A valid Code 08 driving license is essential.
Knowledge of Human Resource Management Governing Prescripts, PERSAL
System Skills and Competencies: Human Resource Management Systems
(PERSAL), Human Resource Records Management, Strategic Partner,
Change Management, Administrative Partner, Employee Champion, People
Management, Problem Solving.

DUTIES : Administer, recruitment, selection, and appointment process: Assist in the
development of an Annual Recruitment Plan and facilitation of the
advertisement of posts. Manage and provide professional advice to line
functions on the Recruitment & Selection policies, systems, regulations,
guidelines and other relevant prescripts. Manage the process of receiving of
applications, recording and safe keeping of them. Provide secretariat services
in recruitment and selection panels. Administer personnel suitability checks
and facilitate competency assessments and advise management on outcomes.
Administer confirmations of appointment and personnel utilization, mobility
through transfers, translations in rank, promotions and secondments. Monitor
PERSAL user access and provide support to users. Facilitate the registration
of System Change control. Monitor faulty/rejected transactions to be
implemented on PERSAL. Monitor the PERSAL exception reports. Perform
reconciliation on the post establishment. Ensure the confirmation of vacant,
funded and filled posts with the OD and People Acquisition. Create
components and sub-components, abolish, and amend posts on PERSAL.
Monitor the responsibility and objectives of information (costing) on the
components. Monitor and maintain the post establishment and ensure
alignment with organisational structure. Draft and consolidate monthly post
establishment report and submit to Line Managers. Analyse PERSAL trends,
prepare recommendations and present outcomes to Line Managers. Request
different PERSAL reports (i.e. housing, qualification report, union report etc.)
Manage the opening and closing of centralized PERSAL codes and also
register and recommend SCCs for the Department. Monitor responsibility and
objective information to ensure correct interference between PERSAL and
BAS. Ensure the linking of correct responsibility, job titles and occupational
categories. Ensure alignment between organisational structure, PERSAL
establishment and cost of employee budget. Facilitate the processing of
service Terminations: Ensure that all employees are admitted to Pension Fund.
Ensure that the nomination forms are updated continuously in files. Conduct
exit interviews. Compile the retiring memorandum to HOD. Ensure the
processing of exit service Terminations. Facilitate the processing of Leave.
Authorize Leave transactions. Reconcile leave files with PERSAL. Compile
PILLAR reports and submit to Allexander Forbes. Communicate Allexander
Forbes results to relevant officials. Facilitate the processing of Service benefits:
Align Long service award list with PERSAL. Compile and submit the IOD
document to the Department of Employment and Labour. Manage Human
Resource Personnel Records: Ensure that employee personal files are
updated regularly to keep them up to date. Ensure that there is proper filing
system for the personnel registry. Manage the safe keeping and movement of
employee personal files Facilitate and monitor HR Registry team and functions
linked to HR Registry.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. B. Mndindwa / Ms. L.Mazwi at 079 284 6709
For e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries email to:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate (NQF Level 4), Diploma (NQF Level 6) / Degree in
Accounting/ Finance or equivalent with 1-2 years relevant experience in payroll
and salaries. A valid Code 08 driving license is essential. Knowledge of
government systems (BAS and PERSAL). Understanding of relevant
government prescripts and financial administration processes (Public Finance
Management Act and Treasury Regulations). Computer literacy. Good
communication skills, Interpersonal skills and Customer care.
DUTIES : Perform monthly BAS- PERSAL reconciliation. Approving and authorizing all
salary related allowances and deductions on PERSAL. Submission of all SARS
related PAYE matters and returns, including e-Filling reconciliation.
Management of payroll. Ensure that all pay-overs are posted to the relevant
beneficiaries. Store all files and up to date record keeping safely; in accordance
to set policies and procedures. Attend to salary related queries. Check and
verify banking details before payment. Ensure record keeping and filing of
salary related documents. Supervision of personnel.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. B. Mndindwa / Ms. L.Mazwi at 079 284 6709
For e-Recruitment Technical Enquiries email to:

(DEDEAT) in the Eastern Cape is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

APPLICATIONS : Must be submitted only via the provincial e-Recruitment system available at: and/or at The system is
available 24/7 throughout and closes at 23:59 on the closing date. To report
any challenges pertaining e-Recruitment System, send an email with your ID
Number, your profile e-Mail Address and the details of the issue to:; do not submit any CVs to this email address,
should you do so, your application will be regarded as lost and will not be
considered. Technical support is limited to working hours: (08:00-16:30 Mon-
Thurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). no hand-delivered/ no emailed / no faxed / no
posted applications will be accepted.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024. No late applications will be accepted
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed signed Z83 form
and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB: Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently
not downloadable and therefore not signable; so, applicants who submitted
applications via the e-recruitment system will not be disqualified for an
unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to sign on interview day. Shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications, and other
relevant documents to HR on or before the interview date. Applicants with
foreign qualifications would be required to submit an evaluation certificate from
the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the
interview. Failure to submit all the requested documents will disqualify the
application. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If
you have not been contacted within six (6) months after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Selected
candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record
check, citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study
verification and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will
also be subjected to security clearance processes. Where applicable,
candidates will be subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates
will be appointed on a probation period of twelve (12) months.
Misrepresentation in the application documents will result in automatic
disqualification and disciplinary action in the event the candidate has already
been appointed. It is the department’s objective to address the Employment
Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line with the Employment Equity Plan
and to achieve equitable representation across race and gender. In filling of
these posts gender equity and people living with disability will be highly
considered. The Department reserves the right to amend / review / withdraw
advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of the department will be well
served. (Females and People with disabilities are also requested to apply and
indicate such in their applications). EE targets of the department will be
adhered to.



SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, B-degree (NQF level 7) in Risk Management /
Internal Audit/ Financial Accounting or equivalent qualification. 3 - 5 years
relevant experience at ASD level. Post Graduate qualification will be an added
advantage. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are required:
Creative Thinking, Citizen Service Orientation Definition, Decision Making,
Diversity Citizenship, Organisational Communication Effectiveness, Problem
Analysis, Self-Management, Team Membership, Technical Proficiency,
Computer literacy, Time Management, Planning and Organizing. Eastern Cape
Consumer Protection Act. Consumer Protection Act etc. Public Finance
Management Act. Public Service Act, Treasury Regulations. A valid driver’s
DUTIES : Manage, coordinate the provisioning SCM pre-audit transactions and
compliance assurance practices, and supervision of vendor verification
processes. Supervise expenditure pre-audit transactions. Develop and provide
technical support to strengthen internal control measures. Participate in

internal risk assessment processes. Supervise the allocated resources of the
Sub-Directorate in line with legislative and departmental policy directives and
ensure compliance with corporate governance and planning imperatives.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: White Female/PWD



SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, B Degree (NQF level 7) in Financial Management/
equivalent qualification. 3 - 5 years relevant experience at ASD level. Post
Graduate qualification will be an added advantage. The following skills,
knowledge and attributes are required: Creative Thinking, Citizen Service
Orientation Definition, Decision Making, Diversity Citizenship, Organisational
Communication Effectiveness, Problem Analysis, Self-Management, Team
Membership, Technical Proficiency, Computer literacy, Time Management,
Planning and Organizing. Public Finance Management Act. Public Service Act.
Treasury Regulations. SCM Guidelines / Framework, Treasury Regulations. A
valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provide technical assistance with the development and maintenance of the
departmental financial management system in line with legislative, treasury
and generally accepted accounting standards. Manage and direct the
processing of salary pay-over reconciliations and transactions. Manage and
oversee the maintenance of the departmental financial management
information system. Manage the administration of banking and reconciliation
processes. Manage the allocated resources of the Sub-Directorate in line with
legislative and departmental policy directives and ensure compliance with
corporate governance and planning imperatives.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Coloured Female/PWD


NO: DEDEAT/2024/05/03

SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, B Degree (NQF level 7) in Economics, Business or
Development Studies. 3-5 years relevant experience at ASD level. Post
Graduate qualification will be an added advantage. The following skills,
knowledge and attributes are required: Advanced Computer Literacy, Financial
Management, Programme & Project Management, Strategic Capability &
Leadership, Knowledge Management, Problem Solving, Computer literacy,
Communication skills and corporate governance. A valid driver’s license
DUTIES : Develop policies, guidelines, norms and standards. Manage the promotion and
coordination of integrated economic development, and governance. Monitor
and evaluate economic development activities, business regulation and
governance. Ensure management of capacity building programmes. Facilitate
promotion, protection and enforcement of consumer rights. Manage and
perform administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: African Female/PWD



SALARY : R580 551 – R664 095 per annum, (OSD). Appropriate salary will be determined
according to the regulatory Framework (based on OSD)
CENTRE : OR Tambo Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/04
Joe Gqabi Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/05
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, 4-year (NQF level 7) degree or equivalent
qualification in Natural Sciences/Environmental Management/ Nature

Conservation/Environmental Law or related field. 6 years relevant experience.
The following skills, knowledge and attributes are required: Knowledge of and
experience in the environmental and waste management field; Computer
literacy and skills; Good written and communication skills; Knowledge of
applicable environmental legislation NEMA, NEMBA, Public Service Act,
PFMA, Public Service Regulations. A valid driver’s license required.
DUTIES : Manage the development of Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement policies,
legislation, protocols, regulations, strategies, and guidelines. Plan, coordinate,
and render Compliance Monitoring. Manage Compliance Enforcement
operations. Manage compliance promotion / awareness. Perform and manage
administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: OR Tambo: African Male/PWD
Employment Equity target: Joe Gqabi: White Female/PWD



SALARY : R472 812 – R654 252 per annum, (OSD). Appropriate salary will be determined
according to the regulatory Framework (based on OSD)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/06 (X3 Posts)
Joe Gqabi Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/07
Sarah Baartman Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/08
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Relevant honours degree in Natural Sciences or
relevant qualification. 5 Years’ supervisory experience in Environmental
Management environment. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are
required: Knowledge of and experience in the environmental filed; Computer
literacy and skills; Good written and communication skills; Knowledge of
applicable environmental legislation NEMA Act, NEMBA Act. Knowledge of
Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations. A valid driver’s license required.
DUTIES : Provide environmental enforcement services. Undertake the maintenance of
the environmental enforcement information management system. Conduct
enforcement promotion awareness processes in the district. Liaise with district
stakeholders and district community-based organisations on enforcement
practices. Perform and manage administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Chris Hani: African Male/Coloured Female/PWD
Employment Equity target: Joe Gqabi: Coloured Female/PWD
Employment Equity target: Sarah Baartman: Coloured/Indian/White


SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : OR Tambo Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/09
Sarah Baartman Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/10
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF level 6) or B-degree (NQF
Level 7) in Economics/ Business Administration/ Development Studies/
Entrepreneurship and/ or relevant qualification. 3- 5 years relevant experience.
Supervisory experience at salary 7/8 will be an added advantage. The
following skills, knowledge and attributes are required: Creative Thinking,
Citizen Service Orientation Definition, Decision Making, Diversity Citizenship,
Organisational Communication Effectiveness, Problem Analysis, Self-
Management, Team Membership, Technical Proficiency, Computer literacy,
Time Management, Planning and Organizing. Public Finance Management
Act. Public Service Act. A valid driver’s license required.
DUTIES : Supervise the implementation of economic development policies, programmes
and instruments within the district. Provide technical support to the District
Municipality and Local Municipalities with the development of IDP strategies
and objectives aimed at targeted economic development strategies,
programmes and projects. Perform monitoring and evaluation processes to
determine the impact of economic development instruments within the District
Municipality and Local Municipalities. Provide economic development
advocacy and empowerment services for the District Municipality and Local
Municipalities. Supervise the allocated resources of the Division in line with

legislative and departmental policy directives and ensure compliance with
corporate governance and planning imperatives.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: OR Tambo: Coloured/Indian Female/African
Employment Equity target: Sarah Baartman: African Male/ PWD


SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Sarah Baartman Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/11
OR Tambo Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/12
Joe Gqabi Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/13
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6 or B degree (NQF
7) in Social Science / Development Studies and / or any relevant qualification.
3-5 years relevant experience. Supervisory experience at salary 7/8 will be an
added advantage. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are required:
Creative Thinking, Citizen Service Orientation Definition, Decision Making,
Diversity Citizenship, Organisational Communication Effectiveness, Problem
Analysis, Self-Management, Team Membership, Technical Proficiency,
Computer literacy, Time Management, Planning and Organizing. Public
Finance Management Act. Public Service Act. Valid Driver’s licence (NB this
does not apply to persons with disabilities).
DUTIES : Provide inputs for development of Policy and Guidelines. Ensure Lobbying and
networking for designated groups. Coordination and provision of reports on
performance of regional programmes on SPU targets. Conduct Education and
Awareness on departmental programmes. Supervise administrative and
related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Sarah Baartman: Coloured Female/PWD
Employment Equity target: OR. Tambo: African Female/PWD
Employment Equity target: Joe Gqabi: African Female/PWD



SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Sarah Baartman
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) or a B degree/
Advanced Diploma (NQF Level 7) in HRM/ Public Administration/ Management
Sciences or equivalent. PERSAL Certificates. 3- 5 years relevant experience.
Supervisory experience at salary 7/8 will be an added advantage. The following
skills, knowledge and attributes are required: Creative Thinking, Citizen
Service Orientation Definition, Decision Making, Diversity Citizenship,
Organisational Communication Effectiveness, Problem Analysis, Self-
Management, Team Membership, Technical Proficiency, Computer literacy,
Time Management, Planning and Organizing. Public Finance Management
Act. Public Service Act. Treasury Regulations. Thorough working knowledge of
PERSAL system. A valid driver’s license required.
DUTIES : Provide inputs for development of Policy and Guidelines. Ensure coordination
and management of Human Resource functions in the region. Responsible for
sound financial administration in the region. Effective and efficient
implementation, monitoring, and control of administration management
services (Supply Chain and Auxiliary Support). Management, coordination and
monitoring of support services. Perform and manage administrative functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Coloured Male/PWD


SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Degree / National Diploma (NQF Level 6/ 7) in
accounting and /or relevant qualification. 3 – 5 years’ relevant experience.

Supervisory experience at salary level 7/8 will be an added advantage. The
following skills, knowledge and attributes are required: Creative Thinking,
Citizen Service Orientation Definition, Decision Making, Diversity Citizenship,
Organisational Communication Effectiveness, Problem Analysis, Self-
Management, Team Membership, Technical Proficiency, Computer literacy,
Time Management, Planning and Organizing. Public Finance Management
Act. Public Service Act. A valid driver’s license required.
DUTIES : Provide technical assistance with the planning, preparation, consultation, and
compilation of the MTEF budgeting process in compliance with the Treasury
guidelines. Provide technical assistance with the compilation of the
department's inputs for the Estimates of Provincial Expenditure/Adjustments in
compliance with Treasury guidelines. Analyse the annual budget into a monthly
cash flow at the beginning of the financial year and after the Adjustment
Estimate. Provide technical support with the coordination of in-year monitoring
processes for the DEDEAT Group. Manage and perform administrative and
related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Indian Female/PWD


SALARY : R376 413 - R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Alfred Nzo Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/16
OR Tambo Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/17
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Economics/
Business Administration/ Development Studies and/ or relevant studies. 3- 5
years relevant experience. NQF level 7 relevant Qualification will be an added
advantage. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are required: Deep
knowledge of a wide range of work procedures and Acts. Applied Strategic
Thinking, Problem analysis, Influence, Communication, Decision making
Interpersonal relation and networking, Time Management Planning and
Organizing, Negotiation skills. A valid driver’s license required.
DUTIES : Facilitate the implementation of business development policies, programmes
and instruments within the Metro and the District. Provide technical support to
the Metro and municipalities with development of IDP strategies and objectives
aimed at targeted business development strategies, programmes and projects.
Provide assistance in monitoring and evaluation processes to determine the
impact of business development instruments within the area of operation.
Provide business development advocacy and empowerment services for the
area of operation.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Alfred Nzo: Indian Female/PWD
Employment Equity target: OR. Tambo: African Female/PWD


REF NO: DEDEAT/2024/05/18

SALARY : R325 917 – R360 327 per annum, (OSD). Appropriate salary will be determined
according to the regulatory Framework (based on OSD)
CENTRE : O.R. Tambo Region
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in the
Environmental Management/Natural Sciences or equivalent as recognised by
SAQA. 1-2 years relevant experience. NQF level 7 relevant qualification will be
an added advantage. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are
required: Knowledge of and experience in the environmental and waste
management field; Driver’s licence; Computer literacy and skills; Good written
and communication skills; Knowledge of applicable environmental legislation
(National Environmental Management Act, Air Quality Act, National Waste
Management Strategy, Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations etc. A
valid driver’s license required.
DUTIES : Conduct waste management assessments including the development of
authorisations, conditions of authorisations and /or exemptions. Provide
technical / procedural advice implement, Air Quality Management policies,
guidelines, legislation, norms and standards. Provide technical comment and

advice on medium to complex air quality reports. Perform and manage
administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: African Male/PWD



SALARY : R325 917 – R360 327 per annum, (OSD). Appropriate salary will be determined
according to the regulatory Framework (based on OSD)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Region
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in the
Environmental Management/Natural Sciences or equivalent as recognised by
SAQA. 1-2 years relevant experience. NQF level 7 relevant qualification will be
an added advantage. Extensive knowledge and understanding of applicable
related policies and regulations pertaining to Environmental Management.
Knowledge and experience in Community Based Natural Resource and
Biological Diversity Management. The following skills, knowledge and
attributes are required: Computer literacy, good written and communication
skills; Knowledge of applicable environmental legislation (National
Environmental Management Act, NEM Protected Areas Act, NEM Biodiversity
Act). Valid driver’s licence required.
DUTIES : Provide technical assistance with the development and implementation of the
district’s biodiversity management plan in line with provincial policy, norms, and
standard imperatives. Evaluate biodiversity authorisation applications and
conduct compliance adjudication processes. Provide technical and procedural
biodiversity advisory services within the area of operation. Gather biodiversity
data for the area of operation, the capturing thereof on the departments
environmental management information system. Perform and manage
administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Indian/White Male/PWD


REF NO: DEDEAT/2024/05/20

SALARY : R325 917 – R360 327 per annum, (OSD). Appropriate salary will be determined
according to the regulatory Framework (based on OSD)
CENTRE : OR Tambo Region
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Environmental
Management/Natural Sciences or equivalent qualification as recognized by
SAQA. 1-2 years relevant experience. NQF level 7 relevant qualification will be
an added advantage. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are
required: Integrated Coastal Planning and Management, Computer literacy,
Knowledge of Environmental Management legislation (National Environmental
Management Act 107 1998 and Specific Environmental Management Acts). A
valid driver’s license is required.
DUTIES : Provide technical support advisory services to ensure institutional and
development compliance with coastal management legislation, norms and
standards. Promote integrated coastal management. Advise members of the
public on issues relating to coastal management. Review of reports on matters
relating to coastal development applications. Compile reports relating to
coastal development and make necessary recommendations. Undertake
compliance monitoring exercises, process permit applications in respect of
applicable regulations. Convene Regional coastal working group and liaison
with other spheres of government on coastal management. Attend to matters
relating to marine and coastal resources use management. Perform any other
duties relating to administration and management as may be delegated from
time to time.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: African Female/PWD


SALARY : R325 917 – R360 327 per annum, (OSD). Appropriate salary will be determined
according to the regulatory Framework (based on OSD)
CENTRE : Sarah Baartman Region Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/21
Joe Gqabi Region Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/22
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in in the
Environmental Management/Natural Sciences or equivalent as recognised by
SAQA. 1-2 years relevant experience. NQF level 7 relevant qualification will be
an added advantage. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are
required: Knowledge of and experience in Community-based Natural Resource
and Biological Diversity Management; Driver’s licence; Computer literacy and
skills; Good written and communication skills; Knowledge of applicable
environmental legislation (National Environmental Management Act, NEM
Protected Areas Act). A valid driver’s license is required.
DUTIES : Implement environmental education programmes to assist with the integration
of Environmental Education into formal education structures (schools, SETA,
ABET, higher education, etc) which would include the following: Identifying and
implementing environmental capacity building programmes for the general
public and relevant stakeholders. Developing and implementing community-
based natural resource management and environmental action projects for
sustainable development. Promote and implement environmental awareness
programmes. Perform any other duties relating to administration and
management as may be delegated by supervisor from time to time.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Sara Baartman: African Female/PWD
Employment Equity target: Joe Gqabi: White Female/PWD



SALARY : R325 917 – R360 327 per annum, (OSD). Appropriate salary will be determined
according to the regulatory Framework (based on OSD)
CENTRE : Joe Gqabi
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Nature
/Environmental Science field or equivalent qualification as recognized by
SAQA. 1-2 years relevant experience. NQF level 7 relevant qualification will be
an added advantage. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are
required: Computer literacy; good written and communication skills;
Knowledge of applicable environmental legislation (National Environmental
Management Act, NEM Protected Areas Act). A valid Driver’s license is
DUTIES : Conduct specialised environmental impact management processes, including
the development of Record of Decisions (RODs), conditions of authorisations
and / or exemptions. Provide technical / procedural advice. Provide technical
assistance with the implementation of other IEM tools. Perform and manage
administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity Target: African Male/PWD


SALARY : R308 154 - R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Sarah Baartman Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/24
OR Tambo Ref No: DEDEAT/2024/05/25 (X2 Posts)
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Economics/
Business Administration/ Development Studies and/ or relevant studies. 1-2
years relevant experience. NQF level 7 relevant qualification will be an added
advantage. The following skills, knowledge and attributes are required: Deep
knowledge of a wide range of work procedures and Acts. Applied Strategic
Thinking, Problem analysis, Influence, Communication, Decision making
Interpersonal relation and networking, Time Management Planning and
Organizing, Negotiation skills. Driver’s license is required.

DUTIES : Provide assistance in facilitating the implementation of business development
policies, programmes and instruments within the Metro and the District. Assist
with the provision of technical support to the Metro and municipalities with the
development of IDP strategies and objectives aimed at targeted business
development strategies, programmes and projects. Assist with the monitoring
and evaluation processes to determine the impact of business development
instruments within the area of operation. Provide business development
advocacy and empowerment services for the area of operation.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: Sarah Baartman: Coloured Male/PWD
Employment Equity target: OR. Tambo: African Female/PWD

POST 21/136 : LRED ADVISOR REF NO: DEDEAT/2024/05/26

SALARY : R308 154 - R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Economics/
Business Administration/ Development Studies/ Entrepreneurship and/ or
relevant qualification. 1-2 years relevant experience. NQF level 7 relevant
qualification will be an added advantage. The following skills, knowledge and
attributes are required: Deep knowledge of a wide range of work procedures
and Acts. Applied Strategic Thinking, Problem analysis, Influence,
Communication, Decision making Interpersonal relation and networking, Time
Management Planning and Organizing, Negotiation skills. Driver’s license is
DUTIES : Coordinate inputs for the development of policies, guidelines, norms and
standards. Promote the coordination of Local Economic Development
initiatives. Monitor implementation of local economic development activities.
Coordinate implementation of capacity building programmes. Perform
administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O. Desi at 078 026 7383
For e-Recruitment Enquiries:
NOTE : Employment Equity target: African Male/PWD


APPLICATIONS : Must be submitted only via the provincial e-Recruitment system available at: and/or at The system is
available 24/7 throughout and closes at 23:59 on the closing date. To report
any challenges pertaining e-Recruitment System, send an email with your ID
Number, your profile e-Mail Address and the details of the issue to: /; do not submit any
CVs to this email address, should you do so, your application will be regarded
as lost and will not be considered. Technical support is limited to working hours:
(08:00-16:30 Mon-Thurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). No Hand-Delivered/ No
Emailed / No Faxed / No Posted applications will be accepted.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024. No late applications will be accepted
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly completed Z83 (effective from 01
January 2021) form obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at Applicants are not required to submit
any copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but
must submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae.
NB: Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently not downloadable and
therefore not signable; so, applicants who submitted applications via the e-
recruitment system will not be disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be
requested to sign on interview day. Shortlisted candidates will be required to
submit certified copies of qualifications, and other relevant documents to HR
on or before the interview date. Applicants with foreign qualifications would be
required to submit an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification
Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the interview. Failure to submit all the
requested documents will disqualify the application. Correspondence will be
limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within six
(6) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Selected candidates will be subjected to a
personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification,
financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous

employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected
to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a 24
months contract. Misrepresentation in the application documents will result in
automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the event the candidate has
already been appointed. The Department reserves the right not to make
appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Persons with disability and people
from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply. It is the
department’s objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action
Measures in line with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable
representation across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity
and people living with disability will be highly considered. The Department
reserves the right to amend / review / withdraw advertised posts if by so doing,
the best interest of the department will be well served. (Females and People
with disabilities are also requested to apply and indicate such in their
applications). NB: Please Note: It is the department’s objective to address the
Employment Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line with the ECDOE EE
Plan and to achieve equitable representation across race and gender. In filling
of these posts gender equity and people living with disability will be highly
considered. The Department reserves the right to amend / review / withdraw
advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of the department will be well
served. (Females and People with disabilities are also requested to apply and
indicate such in their applications).


REF NO: DOE-DDDSCM01/05/2024
Directorate: Supply Chain Management

SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 890 per annum (Level 11), (an all-inclusive salary
package), structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic salary.
The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the applicable
remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Chris Hani East
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate recognised undergraduate NQF level 7 in Supply Chain
Management, Logistics Management, Public Administration, Financial
Management as recognized by SAQA. Five (5) years relevant experience in
Supply Chain Management of which 3 years must be in Supply Chain
Management at Assistant Director Level (SL9/10). A post degree qualification
in the above will be an added advantage. Knowledge and experience in the
application of legislative framework that governs supply chain management in
the Public Service environment, PFMA, PPPFA, BBBEE and Treasury
Regulation. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Problem
solving, analytical skills and computer literacy. Knowledge of Logis and BAS.
Strong planning and coordination abilities. Proven management skills and a
track record in the preparation, implementation and management of strategic,
operational, and financial plans and projects. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provide demand and acquisition management services to the district, circuit
offices and schools. Provide contract management services. Provide logistic,
store, asset, and fleet management services. Provide ICT support services to
the district, circuit offices and schools. Develop and implement appropriate
performance management internal controls and audit trails to ensure efficient
and effective supply chain management services. Provide strategic support,
advice, and guidance to all responsibility managers to ensure compliance with
Supply Chain Management regulations. Prepare monthly management reports
on SCM Performance and provide early warning signs to management. Follow
up and provide advice and monitor the response to SCM audit findings in line
with the agreed action plan. Identify and report on risks in respect of Supply
Chain Management within the department and recommend corrective action.
Monitor compliance with contractual terms and conditions as well as service
level standards. Ensure compliance with SCM Policy and analyse on policy
changes. Monitor SCM supplier performance and complaints register. Manage
the review of payment vouchers and report findings with recommendations to
Director. Conduct research that is informed by departmental procurement

plans. Manage the demand of goods and services. Coordinate the
development of specifications, terms of references and administer quotations/
bidding procedures. Provide demand planning and management support
services. Coordinate and oversee contractual and service level agreement
arrangement in partnership with legal services within ECDOE. Develop and
maintain ECDOE contract register. Monitors evaluate and report on contract
management services. Provide logistics and stores management services.
Provide asset and disposal management services. Provide fleet management
services. Identify SCM risks. Coordinate the development of SCM risk
mitigation strategies. Monitor and report on risks related to SCM performance
risk. Manage SCM systems and registers. Design and maintain SCM
performance measures and standards. Maintain high standards by ensuring
that the team / section produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity
and timeliness. Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum
guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual
potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford staff
adequate training and development opportunities. Ensure timeously
development and implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development
Plans (PDP’s) for all subordinates. Manage daily employee performance and
ensure timely Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure
management, maintenance, and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Godlo Tel No: (040) 608 4200
For e-Recruitment Enquiries, Email: /

Directorate: Debt and Revenue Services

SALARY : R444 036 - R532 602 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office – Zwelitsha
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate (3-year) undergraduate NQF Level 7 qualification in
Accounting/Financial Management as recognized by SAQA. Five (5) years’
experience working in the relevant area of which 3 years must be at supervisory
level (salary level 7/8). A post degree qualification in the above will be an added
advantage. Proficiency in the transversal systems: BAS & PERSAL). Proficient
in the application of MS Office Package. Valid driver’s license. Understanding
of debt collection processes, principles and practices, Customer Service
(Batho Pele Principles), Understanding of risk management, understanding of
public sector revenue and debt, Understanding of debt collection internal
controls, financial compliance and reporting.
DUTIES : Develop and implement Departmental Debt Management Policy and Standard
Operation Procedure, Prepare reconciliation of Debt Account and related
accounts, Follow-up on bad debtors, Prepare submission for writing off bad
debts, Authorize debt entities, debt agreements and debt transactions,
Facilitate clearance of Debt Suspense Accounts, Liaise with debtors in the
most complex and problematic cases to determine payback conditions, time
span and liaise with debt collectors or tracing agency, Oversee the
identification and accurate recording of debts owed to the department, Oversee
the identification of sources of revenue and accurate recording of revenue
collected to the department, Authorize Revenue transactions on the BAS
system, Prepare reconciliation of all revenue accounts and prepare schedule
for revenue pay over to Provincial Revenue Fund, Prepare and review revenue
IYM report and other monthly revenue reconciliation, Perform any other duties
within the finance management scope, supervision of staff and submission of
weekly and monthly diaries, preparing reports.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Nombembe Tel No: (040) 608 4200
For e-Recruitment Enquiries, Email: /


Unit: Expenditure Management

SALARY : R308 154 – R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : OR Tambo Inland

REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate (3-year) undergraduate NQF 6 in Financial
Accounting/Financial Management. A minimum of 3-5 years in financial or
accounting services. Knowledge of the Government Financial System (BAS),
Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations. Knowledge of the
education sector and financial management at departmental level will be an
advantage. Knowledge of financial planning, budgeting, and reporting systems
of the state. Skills: Continuous Improvement, Problem Solving and Decision
Making, Planning and Organising, Networking and Building Bonds, Impact and
Influence, Communication and Information Management, Budgeting and
Financial Management. Effective communication skills (written and verbal
skills) and a good command of English language. Knowledge of Education
Sector will be added advantage.
DUTIES : Provide clearance of suspense account administration services, provide
revenue administration planning, collection, reconciliation and safeguarding
services, administer banking and relevant reconciliation processes, maintain in
line with system standards the departmental financial management information
and cost centre management systems, provide financial systems control
systems, provide departmental debt management services, preparing reports.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Makrwede Tel No: (047) 134 1178
For e-Recruitment Enquiries, Email: /


Unit: District Director’s Office

SALARY : R216 417 – R242 928 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Joe Gqabi
REQUIREMENTS : A grade 12 certificate with no experience required. Effective communication
skills (written and verbal skills) and a good command of English language.
Knowledge of the Public Service Legislative Framework. Proven competent
knowledge of basic office administration practice. Knowledge of procurement
systems Competencies: Computer Literacy, Excellent Communication Skills,
Administration Skills, People Skills, Organisational Skills, Typing and Writing
Skills, Strong Leadership Skills, Basic financial recording, minute taking and
report writing skills. Knowledge of Education Sector will be added advantage.
DUTIES : Handles the procurement administration or procurement of standard items for
the activities of the office. Obtains the necessary signatures on documents like
procurement advice and monthly salary reports. Keeps circulars and all
relevant HR, Finance and Supply Chain Management policies updated.
Maintain strict confidentiality when working with documents relating to staff
members and other matters. Scrutinize documents to determine
actions/information/other documents required for meetings. Collects and
complies all necessary documents for the Sub-Section regarding meetings.
Records minutes/decisions and communicates to relevant role-players, follow-
up on progress made. Prepares briefing notes for the Sub-Section as required.
ENQUIRIES : Dr Mceleli Tel No: (051) 611 1380/6110064
For e-Recruitment Enquiries, Email: /


APPLICATIONS : Must be submitted using one of the following options: Post to: The Human
Resource Manager, Taylor Bequest Hospital, Private Bag X836, Matatiele,
4730 or Hand Deliver to: Taylor Bequest Hospital, 01 Main Street, Matatiele,
4730, or via the provincial e-Recruitment system available at: and/or at, and/or The system is available 24/7 throughout and closes at
23:59 on the closing date. To report any challenges pertaining e-Recruitment
System, send an email with your ID Number, your profile e-Mail Address and
the details of the issue to:; do not
submit any CVs to this email address, should you do so, your application will
be regarded as lost and will not be considered. Technical support is limited to
working hours: (08:00-16:30 Mon-Thurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). No Emailed /
No Faxed applications will be accepted.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024. No late application will be accepted.

NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly completed Z83 (effective from 01
January 2021) form obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at Applicants are not required to submit
any copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but
must submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae.
NB: Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently not downloadable and
therefore not signable; so, applicants who submitted applications via the e-
recruitment system will not be disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be
requested to sign on interview day. Shortlisted candidates will be required to
submit certified copies of qualifications, and other relevant documents to HR
on or before the interview date. Applicants with foreign qualifications would be
required to submit an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification
Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the interview. Failure to submit all the
requested documents will disqualify the application. Correspondence will be
limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within six
(6) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Selected candidates will be subjected to a
personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification,
financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous
employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected
to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. Misrepresentation in the application
documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the
event the candidate has already been appointed. The Department reserves the
right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Persons with
disability and people from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to
apply. It is the department’s objective to address the Employment Equity
Affirmative Action Measures in line with the Employment Equity Plan and to
achieve equitable representation across race and gender. In filling of these
posts gender equity and people living with disability will be highly considered.
The Department of Health reserves the right to amend / review / withdraw
advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of the department will be well
served. (Females and People with disabilities are also requested to apply and
indicate such in their applications). targets of the department will be adhered




SALARY : R202 233 - R235 611 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Taylor Bequest Hospital - Alfred Nzo
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate/ NQF level 4 with no experience. Knowledge of
PERSAL system will be an added an advantage. Knowledge and
understanding of Batho-Pele Principles. Computer literacy. Knowledge of
procedures relating to specific working environment including norms and
standards. Knowledge of HR policies, procedures and prescripts.
DUTIES : Render all PERSAL services including remuneration services. Provide
recruitment, selection and appointment services. Prepare and process service
benefits. Deal with termination of services and leave management. Ensure
correct placement of staff and updating of establishment of PERSAL. Provide
HR Management information system / PERSAL. Make logistic arrangements
for interviews for candidates. Co-ordinate PMDS.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. EF Madaka Tel No: (039) 255 0077
e-Recruitment Enquiries:


APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted only via the provincial e-Recruitment system
available at: and/or at
and/or at The system is available 24/7 throughout and
closes at 23:59 on the closing date. To report any challenges pertaining e-
Recruitment System, send an email with your ID Number, your profile e-Mail
Address and the details of the issue to:; do not

submit any CVs to this email address, should you do so, your application will
be regarded as lost and will not be considered. Technical support is limited to
working hours: (08:00-16:30 Mon-Thurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). No Hand-
Delivered/ No Emailed / No Faxed / No Posted applications will be accepted.
Refer all application related enquiries to the specified contact person.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024. No late applications will be accepted
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly complete New Z83 form (effective 01
January 2021) obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at Applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must
submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB:
Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently not downloadable and therefore
not signable; so, applicants who submitted applications via the e-recruitment
system will not be disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to
sign on interview day. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications, and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
interview date. Applicants with foreign qualifications would be required to
submit an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA) on or before the day of the interview. Failure to submit all the requested
documents will disqualify the application. Correspondence will be limited to
short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within six (6)
months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Selected candidates will be subjected to a
personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification,
financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous
employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected
to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. Misrepresentation in the application
documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the
event the candidate has already been appointed. It is the department’s
objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line
with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable representation
across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity and people living
with disability will be highly considered. The Department reserves the right to
amend / review / withdraw advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of
the department will be well served. (Females and People with disabilities are
also requested to apply and indicate such in their applications). EE targets of
the department will be adhered to. For SMS (Senior Management Service)
Posts: In terms of DPSA Directive on compulsory capacity development,
mandatory training, and minimum entry requirements for members of the
Senior Management Level for SMS appointments, it is a requirement for
applicants to have obtained pre-entry Certificate (Nyukela) as offered by the
National School of Government (NSG) for entry into the SMS posts and the full
details can be sourced by following the link:
course/sms-pre-entry-programme (the SMS pre-entry certificate is not a
requirement for shortlisting; is submitted prior to appointment). Successful
candidates will be appointed on a probation period of 12/24 months. The
competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies
using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.



Re-advertisement: those who had applied before may need to re-apply

SALARY : R1 216 824 - R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive remuneration
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF level 7 (B. Tech/Degree/Advanced Diploma) as recognised
by SAQA in in ICT (Informatics or Computer Science) or related field. Minimum
5 years’ experience as Deputy Director in ICT related field. A valid driver’s
licence. Pre- Entry certificate for the Senior Management Services (SMS).
Knowledge of IT Risk management, ICT Governance Frameworks, and
practices, CoBIT, ITIL and ISO standards. Key Competencies: Applied
Strategic Thinking, Applying Technology, Budgeting and Financial
Management, Communication and Information Management, Excellent writing

skills, Continuous Improvement, Citizen Focus and Responsiveness,
Developing Others, Diversity Management, Impact and Influence, Managing
Interpersonal Conflict and Resolving Problems, Networking and Building
Bonds, Planning and Organising, Problem Solving and Decision Making,
Project Management, Team Leadership.
DUTIES : Coordinate and monitor the development and implementation of ICT policies,
strategies, plans and practices in the province: Develop ICT policy guidelines,
directives, standards and implement best practices, such as ITIL, CoBIT, etc.
Continuously evaluate the understanding and adherence to governance
standards. Coordinate the review and implementation of disaster
management/business continuity plans. Review ICT policies and standard
operating procedures (SOPs) covering the full range of ICT activities on an
ongoing basis. Facilitate the reporting to internal and external stakeholders
according to functional and stakeholder needs. Monitor compliance with DPSA
and other established frameworks, directives, guidelines, directives and
prescripts: Manage the facilitation and implementation of awareness
campaigns on ICT Governance related frameworks, guidelines, and prescripts.
Coordinate the identification and provision of ICT training requirements (e.g.,
on disaster management/business continuity plans, etc.). Monitor the
adherence and compliance to ICT policies and procedures. Facilitate the
identification of ICT related risks and development and management of an ICT
Risk Register. Report non-compliance and make recommendations on
mitigating strategies to relevant structures (e.g., PGITOC, Cluster and
Departmental HODs). Manage the development of Provincial Digital
Transformation Strategy and its cascading: Manage and monitor the gathering
of Business Analysis and Business User needs. Manage the Business Process
Mapping requirements. Manage the drafting of requirements documentation for
the development and implementation of ICT systems. Manage the analysis of
information gathered from multiple sources, reconcile, and package for
strategic decision making. Serves as the conduit between the customer
community (internal and Provincial Departments) and the Business Analysts,
software development team through which requirements flow. Manage the
allocated resources of the directorate in line with legislative and departmental
policy directives and comply with corporate governance and planning
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.


Re-advertisement – those who had applied before may need to re-apply.

SALARY : R1 216 824 - R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF level 7 (B. Tech/Degree/Advanced Diploma) as recognised
by SAQA in Humanities/ Social Science/Development Studies. Minimum 5
years’ experience at a Deputy Director /Middle Management in youth
development environment. A valid driver’s licence. Pre-Entry certificate for the
Senior Management Services (SMS). Research methodology. Knowledge of
global, regional and local political economic and social affairs impacting youth
development. Competencies and capabilities: Strategic Capability and
Leadership. Programme and Project Management. Budget and Financial
Management. Change Management. Knowledge Management. Project
Management. Information Management. Service Delivery Innovation. Problem
Solving and Analysis. People Management and Empowerment. Client
Orientation and Customer Focus. Communication (verbal & written). Computer
Literacy. Extensive strategic planning, Financial Management skills.
DUTIES : Develop sector specific policies and strategies to mainstream youth
development. Lead conceptualization and implementation of integrated youth
development programmes and projects. Coordinate the implementation of the
integrated youth development strategy across Provincial Government
departments, Municipalities, Public Entities and National Government
Departments (IGR). Conduct research and develop smart indicators to monitor
the performance of youth development interventions/initiatives in the province.
Facilitate development of Youth Strategy implementation plan and conduct
continuous assessment of the impact of existing strategies towards improving

the lives of youth in the Eastern Cape Province. Coordinate youth stakeholders
within the provincial and local spheres of government, whilst ensuring strategic
links at national level.
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.

OTP 03/05/2024

SALARY : R1 216 824 - R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF Level 7 Degree as recognised by SAQA in Human
Resource Management, Industrial Psychology, Labour Relations, Industrial
Relations, Public Administration/Management or Social Science. Minimum 5
years’ experience at a Deputy Director level in the related field. A valid driver’s
licence. Pre-Entry certificate for the Senior Management Services (SMS).
Research methodology. Knowledge of global, regional and local political
economic and social affairs impacting youth development. Competencies and
capabilities: Strategic Capability and Leadership. Programme and Project
Management. Budget and Financial Management. Change Management.
Knowledge Management. Project Management. Information Management.
Service Delivery Innovation. Problem Solving and Analysis. People
Management and Empowerment. Client Orientation and Customer Focus.
Communication (verbal & written). Computer Literacy. Extensive strategic
planning, Financial Management skills.
DUTIES : Manage and coordinate the provision of HR policy compliance monitoring,
reporting and MIS advisory services: Manage the Monitoring and reporting on
policy compliance. Provide policy advocacy to ensure the institutionalisation of
the HRM&D policy framework in the province. Ensure that the Compliance and
Accountability Framework is aligned to the DPSA HRM Compliance
Framework. Ensure integrity of departmental reports through validation of
portfolio of evidence as submitted by departments. Ensure that non-
compliance is escalated to the EA where necessary. Prepare feedback to
departments on their quarterly and annual performance. Manage the drawing
and analysis of MIS reports on PERSAL and provide feedback to departments
in respect of interventions and corrective measures to be implemented.
Coordinate accurate Management Information Systems Reports for
consolidated reporting to provincial decision-making structures and where
required. Provide guidance to stakeholders in the implementation of
interventions to improve the integrity of HRMIS. Coordinate HOD career
incidents and recruitment: Manage and coordinate the recruitment, selection,
competency assessments, appointments, and Induction of HoDs in the
Province. Support, monitor and report on the filling of Executive level (SL15
and 16) vacancies in the province. Provide specialist advice and guidance on
matters related to HoD career incidents, e.g., grievances, discipline, disputes,
etc. Ensure that HOD performance agreements are developed, are compliant
to set guidelines and are aligned to the MEC/EA Service Delivery Agreements.
Facilitate and coordinate half yearly performance reviews and annual
assessment of HOD’s (180 degree). Manage and coordinate annual evaluation
of HoDs (360 degree) and facilitate the HOD’s Performance Moderations
Facilitate and coordinate the training and development of HoDs based on
identified development needs. Provide support and validate the development
and review of HR delegations: Develop the Provincial Delegations Framework
aligned to the National Delegations Framework. Facilitate the development
HRM&D delegations in the provincial departments, review delegations to
ensure alignment with Provincial Delegations Framework. Monitor
implementation of HRM&D delegations and report on compliance. Provide
feedback to departments and follow up on implementation of corrective
measures. Manage Development of the quarterly Provincial HRM&D Status
report and present to governance structures in the province. Manage the
allocated resources of the chief directorate in line with legislative and
departmental policy directives and comply with corporate governance and
planning imperatives.

ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For eRcruitment
Enquiries email:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.


Re-advertisement – those who had applied before may need to re-apply.

SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF level 6/7 National Diploma/Degree as recognised by SAQA
in Events Management, Public Relations, Corporate Communications,
Strategic Communication, Journalism, Media Studies, Marketing Management.
Minimum of three (3) years’ experience as Assistant Director in the field of
events management. A valid driver’s licence. Skills: Budgeting and Financial
Management; Communication and Information Management; Citizen Focus
and Responsiveness; Diversity Management; Impact and Influence; Managing
Interpersonal Relations and Resolving Problems; Networking; Planning and
Organising; Project Management. Excellent presentation skills. Attention to
detail. Excellent Communication skill (written/ verbal). Strategic thinker and
problem solver. Excellent computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, web
and email packages). Ability to travel across the province and work long hours.
DUTIES : Events Management: Develop best practice strategies and plans for
Departmental and Provincial Government events; Develop procurement plans
for the logistical needs for events; Plan, develop and ensure the maintenance
of an Events Calendar for the Department, Provide strategic events advisory
support to the Department including conceptualisation of events to improve
brand interface with stakeholders; Engage with internal and external
stakeholders to determine the needs for the events; Manage guidelines and
logistical arrangements for the events (venue, equipment, etc.); Manage a
database of events venues in the Eastern Cape; Liaise with relevant
programmes to coordinate agreements with suppliers, contractors and clients
with regard to events; Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of events; Liaise with
relevant programmes to monitor expenditure for the events and draft
expenditure report. Public Relations Management: Develop and implement a
public relations strategy. Lead content sourcing process from OTP divisions
and provincial departments. Study media monitoring reports to identify
opportunities and inform content development for own platforms. Build and
regularly maintain positive relationships with internal and external stakeholders
to sustain good public relations image of the Department and government.
Assist in planning, implementing and co-ordinating communication projects
and other related events including content development and preparation.
Assist with drafting and implementing communication plans in support of
various events. Create and maintain a positive image for the events. This
includes promoting the event to the public, media relations, and working with
sponsors. Implement PR tactics to enhance event awareness, drives
attendance, and establish a positive brand reputation.
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.

Re-advertisement – those who had applied before may need to re-apply.

SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF Level 7 BTech /Degree as recognised by SAQA in Civil
Engineering or relevant qualification. 3 years post-qualification engineering
experience required. Compulsory Registration with the ECSA as a Professional
Engineer. A valid Driver’s license. Knowledge and Skills: Programme and
Project Management. Quantity Survey Legal and operational compliance.
Quantity Survey operational communication. Process knowledge and skills.

Maintenance skills and knowledge. Mobile equipment operating skills.
Research and development. Computer aided engineering applications.
Creating high performance culture. Technical Consultancy. Professional
DUTIES : Quality Survey analysis effectiveness: Perform final review And approval or
audits on civil Designs, co-ordinate quality Civil Engineering efforts and
integration across discipline to ensure seamless integration with current
technology Maintain civil engineering survey operational effectiveness:
Manage the execution of civil engineer strategy through the provision of
appropriate structures, systems and resources, Set civil engineer standards,
specifications and service levels according to organizational objectives to
ensure optimum operational availability. Monitor civil engineer effectiveness
according to organizational goals to direct or redirect civil engineer survey
services for the attainment of organizational objectives. Financial
Management: Ensure the availability and management of funds to meet the
MTEF objectives within the civil engineer environment / services, Manage the
operational capital project portfolio for the operation] to ensure effective
resourcing according to organization needs and objectives, allocate, monitor,
control expenditure according to budget to ensure efficient cash flow
management and manage the compilation added value of the discipline –
related programmes and projects. Governance: Allocate, monitor and control
resources, Compile risk logs (database) and manage significant risk according
to sound risk management practices and organizational requirements, provide
technical specialist services for the operation of quality survey related matters
to minimize possible risks, Manage and implement knowledge sharing
initiatives in support of individual development plans, operational requirement
and return on investment. People Management: Manage the development
motivation and utilization of human resources for the discipline to ensure
competent knowledge base for the continued success of quantity survey
according to organizational needs and requirements and Manage
subordinates’ key performance arrears by setting and monitoring performance
standards and taking action to correct deviations to achieve departmental
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836.
For eRecruitment Enquiries email:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.


REF NO: OTP 06/05/2024
(Fixed Term Contract of 12 Months)
Purpose: to manage the contracts with OTP respective donor partners,
especially the National Skills Fund, TETA and merSETA amongst others.

SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF Level 7 B Degree as recognised by SAQA in Finance
related qualification. Minimum of three (03) - five (5) years’ experience in
Financial Management of which three (03) years must be at an Assistant
Director level in the related field. A valid Driver’s License. Competencies:
Specialist Technical Financial Management knowledge, Technical Knowledge
and Skills re Learnerships/Apprenticeship/Skills Programmes; Sound
knowledge of government policies and legislative framework of HRD,
Knowledge of the theory and practice of HRD, Public Service Act, Public
Service Regulations, Skills Development Act and Levies Act, Public Finance
Management Act and Treasury Regulations.
DUTIES : Put systems in place to ensure funds are claimed from donor partners on time.
Develop monthly reconciliation reports. Ensure businesses and training
providers are paid on time. Ensure all learners/interns are paid monthly.
Develop monthly reports of payments made to learners/interns or participants
in skills development programmes and ensure payslips are distributed. Put a
system in place to manage attendance registers monthly. Put an early warning
system in place to ensure payments are made and no overpayments made.
Prepare monthly and quarterly reports as agreed with donor partners.
Managed the contracts of appointed service providers.

ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:


OTP 07/05/2024
(Fixed Term Contract of 12 Months)
Purpose: to manage the contracts with OTP respective donor partners,
especially the National Skills Fund, PSETA and merSETA amongst others.

SALARY : R849 702 – R1 000 908 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF Level 6/7 Degree/National Diploma as recognised by
SAQA in Human Resource Development, Public Administration/Management,
Development Studies or Project Management. Minimum of three - five (5) years
in the Project Management Field and the Skills Development terrain of which
three (03) years must be at an Assistant Director level in the related field. A
valid driver’s license. Competencies required: HRD Technical Knowledge and
Skills re Learnerships/Apprenticeship/Skills Programmes; Sound knowledge of
government policies and legislative framework of HRD, Knowledge of the
theory and practice of HRD, QCTO, Public Service Act, Public Service
Regulations, Skills Development Act and Levies Act, Public Finance
Management Act and Treasury Regulations. Computer literate and have
knowledge of working on skills development systems.
DUTIES : Support the Strategic Skill Team with expertise in Skills Project implementation
of donor funded projects. Identify opportunities and take action to build
strategic relationships to help achieve L&D objectives. Maintain and manage
stakeholder relations. Build professional relationship through engagement and
regular communication and feedback with strategic partners. Analysing the
SETA sector skills plan to ensure alignment to L&D strategic programmes.
Contribute to the learning and development operations plan. Develop a skills
Development monitoring, evaluate and reporting framework to measure
effective implementation principles. Have experience in the implementation of
Learnerships and Apprenticeships. Have experience in liaising with a variety of
Private Employers for the implementation of the above skills interventions.
Understand and have experience in quality assurance of the above
interventions. Monitor the progress of learners on
Apprenticeships/Learnerships and Skills Programmes. Managed the contracts
of appointed service providers. Prepare funder reports on a quarterly basis on
the progress of projects.
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:


NO: OTP 08/05/2024

SALARY : R373 413 - R443 403 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF Level 6 qualification (National Diploma) as recognised by
SAQA in Photography/Photo- journalism/ Visual Art / Graphic Design. Minimum
of 2 -3 years’ experience in photography and/or graphic design field. A Valid
Driver’s License. Adequate knowledge of photoshop or equivalent photo-
editing software. Average knowledge of graphic design and its software’s.
Competencies and capabilities: Adequate knowledge of photoshop or
equivalent photo-editing software. Moderate knowledge of graphic design
softwares such as In-design, Illustrator or equivalent. Knowledge in photo-filing
and archiving. Good verbal and written communication. Computer literacy.
Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
DUTIES : Provide photography services for the Office of The Premier. Provide editing
and captioning for photographs used for publications and other platforms.
Update and maintain Photographic database of the Office of the Premier.
Design and produce publications and other communication material.
Photographic & image style development. Information Management. Render
general administration in relation to area of operation.

ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 4729836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries eMail:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.


NO: OTP 09/05/2024
(This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person)

SALARY : R308 154 - R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF Level 6 qualification (National Diploma) as recognised by
SAQA in Financial Accounting /Management/ Public Finance coupled with
minimum of 1-2 years’ experience in creditors payments & reconciliation
environment. Extensive understanding/knowledge of BAS and LOGIS.
(Certificates will be required on or before interview date).
DUTIES : Facilitate processing of creditors payments: Check arithmetical accuracy of
invoice and authenticity of supporting documents attached to the voucher to be
paid. Execute daily payment run. Process invoices and ensure that all invoices
are paid within regulated timeframe. Ensure paid vouchers are recorded after
the payment run date and are reconciled. Ensure that all general sundry
payments are captured correctly. Perform financial support services to mitigate
risk and audit queries. Respond to queries from service providers. Ensure paid
payment vouchers are submitted to registry. Facilitate monthly reconciliation of
creditors accounts: Prepare creditors reconciliation monthly. Follow up on
creditors queries arising from creditor’s reconciliation. Process clearance of
outstanding items on creditor reconciliation and attend to supplier queries.
Prepare and submit reports before due date: Prepare and submit creditor’s
reconciliation report for each service provider. Prepare and submit register of
orders and invoices paid. Prepare and submit report for all outstanding invoices
and orders report for preparation of accruals. Manage area of responsibility.
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:



SALARY : R308 154 - R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with NQF Level 6 qualification (National Diploma) as recognised by
SAQA in Financial Management coupled with 1-2 years’ experience in the field
of finance or salaries environment. Basic knowledge of public Service
Legislation/ Policies/ Prescripts and Procedures. Basic Knowledge of Financial
Administration, Knowledge of PERSAL and BAS system. Knowledge of Batho
–Pele Principles Computer literacy. Knowledge of procedures relating specific
working environment including norms and standards. Good Communication
(verbal and written) and report writing skills. Interpersonal relationship. A valid
driver’s license will serve as an added advantage.
DUTIES : To verify, capture, update and resolve Salary transactions accurately and
timeously. To deal with Salary enquiries. To provide information to employees.
Authorize all Salary related transaction on BAS and PERSAL. Ensure that
claims and allowances are paid within the prescribed period. Verification and
authorization of benefit to be paid to officials and beneficiaries of deceased.
Provide support to management by assisting with audit queries. Perform tax
reconciliation and PERSAL/BAS reconciliation. Ensure that all suspense
accounts are cleared and reconciled, and the balances monitored to ensure
that they become zero at month end and year end. Manage PMDS and ensure
staff development training needs. Payroll Management. Preparation of monthly
reports. Supervise of section Check and accurately of documents from HR
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person living with disability.

(Fixed Term Contract of 12 Months)

SALARY : R308 154 - R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Matric with an NQF level 6 (National Diploma) in Public Management/
Administration or similar qualifications. Must have a minimum of 1- 2 years’
experience as an administrator/ project administrator in the related field. Skills
required: Planning and Execution, Interpersonal Relations, Analytical thinking,
good communication skills, computer Literate.
DUTIES : Render general administration support services to project activities; Record,
file and manage incoming and outgoing correspondence. Manage and
maintain the attendance and leave registers. Check correctness of subsistence
and travel claims of the officials and submit to the manager for approval.
Provide a supply chain management support service; Arrange travelling and
accommodation. Procurement of goods and services. Keep and maintain the
assets register of the component. Update expenditure of HRDSS.
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.



SALARY : R308 154 - R362 994 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, An NQF level 6 (National Diploma) in Marketing /
Public Relations / Communications / Journalism /Branding / Advertising.
Minimum of 1-2 years’ experience in Communications/ Public Relations
environment. Possess excellent communications skills including interpersonal
skills, willingness, and ability to work as part of the Provincial Communication
team. Understanding Government procurement and other procedures
regulation and functioning through previous work in the public service
especially in the Office of the Premier is an added advantage. Valid driver’s
license. Skills: Knowledge of Branding Strategies, Marketing; Government
Communication systems; Familiarity with latest marketing trends and best
practices; Ability to conduct research and analyse data; Organizational skills,
experience meeting tight deadlines; Excellent communication and teamwork
skills; Results-driven attitude; A creative and innovative mindset. Project
Management. Excellent presentation skills. Attention to detail. Excellent
Communication skill (written/ verbal). Strategic thinker and problem solver.
Excellent computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, web and email
packages). Knowledge: Expert knowledge of the interpretation and application
of Corporate Identity and Branding principles. Understanding of Government
Relations, Corporate Communication and Stakeholder engagement. An
understanding of communication strategies, coupled with the branding and
corporate identity deliverables thereof. Ability to develop branding and
exhibition plans, with costing and timelines. Ability to travel across the province
and work long hours. A valid driver’s licence is required.
DUTIES : Perform various functions to brand management. Manage the branding assets
of the division. Involvement in website/intranet management. Provide
publications management assistance. Assist with the implementation of the
provincial communication strategy. Participate in the provincial
communications systems structure. Perform specialized secretariat functions
(e.g during Izimbizo, outreach programmes). Involvement in stakeholder
relationship management. Perform other functions with the Provincial
Communication Division in order to gain broad range of communication skills
& experience. Assist the coordination and implementation of the brand-building
strategies on behalf of the provincial government. Assist with the
implementation on the branding protocols and the supply branding materials to
all provincial and special programs. Produce provincial branding material in line
with branding manual as well as Branding Protocols in the Province and ensure
maintenance thereof; Execute branding plans (including co-branding) during
Premier’s programs; Provincial government programs, including
institutionalized days and adhoc marketing activities; Assist in monitoring

application of Provincial Corporate Identity. Develop, present, and execute
create ideas for branding activities (programme launch and
profiling/promotion). Assist to develop and optimise branding and marketing
campaigns. Assist with the execute plans and report on branding campaign
results. Assist in identifying opportunities to use in marketing and branding
opportunities to profile Eastern Cape Province and Eastern Cape Provincial
Government. Assist with the preparation for all interactions and consultations
with key role players to drive the marketing and branding of the Eastern Cape
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries email:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.



SALARY : R216 417 - R254 928 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or relevant National (Vocational) Certificate with Mathematics and
Accounting with no working experience. Experience in salary administration
environment with post qualification (NQF 6) in Commerce/Financial
Management or Accounting will be added advantage. Basic knowledge and
insight of the Public Service financial legislations, procedures and Treasury
regulations (PFMA, DORA, PSA, PSR, PPPFA, Financial Manual). Knowledge
of basic financial operating systems (PERSAL, BAS, LOGIS, etc.)
DUTIES : Check and capture all salary inputs on salary system: Receive and check to
ensure all required documents from HR department. Submit documents to
Internal Control Unit for compliance checking. Capture the payment on
Personal and Salaries System (PERSAL. Prepare BAS payments: Compile
payment advice, Check and verify banking details before payment, Follow-up
with SCM on creation of the entity to enable process of the payment, Submit
payment to Creditors Payments & Reconciliation Sub Directorate. Ensure
record keeping and filing of salary related documents: File salary related
documents accurately after supplementary run, store all files and up to date
record keeping safely; in accordance to set policies and procedures. Clearing
of salary related suspense accounts: Requests BAS reports on BAS system of
suspense accounts (such as Medical Aid, UIF, Salary Deductions
disallowances). Perform clearance on the BAS system that reflects no-
outstanding amounts and submit to Senior State Accountant.
ENQUIRIES : Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/ Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584 4059/
Ms. N. Nxoko at 083 653 2050/ Ms A. Mpuhlu at 060 472 9836. For
eRecruitment Enquiries eMail:
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a vibrant young person.


APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted only via the provincial e-Recruitment system
available at: and/or at
and/or at . The system is available 24/7 throughout and
closes at 23:59 on the closing date. To report any challenges pertaining e-
Recruitment System, send an email with your ID Number, your profile e-Mail
Address and the details of the issue to:
OR; do not submit any CVs to this email
address, should you do so, your application will be regarded as lost and will
not be considered. Technical support is limited to working hours: (08:00-16:30
Mon-Thurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). No Hand-Delivered/ No Emailed / No
Faxed / No Posted applications will be accepted. Refer all application related
enquiries to the specified contact person.
FOR ATTENTION : Ms T. Nkonyile or Ms. O. Mjali
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024. No late applications will be accepted.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly complete New Z83 form (effective 01
January 2021) obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at Applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must
submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB:
Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently not downloadable and therefore

not signable; so, applicants who submitted applications via the e-recruitment
system will not be disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to
sign on interview day. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications, and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
interview date. Applicants with foreign qualifications would be required to
submit an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA) on or before the day of the interview. Failure to submit all the requested
documents will disqualify the application. Correspondence will be limited to
short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within six (6)
months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Selected candidates will be subjected to a
personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification,
financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous
employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected
to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. Misrepresentation in the application
documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the
event the candidate has already been appointed. It is the department’s
objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line
with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable representation
across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity and people living
with disability will be highly considered. The Department reserves the right to
amend / review / withdraw advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of
the department will be well served. (Females and People with disabilities are
also requested to apply and indicate such in their applications). EE targets of
the department will be adhered to. FOR SMS (Senior Management Service)
Posts: In terms of DPSA Directive on compulsory capacity development,
mandatory training, and minimum entry requirements for members of the
Senior Management Level for SMS appointments, it is a requirement for
applicants to have obtained pre-entry Certificate (Nyukela) as offered by the
National School of Government (NSG) for entry into the SMS posts and the full
details can be sourced by following the link:
course/sms-pre-entry-programme (the SMS pre-entry certificate is not a
requirement for shortlisting; is submitted prior to appointment). Successful
candidates will be appointed on a probation period of 12/24 months. The
competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies
using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. Applications
received after closing date will not be considered.



PT 01/05/2024
Purpose: To manage Human Resource Administration Services in the

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Public Administration /
Public Management / Human Resource Management / Industrial Psychology /
coupled with Minimum of seven (7) years’ experience in Human Resource
Management environment of which 5 years’ experience should be at a Middle
Management (Deputy Director Level) /Senior Management level. Skills And
Competencies: In-depth understanding interpretation and application of Public
Service Legislation, Regulations and Policies that governs the Public Service.
Knowledge and application of OD policies and procedures. Knowledge and
understanding of Public Finance Management Act. Understanding of
Departmental strategies. Interpretation of Legislation, Regulations, Policies
and DPSA Circulars. Technical Skills on Organisational Design, post budgeting
and establishment. Change Management. Diversity Management. Job
Evaluation. Business Process Modelling. Organisational Development Models.
Strategic Planning as an OD Intervention. Team Building as an OD
Intervention. Post Budgeting, Knowledge of statistical methods and HR Metrics
and workforce data analysis. Personnel Administration and Establishment.
Sound knowledge of Recruitment and Selection, Condition of Service and
Information System processes. Applied Strategic Thinking, Budgeting and

Financial Management. Information Management. Continuous Improvement.
Managing Interpersonal, Conflict Management, Citizen Focus and
Responsiveness, Developing Others, Diversity Management, Impact and
Influence, Managing Interpersonal Conflict and Resolving, Problems Solving,
Planning and Organising, Decision Making, Project Management, People
Management, Team Leadership, Communication (verbal & written).
DUTIES : Manage The Administration of Recruitment, Selection and Appointment of
Employees; Manage the implementation of Annual Recruitment Plan. Manage
and ensure implementation of recruitment, selection and appointment process.
Provide guidance in the development of human resource management and
administration policies, processes and procedures and manage the
implementation thereof. Provide advice and guidance on recruitment and
selection matters. Manage the submission of quarterly reports. Manage and
monitor the implementation of employee movements and compile report.
Assess and manage information captured on PERSAL. Manage and monitor
the implementation of remuneration policies, procedures and practices.
Provide input in the development and review of policies and strategies on
matter related to recruitment & selection and retention strategy and manage
implementation thereafter. Provide guidance in the development of strategies
to address employee turnover Manage Conditions of Service in The
Department; Provide inputs and guidance in the development and review of
Conditions of Service Benefits policies and manage the implementation.
Manage the implementation of conditions of service in the department. Manage
the administration of leave matters. Manage and render support to line
managers with the implementation of PILLIR. Manage and implement
measures on leave register. Manage the compilation of leave reconciliation and
PILIR reports. Manage and verify all documents in relation to termination of
services. Manage the compilation of reports on exit interview conducted and
implement recommendation sites in the reports. Provide guidance in the
development and review of conditions of service benefits. Manage Human
Resource Information Systems; Provide inputs in the development and
maintenance of personnel information systems and ensure establishment
control. Manage, monitor and analyse Human Resource Information System
Reports. Authorize inputs to be made on the system by the PERSAL
Management unit. Verify the analysis conducted and the signing off RACF
reports. Manage the review of monthly reports on Recruitment Process.
Manage The Compilation of Reports in Relation To PERSAL. Manage And
Coordinate the Development & Implementation of Human Resource Plan;
Provide inputs in the development of human resource planning strategies,
policies and processes and manage the implementation. Provide guidance and
inputs on the development of HR Delegations and monitor the implementation.
Provide inputs in the development of the Employment Equity and Diversity
Management and monitor the implementation. Manage the compilation of
quarterly reports. Manage Area Of Responsibility; Maintain high standards by
ensuring that the team / section produces excellent work in terms of quality /
quantity and timeliness, Resolve problems of motivation and control with
minimum guidance from manager, Delegate functions to staff based on
individual potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford
staff adequate training and development opportunities, Ensure Performance
Agreements, Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all
subordinates are developed and implemented timeously, Manage employee
performance daily and ensure timely submission of Performance Assessments
of all subordinates. Ensure assets are managed, maintained and kept safely
by subordinates. Implement, Manage Risk, Finance and Supply-Chain
Management Protocols and Prescripts in Area of Responsibility; Identify and
manage risks in area of responsibility. Ensure timely budgeting, monitoring,
variance analysis and reporting. Ensure that Procurement Planning takes
place, that specifications are developed timeously and that there is compliance
with supply chain prescripts. Ensure the Unit’s assets are managed,
maintained and kept safely. Weigh up financial implications of propositions and
align expenditure to cash flow projections.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female.

PT 02/05/2024
(5 Year Contract)

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7) in Computer Science / Information Technology or any
related field, coupled with Minimum 8 years’ work experience in IT
environment, of which 5 years should be middle management (Deputy
Director) level. An exposure of at least 2 years’ experience in
application/system development/life cycle will be an added advantage. Skills
and Competencies: Expert in IT Skills (micro-soft and related applications),
Communication Skills, Writing Skills, Stakeholder Management Skills, Project
Management Skills, Researching Skills, understanding of legislative framework
that governs the Public Financial Management Systems, Applications of ICT
Governance protocols in the public sector, etc.
DUTIES : Working with Programme Management, providing ICT advisory services and
project management support in the automation/digitalisation of key business
processes (Patient Records, Patient Management System; Inventory
Management, Incident Management, Medico-legal case registers, etc) by the
Department of Health (DOH); Manage and review existing user support
technology options which exist in the Case Management IT system currently
utilised by DOH to capture all medico-legal claims or adverse events; Ensure
the development of a detailed program specification through engagements with
users; Manage applications deployment for the Project; Perform data cleansing
of the existing data within the Case Management IT system to eliminate
duplicates and identify the missing information within each case or adverse
event; Ensure overall data integrity of the cases or adverse events that have
been captured onto the Case Management IT system. Review of ICT policies
and recommend mitigation measures where necessary to ensure compliance
with ICT Governance Framework and optimisation of the DoH ICT strategy;
Effective Stakeholder Management, through regular reports, engagements and
ensure implementation of the resolutions and agreed commitments. Manage
Area of Responsibility: Effective and efficient management of assigned
resources, including managing the performance of the deployed human
resources; Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team / section
produces excellent work in terms of quality/quantity and timeliness; Resolve
problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from manager;
Ensure timeous development and implementation of Work Plans and Personal
Development Plans (PDP’s) for all assigned staff; Manage daily employee
performance and ensure timely Performance Assessments of all assigned
staff; Ensure the implementation and management of Risk, Finance and
supply-chain Management protocols and prescripts in area of responsibility;
Ensure management, maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Male


SERVICES REF NO: PT 03/05/2024

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Financial Management/
Local Government Finance, Business Economics, Economics, coupled with 7-
8 years’ experience in Financial Management environment, including at least
five (5) years’ experience in a middle/senior management position (Deputy
Director Level). Postgraduate qualification will be an added advantage.
Previous experience in monitoring or working in municipal environment is
essential. Knowledge and experience in the intergovernmental fiscal
framework, coordinating of financial disputes, the implementation of the
financial recovery framework and developing resolutions for financial
challenges in municipalities. Skills and Competencies: Extensive knowledge of
local government sector, finance and related reforms in the areas of Budgeting,

Financial Management and Reporting, Internal Audit, Audit Committee and
Risk Management. The candidate should be familiar with MBRR, mSCOA,
Municipal Financial Recovery Services and Macro and Micro Economic Policy
DUTIES : Lead and champion financial management reforms towards best practice in
local government finance as encapsulated in the Municipal Finance
Management Act (MFMA), local government regulations and other Municipal
Acts. Provide dynamic leadership to a team at head office, in districts and
effective hands on support to municipalities in the following areas: budget
preparation & implementation; financial management & reporting, optimal
revenue & debt management, efficient expenditure management, internal
audit, audit committee, risk management, cost effective procurement systems,
effective asset & liability management and promotion of transparency through
the publication of local government revenue and expenditure. Expend
networks and collaborative effort with other role players in the district toward
promoting intergovernmental relations for effective planning and
implementation of financial management that translate into service delivery in
municipalities. Provide project management support to a team, including
human resource management, planning, risk management and reporting.
Understanding of the Macroeconomic environment. Determining and analysing
key economic variables, their inter-relation and relevance for the budget -
Determining the potential and constraints for growth and development and their
interaction with local governmental spending and revenue patterns/trends.
Support municipalities with revenue management initiatives, improving
collection rates of municipalities, support and guide municipalities on revenue
management related policies including credit control policies, standard
operating procedures for revenue management. Undertake a study of
alternative revenue sources within the province. Assess the performance of
municipalities to determine the triggers to intervention and the mode of
intervention in municipalities. Conduct early warning preventative measures to
avoid municipalities being in financial crisis in line with the RSA Constitution
and the Municipal Finance Management Act. Apply the legislatives frameworks
and guidelines in the execution of interventions to legislatively support local
government Application of Institutional Reforms: Propose institutional reforms
for implementation of a financial recovery framework Initiate the
implementation of cross cutting measures and practices aimed at improving
the performance of local government. Align holistic reforms and transformation
measures to sustain a feasible financial recovery plan Analyse and Evaluate
Financial Outcomes: Analyse and evaluate financial challenges within
municipalities and develop measurable recovery plans Evaluate reviews of
financial information, service delivery information and performance Analyse
and evaluate financial outcomes and present to relevant stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Male


ASSETS REF NO: PT 04/05/2024

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Financial Management/
Local Government Finance with Accounting as a major, coupled with 7-8 years’
experience in Financial Management environment, including at least five (5)
years’ experience in a middle/senior management position (Deputy Director
Level). Postgraduate qualification and completion of SAICA training
programmes will be an added advantage. Previous experience in monitoring
or working in municipal environment is essential. Skills and Competencies:
Extensive knowledge of local government sector, finance and related reforms
in the areas of Budgeting, Financial Management and Reporting, Supply Chain
Management, Asset and Liability Management, Internal Audit, Audit Committee
and Risk Management. The candidate should be familiar with the accounting
reforms in the municipal space in line with GRAP Standards, mSCOA & Local
Government Framework for Infrastructure Delivery and Procurement
Management. The candidate should have strategic capabilities and leadership,

budget & financial management, programme & project management, change
management, knowledge management, problem solving with strong research,
analytical and writing skills.
DUTIES : Lead and champion financial management reforms towards best practice in
local government finance as encapsulated in the Municipal Finance
Management Act (MFMA), local government regulations and other Municipal
Acts. Provide dynamic leadership to a team at head office, in districts and
effective guidance, hands-on support, control mechanism to municipalities on
issues of compliance with Financial Management, Annual Reporting
Frameworks, SCM & Asset Management. Promote understanding of
municipalities by developing risk-based plan to ensure the implementation and
compliance with the GRAP Reporting Framework, Regulations on SCM &
Asset Management. Oversee the implementation of mSCOA in the province to
ensure compliance, credibility of reporting and also provide support on the
improvement of the Financial Management Capability Maturity Model
(FMCMM) level, which aims to improve municipalities and municipal entities’
financial management capabilities and overall sustainability. Expand networks
and collaborative effort with other role players in the districts and the province
and nationally toward promoting intergovernmental relations for effective
planning and implementation of financial management that translate into
service delivery in municipalities. Provide project management support to a
team, including human resource management, planning, risk management and
reporting. Support the development and implementation of quality assurance
programmme (Risk Management, Internal Audit & Audit Committee). Ensure
the implementation and management of Risk, Finance and Supply-Chain
Management protocols and prescripts in area of responsibility.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574 For technical glitches send an email to: /or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs)
NOTE : EE Target: African Female



(5 Year Contract)
Purpose: To provide measures to enhance financial management in sector
departments as determined by the need from time to time (in line with section
18 of the Public Finance Management Act), including the review of systems of
controls for adequacy and effectiveness against observed exceptions and
guide on mitigation measures, towards mature and sustainable financial
management and administration systems.

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7) in Financial Accounting / Financial Management /
Public Finance / Accounting coupled with Minimum of 5 years’ work experience
in financial management of which 3 years should be and Assistant Director
Level. 2 years' experience working with BAS (or similar accounting system). A
valid driver’s licence is essential. Skills and Competencies: High end IT Skills
(micro-soft and related applications), Communication Skills, Writing and
Presentation Skills, Stakeholder Management Skills, Researching Skills,
Knowledge, understanding and application of the following prescripts: Public
Finance Management Act, PPPFA, BBBEE, National Treasury Regulations,
Supply Chain Management Reforms, applications of project management tools
and methodologies in Supply Chain Management and Asset Management
related areas of operation, Willingness to travel and Driver’s License.
DUTIES : Review the Financial Management controls systems for developing
Intervention Plans; Review financial reports for compliance with reporting
standards and accuracy for decision making; Support sector departments with
reconciliations and preparation of financial statements; Perform analysis of
financial information for informing decisions in support of the Interventions by
Provincial Treasury; Prepare reports to facilitate governance and accountability
as well as effective stakeholder management; Engage with other transversal
units to promote collaborative efforts to improve financial management maturity
in the province. Strengthened communication platforms by presenting and
sharing financial management exceptions to the CFO Forum; Perform any

other duties to support the CFO function, thereby creating a sustainable
financial management maturity in the province.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Financial
Management/Financial Accounting/Local Government Finance, Risk
Management or Internal Auditing coupled with 5 years’ experience of which 3
years’ managerial experience at Assistant Director Level in a Local
Government environment. Previous experience in monitoring or working in
municipal environment is essential. Skills and Competencies: Extensive
knowledge of local government prescripts in the areas of MFMA local
government risk management framework, IDP, other relevant planning
processes in municipalities, compliance, risk management processes and
reporting. The candidate should be familiar with the accounting reforms in the
municipal space in line with Municipal Budgets, GRAP Standards, MBRR,
mSCOA. Knowledge of the King IV report. Analytic skills. Ability to interact with
senior management in municipalities.
DUTIES : Manage And Facilitate the Development of Anti-Corruption, Risk and Integrity
Management Policies, Strategies and Framework. Supervise the development
and implementation of risk management policies and risk management
strategies in municipalities. Conduct research on best-practices on risk
management framework. Facilitate awareness on the risk management
framework. Monitor the Implementation of Anti-Corruption policies, Monitor
progress on Risk Management Implementation Plan in municipalities.
Coordinate submission of risk reports. Ensure assessment of the adequacy of
the risk management reviews from the reports. Conduct Municipal Risk
Management Assessment, Identify Risks and Develop Strategies for
Municipalities; Assist in conducting annual strategic municipal risk assessment
by means of Risk identification; Risk analysis and Risk rating, and the
development of mitigating action plans for municipalities provincially. Support
municipalities with development and updating of risk register and risk profiles.
Monitor the implementation of action plans to reduce risk. Consolidate risk
reports from municipalities and develop a risk profile for the province. Facilitate
Capacity Building Sessions on Anti-Corruption, Risk and Integrity Management
Policies, Processes and Procedures in Municipalities; Provide technical
support to Chief Risk Officers in municipalities to guide them in implementing
risk management as per request. Facilitate the establishment of information-
sharing and peer-to-peer learning platform for municipalities (Municipal Risk
Management Forums). Conduct awareness workshops on risk management
policies, processes and procedures. Provide technical support and guidance
on the functioning of Risk Management Committees. Report on local
government performance to inform on decision making by all relevant
stakeholders. Analyse reports from municipalities, identify areas of intervention
and devise intervention strategies. Intergovernmental Relations/Participation
Attend and participate in the National Public Sector Risk Management Forum.
Participate in risk management task teams as and when required by National
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female


SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho

REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Financial
Management/Financial Accounting/Local Government Finance or Internal
Auditing coupled with 5 years’ experience of which 3 years’ managerial
experience Assistant Director Level in a Local Government environment.
Previous experience in auditing / monitoring / working in municipal environment
is essential. Skills and Competencies: Extensive knowledge of local
government prescripts in the areas of internal audit, audit committee, municipal
budget reviews; financial management and reporting, expenditure
management, cost effective procurement systems and effective asset & liability
management. The candidate should be familiar with the auditing and
accounting reforms in the municipal space in line with MFMA, GRAP
Standards, Municipal Budgets, MBRR and mSCOA.
DUTIES : Monitor Compliance with the MFMA and International Standards for
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPF)/ The Global Internal Auditing
Standards. Provide municipal support in the development of a standard Internal
Audit Charter. Provide recommendations and guidance on how internal
auditing standards and relevant circulars should be applied by the
municipalities. Determine that all internal audit units in municipalities have
standard documents for their day-to-day operations. i.e. Charters, Internal
Audit Manuals or Internal Audit Methodology. Conduct workshops for
municipalities on use of Internal Audit methodology. Provide Guidance on
development of municipal 3 year and 1-year Internal Audit Plans. Respond to
queries relating to internal audit and audit committees prescripts. Provide
support to audit committees (i.e. recruitment of the new audit committee,
induction and attendance of audit committee meetings). Conduct status
surveys on internal audit and audit committees. Promote The Image of Internal
Audit Externally; Provide open understanding of sound internal audit and audit
committees in municipalities. Engage Chief Audit Executives of municipalities
and other relevant stakeholders of emerging issues which places a lot of lateral
thinking and analytical abilities during Municipal Chief Audit Executive’s Forum.
Engage Audit Committee Chairpersons of municipalities and other relevant
stakeholders on emerging issues. Monitor and report on the performance of
Internal Audit units and Audit Committees in the municipalities. Perform
Specialised Audits; Perform the Internal Quality Reviews for municipalities.
Monitor, advise and report on the implementation of Quality Assurance and
Improvement Program. Coordinate External Quality Assurance Reviews and
ensure that Quality Assurance Reports are finalised and reported. Ensure
corrective action plans are maintained for Quality Assessments. Monitor
Implementation of Recommendations; Facilitate the development of best
practice monitoring tools that are suitable for internal audit functions. Monitor
and report on implementation of internal audit findings and audit committee
recommendations. Provide Technical Support and Capacity Building In
Municipalities, Identifying Internal Audit training in respect of Internal Audit
matters. Coordinate training on internal audit matters, policies, and procedures.
Provide continuous development training throughout the municipalities.
Analyse and workshop municipalities on service delivery performance areas in
the province. Provision of technical support and guidance in the functioning of
Internal Audit, Audit Committee and Risk Management. Report on local
government performance to inform on decision making by all relevant
stakeholders. Manage Area of Responsibility; Maintain high standards by
ensuring that the team / section produces excellent work in terms of
quality/quantity and timeliness. Resolve problems of motivation and control
with minimum guidance from manager. Provide capacity building to Disciplinary
Boards members in line with the Municipal Regulations on Financial
Misconduct Procedures and Criminal Proceedings. Develop the monitoring
and evaluation of the functionality of the Local Government Disciplinary boards
in the municipalities. Guide municipalities on consequence management in line
with the Municipal Regulations on Financial Misconduct Procedures and
Criminal Proceedings.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Male

SUPPORT REF NO: PT 8/05/2024
Purpose: To manage the provision of ICT and operational User Support and
help with the provision of Information Communications Technology.

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA or National Diploma (NQF Level
6 as recognised by SAQA) in Computer Science / Information Systems coupled
with 5 years’ experience of which 3 years’ must be at an Assistant Director
Level in Information Technology. Skills and Competencies: IT System and
Support, ICT Procurement, Public Finance, Policy Development and
Management, Applied Strategic Thinking, Applying Technology, Budgeting and
Financial Management, Communication and Information Management,
Continuous Improvement, Citizen Focus and Responsiveness, Developing
Others, Diversity Management. Impact and Influence. Managing Interpersonal
Conflict and Resolving Problems, Networking and Building Bonds, Planning
and Organising. Problem Solving and Decision Making, Project Management,
Team Leadership.
DUTIES : Co-Ordinate The Development and Monitoring and The Implementation of ICT
Policies, Processes and Procedures: Manage and monitor the Users support
function in line with ITIL / COBIT framework. Facilitate the development and
implementation of ICT User Support related policies. Facilitate Operational
Support Services; Provide leadership and supervision for a technical team by
effectively managing the day-to-day operations of the User Support Unit and
Help Desk unit including evaluation, training, motivation and consistent support
of staff development. Serve as the primary coordinator/contact within Provincial
Treasury and vendors for the user support area of Information Technology.
Coordination and administer support for resolving problems related to personal
computers, computer applications and other information technologies. Provide
oversight and direction for the User Support Unit. Maintain ICT Administrative
Systems and Ensure Data-Integrity; Maintain a master list of software and
hardware and maintenance agreements. Assures preparation of
correspondence, reports and prepares, disseminates information to
branches/divisions/sections related to offered customer support services.
Prepares correspondence and reports relating to User Support programs and
functions. Prepares user "help" documentation and instructions, and trouble-
shooting guides. Manage Area Of Responsibility; Maintain high standards by
ensuring that the team / section produces excellent work in terms of quality /
quantity and timeliness, Resolve problems of motivation and control with
minimum guidance from manager, Delegate functions to staff based on
individual potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford
staff adequate training and development opportunities, Ensure Performance
Agreements, Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all
subordinates are developed and implemented timeously, Manage employee
performance daily and ensure timely submission of Performance Assessments
of all subordinates. Ensure assets are managed, maintained and kept safely
by subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female


Purpose: To provide Information Communication Technology (ICT) security

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) or National Diploma (NQF
Level 6 as recognised by SAQA) in Information Security or related ICT
qualification with a Minimum of 5 years relevant work experience in ICT of
which 3 years’ experience must have been at a Middle Management Level
(Assistant Director level). CISSP or CISM or CASP+ certificates will be an
added advantage. Skills and Competencies: ICT Systems and Network
Management. Financial Management. Policy Development & Management.

Project Management and Development. ICT Procurement. Programming
understanding. Strategic Capability and Leadership, Programme and Project
Management, Budget and Financial Management, Change Management.
Knowledge Management, Information Management. Service Delivery
Innovation. Problem Solving and Analysis. People Management and
Empowerment. Client Orientation and Customer Focus. Communication
(verbal & written). Computer Literacy. Technical knowledge and competencies:
IT Security Policy Development and administration, Working knowledge and
experience with ISO 27001, other related information security standards and
frameworks, Good understanding of IT threats and vulnerabilities, Knowledge
of Public Service Regulations, IT Governance, Information Security
Governance, Vulnerability Management, Information Security architecture
capabilities, Broad IT understanding, Understanding of Information Security
Technologies, Understand Risk Management, Information Security related
DUTIES : Establish, Manage and Monitor an Information Security Program; Implement,
monitor and review the Information Security management program. Develop
and implement relevant Information Security strategies, policies and
procedures. Customise and implemented the relevant directives and facilitate
incorporation of information security at the initial stages for all relevant project
implementations. Direct the design of relevant security solutions. Champion
and educate the organization about the latest security strategies and
technologies. Coordination and implementation of technical controls defined
within the Information Security Management Framework or program. Manage
user identity and IT physical access in accordance to business requirements;
Coordinate and manage endpoint security. Coordinate and manage network
and connectivity security; protect against malware. Coordinate and manage
user identity and logical access. Perform relevant ICT activities regarding ICT
assets. Monitor the IT infrastructure for security related events. Implement and
maintain preventative, detective and corrective measures to protect
information systems from unauthorized access and malware. Effective
Management of ICT Internal Controls and Risks; Facilitate the identification
and mitigation of the IT security risks and provide guidance and development
to the team of managing the risks. Facilitate and implement the required and
relevant penetration testing, vulnerability scanning of the network. Quantify the
risks of different IT architectures and communicate to the relevant
stakeholders. Facilitate and coordinate periodic threat risk analysis and
security assessments to identify areas of improvement. Facilitate the
processes of audit log management. Information Security Incident
Management; Coordinate Disaster Recovery processes and IT continuity
plans. Guide and monitor the establishment and maintenance of required
sufficient data recovery processes data recovery testing to prove data
recoverability. Conduct thorough due diligence for departmental requirements
of cloud services.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female


(5 Year Contract)
Purpose: To assist in measures to enhance financial management in sector
departments as determined by the need from time to time (in line with section
18 of the Public Finance Management Act), including the review of systems of
controls for adequacy and effectiveness against observed exceptions and
guide on mitigation measures, towards mature and sustainable financial
management and administration systems.

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) In Financial Management
coupled with Minimum 3 years' work experience at an Officer level (Level 7 or
higher) in financial management and with at least 2 years' experience working
with BAS (or similar accounting system). A valid driver’s licence is essential.
Skills and Competencies: High end IT Skills (micro-soft and related

applications), Communication Skills, Writing and Presentation Skills,
Stakeholder Management Skills, Researching Skills, Knowledge,
understanding and application of the following prescripts: Public Finance
Management Act, PPPFA, BBBEE, National Treasury Regulations, Supply
Chain Management Reforms, applications of project management tools and
methodologies in Supply Chain Management and Asset Management related
areas of operation, Willingness to travel and Driver’s License.
DUTIES : Assist in the review of Financial Management controls systems for developing
Intervention Plans; Assist in the review of financial reports for compliance with
reporting standards and accuracy for decision making; Support sector
departments with reconciliations and preparation of financial statements;
Perform analysis of financial information for informing decisions in support of
the Interventions by Provincial Treasury; Prepare reports to facilitate
governance and accountability as well as effective stakeholder management;
Assist in the engagements with other transversal units to promote collaborative
efforts to improve financial management maturity in the province. Support the
strengthening of communication platforms by presenting and sharing financial
management exceptions to the CFO Forum; Perform any other duties to
support the CFO function, thereby creating a sustainable financial
management maturity in the province.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Male


Purpose: To provide Information Communication Technology (ICT) security

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) or National Diploma (NQF
Level 6 as recognised by SAQA) in Information Security or related ICT with a
Minimum 3 years relevant work experience in ICT of which 2 year experience
must ICT security related at an officer level (Level 7 or higher). CISSP or CISM
or CASP+ certificates will be an added advantage. Skills and Competencies:
ICT Information Security Systems and Financial Management. Policy
Development & Management. Project Management and Development. ICT
Procurement. understanding. Strategic Capability and Leadership, Programme
and Project Management, Budget and Financial Management, Change
Management. Knowledge Management, Information Management. Service
Delivery Innovation. Problem Solving and Analysis. People Management and
Empowerment. Client Orientation and Customer Focus. Communication
(verbal & written). Computer Literacy. Technical knowledge and competencies:
IT Security Policy Development and administration, Working knowledge and
experience with ISO 27001, other related information security standards and
frameworks, Good understanding of IT threats and vulnerabilities, Knowledge
of Public Service Regulations, IT Governance, Information Security
Governance, Vulnerability Management, Information Security architecture
capabilities, Broad IT understanding, Understanding of Information Security
Technologies, Understand Risk Management, Information Security related
DUTIES : Information Security Incident Management; Coordinate day to day activities
and operations of the Information Security function, troubleshoot and
document incidents. Liaise with other relevant stakeholders Provide support to
the Disaster Recovery processes and IT continuity plans. Provide support to
the maintenance of required sufficient data recovery processes data recovery
testing to prove data recoverability. Conduct thorough due diligence for
departmental requirements of cloud services. Manage Information Security
Training and Development; Facilitate the information security training and
awareness program. Develop, implement and deliver training and awareness
program as required by the department. Continuously plan and develop
mechanisms to institutionalise information security such that culture of
information security exist in the department. Provide Support in The
Management of User Identity and IT Physical Access In Accordance To
Business Requirements; Coordinate and manage endpoint security.

Coordinate and manage network and connectivity security; protect against
malware. Coordinate and manage user identity and logical access. Perform
relevant ICT activities regarding ICT assets. Monitor the IT infrastructure for
security related events. Implement and maintain preventative, detective and
corrective measures to protect information systems from unauthorized access
and malware. Provide Support in Effective Management and Monitoring Of An
Information Security Function; Implement, monitor, and review the Information
Security management program. Provide support in the design of relevant
security solutions. Provide support in implementation of technical controls
defined within the Information Security Management Framework or program.
Identification and mitigation of the IT security risks, Facilitate and implement
the required and relevant penentration testing, vulnerability scanning of the
network. Quantify the risks of different IT architectures and communicate to the
relevant stakeholders. Facilitate and coordinate periodic threat risk analysis
and security assessments in order to identify areas of improvement. Perform
the relevant audit log management processes. Provide input in the
development and review of relevant Information Security documentation
including policies, standard operating procedures, manuals etc.
Implementation of ICT operational plan.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Male

NO: PT 12/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Business Process Re-
engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science / Information
Technology/ Software Development, coupled with Minimum of 3 years’ work
experience in ICT environment at an officer level (Level 7 or higher). A
certificate in Business Processes or ICT Governance or Data Management or
IT Security and an exposure of least 2 years’ experience working in process
and /or quality improvement programme will be an added advantage. Skills and
Competencies: High end IT Skills (micro-soft and related applications),
Communication Skills, Writing Skills, Stakeholder Management Skills,
Researching Skills, Data Management, Project Management, System
Analysis, Good understanding of System Development Life Circle (SDLC,
Analysing and visualising Data Understanding of legislative framework that
governs the Public Financial Management Systems, Applications of ICT
Governance protocols in the public sector, etc.
DUTIES : Support the development and execution of the IT strategy for business process
optimization, including Business Process Re-engineering and Change
Management. Governance and Business Architecture: Assist with enterprise
architecture and acquisition monitoring and reporting, Support the review of the
current relevant architectures for the Department. Analyse the current
architectural baseline gaps for modifications and solutioning, application
architecture gap analysis and identified applications, and business solutions,
Support the implementation and necessary review of the Corporate
Governance of ICT framework. Assist with the alignment of ICT standards and
procedure to the relevant Frameworks. Conduct and analyse business
requirements needs. Compile and document User Requirements Specification
(URS) documents for systems development. Facilitate implementation of
changes on operational systems. Liaise with relevant stakeholders. Data
management. Business architecture solution design. Overseeing data
collection and capturing (setting up data management capacity) to support
Data integrity as well completeness, Support management of projects by
ensuring continual updates, ensure accurate information to support the audit
outcomes (disclosure of contingent liabilities), Support the preparation of
reports to facilitate governance and accountability as well as effective
stakeholder management. Performing Quality Assurance: Ensuring that
software product features meet quality standards. Defining Reporting and
Alerting Requirements: Business Analysts help design reporting systems and
alert mechanisms to keep stakeholders informed. Review, analyze and

evaluate business systems and user needs. Document requirements, define
scope and objectives and formulate systems to parallel overall business
strategies. Identify an organisation’s technical needs, plan enterprise
architecture and strategize ideas to improve a business’s decision-making.
Identify and communicate with key stakeholders. Gather, review and analyze
business and industry data, including KPIs, financial reports and other key
metrics using data analytics tools. Liaise between various business
departments and groups.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female


Purpose: To render support in the management and monitoring of the utilisation
of LOGIS System in the province

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 9)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognized by SAQA) in Financial Management /
Information Systems / Supply Chain Management coupled with Minimum 3
years relevant experience in LOGIS at an Officer Level (Level 7 or higher).
LOGIS System Controller certificate is essential. Previous role as store / region
or departmental System Controller would be an added advantage. Skills and
Competencies: Public Finance Management Act, Financial Accounting,
Performance Management, Group Profile Management, User profile
Management, Microsoft Access/or SQL, Asset management and Asset
Miscellaneous, LOGIS System Controller, LOGIS Order, payment / BAS,
Automated transit and posting, cost centre manager, LOGIS management
reporting, LOGIS Train the Trainer. Computer literate, Communication Skills
(verbal and written), Problem Solving, Decision Making, Analytical Thinking,
Managing of Financial Resources, Interpersonal Skills, Project Management,
Planning and Execution.
DUTIES : Render Support in The Management of Logis System in The Province; Monitor
activities of all LOGIS System Controllers. Render support to departments
relating to LOGIS challenges. Assist with technical setup of LOGIS printers.
Responsible to maintain a register for all maintenance on user requests
pertaining to user profile changes. Responsible for recording of system
downtime and reporting. Establish and maintain a database of technical
problems reported by System Controllers to both National and Provincial
Treasury. Track number of technical problems resolved by National or
Provincial Treasury. Communicate monthly statistics on all calls logged at
National Treasury. Responsible for balance scorecard adjustments. Perform
User Account Management in The Province; Perform Quarterly user account
review monitoring of LOGIS per department. Coordinate submission of LOGIS
compliance certificates. Write reports on findings of user account management.
Ensure all System Controllers receive communication on system
enhancements and system updates. Monthly monitoring of system breaches
on login violations. Report dormant users and flag them for de-registrations.
Monthly monitor resource utilisation to ensure all users have adequate access
to the system. Report deficiencies depicted on reports to the Deputy Director:
LOGIS Monitoring & Support. Ensure the standardisation of user IDs to
PERSAL numbers only. Assist with ad hoc duties on requesting reports for
client departments and stakeholders within Provincial Treasury. Assist with
analysis of data on commitment reports and obsolete system data. Perform ad
hoc DR testing bi-annually.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female

Purpose: To render Demand Management Services in the Department.

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Degree (NQF level 7 as recognized by SAQA) in Supply Chain Management /
Procurement / Logistics / Finance / Public Management qualification coupled
with Minimum 3 years’ experience in Supply Chain Management environment
at a level of an Officer (Level 7 or higher). Exposure to Demand or Acquisition
Management will be an added advantage. Knowledge of Centralise Supplier
Data (CSD) base function is essential. Skills and Competencies: Knowledge,
understanding and application of the following prescripts: Public Finance
Management Act, PPPFA, BBBEE, and National Treasury Regulations. Supply
Chain Management Circulars, Practices and Policies. Risk Management
Policies and Practices. Financial Accounting. Budget preparation. Bid
administration, Procurement. Organising and planning, Problem solving,
Conflict Management, Project Management, People Management Skills,
Computer Literate. Decision Making.
DUTIES : Coordinate The Reviewal of Procurement Needs for the Department. Analyse
requirements. Conduct research and develop proposal for implementation.
Assess and interpret the results of the research on the market for procurement
methodology. Develop Demand Management Plan. Assist in developing/
reviewal of SCM Policies and Standard Operation Procedure. Develop
strategic sourcing for effective and efficient service delivery. Ensure
compliance with quality requirements. Determine whether specifications
should contain any special condition. Coordinate The Development of The
Annual Procurement Plan. Collection information from the relevant role
players. Check (engage) and analyse the information. Confirm availability of
Budget. Check alignment against strategic and other objectives. Consolidate
the procurement plan and submit for approval by the Head of Department
(HOD). Coordinate The Compilation of Tender/Quotation Specification.
Determine whether a specification for the relevant commodity exists. Facilitate
Bid Specification Committee sittings, Conduct working sessions with end
users, Present to the Bid Specification Committee, Draft minutes of the Bid
Specification Committee, Compile a document file for the acquisition process,
Conduct briefing sessions as and when required. Ensure compilation of
accurate monthly and quarterly reports and submit thereof timeously. Monitor
Procurement Plan and report thereof. If not oversee the collection and collation
of information and the compilation of specification/terms of reference. Compile
request for proposal as required if applicable.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female


SALARY : R440 412 per annum, (OSD)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : An LLB or appropriate equivalent undergraduate recognized Legal
Qualification (NQF level 7 as recognized by SAQA). At least 5 years’
appropriate experience in litigation and advisory services. Admission as an
Attorney. A valid driver’s license is essential. Skills and Competencies:
Interpersonal relations; Computer literacy; Communication (written and verbal)
skills; Innovative and analytical thinking. An applicant must be able to
understand public service legal prescripts and its applications, to enable the
management of litigation. Understanding of departmental policies and
procedures. Ability to apply, interpret and research the law. Experience in
drafting of legal opinions. Ability to draft and negotiate contracts and
DUTIES : Manage and coordinate litigation in favour of or against the department,
prepare instructions to State Attorney, monitor the court case from the inception
to its finality, consult with the relevant line function at each stage of the
pleadings. Render support to the Department by conducting research on new
case law which impacts on litigation. Conduct research on relevant legal
prescripts and case law in order to provide sound legal opinions. Monitor and

report on compliance with court orders in all provincial departments. Ensure
departmental policies are in line with the applicable legal prescripts.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female


SERVICES REF NO: PT 16/05/2024

SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS A Degree or National Diploma (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA or NQF
level 6 as recognised by SAQA) in IT qualification. 2+ years’ experience with
MS SQL. Experience in MS SQL manager, performing SQL queries and log
management. Certificate, CompTIA, Microsoft or similar certification will be an
added advantage. Skills and Competencies: Proven working experience as a
Database Administrator. Hands-on experience with database standards and
end-user applications. Excellent knowledge of data backup, recovery, security,
integrity, and SQL. Familiarity with database design, documentation, and
coding. Previous experience with DBA case tools (frontend/backend) and third-
party tools. Familiarity with programming languages and APIs. Problem-solving
skills and ability to think algorithmically. A degree in computer science or
relevant certification.
DUTIES : Building database systems of high availability and quality based on end users’
specialized roles. Ensuring that databases operate efficiently and without
errors. Managing databases and updating permissions. Backing up and
restoring data to prevent data loss. Defining users and enabling data
distribution to the right user in appropriate formats and timely manner. Using
high-speed transaction recovery techniques and backup data. Minimizing
database downtime and managing parameters for fast query responses.
Providing proactive and reactive data management support and training to
users. Determining, enforcing, and documenting database policies,
procedures, and standards. Regularly testing and evaluating data security,
privacy, and integrity. Monitoring database performance and implementing
changes as needed. Develop and troubleshooting ETL Processes (SSIS).
Database deployments (update and new changes to database objects).
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female. This post is earmarked for a person with disability.

Purpose: To support financial management interventions in province for
institutions managed under the Public Finance Management Act and Municipal
Finance Management Act, with immediate priority given to departments of
Health and Education.

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) or National Diploma (NQF
Level 6 as recognised by SAQA) in Public Management / Financial
Management / Internal Auditing coupled with Minimum of 2 years’ experience
in administration. A drivers Licence will be an added advantage. Skills and
Competencies: Excellent self-driven; innovative and well organised individuals;
ability to work with little supervision; ability to succeed working under pressure
and with large volume of data; high-end communication skills; proficiency in
Microsoft Applications (Excell, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook); ability to
create/design spreadsheets, ability to capture data with high degree of speed
and accuracy, ability to review information as well analytical capability to
translate data into management information.
DUTIES : Support on the digitalization of records efforts by capturing and reviewing
patient files, court files, etc; update and maintain electronic registers for both
the court on patient records; ensure accurate information to support data

integrity towards positive audit outcomes (disclosure of contingent liabilities)
and enhanced opportunities in collating court evidence. Execute audits in
accordance with the audit projects. Report progress on audit projects. Source
documents to update medico claims on e-liability register. Perform any other
duties to support data management and general administration thereby
ensuring that Intervention objectives are achieved.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: X3 African Male & X2 African Female. This post is earmarked for a
person with disability.


Purpose: Act as user type 2 for three centralised departments and support the
user type1 in the carrying out of duties

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) or National Diploma (NQF
Level 6 as recognised by SAQA) in Human Resource Management/ Public
Administration/Information Technology/ Financial Information Systems or
relevant field. Knowledge of PERSAL system. PERSAL certificates is essential.
At least 2 years’ experience in a PERSAL environment preferably in the
monitoring and support area. Knowledge of regulations related to Human
Resource Management. Skills and Competencies: Analytical skills. Excellent
interpersonal and communication skills. The ability to communicate and/ or
interact with external and internal stakeholders at all levels. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Perform User Account management of the users in your assigned departments
(user type 3) and monitor compliance to the PERSAL Instruction Note. Liaise
with your assigned departmental PERSAL system co-ordinators on user
account matters, PERSAL reports and any relevant PERSAL issues. Monitor
the responsible use of PERSAL users in your assigned departments and
escalate any exceptions to the instruction note. Initiate PERSAL notices for the
PERSAL system and bring important messages to the attention of
management and departments. Review compliance of departments with
applicable Provincial and National circulars. Manage the opening and closing
of centralised PERSAL codes and also register and recommend SCCs for the
centralised departments. Manage the life cycle of users in the departments
(from registration to deregistration) and also manage the allocation of
functions. Monitor the effective use of PERSAL system and act as PERSAL
advisor in the departments. Provide administrative support to the PERSAL
Forums. Provide solutions to all logged calls within the agreed timeframes as
per the Service Charter. Support the PERSAL Clean Up – and the NMIR
Project through monitoring departmental progress by reviewing standard
exception reports. Prepare monthly report on status of PERSAL clean-up and
NMIR. Produce critical monthly, weekly, and ad hoc business intelligence /
financial reports for decision-making.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Female. This post is earmarked for a person with disability.


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior certificate and A Three-Year Degree (NQF level 7) or National
Diploma (NQF Level 6 as recognised by SAQA) in Journalism/Media Studies
or Public Relation coupled with Minimum of 2 years’ experience in
communications environment.
DUTIES : Conduct daily media monitoring. Maintain a database of media organizations
and contacts within them. Market the departmental and Provincial events.
Maintain a database of media organizations and contacts within them. Manage
the company’s or organization’s social media communications. Regularly meet
with and conduct interviews with media personnel. Create and produce internal

newsletters for the organization. Create and produce visual content. Develop
and maintain working relationships with journalists in multiple types of media
outlets. Write, edit and distribute various types of content, including material for
a website, press releases, marketing material and other types of content that
take the message to the public. Prepare and manage the organization’s
communication. Manage the departmental social media communications.
Facilitate and produce internal newsletters for the department. Develop and
maintain working relationships with journalists in multiple types of media
outlets. Write, edit and distribute various types of content, including material for
a website, press releases, marketing material and other types of content that
take the message to the public. Prepare and manage the organization’s
communication plan.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Male. This post is earmarked for a person with disability.


(5 Year Contract)
Purpose: To support advisory services on ICT projects including providing ICT
project management support in various projects that are undertaken as part of
implementing interventions in terms of S18 of the PFMA.

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) or National Diploma (NQF
Level 6 as recognised by SAQA) in ICT coupled with 2-years’ experience in
ICT work environment. Skills and Competencies: Excellent self-driven;
innovative and well organised individuals; ability to work with little supervision;
ability to succeed working under pressure and with large volume of data; high-
end communication skills; proficiency in Microsoft Applications (Excell, Word,
PowerPoint, Outlook); ability to create/design spreadsheets, ability to capture
data with high degree of speed and accuracy, ability to review information as
well analytical capability to translate data into management information.
DUTIES : Support on the digitalization of records efforts by capturing and reviewing
patient files, court files, etc; update and maintain electronic registers for both
the court on patient records; ensure accurate information to support data
integrity towards positive audit outcomes (disclosure of contingent liabilities)
and enhanced opportunities in collating court evidence. Execute audits in
accordance with the audit projects. Report progress on audit projects. Source
documents to update medico claims on e-liability register. Perform any other
duties to support data management and general administration thereby
ensuring that Intervention objectives are achieved.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 / Ms. O Mjali at 060 5808 917 / Ms. B Ndayi at
060 573 5574. For technical glitches send an email to: / or
(NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : EE Target: African Male. This post is earmarked for a person with disability.


APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted only via the provincial e-Recruitment system
available at: and/or at
and/or at The system is available 24/7 throughout and
closes at 23:59 on the closing date. To report any challenges pertaining e-
Recruitment System, send an email with your ID Number, your profile e-Mail
Address and the details of the issue to:;
do not submit any CVs to this email address, should you do so, your application
will be regarded as lost and will not be considered. Technical support is limited
to working hours: (08:00-16:30 Mon-Thurs and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). No Hand-
Delivered/ No Emailed / No Faxed / No Posted applications will be accepted.
Refer all application related enquiries to the specified contact person.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024. No late applications will be accepted
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly complete New Z83 form (effective 01
January 2021) obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the

internet at Applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must
submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB:
Z83 in the e-recruitment system is currently not downloadable and therefore
not signable; so, applicants who submitted applications via the e-recruitment
system will not be disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to
sign on interview day. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications, and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
interview date. Applicants with foreign qualifications would be required to
submit an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority
(SAQA) on or before the day of the interview. Failure to submit all the requested
documents will disqualify the application. Correspondence will be limited to
short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within six (6)
months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Selected candidates will be subjected to a
personnel suitability check (criminal record check, citizenship verification,
financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification and previous
employment verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to
security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be subjected
to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. Misrepresentation in the application
documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the
event the candidate has already been appointed. It is the department’s
objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action Measures in line
with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable representation
across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity and people living
with disability will be highly considered. The Department reserves the right to
amend / review / withdraw advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest of
the department will be well served. (Females and People with disabilities are
also requested to apply and indicate such in their applications). EE targets of
the department will be adhered to. For SMS (Senior Management Service)
Posts: In terms of DPSA Directive on compulsory capacity development,
mandatory training, and minimum entry requirements for members of the
Senior Management Level for SMS appointments, it is a requirement for
applicants to have obtained pre-entry Certificate (Nyukela) as offered by the
National School of Government (NSG) for entry into the SMS posts and the full
details can be sourced by following the link:
course/sms-pre-entry-programme (the SMS pre-entry certificate is not a
requirement for shortlisting; is submitted prior to appointment). Successful
candidates will be appointed on a probation period of 12/24 months. The
competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies
using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.



NO: DPWI 01/05/202
Re-advert: Applicants that previously applied may re-apply

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree NQF Level 7 in Built
environment/ Property related discipline with 5 years’ relevant experience at
Middle Management Level. Pre-entry certificate for the Senior Management
Service (SMS). A valid driver’s licence. Registration with the professional
institutes will be advantageous, Knowledge and Skills: Distribution of Revenue
Act (DORA). Government Immovable Assets Management Act (GIAMA),
Provincial Infrastructure Delivery Framework (PIDF), Preferential Procurement
Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000. Provincial Growth and Development Plan for
Eastern Cape. Public Service Act. Public Service Regulations 2016. PFMA.
Applicable legislation and prescripts. Government Programmes. Information
Management. Policies and Procedures. Competencies: Networking and
building bonds. Diversity Management. Negotiation. Presentation. Analytical.
Strategic Capability and leadership. Financial Management. People
Management and Empowerment. Programme and Project Management. Client
orientation and customer focus. Communication.

DUTIES : Manage Technical Portfolio Services for Client Departments. Manage and
direct the provision of professional inputs to client departments in terms of the
preparation of the User Asset Management Plan [UAMP]. Manage and direct
the validation of the suitability and availability of land and services for client
departments. Manage the delivery of the infrastructure programmes and
projects. Manage and direct the provision of professional inputs to client
departments in terms of the preparation of Infrastructure Programme
Management Plans [IPMP’s]. Manage and direct the provision of professional
inputs to client departments in terms of the packaging of projects and
finalization of the procurement strategy. Manage property and infrastructure
inputs for longer term integrated infrastructure planning in the province.
Manage the allocated resources. Maintain high standards by ensuring that the
team/ section produces excellent work in terms of quality/ quantity and
timeliness. Manage daily employee performance and ensure timely
Performance Assessment of all subordinates. Ensure management,
maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

Re-advert: Applicants that previously applied may re-apply

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree NQF Level 7 in BSC Economics
/ Statistics, B. Com Econometrics/ Development Studies / Small Business
Enterprise with 5 years’ relevant experience at middle management level. Pre-
entry certificate for the Senior Management Service (SMS). A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge And Skills: Departmental service delivery principles. PSR,
PFMA, PSA. Departmental Strategic Planning. Departmental Annual
Performance Plan. Asset management procedures. Various other national
legislation and other strategies on Urban Renewal, Rural Development,
poverty Alleviation, Community Based Public Works Programmes. Provincial
Growth and Development Plan for the Eastern Cape. All other HR related
public sector legislation and procedures. Stakeholder and customer
relationship management principles. Policies and Procedures. Government
Programmes. Occupational Health & Safety. Procurement directives. Citizen
Focus and Responsiveness. Management of Data. Data Analysis. Applied
Technology Basics. Applied Strategic Thinking. People Management.
Networking and Building Bonds. Diversity Management. Report Writing.
Computer Literacy. Negotiation. Communication and Information
Management. Presentation. Analytical. Budget and Financial Management.
Project / Management. Strategic Management. Motivational. Conflict
Resolution / Problem Solving Competencies: Strategic Capability and
Leadership. Communication. Client orientation and Customer Focus. People
Management and Empowerment. Problem Analysis and Solving. Financial
Management. Programmes and Project Management. Report Writing.
DUTIES : Manage the training of stakeholders in order to improve reporting and to ensure
data integrity and reliability by conducting projects Audits and DQA. Develop
Data Quality Assessment (DQA) tool. Monitor performance of the Province on
EPWP system, manage site visits for monitoring of projects Manage
compilation of EPWP reports. Manage the collection of data, clean, collate and
validate. Analyze reports. Manage the development of Audit files. Compile
regular reports. Monitor performance of the province on EPWP. Monitor
performance of all Public Bodies on EPWP. Provide support to all public bodies.
Monitor Number of work opportunities reported in the EPWP-Reporting
System. Monitor performance trends of Public Bodies against Targets. Engage
on one-on-one consultations with Public Bodies. Manage and facilitate training
of officials from all public bodies on EPWP system. Manage the allocated
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R1 216 824 – R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13), an all-inclusive remuneration
CENTRE : Bhisho
Ref No: DPWI 03/05/2024 (For Health Facilities)
Ref No: DPWI 04/05/2024 (For Other Health Facilities)
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree NQF Level 7 in any Built
environment/ related discipline with 5 years’ relevant experience at Middle
Management Level. Pre-entry certificate for the Senior Management Service
(SMS) is compulsory. A valid driver’s licence. Compulsory Professional
Registered as a Construction Project Manager / Quantity Surveyor / Architect /
Engineer. Knowledge and Skills: Public Service Act, Public Service
Regulations of 2016, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Applicable
Legislation and Prescripts, Government Programmes, Information
Management, Policies and Procedures. Citizen Focus and Responsiveness,
develop others, Applied Technology Basics, Applied Strategic Thinking, People
Management, Networking and Building Bonds, Diversity Management, Report
Writing, Computer Literacy, Negotiation, Communication and Information
Management, Presentation, Analytical, Budget and Financial Management,
Project / Management, Strategic Management, Motivational, Conflict
Resolution / Problem Solving. Competencies: Strategic Capability and
Leadership, Communication, Client orientation and Customer Focus, People
Management and Empowerment, Problem Analysis and Solving, Financial
Management, Programme and Project Management.
DUTIES : Manage Construction Procurement Strategy and Infrastructure Programme
Management Plan [IPMP]. Manage the professional inputs provided to DoH in
preparation of the construction procurement strategy and the Infrastructure
Programme Management Plan [IPMP]. Manage the professional inputs
provided to the Sub Directorate Technical Portfolio Services in terms property
management norms and standards. [Life cycle costs, maintenance plans, etc.].
Manage the professional inputs provided to DoH in terms of new technology,
revised norms, standards, innovations and renewable energy. Manage
Infrastructure Programme Implementation Plan [IPIP] and Service Delivery
Agreements. Direct and prepare the Infrastructure Programme
Implementation. Plan [IPIP] for sign of by DoH. Direct and prepare the
procurement plan. Manage the development and agreement of the Service
Delivery Agreements. Manage the implementation of services in line with the
signed. Service Delivery Agreements. Manage the Construction Procurement
Process. Manage the nomination and appointment of suitable professionals
from DoH and the Directorate in collaboration with the Departmental Supply
Chain Management Unit [SCM]. Manage the attendance and professional
inputs being made at the different SCM Committees. Manage the preparation
of relevant procurement documentation throughout the different phases in the
project management cycle. Manage Sector and Report on the programme.
Manage sign-off by DoH in terms of the IPIP and different Project Execution
Plans [PEPs]. Manage the implementation of contracts in line with budgets,
timeframes and quality standards. Manage provision of programme support.
Manage and control the budget allocated to the directorate in an efficient and
cost effective manner. Manage the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R1 216 824 – R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13), an all-inclusive remuneration
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree NQF Level 7 in any Built
environment/ related discipline with 5 years’ relevant experience at Middle
Management Level. Pre-entry certificate for the Senior Management Service
(SMS) is compulsory. A valid driver’s licence. Compulsory Professional
Registered as a Construction Project Manager / Quantity Surveyor / Architect /
Engineer. Knowledge and Skills: Public Service Act, Public Service
Regulations of 2016, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Applicable

Legislation and Prescripts, Government Programmes, Information
Management, Policies and Procedures. Citizen Focus and Responsiveness,
develop others, Applied Technology Basics, Applied Strategic Thinking, People
Management, Networking and Building Bonds, Diversity Management, Report
Writing, Computer Literacy, Negotiation, Communication and Information
Management, Presentation, Analytical, Budget and Financial Management,
Project / Management, Strategic Management, Motivational Conflict
Resolution / Problem Solving. Competencies: Strategic Capability and
Leadership, Communication, Client orientation and Customer Focus, People
Management and Empowerment, Problem Analysis and Solving, Financial
Management, Programme and Project Management.
DUTIES : Manage and monitor implementation of infrastructure capital projects for
Provincial Departments. Coordination of Provincial Infrastructure projects in
terms of construction, renovation, upgrade and refurbishment to award,
execute and complete under enabling environment. Ensure projects
completion by using target goals, treasury regulations, compliance with
national building standards and client satisfaction. Conduct infrastructure
forum meetings with concerned stakeholders to monitor the progress of
projects on a monthly basis and visit problematic projects as required. Manage
and monitor implementation of planned and unplanned maintenance of
projects. Coordination of Provincial Infrastructure Maintenance projects.
Manage preparation of specification documents for various term contracts.
Manage Installation, repairs / maintenance and ad hoc maintenance as
required. Manage provision of programme support. Manage and control the
budget allocated to the directorate in an efficient and cost effective manner.
Develop Infrastructure Programme Implementation Plan (IPIP). Manage and
monitor implementation of IPIP. Manage preparation and submission of
monthly, quarterly and annual reports in line with annual and operational
performance plans. Manage preparation and submission of updated
procurement plan. Manage the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R1 216 824 – R1 433 355 per annum (Level 13), an all-inclusive remuneration
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree NQF Level 7 in Public
Administration/Public Management/ Development Studies with 5 years’
relevant experience at Middle Management Level. Pre-entry certificate for the
Senior Management Service (SMS) is compulsory. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge And Skills: Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations of 2016,
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Applicable Legislation and
Prescripts, Government Programmes, Information Management, Policies and
Procedures. Citizen Focus and Responsiveness, develop others, Applied
Technology Basics, Applied Strategic Thinking, People Management,
Networking and Building Bonds, Diversity Management, Report Writing,
Computer Literacy, Negotiation, Communication and Information
Management, Presentation, Analytical, Budget and Financial Management,
Project / Management, Strategic Management, Motivational Conflict
Resolution / Problem Solving. Competencies: Strategic Capability and
Leadership, Communication, Client orientation and Customer Focus, People
Management and Empowerment, Problem Analysis and Solving, Financial
Management, Programme and Project Management.
DUTIES : Manage development of the social facilitation strategy and plan. Manage the
development of community profiles where projects are to be implemented.
Manage the implementation of departmental labour intensive initiatives.
Manage the development and conceptualization labour intensive amenable
projects. Develop a protocol to manage the implementation of the labour
intensive projects. Manage the monitoring of the labour intensive initiatives.
Manage the collection of list of departmental projects that will be form part of
the EPWP business plan. Ensure that job creation interventions are
implemented in accordance with EPWP guidelines. Ensure that the
programme’s job creation targets are met. Manage the collection of PoE that

will be submitted. Manage the implementation of social facilitation in all
departmental projects. Manage the allocation of social facilitators in all districts.
Manage the development of social facilitation framework that will be used in
engaging communities. Manage the collection of list of projects to be
implemented by Building and Properties, and develop a plan to roll out
facilitation. Ensure that all matters requiring escalation to the HoD and MEC
are processed as such. Manage the documentation of lessons learnt. Manage
the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:




SALARY : R1 042 170 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree in Quantity Surveying with six
(6) years Quantity Surveying post qualification experience required. Valid
driver’s license. Compulsory registration with SACQSP as a Professional
Quantity Surveyor. Knowledge And Skills: Relevant legislation and prescripts.
Relevant Departmental policies and procedures. Public Finance Management
Act. Public Service Act. Government Programmes. Information Management.
Applicable council registration legislation, Competencies: Technical consulting.
Professional judgement. Decision making. Team Leadership. Analytical skills.
Creativity. Self-Management. People Management. Change Management.
Customer Focus and Responsiveness. Financial Management. Research and
Development. Technical Report writing.
DUTIES : Quantity Survey analysis effectiveness, Perform final review and approval or
audits on quantity survey procedures. Co-ordinate quantity survey efforts and
integration across discipline to ensure seamless integration with current
technology. Maintain quantity survey operational effectiveness, manage the
execution of quantity survey strategy through the provision of appropriate
structures, systems and resources. Set quantity survey standards,
specifications and service levels according to organization objectives to insure
optimum operational availability. Monitor quantity survey efficiencies according
to organizational goals to direct or redirect quantity survey services for
attainment of organizational objectives. Financial Management, ensure the
availability and management of funds to meet the MTEF objectives within the
quantity survey environment/services; Manage the operational capital project
portfolio for the operation to ensure effective resourcing according to
organizational needs and objectives; Manage the commercial added value of
the discipline-related programmes and projects; Facilitate the compilation of
innovation proposals to ensure validity and adherence to organizational
principles; Allocate, monitor control expenditure according to budget to ensure
efficient cash flow management. Governance allocate, monitor and control
resources. Compile risk logs (database) and manage significant risk according
to sound risk management practice and organization requirements; Provide
technical specialist services or the operation of quantity survey related matters
to minimize possible risks; Manage and implement knowledge sharing initiative
in support of individual development plans, operational requirements and
return on investment. Continuously monitor the exchange and protection of
information between operations and individuals to ensure effective knowledge
management according to departmental objectives. People management,
manage the development motivation and utilization of human resources for the
discipline to ensure competent knowledge base for the continued quantity
survey services according to organizational needs and requirements. Manage
subordinate’ key performants areas by setting and monitoring performance
standards and taking actions to correct deviation to achieve to achieve
departmental objectives.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R873 840 per annum (OSD), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree in Quantity Surveying NQF
Level 7 with six years post qualification QS technological/technical experience
required. Valid driver’s licence. Compulsory registration with SACQSP as a
Professional Technologist. Knowledge And Skills: Programme and project
management. Engineering design and analysis knowledge Research and
development. Computer-aided engineering applications. Knowledge of legal
compliance. Technical report writing. Creating high performance culture.
Professional judgment. Networking. Decision making. Team leadership.
Analytical skills. Creativity. Self-management. Financial management.
Customer focus and responsiveness. Communication. Computer literacy.
Planning and organizing. Conflict management Problem solving and analysis
People management. Change management. Innovation.
DUTIES : Manage QS technology advisory services: Provide technical know-how to
Quantity Surveyors and other professional by providing proper and accurate
cost and estimates information; Advice on materials and construction
processes; Promote safety standards in line with statutory and regulatory
requirements; Value completed work and organize payments; Solve broadly
define technological challenges through application of proven techniques and
procedures; Develop, maintain and manage current QS and other
technologies; and Identify and optimize technical by applying QS principles.
Monitoring and evaluation of QS technologies: Evaluate and monitor existing
technical manuals, standards drawings and procedures to incorporate new
technology; Ensure quality assurance with regard to provision of advice on cost
and manage costs on-site; and identify and optimize technical and
technological solution by applying QS principles. Manage administrative and
related functions: Provide inputs into the budgeting process; Compile and
submit reports as required; Provide and consolidate inputs to the QS
technological operational plan; Ensure the development, implementation and
maintenance database; and Manage and supervise technological and related
personnel and assets. Research and development: Continuous professional
development to keep up with new technologies and procedures;
Research/literature studies on QS technology to improve expertise; To liaise
with relevant bodies/councils on QS-related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : East London
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management/Public Management/Public Administration with three years’
relevant experience in Corporate Services at an Assistant Director Level. A
valid driver’s licence. Compulsory Introductory PERSAL Certificate.
Knowledge And Skills: All acts regulating HRM, Public Service Act, Public
Service Regulations, Corporate Governance of ICT Policy Framework,
Archives and Records Management Act. Competencies: Problem solving skills,
Strategic capability and leadership, Management Skills, Communication skills,
Computer skills, Organizational skills, Financial Management skills,
Programme and Project Management.
DUTIES : Manage Human Resources and Administration services, Recruitment,
selection and placement of employees. Manage Human Resource
Development. Manage Employee Health and Wellness. Manage Employment
Relations. Manage network and IT Infrastructure. Manage Office Services.
Manage allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. L. Magama/Ms T. Vooi Tel No: (043) 711 5853
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in any built
environment with three (3) years’ relevant experience in quality control at an
Assistant Director Level. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge And Skills:
Understanding and application of the, Occupational Health and Safety Act No.
85 of 1993, Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, Construction Regulations
2014, National Building Regulations and Standards Act No. 103 of 1977, SANS
10400: Application of the National Building Regulations, PW371 – A:
Construction Works – General Specification, National Norms and Standards
Relating to Environmental Health in terms of National Health Act, 2003 (Act no.
61 of 2003), Built Environment Codes of Conduct, Guideline for U-AMP, 2018,
Public Service Regulations 2016, Public Service Management Act, Framework
for Infrastructure Delivery and Procurement Management 2019. Understanding
of the Preferential Procurement Regulation, 2017, Labour Relations Act, Public
Finance Management Act No. 1 of 1999, Construction Industry Development
Board Act No. 38 of 2000, Council for the Built Environment Acts No. 43 of
2000, Government Immovable Asset Management Act, No. 19 of 2007
(GIAMA). Good verbal, writing and communication skills, Conflict Management
skills. Computer literacy. Client orientation and customer focus skills. Report
writing skills. Self – Management Competencies: Model high standards of
performance for self and team. Customer services. Customer Focus. People
Management and Empowerment. Problem Analysis and Solving. Self –
Management. Manages challenges and opportunities. Computer application.
Engineering Management.
DUTIES : Manage and ensure Quality Control on all Projects. Validate and monitor
correctness of the Project Register. Allocate Projects to Control Works
Inspectors. Ensure high level of building standards and compliance. Supervise
management of activities of contractors and provide technical advice and
guidance in respect of compliance to regulations, legislation and processes.
Coordinate condition assessment on government used facilities. Manage
inspections on DPW used buildings, coordinate condition assessment report
with a view of effecting maintenance. Manage inspections on client
used/leased buildings, coordinate condition assessment report with a view to
advise Immovable Assets. Management of term contracts for day to day
maintenance. Attend meetings and submit reports. Manage and monitor
SMMEs with respect to quality control. Facilitate the attachment of clerk of
works on SMMEs projects and where necessary. Coordinate resources such
that the frequency of inspections is increased on sites where SMMEs are
involved. Manage resources.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : East London Ref No: DPWI 10/05/2024
Mthatha Ref No: DPWI 11/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate. National Diploma in the built environment, with at
least ten (10) years relevant experience in the built environment of which three
(3) years must be as Chief Artisan equivalent to Assistant Director Level. Trade
test in Built environment is compulsory. A valid driver’s licence Knowledge and
Skills: Understanding and application of the Occupational Health and Safety
Act No. 85 of 1993, Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, Construction
Regulations 2014, National Building Regulations and Standards Act No. 103 of
1977, SANS 10400: Application of the National Building Regulations, PW371
– A: Construction Works – General Specification, National Norms and
Standards Relating to Environmental Health in terms of National Health Act,
2003 (Act no. 61 of 2003), Built Environment Codes of Conduct, Guideline for
U-AMP, 2018, Public Service Regulations 2016, Public Service Management
Act, Framework for Infrastructure Delivery and Procurement Management
2019, Understanding of the Preferential Procurement Regulation, 2017,
Labour Relations Act, Public Finance Management Act No. 1 of 1999,
Construction Industry Development Board Act No. 38 of 2000, Council for the
Built Environment Acts No. 43 of 2000. Government Immovable Asset
Management Act, No. 19 of 2007 (GIAMA). Good verbal, writing and
communication skills. Conflict Management skills. Computer literacy. Client
orientation and customer focus skills. Report writing skills. Self – Management

Competencies: Model high standards of performance for self and team.
Customer services. Customer Focus. People Management and
Empowerment. Problem Analysis and Solving. Self – Management. Manages
challenges and opportunities. Computer application. Fire Safety Engineering
DUTIES : Manage in-house construction and maintenance projects Ensure
implementation of buildings maintenance plans and requests. Develop project
and maintenance implementation plan. Manage construction teams.
Coordinate and oversee all work on site. Produce reports in respect of Depot
projects implementation and coordination Manage implementation of day-to-
day maintenance Ensure implementation of day to day maintenance. Develop
and monitor defect register and ensure implementation Facilitate procurement
of material from suppliers. Ensure projects are implemented within budget, time
and quality. Manage depots operations Ensure depots are adequately
resourced. Develop control measures to ensure efficient utilization of
resources. Ensure implementation of District client forum resolutions. Manage
development of Artisans through experiential training Manage Resources
Identify skills development needs and recommend training and development
opportunities. Ensure effective and efficient workflow by Chief Artisans and
report on all work allocated. Monitor proper utilization of stores, equipment and
expenditure. Administer performance and development system.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711 5853/ Ms T. Vooi Tel No:
(043) 711 5843 e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047)
505 2767. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : East London, Queenstown
East London Ref No: DPWI 12/05/2024
Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 13/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF level 6) in the Built
Environment/ Facilities Management/Property related discipline/Real
Estate/Law/Town Planning with three (3) years’ relevant experience as an
Assistant Director in Facilities Management/Property management, A valid
driver’s licence. Knowledge And Skills: Departmental service delivery
principles PSR, PFMA, PSA, SCM prescripts, Departmental Strategic
Planning, Departmental Annual Performance Plan, Policies and Procedures,
Government Programmes Occupational Health & Safety, Provincial Growth
and Development Plan for the Eastern Cape, all other HR related public sector
legislation and procedures, Stakeholder and customer relationship
management principles. Citizen Focus and Responsiveness. Develop others.
Applied Technology Basics, Applied Strategic Thinking, People Management,
Networking and Building Bonds, Diversity Management, Report Writing,
Computer Literacy. Negotiation. Communication and Information
Management. Presentation. Analytical. Budget and Financial Management.
Project Management. Strategic Management. Motivational Conflict Resolution
/ Problem Solving.
DUTIES : Manage provision of cleaning services, Recommend properties to be provided
with cleaning services, Facilitate the procurement of service provider for
cleaning services, Facilitate placement of successful service provider, Monitor
the performance for the duration of the contract and approve payment, Manage
provision of Gardening and beautification services, Recommend properties to
be provided with gardening services, Facilitate the procurement of service
provider for cleaning services, Facilitate placement of successful service
provider, Monitor the performance for the duration of the contract and approve
payment, Facilitate provision of condition assessments, Identify properties to
be assessed, Facilitate the process of condition assessment, Receive
completed reports from buildings, Identify properties to be renovated, Ensure
the safe keeping of records, Maintain State owned buildings, Compile the list
of properties to be maintained, Liaise and forward the list to Building section,
Facilitate the maintenance process, Ensure completion of the project, Manage
provision of office accommodation to client departments, Facilitate needs

assessment from user departments, Manage identification of properties and
development of U-AMPS for the Department, Manage relations with user
departments, Monitor immovable Asset performance, Facilitate the inspection
process on utilization of office buildings, Facilitate the utilization inspection on
state owned buildings, Identify properties to be inspected, Conduct inspections
and gather information, Compile inspection report, Ensure maintenance and
safe record keeping, Manage the allocated resources, Maintain high standards
by ensuring that the team / section produces excellent, work in terms of quality
/ quantity and timeliness, Resolve problems of motivation and control with
minimum guidance from manager.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711 5853/ Ms T. Vooi Tel No:
(043) 711 5843 e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600 e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 14/05/2024

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Aliwal North
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, National Diploma in Auditing, Cost & Management
Accounting, Financial Accounting with three (3) years relevant experience in
Financial Management Services as an Assistant Director. A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations
etc. Knowledge of BAS and LOGIS. Knowledge on Financial Administration.
Budget Examination and Analysis. SCOA. Planning and Organising. Good
interpersonal relation skills. Presentation skills. Computer Literacy. Problem
Solving skills.
DUTIES : Manage rendering of budget monitoring, reporting and expenditure services.
Manage and monitor budget performance. Compile monthly budget status
reports. Monitor effective processing of payments. Manage provision of
creditors reconciliation services. Manage provision of pre-audit services.
Interpret financial policies, procedures and monitor the implementation thereof.
Monitor compliance with relevant statutory prescripts on procurement and
payment requests. Monitor administration of effective pre-audit services.
Manage provision of salary administration services. Manage salary
administration services. Manage effective salary administration services.
Manage and monitor clearance of salary accounts. Monitor rendering of
general administration support services. Manage provision of procurement
services. Manage and monitor Bid administration. Manage and monitor
compliance on requisitions received. Manage and monitor the process of
procuring goods and services under thirty thousand. Manage the rendering of
demand and procurement planning. Manage the development of procurement
plans for the district (threshold below R500 000). Conduct needs analysis of
the district. Manage Logistics, movable assets and fleet management services.
Manage and control logistical information systems. Provide system support to
end-users. Manage stores and warehouse. Manage life-cycle of movable
assets. Manage loss control services. Manage fleet services. Manage the
allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. H. Galeni / Mr. M. Tshwaku Tel No: (051) 611 9800
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 15/05/2024

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF level 6) as recognized by
SAQA in Public Management/Public Administration/ Development Studies with
3 years’ relevant experience in Community Development at an Assistant
Director level, A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge And Skills: Public Service
Act, Public Service Regulations of 2016, Public Finance Management Act
(PFMA), Applicable Legislation and Prescripts, Government Programmes,
Information Management, Policies and Procedures. Citizen Focus and
Responsiveness, develop others, Applied Technology Basics, Applied
Strategic Thinking, People Management, Networking and Building Bonds,

Diversity Management, Report Writing, Computer Literacy, Negotiation,
Communication and Information Management, Presentation, Analytical,
Budget and Financial Management, Project / Management, Strategic
Management, Motivational Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving
Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Communication, Client
orientation and customer focus, People management and empowerment,
Problem solving and analysis, Financial management, Programme and project
DUTIES : Facilitate the implementation of the social facilitation strategy and plan.
Manage the development of community profiles where projects are to be
implemented. Manage the inclusion of socio-economic deliverables in the
project specification. Manage the training and capacitation of social facilitators.
Manage the development of a roll out plan for all provincial projects including
those of client departments in line with the project time frames. Manage the
prioritization of the projects for social facilitation service. Manage the collection
of lists of projects to be implemented by DPWI and also client departments.
Prioritize the list of projects based on the complexity and the area where the
project is to be implemented. Manage the allocation of social facilitators per
project and per region. Generate reports on community engagements. Develop
a reporting system for community engagement and manage the submissions
thereof. Manage the process of analyzing the report, and identification of
critical areas that require further engagements. Develop a feedback
mechanism for both the client departments and communities. Manage the
development of community capacity building initiatives. Manage the
conducting of community skills audits. Manage the interaction with the captains
of industries to assess the skills required. Manage the development of training
plans in line with the gaps identified during skills audits. In cases where training
will be outsourced, manage the development of the procurement plan, however
if the training in insourced, manage the development of training manuals.
Manage the allocation of trainers and monitor the roll out. Periodically, manage
the evaluation of the training. Manage the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

DPWI 16/05/2024

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Social Sciences/
Developmental Studies/Public Management/Public Administration/Small
Business Enterprise with 3 years’ relevant experience in Innovation &
Empowerment at an Assistant Director Level. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge and Skills: Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations of 2016,
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Applicable Legislation and
Prescripts, Government Programmes, Information Management, Policies and
Procedures. Citizen Focus and Responsiveness, develop others, Applied
Technology Basics, Applied Strategic Thinking, People Management,
Networking and Building Bonds, Diversity Management, Report Writing,
Computer Literacy, Negotiation, Communication and Information
Management, Presentation, Analytical, Budget and Financial Management,
Project / Management, Strategic Management, Motivational Conflict
Resolution / Problem Solving Competencies: Strategic capability and
leadership, Communication, Client orientation and customer focus, People
management and empowerment, Problem solving and analysis, Financial
management, Programme and project management.
DUTIES : Manage promotion of the implementation of labour Initiatives. Promote the
implementation of labour intensive initiatives in at least two EPWP sectors
within the Province. Develop monitoring tools that guide the operational
process which is adopted by the Senior Manager/ Director of the Programme.
Manage research and feasibility study conducted to improve partnerships with
implementing agents in the Public & Private Sectors are formed in a form of
MoU’s, MoA’s and SLA’s followed by the procurement in the identified
methodology. Manage handover of a close out report. Manage and monitor
registration and matching of jobseekers in Amathuba jobs portal. Manage
social facilitation conducted on the identified municipalities. Manage facilitation

of job creation interventions within the province by registering unemployed job
seekers and potential employers. Facilitate and monitor awareness conducted
on Amathuba portal to all public and private stakeholders at various PSC’s &
RSC’s lists so that they utilize the Amathuba Jobs Portal. Facilitate and
intervene on collection of Portfolio of evidence from regions for reporting on a
monthly basis. Manage research conducted on innovation strategies. Guide on
research to be conducted on labour intensive methods/strategies. Manage and
monitor capturing and matching of unemployed people with jobs in the
Amathuba Job Portal. Manage the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 17/05/2024

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Social
Sciences/Development Studies/ Public Administration/Public Management
with 3 years ’relevant experience in Provincial Coordination at an Assistant
Director level. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Public Service
Act, Public Service Regulations of 2016, Public Finance Management Act
(PFMA), Applicable Legislation and Prescripts, Government Programmes,
Information Management, Policies and Procedures. Citizen Focus and
Responsiveness, develop others, Applied Technology Basics, Applied
Strategic Thinking, People Management, Networking and Building Bonds,
Diversity Management, Report Writing, Computer Literacy, Negotiation,
Communication and Information Management, Presentation, Analytical,
Budget and Financial Management, Project / Management, Strategic
Management, Motivational Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving
Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Communication, Client
orientation and customer focus, People management and empowerment,
Problem solving and analysis, Financial management, Programme and project
DUTIES : Manage engagement with stakeholders in the province across all sectors.
Manage and facilitate implementation of EPWP by all municipalities and other
provincial departments. Manage the development of sector business plans
based on the public bodies’ commitments towards achieving the national set
targets. Monitor the compliance of the municipalities and other provincial
departments on EPWP Ministerial Determination requirement, Facilitate the
empowerment of stakeholders to increase their investment on job creation
initiative. Manage stakeholder relations. Manage maintenance of functional
committees and district forums. Report provincial EPWP performance to IGR
forums including Muni-MEC and cluster committees. Manage communication
with public bodies and communities on new strategic developments and
requirements of EPWP. Promote marketing and visibility of the EPWP, manage
profiling of the programme. Manage branding and marketing of the programme
Manage provision of support to sector departments and municipalities. Chair
the provincial coordination committees constituted by all municipalities,
provincial departments, national competent departments with a foot print in the
province and State Owned Entities. Manage the one on one engagements
targeted towards unblocking challenges encountered by different stakeholders.
Facilitate capacitation of officials. Manage provision of technical support to
EPWP stakeholders. Facilitate the appointment of technical advisors and
engineers to support the municipalities. Manage the reorientation of the
designs of stakeholders’ plans to be labour intensive. Analyze and evaluate the
reports from the technical advisors on the progress made in their interaction
with municipalities. Manage the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Public
Administration/Public Management with 3 years’ relevant experience in
Research Integrated Planning at an Assistant Director Level. A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge and Skills: Strategic analysis and planning. Government
policies and planning systems. Eastern Cape Infrastructure Plan, Programme
of action, and 9 Point pledge, Public Service Regulatory Framework.
Presidency policies and procedures Research / Information analysis,
Performance management. Research. Report writing, Negotiation,
Interpersonal relations, Communication, Facilitation, Computer literacy,
Analysing, Conflict management, Presentation, Working in a team.
Competencies: Strategic capability, Programme and project management,
People management and empowerment, Planning and organising, Knowledge
management, Problem solving and analysis.
DUTIES : Facilitate provision of strategic planning support services to the Department
Administration of strategic planning processes including. Pre-planning
process. Post planning process. Integration of planning outcomes into annual
performance and operational plans. Alignment of various planning documents.
Conducting of research on all strategic related issues. Ensuring of linkages
between departmental strategies, priorities, budget, various plans, etc.
Rendering a support service to strategic related issues/workshops. Coordinate
the administration and the adaptation of different planning and regulatory
frameworks / template for outcomes, outputs and strategies. Research the
latest planning and regulatory frameworks and align the new plans e.g. DPME,
DPSA, Treasury frameworks etc. Facilitate the training of all departmental
managers to utilise the departmental framework and formats. Conduct training
sessions and workshops. Give guidance on an individual basis as and when
required. Administer the utilisation of service providers to assist with the
training process. Manage the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in
Communications/Public Relations/Journalism with 3 years’ relevant
experience in Media Liaison at an Assistant Director Level. A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge and Skills: Monitoring and evaluation, Government policies
and planning systems, Government programme of action, Public Service
Regularity Framework, Presidency policies and procedures, Information
management, Performance management Research, Report writing,
Negotiation, Interpersonal relations, Communication, Facilitation, Computer
literacy, Analysing, Conflict management, Presentation, Working in a team
Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Communication, Client
orientation and customer focus, People management and empowerment,
Problem solving and analysis, Financial management, Programme and project
DUTIES : Provide media liaison, monitoring and analysis Arrange radio and media
briefings/press releases/press conferences. Keep informed/ abreast of
Departmental developments. Manage timeous notification of relevant news
and developments. Ensure proactive communication of newsworthy
information pertaining to the Department. Monitor and evaluate public
attitudes, formulate and execute information strategies to promote mutual
understanding between the public and the Department. Reply to media
enquiries. Plan and undertake actions to promote the image of the Dept. Keep
informed/ abreast of Departmental developments. Manage timeous notification
of relevant news and developments. Ensure proactive communication of
newsworthy information pertaining to the Department. Monitor and evaluate
public attitudes, formulate and execute information strategies to promote
mutual understanding between the public and the Department. Liaise with key
stakeholders. Liaise with the Head of Department, SMS officials, officials from
other departments and institutions at the highest levels. Maintain networking,
communication and good relationships with all stakeholders. Manage the
allocated resources.

ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Built Environment
with three (3) years’ relevant experience in the Built
Environment/Developmental Studies at an Assistant Director Level. Post
graduate qualification with research will be an added advantage A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge and Skills: Infrastructure Development Management
System, Built Environment Acts, Prescripts and Standards, Research,
Development, & Innovation Methodologies, Public Service Act. Public Service
Regulations of 2016. Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Applicable
Legislation and Prescripts. Government Programmes. Policies and
Procedures. Citizen Focus and Responsiveness. Develop others. Applied
Technology Basics. Applied Strategic Thinking. People Management.
Networking and Building Bonds. Diversity Management. Report Writing.
Computer Literacy. Negotiation. Communication and Information
Management. Analytical. Budget and Financial Management. Programme &
Project Management. Strategic Management. Conflict Resolution / Problem
Solving. Change Management. Research. Infrastructure Planning.
Competencies: Communication. Client orientation and Customer Focus.
People Management and Empowerment. Problem Analysis and Solving.
Financial Management. Programme and Project Management.
DUTIES : Manage researching appropriate best practice, trends and new developments
/ innovations in construction methodologies, alternative and green
technologies; Manage implementation systems related to the coordination of
Integrated Infrastructure Development in relation to Portfolio, Programme &
Project Management Support Services to Provincial Infrastructure
Departments; Manage processes for the development, implementation of
strategies and plans to manage relations with stakeholders interfacing with the
Directorate; Manage and implement effective and sound management
environment within the directorate; Manage the implementation of effective and
efficient identification and management of risks within the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Built environment
with three (3) years’ relevant experience at an Assistant Director Level.
Registration with the relevant professional body. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge And Skills: DPWI policies and procedures, Relevant legislation and
Public Service Regulations, Understanding of related projects or agencies.
Knowledge of SLAs and Management information knowledge. Citizen Focus
and Responsiveness, develop others, Applied Technology Basics, Applied
Strategic Thinking, People Management, Networking and Building Bonds,
Diversity Management, Report Writing, Computer Literacy, Negotiation,
Communication and Information Management, Presentation, Analytical,
Budget and Financial Management, Project / Management, Strategic
Management, Motivational and Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving.
Competencies: Communication. Client orientation and Customer Focus.
People Management and Empowerment. Problem Analysis and Solving.
Financial Management. Programme and Project Management.
DUTIES : Manage the provision of Asset Management Services to the Provincial
Department of Health: Manage the analysis of the use of Facilities by the
Provincial Department of Health, Manage the provision of professional inputs
and credible technical data to the Provincial Department of Health in terms of
the preparation/updating of the User Asset Management Plan [U-AMP].

Confirm the acquisition and disposal needs of the Provincial Health
Department. Provide technical inputs to the Provincial Health Department in
terms of the development of technical specifications for leases. Make inputs to
the procurement processes for lease contracts. Manage land and services for
the Provincial Department of Health: Plan and validate availability of land.
Assess the suitability land. Provide inputs to the vesting of properties. Provide
inputs to the surveying of land. Monitor progress with the registration of state
land and report progress to the Provincial Health Department. Collaborate with
Municipalities, Determine the norms and standards for condition assessments
in collaboration with the Provincial Health Department. Manage the planning of
Technical Condition Assessments in collaboration with the Provincial
Department of Health. Provide inputs to the Provincial Department of Health in
terms of the development and updating of space and cost norms. Assess and
interpret the outcomes of condition assessments. Determine lifecycle costs for
Health Facilities. Develop maintenance plans for Health Facilities. Update
maintenance plans based on findings of Condition Assessments and provide
credible data to the Provincial Department of Health. Determine funding
requirements for maintenance plans. Make recommendations on improving
occupational health and safety standards at all Health Facilities. Make
recommendations to the Provincial Department of Health in terms of
compliance to green projects. Determine norms and standards for
maintenance of vacant land allocated to the Provincial Department of Health.
Determine maintenance plans for vacant land allocated to the Provincial
Department of Health. Manage the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Security
Studies/Policing/Criminology with three (3) years relevant experience in
Security Management at an Assistant Director Level. PSIRA Registration
Grade B is compulsory; SSA Advisory Course will be an added advantage. A
valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Constitution of Republic of South
Africa, 1996, National Strategic Intelligence Act, Minimum Information Security
Standards, Minimum Physical Security Standards, Promotion of Access to
Information Act, Public Service Act and Regulations, Public Service
Regulations, Public Finance Management Act, Protection of Personal
Information Act, Protection of Information Act, Criminal Procedure Act, Good
personal skills, Good leadership and managerial skills, Ability to manage
conflict situations effectively, Client relations skills, Communication skills
(verbal and written), Management skills, Team development skills
Competencies: Communication. Client orientation and Customer Focus.
People Management and Empowerment. Problem Analysis and Solving.
Financial Management. Programme and Project Management.
DUTIES : Facilitate Procurement of Capital Projects: Development of standard bid
documents for security projects. Facilitate procurement of security capital
projects (safeguard and electronic security systems. Monitor Governance
Regulations and Policies, Monitor compliance with SCM and Treasury
Regulations. Development of Security Policies, develop all security related
policy standard operating procedures and service level agreements. Manage
the allocated resources, maintain high standards by ensuring that the team /
section produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness,
Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from
manager, Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide the
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities, Manage Allocated Resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma in Property valuations/ Property
Management/ Real Estate with 3 years’ relevant experience in Property
Management field at Assistant Director level. Registered as a Valuer with the
South African Council for Property Valuations. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge and Skills: Change Management. Project Management. Conflict
Management. Financial Management. People Management. Strategic
Management. Planning and organising. Leadership. Good interpersonal skills.
Decision making skills. Analytical thinking skills. People management skills.
Good verbal and written communication skills. Computer literate. High attention
to detail. Competencies: Communication. Client orientation and Customer
Focus. People Management and Empowerment. Problem Analysis and
Solving. Financial Management. Programme and Project Management.
DUTIES : Develop valuation methodology. Customise methods for valuation. Determine
appraisal standards. Determine methods for estimations. Determine norms
and standards for valuation. Link valuations to life cycle costs. Make inputs to
the development and updating of the spatial planning and database. Interact
with relevant professional bodies/councils on latest development in the
information technology field. Conduct valuations. Inspect properties to evaluate
construction, condition, special features and functional design. Take property
measurements. Search for public records for transactions such as sales,
leases and assessments. Interact with relevant stakeholders to obtain
information and data. Take photographs of interior and exterior properties to
assist in estimation of property values. Evaluate vacant farm/rural land &
properties in proclaimed townships. Verify legal descriptions of properties.
Verify against legal prescripts pertaining to various aspects of property site
conditions as well as building codes, zones and by-laws. Estimate building
replacement costs. Incorporate any requirements in terms of heritage and
related studies in the valuation. Implement valuations pertaining to leases.
Produce valuation reports. Interpret valuation data and information. Prepare
and approve valuation reports. Refer valuation reports to the National Valuation
Council for validations. Present valuation reports to stakeholders. Quality
assure the work performed by external valuers. Feed valuation data into IAR
(Immovable Assets Registry) system. Prepare management/strategic reports
& recommendations related to evaluation.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Aliwal North
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Property
Management/Property Development/Real Estate/Town Planning with 3 years’
relevant experience at Assistant Director Level. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge And Skills: Departmental service delivery principles. PSR, PFMA,
PSA, SCM Prescripts. Departmental Strategic Planning. Departmental Annual
Performance Plan. Policies and Procedures. Government Programmes.
Provincial Growth and Development Plan for the Eastern Cape. All other HR
related public sector legislation and procedures. Batho Pele Principle.
Stakeholder and customer relationship management principles. Citizen Focus
and Responsiveness. Develop others. Applied Technology Basics. Applied
Strategic Thinking. People Management. Networking and Building Bonds.
Diversity Management. Report Writing. Computer Literacy Negotiation.
Communication and Information Management. Presentation. Analytical.
Budget and Financial Management. Project Management. Strategic
Management. Motivational. Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving.
DUTIES : Manage provision of District Property Management. Manage state property
holding. Manage Lease Portfolio Management Services. Manage enforcement
of Lease conditions. Coordinate and Manage Municipal services. Manage the
partnerships for specific property development initiatives. Manage the
allocated resources.

ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms H. Galeni/Mr M. Tshwaku Tel No: (051) 611 9800
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


Re-advert: applicants that previously applied may re-apply

SALARY : R833 499 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree NQF Level 7 in
Mechanical/Electrical Engineering with three (3) years post qualification.
Professional registration with ECSA as a Professional Engineer is compulsory.
A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Programme and Project
Management. Operational Compliance. Communication. Process knowledge
and skills. Maintenance skills and knowledge. Mobile equipment operating
skills. Research and development. Computer-aided engineering applications.
Creating high performance culture. Technical consulting. Professional
Judgement. Strategic capability and leadership. Problem solving and analysis.
Decision making. Team Leadership. Creativity. Financial Management.
Customer focus and responsiveness. Communication. Computer skills. People
Management. Planning and Organising. Conflict management. Negotiation
Skills. Change Management.
DUTIES : Design new systems to solve practical engineering challenges and improve
efficiency and enhance safety. Plan, Design, Operate and maintain engineering
projects. Develop cost effective solutions according to standards. Develop
tender specifications. Evaluate existing technical manuals standard drawings
and procedures to incorporate new technology. Approve engineering works
according to prescribed norms and standards. Human Capital development.
Office administration and Budget Planning. Monitor and control expenditure.
Report on expenditure and service delivery. Research and Development.
Continuous professional development to keep up with new technologies and
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R833 499 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff Ref No: DPWI 27/05/2024
Gqeberha Ref No: DPWI 28/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma Degree NQF Level 6 in any Built
Environment Field with a minimum of 4 years and six months certified
experience/ B Tech Degree NQF Level 7 (Built Environment Field) with a
minimum of 4 years certified managerial experience/ Honours Degree in any
Degree Built Environment Field with a minimum of 3 years’ experience. A valid
driver’s licence. Compulsory registration with the SACPCMP as Professional
Construction Project Manager. Knowledge And Skills: Public Service
Regulations, Public Service Act. Departmental service delivery principles,
PFMA. Departmental Strategic Planning. Departmental Annual Performance
Plan. Policies and Procedures. Government Programmes. Occupational
Health & Safety. Provincial Growth and Development Plan for the Eastern
Cape All other HR related public sector legislation and procedures.
Stakeholder and customer relationship management principles. Citizen Focus
and Responsiveness. Develop others. Applied Technology Basics. Applied
Strategic Thinking. People Management. Networking and Building Bonds.
Diversity Management. Report Writing. Computer Literacy. Negotiation.
Communication and Information Management. Presentation. Analytical.
Budget and Financial Management. Project Management. Strategic
Management. Motivational Skills. Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving Skills.
Competencies: Leadership skills. Client management. Analytical skills. Project
management. Research and development. Computer literacy. Change
management. Knowledge of legal compliance. Technical report writing.
Networking. Problem solving and analysis. Solutions-oriented. Planning,
Organising and execution. Decision making. Team work.

DUTIES : Manage and co-ordinate all aspects of projects: Guide the project planning.
Implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation in line with project
management methodology; Create and execute project work plans and revise
as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements; Identify resource
needed and assign individual responsibilities; Manage day-to-day operational
aspects of a project of scope and effectively apply methodology and enforce
project standards to minimize risk on projects. Project Accounting and Financial
Management: Report project progress to Head of Buildings-Capital Works; and
Manage Project budget and resources; Office Administration: Provide inputs to
other professionals with tender administration; Liaise and interact with service
providers, client and management; contribute to the human resources
allocated related activities; maintain the records management system and the
architectural library; and utilize resources allocated effectively. Research and
Development: Keep up with new technologies and procedures;
research/literature on new developments on projects management
technologies; and Liaise with relevant bodies/councils on project management.
ENQUIRIES : Gqeberha post: contact Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer
Tel No: (041) 390 9032
Enquiries: Mount Ayliff post: contact Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039)
254 6942
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R721 476 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Bhisho:
Ref No: DPWI 29/05/2024 (For Other Health)
Ref No: DPWI 30/05/2024 (Other Departments)
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree (NQF Level 7) in Architecture
with three (3) years post qualification architectural experience required. A valid
driver’s licence. Compulsory registration with SACAP as a Professional
Architect Competencies: Programme and Project Management. Architectural
and Operational Compliance. Architectural Operational Communication.
Process knowledge and skills. Maintenance skills and knowledge. Mobile
equipment operating skills. Architectural principles. Research and
development. Computer-aided engineering applications. Creating high
performance culture. Technical consulting. Professional Judgement. Strategic
capability and leadership. Problem solving and analysis. Decision making.
Team Leadership. Creativity. Financial Management. Customer focus and
responsiveness. Communication. Computer skills. People Management.
Planning and Organising. Conflict management. Negotiation Skills. Change
DUTIES : Perform architectural activities on state-owned or leased buildings, structures
or facilities: Co-ordinate professional teams on all aspects regarding
architecture; Ensure adherence and compliance to legal, safety and health
requirements; Provide architectural advice and technical support in the
evaluation of solutions; Ensure the adoption of technical and quality strategies;
Develop architectural related policies, methods and practices; Provide solution
on non-compliance and failure of designs; Review plans, drawings,
specifications, and estimates accomplished by building designers and/or sub-
professional personnel; and Ensure adherence to the requirements of
professional registration. Human capital development: Mentor and train
candidate architects and related technical and administrative personnel to
promote skills/knowledge transfer and adherence to sound architectural
principles and code of practice; Supervise architectural work and processes;
Administer Performance management and development. Office administration
and budget planning: Manage resources, prepare and consolidate inputs for
the facilitation of resource utilisation; Ensure adherence to regulations and
procedures for procurement SCM and human resource administration; Monitor
and control expenditure; Report on expenditure and service delivery. Research
and development: Continuous professional development to keep up with new
technologies and procedures; Research/literature studies on architecture to
improve expertise; Liaise with relevant bodies/councils on architectural-related
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236

e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R721 476 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Bhisho:
Ref No: DPWI 31/05/2024 (For Health Facilities)
Ref No: DPWI 32/05/2024 (Other Departments)
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree (NQF Level 7) with three (3)
years post qualification quantity survey experience is required. A valid driver’s
licence. Compulsory Registration with SACQSP as a Professional Quantity
surveyor. Knowledge and Skills: Relevant legislation and prescripts. Relevant
Departmental policies and procedures. Public Finance Management Act.
Public Service Act. Government Programmes. Information Management.
Applicable council registration legislation, Competencies: Technical consulting.
Professional judgement. Decision making. Team Leadership. Analytical skills.
Creativity. Self-Management. People Management. Change Management.
Customer Focus and Responsiveness. Financial Management. Research and
Development. Technical Report writing.
DUTIES : Perform Quantity survey activities on buildings, structures or facilities.
Coordinate professional teams on all aspects regarding Quantity Survey.
Ensure adherence to Quantity Survey determination standards. Provide
quantity survey advice and technical support in the evaluation of costs. Ensure
administration and budget planning. Manage resources, prepare and
consolidate inputs for the facilitation of resource utilization. Ensure adherence
to regulations and procedures for procurement SCM and personnel. Report on
expenditure and service delivery. Research and development. Continuous
professional development according to council guidelines. Research/literature
studies on quantity survey to improve expertise. Liaise with relevant
bodies/councils on quantity survey related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R721 476 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive remuneration package

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree NQF Level 7 in Urban/Town and
Regional Planning with three (3) years post qualification experience required.
Professional Registration with SACPLAN is compulsory. A valid driver’s
license. Knowledge and Skills: Relevant legislation and prescripts. Relevant
Departmental policies and procedures. Public Finance Management Act.
Government Immovable Asset Management (GIAMA), Deeds Act, Public
Service Act. Government Programmes. Information Management. Applicable
council registration legislation, procedures and conduct. Report writing.
Technical skills. Client Focus. Networking. Computer Literacy. Diversity
Management. Communication. Negotiation. Presentation. Project
Management. Strategic Management. Conflict Resolution. Competencies:
Project and Programme Management. T&R Principles and Methodologies.
Research and Development. Computer-aided applications. T&R knowledge of
legal compliance. Creating high performance culture. Technical consulting.
Professional judgement. Decision making. Team Leadership. Analytical skills.
Creativity. Self-Management. People Management. Change Management.
Customer Focus and Responsiveness.
DUTIES : To provide all the Town planning services: Ensure the application of Town and
Regional Principles in land development. Facilitate and provide technical
assistance to professional teams on all aspects regarding town and regional
planning projects. Ensure adherence to legal requirements. Coordinate,
evaluate and monitor the implementation of development in compliance with
applicable legislation and town and regional planning standards and
guidelines. Human Capital Development. Mentor, train and develop candidate
town and regional planners. Supervise town and regional planning work
processes. Office administration and Budget planning. Monitor and control
budget. Report on expenditure and service delivery. Research and
development. Liaise with relevant bodies/councils on town and regional

planning related matters. Research Literature studies on town and regional
technology to improve expertise.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R552 081 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Aliwal North Ref No: DPWI 34/05/2024 (Mechanical)
East London Ref No: DPWI 35/05/2024 (General Buildings)
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Electrical/
Mechanical Engineering (T/N/S streams) or A N3 and passed trade test in the
built environment /Mechanical), or Registration as an Engineering Technician
(Mechanical). 3 years’ experience at supervisory level in Mechanical within the
built environment/ Salary Level 7/8. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge And
Skills: Buildings Regulations, Quality Control of all buildings works,
Management of people, risk, change and promotion of teamwork, OHS Act.
Good verbal, writing and communication skills, Conflict Management skills,
Computer literacy, Client orientation and customer focus skills, Report writing
skills, Self – Management.
DUTIES : Manage and coordinate quality control of new works and maintenance projects:
Manage and monitor compliance with the National Building Regulations in
inspection of properties. Manage contracts and in-house construction by
providing technical advice and guidance in respect of compliance to
regulations, legislation and processes. Attend meetings and submit reports.
Manage government used facilities condition assessment: Manage inspections
on DPW used buildings, coordinate. Condition assessment report with a view
of effecting maintenance. Manage inspections on client used/leased buildings,
coordinate condition assessment report with a view to advise Immovable
Assets. Attend meetings and submit reports. Monitor SMMES with respect to
quality control: Recommend the appointment of clerk of works for each project
where SMMEs are appointed. Coordinate resources such that the frequency
of inspections is increased on sites where SMMEs are involved. Monitor
effectiveness of contractors and SMMEs in all the projects. Manage assistance
of EPWP in development of SMMEs. Manage resources: Identify skills
development needs and recommend training and development opportunities.
Ensure quality control and effective and efficient work flow by Works Inspectors
and report on all work allocated. Monitor proper utilization of stores, equipment
and expenditure. Administer performance and development system.
ENQUIRIES : East London: can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711 5853/ Ms T.
Vooi Tel No: (043) 711 5843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: Aliwal North: can be directed to Ms H. Galeni/Mr M. Tshwaku Tel No:
(051) 611 9800. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-


SALARY : R455 223 per annum (OSD)

CENTRE : Grahamstown Depot Ref No: DPWI 36/05/2024
Mthatha Depot Ref No: DPWI 37/05/2024
Nqamakhwe Depot Ref No: DPWI 38/05/2024
Mount Fletcher Depot Ref No: DPWI 39/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate Trade Test Certificate with ten (10) years post qualification
experience required as an Artisan/Artisan Foreman. A valid driver’s licence.
Competencies: Technical design skills, Analytical skills, interpersonal skills,
communication skills. problem solving, decision making, Planning &
Organizing, Driving skills.
DUTIES : Manage technical services. Lead and guide the rendering of technical services
in field and workshops. Facilitate and monitor promotion of safety in line with
statutory and regulatory requirements. Provide quality assurance services in
line with specifications. Manage maintenance of technical services. Manage
servicing of all makes of technical equipment and facilities. Maintain the
technical infrastructure. Manage and monitor undertaking of daily preventative
and maintenance work. Manage administrative and related functions. Provide
inputs into the budgeting process. Compile and submit reports as required.
Provide and consolidate inputs to the technical operational plan. Manage

updating of database. Manage human and physical resources. Coach and
mentor subordinates. Compile job profiles. Develop work plans. Conduct
performance reviews. Identify training needs. Control and monitor expenditure
ENQUIRIES : Mount Fletcher: Enquiries: can be directed to Ms H.Galeni/ Mr. M. Tshwaku at
087 362 9971
Ngqamakhwe: Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711
5853/ Ms T. Vooi Tel No: (043) 7115843
Grahamstown: Enquiries: post: contact Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390
9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel No: (041) 390 9032
For enquiries for Mthatha posts: contact Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel
No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


Re-Advert: Applicants that previously applied may re-apply

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS . National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Public
Management/Public Administration with three (3) years relevant supervisory
experience within the built environment or salary level 7/8. A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge and Skills: Distribution of Revenue Act (DORA),
Government Immovable Assets Management Act (GIAMA), Provincial
Infrastructure Delivery Framework (PIDF). Preferential Procurement Policy
Framework Act, 5 of 2000. Provincial Growth and Development plan for
Eastern Cape. Public Service Regulations 2016. PFMA. Programme and
Project Management. People Management and Empowerment. Client
Orientation and Customer focus. Communication.
DUTIES : Facilitate Construction Procurement Strategy and Infrastructure Programme
Management Plan (IPMP). Facilitate Infrastructure Programme
Implementation (IPIP) and Service Delivery Agreements. Facilitate
Construction Procurement Process. Facilitate Sector and report on the
Programme. Supervise allocated resources. Facilitate provision of programme
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


Re-advert: applicants that previously applied may re-apply

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Built Environment
with three (3) years’ relevant supervisory experience or salary level 7/8 in the
Built Environment/Development Studies. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge
and Skills: Infrastructure Development Management System, Built
Environment Acts, Prescripts and Standards, Research, Development, &
Innovation Methodologies, Public Service Act. Public Service Regulations of
2016. Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Applicable Legislation and
Prescripts. Government Programmes. Policies and Procedures. Citizen Focus
and Responsiveness. Develop others. Applied Technology Basics. Applied
Strategic Thinking. People Management. Networking and Building Bonds.
Diversity Management. Report Writing. Computer Literacy. Negotiation.
Communication and Information Management. Analytical. Budget and
Financial Management. Programme & Project Management. Strategic
Management. Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving. Change Management.
Research. Infrastructure Planning. Competencies: Communication. Client
orientation and Customer Focus. People Management and Empowerment.
Problem Analysis and Solving. Financial Management. Programme and
Project Management.
DUTIES : Participate in researching appropriate best practice, trends and new
developments / innovations in construction methodologies, alternative and
green technologies; Participate in implement systems related to the

coordination of Integrated Infrastructure Development in relation to Portfolio,
Programme & Project Management Support Services to Provincial
Infrastructure Departments; Participate in processes for the development,
implementation of strategies and plans to manage relations with stakeholders
interfacing with the Directorate; Manage and implement effective and sound
management environment within the directorate; Coordinate the
implementation of effective and efficient identification and management of risks
within the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 42/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Public
Management/ Public Administration/ Social Science with three (3) years’
relevant experience or salary level 7/8 in Intergovernmental relation and
stakeholder relations. A valid driver’s licence Knowledge and Skills: Public
Service Regulations, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Applicable
legislation and prescripts. Government programmes. Information
Management. Policies and Procedures. Facilitation. Report Writing. Research,
Computer Literacy. Negotiation. Networking. Presentation, analytical.
Financial. Project.
DUTIES : Stakeholder and IGR Strategy implementation. Support the unit with the
implementation of a Stakeholder and IGR strategy that is specific to the
mandate of the department and is based on the needs of the department’s
clients and partners, including local government. Develop and continuously
update a Stakeholder Register for the department. Ensure attendance and
representation of the department in the relevant IGR Forums. Ensuring
ongoing and enhanced stakeholder relations are established and maintained.
Assist in the revision and updating of the department’s IGR and Stakeholder
Relations Strategy in line with the Provincial Intergovernmental Relations
Strategy. Track the implementation of meeting resolutions. Extract and
distribute resolutions to relevant programmes and districts. Follow-up on
progress made in the implementation of the resolutions. Identify mechanisms
to improve implementation of resolutions. Coordinate and support district IGR
offices to ensure proper follow-up and escalation from local IGR. Provide
guidance and direction on the departmental participation in Provincial Events.
Participate in the Provincial Steering Committee for Provincial Events. Provide
support in the organising and hosting of departmental events. Render
administrative services. Assist in the development of operational plan to guide
the operations of the unit Compile administrative reports such as monthly and
quarterly reports. Manage the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management / Public Management/ Public Administration/ related qualification
majoring in HRM/Industrial Psychology with three (3) years’ relevant
supervisory experience or salary level 7/8 in Human Resource Provisioning. A
valid driver’s licence. Compulsory Introductory PERSAL Certificate.
Knowledge and Skills: Public Service Regulations, Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). Applicable legislation and prescripts. Government
programmes. Information Management. Policies and Procedures. Facilitation.
Report Writing. Research, Computer Literacy. Negotiation. Networking.
Presentation, analytical. Financial. Project. Competencies: Strategic Capability
and Leadership. Programme and project management. People management
and empowerment. Planning and organising. Knowledge management.

Problem solving and analysis. Communication. Client orientation and
Customer Focus. Financial Management.
DUTIES : Facilitate the recruitment and selection process. Facilitate the processing of
employee records and Risks associated. Facilitate the implementation of
Transfers and Secondments. Supervision of Staff. Facilitate implementation of
Confirmation of employment. Facilitate processing of incentives; Pay
Progression, Grade Progression, Acting Allowance.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Mt Ayliff Ref No: DPWI 44/05/2024:
Mthatha Ref No: DPWI 45/05/2024: (
Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 46/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma in Social Science/ Public
Administration/Management, Developmental Studies, with three (3) years
relevant supervisory experience or salary level 7/8 in EPWP Coordination. A
valid driver’s license. Knowledge & Skills: Public Service Act, Public Service
Regulations of 2016, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Applicable
Legislation and Prescripts, Government Programmes, Information
Management, Policies and Procedures. Citizen Focus and, Responsiveness,
develop others, Applied Technology Basics, Applied Strategic Thinking. People
Management, Networking and Building Bonds, Diversity Management, Report
Writing, Computer Literacy, Negotiation, Communication and Information
Management, Presentation, Analytical, Budget and Financial Management,
Project / Management, Strategic Management, Motivational, Conflict
Resolution / Problem Solving.
DUTIES : Facilitate reporting of work opportunities in the EPWP by public bodies and
ensure that reporting is aligned to the business plan targets, Facilitate the
implementation of business plan by sector departments and municipalities.
Facilitate consolidation of business plan. Conduct one on one engagements to
encourage reporting on of assets. Municipalities and Departments. Conduct
monitoring of projects and follow up thereafter on non-performance through
site visits. Facilitate the establishment and sittings of sector committees in the
region. Facilitate verification of Projects and files to encourage compliance.
Facilitate training of officials from public bodies so as to understand the EPWP
reporting system, its operations and time frames. Monitor and coordinate the
implementation of EPWP by all public bodies. Promote and ensure compliance
to EPWP Ministerial determination. Facilitate implementation of EPWP
Guidelines on EPWP projects. Facilitate provision of technical support to public
bodies. Conduct project visit as part of verification. Coordinate sittings of
EPWP coordinating structures according to SOP. Coordinate the signing of
protocols and integrated grant agreements by municipalities. Coordinate and
monitor compliance with DORA requirements. Manage stakeholder relations in
the Region. Conduct workshops on EPWP. Engage stakeholders at IDP & IGR
level on EPWP progress. Establish partnership with Department of Labour in
relation to compliance issues. Supervise the allocated resources. Maintain high
standards by ensuring that the team / section produces excellent work in terms
of quality / quantity and timeliness. Resolve problems of motivation and control
with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff based on
individual potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford
staff adequate training and development opportunities. Ensure timeously
development of job description and implementation of Work Plans and
Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all employees in the Chief
Directorate. Manage daily employee performance and ensure timely
Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure management,
maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : for Mount Ayliff: Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039)
254 6942
For enquiries for Mthatha post: contact Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel
No: (047) 505 2767
For enquiries for Queenstown post: contact Ms N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel
No: (045) 807 6600
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho Ref No: DPWI 47/05/2024
East London Ref No: DPWI 48/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Developmental
Studies/Social Sciences/Public Management/Public Administration/Small
Business Enterprise with three (3) years relevant supervisory experience or
salary level 7/8 in Innovation & Empowerment. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge and Skills: Project Management Principles, Meeting procedures,
Report writing, Stakeholder and customer relationship management. EPWP
principles and guidelines. Report writing. Stakeholder and Customer
relationship management principles. Policy management. Communication
DUTIES : Facilitate training of EPWP beneficiaries. Promote enterprise development.
Contribute to the development of artisans and labour intensive practitioners.
Facilitate and implement NYS. Facilitate and implement contractor
development programme. Create work opportunities by implementing EPWP
flagship programmes at the same time creating assets and delivering services
at community level that contributes toward poverty alleviation. Provide support
in terms of social facilitation and compliance with the EPWP norms and
standards. Facilitate the creation of alternative income, job, and sustainable
livelihood opportunities for household contractors.
ENQUIRIES : Bisho: enquiries can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L.
Magqaza Tel No: (040) 602 4236. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-
East London: enquiries can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711
5853/ Ms T. Vooi Tel No: (043) 711 5843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-


DPWI 49/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF level 6 in Social
Sciences/Public Administration/Public Management/ Developmental
Studies/Monitoring & Evaluation with three (3) years relevant supervisory
experience or salary level 7/8 in Community Development. A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge and Skills: Departmental service delivery principles. PSR,
PFMA, PSA. Departmental Strategic Planning. Departmental Annual
Performance Plan. Asset management procedures. Various other national
legislation and other strategies on Urban Renewal, Rural Development,
poverty Alleviation, HIV/AIDS, Community Based Public Works Programmes.
Provincial Growth and Development Plan for the Eastern Cape. All other HR
related public sector legislation and procedures. Stakeholder and customer
relationship management principles. Policies and Procedures. Government
Programmes. Occupational Health & Safety. Procurement directives. Citizen
Focus and Responsiveness. Develop others. Applied Technology Basics.
Applied Strategic Thinking. People Management. Networking and Building
Bonds. Diversity Management. Report Writing. Computer Literacy. Negotiation.
Communication and Information Management. Presentation. Analytical.
Budget and Financial Management. Project / Management. Strategic
Management. Motivational. Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving.
DUTIES : Manage and monitor the implementation of Community Development projects
and programmes/ Develop recruitment and implementation plans for the unit/
Manage social facilitation and stakeholder engagements/ Facilitate recruitment
of EPWP participants/ Manage and sign off the payment of UIF for EPWP
programme participants/ Conduct site visits & project steering committee
meetings for community development project sites/ Manage implementation of
LIC job creation interventions/ Manage partnerships with other role players,
e.g. Department of Employment and Labour (UIF & COIDA compliance).
Manage the allocated resources/ Maintain high standards by ensuring that the
team produces excellent work in terms of quality, quantity and timeliness/
Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from

manager/ Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential, provide the
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities/ Manage daily employee performance and ensure
timely Performance Assessments of all subordinates/ Ensure management ,
maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho Ref No: DPWI 50/05/2024
Aliwal North Ref No: DPWI 51/05/2024
Gqeberha Ref No: DPWI 52/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Monitoring &
Evaluation/Public Management/ Public Administration/ Social Science with
three (3) years relevant supervisory experience or salary 7/8 in Monitoring &
Evaluation. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa, Act No.108 of 1996. Public Service Act, Proclamation
103 of 1994 as amended, Public Service Regulations, 2001 as amended,
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA); Public Service Regulations, EPWP
Policy, EPWP Monitoring & Evaluation Framework. Planning, Computer
literacy skills, Analytical skills, Problem solving skills, Policy development skills,
Monitoring and Evaluation, quality management, Presentation and Report
Writing Skills, Research knowledge.
DUTIES : Monitor delivery of the set targets and assess performance on the EPWP
Reporting System: Collect consolidated projects to be implemented and
reported by the public bodies supported from coordination. Verify and analyse
the source documents (data) for projects to be captured on the EPWP-RS for
compliance, completeness, quality and validity. Verify the compiled listing of
the participants employed and reported to the EPWP-RS. Monitor progress
reporting in the EPWP RS. Monitor all lead sector departments and public
bodies towards the implementation of the EPWP according to EPWP norms
and standards: Monitor the implementation of Public Bodies business plans to
ensure EPWP compliance. Critical analyse Public Bodies performance on
EPWP Reporting System versus the Business plan. Produce and disseminate
evaluation reports and recommendations to Public Bodies. Facilitate and
support action plans and intervention to address immediate systems
challenges in Public Bodies. Facilitate Monitoring and Evaluation forum.
Conduct site visits to check compliance to EPWP guidelines. Conduct Data
Quality Assurance and file verification checks on projects reported on EPWP-
RS Draft reports on the monitoring activities undertaken. Provide capacity
building to sectors and public bodies: Identify Public Bodies that need data
capturing support. Facilitate site data capturing training to public bodies.
Overseer data capturing sessions to support public bodies. Supervise
allocated resources: Facilitate the development of performance contracts and
performance reviews for personnel. Monitor leave register for staff. Consolidate
monthly & quarterly performance report. Compile monthly budget and
expenditure for unit. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential
provide the necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training
and development opportunities. Supervise timeously development of job
description and implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development
Plans (PDP’s) for all employees in the Directorate. Supervise the daily
employee performance and ensure timely Performance Assessments of all
subordinates. Facilitate the maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236 e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: Can be directed to Ms H. Galeni/Mr M. Tshwaku Tel No: (051) 611
9800 at e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: contact Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer at
Tel No: (041) 390 9032


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff Ref No: DPWI 53/05/2024
East London Ref No: DPWI 54/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Real Estate/
Property development/Property Valuation Management, LAW/ any property
related studies with three (3) years’ relevant experience in supervisory level
(level 7/8) in Property Management. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge and
Skills: Knowledge base encompassing public works programmes, government
policies, principles, project management methodologies, stakeholder
engagement practices, budgeting and financial management principles, data
analysis techniques, risk management concepts, and policy analysis skills.
Complementing this knowledge, essential skills include leadership and team
management abilities, effective communication, problem-solving prowess,
sound decision-making, negotiation skills, project planning and execution
expertise, adaptability and resilience, networking and relationship-building
capabilities, attention to detail. By continuously developing and refining these
knowledge areas and skills.
DUTIES : To provide the development and property holdings management within the
district. Facilitate the development and maintenance of Immovable Asset
Register, Facilitate the acquisition and disposal of immovable assets in the
district. Coordinate the survey & consolidation projects on state owned
properties, Coordinate Land Audit Projects conducted, administer the vesting
process. Liaise with both internal & external stakeholders to develop strategies
and plans for the land administration within the district ensuring adherence to
timelines, budgets, and quality standards/ Liaise with various stakeholders
including government departments, municipalities, NGOs, and community
organizations to resolve any issues that may arise to land administration. IAM
guidelines, policies, and procedures at all stages of project implementation
within the district/ Prepare regular reports on project progress, expenditure,
and outcomes for submission to delegated authorities. Assist in the preparation
and management of the district's IAM budget, including allocating funds to
specific activities/ Monitor expenditure and ensure financial accountability and
transparency in line with financial regulations and guidelines and develop risk
mitigation strategies / Stay informed about relevant policies, legislation, and
best practices related to management of immovable assets, and support staff
within the directorate and district. Foster a positive work environment that
promotes teamwork, collaboration, and professional development.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711 5853/ Ms T.
Vooi Tel No: (043) 7115843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : East London Ref No: DPWI 55/05/2024
Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 56/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Real
Estate/Property Management Studies/ Law with three (3) years’ relevant
experience at a supervisory level or S/L 7/8 in Lease Portfolio Management. A
valid driver’s licence. Knowledge & Skills: Departmental service delivery
principles, PFMA, SCM Prescripts, Programme and Project Management,
Property Market Research, Departmental Strategic Planning, Departmental
Annual Performance Plan, Policies and Procedures, Government
Programmes, Provincial Growth and Development Plan for the Eastern Cape,
all other HR related public sector legislation and procedures, Batho Pele
Principles, Stakeholder and customer relationship management principles.
Advanced report writing skills, Computer Literacy, Presentation, Project
Management, Applied Strategic Thinking, Analytical Thinking, Negotiation and
Conflict Management skills, willing to adapt to work schedule in accordance
with professional requirements, must be prepared to travel, Ability to
communicate at all levels, Ability to work under pressure, Team Player, People

DUTIES : Supervise Income Leases. Supervise the Disposal of leases. Supervise and
coordinate Municipal accounts. Obtain the register of properties owned by
Public Works & Infrastructure in the District. Coordinate partnerships for
Specific property development initiatives. Render administrative support
services to SCM processes relating to leases management Supervise the
allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711 5853/ Ms T. Vooi Tel No:
(043) 7115843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807
6600. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Gqeberha Ref No: DPWI 57/05/2024
Mount Ayliff Ref No: DPWI 58/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in any Built
environment/Facilities Management related qualification with 3 years’
experience in supervisory level or SL7/8 in Facilities Management. A valid
driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Departmental service delivery
principles. PSR, PFMA, PSA. Departmental Strategic Planning. Departmental
Annual Performance Plan. Policies and Procedures. Government
Programmes. Occupational Health & Safety. Provincial Growth and
Development Plan for the Eastern Cape. Public sector legislation and
procedures. Stakeholder and customer relationship management principles
Citizen Focus and Responsiveness. Develop others. Applied Technology
Basics. Applied Strategic Thinking. People Management. Networking and
Building Bonds. Diversity Management. Report Writing. Computer Literacy.
Negotiation. Communication and Information Management. Presentation.
Analytical. Budget and Financial Management. Project Management. Strategic
Management. Motivational Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving.
DUTIES : Facilitate provision of cleaning services. Facilitate provision of gardening
services and beautification services. Facilitate provision of conditional
assessments. Facilitate the maintenance of state owned properties. Facilitate
provision of security services. Manage allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel
No: (041) 390 9032. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254
6942. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

NO: DPWI 59/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Safety/Risk
Management (NADSAM)/ NEBOSH/ SAMTRAC qualification or related
qualification. Must be registered as a construction health & safety officer with
SACPCMP. An Auditing qualification would be advantageous. A minimum of 6
years’ experience as a Health & Safety Manager within the construction
industry Must have a valid driver’s license Knowledge and Skills: Advanced
knowledge in Microsoft Office (Excel, Power Point, Word & Outlook) Working
knowledge of the OHS Act, Principles, and Construction Regulations
Knowledge of relevant legal requirements. Good interpersonal and
communication skills. Excellent judgement and decision making. Strong
planning, organising and control skills. Troubleshooting abilities. Decision
making, problem-solving and deadline-driven. Able to communicate effectively
to all levels in the department. A self-starter who takes a proactive approach
and has good decision-making skills. A self-motivated individual who excels in
a challenging environment.
DUTIES : Facilitate the risk management process and implementation of risk
management strategies after serious incident/accidents and the updating of
new processes. Assist and facilitate serious incident investigations and
verification of corrective and preventative action plans. Ensure investigations

are conducted and reported in line with legal and statutory requirements of the
applicable legislation dependent on industry sector. Compile close out reports
and submit upon completion of serious investigations. Prepare business report
on specific findings, planned activities, specific interventions and client
interactions. Provide technical guidance and consulting to management on risk
management and risk assessments. Conduct regular audits on the baseline
risk assessment to ensure risks have been incorporated into working
procedures. Communicate findings and recommendations of audit findings and
monitor the implementation of corrective and remedial actions. Compile regular
accurate, relevant and timely formal and ad-hoc reports. Ensure all actions
from management meetings are implemented as agreed. Ensure compliance
with all applicable company standards, policies as well as ISO 14001 and
OHSAS 18001 standards. Adhere to agreed policies, processes, standards,
procedures, protocols and documentation at all times. Ensure SHE
management systems are implemented and maintained.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in any Built
environment with three (3) years relevant supervisory experience or salary
level 7/8 in the built environment. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge And Skills:
Distribution of Revenue Act (DORA), Government Immovable Assets
Management Act (GIAMA), Provincial Infrastructure Delivery Framework
(PIDF). Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000. Provincial
Growth and Development plan for Eastern Cape. Public Service Regulations
2016. PFMA. Programme and Project Management. People Management and
Empowerment. Client Orientation and Customer focus. Communication.
DUTIES : Facilitate Construction Procurement Strategy and Infrastructure Programme
Management Plan (IPMP). Facilitate Infrastructure Programme
Implementation (IPIP) and Service Delivery Agreements. Facilitate
Construction Procurement Process. Facilitate Sector and report on the
Programme. Supervise allocated resources. Facilitate provision of programme
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Security
Studies/Policing/Criminology with three (3) years relevant supervisory
experience or salary level 7 or 8 in Security Management field. PSIRA
registration grade A. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA), applicable legislation and prescripts,
government programmes, Information management policies and procedures,
presentation methodology, computer literacy, occupational health and safety,
protocol, facilitation, report writing, research, computer literacy, negotiation,
networking, presentation, analytical, financial, project management, strategic
planning, motivational skills.
DUTIES Implement physical security services in the department, Implementation of the
Departmental security policy, directive / SOPs on physical security, ensure that
all facilities are safeguarded. Conduct evaluations and Implement
recommendations for physical security made by SAPS, Security Advisory
Services. Manage and maintain all installed electronic security systems,
ensure implementation of security measures at prestige facilities.
Implementation of identification card system to identify all employees and
visitors. Coordinate security clusters during District events where the Member
of the Executive Council appears, implementation of Technical Surveillance
Counter Measures (TSCM) to all sensitive discussion areas at Head Office,

develop, implement and monitor implementation of contingency plan, conduct
awareness on physical security. Ensure effective management of the control
room, implement proper key and key combination controls as per the
Departmental Key Control directive. Conduct security investigations regarding
physical security breaches. Conduct in-house security investigations regarding
physical security breaches. Implementation of the Departmental security
directive: breach of security. Investigate all physical security related breaches
occurring at Head Office and report to the relevant security structures. Keep
record of all security incidents in the Department. Investigations can be
conducted in the districts / regions on invitation. Ensure monitoring,
maintenance, upgrading and installation of security systems at identified
facilities. Manage and monitor contracted security services. Ensure that
contracted companies comply with the Service Level Agreement. Draft
specifications of security tenders. Manage and monitor contracted security
companies performing security services. Conduct monthly meetings with
security contractors. Ensure compliance with Private Security Industry
Regulatory Act for in-house security personnel. Monitor compliance with
Private Security Industry Regulatory Act for contracted security services.
Management of resources: Manage human resources of the component.
Manage physical resources of the component. Manage financial resources of
the component. Manage information resources of the component. Submit
weekly, monthly reports with regards to the key objectives.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

DPWI 62/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Real Estate/
Facilities Management/built environment with three (3) year’s relevant
supervisory experience or salary level 7 or 8 in land scaping & horticulture
environment. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Extensive
knowledge about trees, flowers and bushes. Departmental service delivery
principles, PSR, PFMA, PSA, Departmental Strategic Planning. Departmental
Annual Performance Plan. Policies and Procedures. Occupational Health &
Safety. All other HR related public sector legislation and procedures.
Stakeholder and customer relationship management principles. Planning skills,
Ability to organise and manage work, problem – solving, Communication,
Interpersonal skills, Project Management, Team Work.
DUTIES : Manage provision of horticulture services: Identify properties to be provided
with gardening services. Monitor growth and maintenance of plants for indoor
and outdoor use. Monitor beautification of government facilities grounds.
Manage provision of recreation facilities. Manage cultivation of the soil.
Produce and provide plants. Landscaping: Assist with landscaping
maintenance, restoration and design. Install and cultivate functional and
ornamental plants. Transplant and prune shrubs and small trees. Manage
weeding of landscape beds and assist with mulching. Identify and treat
potential pests or diseases. Provide plant care advice to other team members
and clients. Manage the rendering of administrative functions: Compile and
submit a request to Supply Chain. Facilitate the Bidding process. Facilitate the
allocation of the successful bidder. Monitor the performance for the duration of
the contract. Monitor preparation of payments for service provider. Manage the
allocated resources: Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team /
section produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness.
Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from
manager. Supervise allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 63/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Public
Management/Public Administration/Communications with 3 years’ relevant
supervisory experience or salary level 7/8 in the customer care environment. A
valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Departmental service delivery
principles. PSR, PFMA, PSA. Departmental Strategic Planning. Departmental
Annual Performance Plan. Policies and Procedures. Government Programmes
Occupational Health & Safety. Procurement directives. Citizen Focus and
Responsiveness. Develop others. Applied Technology Basics. Applied
Strategic Thinking. People Management. Networking and Building Bonds.
Diversity Management. Report Writing. Computer Literacy. Negotiation.
Communication and Information Management. Presentation. Analytical.
Budget and Financial Management. Project / Management. Strategic
Management. Motivational. Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving
Competencies: Strategic Capability and Leadership. Communication. Client
orientation and Customer Focus. People Management and Empowerment.
Problem Analysis and Solving. Financial Management. Programme and
Project Management. Results/ Quality Management. Decision Making.
Knowledge Management. Change Management.
DUTIES : Provide customer relations and frontline improvement services (service
standards and charter, complaints mechanisms, reception management).
Provide and coordinate 24-hour customer contact centre. Provide full redress
on complaints lodged by public works and Infrastructure clients. Administer
customer relationship management. Supervise the allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Public
Management/ Public Administration/Public Relations/Social
Science/Development Studies with 3 years’ relevant supervisory experience or
salary level 7 or 8 in IGR, Stakeholder Engagement and Communication. A
valid driver’s license. Knowledge and Skills: RSA Constitution-Cooperative
Governance, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, IGR Framework
Act, National/Provincial Development Plan, District Development Model &
Integrated Development Plan.
DUTIES : Manage and coordinate Stakeholder Relations: Establish and maintain
stakeholder relations, Develop stakeholder database Generate and
communicate feedback on issues raised by relevant stakeholders Maintain
effective relations with sector departments and Municipalities at District level:
Attend and participate in all IGR forums Coordinate implementation of cluster
collaborative Enhance cooperation between DPWI and relevant community
based stakeholders Monitor implementation of resolutions. Manage rendering
of communication services in the district: Monitor provision of internal and
external communications to the stakeholders, manage maintenance of the
brand for the department Manage marketing and advertising of District events
and programs Monitor participation in relevant communication forums inside
and outside the department Monitor development of District newsletters.
Manage the rendering of effective and efficient customer service to the clientele
of the district: Manage handling of complaints Monitor reference of complaints
to relevant officials, Ensure that follow ups are made by telephone, letter, fax
or email so as to adhere to turnaround times, Implement and monitor
adherence to Batho Pele Principles Compile weekly, monthly and quarterly
customer care reports Manage distribution of departmental/district publications
Monitor proper handling of incoming and outgoing calls and manage the front
line desk. Render administrative functions: Coordinate development of District
plans Report on implementation of project plans Monitor development of
District AOP Receive and review enquiries regarding services of the
Department. Supervise allocated resources: Maintain high standard of
performance within teams to produce excellent work within stipulated
timeframes for achievement of set objectives. Resolve problems of motivation
and control. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential, provide
necessary guidance, and support and afford staff adequate training and

development opportunities. Ensure timeously development of job descriptions,
signing of workplan agreements and assessment of employees. Provide
support on audit findings and risks within the unit.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel
No: (041) 390 9032
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Internal Audit/Law
with a minimum of 5 years’ relevant experience of which 3 years must be at a
supervisory level or salary level 7 or 8. Certification as Ethics Officer will be an
added advantage. Knowledge & Skills: Knowledge of Public Service legislation
and Regulations; Integrity Management framework. Conceptual and analytical
thinking. Good report writing skills. Verbal communication skills. Interpretation
of policy. Creative presentation skills. Problem solving ability. Planning and
organizing skills. Research capability, methodology skills. Honesty and
integrity. Time management. Ability to work under pressure for extended
periods. Computer literacy in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Willing to travel
extensively. Valid driver’s license. No criminal record or pending cases.
DUTIES : Assist in Developing and Managing of Ethics Strategy, Policies and
Programmes in the Department. Manage and ensure the investigation of
reported cases of unethical conduct and conflict of interest of members
Administration and coordination of the financial declarations by DPWI officials.
Coordinate the implementation of ethics management strategy and plan in the
department. Identification of ethics gaps by conducting integrity assessment
within DPWI. Monitor, evaluate and report on remunerative work performed
outside the Public Service. Monitor and report on the ethics performance of the
organisation. Monitor and report on integrity systems and processes within the.
Manage and monitor compliance to policies. Conduct Lifestyle reviews and
lifestyle Audits and drat reports for review by the deputy director. Provide
support to the Departmental Risk & Ethics Committee including managing
human and financial resources. Liaise with stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Internal Audit,
with 3 years’ relevant experience at supervisory level or SL7/8 in internal
auditing. A valid drivers’ licence Knowledge and Skills: PERSAL, Public Service
Act, 1994, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 75 of 1997, Employment
Equity Act, 55 1998, HR management principles, Performance management
and development, Public Finance Management Act, 1999, PSR (Public Service
Regulations), Meeting procedures, Report writing, Interpersonal conflict and
resolving problems, Team leadership, Budget and financial management,
Planning and organizing, Creative thinking, Self-management, Problem
DUTIES : Supervise and participate in the development of strategic internal audit plans.
Identify the key risk areas for the institution emanating from current operations
as set out in the strategic plan and risk management strategy. Participate in the
development of the three-year strategic risk based audit plans. Participate in
the development of the annual audit operational plan. Participate in the
coordination with other internal and external service providers of assurance to
ensure proper coverage to minimize duplication of effort. Supervise assistance
to and assist the accounting officer in maintaining efficient and effective
controls and achieving the objectives of the department by evaluating the
department’s controls/objectives, to determine their effectiveness and
efficiency through internal audits. Develop proposals to determine the scope of
allocated internal audits. Collect analyse and interpret data for purposes of the
development of the engagement work program. Develop the engagement work

program. Supervise and execute the allocated internal audits. Develop findings
and recommendations for the enhancement of controls/processes. Compile
and review audit reports for each engagement. Monitor progress on the
implementation of agreed upon action plans. Review, collect information and
compile reports to the accounting officer and audit committee. Progress reports
against audit plan. Quarterly reports. Annual reports. Keep up to date with new
developments in the internal audit environment. This would, inter alia, entail
the following: Study professional journals and publications to ensure that
cognisance is taken of new developments. Monitor and study the relevant
industry, legislative, standards changes and policy frameworks continuously.
Engage in continuous professional development activities relevant (tools and
techniques) as required/prescribed. Supervise employees to ensure an
effective internal audit service. This would, inter alia, entail the following.
General supervision of employees. Allocate duties and perform quality control
on the work delivered by supervisees. Advise and lead supervisees with regard
to all aspects of the work. Manage performance, conduct and discipline of
supervisees. Ensure that all supervisees are trained and developed to be able
to deliver work of the required standard efficiently and effectively. Provider
inputs for the enhancement of the audit methodologies and technologies.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Aliwal North
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management/ Public Management/Public Administration with three (3) years’
relevant supervisory experience or salary level 7/8. A valid driver’s licence.
Compulsory Introductory PERSAL Certificate. Knowledge and Skills: Public
Service Act; Public Service Regulations 2016, Problem solving skills, Strategic
capability and leadership, Management skills, Communication skills, Computer
skills, Organizational Skills, Communication, Programme and project
DUTIES : Coordinate recruitment and selection process. Consolidate Annual
Recruitment Plan. Facilitate recruitment and advertisement of posts. Approve
transactions on PERSAL. Facilitate the implementation of transfers,
secondments and acting appointments. Confirm probation on PERSAL.
Manage implementation of service benefits. Conduct information-sharing
sessions on service conditions and benefits. Manage the implementation of the
Policy on Incapacity leave and Ill-Health Retirement (PILIR). Manage
processing of service terminations. Facilitate processing of pension payouts
and leave gratuities. Facilitate implementation of housing allowance. Facilitate
implementation of long service awards. Facilitate implementation of grade
progressions and OSD translations. Manage HR registry. Facilitate opening,
closing and archiving of files. Manage proper 17 maintenance of records
according to National Minimum Information Requirements (NMIR). Control
movement of files. Supervise allocated resources. Maintain high standard of
performance within teams in order to produce excellent work within stipulated
timeframes for achievement of set objectives. Resolve problems of motivation
and control. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential, provide
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities. Ensure timeously development of job descriptions,
signing of workplan agreements and assessment of employees. Provide
support on audit findings and risks within the unit. Working odd hours and
perform with diligence other delegated duties.
ENQUIRIES can be directed to Ms. H. Galeni/ Mr. M. Tshwaku at (087) 362 9971
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho

REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma in HRM/ Public
Administration/Public Management, NQF Level 6 with 3 years’ relevant
experience at a supervisory level or SL7/8. A valid driver’s license. Compulsory
Introductory PERSAL Certificate. Knowledge and Skills: PERSAL, Public
Service Act, 1994, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 75 of 1997,
Employment Equity Act, 55 1998, HR management principles, Performance
management and development, Public Finance Management Act, 1999, PSR
(Public Service Regulations), Meeting procedures, Report writing,
Interpersonal conflict and resolving problems, Team leadership, Budget and
financial management, Planning and organizing, Creative thinking, Self-
management, Problem analysis.
DUTIES : Administer service benefits and conditions of service. Administer employee
benefits, e.g. Resettlement, Long Service Recognition, Housing Allowance,
Housing Guarantee. Administer conditions of service, e.g. hours of attendance,
dress codes, leave administration and PILIR etc. Provide an advisory and
information service to employees regarding employee benefits and obligations.
Administer service Terminations. Ensure that all employees are admitted to
Pension Fund. Ensure speedy processing of pension benefits. Ensure that the
nomination forms are updated continuously in files. Send the retiring employee
lists to the relevant components. Conduct exit interviews. Compile the retiring
memorandum to HOD. Ensure the processing of exit service Terminations
(dept.). Conduct workshops on Service Terminations. Facilitate Leave
Administration. Ensure appointment of leave monitors in all the components.
Ensure that Leave transactions are authorised. Ensure reconciliation of leave
files with PERSAL. Ensure PILIR reports are compiled and submitted to SOMA.
Ensure submission of SOMA results to relevant officials. Conduct workshops
on Leave management. Supervise allocated resources. Maintain high
standards by ensuring that the team / section produces excellent work in terms
of quality / quantity and timeliness. Resolve problems of motivation and control
with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff based on
individual potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford
staff adequate training and development opportunities.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Ms S. Mdoda Tel No:
(040) 602 4140
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, /National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management / Public Management/ Public Administration/related qualification
majoring in HRM/HRD, three (3) years relevant supervisory experience or
salary level 7 or 8 in performance management. A valid Driver’s Licence,
Knowledge and Skills: Customer service. Relevant Government policies and
Directives. Public Service Regularity Framework. HRD processes, methods,
policies and procedures. Report writing. Negotiation. Interpersonal relations.
Communication. Facilitation. Computer literacy. Attention to detail.
Presentation. Working in a team. Competencies: Professional Ethics.
Information management. Time management. Programme and project
management. Ability to work with limited supervision. Taking initiative.
Contribute positively to the core values and ethics of the department.
DUTIES : Collating and consolidating data on the reviewing of Performance Management
Development System policy. Facilitate the implementation of the Performance
Management Development System plan. Coordinate the submission of the
PMDS documents. Accurate validation of PMDS documents and communicate
the outcomes. Audit the PMDS files in line with PMDS policy. Coordinate the
appointment and sitting of the moderation committee and communicating the
meeting outcomes. Coordinate with relevant departments the processing of
incentives related to PMDS process. Advocate for the PMDS policy throughout
the department. Manage the allocated resources of the sub-directorate. Ensure
sound employment relations and commended customer service. Quality
control of the work delivered by subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

NO: DPWI 70/05/2024

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, /National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management / Public Management/ Public Administration/related qualification
majoring in HRM/HRD, three (3) years relevant supervisory experience or
salary level 7 or 8 in HRD/Skills Development. A valid Driver’s Licence,
Knowledge and Skills: Customer service. Relevant Government policies and
Directives. Public Service Regularity Framework. HRD processes, methods,
policies and procedures. Report writing. Negotiation. Interpersonal relations.
Communication. Facilitation. Computer literacy. Attention to detail.
Presentation. Working in a team. Competencies: Professional Ethics.
Information management. Time management. Programme and project
management. Ability to work with limited supervision. Taking initiative.
Contribute positively to the core values and ethics of the department.
DUTIES : Coordinate implementation of Developmental Programmes within the
Department. Facilitate the identification of mentors to support the interns and
a nurturing environment. Facilitate the implementation of the Professional
Developmental Programme. Conduct induction programme for interns and
learners. Manage the allocated resources of the sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 71/05/2024
Mthatha Ref No: DPWI 72/05/2024
Aliwal North Ref No: DPWI 73/05/202
East London Ref No: DPWI 74/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in HRM/ Public
Management/Public Administration/Labour Relations/Labour Law/Social
Science with three (3) years relevant supervisory experience or salary level 7/8
in the HRM field. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge and Skills: All Acts
regulating HRM; Public Service Act; Public Service Regulations; Archives and
Records Management Act etc. Problem solving skills, Strategic capability and
leadership, Management skills, Communication skills, Computer skills,
Organizational Skills, Financial Management, Programme and project
DUTIES : Manage Human Resource Development: Facilitate training and development
of employees, facilitate implementation of skills audit and workplace skills plan,
facilitate implementation of PMDS and development, Manage and monitor
implementation of Internship. Manage Employee Health and Wellness
Programme: Facilitate implementation of HIV/AIDS and TB in the workplace,
Monitor Health and Productivity Management, facilitate implementation of
SHERQ services, Facilitate implementation of Wellness programme. Manage
Employment Relations: Advise on labour relations matters, manage resolutions
and outcomes of grievance matters, manage disciplinary process and
implement, outcomes, provide secretarial support to the District Labour,
Forums, Facilitate and implement outcomes of dispute and disciplinary
matters. Supervise application of grievance procedure, Represent the
department in misconducts and dispute. Supervise allocated resources:
Maintain high standard of performance within teams, in order to produce
excellent work within stipulated timeframes for achievement of set objectives.
Resolve problems of motivation and control. Ensure timeously development of
job descriptions, signing of work plan agreements and assessment of
employees. Ensure management, procurement, maintenance and safekeeping
of assets. Participate in strategic planning sessions to develop district
operational plans and ensure accurate implementation and reporting thereof.
Provide support on audit findings and risks within the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711 5853/ Ms T. Vooi Tel No:
(043) 711 5843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-

Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807
6600. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Enquiries can be directed to Ms. H. Galeni/ Mr. M. Tshwaku at 087 362 9971.
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Enquiries can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047)
505 2767. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Gqeberha Ref No: DPWI 75/05/2024
Mthatha Ref No: DPWI 76/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in SCM/Logistics/
Supply Chain and Operation Management/Purchasing Management /
Procurement with 3 years’ relevant experience in Demand Management at
supervisory level or salary level 7 or 8. A valid driver’s licence Knowledge and
Skills: National Treasury Prescripts and Circulars. Provincial Treasury
Prescripts and Circulars. SCM Delegations, Policies and Prescripts. Public
Service Act. Public Service Regulations of 2016. Public Finance Management
Act (PFMA). Applicable Legislation and Prescripts. CIBD. BBBEE. PPPFA.
Policies and Procedures. People Management. Report Writing. Computer
Literacy. Negotiation. Communication and Information Management.
Presentation. Analytical. Budget and Financial Management. Motivational
Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving.
DUTIES : Facilitate the development of procurement/quotation plans for the district:
Liaise with programme heads to source inputs. Analyze and verify the plans in
consultation with the programmes/units. Align the draft procurement plan with
the allocated budget. Consolidate the District procurement plan. Monitor,
review, and assess existing plans and report and check compliance on the
submitted RFQ’s and RFP’s. Monitor spending analysis of the procurement
plan and submit reports. Conduct needs analysis of the district: Verify past
spending of the district. Compare stores against procurement plan. Advise on
District needs planning and spending. Assess District future needs. Perform
commodity/industry analysis: Check available commodities in the market to
meet the requirements of the district. Conduct industry analysis to determine
type of industries. Perform life cycle cost analysis for the district. Provide
updated price index. Monitor procurement process of goods and services:
Ensure timeous procurement of goods/services. Ensure value for money in the
procurement of goods/services. Check the completeness and correctness of
Request for Quotations. Advise during Bid Specification Committee (BSC)
sittings. Monitor compliance with SCM prescripts. Identify risks and Implement
control measures. Implement Audit Action Plans. Monitor safe keeping of BID
documents. Compile monthly, quarterly, and annual reports. Supervise the
allocated resources: Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team /
section produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness.
Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from
manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide the
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities. Ensure timeously development of job description
and implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s)
for all employees in the Directorate. Manage daily employee performance and
ensure timely Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure
management, maintenance, and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel
No: (041) 390 9032. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767.
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Gqeberha Ref No: DPWI 77/05/2024
East London Ref No: DPWI 78/05/2024

REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Internal Auditing/Cost &
Management Accounting/ Financial Accounting/Financial
Management/Taxation/B. Com in Finance or Accounting with 3 years’ relevant
supervisory experience in Budget and Expenditure or salary level 7 or 8. A valid
driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of the PFMA, Treasury
Regulations etc. Knowledge of BAS and LOGIS. Knowledge of Financial
Administration; Budget Examination and Analysis; SCOA. Planning and
Organising Skills, Good interpersonal relations. Presentation skills. Computer
Literacy and Problem-Solving skills.
DUTIES : Monitor implementation of budget management: Monitor compliance with
PFMA from programmes. Monitor, identify and advise programmes on
over/under expenditure. Supervise the preparation working paper for
implementation of adjustments. Monitor the implementation of virements and
shifting. Monitor and give technical advice on the availability of funds and on
shortfalls. Identify and correct misallocations on budget balancing. Monitor
distribution of budget according to programmes. Monitor implementation of
budget planning: Compile the consolidation of budget inputs from various
programmes. Prepare the budget in line with the database. Monitor the
preparation and attach tables to the estimate of provincial revenue and
expenditure. Monitor the personnel data on the database. Monitor preparation
of working paper and workbook before loading. Monitor effective processing of
payments: Monitor payment of suppliers. Draw invoice detailed reports. Pre-
authorization & final authorization of payments on LOGIS system. Update
invoice tracking register (Reapatala). Draw disbursement reports and
payments stubs. Facilitate creditor’s reconciliation. Compile a risk
management profile for the section. Supervise the allocated resources:
Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team / section produces excellent
work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness. Resolve problems of
motivation and control with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate
functions to staff based on individual potential provide the necessary guidance
and support and afford staff adequate training and development opportunities.
Ensure timeously development of job description and implementation of Work
Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) for all employees in the sub-
directorate. Manage daily employee performance and ensure timely
Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure management,
maintenance, and safekeeping of assets and to develop appropriate skills.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel
No: (041) 390 9032. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No:(043) 711 5853/ Ms T. Vooi
Tel No: (043) 711 5843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff Ref No: DPWI 79/05/2024
Gqeberha Ref No: DPWI 80/05/2024
Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 81/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Internal
Auditing/Cost & Management Accounting/ Financial Accounting/Financial
Management/ Taxation/B. Comm in Finance/B Com Accounting three (3) years’
relevant experience in Pre Audit Environment at a supervisory level or salary
level 7/8. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: In-depth understanding
of legislative framework that governs the Public Service. Knowledge of the
PFMA. Treasury Regulations. Treasury / Practice Notes. Treasury & DPSA
Circulars. Knowledge of PERSAL, BAS and LOGIS. Knowledge of DORA.
General Accounting Principles. SCM Guidelines and Frameworks.
Understanding of Financial Management best practices, Knowledge of SCOA,
Presentation skills, Research, Report Writing, Negotiation, Interpersonal
Relations, Facilitation, Analyzing, Conflict Management, Communication.
Computer Literacy and Working in a team.
DUTIES : Interpret financial policies, procedures and monitor the implementation thereof:
Facilitate implementation of policies, strategies, and business plans in
accordance with National and Provincial regulatory frameworks and directives.
Monitor regular updating/reviewing/renewing and roll out of business plans for
pre-audit services. Monitor, evaluate and report on the effectiveness and

efficiency of policies and plans on a regular basis. Monitor compliance with
relevant statutory prescripts on procurement and payment requests: Check the
authenticity of payment requests and vouchers prior to the processing and
payment thereof. Ascertain that certificates are issued with reasonable time
upon receipt of commitment forms. Monitor internal controls. Administer the
rendering of effective pre-audit services: Report on incidences of non-
compliance and irregularities. Compile a risk management profile for
institutions. Report on and recommend interventions aimed at resolving
incidences of non-compliance. Report findings of the Internal Audit unit and
recommend remedial actions. Compile, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports.
Maintain safekeeping of value documents: Keep value documents in a strong
room. Issue documents on request by users. Monitor closure of value
documents during financial year end, Interact with end users and Auditor
General during audit period. Supervise the allocated resources: Maintain high
standards by ensuring that the team / section produces excellent work in terms
of quality / quantity and timeliness, Resolve problems of motivation and control
with minimum guidance from manager, Delegate functions to staff based on
individual potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford
staff adequate training and development opportunities, Delegate functions to
staff based on individual potential provide the necessary guidance and support
and afford staff adequate training and development opportunities, Manage
daily employee performance and ensure timely Performance Assessments of
all subordinates, Ensure management, maintenance and safekeeping of
assets practice, and to develop appropriate skills.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Can be directed to Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel
No: (041) 390 9032. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Gqeberha Ref No: DPWI 82/05/2024
Aliwal North Ref No: DPWI 83/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Cost &
Management Accounting/Financial Accounting with three (3) years relevant
supervisory experience or salary level 7/8. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge
and Skills: Planning and Organising, Good interpersonal relation skills,
Presentation skills, Computer Literacy, Problem Solving skills. Knowledge of
the PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Knowledge of BAS and PERSAL,
Knowledge on Financial Administration.
DUTIES : Supervise and perform salary administration support services: Supervise
allocation of salary advices, Monitor processing of salary advices, Monitor
capturing of salaries, bonuses, salary adjustments and deductions, Authorise
all salary related payments, Supervise the filing of all documents. Administer
effective salary administration services: Compile a risk management profile for
the section, develop salary administration control system, Report findings of
the internal audit unit and recommend remedial actions. Monitor clearance of
salary accounts: Ensure all salary related suspense accounts are cleared and
reconciled on monthly basis, ensure all PERSAL exceptions are cleared on
monthly basis before BAS system closure and that PERSAL & BAS
expenditure is reconciled and submitted, ensure that all overpayments are
reversed and recovered. Monitor rendering of general administration support
services: Draw and analyze PERSAL management reports, Monitor and report
on salary related processes, Compile monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Supervise the allocated resources: Maintain high standards by ensuring that
the team / section produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity and
timeliness, Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance
from manager, Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide
the necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities, Ensure timeously development of job description
and implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s)
for all employees in the sub-directorate, Manage daily employee performance
and ensure timely Performance Assessments of all subordinates, Ensure

management, maintenance and safekeeping of assets practice, and to develop
appropriate skills.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. H. Galeni/ Mr. M. Tshwaku at (087) 362 9971. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Can be directed to Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel
No: (041) 390 9032. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Financial
Accounting with three (3) years relevant supervisory experience or salary level
7/8. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of National
Treasury prescripts. Knowledge of guidelines related to recording and reporting
for immovable assets. Sound knowledge on Basic Accounting Principles
(GRAP and Modified Cash Basis) and proven ability to apply them. Knowledge
of property prescripts and procedures. Knowledge on the preparation of Annual
Financial Statements (AFS) in terms of GRAP- related to immovable asset
management. Computer literacy-database administration. Ability to compile
reports for the Manager. Knowledge and understanding of the definition of
State Land. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999
Competencies: Networking and building bonds. Diversity Management.
Negotiation. Presentation. Analytical. Strategic Capability and leadership.
Financial Management. People Management and Empowerment. Programme
and Project Management. Client orientation and customer focus.
DUTIES : Improved Asset Management Maturity Index for Asset Register data through
maintaining and developing the financial component of the Immovable Asset
Register. Manage work in progress register. Analyse guides and circulars for
recording and reporting (e.g. valuation model). Disclosure note and annexures
for immovable assets. manage allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Financial
Accounting with three (3) years relevant supervisory experience or salary level
7/8. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of state land
administration. Knowledge of South African property law. Knowledge of the
definition of state land and historic and current tenure registration systems.
Knowledge of survey records. Knowledge of deeds registry records.
Knowledge property legislation, guidelines and prescripts National Treasury
guidelines and prescripts related to the recording and accounting of immovable
assets Knowledge of property systems (Deeds, LAW, PMIS, LOGICA, CSG).
Information Management Government Programmes. Public Services Act and
Regulations. Computer Skills (Advance Excel, data bases, GIS and
PowerPoint) Research skills (property related). Data analysis and
interpretation (property related data) Interpretation of survey records
Interpretation of deeds records Interpretation of spatial data (including
topographical maps) interpretation of historic records (e.g. proclamations,
maps) interpretation of financial records (e.g. WIP, valuations) Accuracy and
high sense for detail (extremely important) Planning (Town and Regional
Planning, Spatial planning, Urban design, Revitalization of towns etc.)
Competencies: Networking and building bonds. Diversity Management.
Negotiation. Presentation. Analytical. Strategic Capability and leadership.
Financial Management. People Management and Empowerment. Programme
and Project Management. Client orientation and customer focus.

DUTIES : Facilitate improved asset management maturity index for asset register data-
number of immovable assets verified in the immovable asset register (IAR) in
accordance with the minimum requirements of National Treasury. Facilitate the
confirmation of vesting of provincial deemed properties in terms of Item 28(1)
to Schedule 6 of the Constitution. Asset and portfolio planning management
through property research and the implementation of the provincial land audit
and survey programmes. People Management & Empowerment.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


NO: DPWI 86/05/2024

SALARY : Grade A: R429 930 per annum, (OSD)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, Bachelor’s degree NQF Level 7 in Quantity
Surveying with three years post qualification quantity surveying
technological/technical experience required. Valid driver’s license. Compulsory
registration with SACQSP as a Professional Quantity Surveyor Technologist.
Knowledge and Skills: Programme and project management. Engineering
design and analysis knowledge Research and development. Computer-aided
engineering applications. Knowledge of legal compliance. Technical report
writing. Creating high performance culture. Professional judgment. Networking.
Decision making. Team leadership. Analytical skills. Creativity. Self-
management. Financial management. Customer focus and responsiveness.
Communication. Computer literacy. Planning and organizing. Conflict
management Problem solving and analysis People management. Change
management. Innovation.
DUTIES : Provide QS technical and technological services: Support Quantity Surveyor
and other professionals by providing proper and accurate cost and estimates
information; Advise on materials and construction processes; Promote safety
standards in line with statutory and regulatory requirements; Value completed
work and organize payments; Evaluate existing technical manuals, standard
drawings and procedures to incorporate new technology; Solve broadly define
technology challenges through application of proven techniques and
procedures; Develop, maintain and mange current technologies; and Identify
and optimize technical solutions by applying QS principles. Perform
administrative and related functions: Compile and submit monthly and quarterly
reports; Provide inputs to the operational plan; and Develop, implement and
maintain database. Research and development: Keep up with new
technologies and procedures; and Research/literature studies on technical QS
technology to improve expertise; and to liaise with relevant boards/councils on
QS-related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R429 930 per annum, (OSD)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, B-Tech in Civil Engineering with three (3) years post
qualification Engineering Technologist experience in Structural Engineering is
compulsory. A valid driver’s licence. Compulsory registration with ECSA as an
Engineering Technologist. Knowledge and Skills: Programme and project
management. Engineering design and analysis knowledge Research and
development. Computer-aided engineering applications. Knowledge of legal
compliance. Technical report writing. Creating high performance culture.
Professional judgment. Networking. Decision making. Team leadership.
Analytical skills. Creativity. Self-management. Financial management.
Customer focus and responsiveness. Communication. Computer literacy.
Planning and organizing. Conflict management Problem solving and analysis
People management. Change management. Innovation.
DUTIES : Provide structural technological advisory services. Support Engineers,
Technicians and associates in field, workshop and office activities. Promote

safety standards in line with statutory and regulatory requirements; Evaluate
existing technical manuals, standard drawings and procedures to incorporate
new technology. Solve broadly defined technological challenges through
application of proven techniques and procedures. Develop, maintain and
manage current technologies and Identify and optimize technical solutions by
applying engineering principles. Perform administrative and related functions.
Compile and submit monthly and quarterly reports; Provide inputs to the
operational plan; and Develop, implement and maintain databases; Research
and development: Keep up with new technologies and procedures;
Research/literature studies on technical engineering technology to improve
expertise and to liaise with relevant boards/councils on engineering-related
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : East London Ref No: DPWI 88/05/2024
Mthatha Ref No: DPWI 89/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Public
Management/Public Administration/Developmental Studies/Social Sciences
with 1-2 years’ relevant experience in the related field. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge & Skills: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA); Prescripts;
DoRA, PEPs, Public Service Regulations, BBBEE Act, EPWP Policy.
Stakeholder Engagement; Financial Management, Policy Implementation,
People Management, Process implementation, customer and quality
management, Problem solving skills, Strategic capability and leadership, Self-
leadership, Communication skills, Computer skills, Planning and Organization
Skills, Programme and project management, Negotiation and Presentation
DUTIES : Facilitate the implementation of National Youth Service and APT Cod. Develop
Recruitment Plan according to depot needs. Distribute the Expression of
Interest to all public. bodies and notice boards. Receive and scrutinize
qualifications of applicants according to policy and conduct selection. Prepare
compliant contract documents. Convene briefing meeting with selected
students, and obtain completed bank forms, medical fitness, declaration of
disability and certified ID copies. Develop attendance registers and payment
register for students. Distribute logbooks to learners. Procure and distribute
PPE’s to APT Cod and NYS. Facilitate and implement training and
empowerment Programme. Facilitate logistics for training and empowerment
and submit for approval. Prepare tender document for training and
empowerment. Act as a project leader on all bid committees. Compile monthly
reports. Monitor training. Facilitate and implement innovative initiatives.
Facilitate community participation to introduce new initiatives. Develop the
project implementation plan in order to pilot new initiatives. Register applicants
on Amathuba Jobs Portal. Match the qualifying applicants on Amathuba Jobs
Portal. Compile system generated monthly and quarterly reports. Supervise
the allocated resources. Assist in the management the budget of the unit.
Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from
manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide the
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities. Supervise timeously development of job
description and implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development
Plans (PDP’s) for all employees in the Directorate. Supervise the daily
employee performance and ensure timely Performance Assessments.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711 5853/ Ms T. Vooi Tel No:
(043) 711 5843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
For enquiries contact Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767.
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Buildings or a N3
and passed trade test in the Buildings environment or Registered as an
Engineering Technician with three (3) to five (5) years appropriate experience.
A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge And Skills: Project Coordination, Technical
Design and Analysis Knowledge, Research and development.
DUTIES : Identify needs and requirements of new work and repairs through the
investigation of customer complaints and new services through inter alia the
following; Prepare specifications for unplanned maintenance and minor new
work. Develop a bill of quantities. Develop proposals on the associated costs.
Render an inspection service of work done on new projects and existing
structures through inspecting new and/or maintenance work undertaken on
project sites to ensure that it is being in compliance with all relevant regulations
and legislation and that proper quality control is maintained. Analyse and
compile relevant project documentation for new and existing structures.
Manage the activities of contractors on project sites. Supervise the
performance and conduct of Works Inspectors.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Queenstown
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Buildings or a N3
and passed trade test in the Buildings environment or Registered as an
Engineering Technician with three (3) to five (5) years appropriate experience.
A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Fire Safety Regulations, Quality
Control of all Fire Safety Works, Management of people, risk, change and
promotion of teamwork, Good verbal, writing and communication skills, Conflict
Management skills, Computer literacy Client orientation and customer focus
skills, Report writing skills, Self – Management.
DUTIES : Implement fire prevention regulations and standards. Implement and monitor
compliance with the National Building Regulations in inspection of properties.
Implement servicing of fire safety equipment. Implement corrective actions
necessary to bring properties into compliance with applicable fire codes,
regulations and standards. Implement the activities of contractors and provide
professional advice and guidance in respect of compliance to regulations,
legislation and processes. Implement fire protection Conduct inspections and
testing of newly installed fire. Protection systems in line with approved designs.
Conduct fire code compliance. Render fire education. Render awareness on
fire safety and handling of fire equipment. Assist EPWP in the development of
SMMEs. Supervise resources. Identify skills development needs and
recommend training and development opportunities. Ensure quality control and
effective and efficient work flow by Works Inspectors and report on all work
allocated. Monitor proper utilization of stores, equipment and expenditure.
Administer performance and development system.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

DPWI 92/05/2024
Re-advert: Applicants that previously applied may re-apply

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Gqeberha
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Financial
Management/Cost and Management Accounting with 1-2 relevant experience.
A valid drivers licence Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of PFMA, Treasury
regulations and guidelines, Standard chart of accounts, Government financial
systems, Principles and practice of accounting and auditing, Government
accounting standards (GRAP) and Financial and management reporting

requirements, Logis, Training on Logis, Have Communication, Analytical and
Problem Solving, Attention to Detail, Planning and Organising skills and be
Customer Service Oriented.
DUTIES : Maintain effective and efficient transversal system (LOGIS). System Security
Control. Utilise Vulindlela as a management information system for monitoring
and reporting of revenue, expenditure, assets, and liabilities. Maintain an
effective and efficient system management (safetyweb and Central Supplier
Database), Facilitate Transversal System Training and Development.
Management and Reporting.
ENQUIRIES : Gqeberha enquiries can be directed to Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390
9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel No: (041) 390 9032
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 93/05/2024
Re-advert: Applicants that previously applied may re-apply

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Gqeberha
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Social
Sciences/Social Work/Psychology. Valid registration with a relevant Council is
compulsory. 1-2 years’ relevant experience in Employee Health and Wellness
environment. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of the
Public Service Employee Health and Wellness Framework; Knowledge of
EAPASA Standards and understanding of the National Strategic Plan on HIV,
TB, and STIs, COIDA. Report writing, communication, interpersonal relations,
relationship building, confidentiality, de-briefing and counselling, computer
literacy, presentation, interpersonal conflict and resolving problems.
DUTIES : Render Implementation of Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) policy and
related programmes: Conduct EAP awareness within the district. Coordinate
sport and recreation activities. Open files for each EAP case referred to the
Section. Facilitate referrals to professional institutions should a need arise.
Analyse cases and recommend possible interventions. Provide counselling.
Case management for IOD, medical, Psychological, Physical and clinical
related. Render HIV & AIDS and TB diseases programs: Conduct HIV & AIDS
and TB diseases awareness campaigns within the district. Organise support
programs for those employees who have disclosed their HIV status. Ensure
that people living with HIV & AIDS and TB are not discriminated in the
workplace. Render Health and productivity management: Conduct
awareness’s of communicable and non-communicable diseases management.
Conduct mental health awareness programs. Oversee full cycle for medical
incapacity process. Maintain and compile statistical data on absenteeism and
sick leave utilization. Develop and apply metrics to ensure effectiveness of
health and wellness programmes and modify programmes based on the
results. Source, negotiate with service providers or stakeholders to deliver
wellness support with adherence of facilitation standards, methods and
procedures. Prepare monthly/quarterly reports on delivered initiatives, planned
initiatives and employee participation and feedback.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms A. Meyer Tel No: (041) 390 9032/ Ms C. Bermoskie Tel
No: (041) 390 9026
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate/ NQF level 6 in Information Technology or relevant
IT Qualification with minimum of 1-2 years’ appropriate experience in ICT
environment. A minimum of 1 year should be in ICT end-user support. Microsoft
environment, LAN (Local Area Network), ICT Devices and Peripheral
Installation, Maintenance and Support, ICT LAN Connection Troubleshooting
and Support, ICT Client/Customer/Visitor Support with either one of the
following recognised certifications such as CompTIA A+ or N+ or CCNA or any
Microsoft recognised certification related to server administration or IT Support.
A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of ITIL (Information
Technology Infrastructure Library) and computer networks. Knowledge of

computer hardware, software, and peripherals such as servers, monitors,
cables, physical 4 layer, printers, and modems. Knowledge of procedures and
processes for installing, configuring, upgrading, troubleshooting, and repairing
applicable software, hardware and peripheral such as printers and related
hardware. Knowledge of the OSI model and monitoring the LAN and WAN’s.
Knowledge of Microsoft Office365. Good communication (verbal and written),
telephone etiquette, interpersonal, technical, organizational, analytical,
problem-solving and advanced computer skills (MS Office package). including
technical know-how.
DUTIES : Provide Desktop Support to all Departmental ICT Users: Ensure that all
computers in the department are installed with the standard software. Ensure
that all computers are joined on the organizational domain. Support ICT
projects. Perform upgrades for new software versions and software rollouts on
every device connected to the LAN. Liaison with IT service providers for any
third-party support. Assist with the implementation of ICT risks control plans
and audit intervention plans. Operate and maintain ICT boardroom A/V
equipment. Provide security support by means of updated anti-virus software
and network operational support for the department: Install Anti-virus software
on user machines. Ensure security patches and antivirus are running and
updated daily on each computer. Troubleshoot and repair network points in the
department. Ensure that all users have access to the network. Provide and
support internal access of electronic mail and communication systems: Create
and configure mailboxes on user computers. Assist with the rollout and
implementation of Microsoft Office365 and provide support thereof. Monitor
helpdesk calls and complaints registration process: Receive call requests from
service desk. Attend and resolve calls (incidents/problems/service request)
logged with the ICT helpdesk, in line with the ICT Service Standards/SLA.
Update service desk and assigned calls on the system and escalate if
necessary. Close all resolved calls on the helpdesk system. Implementation,
installation, upgrading and technical support of software operating systems
and systems software packages on PCs. Ensure that all users data or
information is backed using any back-up solution or technology used by the
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mr L. Magqaza Tel No: (040) 602 4236 / Ms S. Zazini Tel
No: (040) 602 4553
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : East London Ref No: DPWI 95/05/2024
Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 96/05/2024
Aliwal North Ref No: DPWI 97/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate/ National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Information
Technology with 1-2 years’ relevant experience. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge & Skills: Network Software, RICPCI Act, Network hardware, Use of
network software, Analytical skills, Problem solving, Interpersonal Skills.
DUTIES : Monitor the User`s calls and resolutions (Desktop support and maintenance).
Receiving the calls logged by the Users. Resolve or escalate the call depends
on its complexity. Support Transversal systems (BAS, LOGIS and PERSAL).
Conduct preventative maintenance on Desktop and Laptops by managing
Backup and Virus control. Backup User`s information through CYBEC Backup
System. Updating Virus in computers and Laptops Render maintenance for the
warranty of the Desktop computers and Laptops, by conducting Equipment
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. L. Magama Tel No: (043) 711 5853/ Ms T. Vooi Tel No:
(043) 711 5843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807
6600. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. H. Galeni / Mr. M. Tshwaku Tel No: (051) 611
9800. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma/Degree in Information
Technology, 1-2 years’ experience in the related field Knowledge and Skills:
Results/quality management. Decision making. Service delivery innovation.
Change management. Client orientated and customer. Knowledge of
Networks, Backup Policies, Computer software and Hardware. Knowledge of
Information Security Principles and standards. IT Skills. Research. Report
writing. Negotiation. Interpersonal relations. Communication. Facilitation.
Computer literacy Troubleshooting.
DUTIES : Deploy and activate malicious software protection tools and ensure antivirus
definitions on client’s update automatically. Updating/scanning and maintaining
all the AV clients. Upgrade all clients to the latest version. Generate antivirus
exception reports and circulate to all regional ICT coordinators for execution.
Distribute a list of infected machines to Regional Coordinators for scanning.
Follow up with Regional Coordinators on reported machines. Implement
backups and restores in line with the departmental policy. Monitoring daily,
weekly and monthly backups. Take monthly backup tapes to East London for
offsite storage. Maintain and communicate patch management policy
procedure to departmental officials. Facilitate workshops/awareness sessions.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff Ref No: DPWI 99/05/2024
Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 100/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management/Public Administration/ Public Management majoring in HRM with
1-2 years’ experience in the relevant field. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge:
PERSAL system, Injury on Duty claims (IoD’s), S&T, overtime and Fuel
calculations, HR management principles, performance management
development system Meeting procedures, Report writing, Stakeholder and
customer relationship management principles Competencies Analytical skills,
Report writing, Communication, Analytical, presentation.
DUTIES : Supervise implementation of Service Termination. Compile memorandum for
relevant service terminations. Write letters for retiring employees. Request Tax
Directives from SARS. Verify liabilities. Verify Audited leave files. Verify
calculations of Leave Gratuity. Approve Gratification on PERSAL. Verify
enrolment of payment on pension case management. Supervise
implementation of service benefits. Monitor processing of applications for
Housing Allowances and Homeowners Allowances. Supervise implementation
of the leave administration. Supervise & Process Temporary Incapacity Leave
(Short, Long Period & ILL HEALTH. Supervise human resources/staff.
ENQUIRIES : Enquiries: can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254
6942. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:


REF NO: DPWI 101/05/2024

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in HRM/ Public
Administration/ Public Management/Industrial Psychology majoring in HRM
with 1-2 years’ relevant experience in the conditions of service environment.
Certificate on Introduction on PERSAL is compulsory and valid driver’s license.
Knowledge and Skills: In depth knowledge and understanding of Conditions of
Services environment. Knowledge of PERSAL System. Knowledge of Pension
Case Management System. Government Policies and Planning Systems.
Performance management and development, Interpersonal conflict and
resolving problems. Supervisory. Report writing. Budget and financial
management. Planning and organizing. Creative thinking. Conflict
Management. Presentation. Communication. Self-management. Problem
analysis. Computer Literacy.

DUTIES : Administer Service Benefits and Conditions of Service. Administer Employee
Benefits, e.g. (Resettlement, Long Service Recognition, Housing Allowance,
Housing Guarantee, Medical Aid, IOD etc). Process all benefits-related
transactions on PERSAL. Maintain benefits records and ensure accurate and
reliable data integrity on PERSAL. Provide advisory service to employees
regarding employee benefits and obligations. Conduct workshops /
awareness’s on Service Benefits. Administer Service Terminations & Pension.
Process Service Termination & pension related transactions on PERSAL. Send
the retiring employee lists to the relevant components. Compile the retiring
memorandum to HOD. Approve transactions captured on PCM system. Ensure
pension nomination forms are updated continuously in files. Conduct
workshops / awareness’s on Service Terminations & Pension. Supervise
allocated resources. Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team /
section produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness.
Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from
manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide the
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities. Ensure timeously development of job description
and implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development Plans (PDP’s)
for all employees in the Sub-directorate. Manage daily employee performance
and ensure timely Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure
management, maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management / Public Management/ Public Administration/related qualification
majoring in HRM/HRD with one to two (1-2) years relevant experience in the
performance management environment. A valid Driver’s License. Knowledge
and Skills: Customer service. Relevant Government policies and Directives.
Public Service Regularity Framework. HRD processes, methods, policies and
procedures. Report writing. Negotiation. Interpersonal relations.
Communication. Facilitation. Computer literacy. Attention to detail.
Presentation. Working in a team. Competencies: Professional Ethics.
Information management. Time management. Programme and project
management. Ability to work with limited supervision. Taking initiative.
Contribute positively to the core values and ethics of the department.
DUTIES : Coordinate the implementation of the Performance Management Development
System plan. Conduct due diligence on the submitted PMDS documents as
per operational plan. Accurate capturing of PMDS documents. Reconcile
submitted documents. Coordinate the appointment and sitting of the pre-
moderation committee meetings. Archiving and Record keeping. Auditing of
PMDS files. Participate to PMDS ad-hoc projects. Manage the allocated
resources of the sub-directorate. Ensure sound employment relations and
commended customer service. Quality control of the work delivered by team
members. Advocate for the PMDS policy and adherence.
ENQUIRIES can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 103/05/2024

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management / Public Management/ Public Administration/related qualification
majoring in HRM/HRD with one to two (1-2) years relevant experience in the
performance management environment. A valid Driver’s License. Knowledge
and Skills: Customer service. Relevant Government policies and Directives.
Public Service Regularity Framework. HRD processes, methods, policies and
procedures. Report writing. Negotiation. Interpersonal relations.

Communication. Facilitation. Computer literacy. Attention to detail.
Presentation. Working in a team. Competencies: Professional Ethics.
Information management. Time management. Programme and project
management. Ability to work with limited supervision. Taking initiative.
Contribute positively to the core values and ethics of the department.
DUTIES : Coordinate the implementation of the Performance Management Development
System plan. Conduct due diligence on the submitted PMDS documents as
per operational plan. Accurate capturing of PMDS documents. Reconcile
submitted documents. Coordinate the appointment and sitting of the pre-
moderation committee meetings. Archiving and Record keeping. Auditing of
PMDS files. Participate to PMDS ad-hoc projects. Manage the allocated
resources of the sub-directorate. Ensure sound employment relations and
commended customer service. Quality control of the work delivered by team
members. Advocate for the PMDS policy and adherence throughout the
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Ms S. Mdoda Tel No:
(040) 602 4140
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : 2 Bhisho Ref No: DPWI 104/05/2024
Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 105/05/2024
Mthatha Ref No: DPWI 106/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Labour
Relations/Labour Law/Human Recourses Management with 1-2 years’ relevant
experience in Labour Relations / Labour Law environment. A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge & Skills: Labour law and Employment Legislation. Public
Service Regulations. Monitoring and evaluation, Government policies and
planning systems, Government programme of action, Public Service Regularity
Framework, policies and procedures, Information management, Performance
management. Research, Report writing, Negotiation, Interpersonal relations,
Communication, Facilitation, Computer literacy, Analysing Conflict
management, Working in a team. Communication (verbal and written).
Strategic planning and leadership skills. Presentation and facilitation skills.
Report writing skills. People management skills. Monitoring and evaluation.
Negotiation and conflict resolution. Customer focus. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Handle misconduct cases and Appeals. Conduct investigations and compiling
reports. Facilitate grievances by investigating grievances received and make
appropriate recommendations towards resolution. Capture case outcomes on
the PERSAL system. Provide advice and guidance on labour relations matters.
Conduct roadshows/ awareness sessions to educate staff on Labour Relations
policies and procedures. Assist in updating departmental policies and SOP’s.
Coordinate departmental meetings including the LMF. Facilitate the resolution
of dispute. Draft submissions for mandates and represent the employer in
disciplinary hearings. Ensure timeous reporting and compliance of the unit.
Liaise with departmental stakeholders and represent the interests of the
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L Magqaza Tel No:
(040) 602 4236. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M.
Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff Ref No: DPWI 107/05/2024
East London Ref No: DPWI 108/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Human Resource
Management/Public Administration/Management/ Social Science (HRM)
majoring with Human Resource Management with 1-2 years’ relevant

experience as HR Clerk. A valid drivers’ license. Certificate for Introductory
PERSAL is compulsory. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Departmental
service delivery principles, Departmental Strategic Planning. Departmental
Annual Performance Plan. Policies and Procedure. Government Programmes.
Provincial Growth and Development Plan for the Eastern Cape and NDP 2030
vision. Knowledge of PERSAL system, Knowledge the Supreme Law of the
Country, knowledge of Public Service Regulations/Act, Collective agreements,
Labour Relations Act, Employment Equity Act, Basic Conditions of
Employment Act, Public Finance Management Act and all other relevant
legislations, policies and procedures regulating Human Resources in the Public
Service/Sector. Good Interpersonal skills, sound planning & organizing skills,
communication skills (verbal and written), presentation skills, conflict
management and problem-solving skills. Administrative, analytical and
organizational skills. Supervisory skills and Computer literacy. Ability to work
independent, under pressure and long hours.
DUTIES : Promote the effective Departmental Recruitment Process. Assist in the process
of Human Resource Planning for effective and efficient Recruitment Plan.
Ensure accurate advertisement of all approved vacant positions. Co-ordinate
the process of recruitment and selection. Co-ordinate the interview process,
conduct all recruitment verification process, security checks and reference
checks. Arrange logistics for the recruitment process. Assist with Creation of
Post, Ensure accurate appointments on PERSAL system. Monitor the
application system(e-recruitment) and draw the master list from e-recruitment.
Facilitate the appointment of selection committee. Coordinate the recruitment
and selection reports. Facilitate appointments, transfers and promotions,
acting appointments, secondments within the district. Administer the process
of inviting the shortlisted candidates to interviews. Assist in the development of
adverts. Conduct verification on PERSAL Establishment and against the warm
bodies/head count (conducting PERSAL Establishment audits). Responsible
for Youth Development Program recruitment & selection process. Responsible
for ensuring availability of Job Descriptions, facilitate the process job evaluation
and implement the outcomes of the evaluation. Ensure effective and efficient
supervision of staff (in service trainees, interns and employed personnel,
promote effective implementation of performance management and
development system timeously. Ensure adherence and compliance on
departmental HR policies and implement the audit interventions. Ensure proper
safe keeping of HR documents, promote confidentiality with the HR
environment and conduct physical verification of employees of the district. Be
prepared to work odd /long hours, work well under pressure and work
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. L. Magama at / Ms T. Vooi Tel No: (043) 711
5843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 109/05/2024
Re-advert: Applicants that previously applied may re-apply

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF level 6) in Human
Resource Management/Human Resource Development/ Public
Management/Public Administration/related qualification majoring in HRM/HRD
with 1-2 years’ relevant experience in human resource development.
Knowledge of PERSAL will be an added advantage. A valid Driver’s licence.
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge and skills: Public Service Act, Policies and
Regulatory Framework. In-depth knowledge of Human Resource Development
legislative frameworks, Skills Development Act. Skills development
Regulations and Skills Development Levies Act. National Skills Development
Strategy version 2030. South African Qualification Authority Act. Customer
relations management. Good Interpersonal relations. Conflict management.
Training, Facilitation &Presentation Skills. Report writing skills. Computer
DUTIES : Compile the department Workplace Skills Plan. Compile the quarterly and
annual monitoring reports and expenditure reports. Compile Annual Human
Resource Implementation Plan and Monitoring Evaluation Reports. Co-

ordinate training interventions with internal and external stakeholders. Manage
and co-ordinate the Internship and Learnership Programmes. Facilitate and co-
ordinate the management of Developmental Programmes. Monitor and report
on training budgets. Conduct the impact assessment and return of investment
on the training interventions. Facilitate the implementation of the Improved
Qualifications Conduct the implementation of the Recognition of Prior
Learning. Co-ordinate and facilitate Departmental Induction Programmes. Co-
ordinate and facilitate Compulsory Induction Programmes. Maintenance and
update of training interventions records.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


NO: DPWI 110/05/2024

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Public
Administration/ Public Management/Human Resource Management with 1-2
years’ relevant experience in Human Resources. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge and Skills: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Constitution
of the Republic of South Africa, Act No.108 of 1996. Employment Equity, Act
No.55 of 1998. Labour Relations, Act No.75 of 1995. Public Service Act,
Proclamation 103 of 1994 as amended. Skills Development Act No.97 of 1999.
White Paper on Affirmative Action,1998. Public Service Regulations, 2001 as
amended etc. Computer literacy skills. Diagnostic skills. Project facilitation
skills. Analytical skills. Problem solving skills. Policy development skills.
Interpersonal Skills.
DUTIES : Develop, reviewal and reporting, of the Departmental HR Plan. Establishing
Human Resource Plan Committee. Request PERSAL report and analyse data.
Conduct workforce analysis for the department. Consolidate inputs from
different stakeholders (Line manager committee). Facilitate development of the
HR Plan. Collect information for the development of half-yearly and annual HR
Plan Implementation report. Prepare half-yearly and annual HR Plan
Implementation report. Provide Secretarial Services in the development of
Departmental Human Resource Plan. Development, reviewal, and reporting on
employment equity Plan for the Department. Establishing Employment Equity
Committee. Request PERSAL reports from PERSAL office. Analyse
Departmental workforce profile and do situational analysis (Gender, Age,
Disabilities, Race etc). Identify gaps and develop strategies to bridge gaps.
Develop draft EE Plan. Provide monthly Employment Equity Status. Provide
secretarial services in the development of Departmental Employment Equity
Plan. Develop Annual Employment Equity Report for Department of Labour.
Request PERSAL data from PERSAL Management Office. Analyse PERSAL
reports. Develop draft Employment Equity report. Render secretarial services
in the development of Annual Employment Equity Report to Department of
Labour. Co-ordinate Human Resources Management Effectiveness
Assessment. Establish HR Effective Assessment Committee. Co-ordinate HR
effectiveness assessment. Identify gaps and develop draft HR Effectiveness
improvement plan. Render secretarial services in the HR Assessment
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF level 6) in Human
Resource Management/Human Resource Development/ Public
Management/Public Administration/related qualification majoring in HRM/HRD
with 1-2 years’ relevant experience in human resource development.
Knowledge of PERSAL will be an added advantage. A valid Driver’s licence.
Knowledge and skills: Public Service Act, Policies and Regulatory Framework.

In-depth knowledge of Human Resource Development legislative frameworks,
Skills Development Act. Skills development Regulations and Skills
Development Levies Act. National Skills Development Strategy version 2030.
South African Qualification Authority Act. Customer relations management.
Good Interpersonal relations. Conflict management. Training, Facilitation &
Presentation Skills. Report writing skills. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Compile the development of the Departmental Workplace Skills Plan. Compile
Annual Human Resource Implementation Plan and Monitoring Evaluation
Reports. Conduct Induction Programme. Facilitate the implementation of the
Internship and Learnership Programmes. Compile the quarterly and annual
monitoring repots and expenditure reports. Supervise allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Office Chief Director: Strategy & Systems (Bhisho) Ref No: DPWI 112/05/2024
Office Chief Director: EPWP (Bhisho) Ref No: DPWI 113/05/2024
Office of District Director (Chris Hani) Ref No: DPWI 114/05/2024
Office of Director Infrastructure Research Planning & Systems (Bhisho) Ref
No: DPWI 115/05/2024
Office of Director Portfolio Programme & Project Management (Bhisho) Ref
No: DPWI 116/05/2024
Office Director: Property Investment & Development (Bhisho) Ref No: DPWI
Office Director: Property Portfolio & Programme Planning (Bhisho) Ref No:
DPWI 118/05/2024
Office Director: Executive Support Services (Bhisho) Ref No: DPWI
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Public
Management/Public Administration/Office Management/Human Resource
Management/Management Assistant/Administrative Management with 1-2
years’ relevant experience. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills: The
incumbent must possess knowledge Public Finance Management Act (PFMA),
Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and other applicable legislation
in the Public Service. The incumbent must possess strong knowledge of
procurement capabilities within the area of responsibility. The following skills
are critical for the incumbent of this post: coordination skills, communication
skills, planning and organizing skills, computer literate (Excel, Word,
PowerPoint), problem solving, interpersonal, liaising skills, ability to work in
multi-disciplinary teams, innovative skills, willingness to work under pressure
in a fast-paced environment. A suitable incumbent must possess the following
values: high level of confidentiality and ethical standard, integrity, team
oriented, energetic and self-driven confidence, influencing skills.
DUTIES : Render secretarial and receptionist support service. Render administrative
support services. Provide support services to manager regarding meetings.
Provide administrative support on budget/ expenditure trends of the
Directorates/Sub-Directorates. Provide advisory services on matters related to
management function and institutional governance matters. Taking and typing
of minutes, ensuring the efficient flow of information, liaising with clients,
schedule and manage appointments, screening of calls. Collate, compile and
submit monthly, quarterly, annual and management reports to various
structures within and outside the department. Provide assistance in the
technical formatting of submissions for the Chief Director/Director/District
Director. Develop and maintain an efficient filling system within the Office.
Ensure that travel arrangements are well coordinated, prioritize issues in the
diary of Chief Director/Director/District Director. Procure office supply for the
Office i.e. groceries, stationery, printing supplies etc. Provide logistical support
(i.e. well-coordinated travelling arrangements, arranging conferences,
meetings, refreshments and documentations). Support Chief
Director/Director/District Director with the administration of his/her budget as
well prepare his/her S&T claims. Follow up on payment of Invoices. Study the
relevant Public Service and departmental prescripts/ policies and other
documents and ensure that the application thereof is understood properly:
remain up to date with regard to the prescripts/policies and procedures

applicable to his/her work terrain to ensure efficient and effective support to the
Chief Director/Director/District Director; remains abreast with the procedures
and processes that apply in the office of the manager. Assist in the
maintenance of leave register for the office and manage staff leave
ENQUIRIES : be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel No:
(040) 602 4236. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
: Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Mthatha Ref No: DPWI 120/05/2024
Mount Ayliff Ref No: DPWI 121/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 as in B in
Urban/Town and Regional Planning/Real Estate/Property Management with 1-
2 years’ relevant experience. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge and Skills:
Departmental service delivery principles, PSR, PFMA, PSA, SCM prescripts,
Departmental Strategic Planning, Departmental Annual Performance Plan,
Policies and Procedures, Government Programmes, Occupational Health &
Safety, Provincial Growth and Development Plan for the Eastern Cape, all
other HR related public sector legislation and procedures Stakeholder and
customer relationship management principles. Citizen Focus and
Responsiveness, develop others, Applied Technology Basics, Applied
Strategic Thinking, People Management, Networking and Building Bonds.
DUTIES : Administer acquisition of immovable assets, Request acquisition, identify
immovable assets for acquisition, Present disposal application for
recommendation by the Provincial State Disposal Committee, facilitate
registration of properties and safekeeping of registration documents, Engage
with municipalities, Land owners, Land Claim Office and Deeds for acquisition.
Administer disposal of immovable assets, identify immovable asset for
disposal, Present disposal application for recommendation by the Provincial
State Disposal Committee, Facilitate registration of properties and safekeeping
of registration documents, Engage with municipalities, Land owners, Land
Claim Office and Deeds for disposal. Consolidate projects on state owned
properties, Obtain list of unsurveyed properties, Prepare a request for the
appointment of a Land surveyor, Obtain approved SG diagrams, Facilitate
updating of immovable asset register and initiate vesting process.
ENQUIRIES : Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767. e-recruitment
Technical Enquiries:
Mount Ayliff post: contact Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942.
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : East London Ref No: DPWI 122/05/2024
Queenstown Ref No: DPWI 123/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Property
Management/Real Estate with 1-2 years’ experience relevant experience in
property management. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills:
Departmental service delivery principles. PSR, PFMA, PSA, SCM Prescripts,
Departmental Strategic Planning, Departmental Annual Performance Plan,
Policies and Procedures, Government Programmes, Provincial Growth and
Development Plan for the Eastern Cape, all other HR related public sector
legislation and procedures, Batho Pele Principles, Stakeholder and customer
relationship management principles. Citizen Focus and Responsiveness,
Applied Technology Basics, Applied Strategic Thinking, People Management,
Networking and Building Bonds, Diversity Management, Report Writing,
Computer Literacy, Negotiation, Communication and Information
Management, Presentation, Analytical, Budget and Financial Management,
Project Management, Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving.
DUTIES : Request acquisition. Identify immovable assets for acquisition. Present
disposal application for recommendation by the Provincial State Disposal

Committee. Facilitate registration of properties and safekeeping of registration
documents. Engage with municipalities, Land owners, Land Claim Office and
Deeds for acquisition. Identify immovable asset for disposal. Present disposal
application for recommendation by the Provincial State Disposal Committee.
Facilitate registration of properties and safekeeping of registration documents.
Engage with municipalities, Land owners, Land Claim Office and Deeds for
disposal. Obtain list of un-surveyed properties. Prepare a request for the
appointment of a Land surveyor. Obtain approved SG diagrams. Facilitate
updating of immovable asset register and initiate vesting process.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms L. Magama/Ms T. Vooi Tel No: (043) 711 5772. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807
6600. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Real
Estate/Property Management with 1- 2 years’ relevant experience in the
property management field. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge and Skills:
Change Management. Project Management. Conflict Management. Financial
Management. People Management. Strategic Management. Planning and
organising. Leadership. Good interpersonal skills. Decision making skills.
Analytical thinking skills. People management skills. Good verbal and written
communication skills. Computer literate. High attention to detail Competencies:
Communication. Client orientation and Customer Focus. People Management
and Empowerment. Problem Analysis and Solving. Financial Management.
Programs and Project Management. Results / Quality Management. Decision
Making. Knowledge Management. Change Management.
DUTIES : Provide administrative support service. Assist with Leases. Assist with vacant
land and buildings (residential and commercial).
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

125/05/2024 (X2 POSTS)

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Law/ Real Estate
with 1-2 years’ relevant experience. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge And
Skills: Knowledge of property prescripts and procedures Ability to write basic
memoranda Understanding the concept of vesting of State Land Must have
the ability to read topographical maps, S.G.-diagrams and Aktex-reports
Working knowledge of DeedsWeb or WinDeed Working knowledge of the
processes of acquisition and disposal Survey and Deeds registration
knowledge Document management (filing) and basic office management skills
Basic research skills Must be able to work independently and under pressure
A sense of accuracy and detail is very important. Competencies: Strategic
Capability and Leadership. Communication. Client orientation and Customer
Focus. People Management and Empowerment. Problem Analysis and
Solving. Financial Management. Programme and Project Management.
Results/ Quality Management. Decision Making. Knowledge Management.
Change Management.
DUTIES : Assist with the preparation of disposal and acquisition submissions Assist with
the preparation and investigation of survey submissions and other related
property applications Conduct enquiries on DeedsWeb or WinDeed Assist with
land use investigations and general property research Compile status reports
on land issues Manage the filing of documents, including the safe-keeping
original Title Deeds and S.G.-diagrams Liaise with relevant stakeholders,
including the Office of the State Attorney, the Registrar of Deeds and the Office
of the Surveyor-General It will be expected from the official to travel extensively
within the borders of the Province and to work overtime when necessary.
Supervise allocated resources.

ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in property or built
environment; with 1-2 years’ relevant experience in Prestige Management
and/or facilities management; A valid driving licence (Code B/08 or higher).
Knowledge & Skills: Knowledge of Prestige Management/ Facilities
Management, compliance and enablement with specific reference to planning,
knowledge in residential accommodation planning; health, safety and
environmental legislation; Property information and database management;
Budget planning and reporting. Skills in the following: Computer literacy in MS
Office (Word, Excel and Outlook,); Planning and organising; Report writing and
formulation; Problem solving and analytical thinking; Project Management;
Communication (written and verbal).
DUTIES : Execute and report on responsibilities required to plan and facilitate the optimal
allocation of facilities in the Prestige Portfolio, including: Planning and
management of accommodation needs; Planning and management of the
allocation of properties to meet service delivery requirements. Assist with
conducting of inspection to all Prestige Facilities and prepare reports. Monitor
work of service providers and conduct quality control. Monitor outcomes of
facility condition assessments to inform decision-making, manage asset life
cycle management and improve asset performance. Obtain, provide and
maintain information (data, knowledge, wisdom) by applying tools and
technologies and/or articulating IT and systems’ requirements to inform
decision-making, reporting, enhanced operations, business processes and
service delivery and to support transparency and integration & collaboration
across departments and government spheres. Attend to internal enquiries
related to custodian and user responsibilities as well as external enquiries from
municipalities, communities or representatives and citizens.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Gqeberha
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Developmental
Studies/ Diploma in Monitoring & Evaluation/ Public Management/Public
Administration/Social Science/Project Management with 1-2 years’ relevant
experience in Monitoring and Evaluation. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge
and Skills: Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) DORA, PEPs, Public
Service Regulations, BBBEE Act, EPWP Policy. Stakeholder Engagement;
Financial Management, Policy Implementation, People Management, Process
implementation, customer and quality management, Problem solving skills,
Strategic capability and leadership, Self-leadership, Communication skills,
Computer skills, Planning and Organization Skills, Programme and project
management, Negotiation and Presentation Skills.
DUTIES : Monitor and evaluate the number of Public Bodies reporting on EPWP within
the region: Monitor the implementation of IG project lists and other grants
projects from the public bodies. Monitor expenditure of Integrated Grants.
Ensure Bi -Weekly updating of Project Management Plan for all projects.
Monitor project file for completeness. Monitor the number of monthly file
completeness report. Monitor and evaluate the 5 Interventions according to
Regional Operation plan: Monitor One on One Engagements. Monitor
outcomes of the meetings. Monitor Data Capturing Support. Provide data
capturing support to Public Bodies on monthly basis. Monitor public bodies
performance on monthly basis. Monitor engagements of Technical Support to
Public Bodies. Monitor resolutions of Technical Support engagements. Provide
support during audit visits. Monitor On site visits/ file verification. Sample

projects to be visited. Conduct file verification, site visits, and prepare reports.
Attend Sector /District meetings. Attend sector and district Meetings. Prepare
reports for sector and district meetings. Monitor sector and district Resolutions.
Consolidate, monitor, and evaluate Project Management Plans for all Public
Bodies: Compare Project programmes with project expenditures. Monitor and
evaluate areas of underspending. Consolidate and submit PMP. Identify gaps
and liaise with EPWP Coordinators. Monitor and evaluate Ministerial
Determination elements. Monitor and evaluate reporting on Training. Supervise
the allocated resources: Assist in the management the budget of the unit.
Resolve problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from
manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide the
necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and
development opportunities. Supervise timeously development of job
description and implementation of Work Plans and Personal Development
Plans (PDP’s) for all employees in the Directorate. Supervise the daily
employee performance and ensure timely Performance Assessments of all
subordinates. Facilitate the maintenance and safekeeping of assets.
ENQUIRIES : Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel No: (041) 390 9032
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Internal Auditing
with 1-2 years’ relevant experience in the field of internal auditing and / or
auditing. Possession of an Internal Audit Technician (IAT) certificate will be an
added advantage. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge & Skills: Knowledge:
International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.
Reasonable knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act No. 1 of 1999
and Treasury Regulations, the Public Sector Enterprise Risk Management
Framework, and other relevant prescripts. Understanding of project
management principles., must be willing to travel extensively and work irregular
hours, is expected to apply sound and impartial rulings to ensure observance
of internal audit guidelines, and proactively apply the principle of confidentiality
as espoused in the Code of Ethics. Innovative, good interpersonal and
problem-solving skills. Must be computer literate and be able to use audit
software. Good oral, and written communication skills. Good organizational
and administrative skills. Ability to assist with the supervision and coaching of
internal audit interns and learners.
DUTIES Planning individual audit assignments. Execute detailed audit procedures,
prepare audit working papers, and summarize audit procedures performed.
Draft audit reports for review by senior personnel. Conduct ad-hoc and
consulting audit assignments as allocated, as well as follow-up audits.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Ms N. Toni Tel No:
(040) 602 4140
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Management
Services/ Operations Management/Production Management/ Information
Systems/ Industrial Engineering/ Business Analysis with 1-2 years’ relevant
experience in the business process management and productivity
improvement environment. A valid driver’s licence. Knowledge & Skills:
Structured Problem Solving, DPSA Operations Management Framework,
Working knowledge of business process modelling tools e.g. Aris, Bizagi, MS
Vision Excellent Presentation Skills. Public service
legislation/policies/prescripts and procedures. Government policies and
planning systems. Public Service Regularity Framework. Research.
Interpersonal relations. Communication. Computer literacy. Analysing. Working
in a team.
DUTIES : Conduct business process modelling relating to existing and future business
processes. Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for all the
business processes. Develop the Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP).

Develop the Service Delivery Model. Conduct work and method studies.
Facilitate training and process improvement workshops.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

DPWI 130/05/2024

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in
Commerce/Auditing with 1-2 year’s relevant experience. A valid driver’s
licence. Knowledge and Skills: National Treasury Prescripts and Circulars,
Provincial Treasury Prescripts and Circulars. SCM Delegations. Policies and
Prescripts. Public Service Act. Public Service Regulations of 2016. Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA).
DUTIES : Receive, record and investigate reported asset losses and irregular, fruitless
and wasteful expenditure. Ensure irregular fruitless and wasteful expenditure
are updated. Regular prepare and submit progress report on the investigations
and the adequacy of evidence gathered to substantiate investigation
conclusion. Facilitate the loss control and irregular, fruitless and wasteful
expenditure committee sittings. Perform inspections at Districts. Maintain loss
control register. Investigate reported cases on asset losses, claims, thefts and
damages within the department arising from the use of departmental assets
and make recommendations to the Accounting Officer.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L Magqaza Tel No:
(040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Supply Chain
Management/Public Management/Public Administration/Logistics/Cost &
Management Accounting with 1-2 years’ relevant experience. A valid Driver’s
license. Knowledge and Skills: National Treasury prescripts and circulars,
Provincial Treasury Prescripts and Circulars, SCM Delegations, Policies and
Prescripts, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations of 2016, Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA), Applicable Legislation and Prescripts,
CIBD, BBBEE, PPPFA, Policies and Procedures People Management, Report
Writing, Computer Literacy, Negotiation, Communication, Information
Management, Presentation Analytical, Budget and Financial Management,
Motivational, Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving, KPA’S Render demand
management services: Verify correctness and completeness of documents
submitted, select service providers on CSD (threshold below R30 000), Verify
DUTIES : Compile Tender Documents; Check compliance on submitted documents and
issue SCMU number, Review tender documents, Place adverts for tenders,
maintain tender register and compile monthly reports on bids advertised,
Render secretariat duties, receive requests from programs and draft an
agenda, inform members for bid specification committee sitting, Review
corrections and advertise on relevant media, Attend briefing sessions where
applicable and record minutes. Render administrative functions; Open file for
each project approved, copy all documents per checklist, Record and submit
to Acquisitions, Record requests; Verify supporting documents, Records all
request in the incoming register and submit to Acquisitions.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho Ref No: DPWI 132/05/2024
East London Ref No: DPWI 133/05/2024

REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Supply Chain
Management/Logistics/Cost and Management Accounting/Public
Management/Public Administration with 1-2 relevant experience. A valid
driver’s licence Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of SCM, Acquisition
Management processes, PPPFA, BBBEE and other relevant prescripts,
knowledge of office procedure and bid administration. Knowledge of CIDB,
Public Service Act, 1994. Public Service Regulations 2016. Public Finance
Management Act, 1999. Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of
2000. Public Service Act (PSA). Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).
Government policies and planning systems. Government programme of action.
Public Service Regularity Framework. Performance management Report
writing. Negotiation. Interpersonal relations. Communication. Computer
literacy. Analysing.
DUTIES : Execute the bidding / quotation process: Send request for quotation documents
to the identified service providers, Receive and open bid / quotation
documents, check compliance, completeness and accuracy of documents
received. Evaluate quotations received in line with SCM prescripts and make
recommendations, publish closing registers in relevant publication, Conduct
compliance check on documentation and serve as BEC secretariat.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. L. Magama / Ms T. Vooi Tel No: (043) 711
5843. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Bhisho Ref No: DPWI 134/05/2024
East London Ref No: DPWI 135/05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Supply Chain
Management/Public Management/Public Administration/Logistics/Cost and
Management Accounting with 1-2 relevant experience. A valid driver’s licence.
Knowledge and Skills: PFMA, Treasury Regulations, National Treasury
Regulations. Planning and Organising. Good interpersonal relation skills.
Presentation skills. Computer Literacy. Problem Solving skills.
DUTIES : Supervise and undertake logistical support services. Check, place and verify
orders for goods. Receive and verify goods from suppliers. Capture and ensure
that goods are captured in registers and database. Receive requests for goods
from end users. Issue goods to end users. Check and maintain goods registers.
Update and ensure the maintenance of the register of suppliers. Supervise
human resources. Allocate and ensure quality of work. Personnel
development. Assess staff performance. Apply discipline.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms. L. Magama at / Ms T. Vooi Tel No: (043) 711 5843. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Enquiries: can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L.
Magqaza Tel No: (040) 602 4236. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma in Internal Auditing/Cost &
Management Accounting/Financial Accounting/Taxation/Financial
Management with 1-2 years’ relevant experience in the field of internal auditing
and / or auditing. Possession of an Internal Audit Technician (IAT) certificate
will be an added advantage. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge and Skills: In-
depth understanding of legislative framework that governs the Public Service
Understanding and application of the following prescripts: Public Finance
Management Act, DORA, Treasury Regulations, Treasury / Practice Notes,
Treasury & DPSA Circulars, General Accounting Principles, SCM Guidelines
and Frameworks. Understanding of Financial Management best practices.
Financial Management Systems (PERSAL, BAS, CSD & LOGIS). SCOA.
Research. Report writing. Negotiation. Interpersonal relations.
Communication. Facilitation. Computer literacy. Analysing. Conflict
management. Presentation. Working in a team. People management and

empowerment. Planning and organising. Knowledge management. Problem
solving and analysis. Results quality management. Decision making. Service
delivery innovation. Change management. Client orientated and customer
DUTIES : Render Control, compliance and expenditure pre-audit services. Ensure
manual verification of all orders before services are rendered and issue Pre
Audit certificate, ensure manual verification of payment vouchers before
payment is effected on BAS/Logis/PERSAL. Assist in the development or
review of Internal Control Framework and procedure guidelines. Development
or review of internal control Framework. Development /review of procedure
manual and checklist for Pre Audit. Identification and registration of irregular,
unauthorised and fruitless expenditure. Report on irregular, unauthorized and
fruitless and wasteful expenditure to the internal control office. Develop and
manage audit intervention plan. Promote effective management of Pre Audit.
Prepare monthly/quarterly/annual Pre Audit reports. Ensure that Pre Audit
budget is managed and variations between projections and expenditure is
explained. Perform pre and post audit procedures on bids awarded to identify
instances of non-compliance. Identify and communicate internal control
deficiencies. Maintain safekeeping of value documents. Supervise and
manage the allocated resources. Ensure sound employment relations, quality
control of work delivered by subordinates. Ensure that subordinates are trained
and developed to be able to deliver the work of the required standards
efficiently and effective through the utilization of inter alia, knowledge
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


REF NO: DPWI 137/05/2024

SALARY : R255 450 per annum (Level 06)

CENTRE : Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Building, with 1-
2 years’ relevant experience, or N3 and passed trade test in Buildings,
Computer literacy and a valid driver’s license. Knowledge and Skills: Project
Coordination, Technical Design and Analysis Knowledge, Research and
DUTIES : Render a basic inspection service of work done on minor and existing
structures on a project basis. Maintain electronic record system of work done
and work that was finalized. Analyze and compile relevant documents for work
to be done on minor or existing structures. Oversee work of contractors.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 138/05/2024

SALARY : R255 450 per annum (Level 06)

CENTRE : Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF Level 6 in Electrical
Engineering with 1- 2 years’ experience, or N3 and passed trade test in
electrical, and a valid driver’s license. Knowledge and Skills: Buildings
Regulations Quality Control of all buildings works. Management of people, risk,
change and promotion of teamwork. Management. OHS. Good verbal, writing
and communication skills. Conflict Management skills. Computer literacy.
Client orientation and customer focus skills.
DUTIES : Conduct quality control of new works and maintenance projects. Monitor
compliance with the National Building Regulations in inspection of properties.
Monitor contracts and in-house construction by providing technical advice and
guidance in respect of compliance to regulations, legislation and processes.
Attend meetings and submit reports. Conduct condition assessment on
government used facilities. Conduct inspections on DPW used buildings,
compile condition assessment report with a view of effecting maintenance.
Conduct inspections on client used/leased buildings, compile condition
assessment report. Attend meetings and submit reports. Monitor SMMES with
respect to quality control. Conduct increased inspections, as required, on sites
where SMMEs are involved. Monitor effectiveness of contractors and SMMEs

in all the projects. Provide assistance to EPWP in development of SMMEs.
Render administrative functions. Filing and proper maintenance of contracts,
minutes and reports. Write and submit reports with all relevant information.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 139/05/2024

SALARY : R255 450 per annum (Level 06)

CENTRE : Mount Ayliff
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma NQF level 6 in Mechanical
Engineering (T/N/S Streams) OR N3 and passed trade test in built environment
(Mechanical), OR Registration as an Engineering Technician (Mechanical). 1-
2 years’ relevant experience in Mechanical. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge
and Skills: Buildings Regulations, Quality Control of all buildings works,
Management of people. Risk. Change and promotion of teamwork. OHS Act.
Good Verbal, written and communication Skills. Conflict Management skills.
Computer literacy. Client orientation and customer focus skills. Report writing
skills. Self-Management.
DUTIES : Conduct Inspections or maintenance on work undertaken on project sites to
ensure that it is being done in compliance with all relevant regulations and
legislation and that proper quality control is being maintained. Compile an
estimate of repairs and costs for minor new work and maintenance work to be
undertaken. Maintain an electronic record system for work being done and
work that was finalized. Develop progress reports on outstanding and finalised
work. Advice and guide contractors in respect of the compliance to legislation
and procedures. Inspect work documents by contractors to determine whether
it is in compliance with all relevant prescribed standards. Compile and process
variation orders and requests for the extension of deadlines. Compile payment
documents. Ensure effective contract administration. Timeous development of
reports on problems emanating from projects. Gather and submit information
in terms of the expanded public works programme (EPW). Develop and
interpret plans and sketches. Draw up quotation documents and compile
specifications, bills of quantities and bid documents. Participate in the
adjudication process and provide recommendations quotations. Liaise with
relevant stakeholders in respect of technical aspects.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Grahamstown Depot Ref No: DPWI 140/ 05/2024
Lusikisiki Depot Ref No: DPWI 141/ 05/2024
PSJ Depot Ref No: DPWI 142/ 05/2024
Steynsburg Depot Ref No: DPWI 143/ 05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate with no experience required. Experience in Office
Administration will serve as an added advantage.
DUTIES : Assist in rendering administrative support to the Depot, assist in collating and
compilation of depot reports, and ensure the effective flow of information and
documents. Assist with the leave management of the Depot to assist the
district. Liaise with District for procurement processes. Ensure safe keeping of
all documentation in the office of the Depot.
ENQUIRIES : Lusikisiki/PSJ: Enquiries can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde
Tel No: (047) 505 2767. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-
Grahamstown: Enquiries: contact Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 /
Ms A. Meyer Tel No: (041) 390 9032. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-
Steynsburg: Enquiries: can be directed to Ms. H. Galeni / Mr. M. Tshwaku Tel
No: (051) 611 9800 e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-

REF NO: DPWI 144/ 05/2024

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 Certificate with no experience required. Experience in Risk
Management and Integrity management and a valid driver’s licence will serve
as an added advantage. Knowledge & Skills: Batho Pele Principles. Public
Service Regulations Act. PFMA Communication skills, Computer skills,
Presentation skills, Coordination skills, Facilitation Skills, Analytical thinking
skill, Liaising skills, Report writing skills, Conflict management skills and
Innovative skills.
DUTIES : Coordinate the administration duties relating Risk Anti-Corruption and Integrity
Management, performing administrative support during Risk Management
sessions, capturing information, procurement of services for risk management
core staff, assist in the coordination of governance committee meetings. Taking
minutes during meetings. Assist in the monitoring of budget of the unit. Assist
with performance reporting of the component. Assist on financial disclosure
process. Filling of cases and supporting documentation. Making follow up on
all Risk Assessment and assist in reminding stakeholders. Assist with the
tracking of Risk, Anti – Corruption and Integrity Management performance
against the implementation plans.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L. Magqaza Tel
No: (040) 602 4236
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

DPWI 145/ 05/2024

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS : A grade 12 certificate or NQF Level 4 with no experience. Experience in
Administration will be an added advantage. Knowledge & Skills: Administrative
processes in Labour Relations, computer literacy, good communication (verbal
and written) and report writing skills, interpersonal relationship.
DUTIES : Provide administrative support services, Draft routine correspondence and
track records submitted for processing, Write memorandums and compile
monthly reports, Handle routine procurement matters, Ensure safe keeping of
all records.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS : A grade 12 certificate or NQF Level 4 with no experience. Experience in
Administration will be an added advantage. Knowledge & Skills: Administrative
processes in EPWP, computer literacy, good communication (verbal and
written) and report writing skills, interpersonal relationship.
DUTIES : Provide administrative support services. Draft routine correspondence and
track records submitted for processing. Arrange stakeholder engagement
meetings with public bodies. Check EPWP compliance on projects. Handle
routine procurements matters. Ensure safe keeping of all records. The
candidate will also be required to provide Social Facilitation support.
ENQUIRIES can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS : A grade 12 certificate or NQF Level 4 with no experience. Experience in
Administration will be an added advantage. Knowledge and Skills: Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA) DORA, PEPs, Public Service Regulations,

BBBEE Act, EPWP Policy. Stakeholder Engagement; Financial Management,
Policy Implementation, People Management, Process implementation,
customer and quality management, Problem solving skills, Strategic capability
and leadership, Self-leadership, Communication skills, Computer skills,
Planning and Organization Skills, Programme and project management,
Negotiation and Presentation Skills.
DUTIES : Assist in evaluating the number of Public Bodies reporting on EPWP within the
region: Assist in the implementation of IG project lists and other grants projects
from the public bodies. Assist in expenditure of Integrated Grants. Ensure Bi -
Weekly updating of Project Management Plan for all projects. Prepare project
file for completeness. Monitor the number of monthly file completeness report.
Prepare reports for sector and district meetings. Monitor sector and district
Resolutions. Consolidate, monitor, and evaluate Project Management Plans for
all Public Bodies: Compare Project programmes with project expenditures.
Assist in areas of underspending. Consolidate and submit PMP. Identify gaps
and liaise with EPWP Coordinators. Resolve problems of motivation and
control with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff
based on individual potential provide the necessary guidance and support and
afford staff adequate training and development opportunities.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Gqeberha
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or NQF Level 4. No experience required. Knowledge: Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA); Prescripts; DORA, PEPs, Public Service
Regulations, BBBEE Act, EPWP Policy. EPWP phase 3 guidelines National
Development Plan. Ministerial Determination. Constitution of the Republic of
South Africa, Act No.108 of 1996.Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Computer literacy skills. Diagnostic skills. Analytical skills. Problem solving
skills. Policy development skills.
DUTIES : Office Support-Organize venue for meetings, and bookings. Attend to incoming
and outgoing correspondence. Writing of minutes. Liaise with Public bodies
regarding general administrative-related issues. Provide support to the
secretariat for the functional steering committees in accordance with EPWP
norms & standards. Facilitate the Data capturing of DPW&I and Public Bodies
in the EPWPRS -Liaise and engage with Municipalities and Public Bodies
within the Sarah Baartman Region and Nelson Mandela Region. Verify
information for accuracy, compliance, and completeness. Execute the filling
system for the unit. Conduct monthly monitoring of information captured versus
information in the system. Implementation of Performance Information-
Conduct site verification visits to check compliance with EPWP guidelines and
information captured in the EPWP RS. Collections of Attendance and Payment
Registersid Copies, Employment Contracts of Participants. Conduct file
verification of DPWI Projects. Check compliance of information and create a
compliance template for each project. Create individual files for each EPWP
Project. Procurement Service to EPWP Directorate- Facilitate Shifting of funds
and monitor Budget to prevent under- and overspending. Execution of
procurement system for accommodation, venues, stationery, process fuel
claims, and other goods and services for the programme. Control of
procurement process to ensure that all documentation and signatures are
correct. Control and ensure that Incurred Expenditure is kept up to date.
ENQUIRIES : contact Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel No: (041)
390 9032
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

DPWI 149/ 05/2024

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Aliwal North
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 Or NQF Level 4 with no experience required. Knowledge & Skills:
Basic knowledge of administration processes. Communication skills,

Numeracy, Computer Literacy and ability to draw data. Self-propelled.
Responsive person with positive attitude.
DUTIES : Provide administrative support services: Capture and update data on
computer. Generate spread sheets. Update the system on all data sets.
Validate data (for quality purpose) to ensure correctness, completeness and
consistency. Compile routine statistical information/reports. Receive, register
and track records or documents submitted for further processing in the
administration component of the institution. Capture routine transactions on
computer such as the transfer of information from manual records to electronic
documents. Provide routine and administrative maintenance services: Update
and file records. Continuous updating of information on computer for reporting
purposes. Maintain EPWP database. Retrieve information required.
ENQUIRIES can be directed to Ms. H. Galeni/ Mr. M. Tshwaku at (087) 362 9971
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Queenstown
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate with no experience required. Experience in Human
Resource Provisioning will serve as an added advantage.
DUTIES : Process Human Resource Provisioning Services. Process advertising of
positions, recruitment, selection and filling of positions. Process validation of
qualifications. Process assumption of duties. Process issuing of letters of
appointment contracts. Process confirmation of probation appointments.
Process personnel utilization through transfers, translations in rank,
promotions and secondments.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:

DPWI 151/ 05/2024

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Bhisho
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate with no experience. Experience in a call
centre/customer care services environment will be an added advantage.
Knowledge and Skills: Departmental service delivery principles. PSR, PFMA,
PSA. Policies and Procedures. Government Program. Procurement directives.
Citizen Focus and Responsiveness. Develop others. Applied Technology
Basics. Applied Strategic Thinking. People Management. Networking and
Building Bonds. Diversity Management. Report Writing. Computer Literacy.
Negotiation. Communication and Information Management. Presentation.
Motivational. Conflict Resolution / Problem Solving Competencies: Excellent
Communication Skills. Be able to handle pressure. Efficiency, accuracy and
speed are highly sought-after qualities. Problem-solving abilities. With the
ability to multitask. Being a team player is important. Empathy. Resilience.
Knowledge retention and recall. Positive and have a desire to satisfy.
DUTIES : Assumes responsibility for providing effective inbound and outbound services.
Logging of calls on the DPW&I system. Assumes responsibility for establishing
and maintaining professional working relationships with customers, vendors,
and outside contacts. Assumes responsibility for establishing and maintaining
effective working relationships with area staff, other departments, and
management. Assumes responsibility for all aspects regarding incoming calls.
Assumes responsibility for related duties as required or assigned.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Bisho to Ms S. Zazini Tel No: (040) 602 4553 / Mr L.
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : East London Ref No: DPWI 152/ 05/2024
Mthatha Ref No: DPWI 153/ 05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : A grade 12 certificate or NQF Level 4 with no experience. Experience in
Administration will be an added advantage. Knowledge and Skills: Monitoring

and evaluation. Government policies and planning systems. Government
Programme of action. Public Service Regularity Framework. Presidency
policies and procedures. Information management. Performance
management. Report writing. Negotiation. Interpersonal relations.
Communication. Facilitation. Computer literacy. Analysing. Conflict
management. Presentation. Working in a team. Driving.
DUTIES : Safe keeping of records. Opening and closing of HR files. Filling of
correspondence. Number of folios. Circulate correspondence. Record
documents for circulation. Maintain file index (NMIR). Open files according to
file index. Regular checking files in terms of file index. Control movement of
files. Issue to relevant HR staff. Diarise return of files.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. L. Magama/Ms T. Vooi Tel No: (043) 711 5853. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
Enquiries can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Y Tel No: (047)
505 2767. e-recruitment Technical Enquiries: e-recruitment-

154/ 05/2024

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Gqeberha
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or equivalent qualification. No Experience required. Experience in
Records Management will serve as an added advantage Knowledge & Skills:
National Archives guide and Record Service, Basic Conditions of Employment
Act. Batho Pele Principles. Department Policy occupational health and safety.
Public Finance management act. Legislative Requirement: COIDA. Public
Service Act. PFMA and National Treasury Regulations. Skills: Verbal and
written Communication. Interpersonal relation Problem solving. Organizing
DUTIES : Safe keeping of records; Opening and closing of HR files; Filing of
correspondence; Number of folios. Circulate correspondence. Record
documents for circulation. Maintain file index (NMIR). Open files according to
file index; Regular checking files in terms of file index. Control movement of
files: Issue to relevant HR staff; Diarize return of files.
ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer at
(041) 390 9032
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Queenstown
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate or NQF Level 4, No experience required.
DUTIES : Render demand and acquisition clerical support, Update and maintain a
supplier (including contractors) database. Register suppliers on LOGIS or
similar system. Provide secretariat or logistical support during the bid
consideration and contracts conclusion process. Compile draft documents as
required, render logistical support services, Place orders for goods, Receive
and verify goods from suppliers. Update and maintain register of suppliers.
Render asset management clerical support. Compile and maintain records
(e.g. asset records/databases), Verify asset register.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene at (045) 807 6600 e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:

DPWI 156/ 05/2024

SALARY : R155 148 per annum (Level 03)

CENTRE : Queenstown
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10 with seven to twelve months’ experience in Driver/Messenger
services. Valid Code 10 driver’s licence and valid PDP.
DUTIES : Provide transport services: Fill in log sheets before and after trips. Receive
work instructions and respond. Receive and record documents. Transport
goods and service. Load and dispatch items. Transport officials from point A to
point B and re-collect. Render vehicle Maintenance functions: Check and verify
the vehicle condition. Check fuel, water and oil levels. Check lights,

windscreen, wipers, hooter, tyre condition and check vehicle license. Check
dates for vehicle service and report. Check vehicle defects, dents and report/
routine inspection on visible defects around exterior of the vehicle. Monitor the
utilization of vehicles in the absence of Transport Clerk. Attend to special
requests. Recording of operations of the vehicles. The periodic checks on
vehicle maintenance standards. Ensure the safekeeping of vehicles. Render
clerical support services in the office: Copy and fax documents. Render
messenger services: Collect and deliver mail to/from the Post Office and other
postal/courier services. Collect, sort and distribute mail and documents from
the various Departments/ components. Collect and deliver urgent
documentation for priority distribution. Distribute internal, departmental and
national circulars. Prepare packages/parcels for dispatch by the courier or
postal service. Record and sign off the register for correspondence delivered
and collected. Willingness to work extra hours.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R155 148 per annum (Level 03)

CENTRE : Mount Frere Depot Ref No: DPWI 157/ 05/2024
Lusikisiki Depot Ref No: DPWI 158/ 05/2024
REQUIREMENTS : Abet Level 4 or Grade 10. Grade 12 is an added advantage. Code10/ Code
14/EC drivers' license with valid PDP drivers permit. 2 years’ experience in
heavy duty vehicle. Knowledge & Skills: Basic knowledge of the legislative
framework and processes related to handling of vehicles in government Ability
to handle conflict. Must be prepared to engage in intensive labour practices.
Ability to work under pressure. Ability to work independently an in a team.
Ability to communicate well with people at different levels. Ability to organize
and plan. Sound verbal and written communication skills. Ability to act with tact
and discretion. Must be self-motivated. Ability to handle tasks of
multidisciplinary nature. Good customer skills and competencies. Knowledge
of Labour Relations processes. Must be prepared to work shifts which includes,
fixed, after hours, night duty, weekends and public holidays. Knowledge of the
Batho Pele Principals. Applicant should be prepared to undergo drivers testing
and medical surveillance as an inherent job requirement.
DUTIES : Execute all authorized transportation trips of staff, records, goods/material to
relevant destinations. Check the level and condition of fuel, water, oil and tires
every time before driving a vehicle. Complete the vehicle inspection form after
checking vehicle for any problems (e.g. dents and scratches) and report dents
and scratches on vehicles. Report and complete the accident report when
involved in a motor vehicle accident immediately. Report minor and major
defects on the vehicle to supervisor. Responsible for safekeeping of vehicle
keys, while vehicles are in use. Responsible for spare wheel, jack and all other
tools in vehicle. Ensure that the vehicle is clean and in a good condition before
handing back the keys at the end of the shift. Report low fuel level to
Despatcher at the end of your trip. Comply with the Occupational Health and
Safety Act prescripts and procedures at all times. Complete vehicle log book
as prescribed by legislations. Attend to enquiries in a professional manner and
give guidance and advice. Promote the safekeeping of the vehicles from
damages. Comply and implement the allocated duties to yourself to execute
by your supervisor/manager. Adhere to all legal instructions given to you written
or verbally by a senior staff member. Adhere to timelines. Attend meetings and
training as approved by the supervisor. Comply with the Performance
Management and Development System (PMDS).
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms O. Mailula/ Ms N. Gcabi Tel No: (039) 254 6942. e-
recruitment Technical Enquiries:
can be directed to Mr V. Sokhahleleka/ Mr M. Bonde Tel No: (047) 505 2767.
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Gqeberha
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10. Valid driver’s license with seven to ten months driving experience.
KnowledgE: Public Service Regulations, Problem solving skills,
Communication skills (written and verbal), interpersonal relations, planning and

execution, time management, reliability, high level of confidentiality, teamwork
and driving skills. Computer Skills.
DUTIES : Render effective messenger services Collect and deliver mail to/from the Post
Office and other postal/courier services. Collect, sort, and distribute mail and
documents from the various institutional components. Collect and deliver
documentation and related items in the department or other departments. Keep
register of documentation received and delivered. Distribute internal,
departmental, and national circulars. Ensure that where applicable, an
acknowledgement of receipt is signed for parcels, mail, correspondence, and
circulars that are delivered. Prepare packages/parcels for dispatch by the
courier or postal service. Copy, shredding and binding of documents. Perform
or assist with any other duties assigned within the registry.
ENQUIRIES : contact Ms C. Bermoskie Tel No: (041) 390 9026 / Ms A. Meyer Tel No: (041)
390 9032
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:


DPWI 160/05/2024

SALARY : R131 265.per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Queenstown
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 10 or ABET L1-3 with no experience. Knowledge and
Skills: Ability communicate effectively (verbal). Basic knowledge of health and
safety. Knowledge of basic maintenance of machinery with low level of
complexity in operating it. Knowledge of basic hand tools and cleaning
DUTIES : Ability to operate cleaning machines. Cultivate garden areas. Prepare soil for
the planting of plants. Maintain flower and other beds irrigating and pruning.
Mow lawns and cut edges. Load and unload various articles and equipment
needed on the grounds. Safeguard the tools that are allocated to you.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Ms. N. Ndawo/Ms S. Nenene Tel No: (045) 807 6600
e-recruitment Technical Enquiries:




APPLICATIONS : Applications must be hand delivered or posted to Head Office OR apply online
: Head Office [HO]: Physical Address: 26th Loveday Street, Kuyasa House,
Johannesburg, Postal address: P.O. Box 7710, Johannesburg, 2001.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024
NOTE : It is our intention to promote representatively (Race, Gender and Disability) in
the Public Service through the filling of this posts. Applications must be
submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any public service department or on
internet at /documents. Received applications using the
incorrect application for employment (old Z83) will not be considered. Each
application for employment form must be fully completed, duly signed and
initialled by the applicant. Failure to fully complete, initial and sign this form
may lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process. A
fully completed, initialled, and signed new form Z83 (Section A, B, C and D
compulsory and (Section E, F and G ignore if CV attached) and a detailed CV
is required on hand delivered, posted and online applications. Applicants are
not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents
on the application but must submit the Z83 with a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified documents on
or before the day of the interview following communication from Human
Resources. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications
evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Suitable
candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability checks (positive Identity,
qualification, fraud listing, employment reference, and criminal record
verification as well as the required level of security clearance process). Where
applicable, candidate will be subjected to a skills/ knowledge or computer
assessment test. Please note that all applicants for Senior Management
positions are required to complete the SMS Pre- Entry Programme
administered by the National School of Government (NSG) and SMS pre-entry
certificate is submitted prior to appointment. The Course is available at NSG
under the name Certificate for entry into the SMS and the full details can be
sourced by the following link:
pre-entry-programme/. For more information regarding the course please visit
the NSG website: Shortlisted candidates will be subjected
to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the
job. Following the interview process, recommended candidate (s) to attend to
generic SMS competency assessment as mandated by DPSA. The logistics of
which will be communicated by the Department. Short-listed candidates will be
subjected to a security clearance. Department reserves the right not to make
appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Women and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply and preference will be given to the underrepresented
groups as per the GDE Employment Equity Targets. Applications received after
the closing date will not be considered. The specific reference number of the
post must be quoted. Due to the large number of applications we envisage to
receive, applications will not be acknowledged. If you do not receive any
response within 3 months, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. No faxed, emailed and late applications will be considered.



Branch: Curriculum Management & Delivery
(5 Years Fixed Term Contract Performance Based)
Please note that this is a re-advertisement, candidates who applied previously
are encouraged to re-apply.

SALARY : R1 436 022 per annum, (an all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Head Office, Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Advanced Diploma/B-Tech /Degree (NQF Level 7) qualification
in Education with at least a minimum of 5 years senior management experience
within Education environment. Proven management skills in education

management or equivalent. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Regulations,
Public Finance Management Act, SASA, Extensive working knowledge of
public sector, particular in Education sphere, Relevant Education Acts and
Labour Relations Act. Competencies: Strategic Planning, Computer literacy,
Communication Skills, Change Management, Negotiation skills, Report writing
skills, Project Management, Good Interpersonal Relations, Problem Solving,
Leadership, Facilitation and Consultation, Presentation skills, Financial
Management skills, Policy development and Research skills, Innovation and
creativity. Valid South African driver’s license is essential.
DUTIES : Provide strategic leadership for the planning, target setting, resource allocation
and budget allocation for the implementation of training and development
programmes of educators and Grade R practitioners; the implementation of
curriculum policy in the Foundation, Intermediate, Senior and FET Phases; the
management, monitoring and evaluation of curriculum delivery; and Schools of
Specialisation. Oversee the management and coordination of all interventions
specific to the capacitation of educators, improved learner performance in the
GET and FET Bands, and the establishment and support of Schools of
Specialisation. Oversee special projects and partnerships which support
curriculum delivery and learner performance in the GET and FET Bands and
Schools of Specialisation. Oversee provision and sharing of analytical and
impact reports on the implementation of the curriculum policy, interventions and
projects with internal and external stakeholders. Engage with internal and
external stakeholders to ensure the curriculum policy, interventions and
projects the effective implementation of curriculum policy, interventions,
projects and partnerships. Ensure the effective and efficient management of
overall resources within the Chief Directorate in terms of relevant acts and
delegations. Ensure the implementation and maintenance of risk management
and mitigate risks threatening the attainment of objectives and the optimisation
of opportunities that would enhance the Chief Directorate’s performance.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Tlaleng Ngubeni Tel No: (011) 843 6544


Branch: Curriculum Management & Delivery
(5 Years Fixed Term Contract Performance Based)

SALARY : R1 436 022 per annum, (an all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Head Office, Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Advanced Diploma/B-Tech /Degree (NQF Level 7) qualification
in Education with at least a minimum of 5 years senior management experience
within Education environment. Proven management skills in education
management or equivalent. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Regulations,
Public Finance Management Act, SASA, Extensive working knowledge of
public sector, particular in Education sphere, Relevant Education Acts and
Labour Relations Act. Competencies: Strategic Planning, Computer literacy,
Communication Skills, Change Management, Negotiation skills, Report writing
skills, Project Management, Good Interpersonal Relations, Problem Solving,
Leadership, Facilitation and Consultation, Presentation skills, Financial
Management skills, Policy development and Research skills, Innovation, and
creativity. Valid South African driver’s license is essential.
DUTIES : Oversee and manage the coordination of the establishment & effective
functioning of governance and management structures in inclusion and special
schools. Oversee and manage the development of policy for inclusive
education and training system. Oversee and coordinate the development and
implementation of education psychology and therapy services. Oversee and
manage the coordination of registration & de- registration processes &
procedures for Independent Schools and Home Education. Oversee and
manage establishment, maintenance and ensure governance and good
working relationship with stakeholders. Oversee and manage the coordination
of the provision of Early Childhood Development programmes. Oversee and
manage the development and coordination of ECD policy frameworks.
Oversee and manage the development and implementation of ECD curriculum
programmes. Oversee and facilitate the incorporation of Grade R to school and
centres. Oversee and facilitate the Pre-grade R programmes. Oversee and
manage the coordination of the provision of library and LTSM support services
to districts. Oversee and Manage GDE Library and information services.
Oversee and manage the provision of effective management of learning,
Teaching and support materials. Oversee and promote the provision of public

ordinary schools. Oversee and manage the school administration services.
Oversee and manage the learner and learner admission services. Oversee and
coordinate the development of school readiness programmes. Ensure the
effective and efficient management of overall resources within the Chief
Directorate in terms of relevant acts and delegations. Ensure the
implementation and maintenance of risk management and mitigate risks
threatening the attainment of objectives and the optimisation of opportunities
that would enhance the Chief Directorate’s performance.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Tlaleng Ngubeni Tel No: (011) 843 6544


Chief Directorate: District Operations Management (Tshwane Region)
(5 Years Fixed Term Contract Performance Based)

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (an all-inclusive package)

CENTRE Tshwane South District
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Advanced Diploma/B-Tech /Degree (NQF Level 7) qualification
in Education/ Public Management/Public Administration or related equivalent
qualification at NQF Level 7 with at least a minimum of 5 years middle/ senior
management experience. Proven management skills in education
management or equivalent. Knowledge of advance analytical skills and
extensive knowledge of the prescripts of the Public Service, Education Policies
and strategies. Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership Programme
and Project Management, Financial Management, Change Management,
Service Delivery Innovation, People Management and Empowerment Client
Orientation and Customer focus Communication, Computer literate. Valid
South African driver’s license is essential.
DUTIES : Manage the provision of support to institutions: Ensure proper coordination for
all support and activities to and with institutions. Manage the support provided
to circuit teams e.g. educations support, learning implementation. Facilitate the
HR and Corporate support to district office and circuit teams. Ensure the
maintenance of teaching and learning activities in schools within the district.
Manage the strategic support direction and planning in the districts: Formulate
strategies for efficient support to circuits and institutions. Ensure the
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of departmental policies and
strategies. Implement corrective intervention plans for districts to ensure
effective learning take place in institutions. Manage all resources of the District
Office: Supervise and manage sub-ordinates and other participants in the
Branch activities. Responsible for the financial management of the
component’s activities. Plan, organise and control activities pertaining to
functions of the districts. Adhere to and promote statutory prescripts and the
Code of Conduct for the Public Service. Ensure compliance with National policy
frameworks and standards. Report to and participate in all appropriate
provincial, departmental and other structures and processes. Compile and take
full responsibility for regular reports forwarded to the Chief Directorate: District
Operations Management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Winny Radzilani Tel No: (011) 843 6540


Chief Directorate: Physical Resources Planning and Property Management

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (an all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Head Office, Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate NQF level 7 (Degree in the Built Environment) qualification, with
at least a minimum of 5 years middle/ senior management experience. Proven
management skills in design and delivery of infrastructure programmes and
experience in infrastructure portfolio management. Knowledge of advance
analytical skills and extensive knowledge of the prescripts of the infrastructure
policies and strategies. Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership
Programme and Project Management, Financial Management, Change
Management, Service Delivery Innovation, People Management and
Empowerment Client Orientation and Customer focus Communication,
Computer literate. Valid South African driver’s license is essential.
DUTIES : Develop and manage strategies, policies, systems, norms/standards and plans
related to infrastructure, associated equipment and property management.
Manage the physical resources planning framework, prioritisation model(s),

Business Cases and Project Briefs. Interpret and apply norms and standards.
Direct infrastructure analysis. Finalise infrastructure planning documents.
Direct property management. Manage operations as it pertains to leases,
acquiring of land and rates & taxes. Align the core business of the Directorate
to the strategic goals and objectives of the Chief Directorate. Manage staff and
ENQUIRIES : Ms Winny Radzilani Tel No: (011) 843 6540



Directorate: Medical Services

SALARY : R1 271 901 per annum

CENTRE : Jubilee District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : A degree (MBCHB) FCS (SA) or equivalent, Registration with HPCSA as
Medical Specialist in Anaesthetic. Current registration with HPCSA.
Appropriate experience as a specialist. Ability to supervise a unit and work in a
multidisciplinary team. Knowledge of Public Service and Health Legislation,
Policies, procedures and Medical Ethics. Management experience will be an
added advantage. Computer Literacy (Ms Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint). Ability
to conduct and prepare training and presentations. Good communication and
interpersonal Skills. Demonstrate an understanding of Human Resource
Management and disciplinary procedures. Team Building and problem –
solving skills. Strong leadership skills.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will provide administrative and clinical duties at a
specialist level. Management of Anaesthesia department and ICU/High care
unit at Jubilee District Hospital conducting ward rounds and consultation to
other disciplines, supervision, and participation in postgraduate and
undergraduate training. Participate in the academic programs of the
departments. Participate in CPD programme, Mortality and Morbidity
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and other committees in the hospital,
Performing regular audits of the department. Liaising with the hospital
management and other agencies to ensure the efficient provision of clinical
Anaesthetic services in the hospital. Participating in academic and clinical care
coordination activities in the hospital cluster and/or the Tshwane district.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. Mokwena MJ Tel No: (012) 717 9361
APPLICATIONS : documents must be submitted to Jubilee District Hospital Human Resource
Department Private Bag X449, Hammanskraal, 0400 or hand delivered to
Stand No. 92 Jubilee Road, Jubilee District Hospital.
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Form Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as
a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted
candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date. General
Information: Short-listed candidates must be available for interviews at a date
and time determined by Jubilee District Hospital. Applications received after
the closing date as well as those who do not comply with the requirements will
not be taken into consideration. If you have not received a response from this
institution within three months of the closing date, please consider your
application unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024, Time: 15:00


Directorate: Obstetrics and Gynaecology

SALARY : R949 146 per annum, (all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : MBChB or equivalent qualification. A valid registration with the HPCSA as an
Independent Medical Practitioner.
DUTIES : Successful candidates will be responsible for the rendering of clinical services,
which includes after-hours work (weekdays and weekends). Patient
management and full time clinical service provision within the obstetrics

department. Participation in the department academic program and research
ENQUIRIES : Prof L.C Snyman Tel No: (012) 373 1002
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to: Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital, Human Resource
Department, Private Bag X396, Pretoria, 0001. Hand Delivery at Kalafong
Security Gate and sign in register book.
NOTE : Applications must be filled on a new Z83 effective from 1 January 2021 form
and a comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience). Failure to do so
will result in your application being disqualified. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Qualifications of candidates recommended for
appointment will be verified. Applicant in a possession of a foreign qualification
when shortlisted must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate
from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Candidates will be
subjected to security screening and vetting process. Applications received after
closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves the right to not
make an appointment. Candidates will be expected to be available for selection
interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department. Please
Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for applying for posts.
Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities know. It is the
department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of all numeric
targets as contained in the Employment Equity Plan. To facilitate this process
successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required.
Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants, at no
cost. People with disabilities are welcome to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024


Directorate: Paediatrics

SALARY : R949 146 per annum, (all-inclusive package)

CENTRE : Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : MBChB or equivalent. A valid registration with the HPCSA as an Independent
Medical Practitioner.
DUTIES : Service rendering in the Paediatric Department. Administrative tasks related to
Clinical Services. Undergraduate teaching as well as assistance in research
projects of the Department. Call duties as required by the Department of
ENQUIRIES : Prof: T. Avenant Tel No: (012) 373 1009
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to: Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital, Human Resource
Department, Private Bag X396, Pretoria, 0001. Hand Delivery at Kalafong
Security Gate and sign in register book.
NOTE : Applications must be filled on a new Z83 effective from 1 January 2021 form
and a comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience). Failure to do so
will result in your application being disqualified. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Qualifications of candidates recommended for
appointment will be verified. Applicant in a possession of a foreign qualification
when shortlisted must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate
from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Candidates will be
subjected to security screening and vetting process. Applications received after
closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves the right to not
make an appointment. Candidates will be expected to be available for selection
interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department. Please
Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for applying for posts.
Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities know. It is the
department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of all numeric
targets as contained in the Employment Equity Plan. To facilitate this process
successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required.
Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants, at no
cost. People with disabilities are welcome to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024

Directorate: Nursing Services: Orthopaedics

SALARY : R656 964 per annum, (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic qualification accredited with South African Nursing Council in terms of
Government Notice 425 i.e. Diploma / Degree or equivalent qualification that
allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Post-Basic Nursing
qualification with a duration of at least 1 year accredited with SANC in
Orthopaedic Nursing Science. A minimum of 9 years appropriate/recognizable
experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC
in General Nursing. At least 5 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable experience after obtaining the 1-year post-basic
qualification in Orthopaedic Nursing Science. Current (2024) SANC receipt.
Diploma in Nursing Administration /Management will be an added advantage.
Computer literacy and driver’s license will be an added advantage. Knowledge
of Nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes, National Core
Standards and other relevant Legal frameworks such as Nursing Act. OHS Act,
Patient Right Charter, Batho Pele Principles, Public Service Regulations,
Labour Relations Act. Skills: Leadership, Organizational, decision making and
problem solving abilities within the limit of the public sector and institutional
policy framework. Financial and budgetary knowledge pertaining to the
relevant resource under management. Insight into the procedures and policies
pertaining to nursing care. Ability to interact with diverse stakeholders and
givers. Good communication skills (verbal and written). Report writing skills.
Interpersonal skills including conflict management and counselling.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards and
within a professional / legal framework. Manage effectively supervision and
utilization of resources. i.e. Human, Material, and monitoring of the services.
Coordination of the provision of effective training and research. Provision of
effective support to nursing services. Display a concern for patients by
promoting, advocating, facilitating proper treatment /care and ensuring that the
unit adheres to the principles of Batho-Pele and patient centered nursing care.
Ensure clinical nursing practice by the nursing team in accordance with the
scope of practice and Nursing standards. Maintain professional growth / ethical
standards and self-development. Promote quality nursing care as directed by
the Professional scope of practice and standard.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. K.A Kelembe Tel No: (012) 318 6622
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to: Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital, Human Resource
Department, Private Bag X396, Pretoria, 0001. Hand Delivery at Kalafong
Security Gate and sign in register book.
NOTE : Applications must be filled on a new Z83 effective from 1 January 2021 form
and a comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience). Failure to do so
will result in your application being disqualified. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Qualifications of candidates recommended for
appointment will be verified. Applicant in a possession of a foreign qualification
when shortlisted must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate
from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Candidates will be
subjected to security screening and vetting process. Applications received after
closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves the right to not
make an appointment. Candidates will be expected to be available for selection
interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department. Please
Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for applying for posts.
Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities know. It is the
department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of all numeric
targets as contained in the Employment Equity Plan. To facilitate this process
successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required.
Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants, at no
cost. People with disabilities are welcome to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024

Directorate: Nursing Services
Departments: Theatre

SALARY : R451 533 - R530 376 per annum, (plus benefits), Grading According to OSD
CENTRE : Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12. Basic qualification accredited with South African Nursing Council in
terms of Government Notice 425 i.e. Diploma / Degree in Nursing as a
Professional nurse or equivalent qualification that allows registration with
SANC as a Professional Nurse. Post-Basic Nursing qualification with a duration
of at least 1 year in the specialized area mentioned above. Current (2024)
SANC receipt. Grade 1: A minimum of 4 years appropriate / recognizable
experience in Nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in
General Nursing. Grade 2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate / recognizable
experience in Nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in
General Nursing. At least 10 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable experience in the specific specialty after obtaining
the 1-year post-basic qualification in the relevant specialty. (Ability to work
independently and to take decision in the specialized area. Computer literacy
and driver’s license will be an added advantage. Knowledge of Nursing care
processes and procedures, nursing statutes, Ideal Hospital Assessment
Framework and other relevant Legal frameworks such as Nursing Act, OHS
Act, Patient Right Charter, Batho Pele Principles, Public Service Regulations,
Labour Relations Act. Skills: Leadership, Organizational, decision making and
problem solving abilities within the limit of the public sector and institutional
policy framework. Financial and budgetary knowledge pertaining to the
relevant resource under management. Insight into the procedures and policies
pertaining to nursing care. Ability to interact with diverse stakeholders and
givers. Good communication skills (verbal and written). Report writing skills.
Interpersonal skills including conflict management and counselling.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards and
within a professional / legal framework. Manage effectively supervision and
utilization of resources. i.e. Human, Material, and monitoring of the services.
Participate in training and research. Provision of support on nursing services.
Perform a clinical nursing practice in accordance with the scope of practice and
Nursing standards. Maintain professional growth / ethical standards and self-
development. Promote quality nursing care as directed by the Professional
scope of practice and standard.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. K.A Kelembe, Tel No: (012) 318 6634
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to: Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital, Human Resource
Department, Private Bag X396, Pretoria, 0001. Hand Delivery at Kalafong
Security Gate and sign in register book.
NOTE : Applications must be filled on a new Z83 effective from 1 January 2021 form
and a comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience). Failure to do so
will result in your application being disqualified. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Qualifications of candidates recommended for
appointment will be verified. Applicant in a possession of a foreign qualification
when shortlisted must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate
from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Candidates will be
subjected to security screening and vetting process. Applications received after
closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves the right to not
make an appointment. Candidates will be expected to be available for selection
interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department. Please
Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for applying for posts.
Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities know. It is the
department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of all numeric
targets as contained in the Employment Equity Plan. To facilitate this process
successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required.
Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants, at no
cost. People with disabilities are welcome to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024

Directorate: Radiography

SALARY : R376 524 per annum, (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with a recognised National Diploma or Degree in Diagnostic
Radiography, or any qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA as a
Diagnostic Radiographer. Must have completed community service as a
diagnostic radiographer (where applicable). No experience required after
registration with the HPCSA as an Independent Diagnostic Radiographer. In
respect to foreign radiographers, one-year relevant experience after
registration with HPCSA must be completed. Computer skills, excellent time
management skills, written and verbal communication skills and report writing
skills. Honesty, integrity and high work ethics. Good interpersonal skills and
conflict resolution skills. Knowledge of Batho Pele Principles, Six Ministerial
Priorities, Patients’ rights Charter and radiographer’s scope of practice in terms
of the HPCSA. Knowledge of SAHPRA Quality Control programs. Knowledge
of Public Service legislation, policies and Guidelines.
DUTIES : Produce X-ray images according to prescribed protocols, radiation control
measures and medico-legal requirements. Provide diagnostic radiographic
services which Comprise: General Radiography, Fluoroscopic, CT scanner,
Mobile, Theatre work, MRI scanning and mammography. Deliver Radiology
images of high diagnostic quality. Perform duties as a general Radiographer
during the week, weekends, public holidays as well as night duties (after hour
shifts). Participate in departmental quality assurance programmes. Participate
in different departmental committees e.g. OHS, IPC, facility management,
stock control, etc. Participate and facilitate in CPD as required by HPCSA.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M.E. Tlhomola Tel No: (012) 318 6658
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to: Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital, Human Resource
Department, Private Bag X396, Pretoria, 0001. Hand Delivery at Kalafong
Security Gate and sign in register book.
NOTE : Applications must be filled on a new Z83 effective from 1 January 2021 form
and a comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience). Failure to do so
will result in your application being disqualified. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Qualifications of candidates recommended for
appointment will be verified. Applicant in a possession of a foreign qualification
when shortlisted must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate
from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Candidates will be
subjected to security screening and vetting process. Applications received after
closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves the right to not
make an appointment. Candidates will be expected to be available for selection
interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department. Please
Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for applying for posts.
Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities know. It is the
department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of all numeric
targets as contained in the Employment Equity Plan. To facilitate this process
successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required.
Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants, at no
cost. People with disabilities are welcome to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024


Directorate: Occupational Therapy

SALARY : R376 524 per annum, (plus benefits)

CENTRE : Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with Degree in Occupational Therapy. Currently registered as an
independent Occupational Therapy Practitioner with HPCSA. Post Community
Services Occupational Therapist registered with HPCSA. Ability to work within
a multidisciplinary team. Ability to handle a large caseload. Ability to work under
pressure. The candidate must have good understanding of quality assurance
audits tools and the implementation thereof.
DUTIES : Comply with standard and ethical requirements as set out by the HPCSA.
Rendering Occupational Therapy rehabilitation and therapeutic services.
Assessment and treatment of in and outpatient in Paeds and adult subsections

(physical rehabilitation). Contribute to the development of and implementation
of programmes in the different subsections. The candidate will be required to
implement ECI screening and treatment. Ensure services delivery and training
for all levels of care in line with Occupational Therapy Standards. Assess and
issue appropriate assistive device for patients and complete relevant
documentation. Supervision of students and community service therapist.
Perform allocated administration duties. Communicate with relevant
stakeholders. Referral of clients to the next level of care. Develop objectives
and action plans for own area of work. Co-Ordination of services in the
subsection. Adhere to prescribed cost control and costing systems.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Latib Tel No: (012) 318 6702
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to: Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital, Human Resource
Department, Private Bag X396, Pretoria, 0001. Hand Delivery at Kalafong
Security Gate and sign in register book.
NOTE : Applications must be filled on a new Z83 effective from 1 January 2021 form
and a comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience). Failure to do so
will result in your application being disqualified. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Qualifications of candidates recommended for
appointment will be verified. Applicant in a possession of a foreign qualification
when shortlisted must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate
from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Candidates will be
subjected to security screening and vetting process. Applications received after
closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves the right to not
make an appointment. Candidates will be expected to be available for selection
interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department. Please
Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for applying for posts.
Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities know. It is the
department’s intention to promote equity through the filling of all numeric
targets as contained in the Employment Equity Plan. To facilitate this process
successfully, an indication of race, gender and disability status is required.
Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants, at no
cost. People with disabilities are welcome to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 01 July 2024



Limpopo Department of Social Development is an equal opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
Designed race groups, females and People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

APPLICATIONS : Applications should be addressed to various institution as per the applicant’s

need, for Head Office: Applications should be directed to Head of Department,
Private Bag X9710, Polokwane, 0700 or submitted at: 21 Biccard Street,
Olympic Towers Building. Ground Floor, Office no 30
Polokwane Welfare Complex: Applications should be directed Head of
Institution, Private Bag X 9713, Polokwane, 0700 or hand delivered at Plot 303
Strekloop, Polokwane.
Capricorn/Sekutupu Old Age Home: The District Director, Private Bag X
9709, Polokwane, 0700 or hand delivered at 34 Hans Van Rensburg,
Polowane, 0699.
Sekhukhune: The District Director, Private Bag X80, Lebowakgomo, 0737 or
hand delivered at Old Parliament Building, Lebowakgomo.
Vhembe/Thohoyandou CYCC: The District Director, Private Bag X5040,
Thohoyandou, 0950 or hand delivered at Thohoyandou Child and Youth Care
Centre, Thohoyandou Block F Punda Maria Road, Thohoyandou.
Waterberg: The District Director, Private Bag X1051, Modimolle, 0510 or hand
delivered at Cnr Elias Motswaledi & Thabo Mbeki Street, Modimolle.
Mopani/Irish House: The District Director, Private Bag X 9689, Giyani, 0826
or should be hand delivered at Department of Social Development Unigaza
Road Giyani Section A, 0826.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024 @16h00.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit certified copies of educational
qualifications, academic record, identity document and a valid driver’s licence
(where required) with their application. Only shortlisted candidates will be
required to submit certified copies on or before the day of the interview. Z83
forms is obtainable from all Government Departments or can be downloaded
from or It is the applicant’s responsibility to have
foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). All the recommended candidates will be subjected to personnel
suitability checks on criminal records, citizenship and educational
qualifications. All short-listed candidates will be subjected to a technical
exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics
of which will be communicated by the Department. The recommended
candidate will be subjected to security clearance procedures. The candidates
will be required to disclose his/her financial interests in accordance with the
applicable prescripts (applicable to salary level 9 and employees within Supply
Chain Management and Finance Units). Correspondence will be entered into
with the shortlisted candidates only and if you do not receive any response
from us within three (03) months after the closing date, you may regard your
application as unsuccessful. However, should there be any dissatisfaction,
applicants are hereby advised to seek reasons for the above administration
action in terms of Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA), Act No. 3 of
2000. Shortlisted applicants should be willing to undergo normal vetting and
verification process as well as other relevant security and pre-employment
checks as prescribed by the Minimum Information Security Standards.
Consequently the appointment will be subject to positive outcomes on these
processes, which includes amongst others security clearance, security vetting,
qualification verification, criminal record verification and reference checks.
Appointment to some of this post will be provisional, pending the issue of a
positive security clearance. Therefore, the appointment will be
reconsidered/possibly terminated in case where the applicant failed to get a
positive security clearance. Faxed applications will not be considered.
Applicants must clearly indicate the reference number on the Z83. Failure to
comply with the above requirements will results in the disqualification of the
application. The Department reserves the right to make an appointment in
respect of the advertised post. The employment decision shall be informed by
the Employment Equity Plan of the Department. Please note: Due to austerity

measure, the department will not carry any related costs (transport,
accommodation, and meals) for candidates attending interviews.


NO: DSD/2024/12 (X1 POST)

SALARY : R920 082 per annum (Level: SW-B3), all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: A Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work or
equivalent qualification as recognized by SAQA. A minimum of ten (10) years’
appropriate experience in social work after registration as a social worker with
the South African Council for Social Service Professions [SACSSP] of which
five (05) years should be appropriate experience in Social Work Policy
Development. Current registration with the South African Council for Social
Service Professions [SACSSP]. A valid driver’s licence (with the exception of
persons with disabilities). Core and Process Competencies: Strategic Capacity
and Leadership, programme and project management, Change Management,
Financial Management, People Management and Empowerment, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and analysis, Client orientation and Customer
Focus, Communication. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Children’s Act 38
0f 2005, White Paper for Social Welfare Services and Social Service
Professions Act, Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies and
procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).
DUTIES : Develop and ensure the implementation of policies, strategic plan and
operational plan. Facilitate implementation of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005.
Facilitate compliance to child protection services norms and standards.
Manage and coordinate provision of Child Protection Services. Manage and
implement the Child Protection Register Facilitate capacity building of officials
and stakeholders on child protection services. Facilitate development of Child
and Youth Care Centre policies. Manage registration of Child and Youth Care
Centres. Facilitate development and implementation of programmes in Child
and Youth Care Centres. Facilitate compliance of Child and Youth Care
Centres to norms and standards. Facilitate and manage intersectoral
collaboration with key stakeholders. Facilitate monitoring of child protection
services and Child and Youth Care Centres. and coordination for provision of
child protection services. Manage financial, administrative and related
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.

NO: DSD/2024/13 (X1 POST)

SALARY : R920 082 per annum (Level SW-B3), all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: A Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work or
equivalent qualification as recognized by SAQA. A minimum of ten (10) years’
appropriate experience in social work after registration as a social worker with
the South African Council for Social Service Professions [SACSSP] of which
five (05) years should be appropriate experience in Social Work Policy
Development. Current registration with the South African Council for Social
Service Professions [SACSSP]. A valid driver’s licence (with the exception of
persons with disabilities). Core and Process Competencies: Strategic Capacity
and Leadership, programme and project management, Change Management,
Financial Management, People Management and Empowerment, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and analysis, Client orientation and Customer
Focus, Communication. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Child Justice Act
75 0f 2008, Probation Services Act 116 of 1991, White Paper for Social Welfare
Services and Social Service Professions Act, Knowledge of Public Service
Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA).
DUTIES : Ensure the implementation of the operational, procedural guidelines and
protocols for the implementation of all Social Crime Prevention and Probation
Services policies, strategies, programmes and minimum standards. Facilitate
implementation of the Child Justice Act No 75 of 2008 and Probation Services

Act No 116 of 1991. Facilitate compliance to Blueprint on Secure Care Centers.
Ensure that all diversion committees (Site Verification, Quality Assurance and
Accreditation) are established and functions in accordance with the legislative
mandates. Oversee the implementation of Social Crime Prevention Systems
(PCM, CYCA, ADS) Facilitate capacity building of officials and stakeholders on
probation and diversion services. Facilitate development of Secure Care
Centre policies. Manage registration of Secure Care Centres. Facilitate
development and implementation of programmes in Secure Care Centers and
Diversion programmes. Facilitate and manage intersectoral collaboration with
key stakeholders in the Justice Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (JCPS).
Initiate and participate in all Social Crime Prevention and Probation promotion
to ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and comprehensive
information on the programme. Participate in and monitor capacity building of
service providers in Social Crime Prevention and Probation programme
empowerment. Ensure that all social service providers adhere to relevant
International, Regional and National instruments, Policies and Legislation
pertaining to children and youth in conflict with the law and at risk. Manage
financial, administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R920 082 per annum (Level: SW-A10), all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Waterberg District Ref No: DSD/2024/14 (X1 Post)
Sekhukhune District Ref No: DSD/2024/15 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: A Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work or
equivalent qualification as recognized by SAQA. A minimum of ten (10) years’
appropriate experience in social work after registration as a social worker with
the South African Council for Social Service Professions [SACSSP]. Current
registration with the South African Council for Social Service Professions
[SACSSP]. A valid driver’s licence (with the exception of persons with
disabilities). Core and Process Competencies: Strategic Capacity and
Leadership, programme and project management, Change Management,
Financial Management, People Management and Empowerment, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and analysis, Client orientation and Customer
Focus, Communication. Knowledge and Skills: Expert skills to challenge
structural sources of poverty, inequality, oppression, discrimination and
exclusion. Expert knowledge and understanding of human behaviour and
social systems and skills to intervene at the points where people interact with
their environments in order to promote social well-being. The ability and
competence to assist and empower individuals, families, groups, organisations
and communities to enhance their social functioning and their problem solving
capacities, prevent and alleviate distress and use resources effectively in
cases where expert knowledge is required. The understanding and ability to
provide complex social work services towards protecting people who are
vulnerable, at-risk and unable to protect themselves. The ability to compile
complex reports.
DUTIES : Provide a social work service of the highest, most advanced and specialised
nature within (a) defined area(s) of specialisation with regard to the care,
support, protection and development of vulnerable individuals, groups, families
and communities through the relevant programmes in partnership with
stakeholders. Attend to any other matters that could result in, or stem from,
social instability in any form. Facilitate the development and planning of
programmes and interventions to render a social work service through the
efficient, economical and effective utilisation of financial resources. Manage of
a social work unit to ensure that an efficient and effective social work service
is delivered through the efficient and effective utilisation of human resources.
Keep up to date with new developments in the social work and management
fields. Plan and ensure that social work research and development are
undertaken. Undertake complex social work research. Perform and/or ensure
that all the administrative functions required in the unit are performed.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R920 082 per annum (Level: CD-B4), all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: A Bachelor’s Degree in Development
Studies/Social Science or equivalent qualification as recognized by SAQA. A
minimum of ten (10) years’ appropriate experience in Community Development
after obtaining the required qualification. A valid motor vehicle driver’s licence
(with the exception of persons with disabilities). Core and Process
Competencies: Strategic Capacity and Leadership, programme and project
management, Change Management, Financial Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Knowledge Management, Problem Solving
and analysis, Client orientation and Customer Focus, Communication.
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies
and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).
Social Service Professions Act. Good communication and listening skills, Good
interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict management.
Policy analysing and interpretation skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis
and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality, customer care skills.
DUTIES : Coordinate and Monitor the implementation of Youth and Women Development
Programmes; Skills Development and Job Creation Programmes,
Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, Youth Mobilisation
Programmes, Linking Mobilised Youth to Economic Opportunities,
Mainstreaming Youth Development Programmes, Women Empowerment
Programmes, Advocacy and awareness programmes for youth and women.
Coordinate and monitor implementation of Women and Youth Forums in the
Social Sector. Coordinate and Monitor the implementation of youth NPOs and
income generating projects for women (Cooperatives) funding. Manage
financial, administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


NO: DSD/2024/17 (X1 POST)

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification as recognised by
SAQA. 3 - 5 years relevant experience on Junior management level in
Infrastructure Management/Civil Engineering/Electrical Engineering. A valid
motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception of persons with disabilities).
Core and Process Competencies: Strategic Capacity and Leadership,
programme and project management, Change Management, Financial
Management, People Management and Empowerment, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and analysis, Client orientation and Customer
Focus, Communication. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service
Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). Good communication and listening skills, Good
interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict management.
Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis
and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality, customer care skills.
DUTIES : Develop the business plan in line with the strategic objectives of the
department. Ensure that all works adhere to prescribed OHS standard.
Manage and monitor the implementation of capital and maintenance of
Facilities. Risk control over state owned property. Manage financial,
administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


DSD/2024/18 (X1 POST)

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Vhembe District

REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 in Financial Management/Accounting/Financial
Accounting/Supply Chain Management or equivalent qualification as
recognised by SAQA. 3 - 5 years relevant experience on Junior management
/Supervisory level in Financial Management/Budgeting and Reporting/Supply
Chain Management. A valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception
of persons with disabilities). Core and Process Competencies: Strategic
Capacity and Leadership, programme and project management, Change
Management, Financial Management, People Management and
Empowerment, Knowledge Management, Problem Solving and analysis, Client
orientation and Customer Focus, Communication. Knowledge and Skills:
Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures.
Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Knowledge of The
White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service of 1997. Good
communication and listening skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to
handle pressure. Conflict management. Policy analyzing and interpretation
skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty
and confidentiality, customer care skills. PERSAL, Bas and Logis literacy.
DUTIES : Develop the business plan in line with the strategic objectives of the
department. To coordinate the implementation of financial accounting and
budgeting. To coordinate the implementation of supply chain management. To
coordinate the implementation of facilities management. Manage financial,
administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Mopani District
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 in Public Administration/HRM/HRD/Employee Relations or
equivalent qualification as recognised by SAQA. 3 - 5 years relevant
experience on Junior management /supervisory level in one of the units under
Corporate Services. A valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception
of persons with disabilities). Core and Process Competencies: Strategic
Capacity and Leadership, programme and project management, Change
Management, Financial Management, People Management and
Empowerment, Knowledge Management, Problem Solving and analysis, Client
orientation and Customer Focus, Communication. Knowledge and Skills:
Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures.
Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Knowledge of The
White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service of 1997. Good
communication and listening skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to
handle pressure. Conflict management. Policy analyzing and interpretation
skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty
and confidentiality, customer care skills. PERSAL literacy.
DUTIES : Develop the business plan in line with the strategic objectives of the District
Corporate Services. Manage and coordinate Human Resource Management
processes. Manage and coordinate Human Resource Development and
Planning processes. Manage and coordinate Employee Relations Services.
Manage and ensure effective and efficient logistical services. Formulate and
manage the component’s budget. Manage and utilize human resources in
accordance with the relevant directive and legislation. Manage financial,
administration and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


REF NO: DSD/2024/20 (X1 POST)

SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Capricorn District
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate National Diploma/Bachelor’s
degree at NQF level 6 in Social Science or equivalent qualification as
recognised by SAQA. A minimum of 3-5 years experience at lower

Management / Supervisory level within Transformation & Change
Management. A valid driver’s licence (with the exception of persons with
disabilities). Experience in Transformation & Change Management will be an
added advantage. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service
Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). Knowledge of The White Paper on the
Transformation of the Public Service of 1997. Good communication and
listening skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure.
Conflict management. Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing
skills. Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality,
customer care skills.
DUTIES : Develop the business plan in line with the strategic objectives of the
Department. Coordinate the development of institutional service standards.
Provide service delivery optimisation programme. Coordinate and manage
complaints by the public and governance structures. Manage and coordinate
gender mainstreaming and women empowerment.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Capricorn District Ref No: DSD/2024/21 (X1 Post)
Waterberg District Ref No: DSD/2024/22 (X1 Post)
Vhembe District Ref No: DSD/2024/23 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 in Financial Management / Supply Chain Management or
equivalent qualification as recognised by SAQA. 3 - 5 years relevant
experience on lower management / Supervisory level in Supply Chain
Management. A valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception of
persons with disabilities. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service
Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). Knowledge of The White Paper on the
Transformation of the Public Service of 1997. Good communication and
listening skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure.
Conflict management. Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing
skills. Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality,
customer care skills. Logis literacy.
DUTIES : Develop the business plan in line with the strategic objectives of the
department. Manage demand and acquisition. Ensure effective assets
management. Provide purchasing and stores management. Provide transport
management services within the institutions. Manage financial, administrative
and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Capricorn District Ref No: DSD/2024/24 (X1 Post)
Waterberg District Ref No: DSD/2024/25 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 in Human Resource Management/Development or equivalent
qualification as recognised by SAQA. 3 - 5 years relevant experience on lower
management level/ supervisory level in HRM or HRT&D or PMDS. A valid
motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception of persons with disabilities).
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies
and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).
Knowledge of The White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service of
1997. Good communication and listening skills, Good interpersonal
relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict management. Policy analyzing
and interpretation skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis and analytical
thinking. Honesty and confidentiality, customer care skills. PERSAL literacy.
DUTIES : Develop the business plan in line with the strategic objectives of the
department. Provide Human Resource Practice and Administration services.
Co-ordinate, facilitate and monitor training and development programmes.

Manage and monitor Performance Management and Development system.
Manage financial, administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 in HRM/D or equivalent qualification as recognised by SAQA. 3
- 5 years relevant experience on lower management / Supervisory level within
Human Resource Management. PERSAL certificate / Results. A valid motor
vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception of persons with disabilities).
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies
and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).
Knowledge of The White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service of
1997. Good communication and listening skills, Good interpersonal
relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict management. Policy analyzing
and interpretation skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis and analytical
thinking. Honesty and confidentiality, customer care skills. PERSAL literacy.
DUTIES : Implement the business plan in line with the strategic objectives of the section.
Manage human resource practice and administration. Develop and manage
the recruitment and selection process. Manage condition of services and
benefits. Manage financial, administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R429 573 per annum (Level: CD-A7)

CENTRE : Waterberg District: Bakenberg Sub-Office Ref No: DSD/2024/27 (X1 Post)
Mopani District: Tzaneen Sub-Office Ref No: DSD/2024/28 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: A Bachelor’s Degree in Development
Studies/Social Science or equivalent qualification as recognized by SAQA. A
minimum of seven (07) years’ appropriate experience in Community
Development after obtaining the required qualification. A valid motor vehicle
driver’s licence (with the exception of persons with disabilities). Knowledge and
Skills: Knowledge and understanding of individual and group behaviour, its
inter relations within community structures, dynamics of the community and
current legislation to enable interventions. The ability and competence to
manage community development structures and projects. The ability to
influence individuals and groups to participate in their own self-empowerment
ventures. Problem solving and conflict resolution skills. Computer literacy.
Written and verbal communication skills. The ability to undertake complex
research. Financial management. Presentation skills. Project management.
Human resource management. Policy formulation and implementation.
Knowledge of the Public Service Management Framework, e.g. PFMA, Labour
Relations Act, etc.
DUTIES : Manage community development structures and projects. Supervise the
identification, facilitation and implementation of integrated community
development interventions in partnership with the community and other
relevant stakeholders. Supervise and support community development
practitioners to ensure that there is communication and coordination with all
the relevant role players, internal and external. Perform administrative support
on community development and related activities. Keep up to date with the new
developments in the community development field to enhance service delivery.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Capricorn District

REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 in Computer Science, Information Science or Information
Technology or equivalent qualification as recognised by SAQA. 1 - 2 years
relevant experience in Information Technology. A valid motor vehicle driver’s
licence (with the exception of persons with disabilities). Knowledge and Skills:
Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures.
Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Good communication
and listening skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure.
Conflict management. Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing
skills. Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality,
customer care skills.
DUTIES : Monitor information system. Monitor information technology with SITA.
Implement National legislation of Information Technology. Maintenance and
updating of IT systems and network. Monitor and advise on the appropriate
Information Technology infrastructure.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Mopani District
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 or equivalent qualification as recognised by SAQA. 1 - 2 years
relevant experience. A valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception
of persons with disabilities). Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public
Service Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA). Good communication and listening skills,
Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict
management. Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing skills.
Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality, customer
care skills.
DUTIES : Assist in the bookings of vehicles for maintenance. Ensure logbooks and trip
authorizations. Manage the record keeping of transport documents. Coordinate
trip planning.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 or equivalent qualification as recognised by SAQA. 1 - 2 years
relevant experience. A valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception
of persons with disabilities). Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public
Service Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA). Good communication and listening skills,
Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict
management. Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing skills.
Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality,
customer care skills. Logis literacy.
DUTIES : Perform purchasing management services. Provide stores management
services. Maintain record keeping in issuing and receiving of stock. Monitor
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


REF NO: DSD/2024/32 (X1 POST)

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Capricorn District
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 or equivalent qualification as recognised by SAQA. 1 - 2 years

relevant experience. A valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception
of persons with disabilities). Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public
Service Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA). Good communication and listening skills,
Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict
management. Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing skills.
Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality, customer
care skills.
DUTIES : Co-ordinate office and housing accommodation for staff. Maintenance and
updating of accommodation and machinery lease / rental register. Provide
support on cleaning services to the department.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Sekhukhune District
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate undergraduate qualification
at NQF level 6 in Financial Management/Business Management/Public
Procurement Management/Accounting or equivalent qualification as
recognised by SAQA. 1-2 years relevant experience in Supply Chain
Management. A valid motor vehicle driver’s licence (with the exception of
persons with disabilities). Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service
Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). Good communication and listening skills, Good
interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict management.
Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis
and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality, customer care skills. Logis
DUTIES : Maintain demand management plans to address possible future needs. Ensure
acquisition management services. Ensure that the procurement of goods and
services is in line with approved procurement plans. Coordinate the integration
of the procurement plans. Ensure that the procurement processes are fully
complaint with the SCM prescribed policies and prescripts. Ensure that
conducting and benchmarking with best practice. Conduct market research to
establish new technologies. Receive requisitions/Log2 and check correctness
of the specifications and advise accordingly. Supervise the subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


DSD/2024/34 (X1 POST)

SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An undergraduate qualification in
Management Assistance/Secretarial/Office Management/Public
Administration/Management or equivalent qualification at NQF level 6 as
recognized by SAQA. A minimum of 1 year relevant experience. Knowledge
and Skills: Sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant prescripts, application of
the legislative framework governing the public service e.g., Public Service Act,
Labour Relation Act, PFMA, etc. Skills & Knowledge: Negotiation skills,
Presentation skills, People management skills, Time management,
Communication, both formal, and informal.
DUTIES : Provide secretarial support. Manage the office of CFO. Manage the filing
system. Maintain the CFO’s diary. Management of telephone enquiries. Render
administrative support services to the directors within the Financial
Management Section. Coordination of meetings and strategic workshops
convened by the office of Chief Financial Officer. Support the CFO with the
administration of the CFO’s budget.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Vhembe District
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An undergraduate qualification in
Management Assistance/Secretarial/Office Management/Public
Administration/Management or equivalent qualification at NQF level 6 as
recognized by SAQA. A minimum of 1 year relevant experience. Knowledge
and Skills: Sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant prescripts, application of
the legislative framework governing the public service e.g., Public Service Act,
Labour Relation Act, PFMA, etc. Negotiation skills, Presentation skills, People
management skills, Time management, Communication, both formal, and
DUTIES : Provide secretarial support; Manage the office; Manage the filing system;
Maintain the Director’s diary, Management of telephone enquiries, render
administrative support services to the Manager/Deputy Director’s within
District. Coordination of meetings and strategic workshops convened by the
office of Director. Support the Director with the administration of the district’s
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.



SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate recognized NQF level 4
(Grade 12) or equivalent qualifications as recognised by SAQA. Knowledge
And Skills: Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies and
procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Good
communication and listening skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to
handle pressure. Conflict management. Policy analyzing and interpretation
skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty
and confidentiality, customer care skills. PERSAL literacy.
DUTIES : Facilitate Recruitment and Selection of Employees (Advertisements,
Appointments, Security Background Checks, verification of qualifications,
secretariat functions at interviews, absorptions, probationary periods etc.).
Facilitation of Transfers. Administration of condition of service. Administration
of Service Benefit.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Polokwane Welfare Complex
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate recognized NQF level 4
(Grade 12) or equivalent qualifications as recognised by SAQA. A qualification
in HRM/D will be an added advantage. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of
Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies and procedures. Knowledge of
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Good communication and listening
skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to handle pressure. Conflict
management. Policy analyzing and interpretation skills. Report writing skills.
Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty and confidentiality, customer
care skills. PERSAL literacy.
DUTIES : Facilitate Recruitment and Selection of Employees (Appointments, Security
Background Checks, verification of qualifications, secretariat functions at
interviews/shortlisting, probationary periods etc.). Administration of condition of
service. Administration of Service Benefit. Facilitation of Transfers. Facilitate
Human Resource Training & Development. Render Performance Management
and Development Services.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.

DSD/2024/38 (X1 POST)

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Sekhukhune District
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate recognized NQF level 4
(Grade 12) or equivalent qualifications as recognised by SAQA. Valid motor
vehicle drivers’ licence (with the exception of persons with disabilities).
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies
and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Good
communication and listening skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to
handle pressure. Conflict management. Policy analyzing and interpretation
skills. Report writing skills. Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Honesty
and confidentiality, customer care skills.
DUTIES : Allocate vehicles on daily basis. Check the vehicle conditions. Ensure
utalisation of provided registers. Ensure cleaning of vehicles.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R183 279 per annum (Level 04)

CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and competencies: Grade 12 or equivalent qualification as
recognized by SAQA. Knowledge and Skills: Computer literacy. Good
communication skills. Interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Receiving incoming and outgoing calls. Administer requisition forms and
respond to queries. Transfer calls to relevant extensions. Take message and
refer to the relevant person.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R174 711 per annum (Level: CYC-A1)

CENTRE : Vhembe District: Thohoyandou Child & Youth Care Centre Ref No:
DSD/2024/40 (X2 Posts)
Mopani District: Irish House Ref No: DSD/2024/41 (X2 Posts)
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and competencies: An appropriate recognised NQF level 4
(Grade 12) or equivalent qualification and Basic qualification in Child Care.
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge and understanding of the legislative
framework (Children’s act, Child Care Act, Child Justice Act) governing the
Secure Care Centres. Good communication skills, Good interpersonal
relationships, Ability to handle pressure. Honesty and confidentiality, customer
care skills. Experience in secure care environment will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Receive children and youth to the care facility after admission. Provide
orientation of the child to the centre. Provide care and development of children
and youth where their needs are protected. Ensure that children/ youth receive
medical services. Facilitate the independent living and recreational
programmes. Organise family visits and contacts. Escort children to external
services. Assist with implementation of developmental and therapy
programmes. Perform administration duties.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Head Office Ref No: DSD/2024/42 (X2 Posts)
Waterberg District: Witpoort Ref No: DSD/2024/43 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and competencies: Junior Certificate or STD 08/Grade 10/ AET
/ ABET or equivalent qualification. Ability to read and write. Knowledge and
Skills: Good Communication Skills.
DUTIES : Render cleaning services. Use and keep all cleaning goods and materials
properly. Requisition of cleaning materials. Ensure infection control.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.


SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Capricorn District: Sekutupu Old Age Home
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and competencies: Junior Certificate or STD 08/Grade 10/ AET
/ ABET or equivalent qualification. Ability to read and write. Knowledge and
Skills: Good communication skills. Interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Prepare and serve meals to children and youth. Cleaning and purification of
the kitchen, canteen and equipment.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms ME
Gafane or Mr QLM Mogotlane Tel No: (015) 230 4315/4375.



It is the strategic intent of the Department to promote employment equity in terms of race, gender and
disability through the filling of these posts with candidates whose transfer, promotion or appointment
will promote equitable representativity in line with the numeric targets as contained in the departmental
Employment Equity plan.

APPLICATIONS : Fully completed and signed Z83 employment application form, quoting
reference number should be addressed to the Head: Economic Development
and Tourism. Applications can be hand delivered to Nokuthula Simelane
Building, 1st Floor, No 7 Government Boulevard, Riverside Park, Extension 02,
Mbombela, 1201 or alternatively applications emailed to the respective email
address provided for each post.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024 @ 16h00
NOTE : It is compulsory to fill all fields on the New Amended Z83 Form (No.81/971431)
as prescribed with effect from 01 January 2021, which must be signed, initialled
and dated. The form is obtainable at any National or Provincial Department(s), Applicants must indicate the Post,
Reference Number on the Z83 Form application. The new Z83 Form must be
accompanied by a recent updated curriculum vitae with full personal details,
experience, including three (3) names of contactable referees and it is the
applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA
and to provide proof of such evaluation report (only when shortlisted).DPSA
Circular 19 of 2022 paragraph 2.1.5 states that Part E, F and G :Noting that
there is limited space provided applicants often indicate “refer to Curriculum
Vitae or see as attached”, this is acceptable as long as the CV has been
attached and provides the required information. If the information is not
provided in the CV, the applicant may be disqualified. The question related to
conditions that prevent re-appointment under Part F must be answered.
Applications received after closing date will, as a rule is not accepted. Only
shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified
documents on or before the day of the interviews. It will be expected of
candidate(s) to be available for interview process on a date, time and place as
determined by the Department. Shortlisted candidate(s) will be required to
undergo personal suitability checks, which include criminal records,
citizenship, financial credits/assets, qualifications verification and previous
employment background/reference checks will be verified. Candidates will be
subject to security screening and vetting. Applicants must disclose if /he is not
a Director/Shareholder of a company or conducting any business with Organ
of State and whether is performing any additional remunerative work outside
his/her normal duties. The successful candidate will enter into an Annual
Performance Agreement, and annually disclose his/her financial interest. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the
right not to make appointment. SMS Posts: The requirements for appointment
at Senior Management Service level include the successful completion of
Senior Management Pre-entry Programme as endorsed by the National School
of Government, which can be accessed using the following link:
Candidates must provide proof of successful completion of the course prior to
appointment. Following the interview and technical exercise(s), the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency
assessment (in compliance with the DPSA directive on the implementation of
competency-based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing
generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS
competency assessment tools. Core competencies: Strategic capacity and
leadership. People management and empowerment. Advanced programme
and project management. Change management. Financial management.
Process Competencies: Knowledge management. Service Delivery
Innovation. Advance problem solving and analysis. Client orientation and
customer focus. Advanced communication skills (written and verbal). The
successful candidate will be appointed subject to positive results of a pre-
employment screening process, which includes criminal records, and
verification of educational qualification certificates. Candidates requiring
additional information regarding advertised post must direct their enquiries to

the relevant person indicated. Communication and correspondence will be
limited to shortlisted candidates only.



SALARY : R1 436 022 per annum (Level 14), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Head Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognised NQF level 7 qualification in Human Resource
Management/Public Management or equivalent qualification with a minimum
of 5 years relevant work experience at Senior Management Services.
Knowledge of Public Service Act, Public Service Regulation, Labour Relations
Act, Employment Equity Act, Skills Development Act, Skills Levy Act,
Occupational health and Safety Act, Human Resource Development Strategy,
Public Finance Management Act and its regulations, Treasury Regulations,
Public Service Collective Bargaining Council Resolutions. The successful
candidate must be able to display the following competencies at advanced
levels: strong analytical capabilities. Report writing, advanced computer skills
and valid driver’s license. The candidate must display the following
competencies at advanced levels: strategic capability and leadership,
programme and project management, financial management, change
management, knowledge management, service delivery innovation, problem
solving and analysis, people management and empowerment, client
orientation, communication.
DUTIES : Ensure the provisioning of optimum human resources management and
development services to the department. Ensure the provisioning of effective
and efficient information technology management (ICT) services. Ensure the
provision of effective legal services. Ensure optimum utilization of resources
and provide strategic management services to the department. Ensure the
implementation of Service Delivery Improvement Plan. Monitor
Communication Services. Provide financial and human resource management
(personnel) leadership. Manage all governance related matters of the Chief
ENQUIRIES : Ms VS Hlatshwayo Tel No: (013) 766 4164
APPLICATIONS : Email application to
NOTE : Targeted: Females, and people with disabilities who meet the requirements.


Please note that this SMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level 7 qualification in
Law/Economics/Business Management or equivalent qualification with a
minimum of 5 years relevant work experience at middle management level.
Knowledge of the legal framework, Public Finance Management Act 01, 1999
and other relevant prescripts. Knowledge of the Mpumalanga Economic
Regulator, 2017. Liquor Act 59 of 2003, Mpumalanga Consumer Affairs
Regulations, Mpumalanga Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008. Knowledge of
Government budgeting processes. Competencies: The preferable candidate
must display the following competencies at advanced level: Strategic
Capability, Leadership, Programme and Project Management, Financial
Management, Change Management, Knowledge Management, Service
Delivery Innovation, Problem Solving and Analysis, People Management and
Empowerment, Client Orientation and Customer Focus and Communication,
Honesty and Integrity.
DUTIES : Ensure compliance with National and Provincial Business Regulations
Legislations responsible for the regulation and support of businesses (formal
and Informal Trade); ie. Implementation of Business Act; Identify and address
Red Tape associated Business compliance; Conduct Business Inspections;
Assist Local Municipalities to issue Business Licenses; Monitor implementation
of Provincial Informal Economy Policy; Facilitate development of Municipal
Informal Economy Policies & bylaws. Facilitate stakeholder partnership
towards the support of the sector; Coordinate inspections with municipalities

and other multidisciplinary stakeholders. Manage all governance related
matters of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms IN Phiri Tel No: (013) 766 4246
APPLICATIONS : Email application to
NOTE : Targeted: Females, and people with disabilities who meet the requirements.


Please note that this SMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized undergraduate NQF level 7 tertiary
qualification in Economics with five (5) years at middle management level in
private or public sector development and policy formulation and
implementation. Good understanding and knowledge of Government
Frameworks that relate to Economic Development, Provincial Growth
Development Strategy and Growth Development Strategy. An in-depth
understanding of the mining sector. Generic knowledge of the South African
economic policies, priority economic sectors in Mpumalanga and regulated
industries. Knowledge and understanding of the Public Service laws,
government processes, regulations and procedures. Competencies: The
preferable candidate must display the following competencies at advanced
level: Strategic Capability, Leadership, Programme and Project Management,
Financial Management, Change Management, Knowledge Management,
Service Delivery Innovation, Problem Solving and Analysis, People
Management and Empowerment, Client Orientation and Customer Focus and
Communication, Honesty and Integrity.
DUTIES : Provide strategic leadership and technical support in the formulation and
implementation of the province’s economic growth and development path.
Provide strategic direction and leadership in sectors reforms and coordinate
the development of the priority sectors in Mpumalanga. Identify development,
growth and beneficiation opportunities and advise on improving the
competitiveness of the mining sector in Mpumalanga. Develop and support
incubation centres in the province. Initiate and facilitate capacity-building
programmes of the sectors through business processes, outsourcing,
information, and training and communication technology. Support and
participate in all relevant provincial and national structures. Lead and facilitate
dialogues in all priority sectors across departments. Assist all producers,
manufactures and exporters to access domestic and international markets.
Manage all governance related matters of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms IN Phiri Tel No: (013) 766 4246
APPLICATIONS : Email application to
NOTE : Targeted: Females, and people with disabilities who meet the requirements.


Please note that this SMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized undergraduate NQF level 7 qualification in B
Com- Economics/ B Com-Business Management or relevant qualification, with
a minimum of 5 years relevant work experience at middle management level
in private or public sector development. An in-depth understanding of SMME
development, policy formulation and implementation. Good understanding and
knowledge of Government Frameworks that relate to Economic Development,
Provincial Growth Development Strategy and Growth Development Strategy.
Generic knowledge of the South African economic policies, priority economic
sectors in Mpumalanga and regulated industries. Knowledge and
understanding of the Public Service laws, government processes, regulations
and procedures. Knowledge of government policies and processes, above
average skills ito IT (Microsoft programmes), planning and stakeholder
management, effective communication skills (verbal and writing). The ability to
manage and work in a team and independently is a prerequisite.
Competencies: The preferable candidate must competently display these
competencies at an advance level: strategic capability, leadership, programme

and project management, financial and management, knowledge
management, service delivery innovation, problem solving and analysis,
people management and empowerment, client orientation, customer focus and
communication, honesty and integrity.
DUTIES : Develop a provincial SMME strategy and ensure implementation of the
strategy. Identify small business opportunities that match the small business
targets for the province. Facilitate the development of enterprise development
programmes framework and strategies. Explore and develop partnerships with
other organisations to provide sustainable business models. Establish
interventions to ensure effective implementation of the programmes. Facilitate
and support the establishment of Cooperatives. Facilitate engagements with
regional and national economic development agencies. Develop intervention
strategies. Ensure the facilitation of access and linkages to markets for SMMEs
and Cooperatives. Provide strategic management in the coordination of
financial and non-financial support. Manage human and financial resources of
the Directorate. Manage all governance related matters of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms IN Phiri Tel No: (013) 766 4246
APPLICATIONS : Email application to
NOTE : Targeted: Females, and people with disabilities who meet the requirements.


NO: DEDT 2024/25/05
Please note that this SMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Head Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized undergraduate NQF level 7 tertiary
qualification in Economics/ Development Studies or relevant qualification with
five (5) years relevant working experience in middle management level. Good
understanding of the South African economy, economic data and the ability to
draw inference from them. Knowledge and insight into insight of the provincial
priority sectors provincially. Ability and experience in dealing proactively with a
range of players across industries, academia and the public sector and the
community. Knowledge of government policies and processes, above average
skills in terms of IT (Microsoft programmes), planning and stakeholder
management, effective communication skills (verbal and writing). The ability to
manage and work in a team and independently is a prerequisite.
Competencies: The preferable candidate must display these competencies at
advanced competent levels: Strategic Capability, Leadership, Programme and
Project Management, Financial Management, Change Management,
Knowledge Management, Service Delivery Innovation, Problem Solving and
Analysis, People Management and Empowerment, Client Orientation and
Customer Focus and Communication, Honesty and Integrity.
DUTIES : To assist District and Local Municipalities to develop local economies in
partnership with key stakeholders as identified by the Provincial LED Strategy
and Regional LED Strategies. To provide project support and advice for
Regional and LED projects at District and Local Municipal level. To facilitate
and support the Regional and LED Strategy alignment, development and
integration of LED, IPAP, NDP and the PGDS for customized district and local
LED support. To assist the district and local municipalities to improve their
ability to leverage competitive and comparative advantage for growth, to
coordinate and facilitate skills development and capacity building among LED
practitioners and officials at district and local municipal level. Support and
assist Provincial, District and Local LED Forums. Provide strategic
management in the coordination of financial and non-financial support.
Manage human and financial resources of the Directorate. Manage all
governance related matters of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms IN Phiri Tel No: (013) 766 4246
APPLICATIONS : Email application to
NOTE : Targeted: Females, and people with disabilities who meet the requirements.




SALARY : R1 003 890 per annum (Level 12), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Head Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level 7 qualification in Public
Administration/Business Management or equivalent qualification with a
minimum of 3 years relevant work experience at junior management (Assistant
Director) level. Understanding of government policies, Department’s
mandate/programmes, government framework on public service
transformation and service delivery improvement and stakeholder relations.
Good understanding and knowledge of Government Frameworks relating to
economic development, Provincial Growth Development Strategy and Growth
Development Strategy. Ability to read, analyse and interpret the most complex
documents. Ability to respond effectively to the most sensitive inquiries or
complaints. Ability to make effective and persuasive presentations. Ability to
communicate with a cross section of audience with ease. Ability to apply
principles of logical or scientific thinking to a wide range of intellectual and
practical problems. Ability to deal with nonverbal symbolism (formulas,
scientific equations, graphs, musical notes, etc.) in its most difficult phases.
Ability to deal with a variety of abstract and concrete variables. Competencies:
The candidate must display to be competent in the following competencies:
strategic capability, leadership, programme and project management, financial
management, change management, knowledge management, service delivery
innovation, problem solving and analysis, people management &
empowerment, client orientation and customer focus and communication,
honesty and integrity.
DUTIES : Provide quality assurance and oversight on documentation including priority
enquiries. Draft agendas for SMS Meeting and provide secretariat services
thereof. Draft correspondences, submission, and memoranda. Manage
submission of internal Executive Council memoranda and preparation of
briefing notes on external Executive Council memoranda. Stakeholder
partnership development and management. Advise the Head of Department
on all content matters as they relate to the Department’s strategic matters.
Coordinate the Department’s interactions/commitments with the Office of the
MEC, Executive Council, and Portfolio Committees, Act as a link between the
office of HOD and other branches in the Department to ensure coordination of
functions such as management of classified documentation/information as well
as strategic and general meetings. Coordinate & monitor Programmes/projects
and compile progress reports. Provide strategic management support to the
office of the HOD. Oversee the operationalization of the Shareholders'
Compact signed between the MEC and the Parastatals. Coordinate and
prepare briefs for the Head of Department in preparation for the four MINMECs
the Department is accountable to as & when convened. Coordinate, facilitate
and edit technical reports for presentation and discussion at the four MINTechs
the Department attends as and when are convened. Coordinate the activities
and reports of the Department for submission and discussion in all clusters the
Head of Department attends and preside over. Effectively manage staff and
resources of the office of the Head of Department and provide high-level
support to management team of the Department. Manage and monitor budget
and expenditure of the office of the Head of Department. Oversee the
implementation and monitoring of executive decisions and provide just - in –
time support to the office of the Head of Department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms LP Mabaso @ (013) 766 4424
APPLICATIONS : Email application to


Please note that this MMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Ehlanzeni Regional Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level 7 qualification in Law or
Economics or equivalent qualification with a minimum of 3 years work

experience within consumer protection environment at junior management
(Assistant Director) level. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge of the legal
framework, Public Finance Management Act 01 of 1999 and other relevant
prescripts. Knowledge of the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008, National
Credit Act, 34 of 2005 and any other relevant and applicable legislations.
Knowledge of government budgeting processes. Competencies: The
preferable candidate must display the following competencies: Strategic
Capability, Leadership, Programme and Project management, Financial
Management, Change Management, Knowledge management, Service
Delivery Innovation, Problem Solving and Analysis, People Management and
Empowerment, Client Orientation and Customer Focus and Communication,
Honesty and Integrity.
DUTIES : Render consumer advisory services through amongst others: complaints
handling - assists consumers with any consumer issues experienced by
consumers such as excessive pricing of commodities; unfair business
practices and trading in non-compliance with the Consumer protection
legislations. Facilitate the prohibition of unfair business practices. Mediate and
negotiate with suppliers of goods and services in terms of Consumer Protection
Act, 68 of 2008, National Credit Act, 34 of 2005 and any other relevant and
applicable legislations on behalf of consumers for purposes of obtaining
redress on their behalf. Supervise team members and manage resources.
ENQUIRIES : Ms FP Sibiya Tel No: (013) 766 4490
APPLICATIONS : Email application to

Please note that this MMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11) all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Ehlanzeni Regional Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level seven (07) tertiary in Law
/Business Management/ Public Management or equivalent qualification with a
minimum of 3 years relevant work experience at junior management (Assistant
Director) level. Knowledge of the legal framework, Public Finance Management
Act 01 of 1999 and other relevant prescripts. Knowledge of the Consumer
Protection Act, 68 of 2008, National Credit Act, 34 of 2005 and any other
relevant and applicable legislations. Knowledge of government budgeting
processes. A valid driver’s licence. Competencies: The preferable candidate
must display the following competencies: Strategic Capability, Leadership,
Programme, Project Management, Financial Management, Change
Management, Knowledge Management, Service Delivery Innovation, Problem
Solving and Analysis, People Management and Empowerment, Client
Orientation and Customer Focus and Communication, Honesty and Integrity.
DUTIES : Manage records keeping of consumer hearings in terms of Mpumalanga
Consumer Affairs Act. Distribute documents/packages to various stakeholders
as required. Attend to all stakeholders’ enquiries and correspondences.
Manage the compilation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports. Mediate and
negotiate with suppliers of goods and services in terms of Consumer Protection
Act, 68 of 2008, National Credit Act, 34 of 2005 and any other relevant and
applicable legislations on behalf of consumers for purposes of obtaining
redress on their behalf. Supervise team members and manage resources.
Ensure proper filing and safekeeping of all court records.
ENQUIRIES : Ms FP Sibiya Tel No: (013) 766 4490
APPLICATIONS : Email application to

Please note that this MMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Head Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognised NQF7 qualification in
Economics/Econometrics/Development Planning or equivalent qualification
with a minimums of 3 years relevant work experience at junior management
(Assistant Director) level and 05 years work experience in data gathering,
analysis and interpretation in economic policy analysis and related techniques

and methodologies. Knowledge and understanding of economics, its principles
and theoretical frameworks. The successful candidate must be able to display
the following competencies: strong analytical capabilities. Report writing,
advanced computer skills and valid driver’s license. The candidate must
display the following competencies at advanced levels: strategic capability and
leadership, programme and project management, financial management,
change management, knowledge management, service delivery innovation,
problem solving and analysis, people management and empowerment, client
orientation, communication and valid code (08) driver licence.
DUTIES : Determine and analyse key economic variables, their interrelations and
relevance for provincial economic strategies and plans. Provide information
that assists in formulating provincial economic policy priorities for integration in
the Provincial Growth Development Strategy. Assist in developing and
reviewing economic plans and strategies. Convene strategy and policy
advocacy workshops and summits.
ENQUIRIES : Ms LP Mabaso Tel No: (013) 766 4424
APPLICATIONS : Email application to


REF NO: DEDT 2024/25/10
Please note that this MMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Head Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognised NQF7 qualification in Human Resource
Management or equivalent relevant qualification with a minimum of 3 years
relevant work experience at junior management (Assistant Director) level.
Knowledge of the Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Public
Finance Management Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Employment
Equity Act, PERSAL and other applicable legislations. Knowledge of
Government budgeting processes. Competencies: The preferable candidate
must display the following competencies: strategic capability, leadership,
programme and project management, financial management, change
management, knowledge management, service delivery innovation, problem
solving and analysis, people management and empowerment, client
orientation and customer focus and communication, honesty and integrity.
DUTIES : Manage recruitment, transfers, service terminations and implementation of the
Directive and Determination on the Leave of Absence in the Public Service and
Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill-Health Retirement (PILIR). Manage
employees’ service records and updates in compliance with the National
Minimum Information Requirements and National Archives Act. Manage
implementation of service allowances in compliance with human resource and
related prescripts i.e. government employees medical scheme, government
employees housing scheme, overtime, long service, pay and grade
progressions and injury on duty. Supervise team members and manage
resources. Provide expert advices and frequent reports on human resource
and related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Ms LP Mabaso Tel No: (013) 766 4424
APPLICATIONS : Email application to

Please note that this MMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R552 081 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level 6 qualification in Human Resource
Management or equivalent relevant qualification with a minimum of 3 years
relevant work experience in human resource planning, post establishment
administration, employment equity and performance management. Knowledge
of the government frameworks, PERSAL system, performance management
and development system, human resource and related prescripts with verbal
and written communication skills, computer literacy, analytical, creative and
innovative thinking skills i.e. Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint, ability to

manage conflict and to work under pressure and ability to analyse, interpret
and apply legislation, policies and prescripts.
DUTIES : Facilitate the human resource planning processes, development of
employment equity plan; compile human resource cost per head, posts
establishment, policy development and performance management and
development system in the department. Provide support and guidance with
regarding to human resource planning process and manage the posts
establishment of the approved post structure i.e. the creation or abolishment
of posts. Coordinate job evaluations and the review of job descriptions.
Facilitate the Organisational Functionality Assessments (OFA) processes.
Coordinate performance contracting, mid-year reviews, annual performance
assessments, and moderation processes and updating of performance
management database. Provide advices, conduct educational and awareness
on human resource planning, employment equity, HR policies, performance
management and development system and other HR related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Ms FP Sibiya Tel No: (013) 766 4490
APPLICATIONS : Email application to


REF NO: DEDT 2024/25/12
Please note that this MMS post is re-advertised and applicants who applied
previously are encouraged to reapply.

SALARY : R552 081 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Head Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognised NQF level 6 qualification in Human Resource
Management or equivalent relevant qualification with a minimum of 3 years
relevant work experience. Knowledge of the Public Service Act, Public Service
Regulation, Public Finance Management Act, Basic Conditions of Employment
Act, Employment Equity Act, PERSAL, Government budgeting processes and
other applicable legislations
DUTIES : Administer recruitment, transfers, and service terminations and implement
Directive and Determination on the Leave of Absence in the Public Service and
Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill-Health Retirement (PILIR). Manage
employees’ service records and updates in compliance with the National
Minimum Information Requirements and National Archives Act. Manage
implementation of service allowances in compliance with human resource and
related prescripts i.e. government employees medical scheme, government
employees housing scheme, overtime, long service, pay and grade
progressions and injury on duty. Supervise team members and manage
resources. Provide HR advices and frequent reports on human resource and
related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Mr VS Hlatshwayo Tel No: (013) 766 4164
APPLICATIONS : Email application to



SALARY : R552 081 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Gert Sibande District, Ermelo Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognised NQF level 6 tertiary qualification in
Economics/Business Management or Economics qualification, with a minimum
of 3 years relevant work experience in private or public sector development.
Understanding of SMME development, policy formulation and implementation.
Knowledge of Government Frameworks that relate to Economic Development,
Provincial Growth Development Strategy, Growth Development Strategy,
South African economic policies, priority economics sectors in Mpumalanga
and regulated industries, Public Service laws, government processes,
regulations and procedures, government policies and processes, good verbal
and writing communication skills. The ability to manage and work in a team and
independently is a prerequisite.
DUTIES : Assist to develop and implement Provincial SMME strategy. Identify small
business opportunities that match the small business targets for the province.
Facilitate the development of enterprise development programmes framework
and strategies. Assist to explore and develop partnerships with other
institutions to provide sustainable business models. Establish interventions to
ensure effective implementation of the programmes. Facilitate and support the

establishment of Cooperatives. Facilitate engagements with regional and
national economic development agencies. Develop intervention strategies.
Ensure the facilitation of access and linkages to markets for SMMEs and
ENQUIRIES : Ms LP Mabaso Tel No: (013) 766 4424
APPLICATIONS : Email application to



SALARY : R552 081 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Gert Sibande District, Ermelo Office
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level 6 qualification in Economics/
Development Studies with a minimum of 3 years relevant work experience.
Sound knowledge of legislative and policy framework, procurement process,
project management, economic analysis, strategy development, financial
management, analytical, problem solving and community facilitation process.
Ability to work in a team, independently and under pressure. Report writing and
presentation skills. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Support development of municipal local economic development plans. Support
Municipalities in developing credible IDPS. Ensures those departmental plans
are aligned with the municipal Local Economic Development plans. Support in
the increase of investment within the municipalities. Improve the capacity of
municipalities to manage the implementation of Local Economic Development
plans. Facilitate the development and operation of Local Economic
Development fora. Develop and ensure alignment of Provincial Local
Economic Development strategy framework and municipal plans.
ENQUIRIES : Ms LP Mabaso Tel No: (013) 766 4424
APPLICATIONS : Email application to


REF NO: DEDT 2024/25/15

SALARY : R552 081 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognised NQF level 6 qualification in Communication/
Journalism/Marketing/Public Relations or equivalent qualification with a
minimum of 3 years’ experience in a communication/marketing/public relations
environment. Understanding of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)
and project management. Be able to work under pressure; be prepared to work
irregular hours (including weekends and public holidays); and travel
extensively (when required). Have excellent verbal, writing and photography
skills, and be able to meet all deadlines without failure. The prospective
employee must have thorough understanding of both internal and external
stakeholders in relation to Communication and the Department in general. S/he
must be able to define problems, determine available options, collect data,
establish facts and draw valid conclusions. Must excellently understand the
mandate of the Department in terms of applicable Acts, prescripts and
regulations. The candidate must also possess a valid driver’s license. Practical
writing test will be done on the day of the interview to confirm computer and
writing skills.
DUTIES : Assist in the development and implementation of branding and marketing
plans; Produce content for all Departmental Information-sharing publications;
Coordinate public participation programmes and campaigns; Coordinate and
attend Departmental exhibitions and community Outreach Programmes;
Facilitate the coordination of Departmental Calendar of Events; Liaise and work
closely with Departmental Public Entities, government Finance Developmental
Institutions, the public and other stakeholders; Manage Departmental Branding
material; Provide branding service and ensure that all government and
Departmental events and activities are supported; Keep both internal and
external communication stakeholders regularly informed via all approved
channels of communication; Contribute content (pictures and news articles)
towards the Departmental social media platforms; Create a database of all
captured photographs in a form of Picture Gallery in the departmental Website
and Intranet; Compile and submit all required reports; Provide general
administrative support.
ENQUIRIES : Ms FP Sibiya Tel No: (013) 766 4490

APPLICATIONS : Email application to


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office, Nelspruit
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognised NQF level 6 qualification in Graphic design
and Multimedia or equivalent qualification with three (3) years’ work experience
in Graphic Designs and Multimedia. Knowledge of the corporate identity
prescripts, design software, PFMA and project management. The successful
candidate must be able to display the following competencies: Expert
proficiency in Corel Draw and Adobe CS5 Design suite: Photoshop, Illustrator,
Dreamweaver and InDesign. Excellent written and verbal communication skills
and attention to detail. Computer literacy with high proficiency level and a valid
driver’s licence. Ability to work under pressure and irregular hours when
required to meet tight deadlines.
DUTIES : Conceptualize and develop creative ideas and implement the design and
layout for departmental printed material. Execute the design for corporate
stationery and marketing paraphernalia, in accordance with the Government
Corporate Identity and Branding Guidelines. Promote the Department’s
Corporate Identity, messages and visual branding. Collate and Coordinate
multimedia content, including photographs and digital publications for the
website and other Corporate Communication material e.g. Brochures,
newsletters, posters. Manage and protect the departmental brand and assist
with the online updates of the Department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms LP Mabaso Tel No: (013) 766 4424
APPLICATIONS : Email application to


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level 6 in Supply Chain
Management/Financial Management/Public administration/Cost and
Management Accounting or relevant qualification, with 5 years relevant work
experience in demand and acquisition management and management of
service provider’s contracts, performance monitoring and management
Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations, Supply
Chain Management Regulatory Frameworks and prescripts governing the
procurement in the Public Service. Operational knowledge of procurement
systems and processes i.e. LOGIS and BAS.
DUTIES : Promote good governance and compliance with all Supply Chain Management
policies, prescripts and procedures. Provide advice with regard to Supply
Chain Management in terms of demand, forecasting, procurement planning,
acquisition management, utilisation management, Supplier performance,
Contract management, Assets management. Ensure that spending on goods
and services are in line with the Demand Management. Develop and maintain
manuals on Supply Chain Management Policies and procedures, Source
goods and services within a fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-
effective system, Set performance standards with respect to service delivery
and clients, Liaise and interact with all business units in the Department and
stakeholders involved with procurement. Coordinate, compile and manage the
submission of reports. Prepare monthly and yearly reports. Monitor and ensure
proper allocation and utilization of resources. Liaise with the Provincial and
National Treasury on existing relevant transversal contracts and submissions.
Implement system and controls that are compliant to ensure sound
procurement practices and management. Manage the tender process in line
with applicable legislation and supply chain management prescripts.
ENQUIRIES : Ms FP Sibiya Tel No: (013) 766 4490
APPLICATIONS : Email application to


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela

REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level 6 qualification in
Accounting/Auditing with a minimum of 3 years relevant work experience in
internal auditing or auditing environment. Chartered Accountant or Certified
Internal Auditor will be an added advantage. Knowledge of PFMA Act, Treasury
Regulations, International standards for professional practice of internal audit,
risk management standards and procedures and knowledge of corporate
governance and prescripts.
DUTIES : Implement the strategic risk-based audit plans and ensure adherence to and
continuous improvement of the internal audit risk based audit methodology.
Interaction with risk officer to communicate new risks identified during audits.
Manage the implementation of the marketing and communication strategy for
Internal Audit Services (IAS). Work closely with key IAS stakeholders. Monitor
compliance with internal audit policies and procedures. Monitor compliance
with internal DST policies and procedures. Manage the science audit planning
process and review the quality and relevance of the audit objectives.
ENQUIRIES : Ms FP Sibiya Tel No: (013) 766 4490
APPLICATIONS : Email application to


SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Head Office: Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate SAQA recognized NQF level 6 tertiary qualification in Internal
Auditing/Accounting or equivalent qualification. Knowledge of Internal Audit
Standards, Public Finance Management Act, Internal Audit Methodologies and
techniques. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, good
interpersonal skills, analytical skills, report writing and good computer skills.
DUTIES : Implement approved audit plan in accordance with accepted standards.
Collect, analyse, interpret documents and information to generate audit
outcomes or reports. Critically evaluate the internal controls in place, identifying
risks and drafting a suitable audit programme to test internal controls. Carry
out audits in the department to identify deficiencies in controls and prepare
working papers. Make recommendations on the identified findings that need
attention. Compile draft audit reports; assist with the review and evaluation of
management comments. Assist with audit committee responsibilities.
ENQUIRIES : Ms FP Sibiya Tel No: (013) 766 4490
APPLICATIONS : Email application to


SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)

REQUIREMENTS : Grade ten (10) certificate with knowledge and skills of general hygiene,
cleaning products and application, basic literacy and communication skills.
Prepare to work autonomously and under pressure. Ability and knowledge to
use a variety of cleaning equipment and products. Relevant work experience
will serve as an added advantage.
DUTIES : Perform generic cleaning duties i.e. sweeping, buffing, mopping, dusting,
emptying trashcans, vacuuming, polishing woodwork, wiping tables, scrubbing
toilets and cleaning dishes and cutleries. Assist whenever there is a need.
ENQUIRIES : Ms NC Ndlala Tel No: (013) 766 4370
APPLICATIONS : Email application to

The Mpumalanga Department of Education is committed to provide equal opportunities and practices
affirmative action employment. It is the intention of the Department to promote representivity (disability,
gender and race) through the filling of posts and a candidate whose transfer / promotion / appointment
will promote representivity will receive preference.

APPLICATIONS : Postal address: The Head of Department, Department of Education, Private

Bag X11341, Nelspruit, 1200 Alternatively, applications can be send to the
following e-mail addresses:
Head Office posts:
Bohlabela District posts:
FOR ATTENTION : Mr. J Ngomane / Ms. C Mkhatshwa / Ms. SR Ndzinisa / Mr. X Sifunda, HR
CLOSING DATE : 04 July 2024

NOTE : Applications should be submitted on the latest Form Z.83, obtainable from any
Public Service Department. Applications must in all cases be accompanied by
a recent updated comprehensive CV ONLY. Only shortlisted candidates for a
post will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications, identity
document and driver’s license on or before the day of the interview following
communication from the relevant HR section of the Department. A complete
set of application documents should be submitted separately for every post that
you wish to apply for. Please ensure that you clearly state the full post
description and the relevant Post Reference Number on your application. No
fax applications will be considered. Applicants must ensure that they complete
part A, B AND C as well as the declaration and sign form Z83, even if they are
attaching a CV. and sign form Z 83, even if they are attaching a CV. Incomplete
and/or unsigned applications will not be considered. If you are currently in
service, please indicate your PERSAL number at the top of form Z83. The filling
of posts will be done in terms of the Department’s approved Employment Equity
Plan. Due to ongoing internal processes, the Department reserves the right to
withdraw any post at any time. The Department reserves the right to verify the
qualifications of every recommended candidate prior to the issuing of an offer
of appointment. All shortlisted candidates will be subject to a vetting process
prior to appointment. If no response is received from Mpumalanga Department
of Education within 90 days after the closing date of the advertisement,
applicants must assume that their application was not successful. The
Mpumalanga Department of Education awaits applications from suitably
qualified and experienced persons for appointment to positions, as set out



REF NO: W1/003

SALARY : R833 499 per annum, an all-inclusive remuneration package. The package can
be structured according to the individual’s personal needs. Appointment will be
subject to competency assessment.
CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Engineering. Registration with ECSA as a Professional Engineer.
Registered as a Professional Engineer with ECSA. [Civil/structural engineer or
Electrical or Mechanical Engineer]. Three years’ relevant post-qualification
(after completing qualification) experience. Computer literate. Decision
making, analytical-, planning-, and problem solving skills. Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Assist to manage the delivery of the infrastructure built environment
programmes and projects in line with the Provincial Infrastructure Delivery
Management System [IDMS]. Prepare the construction procurement strategy
and the Infrastructure Programme Management Plan. Prepare and/or approve
Packages/Individual Project Briefs. Participate in the procurement of
Professional Service Providers and Contractors. Contribute to the review and
acceptance of the Infrastructure Programme Implementation Plan. Monitor the
implementation of Programmes/Projects. Approve Project Stage reports &
designs. Manage the interface between the end-user/community structures
and Implementing Agent[s].
ENQUIRIES : Mr KM Mathebula Tel No: (013) 766 5408



SALARY : R833 499 per annum, an all-inclusive remuneration package. The package can
be structured according to the individual’s personal needs. Appointment will be
subject to competency assessment.
CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Engineering. Registration with ECSA as a Professional Engineer.
Registered as a Professional Engineer with ECSA. Three years’ relevant post-
qualification (after completing qualification) experience. Computer literate.
Decision making, analytical-, planning-, and problem solving skills. Valid
driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provide electrical engineering inputs and guidance which include all aspects of
innovative and complex engineering applications for the development of
infrastructure strategies, policies, systems, norms, standards and signing off

on electrical installations. Develop and maintain technical and functional norms
and standards from an engineering perspective. Investigate proposals for
innovative service delivery mechanisms and undertake feasibility studies.
Compile electrical briefing documentation and specifications. Provide inputs to
the determination of the Construction Procurement Strategy, the User Asset
Management Plan and the Infrastructure Programme Management Plan.
Investigate electrical engineering installations and oversee commissioning of
electrical engineering installations. Undertake research.
ENQUIRIES : Mr KM Mathebula Tel No: (013) 766 5408



SALARY : R833 499 per annum, an all-inclusive remuneration package. The package can
be structured according to the individual’s personal needs. Appointment will be
subject to competency assessment.
CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Engineering. Registration with ECSA as a Professional Engineer.
Registered as a Professional Engineer with ECSA. Three years’ relevant post-
qualification (after completing qualification) experience. Computer literate.
Decision making, analytical-, planning-, and problem solving skills. Valid
driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provide mechanical engineering inputs and guidance which include all aspects
of innovative and complex engineering applications for the development of
infrastructure strategies, policies, systems, norms, standards and signing off
on electrical installations. Develop and maintain technical and functional norms
and standards from an engineering perspective. Investigate proposals for
innovative service delivery mechanisms and undertake feasibility studies.
Compile mechanical briefing documentation and specifications. Provide inputs
to the determination of the Construction Procurement Strategy, the User Asset
Management Plan and the Infrastructure Programme Management Plan.
Investigate mechanical engineering installations and oversee commissioning
of mechanical engineering installations. Undertake research.
ENQUIRIES : Mr KM Mathebula Tel No: (013) 766 5408


REF NO: W1/006

SALARY : R721 476 per annum, an all-inclusive remuneration package. The package can
be structured according to the individual’s personal needs. Appointment will be
subject to competency assessment.
CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Architecture. Registered as a Professional Architect with SACAP.
Three years’ relevant post-qualification (after completing qualification)
experience. Computer literate. Decision making-, analytical-, planning-, and
problem solving skills. Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Customise architectural functional and technical norms and standards for all
schools. Determine architectural policies, strategies, plans, procedures and
criteria for all infrastructure projects and programmes. Undertake master
planning and prepare project briefs, business cases, accommodation
schedules and operational narratives. Make inputs to the User Asset
Management Plans and Project Lists. Undertake research.
ENQUIRIES : Mr KM Mathebula Tel No: (013) 766 5408


NO: W1/007

SALARY : R721 476 per annum, an all-inclusive remuneration package. The package can
be structured according to the individual’s personal needs. Appointment will be
subject to competency assessment.
CENTRE : Head Office, Mbombela
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Architecture. Registered as a Professional Architect with SACAP.
Three years’ relevant post-qualification (after completing qualification)
experience. Computer literate. Decision making-, analytical-, planning-, and
problem solving skills. Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Assess departmental projects that qualify for departmental funding assessed.
Manage the implementation of day-to-day, routine and emergency

maintenance projects funded by the department. Provide guidance to the
preparation of maintenance plans and projects. On an annual basis, evaluate
day-to-day, routine and emergency projects implemented by Districts and
Schools. Monitor Section 21 allocations for maintenance. Monitor preparation
of disaster management plans.
ENQUIRIES : Mr KM Mathebul Tel No: (013) 766 5408


SALARY : R552 081 per annum

CENTRE : Bohlabela District Office, Bushbuckridge
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma in Building or Mechanical or Electrical or N3 with passed
Trade Test or National Diploma in Engineering. Six Years’ relevant post-
qualification (after completing qualification) experience. Computer literate.
Valid Drivers license.
DUTIES : Manage the credibility of technical data and information for infrastructure
planning and assist with implementation infrastructure projects. Manage
District inputs for infrastructure planning. Manage implementation of all building
projects in the districts. Manage condition assessments. Manage school
maintenance and disaster management plans. Manage people and finances.
ENQUIRIES : Mr TZ Magoane Tel No: (013) 766 7410



In line with the Employment Equity Plan of the Department of Health it is our intention with this
advertisement to achieve equity in the workplace by promoting equal opportunities and fair treatment in
employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination.

APPLICATIONS : Applications quoting relevant reference, should be forwarded as follows:

Provincial Office Mahikeng: or can be hand delivered
at the Main Registry, Ground Floor at New Office Park Building, Cnr Sekame
and First Street, Mahikeng.
FOR ATTENTION : Mr LLE Sekgoro, Provincial Office Mahikeng
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024
NOTE : The Department requests applicants to apply by submitting applications on the
most recent Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
DPSA web site link: and a
comprehensive CV only (with detailed previous experience). Failure to do so
will result in your application being disqualify. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an
evaluation report issued by SAQA. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all
foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such
evaluation (only when shortlisted). Applications: Please ensure that you submit
your application before the closing date as no late applications will be
considered. If you apply for more than one post, submit separate applications
for each post that you apply for. Due to the large number of applications we
envisage to receive, applications will not be acknowledged. Should you not be
contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please
consider your application to be unsuccessful. Important: North West
Department of Health is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
It is our intention to promote representivity in North West Department of Health
through the filling of posts. The Department reserves the right not to fill a
position. Shortlisted candidates will be required to be available for
assessments and interviews at a date and time as determined by the
Department. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability
checks. The successful candidate will be subjected to undergo security vetting.
North West Department of Health will conduct reference checks which may
include social media profiles of the shortlisted candidates. Applicants must
declare any pending criminal, disciplinary or any other allegations or
investigations against them. Should this be uncovered during / after the
interview took place, the application will not be considered and in the unlikely
event that the person has been appointed such appointment will be terminated.
The successful candidate will be appointed subject to positive results of the
security clearance process. The successful candidate will be required to enter
into an employment contract and sign a performance agreement with the




SALARY : R1 741 770 per annum, (all-inclusive SMS package)

CENTRE : Provincial Office - Mahikeng
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s Degree with Accounting and/or Auditing as majors or appropriate
equivalent qualification. Postgraduate qualification (NQF level 8) as recognized
by SAQA. Admission as Chartered Accountant (South Africa) will serve as an
added advantage. Eight - Ten (8-10) years’ experience at Senior Management
Level in Financial Management Environment. Pre-entry Certificate for the
Senior Management Services (SMS) as endorsed by the National School of
Government submitted prior to appointment. A valid driver’s license.
Knowledge of PFMA. Treasury Regulations, Public Service Anti-Corruption and
Fraud Prevention Measures, Government Structures, Principles and Practices
of Financial Accounting, Financial Planning and Budgeting, Supply Chain
Management, Risk Management and Internal Control. Advanced financial and

analytical skills. Advanced computer literacy in MS Excel, Word and
PowerPoint. Good interpersonal, people management and leadership skills.
Project management skills. Applicants should also possess the following core
management competencies: strategic capability and leadership, financial
management, change management, problem solving and analysis, people
management and empowerment, communication, client orientation and
customer focus, knowledge management, service delivery innovation and
programme and project management.
DUTIES : Establish and maintain appropriate systems and policies to ensure effective
and efficient management of financial resources. Assist the Accounting Officer
in discharging the duties prescribed in Chapter 5 of the PFMA and DORA.
Develop effective financial management, budgeting and budgetary practices.
Implement internal controls and timely production of financial reports.
Formulate creative solutions to enhance cost effectiveness and efficiency in
the delivery of services and administration of the Office/Department. Liaise with
relevant role-players in the financial environment regarding transverse financial
matters. Ensure effective and efficient financial environment/administration by
collaborating in the development of training programmes for officials of the
Office/Department. Manage financial and provisioning administrations
functions of the Office/Department.
ENQUIRIES : Dr M Tlhogane Tel No: (018) 391 4182




CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024

NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.


AGR 07/2023 R1

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Department of Agriculture, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc/BVMCh or equivalent
qualification) recognised by the South African Veterinary Council; Compulsory
registration as a Veterinarian with the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC);
A minimum of 1 year post qualification experience; A valid (Code B or higher)
driving licence. NB: People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who
have reasonable access to transport, may also apply. Recommendation:
Experience in animal disease control. Competencies: Knowledge of the
following: The interdependence of industries within the agricultural sector;
Provincial legislative processes; Management; Human resource and
developmental management; Financial management; Relevant legislation and
policies; Strategic management; Policy making procedures; Operation of the
agricultural sector. Skills needed: Communication (written and verbal);
Interpersonal; Analytical; Problem solving; Negotiation; Planning and
organisation; Strategic insight and planning; Motivational; Policy formulating;
Change management; Diversity management; Computer literacy (MS Word,
MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook).
DUTIES : Provide Veterinary Services through the implementation of relevant legislation
and to mitigate the risks associated with animal diseases that impact the
following fields: Animal Disease control, Import and Export Policy Control,
Veterinary Public Health, Animal Welfare; Perform Epidemiology
ENQUIRIES : Dr NR Magadla Tel No: (021) 808 5250/5053 or (084) 488 7561
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or


SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Department of Agriculture, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Basic literacy and numeracy (ABET Level 2/Grade 5). Recommendation: A
valid Code B (or higher) driving license; Relevant experience in working with
Fruit. Competencies: Fruit production knowledge and skills; Good
communication skills; Good Teamwork abilities; Proactive problem
identification and solving ability.
DUTIES : General field practice actions and farm work, which includes irrigation of crops,
harvesting and pruning; Infrastructure maintenance.
ENQUIRIES : Ernst Moller Tel No: (021) 808 5456
APPLICATIONS : To apply, please complete an application form (Z 83) and current CV (5 pages
maximum). The post being applied for, and the reference number must be
clearly indicated on the Z83 application form.
To submit your application, there are 3 methods in which you can apply, please
only use 1 of the following:

1. Hand deliver your application for Attention: Western Cape Government Jobs,
44 Gannet Street Pelican Heights, Cape Town (From Monday to Friday
between 07:00am to 17:00pm); Or
2. Post your application for Attention: Western Cape Government Jobs, PO
Box 22432, Fish Hoek, 7974, Or
3. Email your application to, Clearly indicate the
reference number of post in email subject line and ensure attachments are in
the appropriate format (MS Word or PDF).
NOTE : Applicants from relevant local communities will receive preferences. The
selection process will be guided by the EE targets of the employing
department. Applications not submitted on or before the closing date as well
as faxed copies will not be considered. If you did not receive any
correspondence within 3 months of closing date, consider your application as


CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024

NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B=Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification); A minimum of 3 years’ experience in the museum/heritage sector
environment. Recommendation: A valid code B (or higher) driving license. NB
People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who have reasonable
access to transport, may also apply. Competencies: Knowledge of the
following: History, purpose and functions of museums in society, including their
potential for national building and tourism development; Museum ethics;
Current primary, secondary and field history research techniques of selection,
evaluation and exhibition of objects of material culture or the presentation of
living history; Collections management(information management) and
preventive conservation; Education methodology in museums; Project
planning and management, including financial management; Legislation, policy
and regulations relating to sector; Government-driven service improvement
initiatives such as “Batho Pele. Skills in the following: Ability to motivate own
ideas and approaches; Ability to breakdown problems into manageable parts
and identify solutions; Ability to listen well and be receptive to the ideas of
others; Ability to manage conflict; Ability to communicate(verbally or in writing)
with ease and confidence; Ability to speak in public and make presentations to
large or small groups; Ability to review and critique research reports; Ability to
critique exhibition guides; Ability to comprehend complex ideas, theories to
concepts by analysing copious information; from desperate sources.
DUTIES : Governance and administration of the museum as well as related activities;
Facilitate, present, and implement public programmes and relations; Facilitate,
present, and implement educational and outreach programmes; Engage in
research and implement exhibitions; Assist with the promotion and marketing
of the museum; People Management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Hutton Tel No: (021) 483 9703
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification) in public administration/financial management/stakeholder
management with supervisory experience; A minimum of 2 years relevant
experience. Recommendation: A valid code B (or higher) driving license. NB
People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who have reasonable
access to transport, may also apply. Competencies: Knowledge of the
following: Strategic planning; Human Resource Management and Labour
Relations; Budget planning; Meeting procedures. Skills in the following:
Computer literacy in MS Office Package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
Communication skill (written and verbal); Problem solving; Ability to write
effective reports; Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
DUTIES : Operational Management; Human Resource management; Office
Administration; Administrative Support and Coordination.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Hutton Tel No: (021) 483 9703
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or


CAS 35/2024

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification. Recommendation:
Relevant experience in the production process or library service.
Competencies: Knowledge and understanding of Library Information
Management System. Skills in the following: Proven computer literacy in MS
Office Package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); Verbal and written communication;
Problem solving, report writing and supervisory; Ability to work independently
and as part of a team.
DUTIES : Responsible for the following: Implementing quality assurance to ensure
processing requirements are met; Providing and verifying statistical
information; Verifying the information on the daily processing lists by searching
the SLIMS database before books are despatched; Administration duties;
Liaise with internal and external stakeholder in relation to solving of problems
on despatch lists.
ENQUIRIES : Mr B Meyer Tel No: (021) 483 2309
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or


SALARY : R131 265 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10 (Junior certificate or equivalent qualification). Recommendation:
Relevant experience; Additional studies; A valid code B (or higher) driving
license. NB People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who have
reasonable access to transport, may also apply. Competencies: Knowledge of
the following: Computer literacy in MS Office Package (Word, Excel,
PowerPoint); Numeracy; Written and verbal communication skills; Ability to
work independently and as part of a team.
DUTIES : Paste date slips; Affix spine labels; Cover the books; Enter records on the
SLIMS database; Dispatch the books using the library information
management system; Dispatch the books to the various regions
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Bradley Meyer Tel No: (021) 483 2309
APPLICATIONS : To submit your application, there are 3 methods in which you can apply, please
only use 1 of the following:
1.Hand deliver your application for Attention: Western Cape Government Jobs,
44 Gannet Street Pelican Heights, Cape Town (From Monday to Friday
between 07:00am to 17:00pm); Or
2. Post your application for Attention: Western Cape Government Jobs, PO
Box 22432, Fish Hoek, 7974, Or

3. Email your application to, Clearly indicate the
reference number of post in email subject line and ensure attachments are in
the appropriate format (MS Word or PDF) To apply, please complete an
application form (Z 83) and current CV (5 pages maximum). The post being
applied for, and the reference number must be clearly indicated on the Z83
application form.
NOTE : NB: Applicants from relevant local communities will receive preferences. The
selection process will be guided by the EE targets of the employing
department. Applications not submitted on or before the closing date as well as
faxed copies will not be considered. If you did not receive any correspondence
within 3 months of closing date, consider your application as unsuccessful.


APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.




SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Department of Economic Development and Tourism, Western Cape
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification) in Economics, Business, or related field; A minimum of 3 years
management level experience. Recommendation: A post–graduate tertiary
qualification in Economics, Business related field; A valid driving license (Code
B or higher). Note: People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities but have
reasonable access to transport may also apply. Competencies: Knowledge of
the following: Economics; Enterprise development; Research applications;
Financial management; Stakeholder management; Management principles;
Project management; Applicable policies and procedures; Relationship
management; Public service procedure; Labour relations; Policy analysis.
Skills needed: Strategic, operational planning and management; People
Management; Problem solving; Sound budgeting and cash flow management;
Facilitation; Presentation; Policy Formulation; Communication (written and
verbal); Conflict management; Interpersonal relations; Analytical thinking;
Motivational; Networking and linking; Driving; Information technology and
computer proficiency; Economic and financial analysis; Legal administration.
Ability to interpret and apply relevant policies and procedures.
DUTIES : Develop, implement, and monitor programmatic initiatives to: Provide
opportunities via public and private sector (e.g., procurement as a tool for
SMME development (e.g., and access to markets) for small business; Enable
small business access to non-financial and financial support, entrepreneurship
opportunities and innovation; Improve the enabling environment and
enhancing the ease of doing business for business through government and
private sector interaction; Strengthen partnerships to provide business
development support services(e.g., leverage funding and access to market
opportunities) to enhance business sustainability and growth; Management of
the human resources of the sub-directorate to achieve the pre-determined
performance indicators and service delivery imperatives, motivated,
competent, appreciated and performance orientated staff and sound labour
relations; Plan the sub-directorate's budget and manage expenditure, through

responsible implementation of policies, practices, and decisions to achieve unit
objectives effectively and efficiently.
ENQUIRIES : Mr J. Wolmarans Tel No: (021) 483 8110/ 2628



SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Department of Economic Development and Tourism, Western Cape
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year B-Degree (equivalent or higher qualification); A minimum
of 1-year relevant experience in a Financial Accounting environment.
Recommendation: A valid driving license (Code B or higher). Note: People with
disabilities that restrict driving abilities but have reasonable access to transport
may also apply. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA); National Treasury Regulations (NTR); Division of
Revenue Act (DORA); Departmental instructions and delegations; Basic
Accounting System (BAS); Compilation of financial statements. Skills in the
following: Analytical thinking skills; Strategic thinking skills; Communication
(written and verbal) skills; Computer literacy skills; Ability to analyse,
conceptualise and implement policy; Conflict resolution skills; Monitoring,
evaluation, and reporting skills; Presentation skills; Problem solving skills.
DUTIES : Control and management of miscellaneous and transfer payments;
Preparation of Financial Statements and Reporting; Collection and Recording
of Revenue and Petty Cash Control; Management of Journals; Perform People
ENQUIRIES : Amanullah Allie Tel No: (021) 483 9238


In line with the Employment Equity Plan of the Department of Health it is our intention with this
advertisement to achieve equity in the workplace by promoting equal opportunities and fair treatment in
employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination.

NOTE : It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a

date, time and place as determined by the Department. Kindly note that excess
personnel will receive preference.



SALARY : R1 976 070 per annum, (A portion of the package can be structured according
to the individual’s personal needs.)
CENTRE : Tygerberg Hospital, Parow Valley
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: An appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
Medical Specialist in Radiation Oncology. Registration with a professional
council: Registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist in Radiation
Oncology. Inherent requirement of the job: Ability and willingness to work
overtime. Experience: A minimum of 3 years appropriate experience as a
Medical Specialist after registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist in
Radiation Oncology. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Experience as an
examiner at post-graduate level. Proven ability to function independently as a
specialist oncologist, providing radiotherapy and chemotherapy services.
Excellent knowledge and skills in routine and emergency oncology, including
chemotherapy administration, specialized radiation techniques, protocol
development and adherence and palliative oncology. Proven knowledge and
skills pertaining to the operational management of a comprehensive tertiary-
level clinical oncology service within an academic environment and a broader
healthcare system, including staff management, quality assurance, operational
data analysis, financial and asset management. Appropriate understanding of
the systems, structures and values of the Western Cape Government
Department of Health and Wellness, particularly relating to the strategic
implementation of oncology services and strengthening of cancer referral
pathways across the platform. Knowledge and skills appropriate for
undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training in radiotherapy and
chemotherapy and to supervise under- and postgraduate student research.

Proven ability to conduct research. Proven dedication to patient care and to
maintaining professional integrity. Computer literacy (MS Excel, PowerPoint,
Outlook, TEAMS). Proven ability to function well within a team and to
communicate effectively with all categories of staff as well as students.
DUTIES : Reporting to the HOD and deputizing for the HOD, in their absence.
Operational management of the Divisional clinical service platform based on
the multidisciplinary team model. Provide effective and efficient patient care at
specialist level for own clinic(s), including, operational management, protocol
development and adherence, and guidance/supervision of junior doctors.
Provide clinical oversight and governance of divisional specialists, medical
officers, and registrars. Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and
training. Undergraduate and postgraduate research supervision. Self-initiated
research. Co-ordination of divisional community involvement.
ENQUIRIES : Dr H Burger Tel No: (021) 938 5992/ 4727 or Dr M Mukosi Tel No: (021) 938-
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Metro Health Services

SALARY : Grade 1: R1 271 901 per annum

Grade 2: R1 451 214 per annum
Grade 3: R1 680 780 per annum
CENTRE : Victoria Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as
Medical Specialist in Radiology. Registration with a professional council:
Registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in Radiology. Experience:
Grade 1: None after registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist in
Radiology. Grade 2: A minimum of 5 years appropriate experience as Medical
Specialist after registration with the HPCSA (or a recognised foreign Health
Professional Council in respect of a foreign qualified employee) as a Medical
Specialist in Radiology. Grade 3: A minimum of 10 years appropriate
experience as Medical Specialist after registration with the HPCSA (or a
recognised foreign Health Professional Council in respect of a foreign qualified
employee) as a Medical Specialist in Radiology. Inherent requirements of the
job: Valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence, willingness and ability to travel. It will
be expected of the successful candidate to participate in a system of
remunerated commuted overtime within the Metro Health Services.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Ability to oversee and report on radiological
procedures, primarily CT-scanning services at a Large District Hospital. Work
with a team of hospital clinicians to optimise use of CT-scanning facilities.
Knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation, hospital procedures and
policies. Good computer literacy skills in MS Office: Word and Excel.
DUTIES : Clinical service provision, primarily manage, administer and co-ordinate the
implementation of a comprehensive CT scanning service. X-ray reporting,
provide statistics and strategic planning and assistance for ultra-sound
services. Ensure the maintenance of quality care standards in the radiology
services together with Chief Radiographer and Clinical Manager. Guide staff,
teaching, training and supervision of staff. To support the Metro West platform
as required. Efficient use of resources, manage assets, consumables, and
services effectively.
ENQUIRIES : Dr GL Dunbar Tel No: (021) 799-1211
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements, may also
apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition
that proof of application for registration to register with the relevant council and
proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable on health professionals who apply for the first time for registration in
a specific category with the relevant council (including individuals who must
apply for change in registration status). The pool of candidates will be

considered for other vacant Radiologist posts within the Chief Directorate:
Metro Health Services for a period of 3 months.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024



SALARY : Grade 1: R949 146 per annum

Grade 2: R1 082 988 per annum
Grade 3: R1 253 415 per annum
(A portion of the package can be structured according to the individual’s
personal needs.)
CENTRE : Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Rondebosch
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
Medical Practitioner. Registration with a professional council: Registration with
the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. Experience: Grade 1: None after
registration as a Medical Practitioner with the HPCSA in respect of SA-qualified
employees. One year of relevant experience after registration as a Medical
Practitioner with a recognised foreign Health Professional Council in respect of
foreign qualified employees, of whom it is not required to perform Community
Service as required in South Africa. Grade 2: A minimum of 5 years appropriate
experience as a Medical Practitioner after registration with the HPCSA as a
Medical Practitioner in respect of SA-qualified employees. A minimum of 6
years relevant experience after registration as a Medical Practitioner with a
recognised foreign Health Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified
employees, of whom it is not required to perform Community Service as
required in South Africa. Grade 3: A minimum of 10 years of appropriate
experience as a Medical Practitioner after registration with the HPCSA as a
Medical Practitioner in respect of SA-qualified employees. A minimum of 11
years relevant experience after registration as a Medical Practitioner with a
recognised foreign Health Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified
employees, of whom it is not required to perform Community Service as
required in South Africa. Inherent requirements of the job: Willingness to
perform commuted overtime. Perform after-hour duties. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Management, Leadership and Administrative Skills. Ability
to work under pressure and maintain a high standard of professionalism.
Creative and Innovative. Strategic planning and organizing skills. Clinical
expertise and clinical governance and research skills. Computer literacy
(Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook). Additional experience or
qualifications in health system management and/or health system
improvement will be advantageous.
DUTIES : Partake in in-patient and outpatient management of orthopaedic and general
trauma patients. Managing the entire spectrum of traumatic paediatric
conditions, including orthopaedic trauma and infections. Provide counselling
and communication with Caregivers. Perform Administrative tasks relating to
in- and out-patients. Providing formal and informal teaching to students. Ensure
the rational and cost-effective use of resources (including laboratory
investigations, medication, consumables and equipment).
ENQUIRIES : Dr A Horn, Email address:, Dr J Gammon Tel No: (021)
658-5788, Email address:
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also
apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition
that proof of application for registration to register with the relevant council and
proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable to health professionals who apply for the first time for registration in
a specific category with the relevant council (including individuals who must
apply for a change in registration status)
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024

Central Karoo District

SALARY : Grade 1: R949 146 per annum

Grade 2: R1 082 988 per annum
Grade 3: R1 253 415 per annum
(A portion of the package can be structured according to the individual’s
personal needs). (Plus, a non-pensionable rural allowance of 22% of basic
salary per annum)
CENTRE : Laingsburg Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
Medical Practitioner. Registration with a professional council: Registration with
the HPSCA as a Medical Practitioner. Experience: Grade 1: None after
registration as a Medical Practitioner with the HPCSA in respect of SA-qualified
employees. 1-year relevant experience after registration as a Medical
Practitioner with a recognised foreign Health Professional Council in respect of
foreign-qualified employees, of who is not required to perform Community
Service as required in South Africa. Grade 2: A minimum of 5 years appropriate
experience as a Medical Practitioner after registration with the HPCSA as a
Medical Practitioner in respect of SA-qualified employees. A minimum of 6
years relevant experience after registration as a Medical Practitioner with a
recognised foreign Health Council in respect of foreign qualified employees, of
whom it is not required to perform Community Service as required in South
Africa. Grade 3: A minimum of 10 years of appropriate experience as a Medical
Practitioner after registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner in
respect of SA-qualified employees. A minimum of 11 years relevant experience
after registration as a Medical Practitioner with a recognised foreign Health
Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified employees, of whom it is
not required to perform Community Service as required in South Africa.
Inherent requirements of the job: Valid driver’s licence (Code B/EB).
Willingness to travel throughout the district. Commuted overtime contract is
compulsory, as well as the ability to work after hours. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Ability to communicate effectively (verbal and written).
Ability to work independently and in integrated multi-disciplinary teams across
platforms. Demonstrate clinical leadership qualities, motivating and leading
junior staff. Computer literacy in MS Office is mandatory.
DUTIES : Quality clinical, non-clinical and medico-legal patient care as required by the
various programmes of the Department of Health. Supervise-, Support -,
transfer of knowledge to-, training- and mentoring of the clinical staff and
auxiliary staff. Provide an efficient administration service regarding all clinical
and non-clinical matters and medico-legal work. Provide guidance and
leadership towards the realisation of strategic goals and objectives of the
division. Ensure a cost-efficient service at the clinical level with regard to
laboratory services, blood, medicine, consumables and equipment.
ENQUIRIES : Dr A van Rooy Tel No: (023) 414 8200
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also
apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition
that proof of application for registration to register with the relevant council and
proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable to health professionals who apply for the first time for registration in
a specific category with the relevant council (including individuals who must
apply for a change in registration status).
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Cape Winelands District

SALARY : Grade 2: R532 815 per annum

Grade 3: R591 741 per annum
Grade 4: R654 468 per annum
CENTRE : Emergency Medical Services

REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Grade 2: Successful completion of the
Emergency Care Technician Course (ECT) that allows registration with the
HPCSA as an Emergency Care Technician (ECT). Grade 3: Successful
completion of the Critical Care Assistant course (CCA) or National Diploma that
allows registration with the HPCSA as a Paramedic. Grade 4: Successful
completion of the B-Tech Degree that allows registration with the HPCSA as
an Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP). Registration with a professional
council: Grade 2: Registration with the Health Professions Council of South
Africa as an ECT. Grade 3: Registration with the Health Professions Council
of South Africa as a Paramedic. Grade 4: Registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa as an ECP. Experience: Grade 2: Minimum
of 3 years’ experience after registration with the Health Professions Council of
South Africa as an Emergency Care Technician (ECT). Grade 3: Minimum of
3 years experience after registration with the Health Professions Council of
South Africa as a Paramedic. Grade 4: Minimum of 3 years’ experience after
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as Emergency
Care Practitioner (ECP). Inherent requirement of the job: Valid code C1 driver’s
licence. Valid professional driver’s permit (PrDP). Current registration as an
ECT, Paramedic or ECP. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Excellent
knowledge of all levels of emergency care protocols. Good communication and
interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Effective management of emergency medical services for a Sub-District.
Maintain responsibility for the audit compliance with regards to Financial
Management and Supply Chain Management matters. Ensure effective
management of Emergency Fleet and equipment. Effective support to District
Manager and act in management capacity when required. Effectively manage
the Human Resource and Labour Relations function of the District in relation
to staff management. Ensure effective communication with regards to
meetings, workshops, debriefs, compiling stats and report writing and forging
sustainable relationships with external stakeholder. Manage the budget and
the facilitation of account payments for goods and services in line with the
financial prescripts.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. IS Naidoo Tel No: (023) 346 6022
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates will be expected to undergo a practical assessment.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Metro Health Services

SALARY : Grade 1: R520 560 per annum

CENTRE : New Somerset Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Basic R425 qualification (i.e.
diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse. (This
dispensation is only applicable for posts of Clinical Programme Co-ordinator
where it is an inherent requirement of the post, incumbent to maintain
registration with the SANC). Registration with a professional council:
Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse. Experience: A minimum
of 7 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration as
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Good interpersonal relations, leadership and
communication skills (verbal and written). Knowledge of Provincial infection
prevention and control measures and practices. Ability to analyse health
systems information, and skills and experience in the preparation of reports.
Project Management skills and Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Provide specialist clinical services to inpatients and outpatients, including
outreach services within the hospital catchment. Management of relevant
clinical governance and administrative requirements. Leadership of a multi-
disciplinary clinical team. Academic teaching, training and research (NB: The
post is a joint appointment with the Department of Psychiatry, University of
Stellenbosch/University of Cape Town).
ENQUIRIES : Ms S Basardien Tel No: (021) 402-6485

APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : All candidates may be subjected to a practical test. No payment of any kind is
required when applying for this post. The pool of applicants will be considered
for other Clinical Programme Co-Ordinator posts in Infection Prevention
Control within the Chief Directorate: Metro Health Services for a period of 3
months from date of advert.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024



SALARY : Grade 1: R451 533 per annum

Grade 2: R553 545 per annum
CENTRE : Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Rondebosch
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualifications: Basic R425 qualification (i.e.
diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the South African Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse. A post-basic
nursing qualification with a duration of at least 1 year accredited with the SANC
in Medical and Surgical Nursing Science: Orthopaedic Nursing. Registration
with a professional council: Registration with the SANC as a Professional
Nurse. Experience: Grade 1: A minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognisable
experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC
in General Nursing. Grade 2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate/recognisable
experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC
in General Nursing. At least 10 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognisable experience in the specific specialty after obtaining
the 1-year post-basic qualification in Medical and Surgical Nursing Science:
Orthopaedic Nursing. Inherent requirement of the job: Willingness to work
shifts, public holidays, after-hours, night duty and weekend cover for nursing.
DUTIES : Provide comprehensive specialised nursing care provided within a professional
/ legal framework. Participate with the Multidisciplinary team to provide Holistic
Health Care. Provide good documentation, care, planning and Health
Education. To support and participate in clinical practice development
initiatives, educational activities and research. Management of Human and
Financial Resources. Provide support services to Supervisor and Nursing
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Franken Tel No: (021) 658-5187
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the required qualification will be appointed into
the general stream, and they will be required to obtain the necessary
qualification within a predetermined period of time. Candidates who are not in
possession of the stipulated registration requirements, may also apply. Such
candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition that proof of
application for registration to register with the relevant council and proof of
payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable to candidates who apply for the first time for registration in the post
basic qualification in: Medical and Surgical Nursing Science: Orthopaedic
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Rural Health Services

SALARY : Grade 1: R451 533 (PN B1) per annum

Grade 2: R553 545 (PN B2) per annum
CENTRE : George Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualifications: Basic R425 qualification (i.e.
diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the South African Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse. A post-basic
nursing qualification with a duration of at least one year in Medical and Surgical
Nursing Science: Operating theatre technique, which allows registration with
SANC. Registration with a professional council: Registration with the SANC as
a Professional Nurse. Experience: Grade 1: A minimum of 4 years

appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Grade 2: A minimum of
14 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 10 years of the
period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable experience in
Operating Theatre after obtaining the 1-year post-basic qualification in the
relevant specialty. Inherent requirement of the job: Willingness to work shifts,
day and night duty, weekends and public holidays to meet the operational
requirements. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Good verbal and written
communication skills. Knowledge of relevant legislation and policies of the
Department of Health Western Cape. Leadership towards the realisation of
strategic goals and objectives of the Operating Theatre.
DUTIES : Ensure quality patient care regarding the identification of nursing care needs,
the planning and implementation of nursing care plans and the education of
nursing personnel as a Professional Nurse in the Operating Theatre. Render
and supervise specialized clinical nursing care and support clinical staff with
surgical and medical procedures. Utilize human, material and physical
resources efficiently and effectively. Maintain and promote professional
growth/ethical standards and development of self and others. Display of core
values of the Department of Health WCG in the execution of duties.
ENQUIRIES : Ms LK De Goede Tel No: (044) 802-4352
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the required qualification will be appointed into
the general stream, and they will be required to obtain the necessary
qualification within a predetermined period of time. Candidates who are not in
possession of the stipulated registration requirements, may also apply. Such
candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition that proof of
application for registration to register with the relevant council and proof of
payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable to candidates who apply for the first time for registration in the post
basic qualification in: Medical and Surgical Nursing Science: Operating Theatre
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Emergency and Clinical Services Support

SALARY : Grade 3: R376 596 per annum

Grade 4: R455 079 per annum
Grade 5: R532 815 per annum
Grade 6: R591 741 per annum
CENTRE : Emergency Medical Services, Overberg District, Grabouw
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Grade 3: Successful completion of the
Immediate Life Support (ILS) that allows registration with the HPCSA as
Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA). Grade 4: Successful completion of
the Emergency Care Technician Course (ECT) that allows registration with the
HPCSA as Emergency Care Technician (ECT). Grade 5: Successful
completion of the Critical Care Assistant course (CCA) or National Diploma that
allows registration with the HPCSA as a Paramedic. Grade 6: Successful
completion of the B-Tech Degree that allows registration with the HPCSA as
an Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP). Registration with a professional
council: Grade 3: Registration with the Health Professions Council of South
Africa as an AEA. Grade 4: Registration with the Health Professions Council
of South Africa as an ECT. Grade 5: Registration with the Health Professions
Council of South Africa as a Paramedic. Grade 6: Registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa as an ECP. Experience: Grade 4: Minimum
of 3 years’ experience after registration with the Health Professions Council of
South Africa as Emergency Care Technician (ECT). Grade 6: Minimum of 3
years’ experience after registration with the Health Professions Council of
South Africa as Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP). Grade 3: Minimum of 3
years’ experience after registration with the Health Professions Council of
South Africa as Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA). Inherent requirement
of the job: Valid Code C1 driver’s license. Valid Code 10 Professional driver’s
permit. Physical and mental fitness as an Emergency Services practitioner.

Current registration with HPCSA as an AEA, ECT, Paramedic or ECP. Grade
5: Minimum of 3 years’ experience after registration with the Health Professions
Council of South Africa as a Paramedic. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Good communication and interpersonal skills. Excellent knowledge of all levels
of emergency care protocols. Report writing skills. Computer literacy in the MS
Office package.
DUTIES : Manage pre-hospital Emergency Care Services within the geographic area and
respond to incidents when required. Ensure that the maintenance of
Emergency vehicles and equipment are managed effectively and efficiently.
Maintain responsibility for the audit compliance with regards to Supply Chain
Management and Human Resource matters, inclusive of the Station’s budget
allocation and facilitation of account payments for goods and services.
Effectively manage and supervise staff in relation to the Human Resource and
Labour Relations function. Ensure effective communication with regards to
meetings, workshops, debriefs, compiling stats and report writing. Effective
support to District Manager and act in management capacity when required.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. IS Naidoo Tel No: (023) 346 6022
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidate may
be subjected to a practical assignment.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


SALARY : Grade 1: R376 524 per annum

Grade 2: R439 755 per annum
Grade 3: R514 785 per annum
CENTRE : Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, University of Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as
Clinical Technologist in Neurophysiology. Registration With a Professional
Council: Registration with the HPCSA as a Clinical Technologist in
Neurophysiology. Experience: Grade 1: None after registration with the
HPCSA in the relevant profession (where applicable) in respect of RSA
qualified employees. 1-year relevant experience after registration with the
HPCSA in the relevant profession (where applicable) in respect of foreign
qualified employees, of whom it is not required to perform Community Service,
as required in South Africa. Grade 2: A minimum of 10 years’ relevant
experience after registration with the HPCSA in the relevant profession (where
applicable) in respect of SA qualified employees. A Minimum of 11 years’
relevant experience after registration with the HPCSA in the relevant profession
(where applicable) in respect of foreign qualified employees, of whom it is not
required to perform Community Service, as required in South Africa. Grade 3:
A minimum of 20 years’ relevant experience after registration with the HPCSA
in the relevant profession (where applicable) in respect of SA qualified
employees. A minimum of 21 years’ relevant experience after registration with
the HPCSA in the relevant profession (where applicable) in respect of foreign
qualified employees, of whom it is not required to perform Community Service,
as required in South Africa. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Excellent team
player. Excellent interpersonal, administrative, communication, analytical and
problem-solving skills. Advanced Knowledge in Neurophysiology, including
objective electrophysiological diagnostic assessment in EEG, NCS, LTM,
Evoke potentials (BAER/VEP/ERG) and Sleep investigations.
DUTIES : Perform various quality diagnostic procedures e.g. awake EEG, sleep EEG,
awake/sleep EEG, day telemetry and Nerve conduction studies,
electroretinograms, visual evoked potentials and auditory brainstem evoked
response on in patients and outpatients. Providing accurate interpretation and
reporting of neurodiagnostic procedures. Operate equipment and to ensure the
correct function thereof as well as to trouble shoot. Liaise and collaborate with
the multi-disciplinary team, to support the delivery of best practice for patient
care. Management of all resources which included Assisting with maintenance
of equipment. Provide Professional education and training to staff. Contribute
and involvement with relevant research within the department.
ENQUIRIES : Prof Jo Wilmshurst Tel No: (021) 658-5434; email, Dr
M Salie Tel No: (021) 658-5430; Email:

APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also
apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition
that proof of application for registration with the relevant council and proof of
payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable on health professionals who apply for the first time for registration in
a specific category with the relevant council (including individuals who must
apply for change in registration status)".
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Metro Health Services

SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Wesfleur Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: An appropriate 3-year Diploma/Degree.
Experience: Appropriate and proven experience in Finance, Revenue, Patient
Administration and Supply Chain Management. Appropriate supervisory
experience in the public sector. Inherent requirements of the job: Valid Driver’s
Licence (Code B/EB) and willingness to travel. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Good knowledge of LOGIS, BAS, AR system and sound
knowledge of applicable policies (PFMA, AO system and Treasury
Instructions). Sound knowledge of all financial systems: BAS, LOGIS. Good
computer literacy skills in (MS Office: Word and Excel).
DUTIES : Monitor, control and report expenditure and budget-related issues. Manage
and co-ordinate the finance (expenditure and revenue), SCM, patient
administration activities and functions, within the hospital. Advertise, award,
and manage contracts and tenders and plan, implement and maintain financial
control and handle audit queries. Responsible for internal controls and
compliance in Finance & SCM. Render a support function to management in
terms of SCM, and budget (expenditure & revenue control). Manage all Human
Resource Management and related functions within the Finance, SCM and
patient administration components.
ENQUIRIES : Mr D Pick Tel No: (021) 816 8558
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates may be subjected to a practical test. No payment of any
kind is required when applying for this post. The pool of candidates will be
considered for other vacant Senior Admin Officer: Finance and Supply Chain
posts within the Chief Directorate: Metro Health Services for a period of 3
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Rural Health Services

SALARY : R376 413 per annum

CENTRE : Paarl Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate 3-year National Diploma or
Degree. Experience: Appropriate experience in Supply Chain and Asset
Management. Appropriate Supervisory experience. Appropriate experience in
LOGIS. Inherent requirement of the job: Valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Sound theoretical knowledge of Supply
Chain and Asset Management in warehouse and assets functions/modules on
Logis. Sound knowledge of applicable policies (PFMA, Accounting Officer
System of the Department of Health and Wellness, Supply Chain Management
delegations and instructions). Computer literacy (Microsoft Office Excel and
DUTIES : Logis System Controller. Manage and effectively co-ordinate the Supply Chain
Management and Asset department. Accurate and timeous reporting as per
Supply Chain Management guidelines including AFS and IFS. Execute
compliance control related to Supply Chain and Asset Management. Effective
and efficient management of the Human Resource Management processes in

the Supply Chain Management and Assets department. Handle audit queries
regarding Supply Chain and Asset Management. Perform all administrative
duties related to Supply Chain and Asset Management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms R van Renen Tel No: (021) 860-2617
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Emergency and Clinical Services Support

SALARY : Grade 3: R317 751 per annum

Grade 4: R376 596 per annum
Grade 5: R455 079 per annum
Grade 6: R558 714 per annum
CENTRE : Bredasdorp, (EMS) Overberg
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualifications: Grade 3: Successful completion of the
Intermediate Life Support (ILS) that allows registration with the HPCSA as
Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA). Grade 4: Successful completion of
the Emergency Care Technician (ECT) that allows registration with the HPCSA
as Emergency Care Technician (ECT). Grade 5: Successful completion of the
Critical Care Assistant course (CCA) or National Diploma that allows
registration with the HPCSA as a Paramedic. Grade 6: Successful completion
of the B-Tech Degree that allows registration with the HPCSA as an Emergency
Care Practitioner (ECP). Registration with a professional council: Grade 3:
Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an AEA.
Grade 4: Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as
an ECT. Grade 5: Registration with the Health Professions Council of South
Africa as a Paramedic. Grade 6: Registration with the Health Professions
Council of South Africa as an ECP. Inherent requirements of the job: Valid Code
C1 driver’s licence. Current Professional driver’s permit. Current registration
with HPCSA as an AEA, ECT, Paramedic or ECP. Experience: Grade 3:
Minimum of 3 years experience within your current registration category with
the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an Ambulance Emergency
Assistant (AEA). Grade 4: Minimum of 3 years’ experience within your current
registration category with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an
Emergency Care Technician (ECT). Grade 5: Minimum of 3 years’ experience
in your current registration category with the Health Professions Council of
South Africa as a Paramedic. Grade 6: Minimum of 3 years’ experience in your
current registration category with the Health Professions Council of South
Africa as an Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP). Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Excellent knowledge of all levels of emergency care
protocols. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Report writing skills.
Computer literacy in the MS Office package.
DUTIES : Effective pre-hospital Emergency Medical Care and response to incidences
when required. Ensure effective supervision and maintenance of emergency
vehicles and equipment in line with the Financial and Fleet directives. Ensure
effective communication with regard to patients, colleagues, other services and
members of the Public. Supervise and manage rostered shifts and personnel
in line with People Management policies and practices. Provide effective
administrative support to the Supervisor when required. Ensure effective report
writing with regard to accident and incident reports, loss and theft control
incidents and safety incidents.
ENQUIRIES : Mr IS Naidoo Tel No: (023) 346 6022
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Emergency and Clinical Services Support

SALARY : Grade 3: R317 751 per annum

Grade 4: R376 596 per annum
Grade 5: R455 079 per annum
Grade 6: R558 714 per annum

CENTRE : Riviersonderend, (EMS) Overberg
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Grade 3: Successful completion of the
Intermediate Life Support (ILS) that allows registration with the HPCSA as an
Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA). Grade 4: Successful completion of
the Emergency Care Technician (ECT) that allows registration with the HPCSA
as Emergency Care Technician (ECT). Grade 5: Successful completion of the
Critical Care Assistant course (CCA) or National Diploma that allows
registration with the HPCSA as a Paramedic. Grade 6: Successful completion
of the B-Tech Degree that allows registration with the HPCSA as an Emergency
Care Practitioner (ECP). Registration with a professional council: Grade 3:
Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an AEA.
Grade 4: Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as
an ECT. Grade 5: Registration with the Health Professions Council of South
Africa as a Paramedic. Grade 6: Registration with the Health Professions
Council of South Africa as an ECP. Inherent requirements of the job: Valid Code
C1 driver’s licence. Current registration with HPCSA as an AEA, ECT,
Paramedic or ECP. Experience: Grade 3: Minimum of 3 years’ experience
within your current registration category with the Health Professions Council of
South Africa as an Ambulance Emergency Assistant (AEA). Grade 4: Minimum
of 3 years’ experience within your current registration category with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa as an Emergency Care Technician (ECT).
Grade 5: Minimum of 3 years experience in your current registration category
with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as a Paramedic. Grade 6:
Minimum of 3 years’ experience in your current registration category with the
Health Professions Council of South Africa as an Emergency Care Practitioner
(ECP). Competencies (knowledge/skills): Excellent knowledge of all levels of
emergency care protocols. Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Report writing skills. Computer literacy in the MS Office package.
DUTIES : Effective pre-hospital Emergency Medical Care and response to incidences
when required. Ensure effective supervision and maintenance of emergency
vehicles and equipment in line with the Financial and Fleet directives. Ensure
effective communication with regard to patients, colleagues, other services and
members of the Public. Supervise and manage rostered shifts and personnel
in line with People Management policies and practices. Provide effective
administrative support to the Supervisor when required. Ensure effective report
writing with regard to accident and incident reports, loss and theft control
incidents and safety incidents.
ENQUIRIES : Mr IS Naidoo Tel No: (023) 346 6022
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be expected to undergo a practical assessment.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


Chief Directorate: Emergency And Clinical Services Support

SALARY : Grade 1: R304 617 per annum

Grade 2: R376 596 per annum
Grade 3: R461 625 per annum
Grade 4: R540 537 per annum
CENTRE : College Of Emergency Care
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualifications: Grade 1: Successful completion of the
Critical Care Assistant (CCA) qualification that allows registration with the
Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Paramedic. Grade
2: Successful completion of the Critical Care Assistant (CCA) qualification or a
recognized National Diploma that allows registration with the HPCSA as a
Paramedic. Grade 3: Successful completion of the Critical Care Assistant
(CCA) qualification or a recognized National Diploma that allows registration
with the HPCSA as a Paramedic or B-Tech degree that allows registration with
the HPCSA as an Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP). Grade 4: Successful
completion of the Critical Care Assistant (CCA) qualification or a recognized
National Diploma that allows registration with the HPCSA as a Paramedic or
B-Tech degree that allows registration with the HPCSA as an Emergency Care
Practitioner (ECP). Registration with a professional council: Grade 1:
Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
Paramedic (CCA). Grade 2: Registration with the Health Professions Council
of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Paramedic with CCA or NDIP. Grade 3:

Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
Paramedic (CCA or NDIP) or ECP. Grade 4: Registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Paramedic (CCA or NDIP)
or ECP. Experience: Grade 1: None after registration with the HPCSA as
Paramedic (CCA). Grade 2: 7 Years after registration with the HPCSA as
Paramedic (CCA). None after registration with the HPCSA as Paramedic with
a National Diploma. Grade 3: Registered Paramedic (CCA) - 14 years after
registration with the HPCSA as Paramedic. Registered Paramedic (NDIP) - 7
years after registration with the HPCSA as a Paramedic. None after registration
with the HPCSA as an ECP. Grade 4: Registered Paramedic (CCA) - 24 years
after registration with the HPCSA as Paramedic. Registered Paramedic (NDIP)
- 17 years after registration with the HPCSA as Paramedic. Registered ECP’s
-10 years after registration with the HPCSA as an ECP. Inherent requirement
of the job: Valid code B/C1 driver’s license. Valid professional driver’s permit
(PrDP). Physical and mental fitness. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Proficient computer literacy. Ability to work under pressure in a stressful
environment. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to
provide mentorship and coaching. Ability to work in a team.
DUTIES : Provide effective and efficient instruction on clinical training programs. Ensure
Adherence of students to College Standard Operating Procedures. Perform
front-line vehicle duties with student and other clinical duties. Provide
assistance on other training programs.
ENQUIRIES : Mr R. Cermak Tel No: (021) 938 4116/4115
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. It will be
expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time
and place as determined by the Department.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


West Coast District

SALARY : R216 417 per annum

CENTRE : Vredendal Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with
Mathematics and/or Accountancy as a passed subject and/or Senior Certificate
(or equivalent) with experience/competencies that focuses on the Key
Performance Areas (KRA’s) of the post. Experience: Appropriate experience in
Administration and the Accounting Field. Inherent requirement of the job:
Willingness to work overtime and weekends when required, perform standby
duties, and act as a reliever for the Admissions Department and Cashier when
needed. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Excellent time management skills.
Willingness to gain new knowledge and undergo training. Computer literacy
(MS Word/Excel).
DUTIES : Control the correctness of the hospital patient bills, medical aids, road accident
fund, and privately funded patients by the efficient and effective interpretation
- Correct billing of all services rendered by State Departments, WCA, RAF, H2,
H3, Medical Aid, and Private Doctor out-patient, and in-patients’ invoices in the
AR System. Ensure that the ICD 10 coding has been captured. Release
Invoices. Printing of: Attendance invoice tracking report, Late attendances
report, accumulative discharge report and Late Discharge report, to identify all
State Departments, WCA, RAF, H2, H3, Medical Aid and Private Doctor out-
patients admitted and discharged. Suspend inactive invoices with the code
“SHOLD” through the “Suspensions” function in the AR system where services
cannot be captured within 14 days. Liaise with relevant role players in matters
relating to Patient Administration, Hospital Fees, and Case Management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr RJ Meyer Tel No: (027) 213 2039
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates will be subjected to a practical test.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


SALARY : Grade 1: R165 177 per annum

Grade 2: R192 675 per annum
Grade 3: R227 070 per annum
CENTRE : Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Rondebosch
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Qualification that allows registration with
SANC as a Nursing Assistant. Registration with a professional council:
Registration with SANC as a Nursing Assistant. Experience: Grade 1: None.
Grade 2: A minimum of 10 years appropriate/recognizable experience in
nursing after registration with the SANC as a Nursing Assistant. Grade 3: A
minimum of 20 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration with the SANC as a Nursing Assistant. Inherent requirement of the
job: Willingness to work shifts, public holidays, after-hours, night duty and
weekend cover for nursing.
DUTIES : Provide quality basic nursing care. Provide elementary clinical nursing care.
Assist Patients with activities of daily living which includes Patient Hygiene,
Nutritional status, mobility and elimination needs. Maintaining professional
growth, Ethical standards and Self-development. Record Keeping.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Franken Tel No: (021) 658-5187
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements, may also
apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition
that proof of application for registration to register with the relevant council and
proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 05 July 2024


APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.



SALARY : R1 003 890 per annum (Level 12), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year tertiary qualification (B-Degree or higher) in the built
environment; A minimum of 6 years management level experience; A valid
(Code B or higher) driving licence. NB: People with disabilities that restrict
driving abilities, but who have reasonable access to transport, may also apply.
Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Project management; Personnel
management; Contract administration of maintenance/construction contracts;
Financial and procurement procedures; Occupational Health and Safety Act;
Public Service Act and regulations; Public Finance Management Act; Skills
needed: Analytical; Problem solving; Interpersonal and organisation; Written
and verbal communication; Proven computer literacy.
DUTIES : Manage the planning, prioritization and reporting of all scheduled maintenance
programme for user departments; Manage the planning, coordination and
reporting of day-to-day maintenance projects; Ensure attainment of WCG'
social and economic goals in the execution of all maintenance projects;

Manage multi-disciplinary project teams in the delivery of scheduled and
maintenance projects; Ensure compliance to sound public management and
administration; Optimise the utilization of available funds and resources
allocated to George office.
ENQUIRIES : Mr R Monare Tel No: (021) 483 5310



SALARY : Grade A: R833 499 - R889 158 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade B: R939 024 - R1 011 597 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade C: R1 068 342 – R1 254 282 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Engineering Degree [B Eng/BSc (Eng)] or relevant qualification;
Three years post qualification engineering experience required; Compulsory
registration with ECSA as a professional engineer; A valid code B driving
licence. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Contract documentation
and administration; Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations;
National building regulations and all relevant built environment legislation;
Financial management; Programme and project management; Built
environment (civil/structural engineering design and analysis in the
construction of office buildings and general facilities; Computer aided design of
building structures and services; Design of different structural systems; Design
of roads, water, storm water and sewer reticulation and systems; Legal
compliance and formulation of policies in a multi-disciplinary professional
environment; Procurement processes; Skills needed: Decision-making,
leadership, problem solving and analysis, people management, technical
report writing, planning and organising, conflict management; Proven computer
literacy (MS Office; MS Project, Revit, AutoCAD and engineering application);
Ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines and work in a team.
DUTIES : Design new systems to solve practical engineering challenges and improve
efficiency and enhance safety; Human capital development; Office
administration and budget planning; Research and development.
ENQUIRIES : Ms C Skillicorn Tel No: (021) 483 4605


NO: DOI 89/2024

SALARY : Grade A: R833 499 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor of Science in Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering (or relevant
qualification); A minimum of 3-years post registration experience Engineering
(Electrical); Compulsory registration with ECSA as a Professional Engineer; A
valid code B driving license. Recommendation: None. Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: design of Health Engineering Services (Lighting
designs, power reticulation and distribution MV and LV, Power generation-PV
and generators, PA and Evacuation systems, fire detection systems, nurse call
systems, BMS, CCTV and security systems), Built Environment especially
regarding engineering design and analysis in the construction of Health
Facilities, computer support design of building and services, programme and
project management, legal compliance and formulation of policies in a multi-
disciplinary professional environment, SANS Regulations and all relevant built
environment legislation, contract documentation and administration,
Act/regulations of Occupation Health & Safety (OHS- Act), National Building
Regulations. Skills needed: research and development, technical report
writing, decision making, analytical, team leadership and financial
management, Proven computer literacy (MS Office).
DUTIES : Design new systems to solve practical engineering challenges and improve
efficiency and enhance safety: co-ordinate tender procedures, undertake
project leading and investigations, report on and plan the maintenance of
electrical engineering works, supervise technical personnel, ensure training
and development of staff, implement legal requirements and standards, verify
documentation, compiled by other professional disciplines, monitor and control
expenditure and report on expenditure and service delivery, continuous
professional development to keep up with new technologies and procedures.
Design new systems to solve practical engineering challenges and improve
efficiency and enhance safety: - plan, design, operate and maintain

engineering projects, develop cost effective solutions according to standards,
evaluate existing technical manuals, standard drawings and procedures to
incorporate new technology, ensure thorough evaluation that planning and
design by others are done according to sound engineering principles and
according to norms and standards and code of practice, approve engineering
works according to prescribed norms and standards. Human capital
development: ensure training and development of technicians, technologists
and candidate engineers to promote skills/knowledge transfer and adherence
to sound engineering principles and code of practice, supervise the
engineering work and processes, administer performance management and
development. Office administration and budget planning: manage resources
and prepare and consolidate inputs for the facilitation of resource utilization,
ensure adherence to regulations and procedures for procurement and
personnel administration, monitor and control expenditure, report on
expenditure and service delivery. Research and development: Continuous
professional, development to keep up with new technologies and procedures,
research/literature studies one engineering technology to improve expertise,
liaise with relevant bodies/councils on engineering related matters
ENQUIRIES : Mr Kevin Kameri Tel No: (021) 483 5362



SALARY : Grade A: R833 499 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Engineering Degree [B Eng/BSc (Eng)] or relevant qualification
in Civil/Structural engineering; A minimum of 3 years post qualification
engineering experience required; Compulsory registration with ECSA as a
Professional Engineer; Or have submitted with ECSA for professional
registration as a Professional Engineer (proof of payment and letter of
acknowledgment from ECSA to be submitted with application)and compulsory
registration with ECSA as a Professional Engineer will then be applicable within
6 months from appointment); A valid code B driving licence. Recommendation:
Experience of the following: Contract documentation and administration;
Project management, formulation of policies in a multi-disciplinary professional
environment. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Technical:
Programme and project management; Engineering design and analysis;
Research and development; Computer-aided engineering applications; Legal
compliance and formulation of policies in a multi-disciplinary professional
environment; Skills needed: Technical report writing, creating high performance
culture, professional judgement, networking; Generic: Decision making; Team
leadership; Analytical skills; Creativity; Self-management; Financial
management; Customer focus and responsiveness; Written and verbal
communication skills; Proven computer literacy; Planning and organising skills;
Conflict management; Problem solving and analysis; People management;
Change management; Innovation; Act/regulations of Occupation Health and
Safety (OHS-Act);National building regulations and all relevant built
environment legislation; Public sector procurement; Ability to work under
DUTIES : Manage service providers (PSPs, contractors, etc.), manage and review PSP
outputs and project documentation to ensure compliance with norms and
standards, built environment regulations and legislation; Monitor, control and
report on project progress, project programme and project expenditure;
Managing and processing of documents for approval, input to monthly progress
reports, input to monthly cost reports, payment certificates and invoices, fee
claims, EPWP documentation, etc. as per Education Infrastructure operational
requirements; Office administration and budget planning; Manage resources
and prepare and consolidate inputs for the facilitation of resource utilisation;
Research and development; Continuous professional development to keep up
with new technologies and procedures.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Greeff at


REF NO: DOI 87/2024

SALARY : R552 081 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government

REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma (T/N/S streams) or equivalent; or N3certificate (or higher)
and a passed trade test in the building environment; or Registration as an
Engineering Technician; A minimum of 6 years appropriate experience; A valid
code B (or higher) driving license. Competencies: Knowledge and experience
of the following: Preparation offender documentation and specifications,
adjudicate tenders, plans and working drawings; Interpretation of Bills of
Quantities; Skills needed: Written and verbal communication; Interpersonal
relations; Proven computer literacy (MS Office); technical experience of
building matters; familiar with contract administration, Occupational Health
Safety Act, and relevant regulations.
DUTIES : Manage the process for the identification of needs, new services and
requirements for minor new work and repairs to existing building by ensuring
that customer complaints are investigated and follow-up; Facilitate, co-ordinate
and control the implementation of new works, repair and renovation and
maintenance; Ensure that the relevant project documentation for new and
existing structures is compiled and is compliant to prescripts; Manage the
activities of contractors and consultants; Gather and submit information in
terms of the Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP); Supervise the
performance and conduct of subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Mr D Jooste Tel No: (021) 832 5780


NO: DOI 24/2024 R1

SALARY : R552 081 per annum (Level 10)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : A National/Diploma (T/N/S stream) or equivalent qualification (Building/ Civil
and structural streams); or An N3 and passed trade test in the building
environment; o; Registration as an Engineering Technician; and A minimum of
6 years appropriate experience; A valid (Code B or higher) driving licence.
Recommendation: Extensive practical experience in the construction industry
including maintenance work; Proven Project Management experience in a built
environment. Competencies: Extensive knowledge and experience of project
management, personnel management, contract administration of
maintenance/construction of buildings, financial and procurement procedures;
Occupational Health and Safety Act, relevant legislation, Public Service Act,
regulations and the PFMA; Excellent analytical, problem solving, interpersonal
and organisational skills; Good verbal and written communication skills;
Computer literacy (MS Project, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
DUTIES : Manage the process for the identification of needs, new service sand
requirements for minor new work and repairs to existing work by ensuring that
customer complaints are investigated and follow-up; Facilitate, co-ordinate and
control the implementation of new works, repair and renovation and
maintenance; Ensure that the relevant project documentation for new and
existing structures is compiled; Manage the activities of contractors and
consultants; Gather and submit information in terms of the Extended Public
Works Programme (EPWP); Supervise the performance and conduct of
ENQUIRIES : Mr Terence Fester Tel No: (021) 483-3882/ Cell 0824977542


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Advanced Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher qualification); A minimum of
3 years supervisory level experience in finance, supply chain management,
accounting, or auditing. Recommendation: Accounting experience; Working
knowledge of Standard Charts of Accounts; A valid (Code B or higher) driving
licence. NB: People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who have
reasonable access to transport, may also apply. Competencies: Knowledge of
the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements; Project management
skills; Proven computer literacy; Written and verbal communication skills.
DUTIES : Assist in the compilation of the procurement plan that clearly defines the
preferential procurement goals, aligned to the strategic plan and budget,
compliant with the applicable legislative requirements, and taking cognisance
of: The needs assessment, the availability of funds and the market assessment

and industry analysis; Execute the process for reviewing expenditures, setting
and approving forecasting assumptions and for providing direction for
developing demand forecasts across strategic sourcing and non-strategic
sourcing items; Develop and implement a strategic sourcing strategy per
strategic commodity; Ensure compliance with relevant legislative, statutory,
regulatory and supervisory requirements towards the achievement of
component projects and goals
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Van Der Merwe Tel No: (021) 483 6915


SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year B-Degree (equivalent or higher qualification) in Built
environment/Business; A minimum of 3years experience of Immovable Asset
Management and IAR-related. Recommendation: A valid code B (or higher)
driving license. Competencies: Knowledge of the relevant legislative and
regulatory requirements; Project management skills; Proven computer literacy;
Written and verbal communication skills. Knowledge of the following:
Government Immovable Asset Management; Municipal Valuation rolls;
Conveyancing procedures; Read and interpret SG Diagrams; Read and
interpret Title deeds, restrictive conditions and clauses; Vesting of State
Properties; Management of extensive immovable asset register database;
Skills needed: Written and verbal communication; Proven computer literacy;
Ability to work independently and as part of a team; Problem-solving and
DUTIES : Update and maintain the immovable asset register based on completeness
tests, legislative requirements and changes pertaining to immovable assets;
Undertake ownership function such as vesting, endorsements, consolidations,
sub-divisions, verifications, inspections and sanitizing of the existing
immovable asset portfolio; Report on Immovable Assets; Develop and monitor
policies SOPs pertaining to the Immovable Asset Register; Research and
determine ownership of problematic cases, such as un-surveyed and
unregistered properties.
ENQUIRIES : Mr B Tshendu Tel No: (021) 483 4306



SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma (equivalent or higher qualification); A
minimum of 3 years’ experience in Supply Chain Management.
Recommendation: Working knowledge of the following: Supply Chain duties,
and practices as well as the ability to capture data accurately, operate
computers and collect statistics; Understanding of legislative framework
governing the Public Service; Work procedures in terms of the working
environment; Supervisory experience. Competencies: Knowledge of legislative
and regulatory requirements. Skills in the following: Written and verbal
communication; Proven computer literacy (MS Word, MS Excel, and systems);
Planning and organising; Applied strategic thinking; Teamwork; Flexibility and
Interpersonal relations language.
DUTIES : Develop strategic sourcing strategy; Analyse of procurement requests; Review
and approve requisition forms in line with departmental procurement plan;
Ensure implementation of sourcing strategy and related activities; Evaluate
relevant form of specialised procurement activities and develop specialised
procurement activities.
ENQUIRIES : Mr E Sawall Tel No: (021) 483 5053


SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year tertiary qualification (National Diploma/ B- Degree or
equivalent qualification) in Financial Accounting or related; A minimum of 1-
year supervisory experience in a Financial Accounting/Management

environment; A valid code B (or higher) driving licence. Recommendation:
Proven computer literacy (Ms Excel). competencies: Knowledge of the
following: Revenue and Debt Management; PFMA and applicable legislation.
Skills in the following: Communication (verbal and written) skills in the
following: High level of computer literacy (MS Office), especially high level of
excel capability and managing databases in excel; Ability to work in a team,
Ability to work under pressure; change management; supervisory; time
management, planning and organising and analytical and problem solving.
DUTIES : Revenue and Receivables Management: Manage the development and
maintenance of Policies and Standard Operating Procedures; relevant
accounting system; collection of fees; receipting system; reconciliations;
preparation of bad debt write-off and monitoring and analysis of debtors.
Disclosures in the financial statements and reporting according to GRAP 2:
Manage the information of the disclosure of debtors in the financial statements;
gathering of applicable revenue information to be included in the statement of
performance with notes in the Financial Statements; preparation of debtor
status reports; preparation of exposure to non-recoverable debt reports.
Analyse System reports: Access and interpret financial reports. Operational
management of the Sub-component: Human Resource Management; Service
delivery management; Financial Resource Management; Information
management; Performance management; Compliance management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms R Ceasar Tel No: (021) 483 4305


NO: DOI 90/2024

SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification). A minimum of 1-year relevant experience; A valid code B or
higher driving licence. NB: People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities,
but who have reasonable access to transport, may also apply. Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Application of relevant legislation; National and
provincial policies on human rights, gender, disabilities, youth and children;
Transversal HIV/AIDS policy; Human rights policies and practices;
Transformation processes; Employment equity processes; Affirmative action
process; Departmental Strategic and Service Delivery Plan; Departmental
objectives; Departmental operational strategies; Working knowledge of
systems (e.g. ECM); Skills needed: Communication(written and verbal);
Proven computer literacy in MS Office; Good planning; Interpersonal; Record
DUTIES : The responsibility for department integration of Human Rights issues (gender,
disability, youth and children) while also driving external programmes as per
Human Rights Strategic Framework; The implementation of departmental
policies and programmes with a focus on Human Rights (gender, disability,
youth and children) in the Department; The provision of guidance, advice and
support on human rights policies and practices to all stakeholders
(management, functional units, co-workers, NGO’s, civil organisations); The
co-ordination of specific gender, disability and youth training for all staff to
ensure that the Human Rights are integrated into all aspects of the work; The
establishment of partnerships and facilitation of inter–sectoral collaboration
between the Department, NGO’s and civil organisations with a focus on
gender, disability, youth and children and related to Infrastructure; Acting as
link to the Provincial Directorate Human Rights and this Department
ENQUIRIES : Mr D Kilian Tel No: (021) 483 9597


(GEORGE) REF NO: DOI 38/2024 R1

SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma (T/N/S streams) or equivalent; or N3certificate (or higher)
and a passed trade test in the building environment; or Registration as an
Engineering Technician; A minimum of 3 years appropriate building experience;
A valid code B (or higher) driving license. Recommendation: Experience in the
following: Preparation of specifications, plans and working drawings;
Interpreting of Bill of Quantities (BOQ); Technical experience in the following:

Building contracts and contract administration; Occupational health and safety
act and regulations. Competencies: Knowledge and experience of the
following: Preparation of tender documentation and specifications, Adjudicate
tenders, plans and working drawings; Interpretation of Bills of Quantities; Skills
needed: Written and verbal communication in two of the three official
languages of the Western Cape Province; Interpersonal relations; Proven
computer literacy (MS Office);technical experience of building matters; familiar
with contract administration, Occupational Health Safety Act and relevant
DUTIES : Undertake inspections of buildings and compilation of reports; Assist with the
preparation of budget; Provide estimates of costs for proposed maintenance
and minor work projects; Prepare tender documents and specifications;
Supervise and exercise quality control on projects; Manage contract
ENQUIRIES : Ms Refiloe Monare Tel No: (021) 483 5310


SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification) plus an accredited
secretarial diploma and/or administrative qualification on the level of NQF level
5 or relevant higher tertiary qualification (a certificate of completion should be
provided); A minimum of 3years experience in rendering a support service to
management/senior management. Competencies: knowledge of the following:
Relevant legislation, policies, prescripts, and procedures; Office
Administration; Database Management; Information and Records
Management; procurement processes; Financial administration; Functioning,
systems, and processes of government; General information support systems
such as GoFin/BAS and ECM/SharePoint. Skills needed: Written and verbal
communication skills; Proven computer literacy; Organisational; Client liaison
and networking; Report writing; Research; Problem solving; Good telephone
etiquette; High level of reliability; Ability to communicate well with people at
different levels and from different backgrounds; Ability to act with tact and
discretion; Ability to do research and analyse documents and situations; Good
grooming and presentation; Self-management and motivation.
DUTIES : Provides a secretarial or receptionist support service to the manager; Renders
administrative support services; Provide support to manager regarding
meetings; Supports the manager with the administration of the manager's
budget; Studies the relevant public service and departmental
prescripts/policies and other documents and ensure that the application thereof
is understood properly
ENQUIRIES : Dr G Kode Tel No: (021) 483 2593



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification); A minimum of 6 years
relevant experience; A valid code B (or higher) driving licence with PDP.
Recommendation: Experience in the following: Maintenance and management
of multiple teams on road construction and/or maintenance projects; Civil
construction activities; Operating minor construction machines; Willingness to
travel as required. A valid Code EC driving license is recommended.
Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Standards and procedures;
Administrative processes; Health and Safety; Disciplinary measures and
Legislation. Skills needed: Supervisory; Planning and problem solving;
Communication (verbal and written); Conflict and diversity management; Ability
to work under pressure and meet deadlines; Ability to work in a team; Self-
motivated; Logical thinking. Ability to interpret and give instructions.
DUTIES : Leading the execution of road construction/ road maintenance operations;
Provide training to staff in work methods; Assist in the undertaking of
operational planning for the road transport network in the Garden Route &
Central Karoo regional area; Ensure that materials used are correct and/or in
sufficient quantities; Undertake daily and weekly inspections; Supervise the

road works and enforce discipline; Handle emergency situations; Ensure that
all road reserves are safe and according to standards; Handle applications
regarding fences along roads; Supervision personnel; Ensure that deadlines
are met, and safety precautions adhered to; Planning and maintenance of
activities by personnel towards the strategic and physical protection of the
proclaimed provincial road network
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Stegmann Tel No: (044) 272 6071



SALARY : Grade A: R230 898 - R256 263 per annum

Grade B: R270 915 - R300 675 per annum
Grade C: R314 751 -R386 775 per annum
(Salary will be determined as per OSD prescripts).
CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate Trade Test Certificate (Fitter and Turner); A valid (Code B or higher)
driving licence. Recommendation: Experience in repair and maintenance of
road construction plant and vehicles spare parts or similar lathe experience.
Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Technical analysis; Legal
compliance; Technical report writing, Team leadership; Problem solving and
analysis; The following skills: Decision making; Teamwork; Analytical;
Creativity; Self-management; Customer focus and responsiveness; Planning
and organising; Proven computer literacy; Conflict Management; Written and
verbal communication skills.
DUTIES : Design: Produce designs according to client specification and within limits of
production capability; Production: Produce objects with material and
equipment according to job specification and recognise standards;
Maintenance: Inspect equipment and/or facilities for technical faults; Perform
administrative and related functions: Compile and submit reports; Maintain
expertise: Continuous individual development to keep up with new
technologies and procedures
ENQUIRIES : Mr E Louw Tel No: (021) 959 7700

DOI 97/2024 (X3 POSTS)

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Department of Infrastructure, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification). Recommendation:
Relevant experience in an asset management / warehouse management /
inventory management environment. A valid CodeB (or higher) driving licence.
Note: People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities but have reasonable
access to transport may also apply. Competencies: Skills in the following:
Computer literacy in MS Office Package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, outlook);
Written and verbal Communication; Concern for others; Self-management;
Diversity citizen; Knowledge of accounting.
DUTIES : Order and Receive assets; Obtain quotes in accordance with policies and
prescripts; Maintain contracts file and asset register; Report on movement of
assets; Check if transactions comply with legislative requirements with regards
to transaction control sheet.
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Matthyse Tel No: (021) 483 4636


CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024

NOTE : All shortlisted candidates must make themselves available to be interviewed at
a date, time and place as decided by the selection panel. Please ensure that
you submit your application on or before the closing date as no late applications
will be considered. The selection process will be guided by the EE targets of
the employing department. Kindly note that technical support is only available
from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16.00. Should you experience any
difficulties with your online application you may contact the helpline at 0861
370 214. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that
intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will
be communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic

managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA directive
on the implementation of competency-based assessments). The competency
assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the
mandated DPSA SMS Competency Assessment tools. The nominated
candidate will be required to complete the Senior Management Pre-Entry
Programme before they may be appointed into this post. The purpose of the
Senior Management Pre-Entry Programme, which is a public service specific
training programme applicable to all applicants who aspire to join the SMS, is
to ensure that potential SMS members have a background on processes and
procedures linked to the SMS. The duration of the online Pre-Entry Programme
is 120 notional hours (15 days). Full details may be sourced by the following
Furthermore, thanks to the huge public interest we receive many applications
for our positions, and as such will not be able to respond personally to all
applications. Therefore, should you not hear from us within 10 weeks from
close of advert please consider your application unsuccessful.



SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13)

CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year B-degree/ Advanced Diploma (NQF 7) or higher
qualification as recognised by SAQA in Disaster Management or related
qualification; A minimum of 5 years relevant middle/senior-management
experience; A minimum of 3 years relevant disaster management experience.
Recommendation: A valid code B driving licence; Social Science Qualification;
Project Management Certification. Competencies: Sound knowledge of
emergency and disaster management concepts, programmes and practices;
Core competencies: Strategic Capability and leadership; People Management
and Empowerment; Programme and Project Management; Financial
Management and Change Management; Skills: Ability to interpret and apply
relevant policies and procedures; Ability to analyse, promote, facilitate and
implement strategic planning; Ability to communicate at all levels and across
sectors using various media, stakeholder engagement and to build and
maintain working partnerships; Report writing, data acquisition and analysis;
Knowledge Management; Service Deliver Innovation.
DUTIES : To oversee the co-ordination, monitoring and support of the following: Disaster
preparedness and response functions as specified in the Disaster
Management Act; Disaster institutional capacity (IGR); Disaster recovery
functions as specified in the Disaster Management Act; coordinates and
contributes to the implementation of government’s disaster management
policies, programs and projects; Human Resource Management; Sound
Labour relations within the directorate; Financial Management; Participate in
the strategic management and performance management processes; Strategic
capability and leadership Disaster Management Intergovernmental relations;
Disaster Preparedness and response; Disaster Recovery.
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Deiner Tel No: (021) 937 6301
APPLICATIONS : Only applications submitted online will be accepted. To apply submit your
application online only: via or


SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum (Level 13)

CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year B-degree/Advanced Diploma (NQF 7) or higher
qualification in Disaster or Emergency Management/ Public Management/
Environmental Science/ Public Health/ Human Sciences or related field as
recognised by SAQA; A minimum of 5 years relevant middle-
management/senior management level experience.; A minimum of 3 years
relevant disaster management experience. Recommendation: Extensive
experience in one or more of the following fields will serve as a
recommendation: Emergency Response; Crisis Communication; Incident
Command System; Risk Assessment and Mitigation; Planning and
Preparedness; Recovery and Rehabilitation; Interagency Coordination;

Training and Education Competencies: Proven knowledge and working
experience of the following: Legislation, regulatory frameworks, policies and
best practices; Information Systems which aids the management of knowledge
and information; Procurement and tendering processes; Policy development;
Global, regional and local political, economic and social affairs impacting on
the provincial government of the Western Cape; Core competencies: Strategic
Capability and leadership; People Management and Empowerment;
Programme and Project Management; Financial Management and Change
Management; Skills: Ability to interpret and apply relevant policies and
procedures; Accounting Finance and Auditing; Stakeholder engagement; Build
and maintain working partnerships; Economic, financial analysis; Report
writing, data acquisition and analysis; Legal administration.
DUTIES : To oversee the coordination, monitoring and support of the following: Disaster
risk identification, earl warning and intervention programmes in the province;
Disaster risk reduction (prevention and mitigation) programmes; Disaster risk
reduction measures; Develop and maintain a disaster risk profile and maintain
an ICT programme; Implement mechanisms for disaster early warnings;
Develop and maintain prevention and mitigation programmes; Develop,
coordinate and maintain integrated education, training, awareness and
research programmes; Develop and implement risk reduction projects; Render
a project management service; Integrate disaster management plans with
development plans; Integrate disaster management with spatial development
plans; Actively participate and drive strategic management and performance
management within the directorate; Change Management; People
Management; Financial Management of the directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Deiner Tel No: (021) 937 6301
APPLICATIONS : Only applications submitted online will be accepted. To apply submit your
application online only: via or




SALARY : Grade A: R833 499 - R889 158 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade B: R939 024 - R1 011 597 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade C: R1 068 342 - R1 254 282 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Engineering Degree (B Eng/ BSC (Eng)) or relevant qualification in Civil
Engineering; Three years post qualification engineering experience required;
Compulsory registration with ECSA as a professional engineer; A valid code B
driving licence. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Programme and
project management; Engineering design and analysis knowledge; Research
and development; Computer-aided engineering applications; Legal
compliance; Technical report writing; Creating high performance culture;
Professional judgment; Networking; The following skills: Decision making;
Team leadership; Analytical skills; Creativity; Self-management; Financial
management; Customer focus and responsiveness; Written and verbal
communication skills; Computer literacy; Planning and organising; Conflict
management; Problem solving and analysis; People management; Change
management; Innovation.
DUTIES : Design new systems to solve practical engineering challenges and improve
efficiency and enhance safety: Plan, design, operate and maintain engineering
projects; Develop cost effective solutions according to standards; Evaluate
existing technical manuals, standard drawings and procedures to incorporate
new technology; Develop tender specifications; Ensure through evaluation that
planning and design by others is done according to sound engineering
principles and according to norms and standards and code of practice; Approve
engineering works according to prescribed norms and standards; Human
capital development: Ensure training and development of technicians,
technologists and candidate engineers to promote skills/knowledge transfer
and adherence to sound engineering principles and code of practice; Supervise
the engineering work and processes; Administer performance management
and development; Office administration and budget planning: Manage
resources and prepare and consolidate inputs for the facilitation of resource
utilisation; Ensure adherence to regulations and procedures for procurement

and personnel administration; Monitor and control expenditure; Report on
expenditure and service delivery; Research and development: Continuous
professional development to keep up with new technologies and procedures;
Research/literature studies on engineering technology to improve expertise;
Liaise with relevant bodies/councils on engineering-related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Brand Tel No: (021) 483 2856
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year B-Degree (equivalent or higher qualification) in Human
Resource Management; A minimum of 3 years management level experience.
Recommendation: Experience as a Local Government Human Resources
Management Practitioner or general HR Practitioner; A valid code B (or higher)
driving license. NB People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who
have reasonable access to transport, may also apply. Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Municipal Staff Regulations for staff below S54 and
related legislation; Public sector reporting procedures; Human Resource
Management; Research and analysing. Skills needed: Communication (written
and verbal); Proven computer literacy in MS Office packages; Presentation;
Policy analysis and development; Project management; Leadership; Report
writing; Ability to interpret and apply policies.
DUTIES : Administer the provincial statutory responsibilities with regard to Municipal Staff
Regulations (MSR) and related legislation: Have the capacity to analyse
organisational structures, aligned to MS Rand provide comments; Monitor
whether municipalities comply with the provisions of the MSR Regulations and
related legislation; Support municipalities with implementation of MSR
Regulations; Deal with complaints, queries and requests from municipalities,
ministerial and departments; To manage internal human resources and perform
management; To provide the financial management and strategic inputs of the
ENQUIRIES : Dr S. Greyling Tel No: (021) 483 6126
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024



SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11)

CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government

REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification) in the Civil Environment; A minimum of 3years management level
experience. Recommendation: Provincial or Local government experience.
Registration with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as an
Engineering Technician or Technologist. Competencies: Knowledge of the
following: Programme and Project Management; Engineering design and
analysis; Computer applications; Legal compliance; Technical and general
report writing; Monitoring systems; Managing contractors and consultants;
Skills needed: Communication (written and verbal); Engineering and
professional judgement; Disciplinary codes and procedures; Networking;
Financial systems; Ability to create ahigh performance culture.
DUTIES : Investigate service delivery complaints from public; Develop indicators for
monitoring maturity levels in terms of infrastructure governance and service
delivery; Monitor. evaluate and support Municipalities in Infrastructure
Governance and Service Delivery; Participate in IGR platforms, TIME, SIME,
IDP, LGMTEC and JDMA; Plan the component budget and manage
expenditure; DLG grant management; Logistical support for Quarterly
Municipal Infrastructure Planning Forum as well as Bi-Annual Municipal
Infrastructure Forum; Action minute taking and follow-up.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M. Brand Tel No: (021) 483 2856
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification) in Civil or Electrical Engineering; A minimum of 3 years relevant
Civil or Electrical Engineering experience. Competencies: Knowledge of the
following: Job related knowledge; Programme and Project Management;
Engineering design and analysis knowledge; Legal compliance; Monitoring
systems Skills in the following: Computer literacy; Written and communication
skills; Analytical skills; Self-management; Customer focus and responsiveness;
Planning and Organising; Conflict Management; Change Management;
Problem Solving and Analysis; Innovation; Ability to work independently; Self-
disciplined and motivated; Adaptable and receivable to new ideas and
suggestions; Ability to use various systems.
DUTIES : Support the investigation of service delivery complaints from the public;
Develop indicators for monitoring maturity levels in terms of infrastructure
governance and service delivery; Participate in IGR platforms; Assist with the
development of the Single Support Plan from a municipal infrastructure
perspective and facilitate the implementation thereof; Human resource
management; Perform an oversight role over the capital expenditure; Monitor
the progress on grant expenditure by municipalities.
ENQUIRIES : Marius Brand Tel No: (021) 483 2856
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.

Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024



SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year B-Degree (equivalent or higher qualification); A minimum
of 3 years relevant supervisory level experience in a supply chain management
working environment. Recommendation: A valid code B (or higher) driving
license. NB People with disabilities with restricted driving abilities, but who
have reasonable access to transport, may also apply. Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Supply Chain Management legislation and
policies; Working knowledge of the LOGIS System; Working knowledge of the
Electronic Procurement Solution; Working knowledge of the Automated
Procurement Planning Toolkit. Skills in the following: Computer literacy in MS
OfficePackage (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc); Communication skills (written
and verbal); Interpersonal relations; Flexibility; Accuracy; Planning and
organising; Numeracy skills; Problem Solving; People management and
empowerment; Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
DUTIES : Coordinate/oversee the administration of the demand, acquisition and logistics
processes Maintenance and management of Departmental assets, which
includes IFS/AFS/monthly reporting; Render an effective contract
management service; Compile and review Specifications and Terms of
Reference as required; Ensure the timeous issue of order numbers and the
subsequent payment of service providers. Provide support and facilitate the
logistical arrangements pertaining to the relevant bid committees, quotation
committee as well as the disposal committee; Develop, review, implement and
monitor SCM policies in line with relevant legislation.
ENQUIRIES : Mr A Seale Tel No: (021) 483 9132
APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024


APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.


06/2023 R1

SALARY : R849 702 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification); A minimum of 3 years management level experience in a safety
and security environment. Recommendation: A valid (Code B or higher) driving
licence. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Safety and security related
legislation, standards and regulations (understanding and interpretation);
Treasury Regulation, Treasury Instructions and departmental delegations;
Safety and security management and risk management processes; Application
of legislation, policies and prescripts, strategic planning processes; Public
management and administration; Relationship management; Skills needed:
Planning and organising; Problem solving and decision-making; Written and
verbal communication; Computer literacy (MSOffice); Project management;
Information technology; Strategic planning management; Interpersonal;
Analytical; Observation; People management; Continuous improvement.
DUTIES : Provide management support on policy and strategic matters; Management of
the financial and human resources of the program; Develop, review, and
maintain a strategic process in line with the MTSF; Develop and maintain a
security information system for utilisation by the organisation; Support the
program manager in the implementation of adhoc projects.
ENQUIRIES : Ms G Lutz Tel No: (021) 483 2954

POCS 02/2023 R1

SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year tertiary qualification (National Diploma/B-
Degree/equivalent or higher); A minimum of 1-year relevant experience; A valid
code B (or higher) driving license. Note: People with disabilities that restrict
driving abilities but have reasonable access to transport may also apply.
Recommendation Working knowledge of the following: Risk Management
ISO31000, Business Continuity Management ISO 22301, Information Security
ISO 27001, and security risk management. Competencies: Technical
knowledge and understanding of the following: Safety and Security related
legislation, standards, and regulations; Safety and Security Management; Risk
Management processes; Applied strategic thinking; Creative thinking; Problem
analysis; Problem solving and decision making; Communication (written and
verbal) skills; Proven computer literacy in MS Office packages (Word, Excel,
PowerPoint); Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
DUTIES : Influence security governance within the WCG institutions; Support the
implementation of ISO aligned security methodologies for people, processes,
and technology with client departments (conduct safety and security risk
assessments and investigation of breaches); To embed a positive security
culture within facilities; Advise departments in terms of Occupational Health
and Safety Compliance; Contribute towards sound human resource and
budget practices.
ENQUIRIES : Ms K Schumann Tel No: (021) 483 4061


APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries

person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.




SALARY : R444 036 per annum (Level 09)

CENTRE : Western Cape Mobility Department, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification) in a technical field, e.g. NTC 3; A minimum of 6 years relevant
experience in the Motor Industry Trade or Fleet Management environment with
management experience; A valid code C (or higher) driving license.
Recommendation: Qualified Motor Mechanic or Panel beater; Experience in
the following: Government and/or other motor transport fleet agencies;
RMI/SAMBRA (or equivalent) grading systems; Audatex/Abuntex system
performing cost analyses. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: BBB-EE
Act; Fleet Management Systems; Technical knowledge with regard to the
repair, maintenance, panel beating and spray painting of vehicles; Office
administration; Client Liaison Management. Skills needed: Good planning and
organising; Problem solving; Negotiation; Conflict resolution; Communication
(Written and verbal); Computer literacy. Ability to meet stringent deadlines (i.e.
vehicle downtime management).
DUTIES : Oversee the daily operations of fleet repairs and maintenance with regards to
quotes management, authorizations, invoice management and in-process
scanning of R&M documentation; Review R&M requests for mechanical
repairs, crash repairs, annual and kilometre servicing, maintenance, tire
replacement, vehicle glass, auto electrical, tow ins and approve, reject or
recommend requests to manager for approval; Plan and oversee daily,
quarterly, bi-annual and annual inspection of the GMT fleet; Oversee the repair
process of vehicles booked in at GMT or at merchants/dealerships and
coordinate requests for quotes(RFQ), audatex reports and auctioneers
valuation; Negotiate warranty claims, repetitive work, fleet discounts on parts
and labour with Vehicle Related Suppliers (i.e. Vehicle Dealerships, Panel
Beater firms, etc.) for quality control purposes and to verify repair work; Monitor
and investigate vehicles failing to meet GMT quality assurance standards, find
solutions and recommend corrective actions; Review GMT work distribution to
Vehicle Related Suppliers; Review recommendations from Technical
Assistants where vehicle quotes for repairs exceed the value of the vehicle or
reached their economic life cycle and approve the use of parts or withdrawal
from service; Review and recommendTV6/28 vehicle condition; Assessments
to dispose of vehicles via online auctions; Establish and maintain appropriate
systems of internal control and financial management to ensure compliance
with governance prescripts; Provide training and guidance to R&M Technical
Assistants, Drivers, and Technical Aids to drive with accountability to achieve
organisational service standards; Detecting and preventing vehicle
maintenance and repair fraud as well as institute recoverable cost claims
against Client Institutions for non-compliance of fleet maintenance and repair
ENQUIRIES : Mr R. Fourie Tel No: (021) 467 4747


SALARY : R376 413 per annum (Level 08)

CENTRE : Western Cape Mobility Department, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification); A minimum of 3 years relevant NaTIS and administrative
experience; A valid code B or higher driving license, or alternative mode of
transport for people with disabilities. Competencies: Knowledge of the
following: National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996) and the National
Road Traffic Regulations, 2000; National and Provincial NaTIS Security Policy;
National Traffic Information System (NaTIS); Skills in the following: Numeracy;
Computer Literacy; Language skills; Project Management; Accounting,
Finance and Audit; Economic, Financial and Statistical Analysis; Presentation;
Legal Administration.

DUTIES : Supervise and coordinate the activities relating to NaTIS training; Facilitate
training for NaTIS users in the Western Cape; Supervise all the activities
relating to the auditing of NaTIS transactions and other key tasks performed by
internal NaTIS users; Supervisory functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr BD Ellie Tel No: (021) 483 2828



SALARY : R308 154 per annum (Level 07)

CENTRE : Western Cape Mobility Department, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification) plus an accredited
secretarial diploma and/or administrative qualification on the level of NQF level
5 or relevant higher tertiary qualification; A minimum of 3 years’ experience in
rendering a support service to management/ senior management.
Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Relevant
legislation/policies/prescripts and procedures; Office Administration; Database
Management; Information and Records Management; Procurement
processes; Basic financial administration; Understand the functioning,
systems, and processes of government; General information support systems
such as BAS and MYTRACK. Skills in the following: Language; Computer
Literacy; Sound Organisational; Good People; Written Communication; Client
Liaison and Networking; Report Writing; Research; Problem Solving; Good
telephone etiquette; High level of reliability; Ability to communicate well with
people at different levels and from different backgrounds; Ability to act with tact
and discretion; Ability to do research and analyse documents and situations;
Good grooming and presentation; Self-management and motivation.
DUTIES : Provides a secretarial/receptionist support service to the Director; Renders
administrative support services; Provide support to Director regarding
meetings; Supports the Director with the administration of the Director’s
budget; Studies the relevant public service and departmental
prescripts/policies and other documents and ensure that the application thereof
is understood properly.
ENQUIRIES : Mr RW Barreiro Tel No: (021) 483 2061


APPLICATIONS : To apply submit your application online only: via or
CLOSING DATE : 08 July 2024
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit copies of their documentation
for verification purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews
on a date and time as determined by the department. The selection process
will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Should you
experience difficulties with your online application, kindly note that technical
support (challenges with online application) is only available from Monday to
Friday from 08:00 to 16.00. you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214.
Otherwise, all other queries relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries
person as indicated in the advert. Please ensure that you submit your
application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.


DSD 34/2024

SALARY : Grade 1: R429 573 - R487 650 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 2: R507 198 - R687 918 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
CENTRE : Department of Social Development, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Formal Tertiary Qualification in Social Work (e.g. Bachelor of Social Work) that
allows professional registration with the South African Council for Social
Service Professions; Compulsory registration with SACSSP as a Social
Worker; A minimum of 8 years appropriate experience in social work after
registration as Social Worker with the SACSSP; A valid code (B or higher)
Driving license. Recommendation: Proven track record of working in the victim
empowerment sector. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Analytic,
diagnostic, assessment policies, tools, evaluation methods and processes;

Social Work legislation; Social work theory and interventions; Information and
Knowledge Management; Trauma intervention with adults; Protocol and
professional ethics. Skills needed: Organising and planning; Project planning;
Networking; Professional counselling; Policy Analysis and development;
Presentation and facilitation; Problem solving; Financial management;
Monitoring and evaluation; Contract Management; Proven computer literacy
and Communication (Written and verbal).
DUTIES : Develop, implement and maintain social work policies; Uniform Funding Cycle
(UFC) Process; Suspending of UFC funding; Appeal process regarding UFC;
Monitor and evaluate NPOs compliance against signed Transfer Payment
Agreement (TPA) and compliance against Legislative/Programme Specific
Norms and Standards/Regulatory frameworks; Rapid response following
complaint/enquiries about NPOs, or a concern raised by a
programme/regions/Executive Authority/Head of Department; Registration and
or designation of facilities/NPO’s/child headed households/shelters and drop-
in centres in terms of the relevant legislation; Accreditation/registration and
monitoring of Programme Specific Programmes; Monitoring of service
activation in relation to a victim of crime as per relevant legislation; Stakeholder
Management/Relationship Management ( International/Local/Regional); Keep
up to date with new developments in the social work field; Administrative
functions required in the unit and undertake the higher level administrative
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Goosen Tel No: (021) 483 9394

DSD 37/2024 (X2 POSTS)

SALARY : Grade 1: R429 573 - R487 650 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 2: R507 198 - R687 918 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
CENTRE : Department of Social Development, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (equivalent or higher
qualification) in Financial Accounting or related field; A minimum of 3 years
relevant experience. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Financial and
budgetary management processes; Monitoring and reviewing reports; Basic
Accounting System (BAS); Relevant legislation, directions and procedures with
regard to financial administration (Public Finance Management Act; National
Treasury Regulations; Provincial Treasury Instructions; Division of Revenue
Act; Medium Term Expenditure Framework); Research, gathering information
and analysing; Interpretation of policies; Compilation of management reports;
Record keeping procedures; Skills needed: Planning and organising; Proven
computer literacy; Written and verbal communication; Time management;
Analytical thinking; Strategic thinking; Project planning; Problem solving;
Decision making; Presentation; Ability to multi-task, deal with ambiguity and
manage under rapidly changing and pressurised circumstances; Ability to work
independently and as part of a team.
DUTIES : Compile and manage departmental budget and MTEF process; Manage the
departments expenditure and revenue; HR administration; Revenue.
ENQUIRIES : Ms J Abercombie Tel No: (021) 483 3927



SALARY : Grade 1: R308 247 – R362 439 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 2: R376 417 – R436 014 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 3: R452 667 – R532 113 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 4: R554 919 – R687 918 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
CENTRE : Department of Social Development, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : A formal tertiary qualification in Social Work (Bachelor of Social Work) that
allows professional registration with the South African Council for Social
Service Professions as Social Worker; Registration with the South African
Council for Social Service Professions as a Social Worker; Grade 1: No
experience; Grade 2: A minimum of 10 years appropriate experience in Social
Work after registration as a Social Worker with the South African Council for
Social Service Professions; Grade 3: A minimum of 20years appropriate
experience in Social Work after registration as a Social Worker with the South
African Council for Social Service Professions; Grade 4: A minimum of 30

years appropriate experience in Social Work after registration as a Social
Worker with the South African Council for Social Service Professions.
Recommendation: A valid (Code B or higher) driving licence. Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Relevant legislation, policy and prescripts (norms
and standards); Supervision framework for Social Workers; Knowledge and
understanding of human behaviour and social systems as well as skills to
intervene at the points where people interact with their environments in order
to promote social wellbeing; Social Work theory and interventions; Information
and Knowledge Management; Protocol and professional ethics; Social
dynamics, work values and principles; Developing and empowering others;
Skills to challenge structural sources of poverty, inequality, oppression,
discrimination and exclusion; The ability and competence to assist, develop,
advocate for and empower individuals, families, groups, organisations,
communities to enhance their social functioning and their problem solving
capabilities; The ability to promote, restore, maintain, advocate for and
enhance the functioning of individuals, families, groups and communities
enabling them to accomplish tasks, prevent and alleviate distress and use
resources effectively; Proven computer literacy; Report writing skills; Self-
Management skills; Good planning and organisational skills; Presentation and
facilitation skills; Client orientation and customer focus; Understanding and
ability to provide social work services towards protecting people who are
vulnerable, at risk and unable to protect themselves.
DUTIES : Render a social work service with regard to the care, support, protection and
development of vulnerable individuals, groups, families and communities
through the relevant programmes (casework, group work and community
work); Attend to matters that results in or stems from social instability in any
form; Supervise and support social auxiliary workers; Keep up to date with new
developments in the social work and social welfare fields; Perform all
administrative functions required of the job.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Louwat Tel No: (023) 348 5300
NOTE : People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who have reasonable
access to transport, may also apply.

REF NO: DSD 38/2024

SALARY : Grade 1: R308 247 – R362 439 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 2: R376 417 – R436 014 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 3: R452 667 – R532 113 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 4: R554 919 – R687 918 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
CENTRE : Department of Social Development, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : A formal tertiary qualification in Social Work (Bachelor of Social Work) that
allows professional registration with the South African Council for Social
Service Professions as Social Worker; Registration with the South African
Council for Social Service Professions as a Social Worker; Grade 1: No
experience; Grade 2: A minimum of 10 years appropriate experience in Social
Work after registration as a Social Worker with the South African Council for
Social Service Professions; Grade 3: A minimum of 20years appropriate
experience in Social Work after registration as a Social Worker with the South
African Council for Social Service Professions; Grade 4: A minimum of 30
years appropriate experience in Social Work after registration as a Social
Worker with the South African Council for Social Service Professions.
Recommendation: A valid (Code B or higher) driving licence. Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Relevant legislation, policy and prescripts (norms
and standards); Supervision framework for Social Workers; Knowledge and
understanding of human behaviour and social systems as well as skills to
intervene at the points where people interact with their environments in order
to promote social wellbeing; Social Work theory and interventions; Information
and Knowledge Management; Protocol and professional ethics; Social
dynamics, work values and principles; Developing and empowering others;
Skills to challenge structural sources of poverty, inequality, oppression,
discrimination and exclusion; The ability and competence to assist, develop,
advocate for and empower individuals, families, groups, organisations,
communities to enhance their social functioning and their problem solving
capabilities; The ability to promote, restore, maintain, advocate for and
enhance the functioning of individuals, families, groups and communities
enabling them to accomplish tasks, prevent and alleviate distress and use

resources effectively; Proven computer literacy; Report writing skills; Self-
Management skills; Good planning and organisational skills; Presentation and
facilitation skills; Client orientation and customer focus; Understanding and
ability to provide social work services towards protecting people who are
vulnerable, at risk and unable to protect themselves.
DUTIES : Render a social work service with regard to the care, support, protection and
development of vulnerable individuals, groups, families and communities
through the relevant programmes (casework, group work and community
work); Attend to matters that results in or stems from social instability in any
form; Supervise and support social auxiliary workers; Keep up to date with new
developments in the social work and social welfare fields; Perform all
administrative functions required of the job.
ENQUIRIES : Ms I Koen Tel No: (021) 840 3500
NOTE : People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who have reasonable
access to transport, may also apply.



SALARY : Grade 1: R308 247 – R362 439 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 2: R376 417 – R436 014 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 3: R452 667 – R532 113 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
Grade 4: R554 919 – R687 918 per annum, (OSD as prescribed)
CENTRE : Department of Social Development, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : A formal tertiary qualification in Social Work (Bachelor of Social Work) that
allows professional registration with the South African Council for Social
Service Professions as Social Worker; Registration with the South African
Council for Social Service Professions as a Social Worker; Grade 1: No
experience; Grade 2: A minimum of 10 years appropriate experience in Social
Work after registration as a Social Worker with the South African Council for
Social Service Professions; Grade 3: A minimum of 20 years appropriate
experience in Social Work after registration as a Social Worker with the South
African Council for Social Service Professions; Grade 4: A minimum of 30
years appropriate experience in Social Work after registration as a Social
Worker with the South African Council for Social Service Professions
Recommendation: A valid (Code B or higher) driving licence. Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Relevant legislation, policy and prescripts (norms
and standards); Supervision framework for Social Workers; Knowledge and
understanding of human behaviour and social systems as well as skills to
intervene at the points where people interact with their environments in order
to promote social wellbeing; Social Work theory and interventions; Information
and Knowledge Management; Protocol and professional ethics; Social
dynamics, work values and principles; Developing and empowering others;
Skills to challenge structural sources of poverty, inequality, oppression,
discrimination and exclusion; The ability and competence to assist, develop,
advocate for and empower individuals, families, groups, organisations,
communities to enhance their social functioning and their problem solving
capabilities; The ability to promote, restore, maintain, advocate for and
enhance the functioning of individuals, families, groups and communities
enabling them to accomplish tasks, prevent and alleviate distress and use
resources effectively; Proven computer literacy; Report writing skills; Self-
Management skills; Good planning and organisational skills; Presentation and
facilitation skills; Client orientation and customer focus; Understanding and
ability to provide social work services towards protecting people who are
vulnerable, at risk and unable to protect themselves.
DUTIES : Render a social work service with regard to the care, support, protection and
development of vulnerable individuals, groups, families and communities
through the relevant programmes (casework, group work and community
work); Attend to matters that results in or stems from social instability in any
form; Supervise and support social auxiliary workers; Keep up to date with new
developments in the social work and social welfare fields; Perform all
administrative functions required of the job.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Louwat Tel No: (023) 348 5300
NOTE : People with disabilities that restrict driving abilities, but who have reasonable
access to transport, may also apply.

DSD 35/2024

SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Department of Social Development, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification). Recommendation: A
valid code B (or higher) driving license. Note: People with disabilities that
restrict driving abilities but have reasonable access to transport may also apply.
Competencies: A good understanding of the following: Registry duties,
practices as well as the ability to capture data, and operate computer;
Legislative framework governing the Public Service; Storage and retrieval
procedures in terms of the working environment; Work in registry; Skills
needed: Proven computer literacy; Written and verbal communication;
Planning and organising; Problem-solving.
DUTIES : Provide registry counter services: Attend to clients; Handle telephonic and
other enquiries received; Receive and register hand delivered mail/files;
Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence: Receive all mail; Sort, register
and dispatch mail; Distribute notices on registry issues; Render an effective
filing and record management service; Opening and close files according to
record classification system; Filing/storage, tracing(electronically/manually)
and retrieval of documents and files; Complete index cards for all files; Operate
office machines in relation to the registry function; Open and maintain franking
machine register; Process documents for archiving and/ disposal: Electronic
scanning of files; Sort and package files for archives and distribution.
ENQUIRIES : Ms E Heydenrych Tel No: (023) 342 6809



SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)

CENTRE : Department of Social Development, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate or equivalent) with accounting or mathematics as
a passed subject. Competencies: A good understanding of the following:
Financial functions, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate
computer and collate financial statistics; Public service financial legislations,
procedures and Treasury regulations (PFMA, DORA,PSA, PSR, PPPFA,
Financial manual); Basic financial operating systems; Skills needed: Written
and verbal communication; Computer literacy; Planning and organising;
Interpersonal relations; Flexibility; Aptitude for figures; Ability to perform routine
DUTIES : Render financial accounting transactions; Perform bookkeeping support
services; Perform expenditure administration and support services; Perform
administration and support services.
ENQUIRIES : Mr J Joubert Tel No: (021) 483 6022



SALARY : Grade 1: R182 913 – R207 024 per annum, (as prescribed by OSD)
Grade 2: R215 442 – R245 847 per annum, (as prescribed by OSD)
Grade 3: R255 933 - R321 741 per annum, (as prescribed by OSD)
CENTRE : Department of Social Development, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Grade 10 plus completion of the learnership to allow registration with
the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) as Social
Auxiliary Worker; Registration with the SACSSP as Social Auxiliary Worker; A
valid code B driving licence. Competencies: Knowledge and basic
understanding of the following: Human behaviour, relationship system and
social issues; South African Social Welfare context the policy and practice of
developmental social welfare services; South African judicial system and the
legislation governing and impacting of social auxiliary work; Basic knowledge
of financial matters related to social auxiliary work; Good communication
(written and verbal); Proven computer literacy; Information and Knowledge
Management (Keep precise records and compile accurate reports); Organising
and planning skills; Presentation and facilitation skills; Report writing skills;
Problem solving and analytical skills; Client orientation and customer focus

DUTIES : Provide assistance and support to social workers with the rendering of a social
work service with regard to the care, support, protection and development of
vulnerable individuals, groups, families and communities through the relevant
departmental programmes; Assist social workers to attend to any other matters
that could result in, or stem from, social instability in any form; Continuous
professional development; Perform administrative support functions in support
of social workers as required of the job.
ENQUIRIES : Dr J du Toit Tel No: (022) 713 2272


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