Public - Service - Vacancy - Circular - 27 - National (
Public - Service - Vacancy - Circular - 27 - National (
Public - Service - Vacancy - Circular - 27 - National (
1. Introduction
1.1 This Circular is, except during December, published on a weekly basis and contains the
advertisements of vacant posts and jobs in Public Service departments.
1.2 Although the Circular is issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration, the
Department is not responsible for the content of the advertisements. Enquiries about an
advertisement must be addressed to the relevant advertising department.
2. Directions to candidates
2.1 Applications on form Z83 with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies,
knowledge and experience (on a separate sheet if necessary or a CV) must be forwarded to the
department in which the vacancy/vacancies exist(s). NB: PROSPECTIVE APPLICANTS MUST
2.2 Applicants must indicate the reference number of the vacancy in their applications.
2.3 Applicants requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their enquiries
to the department where the vacancy exists. The Department of Public Service and Administration
must not be approached for such information.
2.4 It must be ensured that applications reach the relevant advertising departments on or before the
applicable closing dates.
3. Directions to departments
3.1 The contents of this Circular must be brought to the attention of all employees.
3.2 It must be ensured that employees declared in excess are informed of the advertised vacancies.
Potential candidates from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies
and attending where applicable, interviews.
3.3 Where vacancies have been identified to promote representativeness, the provisions of sections 15
(affirmative action measures) and 20 (employment equity plan) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998
should be applied. Advertisements for such vacancies should state that it is intended to promote
representativeness through the filling of the vacancy and that the candidature of persons whose
transfer/appointment will promote representativeness, will receive preference.
3.4 Candidates must be assessed and selected in accordance with the relevant measures that apply to
employment in the Public Service.
4.1 To access the SMS pre-entry certificate course and for further details, please click on the following link: For more information regarding
the course please visit the NSG website:
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building or Direct Your
Applications to:
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
CLOSING DATE : 14 August 2024
NOTE : All attachments for on line application must including Z83 be in PDF and in one
(1) file, indicate the correct job title and the reference number of the post on
the subject line of your email. Use the correct email address associated with
the post. Failure to do so, your application will be disqualified. Instruction:
Applications quoting the relevant reference number must be submitted on the
new form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the
internet at Received applications using the incorrect
application for employment (old Z83) will not be considered. Each application
for employment form must be fully completed, initialled and signed by the
applicant. Failure to fully complete, initial and sign this form may lead to
disqualification of the application during the selection process. All fields of
Section A, B, C and D of the Z83 must be completed in full. Section E, F, G
(Due to the limited space on the Z83 it is acceptable for applicants to indicate
refer to CV or see attached. Only a recently updated comprehensive CV (with
detailed previous experience) is required. The questions related to conditions
that prevent re-appointment under Part F must be answered. Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other
related documents on or before the day of the interview following the
communication from Human Resources and such qualification(s) and other
related document(s) will be in line with the requirements of the advert. Foreign
qualification must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by the South
African Qualification Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). Applicants who
do not comply with the above-mentioned instruction/ requirements, as well as
applications received late will not be considered. The Department does not
accept applications via email or fax. Failure to submit all the requested
documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence
will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted
within eight (8) weeks after the closing date of this advertisement, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be
subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit
record checks, qualification verification and employment verification). The
Department reserves the right not to make any appointment(s) to the above
post. The successful candidate will be expected to sign a performance
agreement. The Department is an equal opportunity affirmative action
employer. The Employment Equity Plan of the Department shall inform the
employment decision. It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race,
gender and disability) through the filling of this post(s)
NOTE : The Department of Employment and Labour (Compensation Fund) would like
to invite qualifying applicants to apply for Developmental Programmes
(Structured Youth Development and Graduate Internship programme) for the
financial year 2024/25. The Developmental Programmes are meant to provide
work exposure to graduates and undergraduates for the period of twenty (24)
months and the applicants must be unemployed, never participated in the
Developmental programme previously and must be between the age of 18-35.
NO: HR 5/1/2/3/97 (X3 POSTS)
CENTRE : Compensation Fund Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma Contact centre Management/ Public Management/ Business
DUTIES : Process escalated queries received from telephone calls, faxes and e-mail.
Make effective use of the integrated information system. Perform continuous
process improvement.
ENQUIRIES : Wehlemina Singo Tel No: (012) 319 140
ENQUIRIES : Stephan Mantu Tel No: (012) 319 9457
installations and updates. Replace parts as in when required. Maintain ICT
assets and register. General ICT administration.
ENQUIRIES : Makgabo Kgomo Tel No: (012) 406 5830
HR 5/1/2/3/118 (X2 POSTS)
NO: HR 5/1/2/3/119 (X1 POST)
ENQUIRIES : Nicholas Ludere Tel No: (012) 406 5721
HR 5/1/2/3/126 (X3 POSTS)
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma in IT, B-Tech Auditing/Project Management/Bcom
DUTIES : Admin support to Medical Services (MS). Collate monthly stats by way of
spreadsheets from Provinces follow up on outstanding information, validate the
information (POE) provided by the provinces as per approved SOP’s train on
how to use comp easy system (MS and claims) and train others, be the
secretariat during meetings when the secretary is unavailable, be computer
literate (word, email, excel & PowerPoint) be able to prepare presentation for
MS when required.
ENQUIRIES : Farai Masukume at 064 889 6643
DUTIES : Filling, retrieval of file, handling of income and outgoing mails.
ENQUIRIES : Mihloti Gwabaza/Jerome Morris Tel No: (012) 319 9429/076 125 5845
HR 5/1/2/3/133
APPLICATIONS : Western Cape: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application
to: The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X14, Vlaeberg,
8018. Applications can also be hand delivered to 30 Queen Victoria Street,
Cape Town or via email at:
Supreme Court of Appeal: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your
application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag
X20612, Bloemfontein, 9300 or hand deliver applications to the Free State High
Court, Corner President Brand and Fontein Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. or via
e-mail at:
Makhanda High Court: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your
application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Postal Address:
Private Bag x 13012, Cambridge 5206, East London. Applications can also be
hand delivered to 59 Western Avenue, Sanlam Park Building, 2nd Floor,
Vincent 5242, East London or via email at
CLOSING DATE : 13 August 2024
NOTE : All applications must be submitted on a New Z83 form, which can be
downloaded on internet at / or obtainable from any Public
Service Department and should be accompanied by a recent comprehensive
CV only; contactable referees (telephone numbers and email addresses must
be indicated). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of
the interview following communication from Human Resources. Each
application form must be fully completed, duly signed and initialed on both
pages by the applicant. The application must indicate the correct job title, the
office where the position is advertised, and the reference number as stated in
the advert. Failure by the applicant to fully complete, sign and initial the
application form will lead to disqualification of the application during the
selection process. Applications on the old Z83 will unfortunately not be
considered. Should you be in a possession of a foreign qualification, it must be
accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification
Authority (SAQA). Dual citizenship holders must provide the Police Clearance
certificate from the country of origin (when shortlisted all non - SA Citizens will
be required to submit a copy of proof of South African permanent residence)
Applications that do not comply with the above mentioned requirements will not
be considered. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability
check (criminal record, financial checks, qualification verification, citizenship
checks, reference checks and employment verification). Correspondence will
be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within
three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right not to
make any appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Applicants who do not
comply with the above-mentioned requirements, as well as applications
received late, will not be considered. Failure to submit all the requested
documents will result in the application not being considered during the
selection process. All shortlisted candidates for Senior Management Service
(SMS) posts will be subjected to a technical competency exercise that intends
to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be
communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the selection committee will recommend candidates to attend generic
managerial competencies using the mandated Department of Public Service
and Administration (DPSA) SMS competency assessment tools. Applicants
could be required to provide consent for access to their social media accounts.
One of the minimum entry requirements to the Senior Management Service is
the Nyukela Public Service SMS Pre-entry Programme (certificate) which is an
online course, endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG). For
more details on the pre-entry course visit: The
successful candidate will be required to complete such prior to appointment.
All successful candidates will be expected to enter into an employment contract
and a performance agreement within 3 months of appointment, as well as be
required to undergo a security clearance three (3) months after appointment.
The Office the Chief Justice complies with the provisions of the Protection of
Personal Information Act (POPIA); Act No. 4 of 2013. We will use your personal
information provided to us for the purpose of recruitment only and more
specifically for the purpose of the position/vacancy you have applied for. In the
event that your application was unsuccessful, the Office of the Chief Justice
will retain your personal information for internal audit purposes as required by
policies. All the information requested now or during the process is required for
recruitment purposes. Failure to provide requested information will render your
application null and void. The Office of the Chief Justice will safeguard the
security and confidentiality of all information you shared during the recruitment
SALARY : R556 356 – R1 314 666 per annum, (MR6), (salary will be in accordance with
the Occupation Specific Dispensation Determination). Shortlisted candidates
will be required to submit service certificate/s for validation of their experience.
The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Supreme Court of Appeal: Bloemfontein
REQUIREMENTS : A Matric certificate and LLB Degree or a four (4) year legal qualification as
recognized by SAQA. A minimum of eight (8) years’ appropriate post
qualification legal experience. Computer literacy, leadership and managerial
experience. A valid driver’s license. An LLM Degree will serve as an added
advantage. Skills and competencies: Excellent communication skills (verbal
and written). Report writing skills. Numerical skills. Technical expertise.
Attention to detail. Planning, organizing and control. Problem solving and
decision-making skills. Customer service orientated. Interpersonal skills.
Conflict management skills. Strong work ethic and motivation. Self-
management. Professional appearance and conduct. All shortlisted candidates
shall undertake a pre-entry practical exercise as part of the assessment
method to determine the candidate's suitability based on the post's technical
and generic requirements.
DUTIES : Mentor and advice on the tracking and management of the progression of all
cases filed in court. Management of time and events necessary to move cases
from initiation through to disposition. Make inputs on amendments ofs court
rules and practice directives to improve efficiency at the Supreme Court of
Appeal. Implement directives issued by the President of the Supreme Court of
Appeal. Manage implementation of the Departmental Strategic Objectives
relating to the processing of cases within the Case Flow Management
Framework at the Supreme Court of Appeal. Compile training manuals and
provide training to registrars and registrars’ clerks. Support staff. Stakeholder
Management, Human Resources Management, Court and Case Flow
Management/Quasi-Judicial functions. Manage Service Level Agreement
Framework. Managing Strategic Court Efficiency Projects and Best Practices,
Information and Case/Court Documentation Management System. Safeguard
case records in accordance with prescripts. Achieve excellence in delivering
planned customer service outcomes (i.e. service levels and standards) for the
Department and monitoring the unit’s service delivery in order to achieve the
service delivery targets. Ensure the highest level of customer care and
customer satisfaction. Manage all administration related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Ms C.A Martin Tel No: (051) 492 4623
HR enquiries: Ms N de la Rey Tel No: (051) 492 4585
NOTE : The Office of the Chief Justice will give preference to candidates in line with
the Employment Equity goals.
Re-Advertisement, candidates who previously applied are encouraged to re-
SALARY : R444 036 – R532 602 per annum (Level 09). The successful candidate will be
required to sign a performance agreement
CENTRE : Eastern Cape Division of The High Court: Makhanda
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate and an LLB Degree or a four (4) year Legal qualification as
recognised by SAQA. A minimum of two (2) years’ legal experience obtained
after qualification. A valid driver’s license. A minimum of three (3) years legal
research experience and completed articles will be an added advantaged.
Knowledge of Electronic Information Resources and online retrieval (Westlaw,
LexisNexis, Jutastat). Skills and competencies: Excellent research and
analytical skills. Report writing and editing skills (written and verbal) Problem
analysis, solving and planning skills. Computer literacy (MS Word) Project
Management, including planning and organizing ability. Ability to integrate
knowledge from diverse 8 sources. Accuracy and attention to detail.
Interpersonal skills. Ability to work under pressure. Time management skills.
Creative and analytical skills. All shortlisted candidates shall undertake a pre-
entry practical exercise as part of the assessment method to determine the
candidate's suitability based on the post's technical and generic requirements.
DUTIES : Research and retrieve all relevant material from all sources in both hard and
electronic formats on legal issues as requested by a Judge. Read all relevant
material and analyse it thoroughly. Discuss all possible variations on a legal
point with colleagues and/or the Judge’s attention. Prepare a comprehensive
memorandum on the outcome of the research. Proofread all judgements,
articles, speeches and conference papers with respect to spelling and
grammar. Double-check all references and footnotes in all judgements and
legal articles against the original text to ensure correctness. Correct mistakes
with the assistance of track changes so that the Judge can accept or decline
any proposed changes. Monitoring and bringing to the attention of Judiciary
new developments in law and Jurisprudence. Performing any court related
work requested to improve the efficiency of the court.
ENQUIRIES : Technical Related Enquiries Ms. L Frazer Tel No: (046) 603 5007
HR Related Enquiries Mr. S Mponzo Tel No: (043) 726 5217
NOTE : OCJ will give preference to candidates in line with the departmental
Employment Equity goals
SALARY : R307 659 – R1 053 387 per annum + 37% in lieu of benefits (MR3 – MR5),
(salary will be in accordance with the Occupation Specific Dispensation
Determination). Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit a service
certificate for validation of their experience. The successful candidate will be
required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Supreme Court of Appeal: Bloemfontein
REQUIREMENTS : A Matric certificate and LLB Degree (NQF 7) or four (4) year legal qualification.
A minimum of two (2) years’ legal experience obtained after qualification. MR3:
LLB Degree or equivalent plus a minimum of 2 years post qualification
experience in a legal profession. MR4: LLB Degree or equivalent plus a
minimum of 8 years post qualification experience in a legal profession. MR5:
LLB Degree or equivalent plus a minimum of 14 years post qualification
experience in a legal profession). A valid driver’s license. Superior court or
litigation experience will be an added advantage. Supervisory experience will
be an added advantage. Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of Case Flow
Management. Knowledge of the legislative framework governing the public
service. Excellent communication skills (verbal and written). Planning and
organising skills. Problem solving skills. Numerical skills. Attention to details.
Professionalism. Strong work ethics. Conflict management skills. Supervisory
skills. Time management and ability to work under pressure. All shortlisted
candidates shall undertake a pre-entry practical exercise as part of the
assessment method to determine the candidate's suitability based on the post's
technical and generic requirements.
DUTIES : Co-ordination case flow management and administrative support to the
judiciary. Comply with court rules and all relevant prescripts. Handling taxation
of bills of cost. Manage the issuing of all processes and initiating of court
proceedings. Co-ordinate appeals and reviews. Attend to and execute
requests from the judiciary in connection with cases and case related matters.
Issue/sign court orders/letters to attorneys/litigants on behalf of the court.
Keep/check and analyse the court’s monthly, quarterly and annual statistics
and monitor the submission thereof. Implement effective and efficient
administration of court files and records management. Deal with the files in
terms of the relevant codes and legislation. Prepare and present files for audit
purposes. Ensure the submission of records for translation. Attend/oversee to
general public queries/correspondences. Attend to office management,
planning and organising. Manage the staff component and related HR
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Ms C.A Martin Tel No: (051) 492 4623
HR enquiries: Ms N. de la Rey Tel No: (051) 492 4585
NOTE : The Office of the Chief Justice will give preference to candidates in line with
the Employment Equity goals.
SALARY : R216 417 – R254 928 per annum (Level 05). The successful candidate will be
required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Cape Town Labour Court
REQUIREMENTS : A Matric certificate or equivalent, A valid Driver’s License. Experience in
Clerical/ Administration functions will serve as an added advantage. Skills and
Competencies: Knowledge of the digital recording process e.g. system tests,
recording equipment is properly functional, fault reports, Knowledge of court
proceedings, Knowledge of digital filing system. Knowledge of manual filing
system. Technical Skills, Communication skills, Interpersonal relations, Typing,
Computer literacy (MS Office), Problems solving skills, Administration skills,
Ability to work independently, Ability to work under pressure, Team
participation, Understanding of confidentiality in Government, Flexible,
Attention to detail. All shortlisted candidates shall undertake a pre-entry
practical exercise as part of the assessment method to determine the
candidate's suitability based on the post's technical and generic requirements.
DUTIES : Check the readiness of the court prior the court proceedings. Test the CRT
machine (Circuit court and local court) and reports all faults detected on the
machine. Capture cases set down on the CRT machine and the court
book/J406.Pre- schedule the cases prior to commencement of the court
proceedings, Record court proceedings as per the level of court, Add parties’
details per court appearance and add related annotations for the case type in
session, Pause and resume the recorder during court session breaks, and stop
at the end of the day, Set up and operate the equipment for testifying in the
Children’s court, Annotate all the postponed cases, Conduct regular backups
of data and transfer court recordings at the end of the week, Utilise the
headphones to monitor accurate recording of the court proceedings. Attend to
request for playback to verify court orders and download to CD/USB. Retrieve
and download cases on request. Playback the court recoding to detect any
discrepancies on the recordings, Inform the Judge immediately when
discrepancies are detected, File and check audio CD’s in the strong
room/Court Recording Technology office, submit work performed at the circuit
court immediately upon arrival, Update backups of audio CD’s, Download CD’s
for transcription for the running record, Attend to queries relating to court
recordings, Arrange own travelling to circuit courts in advance. Test and
operate court recording equipment and ensure the safekeeping and
maintenance thereof. Record Court proceedings Keep records of all court
proceedings, keep record of all requests made for transcriptions Provide
administrative support in general court and case flow management Processing
of reviews and appeals Compiling of statistics, Attend and oversee general
public enquiries/ correspondence in the general office, perform any other duties
required for the effective and efficient functioning of the court as required by
the Judiciary, Senior Administrative Officer and Registrar.
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Mr. R Wesso Tel No: (021) 424 9035
HR Related Enquiries: Ms M Baker Tel No: (021) 469 4032
NOTE : Organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the Employment
Equity goals.
SALARY : R155 148 – R182 757 per annum (Level 03). The successful candidate will be
required to sign a performance agreement
CENTRE : Western Cape Division of The High Court: Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : A Matric certificate or equivalent. A valid driver’s License A minimum of 1-year
relevant court exposure (Given the nature of the High Court environment w. r.
t. the interaction with Judges) will be an added advantage: Skills and
Competencies Planning and organizing skills Driving skills Communication
skills, Good interpersonal skills, Decision making skills, Listening skills
Computer skills, Problem solving and Analysis, Time Management, Client
Orientation and Customer Focus Good All shortlisted candidates shall
undertake a pre-entry practical exercise as part of the assessment method to
determine the candidate's suitability based on the post's technical and generic
DUTIES : Escort members of the bench to and from court and attend Judges' chambers
with counsel. Facilitate order in court rooms before calling the Judges in.
Organize the court support staff and inform them of the starting times, in line
with the daily court roll. Ensure files and court books are taken to court prior to
the hearing. Maintain silence and order in the court rooms when Judges enter
or leave. Call the court to session, hand exhibits and documents between the
counsel and Judge Check the correctness of motion court rolls, generation of
copies and dissemination according to the distribution list. Write up court files
with court orders as per Judges’ instructions. Draw, check and arrange the
criminal and civil files (to be taken to the court rooms). Collect court roll
(unopposed motion etc) from typists and distribute to relevant Judges Collect
and distribute files from Judge President and Deputy Judge President’s offices
(opposed motions, trials, appeals, reviews, petitions etc). Report the missing
files to the Judges. File/ archive the documents, registers, etc. Negotiate the
Court Rooms allocation with Judges. Attend to courtroom shortages. Keep the
court files safe. Make copies of Court rolls and circulate according to the
distribution list. Collect files from Judges and deliver them to the typists or
relevant administrative section. General messenger duties inside and outside
of the court Collect and distribute post, parcels, files and documents
Photocopying of documents and Judgments Assist in other administration
sections during term and recess as requested by Chief Registrar and Court
ENQUIRIES : Technical Enquiries: Ms RM David Tel No: (021) 480 2635
HR Related Enquiries: Ms M Baker Tel No: (021) 469 4032
NOTE : Organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the Employment
Equity goals.
APPLICATIONS : You can apply on under Vacancies, forward your application,
stating the relevant reference number to: The Director-General, Office of the
Public Service Commission, Private Bag X121, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-deliver
at Commission House, Office Park Block B, 536 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia,
CLOSING DATE : 12 August 2024, 15h45
NOTE : Applications must consist of: A fully completed and signed Z83 form (which can
be downloaded at and a recent comprehensive
CV with contactable referees (telephone numbers and email addresses must
be indicated.) Only shortlisted candidates’ will be required to bring certified
copies of ID, license and qualification on or before the interviews. Should you
be in possession of a foreign qualification(s), it must be accompanied by an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
The successful candidate will be required to obtain a top-secret clearance
issued by the State Security Agency. The OPSC will verify the qualifications
and conduct reference checking on short-listed candidates. Candidates will be
subjected to Practical Assessment to determine their suitability for the post.
Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not
been contacted within 3 months of the closing date of this advertisement,
please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Please take note that
late applications will not be accepted. All shortlisted candidates for SMS post
will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test the relevant
technical elements of the job, logistics of which will be communicated by the
Office of the Public Service Commission. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the Selection Committee will recommend a candidate to attend a
generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA
Directives on the competency based assessments). The competency will be
testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS
competency assessment tools. Note (SMS pre-entry certificate is not
requirement for shortlisting is submitted prior to appointment). Applicants are
advised that the old Z83 which was valid until 31 December 2020 will not be
accepted. Should an individual wish to apply for a post, he/she will be required
to submit the new application for employment (Z83) form which became
effective on 1 January 2021 and can be downloaded at
vacancies. From 1 January 2021 should an application be received using
incorrect applications for employment (Z83) form, it will not be considered.
SALARY : R1 216 824 per annum, (all-inclusive remuneration package). The package
includes a basic salary (70% of package), State’s contribution to the
Government Employees Pension Fund (13% of basic salary) and a flexible
portion of 30% that may be structured in terms of applicable rules. The
successful candidate will be required to enter into a performance agreement
within three months after assumption of duty.
CENTRE : Public Service Commission House, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Ideal candidate’s profile: The successful candidate must have an appropriate
recognized Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification (NQF level 7) in the
field of Public Administration/ Public Management/ Law/ Human Resources/
Business Administration/Social Sciences/ Development Studies. A relevant
post graduate qualification will be an added advantage. Nyukela Pre-entry
Certificate for Senior Management Service should be submitted prior to
appointment. Five (5) years’ relevant experience in a middle/senior
management post. Five years’ experience in research, collecting and analyzing
data. Experience in developing research proposals and instruments and
designing plus utilising appropriate data collection, data analytic strategies and
data capturing tools. Ability to analyze, summarize and comment on current
debates in public administration application of the provisions of the relevant
legislation and regulations that govern the Public Service as well as public
sector reforms. Ability to plan and coordinate activities at executive level.
Experience in programme/project management, monitoring and evaluation.
Five years’ experience in rendering high level executive and administrative
support. Good understanding of the PSC’s mandate. Strategic understanding
and knowledge of the application of the Constitutional Values and Principles
(CVPs) as contained in Section 195. Analytical and good report-writing skills
that will also include, from time to time, speech writing and public policy
analysis. An understanding of how current public administration management
and operational processes comply, or do not comply, with the CVPs. Good
communication and Presentation skills. Financial Management skills.
Supervisory and appropriate people management experience. Stakeholder
engagement skills. Proven managerial record. Sufficient computer skills in
Microsoft Office Suite e.g. Excel, Word and PowerPoint. A Valid Driver’s
License. (with exception of disabled applicants).
DUTIES : Provide Executive support to ensure effective running of the Office of the
Chairperson as well as the effective execution of the Commission decisions
and implementation of the PSC Strategy. Conduct high quality research,
analysis and draft high-quality reports. Coordinate the Public Service
Commission governance structures and render secretariat and logistical
services when required. Oversee and ensure effective and efficient human
resources and financial management and administration of the Office of the
Chairperson. Coordinate and liaise with internal and external strategic
stakeholders. Provide strategic management and leadership in respect of the
core functions and services assigned to the Chairperson’s office.
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Giyose Tel No: (012) 352 1145
SALARY : R1 200 426 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the OSD)
CENTRE : Head Office (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Engineering degree (B Eng/ BSC (Eng) or relevant qualification. Six years post
qualification experience. Valid driver’s license. Compulsory registration with
ECSA/Relevant council as a Professional Engineer. Knowledge: Various
facets of Civil Engineering practice, including knowledge of construction
methods, techniques and system applied in full spectrum of the Civil
Engineering profession. Knowledge of contract building law to the extent
applied in the profession. All aspects of the building Engineering design and
analysis, engineering operational communication, process knowledge
maintenance knowledge, to extent applied in the profession. Technical
consulting. A good understanding and competence in the context of the built
environment. Legislative and legal aspects of built environment developments
and informed decision-making. Knowledge and understanding of National
Government’s strategic visions and goals as well as Provincial and Local
Government strategies and policies. Knowledge of the real estate industry and
asset management is advantageous. Experience in conducting Feasibility
Studies would be advantageous as well as knowledge in the Real Estate
Industry and Asset Management. Skills: Well-developed project management,
analytical, planning, legal compliance, interpersonal, communication,
executive report-writing and presentation skills as well as computer literacy.
Must be an innovative and creative thinker, resourceful, people orientated,
assertive, hard-working and self-motivated, be able to use Professional
judgment in decision making and be able to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Review, analyse and evaluate state owned facilities, specification drawings
and details against industry best practice norms as applicable to new,
rehabilitation and/or maintenance projects. Evaluate facilities / buildings to
determine if they conform to industry acceptable norms, standards and
specifications. Identify the risks associated with different types/categories of
buildings and the construction thereof. Provide technical input, guidance and
interpretation of feasibility studies on various projects. Advise and identify
innovative alternative solutions to promote sustainability and cost effectiveness
in buildings. Make recommendation on value enhancing strategies for the
government property portfolio. Project manages the compilation of feasibility
study reports within a multidisciplinary team and according to given time
frames. Make forecast on the performance of state fixed assets while
considering micro and macro-economic policies and the impact thereof on
state investment and the property industry. Assess the financial and socio-
economic benefits for all property investment / disinvestment option. Apply
policies, methods, best practices and standards well as ensure compliance
with Departmental requirements and legislation. Identify technical and
functionality solutions and market trends and risk for specified portfolio and
project solutions. Provide inputs into the development of business processes
and guidelines for making sound investment decisions. Executive report
ENQUIRIES : Mr Vinodh Bedesi Tel No: (012) 406 2047
APPLICATIONS : Head Office Applications: The Director-General, Department of Public Works,
Private Bag X65, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand deliver at CGO Building, Corner
Bosman and Madiba Street, Pretoria or email to: Recruitment24-
SALARY : R1 200 426 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the OSD)
CENTRE : Cape Town Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : Engineering degree (B Eng/ BSC (Eng) or relevant qualification. Six years post
qualification experience. Valid driver’s license. Compulsory registration with
ECSA/Relevant council as a Professional Engineer. Extensive experience in
the field of structural engineering which include but not limited to design and
construction of concrete structures (such as industrial, residential and office
building; water and waste water treatment works, bridges, dams etc.); Steel
structures (such as industrial and office buildings) and masonry structures.
Experience in the interpretation of geological information and data obtained
from geotechnical investigations and the application thereof in the design of
building foundations. Exposure to the four main contracts used in the civil
engineering industry. Good understanding of the CIDB standard for uniformity.
Good communication skills. Excellent technical report writing, and presentation
skills are required. Innovative problem solving and ability to work independently
at strategic, production and execution levels. Applied knowledge of all relevant
Built Environment legislative/regulatory requirements of National and
International standards. A valid driver’s license (minimum code B) and the
ability/willingness to travel are essential. Experience in managing and leading
junior engineers, technicians, technologist and candidates.
DUTIES : Technical specification and evaluation of professional service providers’ and
contractors’ bids. Review and acceptance of the professional service provider’s
concept and detailed designs. Assist in compilation of tender documentation.
Conduct technical inspections and integrity surveys on various civil engineering
assets. Compilation of technical justifications to initiate new projects.
Compilation of business cases to justify funds for new projects. Conduct quality
control over the work of the consultant and the contractor during the execution
phase of the project. Assist project managers in resolving technical disputes
arising at different stages of the project. Review and audit final professional
civil engineering accounts. Accept responsibility for the development,
implementation, review and regular updating of standardised civil engineering
practice manuals for the Department. Undertake detail design, documentation
and implementation of minor projects. Engage with client departments and
stakeholders on technical matters. Provide mentorship and supervision to
candidate engineers, technologists and technicians.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Kolele Tel No: (021) 402 2063
APPLICATIONS : Cape Town Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager, Department
of Public Works, Private Bag X9027, Cape Town, 8000. Or Hand Deliver at
Ground floor, Customs House, Lower Heerengracht Street, Cape Town or
email to:
SALARY : R1 200 426 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the OSD)
CENTRE : Cape Town Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : National higher diploma (Built Environment field) with a minimum of 6 years’
post qualification experience. Compulsory registration as a Professional
Construction Project Manager with the SACPCMP/Relevant Council. B-Tech
(Built Environment field) with a minimum of 6 years’ post qualification
experience. Compulsory registration as a Professional Construction Project
Manager with the SACPCMP/Relevant Council. Honours degree in any Built
Environment field with a minimum of 6 years’ post qualification experience.
Compulsory registration as a Professional Construction Project Manager with
the SACPCM/Relevant Council. Valid driver’s license. Compulsory registration
with the SACPCMP as a Professional Construction Project Manager on
appointment. Knowledge of programme and project management, project
design and analysis, legal and operational compliance, as well as the creation
of high-performance culture. Communication, problem solving, analytical,
decision making and conflict management skills also critical.
DUTIES : Monitor the performance of project managers under his/her supervision.
Mentor, develop and offer technical support to improve performance. Manage
construction projects on his/her own, ranging from large scale capital projects
to maintenance projects and service contracts. Ensure that the needs of the
clients are well interpreted into manageable scopes of work. Procure the
services of built environment professionals through stipulated supply chain
management process. Coordinate the work of various professionals to ensure
the required design and documentation quality as well as delivery is in
accordance with the project execution plans. Coordinate all internal resources
required to ensure the bidding process for appointment of contractors. Ensure
that appointed consultants manage the quality of work within their professional
scope and responsibility. Ensure that contractors timeously receive relevant
specifications and details to contracts. Adjudicate all applications of variation
orders and extensions of time and make recommendations to the approving
authority within the Department. Process all interim monthly payments as per
conditions of contract and in line with the Government’s commitment to pay
invoices timeously. Prepare and submit project information to be filled to the
Head of Directorate. Secure all required funding for the projects through
internal set processes. Ensure that project information is filled appropriately for
easy access during audit. Cultivate a culture for good working relationships
with fellow colleagues within the Department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Kolele Tel No: (021) 402 2063
APPLICATIONS : Cape Town Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager, Department
of Public Works, Private Bag X9027, Cape Town, 8000 Or Hand Deliver at
Ground floor, Customs House, Lower Heerengracht Street, Cape Town or
email to:
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply
SALARY : R1 200 426 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the OSD)
CENTRE : Cape Town Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : Engineering degree (B Eng/ BSC (Eng) or relevant qualification. Six years post
qualification experience. Valid driver’s license. Compulsory registration with
ECSA/Relevant council as a Professional Engineer. Extensive knowledge of
all Mechanical engineering aspects of the building and construction
environment; Public Finance Management Act; Occupational Health and
Safety Act; Supply Chain Management; Contract Management. Ability to
undertake critical review/analysis and provide technical advice; Ability to
maintain integrity of confidential information; Financial administration; Effective
verbal communication; Advanced technical report writing, Numeracy,
Computer Literacy; Planning and Organising; Relationship management;
Programme and project management; Interpersonal and diplomacy skills;
Problem solving; Decision making; Motivational skills; Conflict resolution;
Negotiation skills. Analytical thinking; Innovative; Creative; Solution orientated;
Ability to work under stressful situations; Ability to communicate at all levels;
People oriented; Trustworthy; Assertive; Hard-working; Ability to work
independently. Drivers’ license; Prepared to travel; willing to adapt to working
schedule in accordance with office requirements.
DUTIES : Engineering design and analysis effectiveness; Perform final review and
approvals or audits on new engineering designs according to design principles
or theory; Co-ordinate design efforts and integration across disciplines to
ensure seamless integration with current technology; Pioneering of new
engineering practices and management methods. Maintain engineering
operational effectiveness; Manage the execution of maintenance strategy
through the provision of appropriate structures, systems and resources; Set
engineering maintenance standards, specifications and service levels
according to organizational objectives to ensure optimum operational
availability; Monitor maintenance efficiencies according to organizational goals
to direct or redirect engineering services for the attainment of organizational
objectives. Manage significant projects risk according to sound risk
management practice and organizational requirements; Provide technical
consulting services for the operation on engineering related matters to
minimize possible engineering risks; Manage and implement knowledge
sharing initiatives e.g. short-term assignments and secondments within and
across operations, in support of individual development plans, operational
requirements and return on investment; Continuously monitor the exchange
and protection of information between operations and individuals to ensure
effective knowledge management according to departmental objectives.
Financial Management; Manage the operational maintenance & capital
projects portfolios for the operation to ensure effective resourcing according to
organizational needs and objectives; Facilitate the compilation of innovation
proposals to ensure validity and adherence to organizational principles; People
management; Manage the development, motivation and utilization of human
resources for the discipline to ensure competent knowledge base for the
continued success of engineering services according to organizational needs
and requirements; Manage subordinates’ key performance areas by setting
and monitoring performance standards and taking actions to correct deviations
to achieve departmental objectives. Conduct quality control over the work of
consultants and contractors during the execution phase of projects. Assist
project managers in resolving technical disputes arising at different stages of
projects. Review and audit final consultants’ payments. Accept responsibility
for the development, implementation, review and regular updating of
standardised mechanical engineering practice manuals for the Department.
Undertake detail design, documentation and implementation of minor in-house
projects. Engage with client departments and stakeholders on technical
matters. Provide mentorship and supervision to candidate engineers,
technologists and technicians. Comply with Engineering Services
requirements to ensure uniform best practices across the department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. T. Kolele Tel No: (021) 402 2063
APPLICATIONS : Cape Town Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager, Department
of Public Works, Private Bag X9027, Cape Town, 8000 Or Hand Deliver at
Ground floor, Customs House, Lower Heerengracht Street, Cape Town or
email to:
SALARY : R1 200 426 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the OSD).
CENTRE : Bloemfontein Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : National higher diploma (Built Environment field) with a minimum of 6 years’
post qualification experience. Compulsory registration as a Professional
Construction Project Manager with the SACPCMP/Relevant Council. B-Tech
(Built Environment field) with a minimum of 6 years’ post qualification
experience. Compulsory registration as a Professional Construction Project
Manager with the SACPCMP/Relevant Council. Honours degree in any Built
Environment field with a minimum of 6 years’ post qualification experience.
Compulsory registration as a Professional Construction Project Manager with
the SACPCM/Relevant Council. Valid driver’s license. Compulsory registration
with the SACPCMP as a Professional Construction Project Manager on
appointment. Knowledge of Programme and Project management. Project
design and analysis; legal and operational compliance, as well as the creation
of a high-performance culture, Communication skills, Problem-solving and
analysis skills, Decision making skills, Conflict management skills. Research
and development. Strategic capability and leadership. Financial management
and Computer skills and well as negotiation skills.
DUTIES : Monitor the performance of project managers and other personnel under
his/her supervision. Mentor, develop and offer technical support to improve
performance. Manage construction projects on his/her own, ranging from
largescale capital projects to maintenance projects and service contracts.
Ensure that the needs of clients are well interpreted into manageable scopes
of work. Procure the services of built environment professionals through
stipulated supply chain management processes. Coordinate the work of
various professionals to ensure the required design and documentation quality
as well as delivery is in accordance with project execution plans. Coordinate
all internal resources required to ensure the bidding process for appointment
of contractors. Ensure that appointed consultants manage the quality of work
within their professional scope and responsibility. Ensure that contractors
timeously receive all relevant specifications and details to construct. Adjudicate
all applications of variation orders and extensions of time and make
recommendations to the approving authority within the Department. Process
all interim monthly payments as per the conditions of contract and in line with
Government’s commitment to pay invoices timeously. Prepare and submit
project information to be filed to the Head of Directorate. Secure all required
funding for the projects through internal set processes. Ensure that project
information is filed appropriately for easy access during audit. Cultivate a
culture of good working relationships with fellow colleagues within the
Department. Adhere to conditions of Occupational Health and Safety. Conduct
research on new best practices of materials, techniques and methods. Ensure
delivery of projects within parameters of time and cost. Establish and promote
effective relationships with clients. Provide expert advice to the Department.
ENQUIRIES : Admin: Mr. T Mosia Tel No: (051) 408 7404/7401
Technical Enquiries: Ms. P Zweni Tel No: (051) 408 7348
APPLICATIONS : Bloemfontein Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager,
Department of Public Works, P/Bag X 20605, Bloemfontein, 9300 or Hand
Delivered to 18 President Brandt Street Bloemfontein 9300 or email to:
SALARY : R1 200 426 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the OSD)
CENTRE : Johannesburg Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : Engineering degree (B Eng/ BSC (Eng) or relevant qualification. Six years post
qualification experience required as a registered professional Engineer. Valid
driver’s license. Compulsory registration with ECSA as a Professional
Engineer. Knowledge of programme and project management , engineering,
legal and operational compliance, Engineering operational communication ,
Process knowledge and skills, maintenance skills and knowledge, mobile
equipment operating skills ,engineering design and analysis knowledge
,Research and development, computer-aided engineering applications
,creating high performance culture, technical consulting, engineering and
professional judgment Strategic capability and leadership, problem solving and
analysis ,decision making , team leadership, creativity, Financial management
, customer focus and responsiveness ,Communication, Computer skills,
People management, planning and organising, conflict management,
negotiation skills, change management registration.
DUTIES : Engineering design and analysis effectiveness; Perform final review and
approvals or audits on new engineering designs according to design principles
or theory and Co-ordinate design efforts and integration across disciplines to
ensure seamless integration with current technology, pioneering of new
engineering services and management methods. Maintain engineering
operational effectiveness; manage the execution of maintenance strategy
through the provision of appropriate structures, systems and resources. Set
engineering maintenance standards, specifications and service levels
according to organizational objectives to ensure optimum operational
availability. Monitor maintenance efficiencies according to organizational goals
to direct or redirect engineering services for the attainment of organizational
objectives. Provide Good Governance; Allocate, control, monitor and report on
all resources; Compile risk logs and manages significant risk according to
sound risk management practice and organizational requirements; Provide
technical consulting services for the operation on engineering related matters
to minimize possible engineering risks Manage and implement knowledge
sharing initiatives e.g. short-term assignments and secondments within and
across operations, in support of individual development plans, operational
requirements and return on investment. Continuously monitor the exchange
and protection of information between operations and individuals to ensure
effective knowledge management according to departmental objectives.
Financial Management. Ensure the availability and management of funds to
meet the MTEF objectives within the engineering environment; Manage the
operational capital project portfolio for the operation to ensure effective
resourcing according to organizational needs and objectives; Manage the
commercial value add of the discipline-related programmes and projects;
Facilitate the compilation of innovation proposals to ensure validity and
adherence to organizational principles; Allocate, control and monitor
expenditure according to budget to ensure efficient cash flow management.
People management: Manage the development, motivation and utilization of
human resources for the discipline to ensure competent knowledge base for
the continued success of engineering services according to organizational
needs and requirements. Manage subordinates’ key performance areas by
setting and monitoring performance standards and taking actions to correct
deviations to achieve departmental objectives.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. KJ Mahloko Tel No: (011) 713 6051
APPLICATIONS : Johannesburg Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager,
Department of Public Works, Private Bag X3, Braamfontein, 2017 or Hand
Deliver to No 78 Corner De Beer and Korte, Braamfontein, 2017 or email to:
SALARY : R1 200 426 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the OSD)
CENTRE : Port Elizabeth Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : National higher diploma (Built Environment field) with a minimum of 6 years’
post qualification experience. Compulsory registration as a Professional
Construction Project Manager with the SACPCMP/Relevant Council. B-Tech
(Built Environment field) with a minimum of 6 years’ post qualification
experience. Compulsory registration as a Professional Construction Project
Manager with the SACPCMP/Relevant Council. Honours degree in any Built
Environment field with a minimum of 6 years’ post qualification experience.
Compulsory registration as a Professional Construction Project Manager with
the SACPCM/Relevant Council. Valid driver’s license. Compulsory registration
with the SACPCMP as a Professional Construction Project Manager on
appointment. Knowledge of Programme and Project Management. Project
design and analyse, legal and operational compliance as well as the creation
of a high performance culture. Communication skills, problem solving skills,
decision making skills, and conflict management skills. Research and
development. Strategic capability and leadership. Financial management and
computer skills. Negotiation skills.
DUTIES : Monitor the performance of project managers under his/her supervision.
Mentor, develop and offer technical support to improve performance. Manage
construction projects on his/her own, ranging from large scale capital projects
to maintenance projects and service contracts. Ensure that the needs of the
clients are well interpreted into manageable scopes of work. Procure the
services of built environment professionals through stipulated supply chain
management process. Coordinate the work of various professionals to ensure
the required design and documentation quality as well as delivery is in
accordance with project execution plans. Coordinate all internal resources
required to ensure the bidding process for appointment of contractors. Ensure
that appointed consultants manage the quality of work within their professional
scope and responsibility. Ensure that contractors timeously receive all relevant
specifications and details to construct. Adjudicate all applications of variation
orders and extensions of time and make recommendations to the approving
authority within the Department. Process all interim monthly payments as per
the conditions of contract and in line with the Government’s commitment to pay
invoices timeously. Prepare and submit project information to be filled to the
Head of Directorate. Secure all required funding for the projects through
internal set processes. Ensure that project information is filed appropriately for
easy access during audit. Cultivate a culture for good working relationships
with fellow colleagues within the Department.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. SL Jikeka Tel No: (041) 408 2074
APPLICATIONS : Port Elizabeth regional office applications: The Regional Manager, Department
of Public Works, Private Bag X3913, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056. Hand
delivery: Room 430, Corner. Hancock & Robert Street, North End, Port
Elizabeth, 6056 or email to:
(Re-advertisement for Ref No: 2024/53 PSVC 26 of 2024, Applicants who
previously applied are encouraged to re-apply)
SALARY : R1 042 170 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the OSD)
CENTRE : Head Office (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : BSC Degree in Quantity Surveying or relevant qualification Registered
Professional Quantity Surveyor with the South African Council of Quantity
Surveying Professionals (SACQSP) is compulsory with a minimum of 6 years
post-qualification experience as a registered Quantity Surveyor. Be in
possession of a valid driver’s license Knowledge: Experience in conducting
Feasibility Studies would be advantageous as well as knowledge or the Real
Estate Industry and Asset Management. A good understanding and
competence in the context of the built environment. Developed knowledge and
understanding of National Government’s responsibility to improve access to
Government services. Legislative and legal aspects of built environment
developments and informed decision-making. Knowledge of construction
contract law to the extent applied in the profession is also important. The
understanding and application of various facets of the quantity surveyor
practice, including knowledge of construction methods, techniques and system
applied in full spectrum of the quantity survey profession. Skills: Well-
developed project management, Quantity Surveying, analytical, planning, legal
compliance, interpersonal, communication, executive report-writing and
presentation skills as well as computer literate and capable to operate the MS
Office Suite. Must be an innovative and creative thinker, resourceful, people
orientated, assertive, hard-working and self-motivated, be able to use
Professional judgment in decision making and be able to work under pressure.
Must have the ability to conduct cost estimation on small, large and mega
projects as well as to project life cycle costing in support of property and
projects- related feasibility studies, capital budgeting techniques and the
development of capital breakdown structures.
DUTIES : Apply the policies, methods, practices and standards as well as ensure
compliance with Departmental space and cost norms requirements and
legislation. Using inputs from a multidisciplinary team, prepare cost estimates
on building projects or existing and proposed built infrastructure, consultants’
designs, drawings and details against best practice norms as applicable to new
installations, rehabilitation, refurbishment, upgrades and/or maintenance
contracts. Assess standards of installation, operations, maintenance and
records in relation to costs. Determine the cost efficiency of projects and its life
cycle costs and advise on optimizing building costs and time. Advise on
economic life of existing systems and built infrastructure. Provide support to
inform feasibility studies in the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of
existing and proposed built infrastructure including cost and time implications.
Visit building sites to assess and develop technical reports. Make
recommendation on value enhancing strategies for the government property
portfolio. Project manages the compilation of feasibility study reports within a
multidisciplinary team and according to given time frames. Make forecast on
the performance of state fixed assets while considering micro and macro-
economic policies and the impact thereof on state investment and the property
industry. Conduct sensitivity analysis to enable the formulation of proactive
strategies for optimum portfolio management. Assess the financial and socio-
economic benefits for all property investment / disinvestment option. Apply
policies, methods, best practices and standards well as ensure compliance
with Departmental requirements and legislation. Provide inputs into the
development of business processes and guidelines for making sound
investment decisions. Executive report writing.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Vinodh Bedesi Tel No: (012) 406 2047
APPLICATIOBNS : Head Office Applications: The Director-General, Department of Public Works,
Private Bag X65, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand deliver at CGO Building, Corner
Bosman and Madiba Street, Pretoria or email to: Recruitment24-
(Re-advertisement for Ref No: 2024/59 PSVC 26 of 2024, Applicants who
previously applied are encouraged to re-apply)
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted using one of the following methods: Email
quoting the reference number and post title in the subject line: There will be no follow-up emails to this
address. Hand delivery: Sechaba House, 202 Madiba Street, Pretoria Central
Send by mail: The Chief Director: Human Resource Management and
Development, Private Bag X897, Pretoria, 0001. Correspondence will be
limited to shortlisted candidates only. Applications received after the closing
date will not be considered or accepted.
CLOSING DATE : 12 August 2024 at 12:00
NOTE : Each application must be submitted separately. Applications must consist of:
A recently updated, comprehensive CV, a fully completed, initialled and signed
new signed Z83 (Sections A, B, C & D are compulsory, and sections E, F and
G are not compulsory if the information is contained in the CV). However, the
question related to conditions that prevent re-appointment under Part F must
be answered. Use of the old Z83 Form will result in a disqualification. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required to bring certified copies of ID, Drivers
licence (where required) and qualifications on or before the interview; should
you be in possession of a foreign qualification(s), it must be accompanied by
an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA);
Applicants must be South African citizens or Permanent Residents. All non-SA
citizens will be required to submit proof of permanent residence in South Africa
should they be shortlisted. Shortlisted candidates must avail themselves for a
virtual or in-person panel interview at a date and time determined by DSAC.
The applicant should have the necessary data and equipment for this purpose.
Applicants must note pre-employment checks and references will be
conducted once they are shortlisted. The appointment is also subject to a
positive outcome on these checks, including security clearance, security
vetting, qualification/study verification, citizenship verification, financial/asset
record check, previous employment verification and criminal record. If an
applicant wishes to withdraw an application, it must be done in writing. We
encourage all applicants to declare any criminal and or negative credit records.
All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends
to test relevant technical elements of the job. The logistics of which will be
communicated by the Department. The successful candidate will be required
to enter into an employment contract and sign an annual performance
agreement. The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture is an equal opportunity,
affirmative action employer. The employment decision shall be informed by the
Employment Equity Plan of the Department to achieve its Employment Equity
targets. It is the Department’s intention to promote equity (race, gender and
disability) through the filling of these posts. Should the Department not be able
to recruit candidates from disadvantaged groups, other groups will be
considered for appointment. The Department reserves the right not to make an
appointment and to use other recruitment processes. If you have not been
contacted within three months of the closing date of this advertisement, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. We thank all applicants for their
SALARY : R721 476 - R765 747 per annum, (An all-inclusive remuneration salary
package in line with the Occupational Specific Dispensation for Engineering
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Higher Diploma in Build environment field with a minimum of 18
months’ experience/ Three-year Degree or National Diploma (NQF 6) in any
Built Environment field with a minimum of 2 years’ experience/ BTech degree
in any Built Environment field with a minimum of 1 year experience / Honours
degree in any Built Environment field with no experience; A Code 08 driver’s
license; Willingness to travel extensively and work irregular hours; Compulsory
Registration with the South African Council for the Project and Construction
Management Profession (SACPCMP) as a Candidate Construction Project
Manager upon appointment; Compulsory knowledge of Government
Immovable Asset Management Act (GIAMA) and Framework for Infrastructure
Delivery and Procurement Management; Contract management experience
including contract specification, oversight, and monitoring; Knowledge and
understanding of the Project Management principles and methodologies;
Knowledge of legal compliance; Research and development; Computer-aided
engineering applications; Technical report writing; planning and organizing
skills; Problem solving and analysis; Presentation and communication
technologies; Document management systems; The ability to work and
manage projects in a complex environment; Decision making; Team work;
Customer focus and responsiveness; Communication skills.
DUTIES : To manage and oversee all aspects of the projects in support of the
management of capital and technical maintenance projects under the
supervision of the Director: Facilities Management; Project planning,
implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation in line with project
management methodology; Create and execute project work plans and revise
as appropriate to meet changing needs; Identify resources needed and assign
individual responsibilities; Manage day-to-day operational aspects of a project
and scope; Effectively apply methodology and enforce project standards to
minimize risk on projects; Report project progress to the Director: Infrastructure
Development; Manage project budget and resources in consultation with the
Director: Facilities Management; Office administration: Provide inputs to
Director: Facilities Management with tender administration; Liaise and interact
with service providers, client and management under the guidance of the
Director: Facilities Management; Contribute to the human resources and
related activities; Maintain the record management system and the
architectural library; Utilize resources allocated effectively; Prepare quarterly
reports, project status/site visit reports. Keep up with new Built Environment
technologies and procedures; Research/literature on new developments on
project management methodologies; Liaise with relevant bodies/councils on
project management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Ben-Mazwi Tel No: (012) 441 3041/ 082 909 8790
Ms J Boonzaaier Tel No: (012) 441 3230
NOTE : Preference will be given to Coloured males, Indian males, White males,
Coloured females and NB: Candidates are appointed on contract to these
posts until the they comply with the registration requirements of SACPCMP,
not exceeding a period of forty-eight (48) months. Applicants are requested to
take note that the OSD does not make provision for Candidates to be
automatically absorbed into professional posts after acquiring the relevant
registration or after the contract term has come to an end. The contract of
appointment for the Candidate will immediately expire when the term of the
contract ends. Therefore, the Candidate would have to apply for the vacant
post upon meeting the appointment requirements as prescribed for the higher
post, which includes compulsory registration with SACPCMP.