Past Simple
Past Simple
Past Simple
7.-We lived (live) in London. 29.-The waiter bought (bring) the dishes.
30.-She dreamed (dream) about her
8.-You answered (answer) my question.
9.-Tony and Alice swam (swim) in the river.
10.-Albert teached (teach) Maths. 31.-I trusted (trust) my friends completely.
11.-My aunt receiveed (receive) my 32.-Elsa finished (finish) her studies at
letter. university.
12.-The sun shined (shine) all day.
33.-The salesman knocked (knock) on my
13.-Jonathan kissed (kiss) his mom.
14.-Hector composed (compose) a
song. 34.-Andrea got (get) the first prize.
15.-Paul peeled (peel) the apples. 35.-The writer offered (offer) an interview.
16.- The wasp bit (bite) him. 36.-The programme was (be) very funny.
17.-Richard gave (give) me flowers. 37.-Charles played (play) basketball with
18.-Oscar took (take) two pictures. his team. They won (win) the match.
19. We read (read) the newspapers.
38.-Rodolf wanted (want) to be a soldier.
20.-Mary grew (grow) tomatoes.
21.-Fiona became (become) a doctor. 39.- Louis refused (refuse) to help me.