Derived Lipids
Derived Lipids
Derived Lipids
Derived lipids are those compounds which are produced by the hydrolytic cleavage
of simple and compound lipids or lipid like compounds like steroids, essential oils,
aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, hydrocarbon etc. Derived fats include- Fatty acids
and alcohols (Aliphatic alcohols and steroids). Aliphatic alcohols like acetyl,
stearyl and mericyl alcohols). Steroids are alcohols and included in lipids due to
their ability to form esters with the fatty acids. These are always polycyclic ring
called as sterane nucleus with three cyclohexane ring with total 17 number of the
carbon. This ring contain six asymmetric carbon. Additional asymmetric carbon
are formed by the introduction of substituents in the cycle. The ring have polar/
hydrophilic group at C-5 and non-polar or hydrophobic carbon attached at C-17 of
the ring, so has amphipathic properties. It also have methyl group at caron number
10 and 13. These methyl group have same orientation in space with respect to
polycyclic ring.
Steroids represent a very large and varied group of compounds. These are organic
compounds of diverse biological activity and even small variation in their structure
or in the nature of the substituents result in major modification of their biological
activity. Steroids include the following categories of compounds.
1. Sterols
2. Bile salts
3. Steroid hormones
1 Sterols- These are the alcoholic compounds of the steroids and are found in
practically all the eukaryotes.
Mostly found in fungus Clavis purpurea growing on rye plants. It has a chemical
formula C28H43OH and is a precursor for vitamin D2 (Calciferol) in the presence
of light. Chemically it differs from the cholesterol in the side chain attached at C-
17 and there is an additional double bond between 7 and 8.
2. Bile salts
Bile salts are the oxidative end products of cholesterol metabolism. Primary bile
salts are those that are synthesized in the hepatocytes of liver directly from
cholesterol. These include cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid. So synthesis of
bile salts from cholesterol is one of biotransformation reaction going in the liver.