Revisão para a prova – 1º bimestre h) They __________ eating in the restaurant.
i) My mom __________ (not) at home. j) We __________ very tired. 1. Complete a tabela abaixo dos pronomes k) The story __________ funny. l) I __________ (not) in Brazil. pessoais do inglês 1ª p. do singular 4. Encontre as profissões em inglês abaixo na sopa de letras. Depois, escreva qual a tradução 2ª p. do singular respectivamente de cada uma delas. 3ª p. do singular Firefighter – Nurse – Doctor – Teacher – Plumber – 1ª p. do plural Lawyer – Recepcionist – Police – Electrician – Judge – Taxi driver – Vendor 2ª p. do plural 1ª p. do plural
2. Leia a biografia do cantor Justin Bieber e
depois marque a alternativa correta. This is Justin Bieber. He is a singer and songwriter. He is from Canada, he is Canadian. His performance videos cover YouTube views of Scooter Braun, who became his agent and were taken to a city in Atlanta to meet with singer Usher. Com relação ao texto, qual seria a nacionalidade 5. Where are they from? Responda as perguntas e dele? (Where is he from?) depois encontre as respostas na sopa de letras. a) Canadense b) Americana c) Australiana d) Britânica e) Inglesa
3. Complete com a forma adequada do “past of
be”. a) Miley Cyrus __________ (not) in Colombia last winter. b) Anitta __________ in a concert. c) We __________ late. d) Mary and Any __________ on vacation. e) Lady Gaga and Beyonce __________ (not) in Brazil last week. f) She __________ in a bad mood. g) He __________ my best friend’s teacher. a) He is from Brazil, he is _________________ b) Peter is from U.K, he is ___________________ 7. Complete a tabela abaixo com os verbos no c) Mary is from USA, she is __________________ Simple Past. d) Pietro is from Italy, he is ___________________ e) He is from France, he is ____________________ SIMPLE PAST f) Taylor is from England, she is _______________ INFINITIVE (REGULAR) g) Shakira is from Colombia, she is ______________ h) He is from Finland, he is ____________________ TO STUDY
Simple Past TO STOP
6. Conjugue os verbos a seguir no Simple Past e TO JOG
depois passe as frases para a negativa e TO STUDY depois para a interrogativa. a) I _____________ (to clean) the house three TO WATCH times yesterday. TO PLAY Neg: ______________________________________ TO RAIN Int: _______________________________________ Greetings b) He _____________ (to want) to be a doctor when he was a kid. 8. Ao despedir-se, você pode expressar quais Neg: ______________________________________ cumprimentos em inglês? Assinale apenas uma alternativa. Int: _______________________________________ a) Good bye! b) Hello! c) We _____________ (to stay) at a nice place in c) Hallo! LA. d) Good morning! Neg: __________________________________ 9. Leia atentamente as alternativas e responda o Int: ___________________________________ significado de item: a) Good: d) My grandmother _____________ (to died) when b) See you tomorrow: I was eight. c) Mr.(Mister): d) Come again!: Neg: __________________________________ e) Good afternoon: Int: ___________________________________ 10. Assinale a alternativa que contém expressões em inglês, as quais podem ser utilizadas em qualquer e) They _____________ (to enjoy) the party. momento do dia. Neg: __________________________________ a) Hi!, Hello!,Hallo! b) Good afternoon!, Good night!, Good evening! Int: ___________________________________ c) Good afternoon!,See you later!, Good evening! d) So long!, Good afternoon!, Good morning! f) I _____________ (to paint) my room. Neg: __________________________________ 11. Assinale a alternativa que contém a informação correta: Int: ___________________________________ a) Hi!, Hello!,Hallo! São cumprimentos utilizados somente g) Pepy _____________ (to try) many times. aos sábados. b) Come again! Significa: Sono atrasado. Neg: __________________________________ c) See you later! Dizemos quando nos despedimos à noite. d) So long! Significa Até logo! Int: ___________________________________