Simulado Geral 2013
Simulado Geral 2013
Simulado Geral 2013
Leia o texto e observe a imagem para responder às questões _____ , _______ e ____.
This is a big flat; the rooms are large and spacious. I like very much living here. There are two
floors. In the first, there are the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, and the bathrooms and
there is one bedroom. In the second floor, there are more two bedrooms and there is one bathroom.
1 2 3 4
5 6
Write the names of the rooms of the house. Posição das setas está ok.
1. __________________________ 4. __________________________
2. __________________________ 5. __________________________
3. __________________________ 6. __________________________
A) apartment.
B) backyard.
C) house.
D) large house.
No texto abaixo, o cantor inglês James Blunt conta um pouco da sua rotina.
Leia-o para responder as perguntas ___ e ___.
QUESTION (Fazer uso adequado de itens gramaticais no processo de produção do texto escrito.)
Imagine you are Susy. You are talking to Peter on the phone. Tell Peter what you are doing.
Marque a opção correta para a frase abaixo.
A) the smallest
B) the smaller
C) smaller
D) smallest
QUESTION Descritor: Empregar mecanismos de concordância nominal e verbal.)
Look at the comic strip:
Complete the dialogues with the answers from the box. There is 1 extra item.
Then write a sentence to finish the story. Use a tag question. Thaís, aqui as letras não podem ser
maiúsculas pois tag question é uma confirmação de uma afirmativa posicionada na mesma frase.
Ex. You are a doctor, aren’t you?
A) can you?
B) can´t you?
C) don´t you?
D) think you?
Read the text to answer the questions ----, ----, -----.
Tomorrow Magazine asked a group of scientists to make predictions for the year 2050. What will we
eat? How will we look? How will we travel? How long will we live? Read their predictions.
A) Heavier.
B) Shorter.
C) Taller.
D) Thinner.
A) Coins.
B) Solar energy.
C) Travel to the moon.
D) Travel by private plane.
QUESTION (Descritor: identificar e decodificar a informação explícita no texto.)
O que desaparecerá em 2050?
A) As pílulas.
B) O dinheiro em papel.
C) Os carros a gasolina.
D) Os vegetarianos.
Read the text and answer the questions -----, ------, -------.
A) complicadas.
B) convencionais.
C) desonestas.
D) infelizes.
E) mal ajustadas.
Write the verbs into the correct form:
Read the text and answer the questions -----, ------, -------.
Advertising Trainees
Are you young, bright, clever and eager to a career in
Advertising and Communications?
A) criativo.
B) detalhado.
C) digitado.
D) escrito à mão.
E) extenso.
A) addition.
B) alternative.
C) condition.
D) contrast.
E) reason.
A) confirmation.
B) joke.
C) planned decision.
D) prediction.
E) promise.
A) claro.
B) inteligente.
C) obediente.
D) preguiçoso.
E) sincero.
Read the text and answer the questions -----, ------, -------.
Adapted from “Award-winning Kangaroo Care” Miami Herald Medical Reports Access June /2013
A) measuring.
B) observing.
C) placing.
D) studying.
E) touching.