Planeador 10° 2024
Planeador 10° 2024
Planeador 10° 2024
Inglés Docente Vanessa Celis Villamil Grado 10° Fecha January 29th – February 16th
Hilo conductor o meta de comprensión abarcadora
How can we interact in the social context through the use of English?
Students will be able to express themselves verbally or By the end of this lesson, students will be
in writing, providing information about their personal able to …
attributes, interests, likes, dislikes, and other relevant describe some aspects about
aspects. themselves.
Students will expand their vocabulary by learning and identify classroom commands.
identifying specific words and phrases related to put into practice a metacognition
classroom commands. strategy.
Students will develop the ability to think about their
own thinking and learning processes.
generati Desempeño de comprensión Recursos
Exploración Tv
English T says hello, organizes the classroom and check the list. Computer
general Blackboard
rules. T and Ss play a game called CONCENTRATION. Each S has to say his/her name Board
and repeat all the previous classmates’ names. Markers
Introduc English
e myself Portfolio Dictionaries
T gives ss the rules for the classroom. T socialises the materials for the class: a Pieces Of
Portfolio, squared sheets, 4 highlighters (green, blue, yellow, pink), and Papers
photocopied book. Worksheet
Then T gives the instruction for organizing the portfolio: markers
1. PORTFOLIO labelled with full name and course (side and front)
2. Cover with personal data in English.
3. Classroom rules
4. SEPARATORS: Notebook, Book, Reading Plan,
5. Book Student Book.
6. squared sheets.
7. The three Musketeers
At the end, T gives them the classwork rubric and explain it.
Besides, T gives them the metacognition strategy.
Investigación guiada
Reading Test
Ss read the first chapter of Three Musketeers and answer some questions about
Oral Test
Written test
All the activities will be checked with a rubber stamp and analysed according to
the Ss’ English level and learning styles.
Ss present a digital English Diagnosis. After that, they create a DOFA for
improving their results.
NOTE: due to the low performances shown in the different diagnostic activities developed. The teacher
assigns autonomous work in Duolingo so that students can level pre-knowledge that they do not have for the
educational level in which they are.
HOJA DE SEGUIMIENTO ACADEMICO: T gives a chart with the activities and their percentages for the first
How can we interact in the social context through the use of English?
Students will develop language competence in both spoken and written How can we achieve ou
communication, with a focus on comprehension, expression, and By the end of this lesson, students will be ab
metacognitive skills. describe being in the zone.
use another, other, and others.
Use empathic Do
listen and read to identify formal and i
put into practice a metacognition strat
Desempeño de comprensión
In the zone T says hello, organizes the classroom and check the list.
T and Ss play a game called SIMON SAYS. Each S has to act the actions.
Page 5. Ss Listen to the audio and read along. Ss Guess the meaning of the words in bold. Match
the words from the box with the correct definitions. Circle the correct word.
Investigación guiada
Page 6-7. T explains on the board the grammar point. Ss Look at the pictures and read the
sentences. What do the sentences mean? Ss Complete the sentences using other or another. Ss
Complete the sentences using your own words. Ss Rewrite the sentences by adding the emphatic
do in the correct place. Ss Write sentences about yourself using the emphatic do patterns.
T explains the metacognition strategy and ss reflect about their own learning and comprehension
and colour all the titles according to that.
NOTE: due to the low performances shown in the different diagnostic activities developed. The teacher assigns autonomous
students can level pre-knowledge that they do not have for the educational level in which they are.