7 класс поурочки Excel

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Term 1 School:

Date: ______ Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Language focus for vocabulary
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.UE2 Use a growing variety of quantifiers for countable and uncountable
nouns including too much, too many, none any, enough.
7.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and
cooperatively in groups
7.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse level
on a range of general topics
7.L1 understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Demonstrate basic knowledge for usage of be+subjects pronouns, usage of
quantifies, and forms for possessive’s, have got/ has got, there is/there are
Most learners will be able to:
Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions;
Apply the correct quantifiers including too much, too many, none any, enough
for countable and uncountable nouns in the context;
Some learners will be able to:
Demonstrate an ability to express ideas clearly;
Differentiate between usage of have/has got. Be + subject pronouns

Language objective Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Responsibility, Global Citizenship.
Cross curricular Social Studies, Kazakh, Russian languages.
Previous learning Listening skills and speaking on topic Hobbies.
Use of ICT Projector or Smart board for showing a presentation, searching information in
the internet.
Intercultural Compare Conditional sentences in English, Russian and Kazakh languages.
Kazakh culture Compare some Be + subject pronouns grammar points in English and Kazakh
languages orally.
Pastoral Care Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;
To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.
Promote a sense of self-esteem and self-respect and respect for others among
all the learners.
Health and Safety Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided
to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” method At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : helps to start the lesson organization shapes
1.Greeting. with good wishes to each moment T tries to
Warming- T give them other. award active Ss.
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss «The praise»
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create method is used to
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere evaluate Ss with
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing phrases like:
II -square each other they feel better “Good job!
III–triangle and feel the support of Well done!”
In differentiation others.
part t «Flexible
pace learning»
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. The main part of (I) Task 1: Complete the Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
the lesson sentences with the other and Pupils
Teacher suggests affirmative (˅) or negative encourage Book
revising a basic rule (x) form of be. classmate with Poster.
for quantifies: 1. He isn’t from phrases like:
(W)This England (x) Well done!
information can be 2. My best friends are Brilliant! Good
helpful for teacher. in my class. (˅) job! I like it!
Quantifiers must Task 2: Complete the
agree with the noun. questions with the correct
There are 3 main form of to be.
types of quantifiers. 1. Where are you from?
Much/little/a little 2. How _____ your friends?
are used with 3. Who ____ best friend?
countable nouns,
many/few/a few are
used with
uncountable nouns.
A lot of is used with
both of them in
positive sentences.
Learners are given
the following tasks:

Possessive’s There is /there are Ss evaluate each Whiteboard

Task 3: Tick (˅) Task 5: Complete the other and Pupils
the correct phrases questions and short answers encourage Book
My father’s brother with the correct form of classmate with Poster.
(˅) there is or there are phrases like:
1. My mothers’ aunt Family Well done!
2. My sister’s book Task 6: Match 1-7 with a-g Brilliant! Good
job! I like it!
Have got
Task 4: Choose the
correct words.
He’s got /’ve got
black hair
Ending Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to show Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
the lesson is used to find out their knowledge according other and Pupils
was the lesson clear to the lesson encourage Book
Reflection or not. Use the Green- I understood classmate with Poster.
stickers. Yellow-I have some phrases like:
questions Well done!
Individual Red-I need a help. Brilliant! Good
work: job! I like it!
10 min. Aim: To know how many
Ss got the theme.
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

Unit 1. Communication and School:

Term 1
Date: ______ Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Vocabulary. Everyday objects.
Learning 7. C2 Use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers
objectives(s) that 7. W3 Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar
this lesson is general and curricular topics.
contributing to 7.S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
range of general topics, and some curricular topics
7.UE4 Use an increased variety of determiners including neither, either on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions with some support;
- identify specific topic vocabulary studied in class with
some support;
- write a report, including 6-7 sentences with some support.
Most learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions without support;
- identify specific topic vocabulary studied in class without
any support;
- write a report, including 6-7 sentences with some support.
Some learners will be able to:
help others ask and answer interview questions;
- identify specific topic vocabulary not studied in class;
- write a report, including 6-7 sentences without any support.
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘school’ , can talk and write about their likes and dislikes
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Planned Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
Beginnin Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with shapes
g the moment : method helps to organization
lesson 1.Greeting. start the lesson with moment T tries
T give them different good wishes to each to award active
Warming shapes and ask them other. Ss. «The
-up to divide into The aim: To praise» method
Team 3groups. develop Ss speaking is used to
work I-circle skills and create evaluate Ss with
10 min. II -square friendly atmosphere phrases like:
III–triangle Efficiency: By “Good job!
In differentiation wishing each other Well done!”
part t «Flexible pace they feel better and
learning» method feel the support of
was used to give others.
students a choice in
order to make them
interested in learning
25 min. 1.Leading-in stage 3. Warming up (G) Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
(W) Brainstorm ideas other and Pupils Book
Teacher asks on modern encourage Poster.
students to remind electronic devices classmate with
about the topic. Learners are divided phrases like:
2. Teacher tells the into two groups by Well done!
students the means of two Brilliant! Good
objectives of the pictures of a job! I like it!
lesson computer and DVD
Ask and answer player cut into 5
interview questions pieces each. Both
with some support. groups write on a
Identify specific poster all the words
topic vocabulary associated with
studied in class with “Modern Electronic
some support. Devices”.
Write a report,
including 40-50
words with some
Demonstrate the
ability to use correct
including neither,
either in the context.
Differentiation by 4. Speaking activity Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
support: Learners discuss other and Pupils Book
Less capable learners what new encourage Poster.
can be shown technology they classmate with
“Computer and could not live phrases like:
Internet Terms” if without and why. Well done!
they do not know 5. Survey activity. Brilliant! Good
these words or have (I/G) job! I like it!
difficulties doing this
task. Step1
Every learner create
the questions on the
and Technology”.
They walk around
the room and
interview each other
about technology.
Differentiation (by
task and support):
Less capable
learners create and
ask the first three
questions with
More capable
learners create ask
all five questions
Traffic light method Ss use their stickers Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
Ending is used to find out to show their other and Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear knowledge encourage Poster.
or not. Use the according to the classmate with
stickers. lesson phrases like:
Reflectio Green- I understood Well done!
n Yellow-I have some Brilliant! Good
questions job! I like it!
Red-I need a help.
l work: Aim: To know how
10 min. many Ss got the
Ss can use colors to
show how much do
they remember.
method is used to
finish the lesson.

Unit 1. Communication and School:

Term 1
Date: _____ Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Reading. People’s possession
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions with some support;
- identify specific topic vocabulary studied in class with
some support;
- write a report, including 6-7 sentences with some support.
Most learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions without support;
- identify specific topic vocabulary studied in class without
any support;
- write a report, including 6-7 sentences with some support.
Some learners will be able to:
help others ask and answer interview questions;
- identify specific topic vocabulary not studied in class;
- write a report, including 6-7 sentences without any support.
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘communication and tecnology’ , can talk and write
about their likes and dislikes
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
BeginningOrganization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson
moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel better evaluate Ss
III–triangle and feel the support of with phrases
In differentiation others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. 1.Leading-in stage Teacher asks students to Ss evaluate Whiteboard
(W) remind about the topic. each other Pupils Book
and Poster.
with phrases
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!

2. Teacher tells the Pupils, choose the best Ss evaluate Whiteboard

students the title for these three each other Pupils Book
objectives of the pictures? and Poster.
lesson encourage
with phrases
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!

Today we are going Reading Ss evaluate Whiteboard

to learn about I don’t go out without each other Pupils Book
school rules and … and Poster.
people’s possession encourage
Our theme is classmate
“People’s with phrases
possession” like:
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!

Task 1: Check the 1. Bowl 2. Library card Ss evaluate Whiteboard

meaning of the 3. Sandals 4. Tie 5. each other Pupils Book
words 1-5. Then Umbrella and Poster.
look at the photos. encourage
Which possessions classmate
do you think are with phrases
Phra Pachak’s and like:
which are Well done!
Laura’s? Brilliant!
Good job! I
like it!

Task 2: Read the Task 3: 1.04 Listen and Ss evaluate Whiteboard

study strategy. read the texts. Then each other Pupils Book
Then use the write true or false. and Poster.
strategy to check Correct the false encourage
your answers in sentences. classmate
exercise 1. with phrases
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!

Task 4: BUILD Task5: ABOUT YOU Ss evaluate Whiteboard

YOUR Ask and answer the each other Pupils Book
VOCABULARY. questions. and Poster.
Complete the encourage
sentences with the classmate
words in the text with phrases
in blue. like:
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!

Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

Unit 1. Communication and School:

Language focus.
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Language focus. Present simple: affirmative and negative
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
- learners can read about habits and facts
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and complete the tasks
Some learners will be able to:
help others ask and answer interview questions;
-write about and use affirmative and use negative forms of the verbs
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘communication and technology’ , can talk and write
about their likes and dislikes
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
BeginningOrganization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson
moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Warm-up 1. Complete the Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Learners are sentences with the each other Pupils Book
informed about the words in the box. Check and Poster.
lesson objectives your answers in the encourage
Teacher informs texts on page 10. classmate
that they are going with phrases
to meet basic rules Don’t , don’t, doesn’t, like:
for definite doesn’t, give, lives, walk Well done!
grammar points and Brilliant!
do some exercises. A monk doesn’t go out Good job! I
without his robes. like it!
1. A monk ___ in a
2. A monk ___ wear
jeans or T-shirts.
3. We ___ around the
4. People___ us food.
5. I ___ go out without
my school tie.
6. We ___ use money at
2. Complete the 1. We use the present Ss evaluate Whiteboard
rules with the words simple to talk about each other Pupils Book
in the box. habits, facts and routines and Poster.
2. We use don’t + base encourage
Don’t doesn’t form of the verb after classmate
facts routines I/you/we/they with phrases
3. We use doesn’t +base like:
form of the verb after Well done!
he/she/it Brilliant!
4. Study the spelling Good job! I
rules. Then complete the like it!
table using the words in
the box.
Spelling rules: Third
person (he/she/it)
Most verbs: add – s
Verbs ending in Learners write : Ss evaluate Whiteboard
consonant + -y: y What did you learn each other Pupils Book
today? and Poster.
What parts of the lesson encourage
were easy? classmate
Verbs ending in - What parts of the lesson with phrases
o, - ch, - sh, - x, -ss: were difficult? like:
add – es watches Home task: Ex 6 Well done!
Activate. Make four Brilliant!
affirmative and four Good job! I
negative true sentences like it!
using the words in the
Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

Unit 1. Communication and School:

Vocabulary and Listening.
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Vocabulary and Listening. Free-time activities.
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
To read about habits and facts
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and complete the tasks
Some learners will be able to:
help others ask and answer interview questions;
-can make 7-8 sentences about their free-time activities
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘communication and technology’ , can talk and write
about their likes and dislikes
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Warm-up 1. Choose the correct Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Learners are words. Then listen and each other Pupils Book
informed about the check. and Poster.
lesson objectives 1. watch magazines/TV encourage
Teacher informs 2. listen to music/the classmate
that they are going cinema with phrases
to meet basic rules 3. play the like:
for definite internet/computer games Well done!
grammar points and 4. meet things/friends Brilliant!
do some exercises. 5. play sport/cycling Good job! I
2. Read the information like it!
about the Money Matters
podcast. Then listen and
choose the correct
1. Justine goes metal
detecting with her dad.
2. Justine goes metal
detecting when she goes
on holiday.
3. Justine usually goes
metal detecting in the
4. Justine pays €183 a
year to go metal
3. Study the 4. Write true sentences Ss evaluate Whiteboard
diagram. Then using the present simple each other Pupils Book
order sentences a-f. and adverbs of frequency. and Poster.
Start with the least I often meet my friends encourage
frequent. What is after school. classmate
the position of the We sometimes play with phrases
adverbs with be, computer games like:
have got and other I always go to swimming Well done!
verbs? My friend I hardly ever Brilliant!
watch DVDs Good job! I
0 like it!
Never hardly ever
sometimes often
usually always

5. Activate. Work Learners write : Ss evaluate Whiteboard

in pairs. Talk about What did you learn each other Pupils Book
your free time. Use today? and Poster.
the present simple What parts of the lesson encourage
and adverbs of were easy? classmate
frequency. What parts of the lesson with phrases
I always go were difficult? like:
shopping on Home task: Ex 5 Well done!
Saturdays. Activate. Brilliant!
I’m always busy on Good job! I
Saturdays, so, I like it!
don’t go shopping. I
usually play
Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

Unit 1. Communication and School:

Language focus
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Language focus. Present Simple: questions
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
To read about habits and facts
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and complete the tasks
Some learners will be able to:
help others ask and answer interview questions;
-can make 7-8 sentences about their free-time activities
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘communication and technology’ , can talk and write
about their likes and dislikes
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Warm-up 1. Complete the mini – Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Learners are dialogues with do, don’t, each other Pupils Book
informed about the does or doesn’t. Then and Poster.
lesson objectives listen and check. encourage
Teacher informs Do you listen to music at classmate
that they are going home? Yes, I do/No, I with phrases
to meet basic rules don’t like:
for definite Does he play in a band? Well done!
grammar points and Yes, he does. / No, he Brilliant!
do some exercises. doesn’t. Good job! I
like it!

2. Complete the 4. Read the answers and Ss evaluate Whiteboard

questions using the complete the questions each other Pupils Book
present simple form with the words in the box. and Poster.
of the verbs in Then listen and check. encourage
brackets. What When classmate
Does your best Where Who Why with phrases
friend collect1. When did you go? like:
things? In the school holidays? Well done!
Do you surf the 2. Why does she go in the Brilliant!
internet? holidays? Good job! I
Do your friends Because she’s always got like it!
play computer free time then.
games? 3. Where do they go?
Does your friend They usually go to a
use a mobile phone? park?
Do you listen to Who do you usually go
classical music? with?
I go with my dad
Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

Unit 1. Communication and School:

Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Asking for and giving opinions
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.L2 understand more complex supported questions which ask for personal
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse level
on a range of general topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
To read about asking for and giving opinions
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and complete the tasks
Some learners will be able to:
help others ask and answer interview questions;
-can make 7-8 sentences about their free-time activities
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic. Listen to the
objective dialogue and practise
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘present simple: questions’ , can ask and answer about
free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Warm-up 1. Look at the photo Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Learners are of Shaun and each other Pupils Book
informed about the Leah. Are they and Poster.
lesson objectives shopping online? encourage
Teacher informs 2. 1.09. Listen to the classmate
that they are going dialogue. What do with phrases
to speak about Shaun and Leah like:
asking for and think of the Well done!
giving opinions, clothes? Brilliant!
listen to the 3. Study the key Good job! I
dialogue and do phrases. Are like it!
some exercises. responses a-e
positive or

Key phrases. f) 1.09 Complete Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Asking for and the dialogue with each other Pupils Book
giving opinions the key phrases. and Poster.
Then listen again encourage
What do you and check. classmate
reckon? Leah: Hey, Shaun, look at with phrases
Don’t you like it? this. like:
a) It’s OK, I Shaun: What? Well done!
suppose. Positive Leah: This is hat! What Brilliant!
b) I can’t do you reckon? Good job! I
stand …. Shaun: Not much. like it!
c) Not much Leah: It’s very trendy
d) I’m not Shaun: Well. I can’t
very keen on… . _____ them.
e) I think it’s
really nice.
1.Imagine you are Learners write : Ss evaluate Whiteboard
shopping online. What did you learn each other Pupils Book
Invent mini today? and Poster.
dialogues about What parts of the lesson encourage
items 1-6 use the were easy? classmate
words in the box What parts of the lesson with phrases
and your own were difficult? like:
ideas. Home task: Ex 6 Well done!
Cool pretty Activate. Brilliant!
trendy Good job! I
unusual like it!

Do you like this

Yes, I do. I think
it’s really cool.
Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

Unit 1. Communication and School:

Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: An internet profile
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun phrases
objectives(s) that describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general and
this lesson is curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can write about my likes and dislikes.
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and complete the tasks
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can write 7-8 sentences about their free-time activities and use capital letters,
commas, full stops and apostrophes.
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic. Use the rules
objective capital letters, commas, full stops and apostrophes.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘Asking for and giving opinions’ , can ask and answer
about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment : “The wish At the organization Envelop
the lesson 1.Greeting. flower” method moment T tries to with shapes
T give them different helps to start the award active Ss.
Warming-up shapes and ask them to lesson with good «The praise»
Team work divide into 3groups. wishes to each method is used to
10 min. I-circle other. evaluate Ss with
II -square The aim: To phrases like:
III–triangle develop Ss “Good job!
In differentiation part t speaking skills Well done!”
«Flexible pace learning» and create
method was used to give friendly
students a choice in order atmosphere
to make them interested Efficiency: By
in learning process. wishing each
other they feel
better and feel the
support of others.
25 min. Warm-up Glossary Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
Learners are informed Sbdy = somebody other and encourage Pupils
about the lesson nbdy=nobody classmate with Book
objectives pls= please phrases like: Poster.
Teacher informs that they Well done! Brilliant!
are going to write about 1. Read the profile Good job! I like it!
an internet profile and answer the

1. What adjectives
describe Jen’s
2. What does she
3. What does she
read in her free
4. How does she
want to
1. Study the profile Rules Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
and complete the Capital other and encourage Pupils
key phrases. letters: use classmate with Book
What follows capital letters phrases like: Poster.
these key at the Well done! Brilliant!
phrases: a noun, beginning of Good job! I like it!
verb+ - ing, or a sentence
both? and for
I’m _________ into… names,
. nationalities
I’m _________ and
mad____ … . countries:
I’m a ________ of Simon,
…. Austrian,
I like/love/enjoy/ Switzerland.
prefer/hate… . 4. Correct
I don’t mind …. the
I’m not too _____ sentences
___________ …. . using
2. Write six true capital
sentences using letters,
the key phrases in commas,
exercise 2. full stops
I love listening to hip and
hop. apostrophe
Language point: Capital s.
letters and punctuation 1) my names
3. Find capital mukhtar
letters, commas and i live
and apostrophes in in
the text. Then shymlent
complete the rules X
with the words in 2) im really
the box. into
i love watching
football and
tennis rugby and
motor rasing on
Ending Traffic light method is Ss use their Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
the lesson used to find out was the stickers to show other and encourage Pupils
lesson clear or not. Use their knowledge classmate with Book
Reflection the stickers. according to the phrases like: Poster.
lesson Well done! Brilliant!
Green- I Good job! I like it!
Individual understood
work: Yellow-I have
10 min. some questions
Red-I need a help.
Aim: To know
how many Ss got
the theme.
Ss can use colors
to show how
much do they
method is used to
finish the lesson.
Unit 1. Communication and Technology School:
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Communication. CLL. Technology:
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand a text about apps.
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and give personal information
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can ask for and give personal information
Language objective Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘Asking for and giving opinions’ , can ask and answer
about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the organization Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to moment T tries to shapes
1.Greeting. start the lesson award active Ss.
Warming- T give them with good wishes to «The praise» method
up different shapes and each other. is used to evaluate Ss
Team work ask them to divide The aim: To with phrases like:
10 min. into 3groups. develop Ss “Good job!
I-circle speaking skills and Well done!”
II -square create friendly
III–triangle atmosphere
In differentiation Efficiency: By
part t «Flexible wishing each other
pace learning» they feel better and
method was used to feel the support of
give students a others.
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Warm-up What’s your Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
Learners are favourite app? other and encourage Pupils Book
informed about the Have you got a classmate with Poster.
lesson objectives smartphone or a phrases like:
Teacher informs that tablet ? Do you use Well done! Brilliant!
they are going to any apps? What do Good job! I like it!
write about an you use them for?
internet profile Which one is your
1. Daryn,13.
I’ve got a
and a tablet,
but I don’t
spend much
time online
and I don’t
even send
2. Lena,15.
I’ve got a
I want to
buy a tablet,
too. I’ve got
a little
money, but
it’s not
3. Iskander,
14. Both my
parents have
got tablets
and they
allow me to
use them.
1.10. Check the COMMUNICATIO Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
meaning of the N. JOINING A other and encourage Pupils Book
words in blue in the CLUB. classmate with Poster.
sentences. Then read 1.11. Match parts phrases like:
and listen to the text. of an application Well done! Brilliant!
form 1-7 with Good job! I like it!
information a-g.
then listen and
1. date of birth
5. Postal address
2. email address
6. Post code
3. first name
7. Surname
4. mobile number

a) Mark
b) Haywood
c) Mark.haywo
d) 0779367580
e) 25th June
f) 23
Ending Traffic light method Ss use their stickers Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
the lesson is used to find out to show their other and encourage Pupils Book
was the lesson clear knowledge classmate with Poster.
Reflection or not. Use the according to the phrases like:
stickers. lesson Well done! Brilliant!
Green- I understood Good job! I like it!
Individual Yellow-I have
work: some questions
10 min. Red-I need a help.

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the
Ss can use colors to
show how much do
they remember.
method is used to
finish the lesson.
Unit 1. Communication and School:
Review. Project. Collection for
the future
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Collection for the future
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand previous lessons
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and give personal information
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can ask for and give personal information
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘Joining a club’ , can ask and answer about free time
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment : “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson 1.Greeting. method helps to organization shapes
T give them different start the lesson with moment T tries
Warming-up shapes and ask them to good wishes to each to award active
Team work divide into 3groups. other. Ss. «The
10 min. I-circle The aim: To praise» method
II -square develop Ss speaking is used to
III–triangle skills and create evaluate Ss
In differentiation part t friendly atmosphere with phrases
«Flexible pace learning» Efficiency: By like:
method was used to give wishing each other “Good job!
students a choice in order they feel better and Well done!”
to make them interested in feel the support of
learning process. others.
25 min. Warm-up 2. Complete the Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Learners are informed sentences with the each other and Pupils
about the lesson objectives words in the box. encourage Book
Vocabulary Group , internet, classmate with Poster.
1. Match 1-5 with a-f. magazines, music, phrases like:
There is one word that you rules, shopping Well done!
do not need. Brilliant! Good
1. bus a. ring 1. Do you play in a job! I like it!
2. ID b. phone band?
3. mp3 c. pass 2. I don’t read
4. key d. card magazines.
5. mobile e. watch 3. It’s against the
f. player rules to take photos.
4. He always surf
the internet.
5. I go shopping at
the weekend.
6. When do you
listen to music?
Language focus. Learners write : Ss evaluate Whiteboard
3. Complete the sentences What did you learn each other and Pupils
using the present simple today? encourage Book
form of the verbs in What parts of the classmate with Poster.
brackets. lesson were easy? phrases like:
1. He collects things. What parts of the Well done!
2. I don’t go swimming. lesson were Brilliant! Good
3. You don’t meet friends difficult? job! I like it!
after school Home task: make a
4. She doesn’t surf the poster of your
internet in the evening. collection for the
5. They don’t listen to hip- future.
6. We watch DVDs in
4. Write true present
simple sentences using the
adverbs of frequency in
the box.
Ending Traffic light method is Ss use their stickers Ss evaluate Whiteboard
the lesson used to find out was the to show their each other and Pupils
lesson clear or not. Use knowledge encourage Book
Reflection the stickers. according to the classmate with Poster.
lesson phrases like:
Green- I understood Well done!
Individual Yellow-I have some Brilliant! Good
work: questions job! I like it!
10 min. Red-I need a help.

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the
Ss can use colors to
show how much do
they remember.
method is used to
finish the lesson.

Unit I1. Holidays and travel School:

Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Vocabulary. At home
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on
a growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can describe the position of objects
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can talk about helping at home
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can ask , questions about where things
Language objective Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘Review’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in
awareness Kazakhstan and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s activities Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
Beginnin Organization “The wish flower” At the organization Envelop with
g the moment : method helps to moment T tries to shapes
lesson 1.Greeting. start the lesson with award active Ss. «The
T give them different good wishes to each praise» method is
Warming shapes and ask them other. used to evaluate Ss
-up to divide into The aim: To with phrases like:
Team 3groups. develop Ss speaking “Good job!
work I-circle skills and create Well done!”
10 min. II -square friendly atmosphere
III–triangle Efficiency: By
In differentiation wishing each other
part t «Flexible pace they feel better and
learning» method feel the support of
was used to give others.
students a choice in
order to make them
interested in learning
25 min. 1. Which things in 2. Choose the odd Ss evaluate each other Whiteboard
the box are not in word out for each and encourage Pupils Book
the photo on page room. classmate with Poster.
19? Bedroom bed phrases like:
sofa wardrobe Well done! Brilliant!
Table, chair, sofa, chest of drawers Good job! I like it!
cupboards, lamp, 1. dining room.
picture, desk, Table chair
bookcase, mirror, wardrobe picture
bed, armchair, 2. living room.
shower, microwave, Microwave lamp
chest of drawers, armchair picture
wardrobe, washing 3. kitchen .
machine, bath cupboard chair
bed microwave
4. bathroom.
Mirror lamp bath
3. Complete the Learners write : Ss evaluate each other Whiteboard
sentences about the What did you learn and encourage Pupils Book
photo. Listen and today? classmate with Poster.
check. What parts of the phrases like:
lesson were easy? Well done! Brilliant!
Behind, between, in What parts of the Good job! I like it!
front of, near, next lesson were
to, on, under difficult?
Home task: ex 5.
There is a bookcase Activate. Look at
near the bed. the photo and key
1. There is a phrases
microwave near the
2. There is a chest of
drawers ____ the
3. There is table
_____ the sofa.
4. There is a mirror
_____ the TV.
Traffic light method Ss use their stickers Ss evaluate each other Whiteboard
Ending is used to find out to show their and encourage Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear knowledge classmate with Poster.
or not. Use the according to the phrases like:
stickers. lesson Well done! Brilliant!
Reflectio Green- I understood Good job! I like it!
n Yellow-I have some
Red-I need a help.
l work: Aim: To know how
10 min. many Ss got the
Ss can use colors to
show how much do
they remember.
method is used to
finish the lesson.

Unit I1. Holidays and travel School:

Reading . Seeng stars
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Reading . Seeng stars
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand adverts and postcards
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and give personal information
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can ask for and answer the questions
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘At home’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. See celebrity homes 1. Do you want to visit Ss evaluate Whiteboard
… in style the home of a famous each other Pupils Book
person? Which person’s and Poster.
The Classic Car home and why? encourage
Company offers a classmate
three hour tour of 2. Look at the advert. with phrases
celebrities’ homes What does the Classic like:
for up to five Car Company offer? Well done!
people. Brilliant!
Good job! I
We don’t use a bus! like it!
We give tours of
Los Angeles in a
classic Cadillac car.
We visit about
thirty different
celebrities’ homes
in Los Angeles.
Don’t forget your
We also:
- Pick you up
from your
Give you drinks in
the car.
3. 1.17. Read and 4. Build your vocabulary. Ss evaluate Whiteboard
listen to the advert each other Pupils Book
and the postcard. 1. view what can and Poster.
Write true or false. you see encourage
Correct the false 2. traditional old style classmate
sentences. 3. windows you look with phrases
1. Five people can through these like:
go on the tour. 4. balcony a space of Well done!
2. The tours start in outside of a house. Brilliant!
Mulholland Drive. 5. holiday home an Good job! I
3. You need to take extra home like it!
something to drink.
4. Ellie is on the
Tour at the moment.
5. Ellie’s mum
organized the tour/
6. Britney Spears
isn’t at home at the

Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

Unit II Holiday and Travel school

Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Housework
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand adverts and postcards
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and give personal information
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can ask for and answer the questions
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘At home’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” method At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : helps to start the lesson with organization shapes
1.Greeting. good wishes to each other. moment T
Warming- T give them The aim: To develop Ss tries to award
up different shapes and speaking skills and create active Ss.
Team ask them to divide friendly atmosphere «The praise»
work into 3groups. Efficiency: By wishing each method is used
10 min. I-circle other they feel better and feel to evaluate Ss
II -square the support of others. with phrases
III–triangle like:
In differentiation “Good job!
part t «Flexible Well done!”
pace learning»
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. 1. Choose the 2. Write questions and short Ss evaluate Whiteboard
correct words answers each other and Pupils Book
1. I speak English 1. Do you study French? Yes, encourage Poster.
and French I do. classmate with
2. Jack finishes 2. Does she go metal phrases like:
school at four detecting? No, she doesn’t. Well done!
o’clock 3. Do they go out without a Brilliant!
3. Gillian and Chris tie? No, they don’t. Good job! I
work in a hospital 4. Do I speak good English? like it!
4. Ann doesn’t use Yes, I do.
a computer at home 5. Do we always meet after
5. Tom always loses school? No, we don’t.
his keys 6. Does he live in London?
6. They don’t study
French at school.
3. Complete the Match 1-11 with a-k Ss evaluate Whiteboard
questions with the 1. play computer each other and Pupils Book
words in the box games encourage Poster.
and do or does. 2. go shopping with classmate with
1. What time do friends phrases like:
you have lunch? At 3. listen to mp3s Well done!
one o’ clock. 4. meet friends in town Brilliant!
2. Where do the 5. play in band Good job! I
boys play football? 6. wear expensive like it!
In the park. sunglasses
3. How often does 7. collect comics
she go to the 8. take photos of
cinema? Every people
Saturday 9. surf the internet
4. What does Tom 10. watch DVDs
play in the 11. go to the cinema
orchestra? The
5. Why do they go
to Scotland every
year? Because their
grandmother lives
in Glasgow.
6. When does Ciara
do her homework ?
In the evening.
7. Who do you live
with? I live with my
Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to show Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Ending is used to find out their knowledge according to each other and Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear the lesson encourage Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood classmate with
stickers. Yellow-I have some phrases like:
Reflection questions Well done!
Red-I need a help. Brilliant!
Good job! I
Individual Aim: To know how many Ss like it!
work: got the theme.
10 min. Efficiency:
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they remember.
«Conclusion» method is used
to finish the lesson.

Unit I1. Holidays and travel School:

Present Continuous:
affirmative and negative.
Date: Teacher’s name:
Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Present Continuous: affirmative and negative.
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand adverts and postcards
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and give personal information
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can ask for and answer the questions
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘At home’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. 1. Complete the Rules Ss evaluate Whiteboard
sentences from the 1. We use the present each other Pupils Book
text on page 20 with continuous to talk about and Poster.
the words in the actions in progress. encourage
box. Then choose 2. We make the present classmate
the correct words in continuous with verb and with phrases
the rules. the –ing form of the verb. like:
Well done!
‘ re having, isn’t Brilliant!
living, ‘m sitting 2. Find three more Good job! I
is looking examples of the present like it!
continuous in the reading
We1 ___ a great texts in page 20.
time in America.
I2 ____ in a Cadillac
She3___ here at the
Britney4 ____ for a
holiday home there!

3. Study strategy. Rules. Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Finding spelling 1. Most verbs: add – ing: each other Pupils Book
rules. working, looking and Poster.
Write the –ing form 2. Verbs that end in - e: encourage
of the verbs. Check delete –e and add – ing classmate
your answers in the living, having with phrases
text on page 20. 3. Verbs that end in a like:
Then complete the short vowel and a Well done!
spelling with words consonant : double the Brilliant!
1-6. consonant and add – ing: Good job! I
1. work working sitting, putting like it!
2. Sit sitting 3.
Live living 4.
Have having
5. look looking
6. Put putting.

4. Listen to the 5. Complete the sentences Ss evaluate Whiteboard

sounds and using the present each other Pupils Book
complete the continuous form of the and Poster.
sentences using the verbs in the box. encourage
present continuous classmate
form of the verbs in with phrases
the box. like:
Well done!
Call, cry, run, sleep, Brilliant!
wash, write. Good job! I
like it!

Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

Unit I1. Holidays and travel School:

Present continuous: questions.
Present simple and present
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Present continuous: questions. Present simple and present
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.L1 understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand housework activities
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and housework activities
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can ask for and answer the questions
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘At home’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Present continuous: 1. Is Megan talking to Ss evaluate Whiteboard
questions Jack? each other Pupils Book
2. What are Jack and and Poster.
Ex1. Match Megan doing? encourage
questions 1-3 with 3. Is Jack reading a classmate
answers a-c. Then comic? with phrases
complete the rules. like:
Well done!
a. No, he isn’t Brilliant!
b. Yes, she is. Good job! I
c. They’re doing a like it!
Rules Ex 2. Order the words to Ss evaluate Whiteboard
1. We ask about make questions. each other Pupils Book
actions in progress Where is you best friend and Poster.
using the question sitting? encourage
form of the present 1. Is the teacher sitting in classmate
continuous. a chair? with phrases
2. We make short 2. Why are you learning like:
answers with a English? Well done!
pronoun and the 3. Are your parent Brilliant!
auxiliary verb working? Good job! I
present simple. 4. What are your parents like it!
5. Are you enjoying the
6. Who is talking to your
Ex 5. Complete the Learners write : Ss evaluate Whiteboard
telephone What did you learn each other Pupils Book
conversation with today? and Poster.
the present simple What parts of the lesson encourage
or present were easy? classmate
continuous form of What parts of the lesson with phrases
the verbs bin were difficult? like:
brackets Home task: ex 5. About Well done!
you ask and answer the Brilliant!
questions Good job! I
like it!

Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.
Unit I1. Holidays and travel School:
Making requests and
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Making requests and compromises
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.L1 understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand housework activities
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and housework activities
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can making requests and compromises
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘At home’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Ex1. Look at the Mum: Leah, can you tidy Ss evaluate Whiteboard
photo. What’s your room, please? each other Pupils Book
Leah’s mum Leah: Yes, but later, OK? and Poster.
saying? I’m busy at the moment encourage
Mum: Come on, Leah. classmate
What are you doing? with phrases
Leah: I am watching like:
something on TV. Well done!
It’s really good. Brilliant!
Mum: Leah! You need to Good job! I
tidy your room now! like it!
Leah: Please, Mum! Is it
OK if I do it later?
Mum: You always say
that, Leah. When?
Leah: I’ll do it in ten
minutes. I promise.
Mum: I suppose so, but
please don’t forget to do
Leah: OK! OK!
Ex 2. Listen to the Ex3. Find the key phrases Ss evaluate Whiteboard
dialogue. What in the dialogue . Who each other Pupils Book
does Leah’s mum says them? and Poster.
want Leah to do? encourage
1. Can you (tidy your classmate
room), please? with phrases
2. Yes, but later, OK? like:
3. I am busy at the Well done!
moment Brilliant!
4. I’ll do it in (ten Good job! I
minutes) like it!

Ex5. Listen to the 1. This article is really Ss evaluate Whiteboard

sentences. What are interesting. each other Pupils Book
the stress words? 2. Sorry, I haven’t got and Poster.
time now encourage
3. I’m helping dad in the classmate
kitchen with phrases
4. Can you do you like:
homework? Well done!
I’m watching something Brilliant!
on TV? Good job! I
like it!

Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.
Unit I1. Holidays and travel School:
Making requests and
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Writing. A perfect place to live
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.L1 understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand housework activities
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and housework activities
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can making requests and compromises
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘At home’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
BeginningOrganization “The wish flower” method At the Envelop with
the lesson
moment : helps to start the lesson with organization shapes
1.Greeting. good wishes to each other. moment T
Warming- T give them The aim: To develop Ss tries to award
up different shapes and speaking skills and create active Ss.
Team ask them to divide friendly atmosphere «The
work into 3groups. Efficiency: By wishing each praise»
10 min. I-circle other they feel better and feel method is
II -square the support of others. used to
III–triangle evaluate Ss
In differentiation with phrases
part t «Flexible like:
pace learning» “Good job!
method was used to Well done!”
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Ex 1. Read the 1. Kanat’s favourite room. Ss evaluate Whiteboard
model text and each other Pupils Book
match topics 1-3 2. Description of Kanat’s and Poster.
with paragraphs A- ideal school encourage
C classmate
3. What’s happening now. with phrases
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!

Ex2. Read the Key phrases. Describing a Ss evaluate Whiteboard

model text again place. each other Pupils Book
and complete the and Poster.
key phrases with 1. ___ a modern flat, near the encourage
one or two words. centre of town. classmate
2. It has also got three large with phrases
bedrooms. like:
3. You can see the Nur – Well done!
Astana Mosque from it. Brilliant!
4. There is a DVD player Good job! I
next to the TV. like it!
5. My favourite room is
living room.
6. I like being in this room
because its relaxing.
Ex4. Complete the Learners write : Ss evaluate Whiteboard
sentences with and, What did you learn today? each other Pupils Book
but or because. What parts of the lesson were and Poster.
1. There is a table, easy? encourage
but there isn’t a car What parts of the lesson were classmate
2. There are two difficult? with phrases
pictures and mirror. Home task: ex 5. About you like:
3. My bedroom is ask and answer the questions Well done!
my favourite room Brilliant!
and it’s got all my Good job! I
things. like it!

Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to show Ss evaluate Whiteboard

Ending is used to find out their knowledge according to each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Ss Brilliant!
work: got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they remember.
«Conclusion» method is used
to finish the lesson.
Unit I1. Holidays and travel School:
Finding things
Date: Teacher’s name:

Grade 7 __ Number present: Number absent:

Theme of the lesson: Finding things
Learning 7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun
objectives(s) that phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general
this lesson is and curricular topics
contributing to 7.C3 respect differing points of view
7.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
7.L1 understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a
growing range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Pupils can read and understand housework activities
Most learners will be able to:
- understand and can ask for and housework activities
Some learners will be able to:
ask and answer interview questions;
-can make sentences understand and can making requests and compromises
Language Specific vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic.
Value links Respect, cooperation, functional literacy
Cross curricular Social, personal Education, ICT
Previous learning Students have studied ‘At home’ , can ask and answer about free time activities
Use of ICT Acquisition of ICT specific vocabulary
Intercultural Preferences in using different types of technology by teenagers in Kazakhstan
awareness and western countries
Kazakh culture Investigation of using new technologies in Kazakhstan.
Pastoral Care Assure you met all learners’ needs
Health and Safety Make sure power cords are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned Teacher’s Pupil’s activities Marks Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organization “The wish flower” At the Envelop with
the lesson moment : method helps to start the organization shapes
1.Greeting. lesson with good wishes moment T
Warming- T give them to each other. tries to award
up different shapes and The aim: To develop Ss active Ss.
Team ask them to divide speaking skills and create «The praise»
work into 3groups. friendly atmosphere method is
10 min. I-circle Efficiency: By wishing used to
II -square each other they feel evaluate Ss
III–triangle better and feel the with phrases
In differentiation support of others. like:
part t «Flexible “Good job!
pace learning» Well done!”
method was used to
give students a
choice in order to
make them
interested in
learning process.
25 min. Ex1. 1.25 Listen to Ex2. 1.26 Listen to Eva Ss evaluate Whiteboard
eight false sentence and her Dad. What are each other Pupils Book
about the picture. they looking for? and Poster.
Correct the encourage
sentences using the classmate
prepositions in the with phrases
box. like:
Well done!
Behind, between, Brilliant!
on, in, in front of, Good job! I
next to, under. like it!

1. The oranges are

in front of the sink.
The oranges are
near the sink.

Ex3. 1.26. Study KEY PHRASES. Ss evaluate Whiteboard

the key phrases. FINDING THINGS each other Pupils Book
Then listen to Look, here’s …! and Poster.
conversation again Is this what you’re encourage
and answer the looking for? classmate
questions. That’s the wrong one. with phrases
Here it is! like:
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!

1. Why does Eva Ex4. 1.27. Look at the Ss evaluate Whiteboard

need the book house plan and listen. each other Pupils Book
today? She’s got an Then practice the and Poster.
exam. dialogue with the partner. encourage
2. Where are Eva Stacey: What’s wrong? classmate
and her dad? They Danny: I can’t find my with phrases
are in the kitchen laptop. like:
3. Where does she Stacey: Is it under the Well done!
usually do her table in the living room? Brilliant!
homework? In the Danny: No, it isn’t Good job! I
kitchen Stacey: Look, here’s a like it!
4. Where does Eva laptop! Is this what you
find the book? In are looking for?
the microwave Danny: No, that’s the
5.Why does she wrong one.
want to find her Stacey: What about the
brother? She thinks bedroom? Is it in the
he is responsible for wardrobe?
the putting the book Danny: No, it isn’t. Oh,
in the microwave. here it is. Its on the bed.
Traffic light method Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate Whiteboard
Ending is used to find out show their knowledge each other Pupils Book
the lesson was the lesson clear according to the lesson and Poster.
or not. Use the Green- I understood encourage
stickers. Yellow-I have some classmate
Reflection questions with phrases
Red-I need a help. like:
Well done!
Individual Aim: To know how many Brilliant!
work: Ss got the theme. Good job! I
10 min. Efficiency: like it!
Ss can use colors to show
how much do they
«Conclusion» method is
used to finish the lesson.

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