ALB India 2023 - JanFeb
ALB India 2023 - JanFeb
ALB India 2023 - JanFeb
The week of March 20 is shaping up to be a big one for India’s Meanwhile, the In-house Legal Summit has broadened
legal community. That week ALB plans to host two market- from merely focusing on India to covering the Asian region,
leading events in Mumbai, first the 5th Annual ALB India including sessions on M&A and FDI in 2023. There are also
Law Awards 2023 on March 22, and then the ALB Mumbai useful updates on laws that impact all in-house counsel, such
In-house Legal Summit 2023 on March 23. The awards, as the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 and the Competition
held at the prestigious Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, will as always Bill, 2022, as well as an in-depth look at compliance and risk
bring together the best private practitioners and in-house hotspots. You will also hear from leading corporate legal
legal teams from across India to showcase their exceptional department heads on how to work effectively and embrace
achievements and outstanding performance. It boasts a innovation as a small legal team, with speakers from as far
number of new categories, including Fintech Lawyer of the afield as Singapore and Hong Kong. All in all, this promises
Year, Fintech In-House Team of the Year, Fintech Law Firm of to be incredibly valuable for in-house counsel.
the Year, and International Trade Law Firm of the Year. Apart We hope to see you at one or both events in Mumbai.
from all of that, of course, the night of celebration provides Please contact Krupa Dalal at the email address provided
excellent networking opportunities. on this page to see how you can attend. – R ANA JIT DAM
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In the spotlight
Ritika Agarwal, 33
Vaneesa Agrawal, 35
Thinking Legal
Jafar Syed Alam, 38 India’s legal industry continues to witness the up-and-coming
lawyers who stand out with their high standard of service and
Gaurav Arora, 33 outstanding skills. In this list, ALB showcases lawyers under the
JSA (erstwhile J. Sagar Associates)
age of 40 who are making their mark in the country’s legal market.
Sahil Arora, 31 The list is in alphabetical order and some lawyers have been profiled.
Saraf and Partners
Dipika Batheja, 33
Agrud Partners LI ST BY A S I A N L E G A L B US I N E S S , T E X T BY B I N G Q I N G WA N G
Abhinav Bhalaik, 37
Argus Partners
Akash Dixit, 30, Dixit has built on extensive expertise
Vaibhav Bhardwaj, 37 managing associate, in handling patent portfolios for major
LexOrbis OEMs in the field of automotive/heavy
Vinay Butani, 36 Akash Dixit, a regis- machinery, electrical equipment/appli-
Economic Laws Practice (ELP) tered Indian patent ance, and computer hardware/software,
agent, has nearly nine particularly on the subject matters of
Apoorva Chandra, 37
Sarthak Advocates and Solicitors years of experience as electric vehicles, hybrid/alternative fuel
a patent consultant in prominent multi- engines, fuel cells, IOTs, autonomous
Ashish Chandra, 36 national companies and law firms. systems, augmented reality (AR), virtual
DSK Legal
He graduated from Manipal Institute reality (VR), automotive artificial intelli-
Shreya Dalal, 33 of Technology with a bachelor’s degree gence (AI), image processing, vehicular
Mansukhlal Hiralal & Company in automobile engineering. He is also a automation, elevator systems, HVAC,
law graduate and holds a postgraduate lighting systems, earthmoving equip-
Vihan Dang, 32
Mason and Associates diploma in IPR from the National Law ment, fire safety systems, automo-
School of India University, Bengaluru. tive transmission systems, pneumatic
Akash Dixit, 30 Dixit works closely with several and hydraulic systems, and digital
domestic and international clients in manufacturing.
Diya Gabija, 38 planning, protecting, and enforcing His experience in drafting patent
ALMT Legal their patent portfolios. He specializes in applications, design applications and
patent analytics, patent drafting, patent patent prosecution before USPTO, EPO
Ankit Guha, 36
Argus Partners prosecution, pre-grant and post-grant and IPO has been widely acclaimed
oppositions, invalidation/infringement among his peers. The patent applica-
Alok Jain, 37 opinions, and patent filing strategies. tions handled by him span across the
Economic Laws Practice (ELP)
He has also helped various start- mechanical, software-based, and elec-
Sachit Jolly, 38 up companies to build their IP portfo- tronics domains.
DMD Advocates lios from scratch and provided product He is also an expert in patent-
licensing and enforcement advice. He ability, knock-out, validity, infringe-
Abhay Joshi, 38
Economic Laws Practice (ELP) regularly interacts with inventors in ment, and freedom-to-operate search
brainstorming sessions to set out the searches patent landscape, and tech-
Praneet Kaur, 27 details of the inventions and envisage nology categorisations across various
Alaya Legal
additional embodiments from a patent- patent databases and non-patent data-
ing perspective. bases.
Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest man with “By holding and managing their and London, Singapore has traditionally
a net worth of $83.6 billion, recently set wealth offshore in a politically stable been one of the preferred locations and
up his family office in Singapore. This jurisdiction with a strong regulatory recently it has been gaining traction.
has underscored a trend among wealthy framework such as Singapore, Indian According to government estimates, Sin-
Indian families moving their assets to families can protect their wealth from gapore has the largest number of family
Southeast Asian countries, and look- domestic uncertainties. Establishing a offices in Asia, with over 700.
ing for ways to protect and grow their family office in an international finan- “Stable and pro-business policies
wealth. cial centre also provides greater ease of and generous tax incentives schemes
This trend of more wealthy fami- access to the global markets and invest- enhance Singapore’s well-developed
lies setting up control of their wealth ment opportunities,” Sim adds. infrastructure,” says Yi Lee, managing
in Singapore underscores the growing Some of the factors also have to do associate at Stephenson Harwood.
importance of global markets for large with India’s own challenges. “Doing busi- Taxation is one key reason to set up
economies. Wealthy Indians are opting ness in India requires a specific skill set a family office in Singapore. While India’s
to set up their family offices overseas to and has its own limitations, with India hav- corporate tax rate is 30 percent, Singa-
hedge against geopolitical, policy and ing limited capital account convertibility. pore’s is just 17 percent. More than that,
currency risks. It is perhaps this, along with the beneficial it has more than 100 double taxation
“Indian families are historically very tax regime in other jurisdictions, which agreements (DTAs) with other countries.
international, with many of them hav- is drawing investors to explore foreign At the same time, Singapore is not
ing family members and business and markets and expand in new territories,” perceived to be a “tax haven,” especially
Image: HTU/
investment interests across the world. says Prachi Dave, managing partner of after India amended its tax treaty with
The primary driver for establishing a Dhaval Vussonji & Associates. Singapore in December 2016.
family office outside India is jurisdic- “Singapore has a favourable tax
tional risk diversification,” says Vincent FRIENDLY REGIME regime with no capital gains tax and
Sim, managing associate at Mishcon de The idea of setting up a family office out- no withholding tax on dividends,” says
Reya. side of India is not new. Along with Dubai Suzanne Johnston, a partner at Ste-
$116 MLN
Asia Index dropped Adani’s two recent Bloomberg News reported the group
cement acquisitions - Ambuja Cements and had halved its revenue growth target and
ACC - from the S&P BSE 100 ESG Index planned to scale down capital spending.
from Feb. 22. A company spokesperson told Reuters the Sula Vineyards’ IPO
The Economic Times newspaper report was “baseless, speculative,” adding Deal Type: IPO
Firms: Linklaters;
reported that the conglomerate plans to that “once the current market stabilises, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas;
completely pre-pay all loans against shares each entity will review its capital market Trilegal
over the next 20 days. strategy.” Jurisdictions: India, Singapore
ALB: Since its inception in 2021, what representing the interests of in-house The evolving role of the in-house
have been some of the highlights for counsel in India, GCAI promotes diver- counsel and their valuable contribu-
GCAI, and how would you assess the sity and inclusion in its broadest sense tion to their companies and therefore
progress made towards achieving its in doing so. Our founder members reflect to the economy of the country need to
goals? this, and we hope to ensure it as we grow be highlighted to lawmakers and draw
MANJAREE CHOWDHARY: We set our membership. their attention to approach this issue
up GCAI in 2021 during the COVID-19 Lastly, GCAI is passionate about differently, to keep pace with global
pandemic. We are nearing the two-year giving back to the legal fraternity and practices.
mark. GCAI is unique as it was set up society. In this regard, we have already As we at GCAI, take forward the
by the general counsel for the general formalised tie-ups with some of the top agenda to ensure statutory recogni-
counsel and the in-house counsel with National Law Universities and have/ tion for the in-house counsel, I must say
a specific agenda. are in the process of holding custom- that we have received positive responses
The in-house counsel community ised learning sessions with them. We are from the larger legal fraternity who have
has come a long way, especially over the also in formal arrangements with think expressed their appreciation and sup-
last two decades. The role has evolved tanks like the India School of port for the initiative. We
to become that of a valued and trusted Public Policy and Teri School are in the process of mak-
partner to the business, where they pro- of Advanced Studies. ing the representation to the
vide legal advice and support in every government in this regard
aspect of the business right from start to ALB: What resistance is and hope for a favourable
finish. They are truly integrated with the GCAI facing in recognising consideration.
business and assess and manage risk to the roles and skillsets of
provide compliant and sustainable solu- general counsel, and how ALB: What can we expect
tions in a timely and efficient manner. does it plan to overcome it? from GCAI in 2023?
The main agenda of GCAI is to CHOWDHARY: When a law- CHOWDHARY: With the
secure the necessary statutory recogni- yer comes to work as an in- MANJAREE pandemic easing, GCAI is
tion for the in-house community. We have house counsel, he/she has CHOWDHARY increasing its network. This
received positive responses within the to surrender his/her license. year we plan to take our
larger legal fraternity/stakeholders and This means that an in-house counsel is events to other cities such as Bengaluru
are in the process of making a represen- unable to represent his company before and others. As an immediate next step,
tation in this regard to the government. courts, judicial and quasi-judicial bod- we propose to make the representations
Besides that, in-house counsel ies. Support of a practicing advocate on our main agenda points to the Min-
needs periodic upskilling and mentor- is required. The situation is ironic. An istry of Law and Ministry of Corporate
ing to remain relevant and contribute in-house counsel is a qualified lawyer, Affairs, and work to convince stakehold-
effectively. GCAI’s objective is to provide who spends a better part of his/her ers to correct the anomalies in law.
a platform for its members to interact, professional career with the company, Alongside this, we will continue to
share and disseminate information, con- understanding its issues and contribut- increase our membership so that GCAI
tribute, and grow professionally. As the ing effectively with his/her legal exper- becomes a more robust and expansive
pandemic eased, we have held events tise and advice, yet they lack statutory body where everybody has a stake in it
in Mumbai and Delhi to an enthusiastic recognition. Existing anomalies in law and its agenda. The whole purpose is to
response and plan to cover other cities. have supported such perceptions, which have a self-contributing, self-sufficient,
In acting as an influential body need correction. and self-funding organisation.
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