Award 39475
Award 39475
Award 39475
1) By virtue of section 30(9) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 at page 1, the
2) By virtue of section 30(9) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 at page 3 and
[6] This Court considered all the notes of proceedings in this matter, documents
a) The Claimant’s Statement of Case dated 23.11.2020.
[7] The dispute before this Court relates to the claim by Lee Teck Khin (“the
Claimant”) that he was dismissed from his employment without just cause or
[8] The Claimant’s employment had been terminated by the Company due to his
of the company car and mobile phone usage and life and medical
against the Claimant, no complaints in his file and the Claimant’s work
had been recognized to the extent that he received annual bonuses and
the show cause letter by way of a reply dated 11.06.2019. This reply
[11] The Company suspended the Claimant (with pay) with effect from
[12] On 28.11.2019, the Company issued a second show cause letter to the
[15] The Claimant's employment had been terminated by the Company due
[16] It is an undisputed fact that prior to his dismissal a Domestic Inquiry was
[17] Vide a Notice of Domestic Inquiry dated 30.12.2019, four (4) charges in
“First Charge
You have been observed to approve transactions that were not complying with
HQ audit highlighting earlier this year the Company processes at risk and to be
Second Charge
On the 24th of July 2018, you had confirmed vide a letter to the Treasury
Operations department of Airbus S.A.S. that the Company “has received the
Airbus Group Treasury Golden Rules 2017 and has bank accounts and
payments systems in compliance with the Airbus Group Treasury Golden Rules
However, despite your confirmation, it was reported under the “Internal Controls
Fit Check Results for Sepang Aircraft Engineering” dated 24th of January 2019
(“Fit-Check”) issued by Airbus S.A.S that you had continued to authorize cash
advance (petty cash) payments to staff in the year 2018 and 2019 which is non-
e.g. travel abroad…Entity claims to have a validation by board for petty cash,
The specific recommended action given to you was to “shut down petty cash
this resulting in the Head of Finance Malaysia issuing a memo dated 2nd of May
In the circumstances, you failed to discharge your responsibility in an efficient
manner and promote the interests of the Company by not implementing specific
Code of Conduct and Discipline under the Employee Handbook of the Company
Third Charge
On the 5th of November 2015, you had invited an external DQS auditor for
RM158.00 (Ref No. 342009). You had submitted a Local Entertainment & Other
Expenses Claim Form to the Company for the reimbursement of the cost of the
body-massage service.
activity which could lead to a conflict of interest within or outside hours of work
Your act and/or conduct contravenes the Code of Conduct and Discipline under
Fourth Charge
On the 3rd of November 2015, you had invited an external DQS auditor for body-
massage service at Proto Bestari Sdn Bhd amounting to RM 132.00 (Ref No.
1058753). You had submitted a Local Entertainment & Other Expenses Claim
Form to the Company for the reimbursement of the cost of the body-massage
activity which could lead to a conflict of interest within or outside hours of work
that is prohibited under the Company Code of Conduct. Your act and/or conduct
charges contained in both show cause letters and the Claimant appeared
to defend himself. The charges were merged into one inquiry. The charge
in the first show cause letter became first charge and the charges in the
second show cause letters became second, third and fourth charge. The
the Company informed the Claimant that he had been found guilty of first
[20] By way of a letter dated 10.02.2020, the Company informed the Claimant
that the decision had been taken to dismiss him with effect from
[21] The Claimant disputes the findings of the domestic inquiry with concerning
of first and second charges and states that his dismissal was unlawful
about 26.11.2018, the audit team from Airbus S.A.S. Headquarters had
[24] It is also an undisputed fact that under item 6.2 of the Fit-Check Memo, it
(a) That bank account changes were under the control of the Head of
(b) That there was no systematic cross check with regards to supplier
(c) Advised the Claimant to implement Airbus Group standards for bank
Dubuloz, who is COW3 had sent an e-mail to alert the Company’s Finance
fraudulent requests for payment, highlighting the fact that the requests may
come from what looks like a legitimate “” e-mail address, and
mail alerted the Company’s finance team, including the Claimant herein on
the followings: -
b. To always check with Mr. Ting Kok Heng from the Company’s
c. that the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Raymond or himself will
never send a request like the typical scam e-mail without copying
d. He had also instructed the Claimant to forward the risk e-mail to his
[26] It is an undisputed fact that on 25.2.2019, the Claimant received an e-mail
the Company’s Chief Executive Officer which gave instruction to the Claimant
USA. The change to a bank account in the USA (from France initially) was
[27] It is the Company’s respectful submissions that the said instructions should
have alerted the Claimant, as the Chief Finance Officer at the material times,
on the veracity of the claims to be paid, given that the said fake/scam e-mail
b. “so this week we will be using our SUBSIDIARY BANK ACCOUNT”; and
[28] The Claimant as the Chief Finance Officer of the Company should have known
that the Company was not under any “audit” during that material time and that
[29] About one (1) month later, on 26.3.2019, the Claimant received another e-mail
[30] The dubious e-mail dated 26.3.2019 was sent directly to and addressed to the
Claimant. The contents of the dubious e-mail dated 26.3.2019 were similar to
[31] With respect, the Company submits that it is an undisputed fact that on the
printed version of the dubious e-mail dated 26.3.2019, the Claimant had
[33] On 26.3.2019, the Claimant, as Chief Finance Officer, instructed his team
with the fraudulent bank account details was signed off by the Claimant, as
[35] On 29.3.2019 and 15.4.2019, two (2) payments were made and approved by
changed his/her bank account from France to the USA and who used the
exact same statements as the fraudster posing as the CEO of the Company
submission and contention that there were sufficient elements to alert him as
the CFO of the Company and further clearly there was no process in place
to ensure that a change of bank account was controlled under the purview of
[37] The Company had conducted investigations against him and on the matters
investigation, the Company had found out and concluded that the Claimant
fraudulent oversea bank account as the Claimant was the CFO for the
[38] Based on the Company’s findings, the Company had thereafter issued a
Upon receiving the Claimant’s reply to the show cause letter dated 11.6.2019
and pending the investigation on the Claimant’s 1st misconduct act, the
Company had suspended the Claimant’s duty on full pay with effect from
[39] It is an undisputed fact that every year Airbus S.A.S Head Quarters (HQ)
requires the Chief Finance Officer (CFO) of each entity (in the case of the
[40] Two (2) pertinent rules are that no petty cash and no corporate credit cards
[41] Vide an email dated 23.5.2018, the Claimant received a request from Airbus
request were, inter alia, the Treasury Golden Rules, a template of the
[42] On 24.7.2018, vide a letter to the Treasury Operations department of Airbus
S.A.S, the Claimant had confirmed, whereby he had signed and returned the
Treasury Attestation to Airbus, that the Company “has received the Airbus
Group Treasury Rules 2017 and has bank accounts and payment systems
[43] On or about 26.11.2018, the audit team from Airbus S.A.S Headquarters
Chief Finance Officer (CFO) and Head of Finance of the Company. The Fit-
[44] The specific recommended action given to the Claimant was to “shut down
Claimant had failed to implement it which was not in compliance with Rule
10 of the Treasury Golden Rules 2018. This prompted Mr. Cyril, as the Airbus
[45] The petty cash scheme was finally shut down in June, 2019.
[46] Based on the Company’s investigation, the Company had found out and
concluded that the Claimant was responsible for the non-compliance of the
Airbus Group Treasury Golden Rules 2018 since the Claimant, as the
CFO of the Company, was in charge of the bank accounts and payment
systems of the Company. Further, the Claimant as the personnel who signed
confirming that the Company was in compliance with the Treasury Golden
Rules which excludes the use of petty cash and/or corporate credit cards
failed to highlight the non-compliance for example on the usage of petty cash
[47] Subsequent to the investigations the Company had issued a show cause
letter dated 28.11.2019 against the Claimant. The Company had found that
the Claimant, as Chief Finance Officer of the Company, had failed to apply
Conduct. Details of the charges levelled against the Claimant can be found
[48] After the Company received the Claimant’s reply to the show cause letter
In respect of the Third and Fourth Charges or 3rd and 4th misconduct
[49] On 3.11.2015 and 5.11.2015, the Claimant had invited an external DQS
auditor for body massages, paid for them and claimed back the cost for him
[50] It is the Company’s contention that the Claimant had participated, whether
outside hours of work that is prohibited under the Company Code of Conduct.
[51] Upon the conclusion of the investigations, the Company found the Claimant’s
explanations and or replies for the two show cause letters unsatisfactory
material time, the Company had further conducted the said Domestic Inquiry
[52] Upon the outcome of the said Domestic Inquiry, the Company’s Human
on the result of the domestic inquiry where by he was found guilty on the
First and Second charges and not guilty for the Third and Fourth charges.
[53] The Claimant’s employment with the Company was terminated with effect
[54] The role of the Industrial Court under section 20 of the Industrial Relations
Act 1967 is succinctly explained in the case Milan Auto Sdn. Bhd. v. Wong
Seh Yen [1995] 4 CLJ 449. His Lordship Justice Mohd Azmi bin
Kamaruddin FCJ delivering the judgment of the Federal Court had the
“As pointed out by this Court recently in Wong Yuen Hock v. Syarikat
Hong Leong Assurance Sdn. Bhd. & Another Appeal [1995] 3 CLJ
344; [1995] 2 MLJ 753, the function of the Industrial Court in dismissal
just cause or excuse for the dismissal. Failure to determine these
[55] The above principle was further reiterated by the Court of Appeal in the case
lordship Justice Mohd Ghazali Yusoff, JCA outlined the function of the
Industrial Court:-
“[21] The learned judge of the High Court held that the Industrial Court had
adopted and applied a wrong standard of proof in holding that the respondent
has failed to prove dishonest intention and further stating that the respondent
has not been able to discharge their evidential burden in failing to prove every
element of the charge. He went on to say that the function of the Industrial
3 CLJ 344 where in delivering the judgment of the court Mohd Azmi FCJ
On the authorities, we were of the view that the main and only function
[56] It will not be complete this if this Court fails to make reference to the decision
of the Federal Court in the case of Goon Kwee Phoy v. J & P Coats (M)
Bhd [1981] 1 LNS 30 where His Lordship Raja Azlan Shah, CJ (Malaya)
“Where representations are made and are referred to the Industrial Court
for enquiry,
him the duty of the Industrial Court will be to enquire whether that
excuse or reason has or has not been made out. If it finds as a fact
that it has not been proved, then the inevitable conclusion must be that
the termination or dismissal was without just cause or excuse. The proper
enquiry of the Court is the reason advanced by it and that Court or the
High Court cannot go into another reason not relied on by the employer
Burden Of Proof
[57] Whenever a Company had caused the dismissal of the workman, it is then
the dismissal was with just cause or excuse. This Court will now referto the
The burden of proof lies on the employer to prove that he has just
cause and excuse for taking the decision to impose the disciplinary
Standard Of Proof
Sanguni Nair & Anor [2002] 3 CLJ 314 the Court of Appeal had laid
down the principle that the standard of proof that is required to prove a
“Thus, we can see that the preponderant view is that the Industrial
Court, when hearing a claim of unjust dismissal, even where the ground
the courts and learned authors have used such terms as "solid and
evidence," "whether a case... has been made out", "on the balance of
again, if we may add, these are not "passwords" that the failure to use
the Company and the Claimant having accepted the offer commenced
[60] This Court had considered all the evidence in this case and based on
the facts of this case and the evidence before this Court, this Court is
satisfied that the Company is able to show that the Claimant's was
an opportunity to present their side of the story. By the evidence of before this
b) Clear Policies and Guidelines: The Company should have well-
defined workplace policies and guidelines that explicitly state what constitutes
misconduct. This clarity helps both the Claimant and Company understand
(ii) Company’s Witness Statement (Wan Anita Binti Mohd Zaki) – marked
in Malaysia.
termination. This has been done by show cause letter was given to the
(i) Company’s Witness Statement (Mohamed Raziff Abdul Hamid) –
(ii) Company’s Witness Statement (Wan Anita Binti Mohd Zaki) – marked
in Malaysia.
[61] From the witness statement shows the evidence there are as per
i) The Company had issued a show cause letter dated 3.6.2019 whereby it had
act. Upon receiving the Claimant's reply to the show cause letter dated
misconduct act, the Company suspended the Claimant's duty on full pay
ii) Based on the Company's books and records which COWS-2 have
accessed to, Airbus S.A.S Headquarters requires the Chief Finance Officer
of each entity in the case of the Company, the Claimant to confirm their
iii) Two (2) pertinent rules are that no petty cash and no corporate credit cards
iv) Vide an email dated 23.5.2018, the Claimant received a request from
the request were, inter alia, the Treasury Golden Rules, a template of the
the Airbus Group Treasury Rules 2017 and has bank accounts and
Rules 2018".
vi) On or about 26.11.2018, the audit team from Airbus S.A.S Headquarters
vii) Resulting from the fit-check exercise, a Fit-Check Memo was released on
validation by board for petty cash, but no Treasury validation." With the
viii) The specific recommended action given to the Claimant was to "shut down
Claimant had failed to implement it which was not in compliance with Rule
10 of the Treasury Golden Rules 2018. This prompted Mr. Cyril, as Airbus
ix) The petty cash scheme was finally shut down in June, 2019.
these matters.
xi) Based on the Company's investigation, the Company had found out and
concluded that the Claimant was responsible for the non-compliance of the
Airbus Group Treasury Golden Rules 2018 since the Claimant, as the Chief
Finance Officer of the Company, was in charge of the bank accounts and
Treasury Golden Rules which excludes the use of petty cash and/or
xii) The Claimant had also failed to raise any queries/questions as to the
proceeded to sign and return the same with handwritten notes not related
The Claimant's act gave the Company the impression that the Claimant had
understood the contents of the Treasury Golden Rules and the Treasury
xiii) The Company had also found out that the Claimant had participated to a
signed and returned the Treasury Attestation where he could have raised
any queries/questions about the Treasury Golden Rules and the Treasury
Attestation. However, the Claimant had failed and/or did not raised any
xiv) Further, in 2018, before the Claimant signed and returned the Treasury
person or via conference calls with Airbus Finance Individuals, including but
from Malaysia, Singapore, Asia and France. However, the Claimant did not
interact or raise any queries or questions about the Treasury Golden Rules
xv) Therefore, the Company concluded that, the Claimant who alleged that he
was not given guidance in respect of the Treasury Golden Rules and the
raise any queries/questions on the same, but the Claimant had failed to do
xvi) The Company also concluded that based on the Fit-Check Memo
Mr. Cyril had issued a further memo dated 2.5.2019 to highlight on the
xvii) Hence, the Company concluded that the Claimant is guilty and
responsible for the second misconduct because the Claimant had failed to
xviii) The Company also concluded that the Claimant as the Company's Chief
required from him, the demand of his job and the Company's expectation
on him. Therefore, the failure to shut down petty cash schemes was due to
relying on such statements from subsidiaries all over the world to assess
xx) Based on the Company's documents and/or records which COWS-2 have
show cause Letter dated 28.11.2019 against the Claimant. The Company
had found that the Claimant, as Chief Finance Officer of the Company, had
Code of Conduct. Details of the charges levelled against the Claimant can
xxi) After the Company received the Claimant's reply to the show cause letter
xxii) Upon the conclusion of the investigations, the Company found the
Claimant's explanations and/or replies for the two show cause Letters
d) Due Process: The Claimant has a right to due process, which includes
the opportunity to understand the allegations against him and respond. Based
on the evidence before this, the Company had followed its established
disciplinary procedures and provide the accused Claimant a fair hearing. This
were also has been done by Domestic Inquiry as per Honourable Court
evidence above.
e) Documentation: Proper documentation is essential. Maintain records
of all relevant incidents, conversations, and actions taken, as this will help
establish the basis for termination and protect the Company in case of legal
enforcement can lead to legal challenges and claims of discrimination. This also
(ii) Company’s Witness Statement (Wan Anita Binti Mohd Zaki) – marked
in Malaysia.
g) Legal Compliance: It's vital to ensure that any termination due to
professionally and sensitively. Clearly explain the reasons for the termination
and provide any necessary details, such as final pay, return of company
the documentary and oral evidence produced before this Honourable Court.
careful consideration and adherence to the law and the company policies.
productive, ethical, and safe work environment and ensuring that Claimant’s
rights and due process are respected throughout the termination process.
[62] Whether the termination of the Claimant by the Company right exercise
[63] Pursuant to section 30(5) of “The Act” and guided by the principles of
regard to technicalities and legal forms and after having considered the
totality of the facts of the case, the evidence adduced and by reasons of
above, this Court finds that the Company had proven on the balance of