SPP Doc 200 201
SPP Doc 200 201
SPP Doc 200 201
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1 . I N T R O DU C T IO N
T h e r e a r e m a ny wa y s b y w h i c h a C l i e nt c a n e n g a g e t h e s e r v i ce s
o f a n A r c h i te ct . T h e m o s t a p p r o p ri a te m e t h o d o f s e l e c ti ng a n
A r c h i te c t w i l l d e p e n d o n t h e t y p e a n d c o m p l e x ity o f t h e p r o j e c t .
2 . S C O P E O F S E R V IC E S
T h e s c o p e o f s e r v i c e s w i l l d e p e nd o n t h e m e t h o d b y w h i c h t h e
A r c h i te c t i s s e l e c te d.
3 . M ET H O DS O F S E L E C T IO N
3 . 1 . D i r e c t S e l e c ti o n i s u s e d w h e n u n d e r ta k i n g a r e l a ti ve l y
s m a l l p r o j e c t . T h e C l i e n t s e l e c ts h i s A r c h i te c t o n t h e b a s i s o f :
3 . 1 . 1 . Re p uta tio n
3 . 1 . 2 . Pe r s o n a l o r b u s i n e s s a c q u a i n ta n ce o r r e c o m m e n da ti o n o f
a friend
3 . 1 . 3 . Re c o mme nda ti o n o f t h e A r c h i te c t ’s f o r m e r C l i e nt
3 . 1 . 4 . Re c o mme nda ti o n o f a n o t h e r A r c h i te c t .
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3.2. Comparative Selection may be conducted by committees representing
institutions, corporations or public agencies. The selection process involves:
3.2.1. Invitation. The Client issues an invitation which includes the Terms of
Reference (ToR) for the project which is based on the Design Brief prepared by
another Architect. The selection committee established by the Client may consist of
representatives from other State -regulated professions and /or the construction
industry, as well as persons with related expertise.
3.2.4. Verif ication. The selection committee may visit buildings designed by the
Architects and check references such as former clients and financial institutions.
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3.2.5. Evaluation & Ranking. The selection committee may adopt its own procedure
in evaluating the entries and recommending the most capable firm.
3.2.6. Negotiation. The Architect explains to the Client the Scope of Ser vices and
the Architect’s Fee as prescribed under the Architect’s Guidelines.
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3.3. An Architectural Design Competition (ADC) is
used for civic or monumental projects. The competition
may either be an idea competit ion, design or design
build competition. Various Architect s or architect ural
f irms (AFs) submit plan /design solutions to a par ticular
design problem and are judged on the basis of
comparat ive excellence.
3.3.1. Advantag es
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3.3.2. Disadvantag es
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3.3.4. Par ticipants
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c. Professi onal Adviser – Philippine -Regist ered and
Licensed Architects (RLAs) who are IAPOA members in
good standing;
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These preliminary studies involve the procurement,
analysis and use of secondary information gathered
for the project to aid the Client in early decision-
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Detailed analysis of the project based on pre-feasibility
studies will determine the viability of a proposed
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This entails the formulation of site criteria, assistance to
the Client in site evaluation as well as analysis to
determine the most appropriate site/s for a proposed
project or building program.
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The detailed analysis of the site involves the
identification of a site’s development potentials through
the proper utilization of land.
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Architectural research entails the conduct of primary and
secondary researches and assembled facts used as basis
for conclusion.
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This analytical problem-seeking process will lead to the
statement and identification of both horizontal and
vertical requirements in offering a solution. It
incorporates a space program with characterizations of
the envisioned spaces such as ambiance, cost range, etc.
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The Architect determines the adequate size and
appropriate configuration and assemblage for a proposed
project in consideration of the use, allocation and
interface of spaces for given activities. Space planning is
done mainly through primary data gathering such as
interviews, consultations, interfaces, focus group
discussions (FGDs), space planning surveys, space
audits, etc. and subsequent analyses i.e. spatial layouts
with stacking concepts, particularly for multi-storey
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An analysis of the space requirements of the project
based on organizational structure and functional set-up
pinpoints linkages and interaction of spaces. The
formulation of the space program will serve as the basis
for the development of the architectural plan / design.
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This technique is applied in the cost management
process to minimize the negative effect of simplified
operations associated with many cost-reduction
programs. The goal of value management is to achieve
an unimpaired program at minimum cost. Thus, a plan,
design or system that has been successfully value-
managed will still satisfy the same performance criteria
as the costlier alternatives
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Under design brief preparation, the Architect states the
project terms of reference (ToR) including the concept,
objectives and other necessary requirements to bid out
architectural services (whether public or private).
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Projects may require promotional activities in order to
develop and generate financial support and acceptance
from governing agencies or from the general public. In
such cases, the Architect can act as the agent of the
Owner by producing and coordinating the additional
activities necessary to complete the services. In all such
activities, the Architect must maintain his professional
status as the representative of the Owner.
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3.1 After the initial meeting/conversation /
correspondence with the Client, the Architect must
submit his proposal for pre-design services, stating the
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The Architect can render services in any of the following ways:
3.2.2 Architect’s Own Staff It is possible for Architects (as natural persons)
working in a single firm to specialize in a variety of ways. Many Architects and
firms (juridical persons) specialize without losing the generalist approach of the
Architect or firm.
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Presenter Name
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