Makalah B.inggris
Makalah B.inggris
Makalah B.inggris
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Table Of Content
PREFACE................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER I...............................................................................................................3
A. Background..................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................4
A. Concept of the text......................................................................................4
1. Narrative text...........................................................................................4
2. Description text........................................................................................5
3. Recount text.............................................................................................6
4. Expository text.........................................................................................7
5. Argumentation/Discussion text...............................................................8
6. Procedure Text.........................................................................................9
7. Report text.............................................................................................11
CHAPTER III...........................................................................................................13
1. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................13
2. CRITICISM AND SUGGESTIONS..................................................................13
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Praise my gratitude for the presence of the almighty god
who has bestowed his favor, help, and guidance, so that the writer can complete this
English paper properly. Thank you to our supervising teacher who always provides
support and guidance.
This paper is written with the aim of fulfilling the English assignment. Not only that,
the writer hopes that this paper can be useful for writers in particular and readers in
general. Nevertheless, the author realizes that in the preparation of this paper there are
still many shortcomings. Therefore, we really hope for criticism and suggestions for
the perfection of this paper.
Finally, the writer hopes that this B.English paper can provide useful information and
knowledge for all of us, the author also thanks the readers who have read this paper
until the end.
A. Background
In this article, we will disscuss the various types of text that exist in English.
But not many people know about the text itself.
The various types of text in English itself such as :
Narrative text
Descriptive text
Procedure text
Recouny text
Expository text
Argumentation text
1. Narrative text
2. Descriptive text
3. Recount text
4. Expository text
5. Argumentation text
1. The purpose of the text : why is the text made? , why is the text made for by
its writer.
2. The generic structure of the text : analyzing the used structure in composing
the text, in what way is the text intructed by its writer.
3. The language feature : taking a look at the liguistic characterizations of the
text. what kind of language feature is used to build the text by its writer.
1. Narrative text
a. Definition of narrative
Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events, it tries to
find the resolution and to solve this problems.
True Friends
Once upon time, there was two close friends who were walking through the
forest together. They knew that anything dangerous could happen at any time in the
forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of
Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a
nearby tree at once
2. Description text
a. The definition and purpose of descriptive text
Desriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. its
purpose is to describe and reveals a particular person,place,or thing.
The white tiger is a type of feline subspecies of the Bengal tiger. It has almost no
orange pigmentation . It is for reason that its fur is white and from there it drives its
name. Despite the black stripes it maintains its pigmentation.
Regarding their size or size, these tigers are usually slighty larger than the orange
tigers. Due this condition (lack of pigmentation), white tigers have been classified as
exotic animals and are a source of great lourist attraction.
3. Recount text
a. Definition of Recount text
Recount is a text wich retells event or experiences in the past. Its purpose
is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no complication
among the participant and that differentiates from narrative.
Late to school
Last Wednesday, I came late to my school because I played playstation until 2.00 am
in the night. Because I woke up late. I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would
begin at 7.00 am. I run to bathroom to take a bath. I usually had breakfast after taking
a bath, but on that day I did not do that.
I always went to school by motorcycle. But on that day, I forgot where I put the key.
So, I went to the school by public transportation. It took me a longer time. I arrived at
school at 7.15 am, I run to my class but i saw my teacher had stood in front of the
class to teach. I entered my class and of course my teacher was angry at me because I
came late. It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.
4. Expository text
A. Analytical exposition text
a. Definition of analytical exposition
Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon
surrounding; its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is
important matter5.
Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution and cause a
lot of road death and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, all we know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a
deadly gas that caused illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off
asthma. Some of these Illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.
Secondly, the city the city is very busy. Padestrians wader everywhere and cars
commonly hit pedestrians in the city, wich causes them to die. Cars today today are
our road biggest killer.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you mind find it hard to sleep at
night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone. In
conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reason listed.
5. Argumentation/Discussion text
a. Definition Discussion text
Discussion is a text wich presents discourse. This problem will be
disscused from different viewpoint. Disscusion is commonly found in
philosophical, historic, and social text.
b. Generic structure of Disscusion
Statement of issue : stating the issue wich is disscused.
List of supporting point : presenting point in supporting the
presented issue.
List of contrastive pont : pressenting othe point wich disagree to the
supporting point.
Recommendation : stating the writer’s recommendation of the
c. Language feature of discussion
Introducing category or generic participant.
Using thinking verb : feel, hope, believe.
Using additive, contrastive, and casual connection : similarly, on the
hard, however.
Using modalities : must, should, could, may.
Using adverbial of manner : deliberatelly, hopefully.
d. Example of Discussion text
Parents choose to homeschool to educate their kids because they believe that
homeschooling can be a personalized schedule. Homeschooling allows parents and
children to work out a schedule that will best work for the child. Another advantage is
flexibility in time and curriculum. By homeschooling, parents can set the curriculum
On the other hand, homeschooling can spoil parents’ time. Homeschooling needs a lot
of time in preparation and delivery. Parents have to research topics, prepare the
lessons, set up the projects, and field the trips.
So, when thinking about putting children through home school, I believe we should
make sure that we understand all of the criteria involved in home education.
Explain :
a) Subject
b) Verb
c) Object
d) Adverb
6. Procedure Text
Procedure text is a text that aims to describe an order or instruction on how
something is achieved according to the correct sequences or steps. Procedure
text usually begins with How to .... “Example Include”
Example : “How to make a cup of tea”, “How to Use the computer”, and many
other examples.
Some characteristics of procedure text are :
Uses simple past tense (S+V1)
Imperaative/Command form
Uses action verb
Use temporal conjuctions
7. Report text
a. Definition
Report text is a type of text that announce the result of an investigation ot
announce something. The information given in a report text is very general
b. Purpose
The main purpose of report text is to inform about certain functions or
detailed information of an object, or in English, the purpose of report text
is to inform about certain function of a participant.
General classification
Cats are one of the members of Felidae, an animal family that consists of lions, tigers,
bobcats, and cats. They are also called domestic cats or house cats, and their latin
name is Felis catus. The domesticated cats have been human companions for around
9,500 years. Nowadays, they are very popular. Many people keep them as pets,
On average, the weight of domestic cats ranges from 2.7 to 4.5 kg. The average
lengths are 71.1 cm for male cats and 50.8 cm for female cats. In addition, cats
maintain their energy by sleeping a lot. They can sleep for 12 to 16 hours a day.
Cats possess sharp claws on their feet that they use to catch their prey, fight, and
climb. Despite having a sensitive vision, they cannot see very dark surroundings very
well. However, they have a good balance. They are able to quickly pick themselves
up when they fall. One of the unique characteristics of cats is they walk on their toes.
Moreover, cats like to keep themselves clean by licking their body.
It turns out that after we peel a little that there are many types of texts in English such
as; Narrative Texts, Descriptive Text, Recount Text, exspository text (analytical
&hortatory) and argument/discussion text and many others.