18b Biology

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CLASS : 12th (Sr. Secondary) Code No.

Series : SS-M/2018

Roll No. SET : B

tho foKku
[ Hindi and English Medium ]
(Only for Fresh/Re-appear Candidates)
Time allowed : 3 hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 60

• Ñi;k tk¡p dj ysa fd bl iz'u&i= esa eqfnzr iz'u 18 gSaA

Please make sure that the printed question paper are contains 18
• iz'u&i= esa nkfgus gkFk dh vksj fn;s x;s dksM uEcj rFkk lsV dks Nk= mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds
eq[;&i`"B ij fy[ksaA
The Code No. and Set on the right side of the question paper should be
written by the candidate on the front page of the answer-book.
• Ñi;k iz'u dk mÙkj fy[kuk 'kq: djus ls igys] iz'u dk Øekad vo'; fy[ksaA
Before beginning to answer a question, its Serial Number must be written.
• mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds chp esa [kkyh iUuk@iUus u NksMsa+A

Don’t leave blank page/pages in your answer-book.

• mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds vfrfjDr dksbZ vU; 'khV ugha feysxhA vr% vko';drkuqlkj gh fy[ksa vkSj fy[kk
mÙkj u dkVsaA
Except answer-book, no extra sheet will be given. Write to the point and do

not strike the written answer.

3630/(Set : B) P. T. O.
(2) 3630/(Set : B)
• ijh{kkFkhZ viuk jksy ua0 iz'u&i= ij vo'; fy[ksaA
Candidates must write their Roll Number on the question paper.

• d`i;k iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsus lss iwoZ ;g lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd iz'u&i= iw.kZ o lgh gS] ijh{kk ds
mijkUr bl lEcU/k esa dksbZ Hkh nkok Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
Before answering the questions, ensure that you have been supplied the

correct and complete question paper, no claim in this regard, will be

entertained after examination.

lkekU; funsZ'k % –
(i) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(ii) bl ç'u-i= esa dqy 18 iz'u gSa] tks pkj [k.Mksa % v] c] l rFkk n esa foHkDr gSaA
(iii) [k.M & v ds iz'u la[;k 1 esa ckjg (i-xii) oLrqfu"B iz'u gSaA iz'u (i) ls (viii) rd
cgqfodYih; iz'u gSaA izR;sd iz'u esa pkj fodYi fn, x, gSa ftlesa ls lgh fodYi dk
p;u dhft,A iz'u (ix) ls (xii) rd izR;sd dk mÙkj ,d ;k nks 'kCnksa ;k okD;ksa esa
nhft,A izR;sd iz'u 1 vad dk gSA
(iv) [k.M & c esa iz'u la[;k 2 ls 10 rd vfr-y?kwÙkjkRed iz'u gSa] izR;sd ds 2 vad gSaA
(v) [k.M & l esa iz'u la[;k 11 ls 15 rd y?kwÙkjkRed iz'u gSa] izR;sd ds 3 vad gSaA
(vi) [k.M& n esa iz'u la[;k 16 ls 18 rd nh?kZ mÙkjkRed iz'u gaS] izR;sd ds 5 vad gSaA
(vii) [k.M & n ¼nh?kZ mÙkjkRed iz'u½ ds nks iz'uksa esa vkUrfjd fodYi miyC/k gSA ,sls iz'uksa
esa ls vkidks nh x;h NwV esa ls dsoy ,d gh iz'u djuk gSA

3630/(Set : B)
(3) 3630/(Set : B)
General Instructions : –
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper contains 18 questions, which are divided into
four Sections : A, B, C and D.
(iii) Section – A contains question number 1 having twelve (i-xii) objective
type questions. Each question carries 1 mark. Question from (i) to (viii)
multiple choice type questions. Each question carries four options, from
which choose the correct option. The answer of each question from (ix) to
(xii) may be given in one or two words or sentences.
(iv) Section – B contains question numbers 2 to 10 of very short answer
type questions and carry 2 marks each.
(v) Section – C contains question numbers 11 to 15 of short answer type
questions and carry 3 marks each.
(vi) Section – D contains question numbers 16 to 18 of long answer type
questions and carry 5 marks each.
(vii) Internal choice is available in two questions of Section-D (Long
Answer Type Questions). You have to attempt only one of the given
choice in such questions.
[k.M – v

¼oLrqfu"B iz'u½
(Objective Type Questions)

1. (i) fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlesa cká fu"kspu gksrk gS \ 1

(A) cksuh fQ'k
(B) esa<d
(C) (A) vkSj (B) nksuksa

3630/(Set : B) P. T. O.
(4) 3630/(Set : B)
(D) ljhl`i
In which of the following the fertilization is external ?
(A) Bony fish
(B) Frog
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Reptile

(ii) fuEufyf[kr esa ls vkj ,u , ikWfyejst&I fdldk vuqys[ku djrk gS \ 1

(A) tRNA
(B) mRNA
(C) (A) vkSj (B) nksuksa
(D) rRNAs

Which of the following is transcribed by RNA polymerase-I ?

(A) tRNA

(B) mRNA

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) rRNAs

(iii) fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk izkjaHkd izdwV gS \ 1




3630/(Set : B)
(5) 3630/(Set : B)
(D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha

Which of the following is a initiative codon ?




(D) None of these

(iv) lhykdsaFk D;k Fkh \ 1

(A) eNyh
(B) mHk;pj
(C) ljhl`i
(D) i{kh

Coelacanth was a :

(A) Fish

(B) Amphibian

(C) Reptile

(D) Bird

(v) fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ok;qeaMyh; ukbVªkstu dks fLFkjhÑr dj ldrk gS \ 1

3630/(Set : B) P. T. O.
(6) 3630/(Set : B)
(A) ,sukchuk
(B) ukWlVkWd
(C) vkWflysVksfj;k
(D) ;s lHkh
Which of the following can fix atmospheric nitrogen ?

(A) Anabaena

(B) Nostoc

(C) Oscillatoria

(D) All of these

(vi) cxqyk vkSj pkj.k i'kq dh ikjLifjd fØ;k fdldk mnkgj.k gS \ 1

(A) lgksidkfjrk
(B) ijHk{k.k
(C) lgHkksftrk
(D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
The interaction between cattle egret and grazing cattle is an
example of :

(A) Mutualism

(B) Predation

(C) Commensalism

3630/(Set : B)
(7) 3630/(Set : B)
(D) None of these

(vii) fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu tyh; ikfjfLFkfrd vuqØe esa vxzxkeh leqnk; cukrk gS \ 1

(A) tyeXu ikni

(B) ujdV rjkbZ ikni
(C) ikniIyod
(D) rSjus okys ikni
Which of the following constitute the pioneer community in
hydrarch ecological succession ?

(A) Submerged plants

(B) Emergent plants

(C) Phytoplankton

(D) Floating plants

(viii) cgqr vf/kd tkrh; le`f) vkSj mPp LFkkfudrk ¼,aMsfeT+e½ dgk¡ ikbZ tkrh gS \ 1

(A) o`gn fofo/krk t+ksu esa

(B) jk"Vªh; m|ku esa
(C) vHk;kj.; esa
(D) tSo&fofo/krk rIr LFkyksa ¼gkWV&LikWV½ esa
The most richest species and high degree of endemism are found

in :

(A) Mega diversity zone

3630/(Set : B) P. T. O.
(8) 3630/(Set : B)
(B) National park

(C) Sanctuaries

(D) Biodiversity hot-spots

(ix) ml ikni dk uke fyf[k, tks 12 o"kksZa esa ,d ckj iq"i mRiUu djrk gSA 1

Write the name of the plant that produce flowers once in 12 years.

(x) GIFT fof/k D;k gS \ 1

What is GIFT technique ?

(xi) ,saVhckW;ksfVd D;k gS \ 1

What is Antibiotic ?

(xii) gksfevksLVSfll fdls dgrs gSa \ 1

What is Homeostasis ?

[k.M – c

¼vfr-y?kwÙkjkRed iz'u½
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

2. LifeZvkstsusfll vkSj LifeZ,'ku D;k gS \ 2

3630/(Set : B)
(9) 3630/(Set : B)
What is spermiogenesis and spermiation ?

3. xHkZfujks/k dh var%xHkkZ'k;h ;qfDr;ksa ¼bUVªk;wVsjkbu fMokbl½ ds ckjs esa fyf[k,A 2

Write about Intrauterine devices of contraception.

4. O;Drsd ¼,DtkWu½ vkSj vO;Drsd ¼baVªkWu½ D;k gSa \ 2

What are exons and introns ?

5. vlafnX/k vkSj viÐkflr izdwV ls vkidk D;k vfHkizk; gS \ 2

What do you mean by unambiguous and degenerate codon ?

6. áwxks Mh ozht+ ds fodkl ds fl)kUr ds ckjs esa fyf[k,A ;g MkfoZu ds er ls fdl izdkj fHkUu
gS \ 2

Write about Hugo de Vries theory of evolution. How does it differ from

Darwin view ?

7. lkbDyksLiksfju , fdl thok.kq ls mRiUu gksrk gS \ bldh D;k Hkwfedk gksrh gS \ 2

From which microbes cyclosporine A is produced ? Write its role.

8. lqdasnzdh esa thu vfHkO;fDr dk fu;eu fdu Lrjksa ij fd;k tk ldrk gS \ 2

At which level the regulation of gene expression in Eukaryotes can be

done ?

3630/(Set : B) P. T. O.
( 10 ) 3630/(Set : B)
9. m".kdfVca/kh {ks=ksa esa lcls vf/kd Lrj dh tkfr le`f) D;ksa feyrh gS \ bldh fofHkUu
ifjdYiuk,¡ nhft,A 2

Give various hypothesis for explaining why tropics show greatest level

of species richness ?

10. tSo fofo/krk {kfr esa lgfoyqIrrk dh D;k Hkwfedk gS \ 2

What is the role of co-extinctions in biodiversity loss ?

[k.M – l

¼y?kwÙkjkRed iz'u½

(Short Answer Type Questions)

11. vijk D;k gS \ blds dk;ksZa dks fyf[k,A 3

What is placenta ? Write down its functions.

12. U;weksfu;k jksx ds jksxtud dk uke vkSj y{k.kksa dks fyf[k,A ,d LoLFk O;fDr blls fdl
izdkj laØfer gksrk gS \ 3

Write the name of causative organism and symptoms of disease

Pneumonia. How does a healthy person acquire this infection ?

3630/(Set : B)
( 11 ) 3630/(Set : B)
13. vkuqoaf'kdr% :ikarfjr ikS/kksa ds D;k ykHk gksrs gSa \ 3

What are the advantages of genetically modified plants ?

14. bZ0 dksykbZ Dyksfuax laokgd pBR322 esa izfrca/ku LFky vkSj izfrtSfod izfrjks/kh thu n'kkZrs
gq,] bldk ukekafdr fp= cukb,A

Draw a well labelled diagram of E.Coli cloning vector pBR322 showing

restriction sites and antibiotic resistance genes.

15. Hkw&{kj.k rFkk e#LFkyhdj.k dk o.kZu dhft,A 3

Discuss soil erosion and desertification.

[k.M – n

¼nh?kZ mÙkjkRed iz'u½

(Long Answer Type Questions)

16. ikniksa esa Hkzw.kdks"k ds fuekZ.k dk o.kZu dhft,A 5

Explain the formation of Embryo sac in plants.


3630/(Set : B) P. T. O.
( 12 ) 3630/(Set : B)
iq"ih; ikS/kksa esa Loijkx.k dks grksRlkfgr ,oa ijijkx.k dks izksRlkfgr djus okys fofHkUu lk/kuksa
dk fooj.k nhft,A 5

Mention various devices to discourage self- pollination and to

encourage cross-pollination in flowering plants.

17. fVM~Ms vkSj if{k;ksa esa fyax fu/kkZj.k dk o.kZu dhft,A 5

Describe the sex determination in grasshopper and birds.


izHkkfork D;k gksrh gS \ dqN vyhy izHkkoh vkSj dqN vizHkkoh D;ksa gksrs gSa \ 5

What is dominance ? Why are some alleles dominant and some

recessive ?

18. ØkbZ izksVhal D;k gksrs gSa \ ml tho dk uke crkb, tks bls iSnk djrk gSA euq"; bl izksVhu
dks vius Qk;ns ds fy, dSls mi;ksx esa ykrk gS \ 5

What are Cry proteins ? Name the organism that produce it. How has

man exploited this protein for his benefit ?

3630/(Set : B)
( 13 ) 3630/(Set : B)

3630/(Set : B) P. T. O.

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