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Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)

Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Experience and Turnover

Intention on Employee Performance at PT. Permodalan Nasional
Madani Banjarmasin Branch Office
Joko Suprianto1*, Adi Susilo Jahja2, Saripudinᶾ
Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Keuangan, Perbankan, dan Informatika Asia
Perbanas (Asia Banking, Finance and Informatics Institute) Perbanas Jakarta
Corresponding Author: Joko Suprianto jokorb3@gmail.com

Keywords: Work Discipline, The objective of this research is to investigate
Work Experience, Turnover how work discipline, work experience, and
Intention and Employee turnover intention affect the performance of
Performance employees working at PT. Permodalan Nasional
Madani Banjarmasin Branch Office. The
Received : 2 March
methodology employed involves the distribution
Revised : 16 March
Accepted: 17 April of a questionnaire through online platforms to
collect data from a sample of 100 respondents.
©2023 Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on
This is an open-access article SmartPLS is used to conduct statistical tests. The
distributed under the terms of the findings of the study suggest that work discipline
Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 and work experience have a positive and
Internasional. significant impact on employee performance,
while turnover intention has a negative and
significant impact on employee performance

DOI: https://doi.org/10.55927/fjsr.v2i4.3784 791

( ISSN-E: 2830-6228
Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

The company is a form of business or an organization that carries out the
activity of producing goods or services continuously by individuals or business
entities. Meanwhile, according to Molengraaff (in Abdulkadir, 2010) the
company is the totality of actions that are attempted continuously, by taking
outward actions to earn income with a trading business model, handing over
objects or entering into trade agreements. The implementation of business
activities in the company is highly dependent on the contribution of the
workforce in it.
In every company, a workforce that is reliable and able to increase work
efficiency, increase speed, and focus on achieving the results desired by the
company is needed. This can happen if a company has human resources with
good performance. Mangkunegara (2002) suggests that employee performance
can be measured through an assessment of the quality, quantity and
responsibility of the tasks carried out. Thus, the results of employee work can be
considered as the resulting performance. Good performance of employees can be
known through monitoring and performance appraisal carried out by a
According to Rivai (2020) employee performance can be measured through
the results of work that has been carried out within a certain time span, by
comparing it to targets, criteria and standards that have previously been set
together. In this case, evaluation of employee performance is carried out by
comparing the results obtained with those that should have been achieved based
on the standards and targets that have been set. Therefore, employee
performance reflects how far employees have achieved work goals that have
been mutually agreed upon.
Meanwhile, according to Muis, et al. (2018) performance refers to what has
been produced or achieved by individuals or groups within the company, taking
into account their obligations, efforts and authority in realizing organizational
goals by complying with applicable legal and ethical rules. That is, performance
is assessed based on the ability of an employee, both individually and
collectively, to achieve organizational goals in a good and correct way according
to the values adopted by the company.
Performance appraisal should be carried out by the company continuously
to employees. In state-owned companies (BUMN) in the financial services
industry, performance appraisal is always based on the targets of the Company's
Budget Work Plan (RKAP). One of the state-owned companies that always
evaluates employee performance is PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM).
This company is a non-bank financial institution that has been established by the
government whose task is to improve, promote and maintain Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (UMKM). PNM has 62 branch offices, 3,680 service offices
throughout Indonesia which serve MSMEs in 34 provinces, 422 districts/cities
and 5,640 sub-districts and has more than 60 thousand employees throughout
Indonesia (PNM, 2022).
One of the PNM branch offices is the Banjarmasin branch. Based on class
status, the PNM Banjarmasin Branch is the Main Branch office which oversees 15

Jormosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)
Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

Unit Offices spread across two Provinces, namely in South Kalimantan and
Central Kalimantan. The main business managed by the branch office is the
distribution of financing to MSMEs, which is channeled through the Micro
Account Officer (AOM) in the Unit office (PNM, 2022). To find out how the
performance of the distribution of financing (lending) at PT. PNM Banjarmasin
Branch Office can be seen in the table below:

Table 1. Lending Performance of PNM Banjarmasin Branch from 2020 to 2022

Source: PNM Banjrmasin Branch

The graph shows that the performance of lending tends to decrease. With a
decrease in the performance of the distribution of financing (lending) it is
certainly a problem in the company's business so it is very necessary to study the
causes of the decrease in the distribution of financing (lending) and improve
strategies in order to improve business performance in the future. This data
shows that there is a gap in business phenomena at PT. Permodalan Nasional
Madani Banjarmasin Branch Office.
Business phenomena like this generally occur because they are influenced
by various existing factors and companies really need to pay attention to in
overcoming the problem of declining employee performance. Some of the factors
referred to are related to work discipline, work experience and turnover intention
in a company (Ardianto, 2020; Rasminto et al, 2020; Abolade, 2018).
These factors are very important for all companies to pay attention to,
especially companies that focus on the financial services industry. The
importance of this is to see and ensure how a company should be able to recruit
experienced employees in the positions held, create good work discipline for
employees in carrying out all work activities and there is maximum effort from
a company in managing good human resources so that can reduce employee
turnover rates which have an impact on employee performance. That is why
some of the factors above are fundamental for evaluation material in determining
the business strategy that will be carried out by the company.
These factors have been studied by various parties, but the results of
previous studies show differences. The difference in the results of this study
certainly creates a research gap for further research.
Previous research indicates that work discipline is the first factor that has a
positive and significant impact on employee performance. Work discipline is
defined as an employee's ability to maintain consistent and regular work habits,

Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

which can positively influence work productivity and quality (Handayani &
Bachri, 2014; Wariati, et al., 2015; Ahmad Nur Rofi, 2016). However, Sumbung et
al. (2015) discovered different results, where work discipline did not have a
significant effect on employee performance. These studies suggest that there may
be gaps or discrepancies in previous research that examined the correlation
between work discipline and employee performance.
Another factor that can have an impact on employee performance is work
experience. Work experience is seen as a significant factor that can influence an
employee's performance. Based on the position held by the employee, work
experience can enable them to provide solutions to problems that arise within the
company. As a result, companies need to take into account work experience
when selecting employees, in order to obtain experienced employees who can
directly contribute to the work at hand (Hasibuan, 2012).
According to Bachtiar (2018), work experience has a positive and significant
influence on employee performance. Similarly, Pitriyani & Abd. Halim (2020)
also found that work experience has a positive and significant impact on
employee performance. However, Kumalasari's study (2017) yielded different
results, indicating that work experience does not have a significant effect on
employee performance. Therefore, this study has identified gaps in previous
research regarding the relationship between work experience and employee
The third factor of this study is the turnover intention factor in a company.
It cannot be denied that employee turnover is a hot and serious issue being
discussed by many companies today because it has an impact on company
performance. Some circles believe that in achieving company goals there are
various factors to be faced, one of which is employee turnover. Employee
turnover or employee turnover in a company is the result of turnover intention
Turnover intention is a behavior that is owned by employees who have the desire
to move out of a company and this is behavior that is difficult to prevent. The
desire to move and or other reasons will eventually lead to an employee's
decision to leave his job (Sitanding, 2011).
The high level of turnover intention in a company will certainly result in a
high number of employee turnover. Dharma (2012) argues that turnover can
have a negative impact on the company, which may lead to workforce instability,
decreased employee performance, unfavorable work atmosphere and increased
human resource costs. Due to the importance of turnover problems which are the
result of high turnover intention, various parties have conducted research to
analyze the extent to which turnover intention influences employee performance.
Rismayanti, Musadieq, and Aini (2018) contend that employee turnover
intention has a negative and significant impact on employee performance.
Similarly, Sa'diyah S and Faidal (2017) suggest that employee turnover has a
negative and significant effect on employee performance. However, some studies
have reported different results. For instance, Natalia and Rosiana (2017) found
no significant effect of turnover intention on employee performance. Jamal et al.'s
study (2021) also supports these findings, stating that turnover intention has no
significant effect on employee performance. Consequently, this study has

Jormosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)
Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

identified a research gap concerning the impact of work experience on employee

Given the above description, the researchers are interested in investigating
how work discipline, work experience, and turnover intention affect employee
performance at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani Banjarmasin Branch Office.

Employee Performance
Lasmi & Fungky (2018) define performance as the inherent behavior
demonstrated by individuals when carrying out their assigned duties, with the
aim of achieving goals that comply with legal regulations and ethical norms.
Arya et al. (2018) suggest that employee performance is the competence of
employees to meet job requirements within the prescribed timeframe, produce
high-quality products, and align with the company's vision and mission. On the
other hand, Miner (as cited in Mangkunegara, 2017) defines performance as the
outcome of an employee's work in terms of quality and quantity, which can be
attained by carrying out tasks in accordance with assigned responsibilities.
Simanjuntak (in Widodo, 2015) argues that performance can be interpreted
as achieving results in carrying out a particular task or job. In addition, he also
revealed that individual performance refers to the level of achievement of work
results by an employee against predetermined targets within a certain period of
In summary, employee performance in a company is the consequence of
completing assigned duties that encompass specific roles and responsibilities,
with the objective of lawfully attaining the company's goals while conforming to
moral and ethical principles.
Work Discipline
The definition of work discipline according to Hamali (2016) is an attitude
of observance of behavior that is owned by each employee so that it causes
employees to be able to adapt and adjust and be full of awareness in complying
with all company regulations. Sutrisno (2019) emphasizes that work discipline
can function as a communication tool for managers to invite employees to
improve their behavior so as to increase awareness in complying with company
rules and applicable social norms.
According to Siswanto (2005), work discipline is an attitude that indicates
deference, recognition, compliance, and adherence to regulations, whether
explicit or implicit, and willingness to follow them and accept penalties in case
of a breach of the assigned duties and responsibilities.
The discussion on work discipline is crucial as it can influence the growth
of a company and serve as a means to inspire employees to maintain discipline
in carrying out their individual and group work responsibilities. It is an effective
way to instill in employees the importance of complying with the company's
regulations, procedures, and policies, which can ultimately enhance employee

Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

The correlation between work discipline and employee performance is very

strong, and the success or failure of a company often hinges on the work
discipline of its employees. Many researchers have conducted studies on this
topic, including Prasetyo & Marlina (2019), Ilham (2019), Hendri Rasminto et al.
(2020), Sadat et al. (2020), and Silalahi & Bangun (2020), and all of their findings
suggest that work discipline has a positive and significant impact on employee
performance. However, Sumbung et al. (2015) found in their research that work
discipline does not have a positive and significant effect on employee
Based on previous research, it has been established that a majority of studies
have shown a positive and significant effect, while only a few have shown no
significant effect. Therefore, the hypothesis for this study is formulated as
H1: Work discipline has a positive effect on employee performance
Work Experience
When it comes to employee performance, it is crucial for companies to give
considerable thought and have discussions about work experience, as it has a
substantial impact. The greater the work experience an employee possesses, the
more potential they have for achieving higher levels of performance. An
employee's work experience is closely tied to their career development within a
company, as it allows them to complete their tasks with greater autonomy and
reduces the need for further instruction.
According to Hasibuan (2016) cited by Girsang and Tinambunan (2022),
work experience is defined as the skills and abilities possessed by a worker in
completing his duties and responsibilities. While Hariandja (2012) explains that
work experience is a job or position that has been held by someone in a certain
period of time. Meanwhile Alwi (2011) states that tenure or work experience
refers to the length of time a person has worked in an agency, office, or a
particular field.
The importance of work experience for every employee should be a serious
consideration for every company so that when recruiting employees, they get
employees who are ready to work according to the position given. This is in
accordance with the opinion expressed by Hasibuan (2012) he stated that the
work experience of prospective employees must be a major consideration for
companies in the process of selecting employees.
The importance of work experience lies in its function as a guide for an
employee in adapting to the right situation, taking risks with confidence, and
communicating well to all parties to create creativity in performance and increase
competency in their field.
The correlation between work experience and employee performance is
strong, as work experience serves as an asset for employees to execute their
responsibilities and duties effectively. The experience employees have gained
enables them to perform to the best of their abilities and make positive
contributions to the company.
Various previous studies have been outlined pertaining to this subject,
including research conducted by (Ayu & Kumalasari, 2017; Gian F. Kaseger,
Greis M. Sendow, 2017; Romauli Situmeang, 2017; Sofian & Julkarnain, 2019;
Jormosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)
Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

Damayanti & Yudiatmaja, 2016; Pepah et al., 2019; Putri S. Tuela et al., 2019),
which establish that work experience has a substantially positive and significant
impact on employee performance. These studies demonstrate that work
experience plays a crucial role in determining employee performance. However,
the results of Kumalasari's research (2017) suggest the opposite, that work
experience does not have a significant impact on employee performance.
Based on the previous research findings, it is evident that there are more
studies demonstrating a positive and significant correlation between work
experience and employee performance, as opposed to studies indicating no
significant correlation. Drawing from the aforementioned studies, the hypothesis
proposed for this study is:
H2: Work experience has a positive effect on employee performance
Turnover Intention
It is crucial to have a discourse on this topic, as Dharma (2012) has
emphasized that the turnover phenomenon can have adverse effects on
companies, including reduced workforce stability, diminished employee
performance, an unfavorable work environment, and escalated human resource
According to Toly (2001), employee turnover must be a serious concern for
companies because it is an important phenomenon and behavior that influences
social and individual aspects. The desire of employees to move (turnover
intention) can have a serious impact on the company.
Knudsen et al. (as cited in Kartono, 2017) have defined turnover intention
as an employee's wish to depart from their current workplace. This behavior is
quite challenging for company management to anticipate and avert since it is
driven by individual employees' desires to relocate or quit the organization.
According to Jacobs & Roods (in Rahmawati, 2016), turnover intention is an
employee's intention to quit his job which is the behavior of withdrawing from
work. Various reasons felt by an employee will then become the basis for him to
leave or quit his job.
The relationship between turnover intention and employee performance is
strong. Previous studies have been conducted on this topic, including research
conducted by Sa'adiyah & Faidal (2017), Abolade (2018), Jamal et al. (2021),
Alzubi (2018), and Pande Yudiastra & Sri Darma (2015), all of which indicate that
turnover intention has a significant negative impact on employee performance.
However, a recent study by Jamal et al. (2021) found that employee turnover
intention did not have a significant effect on employee performance.
From the results of previous research it is known that there are more studies
showing a negative and significant effect than research showing no significant
effect. Based on these studies, the hypothesis in this study is:
H3: Turnover Intention has a negative effect on employee performance
The framework of thought is the relationship between research concepts
with one another based on the problems to be studied. Thus, in this study the
framework created was to explain the relationship between the variables
involved in this study. The framework can be outlined in the following manner:

Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

Work Discipline H.1


Work Experience Employee
(X2) Performance (Y)

Turnover H.3
Intention (X3)

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The study employs quantitative methodology which involves examining
the connections between variables to test several objective theories (Kusumastuti,
Khoiron, & Achmadi, 2020). This approach is used to investigate predetermined
hypotheses by analyzing populations and samples.
The objective is to identify patterns of influence or relationships among
variables on a particular subject, particularly to explore the effect of the
independent variable on the dependent variable. The research was conducted at
the Banjarmasin Branch Office of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani, with a
duration of one month for data collection and two months for data processing.
Sugiyono (2014) defines population as a defined area that encompasses
objects or subjects possessing specific qualities and characteristics, which
researchers investigate, analyze, and draw conclusions from. In this study, the
population comprised all employees (100 in total) of the Banjarmasin Branch
Office of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani. The researchers distributed
questionnaires to all 100 employees, and received responses from all of them. The
collected data was then processed by the researchers based on the responses
provided by the respondents.
The research method utilized in this study is a survey research design,
employing a questionnaire as the primary instrument. The research targets
employees from diverse backgrounds who are employed by the company. To
address the research problem and test the hypotheses, the researchers employed
data analysis techniques as suggested by Sugiyono (2015). Smart PLS software
was utilized for data management in this study.
According to Sugiyono (2015), the PLS (Partial Least Square) approach is
distribution-free, meaning it does not require a specific data type and can utilize
nominal, categorical, ordinal, interval, and ratio data. The PLS method applies
the bootstrapping or random multiplication technique, which makes normality
assumption irrelevant. Moreover, the PLS approach does not impose a minimum
sample size requirement, making it feasible for small sample research. Since the
PLS is a non-parametric method, normal distribution data is not required for
modeling (Husein, 2015).

Jormosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)
Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

Measurement Model Testing (Outer Model)
Once the data has been gathered, it will be analyzed using the SmartPLS
software to examine the impact of work discipline, work experience, and
turnover intention on employee performance. The analysis conducted through
SmartPLS involves validity and reliability checks, as well as outer and inner
model analyses. Following this testing process, indicators with a score above 0.5
are considered valid. The results that meet this criterion, with a value above 0.5,
are presented in the image below:

Figure 2. SEM-PLS Data Processing Result Diagram

Validity and Reliability Test

This study utilized two measures to test for validity and reliability:
Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. While Cronbach's alpha is still
commonly used, it may produce a lower reliability score than composite
reliability, which is why using the latter is recommended (Haryono, 2017). A
construct is deemed reliable if its Cronbach's alpha value is greater than 0.70,
while a variable is considered reliable if its composite reliability value is above
0.70 (Ghozali, 2015). The table below outlines the results of the validity and
reliability analysis tests that were conducted:

Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

Table 2. Validity & Reliability Test Results

Outer Cronbach’s Composite
Contract Item AVE
Loading Alpha Reliability
X1P3 0,939
Work Discipline (X1) 0,711 0,866 0,765
X1P9 0,805
X2P1 0,803
X2P10 0,715
X2P2 0,663
X2P3 0,740
Work Experience (X2) X2P4 0,762
0,901 0,918 0,529
X2P5 0,802
X2P6 0,659
X2P7 0,620
X2P8 0,693
X2P9 0,789
X3P4 0,710
X3P5 0,829
Turnover Intention (X3) 0,764 0,844 0,575
X3P6 0,755
X3P8 0,734
YP1 0,857
YP10 0,881
YP2 0,789
YP3 0,869
YP4 0,875
Employee Performance (Y) 0,954 0,961 0,714
YP5 0,910
YP6 0,846
YP7 0,879
YP8 0,587
YP9 0,908
Source: Results of Data Processing with Smart PLS, 2023
The table indicates that all variables examined in this study have composite
reliability and Cronbach's alpha values exceeding 0,70, which demonstrates that
the indicators utilized in the study are reliable. To test for validity, the average
variance extracted (AVE) value was employed, with a threshold value of 0,50 or
greater. The table also indicates that all research variables have an AVE value
greater than this threshold, which is above 0,50.
The results of the process show the factor loading values of all the tested
manifest variables. From the table it can be seen that all factor loading values are
> 0,5, so that all manifest variables have fulfilled the measurement model rules
and can be continued for further testing.
The measurement model is not only tested for validity by examining the
factor loading constructs, but also for reliability to ensure the accuracy,
consistency, and precision of the instrument in measuring constructs. To evaluate
construct reliability, the Rule of Thumb is often employed. In confirmatory
research, the Composite Reliability value should be greater than 0,7, while a
value of 0,6-0,7 is still acceptable for exploratory research. Moreover, the Average
Variance Extracted (AVE) should be more than 0,5 (Ghozali, 2015). Based on

Jormosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)
Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

these criteria, it can be concluded that the tested variables are both valid and
reliable. Consequently, the next step is to test the structural model.
Hypothetical Test Results
Table 3. Hypothetical Test Results
Standard T
Hipotesa Path Sample Bias 5.0% 95.0% Kesimpulan
Deviation Statistics

(X1) - -
H1 0,172 0,071 2,422 0,213 Accepted
→(Y) 0,006 0,032

H2 0,617 0,089 6,866 0,008 0,388 0,758 Accepted

(X3 - -
H3 -0,157 0,075 2,109 0,028 Accepted
)→(Y) 0,013 0,283

H1: Work discipline has a positive effect on employee performance at PT.
Permodalan Nasional Madani Banjarmasin Branch Office.
The results of the test indicate that work discipline has a substantial impact
on employee performance. This is evidenced by the beta coefficient value of 0,172
and the t-statistic of 2,422, which is significant since it surpasses the critical limit
of 1,96. In other words, even a small increase in work discipline, such as a 1%
improvement or 0,01 change, can lead to a considerable 17,2% change in
employee performance, as per the test findings.
The research findings indicate that work discipline plays a crucial role in
enhancing employee performance. The statistical analysis reveals that
employees' failure to adhere to the company's regulations has had an adverse
impact on their performance. The outcomes of this study are consistent with
those of previous research studies conducted by Prasetyo & Marlina (2019),
Ilham (2019), Hendri Rasminto et al. (2020), Sadat et al. (2020), and Silalahi &
Bangun (2020), which have all demonstrated a strong positive correlation
between work discipline and employee performance.
The study results demonstrate a clear association between work discipline
and employee performance. Specifically, the findings indicate that employees
who exhibit higher levels of work discipline tend to perform better. This
conclusion is consistent with Sutrisno's (2016) theory, which asserts that
improved work discipline leads to higher levels of employee performance.
Essentially, the more disciplined an employee is, the better their performance is
likely to be. Nonetheless, it's worth noting that these results contradict the
findings of a previous study by Sumbung et al. (2015), which reported that work
discipline has no significant impact on employee performance.
The findings from direct interviews with key personnel, specifically the
Supporting Manager, who oversees and monitors employee absences, have
shown that over the last 2 years, the absence of a Micro Account Officer has

Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

resulted in 20% of employees displaying a low level of discipline (Abdiannor,

interview, 13th January 2023).
Meanwhile, based on interviews with Business Managers in charge of
financing distribution activities, information was obtained that 58% of Micro
Account Officers were not disciplined in carrying out marketing activities in the
field. Discipline that occurs such as: Not sending reports in the morning and
evening, not reporting canvassing activities (prospects) and the small number of
daily visits which automatically results in the failure to achieve the target of
financing distribution by the Micro Account Officer every month (Permana,
interview, 14 January 2023).
The direct interviews with the two aforementioned officials have provided
a clear explanation as to why the performance of employees, specifically the
Micro Account Officers, has been poor, ultimately leading to the failure to
achieve the financing distribution target at PT. PNM Banjarmasin Branch Office.
The description above shows that this research was carried out in more
depth because it combined data from questionnaires with direct interviews
related to employee performance data to authorized officials. This proves that
this research is unique and very different from previous studies.
The data suggests that work discipline plays a crucial role in employee
performance, regardless of the coefficient value. A high level of work discipline
amongst employees can contribute to increased company performance, while
conversely, a low level of work discipline can result in reduced employee and
company performance.
H2: Work experience has a positive effect on employee performance at PT.
Permodalan Nasional Madani Banjarmasin Branch Office
The results of the test indicate that the beta coefficient value of work
experience in relation to employee performance is 0,617 and the t-statistic is 6,866.
This significant t-statistic value, which exceeds the threshold of 1,96, confirms the
acceptance of the hypothesis. In other words, the findings provide evidence that
work experience has a positive impact on employee performance.
The results of the construct variable test indicate that work experience has
a positive and significant influence on employee performance at PT. PNM
Banjarmasin Branch Office, as reflected in the coefficient value of 0,617. This
suggests that every 0,01 change or 1% increase in work experience can cause a
61,7% change in employee performance.
The findings of the research indicate that work experience has a positive
and significant impact on employee performance at PT Permodalan Nasional
Madani Banjarmasin Branch Office. This implies that the work experience of
employees can aid and ease them in completing their tasks effectively. The results
are consistent with earlier studies by (Ayu & Kumalasari, 2017; Gian F. Kaseger,
Greis M. Sendow, 2017; Romauli Situmeang, 2017; Sofian & Julkarnain, 2019;
Damayanti & Yudiatmaja, 2016; Pepah et al., 2019; Putri S. Tuela et al., 2019)
which also reported a significant and positive association between work
experience and employee performance. However, this is in contrast to the
findings of Kumalasari's (2017) research which suggests that work experience has
no significant impact on employee performance.

Jormosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)
Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

Seeing from the results of this study it is known that the employee work
experience variable is very important and very influential on employee
performance so it is hoped that every company can pay attention to this in order
to get employees who are truly ready to work and competent in the field and
position they hold. This is in line with the opinion expressed by Hasibuan (2012)
he stated that the work experience of prospective employees should be a major
consideration for companies in the process of selecting employees.
Based on the results of interviews with authorized officials, namely the
Supporting Manager, whose main task and function is to manage HR and
conduct employee recruitment. It was revealed that when viewed from the work
experience data of all Micro Account Officers it showed that 57,78% had no work
experience in financial institutions and 42,42% had experience in banking and
financial institutions. Meanwhile, of the 42,42% who have work experience, only
33,33% have experience in financial institutions for more than 1 year, while the
remaining 9,09% have experience under 1 year (Abdiannor, interview, 13 January
Meanwhile, based on interviews with Business Managers in charge of
financing disbursement activities, information was obtained that more than 50%
of Micro Account Officers had low lending performance. According to him, the
low performance of these employees is caused by a lack of work experience so
that employees experience obstacles in carrying out basic marketing tasks. Lack
of experience certainly makes the activities carried out by Micro Account Officers
not directed. Apart from that, the absence of relationships and a database of
prospective customers is an obstacle in meeting the target of financing
distribution by employees, which automatically affects the performance of these
employees (Permana, interview, 14 January 2023).
Based on the results of direct interviews with the two officials, there is a
close correlation between the information on employee work experience data
submitted by the Supporting Manager and the information on low lending
performance of Micro Account Officers submitted by the Business Manager. So
it is natural that the performance of the Micro Account Officer is low and has a
major impact on not achieving the target of financing distribution at PT. PNM
Banjarmasin Branch.
The explanation above shows that this research was carried out in more
depth because it combined data from questionnaires with direct interviews
related to employee performance data to authorized officials. This proves the
uniqueness of this study and is very different from previous studies.
From these findings, it can be inferred that the number of work experience
coefficients has an impact on employee performance regardless of its value. A
company with a higher level of employee work experience tends to have better
performance, whereas a lower level of employee experience can have negative
effects on both employees and the company's performance.

Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

H3: Turnover intention has a negative effect on employee performance at PT.

Permodalan Nasional Madani Banjarmasin Branch Office
The test outcomes indicate that the beta coefficient value of turnover
intention on employee performance is -0,157, and the t-statistic is 2,109. These
findings reveal that the t-statistic is significant since it exceeds 1,96, and thus the
first hypothesis is accepted. This confirms that turnover intention has an
unfavorable and significant impact on employee performance.
From the results of the construct variable testing, it can be concluded that
turnover intention has a negative and significant impact on employee
performance at PT. PNM Banjarmasin Branch Office. The coefficient value of -
0,156 indicates that every 0,01 or 1% change in turnover intention can result in a
change of -0,157 or -15,7% in employee performance.
The findings of this study demonstrate a correlation between turnover
intention and employee performance. The results of this study support previous
research by (Sa'adiyah & Faidal, 2017; Abolade, 2018; Jamal et al., 2021; Alzubi,
2018; Pande Yudiastra & Sri Darma, 2015) which concluded that turnover
intention has a substantial and negative influence on employee performance.
However, the research conducted by Jamal et al. (2021) revealed that employee
turnover intention does not have a significant effect on employee performance.
Looking at the impact of high turnover intention in a company, one of the
consequences is a direct decrease in employee performance. This is consistent
with Dharma's (2012) theory that turnover has a negative effect on companies as
it can lead to labor instability, decreased employee performance, an unfavorable
work environment, and increased human resource costs.
Based on the results of interviews with authorized officials, namely the
Supporting Manager, whose main task and function is to manage HR and
conduct employee recruitment. It was revealed that when viewed from employee
turnover data, especially in the Micro Account Officer position, it shows that the
turnover rate in 2020 was 31,22%, in 2021 it was 35,14% and in 2022 it was 30,48%.
According to him, this had a huge impact on not fulfilling the Micro Account
Officer quota each month. Meanwhile, becoming a new employee in the
provinces of South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan experienced a few
problems, because the majority of the population preferred to work in mining
with more flexible working hours and higher salaries (Abdiannor, interview, 13
January 2023).
Meanwhile, based on interviews with Business Managers in charge of
financing disbursement activities, information was obtained that the high
employee turnover rate in the Micro Account Officer (AOM) position was felt.
This phenomenon of high employee turnover has a major impact on declining
lending performance as a result of the turnover of new AOM staff and will
certainly require further adjustments, mentoring and training so that these new
employees can work according to the provisions and obtain good work results.
According to him, if this continues to happen, it will definitely have an impact
on employee performance (Permana, interview, 14 January 2023).
Through direct interviews with the two officials mentioned, it was found
that there is a strong correlation between the turnover data of employees for the
years 2020 to 2022 provided by the Supporting Manager and the low lending
Jormosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)
Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

performance of the Business Manager in the AOM department. This correlation

has a significant impact on the failure to achieve the financing distribution target
at PT. PNM Banjarmasin Branch Office.
From the data presented, it can be inferred that the impact of high turnover
rates on employee performance in a company is significant, irrespective of the
turnover intention coefficient.


From the research and data analysis conducted by the researchers, drawing
on existing theories and discussions, several conclusions can be made:
1. Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance
in channeling financing at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani Banjarmasin
Branch Office.
2. Work experience has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance in channeling financing at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani
Banjarmasin Branch Office
3. Turnover Intention has a negative and significant effect on employee
performance in channeling financing at PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani
Banjarmasin Branch Office.
The findings, discussions, and conclusions of this research could serve as
valuable input for enhancing employee performance in financing (lending)
distribution at PT. PNM Banjarmasin Branch Office. In light of this, some
practical suggestions and recommendations are as follows:
1. Based on the results of this study, companies need to make efforts to improve
employee performance in the following ways:
a. Conduct more in-depth socialization at least 2 times a month to understand
the vision and mission of all employees, values, work culture, company
regulations and employee job descriptions so that all employees
understand their duties and are able to carry out their work with full
responsibility and implement them properly according to directions and
company goals.
b. Providing assistance and training (knowledge sharing), especially
regarding communication skills and selling skills on an ongoing basis to
employees so that they are able to carry out their duties and have an impact
on increasing employee performance.
c. To the heads of work units and section heads in branch offices to make
more routine visits to the bottom to find out the conditions in the work
units so they can work better and be disciplined.
d. Providing balanced rewards and punishments to employees. For example,
companies can provide cash or non-cash rewards to employees who meet
performance targets. Whereas employees who do not reach the target are
given punishment in the form of verbal and written reprimands and
warning letters to the imposition of night classes for employees every
weekly closing.

Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

2. Based on the coefficient value of employee work experience and reinforced by

the results of direct interviews with officials related to work experience data
and its impact on declining lending performance. Based on this condition,
companies need to make efforts to improve employee performance, in the
following way:
a. Improving employee recruitment patterns by holding more job fairs (open
recruitment) so that good employee candidates are available according to
the desired criteria. This is done by routinely conducting recruitment every
month, including collaborating with related parties such as the
employment office. Placing job vacancy advertisements in local print and
electronic (online) media so that the company gets a lot of qualified and
experienced prospective employees according to the position needed.
b. Standardize the acceptance of prospective employees who have a
minimum of 2 years work experience in financial institutions and have a
database of prospective customers.
c. Implementing pre-marketing (field tests) for each prospective employee
during the interview process, this is done so that the company can see how
each prospective employee works, militancy and communication skills.
d. Provide ongoing assistance and monitoring of the daily activities of Micro
Account Officers so that they are able to carry out the stages of prospecting,
approching and closing deals independently.
3. Considering the coefficient value of employee turnover intention and the
results of direct interviews with authorized officials regarding the high
employee turnover rate for the Micro Account Officer position between 2020
to 2022, it can be inferred that this situation can lead to a decrease in lending
performance. In order to improve employee performance, the company can
take the following measures to reduce the turnover rate:
a. Establish compensation policies, career development and promotion based
on competency and achievements achieved by employees.
b. Make salary adjustments and provide attractive incentive schemes for
employees. The salary adjustment in question is through the appointment
of permanent employees which will be given to employees who are able to
achieve the target every month and have had a minimum of 12 months of
service can be proposed to become permanent employees. Meanwhile, the
incentive scheme in question, in the form of cash or non-cash, is given to
each Micro Account Officer (AOM) who achieves the net lending volume
target and the customer's NoA (Number of Account) target. With this
strategy, it is expected that employees will be more loyal and not
influenced to quit or move to another company.
c. Provide supporting facilities for employees to work well. The intended
supporting facilities are for each Micro Account Officer (AOM) to be
equipped with a smartphone (mobile AOM) which has been equipped
with features and applications such as input data for prospective new
customers, top up and maintenance customers, collateral valuation
applications and other related applications. with the main duties and

Jormosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR)
Vol.2, No.4, 2023: 791-810

functions of the AOM position. This is important so that AOM's field

activities are more flexible and efficient.
d. Fostering communication and good relations between superiors and
subordinates as well as co-workers so as to create a comfortable and
pleasant working atmosphere. Communication and good relations in
question can be done such as; weekly/monthly the branch team routinely
visits the unit offices, every 3-6 months a team building is held and every
year an employee gathering is held. This is important to do to foster the
spirit and cohesiveness of every employee and in the end create a family
and fun work atmosphere.
e. Take preventive action and always prepare employee candidates
according to the required criteria as an anticipatory effort so as not to
impact the company's performance. The preventive action in question is
that company management should not stop looking for potential employee
candidates as a strategy in dealing with the process of promotion, transfer
and demotion in AOM positions so that there are no vacancies that result
in decreased work unit performance.

The limitations of this study include only using three independent variables
(work discipline, work experience and turnover intention). Besides that, there are
also limitations on the object of research, only at PT. PNM Banjarmasin Branch
Office which has not been able to fully represent the condition of the branch
offices that are spread throughout Indonesia, totaling 62 PNM Branch Offices.
The number of existing PNM branch offices certainly has differences both in the
situation and conditions of branch office performance and in the factors that can
affect employee performance at that branch. As a recommendation for further
research, the following suggestions can be given:
1. Conduct further investigations into factors that can affect employee
performance such as employee motivation. Therefore, future research can
focus more on investigating the factors that influence employee motivation,
such as the work environment, recognition and appreciation and job
2. Comparative study of employee performance in various industrial sectors: As
it is known that the factors that affect employee performance can vary
depending on the industrial sector they work in. Therefore, future research
can compare the performance of employees in various industrial sectors and
identify the factors that influence their performance in each sector.
3. Investigation of the influence of employee involvement in decision making:
As it is known that employee involvement in decision making can improve
their performance. Future research can investigate the influence of employee
involvement in decision making and how this involvement can affect
employee performance.

Suprianto, Jahja, Saripudin

4. Study of factors affecting work productivity: Work productivity is one of the

important aspects of employee performance. Future research can focus on
studying the factors that affect work productivity, such as adequacy of
resources, training and development and working conditions.
5. Investigation of the influence of leadership on employee performance:
Leadership is an important factor in shaping organizational culture and
influencing employee performance. Future research can investigate the
influence of leadership on employee performance and how different
leadership styles can affect employee performance.
Some of these variables are very important to examine for further in-depth
research, because they have a direct or indirect relationship and can affect
company performance and can also influence the direction of company strategy
and policies. In addition, it is also deemed necessary to expand the scope of the
research area which is not only limited to the scope of branch offices but also
regional and even national work areas.

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