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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)

Peer Reviewed – International Journal

Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771



Fatmah Bagis*, Utomo Indra Kusumo, Arini Hidayah

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
Email: fatmahbagis2014@gmail.com

Abstract : This research aims to find out the effect of organizational culture, organizational
commitment on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening
variables at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Jakarta Head Office. The population in
this research were all employees of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Jakarta Head
Office before merger to PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, as many as 150 employees,
the sampling in this research used nonprobability sampling method with
Incidental Sampling technique with the number sample were 100 respondents.
Data obtained from respondents with a research instrument using a
questionnaire. The analysis technique in this research used Partial Least
Square (PLS) analysis Based on the research results, it shows the acceptance of
the first hypothesis that organizational culture variables have a significant
positive effect on employee performance. The results of the study show the
rejection of the second hypothesis that the variable organizational commitment
has a negative effect on employee performance. The research shows the results
of the acceptance of the third hypothesis that organizational culture variables
have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. The results showed that the
fourth hypothesis was not accepted that the variable organizational
commitment had a significant negative effect on job satisfaction. The results
showed that the fifth hypothesis was not accepted that the job satisfaction
variable had no effect on employee performance. The research results, it can be
concluded that job satisfaction cannot mediate the influence of organizational
culture on employee performance. The result also showed that job satisfaction
cannot mediate the relationship between organizational commitment and
employee performance.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction,

Employees Performance.

1. Introduction
The Financial Services Authority (OJK) approved the plan to merge the three Islamic
banks owned by Himbara into one name, namely PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. The
approval was marked by the issuance of a copy of the OJK Board of Commissioners
Decree No. 4 / KDK.03 / 2021 concerning the Granting of Permit to Merge PT Bank
Syariah Mandiri and PT BNI Syariah into PT Bank BRISyariah Tbk. as well as a Name
Change Permit using PT Bank BRISyariah Tbk's UDaha Permit, to become a Business
License on behalf of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk., as the Merged Bank. The letter was

International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 424
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

decided on January 27, 2021. So that on Monday, February 1, 2021 three Islamic banks
owned by Himbara have become effective with a new name and identity, namely PT Bank
Syariah Indonesia Tbk.
Based on financial reports as of December 2020, only BNI Syariah recorded a
decline in profit. Meanwhile Mandiri Syariah and BRISyariah posted growth in profits.
Mandiri Syariah continues to contribute the largest profit value to the total profit of the
three state-owned banks. Bank Syariah Mandiri is one of the leading companies in the
Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. Bank Syariah Mandiri excellence can be seen from
the many awards it received in 2020.
Among them are the Best Islamic Finance Award, Best Islamic Retail Bank
Indonesia, Best Islamic Trade Finance Bank Indonesia, Best Syariah Award. Bank Syariah
Mandiri Head Office Jakarta always expands its business along with improving services to
customers in various banking services, both in the form of operational services and e-
As a form of business expansion from Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta,
every year Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office of Jakarta provides higher targets for
employees to exceed the performance achievements of the previous year. To achieve these
targets, it is necessary to implement an appropriate HR strategy. (I Gede Sudha Cahyana,
2017) say that implementing a proper HR strategy will bring out the ability to encourage a
more productive, innovative, creative and high-performing HR creation process. This was
also expressed by (Fatmah Bagis et al., 2019) Human resource management is one of the
main roles for business success.
One of the most important management in the banking world is the performance of
human resources (HR). Quality resources, among others, are shown by high performance
and productivity. Employee performance is a manifestation of the work done by employees
and is important to support the company's success, so that employees are expected to
always have good performance (Sakban, Ifnaldi Nurmal, 2019).
Employee performance can be influenced by organizational culture (F Bagis,
Darmawan, et al., 2020). Organizational culture acts as a binding for all organizational
components, determines identity, provides motivation, and can be used as a guide for
organizational members. The role of organizational culture is as a tool to determine the
direction of the organization, direct what can and should not be done, as well as a tool to
deal with problems and opportunities from the organizational environment.
Another factor that can affect employee performance towards the company is
organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is a strong desire to remain a
member of an organization, a sense of wanting to try hard in accordance with the wishes of
the organization, as well as belief and acceptance of the values and goals of the
organization. In short, organizational commitment is an attitude of employee loyalty to the
In addition to influencing performance, organizational culture and employee
commitment can also provide employee satisfaction at work (S & Susanto, 2018). Job
satisfaction is the feeling of being satisfied or not an employee is satisfied with the work he
does at a company, which includes job demands, co-workers, organizational rules and
policies, all of which are summarized in the organizational culture. If the employee
performance satisfaction rate increases, the level of employee absenteeism and turnover can
be reduced. A number of studies have shown that if employees are more satisfied with their

International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 425
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

work, they will have a positive impact on physical and mental health (Sandhi Fialy Harahap,
Satria Tirtayasa, 2020).

This study aims to analyze job satisfaction as a mediation variables on the effect of
organizational culture and organizational commitment to employee performance at Bank
Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta. This research was conducted in 2020 in which PT
Bank Syariah Mandiri has not yet joined PT Bank Syariah Indonesia. Based on the initial
description and research objectives, the hypotheses that we can formulate are as follows:
H1 : Organizational Culture has a significant positive effect on Employee Performance
H2: Organizational Commitment has a significant positive effect on Employee
H3 : Organizational Culture has a significant positive effect on Job Satisfaction.
H4 : Organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on Job Satisfaction
H5 : Job Satisfaction has a significant positive effect on Employee Performance
H6 : Job Satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between Organizational Culture and
Employee Performance
H7 : Job Satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between Organizational
Commitment and Employee Performance

2. Research Method
The quantitative approach is the approach used in this study. This study used a
survey method using a self report questionnaire that was given personally to employee of
Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta. The collected questionnaire were obtained from
100 employees from management level to staff level. Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis is
an analysis of the data used in this study.

Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is a set of values, principles, traditions and ways of working
that are done together and influence behavior and actions for organizational members.
Organizational culture is a tool as a system of values, norms and assumptions that have
long been valid, agreed upon by members of the organization as guidelines and solutions to
organizational problems. Organizational culture has an important role to play in
encouraging and increasing the effectiveness of organizational performance, especially to
improve employee performance in the short and long term (S & Susanto, 2018).

Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction is a pleasant or positive emotional state that can be generated based
on the result of a job appraisal or a person’s work experience (Locke, 1969 in (F Bagis,
Darmawan, et al., 2020). Job satisfaction is the view of employees towards their work in an
emotional state, either pleasant or unpleasant. Job satisfaction reflects a person's attitude
towards their work, this can be seen in the positive attitude of employees towards work and
everything they face in their work environment (Sandhi Fialy Harahap, Satria Tirtayasa,

International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 426
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment is the employee's level of engagement and
identification with the organization in which he works (Fatmah Bagis, 2018).
Organizational commitment in general is a condition that is jointly recognized by all
members in an organization regarding the guidelines and objectives to be achieved.
Organizational commitment is a mature desire to remain as a member of a particular
organization. Organizational commitment is a tendency to be bound in a particular

Employee Performance
(F Bagis, Pratama, et al., 2020) stated that Performance is a function of motivation
and ability to complete task of work. A person should have a certain degree of willingness
and ability. A person willingness and skills are not effective enough to do something
without a clear understanding of what is done and how to do it. Performance is a real
behavior that is displayed by everyone as a work achievement generated by employee by
their roles and institutions. Employee performance is the work of quality and quantity
achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties by the responsibilities given to him.

3. Result and Discussion

1) Result
Based on the outer loadings of the first and second rounds, it shows the convergent
validity (loading factor) in the second round. According to Chin in Ghozali and Latan
(2015), to assess convergent validity, namely the loading factor value above 0.5-0.6, it is
considered sufficient to fulfill the initial stages of developing a measurement scale. The
loading factor value for all indicators is more than 0.50, so it can be concluded that the
model is valid, because it has met the requirements for convergent validity.
The results also showed that the AVE value on employee performance and
organizational learning was less than 0.50. So that the research analysis was continued in
the third round. To increase the AVE value on employee performance and organizational
culture variables, the smallest loading factor value on employee performance and
organizational learning variables must be removed from the model. So that the research
analysis was continued in the second round.

International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 427
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

The picture above is the result of PLS version 3.0 regarding the influence of
organizational culture and organizational commitment on employee performance through
job satisfaction. Based on the picture above, it can be seen that the R2 value of 0.351
indicates that 35.1% of the variability in the construction of organizational commitment is
influenced by factors of organizational culture, commitment and job satisfaction.
Meanwhile, the R2 value of 0.385 shows that 38.5% of the variability in the construction of
job satisfaction is influenced by factors of organizational culture and organizational

a. Reliability and Validity

In the second round, the loading factor value for all indicators is more than 0.50, so it can
be concluded that the model is valid, because it meets the requirements for convergent
Table 1. Construct Reliability and Validity

Composit Average Variance

e Exctracted (AVE)
Organizational Culture 0.857 0.501
Organizational Commitment 0.859 0.670
Job Satisfaction 0.857 0.504
Employee Performance 0.854 0.557

b. Structural Model Analysis

In the second round, the loading factor value for all indicators is more than 0.50, so it
can be concluded that the model is valid, because it meets the requirements for
convergent validity.

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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

The picture above is the result of PLS version 3.0 regarding the influence of
organizational culture and organizational commitment on employee performance through
job satisfaction. Based on the picture above, it can be seen that the R2 value of 0.371 shows
that 37.1% of the variability in the construction of organizational commitment is influenced
by factors of organizational culture, commitment and job satisfaction.
Meanwhile, the R2 value of 0.337 shows that 33.7% of the variability in the
construction of job satisfaction is influenced by factors of organizational culture and
organizational commitment. The analysis of the structural model is carried out by
evaluating the estimation results of the coefficient parameters and the level of significance.
The test results for the significance of the path coefficient of each variable can be seen in
Table 2 and indirect effect in Table 3.

Table 2. Parameter Coefficient and Statistical Values

Original Sample Standard TStatistics P Value
Sample Mean (M) Deviation (O/STDEV)
Organizational Culture 0.558 0.574 0.125 4.466 0.000
=> Employee
Organizational 0.110 0.118 0.110 1.005 0.315
Commitment =>
Employee Performance
Organizational Culture 0.417 0.440 0.131 0.3192 0.001
=> Job Satisfaction
Organizational 0.216 0.201 0.130 1.667 0.096
Commitment => Job
Job Satisfaction => -0.048 -0.050 0.116 0.410 0.682
Employee Performance

Based on the table above, all relationships have positive and negative directions
seen from the original sample value which shows a positive value. The original sample
values indicate that the relationship can lead to positive or negative effects. The hypothesis
will be accepted when the P-Value < 0.05.
The PLS shows that organizational culture has a significant positive effect on
employee performance, and the first hypothesis which states that organizational culture has
a significant positive effect on employee performance, is accepted. The results showed that
organizational commitment has no significant effect on employee performance, and the
second hypothesis states that that organizational commitment has significant positive effect
on employee performance, is rejected.
Based on the results of the study also shows that organizational culture has a
significant effect on job satisfaction, and the third hypothesis which states that
organizational culture has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction, so that the third
hypothesis is accepted.
The results also showed that organizational commitment has no significant
influence on job satisfaction, so that the fourth hypothesis which stated that organizational

International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 429
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

commitment had a significant positive influence on job satisfaction, so that the fourth
hypothesis was rejected. The results showed that job satisfaction did not have a significant
effect on organizational commitment, and the fifth hypothesis which stated that job
satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, so that the fifth
hypothesis was rejected

Table 3. Specific Indirect Effect

Original Sample Standard TStatistics P Value
Sample Mean Deviation (O/STDEV)
(O) (M) (STDEV)
Organizational Culture => -0.020 - 0.054 0.368 0.713
Job Satisfaction => 0.023
Employee Performance
Organizational -0.010 - 0.030 0.342 0.732
Commitment => Job 0.011
Satisfaction => Employee

Table 3 shows that the P Value> 0.05, so this shows that the relationship between
organizational culture and employee performance cannot be mediated by the job
satisfaction variable. The sixth hypothesis which states that the job satisfaction mediate the
effect between organizational culture and employee performance, so that the sixth
hypothesis is rejected.
The results of the analysis also show that the relationship between organizational
commitment and employee performance cannot be mediated by the job satisfaction variable.
So the seventh hypothesis which states that the job satisfaction mediate the effect between
organizational commitment and employee performance, so that the sixth hypothesis is

2) Discussion
Based on the research results, it shows the acceptance of the first hypothesis that
organizational culture variables have a significant positive effect on employee performance.
This shows that a good organizational culture will result in high employee performance.
Organizational culture is a tool as a system of values, norms and assumptions that have
long been valid, agreed upon by members of the organization as guidelines and solutions to
organizational problems. Organizational culture has an important role to play in
encouraging and increasing the effectiveness of organizational performance, especially to
improve employee performance in the short and long term.
Employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta are the same as other
banking employees where they are required to get optimal results. So far, the organizational
culture in the company has supported the performance of employees to achieve these goals.
A good organizational culture makes employees feel comfortable at work, full of
responsibility and prioritizes working as a team. This proves that with the support of
organizational culture, optimal employee performance can be achieved.

International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 430
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

The results of the study show the rejection of the second hypothesis that the variable
organizational commitment has a negative effect on employee performance. Organizational
commitment is a more concrete form of loyalty that can be seen from the extent to which
employees devote attention, ideas, and responsibility to achieving organizational goals.
Employees who have high organizational commitment will work happily as a form of
dedication to the company (Fatmah Bagis et al., 2019). There are interesting things here,
employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta Most 51.2% have worked for
more than 5 years. This should indirectly prove that the employees of Bank Syariah
Mandiri Jakarta Head Office have a high work commitment. However, the results of this
study cannot prove that their tenure cannot guarantee commitment within the organization.
Employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta work as closely as
possible so that the company's goals can be achieved. However, it does not have a strong
desire to always remain a part of Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta. In fact,
employees who have a high work commitment should support maximum performance so
that they can achieve company goals.
The research shows the results of the acceptance of the third hypothesis that
organizational culture variables have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. This
means that a strong organizational culture will result in high job satisfaction, and vice versa.
With a strong or pleasant organizational culture in a company, it will provide its own
satisfaction for these employees. Organizational culture can make extraordinary motivation
for company employees so that a good organizational culture is expected to maximize
employee performance and influence company achievement.
Employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta feel that the company
always emphasizes being careful and paying attention to detail when doing work, because it
is engaged in banking which requires thoroughness and accuracy in every activity. This
makes employees feel that the work they are doing has a large enough responsibility and
ultimately fosters a sense of satisfaction with the work they have.
The results showed that the fourth hypothesis was not accepted that the variable
organizational commitment had a significant negative effect on job satisfaction. This means
that high employee commitment does not necessarily mean that employee job satisfaction
will be high, and vice versa. Organizational commitment is defined as the level of an
employee in choosing an organization as well as his goals and desire to stay in an
organization (Robbins, 2008). Organizational commitment is a degree where employees
believe and are willing to accept organizational goals and will remain or will not leave the
organization, Malthis and Jackson (2015).
Employees who have organizational commitment where they work with positive
values do not necessarily have a positive effect on job satisfaction. The employees of Bank
Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta work with dedication, there is pride in a good
workplace, there is a similarity between the values held by the company and their personal
values, there is pride in the company where they work, namely in their abilities. The belief
that the company is the best place for self-actualization will increase employee job
However, this does not happen to employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri Jakarta Head
Office. Employees so far feel that the rewards they receive from their work are still not in
accordance with what is expected or not commensurate with their contribution to the
company. This does not rule out the possibility that Bank Syariah Mandiri employees will
leave the company and switch to another company.

International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 431
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

The results showed that the fifth hypothesis was not accepted that the job
satisfaction variable had no effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction felt by
employees is able to make a big contribution to employee performance. The factor that
most influences job satisfaction is good cooperation between employees (Ritawati, 2018).
Employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta, even though they are
suitable for their work environment, still do not feel satisfied with what they get in return
for what has been done at the company. The incompatibility of what is done with what is
received in return makes employees not feel satisfied at work, promotion opportunities are
also considered less supportive in improving the performance of employees of Bank
Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta. This is why the job satisfaction of employees of Bank
Syariah Mandiri Jakarta Head Office does not affect their performance at work.
Based on the research results, it can be concluded that job satisfaction can mediate
the influence of organizational culture on employee performance. Job satisfaction is an
intermediary between organizational culture and performance, if the company has an
organizational culture that is acceptable to its employees, then the employee will feel
fulfilled, so this can affect the employee's performance. The organizational culture of Bank
Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta has so far supported employees to work with optimal
results, so that employees feel satisfied at work. When employees are satisfied at work and
supported by a conducive work environment, optimal performance can be achieved.
The research results, it can be concluded that job satisfaction cannot mediate the
influence of organizational culture on employee performance. Job satisfaction is an
intermediary between organizational culture and performance, if the company has an
organizational culture that is acceptable to its employees, then the employee will feel
fulfilled, so this can affect the employee's performance. The organizational culture of Bank
Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta so far has not been able to support employees to work
with optimal results, so that employees feel less satisfied at work. When employees are
satisfied at work and supported by a conducive work environment, optimal performance
cannot be achieved.
From the research results, it can be seen that job satisfaction cannot mediate the
relationship between commitment and employee performance at Bank Syariah Mandiri
Head Office Jakarta. Thus, job satisfaction cannot have a mediating effect on
organizational commitment and employee performance. Where organizational commitment
and employee performance will continue to move and remain productive without being
influenced by job satisfaction. Job satisfaction cannot have a positive influence on
organizational commitment and employee performance.
Employees have been proud to be part of Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta,
however this does not guarantee that employees will feel satisfaction at work. This is
because so far there is still no balance between the work results of employees and the
rewards they receive. This will disrupt the company in achieving its goals. It is even more
worrying that the possibility of employees leaving the company is quite high. Bank Syariah
Mandiri Head Office Jakarta needs to conduct an evaluation regarding the rewards for
employee work so that employees can work optimally.

4. Conclusion
Based on the research results, it shows the acceptance of the first hypothesis that
organizational culture variables have a significant positive effect on employee performance.
The results of the study show the rejection of the second hypothesis that the variable

International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 432
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-5, Issue-2, 2021 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771

organizational commitment has a negative effect on employee performance. The research

shows the results of the acceptance of the third hypothesis that organizational culture
variables have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. The results showed that the
fourth hypothesis was not accepted that the variable organizational commitment had a
significant negative effect on job satisfaction. The results showed that the fifth hypothesis
was not accepted that the job satisfaction variable had no effect on employee performance.
Based on the research results, it can be concluded that job satisfaction can mediate
the influence of organizational culture on employee performance. The research results, it
can be concluded that job satisfaction cannot mediate the influence of organizational
culture on employee performance. From the research results, it can be seen that job
satisfaction cannot mediate the relationship between commitment and employee
performance at Bank Syariah Mandiri Head Office Jakarta. Thus, job satisfaction cannot
have a mediating effect on organizational commitment and employee performance.


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