21st Century Skills-Training
21st Century Skills-Training
21st Century Skills-Training
Training Methodology
Hawassa, Central Hotel
Acknowledgement: We deeply extent our gratitude to UNESCO-Ethiopian branch who financed the TNA & this training in
BEAR-II project
Objectives of the training
21 st century Skills [Training Methodology]
st century
‡ Share relevant experiences on the practice of 21
skills training methodology
‡ Scale-up best practices (if any) from both the experience
sharing and training session
Ground Rules
‡ Punctuality (8:30-10:30; 20 rest; 6:30, 8:00; 9:30; 11:30)
‡ Active participation
‡ Silent mode (mobile)
‡ Laptop
‡ Respect other view
What is expected of the Trainees
‡ TOTs are required to
‡ Read information sheets and make reflection to create
common understanding on the contents
‡ Read information sheets (suggested reference books) and
complete the self-checks.
‡ Perform the Job Sheets until they become confident that
their outputs conform to the Assessment
‡ Assess in peers the outputs of the Job Sheets
Write your expectation from this training
Module content
‡ Unit 1: Recognizing the Importance 21 Century
Skills for
TVET TeacherTrainingMethodology
‡ LO-1: Recognize the Different 21 stCentury Skills for TVET
TeacherTrainingMethodology Modelsand Practices
‡ LO-2: Value the Importance of the 21 StCentury Skills TVET
‡ LO-3: Apply Different Teaching Method to Integrate the 21 st
‡ Unit 2: Apply the 21stCentury Skills in the TVET Training
‡ Learning Outcome 1: Participate in Workplace
‡ Learning Outcome 2: Integrate Innovation Into Work
‡ Learning Outcome 3: Advocate Strategic Thinking for
LO, IS, and time breakdown
‡ At the end of the learning sessions the learners are able to:
1.Recognize the different models of the 21stCentury Skills for
TVET Teacher Training Methodology models and practices.
2.Value the importance of the 21stCentury Skills TVET Teacher
Training Methodology.
3.Apply different teaching method to integrate the 21stcentury
skills in preparing plan training session, deliver skills
training and assessing OHDUQHUV¶ competencies.
What skills are named 21st century skills-info to note
OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 (2019)
2. Read also the Table on P.23 of the module and reflect on the theories
& literatures about 21st century skills
3. How do these skills are operationalized in our TVET system?
Delores (1996)
‡ Learning to Know-broad general knowledge with the opportunity to
work in depth on a small number of subjects.
‡ Learning to Do- to acquire not only occupational skills but also the
competence to deal with many situations and to work in teams
‡ Learning to Be- š}AÀo}‰A}v[A‰Œ}vo]šÇAvAš}AAoAš}AšA
with growing autonomy, judgment and personal responsibility
‡ Learning to Live Together-developing an understanding of other
people and an appreciation of interdependence.
Wagner survival skills (2010)
‡ Critical thinking and problem solving
‡ Collaboration and leadership
‡ Agility and adaptability
‡ Initiative and entrepreneurialism
‡ Effective oral and written communication
‡ Accessing and analysing information
‡ Curiosity and imagination
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
‡ knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary:
‡ to be competitive in the twenty-first century workforce
‡ participate appropriately in an increasingly diverse society,
‡ use new technologies and cope with rapidly changing workplaces
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) (2009),
‡ Communication,
‡ Collaboration,
‡ Critical thinking and
‡ Creativity
Information sheet-îY}vš[A
‡ 21st century skills broadly consist of three main skill sets or 3 Ls ±
‡ Learning Skills
‡ Life Skills
‡ Literacy Skills
1. Work independently and elaborate each of the skill set & sub-
skill set
2. How we relate these skills into established Learning Theories
like behaviourism, cognitivism, & constructivism?
3. What does the Old Wine in New Bottles Syndrome mean? What
message it transfers to our TVET system?
‡ Learning Skills - skills required for the acquisition of new knowledge.
‡ Life Skills t skills required for successfully leading everyday life.
‡ Literacy Skills - skills that help in creating and gaining new knowledge
through reading, media and digital resources
Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, 2020
‡ 4Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity & Innovation, Collaboration,
‡ IMT: Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Technology Literacy
‡ FLIPS: Flexibility and Adaptability, Leadership and Responsibility,
Initiative and Self-Direction, Social and Cross-Cultural Interaction
Home Take Activity & send us in our email
1. See the self check exercise on P.22
2. Try out the job sheet on P.25, reflect your findings
3. Fill the survey on Pp.26-27 and send us
4. Evaluate your findings against the rubrics given on p. 29
‡ Identify 3 to 5 key points that we need to take as a recap
1. ICT skills are critical for developing 21st century skills
2. Digitizing information alone may not help the graduate to cope up
with the demands of 21st century market
3. 21st century skills do have different components (models),
identifying and adapting a model(s) that works for our context is a
‡ Development of WRGD\¶V technology and the age of disruption have been
changing the way of learning structure in overall aspects.
‡ TVET teachers are no longer the sole knowledge provider for the learners, they
are facilitators of learning.
‡ The TVET Teachers nowadays are required to help the learner acquire the
knowledge and skills on their own, based on their abilities (Levy-Feldman, 2018).
‡ TVET teachers must be able to understand their OHDUQHU¶V profile individually to
match the learning process with their needs. As the facilitator of the learning,
TVET teachers are required to focus on the learner
‡ Hence, for effective takeover of their responsibility, TVET teachers need to
develop higher order thinking skills, effective communication, collaboration and
other skills for the 21stcentury (Jan, 2017)
‡ Government and others in the leadership hierarchy should also
think carefully about how to prepare learners for the new future of
work and take action before LW¶V too late.´
‡ The 21stcentury skills to be integrated must hone OHDUQHUV¶ soft
skills that enable them to communicate and engage effectively with
others in the workplace.
‡ Most of the industries/employers seek employees or workers who
can perform their job and at the same time they can also adapt
easily and fit into the workplace culture and interact, adjust and
communicate with other workers effectively.
‡ Furthermore, ³6LPSO\ adding digital skills to a traditional education
is not enough to succeed in the digital economy. Learning has to be
re-imagined for the emerging futures of work.´ (Gallagher, S. 2021).
‡ Challenges of the Future Workforce Requirements ( 2018
World Congress )
1.Automation, big data, and digitisation on occupations.
2.Dynamism in skills people would need to survive and
succeed in this emerging environment.
3.Competition among organizations to remain relevant in this
emerging world.
‡ Three occupation areas which remain in demand of human power.
‡ Systems integrators, that is, those individuals who bring together the component sub-systems into
one system that is able to deliver the overarching functionality.
‡ Tradespeople and
‡ Technicians (in certain industries) and those occupations which require personal involvement and
emotional intelligence (eg. teaching)
‡ Why is it important to focus on 21 stcentury competencies?
‡ Changes in the workforce from an industrial model of production to a rapidly transforming,
technology-driven, and interconnected globalized knowledge economy. Such an economy requires
competencies suited to dynamic and unpredictable models of economic and social development;
‡ emerging evidence on how to optimize learning, including the use of technological innovations to
deepen and transform learning; and
‡ changing expectations on the part of learners, who are demanding an education system that is
more connected and relevant to their everyday lives.
Signs of disruption
‡ The Digital Age of Disruption has already happened 3
Do employs like this disruption? How about
‡ Disruption for many people generates discomfort, shakes the status quo and
breaks routines.
‡ Industries or companies generated a ³GLVUXSWLRQ´ armed with ideas and models
that completely reshape the economic contract of the business world.
‡ The disruption challenged a set of expectations, routines and structures, thus
redefining what it means to provide a particular service.
‡ In the process, the relationship between worker, employer, customer and their
social contracts was also redefined.
‡ As these models of disruption become part of our economic ecosystem, a
whole new paradigm faces. In the classroom, it started realizing a distinct
disconnects between the objectives and outcomes of the learning in school and
the reality that this image represents.
‡ The world has changed. However, our educational system remains
the same.
‡ The goal of education is still to develop ³NQRZOHGJHDEOH´ students,
people capable of critical thinking,
‡ Schools have to prepare learners for jobs that have not yet been
created, technologies that have not yet been invented and problems
that we GRQ¶W yet know will arise.´
‡ Thus, there is a need to prepare TVET teachers to deliver 21 st
LO3 Applying 21 všµŒÇAl]ooY}vš[A
Tips on how to effectively teach 21st century skills
2) Recruit/develop TVT Teachers for the 21st Century Skills
‡ 21st century TVT teachers need to
‡ be lifelong learners, who manage non-rule-based complex ways of thinking
and non t routine ways and non-structured practices of working that
computers cannot take over easily.
‡ Shift from one size fits all to differentiated instruction
‡ move from standardization and conformity to personalizing educational
‡ Shift from teacher-centred to learner centred approach
Howto Teach21 CenturySkills:
NineLessonsfrom the Science ofLearning(Pp.44-50)
‡ Making a shift from the transmission model to the 21st century model
‡ Build a strong human capital base (intangible asset)
‡ tZšAo}vAZ}µoAÁAoŒvA(Œ}uA^]vP‰}Œ[AšZŒAµš]}vAu}oMA
[Towards a strong teaching force for the 21st century].
‡ Read the TE21 Model puts forward 6 broad recommendations from R1 to R6 and
show the implication for our TVET system (p.51)
‡ R1- New V 3 SK
‡ R 2 - Graduand Teacher Competencies
‡ R 3 - Strengthening the Theory-Practice Nexus
‡ R 4 - Extended Pedagogical Repertoire
‡ R 5 - Assessment Framework for 21stC Teaching & Learning
‡ R 6 - Enhancing Pathways for PD
‡ NB: 3V refers to Learner-centred; Teacher Identity; and Service to the Profession
and Community (p.52).
What should current learning environment look like (OECD)
For effective delivery of 21 stvšµŒÇAl]ooYX~KC
‡ Make learning central, encourage engagement, and be the place where
learners come to understand themselves as learners;
‡ Ensure that learning is social and often collaborative;
‡ BAZ]PZoÇAššµvAš}AoŒvŒ[Au}š]Àš]}vAvAšZA]u‰}ŒšvA}(A
‡ Be acutely sensitive to individual differences, including in prior knowledge;
‡ Be demanding of every learner, without overloading learners;
‡ Use assessments that emphasize formative feedback; and
‡ Promote connections across activities and subjects, both in and out of
‡ In developing such individual skills, teachers also need to be able and
have opportunities to
‡ work collaboratively with others in designing learning environments,
‡ addressing the learning needs of particular groups of learners,
‡ developing themselves (the TVET Teachers) professionally, and
‡ teaching with others in team approaches (collaboration)
‡ Thus, for 21st Century Skills effective training delivery (see the next
1. TVET Teachers need to be well-versed in the subjects they teach in order to be
proficient at using different methods
2. They need a rich repertoire (collection) of teaching strategies, the ability to
combine approaches, and the knowledge of how and when to use certain
methods and strategies.
3. TVET Teachers need to have a deep understanding of how learning happens, in
classroom, in particular.
4. TVET Teachers need to be able to work in highly collaborative ways, working
with other teachers, professionals and para-professionals within the same
organization, or with individuals in other organizations, networks of
professional communities and different partnership arrangements, which may
include mentoring teachers (21st century skills).
6. TVET Teachers need to acquire strong skills in technology and the
use of technology as an effective teaching tool, to both optimize the
use of digital resources in their teaching and use information-
management systems to track learner learning.
7. TVET Teachers need to develop the capacity to help design, lead,
manage and plan learning environments in collaboration with
others and;
8. TVET teachers need to reflect on their practices in order to learn
from their experience (professional skill) see the model on Pp.56-57
and describe reflective teaching
1. Which teacher are you, classic or 21st century? Support your answer
with evidence
2. If you still are a classic teacher, please tell us the reasons?
3. Compare classic teacher/learner and 21st century teacher/learner,
compare your answer with the information given on Pp.58-59
Comparing classic and 21st century TVET teacher
Compare how incongruent are a classic teacher & 21st century learner
Classic Trainer (CRBE) 21st century Trainee (CBE)
‡ The teacher Is in control, main concern is the ‡ Focus on: understanding, application,
class of learners as a whole process, transferable skills
‡ Covers the syllabus in little but fixed steps. ‡ Controls own learning process
Focus }vAZPšš]vPAthrough the syllabus
‡ Plans steps in fixed sequential order ‡ Independent learner
‡ Makes sure everyone listens. Strict classroom ‡ Actively constructing knowledge /
control, discipline enforced skills
‡ Content expert / dispenser of information / ‡ Knows exactly what will be asked in
sage on the stage
the test / what will be looked for in
‡ Lecturer / transmission model performance as ALL Learning
‡ Control t get through syllabus regardless Outcomes/ Performance Criteria will
what learners know and can do already be covered
‡ Whole class approach
21 Century Lesson/Session Planning
‡ >}vA‰ovv]vPA]v[šAvÁAš}AšZŒXAdZAo}vA‰ovA(}ŒA]vv}Àš]ÀA‰P}PÇA
approach in a 21st century and in an outcome based education will focus on two
main aspects
‡ The session plan has to be learner centred, inclusive and learner friendly
‡ The session plan has to embed and integrate, 21st century skills (be innovative & creative to do it)
‡ What is session plan?
‡ It is a road map that helps facilitators to stay on the track. It is a pathway that leads to the set
destination (learning outcomes).
‡ It is a planning document that gives a facilitator room to deviate, as unplanned events during
the session might necessitate this
‡ Trainers must avoid situations that will prompt a rush to complete the planned session, as
this is counterproductive (pls debate on this issue)
##Work in pairs and develop a session plan which
integrates/embeds 21 century skills
Guiding Principles for Learning in the 21
‡ Academic honesty Activity
‡ Critical thinking ‡ Read the module on Pp.60-61
‡ Creativity and describe each principle
‡ STEM learning
‡ Concepts-focused learning
‡ Health and Mindfulness
‡ Service learning
‡ Learning support
‡ Assessment
Competences needed of TVET Facilitators
‡ Personal Competencies Activity
‡ Pedagogical Competencies 1. Read each of the competencies,
‡ Professional Competencies and describe them with
‡ Social Competence
2. In Which competencies you are
‡ Technological competence skilled with, and in which one
‡ Industry engagement you need more?
3. Complete the job sheets given on
p.66-67 and then evaluate
against the rubric given on p.68
Key takeaway from the module
There are compelling economic and civic reasons for education systems to
GHYHORS OHDUQHUV¶ st century skills. The economic rationale is that computers
and machines can cost-effectively do the sorts of jobs that people with only
routine knowledge and skills can do, which means that the workplace needs
fewer people with only basic skill sets and more people with higher-order
thinking skills. There are foreseen increased in the competition for workers
who can add value through applying non- routine, complex thinking and
communication skills to new problems and environments.
Day Two
‡ Apply different teaching method to integrate the 21 st century skills in
preparing plan training session, deliver skills training and assessing
‡ Contents:
‡ Facilitation methods in teaching the 21st century competencies and skills
‡ Benefits of Innovative Pedagogy Considered Essential in TVET Teaching
‡ Guide for Utilizing Innovation Pedagogy in TVET
‡ Learning Method:
‡ Modular/Self-Paced
‡ 'Œ}µ‰lduAš]À]šÇA{A'Œ}µ‰A]µ]}vA
‡ Role Play
‡ Problem Base Learning
‡ Assessment criteria-27 (p.70)
‡ Condition:
‡ Learner should be provided by the following:
‡ Learner should be provided by the following:
‡ Laptop (Computer)
‡ Internet connections
‡ School Supplies (Ball pen, Paper, etc)
‡ Assessment Method:
‡ Knowledge Test
‡ Practical Demonstration: Interview
Information sheet 1:
Facilitation methods in teaching the21st century competencies and skills
Facilitation methods in teaching the 21 st century skills
1. Cooperative learning
2. Experiential Learning
3. Individualised instruction
4. Facilitator guided whole class learning
5. Competency Based Training Delivery
‡ Demonstration
‡ Discussion
‡ Project work
‡ Field trip
‡ Inquiry method
Experiential Learning
1. Read the module (Pp. 72-77) and reflect on the facilitation methods
‡ Group-1 methods from 1-4
‡ Group-2 Methods listed under category-5
2. Individually attempt the self-check exercises given on p.79 and
check you answer with the answer sheet provided
Apply The 21st century skills in the TVET training
‡ Time 40 hours
‡ Learning Outcomes:
1. Participate in workplace communication
2. Integrate innovation into work procedures
3. Advocate strategic thinking for global citizenship
‡ Assessment criteria- 40+ (Pp.82-83)
Participate in Workplace Communication
‡ Contents: ‡ Condition:
‡ Obtain and convey workplace ‡ Laptop (Computer) (?)
information ‡ Internet connections (?)
‡ Perform duties following workplace
instructions ‡ School Supplies (Ball pen, Paper,
‡ Complete relevant work- related etc)
documents ‡ Assessment Method:
‡ Learning Method: ‡ Knowledge Test
‡ Modular/Self-Paced ‡ Practical Demonstration:
‡ Group/Team Activity ‡ Interview (?)
‡ 'Œ}µ‰A]µ]}vA{AZ}oAWoÇA
‡ Problem Base Learning
‡ Assessment Criteria (18+)
Information Sheet
Obtain and Convey Workplace Information
‡ Body language (facial expression)-55%
‡ Tone of voice- 38%
‡ Content-7%
Information Sheet
Obtain and Convey Workplace Information
‡ Communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas.
‡ There are many means of communication.
‡ To be an effective and valuable member of your workplace, it is
important that you become skilled in all of the different methods of
communication that are appropriate.
‡ Effective communication involves speaking, reading, listening, and
reasoning skills.
‡ Listening, reasoning and feedback is an important part of the
communication process (otherwise, it may change r its original
meaning )
Types of Communication at the Workplace
1. Verbal (In-Person) Communication-can eliminate misunderstandings
2. Body Language & Facial Expressions (this plays vital role in
3. Phone Conversations
4. Written Communication-Emails, memos and notes (not
recommended, why?)
5. Computer Mediated-email, texting, blogging, instant messaging,
tweeting or chatting on social networks
Communication styles
1. Aggressive communication
2. Passive communication
3. Assertive communication
1. Explain each of the above communication styles
2. Should we make our communication inclusive? Why? How? What is
inclusive communication after all?
3. Work in pairs and role play (you can simulate the communication
between student and teacher or any communication in your
4. Read the activity on page 90 and respond
5. Attempt the self-check exercises given on p.92 and compare your
answers with the answers given
Information Sheet 2:
Perform Duties following Workplace Instructions
‡ ]A^Œµo_Aš}A‰Œš]]‰šA]vAµ(µoA‰}lvAuPAvAÀŒoA
communication instructions:
‡ speak clearly and listen carefully to ensure information is understood
‡ ask questions and confirm the meaning of information to avoid misunderstandings
‡ maintain communication processes and follow instructions and procedures with all
appropriate people, to assist flow of work activities
‡ use workplace approved equipment and processes to convey information
Information Sheet 2WY}vš[
‡ Verbal communication in the workplace can include:
‡ shift handovers
‡ loudspeaker announcements
‡ telephone / radio transmissions
‡ meetings
‡ informal and formal discussions
‡ In all these cases, the sender should ensure verbal communication is clear,
concise and professional with attention to cultural differences.
‡ The receiver should give appropriate feedback, listen actively and clarify any
areas of uncertainty.
Some facts to remember when communicating verbally
‡ dZAvŒ[Aperception of the message can be different from that of the
‡ The self-esteem of both the sender and receiver can affect the perception of
what is said and how it is said.
‡ The attitudes of both the sender and receiver can affect what is said and how it is
‡ The environment in which the communication is taking place can significantly
affect communication. To communicate well you must be able to
hear/understand properly.
‡ KµŒA(]oAƉŒ]}vlAvA((šAšZA^uv]vP_A}(A}µŒAÁ}ŒXA&]oAƉŒ]}vA
contribute 55% of the message.
‡ The way we speak contributes 38% of the message (our tone, volume and rate of
‡ Only 7% of the message is conveyed by the actual words spoken (spoken).
1. Read independently the material (Pp.95-99) & share the group your
2. With sound justification, suggest a method that we can use to train
this section
3. Attempt the self-check exercises given on p.101
‡ Polite appropriate non-verbal and verbal communication
‡ Miscommunication may occur
‡ the words you are speaking being misinterpreted
‡ your body language sending a message that is different to your words
‡ they are not listening to you properly or you are not listening to them properly
‡ Activity to complete
‡ Describe the communication problem
‡ Why do you think it is a Problem?
‡ What is the problem caused by? E.g. Poor verbal communication, Cultural
‡ What do you suggest as a Solution?
‡ Trainees need to develop the skill of recording relevant work-related
documents. When doing so, make them aware to:
‡ read the form carefully
‡ fill in all the required details
‡ only include necessary information
‡ write clearly and simply
‡ check that you have completed it properly
‡ send or give it to the appropriate person, or file in the appropriate place
Activity: Review WPI and Recommend improvement
Integrate innovation into work procedures
Information sheet
1. Assess Work Procedures, Processes and Systems in Terms of
Innovative Practices
2. Generate Practical Action Plans for Improving Work Procedures,
3. Evaluate the Effectiveness of The Proposed Action Plans
Information sheet-1 [innovativeness] ‡ Adjustment, improvement,
Assess Work Procedures, Processes development, experiment, reform
and Systems in Terms of Innovative or renewal,
Practices ‡ Inquisitiveness to work procedures,
processes systems VS maintaining
the status quo
‡ Create new value to stakeholders
‡ Making pedagogy innovative
[applying existing teaching and
learning methods in a creative, but
value increasing way.]
Procedures, Processes and Systems in Terms of Innovative Practices in TVET
Points to note in this section
1. Understanding of Innovation
2. t}ŒlŒ[AƉŒ]vAAvA]u‰}ŒšvšA}µŒA}(A]vv}Àš]}v
3. /vš]šµš]}vo]]vPA]vv}Àš]}vA‰]š]A]vAsdAÇšuAÇA]u‰ouvš]vPAA^Z‰]vPA
4. Relevance of practical and theoretical learning for developing competent workers
5. Prospects: Can TVET Systems be transformed into a pillar of innovation? [yes but if
‡ Proactively Identify Opportunities for Improvement
‡ If VET staff become observant, curious & creative thinker
‡ Areas Where Improvements Can Take Place
‡ Processes and procedures, work practices, the physical environment
‡ Methods of producing ideas for improvement
‡ Brainstorming-coming up with a range of ideas in a short time
‡ Mind mapping-tap into more areas of our brain and come up with more ideas
‡ Examples of innovations created this way
‡ Digital readers and tablets
‡ 3D printing
‡ Virtual reality
‡ Gamification
‡ Cloud technology
‡ Œš](]]oA]všoo]PvA~ZvP]vPAoŒ}}uA‰Œš]Yetc
Information sheet-2
Generate practical action plans for Steps
improving work procedures, processes ‡ Understand your Role as an Agent of
Some practical steps that can work Innovation and Reform
‡ Consider the Resources (Time and
other resources)
‡ Review & post review (p.129)
information gathered before
preparing your proposal (recent,
relevant, suitable, capable to
‡ Identify people who may provide
input into ideas for improvements
(self, colleague, donor, or institution)
‡ Evaluate the effectiveness of the 1. Enrich your action plans
proposed action plans ‡ Strategies of adding new possibilities to
your concept
‡ Rethink the idea
‡ Incorporate all information
‡ 3 strategies to document feedback [key ‡ Incorporate other ideas
points summary, SWOT analysis table, & ‡ Test and modify the ideas
pros and cons table]
2. Communicate and Present Ideas on the
Proposed Workplace Innovation (verbal
& written)
3. Take Action to Implement the
Proposed Innovation
4. Implement the Change on the
Proposed Workplace Innovation
5. Assess and Evaluate the Results
Advocate strategic thinking for global citizenship
‡ Information sheet1-3
1. Global citizen and global citizenship
2. Global citizenship in classroom practice: a planning framework
3. Teaching and learning strategies for global citizenship
Information sheet-1
‡ Global citizen and global citizenship ‡ A global citizen is someone who is aware of
and understands the wider world t and their
place in it
‡ An individual who
‡ is aware of the wider world and has a sense of
their own role as a world citizen.
‡ respects and values diversity.
‡ has an understanding of how the world works.
‡ is passionately committed to social justice.
‡ participates in the community at a range of
levels, from the local to the global.
‡ works with others to make the world a more
equitable and sustainable place
‡ takes responsibility for their actions.
‡ There are specific knowledge, skills, and
values & attitudes required by individual to
grow into a global citizen (Pp.14-143)
What is the benefit of GCS
‡ Global citizenship helps young people to:
‡ Build their own understanding of world events.
‡ Think about their values and what's important to them.
‡ Take learning into the real world.
‡ Challenge ignorance and intolerance.
‡ Get involved in their local, national and global communities.
‡ Develop an argument and voice their opinions.
‡ See that they have power to act and influence the world around them
How to work towards global citizenship in our training?
How to work towards global citizenship in our training?
GCE promotes CBE because it
‡ infuses learner-centred and culturally responsive independent and
interactive teaching and learning approaches
‡ embed authentic performance tasks
‡ draws on globally-oriented learning resources that assist students in
‡ makes use of assessment and evaluation strategies that align with the
learning goals and forms of instruction
‡ offers opportunities for students to experience learning in varied
‡ foregrounds the teacher as a role model
Information sheet-2
‡ Global citizenship in classroom ‡ This framework will help TVET
practice: a planning framework trainers to work toward global
(148-150) citizenship in the classroom
‡ We can integrate GCE in every
content & course (see the
examples on Pp.151-154)
Information sheet-3
‡ Teaching and learning strategies ‡ Socratic method of teaching &
for global citizenship learning is a preferred approach
‡ Why-why-why chain
‡ Interrogating Photographs
‡ Issue/Problem Tree
‡ Consequences Wheel (mind map)
‡ Critical Thinking Online
‡ Make a shift in your role and in
the role of trainees in the course
of the training
Information sheet-ïY}vš[A
Trainer Trainee
Thank you for your Active Engagement!