Current Electricity
Current Electricity
Current Electricity
201. Define current density. Write its S.I. unit. Is it a scalar or vector quantity ? CBSE(AIC)-2010
[ Ans. Current density : Electric current flowing normally per unit area of cross section is called current density
204.Draw a graph showing the variation of resistance of a metal wire as a function of its diameter keeping its length
and material constant. (Sample Paper)-2017
205. Two wires, one of copper and the other of manganin, have same resistance and equal thickness. Which wire is
longer? Justify your answer. CBSE(AI)-2015
[Ans. Copper wire will be longer
Reason : but R and are same ⇨
Since ⇨
206. Two wires of equal length, one of copper and the other of manganin have the same resistance. Which wire is thicker ?
[Ans. Manganin wire is thicker CBSE(AI)-2016,2012
Reason : but R and l are same ⇨
Since ⇨
207. Nichrome and copper wires of same length and same radius are connected in series. Current I is passed through
them. Which wire gets heated up more ? Justify your answer. CBSE(AI)-2017
[ Ans. Nichrome
Reason : & (or Resistivity Ni > Resistivity Cu)
208. Define the term conductivity of a conductor. Write its S.I. unit. On what factors does it depend ?
CBSE (AIC)-2017,(AI)-2016,(D)-2014,2008
[Ans. Conductivity : It is defined as the current flowing per unit area per unit electric field
It is also defined as the reciprocal of resistivity i,e,
Its S.I. unit is
Factors : (i) nature of material and (ii) temperature (relaxation time)
209. Resistance of a conductor increases with the rise in temperature. Why ? CBSE(DC)-2001
[Ans. Due to increase in frequency of collision of electrons with ions/atoms in the conductor.
210 . If a wire is stretched to double its original length without loss of mass, what will be its new-
(a) resistivity (b) resistance ? CBSE(AIC)-2001
[Ans. (a) Resistivity will remain same
(b) Resistance will be 4 times the original resistance
211. Two materials, and , are cooled from 300K to 60K. What will be the effect on their resistivity ?CBSE (F)-2013
[Ans. For , resistivity will increase.
Reason : Semiconductors have negative temperature coefficient of resistivity.
For , resistivity will decrease.
Reason : conductors have positive temperature coefficient of resistivity
212. Explain, why allows like constantan and manganin are used for making standard resistors ?
[Ans. Because they have CBSE (D)-2016,(F)-2011,2004
1. High resistivity 2. Very small temperature coefficient of resistivity
213. The I-V graph for a metallic wire at two different temperatures and is as shown in the figure. Which of the
two temperatures is higher and why ? CBSE(AI)-2015
[ Ans. is higher
Reason : for the same I,
⇨ [ = ]
⇨ as =
214. The I-V graph for two identical conductors of different materials A and B is shown in figure. Which one of the two
has higher resistivity and why ? CBSE(AI)-2015
[Ans. B has higher Resistivity
Reason : As for the same I,
⇨ [ = ]
⇨ [ = ]
215. Two metallic resistors are connected first in series and then in parallel across a d.c. supply. Plot of I-V graph is shown for the
two cases. Which one represents a parallel combination of the resistors and why ? CBSE(AI)-2015,2004
[Ans. A represents parallel combination
Reason : for the same I,
⇨ [ = ]
216. Figure shows a plot of current flowing through the cross section of a wire versus the time . Use the plot to find
the charge flowing in through the wire. CBSE(AIC)-2015
[Ans. area under I-t curve
217. Show that the current density is related to the applied electric field by the relation CBSE(AI)-2015, (F)-2014
[Ans. [ ]
⇨ ⇨
218. Define the term (a) Emf of a cell (b) Terminal voltage of a cell. CBSE (DC)-2010
[Ans. (a) Emf : Emf of a cell may be defined as the energy supplied by the cell in moving unit charge through
the complete circuit (including the cell)
(b) Terminal voltage: It is the potential difference between the electrodes of a cell, when the cell is in closed circuit
= –I
219. Define internal resistance of a cell. Write any two factors on which it depends. CBSE (AI)-2010
[Ans. Internal resistance : It is the resistance offered by the electrolyte of a cell to the flow of current between
its electrodes
Factors :(i) nature of electrolyte
(ii) concentration of electrolyte
(iii) nature of electrodes & distance between them
220. The emf of a cell is always greater than its terminal voltage. Give reason CBSE (D)-2013
[Ans. Because there is a potential drop across the internal resistance of the cell, when cell is in a closed circuit
221. Can the value of terminal potential difference be greater than the emf of a cell ? CBSE (AI)-2013
[Ans. yes. During the charging of the cell
222. The figure shows a plot of terminal voltage ‘V’ versus the current ‘i’ of a given cell. Calculate from the graph
(a) emf of the cell and (b) internal resistance of the cell. CBSE (AIC)-2017
[ Ans. (a) –I
(b) ⇨
223. Find the resistance of the following carbon resistors. CBSE(AIC)-2010,NCERT-2017
[Ans. (i) X
(ii) X
226. Two identical cells each of emf having negligible internal resistance, are connected in parallel with each other
across an external resistance R. What is the current through the resistance ? CBSE (D)-2013
[Ans. =
227. A 10 V battery of negligible internal resistance is connected across a 200 V battery and a resistance of 38 as
shown. Find the value of the current in the circuit. CBSE (D)-2013
[Ans. = =
228. Define the term drift velocity of charge carriers in a conductor and write its relation with the current flowing through it.
[Ans. Drift velocity : CBSE (AI)-2016,2014,(F)-2011
The average velocity acquired by free electrons of a conductor in a direction opposite to the
applied electric field is called drift velocity Relation :
229. How does the random motion of free electrons in a conductor gets affected when a potential difference is applied
across its ends. CBSE (AIC)-2014
[Ans. Random motion is partially directed towards positive end of conductor
230. When electrons drift in a metal from lower to higher potential, does it mean that all the ‘free’ electrons of the
metal are moving in the same direction? CBSE (AI)-2012, NCERT-2017
[Ans. By no means. The drift velocity is superposed over the large random velocities of electrons.
231. The electron drift speed is estimated to be only a few for currents in the range of a few amperes ?
How then is current established almost the instant a circuit is closed ? NCERT-2017
[Ans. When the circuit is closed, electric field is setup in the entire circuit instantly with the speed of em waves which
causes electron drift at every portion of the circuit. A current starts flowing in the circuit almost instantly
232. If the electron drift speed is so small, and the electron’s charge is small, how can we still obtain large amounts of
current in a conductor ? CBSE (AI)-2015,NCERT-2017
[Ans. because the electron number density is very large
233. The electron drift arises due to the force experienced by electrons in the electric field inside the conductor.
But force should cause acceleration. Why then do the electrons acquire a steady average drift speed ?
[Ans. Each ‘free’ electron does accelerate, but due to frequent collisions with ions they acquire only an average speed
known as drift speed
234. How does the drift velocity of electrons in a metallic conductor vary with increase in temperature ?
[Ans. Drift velocity will decrease on increasing the temperature CBSE (AI)-2016,(F)-2011,(D)-2002
Reason : , when temperature is increased, relaxation time decreases or frequency of collision increases
235. If a potential difference applied across a conductor is increased to , how will the drift velocity of electrons change ?
[Ans. drift velocity will be doubled as ⇨ CBSE (AIC)-2001
236. Define the term ‘relaxation time’ in a conductor. CBSE(AI)-2016,2012,(F)-2014
[Ans. Relaxation time : It is the average time between two successive collisions of electron with ions in a conductor
237. If the temperature of a good conductor increases, how does the relaxation time of electrons in the conductor change ?
[Ans. Relaxation time decreases CBSE (AI)-2002
Reason : with the increase in temperature, free electron collides more frequently with the ions/atoms of the
conductor, resulting decrease in relaxation time
238. (i) How is the relaxation time related to the drift velocity of free electrons ?
(ii) Obtain an expression for the current density in terms of relaxation time. CBSE(AI)-2016,2012,(F)-2014
Expression : j
239. (i) Define mobility of a charge carrier. Write its S.I. unit.
(ii) What is its relation with relaxation time ? CBSE(AI)-2016,2015,(D)-2014
(iii) How does the electron mobility change if
(a) temperature is increased , (b) potential difference in doubled ?
[Ans. (i) Mobility: It is defined as the drift velocity per unit electric field
i,e, Its S.I. unit is
(ii) Relation :
(iii) ( a) decreases because if temperature is increased, relaxation time decreases
(b) No effect because does not depend on potential difference
240. What happens if the galvanometer and cell are interchanged at the balanced point of the Wheatstone bridge?
Would the galvanometer show any current ?
[ Ans. balanced condition still remains satisfied hence galvanometer does not show any current
241. What is a meter bridge ? Write the principle of working meter bridge. CBSE (AI)-2017,2016,(AIC)-2015
[ Ans. Meter bridge : It is the simplest practical application of Wheatstone bridge and is used to determine the unknown
principle : It is based on the principle of Wheatstone bridge ,
i,e, in balanced condition of the bridge
242. Why are the connections between the resistors in a meter bridge made of thick metal (copper) strips ? CBSE(AI)-2016,2014
[ Ans. Thick copper strips have negligible resistance due to low resistivity & large area of cross section. It helps to
maintain continuity without adding resistance to the circuit and accurate balance point is obtained
243. Why is it generally preferred to obtain the balance point in the middle of the meter bridge wire? CBSE (D)-2014
[ Ans. sensitivity of meter bridge is higher when balance point lies in the middle of the wire
244. State the principle of potentiometer. CBSE (F)-2017,2009,(D)-2016,(DC)-2014,(AI)-2014,2006
[Ans. When a constant current flows through a conductor of uniform area of cross section, the potential difference across
any length of the conductor is directly proportional to that length
245. Of which material a metre bridge/potentiometer wire normally made and why ?CBSE (AI) -2016,2014,(F)-2013
[Ans. Nichrome or manganin
Reason : Such an alloy has high resistivity and very small temperature coefficient of resistance, hence its
resistance does not change with rise in temperature due to flow of current
246. Why should the potentiometer wire be of uniform cross section and composition ? CBSE (AIC)-2014
[Ans. A wire of uniform cross section and composition has the uniform resistance per unit length and only then potential
difference per unit length will be directly proportional to the length, as required by the principle of potentiometer
247. Why do we prefer a potentiometer with a longer wire ? CBSE (AIC)-2014
[Ans. Sensitivity &
A longer bridge wire will have small potential gradient and hence it will be more sensitive, so it is preferred
248.. What is meant by sensitivity of a potentiometer ? CBSE (AIC)-2014,(DC)-2011,(D)-2003
[Ans. A potentiometer is said to be sensitive if
(i) It can measure very small potential differences, and
(ii) it shows a large change in balancing length ,for a small change in potential difference being measured,
249. How can a given potentiometer be made more sensitive ? CBSE (F)-2017, (AIC)-2014,(DC)-2011,(D)-2003
[Ans. It can be made more sensitive by
(i) decreasing current in the main circuit
(ii) decreasing potential gradient or increasing the length of potentiometer wire
(iii) increasing resistance put in series with the potentiometer wire
250. The emf of the driving cell used in the main circuit of the potentiometer should be more than the potential
Difference to be measured. Why ? CBSE (AIC)-2014, (DC)-2011, (D)-2003
[Ans. If it is not so the balance point will not be obtained on the potentiometer wire
251. The variation of potential difference with length in case of two potentiometer wires and is as shown.
(a) Which potentiometer is more sensitive ? CBSE (F)-2017,(AI)-2016,2006
(b) Which of these will you prefer for comparing emfs of two primary cells and why ?
[ Ans. (a) Potentiometer Q is more sensitive
Reason : Sensitivity
& Q has less potential gradient ( )
(b) Potentiometer Q as it is more sensitive
252. When a metallic conductor is subjected to a certain potential across its ends, discuss briefly how the
phenomenon of drift occurs. CBSE (AI)-2015,(F)-2014
[Ans. Drift : When a potential difference is applied to the ends of a conductor, electrons get accelerated due to electric
field. After being accelerated for relaxation time , each electron undergoes collisions with ions and
their velocity again becomes random. The electrons move with an average velocity which is independent of
time, although they are accelerated. This phenomenon is called drift and average velocity is called drift
253. Derive an expression for drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor in terms of relaxation time of electrons.
[Ans. Expression for drift velocity : CBSE(AI)-2016,2015,2009
Let a potential difference is applied across the ends of a
conductor, then each free electron will experience a force
Average of all random velocities under this acceleration is the drift velocity
254. Deduce the relation between current flowing through a conductor and drift velocity of free electrons.
[ Ans. Relation between current and drift velocity : CBSE(AIC)-2015,(AI)-2013,(D)-2008
Let a potential difference is applied across the ends of a conductor
as shown. If be the number of free electrons per unit volume then
charge crossing area in time
& j ⇨ j
255. Deduce Ohm’s law using the concept of drift velocity. CBSE(AI)-2013
On the basis of electron drift, derive an expression for resistivity of a conductor in terms of number density of free
electrons and relaxation time. CBSE (D)-2016,(AI)-2012
[Ans. Let a potential difference is applied across the ends of a conductor as shown.
Electric field produced,
⇨ ---------(1)
If the physical conditions of conductor such as temperature etc. remains constant then
256. (i) Plot a graph showing the variation of resistivity with temperature in the case of a conductor.
(ii) How does one explain such behaviour, using the mathematical expression of the resistivity.
[Ans. (i) Graph :
(ii) explanation :
259. Plot a graph showing the variation of conductivity with temperature for a metallic conductor. How does one explain
such behaviour, using the mathematical expression of the conductivity of a material. CBSE(AI)-2004
[Ans. (i) Graph :
(ii) explanation :
In conductors, with increase in temperature, number density
does not change but the average speed of electrons and hence
frequency of collision increases due to which relaxation time
decreases. Hence conductivity decreases
260. A wire whose cross sectional area is increasing linearly from it one end to another, is connected across a battery
Of volts. Which of following quantities remain constant in the wire ? CBSE (D)-2017,(AIC)-2015
(a) drift speed (b) current density (c) electric current (d) electric field. Justify your answer.
[Ans. Current Justification : all other quantities depends on area of cross section
261.Two conducting wires and of same diameter but different materials are joined in series across a battery. If the
number density of electrons in is twice that in find the ratio of drift velocities of electrons in the two wires.
[Ans. I & CBSE (AI)-2010
⇨ ⇨ ⇨ / 1/2
262. Explain giving reasons, how the internal resistance of a cell changes in the following cases : CBSE(F)-2008
(i) When concentration of the electrolyte is increased
(ii) When area of the anode is decreased
(iii) When temperature of the electrolyte is increased
[Ans. (i) Internal resistance increases
Reason : inter ionic attractions increase and the movement of the ions become difficult
(ii) Internal resistance increases
Reason : lesser area of the anode decreases its tendency to attract its oppositely charged ions
(iii) Internal resistance decreases
Reason : Both inter ionic attractions and viscous forces decrease at higher temperature
263. Derive an expression for the equivalent resistance of combination of cells in series. NCERT-2017
⇨ ----------(1)
Let be the equivalent emf and be the equivalent internal resistance of this series combination then we have
On comparing (1) & (2) we get
264. Two cells of emfs and and internal resistances and are connected in parallel as shown in the figure.
Deduce an expression for the CBSE (AI)-2015, (F)-2012
(i) equivalent emf of the combination
(ii) equivalent internal resistance of the combination
(iii) potential difference between the points and
[Ans. We have
& ⇨
⇨ --------(1)
On comparing with,
(ii) (iii)
265. State Kirchhoff’s rules in electrostatics and explain on what basis they are justified ? CBSE(AI)-2017,2015
[ Ans. Kirchhoff’s Rules :
(i) Junction rule :The algebraic sum of all the currents meeting at any junction in an electric circuit is zero.
i,e, =
⇨ + = +
This rule is based on the conservation of charge.
(ii) Loop rule : In any closed mesh of an electric circuit, the algebraic sum of the products of the currents and the
resistance in each part of the mesh is equal to the algebraic sum of emf’s in that mesh.
In mesh (1),
Similarly, in mesh (2)
+ =
This rule is based on the conservation of energy
266. What is Wheatstone bridge ? When is the bridge said to be balanced ? Use Kirchhoff’s rules to obtain conditions for
the balanced condition in a Wheatstone bridge. CBSE(D)-2015
[Ans. Wheatstone bridge : It is an arrangement of four resistances which is used to determine one of these resistance
in terms of the remaining three resistances
Balanced condition : If the resistances in the Wheatstone bridge are so arranged that current in the galvanometer
is zero then the bridge is said to be balanced and in this balanced condition
⇨ -------(1)
Again applying Kirchhoff’s loop rule to BCDB
⇨ -------(2)
⇨ from (1) & (2), ⇨
267. How a metre bridge is used to determine the unknown resistance of a given wire ? Write the necessary precautions
to minimize the error in the result. CBSE (AI)-2016, (AIC)-2015
[ Ans. Determination of unknown resistance (S)
Let be the balancing length for unknown
resistance S as shown then
By choosing three different values of R, we
calculate S each time. Average of these values of S
gives the value of unknown resistance
Precautions : (i) Make all the connections neat, clean and in tight manner
(ii) select those values of R for which the balancing length is closed to the middle point of the wire
268. (i) With the help of a circuit diagram, explain how a potentiometer is used to compare the emf’s of two primary
cells. obtain the required expression used for comparing the emfs. CBSE (D)-2013, (AIC)-2008
(ii) Write two possible causes for one sided deflection in a potentiometer experiment. CBSE (D)-2013
[Ans. (i) Comparison of emf’s of two primary cells :
If is the balancing length the by the principle of potentiometer
Where K is the potential gradient.
Let be the balancing length for cell of emf then as per (1)
⇨ ⇨
270. Why is potentiometer preferred over a voltmeter for comparison of emf. of cells ? CBSE(D)-2016,(AI)-2014
[Ans. because a potentiometer does not draw current for any measurement unlike a voltmeter
271. (i) Define potential gradient. Write its S.I. unit. Obtain an expression for potential gradient in terms of the
resistivity of the potentiometer wire. CBSE (D)-2016,(AI)-2014,2006,(F)-2009
(ii) In a potentiometer experiment, if the area of cross section of the wire increases uniformly from one end to
another, draw a graph showing how potential gradient would vary as the length of the wire increases from one end ?
[ Ans. Potential gradient : CBSE (AIC)-2014
Potential drop per unit length of the wire carrying current is called potential gradient
S.I. unit of potential gradient is V/m
272. A conductor of length is connected to a d.c. source of potential . If the length of the conductor is tripled by
gradually stretching it, keeping constant, how will (i) drift speed of electrons and (ii) resistance of the conductor
be affected ? Justify your answer. CBSE (F)-2012
[Ans. (i) ⇨ drift velocity will become one third when length of the conductor is tripled
(ii) Now when the wire is stretched
As ⇨ Hence resistance will become 9 times
273. Two wires and have the same resistivity but their cross sectional areas are in the ratio 2:3 and lengths in the
ratio 1:2. They are first connected in series and then in parallel to a d.c. source. Find out the ratio of the drift speeds
of the electrons in the two wires for the two cases. CBSE (AI)-2008
[Ans. Given : : 2:3 & : 1:2
(i) in series, ⇨
(ii) in parallel, ⇨
274. A potential difference is applied across a conductor of length and diameter . How is the drift velocity , of
charge carriers in the conductor is affected when (i) is halved (ii) is doubled and (iii) is halved ?
Justify your answer in each case. CBSE(AI)-2015
[Ans. (i) will become half as (ii) will become half as
(iii) will remain same as it does not depend on diameter
275. Two cells of emf and having internal resistances and respectively are connected in parallel.
Calculate the emf and internal resistance of the equivalent cell. CBSE(D)-2016,(AI)-2013
[Ans. Given : , , , , &
276. Calculate the current drawn from the battery by the network of the resistors shown in figure. CBSE(AIC)-2015
⇨ ⇨ 60 2S 90 ⇨ S = 15
⇨ X 15 = 10
278. In a meter bridge, the null point is found at a distance of cm from . If now a resistance of X is connected in
parallel with , the null point occurs at cm from . Obtain a formula for X in terms of .
[Ans. CBSE (AI)-2017,2009,(D)-2010
In case, -------(1)
In case, -------(2)
⇨ ⇨ ⇨
279. A resistance of draws current from a potentiometer. The potentiometer wire has a total resistance of
A voltage is supplied to the potentiometer. Derive an expression for the voltage across when the sliding contact is
in the middle of the potentiometer wire. CBSE (D) -2017, (AI)-2014
[Ans. Resistance between A and C
Required voltage,
280. In the circuit diagram given below, AB is a uniform wire of resistance 15 and length 1 m. It is connected to
a cell of emf 2V and negligible internal resistance and a resistance R. The balance point with another cell of
emf 75 mV is found at 30 cm from end A. Calculate the value of R. [Ans 105 ] CBSE (F) -2016, (AI)-2015
281. In the following potentiometer circuit AB is a uniform wire of length 1 m and resistance 10 . Calculate the
(i) potential gradient along the wire, and [Ans 0.8 V/m, 37.5 cm] CBSE (D) -2016
(ii) balance length AO (= l ).
[Ans. (i)
(ii) Current flowing in the circuit containing cell
⇨ 0.3 X 1
Now, ⇨ 0.375 m