Hardware Notes
Hardware Notes
Hardware Notes
Computer hardware are the physical tangible parts of the computer that you can touch ,see
and feel plus any other devices that is physically connected to a computer (computer
Computer peripherals
These are the external devices connected to the computer system. Computer hardware has
been divided into five namely input, output, processing, storage and communication
devices (network devices).
Input device – These are devices used in entering data in a computer in digital format .Note
that the input could be text, number, letters and formula, images, sound etc.
a) Keyboard
b) Mouse
c) Scanner
d) Joystick
e) Light pen
f) Microphone
g) Camera
h) Touch screen
a) Keyboard –It is a plastic board with number of buttons on it known as keys. Some keys
are marked with numbers and letters. Entry of data into the computer is done by
pressing these keys.
Keyboard has been divided into five parts (layout) namely;
I. The alphanumeric keys (typing area)
II. The functional keys
III. The numeric keys
IV. The arrow keys / the navigation keys /cursor keys.
V. Special keys.
Typing area – it consists of keys that are labelled a-z and that are used to construct; the
number 1-9 is also part of typing area.
Function keys-These are keys found across the top row of the keyboard. Each key is
composed of letter F and a number ranging from 1 to 12.Each functional key performs a
specific operation based upon the software being used.
Arrow keys –the cursor movement keys are used to move the cursor
around the screen. The cursor is appointing stick on the screen that
shows where the text or character will be inserted.
Special purpose keys – we can use special purpose keys with other keys to produce
They include;
Shift key, Tab key, Control key, Caps Lock, Num Lock, Backspace key, Enter key, Delete
key, Alt key, etc.
Functions of some selected keys on the keyboard
Backspace Key
- Deletes the characters to the left of the cursor (or insertion point) and moves the
cursor to that position.
Caps Lock Key
- A toggle key that, when activated, causes all alphabetic characters to be uppercase.
- To facilitate continuous typing in upper case when activated.
Delete Key
- To remove the character, space, text or word to the right of the cursor position.
– Sometimes labeled Del, deletes the character at the current cursor position, or the
selected object, but does not move the cursor.
Space bar
- To create space.
- Moving the cursor to the next line.
- Pausing music in some music programmes e.g. Power DVD,
Shift Key
- Activates second function of different keys.
- Selects files and folders in specific order
Ctrl key
– Short for Control, this key is used in conjunction with other keys to produce
control characters.
Enter Key
– Used to enter commands or to move the cursor to the beginning of the next
line. Sometimes labeled Return instead of Enter.
Esc Key
– Short for Escape, this key is used to send special codes to devices and to exit (or
escape) from programs and tasks.
Alt key
– Short for Alternate, this key is like a second control key.
This is appointing device that is used to select, open and move the
items on the desktop.
This is an input device used to input sound in computer.
Appointing device shaped like a pen that is used to select items with
direct contact with the screen.
These are special types of VDU (visual display unit) that enable
users to interact with the computer by simply touching the
screen. They are suitable for people who find it hard to use the
This is an input device used for video games and for some
graphics application. A joy stick is similar to a mouse except
that with a mouse the cursor pointer stops moving as you stop
touching the mouse, but with the joystick the cursor pointer
continues moving in the direction of the joystick until you
return the joy stick to its upright position.
This allows the user to take pictures and stores photographic
image in digital format that can be used by the computer.
This is an input device used to translate images, text or
drawing directly into digital format that the computer
can use.
Barcode reader
Magnetic ink character reader
Intelligent character reader
Optic character reader
Barcode reader –
This is an electronic device used for reading printed codes. It is used
in the supermarket to read the coded price tag on the items.
Magnetic character reader-is an input device that reads the strange numbers of printed at
the bottom of the cheque.
Optical character reader- is a scanning device used to translate pre-printed fonts into the
Biometric Input
Biometrics is the t e c h n o l o g y o f authenticating a p e r s o n ’ s identity b y
verifying a personal characteristic. Biometric devices grant users access to programs,
systems, or rooms by analyzing some biometric identifier.
A biometric identifier is a physiological (related to physical or chemical activities
in the body) or behavioral characteristic.
Examples include fingerprints, hand geometry, facial features, voice, signatures, and
eye patterns.
Biometric devices
A biometric device is an input device that translates a personal characteristic into a
digital code that is compared with a digital code stored in the computer.
If the digital code in the computer does not match the personal characteristic's
code, the computer denies access to the individual.
Examples of biometric devices
A fingerprint scanner;
A fingerprint scanner captures curves and
indentations of a fingerprint. Some grocery and
retail stores now use fingerprint readers as a
means of payment, where the customer's
fingerprint is linked to a payment method such
as a checking account or
credit card.
These programs are becoming more sophisticated and can recognize people with or
without glasses, makeup, or jewelry, and with new hairstyles
A hand geometry system;
These measure the shape and size of a person's hand. Some large companies use this
system as time and attendance devices or as security devices. Day-care centers use this
system to verify parents who pick up their children.
An iris recognition
system; High security areas use iris recognition systems. The camera
in an iris recognition system uses iris recognition
technology to read patterns in the iris of the eye.
These patterns are as unique as a fingerprint. Iris recognition
systems are used by government security organizations, the
military and financial institutions that deal with highly
sensitive data. Some organizations use retinal scanners,
which work similarly but instead scan patterns of blood
vessels in the back of the retina.
The central processing unit is hardware within the P ro ce ss in g d e v ic es
Directs sequence of operation
Interprets instructions and gives commands
Communicates with input and output device for transfer of data into / from
Controls all the activities in the CPU.
Main memory
Holds data during processing
Holds immediate results (output)
All inputs and output are transmitted through the main memory.
Main memory is a temporal storage that process data and programme instruction
waiting to be processed by the computer.
1) PROM; it allows its content to be changed only once after the content is written
2) EPROM; its contents can be erased by the use of ultra violet rays and then re-
programme it
3) EEPROM; it can be erased and re- programmed using electricity current.
Flash memory; is a memory used in notebook and tablet computer cellular phone and
digital camera. Flash memory is non-volatile.
Video memory /video ram chip; are used to store displaying images on the
Cache memory; is a memory that resides between CPU and the main memory. Cache
memory is special high speed memory area that the CPU can access quickly. Cache
memory stores data that is needed immediately by the running process.
Virtual memory; stores data that are not needed immediately by to running process.
Storage device is hardware component that reads and writes to and fro the storage media.
Reading refers to the process of transferring files from the storage media to the main
memory (RAM) while writing is the process of transferring files from the main memory to
the storage media.
Primary storage is the main memory (hard disk/ RAM) where the operating system resides
while secondary storage can be external devices (media) like CD, floppy that cannot be
directly accessed by the CPU.
Transfer rate – This is time required to transfer data or read from the disk into main
memory (RAM). It is the time required to write data on the disk from main memory OR this
is the speed with which data, instructions, and information transfer to and from a device.
Access time –This is the amount of time it takes a device to locate an item on a medium
(media) and make it available to the computer OR this refers to the speed of a storage
device and memory.
Storage capacity is the amount of memory that a given storage media can store or hold.
The smallest unit that a computer can store is bit.
Storage capacity units
Bit (0, 1)
Byte (8bits)
Kilobyte (1000bytes)
Megabyte (1000000bytes)
Gigabyte (1000000000bytes)
Terabyte (1000000000000bytes)
Petabyte (1024terabyes)
Exhabyte (1024 petabytes)
Magnetic storage media; here devices store data in a magnetic format or they use magnetic
fields to capture data in them.
Examples include;
Floppy disk
Hard disk
Floppy disk
A floppy disk is a portable in expensive storage media which
consist of a pin circular flexible plastic disk with a magnetic
coating enclosed in a square shaped plastic shell.
Optical secondary storage media; Here devices use light beam technology or reflective
materials to capture data and information in them.
Examples include;
Examples include;
Flash disk
Memory card
Smart card
Output devices
These are hardware components that enable that user to get the end results /product from
the computer.
Displaying devices
These are output devices that visually convert a text, graphic and video information shown
on the screen.
Advantages of LCD
Don’t produce much heat
They take up less space unlike the CRT monitors
Radiation emitted by LCD monitors is negligible
They consume less power
They are portable
They display clear images.
Disadvantages of LCD
They provide a narrow angle of view.
They are usually expensive.
They need highly trained personnel to repair them
A projector is an output device that project images onto a large
white screen so as to give a wider view for a large audience.
A printer is an example of output device that produces
hardcopy output e.g. text book, graphics, e.t.c.on a physical
material e.g. paper (print media).
Impact printers
These are printers whose printer heads come in contact with the paper (print media) while
printing they are using striking mechanism.
Examples of impact printers include;
Dot matrix
Daisy wheel
Line printer
Braille printer
Chain printer
Drum printer
Non-impact printers
These are printers whose printers heads do not come in contact with the paper (print
media) while printing i.e. they are using spraying mechanism (ink) to create images.
Examples of non-impact printers
Ink jet printers
Laser printers
Mobile printers
Bubble jet printers
Xerographic printer
They are very expensive to acquire
They need specialized papers to produce high quality output.
It is a high quality printer that generates drawing
e.g. poster, maps, sign posts, bill boards.
Differences between screen output and print output
A port is a socket on the outside of the system unit that is connected to an expansion board
inside the system unit. A port allows you to connect a peripheral device such as a printer,
scanner etc so that it communicates with the computer system.
Parallel ports
This allows lines to be connected that will enable 8bits to be transmitted simultaneously.
Parallel ports are used mostly for connecting the printers.
Serial ports
Serial port enables a line to be connected that will sent bits one a time on a single line.
Serial ports are used for communication line like modems.
Game port
Game port allows you to attach a joystick or similar game playing devices to the system
System unit
This is a case or cabinet that houses internal parts of the
Power supply
This is the device that supplies power to the computer
system. It converts electricity coming from the wall to the
lower voltage which a computer can use.
Expansion slot
These are sockets design on the circuit board for other
devices such as video cards and sound card. Are sockets on
the motherboard onto which you can plug expansion cards
Expansion cards
This is a circuit board that provides more memory or
control peripheral devices.
It is circuitry board of a computer where all the other
devices are connected.
Bus line
This is an electric pathway through which bits are transmitted within the CPU and other
devices in the system unit.
Address bus
This is an internal channel from the CPU to the main memory across which the address of
data is transmitted.
Control bus
This is a computer bus that is used by the CPU to communicate with the devices that are
contained within a computer system.
Examples include;
Nic (network interface card)
Since a signal loses strength as it passes a
long cable, it is often necessary to boost the
signal with a device called a repeater. The
repeater electronically amplifies the signal
it receives and rebroadcast it. They are used
when the total length of your network cable
exceeds the standard set for the type of
cable being used is (100m).
This is an electronic device used to interconnect
multiple hosts to a network. A hub can’t decode a
data packets or message sent from one host to
another through it but instead duplicate that
message to all hosts connected to a network.
This is a networking device used to interconnect multiple hosts computer and other devices
like printers to a network. During data exchange between the network hosts, switch
receives data packets from the sending host, decodes it to find out the destination or host
and forward the packets to the exact target host.
This is a device configure to provide internet.
This is a networking device used to break down a large
network into smaller, smaller networks with the aim of
improving its efficiency.
This is an electronic networking device that connects a LAN
to other local area networks LAN as well as controlling
traffic between them.
This is a communication device used to convert analogue signals into digital signals and vice